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5th Primary

Grammar revision (1)

Present Simple
We use the present simple for: A- Things that are true in general:
Ex: Mr. Adams has three children. A doctor works at a hospital.
B- Scientific facts:
Ex: There are eight planets in the solar system. Water evaporates when you boil it.
C- Daily routines and habits: Ex: Alain wakes up late on holiday. Sara practises tennis twice a week.
I like reading books in my free time.
Affirmative: (I - you - we - they) like. (he - she - it) like + s.
Negative: (I - you - we - they) don't like. (he - she - it) doesn't like.
Interrogative: Do (I - you - we - they) like? Does (he - she - it) like?
Key words:
always - usually - often - sometimes - never - every .... (day - Monday ......) - on .... (Mondays ...)
Spelling rules:
With (he - she - it)
1- Verbs ending in (s - ss - sh - ch - x - o) take es
2- Verbs ending in a consonant + y, remove the y then add ies

Exercise 1.
1. I _________ (play) tennis after school.
2. You _________ (start) school at nine o´clock.
3. We _________ (have) lunch at school.
4. They _________ (watch) TV after dinner.
5. She _________ (not get up) at seven o´clock.
6. We _________ (go) to bed at nine o´clock.
7. What time _________ I _________ (get) up?
8. What _________ she _________ (do) after school?
9. He _________ (play) football.
10. Susan _________ (go) to the cinema.
11. My mother _________ (start) work at half past seven.

Mr. Bishoy R.
5th Primary

12. What _________ they _________ (do) in the evening?

13. How _________ you _________ (spell) that in English?
14. Brian _________ (get) up at eight o´clock.
15. Where _________ John and Martin _________ (go)?
16. Serena _________ (not know) what to do.
17. Wendy _________ (not like) to do shopping.
18. My grandfather _________ (not live) in London.
19. My sisters _________ (walk) to school every day.
20. My best friend _________ (like) math.
21. My brother and I _________ (have) breakfast half past seven.
22. My cousin _________ (study) biology.
23. We _________ (go) to the cinema at the weekend.
24. When _________ Mary _________ (start) school?
25. Gill _________ (not work) in a supermarket.
Exercise 2.
1. Ana _________ (not watch) TV.
2. Peter _________ (not study) French.
3. Javi _________ (watch) TV.
4. Antonio _________ (play) computer games.
5. Luis Miguel _________ (not read) magazines.
6. _________ Maria _________ (listen) to music?
7. _________ Beatriz _________ (tidy) her room?
8. My parents _________ (read) the newspaper.
9. When _________ your brother _________ (surf) the internet?
10. Who _________ you _________ (play) football with?
11. What _________ your sister _________ (do) on Saturday?
12. Blanca _________ (go) to a sleepover.
13. Isabel _________ (not phone) a friend.
14. I _________ (eat) a hamburger every weekend.
15. My Mum _________ (like) classical music.
16. I _________ (not eat) pizza.
17. I _________ (drink) water.

Mr. Bishoy R.
5th Primary

18. Gonzalo _________ (help) his friends with their homework.

19. Carlos _________ (make) people laugh.
20. Alan _________ (not like) talking to new people.
21. Chris _________ (do) the housework for her parents.
22. I _________ (want) to join Daniel´s fan club.
23. Isabel and I _________ (see) each other every week.
24. Linda _________ (wear) new clothes.
25. Derek and Sam _________ (wear) striped T-shirts.
Exercise 3.
1. Uncle Joe _________ (wear) glasses.
2. Ducks _________ (love) water.
3. The sun _________ (rise) in the east.
4. The children _________ (not go) to school by bus.
5. Juanma _________ (enjoy) singing.
6. Joshua _________ (not lend) me his bike.
7. Monkeys _________ (like) bananas.
8. Pepi _________ (not collect) stamps.
9. The earth _________ (go) around the sun.
10. It often _________ (snow) in winter.
11. We _________ (wash) our hands.
12. We _________ (eat) three meals a day.
13. _________ he _________ (type) very fast?
14. Lucía _________ (work) at the court.
15. Everyone _________ (make) mistakes.
16. Winter _________ (not come) after spring.
17. _________ you _________ (like) my new bike?
18. _________ she _________ (walk) to school?
19. Pedro _________ (speak) English very well.
20. My dog _________ (bark) very loudly.
21. _________ Sara _________ (read) in bed?
22. _________ babies _________ (sleep) during the day?
23. Eva _________ (try) not to disturb.

