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Masbate National Comprehensive High School

Summative Test in MAPEH- 8

S.Y. 2022-2023

Name: ____________________________________________ Score: __________________

Grade & Section. ____________________________ Date: __________________

Direction: Choose and write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided below.

_____1. Since early civilization, Indian Religion has been classified as _____________.
a. Hinduism b. Buddhism c. Shintoism d. Confucianism
_____2. This is called the temple music, directed to a Hindu God, and perform devotional songs.
a. Carnatic music b. Instrumental music c. Hindustani music d. all of these
_____3. One of the Carnatic music characteristics is musical pieces are mainly set for the voice and with ___.
a. Lyrics b. instruments c. orchestra d. None of the above
_____4. What particular place wherein the Israelites gathered to conduct their worship to God.
a. Temple b. Sinagogue c. Church d. All of these
_____5. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
a. Ghan& Avanaddh b. Sushir c. Tala d. Tat& Vitat
_____6. Which of the following instruments belong to Avanaddh or Membranophone?
a. Shehnai b. Shankh c. Surpeti d. Tabla
_____7. What type of Israel’s vocal music that played during life passage events.
a. Secular b. Devotional c. Ghazal d. All of these
_____8. Sitar, Ektar and Rabab are instruments of what category of music they belong to?
a. Membranophone b. Chordophone c. Idiophone d. Aerophone
_____ 9. Complete the Teental/ Tintal 16 beats of Indian clapping or tala, based on the rhythmic patterns given below.


a. b. c. d.
_____10. .It is a type of music of Pakistan that strengthens the importance of musical instruments?
a. Punjabi b. Tala c. Devotional d. Melismatic
_____11. Zum gali gali is one of the Israel’s popular song in their ancient time, that has _____ time signature.
a. 4/4 b. 2/2 c. 3/ 4 d. 2/4
_____12. Of what time signature is being used on the rhythmic pattern given below?

a. 4/4 b. 2/ 4 c. 3/4 d. 6/ 8
_____13. Why does rhythm plays an important role in Indian music?
a. Because it is the fundamental to the creation of any musical system & creates elaboration in the
patterns of rhythm
b. Because it is the only element needed in their musical creation that encompasses important position
their music.
c. Rhythm existed many centuries ago that surprisingly become a part of history in their music.
d. . None of these.
_____14. How does West Asian music featured their melodic complexity and shows distinctive style especially
in their vocals?
a. Through the styles of Ghazal and Qawwali.
b. By a traditional, Carnatic and Hindustani music.
c. Through their distinctive devotional and secular vocal music.
d. Through rhythm and harmony that features their vocal styles. 15. Already administered.
Masbate National Comprehensive High School
S.Y. 2022-2023

Direction: Choose and write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided below.

____ 1. When Islam came, Tajik’s carving gradually changed, and some carvers prefer _______geometrical
a. Animal b. Human c. Trees d. Vegetative
____ 2. Taj Majal is the most splendid during the mogul period, was built on ______, by Shah Jahan, in
memory of his wife..
a. 1631 b. 1633 c. 1632 d. 1634
____3. Some evidence of Indian Art of the early civilization are ____ and _____.
a. Gold and silver b. Gold and stone c. handicrafts d. Bronze and copper
____ 4. Around the middle of the 3 millennium BCE, large ______, built, some of which, are Mohenjo daro,
Harra, & KOT DIJI.
A. Buildings b. Houses c. Statues d. Infrastructure
____ 5. Which of the following elements of arts appropriately applies on featured artifacts objects found in
Ajanta Caves in Maharashtra, India ?
a. Shapes b. color c. Space d. Value
_____6. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
a. Rangoli b. Keteni c. Diwali d. Qawwali
_____7. The following are Artworks of Pakistan , except;
a. Mohenjo daro b. Kot Diji c. Truck art d. Rangoli
_____8. If the part of the rock surface be removed by incising, and carving, these images have been created.
a. Petroglyphs b. Hieroglyphs c. calligraphy d. Ochre
_____9. What principles of arts applied by ancient people in some surfaces of rocks carved with different
figures& patterns?
a. Emphasis b. Balance c. Contrast d. Patterns
_____10. It is comprised of two words: 'rang' meaning 'color' and 'aavalli' meaning 'colored creepers' or 'row
of colors, one of the most beautiful and most pleasing art forms of India.
a. Rangoli b. Diwali c. Kites d. All of these
_____11. In what period, when the Tajiks men changed the inscription of images by using people, animals,
vegetative, and geometric patterns?
a. When Islam came c. The time of Christianity
b. During Political Change d. Insurgency
______12. .Why Kyrgyz women produces the wide range of textiles in creation of their designs and artwork in
a. Kyrgyz women uses different materials from their household in weaving their cloths.
b. Because they’ve been using their livelihood program to create and produce more textiles.
c. Kyrgyz women considered their designs in clothing as their source of income and livelihood.
d. Kyrgyz women produces their textile mostly from the felt of their sheep, that patterns are
adapted to the tourist and export market.
_____13 How does Hindu people celebrate their exciting and colorful holidays during their “Diwali festival?
a. Homes are cleaned, windows were open and Diya lamp is being lit up.
b. Goddess of wealth enters Indian homes.
c. They used to go to some gatherings.
d. All of these.
_____14. BONUS. 15. Already administered.


