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How to Make Homemade Floor


Besides being expensive, store-bought cleaners contain a number of

chemicals. These chemicals can be hazardous to your health and are not
necessary to have a clean home. Making your own household cleaners saves
money and ensures the ingredients are natural. Homemade floor wax smells
good, is great for wood floor finishes and is good for the environment.

Step 1

Add 20 drops of lavender essential oil to 1 cup of olive oil, stir and put aside.
Prepare this ingredient 12 hours in advance of making the floor polish to
ensure the lavender scent has fully mixed with the olive oil.

Step 2

Create a double boiler using a cooking pot and an oven-safe bowl. Pour tap
water into the pot, place the bowl on top and put the whole thing on the stove
over low heat. The water in the pot should just touch the bottom of the bowl. A
double boiler on top of the stove is a gentler way of melting items together and
prevents burning.

Step 3

Grate 1.5 ounces of beeswax into a bowl and break up 2 ounces of carnauba
wax into the same bowl. To get small pieces of carnauba wax, place the block
into a freezer bag, zip it closed, cover with a kitchen towel and pound firmly
with a rolling pin. The wax should break apart easily into fine pieces. Both
beeswax and carnauba wax are available online or at natural food stores.

Step 4

Place the ingredients listed above into the bowl of the double boiler. This
would include the olive oil-lavender mix as well as the two waxes.

Step 5

Stir the ingredients together slowly using a wooden spoon until everything is
fully mixed together. Stirring is an important step to the consistency of the
finished product. The exact time it takes to melt the items together depends
on altitude and individual stove-top temperature.

Step 6

Drop 20 drops of lavender oil or lemon essential oil into the melted wax
mixture and stir a few more times. This additional essential oil will only
enhance the smell of the finished product and is not a necessary step.

Step 7

Remove the bowl from the pot of water and switch off the stove. Be sure to
use oven gloves when handling the bowl as it may be warm.

Step 8
Allow the mixture to cool but not solidify. The floor wax should be fluid enough
to pour into a container but not so hot it cannot be handled.

Step 9

Pour the mixture into a clean dry glass jar. A plastic funnel makes the pouring
a little easier and a lid is recommended for storage. Keep in a cool, dry place
until use.

Ingredients of Floorwax
The most common ingredients used in VCT waxing and commercial waxes
include shellac, polyurethane, lacquer, perchloroethylene, toluene and phenol.
Commercial floor finishes don't require reapplication as frequent as homemade or
natural formulas.

What is the purpose of floor wax?

It helps to preserve your floors for longer by protecting them from scratches, marks,
nicks and spill stains. Waxing adds shine to your floors which can brighten the room and
give off a squeaky clean appearance. It can diminish the appearance of grooves and
faults especially in a wooden floor.

Benefits that waxing can provide

1. It helps to preserve your floors for longer by protecting them from scratches,
marks, nicks and spill stains.
2. Waxing adds shine to your floors which can brighten the room and give off a
squeaky clean appearance.
3. It can diminish the appearance of grooves and faults especially in a wooden floor.
4. In a professional environment such as an office, restaurant, hospital or medical
centre or that undergoes a lot of foot traffic, waxed floors can provide a more
professional look, and give out the message that you really care about the
cleanliness of your business environment.
Ginger powder does the same thing, however, if you simply add it to coconut oil or honey (a
carrier). Make a paste and work it into your scalp after shampooing - it will enhance hair growth,
revitalize your hair, and give your hair an added shine and luster.

Does ginger make your skin glow?

The antioxidants in the ginger promote smooth and glowing skin. Rub all over skin (in the shower to
avoid any mess) and you'll glow for days!

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