Mr. Bishoy R.
5th Primary

24. Eagles _________ (fly) high in the sky.

25. My sister _________ (cook) all our meals.

Present Continuous

Form: Subject + v. to be + verb + ing

I'm talking he's \ she's\ it's talking we're \ you're \ they’re talking
I'm not talking he \ she \ it isn't talking we \ you \ they aren't talking
Am I talking? Is he \ she \ it talking? Are we \ you \ they talking?
Spelling rules:
Most verbs add -ing -
ex: eat - eating work - working sleep - sleeping
- Verbs ending in -e drop the -e and take -ing.
ex: take - taking drive - driving
- Verbs ending in a vowel and a consonant, double the consonant and add -ing.
ex: plan - planning shop - shopping
- Verbs ending in - ie change the -ie to -y and add -ing
ex: die - dying
Uses: We use the Present Continuous:
1. For actions that are happening now, at the moment of speaking.
ex: Now, she is sending an email to her pen friend.
2. For actions that are happening around now, but not at the actual moment of speaking.
ex: Jane is studying for her exams these days.
Time expressions:
Look! Listen! Now, at the moment, at present, these days.
Stative verbs:
Stative verbs are usually put in the Pr. Simple form. (want, remember, forget, understand, refuse,

Mr. Bishoy R.
5th Primary

1- Underline the correct word in brackets:

1.We (go-are going-going) swimming on Saturday mornings.
2.The boys (playing-play-are playing) in the park on Fridays.
3.Amr (walk-walks-is walking) to school every day.
4.My parents (works-work-are working) every day.
5.We (are-were-will be) always busy.
6.Nour’s sister often (is doing-doing-does) the washing up.
7.She (isn't-doesn't-don't) cook lunch on Sundays.
8.(Do-Are-Does) they usually have dinner?
9.What (is-does-do) he have for breakfast every day?
10.Ali doesn't (studies-study-studying) maths on Mondays.
11.I (ride-'m riding- riding) a bike now.
12.My sister (watching- is watching-watches) TV at the moment.
13.Where (do they -are they- they are) going at present?
14.(Is-Does-Am) he still doing the homework.
15.She (isn't-doesn't- don’t) eating dinner now.
16.We (don't have-aren't having-didn't have) dinner now.
17.Salwa (isn't- don't-aren't) watching TV now.
18.look out! the machine (runs - isn't running - running) at present.
19. What (do - are - can) you doing now?
20. Why (she is collecting - she collects - is she collecting) stamps at present?
2-Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets
1. Ali is watching TV now. (every day)
2. Sarah doesn't walk home on Sundays. (now)
3. Are they studying their lessons at present? (usually)
4. My friends always go to school by bus. (at present)
5. They often have dinner. (at the moment)
6. What do you do every Friday? (now)

Mr. Bishoy R.
5th Primary

7. Is she cooking lunch now? (often)

8. Do they usually play in the park? (at the moment)
9. My mother isn't cleaning up now. (on Saturdays)
10. No, he doesn't usually play basketball. (they)
11. Does Heba sometimes write good English? (yes....)
12. Yes, I'm in class 3\A. (they)
13. I watch an action film on TV. (now)
14. He is writing a paragraph now. (not)
15. Yes, she is cooking dinner. (Is)
16. She understands the lesson. (at present)
17. We often do our homework in the evening. (Ali)
18. Do they often go to the zoo? (no)
19. My sister plays the piano. (playing)
20. Sara is tidying her room at the moment. (always)

Mr. Bishoy R.
5th Primary

The Past Simple

V. to be + regular verbs
The Past Simple is used for :
1- For an action which started and finished at a specific time in the past.
The time is mentioned or can be easily understood.
ex: I played football yesterday .
2- For repeated or habitual actions in the past .
ex: He travelled a lot when he was younger .
3- For actions which happened one after the other in the past .
ex: George got up very early yesterday . He had breakfast , got dressed and left for work .
4- For states that relate to the past .
ex: we lived in that house five years ago .
Form :
The affirmative form:
I, he, she, it was.

you, we, they were.

 I was in London in 1999.
 Pam was in London in 1999, too.
 We were together.
 She was my girlfriend.
The interrogative form:
Was I, he, she, it?

Were you, we, they?

 Were you in London last year?
 Was Pam with you?
 Were you together?

The negative form:
was not.
I, you, he, she

were not.
You, we, they
 I wasn't in Paris in 1999.

Mr. Bishoy R.
5th Primary

 Pam wasn't in Paris in 1999.

