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Live Kryon Channelling

Vancouver, BC, Canada
January 26, 2008
"Quantum Healing"
! channelled y Lee Carroll #or Kryon

$he in#ormation elo% i! #ree and availale #or you to &rint out,
co&y and di!triute a! you %i!h' (t! Co&yright, ho%ever, &rohiit!
!ale in any #orm e)ce&t y the &uli!her

Q*+$* H-L(+.

This live channelling was Given in Vancouver, BC, Canada

January 2, 2!!"

To hel# $he reader, $his channelling has %een rechannelled &%y Lee and
'ryon( and added on$o $o #rovide even clearer unders$anding) *+$en wha$
ha##ens live, has i#lied energy wi$hin i$, which carries a -ind o+ 
counica$ion $ha$ $he #rin$ed #age does no$) This #ar$iclular channelling
was grea$ly al$ered and i#roved in clari$y %y $he #rocess) /o
en0oy $his enhanced essage given in Vancouver a%ou$ e1#laining $he

Gree$ings, dear ones, I a 'ryon o+ 3agne$ic /ervice) There would %e

$hose who would say $his is ina##ro#ria$e . you canno$ have a Huan
Being si$$ing in +ron$ o+ an audience #re$ending $o channel4 I$5s 0us$ no$
a##ro#ria$e) Then $here are $hose who would say $his is e1ac$ly wha$ i$
a##ears $o %e) The di++erence is $his6 /oe o+ you have develo#ed an
in$erdiensional discernen$ sensor, one $ha$ is going $o %e develo#ed
even ore in $his age, and soe have no$) 7our discernen$ sensor -nows

i+ $hese $hings are $rue or no$)

/o I say $o $hose who can see, loo- a$ $he colors righ$ now) Loo- a$ $he
colors on $he s$age4 8or I a 'ryon) I #ee- $hrough $he veil, I arrive in
$hree diensions +or you, and I a using $he +ree choice o+ $he Huan
Being %e+ore you $o give you $hese words) I a using $he +ree choice o+ $he
Huans in $his #lace $o hear $he wi$h discernen$) I5 using $he +ree
choice o+ $hose la$er $o $une in$o $his wi$h $heir +ree choice 9$he readers:)
All o+ $ha$ is wi$h +ree choice) All o+ $ha$ is wi$h a Huan deciding $o acce#$
i$ or no$) 8ro $he Huan who si$s on $he s$age $o $he one who lis$ens, all
o+ i$ is +ree choice) This is $he way /#iri$ wor-s, and i$ honors $he Huan

I a 'ryon, and I a aware o+ wha$ you would call $he rules here) The
rules indica$e $ha$ we would never #resen$ any$hing $ha$ was ina##ro#ria$e
+or $he energy o+ huani$y) The rules are $ha$ we would never #resen$
ourselves $o you in +ear, anywhere) The rules are $ha$ we will $ell $he $ru$h
wi$h in$egri$y) The rules are $ha$ we would never say any$hing $o
ani#ula$e any Huan Being, %u$ ins$ead we would si#ly love $he) /o i+ 
any$hing was changed in $heir lives, i$ would %e $heir hear$s, wi$h +ree
choice) ;e5re allowed $o wash your +ee$) ;e5re allowed $o hold your hand)
;e5re allowed $o $ouch your shoulders and your heads, in$erdiensionally)
And $ha$ eans $ha$ i+ $here are $hose here who wish no$ $o +eel any$hing,
$hey won5$) 7ou see< Tha$ honors $he Huan Being5s +ree choice) And $ha$5s
$he way i$ wor-s, and always has)

Now, +or $hose o+ you who have coe +or a essage, +or $hose o+ you who
have coe $o +eel $his en$ourage we %ring, I5ll $ell you, i$ is here4 This is +or
you) A essage $ha$ has no$ ye$ %een given in $his +ashion is u#on you) 3y
#ar$ner &s#ea-ing $o Lee(, I5ve given you hin$s $oday o+ $he su%0ec$ and
I5ve also given you hin$s o+ wha$ i$ us$ %e li-e $rying $o e1#lain $he
une1#laina%le) /o $his is +or y #ar$ner6 Clear your head) =o no$ coe $oo
+ar wi$hin $he veil, +or you need $o s$ay in $hree diensions in order $o
#resen$ $his in+ora$ion #ro#erly) 8or $oday you will %e $he $eacher o+ $he
un.$eacha%le as we s$ar$ a #rocess o+ $eaching a%ou$ $he healing o+ $he
Huan Being) E1#ec$ $o also give $his in+ora$ion $o $hose overseas when
you go $here)

