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i(ueen's University at Kingston


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May 1983

Queens University at Kingston

Myron Eells, D. D., (manuscript).
George Gibbs, (Smithsonian Institution), printed.
Horatio Hale, M. A., F. R. S. C, (printed).
Charles M. Buchanan, (Haskell Institute), manuscript.
Dr. Franz Boas, (printed).
Alexander Francis Chamberlain, (printed).
Rev. Paul Gard, (manuscript notes), French words.
W. S. Phillips, (El Comancho), criticism.
Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Alfred (Indians), Suquamish, Wash.
Indians, (numerous), Puget Sd., Neah Bay and West Coast.




Rainier Printing Company, Inc.
116 Third Avenue So.
Copyright 1909 by
George C. Shaw
Erastus Brainerd

In offering the present work to the given by them, had evidently attained
public, it is the author's hope to supply, some form. It was with the arrival of
with respect to other dictionaries of the Astor's party, however, that the Jargon
Chinook Jargon, a desideratum hitherto received its principal impulse. Many
unsupplied in the fifty or more editions more words of English were then
of small vocabularies issued during a brought in, and for the first time the
period of seventy years. French, or rather the Canadian and
It has been the aim to give the origin Missouri patois of the French, were in-
and derivation of every word treated, troduced. The principal seat of the
whenever such is known, and to record company being at Astoria, not only a
under each every authoritative reference large addition of Chinook words was
thereto. Also a reference to the author- made, but a considerable number was
ity is noted. taken from the Chihalis, who immediate-
With regard to the spelling, it is be- ly bordered the tribe on the north,
lieved that a sufficient number of forms each owning a portion of Shoalwater
is recorded to enable the student to Bay. The words adopted from the sev-
identify practically every word, as well eral languages were, naturally enough,
as to trace the origin of many words of those most easily uttered by all, except,
undetermined derivation. of course, that objects new to the na-
A valuable feature is the index to use- tives found names in French or Eng-
ful words in the main vocabulary. An- lish, and such modifications were made
other feature worth mention is the sup- in pronunciation as suited tongues ac-
plemental vocabulary of about two hun- customed to different sounds. Thus the
dred uncommon words, which are of gutturals of the Indians were softened
such limited use as to preclude a neces- or dropped; and the f and r of the Eng-
sity for their appearance in the main lish and French, to them unpronounce-
vocabulary. One of the best features, able, were modified into p and 1. Gram-
perhaps, is the Guide to Pronunciation, matical forms were reduced to their
with the Key to the Symbols. This simplest expression, and variations in
pronouncing vocabulary records two mood and tense conveyed only by ad-
hundred and seventy-five words, employ- verbs or by the context. The language
ing the diacritically marked letters, and continued to receive additions, and as-
is the work of the late Myron Eells, sumed a more distinct and settled mean-
than whom no higher authority ever ing, under the Northwest and Hudson's
lived. Bay companies, who succeeded Astor's
party, as well as through the American
"The origin of this Jargon, a conven- settlers in Oregon. Its advantage was
tional language similar to the Lingua soon perceived by the Indians, and the
Franca of the Mediterranean, the Negro- Jargon became to some extent a means
English-Dutch of Surinam, the Pigeon of communication between natives of
English of China, and several other different speech, as well as between
mixed tongues, dates back to the fur them and the whites. It was even used
droguers of the last century. Those as such between Americans and Cana-
mariners whose enterprise in the fifteen dians. It was at first most in vogue
years preceding 1800, explored the in- upon the lower Columbia and the Wil-
tricacies of the northwest coast of lamette, whence it spread to Puget
America, picked up at their general ren- Sound, and with the extension of trade
dezvous, Nootka Sound, various native found its way far up the coast, as well
words useful in barter, and thence trans- as the Columbia and Fraser rivers; and
planted them, with additions from the there are now few tribes between the
English, to the shores of Oregon. Even 42nd and 57th parallels of latitude in
before their day, the coasting trade and which there are not to be found inter-
warlike expeditions of the northern preters through its medium. Its preva-
tribes, themselves a seafaring race, had lence and easy acquisition, while of vast
opened up a partial understanding of convenience to traders and settlers, has
of each other's speech; for when, in tended greatlyto hinder the acquire-
1792, Vancouver's officers visited Gray's ment of the original Indian languages;
Harbor, they found that the natives, so much so, that except by a few mis-
though ^speaking a different language, sionaries and pioneers, hardly one of
understood many words of the Nootka. them is spoken or understood by white
On the arrival of Lewis and Clarke men in all Oregon and Washington Ter-
at the mouth of the Columbia, in 1806, ritory. Notwithstanding its apparent
the new language, from the sentences poverty in number of words, and the
— —


absence of grammatical forms, it pos- quired these words, both Nootka and
sesses much more flexibility and power English, and we find that they were in
of expression than might be imagined, use among them as early as the visit
and really serves almost every purpose of Lewis and Clark in 1804. But when,
of ordinary intercourse. at a later period, the white traders of
The number of words constituting the Astor's expeditions, and from other
Jargon proper has been variously stated. quarters, made permanent establish-
Many formerly employed have become ments in Oregon, it was soon found
in great measure obsolete, while others that the scanty list of nouns, verbs, and
have been locally introduced. Thus, at adjectives then in use was not sufficient
the Dalles of the Columbia, various for the more constant and general inter-
terms are common which would not course which began to take place. A
be intelligible at Astoria or on Puget real language, complete in all its parts,
Sound. In making the following selec- however limited in extent, was required;
tion, I have included
all those which, and it was found by drawing upon the
on reference to a number of vocabu- Chinook for such words as were requi-
laries, I have found current at any of site, in order to add to the skeleton
these places, rejecting, on the other which they had already possessed the
hand, such as individuals, partially ac- sinews and tendons, the connecting liga-
quainted with the native languages, have ments, as it were, of a speech. These
employed for their own convenience." consisted of the numerals (the ten
George Gibbs, in "A Dictionary of the digits and the word for hundred), twelve
Chinook Jargon or Trade Language of pronouns (I, thou, he, we, ye, they, this.,
Oregon," prepared from materials col- other, all, both, who, what), and about
lected by himself during a residence of twenty adverbs and prepositions (such
twelve years on the Northwest Coast of as now, then, formerly, soon, across,
North America. ashore, offshore, inland, above, below, to,
with, etc.). Having appropriated these
"CHINOOK." and a few other words of the same
"The 'Trade Language,' which came
afterwards to be known as the 'Chinook
tongue, the Trade Language or, as it
now began to be styled,

'the Jargon'
Jargon,' grew into existence. As finally assumed a regular shape, and became
developed, it has become really an 'inter- of great service as a means of general
national speech' widely diffused among intercourse. But the new idiom received
the fifty tribes of Oregon, Washington, additions from other sources. The Ca-
British Columbia and Alaska, and of nadian voyageurs, as they are called,
inestimable service, not only to com- who enlisted in the service of the Amer-
merce, but to science, to missionary ef- ican and British fur companies, were
forts, and to the convenience of travel- brought more closely in contact with
ers. * * * The British and Ameri- the Indians than any others of the for-
can trading ships first appeared on the eigners. They did not merely trade,
northwest coast during the closing years they traveled, hunted, ate, and, in short,
of the last (eighteenth) century. The lived with them on terms of familiarity.
great number of languages spoken by The consequence was that several words
the native tribes proved to be a. serious of the French language were added to
hindrance to their business. * * * the slender stock of the Jargon. Eight
Unfortunately, all these languages— on ten words were made by what gram-
the Nootka, Nisqually, Chinook, Chi-
hailish, and others —were alike harsh in
marians term onomatopoeia, that is,
were formed by rude attempts to imi-

pronunciation, complex in structure, and tate sound, and are therefore the sole
each spoken over a very limited space. and original property of the Jargon.
But, as the harbor of Nootka was at All the words thus combined in this
that time the headquarters or chief em- singularly constructed language, at that
porium of the trade, it was necessarily stage of its existence, were found to
the case that some words of the dialect number, according to my computation,
there spoken became known to the about two hundred and fifty. Of these,
traders, and the Indians, on the other eighteen were of Nootka origin, forty-
hand, were made familiar with a few one were English, thirty-four French,
English words. These, with the assist- one hundred and eleven Chinook, ten
ance of signs, were sufficient for the formed by onomatopoeia, and some
slight intercourse that was then main- thirty-eight were of doubtful derivation,
tained. Afterwards the traders began though probably for the most part
to frequent the Columbia River, and either Chinook or Nootkan. But as
naturally attempted to communicate might be expected, the language con-
with the natives there by means of the tinued to develop. Its grammar, such
words with which they had found in- as it was, remained the same, but its
telligible at Nootka. The Chinooks, who Lexicon drew contributions from all the
are quick in catching sounds, soon ac- various sources which have been named,

and from some others. In 1863, seven- posed a vocabulary which was very use-
teen years after my list was published, ful to other missionaries. He composed
the Smithsonian Institution put forth several canticles which the Indians
a 'Dictionary of the Chinook Jargon,' learned and sang with taste and de-
prepared by the late George Gibbs, a light. He
also translated all the Chris-
thoroughly competent investigator. His tian prayers in the same language. Such
collection comprised nearly five hun- is the origin of the Chinook Jargon,
dred words. Those of Chinook origin which enabled the two first missionaries
had almost doubled, being computed at in the country to do a great deal of
two hundred and twenty-one. The good among the Indians and half-
French had more than doubled, and com-
breeds." —
Rev. L. N. St. Onge.
Judge Swan's Opinion: "This Jargon
prised now ninety-four words.
English terms were sixty-seven. The is composed of Chinook, French and
great Salish or 'Flathead' stock, with English languages, and is supposed by
whose tribes, next to the Chinook, many to have been formed by the Hud-
the Oregon traders had the largest re- son Bay Company for trading purposes.
lations, furnishedthirty-nine words. Such, however, is not the fact. There
The Nootka, various dialects, now
in its have been constant additions to the Jar-
yielded twenty-four. The others, about gon since the advent of the Hudson Bay
forty, were due to the imitation of nat- Company, for many of the words now
ural sounds, or were of casual or un- in general use in this language are of
determined derivation. There can be no French and English origin, but I think
doubt that it will remain a living and that, among the Coast Indians in par-
useful language so long as the native ticular, the Indian part of the language
tribes continue to speak their own dia- has been in use for years. The first
lects. Rude and formless as it is, the mention I have seen made of this Jar-
spontaneous product of the commercial gon is in Meare's voyages in 1788, where
needs of mingled races, it has been the in giving an account of a chief named
source of great and varied benefits. It Callicum, who hurt his leg while climb-
may well serve, if not as a model, at ing on board ship, and then sucked the
least as a finger-post to direct us to blood from the wound, Meares states
some higher invention for subserving he "licked his lips, and, patting his
the larger uses of an advanced civiliza- belly, exclaimed, cloosh, cloosh, or good,
tion. Viewed in this light, and also as good."
presenting one of the most curious Cloosh, or klose, or close, are all the
specimens of a 'mixed language' which same, and mean good. The different
philologists have had the opportunity of manner in which words are spelled is
analyzing, the Jargon seems to merit no evidence of a difference of meaning,
a somewhat careful study."

Another View. "The Chinook Jargon
for no two writers of Indian words
fully agree as to the proper method of
was invented by the Hudson Bay Com- spelling. (Xloshe is spelled in the fol-
pany traders, who were mostly French- lowing ways: Close, Closche, Clouch,
Canadians. Having to trade with the klosche, klose, klosh, kloosli, tloos, tlosh,
numerous trib3s inhabiting the coun- tlush, etc.— Editor). Still later than
tries west of the Rocky Mountains, it this, in 1803, Jewett, in his narrative
was necessary to have a language un- of the ship Boston, at Nootka, gives a
derstood by all. Hence, the idea of vocabulary of the words in common
composing the Chinook Jargon. Fort use among the Nootkans. * * "It is
Vancouver being the principal post, the a language confined wholly, I believe,
traders of the twenty-nine forts belong- to our Northwestern possessions west
ing to the company, on the western of the Rocky Mountains. It originated
slope, and the Indians from every part in the roving, trading spirit of the
of that immense country, had to come tribes,and has been added to and in-
to Vancouver for the trading season- creased since the introduction of the
They used to learn the Chinook, and
then teach it to others. In this manner

whites among them." The Northwest
it became universally known. The two ABBREVIATION'S AND EXPLANA-
first missionaries to Oregon, Rev. F. N.
Blanchet, V. G., and his worthy com- TORY NOTES.
panion, Rev. Mod. Demers, arrived from Adj. Adjective. "The adjective pre-
Canada to Vancouver on the 24th of No- cedes the noun, as in English and Chi-
vember, 1838. They had to instruct nook; as, lasway hakatschum, silk hand-
numerous tribes of Indians, and the kerchief; mesanchie tilikum, bad peo-
wives and children of the whites, who
spoke only the Chinook. The two mis-
ple." —
Adv. Adverb. "The adverb usually
sionaries set to work to learn it, and in precedes the adjective or verb which it
a few weeks Father Demers had mas- qualifies, though itmay sometimes fol-
tered it, and began to preach. He com- low the latter." — Hale.


Belbella. Bellabella. "The popular the Chinook proper, and the Clatsop;
name of an important Kwakiutl tribe (2) Upper Chinook, which included all
living on Milbank Sd., Brit. Col. The the rest of the tribes, though with nu-
language spoken by this tribe is a merous slight dialectic differences. The
peculiar dialect of Kwakiutl, called dialects of the Lower Chinook are now
Heiltsuk from the native name of the practically extinct. Upper Chinook is
Bellabella. When voyagers first began still spoken by considerable numbers.
frequenting the N. Pacific Coast Mil- See Cathlamet, Clatsop, Wasco.
bank Id. was often visited, and its in- Chippeway. Chippewa. One of the
habitants were therefore among the first largest tribes north of Mexico, whose
to be modified by European contact." range was formerly along both shores
Hodge. See Olallie. of Lake Huron and L. Superior, extend-
(C) Chinookan family of languages. ing across Minnesota to Turtle Mts., N.
In 1841 the number of Chinook words Dakota. See Tatoosh.
in the Jargon numbered 111; in 1863, Clallam. A Salish tribe living on the
221; in 1894, 198, the number given in south side of Puget Sound, Wash., form-
this dictionary. The letters C, E., P., erly extending from Port Discovery to
N. and S. refer to the derivation of Hoko river, being bounded at each end
words, and signify Chinook, English, by the Chimakum and Makah. Subse-
French, Nootka, and Salish. See Chinook. quently they occupied Chimakum terri-
(C & E.) Chinook and English. The tory and established a village at Port
letters C.
the word.
& E. refer to the derivation of —A
Townsend. Hodge. See Toluks.
Clatsop. Chinookan tribe. The
(Can. Pr.) Canadian
Prench. The Clatsop is merely a dialect of the Chi-
Canadian voyageurs, as they are called, nook. The language is now practically
were more closely in contact with the extinct.
Indians than any others of the foreign- Clayoquot.A Nootka tribe living on
ers, from 1810 to 1855. See, bread, flour, Meares Id., and Torfino inlet, Clayoquot
overcoat, hat, axe, pipe, mill, table, box, Sd., Vancouver Id. See Chako, kokshut,
head, mouth, tongue, teeth, neck, hand, kumtuks.
foot, run, sing, dance, etc. When the Conj. Conjunction. "Only two con-
Hudson's Bay Company removed from junctions, properly speaking, are found
Oregon and Washington these Canadians
also largely left, so a large share of
in the language, pe and spose." Hale.
Cree. An important Algonquian tribe

these words of French origin have been of British America. The Cree are close-
dropped. ly related, linguistically and otherwise,
Cathlamet. A Chinookan tribe form- to the Chippewa. They were friendly
erly residing on the south bank of Co- from their first intercourse with the
lumbia river, near its mouth, in Oregon. English and the French and the Hud-
They adjoined the Clatsop. As a dialect, son Bay Co. See Mitass, moosmoos,
Cathlamet was spoken by a number of Siskiyou.
Chinookan tribes on both sides of the Ex. Example.
Columbia, extending up the river as far (E.) English. "The words of English
as Rainier. It is regarded as belonging origin numbered in 1841, 41; in 1863,
to the upper Chinook division of the 67, and in 1904, 570. Many words of
family. —
Hodge. See, Skwis-kwis.
Chihalis. Chehalis. A collective name
French and Indian origin have been
dropped. The English words are used
for several Salishan tribes on Chehalis both by Indians and whites when they
river and its affluents, and on Grays talk Chinook, and so have become a part
Harbor, Wash. By many writers fhey of the language." Eells. —
are divided into Upper Chehalis, dwell- (P.) French. In 1841, 34 words of
ing above Satsop river, and the Lower French origin were in use, in 1863, 94
Chehalis, from that point down. This words, and in 1894, 153 words. For
dictionary gives 36 words of Chehalis words of French origin see letter L.
origin. See Elip, moosum, etc. About thirty words are in use now, and
Chinook (from Tsinuk, their Chehalis these will soon be dropped, as they are
name). The Chinook were first de- seldom used, except by the old folks.
scribed by Lewis and Clark in 1805, Interj. Interjection. Of these there
though they had been known to traders are sixteen words and two phrases.
for at least 12 years previously. From (J) Jargon. Words marked J are con-
their proximity to Astoria and their in- sidered to be the peculiar property of
timate relations with the early traders, the Jargon, as having been formed
the Chinook soon became well known, either in imitation of sounds or by some
and their language formed the basis for casual invention. Hale. — Seee Onoma.
the widely spread Chinook Jargon. Kalapuya. Kalapooian Family. A
Linguistically they were divided into group of tribes formerly occupying tho
two groups: (1) Lower Chinook, com- valley of Willamette river, N. W. Ore-
prising two slightly different dialects, gon, and speaking a distinct stock Ian-

Xlaokwat. See Clayoquot.
these words
is not greater.
tintin, poo, tiktik,
— Hale.
tumtum, turn-

Xlikatat. Klikitat. A
Shahaptian wata, mahsh, klak, etc.
tribe whose former seat was at the head prep. Preposition. There are nine
waters of the Cowlitz, Lewis, White words and three phrases which are used
Salmon, and Klickitat rivers, north of as prepositions. The principal words
Columbia river, in Klickitat and Skama- are kopa saghalie, over; keekwulee, un-
nia counties, Wash. Their eastern neigh- der; and kunamokst, with; kopa is, how-
bors were the Yakima, who speak a ever, used more than all the others, as
closely related language, and on the it has a great variety of meanings,
west they were met by various Salishan which can only be known by the con-
and Chinookan tribes. They were en- nection, some of which are entirely op-
terprising traders, widely known as in- posite to each other.
termediaries between the Coast tribes pron. Pronoun. The pronouns are ten
and those living east of the Cascade in number in the words and seven in
range. The Topenish are probably their the phrases, nearly all the latter being
nearest relatives. Hodge.
moos, Nawitka, Hoolliool.
— See Moos- formed by the addition of self to the
personal pronouns, as mika self, etc.
lummi. A Salish tribe on and inland Quaere u. d. Unknown or of unde-
from Bellingham Bay, N. W. Wash. termined derivation. Unmarked words
The Lummi are now under the jurisdic- are of doubtful origin.
tion of the Tulalip school superintend- (S.) Salish. "Salishan tribes held the
ent, Washington. See Kullagfhan. entire northwestern part of Washington,
Makah. The southernmost tribe of including the whole of the Puget Sound
the Wakashan stock, the only one within region, except only the Macaw territory
the United States. They belong to the about Cape Flattery, and two insignifi-
Nootka branch. By treaty of Neah Bay, cant spots, one near Port Townsend,
Wash., Jan. 31, 1855. the Makah ceded the other on the Pacific coast to the
all their lands at the mouth of the south of Cape Flattery, which were
Strait of Fuca except the im-
mediate area including Cape Flattery.
occupied by Chimakuan tribes. Pilling. —
Tokwaht. Merely a dialect of the
The Ozette reservation was established Nootka.

by order of April 12, 1893. Hodge. See Twana. A Puget Sound tribe, former-
Kloslie, Mahkook. ly Twana, but later known as Skoko-
n. Noun. "There are far more nouns mish; west side Hood's Canal to the
in the language than there are words Olympics, from Skokomish river on the
in any other part of speech or even in south to Quilcene, near Port Townsend,
all the other parts combined." Eells.
(N.) The letter N. refers to the deri-
— on the north.
v. Verb. Verbs come third in num-
vation of the word, and signifies Nootka. ber in the words, being- exceeded by
Nootkas, the conventional generic name nouns and adjectives, and second in
of all the tribes in Vancouver and oppo- phrases, and second in both combined.
site coast, many of whom speak totally The word mamook placed before vari-
different languages.
(N. & E.)

The letters N. & E. refer
ous other words forms 209 of these
to the derivation of the word, and sig- Wasco. A Sahaptin (Columbia) tribe,
nify Nootka and English. between the Rocky Mountains and the
Nisqually. "A Puget Sound (Colum- John Day river.
bian) nation, with many sub-tribes Yakama. The Yakima and Klikitat
whose names end mostly in mish, and are dialects of one of the Sahaptin lan-
will thus be recognized without requir- guages.
ing to be indexed. Keane.

The Tokwaht, Nittinat and BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTES.
Makah quoted in the dictionary are Allen.. Ten Years in Oregon. Ithaca,
dialects of the Nootka. (Ants.") The 1848; 1850; Thrilling adventures, N. Y.
generic name of most of the tribes on 1859.
the west coast of Vancouver Island. All Armstrong*. Oregon. Chicago, 1857.
speak dialects of the same language. Bancroft. The Native Races, vol. 3,
See klatawa, mahkook, mowitsh, peshak, pp. 556-557-631-635. S. F., 1882.
wawa, winapie. Blanchet. Dictionary. McCormick,
Onoma. Onomatopoeia. Eight or ten Portland, 1856; 1862; 1868; 1873; 1878;
words were made by what grammarians 1879.
term onomatopoeia that —
is, were
formed by a rude attempt to imitate
Boas. Chinook Jargon Songs, in Jl.
Am. Folk-lore, vol. 1, 1888.
sound, and are therefore the sole and Bolduc. Mission de la Colombie. Que-
original property of the Jargon. Con- bec, 1843.
sidering its mode of formation, one is Buchanan. Elementary lessons in the
rather surprised that the number of Chinook Jargon as used by the Indians
of Puget Sound. (Mss.) Tulalip, 1900. able to note a great share of the changes
Chamberlain. Words of Algonkian or- which have taken place. The dictiona-
igin in the Chinook Jargon, in Science, ries of Gill, Hibben, Tate, Lowman and
vol. 18, 1891. Hanford and Good are all small; are in
Charency. Review of Horatio Hale's as condensed form as possible, being in-
"International Idiom," in Le Museon. vol. tended for pocket use for travellers,
10, 1891. traders and learners, and in this way
Cloug-h. On the existence of mixed have done good work for what they were
languages. London, 1876. intended. The two latter, however, only
Cook. A voyage to the Pacific Oceon, have the Chinook English part. The
vol. 2, pp. 335-336; vol. 3, pp. 540-546. dictionary of Durieu is very meager,
London, 1785. while that of Demers and St. Onge is
Coomes. Dictionary. Seattle, 1891. out of print, and both are intended rath-
Cox. Adventures on the Columbia Riv- er more for use by the Catholics than
er, vol. 2, p. 134. London, 1831. The Co- by the public." . ."Having used it

lumbia River. London, 1832 (2 vols). (Jargon) for eighteen years, having
Adventures on the Columbia River. N. talked in it, sung in it, prayed and
Y., 1832. preached in it, translated considerable
Crane. The Chinook Jargon; a review into it, and thought in it, I thought I
of Hale, in Brighton (England) Herald, knew a little about the language, but
no. 4883, p. 4, July 12, 1890. when I began to write this dictionary I
Demers. Definitio Dogmatis Immac- found that there was very much which
ulatae Conceptionis Beatissimae. (The I did not- know about it, but which I
Dogma is first given in latin, followed by wished to know in order to make this
the translation into the Chinook Jargon.) dictionary as perfect as it should be.
Typis Joannis Mariae Shea, Neo Ebora- This is especially so in regard to the
censis, 1860. pronunciation of words which are not
Demers, Blanchet, and St. Ongfe. Dic- used on Puget Sound, the introduction of
tionary, Catechism, Prayers' and Hymns. new words, and the marking of those
Montreal, 1871. which are obsolete. In preparing these
Dictionary of Indian Tongues pages, I have tried to note the follow-
Hydah, and Chinook Jar-
Victoria, 1862; 1865.
. . .

ing items, the different ways of spell-
ing each word with the authority for
Dictionary of the Chinook Jargon. each, the proper pronunciation, the ori-
(For the most part a reprint, with omis- gin, part of speech, meaning, the place
sions, of Gibbs-Pilling). Victoria, 1871; where it is used, if used at all, a sen-
1877; 1883; 1887; 1889, etc., to 1908. tence or more to show the use of a large
Dictionary of the Chinook Jargon. share of the words, and the phrases
Olympia, 1873. which are derived from a combination
Dunn. History of the Oregon Terri- of words, which answer to a single word
tory. London, 1844; 1846.
Durieu. Bible History translat-. .
in English."
March, 1893.

Skokomish, Union City,

How Languages Grow,

ed into the Chinook Jargon.
N. Y., Cincinnati,
Chicago, and Kam-
vance, March 25, and July 8, 1875, re-
lates wholly to the Chinook Jargon. Chi-
loops, B.C, 1893.
Eells. Manuscript Dictionary of the cago, 1875. Hymns in the Chinook Jar-
Chinook Jargon, 5 vols, folio. Note from gon, Portland, 1878; 1889. The Chinook
Eells' Introduction: "A number of dic- Jargon, in the Seattle Weekly Post-In-
tionaries have been published in the telligencer, vol. 1, no. 52, p. 4, column 8,
Chinook Jargon language, and it may Seattle, September 29, 1882. History of
seem superfluous to write another; still Indian Missions, Philadelphia, 1882. Ten
thus far all of them are small and are Years of Missionary Work. Boston, 1886.
based on the language as it was forty or The Twana, Chemakum, and Klallam In-
fifty years ago. Gibbs' Dictionary was dians, in Smithsonian Institution, Annual
for many years by far the best, and is Rept. of the Board of Regents for 1887,
yet in many respects, as it gives the ori- part 1, pp. 605-681. Washington, 1889.
gin of nearly all the words and much Aboriginal geographic names in the state
other valuable information, but it was of Washington, in American Anthropol-
written nearly forty years ago. I have ogist, vol. 5, pp. 27-35. Washington, 1892.
used it very much in preparing this Gallatin. Hale's Indians of N. W.
work. Hale's Trade Language of Ore- America, in American Ethnological Soc.
gon or Chinook Jargon is recent and is Trans., vol 2. N. Y., 1848.
excellent, especially in its Introductory Gatschet. Indian languages of the
part; far better than any which preceded Pacific states and territories, in Maga-
it, but that excellent man and scholar zine of American Hist., vol. 1, pp. 145-
has labored under the disadvantage of 171. N. Y., 1877.
not having mingled much with those Gibbs. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Col-
who have used the language for lections (161), A Dictionary of the Chi-
about fifty years, and so has been un- nook Jargon. Washington, 1863. N. Y.,


Cramoisy press, 1863. an Languages, including the Chinook
Gill. Dictionary, (ninth edition), Port- Jargon, Washington, 1893. Bibliography
land, 1882; 1884; 1887; 1889; 1891. of the Salishan Languages, Washington,
Good. Dictionary. Victoria, 1880. 1893. Bibliography of the Wakashan
Green. Extracts from the report of an Languages, Washington, 1894.
exploring tour on the N. W. coast of Prosch. Dictionary of the Chinook,
America in 1829. in the missionary Her- Seattle, 1888.
ald, vol. 26, pp. 343-345. Boston, 1830. Beade. Chinook versus. Greek, in
Haines. The American Indian. Chi- Montreal Gazette, vol. 119, no. 239, p. 4,
cago, 1888. October 6, 1890.
Hale. United States exploring expedi- Boss. Adventures of the First Settlers
tion, 6, Philadelphia,
vol. 1846. An In- on the Oregon or Columbia River, Lon-
ternational Idiom. London, 1890. don, 1849.
Hazlitt. British Columbia and "Van- Schoolcraft. Indian Tribes of the
couver Island. London, 1858. The Great United States, vol. 5, pp. 548-551, Phila-
Gold Fields of Cariboo. London, 1862. delphia, 1851-1857; Philadelphia, 1884, 2
Jewitt. A narrative of the adventures vols.
and sufferings of John R. Jewitt, (writ-
ten by Roland Alsop). Middletown, 1815.
— Scouler. Observations on the Indigen-
ous tribes of the N. W. coast of Amer-
Second edition, 1815. N. Y., 1816; Mid- ica, in Royal Geog. Soc. of London, Jour,
dletown, 1816; Middletown, 1820; Edin- vol 11, pp. 215-251, London, 1841. On
burgh, 1824; Ithaca, 1849, 1851. The the Indian Tribes inhabiting the North-
Captive of Nootka, by Peter Parley, west Coast of America, in Edinburgh
Philadelphia, 1861; 1869, and various oth- New Philosophical Jour., vol. 41, pp. 168-
er editions. 192, Edinburgh, 1846. Reprinted in the
Latham. The natural history of the Ethnological Soc. of London Jour., vol.
varieties of man, London, 1850. 1, pp. 228-252, Edinburgh, n. d.
Lee and Frost. Ten years in Oregon, Sproat. Scenes and Studies of Savage
N. Y., 1844. Life, London, 1868.
Le Jeune. Practical Chinook Jargon Stuart. Montana as it is, New York,
vocabulary, Kamloops, 1886, 1892. Kam- 1865.
loops Wawa, a periodical in the Chinook Swan. The Northwest Coast; or, Three
Jargon, 1891, etc. Chinook Primer, Years' Residence in Washington Terri-
Chinook and Shorthand, 1892. tory, New York. 1857; London. 1857.
Leland. The Chinook Jargon, in St. Tate. Chinook, as spoken by the In-
James Gazette, vol. 17, no. 2529, p. 6, dians of Washington Territory, British
London, July 13, 1888. An International Columbia and Alaska, Victoria, 1889.
Idiom, a review of Hale, in the Saturday Tylor. Primitive Culture, London,
Review, vol. 30, no. 1822, pp. 377-378, 1871; Boston. 1874; New York, 1874; 1877.
London, Sept. 27, 1890. Western Volapuk. A review of Hale,
Lionnet. Vocabulary, Washington, in the Critic, vol. 14, pp. 201-202, N. Y.,
1853. 1890.
Macdonald. British Columbia and Van- Wilson. Prehistoric Man, vol. 2, pp.
couver's Island, London, 1862. 429-432, London, 1862; London, 1865, pp.
Macfie. Vancouver Id. and B. C, Lon- 586-588; London, 1876, vol. 2, pp. 334-338.
don, 1865. Winthrop. The Canoe and the Sad-
Macleod. History of the Devotion to dle, adventures among the northwestern
the Blessed Virgin Mary in America, New rivers and forests; and Isthmania, Bos-
York, 1866. ton. 1863 (various editions).
Montgomerie and De Horsey. A Few NOTES FROM GIBBS' DICTIONARY.
Words collected from the languages "Parker's Journal," pp. 336-388, "Vo-
spoken by the Indians in the neighbor- cabulary of the Chenook Language, as
hood of the Columbia River and Puget's spoken about Fort Vancouver.
Sound, London, 1848. Hale's Ethnography and Philology of
Nicoll. The Chinook language or Jar- the United States Exploring Expedition,
gon, in Popular Science Monthly, vol. 35, pp. 636-650. A vocabulary of the "Jar-
pp. 257-261, N. Y., 1889. gon or Trade Language of Oregon," with
Norris. The Calumet of the Coteau, an essay thereon, and phrases. A par-
Philadelphia, 1883. tial reprint of the above, in Transactions
Palmer. Journal of Travels over the of the American Ethnological Society, 2
Rocky Mountains, Cincinnati, 1847; 1850; N.
vols., 1845-1848. in
Y., vol. pp. 62-70.
1851; 1852.
Parker. Journal of an exploring tour
— under of "Hale's
North West America."
Indians of

beyond the Rocky Mountains ... in Bolduc's "Mission de la Columbie."

the years 1835-'37,
Ithaca, 1838; 1840; The Lord's Prayer in Jargon, "et quel-
1842; 1844; Auburn, 1846. ques mots Tchinoucs et Sneomus." The
Phillips. Totem Tales, Chicago, sev- Snohomish is a tribe of Puget Sound.
eral editions. The Chinook words are merely Jargon.
Pilling". Bibliography of the Chinook- Palmer's Journal, pp. 147-152. "Words
used in the Chinook Jargon." The environment always affects the lan-
Ross. Adventures of the First Set- guage."
tlers on the Oregon or Columbia River. Gibbs. "This was by far the best dic-
Ross gives a "Chinook Vocabulary," pp. tionary at that time and will ever re-
342-348, and words of the "mixed dia- main a standard authority on the lan-
lect," p. 349. His Chinook is, however, guage of that time. In the Chinook-
also impure. English Part are 490 words, and in the
Lee and Prost. "A short vocabulary English-Chinook. 792."
of the Clatsop dialect." This is likewise Winthrop. "Two hundred and sixty-
Jargon. one Chinook words. There is no Eng-
Schoolcraft. History, &c, of the In- lish-Chinook part.
dian Tribes of the U. S. Lieut. G. P. Hibben. "The author's name is not
Emmons sives a brief "Klatsop Vocabu- given, but it is believed to be Lionnet.
lary," in Part 3, pp. 223-224, which is of It gives very nearly the same words as
the same character. Note 1, to article, Gibbs in both parts."
"Philosophy of Utterance," Part 5, pp. Good. "It has no Chinook-English
548-551, a "vocabulary of the Chinook part. In the English-Chinook he gives
Jargon." 825 words."
Lionnet. Vocabulary. Printed by the Durieu. "431 Chinook Jargon words.
Smithsonian Institution, for private dis- No English-Chinook part."
tribution. Tate. "It follows Gibbs very closely."
Swan. N. W. Coast, pp. 412-422. "A Hale. "473 Chinook Jargon words; 634
vocabulary of the Chehalis and Chenook in the English-Chinook part."
or Jargon Languages, with the deriva- Gill. "This with its predecessors has
tion of the words used in the latter." been the standard for Oregon for over
Winthrop. The Canoe and the Saddle, thirty years. It was first published by
pp. 299-302. "A partial vocabulary of the S. J. McCormick, and its latest reviser
Chinook Jargon." is Rev. W. C. Chatten. In the Chinook-
Dunn. History of the Oregon Terri- English part are 560 words, and in the
tory. "A few specimens of the language English-Chinook, 1378."
of the Millbank and Chinook tribes." Coomes. [L. & H.] "It follows Gill
Chinook tribe: 50 words and phrases, in- very closely in its Chinook-English part
cluding digits. These words, as usual, and has no English Chinook part."
are in great part "Jargon," and belong to Boas. "Gives a short vocabulary of 75
the Nootkan, not to the Chinook." words in the Journal of American Folk
NOTES FBOM EELLS' MANUSCRIPT Lore, pp. 225-226, obtained at Victoria,
DICTIONARY. B. C, and 24 words, obtained at Shoal-
Parker "gives 103 words and phrases." —
water Bay, Wash. in Science, March 4,
St. Ong-e "gives 787 Chinook words and 1892, p. 129. A few words are also given
phrases with no English-Chinook part." by authority of Dr. W. CMcKay, late
Lee and Prost. "In the appendix are of Pendleton, Oregon."
50 words which the authors say are in "A comparison of these dictionaries
the Clatsop dialect, but which Gibbs says shows Gibbs to be the most scientific and
are in the Jargon. I think some are thorough in all things except the spell-
Clatsop, but some are undoubtedly Jar- ing. Hibben and Tate agree with it very
gon." closely. Hale is a little more independ-
Dunn. "Thirty Chinook Jargon words ent, but gives the best grammar and lit-
and expressions." erature of all. Gill's is the fullest, and
Swan. "In the appendix is quite a full is still more independent. Lowman and

vocabulary, 327 words. Judge Swan
lived on Shoalwater Bay, Wash., near
Hanford's (Coomes) is almost exactly
like the Chinook-English part of Gill's.
the Chehalis and Chinook Indians, and he St. Onge's is entirely independent of
gives quite a number of words which all the others, and the most scientific in
are given by no other writer, which he the spelling; Durieu's is meagre, but
says are of Chehalis origin. Gibbs re- more nearly like St. Onge's than any oth-
jects many of these, because he thinks er in regard to spelling. Good's is the
that Swan imperceptibly used them as most modern, omitting many obsolete
Chinook Jargon, but that they did not words, and introducing many new ones,
properly belong to the language, but to but his spelling is at fault, as he often
the Chehalis. I have inserted them as spells the same words in different ways,
being a part of the Jargon of that region even three or four ways. The rest of the
at that time, as certainly many English dictionaries are local and small, but valu-
words now in use on Puget Sound are a able because gathered so early."
part of the Jargon of this time and place.



Ex.: Anhkuttie mama, a grand-
mother. Ahnkuttie papa, a grandfa-
A ther; an ancestor; forefather; progen-
Ahnkuttie tillikums, ancestors;

people. Ahnkuttie tillikums

Ahn'-kut-tie, or Ah'n-kut-te, adv. (C)
laly, —
long ago.

wawa, traditions. Ahnkuttie
(Chinook.-ankutti.) Formerly; before "Time: Present, Past and Future. In
now; long- ago; anciently; ago. (With indicating time in the Chinook jargon
the accent prolonged on the first the verb does not change its form at all;
syllable, a very long time ago; an- it is absolutely inflexible as far as
ciently. The longer the first syllable is change of the word form is concerned,
held, the longer the time expressed.) and the idea of time is added fey adding
Example: Hyas anhkuttie, a very long
Tenas ahnkuttie, a little

a word to indicate that thus alki (by
time ago.
while ago. Kunjin laly ahnkuttie? — and by), after awhile, in the future) to
indicate future time; ahncutty (in the
how long ago? Tahtlum sun ahnkuttie, past, some time ago, a long time ago,
— ten days ago.
lit., far ago.

