B1 - Part B Writing Test 2019

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B1 – Part B

Writing Test

Write an email to your friend about an experience and conversation you had recently

Tell your friend about a situation that happened to you that included a conversation with
someone. Explain the context, what happened, what was said between those involved, and your
reaction to the situation.

Remember to use:
● Appropriate vocabulary to write an email or letter
● Present continuous and present simple
● Past simple
● Reporting verbs like: said, told, complained, promised, explained…

Example: Last week I ran into our old classmate, Sara, at the mall. It had been years since
we’d seen each other and she asked if I wanted to grab a coffee with her and catch up a little.
You’ll never believe what she told me! Etc…

IMPORTANT: You may not use an online translator or dictionary for any part of the exam.
The written response must reflect your own work and knowledge of English. Any response
that shows signs of the use of online translators will not be accepted for completion of the
semester. Check spelling and grammar before you send it to your tutor.


Task achievement: Does the content match the task specifications? 4 marks

Does the range, complexity, accuracy, and use of

grammar reflect what was learned in class? 4 marks

Does the range, accuracy, and use of vocabulary

reflect what was learned in class? 4 marks

Is the response organized in the form of a

Style and layout: paragraph? Did the student write between 6 and
8 sentences? 3 marks

Overall and effect on reader: Is it coherent and communicative? 5 marks

Total: ____/20

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