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MEGYEI ANGOL NYELVI VERSENY AZ ALTALANOS ISKOLAK 7-8. OSLTALYOS TANULOI SZAMARA 2022. februar 16. 14.00 dra Id6tartam: 60 pere Kedves Versenyz6! A feladatlap megoldasa elétt t6ltsd ki az alabbi téblazatot NYOMTATOTT NAGYBETUVEL, OLVASHATOAN. A feladatlap megoldaséra 60 perc all rendelkezésre. Minden egyes feladatndl figyelmesen olvasd el az. utasitasokat! A feladatok megoldasdhoz semmilyen segédeszkézt nem hasznalhatsz! Tollal dolgozz és ‘igyelj a killalakra! A hibajavitds legyen egyértelm6! A hibasnak vélt sz6t, mondatot tedd zérdjelbe, és egy vonallal hivzd at! Ne hasznélj a javitéshoz.dtfest6, javit6 (fehér) festéket vagy ilyen tollat! A feladatokat tetszés szerinti sorrendben oldhatod meg. J6 munkit, eredményes versenyzést kivinunk! A versenyz6 télti ki! A versenyz6 neve: Evfolyam/osztily: Iskola neve: Iskola cime, irényitészAma: Felkészité tanar neve: A scaktandr titi ki! A tanulé iskolai forduléban elért pontszdma: pont/65 pont szaktanér aldirasa Task 1 Read the extract from a novel. In some places there are two words instead of one. Choose the right word which is spelt the correct way, then circle that word. There is an example at the beginning (0). The town Oebent ‘Wall stands today as it has stood (I)four/for six hundred years, on a high jut of granite (2)amidst/amdeest a small forest woodland. The houses of Wall are square and old, built of grey stone, with dark slate (3)zo0fes/roofs and high chimneys; taking advantage of every inch of space on the rock, the houses lean into each (A)other/either, are built one upon the next, ‘with here and there a bush or tree growing out of the side of a building, (5)Their/There is one road from Wall, a winding track rising sharply up from the forest, where it is lined (6)with/wilite rocks and small stones. Followed (7)faire/far enough south, out of the forest, the track becomes a real road, paved with asphalt; followed further the road gets larger, is packed at all hours with cars and (8)tracks/trucks rushing from city to city. Eventually the road takes you to London, but London is a whole night's drive from Wall. ‘The (9)inhabitants/in-habitants of Wall are a taciturn (10)breed/bridde, falling into two distinct types: the native Wall-folk, as grey and tall and stocky as the granite outcrop their town was (/1)buildé/buitt upon; and the others, who have made Wall their home over the years, and their descendants. (12)Below/Bilow Wall on the west is the forest, to the south is a (13)treacherously/treaherousingly placid lake served by the streams that drop from the hills behind Wall to the north, There are fields upon the hills, on which (4)ships/sheep graze. To the east is more woodland. Task 2 Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition. There is an example for you. ‘The company is advert for a new manager. 1. Tean’t come here, I'm allergic cats, Dad always bets the same horse when he goes to the races. Call the fire brigade. The house is__fire. Mary congratulated me __ She knocked over the vase mistake. Don’t be angry me. I didn’t do anything wrong winning the race. It was love first sight. She wrote her first musical the age of 12 yen aes ey I went on holiday my own. 10. The difference you and me is that I don’t mind hard work. 11. Don’t waste so much money clothes E wlals 5 Task3 Read the text below. Choose the right word from the box to fill in the gaps. There is an example. There are some extra words you do not need to use. A night frozen to the ground Mrs Spears, an office cleaner from Chicago, arrived 0____at_ work one cold, winter morning, The temperature was 1 low and it was 2 to snow. 3 __ to go inside and get warm she was 4 to see something large and still outside the office door. She looked 5, and was shocked 6 it was a cat frozen to the ground. Mrs Spears realised the cat was alive but 7 to move so she wrapped 8, up in her coat, When the office workers came 9 __ they too put 10 coats around the cat. Eventually he started to move and open his eyes. They carried him 11 _ the office, put him near a heater and gave him 12 warm, milk to drink. Now he lives in the office and 13 anew name: "Lucky"! at (example) Having late surprising beginning him Later thetr begun hurry much todtseover & ) closely Hurrying — some unable has inside surprised very Task 4 Read this text about ISH (International Students House). For each question choose the answer that is nearest in meaning to what the text says. Choose the correct answer and circle it. The first one has been done for you. Intemational Students House, situated in Central London, is a club for British and overseas students, It is open daily (including weekends and public holidays) from 10.00am to 11.00pm. The House is more than just a place where one can geta meal and come into contact with other people. Its objectives are to give overseas students a deeper understanding of the British, and to give British students an opportunity to broaden their horizons through friendship with people from widely differing backgrounds and cultures. Membership is available to full-time students, overseas nurses, and students in professional or practical training, over the age of 18. Membership is either annual, up to 30 September, or from quarter to quarter. Visitors may obtain membership for up to one month, Students living and studying outside the Greater London area and nurses pay reduced rates. ISH provides: 1 aclub room with a colour TV, licensed bar, a restaurant, alibrary, a study room, a mini market, a games room, a launderette, payphones and an information bureau (with leaflets ona wide range of activities and London Transport maps); 1D tickets for theatre, concerts and sporting events (many at reduced rates); badminton, billiards’ snooker, chess, field hockey, cricket, football, squash, table tennis, exercise bikes and weight-training. Accommodation: There are two residences with over 300 beds for single students in double and single rooms. In addition, there are 32 bedsit flats for married students and 11 two- bedroom flats for those with children, each with kitchen and bathroom. Those wanting accommodation for the academic year should apply during the previous May. Intending vacation visitors should apply at least one month in advance. Welfare service: The Welfare Officer will always be pleased to help students with any personal problems or emergencies. 