(Siah ahnkuttie, very
A great deal is
once upon a time) to indicate past time;
ancient, and alta (now) to indicate present time
expressed by the mere stress of the where it is important to emphasize the
voice; hyas
syllable — —
dwelling long on the last
exceedingly great;
fact that present time and only pres-
ent time is indicated. Ordinarily if the
hyak, very quick; hiyu, a great many; time is omitted or not specified it is un-
tenas, very small, &c.) Delate ahnkut- derstood to be present time, naturally.
tie,— very long ago. "In Chinook the Intensity of meaning or duration of time
verb is absolutely inflexible, it never may also be indicated by prolongation
changes its form for mood, tense or any- of the sounding of a word, thus: laly
thing else; these are always indicated
by the agglutination of a word indicat-
(time) —
la-a-a-aly (a long time).
is based upon an instinctive principle
ing the mood, tense, etc. The idea of common to all tongues, just as we in
tense is most simple and rudimentary, English phonetically indicate prolonga-
that is, past, present and future; ahn- tion of time or extension in space or in-
— "A
kuttie, alta, alki." — Buchanan.
Chinook word is elastic and
tensity of feeling by means of the into-
Note nation. So we say 'a long time' and 'a
expresses a broad and general idea rath-
er than one altogether specific, hence the
lo-o-o-o-ng time." Buchanan.
— —
Note "A thorough knowledge of a few
extreme elasticity of the Chinook jar- dozen words will give one sufficient ma-
gon. Specific ideas must be expressed by terial with which, after actual practice,
qualifiers or modifiers added to the word, to carry on ordinary conversations. In
as will be readily seen in practice. Each practice the sentences are built up by
word is a tool whose general uses and agglutination or association of words,
whose specific uses must be mastered be- just as a child builds houses and various
fore successful work can be done or sat- other wonderful structures from its
isfactory progress be made." Buch-— blocks. In so doing there is always a

Note. The letters (C). (E)., (P).,

f doubtful or undetermined origin. The
(N). and (S). refer to the derivation of cognates follow in parenthesis, as, (C).
words, and signify Chinook, English, (Chinook,-ankutti). A pronouncing vo-
French, Nootka, and Salish. Words cabulary immediately follows the list
marked (J) are considered to be the pe- of useful words. A supplemental vocab-
culiar property of the Jargon, as hav- ulary of archaic or unusual words comes
ing been formed either in imitation of next. Then follows the English-Chinook
sounds or by some casual invention. part. (See Explanatory notes.)
Words marked (Quaere u. d.) are of
— —


very wide sphere for the exercise of in- When it is absolutely necessary to dis-
genuity on the part of the speaker, and tinguish time, certain adverbs are em-
upon this, in a measure, depends the ployed: as chee, alta, alki, ahnkuttie,
skill with which he may handle Chinook okoke-sun, tomolla, tahlkie, ikt tahlkie."
and convey his thoughts therein. The —Hale.
jargon is essentially a spoken and not a Al'-ta, or Al'tah, adv. (C). (Chinook,
written tongue it is very much alive. altakh). Now, at the present time. Ex.:
Spelling*. There are no hard and fast
rules for the spelling of words, and ev-
eryone in writing Chinook follows the
Alta yaka chako,
alta, —not alta,
— —amnowstrong
he comes.
dictates of his own judgment in the Ats,
n. (C). (Chinook,-ats. Yakima,-
fabrication of phonetic equivalents, atse). A
sister; a young-er sister. In
which are at best only approximations." the original, only when used by her
— Buchanan.
"It may not at first be easy to com-
prehend how a language composed of so
— —
Ex.: Elip ats, an older sis
Ats yaka man, a brother-in-law.
or papa yaka ats, an aunt, (see
few words, thus inartificially combined, kahpho). "Sister is used on Puget
can be extensively used as the sole me- Sound. Sister yaka tenas klootchman,
dium of communication among many
thousand individuals. . .But it
— a niece."— Boas.
becoming obsolete.)
(The word Ats is
is in the faculty of combining and com-
pounding its simple vocables a power —
which it doubtless derives, in some de-
gree, from its connection with the In-

dian tongues that the jargon has its
capacity for expression almost indefi-
nitely extended. Three or four hundred Boat, n. (English, idem). A boat, as
words may be learned without difficulty distinguished from a canoe; a skiff.
in a week or two, and a very short time Ex.: Kopa boat, aboard.

kopa boat, overboard.

will make the learner familiar with
their ordinary use and construction. He Book, n. (English, -idem). A book;
will then have no difficulty in under- volume; pocketbook. Example: Sagha-
standing the numerous compounds lie Tyee yaka book, — The Bible. (Lit-
erally, — God, his book). Tenas book, —
which, if they had been simple words,
would have cost him much additional a pamphlet. Book yaka mamook kum-
bour." —Hale. la-
tuks nesika kopa —a geography.
Book yaka mamook kumtuks nesika
Al'-ki, adv. (C). (Chinook, alekh). In
the future; by and by; after a while; —
kopa kwunnum, an arithmetic.
yaka mamook kumtuks nesika kopa la-
soon; presently; directly; in a little
while; hold on; not so fast. "The sign —
lang, a grammar. Book yaka mamook
kumtuks nesika kopa nesika, a phy- —
of the future tense, shall or will. The
days of the week, and the number of siology. Book yaka mamook kumtuks
weeks, months and years are also used nesika kopa stone, a geology. —
Bos'-ton, n., adj. An American; Amer-
to designate the tenses." Ex.:

Nika kumtuks, I understand.
Nika ican. A name derived from the nailing-

kumtuks alta, I understand now. Nika

kumtuks ahnkuttie, I understood; I
place of the
Example: .Boston
trading ships to the
understood some time ago. United States. Mika kumtuks Boston

Nika kumtuks alki, I will under- wawa?— do you understand English?
stand; I will understand by and by; I —
Boston plie, protestantism.
siwash-sitkum-Boston, a half-breed. — Sitkum-
will understand after a while. This
indicates the manner of indicating By-by, adv. (E). By-and-by; after a
tense, that is. indicating time.
chanan." September 25, 1851.
" —
while; sometime hence. It means a
longer time in the future than alki, but
looking around Low and Terry con- like that is used for shall or will as a
cluded to locate a townsite, and with sign of future time. With the accent
that view made a joint location on Alki on the first syllable, prolonged, it means
Point. The Terrys being New Yorkers, a very long time hence.
first named the place New York, but
afterwards changed it to Alki which all
old settlers know signifies "by and by,"

"before long". A. A. Denny. Tenas
alki,— in a little while. Alki nika klata-
— —
wa, I will go presently. Iskum dolla,
alki pay, to borrow. Ca-nim, n. (C). (Chinook,-Ekanim).
Alki nesika klatawa kopa nika boat, — A Canim stick, the cedar
canoe. .Ex.: —
soon we will go in my boat. or wood from which canoes are usually
"In general the tense of the verb is made. Klatawa kopa canim, to em- —
left to be inferred from the context. bark.
— — I I;


n. (E). (French,-Capot). A tsikamen;Nootka,
— sickaminny
— (Cook). (Jewitt)
Iron; metal; met-
Cha'-ko, cfcah'-ko, or chahco, v. (N). allic; steel; money; cash; mineral. Ex-
Nootlra, clayoquot, chako; Tokwaht,
tchokwa). To come; to approach; to be
— ample:
T'kope chikamin, (white metal),
Pil chikamin, or chikamin pil
or become. "In this latter sense it
forms the passive voice in connection
with many other words. Often it is
lope, — ——
(yellow metal), gold or copper. Chika-
min wire; a chain.
tikegfh chikamin, very
Nika hyas
much wish
joined with adjectives and nouns, and money.
Illahee kah chikamin mitlite, —
forms other verbs. Yaka chako paht- mines.
lum, he drunk; nika chako keekwulee, Chik'-chik, (Tsik'-tsik, or Tchik'-
— is
I am degraded; yaka chako stone, it — tchik), n. (J). By onoma. A waqron;
is petrified. Perhaps more properly the a cart; a wheel; any wheeled vehicle.
word in this connection to become, than
to be, at least it is often so, as in the
Example: Tsiktsik wayhut, a wagon-
road. Nika chako kopa chikchik,
— —
latter example the meaning would also came in a wagon. Fiah chikchik, rail-
be, —to become stone; chako rotten, is — road cars. Lolo kopa chikchik, to haul
to become rotten. in a wagon.
passive voice
Occasionally too the
is shown by placing the —
Chinook * (Chinook Indians). These
word iskum before the main word, as, Indians formerly lived near the mouth
yaka iskum kow, he is arrested." — of the Columbia river, where the Chi-
Eells. Ex.: Nika chako kopa Poteland, nook Jargon language was mainly de-
— I came from Portland.
— Kloshe mika
hyak chako, good you come quick.
veloped in its formative period, and
hence more words were adopted into it
ally, is coming).

Chuck chako, the tide is rising (liter-
Chuck chako pe klata-
from that language than any other In-
dian language, and so its name was

wa, the tides. Halo chako, to linger.
Wake kunjih yaka chako halo, Indel-
— — given to the language. Properly speak-
ing the Chinook language means the old

lible, (literally, —
never will it become
Chako Boston, to become an — Chinook, and the Chinook Jargon the
gone). language described in this dictionary;
American; often said of Indians who are but the old Chinook is about obsolete,
becoming civilized like white people. and for the save of brevity, Chinook

Chako delate, to become right, true, or
Cha^o delate till, to become ex- — wawa means in common
the Chinook Jargon, while the proper
hausted. Chako hyas turn turn, to be-
come proud. Chako huloima, to vary;
to become different. Chako kah nika
—— language of the Chinook tribe is called
the Old Chinook. The Chinook land and
Chinook Indians have, however, refer-

nanitch, to appear. Chako kloshe turn- ence to the tribe as it formerly existed.

turn, to love; to reform; to become-
friendly; to get a good heart. Chako
Chinook wind. The Chinook is always

kloshe, to get well: to become good.
Chako kunamokst, to congregate; as- — a strong, steady southerly wind, never
from any other point of the compass,
semble; convene; unless it be slightly southwesterly.
Chako mimolouse, to die; to become —meet: unite; join.
is distinctly n^culiar to the Northwest

rotten: to become decayed (as potatoes Pacific coast and its s.ource is far out in
or vegetables).
come drunk.
Chako pahtlum, to be-
Chako skookum, to be-
come stronsr, esoecially after a sickness,
—— the nasty storm center of the Pacific
ocean, emanating from the famed Japan
current, which is the source of the re-
to show complete recovery. Chako sol- markable humidity of the North Pacific

leks. to become angry; to quarrel.

Chako pelton. to become foolish; to be

Chinook canim, the large canoe used
cheated. Chako waum tumtum, to be — —
on Puget Sound. Chinook illahee, the
earnest: to become excited. Chako land of the Chinook Indians.

youtl tumtum, to become glad; to be
Chako polaklie. to become dark;— —
tillikums, the Chinook Indians. Chi-
nook wawa, — the Chirook languaere. Ex-
night is coming Chako oleman, to be-

come old. Chako halo, to be destroyed;— — ample: Mika kumtux Chinook wawa? Do
you understand the Chinook language?
to disappear; to vanish; to be all srone. Chitsh. n. (S). ( Chehalis.-tshitsh). A
Chako elip hiyu,
—— to exceed. Chako grandmother. (Gibbs, Gill, Hibben, St.
kunamokst nika- come with me. Onge and Swan, give chope for grand-
Chee, adv., adj. (C).
(Chinook,-t'shi). father; but Hale and Tate erive the
latelv; just now; new; fresh; original; meaning as grandfather and chope as
recent. Example: Chee nika ko, — grandmother. Eells says "I never heard
have just arrived.
new, very new. Chee chako, a new
Hyas chee, ——entirely either word used on Puget Sound." Eells
gives the following: Ex.: Grandmother,
comer; just arrived. Delate chee, en- — — mama yaka mama; grandmama; nits.
tirely new. Klootchman yaka chee ma- Fana yaka nap a, grandfather. — Tenas

lieh, a bride.
Tenas yaka tenas man, grandson. Te-
yaka tenas klootchman, granddaughter.
Chik'-a-min, n., adj. (N). (Tokwaht,-
— — a


nas yaka tenas, grandchild.
Chope, n. (S). (Chihalis,-tshup). A
often been adopted into English in the
region where the Chinook is used. Of
grandfather. (Hale says, a grand-
mother). See chitsh.
these may be mentioned cultus, good —
for nothing, with also twenty-three other
Chuck, n. (N). (Nootka.-Chauk (Cook); meanings. Kloshe, with its forty-two

Chahak, fresh water (Jewitt); Chinook,- meanings; Kloshe nanitch, with its
Tltsuk (Shortess); Clatsop.-TTchukw). eighteen meanings; Tamahnous, sorcery,
Water; a river or stream. Example: yet referring as a noun, adjective and
Salt chuck, the sea; skookum chuck, — verb, to anything supernatural, or in
(powerful water), a —
rapid; solleks the spirit world between Satan on the

chuck, a rough sea; chuck chahko or
kalipi,— the tide rises or falls; saghali
one hand and God on the other: TUmtum,
mind, with its fifteen meanings; and
and keekwillie chuck, high and low
Kah mitlite chuck? where is the
talk, with its sixty-five mean-
Example: Cultus man, —
water? Muchamuck chuck, to drink
water. Olo kopa chuck, thirsty. — — worthless fellow. Cultus potlatch,
present or free gift; a benefaction.

Cly, or kely, v. (E). To cry, lament; —
Cultes heehee, a jest; merely laughing.
mourning", weeping*. Ex.: Cly tumtum,
— to cry in the heart; to feel sorry; to
repent; to mourn; to be full of grief or
— — —
Cultus nannitsh, to look around. Cultus
mitlite, to sit idle; to do nothing. Cul-
tus klatawa, to stroll. Cultus eena, —
emotion; "more deep in feeling than sick muskrat. Ques. "What do you want?
tumtum." — Eells. Ans. Cultus, i. e., nothing. Cultus kopa
Cole, adj.
— Cold; a year.
Hyas cole, very cold; freezing. Cole
Ex.: —
mika, none of your business; nothing

Cultus kopa nika, I do not
to you.
illahee, —
winter. Cole snass,
chuck, —

hail; snow. care; nothing to me. Cultus potlatch
Cole cold water.
ice; Cole sick,
— ague; a cold. Cole sick-waum sick, — counsel.

tumtum, to give advice; to advise; to

Cultus wawa, a joke; a jest;
fever and ague. Ikt cole, — a year. Taht- nonsense; rumor; tattle; report. Delate
lum cole, — ten years. Ikt tukamonuk — no manner of use. "Cultus, —
Kah cole chako, —
cole, — a century. idle, aimless, worthless; also bad, in the
north. Kah delate cole mitlite, — Arctic. sense of having no value, that is being
Coo'-ley, v. (Trench, Courez, imp.
(P). useless."— Buchanan.
of Courir). To run; go about; play;
walk; travel. Example: Cooley kiua-
tan, a race-horse; yahka hyas kumtuks
cooley, he can, i. e., knows how to run
well. —
Cultus cooley, to saunter; ram-
ble; stroll. Hyak cooley,
to run; canter;
go fast. Kopet cooley, to halt; to stop.
Mamook cooley kopa huloima lalang, — De-late', or De-lett, adj., adv. (P).
(Prench,-droite). Straight; direct; with-

— to make
go in another language; out equivocation; true; truly, exactly;
correct; exact; g-enuine; just; plain; pre-
Co'-sho, n. (P). (Prench,-cochon). A cise; really; thorough; sincerely; surely;
hog; pork; pig; swine; ham; bacon. Ex- sincere; sure; accurate; verily; un-

Indian pig.
— —
ample: Siwash cosho, a seal; literally,
— Dly cosho, bacon; ham.
doubted; authentic; certain; definite;
definitely; erect; very; correctly. Ex-
Kloochman cosho. a sow. Tenas cosho, ample: —
Klatawa delate, go straight
— —
a pig. Cosho gdease, lard. Cosho itl- —
Delate wawa, tell the truth; a fact:
willie, — pork. promise; true talk. Delate kwinnum
Court, n.(E). A court. Ex.: Haul —
cole ahnkuttie, just five years ago. De-
— Wake delate,
kopa court, — to try court. Hyas court,
in late nika sick tumtum, I am very sorry.
— supreme court. Mamook court, — to Okoke delate, — right. is
hold court. Tzum man kopa court, — — it
not exactly right; imperfect. Wawa
the clerk of the court. Tyee kopa court, delate, — to speak the truth; to speak
— a judge. lido kopa hyas court, — to correctly. Delate hyas, — stupendous;
appeal. Wawa kopa court, — to testify; immense; enormous. Delate hyas kloshe,
testimony. — magnificent; majestic; very,, very
good. Delate kloshe, —perfect; pure, ex-
Delate kumtuks, —
Cul'-tus, or Kul'tus, adj. (C.) (Chi-
nook,-Kaltas). Worthless; g-ood for quisite; very good.
nothing; without purpose; abject, bar- sure; to prove; to know certainly. De-
ren; bad; common; careless; defective; late pahtl, — brimfull; chockfull. Delate
dissolute; filthy; foul; futile; rude; im- sick turn turn, — grief; very sad. Delate
material; impertinent; impolite; no mat- tenas sun, — dawn; daybreak. Delate
ter; shabby; slippery; unmeaning; unto- yaka illahee, — a native; native land. De-
ward; useless; paltry; worn out. "A few late yaka kumtuks, — an expert. Delate
words," says Eells, "are very expressive, nika wawa, — am speaking the truth.
meaning so much, and expressing that Diaub, Deaub, Dahblo, or Yaub, — (the
meaning in so much better a way than devil) see Lejaub.
our English words do that they have D'ly, or De-ly, ad. (E). Dry; arid;
—— — - -


dryness. Example:
—Dlyto —
more; majority; excess.
dely, Elip hiyu
kopa konoway, — most; maximum. Elip
become dry. dely, to dry.
tupso, hay. keekwilee, — lower. Elip keekwilee kopa
Doc'-tin, (E).
n. A doctor; a physi- konoway, — lowest. Elip kloshe, — better;
cian; surgeon. Eells says, almost superior; more excellent.
"It Elip kloshe
universally refers a white man, un-
to kopa konoway, — best; supreme. Elip
less some word connected with
is to kloshe kopa okoke, — better than that.
qualify Example: Nika, tikegh doc-
it." Elip sitkum sun, — forenoon. Elip tenas,
— — want the doctor. Siwash doctin, tenas
an Indian doctor or conjurer. Doctin
— kopa born; minor; younger. Elip
konoway, — least; youngest.

kopa letah or — a dentist.

teeth., Doctin Elip saghalie, — higher; upper. Elip sag-
kopa seahost, — an oculist. halie kopa konoway, — highest. Elip mes-
Dol'-la, or Tahla, (E). A dollar; achie, — worse. Elip mesachie kopa kono-
money; cash; funds. Example: Chika- way, — worst. Elip siah, — farther. Elip
min dolla, — silver;
kum —half a
pil dolla,
Dolla seahost,
siah kopa konoway, — farthest.
tikegh, — to prefer; rather; choose.
(silver eyes), — spectacles. Klone dolla, wawa, —a preface; a prophecy. Mika
— three dollars. Halo nika dolla, — have nika kimta, — you go

klatawa I elip, first, I

no money. Ipsoot potlatch dolla kopa (will go) afterwards."— Eells. Ex.: "Elip
tyee, — to bribe.
apie —
to refund.

Kunjih — sitkum
Kil- dolla, rich. —before half an hour. Elip
sitkum sun, — before noon; forenoon.

what price. Kimtah,-— after; behind. Kimtah klosh,

Dutchman, (English,-idem).
German; a Dutchman; almost any Euro-
(A — worse. Kimtah skookum, — less strong;
not so strong. Delayt kimtah klosh, —
pean except a Frenchman or Englishman. worst. Delayt kimtah skookum, — least
—Eells.) strong. Elip tahkum
Kimtah tahkum
— after tintin,
six hours.
Wake siah tahkum


six o'clock, tintin,
almost six o'clock; not far away from
six o'clock."

eneti, eenati, or inati, adv.,
E'-lip, or El'-ip, adv. (S). (Chehalis,- prep. (C).(Chinook,-inatai). Across;
ilip). First; before; the superlative; he- beyond; opposite to; on the other side
ginning; prior; ahead; senior; elder; for- of. Ex.: Nika tikegh klatawa enati
mer; original. "The comparative is usu-
— mitlite
kopa chuck, I wish to go across the

ally formed by prefixing the word elip water. enati kopa city,
to the adjective, as kloshe, good; elip he lives opposite to the city.
kloshe, better; skookum, strong; elip
skookum, stronger; hiyu, many; elip hi-
yu, more; tenas, small; elip tenas, small-
er. The superlative is properly formed
by adding the words kopa konoway,
'than all' to the comparative, as elip
kloshe kopa konoway, better than all, Get-up, or Ket-op, v. (E). To g-et up;
i. e., the best." Eells. — "There is no
Chinook as comparison by
rise; risen.
such thing in Glease, n. (E). Grease; fat or oil. Ex-
inflection of a word as is the case in
English (weak, weaker, weakest ,for ex-
ample: Hiyu
toosh glease,

butter: glease

very fat; too-
piah, —
ample). This is done by means of the candle. See, also, Lakles.
words elip or kimtah to indicate the com-
parative degree (the word itself always
indicating, as in English, the positive
degree). Delayt added to the compara-
tive form converts it into the superlative
from. Klosh, elip klosh, delayt elip
klosh. Klosh, kimtah klosh. Delayt kim- Ha'h-lakl, v., adj. (C). (Chinook,-hal-

tah klosh." Buchanan.
expressed by a periphrasis.
"Comparison is
'I am
akl). Wide; open. Example: Mamook

hahlakl la pote, open the door; chahko
stronger than thou,' would be wake mika hahlakl (as of the woods), to open out;
skookum kahkwa nika; lit., 'thou not become less dense. Mamook hahlakl, —
strong as I.' The superlative is indi- to open.
cated by adverbs; as hyas oleman okook Hak'-at-shum, n. (E). A handker-
canim, that canoe is the oldest, lit., 'very chief.
old that canoe." Hale. —(A few other
ways of spelling the word elip; alip;
Ha'-lo, adj.(Quaere u. d. not Chinook).
Not; none; absent; no; all gone; devoid;
ilip; ellip; ilep; ilips.) Ex.: Elip hyas, — vacant; without. Example: Ques. Halo
larger; greater; major. Elip hyas kopa —
salmon mika? have you no fish? Ans.
konoway, largest; greatest. Elip hiyu, —
Halo, none. Ques. Kah mika papa?—
— — — —a


is out.
your father? Ans. Halo, he

Halo wind, breathless; dead.
lieve. Ex.:
sist; relieve;
help, — to
Fotlatch help,
aid; as-

Halo lean.
destitute; no goods.

Halo iktahs, poor;
Halo mitlite,
— — console;
See Hyas.
Hiyu, —
nothing remains; empty. Halo seahost, much. Hyiu.
— (no eyes), blind. Halo dolla, without
money. Yaka wind chako halo, to die;
— Hooehooe, seeHuyhuy.
(C). (Chinook,-Kholkhol; n.


he is dead, (literally, his wind is all
Eells says: "Generally a more
Klikatat.-Khoilkhoil). A mouse.
hoolhool (big mouse), a
(The word rat.)
sure way of speaking of death than to obsolete now.) is
say 'Yaka mimoluse,"— he dead; be- House,
is (E). A house; home; resi-n.
cause the latter sometimes means sus- dence; building; cottage; den. Example:
pended animation; but the former never." Mahkook house,-^— a store; Boston house,
Halo chako, — to linger; not to come. — an American-built house, as distin-
Halo delate kumtuks, — to be in doubt; to guished from a lodge. Mahkook house
be obscure. Halo huloima, — ultimate; (trading house), shop. Muckamuck
nothing different. Halo hyas mahkook, — house, —a restaurant; tavern;
Halo iktas, —
cheap; not very dear. Skookum house, — a prison; peni- jail;
nothing. Halo kah, — nowhere. Halo tentiary. Siwash house, — a lodge; an
kumtuks, — to misunderstand; not to Indian house. Sail house kopa snass,
know. Halo nika kwass kopa yaka, an umbrella. Fapeh house, — a post
erally,— am not afraid of him, — he Tyee kopa papeh house, — a post-
Halo nika tikegh, —
I is office.
reliable). don't master.I
want. Hul-lel, v. (C). (Chinook,-idem). To
Note: (Halo) A negative. It means tremble; to shake. Used with the verb
much the same as wake. Probably prop-
erly wake means no, and halo all gone,
comes active.
as, hullel, it be-

but on Puget Sound halo is used for Hul-o'-i-ma, n., adj. (C). (Chinook,-
no, the same as wake is in Oregon and S'hulloyiba). Other; another; different;
other localities. Custom uses halo In difference; averse; diverse; eccentric;
some combinations and wake in others, foreign; odd; separate; strange; queer;
and both in some. On Puget Sound, unusual. Example: Huloima tilikum, —
wake kloshe is proper. The indefinite a different tribe or people. Hyas huloi-
pronouns are kunamoxt, both; halo,
— none; konoway, all; hiyu, much or
—— —
ma, very different; mystery. Yaka la-
lang huloima kopa nesika lalang, his —

many; tenas, few or little; huloima, — language is different from our language.
Haul, v. (E). (English,-idem). To
Klatawa kopa huloima illahee, to emi-
grate. Kopa huloima, alibi. Huloima — —
haul or pull; draw; bring
dig*; pick;
subtract; tow; attract; extract.

; —
tumtum, dissent; a different mind.

Huloima wawa, a different language; or
Used with the active verb mamook; as. forign language; to mispronounce.
mamook haul. Example: Mamook haul Humm, n., v., adj. (J). An invented

wapato, to dig potatoes. Mamook haul

tcnas man kopa school, to bring the boy
word. Bad odor; astink or smrll; to
stink; a bad smell; scent; stench; filthy;
to school. Skookum mamook —
haul, putrid; an odor. Ex.: opoots, Humm —
must. Mamook haul yaka tumtum, to
Induce him.
— — (stinking tail)— a skunk.
it smells, bad.
Ya&a humm,
Kloshe humm, —
Hee'-hee, or he-he, n., adj., v. (J).
(By onoma., hihi). Laughter; amuse-
pleasant smell.
very bad smell.
Hyas humm, dirty; a
Mamook humm,— to

ment; to laugh; fun; a game; gay; gig- scent; to smell.
gle; glee; mirth; humor; humorous; Huy-huy, n., v. (J). (Canadian
levity; merry; to deride; ridicule; romp; Prench,-Hui-hui). A bargain or ex-
sport. Commonly when used as a verb change; to barter or trade. Example:
it is preceded by mamook (which see
below) but not always. Ex.: Mamook Huyhuy tumtum,
—— to
Huyhuy la sell, change the saddle.
change one's
heehee, —
to laugh; play; amuse; deride;
mock; make fun; ridicule. Kahta mika
mind. (Mr. Anderson says this is a
cant word of the Canadians, signifying
heehee? — why do you laugh? Cultus a hasty exchange.) Its origin has been
heehee, — a joke; jest; laughter without suerrested in oui oui, yes ves. Example:
much cause for an innocent game.
it; Nika tikegh huyhuy kiuitan, I wish to —
Kloshe heehee, — a good game. Heehee trade horses. Mamook huyhuy, — to
house, — a house for amusement; a play change; to trade. (Imp., change.) (Huy-
house; a dance house. Heehee lemah, — huy is also spelled, hoehoe, hoeyhoey,
to gamble. Heehee tumtum, — jolly. hooehoo, hooehooe, huihui, oihoi, huehu.)
Wake heehee, — serious. Hy-ak', adv., also used as imperative.
Help, (English,-idem).
v., n. As a (C). (Chinook,-Ai-ak). Swift; fast;
verb it is commonly preceded by ma- quickly; hurry; make haste; hasten;
mook, but not always. Help; aid; as- prompt; sudden; suddenly; speed; quick;
sistance; relief; to help; aid; assist; re- quickly. Ex.: Hyak yaka chako, —he
— —


quick. Halo or Wake hyak,

erate; slowly.
came quickly. Hyak chako, imp. come
slow; mod-
(Other ways of spelling
Tkta). (Hale says, "same as kahta,
what; why.) What. "The interrogative
pronouns are klaska, who? Kahta or —

Hyak, aiak; hiack; liyack; hyuc; iake; — —
Iktah, what? and Kunsih, how many
or how much?
iyak.) The latter is also used
Hy-as', adj., adv. (N). (Probably cor-
rupted from the following,— Hyiu.)
for —
when? how much time, how
many days?" — Hale. Example: Iktah

Large; great; very; the general term for okook?— What that? Iktah mika
is ti-
size; wide; big; arduous; vast; cele- kegh? —What do you want? intah?—
brated. Example: Hyas tyee, a great — Well, what now? Iktah mamook?—
chief. —
Hyas mahcook, a great price; What's the matter? Iktah mika ma-
Hyas kloshe, very good. Okoke
house yaka hyas, that house is large.
— —
Nika hyas tikegh klatawa, I very much
mook?— What are you doing?
Ik'-tas, or Iktahs, (from preceding).
Things; garments; dress; a thing; goods;
wish to go. Hyas ahnkuttie, ancient; merchandise; clothing; utensils; bag-
anciently; a very long time ago; longer, gage; attire; fabric; occasionally the
if a long, strong accent is placed on the singular Iktah is used, though not often.
last syllable of hyas, and first of ahn- The use of the same word for what and
kuttie. —
Hyas kloshe time, a very good for things, has been noticed in some
time; a festival.
large? what size?
small; very short.
Kunsih hyas, how
Hyas tenas, very
Hyas Sunday,
—— — other languages of this coast. "A very
expressive word and often adopted into
English where the Chinook is used."
Christmas; Fourth of July; Thanksgiv- Eells. Ex.: Kah mika iktas, where are —
ing. (Other spellings: Alas; aiaz; haias;
hias; hiass.)
your things? Halo ikta mitlite, there
is nothing here. "Do not confuse iktah,

Hy-iu', or Hi-yu, adj. (WT). (Nootka,- meaning 'what,' with iktahs, meaning
lyahish) —
by Jewett. (Tokwaht,-aiya). 'goods, chattels, possessions, merchan-

Jewett also gives hyo as the Nootka dise,' etc." Buchanan. Nika hiyu iktas,
word for ten. Much; many; plenty; I have plenty of goods.
enough; abundance; plentiful; ample; a Illihie, or Illahe, n. (C).
pile; the sign of the plural; term of (Chinook.-ilahekh). Land; country;
quantity or multitude. Example: Hyiu earth; soil; dirt; region; district; farm;
— —
tilikum, a crowd; many people. Hyiu field; clay; shore; ranch. Example:
muckamuck, plenty to eat. Tenas hyiu,
— — Okoke illahee yaka hyas kloshe, this —
several; some. Wake hyiu, not
many or not much; a few; seldom.
land is very good. Boston illahee,
United States. Delate yaka illahee, na-
the ——

Kopet hyiu, enough. Hiyu times, fre-
— — tive land. King George illahee, —Kono-
quently. Hiyu wawa, clamor; accla-
mation; excitement; to argue; talkative.
land. Fasaiooks illahee, France.
way akoke illahee,— the world. Kono-

Hiyu tillikums kopa house, an audi- — way illahee konowah kah, — the universe.
ence. (Other spellings: Hieu, haiu,
hyoo, hyu, hyue, hyyu, hui (Winthrop,
Dutchman yaka illahee, Germany; near-
ly any part of Europe except France

—probably misprint for hiu), aio, aiu, and England. Saghalie Tyee yaka illa-
— reservation.
Heaven. Siwash illahee, — an In-
Illahee wake siah

— —
kopa chuck, the coast. Kah mika illa-
hee? where is your land? Where do
you live? Saghalie illahee, Heaven. —
Keekwulee illahee, Hell. —
In'-a-poo, or Ee'-na-poo, n. (C). (Chi-
Ik-poo'-ie, v. (C). (Chinook.-Ikhpui).
To shut; nook,-inapu). A louse. (Sopen inapoo,
close; stop; cork; closed shut.
— jump-louse; a
—deaf; — closed
Ex.: Ikpooie la pote, shut the door. flea.)
Mamook ikpooie, to surround; to shut; Inati, see Enati.
Ikpooie kwolan, — a
Ikt, or Icht, adj. (C). (Chinook,-Ikht).
Ip'-soot, or Ip-sut,
Alhupso). To hide one's
(C.) (Chinook,-
or any-
One; once; a unit. Used also as the thing; to keep secret; to conceal; hide;
a or an. Ex.: Ikt man, —
definite hid; sly; concealed. Example: Ipsoot
klatawa, — to, steal
a man. Ikt-ikt man, — some one or other; slip away. Ip- off;
here and there one. Ikt — a year.
Ikt nika klatawa kopa yahka house, — soot wawa,— to whisper.
n. A
have been once to his house. Ikt paddle; an oar (occasionally). Exam-
kwahta, — a quarter. Ikt tahlkie, — day ple: Mamook —to paddle. Isick
stick, — the ash, or alder, maple, or the
before yesterday. Ikt tukamonuk, — one
hundred. Ikt time ikt moon, — monthly. elm; wood from which paddles are made.
Ikt time kopa klone moon, — quarterly. Is'-kum, (C). Chinook,-idem.)
v. To
Kopet —
ikt,private; alone; singly;
tary; only one.
take hold of; hold; get; receive; accept;
secure; catch; recover; obtain; seize.
Ik'-tah, or Ikta, pron. (C). ( Chinook, - Example: Iskum okook lope, — hold on
— — a
- — —


to that rope. Mika na iskum? did you Kahp'-ho n. (C). (Cinook,-idem.) An
get it? —
Iskum piah stick, get some elder brother, sister, or cousin.

Iskum klootchman, to get
firewood. Kah'-ta, adv. (C). Chinook,-Kata).
married. Iskum kumtuks, to learn. How; why. Example: Kahta mika
Iskum kopa tumtum, — to believe. Pot- mamook okook? — why do you do that?
latch nika, — give me. Iskum, — take it. Kahta mika chahko? — how did you come?
Kah mika iskum? — where did you get
Nika iskum kopa stick, — got in the I it
it? Kahta mika? what
you? how

are you?
is the matter with
Pe kahta? and —
woods. why so? what for? Kahta kopa yaka?
It'-lo-kum, (Chinook,-idem).
n. (C). how is he?
(lower Chehaliss,-Ihtlkum; Chehalis,- Ka-li'-tan, n. (C). Chinook,-Tklaitan).
Setlokum). The game of "hand,"
common amusement; a mode of gam-
— an arrow;
Kalitan le
shot; a bullet.
sac, —
a quiver; a shot-pouch.
bling. Mamook itlokum, to gamble. —
Itl'-wil-lie, Ilwillie, or Itlwille, n. (C).
"An arrow, originally, but when guns
were introduced the meaning changed to
(Chinook, -Etlwili). Meat; flesh; muscle shot, and bullet, and sometimes lead."
(of a person or animal). Example: Eells.
Konaway nika itlwillie sick, all my — — Ka-lak'-a-la, Kul-lak'-a-la, Kul'-la-kul'-
flesh is sore. Lemooto yaka itlwillie, la, n. (C). (Chinook.-kalakala). A bird;
mutton. Moosmoos yaka
Mowitch yaka itlwillie, —venison.
itlwillie, —Tenas
beef. fowl; insect; wing". (The accent some-
times being on the second, and some-
moosmoos yaka itlwillie, veal. —
(Bee- times on the first and third syllables.

(Indian); Bih-atts, flesh) Bu-—

— Eells. Note. "The different ways in

which some words are spelled is a
Its'-woot, Itch-wood, or Itshoot, n. curiosity, and simply show what educat-
(C). (Chinook.-eitshhut). A bear; a ed men will do in this line when they
black bear. Example: Itswoot paseesie, have no standard authority. Very sel-
— thick, dark cloth or blankets. dom is any word, even the simplest and
easy one, spelled in the same way, if it
is found in several dictionaries, while
some of them are spelled in very many
K different ways."
spelling kalakala:
Eells. —
Other ways of
Culacula; kallakala;
kalahkalah; kilakila; kulakula; kulluka-
Kah, adv. (C). (Chinook,-kakh). la; cullaculla; cullerculler cullacullah;

Where; whence; whither. Example: Kah kullakullie; kullukullie; kulakulla, etc.

mika klatawa? where are you going?
— Kah
Halo kah, nowhere. Konoway kah, — An examination of many dictionaries
will show among other words, klonas,
everywhere. cole chako, — North. spelled in ten different ways; ahnkuttie
Kah sun chako, — East. Kah sun klata- and keewulee, each in twelve; klootch-
wa, — West. Kah sun mitlite kopa man and kliminawhit, each in fifteen;
kum sun, — South. Kah yaka sick? —
klatawa, seahost, and mimoluse, each in
where is he sick? what is the matter? sixteen; tahtlum, kalakala, and kilapi,
Kah mika mitlite? — where do you live? each in eighteen; and kunjih in nineteen
Kah mika illahee?— where do you live? different ways; lejaub is in twelve ways,
where is your land? Kah mika chako, — and ooakut in fourteen, but they show
whence come you? a wide variety of sound, lejaub being
Kah'-kwa, adj. (N). (Nootka, Tok also dahblo, diaub, derb, leiom, and
waht,-achko.) Like; similar to; equal yaub; and ooakut being hooihut, wayhut,
with; as; so; thus; alike; because; hence; wehkut, and oyhut. Even words which
inasmuch; such. Example: Kahkwa are derived from the English generally

(is) my heart).

nika tumtum, so I think (literally, such
Kahkwa tyee, — aristo-
have different spellings as soon as the
standard English authority is left, so
cratic. Kahkwa hyas nika, — as large as that glease from grease becomes gleese,
Halo kahkwa,
spose, as if.

not like that; unlike.
Kloshe kahkwa,
gleece, glis, and klis; bed is also spelled
pet; moon is also man; nose is also nos;
— that right; (amen, good so); that
— stone is also ston; stocking is also stock-
is good; that will do. Delate kahkwa, en, staken, and stoken; sun is also son;
exactly the same. Kopet kahkwa, that
is all. Yaka kahkwa, alike. —
Eells says:
— Sunday is also sante; tea is also ti;
pehpah (paper) is also papeh, paper,
"(Kahkwa is often used with other paypa, papah, and pepa, and peppah;
words, especially nouns, thus changing and warm spelled waum, warn,
also is
them into adverbs, and occasionally ad- wahm, and wawm. Shot, skin, man, and
jectives, as in the following phrases: a few others have for almost a wonder
cole illahee, wintry.

Kahkwa chikamin, metallic. Kahkwa
— Kahkwa
Kahkwa chuck, — found no other way of being spelled.
There are three reasons for this differ-
fluid; liquid. tillikum, — friend- ence which may be made when the same
ly.)" sound of the letters is preserved, thus


warn may be waum or wawm and still the name of a place in Clarke County,
preserve the same sound of a. Again. Wash.) (A few other ways of spelling
when any writer adopts a regular sched- kamass: .Camas, kamas, lakamas, lak-
ule of sounds for each vowel, he will ammas, camash, kamaas, lackamas.
surely differ in spelling from those who "Cammassa esculenta, or la cammass,
attempt to follow as near as possible (as the French call it)." Swan. —
the English mode of spelling. Boas, Ka'm-ooks, n. (C). (Chinook,-Klka-
St. Onge, and to a considerable degree bokes). A dog-. Kahkwa kamooks, like —
Durien have done this, hence tea be- a dog; beastly.
comes ti;poolie, pull, and so on. Still Kap-swal-la, or Kap-su-al-la, v. n.
farther different modes of pronunciation (Quaere u. &.) To steal; rob; a theft:

in different localities, and sometimes in Example: Kapswalla klatawa, to steal
the same locality, are the cause of dif- away. Kapswalla mamook, to do se-
ferent ways of spelling. This is espe- cretly. Wake kloshe mika kapswalla, —
cially seen in the words already referred (not good you steal) Thou shalt not
to, ooakut, and lejaub; so kloshe becomes steal. Halo kumtuks kapswalla, or wake
tlush or tloos, and also a large number —
kapswalla, to be honest. "Kapshwala,
before wawa means to speak ill; with
beginning with kl begin with tl in an-
other place; tahlkie becomes talinlkie, tlatoa (klatawa) it means to run away;
and so on. Sometimes indeed it is very with musom, to commit adultery." St.

difficult to discover the true sound, as
for instance, whether the first syllable Ka't-suk, or Ko't-suk, n. (C). (Chi-
of kalakala should be spelled with an nook,-idem). The middle or centre of
a or u, or the last one of tukamonuk anything-.
with an a or u, and so on. The mode of Kau'-py, n. (E). Coffee.
pronunciation, and hence the mode of Kee'-kwu-lee, or Kee'-kwil-lie, prep.
has undoubtedly changed some-
spelling, (C). (Chinook.-Kik'hwili). Low; below;
what since Parker in 1835-6 wrote the tinder; beneath; down; inward. Example:
firstvocabulary. Hence in comparing
— —
Mamook keekwillie, to lower. Mitlite
keekwillie, to set down; put under. (Not
theways of spelling the reader ought to
remember the place where, the date used in the sense of "down stream.")
when, and the system of pronunciation,
especially of vowel sounds adopted by —— — to
Elip keekwulee, lower. Elip keekwulee
kopa konoway, lowest. Klatawa keek-
wulee kopa chuck, Mahsh keek-
each writer."— Sells.
"As will be seen, the orthography of the wulee kopa illahee,
Kil'-a-pi, or
— to dive.
Kel'-a-pi, or Ka-la-pi,
Jargon is unsettled and capricious. Most v.
writers spell Indian and French words (C). (Chinook.-Kelapai). To turn; re-
'by the ear,' but use the ordinary English turn; overturn; upset; reverse; retreat;
spelling for the English words comprised capsize. Example: Kilapi canim, to —
in the language, without regard to uni- upset a canoe. Hyak kilapi, come back —
formity ... .Some writers, however, re- quickly. Kilapi kopa house, go back —
tain in the Jargon the 'digraph' gh, to to the house. Mika kilapi alta, have ——
express, in some words of Chinook ori- you returned now? Mamook kilapi, to
gin, the sound of the German guttural ch bring, send, or carry back. Kilapi dolla,
in Buch." —
Hale. "As the Jargon is to — to pay; repay.
change one's mind.
Kilapi tumtum, to
(A few ways of

be spoken by Englishmen and French-
men, and by Indians of at least a dozen spelling kilapi: Kelapie; keelapi; keela-
tribes, so as to be alike easy and intel- pie; keelapy; kilapie; kilapai; killapie;
ligible to all, it must admit no sound kilapy; kilipie; killipie; kyelapai; kilaps;
which cannot be readily pronounced by klips; etc.)
all. The numerous harsh Indian gut- Kim'-ta, or Kim-tah, prep. (C). (Chi-
turals either disappear entirely, or are nook,-Kimta). Behind; after; after-
softened to h and k, (see note above). wards; last; since; back; rear; subse-
On the other hand, the d, f, g, r, v, a, quent; younger. Example: Klatawa
of the English and French become in —
kimtah, go behind; to follow. Delate
the mouth of a Chinook, t, p, k, 1, w, and —
kimta, last. Nika elip, pe yakka kim-
8. The English j, (dzh), is changed to tah,— —
I first, and he afterwards.
kimtah, the one behind. Kimta ow,

ch, (tsh). The French nasal n, is drop-
ped, or is retained without its nasal younger brother. Kimtah nika nannitsh
sound. In writing the Indian words, mika, — since saw you. Kimtah sitkum
the gutturals are expressed by gh (or sun, — afternoon. Kimta kloshe, — worse.
kh) and q, and the vowels have their King Chautsh, or King George, King
Italian sound." —Hale.
Kara'-ass, or La'-kam-ass, n. (N). The
adj. (E). (English,-King George).
King* chautshman, an Eng- —
Scilla Esculenta, —
a bulbous root used
for food by the Indians, sometimes called
Kish-kish, v. (C). (Chinook,-idem). To
Si wash onion. (Jewitt gives 'Chamass" drive, as cattle or horses. Ex.: Mamook
as the Nootka for fruit, also for sweet, —
kishkish, to drive, or impel, but often

or pleasant to the taste.) (Lacamass is used as imperitive, as, Yaka kishkish
— — —— — — —— — ;•


nika, —
he drove me away. Mamook kish-
kish okoke moosmoos,— drive away that
and so on in many other ways.)
Klah-wa, adv. (Chinook,-kla-
ox. wakh). Slow; slowly; tardy. Ex.: Klat-
Kiu'-a-tan, or Kuitan, n.(C). (Chinook, wa klahwa,— go slowly. Yaka chako
-ikiuatan). A horse. Ex.: Klatawa —
klahwa, he comes slowly.
kopa kuitan, — to ride. Yaka hyas kloshe
kuitan? — Is that a very good horse?
Off; out;
(C). (Chinook.-klakw).
(to take) off.
Cooley kuitan, — a race horse. Stone kui- Klak'-sta, or Kluk'-sta, pron. (C).
tan, a stallion. (Chinook,-t'kluksta). Who; whose;
Klah, (Chinook,-Klakh). which; which one; any. Ex.: Klaksta
adj., v. (C).
Free or clear from; in sight; to escape. yahwa? who is there? Halo klaksta, —

