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Dates Weekly Schedule

1 28 February – 4  Orientation Week

 Welcoming students
 Introduction to the course
(Course Description & Course Outline / Skillful 3 Digital Student’s Book -
Workbook / Moodle / Teams)

2 7 – 11 March  Unit 1: Identity

(7 March_last day  Discussion point (p. 8)

for late
registration)  Video watching (p. 8-9) (*optional)
 Reading 1: Social identity
 Tasks: A-E (p. 10-12)
3 14 – 18 March  Reading 2: How permanent is your personality?
 Tasks: A-E (p. 14-17)
(14 March _ last  Vocabulary (p. 18 -19)
day for Add/Drop)
 Critical Thinking (p. 20)
 Review (p. 25)
 Workbook Unit 1 Assignment (Reading and Vocabulary)
4 21 – 25 March  Unit 2: Design
 Discussion point (p.26)
 Video watching (p. 26-27) (*optional)
 Reading 1: Beautifully broken
 Tasks: A-E (p. 28-30)
 Reading 2: Community development: A new business in town
 Tasks: A-E (p. 32-35)
 Vocabulary (p. 36 -37)
 Critical Thinking (p. 38)
 Review (p. 43)
 Workbook Unit 2 Assignment (Reading and Vocabulary)
5 28 March – 1 April  Unit 3: Thought
 Discussion point (p.44)
 Video watching (p. 44-45) (*optional)
 Reading 1: The development of thought
 Tasks: A-E (p. 46-48)
 Reading 2: Emotional thinking
 Tasks: A-E (p. 50-53)
 Vocabulary (p. 54 -55)
 Critical Thinking (p. 56)
 Review (p. 61)
 Workbook Unit 3 Assignment (Reading and Vocabulary)
6 4 – 8  April  Compare and Contrast Essay Writing
 Supplementary material:
 Model Outline (1) & Essay (1)
 Model Outline (2) & Essay (2)
 Outline Checklist for self-assessment
 Topic selection
 Outline writing practice
 Outline Assignment (10%)
7 11 – 15   April  Outline Assignment Submission
 Extra reading and vocabulary practice
 Sample Mid-term Exam
 Workbook Assignments Submission (Units 1/2/3) (5%)
8-9 16 – 30 April MID-TERM EXAMS (35%)

10 2 – 6 May  Teacher’ s Outline Feedback Submission

(2-4 May_
Ramadan Bairam)
11 9 – 13 May  Model essays / PPP on Compare and Contrast Essay
 Essay (1)
 Essay (2)
 Essay Checklist for self-assessment

12 16 – 20  May  Essay writing practice

 Introducing the essay assessment criteria
(19 May_ Atatürk  Peer Review Checklist (p. 189)
Commemoration,  Essay Assignment (20%)
Youth and Sports
13 23 - 27 May  Essay Assignment Submission
 Assigning presenters for weeks 13-14-15 (5-7 mins.)
(26 May – last day
for course  Guidelines for Online Oral Presentations
 Functional language (p. 188)
 Guidelines for Online Peer/Self-assessment for presentations
 Practice for Online Oral Presentations
 Peer/Self-Assessment Assignment (5%) 
 Presentations (20%)
 Presentation Peer-Self Assessment (5%)
14 30 May – 3 June  Presentations (20%)
 Presentation Peer-Self Assessment (5%)
15 6 – 9 June  Presentations (20%)
 Presentation Peer-Self Assessment (5%)
(9 June - last day
of classes)  Peer/Self-Assessment Assignment Submission  
16-17 13 – 25 June  FINAL EXAMS (no Final Exam for ENGL 191)

This is a provisional schedule and is open to modification according to rate of progress and
instructor assessment of the particular needs of individual groups. 

Assessment Breakdown (100%)

 Midterm Exam 35%

 Outline 10%
 Essay Writing 20%
 Presentation 20%
 Presentation Peer / Self-Assessment 5%
 Workbook Assignments 5%
 Participation 5%

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