I$ is a new energy where you si$) 7our very reali$y is shi+$ing) ;ha$ we
have called $he 0ars o+ your s#iri$uali$y is changing) This is a e$a#hor +or
$he collec$ion o+ your #as$ li+e s#iri$ual learning e1#eriences %eing #oured
in$o you $oday) I$ is $he discernen$ engine $ha$ we so o+$en s#ea- o+)
/oe o+ you will +eel i$ %e+ore you leave $his day and will say, "This was
different. Oh, this channelling was different. Did you feel that?"  soe will
say) "This is real, did you feel it?"  They will do $ha$ %ecause, indeed, i$ is
di++eren$4 I a 'ryon $oday) I was 'ryon yes$erday) I will %e 'ryon
$oorrow and $he only di++erence +ro $he #as$ is $he energy $ha$ you si$ in

is now allowing you $o +eel ore) ;ha$ has changed is you)

I wan$ $o $a-e a oen$ and honor $he swee$ness o+ $he oen$s here,
+or $hey5re u#on you) This s#eci+ic essage will never %e s#o-en again in
$his e1ac$ +or) Those who si$ here wi$h each o$her will never %e in $his
s#eci+ic asse%ly li-e $his again, +or i$ is uni>ue) In no $ie in his$ory will i$
re#ea$ i$sel+ 0us$ li-e $his) Tha$5s how uni>ue i$ is) 7ou igh$ say $ha$ all
$hings on $he #lane$ are $ha$ way) They have a uni>ue s$a# u#on $he,
and you5d %e righ$ i+ you said $ha$) 7e$ wi$hin $his #u??le $here is soe$hing
$ha$ you don5$ unders$and6 As uni>ue as i$ sees, $here is a whole %ody
e1#erience $ha$ is $a-ing #lace here s#iri$ually $ha$ is yours $o e1#erience
any $ie you wish) I$5s hard $o e1#lain) As uni>ue as you $hin- i$ is in @=,
you can $a-e $his uni>ueness ou$ $he door wi$h you in$erdiensionally, and
you can crea$e i$ whenever you wan$) The energy $ha$ is here in $his
oen$, $he colors $ha$ you see, wha$ you are +eeling now as you reali?e i$
is, indeed, a essage +ro $he o$her side))) and are all $hings $ha$ you can
have again 0us$ li-e i$ is now) I$ is an e#i#hany $ha$ soe o+ you ay have
$oday))) $ha$ $his e1#erience is re#ea$a%le) All you have $o do is si$ down
and crea$e i$ again) Tha$ is $he #ower o+ /#iri$, and $he #ower o+ God in
you) ;ha$ a swee$ $hing $his is4 Any oen$ in $ie can %e e1#erienced as
any $ies as you wish) 8or as you $ouch $he in$erdiensionali$y o+ your
own source, you void $he very $ieline $ha$ crea$es uni>ue $hings)

+e% (n#ormation out Healing

Now le$ e $ell you a%ou$ $he Huan and $he Huan %ody) I wan$ $o give
you #ieces and #ar$s o+ in+ora$ion we have #resen$ed +or soe $ie, %u$
never direc$ly $hrough channelling) I5 going $o give you soe indica$ions
o+ wha$ you can do)