Example: Chee yakka klah, now he is no one; none; not any; nobody. Klaksta
in sight. Klatawa klah, — to escape, as mamook okoke,— who made or did that?
a prisoner. Chahko klah (of seed), — to Ikt man, klonas klaksta, somebody. —
come up; (of the woods), — to open out;
(of the weather), — to clear up. Mamook
Konoway klaksta, everyone. —
Klale, or T'klale, adj. (C). (Chinook, -
klah, —to uncover. (Mr. Anderson gives Tlehl). Black, or dark blue, or green;
as the original meaning, — to open out or brown; ignorant. Example: Okoke pasee-
appear.) sie yaka klale,— that blanket is black.
Kla'-ha-nie, or Klah-hanie, or Klagh-
anie, adv. (C). (Chinook.-Klakhani). Out rant. Sitkum-klale,

Klale nika tumtum, my mind is igno-
brown. Wake siah
of doors; out; without; outside; exterior. klale, purple. Klale chuck kopa ma-
Example: Mamook klahanie okook, put mook tzum, ink.
that out. Chako klahanie, to emerge; — Klap, v. (C). (Chinook,-Klap). To
get out; to be delivered. Klatawa kla- find; Example: Mika na klap
hanie, to
throw out; deliver;
go out. Mahsh
Klahanie kopa
to —
mika kiuatan? did you find your horse?
Nika klap Seattle kopa polaklie,— I ar-
house,- out doors. rived at Seattle at night. Klap tenas, —
Kla-ho'w-ya, adv. (C). The ordinary to be with child. Klap tumtum, — to de-
salutation at meeting- or parting*. How cide; to recollect; remember. Klap wa-
do you do? good evening; good day; wa, —
to learn a language.
good morning; good-bye; as, Klahowya Klas'-ka, or Klus'-ka, pron. (C). (Chi-
sikhs, — good Kahta mika,—
day, friend. nook,-Kluska.) Anything" pertaining to
how are you? Kah mika house? where
your house? Kah mika chako? —
— the third person, plural number; they;
thine; them; their; theirs. Example:
whence come you? Kah mika klatawa? Klaska klatawa kopa Clallam illahee, —
— where are going? Mika na kumtuks

they went to the Clallam land. Nika
alki snass? do you think it will rain?
-no. Nawitka, yes. Klahowya,
Halo.,. — klaska iiahee,

nanitsh klaska, I see them.
— this Okoke
is their land.
good-bye. Mahsie, thanks. —
Kla-ho'w-yum, adj., n. (C). (Chinook,- wah.)
v. (N). (Nootka,-Klattur-
Klahauia). Poor; miserable; wretched; To gx>; travel; attend; flow; migrate;
compannion; distress. Example: Hyas start; tread; leave; begone; get out; de-
klahowyum nika, — I am very poor. Ma- part. Example: Klatawa teahwit, to —
mook klahowyum, — to take pity on; give walk; go on foot. Yaka klatawa kopa
alms; be generous. Also to impoverish; —
Tacoma, he went to Tacoma. Klatawa
make poor, (the sense in which it is kopa kiuatan, to ride. Chee klatawa,
used depends on the connection and cir-
cumstances). "The salutation above giv-

to start. Klatawa kopa boat, to sail;
go in a boat. Mamook klatawa, — to

en probably originated in some whining send. (A few of the numerous ways
reply to the first whites, and a distinc- of spelling Klatawa: Ciatawah; clatta-
tion has since arisen between the two wah; claterwar; clatterwar; clattarwar;
modes of spelling, which is, however, clatawar; clatua; clatuwa; klatawah;
purely arbitrary."- Gibbs. —Eells says: klatoa; klatwa; tlatoa; tlatowa; and
"Gibbs, Gill, Hibben, Tate, and Swan give others.)
Klahowoya as the word for salutation, Klim-in'-awhit, n., v. (C). (Chinook,-
and Klahowyum for poor, but I have Kliminawhut.) A lie; to lie; falsehood;
never been able to see any difference. In untrue. Example: Hyas kumtuks
the Willamette Valley in 1850 and after-
wards, we always used Klahowyum for

kliminawhit, he is a great liar (liter-
ally, he knows well how to lie). Yaka
both, and I never heard Klahowya.
Puget Sound for about twenty years we
On kwanesum kliminawhit, he always lies.
(Also spelled: Kliminacut; kliminwhit;

have used Klahowya for both; and I kliminkwhit ; kliminawit klamina wit ;

have seldom heard Klahowyum." (A few klaminawhit; clementikote ; tlemena-

other ways of spelling Klahowya and whit; tleminwhit; kliminwit; and oth-
Klahowyum: Clahoyma; klahaiyam; kla- ers.)
haiiam; klahowyah; klahowyou; klah- Klim'-min, adj. (C). (Chinook,-Tkle-
ya; klahyam; klahyeam; klahyeyah; min-tklemin.) Soft; fine in substance;
thlacoca; tlaquaya; klahum; klahiyon, — not hard; fine; little. (The reduplica-


tion denotes the diminutive, but in Jar-

remain. —
Kloshe tumtum, love; delight;
happy; favor; cordial; friendly. Kloshe
gon it is generally used singly. )

ample: Klimmin sapolell, flour. Chako chako,
all right; come on. Kloshe kah-

klimmin, to melt; become soft. Klim- kwa, well; enough; all right; amen.
min illahie, —mud;
Wake klimmin, or halo
marshy ground.
klimmin, —hard.
Kloshe tumtum mika chako, an invita-
tion; a welcome. (Other ways of spell-

Mamook klimmin, — to soften as by ing Kloshe: Close; closche; clouch;
dressing a skin. klosche; klose; kloosh; tloos; tlosh;
Klip, adj. (C). (Chinook.-Kelipe Chi- tlush;; cloosh, and others.)
halis,-Kluptutl; Nisqually,-Klep.) Deep; Kloshe-spose, adv. (N. and E.). (Noot-
sunken; to sink. Example: Klip chuck, ka,-klohtl; English,-suppose.) Shall or
— deep water. Klip sun, sunset. —
Klis'-kwiss, n. (C). (Chinook,-idem.)
may I; let me; good
Kloshe-spose nika mamook pia okook?
if. Example:

A mat, (made of the cattail rush.) Ex- shall I cook that? (literally, (is it) good
ample: Kliskwiss yaka kloshe kopa that I may cook that?) .Kloshe-spose
bed, —the mat is good for a bed. nika klatawa? — shall I go?
Klo-nas, adv. (C). Chinook,-idem.) Klootch-man, n. (N). (Nootka and Tok-
(Expression of uncertainty or doubt.) waht,-Klutsma.) A woman; madam;
Perhaps; I don't know; may be so; who wife; mistress; a lady; a female of any
knows? it is doubtful; might; may. animal. Example: Kah mika klootch-
Equivalent to the Spanish quien sabe.
"The potential mode is indicated by the

man? where is your wife? .Tenas

klootchman, a girl; virgin; maiden;
word, klonas." Eells.— — Example: Klo- daughter; lass; used generally with ref-
erence to all girls and women who are
nass nika klatawa, perhaps I shall go.
Kah mika kahpho? where— is your not married, and sometimes with refer-
brother? Klonass,- I don't know. Mika ence to young married women. Klootch-
tumtum hiyu snass okoke sun?— do you —
man kiuatan, a mare. Tans yaka tenas
think it will rain much today? Klonas, —
klootchman, a granddaughter. Klootch-
— I do not know.

Klonas yaka chako
tomollo, perhaps he will come tomor-

man yaka ats, a sister-in-law. Klootch-
man yaka mama,— a mother-in-law.
row. (Other ways of spelling Klonas: —
Klootchman yaka ow, a brother-in-law.
Klonass; clonas; chinas; kloneas; kloo-
naz; tlonas; thlunass, etc.)
Klootchman yaka papa, a father-in-
law. (A few other ways in which the

Klone, adj. (C). (Chinook.-Tklon.) word is spelled: Cloocheman; clooche-
Three. (Other spellings: None; clone; min; clootchman; cloachman; clotshe-
cloak; kloon; thlune; tlon, etc.) man; kloochman; kleutchman; tlatche-
Kloshe, or Klosh, adj., adv. (N). man; tluchmen; klouchman, etc.)
(Nootka, Tokwaht,-klohtl; Makah,-klot- Ko, v. (C). (Chinook,-idem.) To reach;
elo, or klotello; Cloosh,-(Meares) ; Nis- arrive at. Example: Chee klaska ko, —
qually,-klob.) A very expressive word; they have just come. Kansih nesika ko
has 45 meanings.) Good; well; well kopa Nisqually? -when shall we reach
enoug-h; affable; amiable; apt; auspi- Ni squally? Tahlkie sun nika ko kopa
cious; beautiful; beloved; beneficial; con- —
Olympia, yesterday I arrived at Olym-
venient; efficient; elegant; even; fair; pia.
fine; fortunate; fragrant; gay; graceful; Kok'-shut, v. (N). (Nootka,-Kakh-
hospitable; meek; intimate; kind; mild; shetl; Kloakwat.-Kwachitl.) (In the
modest; moral; neat; nice; uleasant; original dead.) To break; broken; to
plain; please; practical; pretty; right; beat; hit; bruise; burst; cleave; hurt;
reliable; safe; respectable; secure; still; demolished; knock; rap; tear; torn;
smooth; splendid; useful; upright; vir- kick; slap; shatter; split; bruised; a
tuous; untarnished. Ex.: Kloshe nan- break. Eells says: "Often mamook is
nitsh, — look out; take care; guard; de- used with it to make it an active verb;
fend; nurse; watch; provide. Delate hy- and chako, a verb in the passive voice,

as kloshe, magnificent. Elip kloshe, — but not always. Thus,— Nika kokshut

better; superior. Hyas kloshe, very — yaka, and Nika mamook kokshut yaka,
well; very good; grand; superb. Elip I hit him, —would both be proper. So,
kloshe kopa konoway, — best; supreme. Nika kokshut, and Chako kokshut, I am —

Mamook kloshe, adorn; appease; ar-
range; behave; cure; fix; decorate; pre-
hurt, would also both be proper." Ex-
ample: Hyas kokshut, much broken.—
pare; repair. Mitlite kloshe tumtum,—
to congratulate; enjoy; be contented.
Hviu kokshut, all broken to pieces.
Chako kokshut, broken; split; bruised;

Wake kloshe, unkind; not good; unfa- passive of kokshut. Mamook kokshut, —
vorable; wrong; nasty; naughty. Wake to beat; bruise; see above kokshut.
kloshe kopa —
mahkook, unsalable. Kon'-a-way, adj. (C). (Chinook,-Kan-
Kloshe kopa mahkook, — merchantable. awe.) All; every; total; universal; ag-
Kloshe kopa nika, — am satisfied.
I gregate; entire; the sum; the whole. Ex-
Kloshe kopa cultus potlatch, — generous;
good about giving: liberal. Kloshe ko-
ample: Klaska konaway klatawa, they
have all gone. Konaway tilikum, —ev-

pet, — be Kloshe mitlite, — hold on;
still. erybody; mankind. Konaway ikta,
—— — ) — — —


Konaway kah, every-
Konaway sun,— every day.
— that's
Kopet kumtuks,— to
mitlite, — I alone
Ko'-pa, adv., prep., conj. (C). (Chi-
nook,-idem; formerly, Kwapa,-Hale.
The principal preposition in the lan-
— —
siah kopet, nearly finished. Ma-
kopet, to finish; fulfill; quench;
stop; annul; complete; conclude;
guage. At; according* to; around; about; check. Kopet tomolla, day after to- —
concerning-; to; into; with; towards; of;
there; in that place; than; for; from;
morrow. Kopet cooley, to halt. Kopet

kopa school, to graduate. Konoway

on; during; through; instead of. tells klatawa kopet yaka, —
all went except
says: "There are nine words and three him. Halo kopet, or wake yaka kopet, —
phrases which are used as prepositions. incomplete; unfinished.kloshe Wawa
The principal words are kopa saghalie, —
kopet, to forbid. "Kopet, before things
over; keekwulee, under; and kunamokst, which can be weighed or counted, must
with; kopa is, however, used more than be accompanied by, aiu (hiyu). Ex.:
all the others, as it has a great variety Kopet aiu mitlait (mitlite), there is
— —
of meanings, which can only be known enough." St. Onge.
by the connection, some of which are Kow, v. (C). (Chinook,-kaw-kaw.) To
entirely opposite to each other, as, from tie; to fasten; to be fastened. Ex.: Kow
and to; for example, yaka chako kopa —
mika kiuatan, tie your horse. Mika
saghalie, means, he came from heaven; mamook kow mika kiuatan? have you — —
but, yaka klatawa kopa saghalie, tied your horse? Nawitka, yaka kow,
means he went to heaven. Alta nika
potlatch wawa kopa mesika kopa okoke
yes he is tied. Ikt kow, a bundle; a
package; parcel; pack. Marsh kow, un-
— —
papah, means, now I will talk to you tie; unfasten; release; unbind. Mamook
about this picture. Yaka mitlite kopa kow, to— tie; hitch; arrest; shackle.

chuck, he is on the water; yaka mitlite

kopa river, he is at the river; yaka
Kiutan See Kiuatan.
Kull, adj. (C). (Chinook,-K'hul-k'hul).

klatawa kopa stick, he has gone into Hard in substance; difficult; tough; solid.
the woods; kopa ikt moon yaka mitlite

yukwa, during one month he will stay
Example: Chahko kull, to become hard.——
Halo kull, or wake kull, tender; soft;
here; kopa yaka wawa John yaka mimo-
luse, —
according to his story John is to become hard.

easy. Mamook kull, to harden; to cause
Hyas kull spose ma-
dead. .Saghalie kopa mountain, on top — —
mook, it is very hard to do so. Kull
of the mountain; Jesus yaka mimoluse

kopa nesika, Christ died for or instead
stick, —oak or any hard wood.
Kul-lagh'-an, or Kullah, n. (S). (Chi-
of us. The word is also used as an ad- halis.-Kullakh; Lummi,-Kullukhan). A
verb and conjunction. Kopa is often fence; a corral, or inclosure; pen, a rail.
prefixed to a noun to show that it is in
the possessive as okoke kiutan
Example: Kullagh stick, fence rails. —
kopa John, — this case,
erally — this horse to john, —
John's, —
(Ln the original, it meant the stockade
with which Indian houses are often sur-
i. e.,
rounded.) Nika tikegh mamook ooahut
to john.") Ex.: Yaka
kopa, — his dogs are there.
kamooks mitlite
When thus kah mika kullaghan mitlite, I wish — to
make a road where your fence is.
used as an adverb, the accent on theis Kultus, see Cultus.
last syllable which prolonged. Nika
kiutan elip kloshe kopa yaka kiutan, —
is Kum'-tuks, or kum'-tux, (N).
v. n.
(Nootka,-Kommetak; Tokwaht,-Kumi-
my horse is better than his horse. Kopa tuks; Clayoquot.-Kemitak). To know;

nika house, at my house. Iaolo okoke

kopa mika, take that home with you;
equivalent to the French chez vous. Cul-
understand; be acquainted with; learn;
perceive; ascertain; recognize; imagine;
believe; to be wise; knowing; knowledge;

tus kopa nika, it is nothing to me. Nika kum-

Kah okoke lope? where is that rope? wisdom; sense.
tuks yaka,—understand
know him. Nika kumtuks
okoke, —
(motioning with the chin towards the
place) Kopa. Kopa mika, your; yours.
— — I Yaka mitlite
hiyu kumtuks, — he has much knowledge.
Kopa mesika, your; yours. Kopa nika, Delate kumtuks, — to prove; to be sure;
— my; mine. Kopa nesika, ours. Kopa—— — to

klaska, theirs. Kopa yaka, his; her;

hers; its. Kopa bed, abed; in bed. Kopa
to be expert. Halo delate kumtuks,
be in doubt; uncertain; obscurity. Halo
boat, or ship, —
aboard; on the boat or —
kumtuks, to misunderstand; not to

Kopa kiutan, horseback; on the
Kopa konoway, — common;
know; unacquainted; unawares; unintel-
ligible. Halo kumtuks kopa okoke
mamook, — incompetent. Iskum kumtuks,
for all.
Kopa huloima, — alibi; elsewhere.
Ko-p'et, v., adj. (C). (Chinook,-idem.) — to learn; to get knowledge.
kumtuks, — to forget.
(Mamook kum-
To stop; leave off; enough; only; alone;
forbear; quit; simply; submit; abdicate; tuks, see mamook.) Tikegh kumtuks,
abrogate; cease; except. Ex.: Kopet wa- — to enquire; wish to know. Kumtuks
hiyu lalang, — a linguist. Kumtuks kopa

wa, stop talking. Kopet hiyu, enough.

Kloshe kopet, be still. Kopet ikt,—
— siwash, or tillikums, — ethnology. Kum-
lonely; alone; only one. Kopet okoke, — tuks mamook, skill; competent; prac-
— —


tical. papeh, — to read. Kum-

Kumtuks timid.
tuks wawa, — an orator; eloquent. ("Kum-
name given to Edward Clayson,
nem.) Five.
adj. (C).
Tahtlum pe
Sr., editor Patriarch, by newspaper men) kwinnum,
— Kwo-lann, — fifteen. Kwinnum
Kwinnum tukamonuk, —
"Cumtux." (Other spellings: Comtak; 50. 500.
cumetax; cumtux; kametaks; komtax; Kwolan or Kwo-lah'-lie, n.
komtoks; kumtax, etc.) (S). (Chihalis,-Kwolan; Nisqually,-Kwi-
Kun'-a-mokst, or Kun'-a-moxt, adj. lani.) The Example:
ear. Kumtuks
(Chinook.-konaway mokst; kopa —
kwolan, to
hear. Halo kwolann,
prep. (C).
literally, all two). Both; tog-ether; with; or, ikpooie kwolann, deaf.— "Kwolad,
the ear. Kwuh-lah-dee, the Indian word
amid; among-; beside; besides. Example:
Kunamoxt kahkwa, both alike. Nesika —— Koulahdi is more commonly used." Bu-

klatawa kunamokst, we will go togeth-
er. Nika mitlite kunamokst yaka,
with him.
I live
Chako kunamokst, to join; ——
unite; meet; assemble; congregate; con-
vene Tumtum kunamokst, to agree. —
Wawa kunamokst, to consult. —
(C). (Chi-
Kun'-jih, or kun'-sih, adv.
nook,-kunseukh). How many; when; La-boos, or Lapush, n. (P). (Prench,-
Kunsih tilikum mitlite?
Example: La Bouche.) The mouth; mouth of a
—how many people are there? Kunsih river. Moxt laboos, — the forks of a

mika klatawa? when do you go? Wake river. Kloshe kopa lapush, to relish. —
kunsih, — never. Mamook kunsih,— to
klatawa ?—
La-ca-set, n. (P). (Prench,-La Cas-
ette.) A box, trunk, or chest.
count. Kunjih laley mika La-clo-a, n. (P). (Prench,-La Croix.)
how long before you will go? Kunjih A Cross.
dolla,— what price?
hyas, — how large?
what cost? Kunjih
what size? Kunjih La-gome, n. (P). (Prench,-La Gomme.)
laley,— how long? Kunjih siah,— how Pitch; glue. La gomme stick, light- —
far? distance. Kunjih tintin, what

— wood; the pitchpine.
La-hal, see Slahal.
time? Kunjih hiyu, how much? Kunjih La-hash', n. (P). (Prench,-La hache.)

mika chako? when did you come? (This An axe or hatchet.
word is spelled in many different ways, Lahb, n. (Prench.-L'herbe). The Ar-
as Cansu; kansih, kiassee, konse, konsick, butus uva ursi, the leaves of which are
kunjie, kunjik, kunjuk, kunsjake, kunsig,
kunsic, konsiah, kunjih, kunji, etc.) — used in smoking, alone or mixed with
Shaw. La-kam-mas, see Kamass.
Kwah'-ne-sum, or Kw'an-e-sum, adv. Lak'it, or Lok'-it, adj. (C). (Chinook,-
(C). (Chinook,-Kwanisum; Yakima, - Lakt.) Pour; four times. Lakit taht-
Kwalisim.) Always; forever; eternal;
continual; everlasting*; perpetual; un-

lum, forty. Tahtlum pe lakit,— four-
teen. Lakit tukamonuk, 400.
ceasing. Example: Okoke steamer yaka La-lahm', or La-lum', n. (P). (Prench,-

kwanesum klatawa, that steamer is al-
Kahkwa kwanesum, — as
La rame.) An oar. Mamook lalahm,
ways going.
Kwanesum mitlite, — permanent;
to row.
usual. La-lang, n. (P). (Prench,-La langue.)
to keep. The tongue; a languag-e; dialect; tribe.
Kwahtah, n. (E). The quarter of a Example: Nika lalang huloima kopa
The quarter of any number is
expressed in Jargon by tenas
yaka lalang, — my language is different
from his.
sitkum, —a small half. La'-ly, n. (C). (Chinook,-lele.) Time;
Kwaist, or Kweest, adj. (C). (Chi- a long- time. "Intensity of meaning or
nook,-Kwaitst.) Nine. Example: Taht- duration of time may also be indicated
lum pe kweest, — nineteen.

"(Western Wash.) Though not much
(Eells says: by prolongation of the sounding of a
word, thus: laly (time), la-a-a-aly (a
used there for thev generally either sav, long time. This is based upon an in-
— kwinnum pe lakit, 5 and 4, or nin^.") stinctive principle common to all ton-
Kweest tahtlum, 90. Kweest tukamo- gues, just as we in English phonetically
nuk,— 900. Kweest thousand, 9,000. — indicate prolongation of time or exten-
Kwann, adj. (C). ( Chinook, -Kwan- sion in space or intensity of feeling by
kwan.) Glad. (According to Mr. Ander-
son, it means a custom or habit. Mc-
means of the intonation." Buchanan.
Ex.: Tenas laly or wake laly, a short
cormick says: "It is used by some in time; an interval. Kunjih laly, how —
this sense as
horse." Kwal
tamed or broken, as of a
is Nisqually for tame. (St.
after. Tenas laly elip, —

Tenas laly kimtah, a little while
a little while
Onge says it means tame; gentle; quiet; before. Kunjih laly mika mitlite yahk-
meek.) —
wa? how long have you lived here?
Kwass, adj.,
n., v. (CI. (Chinook,- La-messe, n. (P). (Prench,-idem.) The
idem.) Pear; to be afraid; tame; shy; ceremony of the mass. Ex.: Mamook
—— ——


lamesse, to say mass. ample: —
Kloshe lemah, the right (liter-
La-mes-tin, or La-met-sin, n. (F). ally, the good hand). Fotlatch lemah, —
(French,-La medecine.) Medicine, (not shake hands. Iskum kopa yaka lemah,
including* ma?ic) drug ointment; pana-

cea; pill; physic. Example: Halo mika

; — to get in his hand or arm; to hug.
Le-'mel, n. (F). (Le mool, on Puget
tikegh lametsin? — do you not want med- Sound.) (French,-Le mulet.) A mule.
icine? Lametsin tupso, an herb. — Le-mo'-lo, n., adj. (Fr. Canadian,- Le
Lam'-mi-eh, Lummieh or Lam-mi-i, n. moron; undoubtedly a corruption of
(F). (French,-La vieille.) An old wom- Marron, a runaway negro. It applies to
an. Example: Kopet ikt lummieh mit- men as well as animals, as, for instance,
lite, —
only one old woman remains.
La-mon-ti, La-mo -ti,
to the tribes which have had no inter-
or n. (F). course with the settlements. Eells says
(French,-La montaigne). A mountain. it is becoming obsolete, as the word wild
La pea or Le pee, (see leepee.) is taking its place.) Wild; untamed;
La-peep', n. (F). (Frsnch,-La pipe.) skittish; uncivilized. Halo lemolo, -
A tobacco-pipe. Lapeep kullakala (lit- tame.
erally, the "pipe-bird"), the band-tailed Le-moo'-to, or Lam-mu'-to, n. (F).
eagle, as its feathers were used to or- (French,-Les moutons.) Sheep. The
nament the pipe stems. word sheep is rapidly taking its place.)
La-pel-lah', v. (Quaere if from the
French,-Le foyer.) Mamook lapellah,—
n. (F). (French,-Le pied.) The
to roast before the fire. feet; a foot; lesr; thigh; foot print; track;
La-plas'h, n. (F). (French,-La —
paw; (luh-pee-ay, differentiate by ges-
planche.) A board; lumber; plank. Ex- tured—Buchanan. Example: Yaka la-
ample: Kah mika iskum okoke laplash, pea yaka kokshut, — his leg is broken.
— where did you get that lumber? Cultus
laplash,— slabs; refuse lumber. Laplash

Kah lapra mitlite, a footstep. Klata-
wa kopa lapea,— to walk. Tzum kah le-
man, a carpenter; a builder. pea mitlite, footstep: track.
La-pome, n. (F). (French,-La pomme.) Le-p'let, n. (F). (French,-Le pretre.)
An apple. (The word apple is now used A priest; minister; clergyman; parson.
on Puget Sound.) Example: Yahwa klatawa nesika leplet,
La-pote, n. (F).
(French,-La porte.) — there goes our minister.
gives: Lesepek, — bishop.
(St. Onge
Lesapot, —
La-push, see laboos. apostle. Katolik,— Catholic. Sesu Kli,—
Ea-tet', n. (F). (Pronounce as though Jesus Christ. Faska, -Easter. Olo time,
"lah-tayt.") (French,-! a tete.) The
head; poll; brains; intellect; sense. Ex-
— Lent. —
Komenio, communion. Kopil-
—Eklis, — church.
masio, confirmation. Lapatkot, pente- —
ample: Fil latet, —
red-headed. Nika cost. Ekstlem oksio, —
sick kopa nika latet, —
I am sick in my extrerre unction.)

head. Halo latet, - stupid. Huloima la- Ee-sak', n. (F). (French,-Le sac.) A
tet, delirious. Kopa latet, mental. — ba"*; a pocket; a sack.
Tupso kopa latet, —hair. Le-whet, n. (F). (On Puget Sound, la
Law, n. (English,-idem). A law; com- whi'p.) (French,-La fouet.) A whip.
mand; decree; rule; mandate; statutes. Mamook lewhet, to whip.
Ex.: Yaka kumtuks Boston law, —he Lice. n. (En$rlish,-rice.) Rice. Ex.:
understands American law. Delate kopa Mika tikegh lice? -do you wish for rice?
law, legal, legitimate, or kloshe kopa Lip'-lip, v. (by onoma. Hale). —
law. Wake kloshe kopa law, — illegal; boil. Ex.: Okoke lice yaka liplip alta, -
illegitimate. the rice is boiling now. Mamook liplip,
n. (F). (French.-L'avoine.) — to make, or cause to boil.
Liver, n. (E). A river. Example:
Ee-bal', n. (F). (French,-idem.) A ball; Yaka mitlite kopa liver, he is living at
bullet. Tenas lebal. shot. the r vpr.

Le-jaub, n. (F). (French.-Diable.) The Lockit, Lakit, or Eokit, see Lakit,

devil; satan; a demon. Example: Spose Lo'-lo, v. (C). (Chinook,-idem.) (Or-
mika mamook mesachie, lejaub iskum iginally, to carry a child on the back.

get you.

mika, if you do wrong, the devil will
Lejaub ya v a illahee, hell. — In Jargon, used in a more extended
sense.) To carry; to load; to bear;
(Other spellings: Eahblo; diaub; deaub; bring; fetch; remove; transfer; convey;
derb; leiom; leiop; lejob; yaub; lejaum; lucr; pack; renew. Example: Mamook
deob.) lolo —
kopa canim, to load into a canoe.
Le-kleh', n. (F). (French,-Le clef.) A Kloshe mika lolo oko>e iktas, — good you
key. Example: Mamook le kleh, lock — carry these things. Man yaka kumtuks
the door. Mahsh lekleh, to unlock, or — lolo, carrier.
mamook halo lekleh. Lowullo, lolo, or lohlo, adi. (C). (Chi-
Le'-mah, or Leh'ma, n. (F). (French,- nook.-Lowullo.) Round; whole; the en-
La main.) The hand; the arm; thumb; tire of anything*. Lowullo sapeleel,—
finders; sleeve handle; limb or knot of
; whole wheat. Mamook lowullo, to roll —
a tree. (Differentiate by gesture.) Ex- up (Shaw), (Not in general use.)
— a


Lope, n. (E). (English,-Rope.)

—A us pray to God. Wawa mahsie, to give —
rope. Tenas lope, —
a cord. Skin lope, thanks; to praise. Mahsie kopa Sagha-

Tyee, the Doxology.
a raw hide, riata, or thong. lie
Xium, n. (E). (English, -Rum.) Spirits Maht'-lin-nie, adv. (C). (Chinook,-
of any sort; rum; whiskey. Matlini.) Off shore; out at sea. (In

wards the water.

boating), keep off! (If on land),— to-

M Mah'twil-lie,
adv. (C).

In shore; shoreward.
a command), keep in. (On land), to-
wards the woods, or the interior.

Mah'kook, v., n. (Nootka,-Makuk; Nit- Mal-i-eh, v., n. (F). (French,-Marier.)
tinat and Tokwaht,-idem Makah,-Bak- ; To marry; to get married; marriage;
watl.) To buy or sell; trade or ex- matrimony. Example: Yaka malieh al-
change; a bargain; purchase. ("As their ta? — is he married now?Alta nika kla-
buying and selling was merely barter,
the same word always answered both the marriage.

tawa kopa malieh, now I am going to
Elip kopa malieh, — ante

operations." Gibbs.) Eells says: "Gibbs
gives it as a noun, a bargain, but it is
nuptial. Man yaka chee malieh, a
bridegroom. Klootchman yaka chee ma-
not so used now. He also gives it as lieh, —
a bride. Halo malieh,- -a bene-
to sell, trade, or exchange, but mahsh dict. Mamook cut kopa malieh, or, kok-
is now used, to sell, and huyhuy to shut malieh, —a divorce; to be divorced;
trade and exchange." .Ex.: Hyas mah- to get a divorce.

kook, dear; very dear( in price). Wake Ma -ma, n. (E). (English,-Mamma.)
mother; a mama. Example: Halo ma-
hyas mahkook, ortenas mahkook,— cheap.
Kah nxika mahkook okoke iktahs? — ma, —motherless. Kahkwa mama, —

where did you buy the goods? Mahkook motherly; maternal. Papa pe mama,

man, merchant; ..trader; ..salesman; parents. Halo papa pe mama,— orphans.
storekeeper. Mahkook house, a trad-
ing-house or a store. Nika tikegh mah-
— Mama yaka ats, an aunt. Mama yaka
mama,— a grandmother. Mama yaka ow,
kook iktahs, — I wish buy some things.
to — an uncle.
(Other spellings: Mahcook; makook; Mam'-ook, n., v. (N). (UTootka.-mam-
makouke; makuk; markoke; markook.) uk.) To make; to do; to work; labor;
Mahsh, v. (P). (Prench,-Marcher.) To exertion; exercise; act; action; deed;
leave; to turn out; to throw away; sell; work; enact; appoint; accomplish; make;
acquit; banish; cast; dash; desert; dis- manage; operate; practice; resolve;
patch; dismiss; distribute; detach; drop; serve; use; toil; a job; task; achieve,
apply; expel; to part with; remove; ex- the one word denoting
action. "The
terminate; extinguish; fling; forsake; most useful of all Chinook words, as it
get rid of; heave; hurl; lay down; omit; is prefixed to many nouns, verbs and
insert; pour; put; reject; release; relin- adjectives and makes them active verbs;
quish; remit; send; remove; sling; sow; hence, more than any other word it is
spill; spend; thrust; toss; transmit. Ex- the sign of the active voice." Eells. —
ample: Mahsh chuck kopa boat, bail — "On Puget Sound it is probably the
the boat out. Nika mahsh nika kuitan, most common word in use. I have given
—I have sold my horse. Cultus mahsh, 209 phrases which begin with it. which
— to waste. Halo mahsh, to hold.

Mahsh okoke salmon, throw away that
— answer to a single English word." Dr.
Boas says, however, it has acquired an
fish.Tenas mahsh, to move. Mahsh — obscene meaning and is no longer in use
konoway yaka wind, to die; expire. —
Mahsh mifca capo, — take off your coat.
on the Columbia river. "Used generally
as a causative verb, as mamook c"hako
— to exclude; eject;

Mahsh klahanie, de- (make to come) bring; mamook liplip,

liver; evict;
(to a dog), — turn out; export.
get out! Mahsh keekwulee,
Mahsh! —
make to boil," Hale. Ex.: Ikta mil:
mamook?— what are you doing? Mamook
— to inject; sink; lower; enclose; throw
down; put inside. Mahsh tenas, to have —
elip, ——
to begin; commence. Mamook
halo, to demolish; destroy; erase; ruin;
a child; to be delivered. Mahsh kunam- efface; evacuate; overthrow; repeal.

to mingle; to mix; to add. Yakka

tum-tum kopa nika, he has

Mamook haul, to haul; subtract; ex-
tract; pull; pull off; pick (as apples);
given me his orders, or told me his dig (as potatoes). Mamook huyhuy, —
wishes. —
Mahsh kopa illahee, to bury.
Mahsh kow, — to untie. Mahsh stone, —
to change; trade; exchange.

kloshe, to make
good; shine; trim:
to castrate. Mahsh lametsin kopa lemah heal; pacify; remedy; repair; prepare;
yaka kloshe kopa small pox, — to vac- please; sure; to make safe; sure; or
cinate. Mahsh mesachie, — to go to stool. useful. Mamook tumtum, to think: —
Mah-sie, v. (F). (French.-Mercie.) reason; meditate; reckon; ponder; re-
Thank you; thanks; thankful. (Eells view; muse; decide; determine; sur-
says also to pray.) Example: Kloshe mise; plan; account; appraise; elect; be
nesika mahsie kopa Saghalie Tyee, let — amazed; estimate; decide; deduce; de-
—a —— —


Mamook Example: Elip
tzum, —contemplate;
to write;
record, subscribe;
unrighteous; naughty.
mesachie, worse. Elip mesachie kopa
mark; copy; dye; engrave; enroll; konoway, the worst. Hiyu mesachie
enumerate. Mamook mamook by- — unclean. Mesachie mitlite, —
by, — to
defer; delay.
Mamook chako, — mitlite,
danger; peril. "Mesatchee, — bad, vile,
to bring; make to come; fetch. Mamook vicious, in the sense of vileness, filth,
cultus, —
to spoil. Mamook delate, to — dirtiness, etc., whether in the abstract
confirm; straighten; make right; cor-
rect. Mamook kahkwa, to imitate; as- — or in the concrete." —
Me-si'-ka, pron. (C). (Chinook,-Mesai-
similate; mimic. Mamook kilapie, to
twist; unwind; withdraw; turn over (as
— ka.) "The second person, plural num-
ber in all cases." You; your; yours.
a canoe); bring or send back. Mamook "There is no such thing as case in Chi-
kopet, —to stop; check; complete; finish;
conclude; deter; quell; quench; annul;
nook, therefore one form represents at
once the nominative, possessive and ob-
prohibit; restrict; extinguish; extermi- jective cases, or what corresponds to
nate; abolish; debar. Mamook kow, to
tie; wrap; hitch; clasp; shackle; strap;
— them
pron. (C).

English." Buchanan.
confine; detain; fasten; capture; arrest; (Anything pertaining to the first person,
envelop. Mamook kumtuks, to teach;
show; explain; acquaint; describe; dis-
— singular number.) You; your; yours;
thee; thou; thy; thine. Example: Okoke
close; edify; educate; illustrate;
form; instruct; reveal; introduce; pub-
in- ——
mika kiutan? is this your horse? Kah
mika klatawa? where are you going?
lish. Mamook kunjih; mamook kwun- Mi'-mie, adv. (C). (Chinook,-Maiami.)

num, to count; enumerate.
— Mamook Down stream.
sick tumtum, to afflict; ill treat; hurt Mit'-lite, v. (C). (Chinook.-Mitlait.)
one's feelings. Mamook skookum, to — To sit; sit down; stay at; reside; remain;
strengthen;; invigorate; strive; uphold. have; inhabit; abide; dwell; exist; dwell;
Mamook skookum tumtum, to encour-
age; to make brave. Mamook skookum
— be present; recline; keep; linger; lodge;
possess; reside; roost; wait. (Also used

haul, must. mamook, the begin-
ning; new work. Cultus mamook, mis-
— — for the impersonal verb, to be; is.)
Example: Kah mika mitlite? where do —
chief; poor work. Delate kumtuks ma- you live? Yaka mitlite kopa yaka house,

mook, practical; knowing how to work. — he is at his house. (It is also used
Halo delate mamook, to pretend; not
right work.

Kumtuks mamook, skill; — in place of to have and to be.) Example:

Mitlite kopa house, he is in the house.
to know how to work.
— Kwanesum ma-
mook, to persevere; persist; endure; be
Mitlite hyiu salmon kopa mika? have —
you plenty of salmon? Mitlite (imp.),
diligent; be industrious; always at work.

Fotlatch mamook, to hire; employ; give
— sit down. Cultus mitlite, to stop
anywhere without particular object.

work. Tikegh mamook, to endeavor; — ——
Mitlite tenas, to be with child. Mit-
Halo mit-
to wish for work. lite keekwillie, to put down.
Man, n. (E). (English,-idem.) A man;
the male of any animal; a husband.

lite, absent. Kloshe
hold; hold on; remain.
mitlite, stay;
— —
Example: Man moolock, a buck elk.

Tenas man, a young man or boy. Nika
— how many remain. Okoke mitlite, this
Mitlite kopa chuck,
— —
is the remainder.

man, my husband. Sister yaka tenas
— to be wet: soaked.

man, a nephew. Tamahnous man,
conjurer; an Indian doctor; a sorcerer.
Mit'-whit, v.
(C). ( Chinook,- Am et-
To stand; stand up; rise; be
Man kloshe kopa yaka lepush pe klale Example: Kloshe mesika mit-

kopa yaka tumtum, a hypocrite. Man

whit, please to arise. Mitwhit stick, —
yaka mamook cooley steamer, a pilot. — a standing tree; a mast.
Mel'-ass, n. (P). (Prench.-Melasse.) Mokst, Mox, or Moxt, adj. (C). (Chi-
Molasses. ("Not much used, as silup nook,-Makst.) Two; twice; double; dual;
(syrup) has largely taken its place." couple; pair; second. Example: Mokst
Mem'-a-loost, or Mim'-a-loos, v., n., 200.

tahtlum, twenty. Mokst tukamonnk,

Mokst tumtum, double minded;
adj. (C). (Chinook,-Memalust.) To die; dubious; in doubt.
dead; to expire; decay; become rotten. Moo'la, n. (P). (Prench,-Moulin.) A
Chako mimaloos, to decay: be-

Mamook memaloost, — to
mill; a manufactory.
t>lash, or stick moola.

a saw-mill. Sapo-
kill; assassinate; execute; murder.

maloose kopa chuck, to drown. Mima-
Mi- lil moola, —
a flour-mill.
Moo'-lack, n. (C). (Chinook.-Emuluk.)
illahee, a —
grave; graveyard; An elk. (This word, strangely enough,
occurs also in the Koquilth of Humbolt
Me-sah-chie, adj., n. (C). (Chinook, - Bav.) The word is obsolete now.
Masachi.) Bad; wicked; evil; vile; sin; Moon, n. (E). (English.-idem.) The
bitter; cruel; depravity; dissolute; dung"; moon. Example: Ikt moon, a month.

filthv; immodest; nasty; obscene; vice; Sick moon, the wane or old moon. Chee
insolence; unworthy; unruly; iniquity; moon, the new moon. Kopa mokst
— a — — — I


moon nika kilapie, — in two months I will Mus'-ket,

or musket.
n. (English,-idem.)
Stick musket, a bow.
A gun
Moos'-moos, n. (K. C.) (Klikatat,-Mus-
mus; Chinook, -Emusmus.) Buffalo;
horned cattle; beef. (The word, slight-
ly varied, is common to several lan-
guages. Mr. Anderson derives it from
the Cree word Moostoos, a Buffalo, and
supposes it to have been imported by
but Father Pandosy

Na, the interrogative particle. "In-
terrogation is, however, generally con-
the Canadians;
makes Musmus Yakima.) (Eells says:
"The Clallams and Twanas have adopted
veyed by intonation only." Gibbs. "The
negative enclitic, 'na,' in use in former

it into their languages, either from the years, is now obsolete, and is never
Chinook Jargon, the Yakama or some —
heard now on Puget Sound at least." —
other native language; my opinion is Buchanan.
that the latter is true, as buffalo skins Na'-ha, or Na-ah, n. (C). (Chinook,-
were brought to Puget Sound from the Tlkanaa.) A mother, (Hale.) Peculiar
Yakama long before the whites came, to the Columbia, and now in fact obso-
and the name naturally came with it; lete, the English 'mama' being used in-
so the Yakamas undoubtedly had a
name for them long before the Cana-
stead." — Gibbs. "St Onge is the only
writer who uses it." Eells. —
dians came.") Example: Yaka mitlite UTah, interj. (Common to several lan-

taghum moosmoos, he has six cattle. guages.) Behold; look; look here; ha;
Man yaka kumtuks mamook mimoloose hey; look here; I say; listen; here; ho;
moosmoos, — a butcher. hark; harken; say. Example: Nah
Moo'-sum, (S). (Chihalis,-Mu-
v., n. —
sikhs! halloo friend! (Used in com-
sam.) To sleep; sleep; asleep; slumber. mon conversation to call attention to
Ex.: Tikegh moosum, or olo moosum, — some point not thoroughly understood,
to be sleepy (literally, to want, or be but generally nanitch is used for this
hungry for sleep). Yaka moosum alta, purpose. In the Yakama language, it is
—he sleeps now. Nika hyas moosum,— the sign of the vocative; as Nah tehn!
I slept very sound. O man.)
Mow-itsh, Mow-itch, or Mah'-witsh, n. Nan'-itsh, or Nan-ich, v. (Quaere u. d.)
(N). (Nootka,-Mauitsh (Hale); Nittinat,-
Moitsh. a deer; Nootka,-Moowatsh, — (Nootka.-Nananitch. Eells.) — To see;
look; look for; seek; observe; glance;
bear (Jewitt). A deer; venison; animal. view; perceive; behold; listen; look here.
(Frequently used to signify a wild ani- ("Often used in a sentence to call atten-
mal: as, Huloima mowitsh,
or different kind of beast. The meaning
—a strange tion to a certain point, as,
—see here.) —
Example: Nanitsh! look there! Kloshe
given in Jewitt's book is probably a mis-
print. Like Moolock, an elk, the word

nanitsh! look out! take care! be careful;
nourish; be cautious; nurse; defend; pre-
is found in the Koquilth of Humbolt serve; entertain; protect; foster; steady;
Bay.) (Other spellings: Mahwitch; ma- guard; tend; take heed; supervise;
wich; mawitsh; mowich; mowitsh; mou- watch; provide. Cultus nanitsh, to —
eech; mouits; wowich.) look round idly, or from curiosity only.
Muck-a-muck, n., v. (Quaere u. d. Mnk-
amak (Hale). (Neither Chinook nor Chi- is

Mamook nanitsh, to show. (The word
neither Chinook nor Chihalis. Dr.
halis. Mr. Anderson considers it an in- Seoul er gives nannanitsh as Nootka and
vented word.) To eat; bite; food; im- Columbian. It is possibly the former.)
bibe; lunch; chew; browse; devour; suck Na-wit'-ka, adv. (C). (Chinook,-idem)
food; nutrition; wienie; subsistence: ail- Klikatat and Yakama,-N'witka.) Yes;
ment; diet; feast. (Muckamuck is to certainlv; yes, indeed; to be sure; aye;
take anything into the mouth; bene3 assure Sly; indeed. Example: Nawitka
salmun, to eat salmon;

ni^a klatawa, yes, I will go. Nawitka

chuck, to drink water; wake nika kumtuks, indeed I don't
muckamuck kinootl, smoke or chew
to know. Klonass nawitka, perhaps; —

tobacco." Hale.) Example:
piah muckamuclr, to cook food.
probably so. Wawa nawitka, to per-
mit; acquiesce; assent; consent; accord.

latch muckamuck, to feed. Sail kot>a (In answer to a negative question, many
mamook kloshe lapush spose nesika Indians use it as affirming the nega-
muckamuck, a napkin. Muckamuck
chuck, Src., to drink water, or other
liquid. Muckamuck kopa nolaklie, sup- —
tive.) Example: Wake mika nanitsh?
did you not see (it)?
did not.

