Ancient Greece LP

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Simple Unit Plan for the Experienced Teacher

Day 1: Introduction to Ancient Greece (Teacher Led)

Teacher will pass out an introductory passage to Ancient Greece to all students.
Make sure they annotate and highlight any interesting details as they read. After
reading the passage, show a video on Ancient Greece as a visual aid for students.

Day 2: Polis (City-States)

Allow students to create 6 groups of 4, as they will be earning their Polis today.
- Read additional passages about each of the city-states in Ancient Greece.
Make sure to have students note anything that peaks their own interest in
that city state
- Watch a video on the different city-states as a visual aid for students
- Allow students up to 5 minutes to discuss with their team the top 3 city-
states they would want to be part of and why
- Provide each group with a stack of sticky notes to participate in a gallery
walk of each city-state that was learned about that day, then review and
discuss their comments/facts they posted on the posters
- Play an elimination game to allow students to select their groups city-state
- Make it clear that students will now be in competition with one another for
weekly Polis Points with an incentive for each Friday

Day 3 and 4: Stations

- Each polis will receive a specific focus for Ancient Greece (i.e. some will
focus on Ancient Greek religion, some will focus on government, economy,
- It is their job to develop a poster and present that topic to the class. They
are now becoming the “teachers” and “experts” on that topic
- Provide a rubric for students to follow
- Will compete for competition points

Day 5-7: Banners and Chants

- Provide students with the Ancient Greek alphabet, a rubric, and a banner
- Students must create a banner representing their city-state by following
the rubric
- Following the banner, students must create a chant using the information
they’ve learned about their city-state
- This is research based (teacher may provide specific sites for students to
conduct research)
- Students will present their Polis and chants to the class to earn
competition points

Day 8-12: Player Cards

- Students will individually, but with their groups, create Player Cards
- The first player card will be of any Olympian Greek God of their
choosing, but only one student may do one god per group
Simple Unit Plan for the Experienced Teacher

- After creating their first card, they will as a group, develop one big player
card of the Greek god their Polis worships
- Following individual player cards include: monsters, demi-gods, important
figures (philosophers and Greek thinkers/writers)

Individual Project: Brochure

The brochure will showcase all of the information each student has learned with
their group. Provide a rubric and an example to show students what their final
result will be. This brochure will encompass all aspects of Ancient Greece.

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