_____1. Who created the game Futsal?

a. Juan Carlos Miguel b. Juan Carlos Agassi c. Juan Carlos Luna d. Juan Carlos Ceriani
_____2. What is the size of the futsal ball used by ages 13 and up?
a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5
_____3. What skill In Futsal helps the players to gain more confidence with the ball?
a. Ball mastery b. Shooting c. Dribbling d. Receiving
_____ 4. How many players each team are allowed to play in Futsal during regular play?
a. 4 b. 5 c. 6 d. 10
_____5. Which of the following statements is the correct objective of Futsal?
a. To score goals than the other team
b. To shoot the ball into the basket
c. To gain more ball possession.
d. All of these.
_____6. Which of the following is correct?
a. Futsal is a 4- a- side game, normally played on a flat indoor pitch
b. Futsal is a 5 a –side game, normally played on a flat indoor pitch
c. Futsal is 5-a- side game , normally played on a football pitch
d. None of these
_____7. Which of the following is not a basic skill used in playing Futsal?
a. Controlling b. Shooting c. Blocking d. Dribbling
_____8. Which among the players of Futsal has the most specialized position and is counted on defending the goal at all
a. Defender b. Wingers c. Pivot d. Goal keeper
_____9. If you are a coach, how would you demonstrate the techniques in ball mastery?
a. See the ball b. See the space c. Both a& b d. See the teammate& opponent
____10. What would happen if the goal keeper holds the ball outside of the penalty area?
a. Indirect free kick will be awarded to the opposing team.
b. Direct free kick will be awarded to the opposing team.
c. Yellow card will be awarded to the goal keeper
d. Penalty kick will be awarded to the opposing team
____11. What do you think is the reason why passing is an important skill in Futsal?
a. To keep possession of the ball c. To beat the opponent
b. It helps to initiate the next move d. To allow minimum touches to the ball
____12. How is Futsal game similar to football/ soccer?
a. Both sports use the same size and weight of the ball c. Both sports use off sides.
b. Both sports consist of five players d. Both sports use penalty cards
____13. How would you assess the playing area of Futsal?
a. It is in rectangular form
b. It is smaller than a football pitch
c. It is played on a hard court like in basketball
d. All of these
____14. The following are the rules of a goal keeper, except;
a. He or she can touch the ball on the penalty area
b. He or she must wear a different color shirt
c. May score directly with his/her feet during the run of play
d. May throw the ball directly over the hallway line coming from a save
____15. Draw an example of training design in Futsal for passing.(on the right portion of no. 13,14&15).


____ 1. What type of pathogen emerges that causes pneumonia.

a. Fungus b. Bacteria c. Virus d. All of these
_____2. What microorganisms many of the most common diseases have.
a. Bacteria b. Pathogens c. Virus d. None of the these
____ 3. A worm, that lives inside the human body is being classified as:
a. Bacteria b. Fungi c. Virus d. Parasite
_____4. What agency in the country is responsible in providing special tertiary health care services and assistance to
health providers and stakeholders?
a. Dep’t of welfare b. Dep’t of care c. Dep’t of Health d. All of these.
____ _5 What type of mode of transmission that may result to pulmonary, tuberculosis, measles, and chickenpox.
a. Direct b. Indirect c. Vector- borne d. Air- borne transmission
____ _6. The following are the types of Pathogens, except;
a. Virus b. Stagnant water c. Parasitic worms d. Bacteria
_____7. Which of the following does not belong to the group?.
a. Rabies virus b. warts virus c. Cold virus d. Fungus
______8. Which of the following carries a rickettsiae?
a. Fungus b. Insects c. Ticks d. None of these
______9. Mode of transmission contacts that may get from kissing, handshakes with a sick person, and sleeping with
someone with lice.
a. Indirect b. Vector- borne transmission c. air- borne d. Direct
_____10. Roundworms, pinworms, tapeworms, flukes are examples of:
a. Protozoa b. Parasitic worms c. Bacteria d. Rickettsiae
______11. Of what stage of infection begins when more specific signs and symptoms appear, e.g., common cold, high
fever, etc.
a. Illness stage b. Period of decline c. Recovery stage d. Weak stage
_____ 12 These are steps in attaining good healthy living in home and in the community, except ;
a. Washing hand, arms upon preparation of the food, before eating and before, after using the toilet.
b. Throwing garbage in the right place.
c. Taking a bath, and using clean towels, everyday
d. Letting food, tubs, containers with stocks of water without cover
____ 13 Habit to do when the person is sneezing, and or coughing, for them to avoid showering their saliva droplets
to others.
a. Using and covering their nose/mouth with a clean handkerchief.
b. Using any belonging, as barrier upon sneezing/ coughing
c. Not covering the nose and or mouth.
d. Sneezing and or coughing in front of others

14 & 15. (2 pts.). Write an example of a ------- (To be given upon summative test)


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