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Sentence structure

Exercise 1

The basic sentence

I. Divide each sentence into three parts: Subject, Verb and Complement. (The first one has
been done for you.)

1. Friendships / are / important. This article / explains / the importance of friendship.

2. A number of factors related to the voice reveal the personality of the speaker.

3. Stress can cause high blood pressure.

4. Rest can be achieved by a brief period of lying or even sitting down.

5. A number of curious experiences occur at the onset of sleep.

6. A person's tone may indicate unsureness or fright, confidence or calm.

7. The least controversial purpose for schooling is to prepare students for economic productivity.

8. American men usually shake hands with the right hand.

9. Periods of silence make many people uncomfortable.

10. Different cultures have different ways of greeting people.

11. Shopaholics spend hours and hours shopping on the internet or at the mall.

12. Shopping addiction is a way of relieving stress.

13. Children mimic what they see.

14. Children who don't have friends may develop emotional problems.

15. Six out of ten people said that they seldom pay attention to the TV.

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