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Course Outline: Information Technology for Decision Making

Course code: IM501

Credit:1.5 , Core Course
Area: Information Management
Program: PGDM
Term I Academic Year 2021-22

Instructor(s) Name Prof. Himanshu Joshi Prof. Prerna Lal Prof. Ashish Kumar Rathore
Room no. 312 502 -
Phone (Extn no.) 47194119/119 47194127/127 -
Meeting Hours Wednesday 2:00 – 4:00 pm By appointment By appointment


A generation ago computers were first introduced into businesses and organizations to automate clerical
functions and routine transactions. Today, information technology (IT) is an integral part of any
manager’s daily life and forms the backbone for every managerial function of the modern organization.
The speed and flexibility IT provide, enables organizations to remain competitive and sustainable.
Whether it be integrating the organization through enterprise system, developing customer relationship
management systems or human resource management system, or executing financial transaction in
electronic markets, information technology helps in linking all the different functions together in an
integrated way and getting information to decision makers at the right time and in the right format.

The course prepares students to leverage information technology effectively. The course focuses on the
challenges faced by managers in analyzing data and what managers need to know for effective decision
making through IT. The course introduces students to office automation packages like electronic


COs and POs >>
After going through the course, the students would be able to: COs, POs and CECs >>

Course Outcome 1 (CO1): explain organizational data that can be used for making decision.

Course Outcome 2 (CO2): apply spreadsheet functions for taking effective decisions at workplace.

Course Outcome 3 (CO3): evaluate the results on the basis of multiple perspectives.
COs >>
COs and POs >>
COs, POs and CECs >>


Course Outcomes
Program Outcomes (POs)
1 2 3

PO1: Student should be able to write well organized and grammatically correct
business reports and letters.

PO2: Student should be able to make effective oral presentations.

PO3: Student should be able to demonstrate critical thinking skills by 3 3 3

understanding the issues, evaluating alternatives on the basis of multiple
perspectives and presenting a solution including conclusions and implications.

PO4: Student should be to demonstrate problem solving skills by 3 3 3

understanding and defining the problem, analyzing it and solving it by
applying appropriate theories, tools and techniques from various functional
areas of management.

PO5: Student should be able to illustrate the role of responsible leadership in


PO6: Student should be able to identify social concerns and ethical issues in

PO7: Student should be able to identify challenges faced by the organization at

the global level.

PO8: Student should be able to take decisions in the global business



The course will be taught with a blend of presentations, interactive lectures, and discussions. It will be
supplemented by assignments, and practical exercises.


The final Grade will be calculated as follows:
Assignments (25%): The assignments will be given and is required to be done in a group with the
dual purpose of practicing problem solving as well as evaluating decision alternatives.

Quizzes (35%): The quizzes will be based on the course covered in the previous classes. There will be
n quizzes (n will be decided by the faculty) spread across the entire course. Quizzes will mostly be
computer lab-based exercises.

End Term (40%): End term exam will cover all the topics. Questions asked will cover questions from
various areas of management to test the problem-solving ability of the student.
COs >>
6. MAPPING BETWEEN COs, POs and CECs COs and POs >>
COs, POs and CECs >>

Course Evaluation Components (CECs)

Assignments Quizzes End Term
CO1 PO3, PO4 √
CO2 PO3, PO4 √
CO3 PO3, PO4 √

7.1 Textbook

 Succeeding in Business with MS Excel 2013 – A Problem Solving Approach by Debra Gross,
Frank Akaiwa and Karleen Nordquist (Cengage Learning)

 Exercise Book

7.2 Reference Books

 Microsoft Office Excel 2013 – Data Analysis and Business Modeling by Winston L.
Wayne, Microsoft Press, Prentice Hall India
 Decision Making Using Microsoft Excel by Albright, Winston, Zappe, Cengage Learning
 Creating Dynamic Charts in Microsoft Office Excel 2007 by Reinhold Scheck, Microsoft
Press, Prentice Hall India
 Accessing & Analyzing Data with MS-Excel by Cornell, PHI.

7.3 Online References (if any)



Session Topics Readings/Cases

1-2 Managing Marketing Data & its Practice Exercise - 1 &
Applications Additional Exercise – 1
 Organizing, extracting and
consolidating data
 Excel Functions & Formulas

3-4  Organizing, extracting and Case for Practice: Analyzing

consolidating data Regional Sales Information for
 Excel Functions & Formulas CKG Auto (Textbook, Pg. 75)
 Analyzing data for 360o view

5-6 Managing Financial Data & its Applications Practice Exercise – 2 &
 Using Financial Functions Additional Exercise – 2
 Goal Seek Case for Practice: Evaluating
 What-if Analysis Loan Options for Flowers by
Sensitivity Analysis Diana (Text Book, pg. 419) &
Case for Practice: Estimating
Travel Expenses for Customers
of Executive Transport, Inc.
(Text Book, pg. 546)

7-8 Managing Statistical Data & its Practice Exercise – 3 &

Applications Additional Exercise – 3
 Managing and Representing Data for Case for Practice: Illustrating
Analysis Patterns in Gas Prices for CKG
 Identifying Data Patterns Auto (TextBook, pg. 210)
 Using Statistical Tools & Functions

9-10 Managing Operations Data and its Practice Exercise – 4 &

Applications Additional Exercise – 4
 Optimization Tools and Techniques Case for Practice: Managing
Purchases for Brightstar Toy
Company (TextBook, Pg. 601)


a) Plagiarism is the use of or presentation of ideas, works that are not one’s own and which are not
common knowledge, without granting credit to the originator. Plagiarism is unacceptable in IMI
and will invite penalty. Type and extent of penalty will be at the discretion of the concerned

b) Cheating means using written, verbal or electronic sources of aid during an examination/ quiz/
assignment or providing such assistance to other students (except in cases where it is expressly
permitted by the faculty). It also includes providing false data or references/list of sources which
either do not exist or have not been used, having another individual write your paper or
assignment or purchasing a paper for one’s own submission. Cheating is strictly prohibited at IMI
and will invite penalty as per policies of the Institute .

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