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Pity Not Hate.

“People in general be it great men like Chrles De

Gaulle or None Persons Like myself are just
incapable of hating mad people! You do not hate
sick people like the English. You just feel pity:

“You Pity their barren bleak island and foul

climate that in reality can only produce fodder for
animals not food fit for human! Not to mention
how the near total absence of sunshine had taken
its toll on genetics especially their nervous and
reproductive systems ??”
(Search----The Origins Of English Masochism
“You Pity How I heard it time and again from
visitors from various spots on our planet telling me
how surprised they were by the quality of life in
Britain no better than some of the colonies they
had looted?” (Search-----Crime Never Pays) ?
“You Pity How After slaughtering millions and
looting billions from India to M.E. to Africa they
ended up the poorest in Europe meanwhile doping
their (Commoners)With runaway Promiscuity!
Racism! And Buggery.”
“you pity the Unrealistic Ambitons of Their
Hallucinating Ruling Circles The opinion they have
of their little island demanding the impossible
from an already overburdened drained out
(Commoners)! ”

“Curiously enough they are so much Addicted to

Solutions By blackmailing others they resort to
blackmails Even when knocking at open doors!
How they Short Changing themselves by their
own Addiction to Solutions By Lies Protractions
And Fake Constructions such are the powerful
forces of inertia (Habits)”
“The Habits of Individuals may fade away !But national habits
Never dies !Only changes from one form to another ”
The Red Monk.

“You Pity the cold frigidity of their females that

had given birth to this Irresponsible New British
state religion called homosexuality.”
“ You Pity How they try to Compensate their own lack of
Resources And Space by ever renewed frontiers in cruelty
to their own (Commoners)? ((While the Germans of
(civilized )Europe deported Jews and gypsies these Crude
Cruel English deported Even their Own (Commoners) In
chains all the way to Australia and Canada 90% perished
en voyage!! Buried at sea))
And Protracting Criminal Brutality towards others
e.g.Overseas students arriving on Official scholarships!
Not to mention the bigger (Stuff) e.g. :
“France! Oh this weak Belly of Europe” Winston Churchill.
What the English within one Single Decade Have done to
their own Weak Neighbour So Called French Ally ?
First: Stealing Hard Earned Deep Friedship between Two
Republics Iraq and chronically Weak France!!! Then
Again Stealing another Hard Earned (Submarine contract
with Australia!)From this Spineless Nation Of France !!
(Search------------------------------Honorable Thieves)?
Criminal Brutality laced with their irredeemable Ill
Nature is the only way they can stay in Competition with
nations that have both the Space and Resources “

“The poorer the oppressor the cruelest the oppression.”

The Red Monk.
“You pity how their lying machines (British Media)
are so much sophisticated they actually can
Brainwash their Pathetic Public in to believing the
opposite to any reality !For example they have
convinced their public they got (Obesity )Problem
to cover up the widespread hunger and child
poverty comparable to that of some parts of
Africa!!” (Search My E-Books-The Limits Of Hypocrisy Parts 1-5. )?

(Search My E-Books---The Self-Perpetuating Business Of Security) ?

All of these (The Racism! The medieval ruling

circles the bleak Island etc.) combined together
make them underestimate the world around them!
Its this what is behind their Unshakable Habits of
trying to obtain something from nothing? By
Protraction! By Blackmailing others with most
basic needs! i.e. they so much divorced from rest
of mankind they are scratching and scraping
bottom of the barrel!
(Search-----How Far The Colonialists Are Divorced From Rest Of
Mankind) ? and off course you pity the Politically

Primitive Arabs Who glorify such small people.

Most Of All You Pity Anyone( Like Myself )Stuck
Inside This Mean Island where only HATE can
Grow ! (Search----Damp Grows The Venom ) ?.

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