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------------------- Date: 4/18/23 Time: 10:33am-11 :01 am
District/Schoo I: Girard/Prospect Elementary School Fra.ncesca Hover/Intervention Specialist/CT
~/ELA Class Size: 3! small group Number of Observation· 1(3) 3 / 1 2 3
Indicate with an 'X' if observed.
y N Evidence:
'x -
Need to consider:
CPAST (A): Aligned standards, objectives, and TC reviewed wh/ph sound with the students & Included visuals for each sound
-Consider having all students build words usmg magnet·ic Iette·:s
learning tasks with each other.
TC reviewed hig,,frequency sl!J11 words with students before beginning the lesson
X CPAST (AJ : Designed developmentally at the same time in order to reduce distractions and to keep
appropriate content, instruction, and learning Students looked into mirrors to make each slgi and compared their mouths in the mirror to the
activities. all leamers engaged within the lesson
pictures provided
X CPAST (AJ: Stated objectives/targets that are
-Think about differentiating words to build or phrases to write
appropriate for learners. TC explained the placement of the mouth in order to make each sound appropriately
X CPAST {CJ: Assessment included in daily based on student/s skills
procedures Students were given wh/ph cards and held up 1 card when the heard either the wh or ph sollld

CPAST (DJ : linked lesson content to prior

X TC used a laptop to have students take turns decoding words with wh& ph
lear;1ing, previous lessons and future learning.
X CPAST (DJ: Organized instruction to ensure Students were attentive tlYoug,out the lesson

content is comprehensible for learners. TC redirected students when necessary

CPAST (E): Appropriately sequenced learning
X experience to engage learners throughout the Students took tl.rns building words using mag,etictiles
TC provided positive praise to the student when displaying appropriate behavior
CPAST (F): Utilized questioning techniques that
X engages learners in critical thinking. TC reminded students of what they were working towards

X CPAST {G): Checked for understanding during

TC reads the wh/ph passage to students before expecting students to read the passage aloud
lesson using formative assessment and adjusts
instruction to meet needs of all learners. TC reminds students what to do while others are reading and how to follow along together

X CPAST {H): Used developmentally appropriate

digital tools and resources that are relevant to TC completes a rUY1ing record assessment while each stLK:lent reads the passage

the learning objective. Students are assessed o ver a variety of wh/ph words
C?AST {I): Used routines and transitions, and
,X handles disruptive beh'!vior appropriately. TC dosed out the lesson by reviewing the sounds of wh/ph and asking students to identify word

CPAST (J) : Utilized own teacher-designed withwh/pil

assessment of student learning to guide
X instruction.
Teacher Candidate's Next Steps: Teacher Candidate's Next Steps with CT:
Discuss when the last observation and CPAST will be
CPAST (K): Provided learners with timely Discuss the last instructional period to take over and plan
X feedback that enables learners to identify completed
strengths and/or areas for improvement. content for the next two weeks.
CPAST (L): Evaluates and supports learning
X through developmentally appropriate
X Provided appropriate closure to lesson.

Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession (OSTP) Indicate with an 'X' which standard{s) needs improvement.
1. Teachers understand 2, Teachers know and 3, Teachers understand 4, Teachers plan and 5, Teachers create 6, Teachers collaborate 7, Teachers assume
student learning and understand the content and use varied deliver effective instruction learning environments that and communicate with responsibility for professional
development and respect area for which they have assessments to inform that advances the learning promote high levels of students, parents, other growth, performance and
the diversity of the instructional responsibility. instruction, evaluate. and of each individual student. learning and achievement educators, administrators involvement as an individual
students they teach. ensure student learning. for all students. and the community to
and as a member of a learning
support student learning, community.

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