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Gibson believes there is optimism in the title of the movie: "When the history of one civilisation ends, the history of another
begins." The Greek verb "apocalypto" has a range of connotations in English, from which Gibson chose to "present a fresh beginning."
True, the Europeans destroyed the Mayans in the same way they destroyed the woodland Indians while building this new civilization.

According to the social contract theory, everyone in a society must abide by a set of moral and political principles before they
may coexist. Some people think that if we follow the social compact, we can live morally out of our own free will rather than because
a higher power commands us to. The film portrays all classes of Maya society, from slaves and builders to warriors, priests and rulers

The fact that Western nations are more liberal than Eastern nations is one of the main distinctions between western and eastern
civilizations. Western culture encourages people to be more critical and open-minded. They talk about topics that are taboo in eastern
cultures, and they are free to express their feelings, even rage, if they feel it is appropriate. Eastern civilizations wouldn't tolerate this
kind of conduct. Instead of acting aggressively, people prefer to address challenging situations with grace and tact. Another difference
between eastern and western cultures is that people from the West have more freedom and flexibility to make decisions on their own,
as opposed to people from the East, where families tend to make decisions more jointly. Thirdly, since love is regarded as the only
method that people get into marriage, arranged marriages are not a prominent aspect of western societies. Various critics contend that
there is insufficient affinity between eastern and western civilizations to allow for the eventual emergence of shared traits. Some
aspects of eastern civilizations, such Islam, Hinduism, Shennism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Taoism, are very distinct from western
cultures. Eastern cultures have quite diverse attire and practices, such as Indians rubbing the feet of elders or parents to show respect.
East Asians bow down to greet guests, express gratitude, and offer their sincere apologies.

Eastern cultures, regardless how they may truly feel, find it difficult to question ideology and beliefs. Contrarily, most people
can abandon their religion without anyone noticing. Comparing western and eastern cultures reveals that western education
emphasizes innovation and gives students the freedom to reach their full potential. Achievement in Eastern education is correlated
with adversity and diligence. This suggests that if you work hard enough, you can do anything. Because they put forth more effort than
western children, students from eastern cultures frequently achieve academic success in western educational settings. Western culture
encourages students to actively engage in discussions and pose questions. Eastern societies, where what the instructor says is always
correct, do not hold this view as strongly. Western cultures go above and beyond to integrate kids who are labeled as having special
needs. Together with other pupils, they sit in classrooms. In eastern cultures, where children with exceptional needs are taught
separately, this doesn't happen very often.

The concentration of the globalization notion around the west and its civilisation, where historical Western-Eastern ties have
demonstrated that the western mindset is characterized by a predisposition toward self-centeredness, poses a clear threat to Arab
thought. The concept of globalization that the West is still on the "destructive" approach to other cultures and did not change the
patterns of behavior towards the Eastern peoples is also referred to as the past. There are now clear calls in the West for the destruction
of global culture and the establishment of Western civilization as the one and only civilization in the world. The associated calls are
not appropriate for the establishment of an equal relationship between the West and the East, leading to the triumph of Western
civilization over other civilizations, the eradication of national and regional cultures, and a general subordination to the Western model
in terms of culture and economy. These various calls also raise concerns of the Arab Thought toward globalization. The globalization
of the world has the Arab world perplexed. It is a worldwide issue that connects the nation to a single global system. A relationship
like this risks becoming wholly subordinate to the Western system, which governs globalization and is the driving force behind the
new international order, if it is not appropriately characterized.

In reality, the majority of Arab nations lack the qualifications to participate in globalization, and since they are compelled to do
so, they risk losing their economic independence and turning into superpower dependent states that are unable to share in the benefits
of the new world order on an equal footing with Western nations. As a result, globalization is no longer the economic invasion of the
world spearheaded by the West by a pure USA-, which signifies the victory of the Americans. Ways Arab nations might combat the
drawbacks of globalization. This calls for a fundamental overhaul of the existing Arab system based on a sincere, unfeigned
commitment from the Arab states to build new foundations based on their solidarity and cooperation in order to advance their shared
interests and work to outweigh their immediate interests for the good of the entire Arab world. The majority of States may easily agree
on a shared endeavor, collaborate, and give financing to defeat a threat, as experience has repeatedly shown. This makes it more
difficult and in line with the global trends brought about by globalization, which are safer, more prosperous, less needy, and violent. It
also creates a firm foundation for a system that balances the interests of all and maintains economic and political stability in all of its
rich and poor countries alike. Arab countries must embrace a new strategy based on better planning to fight globalization and alleviate
poverty, disparity, and insecurity.

In order to achieve integrated human development, they should also establish a dialogue between the scientific and
technological civilizations of the Arab world and other civilizations, particularly the developed Western world. This dialogue should
preserve the cultural distinctiveness of the Arab world while also remaining open to modern science and technology and maintaining
regional, local, and Arab privacy. By reverting to the brutal history of capitalism, globalization creates for us an image of the future
through contemporary liberal policies. Therefore, it is not entirely accurate to claim that the effects of globalization have resulted in
the fusion of various national and regional economies into a single global economy after the world became a single market. National
and regional economies will play a major role in preventing the spread of economic freedom and removing obstacles to the trade of
goods and services as well as foreign investment in the context of a large and intensely competitive global market.

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