Muckamuck kopa sitkum sun, din-
Muckamuck kopa tenas sun, —
— Nem,
(E). A
Mamook nem, — to
breakfast. (Other ways of spelling: name, or call name. Kloshe nem, —
Mackamack; makmak; moVamok; muca- honor; a good name. Hyas kloshe nem,
muc; mucamuck; muckermuc; muka-
muck; mukamuck; makamak.)
— agreat name.
pron. (Chinook.-Nisai-
Ne-si'-ka, (C).
— — — —


ka.) (Among the Quinaielt Indians I an. The nose; also, a promontory. Boat
found 1892 that
in pronouncedit is nose, —
the bow of a boat. Example:

Eells.) We; us; our. Ex-
Chako kopa nesika, — come to
Yaka mamook camp kopa nose, he is
camped at the spit.

us. Alkl nesika klatawa, — soon we will
go. Nesika kuitan delate — our
— till,
horses are very
Nesika tired.

(C). (Chinook,-Niwha.) It
seems to be an adverb used, as is often
the case, as a verb, the meaning being O'-koke, or O'-kook, pron. (C). (Chi-
hither, come, or bring- it hither. Ex.: nook,-Okok.) This; that; it; these; those;
Newhah nika nanitsh, here, let me see — (differentiate by pointing). (Okoke,
this or that, is the only demonstrative
Ni'-ka, (Chinook,-Naika.)
pron. (C). pronoun.) Example: Iktah okoke? —
I; me; my; mine. The
first person, sin- what is that? Okoke klaksta, he who.
gular, in all cases. Ex.: "The personal
pronouns become possessive merely by

Okoke klaska, they (being present).
(It is often abbreviated to oke; as, oke
being prefixed to nouns; as, nika house,
my house; mika papa, thy father; nesika

sun. Gibbs.) Okoke mitlite, the re- —

mainder. Okoke polaklie, tonight.
illahee, our land." Hale. —
"Sometimes Okoke sun, today. — "There are no
s is added to the personal pronouns in words for articles, except that the dem-
the possessive case; thus nikas, mine;

mikas, yours; yakas, his, hers, its; —— — onstrative pronoun okoke, that, is some-
times used to denote a very definite

nesikas, ours;
kas, theirs.
mesikas, yours; klas-
This mode is generally
the."— Eells.
O'-lal-lie, or O'-lil-lie, n.
used only when the pronoun is the last (Belhella,-idem.) Originally the salmon
word in the sentence, thus: Okoke kiu-

atan nikas." Eells. Nika nanitch yaka,
(Chinook.-Klalelli, berries
Berries; fruit. Ex.:
— in
— I see him.
hit me.
Yaka kokshut nika, he
Nika klootchman, — my wife.
olallie, —blackberries.
rants; cranberries.
Pil olallie, cur-
Sallal olalllie, sal-

Nika man, — my husband. Nika self,— lal berries. —
Olallie chuck, berry .iuice.
myself. Nika tenas man, — my boy; son; — —
Shot olillie, huckleberries. Seapho, or
sweetheart. Nika tenas klootchman, — siahpult olillie, raspberries: thimble
tumtum, — daughter; sweetheart.
girl; Nika
Nika turn-
cap berries. Salmon olillie, salmon —
guess; think.
I berries; &c. (On Puget Sound always
turn kahkwa, — approve; I think I so. called olallie.)
Numerals: The numerals below a O'-le-man, n., adj. (E). (English,-01d
thousand are from the Old Chinook,
all man.) An old man; old; worn out;
and are as follows: .Ikt, — one; mokst, Example: Okoke kuitan yaka
— two; klone, — three; lakit, — four; kwin-

hyas oleman, that horse very
tag-hum, — six; sinamokst, —
is old.
num, — five; (As regards articles, used in the sense
seven; stotekin, — eight; kweest, — nine; of worn out.)
tahtlum, ten; tukamonuk, — one hun- O'-lo, adj. (C). (Chinook,-idem.) Hun-
dred. For some reason the words for gry. Olo chuck, —
Example: thirsty.
eight and nine are used but little, either Olo — sleepy.
moosum, Nika hyas olo
being replaced by the English words alta, — am very hungry now. Wake
eight and nine, or by the combinations siah mimoluse kopa olo, — famished. (Olo
for five and three, kwinnum pe klone, moosum, not used on Puget Sound to
and five and four, kwinnum pe lakit. my knowledge, tikegh moosum, is
Thousand is either represented by the sleepy. — Eells.) Olo time, — Lent.
words tahtlum tukamonuk, ten hun-
dred, or by the word thousand. Ross
— Oo'-a-kut, Wayhut, n. (Chinook,-
Wehut; Yakima,-Wiet.) A road; path;
(1849) gives hioh, (probably hiyu, trail; way; highway; lane. (Under the
many) as the word for thousand: hioh- spelling Oyhut it is the name of a place

hioh, two thousand; hioh-hioh-hioh, — in Chehalis County, Wash. Eells.) Ex-— —
three thousand; and hioh-hioh-hioh-hioh, ample: Kah ooakut kopa Olympia?
— —
four thousand." Eells. The combina- where is the road to Olympia? Ooakut
tions of the numerals are simple, as —
kopa chuck, a channel. Ooakut kopa
tahtlum pe ikt (ten and one) eleven;
mokst tahtlum pe kwinnum (two tens

town, a street. (Eells says: "The pro-
nunciation as I have given is not found
and five) twenty-five: tag-hum tahtlum any of the dictionaries, but is what
(six tens) sixty: klone tukamonuk, — in
I have almost universally found on
three hundred: ikt thousand (or taht- Puget Sound; wayhut being very sel-
lum tukamonuk) stotekin tukamonuk, dom used. Gibbs says that on the Co-
kweest tahtlum pe klone, one thousand, — lumbia it is pronounced hwehkut, and
eight hundred and ninety-three." Eells.
Nose, n. (English-idem.)

on Puget Sound weehut; but Gill (Port-
land) gives oehut, and I have seldom
(Indian, -Common.) Bock-s'd." —Buchan- heard anything but ooahut on Puget
— a — —a


Sound; only occasionally way hut.") the native Indian languages, but for the
(Other ways of spelling: Hooikut; oi- Indians to learn the English, so the
hat; oihot; oehut; ohehut; owakut; hweh- tendency is toward the English order of
kut; weehut; wehkut; oyhut.) "The In-
dians are very quick to detect any dif-

the words." Eells.
ference in the intonation or method of
pronunciation of the whites, and some-
times think we speak different lan-
guages. An Indian asked me one day
(while pointing to a cow) what was the
name we called that animal. I told him Pahtl, adj. (C). (Chinook,-Patl.) Full.
cow. He said that he had just asked Example: Fahtl-lum or paht-lum,
another white man, and he called it a drunk. Pahtl chuck, wet. Fahtl ilia-
caow. By this means, different Indians — dirty. Mamook pahtl, — to fill.
Kwanesum yaka pahtlum, — he is always
who have been with the whites acquire
a habit of pronouncing such English drunk. (Other ways of spelling pahtl:
words as they pick up in the same style Fartle; patl; patle; pattle.) (Fahtlum is
and manner as the person from whom also spelled: Fahtllum; patlem; phat-
they learn them. This causes a great lum; pahtllam; partlelum; potlum; pot-
discrepancy in the Jorgon, which at first tlelum.)
is difficult to get over. And, again, each Faint, or Pent, n., adj. (E). (English,-
tribe will add some local words of their Paint.) —
Mamook pent, to paint.
Papa, n. (English-idem). A father.
own language, so that while a person
can make himself understood among any
of the tribes for the purposes of trade,

Ex.: Nika nanitsh yaka papa, T see his
it is difficult to hold a lengthened con- Fa-se'-se, or Fa'-see-sie, n. (C). (Chi-
versation on any subject without the nook,-Pasisi.) A
blanket; woolen cloth
aid of some one who has become more Ex.: Yaka mitlite kwinnum paseesie, —

familiar with the peculiar style." Judge
he has five blankets. Tzum paseesie,

"Faseesee, is properly pronounced
O'-poots, or O'pootsh, n. (C). (Chinook,- with the accent on the second syllable.
Obeputsh.) The fundament; the poste- You will see how very different the word
rior; the tail of an animal; anus; end; becomes if you attempt to accent the
rectum; stern; back; backside. Example:

Boat opoots, the rudder. Opoots-sill, — first or last syllables."— Gill.
Fa-'si-ooks, n., adj. (C). (Chinook,-
a breach
clout. Humm opoots, — Pasisiuks.) (French; a Frenchman. Ex.:
Ahnkuttie hiyu pasiooks man mitlite
Ow, n. (Chinook,-Au.)
younger than the speaker.
A brother yakwa, —
formerly many Frenchmen
Example: lived here. (Mr. Hale supposed this to

Kah mika ow? where is your brother? be a corruption of the French word
— — —
Elip ow, an older brother. Kahkwa ow, Francais. It is, however, really derived
fraternal; brotherly. Ow yaka klootch- from the foregoing word, Fasisi, with
man, a sister-in-law. Ow yaka tenas the terminal uks, which is a plural form

man, a nephew. Ow yaka tenas klootch- applied to living beings. Lewis and

man, a niece.
Order of the Words:
Clarke (vol. 2, pp. 413) give Fashishe-

ooks, clothmen, as the Chinook name
"There is no
settled authority in regard to the order for the whites, and this explanation was
of the words in this language. They are also furnished me by people of that
generally placed in much the same order tribe. It has since been generally re-
as they are in the language which the stricted to the French Canadians, though,
speaker has been accustomed to use, among some of the tribes east of the
if he be not well acquainted with the Cascade Range, it is applied indiscrim-
language. An English speaking person inately to all the Hudson's Bay people.)
will place them in much the same order
that he would in English, but there are
— Gibbs. (Other ways of spelling: Fah-
seooks; pasaiooks; pasaiuks; passaiooks;
many phrases where this is not true, pesioux; pesyooks; pasheshiooks; passi-
the order of which must be acquired by uks.) "The origin of some of the words
practice: for instance, halo nika kum- is rather whimsical. The Americans,

tuks, not I understand, is far more
common than nika halo kumtuks. An
British, and French are distinguished by
the terms Boston, Kingchotsh (King
Indian who has learned somewhat the George), and Pasaiuks, which is pre-
English order, will arrange the words in sumed to be the word Francais (as
much the same way; but if the speaker neither f, r, nor the nasal n can be pro-
is an old Indian who knows but little nounced by the Indians) with the Chi-
about English he will arrange them much nook plural termination uks added. The
as he is accustomed to do in his native word for blanket, paseesee, is probably
tongue, which- is usually very different from the same source (francaises, —
from the English. As the tendency,
however, is not for the whites to learn

French goods or clothing)." Hale. (See
— — — — —


Pe, or Pee, conj. (P). (Prencli,-Puis). pipil chako,— much blood came. Mahsh
And; but; Eells says and and out are its
only meanings. Gibbs and Hale give
— to bleed; to menstruate.
from the foregoing).
(Lee and
then, besides, or. Hale says: "Only two Frost give pilpil, as red.)
conjunctions, properly speaking, are Fish, (E). Pish. Example: Mika
found in the language, Pe and Spose, — tikegh

mahsh okoke pish, do you wish
often contracted to Pos. These two con- to sell that fish? Kah iskum pish, or
junctions form the only exceptions to
the rule that all the grammatical ele-
kah pish
pish, — to — milite,
—toa fishery.
ments of the jargon are derived from the kopa pish, bait.
proper Chinook language. The pronouns Pish-pish. (See Puss-puss.)
and the numerals are pure Chinook." Fit-lilh, or Fit-hlil', adj. (Quaere u.
Ex.: Yaka pe nika klatawa, he and I
will go. Yaka wawa

kahkwa pe nika
d. ). Thick in consistence, as molasses.
Piu-piu, n., v., inter j. (F). (French,-
wawa huloima,— he said so, but I said puer). To stink. Or from the sound oft-
differently. Pe weght, — and; also; be- en uttered expressive of disgust at a bad
sides. Pe kahta, and
what reason.
— why; for what; smell.
skunk. Generally used as an
Example: Fiupiu! What
Peh'-pan, or Fapah, n. (English,-Pa- a bad smell there is! (Humm, is gener-
per). Paper; a letter; any writing-; ally used in sentences.)
book; message. Ex.: Mamook pehpah, Poh, v. (Chinook,-idem). (By onoma).
To write. Kloshe mika mamook papah To blow; a puff of breath. Mamook
kopa nika, — please to write a letter for —
poh, to blow out or extinguish, as a

lie tyee yaka papah,

me. Kumtuks papah, to read. Sagha-
the Bible; Testa-
Fo'-lak-lie, or Polakly, n.,
(Chinook, Polakli).— Night; darkness;
adj. (C).

Pel'-ton, or Pehlten, n., adj. (Jargon). dark; gloom. Example: Tenas polak-
A fool; foolish; crazy; absurd; insane.

Ex.: Kahkwa pelton, like a fool; hyas
lie, — evening; Hyas polaklie,
night; very dark; Sit-kum polaklie,
late at — —

pelton mika, you are very silly. (The ——
midnight (literally, the half night).
Indians adopted this word from the Alki polaklie chako, soon night will
name of a deranged person, Archibald come. Kimtah sitkum polukly, after —
Pelton, or perhaps Pelton, whom Mr. midnight, (Other spellings: Polack-
Wilson P. Hunt found on his journey to ley; polackly; polakle; polaklie; po like-
Astoria, and carried there with him. The ly; pollakle; poolakle; polukly).
circumstance mentioned by Franchere,
is Fo'-lal-lie, n. (Quaere French, Fou-
in his "Narrative," trans., p. 149.)"The dre). Gunpowder; dust; sand. Polallie
— crazy comes
the name
of an employee
— illahie, —
sandy ground. (The word is
certainly neither Chinook nor Chihalis.)
of the Hudson's Bay, who become insane. (Other ways of spelling: Folale, polal-
Between the French and English pronun- ly, polalely, pollalley, pollallie, poolala,
ciation of that name, the Indians made it pooale.)
pilio, pilian, and at last pehlten, and Poo, n. (By onoma,- (Hale). The
adopted the name to mean insane in sound of a gun. Mamook poo, to shoot; —

general." Kamloops Wawa. (Other
Pelhten; pilten; piltin; pil- ——
Moxt poo, a double-barreled gun. To-
hum poo, a six-shooter. (Other spell-
ings: Po, poh, pu.)
Fe-shak', or Fe-shuk, adj. (N). (Noot- Pot'-latch, or Faht-latsh, n., v. (N).
ka,-Peshuk). (Nittinat,-idem). Bad. (Nootka,— Pahchilt, (Jewitt) Pachaetl. ;

(Mesachie is used for it on Puget Sound or Pachatl, (Cook). A gift; to give; al-
Fe-what -tie, adj. (C). (Chinook,-Pih- lot; cede; expend; pay; impart; restore.
wati). Thin, like paper, etc. Ex.: Cultus potlatch, a present or —
Pi'-ah, n., adj. (E). Fire; ripe; cooked; free gift; expecting no return; a dona-
mature; blaze; flame; burned; mellow.
Example: Mamook piah, to cook; to —
tion. —
Mamook potlatch, to make a pot-
— —
latch. Tikesrh potlatch, to offer. Note
— —
Fiah-ship, a steamer; piah olil-
ripe berries. Fiah chuck, —
"A great distribution of gifts; the larg-
est gathering and festival of the Indi-

Piah sapolill, baked bread. Fiah sick, —
— ans of the North Pacific Coast." Eells. —
the venereal disease. Sa^halie piah, "The potlatch was the greatest institu-
lightning. Shot olallia yaka piah alta,— tion of the Indian, and is to this day.
the huckleberries are ripe now. From far and near assembled the invited
Pil, adj. (C.) (Chinook.-Tlpelpel). guests and tribes and with feasting,
Red; of a reddish color. (Father Pan- singing, chanting and dancing, the boun-
dosy gives Filpilp as signifying red, in teous collection was distributed; a chief
the Nez Perce or Sahaptin, also.) Pil was made penniless, the wealth of a
la, — —
red clay or vermillion. Pil dol-

Fil chickamin, copper. Pil
lifetime was dissipated in an hour, but
his head ever after was crowned with

kiuatan, a bay or chestnut horse.
Pil'-pil, n. (Jargon). Blood. Hiyu
the glory of a satisfied ambition; he had
won the honor and reverence of his peo-
— — —— . — -


pie. It was a beautiful custom; beauti- mon; religious talk;, gospel; religion.
ful in the eyes of the natives of high or
low degree, confined to no particular
tyee (literally, the
God; Lord; Deity; Jehovah;
Chief —
tribe, but to be met with everywhere Providence. A term invented by the mis-
along the coast." The Siwash. tionaries for want of a native one. Alki

"Potlatch (noun) -That which is giv- nesika klatawa kopa saghalie, -soon we —
en, bestowed, bequeathed, given, etc., will go to heaven. Saghalie kopa, —
e., a gift. Always given with the ex- —
house, upstairs. Saghalie illahie, —

pectation, greater or lesser, of a return.

Cultus potlatch, a purposeless gift, that
mountain. Tenas saghalie illahie, a hill.
(Other spellings: Sahale; sahali; sag-

is, outright with no expectation of re- halie; sahhahlee; sahhale; sahhali; sa-
turn. Potlatch, —
an old Indian feast and
custom, forbidden by law, characterized
hilli; sakahlee; sakailly; sakalie; sakal-
ly; sokallee; saukhale; and so on). Sag-
by extreme extravagance on the part of
the host or hostess in the bestowal of
halie piah, lightning. —Saghalie
nesika papa, yaka tenas, Jesus, pe yaka
gifts upon guests. Potlatch muckamuck, Holy Spirit,— the Trinity. Saghalie tyee
— To give food." Buchanan.— (Other —
papa, God the Father. Tillikums klas-

ways of spelling: Fotlash, potlatch, ka halo kumtuks kopa saghalie tyee,
potlach, potlatsh). Kloshe mika potlatch heathen.
nika wawa kopa yaka, to intercede. — Sail, or Sill, n. (English, — sail). A
Cultus potlatch tumtum, to advise;
counsel; to give advice or counsel.
— sail; or any cotton or linen goods. Cloth;
calico; sheet; flag. Example: Okoke sail
Kloshe kopa cultus potlatch, generous. — —
hyas cultus, that cloth is very poor.
Ipsoot potlatch dolla
kopa tyee, to

Potlatch dolla, to give alms; to
Mamook sail, to make sail; Mamook
keekwillie sail, to take in sail; Tzum
pay. Potlatch kloshe wawa, to con- — —

printed cloth or calico. Snass sail,
gratulate; admonish. Potlatch kopa sag- oil cloth. (Other spellings: Seel, sel,

halie tyee, to dedicate; to consecrate.
kumtuks kopa mesachie, — to
sell, sil, sill).
So-kol'-eks, or Se-kol'-uks, n. (C).
warn; give warning. Potlatch mesachie

wawa kopa tillikums, to insult. Pot-

Chinook, tsakaluks, leggings)
sers; pantaloons; pants; breeches.
— .

latch muckamuck pe konaway iktas, — ample: Keekwillie sakoleks, drawers. ——

to support. Potlatch saglialie yaka wa- Okoke sakolleks hyas mahkook, these
— to—reprove;
wa, to preach. Potlatch skookum wawa, pants are very dear. Klahanie sakolleks,
exhort. Potlatch wawa, — — overalls. (Other spellings: Sakah-
to make a speech; to speak; to order. leks, sakaleks, sakalooks, sakaluks, sak-
Puk'-puk, n. (Probably an invented uleks, segalax, sekarlox, sekoluks, she-
word). A blow with the fist; a fist-fight. collon.)

Mamook pukpuk, to box; to fight with Sal-lal', n. (C). (Chinook, klkwu-
(Shelwell, of Lewis and Clarke).

the firsts. Pukpuk solleks,— to fight in shala.)
anger. The sallal berry; fruit of gualtheria
(E). A cat. (On Pu- Shallon.
Puss'-puss, n.
get Sound, pronounced Pish-pish.)

— Salmon, or Sam'-un, n. (English, —

Eells. Hyas pusspuss, a cougar. — idem). The salmon; fish generally. Ex-
ample: Mika tikegh mahkook salmon? —
do you wish to buy a salmon? Tyee sal-
mon, —
e., chief salmon, the spring sal-

mon (salmo kwinnat, Rich.); Masahchie

salmon, a winter species (salmo canis,
Suckley) Tzum salmon,— salmon trout.

Salt, n., adj. (English,-idem). Salt,

(Chinook, — Sahhali,
sakhali ;
n., adj. (C).
Clatsop, ukhshak-— or a salt taste.
Hyas salt chuck, the
Salt chuck, salt water; brine; — —
hali). Up; above; high; upper; celes- marine; the sea; waters of Puget Sound.
tial; uppermost; over; top; upwards;
heaven; sky. "Saghalie has been trans-
Salt chuck tupso, sea weed. —
San-de-lie, n., adj. (P). (Prench,-
lated by the Indians into nearly all their Cendre). Ash-colored. (Anderson). A
languages on Puget Sound; as, (Wis roan horse; roan-colored.
—(Tsitsl siam, — Clallam). (Klo-
sowulus, Twana.) Shuk siab,— Clal- Sap'-o-lill, n. (C). (Chinook,-Tsape-
kut — Upper Chehalis). Klokt — lil ) (Yakima, saplil bread.
Wheat; flour, or meal; a loaf;

Pan- ;
— — (

Lower Chehalis). All of which mean the
als, dosy).
grain. Example: Hiyu sapolil milite, —

same. The Above Chief."Eells. Ex.: there is much flour. Piah sapolill,
Potlatch saghalie tyee yaka wawa, to baked bread. Lolo sapolill,— whole
preach. Saghalie tyee yaka book, the wheat. (The word has been erroneously
Bible; Scriptures; Testament. Sag-halie supposed to come from the French La

tyee yaka tenas, Jesus Christ; God's
Saghalie tyee yaka illahie, heav- — farine. It is, however, a true Indian
w ord, and seems common to various Co-

en. Saghalie tyee yaka wawa, a ser- — lumbia river tribes. Pandosy gives Saplil



as Yakima for bread; Lewis and Clarke late siah, —
a great distance. Elip siah, —
write it Chapelell.) (Other spellings:
Chapalell; sapalel; sapolel; sapolill; sap-
farther. Elip siah kopa konaway,
est. Tenas siah,— a
little ways
— Wake
pelail; sapplel; sapplil). siah, — not far; near. Wake siah kahkwa,
Se'-ah-host, or Se-agh'-ost, n.

(Chinook, Siakhost, the —
— nearly so. Wawe —
siah kopa, about; ad-
joining; almost; around; by. (Other
face; the eyes; eyeball; countenance; spellings:
forehead. (Differentiate by gesture.) —
— Si-am,
Sia; saia; sciah; siar; siyah.)
n. (C). (Chinook.-Ishaiem.) The
Buchanan. Example Halo seahhost, grizzly bear. (Sometimes siam itchwoot.
blind. Icht seahhost, one-eyed.

seahhost (four eyes), or Dolla seahhost,
Sick, adj. (English.-idem.) Sick. Ex-
— spectacles (or glass seahost). Nika ample: Sick tumtum, grieved; to feel—
nanitch yaka kopa nika seahost, I saw
him with my eyes. Chuck kopa seasost,
— with the heart; regret; worry; sorry;
jealous; unhappy; sad; heartache. Ma-
— tears. Lametsin kopa seahost, eye-
Tupso kopa seahost, bread. —— —
mook sick tumtum, to hurt one's feel-
water. ings. Sick kopa kwolan,— earache. Sick
(Other spellings: Seakose; searhost; —
tumtum kunamokst, to have sympathy.
seeahhoos; seeakhose; seeakose; seeouist;
seeowist; siahoos; sheaughouest; sia-

Cole-sick-waum-sick, fever and ague.
Sikhs, or Shikhs, Six, n. (C). (Chinook, -
Se'-ah-po, or Se-ah-pult, n. (P).
; Sahaptin.-Shikstua.
iriend; companion. (Used only to-
— Pandosy.
(Prench,-Chapeau.) A hat or cap. Ex-
ample: Klootchman seahpo, — a bonnet; —

wards men. Gibbs.) Example: Klahow-
ya sikhs, how do you do, friend. (Other
a woman's hot. Yaka seahpo mitlite ko- spellings: Six; seix; sex; shixe; siks;
pa yaka
latet, ——his hat on his head.
the raspberry.
olillie, Sin'-a-mokst, or Sin'-a-moxt, adj. (C).
spellings: Seahpolt, searportl, seeahpal, (Chinook,-Sinimakst.) Seven. Example:
siapool, siapult, seohpo.)
Self, n. (English,-idem.) Self. Ex-
Sinamokst man mitlite yukwa, seven
men are here. Tahtlum pe sinamokst,
— —
ample: Klaska
— self, — themselves. self,Me-
— seventeen. Sinamokst tahtlum, seventy. —
sika self, yourselves. Mika Sinamokst tukamonuk, seven hundred. —
yourself. Nesika self, ourselves. Mika— (Other spellings: Cinamust; senemokst;
self, —
myself. Yaka self, himself; her-
self; itself.
— senemoxt;
sennamox; sinamox; sina-

Shame, or Shem, n. (English,-idem.) Sis'-ki-you, n. Cree. (Anderson). A

Shame. Example: Halo shame, shame- — bob-tailed horse. (Tolmie and Dawson
less. Halo shem mika?— aren't you
ashamed of yourself? Mamook shame, — give tshis-ki-you, sky;

aht, kaiook-
waht.) Editor. (This name, ludicrously

to deride; disgrace; dishonor; ridicule. enough, has been bestowed on the range
Shan-tie, v. (P). (Prench,-Chanter.) To of mountains separating Oregon and Cal-
sing*. (Other spellings: Shante, shartee, ifornia, and also on a county in the lat-
sharty, shonta.) ter state. The origin or this designa-
Ship, n. (English,-idem.) A ship or tion, as related to me by Mr. Anderson,
vessel. —
Stick ship, a sailing vessel. was as follows. Mr. Archibald R. Mc-

Piah ship, a steamer. .Ship-man,— a Leod, a chief factor of the Hudson's
sailor. Bay Company, in the year 1828, while
Shoes, n. (English,-idem.) Shoes; skin crossing the mountains with a pack
shoes; moccasins. Ex.: Stick shoes, — train, was overtaken by a snow storm,
boots or shoes made of leather. in which he lost most of his animals,
Shot, n. (English,-idem.) Shot; lead. including a noted bob-tailed race-horse.
Ex.: Shot olillie, huckleberries. Okoke
shot hyas till, these shot are very
His Canadian followers, in compliment
to their chief, or "bourgeois," named
the place the Pass of the Siskiyou, an —
Shu'-g-ah, or Shu'-kwa, n. (E). Sugar; appellation subsequently adopted as the
honey. Example: Halo shug-a mitlite, — veritable Indian name of the locality,
there is no sugar. (Other spellings: and which thence extended to the whole
Shuga, shuka, sooka, sook, sugar.) range, and the adjoining district.
Si-ah', ad.i. (N). (Nootka,-Saia.) (Noot- Gibbs.) (See note under Tatoosh.)
ka,-Sieyah, (Jewitt) Sky; hence perhaps Sit'-kum, n., adj. (C). (Chinook,-Sit-

the afar. Gibbs.) Par; far off; afar;
away; distant; remote. (Comparative
kum (Anderson) ;Clatsop,-Asitko.)
half; a part; fraction; middle; some; a
distance is expressed by intonation or
— piece. Example: Delate sitkum, ex- ——
repetition; as, Siah-siah, -very far; (see —more
actly half not a part. Elip sitkum,

Ahnkuttie). Gibbs.) Jewitt gives Sieyah a quorum;
— than half. Sitkum dol-
Sitkum sun, noon. —
as the sky in Nootka, which was per- la, half a dollar.
haps the true meaning, or, more prob- Elip sitkum sun, forenoon. — Kah sun

ably, they called the sky "the afar." mitlite kopa sitkum sun, south. Tenas
Example: Alki nika klatawa siah, -soon — —
sitkum, a quarter, or a small part (not
I will go far off. (Prolong the last syl- often used). Sitkum bit, five cents. —
lable and it means very far. — Eells.) De- Si'wash, n., adj. (P). (Prench,-Sau-
a —


vage.) An Indian; Indian; aborigines; and mamook slahal, is to play the game,
a savag-e; savage. Example: Hiyu si- or gamble with them; while others say
wash —
mitlite yukwa, many Indians are
— that they mean respectively a game and
("In Twana the
here. Okoke siwash klootchman, that to gamble, in general.
is an Indian woman. Kumtuks kopa si- word for the round disks is Jjahul; in

wash, ethnology. Sitkum siwash, —
Nisqually, Lahallab; in Clallam, Slehal-
lum; in Lower Chehalis, Laliul; and in
half-breed. "The Siwash of
Sound (a general term applied to males Upper Chehalis, Lai. For the gambling
of all the tribes) and the Indians of the bones it is slahal in Twana and Nisqual-
entire North Pacific coast.") The Si-
(Walker says: "The
— ly, and slehal in Clallam. Evidently on
account of the similarity of the words,
wash, pp. 10-11.
word is pure Indian and the one used Slahal and Lahul, these words have been
by the Wasco Indians, and probably by confounded; mamook lahal being prop-
the Klickitats, both of which tribes ertly to gamble with the disks; and ma-
originally ranged along the Columbia mook slahal to gamble with the bones."
river from the Cascades to The Dalles, — Snass,
(Quaere u. d.). Rain. (The
and whose languages are nearly identi- n.
cal, to designate a human as distin- word is Chinook nor Chihalis,
guished from an animal or other crea- and is perhaps manufactured.) Ex-
Probably 'people' is the nearest ample: Halo nika tikegh klatawa kopa
word in English for it. After the com- —
snass, I do not wish to go in the rain.
ing of the whites among them they Snass chako,— it is raining. Cole snass,
adopted the names 'Bostons, 'King
George,' 'Passieuks' (French), etc., re-
— snow.
Sol'-leks, or Sah'-leks, n., adj. (Quaere
taining the word 'siwash' for applica- u. d.). Anger; be angry; malice; hate;
tion to Indians. While undoubtedly the hatred; hostile; indignant; morose; mad;
Chinook Jargon was more or less of a sulky; sullen; be mad. Example: Ma-
growth, yet I have been told by the mook solleks, — to fight; resent; offend;
Wasco Indians that the language was
perfected and first written down by the
—solleks, — to be hostile.
to be passionate. Ha-
Catholic priests at the Dalles, and they lo solleks, — meek; mild; pleasant. Yaka
appear to have drawn quite freely from hyas solleks, — he very angry. Yaka
the Wasco language in doing so.") "Out solleks. kopa nika, he mad at me.
of his canoe he is a fish out of water, Chako solleks, — to become angry; pro-
voked, or offended. Hyas solleks, — furi-
a sloth away from his natural sur-
roundings. He is like a seal on shore, ous; rabid; full of vengeance or rage;
a duck on dry land, ungainly and awk- very angry. Hiyu solleks, — fury; rage;

ward." The Siwash.
Skin, n. (English,-idem.) Skin; a skin;
Solleks wawa, — a quarrel;
(Other spellings: Saliks, salix,
leather; hide; pelt; fur; buckskin. Skin sallix, sallux, silex, soleks.)

shoes, moccasins. Stick skin, the bark

of a tree. Dly skin, leather.
— So'-pe-na, v. (C). (Chinook,-T'sopena.)
To jump; to leap; hop; skip; spring-.
Skoo'-kum, or Skoo-koom, n., adj. (S). Spose, conj. (English,-Suppose). If;
(Chihalis.-Skukum.) Strong; a ghost; supposing; that; provided that; in order
an evil spirit or demon; able; solid; po- that. (Boas says it is more frequently
tent; powerful; vehement; tight; violent; pronounced pos on the Columbia river;
tough. Example: Nika kuitan yaka and that pos in Chinook means if; so
skookum,— my horse strong. Delate
is that spose may be explained as due to
hyas skookum, — omnipotent.
kum, — strongeer.
Elip skoo-
Elip skookum kopa
folk etymology on the part of the trad-
ers, or pos as folk etymology on the
konoway, — strongest. Halo skookum, or part of the Chinook. Gibbs.) — (Other
Wake yaka skookum, — feeble; frail; spellings: Pos, pose, spos.) Example:
flimsy; impotent; infirm; languid; ten-
der; unable; weak; wavering; decrepit.
Spose mika nanitsh nika canim, if you
see my canoe. Spose nika klatawa kopa

Skookum tumtum (adj., —audacious;
brave; bold; capable; daring; dauntless;

Chinook, if or when I go to Chinook.

Kahkwa spose, as if. (See Kloshe
determined; earnest; indomitable; reso- spose.) Spose mika tikegh, nika klata-
lute; robust; sanguine; solid; valiant;
boldness; courage. Skookum chuck, — —
wa, if you wish I will go. Spose kopet
lakit tahtlum sun, Jesus yaka tikeg-h
swift water; a rapid. Skookum wawa, — —
klatawa kopa Saghale, (literally) when
to beg; beseech; boast; chide; demand; ended four ten days, Jesus he would go
exhort; implore; plead; rebuke; scold; to Heaven,— i. e., when the forty days
screech; scream; shriek; hulloa; urge. were ended, He desired to ascend to
(Other spellings: Skokoom, skukum, Heaven. "A conditional or suppositive
shukum.) "Skookum Club," name giv-
en to Democratic Club of Seattle; also
— meaning is given to a sentence by the
words klonas, perhaps, and spose (from
name of a famous brand of cigar. the English 'suppose'), used rather in-
Sla-hal, n. (C). (Shinook,-Etlaltlal.) definitely. Ex.: Nika kwass nika papa
Gibbs says it is a game played with
ten small disks, one of which is marked, will die (lit., I

klonas mimaloose, I fear my father
afraid my father per-
— -


haps die). Spose mifca klatawa yahwa, counted from this; as, lent, Mokst, Klone

pe nika chaco kahkwa, if you will go —
sun kopet Sunday, one, two, three days
yonder, I will follow (lit., suppose you after Sunday. Saturday used to be
go that way, then I come the same)." called at the Hudson's Bay Company's
"It will be noticed that these two con- —
posts "muckamuck sun", food day, as
junctions form the only exceptions to the one on which the rations were is-
the rule that all the grammatical ele-
ments of the Jargon are derived from
Gibbs. (Eells gives: "Hyas Sun-
day, a holiday, as Fourth of July:
Christmas. Mokst Sunday,— a fortnight.
the proper Chinook language. Only two
conjunctions, properly speaking, are —
Ikt Sunday, a week; but the word week
found in the language— pe, from the is rapidly taking its place.")

French word pues, and spose." Hale.
(English.-idem). A
Stick, n., adj.
stick; a tree; wood; wooden; vine; pole;
rod. Example:


Stick skin, bark. Ship
a mast. Mitwhit stick, — a stand-
shoes,— leather

ing tree. lent stick, a yard measure.
shoes or boots, as Tagh'-um, To'-hum, or Tugh'-um, adj.
distinguished from skin shoes or mocca- (C). (Chinook,-Takhum; Cowlitz,-Tuk-
— —
Kull stick, oak (hard wood). hum; Kwantlen,-Tukhum; Selish,-Tak-
Example: Tahtlum
Isick stick, the ash (paddle wood). kan.) Six. pe
Stock'-en, n. (E). Stocking's or socks. hum, — sixteen. Taghum tahtlum, — sixty.
(The Twanas have adopted it into their Taghum tukamonuk, — 600. (Other

language as stah-kid. Eells.) ings: Taghkum; taham; tahkhum; ta-
Stoh, adj. (Chinook,-idem). Loose. Ex- hom; tah"m: tohhum; tuchum; tughh-

ample: Mamook stoh, to untie; unloose;
undo. (Metaphorically, to absolve sins.)
Stone, n. (English,-idem). A rock or
halis, — ——
kam.) (Clallam, T'hung.
Tahum.) Eells.
Upper Che-
Tahl-kie, or Tahnl-kie, adv. (C). (Chi-
stone; bone; horn; the testicles; finger nook,-Tanlki.) Yesterday. Example:
nail; boulder.
min, ore.
Example: Stone chika-

Stone kiuatan, a stallion. — —
Yaka chako tahlkie, he came yesterday.
Tahlkie sun, yesterday. Icht tahlkie, —

Mahsh stone, to castrate. Stone ilia-
— day before yesterday. "Talki sun, yes- —
hie, —a mountain. T'kope stone, quartz;
any white stone.
Stote'-kin, adj. (C). (Chinook, -Stokt-
terday. Mox talki sun, day before yes-
Tomollah, tomorrow.
— last month. Talki waum
kin.) Eight. Example: Tahtlum pe — last summer. Talki cole illahee, — last
stotekin,— eighteen. (Other spellings: winter." — Buchanan. (Other spellings:
Istoughtkin; sothin; stoghtkin; stopekin; Tahnkie; talke; talki; tanke; tanilkey;
stoktkekin; stotkin.) tantki; tanlke.)
Stutch'-un, n. (English,-Sturgeon). Taht'-lum, or Taht'-le-lum, or Tot'-le-
The Sturgeon. (Other spellings: Stuch- lum, adj. (C). (Chinook,-Tatlelum.) Ten.
un, stutchin, stogheon, stogeon, stutshin, (The combinations from this are simple.)
sturgeon.) Example: Moxt, klone, &c, Tahtlum, sig-
Sun, n. (English.-idem). The sun; a nifying twenty, thirty, &c. Tahtlum pa
day. Example: Sun yaka waum alta, — icht, &c, eleven, twelve, &c.



the sun is warm now. Okoke sun, to- tahtlum, one hundred. (Other soellings:

day. Tahlkie sun, yesterday. (Ikt tahl- Eattathlelum; tahtelum; tahtih/.i; tart-

— day before yesterday.) Tenas sun,
early. Sitkum sun, —
noon. Wake siah
lum; tatlelam; tatlelom; tattelum; taugh-
lelum; tohtleum; totlum.)
sitkum sun,— almost noon. Ikt sun, — T'al-a-pus, n. (C). (Chinook.-Italipas;

sun, Wednesday.