 We weren't in Paris.
1. wasn't is the short form of was not. You can say either:
 I was not in Paris, or
 I wasn't in Paris.
2. weren't is the short form of were not. You can say either:
 we were not in Paris, or
 we weren't in Paris.
Regular verbs form :
- Add ( ed ) to the infinitive
ex : work - worked watch - watched paint - painted
- Verbs ending in ( e ) take only ( d )
ex : like - liked move - moved decide - decided
- Verbs ending in a consonant + y : change the " y " to " i "
then add " ed "
ex : cry - cried try - tried study - studied
- Verbs ending in a vowel + y : only take " ed "
ex : play - played stay - stayed enjoy - enjoyed destroy - destroyed
- verbs which end in one vowel before the last letter : double the last letter , then add " ed "
ex: stop - stopped hop - hopped drop - dropped

- Note :
There are some tricky verbs that end with one vowel + a consonant yet we don't double the last
letter and( verbs having more than one syllable )
ex: visit - visited ( listen - open - order - happen - answer - visit - water )

Affirmative :
I , you , he , she , it , we , they : wanted
Negative :
I , you , he , she , it , we , they : didn't want
Interrogative :
did you want .......?
Time expressions used with Past Simple ( Key words ) :
(two days / weeks / months / years ) ago
yesterday morning / afternoon / evening
last ( night / Monday / week / month / year ......)
in ( 2006 / January ......................)

Mr. Bishoy R.
5th Primary

1- Complete the sentences with was / were.

1. How many people __________ at your house last weekend?
2. The book wasn´t difficult It __________ easy.
3. Those __________ my best jeans.
4. Dinosaurs __________ prehistoric animals.
5. __________ your friends at school yesterday?
6. Sandra __________ not at school yesterday.
7. You __________ nasty to me!
8. __________ your grandparents designers.
9. John and I __________ in the garden.
10. __________ your parents in the restaurant? Yes, they __________ .
11. My grandmother __________ a nurse. She wasn´t a doctor.
12. I __________ thin when I was 6 years old.
13. When I __________ younger, I played with teddy bears.
14. We __________ away on vacation last month.
15. __________ you at the cinema last night?
16. Ten years ago, I __________ a baby.
17. __________ the exam difficult?
18. The film __________ (not) exciting. It was boring.
19. __________ there many people at the party?
20. __________ the girls in the park? No, they __________ .
21. Her name wasn´t Kate. It __________ Isabel.
22. Paco wasn´t happy. He __________ sad.
23. __________ the boys at the football game? Yes, they __________ .
24. The books __________ (not) on the shelf. They were in the bookcase.
25. __________ Tom at a concert? Yes, he __________ .
2- Complete the sentences with was / were.
1. It wasn´t my dad´s birthday on Sunday, it __________ on Saturday.
2. The exercises weren´t easy, they __________ difficult.
3. My grandfather wasn´t a writer, he __________ a composer.
4. My cousins weren´t at the park, they __________ at the cinema.
5. Last night I wasn´t at home, I __________ at a party.
6. __________ the weather good yesterday?
7. What __________ your first class this morning?
8. __________ her sister at the party.

Mr. Bishoy R.
5th Primary

9. Who __________ his favourite film star?

10. Where __________ you last night?
11. __________ they interested in rap music?
12. Where __________ you yesterday?
13. I __________ (not) at home last night.
14. __________ your teacher at school? No, she __________ .
15. Why __________ (not) Marta at school?
16. We __________ (not) at a party last week.
17. __________ you at a concert last night?
18. The students __________ in London last summer.
19. __________ it sunny yesterday?
20. __________ Meg at the library? No, she __________ .
21. The Beatles__________ a pop group.
22. __________ your teacher ill yesterday?
23. We __________ at a party last week.
24. My mum __________ (not) at work yesterday.
25. __________ you cold last night?
3- Complete the sentences with was / were.
1. It __________ six o´clock when we got home.
2. __________ you still in bed when I phoned?
3. Edison __________ a famous inventor.
4. The weather __________ fine this morning.
5. He __________ sick yesterday.
6. Beethoven __________ a German composer.
7. There __________ a lot of people at our party yesterday.
8. Don´t blame him. It __________ my mistake.
9. He __________ not well yesterday.
10. __________ you at the party yesterday?
11. Sam __________ second in the race, __________ she?
12. Jack __________ (not) in London.
13. We __________ on the same school team.
14. Betty __________ (not) at the cinema.
15. We __________ the champions last year.
16. Victoria __________ (not) in the UK.
17. Mom and Dad __________ on vacation last week.

