Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

This chapter deals with the presentation, analysis, and interpretation of data. These data

were gathered from the stylistic literary analysis conducted by the researcher in the most- read

cyber literature short stories published in multiple online reading platforms.

Cyber literature provides convenience, changing-habit, global perspective in reading

literature since the birth of the internet. (Rahaman, 2017). It refers to the written literary texts

distributed on electronics screens that is more flexible and mobile. These literary texts exist in

cyber space through hypertexts written in digital device like computers, tablets, and mobile


Stylistics analysis was utilized to describe the different literary features used in the most

read cyber literature short stories. The researcher of the study looked and analyzed the presence

of allusion, analogy, characterization, climax, conflict, dialogue, metaphor, mood, paradox,

parody, plot, point of view, simile, symbolisms, theme, tone, and understatement.

The Features of Cyber Literature Short Stories

His Blonde Little Secret by Sakz15 Hussain


Bella Winters is seventeen years old with little confidence and controlled daily by her

anxiety. Bella wants to remain hidden in school but ends up gaining the attention from the

school's popular bully, and the school's heart throb, Brody Baxter.

The story revolves about young people who struggle to be accepted by the society, peers,

family, and the community where they belong. The main character of the story, in the name of
Bella Winters is a teenager who is not classified as a beautiful as well as popular as Beatrice is.

Bella is just an ordinary schoolgirl with an ordinary look who wants to establish herself but

because of her fears and apprehensions come her way. She has a brother named Jed who maybe a

nagger but eventually his concerns and love for the main character Bella are felt with his words

and actions in the story. At Present, the circumstance of bullying is well-known and is the core of

the story. The bullying tactics expressed and done by Beatrice and her friends is something that

Bella took seriously to change herself, at least physically but is also a circumstance. One incident

to show how Beatrice bullied Bella is when the main character’s morale seems to be destroyed in

one of their classroom performances then Beatrice mimicked Bella’s failure while having her

treadmill exercise in the gym.

The Features of Cyber Literature of His Blonde little Secret

The following literary features of His Blonde Little Secret were determined based on the

literary stylistics analysis conducted. The researcher’s ability to remember ideas and information

that are directly stated in the material helped him analyzed literal and obvious features of the

short story. He also extracted ideas and information not directly stated in the material through

contextual clues and semantics.

After reading the entire short story, the proponent of the study analyzed the specimen

with thorough and in-depth stylistics analysis.

Table 1 shows the literary features present in the specimen His Little Blonde Secret

which has accounted twenty-four million and two hundred thousand reads in Wattpad alone

making it number 3 in the list of most read short stories and top most-read in other online reading

platforms. This very popular English written story of Zakz15 has been uploaded to several other
cyber literature platforms like webNovel, Wattpad, BabelNovel, Amazon, kindle, sofaVel and


Features of His Blonde Little Secret

Device Definition Features
No presentation of such in the
allusion A reference to a well-known person, story.
place, event, literary work, or work of art.

analogy An analogy compares two different Bella and Beatrice are both same
things to point out how they are similar. level: students, young ladies, but
they are different on their personal
perspectives and stance as a
Bella – from an inferior feeling
character A dynamic character is a character that type to a person who finally realizes
is changed by events or interactions with her capabilities.
others. Jedd – from start to end; he’s been
the supportive brother though at
A static character is a character that times a nagger.
stays essentially the same.
The climax in a story or play is the high The turning point is when Bella
point of interest or suspense in a literary was bullied by Beatrice and her
work. In some works of literature, the friends in an ice cream parlor.
climax is the turning point.
A conflict is a struggle between opposing From the beginning, the reader
forces. Sometimes the struggle is could automatically sense the
internal, or inside a character, as when a tension between Bella and Beatrice.
character strives to meet a self-imposed This shows dearly the always
challenge (man versus himself). At other prevailing scenes of a bully and the
times the struggle is external and bullied.
involves a force outside the character.
This force may be another character, the
antagonist; a force of nature; or a social
convention or custom.
A dialogue is a conversation between The story’s entirety was composed
characters. Writers use dialogue to reveal of dialogues, thrown by and with
character, to present events, to add different characters in the story.
variety to a narrative, and to interest
Flashback Interruption of present action to insert an No presentation of such in the
episode that took place at an earlier time story.
for the purpose of giving the reader
information to make the present situation
understandable or account for a
character’s current motivation.
Foreshadowing A device that provides clues to alert the The main character’s constant
reader about events that will occur later daydreaming of becoming
in the narrative. It serves to build like Beatrice, a beautiful and
purpose. popular girl in the school.
Hyperbole Obvious and extravagant exaggeration None that I could say.
not meant to be taken literally.
Imagery Imagery is the descriptive language used Of how the author described each
in literature to re-create sensory of the characters in terms of their
experiences. The images in a work persona.
supply details of sight, sound, taste, Bella being big in physique.
touch, smell, or movement and help the
reader to sense the experience being Jedd being a loving brother by his
described. actuations.
Beatrice being a constant bully not
truly minding hurting other people.
Irony Irony is the general name given to literary techniques that involve
surprising, interesting, or amusing contradictions. There are three
main literary forms of irony:

Verbal: Saying one thing and Bella always assures Jedd that
meaning another. she’s okay but she’s definitely
Climatic Situation: Events turn out Bella should have retaliated
opposite to what is expected to happen or against Beatrice in the in the ice
what seems appropriate under the cream parlor knowing that Jedd
circumstances. is with her to protect her.
Dramatic: The reader perceives None that I could mention.
something that the characters in the story
don’t see or know.
Metaphor A metaphor is a figure of speech in which Bella’s constant thought to be
one thing is spoken of as though it were somebody else just to be
something else. It does not use like or as in confidently stable and at peace
the comparison. with her self.
Mood Mood, or atmosphere, is the feeling created The Mood of the Struggle – the
in the reader by a literary work or passage. main character’s aim to fit, to be
The mood may be suggested by the confident, to lessen her fear, to be
writer’s choice of words, by events in the accepted by peers.
work, or by the physical setting.
Paradox A statement that reveals a kind of The way Bella acted the entire
unlikely truth although it seems at first to time in the story, she’s trying to
be self- contradictory and untrue. promote herself in a way she’s
Parody A parody is an imitation of another work None that I could mention.
that exaggerates or distorts features of the
work to make fun of it or simply to amuse
Plot The sequence of events in a literary work.

point-of-view The perspective from which the story is seen and told; three principal vantage
points are most commonly employed.

Omniscient: All-knowing -the ability to None that I could mention.

see into minds and record thoughts of
characters and make comments about
either one or several of them so that the
reader may come to know more of their
situation that does any single character in
Limited or Objective Third Person: Bella – the main character
Here, the central observer of the story
limits interpretation to what is seen or
heard without additional comment about
the character motive or thoughts.
Limited First Person: The view and None that I could mention.
thoughts are solely through one character
telling the story, (I). This view can only
reveal what the character sees and is told
by others.
Satire Satire is a type of writing that ridicules
or criticizes the faults of individuals or None that I could mention.
groups. The satirist may use a tolerant,
sympathetic tone or an angry, bitter tone.
Although a satire may be humorous, its
purpose is not simply to make readers
laugh but to correct, through laughter, the
flaws and shortcomings it points out.
Simile Explicit comparison from one unlike thing Bella wanting to be like Beatrice;
to another that shares some common the main character aims to be
recognizable similarity; this device uses comfortably accepted by other
“like,” “as,” “such as,” and “than” to set people. Simile is evident
them off. whenever she compares herself
to the antagonist.
Symbol Any person, object, or action that has The Gym- It symbolizes Bella’s
stands for or represents something else. determination to change.
Toffee Flavored Ice Cream-
represents the comfort of being
true to herself.
Converse shoes- signals comfort
and simplicity for Bella.
Theme The underlying meaning of a literary
work, a particular truth about life or
Every man’s life is full of
humanity, which the author is trying to
struggle. What makes it different
make the reader see. Plot is a pattern or
is how one takes it and manage
events or what happens -- theme is the
to pass thru it.
meaning, what it’s about.
Make your weakness as your
The tone of a literary work is the writer’s The story is very light in essence.
attitude toward the readers and toward A typical youth short story, set in
the subject. A writer’s tone may be academic world where bullies and
formal or informal, friendly, or distant, bullied are present.
personal or impersonal.
Understatement Understatement means saying less than is Bella’s constant promotion of
meant, generally in an ironic way. herself as okay but deep
inside she has many fears and
Table 1


A reference to a well-known person, place, event, literary work, or work of art. In the

Specimen his Blonde Little Secret, no allusion was used by the author. He did not use any form

of referencing in any part of the short story.

An analogy compares two different things to point out how they are similar. It makes a

relationship in light of equals or associations between two thoughts. By laying out this

relationship, the groundbreaking thought is presented through a recognizable correlation,

consequently making the new idea simpler to get a handle on. In the specimen His Blonde Little

Secret, the protagonist Bella and the antagonist Beatrice are both in the same level, both are

students; they are both young ladies, but they are different on their personal perspectives and

stance as a teenager.

The author of the short story was successful in showing analogy between the characters.