Monday. Mokst sun, Tuesday. Klone

Lakit sun, Thurs-
ITakima.-Telipa (Pandosy). The coyote
or prairie wolf. A sort of deity or super-
day. Kwinnum sun, Friday.

sun, Saturday; (formerly muckamuck
Taghum natural being, prominent in Indian myth-
ology. A sneak. Eells gives, "Hyas
— —
Klip sun, sunset. Elip sitkum
sun, before noon; the forenoon. Kim-

opoots talapus, same as Talapus. Some
give Talapus as Coyote or Prairie Wolf

tah sitkum sun, after noon; the after-
and Hyas opoots talapus as Fox, and
some exactly the reverse, custom prob-
Sun'-day, or Sante, n. (English,-idem). ably being different according to lo-
Sunday; week. Example: Kloshe mika cality.")
chako kopa church house kopa Sunday, Ta-mah-no-us, n. (C). (Chinook.-Iti-
— please to cometo church on Sunday. manawas. A
sort of guardian or famil-

Sunday sail, a flag, because formerly
on Sunday the flag was raised at the

iliar spirit; magic; luck; fortune; any-

thing supernatural; the spirits; a ghost;
Hudson's Bay Company's posts. Ikt Sun- goblin; idol; witch. "A name applied to
— —
day, a week. Hyas Sunday, a holiday.
(A flag hoisted on a particular occasion
anything the Indians cannot understand.
A Tah-mah-na-wis man is a doctor,
is sometimes also called Sunday. The priest, conjurer, and fortune-teller, a
other days of the week are usually dealer in magic and a maker and de-
— — —


stroyer of charms for good and evil, all wis is that when a person is sick some
in the same —
personage." Phillips. evil
spirit has taken possession of the
sometimes more than one evil
("One's particular forte is said to be his
— —
Tamalinous.") Gibbs. Example: Ma-
mook tamahnous, to conjure; "make
spirit, and of different kinds. It was
always the duty of the ta-mahn-a-wis
medicine." Masahchie tamahnous, — doctors to find out what kind of a spirit
witchcraft or necromancy. Mr. Ander- had entered the body, and then by in-
son restricts the true meaning of the cantation and ceremony to drive it out."
word to conjuring. Halo yaka mitlite — The Siwash. "The Twana or Skoko-

tamahnous, he has no guardian spirit.
" 'Klale Tah-mah-na-wis,' the name of
mish tribe," pp. 32-40. Ta-mahn-a-wis
rattles, — madeteeth,
out of deer hoofs, bear
the secret society black magic."
of and beaver etc. (Other ways of
Phillips. "There were four kinds of ta- spelling: Tamahnawas, tamahnawis,
mahu-a-wis, sometimes spelled ta-mahn- tamahnowus, tamanawas, tamanoaz, ta-
vogue among
o-us, or spirit practices in manous, tomahnawos, tomanawos.)
the Twanas as there were among the Ta-mo'-litsh, or Ta-mow'-litsh, n. (C).
great family of Selish Indians in Wash- (Chinook.-Tamulitsh (Anderson); Yaka-
ington. The word ta-mahn-a-wis may ma,-Tamolitsh (Pandosy). A tub; bar-
be and was used in the sense of a noun, rel; bucket; cask; keg*. Example: Chuck
an adjective or a verb. As a noun it mitlite kopa tamolitsh, —
water is in the
means any kind of a spirit in the spirit
world from the Sahgr-ha-lie Tyee, or

Icht tamolitsh, a bushel meas-
(Other ways of spelling: Tamoo-
supreme being, to the klail ta-mahn-a- lidge, tamolich, tamolich, tamolitch, ta-
wis, or devil, literally, black spirit. As moluck, tamoolitch, tamulidg-e.)
an adjective a ta-mahn-a-wis stick, Tanse, v., n. (English.-Dance.) To
stone, person, etc., is a thing or indi-
vidual with a ta-mahn-a-wis or spirit
dance. Example: Hiyu tanse alta, there
is much dancing now.

either of good or evil in it. As a verb Te-ah'wit, n. (C). (Chinook,-Tiawi;
It is used in the sense of invoking the Clatsop, -Klaawit). The leg-; the foot.
aid of spirits, as 'mah-mok ta-mahn-a- (Differentiate by gesture). Example:
wis.' The four kinds of ta-mahn-a-wis
of the Indians of the Twana tribe at walk;
— —
Klatawa teahwit, to go on foot; to
Klook teawit, Lame. (Other
least are: The 'ta-mahn-a-wis over the ways of spelling: Teeahnute, tearwit,
sick,' the incantations of the medicine teawhit, teiawit, teouit.)
men; the 'red ta-mahn-a-wis,' the 'black Ta-toos'h, To-toos'h, n. (Chippeway,-
ta-mahna-wis,' and the 'spirit land ta- Totosh (Schoolcraft.) "Tatoosh from
mahn-a-wis.' The sick ta-mahn-a-wis Cree or Otcipwe. The cognate words are:
was only practiced for the healing of Cree (Lacombe) totosim, mammelle, '

the sick. The red, or pill ta-mahn-a-wis, pis.' Otcipwe (Baraga) totosh,-breast,
was an assembling together, an invoca- dug, udder; Algonkin (Cuoq), totoc,
tion, in short, of the spirits for a good
season the following summer. It lasted 'mammelle.' " Chamberlain. The breasts
of a female; milk, bosom; breast; teat;
three or four days and consisted of sing-
udder. Example: Kloshe tatoosh, —
ing, dancing, the beating of tom-toms,
drums and the decoration of the face cream. Tatoosh lakles, butter.
toosh gleese, butter. — Eells says the

and limbs and body invariably with word milk is taking its place. (Tatoosh
streaks and spots of red paint. The
black, or klail ta-mahn-a-wis, was the Light House, Tatoosh Island and Ta-
free masonry of the Twanas and was toosh, near Cape Flattery, Clallam Coun-
without doubt the one great religion of ty, Wash.) NOTE: The words of a
all religious practices among them. It Algonkian origin which are to be found
was a secret society to a very large in the vocabulary of Chinook, as given
extent, and none but the initiated were by the authorities, are consequently:
ever permitted to have anything to do Xinnikinnik, [lelpishemo, mitass, Siski-
with it. Masks made in rude imitation you, totoosh, wapatoo. Regarding the
of the wolf head were used, and these etymology of these loan-words, the fol-
were called shway-at-sho-sin. The prac- lowing may be said: Kinni-kinnik. De-
tice of the spirit land ta-mahn-a-wis rived directly or indirectly from Otcipwe.
was associated with or founded on a The cognates are Otcipwe (Baraga).
very pretty myth believed in by the old Kiniginige, 'I am mixing together some-
Twanas to the effect that a year or two thing of diffirent kinds.' (Cuoq) kinik-
perhaps before an Indian died he or she inisre, (meler ensemble des choses de
lost his or her spirit. Spirits from other nature differente.' The radical is seen in
places, always from below, would visit Algonkin (Cuoq) kinika, 'pele-mele'
the Indian and, quite unaware to the Cree. Kiyekaw. (See supplemental vo-
person, would take and carry off the cabulary). Lepishimo. This word evi-
spirit and sail with it to their abiding dently consists of the French article le
place, there to hold it in captivity un- and a radical [al pishemo. This latter
less released by spirits from this life. apishamon, 'anything to lie on; a bed:
The theory of the medicine ta-mahn-a- corresponds to the Otcipwe (Baraga)
— — — —-


apishemo, 'I am lying on something.'
Compare the Western Americanism
yaka tenas man, —
a grandson. (Jewitt
gives Tanassis for a child in Nootka.)
apishamore which Bartlett (Diet, of
Americanism, 1877) thus defines: Apish-
Chikchik kopa tenas, a wagon for a
child: a baby carriage.

(Other ways of
amore (Chippeway, apishamon). Any- spelling: Tanarse, tanas, tanass, tanaz,
thing to lie down on: a bed. A saddle- tunas, tunass.)
blanket made of buffalo-calf skins, much Thousand, adj. (English,- idem).
used on the prairies." Mitass. Directly (Thousand is either represented by the
or indirectly (through French-Canadian)
The cognate
words tahtlum tukamonuk, ten hun-

dred or by the word Thousand. Eells.)
— —
from Otcipwe or Cree.
words are: Otcipwe (Baraga) midass: Example: Hiyu tillikums mitlite, klonas
Algonkin (Cuoq), mitas; Cree (Lacombe)
mitas. The word exists in Canadian- perhaps many thousand.

kunjih thousand, many people are here,
French in the form of mitasse. Dr. Tik-egh, or Tiky, v. (C). (Chinook,-
Franz Boas kindly informs me that tikekh). To want; wish; love; like;
"legging" in Chinook and Clatsop is choose; pick. "To want, to desire, —
imetas. (See supplemental vocabulary.) in all shades of meaning and intensity
Siskiyou. Though this word is assigned from simple desire or want to amorous
a Cree origin by Mr. Gibbs, its etymology and even lustful desire; also, therefore,
is very uncertain. Blackfoot sakhsiu, to love. Also, what one should or ought
"short" and Cree kiskikkuttew, "he cuts to want to do, as mika ticky muckamuck
in two" offer themselves for comparison, —
mika lametsin, you must take your

but with no certainty" Chamberlain. medicine. Mika halo ticky smoke, you
Tshis-ki-yu, sky, is given by Tolmie and must not smoke. Mika halo ticky wawa
Dawson in "Comparative Vocabularies of
the Indian Tribes of British Columbia" like that to me."

kahkwa kopa nika, you must not speak
Buchanan. "The fu-
— 53 B. (64, sky) Aht. (Kaiookwaht) — ture, in the sense of 'about to,' 'ready
Shaw. Wappatoo, under proper order in to,'is sometimes expressed by tikegh,
main alphabet, (q. v.) Papoose. Another which means properly to wish or desire.
word may be added to this list, viz.,

papus (papoose) child. This word is
Nika papa tikesrh mimaloose, my fath-
er is near dying, or

about to die."
used by the speakers of Chinook in East- Hale. Example: Okoke sun nika tikegh
ern British Columbia. The Algonkin
origin of the word has been disputed by
wawa, this day I will speak. Hyas
tikegh, to long for. Ikta mika tikegh?
some, but -there is every reason to be-
lieve that it is connected with the root

— what do you want? Yaka tikegh dolla,
he wants money. Nika tikegh nika
klootchman, — love my wife.
(Eliot) —
seen in the Massachusetts papeissiosu
'he is very small.; peisses
halo tikegh, — to loathe.
Elip tikegh, —
(Eliot) 'child'; pe-u (Eliot) 'it is small.' to prefer; choose; rather. Halo tikegh,
From this root there seems little doubt — averse; dislike; unwilling. Tikegh
that the word papoos or papoose found kumtuks, — to enquire; to wish to know.
in Roger Williams, and in Wood ("New (Other spellings: Takeh; teke; takeisrh;
England Prospect") has been derived, as tickey; tikeh; tiki; tikke; tikky; t'keh;
Dr. Trumbull has pointed out. These treh; tukegh.)
words were all heard by the writer in Til'-i-kum, or tilakum, n. (C). (Chi-
Western British Columbia in the summer nook,-tilikhum). People; relations; rela-
of 1891. Siskiyou was not heard and is tives; associate; family; folks; friends;
probably obsolescent." Alexander Fran- kin; kindred; band; tribe; fellow nation;
cis Chamberlain, "Words of Algonkian population; person. (Applied generally,
origin (in the Chinook Jargon), in Sci- it means those who are not chiefs. It
ence, Vol. 18, pp. 260-261. 1891. is also used to signify a tribe or band.)

n., adj. (N). (Noot-
Ten'-as, or Tan'as,
Tokwaht,-Tenes.) Small;
Example: Cultus tilikum, common or
insignificant persons. Huloima tilikum,

few; little; a child; the young- of any — strangers. Nika tilikum, my rela- —
— Yaka
animal. Petty; slight; pappoose; baby; klatawa kopa yaka
a mite. Example: Tenas snow chako, —

kums, he has gone to his people. Ahn-

a little snow has come. Chako tenas kuttie tilikums, — ancestors; forefathers.
to decrease: diminish; lessen; become Eells gives "Nika tilikums, — my friends;
less. —
Hyas tenas, very small. Mamook my relations; so when preceded by the

tenas, to decrease; diminish; lessen.
— other pronouns, as mika, mesika, nesika,
Tenas ahnkuttie, lately; recently. klaska, yaka, it has reference to friends
Tenas hiyu, a few; some; several. Ten- or relations. Hiyu tilikums, a crowd; —
as hiyu times, sometimes. Tenas laly, a throng. (Other spellings: Telikom;
— an interval; a short time.
mahsh, — to move.
Tenas polaklie, — tekum; tilacum; tilecum; tilicum; telli-
kum; tillikums (pi); tillicum; tillo-
evening; twilight; sunset; dusk; eve. chcum.)
Tenas yaka tenas, a
— —grand child. Mokst Til'-i-kum-ma-ma, n. (C). (Chinook,
nika tenas, I have two children. Tenas Tlkamama). A father. (The word is
— — —


not in use in Jargon. Hale.) — a mark; to mistake one's road; to make a

Till, or.Tull, adj., h. (English,-Tire). blunder in speaking; to err or blunder;
Tired; heavy; weight; a weight; a pound; deceive; false; illusive; deceitful. Ex-
fatigue. Example: Kansih till okook, ample: Okoke tseepie mamook, that is —
how much does that weigh? Mamook
till,— to weigh. Wake till,— light (not
a deceitful deed. Tseepie ooakut, to
take a wrong road. Mamook tseepie,
heavy). Mamook till tumtum, to trou-
Wake siah mimoluse kopa till,
— — to delude; dissemble; fool; deceive; mis-
take; (not quite so strong as Pelton or
exhausted. Nika hyas till, I am very — —
Kliminawhit. Eells.) Tseepie lalang, —

tired. Chako till, — to become tired; a slip of the tongue. Tseepie mamook,
Tin'-tin, n. (By onoma). A bell; an
a trick.
Tseepie wawa, to mispro- —
hour; a musical instrument. "When ap- Tshi'-ke, adv. (Quaere u. d.) Direct-
plied to a clock it means when the bell
rings, that is on the hour— therefore it
ly; soon. (Not jargon.) Hale. —
Tsi-at-ko, n. (S). (Chihalis, Nisqual-
means hour
— Buchanan.
or o'clock."
Mamook tintin, — to ring a
ly, etc.,-idem; Clatsop,-Echiatku).
nocturnal demon, much feared by the
Kunjih tintin alta? — what time is it Indians. The Skagits give this name to
now? (Among the Indians round the the "Couteaux," a tribe of Indians on
Hudson Bay Company's posts, the hours Frazer River, of whom they stand in
were thus known; as, Mokst tintin kopet
sitkum sun, two hours, two
like awe. —
i. e., bells Tsik'-tsik, or Tchik tchik, n. (By
after noon.) "Ikt tintin, one hour or onoma.) (See Chik-chik.) A wagon;
one o'clock. The same word also refers a cart; a wheel. Example: Tsiktsik
to a church bell and any kind of bell, as —
wayhut, a wagon-road.
well as the sound produced by it." Tsugh, n., v. (Chinook,-idem). A crack

Buchanan. Elip tahkum tintin, before
six o'clock. Kimtah tahkum tintin, — aft-

or split. Mamook tsugh, to split. Cha-
er six o'clock. Tahkum tintin, — six —
ko tsugh, to become split or cracked,
as by the heat of the sun. Mamook
o'clock; six hours. Wake siah tahkum tsugh illahie, is by some used instead
tintin, — almost six o'clock; not far away of klugh, for to plough.
from six o'clock. Tuk-a-mo'-nuk, or Tak-a-mo'-nak, adj.
T'kope, adj. (Chinook,-idem). White; (C). (Chinook,-Itakamonak.) A hun-
light-colored. Example: Okoke pish- dred. It is, like ten, combined with the
pish yaka t'kope, — thatpeople.
— white cat white. is digits; as, icht, moxt, klone takamonak,
T'kope tilikums,
spellings: Tecope; teecoop; tekop; te-
(Other — one hundred, two hundred, three hun-
dred, &c. Hyas tukamonuk, or tahtlum
kope; t'koop; la coope.) tukamonak, — a thousand. (Other spell-
Tlehl. (See Klale). ings: Ethacamunack; tacomonak; taka-
Tl'kope, v. (Chinook,-idem). To cut; monuk; takamunak.)
hew; chop. Example: Mamook tl'hop, Tum'-tum, n., v. (By onoma., from the
to cut; mow. Tl'kop ooakut, to sup- — pulsations of the heart. (Anderson). The
plant (to cut one's road). (W. W.^but heart; the will; opinion; intellect; inten-
is being superseded rapidly by the word tion; estimate; memory; mind; opinion;
Toh, or Tooh. (By onoma). Mamook
plan; purpose; reason; soul; spirit; sur-
mise; thought; will. (Tumtum, as a —
toh, — to (A manufactured word).
spit. verb To think, to will, to believe, to
(Not in
adj. Pretty.

know. As a noun Thought, will, belief,
mind, opinion, knowledge, heart.) Bu- ——
To'-lo, v. (Kalapuya). To earn; to chanan. Example: Mahsh tumtum, to
win at a game; to gain; control; con- give orders (Gb). Mamook tumtum, to —
vince; manage; defeat; overcome; over- make up one's mind; decide; design;
throw; prevail; profit; prosper; subdue; muse; account; contemplate; think; plan.
subject; succeed; triumph. Example:
— Mamook kloshe tumtum, — to — make
Kansih dolla nika tola spose mamook? friends or peace. Sick tumtum, grief;
How many dollars will I earn if I work?
Yaka tolo mokst dollar, he earned two —
jealousy. Moxt tumtum nika, I am un-
decided, i. e., I have two wills.Q. Kah

tolo yaka, —

Nika tolo, I succeeded. Nika
him. Wawa
prevailed over ——
nesika klatawa? where shall we go? A.
Mika tumtum, wherever you please; as
pe tolo, — to
To'-luks, n. (Clallam,-Toyuk). The
you will. Ikta mika tumtum? what do
you think? Halo tumtum, without a
The heart
mussel. (Used on Puget Sound only.) will of one's own, as a child.
To-mol-la, adv. (English,-to-morrow). seems to be generally regarded as the
To-morrow. Ikt tomolla, or kopet to- seat of the mind or will. Iskum kopa

molla, day after to-morrow. —
tumtum, to believe. Klap tumtum, to—
decide; recollect; remember. Mahsh tum-
To-wa'gh, adj. (C). Chinook,-Tow-
akh). Bright; shining; light.

tum, to forget, (Eells). Mamook tum-
— to anticipate. Mitlite kloshe
Tsee, adj. (Chinook,-idem). Sweet. elip,
Tsee'pie, v., adj. (Kalapuya). To miss tumtum kopa, to admire. Skookum turn-
— - — — aI


trim, —
bold; boldness; brave; capable; empress; queen; matron of an Indian
audacious; courage; determined; earnest. school; a woman of authority. Tyee kopa

Kahkwa nika tumtum, so I think. Blind
kopa tumtum, — ignorant. Chako kloslie

newspaper, an editor. Tyee kopa town,
tumtum, — to be delighted or reconciled.
— a mayor.
Tyee salmon, spring sal-—
Chako sick tumtum, — to repent; repine; Tzum, or T'ss-zum, or Tsum, n., adj.
become sorry or sad. Delate hyas sick (Chinook,-idem). Mixed colors; spots or
tumtum, — agony. Heeliee tumtum — jolly. stripes; a mark or figure; writing; paint;
Halo iskum kopa tumtum, — to disbelieve; painted; picture. Example: Yaka tzum
unbelief. Yutl tumtum, — glad spirits; —
kopa yaka stick "S", his brand on his
happy spirits; proud spirits; rejoice, etc.; logs is "S." Klale chuck kopa mamook
glad heart; happy heart, etc. (Tumtum,
— Heart, mind, will, opinion, belief, spirit
tzum, ink. Mamook
tzum, to write;
print; stamp; stain; paint; dye; mark;

— —
the animal spirits, not supernatural
— record; copy; subscribe; indite; endorse;
ones mood, etc.
— —Marsh tumtum, to
cast out of mind, i. e., to forget. Ma-
engrave. ——
Tzum illahie, blazed or sur-
veyed land. Tzum seahost, photograph;
mook kloshe tumtum, to make or to
cause good feeling.) — Buchanan.
profile;postage stamps. Tzum stick, —
klap tumtum, — to be puzzled; undecided.
lead pencil; a pen. Tzum pish, a spot-
ted the trout. "When the letter T'

Halo proud tumtum, — lowly; humble.

Halo sick tumtum kopa yaka nesachie, —

is followed by the apostrophe, as above,
the sound of the T is 'tiss' as nearly as
impenitent. Halo skookum tumtum, — ir- it can be written, thus making a syllable
resolute; cowardly; not brave. Halo tum-
tum, — dull; thoughtless. Halo tumtum
of itself, as tiss-so-lo, for t'solo."
Phil- —
kahkwa, — to disagree; disbelieve. Hyas
tumtum, — pompous. Kloshe kopa nika
tumtum, — beloved. Mamook tumtum ko-
pa hook or papah, — to study.
kloshe tumtum, —
lighted; to enjoy.
— to
be contented; de-
Mitlite kopa tumtum,
remember; recollect. Nika tumtum
halo yaka chako kahkwa, unexpected;
chance; an accident. Wake kopet tum-
— Wagh,
pour; to
v. (Chinook,-wakh.)
spill; to
— —
tum, to remember.
tumtum, to reconsider.
Weght mamook Wake, adv. (N). (Nootka, wik; Tok-
waht, wek.) No; not; none; the nega-
Tum-wa'-ta, n. (Turn, by onoma. Eng- tive. See Halo. Example: Wake nika


lish, Water). A
waterfall, cascade or kumtuks, I do not understand. Wake
cataract. (Lewis and Clarke give Timm —
delate kopa nanitch, indistinct; indis-

as used by the Indians above The Dalles tinguishable. Wake klaksta, none; no-
of the Columbia in directing them to
the falls.) Under the spelling of Turn-
lacking; rare;

Wake hiyu, few; insufficient;
scarce; seldom; scant;
water it is the name of a place in Thurs-
ton County, Wash.
scanty; deficient. Wake kloshe, mean;
unkind; improper; inconvenient; untrust-

Tup'-shin or Tip'-sin, v. (S). (Chiha- worthy; nasty; naughty; wrong. Wake
lis,-Tupshin.) A Needle. Mamook tip- siah, —
not far; near; almost adjoining.

sin, —
to sew; to mend; to patch. Wake kloshe kopa mahkook, unsalable.
Tup-so, or Tip'-so, n. (C). (Chinook, —
Wake siah kopa, about; around; by.
Tepso.) A leaf; grass; leaves; fringe;
feathers; fur; hair. Often but incor- — — Wake siah yahwa, thereabouts. Wake
skookum, feeble; flimsy; frail; languid;
rectly employed for Yakso, hair.— Ex-
ample: Tipso illahie, — prairie. Dely tip-
impotent; infirm; tender; delicate; un-
able; wavering; weak. Wake skookum
so, hay. Klosh tupso, — flowers; blos-
soms; pansy; violet; rose. Tupso kopa
— kopa, impossible;
Wake skookum tumtum, — irresolute.
unable; inability.

latet, — hair. Tupso kopa seahost,— Wake wawa, — dumb; mum; mute. Note.
bread. — "Many of the Jargon words, though en-
Ty'-ee, n., adj. (N). (Nootka,-Taiyi; tirely different, yet sound so much alike
Tyee (Jewitt). A
chief; gentleman; offi- when quickly spoken, that a stranger is
cer; superior; boss; foreman; manager; apt to get deceived; and I have known
Indian agent; king; emperor; president. persons who did not well understand the
(Anything of superior order.) Example: Jargon get angry with an Indian, think-

Saghalie tyee, the Deity. Tyee salmon,
the spring salmon. (Tyon is given by
ing he had said something entirely dif-
ferent from what he actually did. The
gome of the northwestern voyagers as words wake, no, and wicht, directly or
the Eskimo appellation for chief.) Kah- after, sound as pronounced, very similar.
kwa tyee,
kopa Washington,
— kingly;— thearistocratic. Tyee
President of the

Chako, hiac, chako, come quick! come,
said a settler one day to an Indian who
United States. (Other spellings: Tai;
taii; tie; tye; tyeyea; tyhee.) Tyee court,
was very busy. Wicht nika chako,
will come directly, said the Indian. But

— supreme court. Tyee klootchman, — the white man understood him to say,


Wake —
nika chako, I will not come, con- to throw away the talk as well as to
sequently got angry. You don't under-
stand Indian talk; I did not say I would
throw the talk at a person. Eells.)
Potlatch —
wawa- to speak; make a

not come, said the Indian. If he had
said Narwitika, yes, the white man
speech. Potlatch skookum wawa, to
beg; beseech; boast; chide; demand; ex-

would have understood." Judge Swan.
(Wicht means, again, also, more, the
— hort; plead; roar; shriek; rebuke; re-
prove; implore; exclaim; scold. Cultus
word is also spelled weght, wagt, weht,
weh't, weltch, weqt, and wought.) Shaw. — ——
wawa, idle talk; stuff; nonsense. Hyas
wauwau, to shout; boast; talk loud;
Wap'-pa-too, or wap'-a-to, n. (Quaere
u. d.) The root of the Sagitaria sagitti-
loud talk. Wawa halo, to deny; de-
cline; object; refuse. Wawa klimina-

folia, which forms an article of food.
The potato. "Chamberlain says, 'from

whit, to lie; tell a falsehood. Wawa
kloshe,— to bless; speak well; recom-
Cree or Otcipwe. The cognate words mend. Wawa kloshe chako, — to invite;
are: Cree (Lacombe) wapatow, 'cham- call. Wawa kloshe wawa, — to eulogize;
pignon blanc;' Otcipwe (Baraga), waba- bless. Wawa kopa, — to accost. Wawa
do, "rhubarb," Algonkin (cuoq) wabato, kopa Saghalie Tyee,— to pray; worshio;
'rhubarbe du Canada.' It is in all prob- invoke; prayer. Wawa kopet, — be still.
ability a derivative from the root wap Wawa nawitka, — to acknowledge; allow;
(wab), 'white.' ") "The word is neither assent; consent; permit.
Chinook nor Chihalis, but is everywhere Wayhut, Hwehkut, or Weehut, — see
in common
"Since the
use."— Gibbs. Eells says:
introduction of the potato
Week, (E). A week. "It
n. is steadily
the latter has been called wapato, and taking the place of Sunday for week,
the former siwash waptao." (Other though seldom
I heard it eighteen years
spellings: Wapatoe; wahpitto; wapetu; ago." — Eells.
Weght, adv.
wappato; wappatoe; wappatoo.) (C). (Chinook,-idem.)
Wash, v. (English,-idem.) Example: Again; also; more. Ex.: Pe nika weght,
Mamook wash, — to wash. Iskum wash, — —— —
and I too. Pahtlatsh weght, give me
— Washington,
to be baptized.
Congress; the
some more. Tenas weght, a little more
yet. Weght nika klatawa, again I will
City of Washington; the Indian Depart- go. "Weght —
chako, to reassemble.
ment at Washington. Example: Wash- Weght klatawa boat, (or ship), — to re-
ington potlatch law kopa nesika, may — embark. Weght klatawa Saghalie, — to
mean that congress has made a law remount. Weght mamook tumtum, — to
for us, or that the Indian Department reconsider.
has done so. Win'-a-pie, adv. (N). (Nootlra; Nitti-
Waum, adj. Warm. Example:
(E). nat,-Wilapi.) By-and-bye; presently;
Okoke sun yaka waum, — today is warm. wait. Of local use; the Chinook "alki"
Waum illahee, — summer. Hyas waum,
—hot. being more common.

and ague.
Waum sick, cole sick, — fever Wind,
Wind; breath;
or Win,
Wawa, or wau-wau, (N). (Noot-
v. n. winds are often known by the country

— — —
ka, Nittinat, wawe. Gibbs. Chinook, from which they blow; as, for instance,
— a wawa. Boas.) To talk; speak; call;
ask; tell; answer; enquire; declare; sa-
on the Columbia, an easterly is a Walla-
walla wind; at the mouth of the river,
lue; announce; talk or conversation; con- a southerly is a Tilamooks wind. <&rc.)
See Chinook wind. Breath. Examiole:
verse; apply; articulate; alleere; assert;
blab; gab; chatter; communicate; argue; —
Halo wind, out of breath; dead. Wind
yaka skookum alta, the wind is very—
gossip; demand; discuss; express; ex-
strong now. Mahsh konoway yaka wind.
claim; hint; interrogate; lecture; men-
tion; narrate; proclaim; profess; pro-
— to die; dead. Mitlite wind, to be
alive; to have breath. Wake siah mahsh

pose; question; relate; remark; report;
request; say; solicit; message; an anec-

yaka wind, almost dead. Wind chako,
Wind chako halo, to stop —
to blow.
dote; exclamation; oration; legend; blowing.
question; tale; sermon; speech; voice;
harangue; inquire; jabber; mutter; sup-
plicate; declamation; mandate; narra-
tive; precept.

wawa? what did you say?
Ikta mika
wawa, to promise; aver; a fact; truth.

Hiyu kloshe wawa, cheer. Hiyu wawa,
— clamor; argument; much talk; to
argue; acclaim. —
Kilapie wawa, to an-
Yah'-ka, Ya'-ka, or Yok'-ka, pron. (C).
(Chinook,-Yaka.) He; his; him; she; it;

swer; reply. Kloshe wawa, a proverb;
good talk. Kumtuks wawa, — to be elo-
hers; its; him; her. (Anything pertain-
ing to the third person, singular num-
rment. Mahsh wawa, — to order: give to ber.) The word yaVa is aften used
orders; command. (Also to disobey, i. e., somewhat tautologically, as, instead of —
— —— —


saying, —
Okoke kiutan t'kope, the horse
(is) white, the expression would be,
or tale; to tattle; to preach.
Youtl, or Yutl, adj. (Quaere Chihalis,-
(is) white.

Okoke kiutan yaka t'kope, the horse, it
This use of yaka is very
Eyutlh; Nisqually,-Juil.) Glad; pleased;
proud; (of a horse), spirited. Example:
— —
common. Eells. Example: Yaka klata-
wa, he has gone. Nanitch yaka, see

Okoke yaka kuitan, that is his

Hyas youtl yakka tumtum, his heart is
very glad; he is much puffed up. "Ulthl
him. means proud, and ulticut long, but they
horse. Kopa yaka, his;—hers; its. Yaka

kumtuks muckamuck whiskey, a drunk-
are readily confounded with each other."
— Judge Swan.
ard. Yaka self,
— —
himself; herself; itself.
Yakas, his; hers; its.
Youtl'-kut, adj., n. (C). (Chinook,-
Yutlkut.) Long (in dimension); length.
Yah'-wa, adv. (C). ( Chinook,- Yawakh.) Example: Okoke stick hyas youtlkut.
There; thither; thence; beyond; in that
place; that side; that way; yonder. Ex-

Note. "A friend of mine, who was about
leaving the Bay, wished to tell some In-

ample: Yahwa yaka mitlite, there he dians who were working for him that

siah Yahwa, thereabouts.

Ikt yahwa, ikt yahwa, apart. Wake if, on his return, he found they had be-
haved well, he should feel very proud of
Yak'-so, n. (Chinook,-idem). (See tup- them and glad, used the following: Ulti-
so.) The hair of the head; hair gener- cut nika tumtum, or, my heart is long,
ally. Example: Yaka yakso chako halo, instead of ulthl nika tumtum, or, my
— his hair
(Tupso is
is gone.
all (See tupso.)
used more than yakso. — Eells.)
heart is proud. 'He must have a funny
heart,' said the Indian who related it to
(Other spellings: Iakso, yaksoot.) me. 'He says his heart is long; perhaps
Ya-kwah'-tin, or Kwah'-tin, n. (Chi-
nook & Clatsop, -Yakwatin.) The belly;
it is like a mouse's tail.' —
" Judge Swan.
the entrails; stomach; bosom. Example: Yout-skut, or Yutes'-kut, adj. (C).
Yaka sick kopa yaka yakwahtin, he has— (Chinook,-Yutskuta.)
Short (in dimen-
the stomach ache. Keekwulee yakwatin,
(See Lejaub.)
Yuk'-wa, or Yah'-kwa, adv. (C). (Chi-
nook, -Yakwa.) Here; hither; this side
Yi'-em, v., n. (S). Chihalis,-Yaiem.) A of; this way. Example: Yukwa kopa
story; tale; anecdote; to relate; to tell
Chako yukwa,
—— come
okook house, this side of that house.
a story; to confess to a priest; a story
Vocabulary Words

Huloima, other; another.

Ahnkuttie, formerly; ago.
Hnmm; bad odor.
Huyhuy, exchange; bargain.
Alki, soon. Hyak, swift; fast; hurry.
Alta, now. Hyas, great; very.
Ats, younger sister. Hyiu, much.

Boat, boat. Ikpooie, to shut.

Book, book. Ikt, one; once.
Boston, American. Iktah, what.
By-by, by-and-by. Iktas, things.
Illahee, land.
Inapoo, louse.
Canim, canoe. Ipsoot, to hide.
Capo, coat. Isick, a paddle.
Chako, to come. Iskum, to take; receive.
Chee, lately. Itlokum, the game of "hand.
Chikamin, metal; monej r
. Itlwillie, flesh.
Chikchik, wagon. Itswoot, a bear.
Chinook, see (Chinook Indians).
Chitsh, grandfather.
Chope, grandmother. Kah, where; whence; whither.
Chuck, water. Kahkwa, like; similar to.
Cly, to cry. Kahpho, elder brother.
Cole, cold; winter; year. Kahta, how; why; what.
Cooley, to run. Kalitan, arrow; shot.
Cosho, hog. Kalakala, a bird.
Court, court. Kamas, scilla esculenta.
Cultus, worthless; nothing. Kamooks, a dog.
Kapswalla, to steal.
Katsuk, middle.
Delate, straight; direct; true. Kaupy, coffee.
Dly, dry. Keekwulee, low; below.
Doctin, doctor. Kilapi, to turn; return; upset.
Dolla, dollar; money. Kimta, behind; after.
Dutchman, German. King* Chautsh, English.
Kishkish, to drive.
Kiuatan, a horse.
XIah, free; clear; in sight.
Elip, first; before. Klahanie, out of doors; out.
Bnati, across. Klahowya, the common salutation.
Klahowyum, poor; wretched.
Klahwa, slow; slowly.
Get-up, rise; risen. Klak, off; out; away.
Glease, grease. Klaksta, who? what one?
Klale, black.
Klaska, they; their; them.
Hahlakl, wide; open. Klatawa, to go.
Halo, not; none. Kliminawhit, a lie.
Haul, to haul; pull. Klimmin, soft; fine.
Heehee, to laugh; laughter. Klin; deep.
Help, to help. Kliskwiss, mat.
Hoolhool, mouse. Klonas, perhaps.
House, house. Klone, three.
Hullel, to shake. Kloshe, good.
Kloshe-spose, shall or may I. Mahlieh, to marry.
Klootcliman, woman; female. Mama, mother.
Ko, to reach; arrive at. Mamook, action; to work; to make; to do.
Kokshut, to break; broken. Man, man; male.
Konaway, all; every. Melass, molasses.
Kopa, to; in; at; etc. Memaloost, to die; dead.
Kopet, to stop; leave off. Mesachie, bad.
Kow, to tie; fasten. Mesika, you; your; yours.
Kull, hard. Mika, thou; thy; thine.
Xullaghan, a fence. Mimie, down stream.
Kumtuks, to know. Mitlite, to sit; remain; to be; have
Kunamokst, both. Mitwhit, to stand.
Kunjih,how many. Mokst, two.
Kwahnesum, always. Moola, a mill.
Kwahtah, a quarter. Moolack, an elk.
Kwaist, nine. Moon, moon; month.
Kwann, glad. Moosmoos, buffalo; cattle.
Kwass, afraid. Moosum, to sleep; sleep.
Kwinnmn, five. Mowitsh, a deer.
Kwolan, the ear. Muckamuck, food; to eat.
Musket, musket; gun.
La boos, or La push, mouth.
La caset, a box. Na, the interrogative particle.
La cloa, a cross. Naha, a mother.
La gome, pitch; gum. Nah, inter j., look here!
La hash, an axe. Nanich, to see; look.
Lahb, the arbutus uva ursi. Nawitka, yes; certainly.
Lakit, or Lokit, four. Nem, a name.
La lahm, an oar. Nesika, we; us; our.
La langr, the tongue. Newhah, here; come here.
Laly, time. Nika, I; me; my; mine.
La messe, ceremony of the mass. Numerals,
La metsin, medicine. Nose, the nose.
Lammieh, or Lummieh, an old woman.
La monti, a mountain.
La peep, a tobacco-pipe. Okoke, this; that; it.
La pellah, roasted. Olallie, berries.
La plash, board. Oleman, old man; old.
La pome, apple. Olo, hungry.
La pote, door. Ooakut, or Wayhut, road; way.
La tet, the head. Opoots, tail.
Law, law. Ow, younger brother.
La wen, oats. Order of the words.
Le bal, ball.
Le jaub, the devil. Fahtl, full.
Le kleh, key. Faint, paint.
Le mah, hand. Fapa, father.
Le mel, mule. Fasese, blanket; woolen cloth.
Le molo, wild. Fasiooks, French; a Frenchman.
Le mooto, sheep. Fe, and; but.
Le pee, foot. Fehpah, paper.
Le plet, priest. Felton, a fool; insane.
Le sak, bag. Feshak, bad.
Le whet, a whip. Fiah, fire.
Lice, rice. Fil, red.
Liver, river. Filpil, blood.
Liplip, to boil. Fish, fish.
Lolo, to carry. Fiupiu, to stink.
Lowullo, round. Foh, to bloy; a puff of breath.
Lope, rope. Folaklie, night.
Lum, rum; whiskey. Folallie, gunpowder; sand.
M Foo, the sound of a gun.
Fotlatch, a gift; to give.
Mahkook, to buy. Fukpuk, a blow with the fist.
Mahsh, to sell; to leave. Fusspuss, cat.
Mahsie, thanks.
Mahtlinnie, off shore. s
Mahtwillie, in shore. Saghalie, above; up.

Sail, sail; cloth; flag. Thousand, thousand.

Sakoleks, trousers. Tikegh, to want; to love.
Sallal, the sallal berry. Tiktik, a watch.
Salmon, salmon; fish. Tilikum, people; relations.
Salt, salt. Till, tired; heavy.
Sapolill, wheat; flour. Tintin, bell; o'clock.
Seahhost, face; eyes. T'kope, white.
Seahpo, hat. Tl'kope, to cut.
Self, self. Toh, spitting.
Shame, shame. Tolo, to earn; gain. •

Shantie, to sing. Tomolla, tomorrow.

Ship, ship. Totoosh, see tatoosh.
Shoes, shoes. Towagh, bright, shining.
Shot, shot. Tsee, sweet.
Shugah, sugar. Tseepie, to mistake.
Siah, far. Tsiatko, a nocturnal demon.
Siam, the grizzly bear. Tsiktsik, see chik chik.
Sick, sick. Tsugh, a crack, or split.
Sikhs, a friend. Tukamonuk, hundred.
Sinamokst, seven. Tumtum, the heart; will; mind.
Siskiyou, a bob-tailed horse. Tumwata, water fall.
Sitkum, half; part. Tupsshin, needle.
Siwash, Indian. Tupso, grass.
Skin, skin. Tyee, chief.
Skookum, strong. Tzum, spots; writing.
Slahal, a game; to gamble.
Suass, rain. W
Solleks, angry; anger. Wagh, to pour out; to vomit.
Sopena, to jump. Wake, no; not.
Spose, suppose; if. Wapatoo, potato.
Stick, stick; wood. Wash, to wash.
Stocken, stocking. Washington, Washington.
Stoh, loose; to untie. Waum, warm.
Stone, stone. Wawa, to talk.
Stotekin, eight. Wayhut, see ooakut.
Stutchun, sturgeon. Week, a week.
Sun, sun; day. Weght, again; also; more.
Sunday, Sunday; week. Winapie, soon; presently.
Wind, wind; breath; life.
Tag-hum, six. Yahka, he; she; it; his; etc.
Tahlkie, yesterday. Yahwa, there; thence.
Tahtlum, ten. Yakso, hair.
Talapus, coyote; prairie wolf. Yakwahtin, entrails.
Tamahnous, magic; the spirits. Yiem, a story; to relate.
Tamolitsh, barrel; tub. Youtl, proud; pleased.
Tanse, dance. Youtlkut, long.
Tatoosh, milk; breast. Youtskut, short.
Teahwit, leer; foot. Yukwa, here.
Tenas, small; few; little.
Less Familiar Words— Not 5trictly Jargon— or of Only Local Use

AV-ba, (?), well then.