The Huan %ody is in$eres$ing) I$ is a #iece o+ %iology $ha$ is you, %u$ i$

o+$en sees $o %e in $he o$her roo) ;ha$ I ean %y $his is $ha$ $here is
no real counica$ion %e$ween you and your sys$e) I$ is no$ designed $o
counica$e wi$h you, e1ce#$ $hrough #ain) Tha$5s all) I$ is a one.
diensional as#ec$ given $o you early on so you would %e a%le $o survive .
so you5d -now i+ you were s$e##ing on a ho$ coal, +or ins$ance) *r so you
would -now i+ soe$hing was hur$ing or #o-ing you, in order $o ge$ away
+ro i$) ain sees nega$ive and always a challenge) I$5s one o+ your
grea$es$ gi+$s, however, since i$ -ee#s you ou$ o+ $rou%le) I$ aler$s you i+
soe$hing5s wrong))) and $ha$5s all you have as counica$ion and i$5s one
way) 7ou can5$ $al- %ac- $o i$, or as- i$ >ues$ions)

3any o+ you have said, "That's just the way it is. What am I going to do?
The body cannot sea!. It cannot say anything."  7ou5re righ$ a%ou$ $ha$ i+
you loo- a$ i$ on $he sur+ace) In +ac$, $his +ac$ can ac$ually wor- agains$
you))) no a$$er how enligh$ened you are) 8or ins$ance, does i$ a-e sense
$o you $ha$ an enligh$ened %ody li-e you have, wi$h $he co#le1i$y $ha$ i$

has, would %e silen$ in $he +ace o+ a -iller disease $ha$ is ra#aging

$hrough i$< 7e$ i$ ha##ens every day) I s#ea- now a%ou$ $he disease $ha$
-ills ore o+ you in Nor$h Aerica $han anywhere else . cancer) I$5s no$ a
disease you ca$ch) I$5s soe$hing your %ody develo#s $hrough irri$a$ion
and un%alance) I$ is a runaway o+ grow$h, uncon$rolla%le, $ha$ #lows
$hrough your own sys$e having i$s way) 7ou could %e si$$ing in $he chair
righ$ now and have i$ raging $hrough your %ody and no$ -now i$ un$il $he
%ody decides $o give you #ain) Then, o+$en, i$5s $oo la$e)

7ou igh$ loo- a$ $his whole Huan %ody scenario and say, "What !ind of
a system is this? Is the body so dumb that it cannot een alert me to these
imortant things that are going on in myself?"  The answer is yes, i+ you
easure $his issue +ro a s$and#oin$ o+ wha$ you have %een $augh$))) a
very lii$ed sco#e o+ view)

I5 here $o $ell you i$ is no$ $ha$ way a$ all) I$ never has %een $ha$ way) 7ou
have always %een a%le $o go $o cer$ain levels in order $o see wha$ is
ha##ening inside, ye$ +ew do) I$ is $he di++erence %e$ween acce#$ing a
$hree.diensional his$orical idea or e1#anding your $hin-ing $o include
soe$hing $ha$ any don5$ even %elieve in) 8or years, -inesiology has
%ridged $ha$ ga# o+ counica$ion, ye$ how any use i$< I$5s an
indic$en$ o+ $he law o+ logic, isn5$ i$< Here is soe$hing $ha$ has %een
#roven over $ie $o %e soe$hing $ha$ allows $he %ody $o s#ea- $o you
direc$ly, ye$ i$ has no$ %een generally acce#$ed %y huani$y< ;hy<
Because i$5s ou$ o+ $he sco#e o+ wha$ you have learned is #ossi%le) This,
$here+ore, is $he issue $oday)

-)&laining the *ne)&lainale

I would no$ give you $he ne1$ in+ora$ion i+ $ha$ were no$ so) The ne1$
in+ora$ion is hard, %u$ here i$ coes, y #ar$ner &s#ea-ing $o Lee() I will
now $a-e you in$o $he woo.woo . in$erdiensional healing, $he
un%elieva%le, $he ne1$ s$e#, $he one $ha$ $his new energy will su##or$)
7ou5re going $o s$ar$ seeing une1#laina%le $hings) *h, soe will call $he
iracles) /oe o+ $he $hings I5 going $o $ell you righ$ now will no$ %e
#roven +or a hundred years, %ecause $ha$5s how long i$5s going $o $a-e +or
%iologis$s soewhere $o see $he lineage and lin-age o+ your +aily $ree and
wha$ you did a%ou$ i$ $oday) *h, we5re ge$$ing s#oo-y now4

