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Democratic leadership, also known as participative leadership or shared

leadership, is a type of leadership style in which members of the group take a
more participative role in the decision-making process.
One of the clearest definitions of democratic leadership comes from John
Gastil in 1994, according to which, “Democratic leadership is Distributing
responsibility among the membership, empowering group members, and
aiding the group’s decision-making process."
Managers with this style:
● encourage effective team participation
● allow for more effective problem solving
● bring more view point to the table
● Increase morale and job satisfaction of their team members
Because group members are encouraged to share their thoughts, democratic
leadership can lead to better ideas and more creative solutions to problems.
Group members also feel more involved and committed to projects, making
them more likely to care about the end results. This style often leads to
positive, inclusive, and collaborative work environments. 
Democratic leadership works best in situations where group members are
skilled and eager to share their knowledge. It is also important to have plenty
of time to allow people to contribute, develop a plan, and then vote on the
best course of action.
Some of the great leaders with democratic leadership style are Indra Nooyi,
Nelson Mandela, Abraham Lincoln etc
Now I’d like Saumya to continue.
A dashboard is a collection of several views, letting you compare a variety of
data simultaneously. It is a consolidated display of many worksheets and
related information in a single place. It is used to compare and monitor a
variety of data simultaneously.
Here, We have compiled sheets containing monthly analysis of qty sold, sales
with reference to product, region wise monthly revenue, sales with reference
to cities and category wise sales of different regions. This helps us to visualize
and analyze different things like trend in revenue, region wise and product
wise sales etc. NEXT SLIDE PLEASE
To do this we need to follow these steps:
1) Open the dashboard page and select an alignment of your choice
2) Change the settings to automatic to make data fit automatically to full
3) Drag all the sheets one by one in a presentable and understandable way
4) Adjust the size and alignment manually by clicking on charts if you are
not satisfied with the automated one
Now I’d like Dishita to continue
M.O.M 19TH October 2021
 10:38: dry run started
 10:44: Corrections to be made in rule sheet
 10:46: Coordinate the timing of screen share. Timer should start as soon
as prompted by the emcee
 10:58: Don’t give any major responsibility to Yash as he might not be
 10:59: Change in responsibilities: remove Rishab from backup emcee as
he has a lot of responsibilities already
 11:00:Reduce the number of teams in BR rooms. 10 teams per room is
not feasible
 11:01: Try to figure out a solution to accommodate if more number of
teams come
 11:08: Emcees need more practice. It should look like a natural and
enthusiastic conversation. Work on the script to accommodate some
banter as well
 11:11: There should be high level of interaction, keep filler events short
and you can make rule sheet for the filler event as well

 Correct and refine emcee script

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