Both Bella and Beatrice belong to the same age group, environment, and circle of people around

them. The balance of having Bella as a timid, introvert and unpopular parallel to the extrovert,

aggressive and the popularity as traits of Beatrice. Using this an analogy makes the short story

interesting; two opposing characters and their different personal views and stance struggling in

the same phase of their lives.


Characterization is the demonstration of making and depicting characters in writing. It

incorporates the two depictions of a person's actual qualities as well as the person's character.

The way that characters act, think, and talk likewise adds to their characterization.

In the specimen His Blonde Little Secret, the author used Direct characterization,

famously known as explicit characterization. The author directly describing to the readers what a

character is like. The author used physical description. Character's physical look is illustrated in

words to describe him/her. Here are some lines that the author used to describe the characters in

the short story. Here are some lines that describe characters’ physical attributes:
“She is into dresses, I prefer hoodies.”

“She’s into long hair extensions and I religiously wear my hear in ponytail.”

“She’s into perfect make up, I like the natural look.”

“Beatrice Walden has had everything she’s ever wanted since she could talk. She’s

popular, beautiful, and a Class A bitch.”

The author also directly described the actions, attitudes, and behaviors of every character.

He was able to establish whether a character is a good person or a bad person through the actions

done by every character.

“Don’t stress about it, Bells. You always ace your exams.” This line is from Bella’s

brother, Jedd. It is his way to boost the confidence of her sister Bella. Establishing that Jedd is a

character that supports Bella, the main character.

“Hello? I’m talking to you. What are you? Mute?” This is a line from Beatrice showing

off her power over Bella. This line establishing Beatrice as the antagonist towards the lead

character, Bella.

The story is also full of inner thoughts of Bella winters revealing her identity and

perspectives on every event that has a direct effect on her. She talked about their personalities

and feelings in her own mind, which often helps the readers understand the character's actions.

“My biggest fear is being unable to breathe in the crowd. The feeling of my throat

tightening until my lungs feel like they’re on fire is terrifying.”

“Since Dad is always busy, Jedd takes over the role of bringing me to my favorite ice

cream shop.”
In the specimen, reactions of every character take effect on other characters or what the

other characters say and feel about this character. Through this, the readers learn about the

relationships among the characters. This kind of portrayal of the character showcases how the

other characters feel. This helps the reader have a better understanding of all the characters.

“I nod numbly, feeling my embarrassment arise.”

“The guy notices me looking and burst out laughing, nudging curled up in smirk.”

Characters’ speech provide a good deal of insight for the readers. The character might

speak in a shy, quiet manner or in a nervous manner. The character might speak intelligently or

in a rude manner.

“We have named this scene. . . Mute at the Gym.” Beatrice referring to Bella. She said

this rude line to bully and intimidate Bella winters.

In the Short story, the character is more fascinating than society. The specimen captivated

with how the Bella Winters changed to the impacting scene, and how her characters has evolved.

Now and again, the character won over her limits. Generally, the author highlighted characters

who just kept their heads above water. The writer introduced the world or society as a test to the

trustworthiness of their characters.

A dynamic character is a character that is changed by events or interactions with others.

From the short story, Bella Winters changed from an inferior feeling type to a person who finally

realizes her capabilities. On the other hand, a static character is a character that stays essentially
the same. Jedd the brother of Bella, from start to end; he’s been the supportive brother though at

times a nagger.


The climax in a story or play is the high point of interest or suspense in a literary work. In

some works of literature, the climax is the turning point. It is important to a story since it denotes

the transition away from action. In doing as such, Climax permits a story to have an exciting part

that adds energy and a reason toward feel invested into the story.

Since climax is so fundamental for a story, it ought to be utilized across genres any time

there is a requirement for energy and deeper meaning. As far as plot structure, climax ought to

happen when it is the ideal opportunity for the rising action to peak. Whenever activity has

crested and the significant struggle is uncovered, readers can plan for the resolution of the


In the specimen entitled His Blonde Little Secret, the turning point is when Bella was

bullied by Beatrice and her friends in an ice cream parlor.


A conflict is a struggle between opposing forces. Sometimes the struggle is internal, or

inside a character, as when a character strives to meet a self-imposed challenge (man versus

himself). At other times the struggle is external and involves a force outside the character. This

force may be another character, the antagonist; a force of nature; or a social convention or

In the in-depth analyses done, it shows that from the beginning, the reader could

automatically sense the tension between Bella and Beatrice. This shows clearly the always

prevailing scenes of a bully and the bullied. The short story used a man vs man type of conflict.

It is the most familiar type of conflict; it is situating your protagonist’s objective in opposition to

another character’s point of view or goals. In this specimen, Bella as the protagonist situated

herself in opposition to Beatrice’s objectives. Beatrice who actively wants to prevent Bella from

succeeding. She is a well-meaning character who has a different point of view and enough

privileges to get in the way of Bella.

Another conflict in the short story is the prevalence of Bella’s Anxiety and insecurities

toward herself. Man versus self was observed in the specimen, Bella Winters had inner conflict,

she had insecurities and anxiety in living in a community because of her looks and points of view

in life, she eventually succeeded this conflict as she tried to make herself improved physically.

There were times when her own decisions get in the way of reaching her goals. 


A dialogue is a conversation between characters. Writers use dialogue to reveal character,

to present events, to add variety to a narrative, and to interest readers. A dialogue is a literary

style in which authors utilize two or more characters to be involved in discussion with one

another. In literature, it is a spoken passage, or a verbal or written exchange of conversation in a

group, or between two people pointed towards a particular topic.

The short story, His Blonde Little Secret’s entirety was composed of dialogues, thrown

by and with different characters in the story.  The author used most of the lines in dialogue that is

spoken aloud in a narrative, though there are exemption in words of inner dialogue. The author

used of quotation marks to indicate spoken words and dialogue labels words such as

“mentioned”, “asked,” and “said” that indicated which character in the short story is speaking.

Through this, the proponent of the study was able to understand which words are spoken and by

which characters. Moreover, dialogue is used in the short story to convey the thoughts and

behaviors of characters in adding to making dramatic conflict that pushes the plot all along.


Flashback is the disruption of present action to insert an incident that took place at a

previous time for the intent of giving the reader information to make the present situation

understandable or account for a character’s current purpose.

Based on the analyses, the short story did not have any interference of present activity to

embed an episode that occurred at a previous time to give the readers relevant information to

make what is happening reasonable or represent a person's ongoing inspiration.


A device that provides clues to alert the reader about events that will occur later in the

narrative. It serves to build purpose. Usually, it is used to give a sign, hint or clue of what is to

come later in the story. Foreshadowing is helpful for making tension, a sensation of disquiet, a

feeling of interest, or an imprint that things may not be as they appear. In the meaning of

foreshadowing, "hint" is vital. Foreshadowing doesn't be guaranteed to mean expressly

uncovering what will happen later in your story. Truth be told, when it is utilized actually,
numerous readers may not actually understand the meaning of a creator's foretelling for the rest

of the story.

In the short story being analyzed, the main character of the story, Bella Winter’s constant

daydreaming of becoming like Beatrice, the antagonist, the beautiful and popular girl in school

would later be a hint that towards the end of the story, Bella will attain this dreamed beauty and



Obvious and excessive exaggeration not meant to be taken literally.

It is a poetic overstatement metaphor and a literary device that makes increased impact

through intentional embellishment. It is in many times a strikingly exaggerated or misrepresented

guarantee or explanation that adds accentuation without the goal of being in a real sense valid. In

manner of speaking and writing, hyperbole is frequently utilized for serious, comic, or amusing


No hyperbole was used in the short story of Zakz Hussain, His Little blonde Secret to

increase the effect through purposeful exaggeration. There was no strikingly exaggerated or

misrepresented line to increase the impact of a scene or event in the short story.


Imagery is the descriptive language used in literature to re-create sensory experiences.

The images in a work supply detail of sight, sound, taste, touch, smell, or movement and help the

reader to sense the experience being described.

In the short story, the author was able to describe the characters in terms of their persona.

The way the authors describes them makes the reader imagine the physical appearance of every

character, of every scene, and of everything mentioned. The supplication of detailed adjective on

sight, sound, smell, or movements gives the readers experience being described by the author.


Irony involves surprising, interesting and amusing contradictions. In the conducted

analysis, verbal irony was found to be present; Bella the main character always assures Jedd, her

brother, that she’s doing fine but in reality, she is definitely not.

On the other hand, climatic situations were also found; Bella should have retaliated

against Beatrice in the ice cream parlor knowing Jedd is with her to protect her.

Dramatic irony is not evident. There is no information that is not known for all the

characters in the short story.


Bella’s constant thought to be somebody else just to be confidently stable and at peace

with herself.

The atmosphere that the story created is the mood of struggle. The main character’s aim

to be confident, to lessen her fear, to be accepted by peers. It is evident in the writer’s choice of

events in the short story, words used and the description of the physical setting.


In the short story, Bella acted the entire time trying to promote herself in a way she is not.

Her statements reveal a kind of unlikely truth although it seems at self-contradictory and not true.


