Mitchell WTO

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Delegate Name: Connor Mitchell Country: Spain Committee: WTO Delegates, the World Trade Organization has been put to the task of implementing new, effective ways of promoting green economies in a timely manner. Because of the various degrees of development within the committee as a whole, different values and necessities will be presented in reaching an agreement. The delegate of Spain, given its situation regarding the development of a green economy, is prepared to collaborate with delegates interested in fostering a green economy by focusing first on the core needs of each delegation in this committee. A green economy results in improved human well-being and social equity while it significantly reduces environmental risks. Green economic prospects in Spain have tragically been unsuccessful. In a green economy, growth in income and employment should be driven by public and private investments that reduce carbon emissions and pollution, enhance energy and resource efficiency, and prevent the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services. However, in Spains attempts at expanding the green economic and job sector through jobs in specified alternative energy, it has eliminated jobs in other areas. In fact, as a result of these failed green attempts, Spain currently has a 19% unemployment rate. Spain has made an effort to invest in new energies such as wind farms in an efficient way, but in an effort to spur the recession-burdened economy, sunk too much stimulus spending into these new energies. As a result, Spains failed green economy program cost the country 2.2 jobs for every green job created by the state. In addition, Spain is still reliant on natural gas and oil imports. Spain is in no way close-minded to investment in the green sector, but warns the committee that devastating results can occur without proper precautions. On a global level, Spain holds the belief that methods of implementing a green economy involve funding green infrastructure, expanding and advancing internal energy markets by allocating regionspecified on site renewable energy, fostering greener societies as a whole through zoning and regulation, and stimulating emerging green sectors. Imposing sanctions, as the topic of this committee calls for, is a matter that is nation and situation specific and should be dealt with on an individual basis. These core foundations are what Spain would support seeing in a resolution.


This topic is undoubtedly of extreme importance to every nation in this committee, especially for developing nations, and those with economies based largely on the success of the primary sector. For that reason, the delegate of Spain urges the utmost attention to focusing on the long term impacts of short term solutions. Thank you.

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