About Page Infographic-Karla Molina Escobar-Technical Writing-Sp 2023

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The Journey of

Becoming a Medical

Good morning, good afternoon, or good evening! No

matter at what time you are reading this blog, I
want to start by introducing myself: my name is
Karla Molina Escobar, I love plants and animals and
spend time researching a variety of subjects such as
literature, humanities, natural sciences, etc., the last
one is my favorite one that is why I decided to
study an Associate’s Degree in Natural Science. I
recently graduated, and I am a transfer student
majoring in Biology with a specialization in
physiology/pre-health. Most of you who visit my
website would be curious about why did I choose to
major in this area of study, well I always wanted to
become a Medical Doctor.

What is the story behind the

website topic?
This is my story: I always remember finding
myself playing the doctor with my teddy
bear (I named him Coquito), taking care
of him after a high fever, or giving him
cough syrup. In addition, this can sound a
little bit weird, but I enjoy being at the
hospital, matter of fact I obtained the
opportunity to enroll myself in a scientific
research method class where I did my
research on teenage pregnancy. This
happened in my earlies years of High
School and that was exactly when I
made my decision that I wanted to
become a Medical Doctor. At first, it was
really hard for me to find the information
on what steps to follow, spending months
and years researching everything that I
needed to know to one day achieve my
goal. I know how the struggle of not
knowing what to do or to whom to turn
for information feels, this is the reason why
I created this website to help people like
me and guide them to be the Medical
Doctors that they deserve to be!

My Mission Statement

My mission and the mission of this website is

to help as many students as I can, providing
them not just general advice, but a
personalized one, emphasizing that each
student represents a different journey, a
different story.

Three important facts to

take into account if you
want to study medicine!

Your major does not matter!

I have heard plenty of times: ‘‘If I am going to Medical

School, I should major in science.’’ Guess what?
Medical Schools do not care what your major is, or
which major has the more science courses, as long as
you take the pre-requirements you are good to go!
Do not be miserable studying something that you
don’t enjoy… Major in something that you like.
Medical Schools love well-rounded students!

A medical school
candidate is not just stats…

As a college student or someone who wants

to start this long journey but rewarding one:
make sure that you are planning ahead.
Medical Schools just do not require an
amazing GPA (Grade Point average) and a
crushing MCAT (Medical College Admission
Test) score; Medical School Admission
Committees want to see your real motives of
why you want to become a doctor, and they
are also looking to see in your application:
shadowing, clinical hours, community service,
leadership activities, research, all of this
cannot be done easily so assure yourself and
get to work in your Medical School application
with anticipation.

Have you asked yourself:

‘‘What type of Doctor do I
want to be?

I know! I have been mentioning a lot the

title of ‘‘Medical Doctor,’’ but of course,
there are other types of Doctors: D.O.
Doctors (Doctors of Osteopathic
Medicine) are still doctors, but they
have a different career focus they treat
patients more holistically, they just do
not worry about just treating the disease
but the whole body. Medical Doctors
which are doctors of allopathic
medicine emphasized treating primarily
just the disease.

References (pictures): Illustration by Pro Vector, a Superhero doctor in medicine during the pandemic concept:
PIXABAY20, Sponsored Images iStock, digital: https://pixabay.com/illustrations/light-bulb-yellow-power-idea-
1553249/ Iconfinder, Cap, College, Degree Icon by iStock, digital (For the rest of the pictures):

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