Parshas Tzav Assembly Questions

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Parshas Tzav assembly questions

What is the name of this Shabbos?

Shabbos Hagadol

What do we read on this Shabbos?

The Haggadda from Avadim Hayinu until L’chaper al Kol avonotaeinu”

Besides for this weeks Parsha , what are the 2 other parshiyos in the Torah that only have
2 letters?
Bo and Noach

What was the first Korbon brought every morning?

The Korbon Tomid

What category of Korbon was the Korbon Tomid?

An Olah, - completely burned offering

Unlike all other korbanos, what part of the ram or sheep may be placed on the mizbe'ach?
The tail.

In which four instances is a korban todah brought?

- Upon safe arrival from an ocean voyage; upon safe arrival from a desert journey;
upon being freed from prison; upon recovering from illness.

Where was there an “apple” found on the Mizbeach?

Tapuach was the pile of ashes on the Mizbeach

What was the Terumas Hadeshen?

The first part of the daily Avoda was the removal of the ashes.

Who may eat from a shelamim?

Any person who was Tahor (not only the owner).

What miracle happened at the entrance of the Ohel Moed?

The entire nation was able to fit in this very small area.

Other than Yom Kippur, what other service requires that the kohen separate from his
The burning of the parah aduma

What are the 5 categories of korbanot listed in this Parsha?

Olah , mincha, chatat, asham. shelamim.

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