Ad-de-dah\ (S), exclamation of pain, Ik'-ik, (C), fish hook.
sorrow, surprise. It'-lan, (C). a fathom.
Ah-ha, (C), yes.
Al-ah, (J), expression of surprise.
A-mo'-ta, (C), strawberry. Xah-de-na, (C), to fight.
An-a'h, (J), exclamation of pain or dis- Xaa'-kali,(J), a crow.
pleasure; ah! oh! fie! Kah'-na-way, (C), acorns.
Ats, (C), a sister younger than the Xahp-ho, (C), an elder brother, sister, or
speaker. cousin.
A-yah'-wnul, (S), to lend; to borrow. Kal-ak-a-lah'-ma, (C), a goose.
Kal-a-kwah'-tie, (C), inner bark of the
cedar; woman's petticoat of bark.
Be'-be, (F), a kiss; to kiss. Ka-mo'-suk, (C), beads.
Bit, (E), a dime, or shilling. Ka-wa'k, (S), to fly.
Bloom, (E), broom. Kaw-ka-wak, (C), yellow or pale green.
Bur-dash, (Canadian F), an hermaphro- Keep'-wot, (C), needle; pin; thorn; sting
dite. of an insect.
Xeh-loke, or Kaloke, (C), a swan.
Keh'-see, (C), an apron.
(F), a rifle.
Cal'-li-peen, Xeh-wa, (?), because.
Chak-cnak, (C), the bald eagle. Kes'-chi, (C), notwithstanding; al-
Chet'-lo, (S), oyster. though.
Chet-woot, (S), black bear. Xet-ling-, (E), kettle; can; basin.
Chil-chil, or Tsil-tsil, (C), buttons; the Kil-it'-sut, (C), flint; bottle; glass.
stars. Kinni-kinnik, smoking weed (mixture).
Chitsh, (S), a grandmother. See note under Tatoosh, main vocabu-
Chope, (S), a grandfather. lary.
Cho'-tub, (S), flea. Xi'-nootl, (C), tobacco; smoking.
Chuk-kin, (S), to kick. Ki'-wa, (Wasco), crooked.
Comb, (E), a comb. Ki'-yah, (S), entrails.
Coop'-coop, (C), small dentalium, or Xlak'-wun, (S), to wipe, or lick.
shell money. Kla'-pite, (C), thread; twine.
Cou-lee, (F), a valley. Xla-whop, (C), a hole.
Klem'-a-hun, (S), to stab, wound, spear.
Klilt, or mile, (C), sour; bitter.
Be'-na, (C), beaver. Klik'-a-muks, (C), blackberries.
Ek-kah-nam, (C), tale; story. Klik'-wal-lie, (C), brass wire; brass arm-
Ek-ko-li, (C), whale.
Ek'-keh, (C). brother-in-law. Kloh-kloh, (C), oysters. See chetlo.
E'-la-han, (S), aid; assistance; alms. Klook, (E), crooked.
E-li'te, (C), a slave. Kluh, or Klug-h, (C), to tear; to plow.
E-salfh, or Ye-salt'h, (Wasco.), Indian Kluk-ulh', (C), broad, or wide, as of a
corn; maize. plank.
Eyeh, (N), yes. Ko'-ko, (J), to knock.
Ko'-ko-stick, (J), (knock-tree), wood-
H pecker.
Haht-haht, (S), the mallard duck. Koo'sah, (C), sky.
Hoh-hoh, (J), to cough. Kush'-is, (S), stockings.
Ho-ku-melh, (S), to gather; glean. Kwah-nice, or Kwad-dis, (Klikitat),
Hool-hool, (C), a mouse. whale.
Howh, (J), turn to; hurry; ho! Kwa-lal-kwa-lal, (C), to gallop.
How'-kwutl, (C), inability; unable. Xwal'h, (S), an aunt.
Hum'-kih, (C), Crooked; knotted; curled. Kwates, (S), sour; bitter; not pleased.
Hwah, (J), surprise; admiration; earn- Kweh-kweh, (J), a mallard duck.
estness. Xwek-wi-ens, (S), a pin.
Hy'-kwa, (N), shell money; large den- Kweo-kweo, (C), a ring; a circle.
talium. Kwetlh, (S), proud.


Xwisb, (?), exclamation of refusal. Ma-lah, (C), tin ware, earthenware,

Kwit-sbad-ie, (S), hare; rabbit. dishes.
Xwulh, or kwult'h, (C), to hit, strike, or Mel-a-kwa, (P), a mosquito.
wound, (without cutting). Mist-cbi'-mas, (?), slave.
Xwun'-nun, (S), counting; numbers. Mit-ass, leggings. (See note under Ta-
Kwutl, (C), literally, fast; to push or toosh, main vocabulary.)
squeeze. Moo '-lock, (C), an elk.

La-bleed, (P), a bridle.

La-boo-ti, (P), bottle. Na-ha, or Na-ab, (C), a mother.
Nau'-its, (S), off shore; on the stream,
La-ca-lat, (P), carrot.
Lag-h, (C), to tip; to lean; to stoop; to Hale. The sea-beach. Anderson.
Ne-nam-ooks, (C), the land otter.

bend over.
Iia-g-win', (?), a saw.
Iia'-kles, (P), fat; oil; grease.
la-lab/, (C), to cheat, trick; joke with. O'-la-pita-kl, (C), fire.
La-leem', (P), a file. Ol'-by-iu, (C), a seal.
La-pebsh, (P), a pole. O'-luk, (S), a snake.
La-pelle', (P), a shovel or spade. O'-na, (C), razor fish or solen; clams.
Iia-pe-osb/, (F), a mattock or hoe. Oos'-kan, (C), a cup; a bowl.
La-pieg-e, (F), a trap. O'-pe-kwan, (C), basket; can; tin kettle.
La-po-el', (F), a frying pan, (a stove. O'-pitl-kegrb, (C), bow.
Hale.) O'-pit-sab, (C), knife, razor, sword.
La-pool', (F), fowl; poultry. Ote-lag-h, (C), the sun.
La-poo-sliet', (F), fork.
La-sanjel, (F), girth, sash, belt.
La-see, (F), a saw.
La-sell', (F), saddle. Pchib, orPlt-cbib, (?), Thin, as of a
La'-shal-loo, (F), plough. board.
La-shan'-del, (F), a candle. Fe-chusrb, (C), green.
La-shase, (P), chair. Pe-what'-tie, (C), thin, slight, flamsy.
La-sben' f (F), a chain. Pit-lilb', (?), thick, as molasses.
Las-siet, (F), a plate. Poo'-lie, (F), rotten.
La-sway, (F), silk, silken. Pow'-itsb, (C), crab-apple.
La-tabb, (F), table.
La-tlah', (F), noise. S
La-west', (F), waist-coat, vest. San-de-lie, (F), roan colored; a roan
Le-bab-do, or La-ba-do, (F), a shingle.
Le bis'-kwie, (F), biscuit, crackers, hard horse, ash colored. Anderson. —
Sbe-lok'-um, (C), looking-glass; glass.
Sbugrb, (C), a rattle.
Le-riau', (F), a sorrel horse; chestnut Shug-b-opoots, (C), a rattle-snake.
Sbut, (E), a shirt.
Le-clem', (F), cream-colored. Shwab-kuk, (S), a frog.
Le-cock', (F), a cock; a fowl.
Si'-pab, (Wasco), straight, like a ram-
Le-doo', (F), finger. rod.
Le-g-ley, (F & E), a gray horse; gray.
Sis'-ki-you, a bob-tailed horse. (See note
Le-kloo', (F), nail; nails. under Tatoosh, main vocabulary.)
Le-koo', (F), neck. Sit'-lay, (F), stirrups.
Le-ky'e, (?), spot; spotted; a piebald Sit'-sbum, (S), to swim.
horse. Skwak'-wal, (S), a lamprey eel.
Le-lo'-ba, (F), ribbon. Skwis'-kwis, (C), a squirrel.
Le-loo', (F), wolf.
Smet'-ocks, (S), the large clam.
Le-mah-to, (F), hammer. Smoke, (E), smoke, clouds, fog, steam.
Le-pan', (F), bread. Soap, (E), soap.
Le-pisb'-e-mo, saddle-blanket or hous- So-le'-mie, (C), the cranberry.
ing. (See note under Tatoosh, main Spo'-ob, (C), faded; any light color.
vocabulary.) Spoon, (E), a spoon.
Le-pwau, (F), peas. Suk-wal'-al, (C), a gun or musket.
Le-sap', (F), eerg; eggs.
Le- see-blo, (F), spurs.
Le-see'-zo, (P), scissors.
Le-sook, (P), sugar. Tab-nim, (S), to measure.
Le-tab', (F), the teeth. Teh-teh, (C), to trot, as a horse.
Lik-pu'-bu, (?), a sister; an elder sister. Te-peh, (C), quill, wing.
Luk'-ut-cbee, (?F), clams. Tik'-tik, (onoma), a watch.
Til'-i-kum-ma-ma, (C), a father.
M Toke-tie, (Kalapuya), pretty.
Mah-lie, (S), to forget. To'-luks, (Clallam), the mussel.
Tot, (S), uncle.
To'-to, (onoma, C), to shake, sift, win-
Yah'-hul, (C), a name.
now. Yah'-kis-ilt'h, (C), sharp, cutting.
To-wagh', (C), bright; shining; light.
Tshi'-ke, (?), directly, soon. Note— The letters (E), (F), (N),
Tshis, (C), cold. and (S), refer to the derivation of
Tsish, (onoma), in imitation of the words, and signify Chinook, English,
sound of a grindstone. French, Nootka, and Salish. (See ex-
Tsole-pat, (Klickitat), a shot-pouch. planatory notes.) Words marked (J.)
Tso'-lo, (Kalapuya), to wander; to lose or (onoma.) are considered to be the
the way. peculiar property of the Jargon, as
Tuk'-wil-la, (Kalapuya), nuts; the hazel having been formed either in imita-
nut. tion of sounds or by some casual in-
vention. (Gibbs, Hale, Chamberlain,
Boas, Shaw, Anderson, Pandosy, Cook,
Jewitt, Tolmie, Dawson, St. Onge,
Wa'-ki, (C), to-morrow.
Whim, (Wasco), to fell; to throw, in ities.)

Scouler, Eells, Walker, Gard, author-
See Pronouncing Vocabulary.
The pronunciation is indicated by the simple system of respelling which is
used in Webster's International Dictionary. It employs the diacritically marked
letters familiar in the schoolbooks of the country. "The defects of the English
orthography are well known, but, under the circumstances, we have no choice but
to follow it, making up for its deficiencies by the necessary explanations. In the
phonetics of the language one point is specially interesting, both as illustrating the
usual result of the fusion of two or more languages, and as showing one of the
laws which must govern the formation of any international speech. As the Jargon
is to be spoken by Englishmen and Frenchmen, and by Indians of at least a dozen
tribes, so as to be alike easy and intelligible to all, it must admit no sound which
cannot be readily pronounced by all. The numerous harsh Indian gutturals either
disappear entirely, or are softened to li and k. On the other hand, the d, f, g, r, v, z,
of the English and French become in the mouth of a Chinook t, p, k, 1, w, and s.
The English j (dzh) is changed to cli (tsh); the French nasal u is dropped, or is

retained without its nasal sound." Hale. Authority used,Eells.

a, as in far, father ,

a, as in what, not o
a, as in hat, man '
a, as in law, all, lord a
a, as in mate a
e, as in met, then e
e, as in meet "
e, as in they (a, as in mate) a
i, as in pin Y
i, as in pine, aisle T
i, as in pique (e, as in meet) e"

o, as in not tf

o, as in note o
o, as in do, prove, tomb; — with the sound the same as oo o
oo, as in moon, food, fool oo
u, as in rule oo
u, as in pull, bull, full, put u
u, as in but .'
oi, as in boil oi
on, as in out _ ou
sh, as in shall sh
th, as in thin th
th, as in then th
g, as in gig _

g, as in gem g
ng, as in sing, singer ng
wh, as in when hw
eh, as in church ch
ABBA, ab'-ba. DLY, dlt.
ADDEDAH, a-dT-da. DOCTIN, dok-tTn.
AHHA, a-ha. DOLLA, d«l-m.
AHNKUTTIE, an<lriit-tt DUTCHMAN, dtich-man.
ALKI, StfkT. EENA, S-'na.

ALTA, al'-ta. ELIP, §ttp.

ATS, ats. ELITE, e-lT-'tT.

BEBE, be^be. ENATI, gn^a-tt

BUBDASH, bedash. HAHLAKL, h'alakl.
CALIPEEN, k8l-a-pSn^ HAHTHAHT, hat-hat.
CANIM, ka-nW HAKATSHUM, hak-at-shum.
CAPO, ka-po.' HALO, hafo.
CHAKCHAK, cbak'cbak. HAUL, hal.
CHAKO, cha^kU. HEEHEE, hS-'he.

CHEE, die. HIYU,

cbSt-lo bt-3.'

or HOHHOH, h5h-h3h.
HOOLHOOL, hp.l-hol.
CHETWOOT, cbet-woot. HULOIMA, httl-o'i-ma.

CHIKAMIN, chTk-a-mYn. HUYHUY, bq'T-ho-t.

chTk^cHk HYAS, ht-as.'

and HYKWA, ht-kwa.

tsYk^sTk. IKPOOIE, Tk-pp<T.

chTl-cbll IKTA, tk'tii.

and IKTAS, tk^taz.
tsTl-tsTl. ILLAHEE, Tl-la-hS.

cbfn-ook IPSOOT, fp%t."

or I SICK, ts'-tk.

tsfn-uk. ISKUM, Ts-ktim.

CHOTUB, cho"-'tffb. ITLAN, Yt-lan.
CHUCK, chuk. ITLOKUM, Ttfo-kum.
CLY, Kit ITSWOOT, rts^wftt.
COLE, kTJl. ITCHWOOT, !tch-wp.t
COMB, kom. KAH, ka.
COOLEY, ko^lT. KAHKAH, ka-kK.
COSHO, ko-shc! ka^lcwfi;
COURT, k3-ut. kwa-kwa^
CULTUS, kul-tiis. KAHNAWAY, ka-'na-w5.
DELATE, de-lSt.' KAHPO, kahp-lio.

KAHTA, IdC-'ta'. KLONE, klon.

ka-lSk-a-la, KLOOTCHMAN, kl<55t&-man.
kfil-tek'-a-la, KLOSHE, klffsh.
kufla-kutta. KO, ko.
KALAKALAHMA, kK-lak-a- KOKSHUT, k&k'shut.
la-ma. KONAWAY, kon-a-wa.
kiMtftan, . KOPET, k(5-ptf.
ka-li4-tan. KUITAN,
kam-as, ku-S-tan.
lak-am-as. KULL, ktil.

KAMOOKS, ka^mooks: KULLAGHAN, kul-la-han.

KAMOSUK, k'a-nyS-siik. KUMTUKS, ktim-tiiks.
KAPSWALLA, kap-sw«l-la. KUNAMOKST, kun-a-m8kst.
KAUPY, ka/pT. KUNJIH, kun-jT.
KEEKWULEE, kS-^wu-rr. KUNSIH, kun-st
KILAPI, kTl^a-pt KWAHTA, kwa<ta.
KIMTA, kTm-ta. KWASS, kwos."
KINOOTL, kt-iiootl. KWAIST, kwSst.
KIWA, kt-'wa. KWEHKWEH, kwe*-kw&
KIYAH, kt-'ya. KWINNUM, kwfri-um.
KLAH, kla. KWOLAN, kw5-lan.
KLAHANIE, kla^ha-nt KWUNNTJM, kwun-tim.
KLAHOWYA, kla-how-ya. LA BOOS,
KLAHOWYUM, kla'-how-yum. LA PUSH,
KLAHWA, kla-wa. la-p?sh.
KLAK, klak. LA CASSET, K-ka-s&t.
KLAKSTA, klats-ta. LA CLOA, la-klo3f.
KLALE, kill. LA GOME, la-g<5m'.
KLAP, klap. LA HASH, la-hashf
KLAPITE, kla'-ptt. LAKIT, lSk-Tt.

KLASKA, klaV-ka. LA LAHM, la-lam'

KLATAWA, klaia-wa. LA-LANG, la-lan£.
KLAWHOP, kla-hw«p. LALY, la^lY.
KLEMAHUN, klem-a-hiin. LA METSIN, la-mgt-sYn.
KLIKAMUKS, kllk-a-muks. LA MONTI, la-mSn-tt
KLILT, kltlt. LA PEA, la-pS-a.
KLIMINAWHIT, klT-mTn-a- LA PEEP, la-pep/
hwTt. LA PLASH, la-plSsh.
KLIMMIN, kffm'-Tn. LA POME, 18-p5m.
KLIP, kltp. LA POTE, m-pot.
KLISKWIS, klts^kwts. LA TET, la-tSt^
KLOHKLOH, klff-klo. LAW, la..

KLONAS, kl5-nas. LA WEEN, la-wen.


LE BAL, lY-bfll. OLO, o'-lo.

LE BLAU, le-bla.' OOAKUT,

LE COCK, lg-koi. WAYHUT,
LE JAUB, le-gab. oo-a-kbt.
LE KLEH, lS-kle.' OPOOTS, 5-'poots.
LE MAH, le-ma. PAHTL, patl.
LE MEL, le-mel. PAHTLUM, pat-lura.
LE MOOL, le-raool. PAPA, pa-pa.
LE MOLO, lg-mo-lo. PAPAH, pa'pa.
LE MOOTO, le-moo-to. PASEESIE, pa-s'S-st
LE PLET, IT-p'lSt. PASIOOKS, pa-s^-ooks.
LE PWAU, IT-pwa. PE, pe.
LE SAK, lt-sak/ '
PELTON, pSl'tun.
LE WHET, le-hwef. PI AH, pT-a.
LA WHIP, la-hwYp. PIL, pTl.

LICE, Its. PILPIL, ptl^ptl.

LIVER, lTv-'a'. PIUPIU, p§-u-pe-u.
LOCKIT, see Lakit. PUSSPUSS, pTs'h-pTsh.
LO LO, 15-18. POH, po\
LOPE, lop. POLAKLIE, pS-lak-lT.
LUMMIEH, ltfm'-ntf-ff. POLALLIE, po-'lal-t
MAHKOOK, ma-W. POTLATCH, po^lach.
MAHSH, mSsh. PUKPUK, puk^puk.
MALIEH, ifc&l-T-S. SAGHALIE, sbh-ha-lT.
MAMA, rtfa-ma. SAKOLLEKS, sa-ktt1-Sks.
MAMOOK, ma-muk. SALLAL, sSl-atf
MESACHIE, me-sSch-T. SALMON, sSm-un.
MESIKA, me-st-1<a. SAPOLIL, sa'p-5-ltl.

MIKA, mt-ka. SEAHHOST, se-a-h5st.

MIMALOOSE, mim-a-loos. SEAHPO, s5-a-po.
MITLITE, mTt-ltt. SHUGA, shu%a.
MITWHIT, ntft-whTt. SIAH, st-a/'
MOKST, mSkst. SIKHS, stks.
MOOLACK, moo'luk. SHIKHS, shtks.
MUCKAMUCK, muk-a-muk. SINAMOKST, sTn-a-mo'kst.
NA, na. SISKIYOU, sTs'-kT-ySS.
NAH, na*. SISTER, sYs'-tti.
NAHA, na-ha. SI WASH, st-w8sh.
NANITCH,nan'Tch. SKOOKUM, skoo-kum.
NAWITKA, na-wTt-ka. SLAHAL, sla-hal
NESIKA, ne*-sT-ka\ SNASS, sn5s.
NIKA, nt-'ka. SNOW, sno\
OKOKE, o^kok. SOLLEKS, sfif-luks.
OLALLIE, o-lal-T. SOPENA, so-pS-na.
5l-man. STOCKEN, st5k-en.
o-lT-man. STOTEKIN, stot-kTn.

STUTCHUN, stuA-un. TUMTUM, tum-tum.

TAGHUM, ta-hum. TUMWATA, tum-wa-tu.
TAHLKIE, ttfl-kT. TUPSO, tup-so.
TAHTLUM, toVliim. TYEE, tf-e/
TAMAHNOUS, ta-ma-no-us. TZUM, tzum.
TAMOLITSH, ta-mo-lTch. WAKE, wak.
TANSE, tans. WAPATO, wap^a-to.
TENAS, ten'-as. WAUM,
THOUSAND, thow-zand. WAWA, wa-wa,.
TIKEGH, tfk-t WAYHUT,"see Ooakut.
TIKTIK, tfk'-ttk. WEGHT, wekt.
TILIKUM, ffl^a-kum. WHIM, hwTm.
TILL, m. WHISKEY, hwVs-kV.
TINTIN, ttn-tTn. WINAPIE, wmVpl:
T'KOPE, T'kop. YAHWA, ya-wa.
TL'KOPE, Tl'kop. YAHKA, ya'ka.
TOMOLLA, to"-inol-la. YAKA, ya-ka.
TOTOOSH, YAKSO, yak-'so.
too-toosh. YOUTL, yotl.
TSEEPIE, tse-'pt. YOUTLKUT, yotl-kut.
TSOLO, tiss-so-lo. YUKWA, yuk-Va.
TUKAMONUK, tuk-a-mo-nuk. YAHKWA, yaVa.

Note "With the spelling in use I have other authors use the letters much as
learned that it is useless for any person they are used in English, which really
who has not heard a Chinook word used, means that their sounds, especially those
to try to give its pronunciation. The of the vowels, cannot be easily under-
accented syllable is marked. It must stood until the person hears them sound-
not be supposed, however, that the pro- ed by some one who understands their
nunciation I have given is the only cor- pronunciation." Authority: Myron
rect one; as already stated, there are Eells, D. D. See note under Kalakala,
often different ways of pronouncing the main vocabulary. Hale.—
same word in different localities. The
Abase, mamook keekwulee. Agiee, tumtum kunamokst.
Abdomen, yakwahtin; kwahtin. Agriculture, mamook illahee.
Abed, kopa bed. Agriculturist, illahee man.
Abide, mitlite. Aground, kopa illahee.
Abject, cultus . Ague, colesick.
Able, skookum. Ah! (Admiration), wah! hah!
Aboard, kopa boat, (or ship or canim). Ah I (In pain), anah.
Abolish, mamook halo. Ahead, elip.
Aborigines, siwash. Aid, Help, elan.
Abound, hiyu mitlite. Alarm, mamook kwass.
About, wake siah kopa. Alike, kahkwa.
Above, saghalie. Alive, mitlite wind.
Abroad, klahanie. All, konaway.
Abscond, kapswalla klatawa; ipsoot klat- Almighty, the, Saghalie tyee.
awa. Almost, wake siah.
Absent, halo mitlite. Alms, elahan, elann.
Absolve, mamook stoh; mamook mahsh. Alms, to give, mamook klahowiam, or
Absurd, pelton; wake delate. klahowya; potlatch dolla.
Accept, iskum. Aloft, kopa saghalie.
Accident, nika tumtum halo yaka chako Alone, kopet ikt.
kahkwa. Also, weght.
Accompany, klatawa kunamokst; chako Alter,mamook huloima.
kunamokst. Although, keschi.
Accomplice, yaka mamook mesachie Always, kwahnesum.
kunamokst. Am, mitlite is sometimes used; some-
Accomplish, mamook. times no word is used.
According* to, kopa Amass, isskum hiyu.
Accumulate, iskum hiyu. Ambiguous, mokst wawa.
Accurate, delate. Ambition, hyas tikegh.
Achieve, mamook. Amen, kloshe kahkwa,
Acknowledge, wawa nawitka. American, Boston.
Acorns, kahnaway. Amid, Among, kunamokst; katsuk.
Acquaint, mamook kumtuks. Amount, konoway.
Acquire, iskum. Amuse, mamook heehee.
Across, enati; inati. Amusement, heehee.
Act, Action, mamook. Ancient, hyas ahnkuttie.
Active, delate halo lazy. And, pee; pe.
Add, mahsh kunamokst. Anew, chee.
Adjoin, wake siah kopa. Angel, lesash; tamahnous.
Admiration, hwah. Anger, Angry, solleks.
Admire, mitlite kloshe tumtum kopa. Angler, pish man.
Admonish, potlatch kloshe wawa. Annual, ikt cole ikt cole.
Adore, mitlite delate kloshe tumtum Another, huloima.
kopa; atole. Answer, kilapie wawa.
Adorn, mamook kloshe. Antediluvian, elip kopa hyas chuck kopa
Adrift, cultus mitlite kopa chuck. Noah yaka time.
Adulterate, mamook mesachie; mahsh Anticipate, mamook tumtum elip.
mesachie kunamokst. Anus, opoots.
Adulterer, man yaka kumtuks kapswalla Anxious, hyas tikegh.
klootchman. Any, klaksta.
Adultress, klootchman yaka kumtuks Apart, ikt yahwa, ikt yahwa.
kapswalla man. Apostle, leplet.
Advice, Advise, cultus potlatch tumtum. Appeal, wawa kopa elip hyas court.
Afar, siah. Appear, chako kah (nika) nanitch.
Affable, kloshe. Apple, lepome; apple.
Affirm, wawa delate. Apply, (if in words) wawa; (if of things)
Afflict, mamook trouble; mamook sick mahsh.
tumtum. Approve, (nika) tumtum kahkwa.
Afoot, kopa la pea. Approach, chako wake siah.
Afraid, kwass. Apron, kehsu; kisu.
After, Afterwards, kimta. Arbutus uva ursi, lahb.
Again, weght. Archangel, tyee lesash.
Aged, oleman. Archbishop, tyee leplet.
Ag-gressor, yaka mamook mesachie elip. Archfiend, tyee kopa mesachie; tyee

skookum. Battle, pight.

Archipelago, kah hiyu ailand mitlite. Bath, mamook wash.
Arctic, kah delate hiyu cole mitlite. Be, sometimes mitlite is used, and some-
Ardent, waum tumtum. times no word is used.
Arg-ue, hiyu wawa. Be Still, kopet wawa.
Arise, mitwit; get up. Beach, polalle illahe; nauits.
Arithmetic, book yaka mamook kumtuks Beads, kamosuk.
nesika kopa kwunnum; mamook tzum. Bear (black), itchwoot; chetwoot; its-
Ann, (n.) lemah; (v.) iskum musket; woot.
potlatch musket. Bear (grizzly), siam itchwoot.
Army, hiyu sojers. Bear, (v.) lolo.
Around, wake siah kopa. Beard, tupso or yakso kopa seahost.
Arouse, mamook get up. Bearer, man yaka kumtuks lolo.
Arrest, mamook haul; mamook kow. Beat, to, kokshut; mamook kokshut.
Arrive, Arrive at, ko; chako; klap. Beautiful, kloshe.
Arrow, kalitan; stick kalitan. Beaver, eena.
Ascend, klatawa saghalie. Becalm, halo wind.
Ash, isick stick. Because, kahkwa; kehwa.
Ask, wawa. Become, to, chakko.
Asleep, moosum. Become hard, chahko kull. (For other
Assault, pight. connections of become see chako, in
Assemble, chako kunamokst. Chinook, English part).
As, kahkwa. Bed, bed.
As if, kahkwa spose. Bed Quilt, tzum pasessie.
Assent, wawa, nawitka. Beef, itlwillie.
Assess, mamook tzum iktas. Before, elip.
Assessor, tyee kopa mamook tzum illahee Beg, skookum wawa.
Assistance, elahan; help. Begin, chee mamook; mamook elip.
At, kopa. Begone, klatawa.
Atheist, man yaka wawa halo saghalie Behave, mamook kloshe.
tyee mitlite. Behind, kimta.
Attack, pight elip. Behold, nah; nanitch.
Attend, klatawa. Believe, iskum wawa; iskum kopa tum-
Attire, iktas. tum.
Auburn, sitkum klale; sitkum pil. Bell, tin tin; dingding; (ring the bell,
Audacious, skookum tumtum. mamook tintin).
Audience, hiyu tillikums kopa house. Beloved, kloshe; kloshe kopa tumtum.
Argument, mamook hiyu; mamook hyas. Belle, kloshe tenas klootchman.
Aunt, kwalh; papa or mama yaka ats; Belly, yakwahtin.
tant; aunt. B- low, keekwulee.
Authentic, delate. Belt, lasanjel.
Autumn, tenas cole illahe. Beneath, keekwulee.
Avaunt, klatawa. Benefit (v.), mamook kloshe.
Aver, wawa delate. Berries, olallie; olillie.
Averse, halo tikegh. Beside, Besides, kunamokst.
Avidity, hyas tikegh. Best, elip kloshe kopa konoway.
Avoid, klatawa kopa huloima ooahut. Better, elip kloshe.
Awake, halo moosum; halo sleep. Between, kunamokst; katsuk; potsuk.
Away, siah. Beyond, yahwa.
Awe, kwass. Bible, saghalie tyee yaka book.
Awl, shoes keepwot, or kipuet. Big, hyas.
Axe, lahash. Bird, kallakala; kulakula.
Aye, nawitka. Biscuit, lebiskwee, or labisquee.
Bit, or dime, bit.
Eite, muckamuck.
Baby, tenas. Bitter, klihl, or klile; mesachie.
Bad, mesahchie; peshuk. Black, klale.
Cultus. Blackberries, klale olallie; klikamuks.
Bad mesachie tumtum (if in a
Spirit, Blackbirds, klale tenas kalakala.
person); mesachie tamahnous (if an- Blackfish, kahkwa klale.
other spirit). Blanket, paseesie.
Bag, lesak. Bleed, mamook pilpil.
Ball, lebal. Bless, wawa kloshe wawa.
Bargain, mahkook; huyhuy. Blessing, kloshe wawa.
Bark, stickskin. Blind, halo seahost; halo nanitch.
Barley, lashey; lareh. Blood, pilpil.
Barrel, tamolitsh. Blow, (v.) wind chako; hiyu wind.
Basin, ketling. Blow out, mamook poh.
Basket, opekwan; basket. Blue (light), spooh.
Bat, polakle kulakula. Blue (dark), klale.
Blunder, to, tseepie. By, wake siah kopa; kopa.
Blush, chako pil kopa yaka seahost. By-and-by, winapie; alki.
Boar, man cosho.
Board, la plash.
Boast, hyas wawa; skookum wawa. Calf, tenas moosmoos.
Boat, boat. Calico, tzum sail; sail.
Bobtailed (a bob-tailed horse), siskiyou. Call, to, wawa.
Boil, to, (v.) liplip; mamook liplip. Calm, halo wind.
Bold, Boldness, skookum tumtum; halo Calve,mahsh tenas.
kwass. Can, skookum kopa.
Bone, stone. Candle, la shandel; glease piah.
Boots, stick shoes. Cannot, halo skookum kopa; howkwutl.
Bore, to, mamook thalwhop; mamook Canoe, canim.
hole. Cap, seahpo.
Borrow, to, ayahwhul; iskum dolla; alki Capable, skookum kopa; skookum tum-
pay. tum.
Bosom (female), totoosh; yakwahtin. Capsize, keelapie; kilapie.
Boss, tyee. Captive, elite.
Both, kunamoxt; mokst. Capture, mamook kow.
Bottle, labooti; labotai. Car, (R. R.), piah chickchick.
Bow, opitlkegh; stick musket. Careful, kloshe nanitch.
Bow (of boat), nose. Careless, kultus; halo kloshe nanitch.
Bowl, ooskan; uskan. Carpenter, la plash man.
Box, la casett; la kassett. Carrot, la calat.
Boy, tenas man. Carry, to, lolo.
Bracelet, klikwallie; kweokweo. Cart, chikchik; tsiktsik.
Brass, pil chikamin; klikwallie. Carve, mamook cut.
Brave, skookum tumtum. Cascade, tumwata.
Bread, le pan; sapolil; piah sappolil. Cash, dolla; chikamin.
Break, to, kokshut; mamook kokshut; Cask, tamolitsh.
mamook klimmin. Cast, mahsh.
Breakfast, muckamuck kopa tenas sun. Castrate, to, mahsh stone.
Breasts, totoosh. Cat, pusspuss; pishpish.
Breath, wind. Cataract, tumwater.
Breech Clout, opoots sill; opoots sail. Catch, iskum; mamook kwotl.
Bride, klootchman yaka chee malieh. Cautious, (to be), kloshe nanitch.
Bridegroom, man yaka chee malieh. Cease, kopet.
Bridle, la bleed. Cedar, canim stick; lametsin stick; kpai;
Brig-ht, towagh, or tewagh. kalakwahtie stick.
Bring*, to, lolo; mamook chahco; newah. Cedar Bark (inside), kalakwahtie.
Broad, klukulh. Celestial, kopa saghalie.
Broken legged, kokshut lapea. Certain, delate.
Broken, kokshut. Cattle, moosmoos.
Brook, tenas chuck; tenas cooley chuck. Certainly, nawitka.
Broom, bloom. Chain, lashen; chikamin lope.
Brother, ow. Chair, la shase.
Brother, kahpho, or elip ow, if elder Chance, nika tumtum halo yaka chako
than the speaker; kimta ow, or ow, if kahkwa.
younger. Male cousins the same. Change, huyhuy; mamook huyhuy.
Brother-in-law, ats yaka man; klootch- Characters, tzum.
man yaka ow; ekkeh. Cheap, wake hyas mahkook.
Brown, sitkum klale; tenas klale; klale. Cheat, to, lalah; mamook pelton.
Buck, man mowitch. Cheated, (I am), nika chako pelton.
Bucket, tamolitsh. Cheeks, seahost; capala.
Buffalo, moosmoos; wild moosmoos. Cheer, hiyu kloshe wawa.
Build, mamook house. Chicken, la pool.
Builder, la plash man. Chief, tyee.
Bull, man moosmoos. Child, tenas.
Bullet, le bal; kalitan; musket yaka ball. Chilly, tenas cole.
Bundle, kow; iktas. Choose, tikegh; elip tikegh.
Bungler, man yaka cultus mamook. Christmas, hyas Sunday; klismes.
Burn, mamook piah. Clams, ona; lukutchee; lakwitchee;
Burst, kokshut. clams; (smetocks, the large kind).
Bury, mahsh kopa illahee. Clay, illahee.
But, pe; pee. Clean, (adj.) halo illahee; (n.) mamook
Butcher, man yaka kumtuks mamook clean.
mimoluse moosmoos. Clear up, to, chako klah.
Butter, totoosh gleese; totoosh lakles. Clerk, tzum man.
Buttons, chilchil; tsiltsil. Climb, klatawa saghalie.
Buy, to, mahkook. Close, (v.) mamook ikpooie.

Cloth, (cotton), sail. Coyote, talapus.

Clothes, iktas. Crabapple, powitsh; siwash apple.
Clouds, smoke; smoke kopa saghalie; Crack, tsugh.
cultus smoke. Cranberry, solemie; swamp olallie; pil
Coast, illahee wake siah kopa chuck. olallie; siwash isalk.
Coat, capo; kapo. Crazy, pelton; clazy; pelton scotty.
Coffee, kaupy. Cream, kloshe totoosh.
Cold, cole. Cream-colored, le clem.
Color, tzum; chym. Creator, saghalie tyee.
Comb, (n.) comb. Creek, tenas chuck.
Comb, to, (v.) mamook comb. Creep, tenas cooley.
Come, to, chahko; newah. Cricket, (large), mesachie cultus kala-
Come out of the water, chako klahanie kala; mesachie cultus sopena.
kopa chuck. Crooked, kiwa; tseepie; clooked; wake
Command, (v.) mahsh wawa; (n.) law. delate; hanlkek.
Commandments, saghalie tyee law. Cross, (n.) la cloa.
Commence, mamook begin; chee mamook. Crow, kahkah.
Common, kloshe kopa konoway; cultus. Crowd, hiyu tillikums.
Communion, Jesus yaka muckamuck. Cry, to, cly.
Complete, mamook kopet. Cultivate, mamook kloshe.
Conceal, ipsoot. Cup, ooskan; cup; lepot.
Conceive, klap tenas. Cure, mamook kloshe.
Conceive, (in mind) mamook tumtum. Cured, chako kloshe.
Concur, (I), (nika) tumtum kahkwa. Curly, hunlkih.
Confess, to, yiem; wawa. Currant, pil olallie; culant.
Confession, to go to, kofes; kopes. Cha- Currency, papah dolla.
chas bilalam, or milalam (holy talk). Curse, (n.) mesachie wawa.
Confirmation, lakonfirmation; kopil masio Curse, (v.) wawa mesachie.
Confine, mamook kow. Cut, to, tlkope; mamook cut.
Confirm, mamook delate.
Confirmed (pas.), chako delate.
Confirmation, lakonfirmation; kopli masio Dance, to, tanse.
Congregate, chako, or klatawa kunamokst Danger, mesachie mitlite.
Conjurer, siwash doctin; tamahnous man. Dark, darkness, polaklie.
Conjuring tamahnous; mamook tamah-

, Darken, mamook polaklie.

mous. Dash, (v.) mahsh.
Consecrate, potlatch kopa saghalie tyee. Daughter, tenas klootchman.
Contented, mitlite kloshe tumtum. Dawn, delate tenas sun; chee chako
Contrite, cly tumtum; sick tumtum. light.
Control, tolo. Dazzle, hiyu skookum light; kahkwa halo
Conversation, Converse, wawa. nika nanitsh.
Convince, tolo. Dead, memaloost; mimoluse; mahsh kon-
Cook, to, mamook piah; mamook piah oway yaka wind; yaka wind chako
muckamuck. halo.
Cooked, (pas.) chako piah. Deadness, kahkwa mimoluse.
Copper, pil chikamin. Deaf, ikpooie kwollan; halo kwolan.
Copy, mamook tzum. Deafen, mamook halo kwolan.
Cord, tenas lope; lope. Deaf mute, halo kwolan halo wawa.
Cordially, kloshe tumtum. Death, mimoluse.
Cork, (v.) ikpooie. Death bed, bed kah yaka mimoluse.
Corn, esalth. Dear, (expensive), hyas mahkook.
Corral, kullagh; kullaghan. Dear, (loved), kloshe.
Correct, delate. Death warrant, papah yaka wawa, na-
Cost, (how much) kunjih dolla? witka yaka mimoluse.
Cotton goods, sail. Debate, pight wawa.
Cougar, hyas pishpish. Debility, halo skookum; wake siah sick.
Cough, hohhoh. Decay, chako cultus; chako mimoluse;
Counsel, cultus potlatch tumtum. chako rotten.
Count, mamook kwunnun; mamook kun- Deceit, kliminawhit wawa.
jih; mamook' tahnin. Deceive, wawa kliminawhit mamook
Country, illahee. lalah.
Couple, mokst. Deceiver, yaka kumtuks wawa klimina-
Courage, skookum tumtum. whit.
Cousin, (see brother and sister.) (Eng- Decide, mamook tumtum; klap tumtum.
lish, idem.) Decision, tumtum.
Cover, (v.) mahsh ikta kopa haghalie. Decline, wawa halo.
Covet, tikegh kapswalla. Deed, mamook.
Cow, klootchman moosmoos. Deep, klip; hyas keekwulee.
Coward, halo skookum tumtum; kwass Deer, mowitsh.
man. Defeat, (v.) tolo.
Defend, kloshe nanitch. Donation, cultus potlatch.
Defer, mamook alki; mamook byby. Door, la pote.
Deficient, wake hiyu. Double, mokst.
Definite, delate. Double minded, mokst tumtum.
Deformed, wake delate. Doubt, halo delate kumtuks.
Delight, kloshe tumtum. Down, (adj.) keekwulee; whim.
Delig'hted, mitlite or chako kloshe tum- Down, (n.), kalakala tupso.
tum. Downcast, sick tumtum.
Delirious, huloima latet; kahkwa clazy. Down Kill, keekwulee.
Demand, wawa; skookum wawa. Downright, delate.
Demon, skookum; lejaub; kahkwa lejaub; Down stream, mimie; cooley chuck.
mesachie tamahnous. Doxology, mahsie kopa saghalie tyee.
Deny, Denial, wawa halo. Dozen, tahtlum pe mokst.
Dense, hiyu. Drab, tenas klale, tenas tkope.
Dentist, doctin kopa teeth; doctin kopa Drag, Draw, haul.
letah. Drawback, mamook haul kimta.
Depart, klatawa. Drawers, keekwulee sakolleks.
Descend, klatawa keekwulee. Dread, kwass.
Describe, mamook kumtuks. Dream, dleam; nanitch kopa moosum;
Desert, (n.) illahee kah halo ikta mitlite. moosum nanitch.
Desert, (v.) kaps walla klataway; mahsh. Dreary, cultus.
Devil, diaub; yaub; lejaub. Drench, mahsh kopa chuck; mahsh chuck
Diabolical, kahkwa lejaub. kopa.
Dialect, lalang. Drenched, (pas.), mitlite hiyu chuck;
Dialog-ue, ikt man yaka wawa, huloima hiyu chuck mitlite kopa.
man yaka wawa, laly kahkwa. Dress, klootchman coat.
Did, mamook. Drink, to, muckamuck; muckamuck
Die, mimoluse; mahsh konoway yaka chuck or kaupy; or whiskey, etc., as
wind. the case may be.
Differ, huloima tumtum. Drinkable, kloshe kopa muckamuck.
Different, Difference, huloima. Drip, chuck klatawa.
Difficult, kull. Drive, mamook kishkish.
Dig", to, mamook illahee; mamook kok- Drizzle, tenas snass.
shut illahee. Drown, mimoluse kopa chuck.
Dig" a hole, mamook hole; mamook Drowsy, tikegh moosum; tikegh sleep.
tlwhop. Drug, lametsin.
Dilute, mahsh chuck kunamokst. Drum, (Indian), pompon.
Dime, bit, or mit. Drunk, (adj.), pahtlum; dlunk.
Dimension, kunjih hyas. Drunk, (v.), chako pahtlum.
Dine, Dinner, muckamuck kopa sitkum Drunkard, pahtlum man; man kwanesum
sun. pahtlum.
Direct, delate. Dry, Dryness, dly; dely.
Directly, alki; winapie; tshike. Dual, mokst.
Dirty, allihee mitlite; hyas humm. Dubious, mokst tumtum.
Disagree, halo tumtum kahkwa. Duck, (Mallard), hahlhahl; kwehkweh;
Disappoint, mamook pelton. hahthaht.
Disbelieve, halo tumtum kahkwa. Ducking, mahsh kopa chuck; klatawa
Disappear, chako halo. kopa chuck.
Discard, Discharge, mahsh. Dug, mamook dig.
Discover, elip nanitch. Dull, halo tumtum; wake siah halo latet.
Dishonest, kumtuks kapswalla. Duly, delate.
Dislike, halo tikegh. Dumb, wake wawa; halo wawa.
Disobey, halo iskum wawa; mahsh wawa. During, kopa.
Disrelish, halo tikegh muckamuck. Durst, skookum tumtum.
Dissent, huloima tumtum. Dust, polallie; tenas illahee; klimmin
Distance, (what), kunjih siah. klimmin illahee.
Distant, siah. Dwell, mitlite.
Distinguish, nanitch. Dye, (v.), mamook tzum.
Distress, klahowya tumtum; klahowya. Dying, wake siah mimoluse.
Distrust, kwass. Dyeing, mamook tzum.
Dive, klatawa keekwulee kopa chuck.
Diverse, huloima.
Divine, kahkwa saghalie tyee. Eager, hyas tikegh.
Doctor, doctin. Each, ikt ikt.
Doctress, klootchman doctin. Easrle, chakchak.
Dodge, hyak klatawa; klatawa yahwa Ear, kwolann.
yahwa. Early, tenas sun.
Dog, kamooks. Earnest, skookum tumtum.
Dollar, dolla, or tahla; chikamin. Earn, to, tolo.
Do, mamook. Earth, illahie.

