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the police to forbid all advertisement hoardings, &c.

, which

precocious lad, and before he was ten had written several

The first projectiles fired from cannon were the darts and

some 1300 steamers with a tonnage of 2 1/2 million tons. The

as Apollyon (q.v.), the ``destroyer.', W. Baudissin

Fire-bringer (Purforos) to be the final play, conjecture

of acid and local action) is a measure of the energy lost

frequent. She conceived herself to be specially favoured by

(considering its northerly situation) led to the erection of

as the introouction of alum into bread and the colouring of

the essential gains of the Revolution. To his protection it

Scotland, and became minister of Paisley. In 1575 he was

to India were valued at 330,000 Rx, and the exports from India

at 12 lakhs of rupees (L. 80,000) per annum, but in 1893, in

of Taveta in the Kilimanjaro district, and had transferred

Gulf, on the E. and S. by Mt. Thyamus and the Acholous.

AARAU, the capital of the Swiss canton of Aargau. In 1900

was induced to befriend it by resolutions which were passed

(Murray, Osireion.) The temple was originally 550 ft. long,

divine honours is fabulous (Historische Zeitschr. lxxix.,

inscription Carlo Magno; and above it hangs the famous bronze

first imagining the method rightfully belongs, for probably

study of man, the sources of ridicule, the operations of the

when the Romans traversed them in order to conquer the world

born at Compiegne in 1350 of a bourgeois family, and

of a noble family at the castle of Arbent near Bugey about the

Poschiavo, while in 1762 it had bought the upper bit of the

physiology, surgery, medicine and pathology intelligible;

peru of violent death. The misery of those years was not,

a thermal station, and the springs were used by the Romans.

camera, &c.), they cause a confusion, named chromatic

hardness. The modern alabaster is so soft as to be readily

and maturity, during which the characteristics--mental,

years later she raised 11 1/2 million bushels; and fifty years

in the 4th century, was both a symptom of disease in the

points of their spears, exclaimed that ``the matter ought to

by multiplying the normal e by the cosine and sine of the

376 and 111, had practically ceased to exist. The Campanian

by the occupation of Gomba and Illo higher up the river. In

he had passed a twelvemonth at the academy, he went on a

On the one hand he was exposed to numberless humiliations on

The First Afghan War, 1838-42.---In 1809, in consequence

with. Strata of Upper Cretaceous age occur in Pondoland and

shall be construed as applying only when said products are

in E. Africa; Dwyka }

nothing. The refusal of Aegina was veiled under the diplomatic

supreme value of the navy for national and imperial welfare.

better remains still of streets and canals were exposed in

of Plato had been changed into an ethical syncretism which

apparently suspended whenever her confessor was absent. She

ADAMS, HENRY CARTER (1852-- ), American economist,

which it is fitted to affect us in a certain desirable way,

but still unavailingly. (See SEAL FIsheries and BERINO SEA

side of this, by means of carbon dioxide, into a mixture

and explorer, was born at Burgos in 1597. He was admitted

to the complete conquest of that section. Success there would

an extreme height of about 12,000 ft. in the south-west

himself by his piety and the austerity of his life. In 984 he

known as a lecturer and writer on social problems and published

``Destiny,'' or the eight-line poem ``Identity,'' which did

and in 1906, 18,718,578. The average farm price of horses

some time a difference of principle, as to the church's right

in the province of Caserta, 9 m. N.E. from Naples by

the explanation, ``in so far as this interpretation is not

had existed with honour for more than nine years. The present

derived from these rocks. Some of the finest are found in the

by Mrs Hannah Webster Foster in The Coquette (1797) and by

increases the capacity and life by strengthening the mass

professor of copper engraving in the Munich academy. The works

of communication (which vary according to the length of

with Savonarola is narrated under the latter heading; it is

or two on philology and jurisprudence, and the choicest Arabian

boiling down to dryness yields a very white, but low-strength

on Materia Medica were published posthumously in 1770.

of English descant from one of initial to one of final beat.

of light portable engines (a) using solid fuel, (b)

Under the article ``To falowe,'' he observes, ``the greater

unkind. He bids them raise themselves in the scale of being

the third time that such default shall be found, he shall be

occasionally by cool breezes from the Hindu Kush, and the

resisted him, and treating them as ager publicus, assign

Although the term ``algebra'' is now in universal use, various

Lord Granville's ill-fated treaty brought this sentiment

ADAM, SIR FREDERICK (1781--1853), British general, was the

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