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Mayra Guadalupe Jacome Ruiz

Juan David Castro

Account number:

English 4

Philosophy of life

El Progreso

Date of delivery:
April 12, 2023
Philosophy of life is an expression used to describe a set of ideas and
attitudes that are part of the life of a person or group of people.

On the other hand, there is also an alternative definition according to

which, the philosophy of life is the way in which a person decides how to live.
On many occasions, this way of seeing the philosophy of life is closely related
to a religion such as Buddhism, Christianity or Judaism.

Finally, there are those who also use the expression philosophy of life as
a synonym for lifestyle.

Philosophy of life and human relations

The philosophy of life has a lot to do with the search for wisdom and self-
knowledge. In this sense, people look for a series of norms, values or ideas that
allow them to articulate their life in an orderly manner, in such a way that they
achieve a certain personal stability.

Thus, it is very important to emphasize the idea that the concept of

philosophy of life is by no means unique, but that it varies enormously
depending on the context of each person, and can be greatly influenced by
social, political or economic factors. That is why sometimes two people can
come to have a conflict with each other due to a different point of view on the
philosophy of life. The most common thing is that these clashes are generated
above all by the cultural differences between the two, which leads them to
understand life from antagonistic positions.

one of the most important steps for my life philosophy is to grow as an

engineer and become successful in the industrial area. and one day be able to
become a manager of where I currently work. To grow at the work level, it is
necessary to carry out some tasks, with the aim of detecting what may be going
wrong and looking for ways to solve it.
We all want to grow at the work level, but we don't always know the way
to do it. Growth in this field does not necessarily imply promotion to a better
position, although evolution sooner or later leads to it.

My main motivation is the self-assessment of my level of learning and

how to improve to be a leader. Self-assessment, a way to grow at the work level

Self-assessment is a fundamental element to know where you are and

where you have to go in the labor field. Set aside at least one day a year to do
this homework. There are no fixed rules or schemes to carry it out, but it is
important that it revolves around the pros and cons that you perceive in your

Growing at work has to do above all with feeling better about work and
finding the means to make it more effective and efficient. Also, why not, more
attractive. We dedicate a good part of our lives to it, so it is important that we
feel comfortable.

Another important point is to surround yourself with people at work who

are efficient. It is very important to feel comfortable with the work environment.
That environment includes both the physical elements that surround you, as
well as all the people with whom you interact in your work. Faced with the first, it
is worth examining if there is any object or element that bothers you, or that
negatively influences your activity.

Regarding labor relations, it is very important to do what is necessary to

enrich them. It does not mean that you make your classmates your best friends.
Rather, it has to do with purifying and strengthening the bonds of solidarity and
camaraderie. Surely that affects your motivation.

After the pandemic where I personally improved the most was in the part
of the attitude and the ability to do things well studying, improving a lot in what
the study is, and being one of the best students in the classes I have taken

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