East, kah sun yaka chako. Enter, klatawa keekwulee, klatawa in-
Easter, pak; paska. side.
Easy, halo kull. Entertain, (as a guest), kloshe manitch.
Eat, to, muckamuck. Entire, konoway.
Eatable, kloshe kopa muckamuck. Entrails, kiyagh; guts; keekwulee yak-
Ebb tide, chuck yaka klatawa. wahtin kaiah.
Eccentric, huloima. Entrap, iskum kopa trap.
Eclipse, sun (or moon), yaka chako Enumerate, mamook kunjih; mamook
klale. tzum.
Eddy, kah chuck klatawa saghalie. Envelope, (n.), klahanie papeh.
Edify, mamook kumtuks. Envelope, (v.), mamook kow.
Editor, tzum (or tyee) man kopa news- Epilepsy, sick kahkwa clazy.
paper. Equal, kahkwa.
Educate, mamook kumtuks. Equity, delate mamook.
Effect, (v.) mamook. Erect, mitwhit; delate.
Effects, (n.) iktas. Escape, chako klahanie (for first or sec-
Effeminate, kahkwa klootchman. ond persons); klatawa klahanie (for
Efficient, skookum; kloshe. third person); klatawa.
Egg, lesap; lesep; hen olallie. Escort, (v.) klatawa kunamokst pe
Eight, stotekin; kwinnum pe klone; kloshe nanitch.
eight. Espy, nanitch.
Eighteen, tahtlum pe stotekin. Estate, iktas pe illahee kopa mimoluse
Eighty, stotekin tahtlum. man or klootchman; mimoluse man or
Eight hundred, stotekin tukamonuk. klootchman yaka iktas pe illahee.

Either or, klonasklonas. Estimate, (n.), tumtum.
Eject, mahsh klahanie. Estimate, (v.), mamook tumtum.
Elder, elip. Eternal, kwanesum.
Elder brother, kahpo. Ethnology, kumtuks kopa tillikums;
Elegant, hyas kloshe. kumtuks kopa siwash.
Elevate, mamook saghalie. Eulogize, wawa kloshe wawa.
Elevated, (pas.), chako. (saghalie, or Evacuate, mamook halo; konoway kla-
klatawa saghalie, as the case may be, tawa klahanie.
whether speaking of self or another. Eve, tenas polaklie.
Elk, moolock; mooluk. Even, konaway kahkwa; kloshe.
Eloquent, kumtuks wawa. Evening, tenas polaklie.
Else, huloima. Ever, Everlasting, kwanesum.
Elude, ipsoot klatawa. Every, konaway.
Embark, klatawa kopa canim; boat or Everywhere, konaway kah.
ship. Evict, mash klahanie.
Emblem, kahkwa picture. Evil, mesachie.
Embrace, iskum kopa lemah. Exact, delate.
Emetic, lametsin yaka skookum kopa Exaggerate, wake siah kliminawhit.
help mika mahsh mika muckamuck. Exalt, mamook saghalie; mamook hyas.
Emotion, cly tumtum; kahkwa cly. Exalted, (pas.), chako saghalie; klatawa
Employer, tyee; boss. saghalie; chako hyas.
Empty, halo ikta mitlite. Examine, delate nanitch.
Enact, mamook. Exceed, chako elip hiyu.
Encircle, ikt yahwa, ikt yahwa,, ikt yah- Excel, elip kloshe.
wa, pe mamook kow. Excellent, hyas kloshe.
Enclose, mamook keekwulee. Except, (prep.), kopet.
Enclosure, Kullaghan; Kullagh; pense. Excess, elip hiyu.
End, opoots. Exchange, huyhuy.
Endeavor, tikegh mamook. Excite, mamook hyas yaka tumtum.
Endless, kwanesum. Exclaim, Exclamation, skookum wawa;
Endure, kwanesum mamook; kwanesum wawa.
mitlite. Exclude, Excommunicate, mahsh klah-
Enemy, solleks tillikum; mesachie tilli- anie.
kum. Excuse, mamook klahowya.
Energy, skookum mamook. Execute, mamook mimoluse.
England, King- George illahee. Exercise, Exert, mamook.
English, Englishman, King ChaUtsh; Exhale, mahsh wind.
King George tillikum. Exhaust, mamook till.
Engrave, mamook tzum. Exhausted, (pas.), chako delate till;
Enjoy, mitlite kloshe tumtum. wake siah mimoluse kopa till.
Enlarge, mamook
hyas. Exhort, skookum wawa; wawa skookum.
Enough, kopet hiyu; hiyu; kopet. Exile, (v), or
Enquire, wawa; ask; tikegh kumtuks. Expatriate, mahsh klahanie kopa yaka
Enraged, solleks. illahee.
Enslave, mamook elite. Exist, mitlite.
Enslaved, (pas.) chako elite. Expedite, mamook hyak.
Expel, mahsh. Ferocious, hyas tikegh pight; delate
Expend, pay; potlatch. kumtuks pight.
Expert, delate yaka kumtuks. Fervent, Fervor, waum tumtum.
Expire, mimoluse; mahsh konoway yaka Fester, chako sick, pe chako hyas.
wind. Festival, hyas kloshe time; hiyu mucka-
Explain, mamook kumtuks. muck.
Explore, klatawa pe nanitch. Fetch, to, lolo; mamook chako.
Express, (v.), wawa. Fever, waum sick.
Exquisite, delate kloshe. Fever and Ague, cole sick, waum sick.
Extend, mamook hyas. Few, wake hiyu; tenas.
Extended, (pas.), chako hyas. Fib, kliminawhit.
Extensive, hyas. Fiction, wake delate wawa.
Exterior, klahanie. Field, illahee.
Exterminate, Extinguish, mamook halo; Fiend, mesachie tamahnous.
mahsh. Fierce, hyas tikegh pight.
Extol, potlatch hyas kloshe wawa. Fifteen, tahtlum pe kwinnum.
Extraordinary, hyas huloima. Fifty, kwinnum tahtlum.
Extravagant, cultus mahkook iktas. Fight, to, mamook solleks; pight; ma-
Extreme unction, exstlem oksio. mook pukpuk.
Eye, Eyeball, seahost; eye. Fight, (with fists), mamook pukpuk.
Eyelash, skin kopa eye. Figmred, (as calico), tzum.
Eyewater, lametsin kopa seahost. File, la leem.
Eyewitness, man yaka delate nanitch. Fill, to,mamook pahtl.
P Filthy, mesachie; humm; cultus.
Fable, wake delate wawa. Fin, pish yaka lemah.
Fabric, iktas. Find, to, klap.
Face, seahhost. Fine, (adj.), kloshe.
Facility, halo kull. Fine, (v.), mamook fine.
Fact, delate wawa. Fine, (n.), fine.
Fade, chako spooh. Fingers, le doo; lemah.
Faded, spooh. Finger ring, kweokweo.
Fagged, chako till. Finish, mamook kopet.
Fair, kloshe. Fir, moola stick.
Fall, fall down; mamook whim. Fire, piah; olapitski.
False, or Fireplace, kah piah mitlite.
Falsehood, kliminawhit; tseepie. Firm, skookum.
Fame, hyas nem. First, elip.
Family, tillikums. First born, elip tenas.
Famish, wake siah mimoluse kopa olo. Fish, pish.
Far, siah. Fisherman, pishman.
Farm, illahee. Fishery, kah pish mitlite; kah iskum
Farther, elip siah. pish.
Farthest, elip siah kopa konoway. Fishhook, pishhook; ikkik.
Fast, (tight), kwult; hyas kull. Fishline, pish lope.
Fast, (quick), hyak. Fishrod, pish stick.
Fasten, mamook kow. Fishy, kahkwa pish.
Fat, glease. Fists, lemah kahkwa (showing how).
Father, papa. Fit, kahkwa clazy.
Fathom, itlan. Five, kwinnum.
Fatigue, till. Five hundred, kwinnum tukamonuk.
Fatten, mamook glease. Fix, mamook kloshe.
Fault, wake delate mamook. Flag, sail; flag; hyas Sunday sail.
Favor, kloshe tumtum. Flea, sopen inapoo; chotub.
Fawn, tenas mowitch; mowitch yaka Flesh, itlwillie; meat.
tenas. Flies, tenas kalakala; lemosh.
Fear, kwass. Flimsy, wake skookum.
Fearless, halo kwass. Fling, mahsh.
Feast, muckamuck; hiyu muckamuck. Flint, kilitsut.
Feather, kalakala yaka tupso. Float, mitlite saghalie kopa chuck.
Feeble, wake skookum; halo skookum. Flock, hiyu sheep, or kalakala.
Feed, potlatch muckamuck. Flood, pahtl chuck; hiyu chuck.
Feel, (with hand), kumtuks kopa lemah. Flour, sapolil; klimmin sapolil.
Feel, (with heart), sick tumtum. Flow, klatawa.
Feet, lapea. Flowers, kloshe tupso.
Fell, to, (as a tree), mamo®k whim. Fluid, kahkwa chuck.
Fellow, tillikum. Fly, (v.), mamook fly; kawak.
Female, klootchman. Foal, (n.), tenas kuitan.
Ferment, kahkwa liplip; chako waum. Foal, (to be with) (v.), klootchman kui-
Fence, kullagh; kullahan; pence. tan yaka mitlite tenas.

Fog, smoke; cultus smoke. Fundament, opoots.

Folks, tillikums. Funeral, lolo or mahsh mimoluse tilli-
Follow, klatawa kimta. kum kopa mimoluse illahee.
Polly, kahkwa pelton. Fur, eena tupso.
Food, muckamuck. Furniture, iktas.
Fool, pelton. Furthermost; furtherest, elip siah kopa
Foolish, Foolhardy, kahkwa pelton. konoway.
Foot, lepee. Futile, cultus.
Footsteps, Footprint, kah lapea mitlite Future, alki; by-by; winapie.
(showing how; teahwit).
For, kopa.
Forbear, kopet. Gab; gabble, wawa.
Forbid, wawa kloshe kopet. Gad, moosmoos stick; gad.
Ford, kah kloshe nesika klatawa enati Gain, tolo.
kopa chuck. Gallop, to, kwalalkwalal; hyak klataw_a.
Forefather, ahnkuttie. papa. Gallows, stick kah mamook mimoluse
Foreign, huloima. kopa lope.
Forenoon, elip sitkum sun. Gamble, gamble; mamook gamble; ma-
Forest, kah hiyu stick mitlite. mook itlokum; heehee lemah (with
Foretell, wawa elip. disks) chis chis; itlokum.
Forever, kwahnesum. Game, heehee.
Forget, to, mahlie; mahsh tumtum; ko- Garments, iktas.
pet kumtuks Gas, kahkwa wind.
Forgive, mamook klowhowya. Gash, (n.), cut; kokshut.
Fork, la pooshet. Gash, (v.), mamook cut; mamook kok-
Former, elip. shut.
Formerly, ahnkuttie. Gasp, hyas kull spose yaka iskum yaka
Forsake, mahsh. wind; wake siah lost yaka wind.
Fortnight, mokst Sunday. Gather, to, iskum; hokumelh.
Fortunate, kloshe. Gay, kloshe; heehee.
Forty, lakit tahtlum. Gaze, skookum nanitch.
For Tirhat, pe kahta. Gender, is distinguished by prefixing the
Foul, cultus. word man for male, and klootchman
Found, klap. for female.
Four, lakit, or lokit. General, hyas tyee.
Fourteen, tahtlum pe lakH. Generous, kloshe kopa cultus potlatch.
Four hundred, lakit tukamonuk. Gentle, halo wild; kwan.
Fowl, la pool. Genuine, delate.
Fox, talapus; hyas opoots talapus. Geography, book yaka.
Fragrant, kloshe. Geography, book yaka mamook kumtuks
France, Pasaiooks illahee. nesika kopa konoway illahee.
Frank, open. Geology, book yaka mamook kumtuks ne-
Fraternal, kahkwa ow. sika kopa konaway stone.
Free, halo elite. German, Dutchman.
Freeze, hyas cole. Get, to, iskum.
French, Frenchman, Pasiocks; Pasaiooks. Get out, klatawa; mahsh.
Frequently, hiyu times. . Get up, mamook getup; getup.
Fresh, chee. Ghost, tamahnous; skookum.
Fret, tenas solleks. Giant, delate hyas man.
Friday, Kwinnum sun. Gift, cultus potlatch.
Friend, sikhs, or shikhs; r illikum. Giggle, heehee.
Friendly, kloshe tumtum; kahkwa tilli- Gilt, kahkwa pil chikamin.
kum. Gipsy, huloima tillikum.
Friendless, halo tillikum. Girl, tenas klootchman.
Frighten, mamook kwass. Girlish, kahkwa tenas klootchman.
Frightened, (passive), chako kwass. Give, to, potlatch.
Frog, shwah-kuk; wakik. Glad, kwann; youtl tumtum; kwatl.
Frolic, heehee. Glare, skookum light.
Frolicsome, pahtl kopa heehee. Gleam, tenas light.
From, kopa. Glean, iskum; kokumelh.
Frown, kahkwa solleks. Glee, heehee.
Fry, to, mamook piah; mamook cook; Gloom, polaklie.
mam-ook la'po-el. Gloomy, kahkwa polaklie.
Frying-pan, la po-el. Glorious, hyas kloshe.
Fuel, piah stick. Glory, hyas kloshe nem.
Fulfill, mamook kopet. Gnats, dago; lemus.
Full, pahtl. Gnaw, muckamuck; muckamuck kahkwa
Fun, heehee. eena.
Fund, chikamin; dolla. Go, to, klatawa.
Goblin, tamahnous; tsialko. Hail, cole snass.
God, Saghalie Tyee. Hair, tupso; tupso kopa latet; yakso.
Godless, halo tikegh Saghalie Tyee. Hair brush, tupso bloom.
Godlike; Godly, kahkwa Saghalie Tyee. Half, sitkum.
Gold, pil chikamin.
Golden, kahkwa pil chikamin. ton.

Half-breed, sitkum siwash sitkum Bos-
Good, kloshe. Halloo, nah.
Good-bye, klahowya. Halt, kopet klatawa; kopet cooley.
Good spirit, kloshe tamahnous; econe. Ham, cosho; dly cosho.
Goods, iktahs. Hammer, lemahto.
Goose, kalakala; whuywhuy; kalakalak- Hand, le man.
ma. Hand, (rig-ht), kloshe lemah.
Gore, (n.) pilpil; (v.), mamook kokshut
Handcuff, chikamin kopa mamook kow
pe pilpil yaka chako. lemah.
Gospel, Saghalie Tyee yaka wawa. Hand (game of), itlokum.
Gossip, wawa. Handkerchief, hakatshum.
Govern, mamook tyee. Handsome, hyas kloshe.
Governor, tyee. Hang, mimaluse kopa lope kopa yaka
Graceful,, kloshe. neck.
Graduate (v.), kopet kopa school. Happy, kloshe tumtum; youtl tumtum.
Grain, sapolil. Hard, kull.
Grammar, book yaka mamook kumtuks Harden, mamook kull.
nesika kopa lalang. Hare, kwitshadie; kwetshoddie.
Grand, hyas kloshe. Hark, nah; nanitch.
Grand child, tenas yaka tenas; koim. Harlot, mesachie klootchman.
Granddaughter, tenas yaka tenas Harm, (n.), mesachie.
klootchman. Harm, (v.), mamook mesachie.
Grandfather, papa yaka papa; chope. Harrow, to, mamook comb illahie.
Grandmother, mama yaka mama; chitsh; Hasten, hyak.
nltz. Hat, seahpo.
Grandson, tenas yaka. tenas man. Hatch, chicken chako kopo eggs; tenas
Grant, potlatch. lapool chee chako.
Grass, tupso; tupso kopa illahee. Hatchet, tenas lahash.
Grasshopper, tlak tlak. Haul, mamook haul.
Grateful, (adj.). mahsie tumtum. Haul with wag-on, lolo kopa chikchik.
Grateful, (v.). wawa mahsie. Have, mitlite.
Grave, mimoluse illahee. Hawk, hawk, shakshak.
Gravestone, stone kopa mimoluse illahee. Hay, hay; dly tupso.
Graze, muckamnck tupso. Hazel bush, toholal stick.
Grease, glease; lakles. Hazel-nuts, tukwilla.
Greasy, kahkwa glease. He, his, yaka; yahka.
Great, hyas. Head, la tet.
Greedy; tikegh konoway; hyas tikegh. Headache, sick kopa latet.
Green, pechugh; pale green, kawkawak. Headwind, cultus wind.
Greet, wawa. Heal, mamook kloshe.
Gray; a gray horse, legley. Healed, (passive), chako kloshe.
Grind, mamook sapolil; ma-
(as flour), Healthy, halo sick.
mook klimmin-klimmin; as ax, ma- Heap, hiyu.
mook sharp; mamook kloshe. Hear, kumtuks kopa kwolan.
Grit, tenas stone: kahkwa stone. Hearsay, cultus kumtuks kopa kwolan.
Grizzly bear, siam. Heart, tumtum.
Groom, kuitan man: man yaka kloshe Heartache, sick tumtum.
nanitch kuitan. ( See bridegroom.) Heat, waum.
Ground, illahee. Heathen, tillikums klaska halo kumtuks
Grouse, glouse; siwash chicken; siwash kopa Saghalie Tyee.
lapool. Heave, mahsh.
Grow, chako hyas. Heaven, Saghalie; Saghalie Tyee yaka
Growl; grumble, sollek's wawa. illahee; koosah; saghalie illahie.
Guard, kloshe nanitch. Heavy, till.
Guardian, man yaka kloshe nanitch te- Heed, (take), kloshe nanitch.
nas. Heirs, yaka tenas, pe yaka kloachman.
Guard house, skookum house. Hell, hyas piah; lejaub yaka illahee;
Guess, mika tumtum; guess. keekwulee illahee.
Guilt, mesachie. Helm, ludda.
Gum, la gome. Help, to, mamook elann: mamook helo.
Gun, musket: sukwalal. Helve, lahash stick: stick kopa lahash.
Gunpowder, polallie. Hen, klootchman chicken.
H Hence, (conj.), kahkwa.
Ha, nah. Hence, (adj.), yukwa.

Her, yaka. How are you? klahowya.

Hers, kopa yaka; yakas; yaka. Howl, kamooks yaka wawa.
Herb, lametsin tupso. How large, kunjih hyas.
Herd, hiyu moosmoos. How many, kunsih; kunjih.
Here, yukwa; how; nah. Huckleberries, shot olallie.
Hermaphrodite, burdash. Human, kahkwa man.
Herring*, tenas pish; oolchus. Humble, halo proud.
Herself, yaka self. Humorous, heehee.
Hey, nah. Hundred, tukamonuk.
Hid, hide, to, (v.), ipsoot. Hungry, olo.
Hide, skin. Hunt, mamook hunt.
Hig-h, saghalie; long; high. Hurl, mahsh.
Hilarity, hiyu heehee. Hurry, hyak; howh.
Highway, ooakut; way hut. Hurt, (adj.), kokshut.
Hill, tenas saghalie illahee. Hurt, (v.), chako kokshut.
Him, yaka. Hurt one's feelings, mamook sick tum-
Himself, yaka self. tum; mamook kahta.
Hinder, wake siah mamook stop. Husband, (my), nika man.
Hint, wawa. Hush, kopet wawa; kopet noise.
Hire, potlatch mamook. Hypocrite, man yaka kloshe kopa yaka
Hired, (passive), iskum mamook. lapush, pe klale kopa yaka tumtum.
His, kopa yaka; yakas; yaka.
Hit, to, mamook kokshut; kwulh.
Hit, (passive), chako kokshut.
Hitch, mamook kow. I, nika.
Hither, yakwa. Ice, cole chuck.
Ho, nah; howh. Idea, tumtum.
Hoarse, cole sick wawa. Identical, delate kahkwa.
Hoary, t'kope. Idiot, pelton man.
Hoax, pelton mamook. Idle, cultus mitlite.
Hoe, la peosh. If, spose.
Hog, cosho. Ignite, mamook piah.
Hoggish, kahkwa cosho. Ignorant, halo kumtuks; blind kopa tum-
Hold, iskum; halo mahsh. tum.
Hold on, kloshe mitlite; kloshe wait; Ill; illness, sick.
hold on. Illtreat, mamook mesachie; mamook kah-
Hole, klawhap. ta.
Holiday, hyas Sunday; Sunday. Imbibe, muckamuck.
Holy, kahkwa Saghalie Tyee. Imitate, mamook kahkwa.
Holy day, lepet. Imitation, kahkwa mamook.
Holy Ghost, Saint Espli. Immaterial, cultus.
Holy orders, lordr; olt. Immeasurable, halo kumtuks kunjih hy-
Holy Trinity, Lasait Trinite. as.
Hollow, halo ikta mitlite. Immense, delate hyas.
Honest, wake kapswalla; halo kumtuks Immigrate, chako kopa ikt illahee.
kapswalla. Immodest; immoral, mesachie.
Honey, honey; kahkwa shuga. Impatience, halo tikegh mitlite.
Honor, kloshe nem. Imperfect, wake delate.
Hop, sopen. Impossible, wake skookum kopa.
Hope, tikegh kahkwa. Improbable, (nika) tumtum yaka halo
Hopeful, halo kwass. kahkwa.
Hops, (wild), tlanemas. Improper, wake kloshe.
Hops, (tame), hops. Improve, chako tenas kloshe.
Horn, stone; bone. In, kopa.
Horrible; horrid, hyas mesachie. Inability, wake skookum kopa.
Horror, hyas kwass. Inasmuch, kahkwa.
Horse, kiuatan; kuitan. Incite, mamook waum yaka tumtum.
Horseback, kopa kuitan. Incomplete, wake yaka kopet.
Horsehair, kuitan tupso. Indeed, nawitka.
Horse race, cooley kuitan. Independent, (He is), cultus kopa (yaka)
Horse shoes, kuitan shoes; chikamin kopa huloima tillikums.
shoes. Indian, siwash.
Hose, stocken. Indian medicine, kelale.
Hospitable, kloshe. Indifferent, (I am), cultus kopa nika.
Hostile, solleks. Induce (him), mamook haul yaka tum-
Hot, hyas warm. tum.
Hour, tintin; dingding. Indulge, iskum.
House, house. Industrious, kwanesum mamook.
How, kahta. Inebriate, man yaka kwanesum pahtlum;
man yaka kwanesum muckamuck Kiss, bebe.
whiskey. Kitten, tenas pishpish.
Infant, tenas; chee tenas. Kneel, mamook kahkwa (showing how).
Inherit, iskum spose (mika) papa yaka Knife, opitsah.
minoluse. Knit, mamook stocken.
Ink, klale chuck kopa mamook tzum. Knock, to, koko; mamook kokshut; ma-
Inquire, wawa. mook kahkwa (showing how).
In shore, mahtwillie. Knot, lemah; lemah kopa stick.
Inside, keekwulee. Knotty, hunlkih; hiyu lemah.
Inspire, mamook waum yaka tumtum. Know, to, knowledge, kumtuks.
Instantly, hyak. Knuckle, yahkwa kopa lemah (point to
Insufficient, wake hiyu. it).
Intend (I), nika tumtum.
Intention, tumtum.
Intercede, (you for me), kloshe mika Labor, mamook.
potlatch nika wawa kopa yaka. Lacerate, mamook kokshut.
Interpret, mamook cooley kopa huloima Lack, wake hiyu.
lalang or wawa; mamook kumtuks hu- Lady, klootchman.
loima or wawa. Lamb, tenas sheep; tenas lemooto; sheep
Interval, tenas laly. yaka tenas.
Intimate, kloshe. Lame, klook teahwit; sick kopa lapea.
Invade, klatawa pe tikegh pight. Lament, cly tumtum.
Invisible (to you), wake kahta mika Lamprey eel, skwakwal; skwokwol.
nanitch. Land, illahee.
Inward, keewulee. Landlord, tyee.
Iron, chikamin. Land otter, inamooks.
Irresolute, wake skookum tumtum. Lane, ooakut; wayhut.
Irrigate, mamook cooley chuck. Language, la lang.
Is, Mitlite is sometimes used, and some- Lard, cosho glease.
times no word is used. Large, hyas.
Island, ailand; tenas illahee. Lark, tenas kalakala.
It, yaka, yahka. Last, delate kimta; kimta kopa kono-
Itch, tlihtlih. way.
Its, kopa yaka; yakas; yaka. Lately, chee; tenas ahukuttie.
Itself, yaka self. Laugh, heehee; mamook heehee.
Ivy, stick kahkwa lope. Laughter, heehee.
Launch, mahsh boat or ship kopa chuck.
Lawn, kloshe tupso illahee.
Jail, skookum house. Lay, mahsh.
Jargon (Chinook), Chinook. Lazy, lazy.
Jealous, sick tunftum. Lead, (n.), kalitan.
Jerk, hyak mamook haul. Lead, (v.), mamook cooley.
Jerked beef, moosmoos itlwillie chako Leader, tyee.
dly. Lean, (adj.), halo glease.
Jest, cultus wawa. Lean, (v.), lagh.
Job, mamook. Leap, to, sopena.
Join, chako kunamokst. Learn, iskum kumtuks; kumtuks.
Joke, (n.), cultus wawa. Learned, kumtuks hiyu.
Joke, (v.), mamook heehee. Least, elip tenas kopa konaway.
Jolly, heehee tumtum. Leather, skin; dly skin.
Journey, cooley. Leave, (v.), mahsh; klatawa.
Joy, joyful, youtl tumtum. Leave off, to, kopet.
Judge, tyee kopa court. Lecture, wawa.
Jug, stone labooti. Leg, teahwit; lapea.
Juice, olallie chuck. Legal, kloshe kopa law.
Jump, to, sopena. Legend, wawa; wake delate wawa.
Jury, man kopa court klaska tikegh; Leggings, mitass.
kumtuks konoway mesachie, pe ma- Legislature, tyee man klaska mamook
mook kloshe kopa tillikums. law.
Just, delate. Lend, to, ayahwhul; tikegh owe.
Lent, (n.), lekalem; olo time.
Less, tenas.
Kamass root, lakamass. Letter, papah.
Kettle, ketling. Level, konoway kahkwa; flat.
Key, lekleh. Liar, yaka kumtuks wawa kliminawhit.
Kick, to, mamook kokshut; chukkin. Liberal, kloshe kopa cultus potlatch.
Kill, mamook mimoluse. Lick, to, (v.), klakwun.
Kind, kloshe. Lice, inapoo.
Kindred, tillikums. Lie, (n.), kliminawhit wawa.

Iiie,(v.), wawa kliminawhit. Mark, (v.), mamook tzum.

Lie down, mitlite. Market, mahkook house.
Light, (not heavy), halo till; wake till. Marriage; marry, malieh.
Light, (not dark), halo polaklie. Martyr, tillikum yaka mimoluse kopa
Ligntning, saghalie piah. saghalie tyee yaka wawa.
Like, (adj.), kahkwa. Marvel, mamook tumtum — ikta okoke.
Like, (v.), tikegh. Mask, stick seahost.
Limb, lemah; stick yaka lemah. Massacre, (v.), cultus mamook mimoluse.
Linger, mitlite; halo chako. Mass, (ceremony of), la messe.
Linguist, yaka kumtuks hiyu lalang. Mast, ship stick.
Liniment, lametsin kopa skin; optlah. Mat, kliskwiss.
Lips, lapush, (point to them). Maternal, kahkwa mama.
Lisp, wake delate wawa. Mathematics, book yaka mamook kum-
Listen, nah; nanitch. tuks nesika kopa mamook kwunnum.
Little, tenas. Matrimony, malieh.
Live, (adj.), halo mimoluse. Matron, tyee klootchman.
Live, (v.), mitlite. Mattock, lapeosh.
Lodge, (n.), tenas house; si wash house. Mature, piah.
Lodge, (v.), mitlite. Maximum, elip hiyu kopa konoway.
Lofty, saghalie. Mayor, tyee kopa town.
Logging camp, stick house. Me, nika.
Lonely, kopet ikt. Meadow, tupso illahee.
Long, youtlkut. Mean, delate cultus; wake kloshe.
Long ago, ahnkuttie. Measure, to, tahnim; mamook measure.
Look, to, nanitsh; nah. Meat, itlwillie; meat.
Look around, cultus nanitch. Meddle, mamook kopa halo yaka busi-
Look here! nah. ness; cultus mamook kopa huloima
Lookout! klose nanitsh. yaka business; okoke halo yaka busi-
Looking-glass, shelokum. ness, pe yaka cultus mamook.
Loose, (v.), stoh; mahsh kow. Medicine, la mestin.
Louse, inapoo. Meditate, mamook tumtum.
Lose the way, to, tsolo; tseepie wayhut. Meek, kloshe; halo solleks; kwan.
Louse, enapoo, or inapoo. Meet, chako kunamokst.
Love, to, tikegh. Melancholy, sick tumtum.
Low, keekwulee. Melt, chako chuck; chako kahkwa chuck;
Lower, (adj.), elip keekwulee. chako klimmin.
Lower, (v.), mamook keekwulee. Memory, tumtum.
Lowly, halo proud tumtum. Mend, to, mamook tip-shin.
Lukewarm, tenas lazy; tenas waum. Menstruate, to, mahsh pilpil.
Lug, lolo. Mental, kopa tumtum.
Lumber, laplash. Mention, wawa.
Lunch, muckamuck. Merchandise, iktas.
Merchant, mahkook man.
M Merchantable, kloshe kopa mahkook.
Mad, solleks. Merciful, (to be); Mercy, (to have), ma-
Madam, klootchman. mook klahowya.
Magic, tamahnous. Message, (verbal), wawa.
Magistrate, tyee. Message, (written), papah.
Magnificent, delate hyas kloshe. Metal, metallic, chikamin; kahkwa chika-
Maize, corn; esalth. min.
Majority, elip hiyu. Metropolis, tyee town.
Make, to, mamook. Midday, sitkum sun.
Male, man. Middle, the, katsuk; sitkum.
Malice, mesachie tumtum; solleks. Midnight, sitkum polaklie.
Mallard duck, hahthaht. Midsummer, sitkum kopa waum illahee.
Mama, mama. Midst, kunamokst.
Man, man. Might, (n.), skookum; (imp. of may;
Manage, tolo; mamook. klonas.
Mangle, hiyu mamook cut. Migrate, klatawa.
Mankind, konoway tillikums. Mild, kloshe.
Manly, kahkwa man. Military, kopa sojers.
Manner, kahkwa kwanesum yaka ma- Milk, totoosh.
mook. Milkman, totoosh man.
Manufactory, moola. Milky, kahkwa totoosh.
Many, hyiu. Mill, moola.
Maple, isick stick. Miller,moola man.
Marble, kloshe stone. Mimic, mamook kahkwa.
Mare, klootchman kuitan. Mind, the, tumtum.
Mark, (n.), tzum. Mine, illahee kah chikamin mitlite.
Mingle, klatawa kunamokst; mamook Mustard, piah tupso.
kunamokst; mahsh kunamokst. Mute, halo wawa.
Minister, leplet. Mutter, wawa.
Minor, tenas; elip tenas. Mutton, sheep yaka meat; lemooto yaka
Miracle, skookum mamook; huloima ma- itlwillie.
mook. My, mine, nika; kopa nika; nikas.
Mischief, cultusmamook. Myself, nika self.
Misconduct, mesachie mamook. Mystery, hyas huloima.
Mispronounce, halo delate wawa; tseepie
wawa; huloima wawa.
Miss, to, tseepie. Nab, iskum.
Missionary, leplet. Nag*, tenas kuitan.
Mistake, (v.), mamook tseepie. Nails, le cloo; nail.
Mistake, (n.), tseepie mamook. Naked, halo ikta mitlite.
Misty, tenas snass. Name, nem; yahhul.
Misunderstand, halo kumtuks. Nameless, halo nem.
Mix, mamook kunamokst; mamook klim- Nap, tenas sleep; tenas moosum.
min. Napkin, sail kopa mamook kloshe spose
Moccasins, skin-shoes. nesika muckamuck.
Mock, mamook shem; mamook heehee. Narrate, narrative, wawa.
Moderate, wake hyak. Narrow, halo wide.
Modest, kloshe. Nasty, wake kloshe; mesachie.
Moisture, tenas chuck. Nation, tillikums.
Mole, skad; kilapailemai. Native, delate yaka illahee.
Molasses, melass; silup; molassis. Navigate, klatawa kopa chuck.
Monday, Ikt Sun. Nay, wake; halo.
Money, chikamin; dolla. Near, wake siah.
Month, moon. Neat, kloshe.

Monthly, ikt moon ikt moon. Neck, le cou; lecoo; neck.
Moon, moon. Need, hyas tikegh.
Moonlight; moonshine, moon yaka light. Needle, keepwot; tupshin; needle.
Moose, ulchey; hyas mo witch. Negative, halo; wake.
Moral, kloshe. Neglect, halo kloshe nanitch.
More, weght; elip hlyu. Negro, klale man; nigga.
Morning", tenas sun. Neighborhood, tilikums mitlite wake
Moss, tupso. siah.
Mosquito, melakwa; dago. Nephew, sister or ats, or kahpo or ow
Most, elip hiyu kopa konoway. yaka tenas man.
Mother, mama; naah; nana. Never, wake kunjih.
Motherless, halo mama. New, chee.
Motherly, kahkwa mama. News, chee wawa.
Mountain, la monti; stone illahee; la- Nice, kloshe.
motai. Niece, sister or ats, or ow or kahpo yaka
Mourn, cly tumtum. tenas klootchman.
Mouse, hoolhool; cultus hoolhool. Nigh, wake siah.
Mouth, la push; la boos. Night, polaklie.
Move, tenas mahsh; mamook move. Nine, kweest or kwaist.
Mow, mamook cut; mamook tlkope. Nineteen, tahtlelum pe nine, or kweest.
Mower, machine kopa mamook cut hay. Ninety, nine or kweest tahtlum.
Much, hyiu; hiyu. Nip, mamook stop, mamook cut.
Mud, mud; klimmin illahee. No, not, halo; wake.
Muddy, (water), illahee mitlite kopa Nobody, tillikum.
chuck. Nod, kahkwa sleep or moosum; wake
Muddy, (ground), chuck mitlite kopa siah sleep, or moosum.
illahee. Noise, noise, latlah.
Mule, le mel; lemool. Noiseless, halo noise.
Mulish, kahkwa lemool. Noisy, hiyu noise.
Mum, halo wawa. None, halo; wake.
Murder, mamook mimoluse. Nonsense, cultus wawa.
Murmur, (n.), tenas pight wawa. Noon, sitkum sun.
Murmur, (v.), potlatch tenas pight wawa. North, kah cole chako.
Muse, mamook tumtum. Nose, nose; emeets.
Music, sing. Not, halo; wake.
Musician, man yaka kumtuks sing. Nothing*, halo ikta.
Musical instrument, tin tin; (Indian Notwithstanding, kegh-tchie.
pompon). Not yet, kawek.
Musket, musket. Nourish, potlatch, muckamuck; kloshe
Mussels, toluks; mussels. nanitch.
Must, mamook skookum haul. Now, alta.

Nowhere, halo kah. Oration, wawa.

Numb, kahkwa mimoluse. Orator, man yaka delate kumtuks pot-
Number, klonas kunjih. latch wawa.
Numerals — Order (v.), mahsh wawa; potlatch wawa.
1, Ikt, or icht. Order, to, mahsh tumtum.
2, Mokst, or moxt. Orchard, orchard; kah hiyu apple stick
3, Klone. mitlite.
4, Lakit, or lokit. Ore, chikamin stone.
5, Kwinnum. Original, chee; elip; olishinel.
6, Taghum, or tughum. Orphan, halo papa halo mama.
7, Sinamokst, or sinamoxt. Other, huloima.
8, Stotekin. Otter, otter; nawamuks.
9, Kwaist, or kweest. Otter (land), nenamooks; otter.
10, Tahtlelum, or tahtlum. Ought, delate kloshe.
11, Tahtlelum pe ikt, or tahtlum pe icht. Our, ours, nesika; kopa nesika.
20, Mokst tahtlelum, or moxt tahtlum. Ourselves, nesika self.
100, Ikt takamonuk, or icht tukamonuk, Out, outdoors, outside, klaghanie; kla-
cr (tahtlum-tahtlum, —
ten tens).
Nurse, (n.), klootchman or man yaka
Outlaw, hyas mesachie tillikum.
kloshe nanitch. Outrage, mamook hyas mesachie.
Nurse, (v.), kloshe nanitch. Oval, kahkwa egg.
Nuts, tukwilla; toholal; nuts. Oven, oven; kah mamook piah sapolil.
Nutrition, muckamuck. Over (above), saghalie.
Over (other side), eneti.
Overalls, overalls; klahanie sakolleks.
Oak, kull stick; kahnahway stick. Overcoat, hyas coat; hyas kapo.
Oar, la lahm. Overboard, klahanie kopa boat.
Oats, la wen; la ween. Overcome, tolo.
Obedience, obedient, obey, iskum wawa; Overshoes, klahanie shoes; saghalie
mamook kahkwa yaka wawa. shoes.
Object, wawa halo. Overthrow, mamook halo; tolo.
Oblige (a favor), mamook help. Owl, waugh waugh; kwel kwel.
Obscene, mesachie. Ox, man moosmoos; moosmoos.
Obscure, halo delate kumtuks. Oyster, chetlo; oysters; klogh-klogh.
Observe, nanitch.
Obtain, iskum.
Ocean, hyas salt chuck. Pacify, mamook kloshe.
Ochre, kawkawak illahee. Pack, (n.), ikt kow.
Odd, huloima. Pack, (v.), lolo.
Odor, humm. Package, ikt kow.
Off, klak. Paddle, (n.), isick.
Offend, mamook solleks; mamook kata. Paddle, (v.), mamook isick.
Offer, tikegh potlatch. Paid, potlatch pay or dolla.
Officer, tyee. Paid, (passive), Iskum pay or dolla.
Off shore, mahtlinnie. Fain, sick; pain; addedah; anah.
Often, hiyu times. Faint, pent; chym.
Oil (n.), glease. Faint, to, mamook pent.
Oil (v), mamook glease. Fair, mokst.
Oil cloth, snass sail. Palace, hyas kloshe house.
Oily, kahkwa glease. Pale, t'kope.
Ointment, lametsin; lametsin kopa skin. Paltry, tenas; cultus.
Old, old man, oleman. Pamphlet, tenas book.
Old woman, lammieh; lummieh. Pansy, kloshe tupso.
Omit, mahsh. Pant, skookum mamook wind.
Omnipotent, delate hyas skookum. Panther, hyas pishpish; panther; swad-
Omnipresent, mitlite konoway kah. wa.
Omniscient, kumtuks konoway ikta. Pants, sakolleks.
On, kopa. Pap, lip totoosh.
One, ikt. Papa, papa.
One or another, ikt-ikt. Paper, pehpah; papah.
One-eyed, ikt seahhost. Fappoose, tenas; papoos.
Onion, unjun; ulalach; lesoio. Parade, (n.), show.
Onion (wild), kalaka. Parade, (v.), mamook show; kloshe klat-
Only (one), kopet ikt. awa.
Open, kahlakl; halakl; open. Pardon, mamook klahowya.
Operate, mamook. Parents, papa pe mama.
Opinion, turn turn. Park, kloshe illahee.
Opposite to, inati; enati. Parson, leplet.
Or, pe. Parsonage, leplet yaka house.
Part, sitkum. Plain (n.), kloshe illahee.
Partake, iskum. Plain (adj.), kloshe; delate.
Pass, (v.), klatawa; klatawa eneti. Plan (n.), tumtum.
Pastor, leplet. Plan (v.), mamook tumtum.
Paternal, kahkwa papa. Flank, laplash.
Path, ooakut; wayhnt. Plate, la siet; plate.
Pauper, klahowya tillikum. Flay (n. ), heehee.
Paw, kamooks or itchwoot yaka lapea; Play (v.), mamook heehee.
lapea. Playhouse, heehee house.
Pay, pay; potlatch dolla. Flay with stringed instrument, mamook
Peas, le pwau; peas; lepwah. tuletule.
Peep, tenas nanitch. Plead, skookum wawa.
Pelt, skin. Pleasant, please; kloshe.
Pen, (fence), kullaghan. Pleased, youtl; kwatl.
Pen, (for writing-), pen; tzum stick. Plentiful, plenty; hiyu.
Penance, lapelitans; laplitas. Plow, Plough, (n.), le shalloo; plow;
Pencil, pencil; tzum stick. klugh.
Penitent, sick tumtum. Plow, Plough, (v.), mamook plow; ma-
skookum house.
Penitentiary, hyas mook kokshut illahee; klugh illahie.
Penman, tzum man. Plural, hiyu.
Fentecost, lapatkot. Pole, la pehsh; pole.
People, tilikum, tillikums. Poll tax, taxes kopa latet.
Perfect, delate kloshe. Polygamist, man yaka mitlite hiyu
Perfume, lametsin kopa nose. klootchman.
Perhaps, klonas. Pompous, hyas tumtum.
Peril,mesachie mitlite. Pond, mimoluse chuck.
Permanent, kwanesum mitlite. Ponder, mamook tumtum.
Permit, wawa nawitka. Pool, tenas chuck.
Perpetual, kwanesum. Poor, klahowya; halo ikta; klahowyum.
Perspiration, chuck kopa skin. Pope, lepap.
Perspire, chuck mitlite kopa skin. Popular, kloshe kopa hiyu tillikums.
Persevere, persist; kwanesum; mamook. Population, tillikums.
Person, tillikum. Pork, cosho; cosho itlwillie.
Persuade, wawa pe toto. Possess, mitlite.
Person, tillikum. Possible, skookum kopa.
Persuade, wawa pe toto. Postmaster, tyee kopa papah house.
Peruse, mamook read. Postpone, wawa "alki mamook."
Pervert, mamook huloima;. Posteriors, opoots.
Petrified, chako stone. Potato, wappatoo; lapatak.
Petticoat, kalakwahtie; keekwulee coat Potent, skookum.
kopa klootchman; petticoat; kalak- Pound, pound; till.
wapte. Pour, mahsh; wagh.
Photograph, tzum seahost. Poverty, klahowya.
Physic, lametsin. Powder, polallie; powder.
Physician, doctin. Power, skookum.
Physiology, book yaka mamook kum Practical, kloshe; delate kumtuks ma-
tuks nesika kopa nesika self. mook.
Pick (n.), pick; (v), iskum; tikegh. Practice, mamook.
Picnic, muckamuck.
Prairie, kloshe illahee; tupso illahee.
Picture, tzum; papah.
Piebald, le kye. Prairie Wolf, talapus; hyas opoots tala-
Piece, sitkum. pus.
Piety, kloshe tumtum kopa Saghalie Praise, wawa mahsie.
Tyee. Pray, wawa kopa saghalie tyee.
Pig, cosho; tenas cosho. Prayer, wawa kopa saghalie tyee; plie;
Pigeon, pigeon; kwass kala kala. laprier; talapusha.
Pile (n.), hiyu. Preacher, leplet.
Pilot, pilot; man yaka mamook cooley. Precious, hyas kloshe; hyas mahkook.
Pill,lametsin. Precise, delate.
steamer, or boat or ship. Predecessors, klaksta man yaka mitlite
Pin, kwekwiens; pin; kwekweens; kwek- elip.
wiut. Preface, elip wawa.
Pine, lagome stick. Prefer, elip tikegh.
Pint, sitkum quart. Pregnant, mitlite tenas kopa yaka belly.
Pipe, la peep; pipe. Prepare, mamook kloshe; mamook ready.
Pitch, la gome. Prepare (passive), chako ready.
Pitchy, la gome mitlite. Present (n. v.), cultus potlatch.
Pity (v), mamook klahowya. Presently, alkie; winapie.
Place (his.), kah yaka mitlite. Preserve, kloshe nanitch.

