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(461 Norwegians, 411 Danes, 98 Swedes); (1910, L. S.


from the foreign fats are practically both insoluble and

engines, assistant master mechanic, assistant engineer of

colonies. Plantations have been established in Angola,

period of years. If we date its rise from the 4th century

collection formed by a person stationed behind the tapestry in

the appointments of flag officers, captains and other officers

Avenue Presbyterian church in New York City. He wrote numerous

falling into the hands of the contending factions of Castro

about 40 ft. square in a wall about 10 ft. thick. An outer

when some French working men, all ``mutualists,'' meeting in

therefore does not begin to read from zero current, but from

action. The term ``alloy'' does not necessarily imply

nitrate of potash also, and it is significant that the high

F.M. Field Marshal.

bucolic mime, developed into the only pure stream of genial

more than a modification of Alison's theory. Philosophical

(Berlin, 1898), by his widow. This is valuable by reason

over, and a penny stamp if less than L. 5. (See COMPANY.)

torrent, that carries off the grassy slopes and devastates

and at long range in certain states of the atmosphere, the

on compromise; enlargement of the aperture results in

into his hands larger opportunity, he did not succeed so well

showed clearly when he attended the council of Basel as

on occasion he displayed great splendour and lived in a fine

Additions to topographical knowledge were made from about

fewer than a hundred separate articles. It established

often only by their matted neiwork prevent the fall of the trees.

flood, 1879, and the other in a year of disastrous drought,

the results of abdominal surgery is due to the improved

of the tapestries at Versailles. Louvois, who succeeded

new-born public spirit, anxious to assist it in any work of

some amount of control, as the custom has now died out in the

western edge of the Albanus Lacus, about 12 m. S.E. of

decision on the merits and without the assent of the prosecutor.

Ampezzo Pass (Toblach to Cortina and Belluno), carriage path . . . . . . .5,066

importance. Farragut from New Orleans, and the gunboat flotilla

treaty with ``Umoru, King of the Mussulmans of the Sudan and

rests) in section, showing coelomic space beneath the black

is lacking any biological evidence of Caucasoid or Negroid

1902, pp. 1 ff. (contains grammar and vocabulary, with

water-works, the water-supply being obtained from artesian

10 Returns for only ten months were available for this year.

as a volunteer throughout the campaign of 1848, being present

d'Agenois, ed. by A.-G. de Dampierre (1888); A. Ducom, La

work so well that the Omayyads lasted in Spain for two centuries


teachers of anatomy in Europe, his class-room being resorted

1894); Kaerst, Ferechungen zur Gesch. Alex. d. Grossen

bullet occurred in 1883, when Major Rubin, director of the

know, admiralty jurisdiction in civil matters was first

(@) for the combination of the two in one syllable. This

the La Valliere MS. (No. 25,566) in the Bibliotheque

during a malady with which she was afflicted, he one day wrote

the Roman people, who out of gratitude instituted in her honour

Aesthetic inductions.

coincident with his ordination as associate pastor came

and Cambridge University. Entering the Indian education

consequence of a change of wind he was forced to descend

contributed about three-fourths, Belgium taking more than half

Up tp 1896 store cattle were admitted into the United

Year. Temporary (i.e. (i.e. not broken up Total.

1896. Amongst its chief recommendations were those relating

an assassin, while returning from a mission to the Deccan in

exhausted it, and renders them less vigorous and more liable to

chemical preservatives are almost constant ingredients of

C. H. Weisse and J. K. F. Rosenkranz. The most important

with the continually increasing sale of articles put up in

when the gun is fired. For this purpose the charges in such

Agathokles (1887); Grote, History of Greece, ch. 97; also

ft. From the middle of the Alexander Range another range

the creation of Alexandria. The Heptastadium, however, and

Col de la Forclaz (Chamonix to St Gervais), bridle path. . . . . . . . . .5,105

characteristic of the general spirit of the times. The

foundling, having been exposed near the church of St Jean le

preliminaire on the rise, progress and affinities of the

state leading in the production of the former and the South

in a work which does not correspond to the normal type


5 to 50 '' 235,481 45.28 232,470 45.44

The chief object of interest is the darga, or tomb of a

few actual prehistoric remains were known in the Mediterranean

coating metal cooking pots, contain lead, which they yield

leaves with broad sheathing stalks, and broad, cut or lobed

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