Parody is not evident. There is no limitation of another work that exaggerates or distorts

features of the work to make fun of it or simply to amuse readers.


Point of View

Limited or objective 3rd person

Bella – is the central observer of the story interpretation to what is seen or heard

without additional comment about the character’s motive or thoughts.


No satire was observed.


Explicit comparisons of Bella and Beatrice were seen, they share common similarity to

be comfortably accepted by other people.


Refers to any object, action or person that represents or stands for something else.

In the short story, the gym symbolizes Bella’s great admiration for a beautiful face and

body and her determination to change.

Toffee flavored ice cream signifies comfort for Jedd and Bella.

Converse shoes signals comfort and simplicity for Bella.


The underlying meaning of His Blonde Little Secret focuses on the struggle of man and

what makes it different is how one takes it and manage to pass through it.



The writer’s attitude towards His Blond Little Secret and its readers is light in essence. It

is a typical teen story set in an academic world where bullies and bullied are present.

Bella’s constant promotion of herself as fine but deep inside she has many fears and


The Literary Features of the Cyber Literature Montello High: School of Gangsters

The following literary features of Montello High: School of Gangsters were determined based on

the literary stylistics analysis conducted. The researcher’s ability to remember ideas and

information that are directly stated in the material helped him analyzed literal and obvious

features of the short story. He also extracted ideas and information not directly stated in the

material through contextual clues and semantics.

After reading the entire short story, the proponent of the study analyzed the specimen with

thorough and in-depth stylistics analysis.

Table 2 shows the literary features present in the specimen Montello High: School of Gangsters.

The said specimen garnered as the Filipino Readers' Choice Awards in 2015 that paved more

way to its popularity. As of today, it has reached eighty-six million and three hundred thousand


This very popular English written story of Shiela May Familaran has been uploaded to several

other cyber literature platforms like I Goodreads, Pop Fiction Books, and


Literary Features of Montello High: School of Gangsters

Device Definition Features

allusion A reference to a well-known person, place, Ethan was teased by

event, literary work, or work of art. Makki for being the

modern Shakespeare.

analogy An analogy compares two different things Freniere and Leondale

to point out how they are similar. was compared to sulfur

and nitrate, which is a

dangerous combination.

Some characters are

character A dynamic character is a character that is static (like Summer) and

changed by events or interactions with some are dynamic (like

others. Van and other characters)

A static character is a character that stays

essentially the same.

Climax The climax in a story or play is the high Every chapter has its

point of interest or suspense in a literary own climax. But these

work. In some works of literature, the climaxes happened to be

climax is the turning point. the same course when the

main character(Summer)

has to deal problems

around her.

Conflict A conflict is a struggle between opposing The conflict that is

forces. Sometimes the struggle is internal, present in the passage is

or inside a character, as when a character man versus man, because

strives to meet a self-imposed challenge of the external arguments

(man versus himself). At other times the of the characters to one

struggle is external and involves a force another and alos man

outside the character. This force may be versus himself/herself

another character, the antagonist; a force of because of the character’s

nature; or a social convention or custom. internal struggles.

Dialogue A dialogue is a conversation between The writer uses

characters. Writers use dialogue to reveal interpersonal and

character, to present events, to add variety intrapersonal dialogue at

to a narrative, and to interest readers. some part of the story.

Flashback Interruption of present action to insert an Summer Leondale was

episode that took place at an earlier time telling her story about

for the purpose of giving the reader being kicked out multiple

information to make the present situation times before she transfer

understandable or account for a character’s to Montello High.

current motivation.

Foreshadowing A device that provides clues to alert the As what I have read,

reader about events that will occur later in foreshadowing is not

the narrative. It serves to build purpose. present in the novel.

Hyperbole Obvious and extravagant exaggeration not Hyperbolic expression is

meant to be taken literally. present at some parts of

the novel to emphasize

the characters.

Imagery Imagery is the descriptive language used in The writer uses imagery

literature to re-create sensory experiences. at some parts of the story,

The images in a work supply details of giving the sensory

sight, sound, taste, touch, smell, or experience for their

movement and help the reader to sense the readers.

experience being described.

Irony Irony is the general name given to literary techniques that involve

surprising, interesting, or amusing contradictions. There are

three main literary forms of irony:

Verbal: Saying one thing and meaning This irony is present in

another. the story, when Van

teases Summer.

Climatic Situation: Events turn out Main characters are

opposite to what is expected to happen or having this kind of irony

what seems appropriate under the at some parts of the

circumstances. story(example when

Summer bacame the top

2 at their batch)

Dramatic: The reader perceives something Some parts of the story

that the characters in the story don’t see or has dramatic irony.


Metaphor A metaphor is a figure of speech in which Van was compared by

one thing is spoken of as though it were Summer to a monster.

something else. It does not use like or as in

the comparison.

Mood Mood, or atmosphere, is the feeling created Romantic mood is

in the reader by a literary work or passage. present in the story.

The mood may be suggested by the writer’s

choice of words, by events in the work, or

by the physical setting.

Paradox A statement that reveals a kind of unlikely Based on my readings,

truth although it seems at first to be self- paradox is not present in

contradictory and untrue. the story.

Parody A parody is an imitation of another work Based on my readings,

that exaggerates or distorts features of the parody is not present in

work to make fun of it or simply to amuse the passage.


Plot The sequence of events in a literary work. This text uses episode

plot as it is divided into


point-of-view The perspective from which the story is seen and told; three principal

vantage points are most commonly employed.

Omniscient: All-knowing -the ability to see General point of view of

into minds and record thoughts of characters the text.

and make comments about either one or

several of them so that the reader may come

to know more of their situation that does

any single character in it.

Limited or Objective Third Person: Here, Not present.

the central observer of the story limits

interpretation to what is seen or heard

without additional comment about the

character motive or thoughts.

Limited First Person: The view and Some parts has personal

thoughts are solely through one character point of view on the

telling the story, (I). This view can only characters of the story.

reveal what the character sees and is told by


Satire Satire is a type of writing that ridicules or Not evident

criticizes the faults of individuals or groups.

The satirist may use a tolerant, sympathetic

tone or an angry, bitter tone.

Although a satire may be humorous, its

purpose is not simply to make readers laugh

but to correct, through laughter, the flaws

and shortcomings it points out.

Simile Explicit comparison from one unlike thing The writer uses simile to

to another that shares some common give emphasis about the

recognizable similarity; this device uses comparison of the

“like,” “as,” “such as,” and “than” to set characters of the story.

them off.

Symbol Any person, object, or action that has stands The

for or represents something else. symbolism”Frankenstin-

----------“ is used in the

story, telling himself out

of his inside monster.

Theme The underlying meaning of a literary work, Loving the exact

a particular truth about life or humanity, opposite of yourself fills

which the author is trying to make the in the gaps of the heart is

reader see. Plot is a pattern or events or the theme of this novel.

what happens -- theme is the meaning, what

it’s about.

Tone The tone of a literary work is the writer’s Writer’s tone here is an

attitude toward the readers and toward the internal, friendly and

subject. A writer’s tone may be formal or personal tone as can be

informal, friendly, or distant, personal or seen in the text.


Understatement Understatement means saying less than is Not present.

meant, generally in an ironic way.

Table 2. Literary Features of Montello High: School of Gangsters

Summary of the Short Story

The story starts with the lead character Summer Leondale, thinking that her high school

will be a typical high school life that she think, which is the time to be enjoyable and full of

happiness. It is not what she expected in Montello High, where nothing seems to be normal and a
school that is full of tension and action, try as she may to stay away from trouble. Summer

always finds herself caught in the middle of the rival gangs. Black Government and Dark


Other than the mysteries she is experiencing and the death threats she is receiving, she

has to deal with her ridiculously good-looking schoolmates, Tyler, Jin and Van, who keeps on

going her mixed signals.

Van(Giovanni Freniere) served as her protector, who is the leader of Black Government.

He is also the lover and friend of Summer. Both of them helped each other to solve their

problems. Because of her bravery, confidence and the love she is receiving from Van, they are

successfully dealing and solving their problems they are about to encounter.


A reference to a well-known person, place, event, literary work, or work of art. In the Specimen

his Montello High: School of Gangster, Ethan was teased by Makki for being the modern



An analogy compares two different things to point out how they are similar. It makes a

relationship in light of equals or associations between two thoughts. By laying out this

relationship, the groundbreaking thought is presented through a recognizable correlation,

consequently making the new idea simpler to get a handle on. In the specimen Montello High:

School of Gangsters, Freniere and Leondale was compared to sulfur and nitrate, which is said to

be a dangerous combination.
The author of the short story was successful in showing analogy between the characters and the

scientific elements. When sulfur and nitrate is combined, an explosion might happen because of

the powerful elements fuse together, in the same way, the combination of Freniere and

Leondalewould mean danger to those who oppose them. Using this an analogy makes the short

story interesting; two elements with different properties joined together may either make or

break a good chemistry.


Characterization is the demonstration of making and depicting characters in writing. It

incorporates the two depictions of a person's actual qualities as well as the person's character.

The way that characters act, think, and talk likewise adds to their characterization.

