02 Interviewassesment Mhs Shashank Ekkati

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Interview Assessment #2

Name: James Linton

Profession/Title: Computer Engineer

Business/Company Name: Robinhood

Date of Interview: November 18th, 2022

From this interview with Mr. James Linton, I have finally been able to interview someone
who has specifically worked in my field of study. Although my two previous interviews had
taught me a lot about Computer Science and Finance respectively, this is my first interview with
someone who is experienced in both of these fields.

Beginning our conversation with more general terms, I learned a lot about the admissions
process of colleges and universities. Mr. Linton attended UTD and Georgia Tech which are both
schools I have been very interested in. We had a very cautious conversation where we spoke a lot
about his projects through college and in fact inspired me to create projects and to learn more
about data visualization. I also learned about the importance of AI and how AI can be
specifically used in the field of FinTech. Mr. Linton had explained to me something that each of
my previous interviews had also harped upon. This would be the importance of continuing to
learn even after your degree. Each of my previous professionals I had interviewed had also
explained the importance of learning for purpose rather than for grades. This is something that
has resonated with me, that most of the work I do in school for the most part will be useless for
my future but if I continue to learn and research more about my topic itself I will be able to use
this knowledge to my advantage in the future.

Specifically I had learned about how you can use data sets to create simulations which
can be used to predict future behaviors. Although not specifically related to FinTech I was able
to see the code and documentation behind a prediction software which would predict
standardized test scores from district budget data. We also spoke about the thinking procedure
and how someone can develop a project like this from group up. This was extremely helpful
information to me as I often find myself stuck while working on personal projects due to simply
poor planning. Along with the information I learned about AI I have been exposed to a new topic
which also greatly interests me.

One of the greatest skills that I have improved on from this is learning how to maintain a
balance between professionalism and casual conversation. To expand upon, I had realized that I
did not need to always have very formal language but rather I could at times (when it is an
appropriate time) lie back and have some more casual conversations. This intermixed with
professionalism I had been able to create a sense of chemistry between my professional and I.
Another skill I had learned is the importance of flexibility and how to deal with situations which
do not do the way you wish they would. For example, Mr. Linton had been nearly 15 minutes
late and I decided to text him via LinkedIn and was told that he unfortunately had to reschedule.
Although I had left school early and gotten ready, I realized that I should be flexible and
understand that sometimes issues occur. So we rescheduled for the next day and had an
enlightening hour long conversation.

One skill I still need to work on is to ensure that I keep in touch with possible mentors
and to follow up with references. Mr. Linton had given me 3 contacts but it had slipped my mind
for nearly 3 days and by the time I reached our most of the contacts had not been available. From
this I have learned the importance of punctuality and following up on our commitments. From
this point, I will focus on maintaining professional conduct but also using the information Mr.
Linton had explained how to develop myself better as a young professional.

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