President, president; tyee kopa Wash- Quarter, tenas sitkum.

ington. Quarter (of a dollar), kwahta.
Press, mamook kwotl. Quarterly, ikt time kopa klone moon.
Pretend, halo delate mamook or wawa. Quartz, tkope stone.
Pretty, kloshe; toketie. Queen, tyee klootchman.
Prevail, tolo. Queer, huloima.
Price (what), kunjih dolla. Quell, Quench, mamook kopet.
Prick, mamook kahkwa needle. Questions, wawa.
Pride, proud; youtl tumtum. Quick, Quickly, hyak.
t Priest, le plet.
Prime, elip.
Quiet, kwann.
Quills, tepeh; kalakala yaka tupso.
Print, mamook tzum. Quilt, quilt; tzum paseesie.
Prior, elip. Quilt, kopet.
Prison, skookum house. Quiver, stick kalitan lesak.
Prisoner, tillikum kopa skookum house. Quorum, elip sitkum.
Private, kopet ikt.
Probably, klonas nawitka.
Probably Not, klonas halo. Rabid, hyas solleks.
Proclaim, Proclamation, wawa. Rabble, cultus tillikums.
Profane, wake kloshe kopa saghalie tyee. Rabbit, kwitshadie; kwitshoddie.
Profit, tolo. Race, hyak cooley.
Progenitor, ahnkuttie papa. Race Horse, cooley kuitan; kuitan yaka
Prohibit, mamook stop; mamook kopet. kumtuks cooley.
Promise, delate wawa. Ragged, itkas yaka kokshut.
Prompt, hyak. Rain, snass.
Prophet, leplet yaka wawa elip; plopet. Raise, mamook saghalie.
Prosper, tolo. Rainy, hiyu snass.
Protect, kloshe nanitch. Rake, comb kopa illahee.
Proud, youtl; kwetlh; proud tumtum; Ramble, cultus cooley.
youtl tumtum. Ranch, illahee; ranch.
Protestantism, Boston plie. Rap, mamook kokshut; koko.
Prove, delate kumtuks; prove. Rape, kapswalla klootchman.
Provide, iskum iktas; kloshe nanitch. Rapid, hyak.
Provided That, spose. Rapids, skookum chuck; cooley chuck.
Providence, saghalie tyee. Rare, wake hiyu.
Provoke, mamook solleks. Rascal, mesachie tillikum.
Provoke (passive), chako solleks. Rash, cultus mamook hyak.
Prow, nose kopa boat or ship. Rasp, hyas file; hyas lalim.
Prowl, cultus klatawa. Raspberries, seapho olallie; itlawa.
Public, kloshe kopa konoway tillikums. Rat, hyas hoolhool; colecole.
Publish, mamook kumtuks. Rather, elip tikegh.
Pugilist, man yaka tikegh pight. Rattle, shugh (shake).
Pugnacious, tikegh pight. Rattlesnake, shugh opoots; shek opoots.
Puke, muckamuck yaka kilapie; kilapie Rave, chako clazy.
muckamuck; mahsh yaka muckamuk Raven, kaka.
klahanie kopa yaka lapush. Raw, wake yaka piah; halo piah.
Pull, haul. Razor, Knife, opitsah.
Pull Off, mamook haul; mamook tlak. Razor Pish, ona.
Pup, Puppy, tenas kamooks. Reach, ko; iskum; mamook kwotl.
Purchase, mahkook. Read, Read, kumtuks papah.
Purgatory, tenas piah. Real, Really, delate.
Pure, delate kloshe. Reap, mamook cut.
Purple, wake siah klale. Rear, kimta.
Purpose, tumtum. Reason (v.), mamoon tumtum.
Purse, dolla yaka lesak; lesak kopa dolla. Reason (What), (n.), pe kahta.
Pursue, klatawa kimta. Reassemble, wegt klatawa.
Push, mamook push; kwutl. Reassert, weght wawa.
Put, mahsh. Rebel, Rebellion, pight kopa tyee.
Putrid, humm. Rebuild, weght mamoon house.
Putrify, chako humm. Rebuke, skookum wawa.
Puzzle (v.), halo klap tumtum. Recall, weght wawa.
Recede, kilapie.
Receive, iskum.
Quail (n.), illahee; kulakala. Recent, chee.
Quail (v.), chako kwass. Reckon, mamook tumtum.
Quarrel, solleks wawa; tenas pight. Recline, mitlite.
Quarrel (v.), chako solleks; mamook Recognize, kumtuks. ../

pight. Recollect, klap turn turn.

Recommend, wawa kloshe. Revive, wind kilapie; kilapie wind.
Reconquer, weght tolo. Ribbon, le loba.
Reconsider, weght mamook tumtum. Rice, lice.
Recount, weght wawa. Rich, halo klahowya; mitlite hiyu iktas
Recover, iskum. pe dolla.
Recreation, kloshe time. Rid (Get rid of), mahsh.
Rectum, opoots. Ride, klatawa kopa kuitan or chikchik.
Recumbent, mitlite. Ridicule (n.), shem; heehee.
Red, pil. Ridicule (v.), mamook shem; mamook
Redden, pilpil. heehee.
Reddish, wake siah pil; kahkwa pil. Rifle, callipeen.
Red Hot, hyas warm pe chako pil. Right, kloshe.
Reduce, mamook keekwulee. Right Hand, kloshe lemah.
Re-embark, weght klatawa kopa boat. Ring, kweokweo.
Re-enter, weght klatawa kopa house. Ring the Bell, mamook tintin.
Refine, mamook delate kloshe. Ripe, piah.
Reform, chako kloshe. Ripen, chako piah.
Refresh, chako chee. Rise, Get Up, mitwhit.
Refund, kilapie dolla. Risk, cultus kopa nika; (I will risk it)
Refuse (n.), cultus ikta. halo nika kwass.
Refuse (v.), wawa halo; (if unobliging- River, chuck; cooley chuck; liver.
ly) mamook kwish. Road, ooakut; wayhut.
Reg-ret, sick tumtum. Roam, Klatawa kah.
Regular, kwanesum kahkwa. Roan Colored, sandelie.
Reject, mahsh. Roast, mamook la pellah; mamook piah;
Rejoice, youtl tumtum. mamook cook.
Relate, To, yiem; wawa. Rob, kapswalla.
Relation, Relative, tillikum. Robin, pil koaten.
Release, mahsh; mahsh kow. Rock, Stone, hyas stone.
Reliable, kloshe; halo nika kwass kopa Rocky, hiyu stone mitlite.
yaka; (I am not afraid of him, or ha Roe (of Fish), pish eggs; pish lesep.
is reliable). Roll, kalapie.
Relief, help. Root, stick keekwulee kopa illahee.
Relieve, mamook help; potlatch help. Rope, lope.
Religion, saghalie tyee yaka wawa. Rosary, leshaple.
Relish, kloshe kopa lapush. Rose (n.), kloshe tupso.
Remain, mitlite. Rosin, lagome; kull lagome.
Remainder (What?), kunjih mitlite. Rot, chako rotten.
Remainder (This is), okoke mitlite. Rotten, poolie; rotten.
Remarry, weght malieh. Round, lolo; lowullo; (whole; the entire
Remedy (n.), kloshe lametsin. of anything).
Remedy (v.), mamook kloshe. Rove, cultus klatawa; cultus cooley.
Remember (To not forget), mitlite kopa Row (v.), mamook lalahm.
tumtum; wake kopet kumtuks. Rower, man yaka kumtuks mamook
Remember (To remember after having lalahm.
forgotten), klap tumtum. Rubber Coat, snass coat.
Remit, mahsh. Rudder, boat opoots; ludder.
Remorse, sick tumtum. Rude, cultus.
Remote, siah. Ruin, mamook halo.
Remount, weght klatawa saghalie. Rum, lum; whiskey.
Remove; mahsh, lolo. Rumor, cultus wawa.
Rend, mamook kokshut. Run, hyak cooley.
Renew, mamook chee. Run Away, kapswalla klatawa.
Renown, hyas kloshe nem. Rupture, kokshut.
Repair, mamook kloshe. Rust, pil ikta kopa chikamin.
Repeal, mamook halo.
Repeat, weght wawa.
Reply, kelapie wawa. Sabbath, Sunday, Sante.
Reprove, potlatch skookum wawa. Sable, mink.
Reside, mitlite. Sack, le sak.
Resolute, skookum tumtum. Sacrament, Jesus yaka muckamuck;
Resolve, mamook tumtum. sacramenta; saklema.
Rest, cultus mitlite. Sacred, kloshe kopa saghalie tyee.
Restaurant, muckamuck house. Sad, sick tumtum.
Resurrect, Resurrection, get up. Saddle, la sell.
Retreat (v.), Return, Reverse, kelipi; Saddle Housings, pe pishemo.
kilapie. Safe, kloshe.
Review, mamook tumtum. Sail, sail.


Sailor, shipman. Serve, mamook.

Saint, Christian, lesai; sai before the Seven, sinamoxt; sinamokst.
names of men, except those which be- Seventeen, tahtlum pe sinamokst.
gin with vowels; sait before those of Seventy, sinamokst tahtlum.
females and nouns which begin with Several, tenas hiyu.
vowels. Sew, to, mamook tipshin; mamook sew.
Saints, lesai. Shackle,mamook kow; mahsh chikamin
Saint John, Sai Sha. kopa yaka lemah.
Salesman, mahkook man. Shake, to, toto; hullel.
Sallal Berries, sallal olallie. Shaker ("A religious sect which arose
Salmon, salmon. on Puget Sound about 1882 somewhat
Salt, salt. allied in principle to the Messiah
Same, kahkwa. craze; and which took its name from
Sand, polallie; polallie illahee; tenas the rapid, nervous shaking of its fol-
stone kahkwa polallie. lowers." — Eells.
Sanguine, skookum tumtum. Shall, alki; byby; winapie.
Sap, chuck kopa stick. Shallow, wake keekwulee.
Sash, la sanjel; belt. Shame, shem.
Satan, lejaub; diaub. Shameless, halo shem; halo kumtuks
Satanic, kahkwa lejaub. shem.
Satisfied (I am), kloshe kopa nika. Share (It is my), okoke nikas; okoke
Saturday, taghum sun. kopa nika.
Savage, Wild, old pashion; siwasli. Shark, shark; hyas kamooks pish.
Save, iskum. Sharp, yahkisilth; sharp; tsish;
Saw, la gwin; la scie; lasee. pahkisilth; iakesilh.
Say, to, wawa; wauwau; nah. Sharpen, to,mamook tsish.
Scales, ikta kopa mamook till. Shatter, mamook kokshut.
Scant, Scanty, wake hiyu. She, Her, yahka; yaka.
Scarce, wake hiyu. Sheep, le mooto; lummeto.
Scarf, hyas sail kopa neck. Sheet, sail.
Scare, mamook kwass. Shell Money (the small size), coopcoop;
Scatter, mahsh konoway kah. allekacheek. (The large) hykwa;
Scent (n.), humn. haikwa.
Scent (v.), mamook humn. Shingle, lebahdo.
Scholar, tenas kopa school; school tenas Shine (v.), mamook kloshe.
Schooner, mokst stick ship. Shining, towagh.
Scissors, le seezo; sezo. Ship, ship.
Scold, skookum wawa. Shirt, shut.
Scream, hyas skookum cly. Shoal, wake keekwulee.
Scripture, Bible, saghalie tyee yaka book Shoes, shoes; shush; tkitlipa.
or papah. Shoot, to, mamook poo.
Scythe, hyas knife kopa hay; youtlkut Shore, illahee.
opitsah. Shore (Towards), matline.
Sea, salt chuck; sea. Short, yuteskut; halo long.
Seal, olhiyu; siwash cosho. Shortly, alkie; winapie.
Second, mokst. Shot, shot; tenas le bal; kalitan.
Secret, ipsoot. Shot Pouch, kalitan lesac; tsolepat.
Secure, kloshe. Shoulders, okchok.
Seduce, kapswalla. Shout, to, hyas wawa.
See, to, nanitsh. Shovel, la pell.
Seek, mamook hunt; klatawa pe tikegh Shower, tenas snass.
klap. Shriek, skookum wawa.
Seize, iskum. Shudder, kwass pe shake.
Seldom, wake hiyu. Shut, to, ikpooie; mamook ikpooie.
Select, iskum ikta mika tikegh. Shy, kwass.
Sell, mahsh mahkook. (Eells says.
to, Sick, sick; etsitsa.
"Mahsh is now used, to sell, and Sicken, mamook sick.
huyhuy to trade and exchange, Sickly, tenas sick.
mahkook, to buy.) Side, side; (this side, yukwa; that side,
Send, mahsh. yahwa.)
Senior, elip. Sift, to,toto.
Sense, kumtuks; latet. Sigh, tenas cly.
Separate (adj.), huloima. Sightless, halo nanitch; blind.
Separate (v.), mamook cut. Sign, kahkwa picture.
Serious, wake heehee. Silence (n.), halo noise.
Sermon, saghalie tyee yaka wawa. Silence (v., imp.), kopet noise; howh.
Serpent, oluk; snake. Silk, la sway; lasoy; laswa; slik cloth;
Servant, kahkwa elite. skookum sail.
Silly, kahkwa pelton. Solitary, kopet ikt.
Silver, tkope chikamin; tkope dolla. Some, tenas hiyu; sitkum.
Similar, kahkwa. Sometimes, tenas hiyu times.
Simmer, tenas liplip. Someooay, ikt man; klonas klaksta.
Simply, kopet. Son, tenas.
Sin, Sinful, mesachie; lepeshe. Soon, alki.
Since, kimta. Sorcerer, tamahnous man.
Sincere, delate. Sore, sick.
Sing-, to, shantie. Sorrel Colored, a sorrel horse, le blau:
Single, kopet ikt. pil; pil kuitan.
Sink (to), mahsh keekwulee; (it sinks) Sorry, Sorrow, sick tumtum.
klatawa keekwulee; klip. Soul, tumtum; sele.
Sinner, mesachie tillikum. Sound, noise; latlah.
Sip, muckamuck chuck. Soup, lasup; liplip muckamuck.
Sirup, melass; silup. Sour, kwates; sour.
Sister, kahpho (if older than the South, kah sun mitlite kopa sitkum sun.
speaker) ; elip ats. Sow (n.), klootchman cosho.
Sisterly, kahkwa ats. Sow (v.), mahsh.
Sit, to, mitlite. Spade, la pell.
Six, taghum; tohum. Spanish piah lametsin.
Sixteen, tahtlum pe taghum. Spark, tenas piah.
Sixty-one, taghum tahtlum pe ikt. Sparrow, tenas kalakala.
Size (what), kunjih hyas. Speak, to, wawa.
Skeptic, man yaka halo iskum saghalie Speaker, wawa man; man yaka kumtuks
tyee yaka wawa. wawa.
Skill, kumtuks mamook. Spectacles, glass seahost; dolla seahost;
Skin, skin. lakit seahost.
Skull, bone kopa seahost (point to it). Speed, speedy, hyak.
Skunk, hum opoots; peshes, piupiu; Spend, mahsh.
skubeyou. Spider, skookum (when spoken of as a
Sky, koosagh; saghalie; ekusah. tamahnous.
Slab, cultus laplash. Spill, to,wagh; mahsh.
Slander, mesachie wawa; kliminawhit Spine, bone kopa back.
wawa. Spirit, tumtum; life.
Slap, mamook kokshut. Spirits, tamahnous.
Slave, elite; mistchimas; mistshimus. Spirits, lum; whiskey.
Slay, mamook mimoluse. Spit, mahsh lapush chuck; mamook toh.
Sleep, moosum; sleep. Splendid, hyas kloshe.
Sleepless, halo moosum; halo sleep. Split, to, mamook tsugh; mamook kok-
Sleepy, tikegh moosum; tikegh sleep. shut; wagh; tsugh.
Sleight of hand, tamanous. Split (passive), kokshut; chako kokshut;
Slight (adj.), tenas. chako tsugh.
Sling (v.), mahsh. mamook spoil; mamook
Spoil, mesachie;
Sling* (n.), tenas lope kopa mahsh stone. mamook cultas.
Slip, wake siah fall down. Spoil (passive), spoil; chako spoil; puli.
Slippery, cultus; loholoh. Spoon, spoon.
Slow, Slowly, klahwa; wake hyak. Sport, heehee.
Slut, klootchman kamooks. Spotted, tzum; le kye.
Sly, ipsoot. Spring (v.), sopen; jump.
Small, tenas. Spring, (n.), tenas waum illahee.
Smell, a, humm. Spurs, le see bio.
Smile, tenas heehee. Spy, nanitch skookum.
Smite, mamook kokshut. Squall, skookum wind pe snass.
Smoke (n.), smoke. Squaw, Siwash klootchman.
Smoke (v.), mamooksmoke. Squeal, wawa kahkwa cosho.
Smoky (very), hiyu smoke. Squeeze, kwutl.
Smooth, kloshe. Squirrel,skwiskwis; kwiskwis.
Snake, oluk; wahpoos; snake. Stab, to,klemahun; mamook cut; mam-
Snare, Trap, lapeage; kwalta. ook kokshut kopa knife.
Snow, snow; cole snass. Stable, kuitan house.
So, kahkwa. Stag, man mowitch.
Soak, mitlite kopa chuck. Stage, chikchik; tsiktsik.
Soap, soap. Stagger, klatawa kahkwa pahtlum man.
Soft, klimrnin. Stale, oleman.
Soil, illahee. Stallion, man kuitan; yaka mitlite stone;
Soldiers, sogers. stud horse.
Solely, kopet. Stamps (postage), tzum seahost.
Solicit, wawa; ask. Stand, to, mitwhit.

Stars, tsiltsil; chilchil. Succeed, tolo.

Stare, skookum nanitch. Such, kahkwa.
Start, klatawa; chee klatawa. Suck, muckamuck.
State, hyas illahee. Sucker, katake.
Stay, to, mitlite. Sudden, Suddenly, hyak.
Steady, (be), kloshe nanitch. Sugar, shuga; le sook; shugah; shukwa.
Steal, to, kaps walla; kapsualla. Sugary, kahkwa shuga.
Steam, smoke. Suicide (to commit), mamook mimoluse
Steamer, piah ship; steamer; steamboat. yaka self.
Steel, chikamin; piah chikamin. Suitable, kloshe.
Steer, tenas man moosmoos. Sulky, Sullen, solleks.
Stencil, humm; piupiu. Sum, konoway.
Stern, opoots. Summer, waum illahee.
Stew, mamook liplip; lakanim. Summon, wawa kloshe yaka chako.
Stick, a, (n.), stick. Sun, sun; otelagh.
Stick, (v.), mamook cut; mamook kwotl. Sunday, Sunday; Sante.
Still, (be), kloshe kopet. Sunlight, sun yaka light.
Still, (adj.), kloshe. Sunrise, tenas sun; get up sun.
Sting*, (n.), opoots klemahun. Sunset, tenas polaklie; klip sun.
Stink, a, piupiu; humm. Sup, Supper, muckamuck kopa tenas
Stir, tenas klatawa. polaklie.
Stirrup, sitlay. Superb, hyas kloshe.
Stockings, stocken; kushis. Superior, elip kloshe.
Stomach, Belly; yakwahtin. Supervise, kloshe nanitch.
Stone, stone. Supplant, tlkop ooakut. (St. O.),. To
Stony, kahkwa stone; stone mitlite. cut one's road).
Stooped, kaulkek; lah. Support, kloshe nanitch; Potlatch mucka-
Stop, (active), mamook kopet; ikpooie; muck pe konoway iktas.
ka. Suppose, spose; pos.
Stop, to, (Imp.), kopet. Supreme, elip hyas kopa konoway.
Store, mahkook house. Sure, delate; delate kumtuks.
Storekeeper, mahkook man. Surgeon, doctin.
Storm, (wind), hiyu wind; (rain), hiyu Surmise, mamook tumtum; tumtum.
Surprise, mamook tumtum; ikta okoke.
Story, enkahnam; wawa; yiem. Surrender, kopet.
Stove, stob; stove. Survey, mamook tzum illahee.
Straight, delate, or delet; sipah. Survivor, man halo mimoluse.
Straighten, mamook delate. Suspect, (I), nika tumtum kahkwa; pe
Strange, huloima. halo nika delate kumtuks.
Stranger, huloima tillikum. Swallow, (n.), tenas kalakala.
Strap, (n.), skin lope. Swallow, (v.), muckamuck.
Strap, (v.), mamook kow. Swan, kahloke; kahloken; cocumb;
Strawberries, amote; ahmoteh. ouwucheh; keluk.
Stray, cultus klatawa; klatawa kah. Swap, huyhuy.
Stream, chuck; cooley chuck. Swear, wawa mesachie; mamook swear.
Street, ooakut kopa town. Sweat, chuck kopa skin.
Strike, mamook kokshut. Sweep, to, mamook bloom.
String, tenas lope. Sweet, tsee, kahkwa shuga.
Stripe, tzum. Sweetheart, (my), nika tenas klootch-
Strive, mamook skookum. man, or tenas man.
Stroll, cultus klatawa; cultus cooley. Swell, chako hyas.
Strong, skookum. Swift, hyak.
Strongly, kahkwa skookum. Swift water, skookum chuck.
Student, school tenas; tenas kopa school. Swim, sitshum; mamook swim.
Study, mamook tumtum kopa papah or Swine, cosho.
book. Swing, hang.
Stupendous, delate hyas. Sympathy, sick tumtum kunamokst.
Stupid, halo latet; kahkwa pelton.
Stupor, kahkwa mimoluse.
Sturgeon, stutchun. Table, la tahb.
Subdue, Subject, tolo; kuon. Tacks, tenas nails; tenas lecloo.
Sublime, hyas kloshe. Tail, opoots.
Submerge, mahsh keekwulee kopa chuck. Take, to, iskum.
Submit, kopet. Take care, kloshs nanitch.
Subscribe, mamook tzum. Take off, or out, mamook haul; mamook
Subsequent, kimta. klah; mamook klak; mahsh.
Subsistence, muckamuck. Talk, wawa.
Subtract, mamook haul. Talkative, hiyu wawa.
Tale, or Story, wawa; yiem; ehkahnam. luck.
Tall, hyas long. Third, klone.
Tallow, moosmoos glease. Thirsty, olo kopa chuck.
Tambourine or Indian Drum, pompom. Thirteen, tahtlum pe klone.
Tame, (adj.), halo wild; halo lemolo; Thirty, klone tahtlum.
kwann. Thirty-one, klone tahtlum pe ikt.
Tame, (v.), mamook kwann. This, okoke; ok.
Tame, Kwass. (Gibbs.) This way, yukwa.
Tan, mamook kloshe skin; mahsh yakso Thither, yahwa.
kopa skin. Thorn, needle kopa stick.
Tap, tenas kokshut. Thorough, delate.
Tart, tenas sour; tenas kwates. Those, okoke.
Task, mamook. Thou, thy, thine, mika.
Taste, tenas muckamuck. Thought,- turn turn.
Tattle, cultus wawa; yiem. Thoughtless, halo tumtum.
Tavern, muckamuck house. Thousand, thousand; tahtlum tukamook;
Tea, tea. hioh.
Teach, to, mamook kumtuks; mamook Thrash, mamook pat.
teach. Thread, klapite, hwilom.
Tear, (n.), chuck kopa seahost. Threat, mamook kwass.
Teat, Tatoosh. Three, klone.
Tedious, till; long. Throng, hiyu tillikums.
Teetotaler, man yaka halo kumtuks Trough, (by means of), kopa.
muckamuck whiskey or lum. Throw, Thrust, Throw away, mahsh.
Teeth, la tah; teeth; ledan; letai; ianes; Thumb, lemah (pointing to it).
otsotsach. Thunder, skookum noise kopa saghalie.
Tell, to, wawa; yiem. Thursday, lakit sun.
Temple, hyas church house. Thus, kahkwa.
Tempt, tikegh haul kopa mesachie. Thyself, mika self.
Ten, tahtlum; tahtlelum. Tide, chuck chako pe klatawa.
Tend, kloshe nanitch. Tie, (v.), mamook kow.
Tender, wake kull; waka skookum. Tiger, hyas pishpish.
Tent, sail house. Tight, skookum; kwutl.
Term, (of school), kwahta. Timber, stick.
Terrible, Terror, delate hyas mesachie. Timid, kwass.
Territory, hyas illahee. Tin, Tinware, malah; tin; matali.
Testament, saghalie tyee yaka pa pah or Tint, tzum.
book. Tip, to, lagh.
Testicles, stone, bone. Tire, (n.), chikamin mitlite kopa chik-
Testimony, wawa kopa court. chik.
Testify, wawa kopa court; delate yiem. Tired, till.
Than, kopa. To, towards, kopa.
Thanks, Thankful, Thank you, mahsie. Tobacco, bacca; kinootl; kinoos; kimoolth
That, okoke. Tobacco, bacca; kinootl; kinoos; kin-
That way, yahwa. oolth.
Thaw, (water), chako chuck; (land), Today, okoke sun.
chako klimmin. Together, kunamokst.
The, sometimes okoke is used, a very Toil,mamook.
definite the, almost equal to that. Tomb, mimoluse illahee.
Thee, mika. Tomorrow, tomolla.
Theft, kapswalla. Tongue, la lang.
Their, Theirs, klaska; kopa klaska. Tonight, okoke polakalie.
Them, klaska. Too, kunamokst.
Themselves, klaska self. Toothache, sick kopa tooth, or ledan; or
Theology, saghalie tyee yaka wawa. ienes.
There, yahwa; kopa. Top, (adj.), saghalie.
Thereabout, wake siah yahwa. Torn, kokshut; tlah tlah.
They, klaska. Torpid, kahkwa mimoluse.
Thick, (as molasses), pitlilh; pitlih. Toss, mahsh.
Thief, kapswalla man; tillikum, yaka Total, konoway.
kumtuks kapswalla. Tough, skookum; kull.
Thigh, lapea yahwa; (pointing- to it). Tow, mamook haul.
Thin, (as a board), pewahte; tewhate; Toward, kopa.
iakesilh; pchih; pewhattie. Towel, sail yoka mamook dly; seahost
Thine, mika. pe lemah.
Thing, ikta; iktah. Track, tzum kah.
Things, iktas. Trade, huyhuy.
Think, tumtum; mamook tumtum; pit- Tradesman, mahkook man.

Tradition, ahnkuttie tillikums klaska ow; ehee.

wawa. Unclean, hiyu mesachie mitlite.
Trail, ooakut; wayhut; tenas ooakut. Unconscious, kahkwa mimoluse.
Tramp, klatawa kopa lapea. Uncork, mamook open.
Transfer, lolo. Under, keekwulee; keekwillie.
Transgressor, mesachie man. Understand, to, kumtuks.
Translate, mamook cooley kopa huloima Undoubted, delate.
lalang. Undress, mahsh iktas.
Transmit, mahsh; send. Undying, halo mimoluse.
Trap, la piege; trap; la peage; kwalta. Unequal, wake kahkwa.
Trash, cultus iktas. , Unexpected (to me), nika tumtum halo
Travel, klatawa; cooley. yaka chako kahkwa.
Traveler, man yaka hiyu cooley. Unexplored, halo klaksta nanitch.
Treacherous, hyas tseepie; mesachie. Unfasten, mahsh kow.
Treasurer, tillikum yaka kloshe nanitch Unfavorable, halo kloshe.
dolla. Unfinished, halo kopet.
Tread, klatawa. Ungodly, mesachie.
Tree, stick. Unhappy, sick tumtum.
Tree, fallen, whim stick. Unintelligible, halo kumtuks.
Tremble, shake, hullel; hulul. Unit, ikt.
Tribe, lalang. Unite, mamook join; mamook kunamokst;
Trick, tseepie mamook. chako kunamokst.
Trim (v.), mamook cut; mamook kloshe. Universal, konoway.
Trinity, saghalie tyee; (nesika papa, pe Universe, konoway illahee konoway kah.
yaka tenas Jesus) pe yaka Holy Spirit) Unjust, wake delate.
tlinite. Unkind, wake kloshe.
Trot, to, tehteh. Unknown, halo kumtuks.
Trouble (n.), trouble. Unlawful, wake kloshe kopa law.
Trouble (v.), mamook trouble; mamook Unload, mahsh iktas.
till tumtum. Unlock, mamook halo lekleh.
Trowsers, sakolleks. Unmeaning*, cultus; pelton.
Trout, trout; tenas fish; tzum salmon; Unmentionable, halo wawa.
tenas salmon. Unnoticed, halo nanitch.
True, delate; halo kliminawhit. Unpopular, konoway tillikums halo
Truth, delate wawa. tikegh kahkwa.
Trunk, lacasset. Unresolved, halo tumtum.
Tub, tamolitsh. Unsalable, wake kloshe kopa mahkook.
Tuesday, mokst sun. Untamed, lemolo; wild.
Turn, kilapie; howh. Untanned, halo kloshe.
Turning", lahlah. Untie, to, mahsh kow; mamook stoh
Turnip, turnip; lenawo; lamooow. Unto, kopa.
Twelve, tahtlum pe mokst. Untold, halo wawa.
Twenty, mokst tahtlum. Untrue, kliminawhit.
Twenty-one, mokst tahtlum pe ikt. Unturned, halo kilapie.
Twilight, tenas polaklie. Unusual, huloima.
Twine, tenas lope: klapite. Unwilling, halo tikegh.
Twist, mamook kilapie (showing how). Unwind, mamook kilapie.
Two, twice, mokst. Unwise, pelton.
Tyro, halo kumtuks. Unwholesome, wake kloshe.
Unworthy, halo kloshe; wake kloshe;
Udder, totoosh or tatoosh. Up, saghalie.
Ugly, cultus; wake toketie. Upbraid, cultus wawa.
Ultimate, kimta; halo huloima. Upheave, mahsh kopa saghalie.
Umbrella, tenas sail house kopa snass. Uphold, mamook help; mamook skookum.
Unable, wake skookum; howkwutl; Upland, saghalie illahee.
awholt. Upon, saghalie kopa.
Unaccustomed, Unacquainted, halo kum- Upper, Uppermost, elip saghalie.
tuks. Upright, delate; klosh; mitwhit.
Unacquired, halo iskum. Upset, Upside Down, kelipi; kilapie.
Unaware, halo kumtuks. Upward, saghalie.
Unappeased, halo chako kloshe tumtum. Urg*e, skookum wawa.
Unbelief, halo iskum kopa tumtum. Urinate, mahsh chuck.
Unbind, mahsh kow. Us, nesika.
Unceasing, kwanesum. Use, mamook; use; mamook use.
Unchristian, halo kahkwa Jesus. Useful, kloshe.
Uncivilized, wild. Useles, cultus.
Uncle, tot; uncle; papa or mama yaka Usual, kahkwa kwanesum.
Utensil, ikta. Waken, mamook get up.
Walk, klatawa kopa lapea.
Wall, skookum kulaghan; skookum
Vacant, halo. pence.
Vaccinate, mahsh lametsin kopa lemah Waltz, tanse.
yaka kloshe kopa smallpox. Wander, to, cultus klatawa; tsolo.
Vagabond, cultus tillikum. Want, to, tikegh.
Veil, sail kopa seahost. War, pight.
Vain, youth; proud. Warble, sing kahkwa kalakala.
Valiant, skookum tumtum. Warm, waura.
Valise, tenas lacasset. Warning, potlatch kumtuks kopa
Valley, kloshe illahee; coulee. mesachie; mamook kumtuks kopa
Vancouver, kitsothot; kitsotkwa. mesachie.
Vanish, chako halo. Warrior, sogers; pight tillikum.
Vary, mamook huloima. Wash, to, mamook wash.
Vary (passive), chako huloima. Wasp, andialh.
Vast, hyas. Waste, cultus lost; cultus mahsh.
Veal, tenas moosmoos yaka itlwillie. Watch (n.), tiktik; watch.
Vegetables, konoway muckamuck chako Watch (v.), kloshe nanitch.
kopa illahee. Watchman, man yaka kwanesum kloshe
Vehement, skookum. nanitch.
Vehicle, chikchik. Water, chuck.
Vein, kah pilpil mitlite (pointing to it). Waterfall, tumwater.
Venereal, the, piah sick. Waterspout, chuck ooakut.
Vengeance, hyas solleks. Waver, wake skookum.
Venison, mowitsh. Waves, hiyu sea; chuck chako solleks.
Verily, delate. Way, ooakut; wayhut.
Vermine, inapoo. We, nesika.
Very, hyas. Weak, wake skookum; halo skookum.
Very Small, hyas tenas. Wear, mitlite.
Vessel, ship. Weary, till.
Vest, la ween la west.
Wedding, malieh.
Vice, mesachie. Wednesday, klone sun.
Vicinity, wake siah. Weed, cultus tupso.
Victor, tillikum yaka tolo. Week, Sunday; week.
Victory, tolo. Weep, cly.
Victuals, muckamuck. Weigh, to, mamook till.
View, nanitch. Welcome (to you), kloshe tumtum mika
Vigil, wake moosum. chako.
Vigils (the), levigil; pishil. Well then, abba.
Vile, mesachie. Well (n.), tlwop.
Village, tenas town. Went, klatawa.
Villain, mesachie tillikum. West, kah sun klatawa.
Violin, tin tin. Wet, pahtl chuck; chuck mitlite.
Vine, stick; youtlkut tupso; stick Whale, ehkolie; ehkole; kwahnice; kwad-
kahkwa lope. dis; whale.
Violent, skookum. "What, ikta; iktah.
Violet, kloshe tupso. What is the matter (if sick), kah mika
Viper, tenas oluk. sick.
Virgin, tenas klootchman; kloctchman Wheat, sapolill; lewhet; lebley.
halo kumtuks man; haloman. Wheel, chikchik; tsiktsik.
Virtuous, kloshe. When, kansih; kunjih.
Vision, nanitch. Whence, kah.
Visit, klatawa pe nanitch. Where, kah.
Voice, wawa. Whet, mamook sharp.
Volcano, piah mountain. Which, klaksta.
Vomit, to, wagh; mahsh muckumuck; Whine, wawa kahkwa cly.
muckamuck kilapie. Whip, le whet; lawhip.
Vote,mamook vote. Whiskey, whiskey; lum.
Voyage, klatawa kopa boat or ship. Whisper, tenas wawa (showing how);
ipsoot wawa.
W Whistle, mamook wind kopa lapush.
White, tkope.
Wade, klatawa kopa lapea kopa chuck.
Wag, heehee man. Whiten, mamook tkope.
Wagon, chikchik; tsiktsik. Whitewash, mamook pent tkope.
Wail, hiyu cly. Who, klaksta.
Wait, mitlite; winapie. Whole, konoway; lowullo; lolo.
Wake, halo sleep; halo moosum. Whose, klaksta.

Wliy, pe kahta; kahta. Work, to, mamook.

Wicked, mesahchie; mesachie; peshak. World, konoway okoke illahee.
Wide, klukulh; halakl. Worn out, oleman; cultus.
Widow, klootchman yaka man mimoluse. Worry, sick tumtum.
Wife, klootchman; oquackakull. Worship, wawa kopa saghalie tyee
Wild, le molo; wild. Worse, elip mesachie; kimtah klosh.
Wild Cat, hyas pishpish; siwash pish- Worst, elip mesachie kopa konoway.
pish;; kwalas. Worthless, cultus.
Wild Onions, kalaka. Worthy, kloshe.
Will, The, tumtum. Wound, to, mamook, cut; mamook kwotl;
Willow, eena stick. klemahun.
Win, To, tolo. Wrap, mamook kow.
Wind, wind. Wrestle, mamook pight.
Wind Instrument, tuttut; tuletule. Wretched, hyas sick tumtum.
Windy, hiyu wind. Wrist, lemah yahwa (point to it).
Wine, wine. Writing", tzum.
Wing*, kalakala yaka lemah, tepeh. Write, to, mamook tzum ; mamook peh-
Wink, mamook seahost. pah.
Winnow, mamook toto. Writer, tzum man.
Winter, cole illahee. Wrong", wake kloshe.
Wintry, kahkwa cole illahee.
Wipe, to, mamook dly; klakwun. .

Wire, chikamin lope. Yankee, Boston man.

Wisdom, Wise, kumtuks. Yard, ikt stick.
Wish, to, tikegh. Yawn, tikegh moosum.
Witch, tamahnous. Year, ikt cole.
With, kunamokst; kopa. Yearn, hyas tikegh.
Withdraw, mamook kilapie. Yell, hyas skookum wawa.
Without (not any), halo. Yellow, kawkawak.
Without (not in), klahanie. Yelp, kamooks wawa.
Wolf, leloo; wolf. Yes, nawitka; ahha.
Wolf (Prairie), talapus. Yes, indeed, nawitka.
Woman, klootchman. Yesterday, tahlkie sun.
Womanly, kahkwa klootchman. Yesternig-ht, tahlkie polaklie.
Woman (old), lammieh; lummieh. Yield, kopet.
Womb, lesak kopa klootchman kah tenas Yonder, yahwa.
mitlite; belly. You, Your (if singular), mika.
Wonder, mamook tumtum. You, your (if plural), mesika.
Woo, hyas tikegh. Yours, mika; kopa mika; mikas.
Wood, Wooden, stick. Young", tenas.
Wool, sheep yaka tupso, lummeto yakso. Younger, elip tenas.
Woolen Caps, latuk. Youngest, elip tenas kopa konoway.
Word, wawa. Yourself, mika self.

Page 1, column 1, line 3, from bottom, for specific, read special.
Page 24, column 1, line 12, from top, for pues, read puis.
Page 39, column 2, line 3, from top, for respelled word, read kloochman.
Page 46, column 1, line 27, from bottom, for allihee, read illihee.

Note. — Suggestions and criticism invited. George C. Shaw, 115 32nd Ave., Seattle
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