In the specimen Montello High: School of Gangsters, the author also used Direct

characterization, famously known as explicit characterization. The author directly describing

to the readers what a character is like. The author used physical description. Character's physical

look is illustrated in words to describe him/her. Here are some lines that the author used to

describe the characters in the short story. Here are some lines that describe characters’ physical


“Light brown haired girl tossed the ball in the air.”

“the skin on the girl’s hand now turning a deep red color.”

The author also directly described the actions, attitudes, and behaviors of every character. He

was able to establish whether a character is a good person or a bad person through the actions

done by every character.

“Her smile faded and was replaced by quivering lips.”

“Stop looking. Being a sucker for when it comes to her is enough.”

In the specimen, reactions of every character take effect on other characters or what the other

characters say and feel about this character. Through this, the readers learn about the

relationships among the characters. This kind of portrayal of the character showcases how the

other characters feel. This helps the reader have a better understanding of all the characters.

For instance, the line

“Maki Sison” Their English Professor’s irritatingly loud voice pulled him from his reverie.

Shows how one character reacts or being affected by the other characters in the short story.

A round character is a character that is changed by happenings or interactions with other

characters. From the short story, Van has been the round character, and Summer has been the flat



The climax in a story or play is the high point of interest or suspense in a literary work. In

some works of literature, the climax is the turning point. It is important to a story since it denotes

the transition away from action. In doing as such, Climax permits a story to have an exciting part

that adds energy and a reason toward feel invested into the story.

Since climax is so fundamental for a story, it ought to be utilized across genres any time there is

a requirement for energy and deeper meaning. As far as plot structure, climax ought to happen
when it is the ideal opportunity for the rising action to peak. Whenever activity has crested and

the significant struggle is uncovered, readers can plan for the resolution of the conflict.

Thus, in the specimen analyzed, every chapter has its own climax. But these climaxes happened

to be the same course when the main character Summer has to deal problems around her.


A conflict is a battle between opposing forces. Sometimes the battle is internal, or inside

a character, as when a character strives to meet a self-imposed challenge (man versus himself).

At other times the struggle is external and involves a force outside the character. This force may

be another character, the antagonist; a force of nature; or a social convention or custom.

In the in-depth analyses done, the life of the main character in the story shows that nothing seems

to be normal and Montello High as an academic institution is full of tension and action; as a

challenge for herself is to stay away from trouble each day that she comes inside the campus.

Summer always finds herself caught in the middle of the rival gangs; Black Government and

Dark Monarch. This shows clearly the always prevailing scenes of Man Vs the Society and Man

Vs Man types of conflict.

The short story used a man vs man type of conflict. It is the most familiar type of conflict; it is

situating your protagonist’s objective in opposition to another character’s point of view or goals.

In this specimen, Summer as the protagonist situated herself in between the two opposing


Another conflict in the short story aside from the occurring mysteries and the death threats she is

receiving, is the shunning away from her ridiculously good-looking schoolmates, namely Tyler,

Jin and Van, who keep on going her mixed signals. In this, Man versus self was observed in the

specimen. Man versus self was observed in the specimen, Summer had inner conflict, she had
mixed feelings for the guys that show affection for her making her decisions weak and



A dialogue is a conversation between characters. Writers use dialogue to reveal character, to

present events, to add variety to a narrative, and to interest readers. A dialogue is a literary style

in which authors utilize two or more characters to be involved in discussion with one another. In

literature, it is a spoken passage, or a verbal or written exchange of conversation in a group, or

between two people pointed towards a particular topic.

The short story, Montello High: School of Gangsters entirety was composed of dialogues thrown

by and narration with and of the different characters in the story.  The author used most of the

lines in dialogue that is spoken aloud in a narrative, though there are exemption in words of inner

dialogue. The author used of quotation marks to indicate spoken words and dialogue labels

words such as “mentioned”, “thought,” and “repeated,” “teased” and others that indicated

which character in the short story is speaking. Through this, the proponent of the study was able

to understand which words are spoken and by which characters. Moreover, dialogue is used in

the short story to convey the thoughts and behaviors of characters in adding to making dramatic

conflict that pushes the plot all along.


Flashback is the disruption of present action to insert an incident that took place at a previous

time for the intent of giving the reader information to make the present situation understandable

or account for a character’s current purpose.

Based on the analysis, in the short story, Summer Leondale was telling her story about being

kicked out multiple times before she transfers to Montello High. It is an interference of present

activity to embed an episode that occurred at a previous time to give the readers relevant

information to make what is happening reasonable or represent a person's ongoing inspiration.


A device that provides clues to alert the reader about events that will occur later in the narrative.

It serves to build purpose. Usually, it is used to give a sign, hint or clue of what is to come later

in the story. Foreshadowing is helpful for making tension, a sensation of disquiet, a feeling of

interest, or an imprint that things may not be as they appear. In the meaning of foreshadowing,

"hint" is vital. Foreshadowing doesn't be guaranteed to mean expressly uncovering what will

happen later in your story. Truth be told, when it is utilized actually, numerous readers may not

actually understand the meaning of a creator's foretelling for the rest of the story.

In the short story being analyzed, no foreshadowing was used in the short story Montello High:

School of Gangsters to alert the reader about events that will occur later in the narrative.


Obvious and excessive exaggeration not meant to be taken literally.

It is a poetic overstatement metaphor and a literary device that makes increased impact through

intentional embellishment. It is in many times a strikingly exaggerated or misrepresented

guarantee or explanation that adds accentuation without the goal of being in a real sense valid. In
manner of speaking and writing, hyperbole is frequently utilized for serious, comic, or amusing


The short story Montello High: School of Gangsters used Hyperbolic expression at some parts of

the short story to emphasize the characters. There are some passages that used hyperboles

increase the effect through purposeful exaggeration.


Imagery is the descriptive language used in literature to re-create sensory experiences.

The images in a work supply detail of sight, sound, taste, touch, smell, or movement and help the

reader to sense the experience being described.

In the short story Montello High: School of Gangsters, the author was able to describe the

characters in terms of their persona. The way the authors describes them makes the reader

imagine the physical appearance of every character, of every scene, and of everything

mentioned. The supplication of detailed adjective on sight, sound, smell, or movements gives the

readers experience being described by the author. The writer uses imagery at some parts of the

story, giving the sensory experience for their readers.


Irony involves surprising, interesting and amusing contradictions. In the conducted

analysis, verbal irony is present in the story, when Van teases Summer. On the other hand,

climatic irony was observed with main characters; for instance, nobody expected summer to be

the Top 2 of the batch, an event that turn out to be the opposite of their expectation.

In the story that was analyzed, the expression of the main character, Summer depicting

and alluding Van to a monster, whether this is true or not, she considered to monster and Van to

have comparable qualities. This frequent comparison by Summer to Van to a monster

imaginatively created a description for the character of Van. The use of metaphor in the short

story functions as to describe the characteristics of the characters.


The atmosphere that the story created is the mood of romance. The main characters show interest

to one another, the actions taken, the way the author describe them as cat and dog couples. It is

evident in the writer’s choice of events in the short story, words used and the description of the

physical setting.


In the short story, No paradoxical statement was observed.


Parody is not evident. There is no limitation of another work that exaggerates or distorts features

of the work to make fun of it or simply to amuse readers.


This text uses episode plot as it is divided into chapters.

Point of View
The author used the Omniscient Point of view in which he/she has the ability to see into minds

and record thoughts of characters and make comments about either one or several of them so that

the reader may come to know more of their situation that does any single character in it. Satire

No satire was observed.


The writer uses simile to give emphasis about the comparison of the characters of the



Refers to any object, action or person that represents or stands for something else.

In the short story, the symbolism” Frankenstine“ is used in the story, Van telling himself

out of his inside monster.


The underlying meaning of Montello High: School of Gangsters focuses Loving the exact

opposite of yourself fills in the gaps of the heart is the theme of this novel.


The writer’s attitude towards the short story is an internal, friendly and personal tone as

can be seen in the text.


Not present.

The Comparison of Classic Literature and Cyber Literature

Cyber Literature
Literary Classic
Device Literature
Allusion infuses substance and feeling into a
thought or image; pose convincing cases in
manner of speaking

focuses on a plot driven story Character driven


single lead climax within a short story, climax happens nearer to the
central turning point furthest limit of the message,
fairly joining it with the
falling actions and goal.
In comparison, both classic literature and cyber literature use conflicts to
exhibit human nature. Although, cyber literature, characterization is given
more importance.
Dialogue dialogic strategy for contention and logical the exchange to variety a
purposes. person's character, make
struggle, advance a plot,
exhibit the vernacular or the
language or lingo spoken by
the local individuals of a
Flashback provides the reader a small piece of related the use of flashback was
information in an imaginative way not found

Foreshadowing The use of Foreshadowing in both cyberliterature and classic

literature set no difference with one another.
No comparison can be made between the classical literature and cyber
literature due to lack of specimen for analysis.

Imagery Classic and cyber literature both utilized to bring out the feelings of sight,
taste, smell, contact, and sound. The use of imagery for both classic and
cyber literature triggers a profound response in the reader.

