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Trabajo Colaborativo Inglés Aplicado

Técnico en Trabajo Social

Gonzalo Iturrieta Moya

Claudia Mansilla Chávez

Gladis Quezada Mora


English is an universal Language, it´s main characteristic is that it allows us to communicate with
people from other countries in the globalized world where we live.

It allows us to share ideas, experiences and above all to get to know other cultures. As a Social
Workers, it is indisputable that we must have a good level of comprhension in English because we
work directly with social groups and the probability of interacting with people who speak English is
very high. It is a global language and is one of the most used in the world.

In this research work we will know important aspects of the life of two referents of Social Work:
Mary E. Ritchmond and Exequiel Ander- Egg.


The objectives of this work are:

Recognize and identify the most important events in the life of Mary Ritchmond and Ezequiel
Ander- Egg and how they became the most influential persons in Social Work.


1) Why did you choose Her/him

First of all, we chose Mary Ritchmond and Ezequiel Ander- Egg because of the importance they
have in Social Work until today. Every one who has study or will study to become a Social Worker
has to know about them. Mary Ritchmond was the first Social Worker even when there was not a
career to study. And Ezequiel Ander- Egg is the most important latin american writer that we need
to study to understand Social Work.

2) What are the most relevant contributions that they did?

Mary Ritchmond understood that helping people would be a vicious circle of poverty, so she
worked all her life to identify and recognise the full scale of the problem.
Exequiel Ander- Egg is the most important writer in Latin America for Social Work, he investigated
and created tecniques to apply in comunity social work.

3) How is Social Work related to them?

Mary Ritchmond grew up with her aunts and grandmother, the last one a very important feminist,
she was raised listening and discussing about politics, religión, right to vote, because of this she
was a strong and critical woman who profesionalized help others.

Exequiel Ander- Egg is not a Social Worker, he is a sociologyst, but he has studied all his life Social
problems specialy comunity problems.

4) Where did they work?

Mary Ritchmond worked as treasurer for COS (Charity Organisation Society) in New York, Teacher
at Philanthropy School in New York.

Exequiel Ander- Egg, worked as United Nations consultant, teacher and writer.

5) When did they start to work in the social área?

Mary Ritchmond starts working in social work when she was 28 years old in 1889 and Exequiel
started writing for Social Workers in 1965 when he was 35 years old.
Name Last name Country Nationality Birthda Job/ Educatio Died
y occupation n
Mary Ritchmon United American August, Social Worker - Septembe
Ellen d States of 5th. r,
America 1861 12th,1928
Exequie Ander- Argentin Argentinia April, Writer- United PhD in -
l Egg a n 6th,193 Nations Political
0 consultant Sciences


Social work is a practice-based profession that promotes development, change and social
cohesion, directly involving people and organizations in order to enhance their well-being and
improve their quality of life. Therefore, social equity, human rights, collective responsibility and
respect for plurality are essential for the development of this important social science.

This work allowed the identification of the most relevant contributions made by two prestigious
and recognized figures of Social Work, influences that served as a basis for forming the theory,
methodology and intervention models. We can conclude that Mary Richmond was the woman
who formalized the techniques, contents, system and theory of social work, revolutionizing the
way that existed until then to help the neediest people, transforming this support into a
profession. On the other hand, Ezequiel Ander Egg, throughout his career, has played an important
role in the research and creation of social development techniques, which have been
indispensable for the growth and progress of the profession of Social Work, both in its technical
and practical foundations.

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