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6.2 Present perfect simple and past simple 1 Present perfect R62) 1 thave travelled around the word 2. Ho hasnt met cur cousins 3. Mave you talked tomy brotter? ® esi have ‘We make the present perfec simple with the auxliary have and the past participle ofthe verb. 2 Past simple 6R6.2') commen 1 Lravelled around Asia ve years ago, 2. He didn’t meet our cousins in 2011, 3. A Did you talk to my brother? 8 Yes ai. * We use the present perfect simple to tak about an action or situation in the past wien we don’t know the exact time ort {sn important, We use the pest simple to tek about aspeciic time in the past. ‘have invited our inlaws for der. wrote tothe Admissions office yestertay. ‘+ We often use ever and never withthe present perfect simple When we tak about experiences. We put them between the ualiary an the past participle. Ever in questions) means ‘at ‘sometime in your lif. Never means ‘at no time upto now Hove you ever been to india? No, ve never been there We don't use not ad never together Ihave never heen to Turkey NOT Hever neverbeente Turkey + We often use the present perfect simple to starta conversation about our experiences. I we want to ask about or give more etals, we use the past simple. Have you ever visited your cousins in Canada? Yes, we went ther ast year Present perfect simple with just, already and yet + Weuse just for sometning which nappened very recently ‘We put itbetween haverias andthe past particle ‘ve just got here. * Weuse already or something which happened before now and ‘earlier than expected, We usually put itbefore the main verb. Winter nas already arrived in Albertat + Weuse yt in negative sentences and questions, for something ve expected to happen before now or that we plan to do but hhaver’t up to now. We put it atthe end ofthe sentence. Have you seen any good matches yet? Write the past participles of these verbs. 1 keep keg 5 leave 9 read 2 know 6 take 10 pur 5 make 7 think 11 buy 4 go(+ return) 8 write 12 give Complete the sentences with the present perfect or past simple form ofthe verb in brackets. 1 Have you ever been (you ever/go to Julia's house? Yes, net. (go) there lst year. 2 We (visi) Croatia in une, hhave) a holiday there? 3 The Jones family {never/buy) a computer. 4 (you and your wifefeat) in Da Vine's restaurant before? Yes, (vou/ever/ 5 There (never/be) a dociorin this English class. 6 (you/ever read) 19847 No, but|___(see) the film two years ago. Write the sentences inthe present perfect, Use the word in brackets 1 about 30% / of students /in my class / apply fora job (already) About 30% of students in my class have already sarlied far a ja. 2 you /eheck / your emails #(yet) 3. Helen/ play /computer games online (never) 4 we start using / Twitter (just) 5 I/see/ the news today (already) 5 Adam /update /his blog (ius) 7 we/ notgot /an email from the hotel (yet) 4 |

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