Irony Irony is the general name given to literary techniques that involve
surprising, interesting, or amusing contradictions. There are three main
literary forms of irony:

Verbal: Cyber literature

Climatic Situation:. .Classic

Dramatic: Not appliacable

Metaphor No significant difference can be identified with the use of metaphor to

both classical and cyber literature

Mood Almost no significant difference can be identified with the use of mood
to both classic and cyber literature as examined in the short stories His
Blonde Little Secret and Montello High School, except that, in cyber
literature short stories, the mood is more concentrated with the
characterization of the characters.
Paradox Both classic literature and cyber literature use paradox to permits
readers to grasp ideas in an alternate and, surprisingly, contemporary

Parody Not Applicable Not Applicable

Traditional/ Conventional plot development Cliff hanger plot


point-of-view The perspective from which the story is seen and told; three principal
vantage points are most commonly employed.

Omniscient: Third person

omniscient for

Limited or Objective Third Person:
character where simply

characters’ thoughts are

accessible to the

readers. The characters

turn out to be the focus

of the standpoint during

the section of story or

the story as a whole.

Limited First Person: Not applicable

Satire Not applicable


Symbol In the comparison between classic literature and cyber literature, the use
of symbolism both addresses different ideas or thoughts to convey a
more profound significance

Theme Almost no significant difference can be identified with the use of theme
to both classic and cyber literature as examined in the short stories His
Blonde Little Secret and Montello High School, except that, in cyber
literature short stories, the theme is more concentrated with the life of
the teens, how they accept and solve the problems that they face that
build their characters.

Aggressive Tone Assertive Tone


understatement No significant difference can be identified with the use of understatement

to both classic and cyber literature as examined in the short stories His
Blonde Little Secret and Montello High School.


In classic literature, analogy infuses substance and feeling into a thought or image.

Writers mostly use this capability to convey importance and magnificence in the accounts they

tell. Reading a novel or a sonnet without finding something like one analogy is almost

The analogies in classic literature pose convincing cases in manner of speaking.

Promoting and showcasing dialect, political discussions, and instructional genuine works are a

portion of the fields where relationships present strong, influential contentions. For instance, here

is the famous excerpt from William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, lines from Juliet:

What’s in a name? That which we call a rose

By any other word would smell as sweet.

So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call’d,

Retain that dear perfection which he owes

Without that title.

It is an analogy since she explains upon it. She begins by announcing that names are

immaterial. To make this statement, she sets that a rose will constantly possess a scent like a rose

regardless of what one could call it. Wrapping the analogy up, Juliet mentioned that, very much

like the rose, Romeo will remain what his identity is — somebody she adores — regardless of

what name he has.

On the other hand,


A classic literature more of than not, focuses on a plot driven story, likewise alluded to as

a narrative driven story, is one in which occasions override character improvement — focuses on

plot twists, perplexing and fantastical world-building, and a lot actions.

Plot driven stories sure are not without any trace of characters using any and all means,

yet you glean some significant knowledge more about what the characters do than their thought

process. Dream and secret books will often fit this viewpoint well, taking readers on an

excursion that depends vigorously on story components and plot focuses. Aristotle previously

defined characterization in the fifteenth century, discussing the significance of plot over

character in Poetics, “Tragedy is representation, not of men, but of action and life.” What he

means here is that “tragedy” is not focused on the considerations, and narratives, and dreams of

the characters. The story is fixated on what befalls them or the plot, so authors utilize

characterization to transfer data about those contemplations, chronicles, and dreams, without

floating away from the activity.

While in cyber literature, like post-modern literature, as analyzed in His Blonde Little

Secret and Montello High, it stresses characterization much more than classical literature. This is

on the grounds that characterization is a significant device in the plot-driven story. They can

rapidly associate the reader to the characters, without making them out of the move. At the point,

when one is in the middle of moving characters starting with one spot then onto the next, getting

things going for them, the readers cannot stop reading: an interest gainer. In that essence, nobody

will genuinely think often about a story on the off chance that they couldn't care less about its

characters, whether by affection or disdain or even entertainment or pity. For example, readers

are moved by the inner thoughts of Bella Winters in His Blonde Little Secret, revealing her

identity and perspectives on every event that has a direct effect on her. Readers are fascinated

when she talked about their personalities and feelings in her own mind, which often helps the

readers understand the character's actions. Montello High School

In this way, adjusting these two areas of development is extremely helpful. Plot and

character ought to be creating next to each other and depend upon one another, which mirrors the

human experience.


In classic literature, there is usually a single lead climax within a short story.

The climax is characterized as the central turning point of the story when the central character

confronts the opposing force (conflict), thus producing it the most powerful aspect of the

plot. Authors develop the order of the texts to build excitement by organizing them in order of

increasing significance. As a stylistic device, climax can be in songs, speeches to poetry, novels,

and plays.

Usually in classic literature, the climax happens inside the center of the plot, nonetheless,

as writing advanced, writers started to invest more energy fostering the piece and rising actions.

While, presently in the cyber literature short stories, as analyzed in His Blonde Little Secret and

Montello High School, climax happens nearer to the furthest limit of the message, fairly joining

it with the falling actions and goal. While the five elements of climax still exist in cyber

literature, they are not quite so uniformly distributed as they used to be. These shorts stories are

usually part of a series of works with various climaxes. Climax in each series usually serve as the

rising action for the following sequels of the short story.

In comparison, both classic literature and cyber literature use conflicts to exhibit human

nature. No conflict would mean no story at all. Most steadfast stories contain more than one

conflicts, and one conflict can form into one more during a person's journey in the short story. It

is essential to the author to figure out the character’s attributes, as well as what sort of literary

character the individual is, to appreciate more the conflict being presented.

Although as mentioned, in cyber literature, characterization is given more importance.

The conflicts, as part of the plot, in this type of literature focus more on the building up of the

characters’ traits, attitudes and ways of solving the conflict than plot itself.


In literature, dialogue is basically an adapted composed or exchange between at least two

individuals. Based on the comparison conducted, an author's utilization of dialogue traces all the

way back to classic literature, in particular Plato's Republic and other such works. Plato and

other scholars generally utilized the dialogic strategy for contention and logical purposes. In

cyber literature, the exchange to variety a person's character, make struggle, advance a plot,

exhibit the vernacular or the language or lingo spoken by the local individuals of a district. It is

evident in the short stories that were analyzed, His Blonde Little Secret and Montello High



The use of flashbacks in classic literature provides the reader a small piece of related

information in an imaginative way. In classic literature, for example, knowing the character was
a fireman who had experienced saving people’s live is important. Though, rather than just say

the readers, they present it through a flashback in giving context. Flashbacks do not just happen

in memories; the reader might visualize them through dream cycles or with the use of psychic


In cyber literature, however, with the two short stories stylistically analyzed, the use of

flashback was not found. His Blonde Little Secret and Montello High School both did not use

flashback as a literary device to give context about the characters but rather the characterizations

were narrated directly in the stories respectively.


The use of Foreshadowing in both cyberliterature and classic literature set no difference

with one another. In Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet Romeo says that he would rather die

sooner than live without Juliet’s love, written in verbatim: “Life were better ended by their hate,

than death prorogued, wanting of thy love.”

In cyber literature, occasionally, a future incident is referenced before in the story, similar

to a remark about a gathering between characters. The readers realize that issues will be

examined later. In His Blonde Little Secret, the main character’s constant daydreaming of

becoming like Beatrice, a beautiful and popular girl in the school was shown before Bella

actually becoming one.

Based on the analysis, both genre of literature gives a clue that something will occur.

This is finished by showing specific occasions, individuals or data that are a sign of something

that will happen later on in a story. Hinting can add pressure or assumption to the story.

Hyperbole is the obvious and extra mile use of adjectives and descriptors that should not

be taken literally. Through the analyses conducted, no significant hyperbole was used in the

cyber literature short stories selected, His Blonde Little Secret and the Montello High School. No

comparison can be made between the classic literature and cyber literature due to lack of

specimen for analysis.


Classic and cyber literature both utilized to bring out the feelings of sight, taste, smell,

contact, and sound. Based on the gathered data and the analysis conducted, the significance of

imagery is that it adds a component of creativity to composing and permits the crowd to interface

all the more completely with characters by assisting readers with feeling as though they are truly

there. The use of imagery for both classic and cyber literature triggers a profound response in the

reader. Imagery doesn't just portray what something resembles or what a person feels. It likewise

recommends and makes the setting for figuring out the remainder of the story. For instance,

portraying a dull and turbulent evening sets the setting of argument for any activity that the

author portrays in a story. A basic discussion between two guardians about their kids on a

blustery day appears to hint inconvenience ahead. On the off chance that a similar discussion

occurred on a bright day with newly cut grass, the reader leaves away with an entirely

unexpected comprehension.

Classic literature usually uses situational Irony. For instance, in the Great Expectations

written by Charles Dickens, the crowd and Pip don't have the foggiest idea who the promoter is,

and the story causes it to appear to be that Miss Havisham is the sponsor. At the point when the

genuine supporter, Magwich, is uncovered, it conflicts with the convictions of the crowd and

fundamental person in an exemplary illustration of situational incongruity.