Mr. Bishoy R.
5th Primary

18. Sally and Mark __________ (not) at home.

19. There __________ a small lake here many years ago.
20. There __________ any clouds in the sky.
21. My friend __________ ill yesterday.
22. They __________ third in the race.
23. Mom __________ angry when she saw the broken vase.
24. The Romans __________ brave soldiers.
25. It __________ very wet on Monday.
4- Complete the sentences with was / were.
1. Picasso __________ a great artist.
2. She __________ (not) at home, she was at school.
3. __________ you at the park? Yes, I __________ .
4. Bill Gates __________ a student at Harvard University.
5. I __________ in bed at 9 o´clock this morning.
6. The math questions __________ (not) easy, they were difficult.
7. She __________ reading in bed at 11 o´clock last night.
8. The room __________ (not) big, it was small.
9. __________ it sunny yesterday?
10. Einstein __________ a great mathematician.
11. __________ English your favourite subject last year?
12. It __________ (not) cold, it was hot.
13. I __________ with my friends in the park.
14. The English exam __________ (not) difficult, it was OK.
15. Alexander __________ in a cinema in Oxford.
16. __________ it a good film?
17. Lamberto __________ with his family in Norway.
18. __________ they at home? No they __________ .
19. __________ your friends in Málaga? Yes, they __________ .
20. __________ you a good student last year? Yes, I __________ .
21. Silvia and her sister __________ at the zoo.
22. John and Teresa __________ on holiday in France.
23. __________ your sister at home? Yes, she __________ .
24. __________ famous people always good at school? No, they __________ .
25. __________ Antonio Banderas in Málaga last summer?

Mr. Bishoy R.
5th Primary

5- Complete the story with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.
A young man aged 13 ..............................( rob ) the Simpson Bank in Motown yesterday night. He
...........................( use ) his toy gun and ............................. ( travel ) by his father's red BMW. He
...........................( carry ) the money in his sister's school bag. The young man ..................... ( hurry )to
his grandma's garden to hide the money there. When he .......................... ( enter )the garden, he could
see a policeman. The policeman ..................... ( start ) to chase him. The young man .......................
(drop) the bag with the money. Suddenly, he could hear his telephone. "Bob, are you still asleep?"
"Oh, mum. I had a terrible dream!"
6- Put the verb in the past simple tense to fill the gaps.
1. The cat _______________ (escape) from the garden.
2. They _______________ (agree) with me about the album.
3. He _______________ (try) to start the car.
4. We _______________ (enjoy) the funfair a lot.
5. Tell me, what _______________ (happen)?
6. She _______________ (stop) at a zebra crossing.
7. I _______________ (carry on) working until late.
8. Alfie _______________ (fail) his driving test again.
7- Correct the mistakes in these sentences .
1. Did he jumped a red light? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
2. They no liked the film. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. We planed to go on a trip round the US. ……………………………………………………………………………………………
4. You didn’t kill it, do you? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
5. The door openned and we went in. …………………………………………………………………………………………………..
6. Played you tennis last year? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
8- Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets :
1- I am tired now . ( Yesterday ) …………………………………………………………………………………...............................
2- Rami is in a hurry now . ( yesterday ) …………………………………………………………………………………...................
3- They are in the club today . ( yesterday ) ………………………………………………………………………………….............
4- Ali is in Australia ( last year ) …………………………………………………………………………………................................
5- She is in the forest . ( yesterday ) ………………………………………………………………………………….........................
6- She is happy now . ( yesterday ) …………………………………………………………………………………...........................
7- We are interested in the film ( an hour ago ) ………………………………………………………………………………….......
8- He is angry with his friend ( ( yesterday ) ………………………………………………………………………………................
9- We are busy now ( an hour ago ) …………………………………………………………………………………..........................
10- HE is excited about the football match( yesterday ) ……………………………………………………………………………..

Mr. Bishoy R.
5th Primary

" Irregular verbs list "

1-blow – blew 32- break - broke 63- learn - learnt

2- grow – grew 33- speak - spoke 64- mean - meant
3- know - knew 34- steal - stole 65- burn - burnt
4- throw - threw 35- choose - chose 66- dream - dreamt
5- draw - drew 36- freeze - froze 67- spell - spelt
6- fly - flew 37- wake - woke 68- smell - smelt
7- keep - kept 38- bring - brought 69- spend -spent
8- sleep - slept 39- buy - bought 70- send - sent
9- sweep - swept 40- fight - fought 71- build - built
10- leave - left 41- think - thought 72- lend - lent
11- feel - felt 42- catch - caught 73- bend - bent
12- let - let 43- teach - taught 74- have - had
13- put - put 44- drive - drove 75- lose - lost
14- read - read 45- ride - rode 76- win - won
15- shut - shut 46- rise - rose 77- dig - dug
16- cut - cut 47- write - wrote 78- sit - sat
17- hit - hit 48- be - was / were 79- shine - shone
18- hurt - hurt 49- do - did 80- hold - held
19- drink - drank 50- eat - ate 81- make - made
20- begin - began 51- see - saw 82- find - found
21- ring - rang 52- go - went 83- hear - heard
22- sink - sank 53- go - went 84- swear - swore
23- sing - sang 54- run - ran 85- wear - wore
24- swim - swam 55- give - gave 86- tear - tore
25- sell - sold 56- fall - fell 87- shake - shook
26- tell - told 57- get - got 88- take - took
27- pay - paid 58- forget - forgot
28- say - said 59- stand - stood
29- lay - laid 60- understand - understood
30-feed - fed 61- come - came
31- meet - met 62- become - became

Mr. Bishoy R.

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