+umer /ne  $he echani!m (nvolved

Every #iece o+ =NA has a +ield around i$) Every #iece o+ =NA is ne1$ $o
ano$her #iece o+ =NA, and a +ield surrounds a +ield surrounds a +ield) In
addi$ion, i$ is all grou#ed, no$ s$rung ou$ li-e in your diagras) I5ll $ell you
wha$ $ha$ does) I$ crea$es a oneness o+ consciousness) Have you ever
wondered why i$ is in $he eso$eric world $ha$ you can s#ea- $o your %ody as
one, ye$ $here are $rillions o+ #ieces o+ i$<

;i$hin $he =NA is a s#iri$ual co#onen$) In $he =NA is a #iece o+ God, a

#iece o+ hoe) In $he =NA, $here5s a >uan$uness o+ reali$y) ;i$hin $he
=NA, as y #ar$ner s$a$ed, $here is in$elligen$ design) The +ield $ha$ is
around =NA has %een o%served and #roven %y science $o %e
in$erdiensional) *ne #iece agains$ $he o$her agains$ ano$her crea$es an
in$erloc-ing, overla##ing in$erdiensional +ield $ha$ has one address $o $he
universe))) and your nae on i$)

;ha$ I a saying $o you is $ha$ i$ is a whole %ody e1#erience when you

%egin $o s#ea- $o your %ody) 7ou don5$ have $o address your $oe or your
el%ow) 8or you will address all o+ i$ a$ once %ecause i$5s lis$ening all a$ once)
Thin- o+ i$ as one whole %ody e1#erience %ecause $he =NA overla#s $he
+ields overla#, and $hose overla##ing +ields crea$e a larger +ield $ha$ crea$es
even a larger +ield) By $he $ie you ge$ $rillions o+ $he $oge$her, li$erally,
$ha$ +ield is soe$hing you #ro0ec$ wi$h +ocus and i$5s called eso$eric ligh$)
3eanwhile, i$ also serves +or #ersonal healing) I$ is ready $o lis$en $o $he
%oss) 3y #ar$ner $ouched on $his a$$ri%u$e earlier) 7ou don5$ really %elieve
$ha$ you can s#ea- $o your cells) The $ru$h is $ha$ you can, and $hey have
always %een lis$ening) Thin- a%ou$ $ha$4

The +ac$ is $ha$ you have $o$al and co#le$e counica$ions in an

in$erdiensional way wi$h $his assive =NA +ield) 7ou are i$, and i$ is you,
%u$ i+ you5ve never s#o-en $o i$, i$ will go i$s own way) Trillions o+ #ieces o+
=NA are $here, ready $o hear you, ye$ you never even $al-ed $o $he4 7ou
 0us$ ho#e $hey o#era$e well and i+ $hey don5$, you ge$ #ain)

As we have $old you %e+ore, you have %een %orn in$o a cul$ure and sys$e
$ha$ carries all sensory a$$ri%u$es and s#iri$ual enligh$enen$ in $he head,
never unders$anding $ha$ every #iece o+ $he %ody is enligh$ened) There+ore,
you wal- around in your head, ho#ing your $oe wor-s, ho#ing your -idney
wor-s, ho#ing your hear$ survives) 7ou never $hin- $ha$ you igh$ %e a%le
$o ac$ually address $hese $hings, or change $he) 7e$ $hey have %een $here
wai$ing +or you all your li+e4 Now I call $his, your %ody lis$ening $o $he
%oss, +or =NA wai$s +or you $o s#ea- $o i$ $hrough your own
consciousness) There is an enligh$ened a$$ri%u$e in your =NA))) you would
call i$ your Higher./el+, #erha#s)

;ha$ever you wan$ $o call i$, i$5s addressing $he cellular s$ruc$ure all a$
once and %eginning $o change i$) This is where i$ ge$s co#lica$ed. "O#,
#ryon, how do you do it? What haens when you do it? $ow do you
become interdimensional? I'm in %D." These are all o+ $he %ig issues and
$his is $he une1#laina%le #ar$)

In $his grou# here $oday, $here are $hose who are on $he edge o+
consciousness &eaning no$ #aying a$$en$ion() I5 going $o invi$e $hose $o
coe %ac- $o awareness +or a #u??le) This is $eaching in a way $ha$ is no$

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