On the other hand, as analyzed, the use of verbal irony is common in cyber literature

short stories. This happens when what a speaker says is the precise opposite of what the speaker

means, such as when Bella in His Blonde Little Secret always says that she is okay, but in

reality, she is not.


In the comparison between classic literature and cyber literature, the use of metaphor

seemingly assists with making sense of ideas and thoughts by brilliantly connecting the obscure

to the known; the theoretical to the substantial; the boundless to the understandable. It can

likewise be a logical device that explicitly requests to our sensibilities as readers. No significant

difference can be identified with the use of metaphor to both classical and cyber literature as

examined in the short stories His Blonde Little Secret and Montello High: School of Gangsters.


The choice of words of the writer is essential to laying out the mind-set, as each word

even words with comparable implications has its own implications. Choosing the right words

make the mood of the story. A mood is an inclination that can allude to the emotional state of a
character or the climate of a story. The mood is usually omnipresent in stories. In writing, state

of mind is imparted quietly using symbolism, conflict, and so on, and expressly through all-

knowing narration or dialogue. Mood relates to how the reader feels about the short story.

Almost no significant difference can be identified with the use of mood to both classic

and cyber literature as examined in the short stories His Blonde Little Secret and Montello High

School, except that, in cyber literature short stories, the mood is more concentrated with the

characterization of the characters. It is built to showcase the how the characters solve the

conflict, characters attitude towards one another, the setting is set to show how every character

lives through place and time.


Paradox is an explanation that shows up at first to be disconnected, yet upon reflection

then seems to make sense afterwards. It is normally used to connect with the readers to find a

basic rationale in an apparently self-disconnected proclamation or expression.

A very good example of this in classic literature is the line from Hamlet by William

Shakespeare. Hamlet states he should be "cruel" to be "kind," which is incomprehensible on a

superficial level. Notwithstanding, his clear horrible demonstration of killing Claudius should

have been visible as a consideration to Hamlet's mom, who has unconsciously turned into the

spouse and admirer of her most memorable husband's killer.

In cyber literature, based on the analyses conducted to both short stories, a paradoxical

circumstance or thought in a scholarly work makes pressure and likely tension for the readers.

For instance, in the story of His Blonde Little Secret, the use of paradox is very evident with the
character of Bella tried to promote herself in a way she is not that made. This sort of paradox

creates interest for the readers as far as expecting the goal of the contention. While it is true that

the presence of paradoxical statements was not found in Montello High.

Both classic literature and cyber literature use paradox to permits readers to grasp ideas in

an alternate and, surprisingly, contemporary way.


Through the analyses conducted, no significant parody was used in the cyber literature

short stories selected, His Blonde Little Secret and the Montello High School. No comparison

can be made between the classic literature and cyber literature due to lack of specimen for



Point of View

Third person omniscient was the favored perspective for most classic writing, legends,

and fantasies — kinds that frequently detail how social orders became coordinated and the job

regular peculiarities played in those social orders' endurance. Talking from a supernatural

distance lends position to these stories and permits the storyteller to share numerous parts of the

characters' set of experiences. Authors of secret books or activity thrill rides additionally incline

toward this perspective on the grounds that the story center is around emotional activity and

While, in the analyses conducted in the cyber literature short stories, His Blonde Little

Secret and Montello High: School of Gangster, the use of Limited First-Person Point of view was

obvious. In which, first person narrators are described from a solitary person's viewpoint at a

time. They can't be wherever immediately and subsequently can't get all sides of the story. They

are recounting to their story, not really the story. Person Point of View is biased. In first person

novels or short stories, the reader quite often feels for a first individual storyteller, regardless of

whether the storyteller is a screw-up with significant imperfections. Montello High: School of

Gangster, on the other hand, use omnipresent perspective as the general point of view of the


Collectively, both cyber literature short stories use a viewpoint character where simply

characters’ thoughts are accessible to the readers. The characters turn out to be the focus of the

standpoint during the section of story or the story as a whole.


Satire is a type of writing that ridicules or criticizes the faults of individuals or groups.

The satirist may use a tolerant, sympathetic tone or an angry, bitter tone.

Although a satire may be humorous, its purpose is not simply to make readers laugh but

to correct, through laughter, the flaws, and shortcomings it points out. Through the analyses

conducted, no significant satire was used in the cyber literature short stories selected, His Blonde

Little Secret and the Montello High School. No comparison can be made between the classic

literature and cyber literature due to lack of specimen for analysis.



In the comparison between classic literature and cyber literature, the use of symbolism

both addresses different ideas or thoughts to convey a more profound significance. Symbolism

can utilize an item, individual, circumstance, occasion, or activity with a more profound

significance in the general setting of scholarly work that goes outside surface ability to grasp.

When utilized appropriately, symbolism can improve a piece of composing and overcome any

issues between the reader and writer.

No significant difference can be identified with the use of symbols to both classical and

cyber literature as examined in the short stories His Blonde Little Secret and Montello High



Themes assist readers characterize and examine the fundamental message of a literary

work. Writers consider their works in these terms; it assists them with zeroing in on what they

believe that readers should detract from their text.

Almost no significant difference can be identified with the use of theme to both classic

and cyber literature as examined in the short stories His Blonde Little Secret and Montello High
School, except that, in cyber literature short stories, the theme is more concentrated with the life

of the teens, how they accept and solve the problems that they face that build their characters.


In classic literature more often than not, the tone of the literary pieces attacks the position

of the other persons, group of people using words, showing aggression and anger; the tone is

usually aggressive.

In the stylistics analyses conducted, there were no sign of anger, and the expression of the

writers of His Blonde Little Secrets and Montello High: School of Gangsters is calm, peaceful,

and somewhat pacifist; tone is more of assertive in nature.


The use of understatement is to minimize the significance of something, in some cases

determined to bring out modesty, however, frequently to deliver an unexpected result. This really

gets consideration regarding the object in the question and is typically planned to work up

humor. No significant difference can be identified with the use of understatement to both classic

and cyber literature as examined in the short stories His Blonde Little Secret and Montello High


The Emergence of Literary Features from Cyber Literature

Characterization over Plot (Character driven)

A character-driven story is centered around concentrating on the characters that make up

the story. Character-driven stories can manage inward change or the connections between the

Many authors of books incline toward building a world purely of actions to draw the

whole plot of the story. These authors appreciate decisively dispersing breadcrumbs for the

readers to follow. In the emergence of cyber literature, authors of today’s generation started to

love digging into the mind. They make rich and tormenting character that stay with the readers

longer subsequent to shutting the book.

The emergence of characterization in His Blonde Little Secrets and Montello High:

School of Gangsters ensured that the characters cooperated and solved their current

circumstance. This kind of climate shaped the characters in the mentioned short stories. Also,

perfection sometimes led to boring scenarios in a story, placing the main characters in great

stature in every instance makes the story uninteresting for the readers.

The way the writers described the characters His Blonde Little Secrets and Montello

High: School of Gangsters already made the story respectively; they were able to put the

characterizations of every character in high regard, showcased the strengths and weaknesses in

every conflict that these characters needed to solve. Once in a while, the authors put challenge

onto the characters with the worst situation imaginable. Furthermore, the way these authors

conveyed the short stories with external threats, in addition to the internal conflicts.

Conflict as Character Development

At the point when a character goes facing a contradicting force, their activities and

feelings uncover their personality characteristics. This makes convincing characters that are

multi-faceted and more appealing. In cyber literature, characterization is given more importance.
Thus, the conflicts, as part of the plot, in this type of literature focus more on the building up of

the characters’ traits, attitudes and ways of solving the conflict than plot itself.

The emergence of conflict as character development in cyber literature boost the chances

of creating interesting stories by producing the desire of the author an obsession. Having conflict

as character development for the short story creates more interest and rising actions; for instance,

if the author gives characters what they want, the story will lack tension. It is just conflict pushes

a good story further. The use of conflict in His Blonde Little Secret and Montello High: School

of Gangsters as character development made characters grew. In His Blonde Little secret, the

portrayal of the character of Bella as the protagonist and a simple lady automatically produced a

tension and conflict to the characterization of Beatrice as the antagonist who is prettier and

famous. This clearly shows the prevailing scenes of Bullies and bullied. On the other hand,

through the external arguments shown by the characters in Montello High: School of Gangsters,

the conflict was raised, and the characterizations of the characters were presented.

Themes Revolves Around the School Setting

The theme is more concentrated with the life of the teens in school setting, how they

accept and solve the problems that they face that build their characters. As proven with the

analyzed specimens, the cyber literature stories were both set in school, His Blonde Little Secret

and Montello High: School of Gangsters. The emergence of themes set in school is popular

among other cyber literature short stories because it brings us the readers back to their youths.

Mostly, themes that are set in school focus the struggles of students in love, romance, sex,

education, family problems, bullying, and other social issues that may relate to teenage life.
Simple and typical as they may be, but the school setting gives more details and complications to

the short story when set in the academic arena, thus, more excitement and interest.

Teenage Fiction

The emergence of teen fiction allows the birth of cyber literature short stories and novels.