0, International Students House is open A. round the clock every day except Sunday (C) every day all days except public holidays 1, You CANNOT be a member if you A. study part-time B. train to be a personal assistant C. live outside London D. are too old to be a student Membership is NOT available for ‘A. awhole year B, one month C._ six month D. three months Membership rates are lower for ‘A. nurses coming from outside Britain B. students under the age of 18 C. students living in Central London D. British nurses living outside Greater London AtISH you cannot A. drink aleoho! B. get your dirty clothes washed C. take books out of the library D. buy tickets for London Transport services If you are interested in doing some sports, you will find a(n) A. ice rink B. tennis court C. swimming pool D. fitness room As regards accommodation, single students must share the room with another student all the flats for families with children have kitchen and bathroom there are three halls of residence with single and double rooms and flats visitors can only be accepted in case of vacancy poe ‘Which of the following is NOT available for ISH residents? an information desk advice on personal problems a doctor’s consulting room public telephones pope Task 5 Look at the text in each question. What does it say? Circle the letter next to the correct explanation A, B or C. Example: Unfortunately, tor heen cancelled owing to Illness. Tickets cat refunded at the box office. Qurtan Lessons Patient and friendly teacher i taking nec students ofall levels {for acoustic ana electric guitar lessons ‘All styles of music can Be covered, plus ‘music theory for those who are intrested. Cal eff on 01982 886510, ‘Thameslink will offer a revised service from Brighton to London. Some early services will be replaced by bus between Brighton ‘and Three Bridges. Please make sure all your child's [0 school clothes are marked with their name. This helps us to return lost items to the children, Dear Annette, You were right — Daleport és lovely. 'm so glad we listened to you and not o John, I wonder why he disliked itso much, Love, Meg Children with a bus 10 card pay ‘only 25% of the ful fare on ‘schooldays up until 6 pm. And if they" traveling with an aul, ‘the same discount applies at Example: cople with tickets for tonight’s show can get their ‘money back. B Tickets for tonight’s show can be bought at the box office. C Tickets for tonight’s show can be used for a later performance. Jeff teaches music theory A if the student has covered all styles of music. B if the student is new to the class. C if the student wants to learn it. A If you travel early you may have to travel part of your journey by bus. B From Three Bridges station you will be taken by bus to London. C There will not be any Thameslink trains from Brighton to Three Bridges. A Children’s clothes must have the name of the school on them. B The school will mark clothes with the children’s names. C School clothes should have the child’s name on them, ‘A Meg is surprised that John liked Daleport. B Meg thinks John should visit Daleport. C Meg followed Annette’s advice. ‘A Adults with children pay only 25% fare at the weekends. B With a bus ID card travel is cheaper for children going to and from school. € Children cannot use their bus ID cards at the weekend. is Task 6 ‘The rhyming words from the end of some lines in the poems were removed. Find the missing words in the list below and write them in the appropriate gap. Spreading Love Through Acts Of Kindness by Lenora MeWhorter K - Kindness is shown by what we say and do. I- It says to the other person, "I care about __you_(example)." N- Never neglect to show kindness to everyone a. D- Day or night, young or old, whoever it may be. N - Nothing touches the heart like a big, warm (2) E~ Everyone needs to feel loved, whether adult or child, S- So smile at someone to show them that @). 'S - Show kindness and love to everyone everywhere. Message From Nature by Kshma Lal ‘The mountains tell me, hold your head high. Whatever be the problem, look it in _& The rivers tell me, don't look behind, March on ahead, till your goal ®). The sea tells me, have depth of character. The waves call out, don't forget your ©! The trees tell me, do good to one and all. Let go of the past, like I Jet my leaves, M. The sun tells me, you must go on shining. In every dark cloud, be the silver _@). Have a look at nature, and you will see, ‘There's so much to learn, just (9)! fall the eye laughter you (example) Uke me. you care lining you final smile you see [e[s]e[e = sl] jelelals Task7 ‘Complete the dialogue with the words on the right in the correct form. There is an example at the beginning. A: Hi Emma! What's up? B: Hi Joanne! You won't (0) __ believe what happened to me yesterday. When I returned home from the book (1) I found the window of my bedroom broken and the whole house in a complete mess. It was obvious that a (2) had broken into my house. ‘A: Really? Did he steal anything? B: Yes. He stole the TV set and the DVD (3) as well as some money. I also found the drawer where I keep my jewellery (4) empty! Imagine all my jewellery gone! (8) he didn’t have time to steal anything else, as far as I could see. Then I called the police and tried to tidy up the house. I was really (6) when I finished, ‘Az I guess, it wasn’t your lucky day, Emma. BELIEF EXHIBIT BURGLE PLAY COMPLETE LUCK EXHAUST

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