Teenagers, being the target readers represent a peculiar crowd. These teenagers are in the middle

of being young and adulthood yet essentially every grown-up bunch with any expectation or

vision representing things to come needs them in their pocket. As an outcome, a constant fight is

being battled about their heads concerning what kind of values they ought to be taught with, and

obviously, what kind of fictions they ought to hear, see and read. However, living in a multi-

social, multi-confidence, and multi-esteem society with the presence of the internet the realities

of life are hard to put away in their eyes. They understand what adults get up, and when they

arrive at their adolescent years, they will more than likely have had, or before long will get, the

opportunity to attempt everything out for themselves. The best expectation is to assist them with

becoming armada of brain, understanding, lenient or more all, ready to pursue.

Through the use of teenage fiction, the realities of life in teenagers are unfolded and

issues are discussed through short stories. These narratives that can be relatable and be

inspirations to to the teenagers. Usually, the target age is determined not just by the age of the

main character, yet in addition the contention and issue that adolescent is managing. For

instance, the age of the main character might be fourteen, however their issue is bullying related.

This would make the story appeal to fourteen-year-olds, yet also to established adolescents that

are managing, or have been presented to a similar issue.

Series (sequel)

It is noticeable that His Blonde Little Secret and Montello High: School of Gangster have

vague and unclear ending. That was intentional for the part of the writer to preempt a next book,

continuing the story in series of more stories. The emergence of writing in series in cyber

literature happens because more than possibly simpler to develop that of the archive, however it

eliminates one more boundary to making that read-through occur. The reader doesn't have to face

a challenge on a new story when they definitely realize they'll appreciate more in the series

they're as of now.

Moreover, it is easier for the contemporary authors to be known with their specialty in

writing. When one book hit, then it is already a jackpot. One can simply continue the story and

earn. Also, when a writer begins composing various books in his/her specialty, writing series sets

up a good foundation. Thus, at this point not these writers may not be viewed as a novice

however as somebody who is proficient.

Writers of this age, benefits from writing in series when readers have interest in one

book, they be will very much want to purchase the whole series in mass at one time. This prompt

expanded book deals.

Also, these writers are fond of writing in series because it gives natural delight to the

readers. Reading the second or third book in a series resembles causing the readers to repeat a

part in the first book. Readers need not sort out a novel, new thing as they as of now know about

the characters, the setting, or the plot. Returning to a book in series makes reading seriously

energizing. Readers additionally get to draw in themselves more with the characters.

This will lead to the next emerging literary feature in cyber literature.
Climax as Rising Action of the Sequel

It is evident in the stories that were analyzed that both His Blonde Little Secret and

Montello High: School of Gangster had cliffhanger ending; it is a plot device wherein a part of a

story closes unsettled, typically in an emotional or stunning way, to constrain crowds to turn the

page or return to the story in the following portion. The story ended without sequences of events

that will lead to the resolution of the conflicts, but instead the story ended in their peak.

The authors of both narratives intended this to happen, the climax of the first book

respectively will be used as the starting point for the next book to come out. This is very

effective to gain interest and excitement for the following book. The emergence of climax as the

rising action of the following sequel was well utilized and noticeable for both short stories that

were analyzed.

The Conceptual Model of the Study

Figure 2 represents the conceptual model of the study. The Literary Features Diagram

consists of the two universes namely the Classic Literature and Cyber Literature. The researcher

compared the literary feature of the classic literature and cyber literature to discover the

Emerging Literary Features of Cyber Literature Stories Through Stylistics Analysis. The model

is a Venn Diagram that presents the similarities and differences of the two universes.

In Figure 2, the first universe shows the dominant literary features of short stories under

classic literature. These dominant literary features of classic literature are the following: Plot-

driven, the climax happened normally in the center, uses third person omniscient as point of

view, aggressive tone, uses flashbacks, situational irony and commonly dialogues are used for

logical and contention purposes only.

The second universe presents the emerging literary features of cyber literature. These

emerging literary features of cyber literature are the following: Character-driven, assertive tone,

the climax happens near the falling action, uses verbal irony, the mood focuses on

characterization, dialogue is used to show characterization and struggles, uses limited first-

person point of view and the plot is usually ends as a cliff hanger.

These two universes have interlapping characteristics; both classic literature and cyber

literature have unified in terms of the use of theme, symbolisms, conflicts, foreshadowing,

imagery, metaphor, paradox, and understatement. As observed, the aforementioned literary

features set no significant difference between the two universes. On the other hand, the use of

hyperbole, parody and satire is not common with both classic and cyber literature based on the

study conducted.

Literary Features

Classic Literature Cyber Literature

Plot -driven Character -driven

Aggressive Tone Theme Assertive Tone
Completed Climax happen Symbolism Climax happen Cliff hanger
Plot in the Center Conflict near the falling Plot
Third Person Foreshadowing Action
First Person
Dialogue creates
logical and
Omniscient Imagery Limited POV
Contention POV Metaphor Dialogue creates
Situational Paradox Verbal Irony Characterization
and Struggles
Irony Mood focuses on

Chapter 4

Summary of the Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations

This chapter presents summary, conclusions, and recommendations based on the findings

stated in Chapter 4.

The study aims to describe the emerging literary features of cyber literature short

stories. In connection with the problem, the researcher seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What are the literary features of cyber literature short stories?

2. How do classical literature and cyber literature differ in terms of literary features?

3. How do literary features emerge from cyber literature?

4. What literary model may be conceptualized based on the findings of the study?

This study employed descriptive qualitative research that involves interpretative, and

formalistic approach to the subject matter under study. In this study, discourse stylistic will be

used and applied to the most read cyber literature, which are short stories, to be analyzed in a

manner of descriptive qualitative way. Through use of descriptive qualitative, it will help the

researcher answer the questions on representation of style of the authors of the cyber literature

stories in their chosen literary work, whether any regularities of style in the creating short stories.

This study used the stylistics analysis which involves the in-depth evaluation of patterns

of usage in speech and writing. It will strive to comment on the quality and meaning in the texts

being analyzed.

Extensive stylistic analysis was made for the most read cyber literature short stories

found online. The main objective of this analysis primarily highlighting the most common areas

of deviation from the norms of English in the story. The study conducted a stylistic analysis of
four linguistic levels: namely, phonological, syntactic, semantic and graphological. In addition,

the study analyzed stylistically some figures of speech found in the story such as personification,

simile and hyperbole etc.

Summary of the Findings

Literary Features of Cyber Literature of His Blonde Little Secrets


A reference to a well-known person, place, event, literary work, or work of art. In the

Specimen his Blonde Little Secret, no allusion was used by the author


The author of the short story was successful in showing analogy between the characters.

Both Bella and Beatrice belong to the same age group, environment, and circle of people around

them. The balance of having Bella as a timid, introvert and unpopular parallel to the extrovert,

aggressive and the popularity as traits of Beatrice


In the specimen His Blonde Little Secret, the author used Direct characterization,

famously known as explicit characterization. The author directly describing to the readers what a

character is like. The author used physical description. Character's physical look is illustrated in

words to describe him/her. Here are some lines that the author used to describe the characters in

the short story.


In the specimen entitled His Blonde Little Secret, the turning point is when Bella was

bullied by Beatrice and her friends in an ice cream parlor.


In the in-depth analyses done, it shows that from the beginning, the reader could

automatically sense the tension between Bella and Beatrice. This shows clearly the always

prevailing scenes of a bully and the bullied. The short story used a man vs man type of conflict.


The short story, His Blonde Little Secret’s entirety was composed of dialogues, thrown

by and with different characters in the story.  The author used most of the lines in dialogue that is

spoken aloud in a narrative, though there are exemptions in words of inner dialogue.


Based on the analyses, the short story did not have any interference of present activity to

embed an episode that occurred at a previous time to give the readers relevant information to

make what is happening reasonable or represent a person's ongoing inspiration.


In the short story being analyzed, the main character of the story, Bella Winter’s constant

daydreaming of becoming like Beatrice, the antagonist, the beautiful and popular girl in school

would later be a hint that towards the end of the story, Bella will attain this dreamed beauty and



No hyperbole was used in the short story of Zakz Hussain, His Little blonde Secret to

increase the effect through purposeful exaggeration. There was no strikingly exaggerated or

misrepresented line to increase the impact of a scene or event in the short story.

In the short story, the author was able to describe the characters in terms of their persona.

The way the authors describes them makes the reader imagine the physical appearance of every

character, of every scene, and of everything mentioned. The supplication of detailed adjective on

sight, sound, smell, or movements gives the readers experience being described by the author.


Irony involves surprising, interesting and amusing contradictions. In the conducted

analysis, verbal irony was found to be present; Bella the main character always assures Jedd, her

brother, that she’s doing fine but in reality, she is definitely not.

On the other hand, climatic situations were also found; Bella should have retaliated

against Beatrice in the ice cream parlor knowing Jedd is with her to protect her.

Dramatic irony is not evident. There is no information that is not known for all the

characters in the short story.


Bella’s constant thought to be somebody else just to be confidently stable and at peace

with herself.


The atmosphere that the story created is the mood of struggle. The main character’s aim

to be confident, to lessen her fear, to be accepted by peers. It is evident in the writer’s choice of

events in the short story, words used and the description of the physical setting.

In the short story, Bella acted the entire time trying to promote herself in a way she is not.

Her statements reveal a kind of unlikely truth although it seems at self-contradictory and not true.


Parody is not evident. There is no limitation of another work that exaggerates or distorts

features of the work to make fun of it or simply to amuse readers.


Point of View

Limited or objective 3rd person

Bella – is the central observer of the story interpretation to what is seen or heard without

additional comment about the character’s motive or thoughts.


No satire was observed.


Explicit comparisons of Bella and Beatrice were seen, they share common

similarity to be comfortably accepted by other people.


In the short story, the gym symbolizes Bella’s great admiration for a beautiful

face and body and her determination to change.

Toffee flavored ice cream signifies comfort for Jedd and Bella.

Converse shoes signals comfort and simplicity for Bella.


The underlying meaning of His Blonde Little Secret focuses on the struggle of

man and what makes it different is how one takes it and manages to pass through it.



The writer’s attitude towards His Blond Little Secret and its readers is light in

essence. It is a typical teen story set in an academic world where bullies and bullied are present.


Bella’s constant promotion of herself as fine but deep inside she has many fears

and struggles.

Literary Features of Cyber Literature of His Blonde Little Secrets

Comparative Analysis between Classic Literature and Cyber Literature


In classic literature, analogy infuses substance and feeling into a thought or image.

Writers mostly use this capability to convey importance and magnificence in the accounts they

tell. On the other hand,


A classic literature more of than not, focuses on a plot driven story, likewise alluded to as

a narrative driven story, is one in which occasions override character improvement — focuses on

plot twists, perplexing and fantastical world-building, and a lot actions.

While in cyber literature, like post-modern literature, as analyzed in His Blonde Little

Secret and Montello High, it stresses characterization much more than classical literature. In this

way, adjusting these two areas of development is extremely helpful. Plot and character ought to

be creating next to each other and depend upon one another, which mirrors the human



In classic literature, there is usually a single lead climax within a short story.

The climax is characterized as the central turning point of the story when the central character

confronts the opposing force (conflict), thus producing it the most powerful aspect of the plot. 

Usually in classic literature, the climax happens inside the center of the plot, nonetheless, as

writing advanced, writers started to invest more energy fostering the piece and rising actions.

While, presently in the cyber literature short stories, as analyzed in His Blonde Little Secret and

Montello High School, climax happens nearer to the furthest limit of the message, fairly joining

it with the falling actions and goal.


In comparison, both classic literature and cyber literature use conflicts to exhibit human

nature. No conflict would mean no story at all. Most steadfast stories contain more than one

conflicts, and one conflict can form into one more during a person's journey in the short story.


In literature, dialogue is basically an adapted composed or exchange between at least two

individuals. Based on the comparison conducted, an author's utilization of dialogue traces all the

way back to classic literature, in particular Plato's Republic and other such works. In cyber

literature, the exchange to variety a person's character, make struggle, advance a plot, exhibit the

vernacular or the language or lingo spoken by the local individuals of a district. It is evident in

the short stories that were analyzed, His Blonde Little Secret and Montello High School.


In cyber literature, however, with the two short stories stylistically analyzed, the use of

flashback was not found. His Blonde Little Secret and Montello High School both did not use

flashback as a literary device to give context about the characters but rather the characterizations

were narrated directly in the stories respectively.


The use of Foreshadowing in both cyber literature and classic literature set no difference

with one another.

Through the analyses conducted, no significant hyperbole was used in the cyber literature

short stories selected, His Blonde Little Secret and the Montello High School. No comparison

can be made between the classic literature and cyber literature due to lack of specimen for



Classic and cyber literature both utilized to bring out the feelings of sight, taste, smell,

contact, and sound. Based on the gathered data and the analysis conducted, the significance of

imagery is that it adds a component of creativity to composing and permits the crowd to interface

all the more completely with characters by assisting readers with feeling as though they are truly



Classic literature usually uses situational Irony, On the other hand, as analyzed, the use of

verbal irony is common in cyber literature short stories.


No significant difference can be identified with the use of metaphor to both classical and

cyber literature as examined in the short stories His Blonde Little Secret and Montello High:

School of Gangsters.

Almost no significant difference can be identified with the use of mood to both classic

and cyber literature as examined in the short stories His Blonde Little Secret and Montello High

School, except that, in cyber literature short stories, the mood is more concentrated with the

characterization of the characters. It is built to showcase the how the characters solve the

conflict, characters attitude towards one another, the setting is set to show how every character

lives through place and time.


In cyber literature, based on the analyses conducted to both short stories, a paradoxical

circumstance or thought in a scholarly work makes pressure and likely tension for the readers.

For instance, in the story of His Blonde Little Secret, the use of paradox is very evident with the

character of Bella tried to promote herself in a way she is not that made. This sort of paradox

creates interest for the readers as far as expecting the goal of the contention. While it is true that

the presence of paradoxical statements was not found in Montello High.

Both classic literature and cyber literature use paradox to permits readers to grasp ideas in

an alternate and, surprisingly, contemporary way.


Through the analyses conducted, no significant parody was used in the cyber literature

short stories selected, His Blonde Little Secret and the Montello High School. No comparison

can be made between the classic literature and cyber literature due to lack of specimen for


Point of View

Third person omniscient was the favored perspective for most classic writing, legends,

and fantasies — kinds that frequently detail how social orders became coordinated and the job

regular peculiarities played in those social orders' endurance. Talking from a supernatural

distance lends position to these stories and permits the storyteller to share numerous parts of the

characters' set of experiences. Authors of secret books or activity thrill rides additionally incline

toward this perspective on the grounds that the story center is around emotional activity and


While, in the analyses conducted in the cyber literature short stories, His Blonde Little

Secret and Montello High: School of Gangster, the use of Limited First-Person Point of view was

obvious. In which, first person narrators are described from a solitary person's viewpoint at a

time. Collectively, both cyber literature short stories use a viewpoint character where simply

characters’ thoughts are accessible to the readers. The characters turn out to be the focus of the

standpoint during the section of story or the story as a whole.


Satire is a type of writing that ridicules or criticizes the faults of individuals or groups.

The satirist may use a tolerant, sympathetic tone or an angry, bitter tone.

Through the analyses conducted, no significant satire was used in the cyber literature

short stories selected, His Blonde Little Secret and the Montello High School. No comparison

can be made between the classic literature and cyber literature due to lack of specimen for



In the comparison between classic literature and cyber literature, the use of symbolism

both addresses different ideas or thoughts to convey a more profound significance. Symbolism

can utilize an item, individual, circumstance, occasion, or activity with a more profound

significance in the general setting of scholarly work that goes outside surface ability to grasp.

When utilized appropriately, symbolism can improve a piece of composing and overcome any

issues between the reader and writer.

No significant difference can be identified with the use of symbols to both classical and

cyber literature as examined in the short stories His Blonde Little Secret and Montello High



Almost no significant difference can be identified with the use of theme to both classic

and cyber literature as examined in the short stories His Blonde Little Secret and Montello High

School, except that, in cyber literature short stories, the theme is more concentrated with the life

of the teens, how they accept and solve the problems that they face that build their characters.


In classic literature more often than not, the tone of the literary pieces attacks the position

of the other persons, group of people using words, showing aggression and anger; the tone is

usually aggressive.

In the stylistics analyses conducted, there were no sign of anger, and the expression of the

writers of His Blonde Little Secrets and Montello High: School of Gangsters is calm, peaceful,

and somewhat pacifist; tone is more of assertive in nature.


No significant difference can be identified with the use of understatement to both classic

and cyber literature as examined in the short stories His Blonde Little Secret and Montello High


The Emergence of the Literary Features of Cyber Literature

Characterization over Plot (Character driven)

A character-driven story is centered around concentrating on the characters that make up

the story. Character-driven stories can manage inward change or the connections between the


The emergence of characterization in His Blonde Little Secrets and Montello High:

School of Gangsters ensured that the characters cooperated and solved their current

circumstance. This kind of climate shaped the characters in the mentioned short stories. Also,

perfection sometimes led to boring scenarios in a story, placing the main characters in great

stature in every instance makes the story uninteresting for the readers.

The way the writers described the characters His Blonde Little Secrets and Montello High:

School of Gangsters already made the story respectively; they were able to put the

characterizations of every character in high regard, showcased the strengths and weaknesses in

every conflict that these characters needed to solve.

Conflict as Character Development

The emergence of conflict as character development in cyber literature boost the chances

of creating interesting stories by producing the desire of the author an obsession. Having conflict
as character development for the short story creates more interest and rising actions; for instance,

if the author gives characters what they want, the story will lack tension. It is just conflict pushes

a good story further. The use of conflict in His Blonde Little Secret and Montello High: School

of Gangsters as character development made characters grew. In His Blonde Little secret, the

portrayal of the character of Bella as the protagonist and a simple lady automatically produced a

tension and conflict to the characterization of Beatrice as the antagonist who is prettier and


Themes Revolves Around the School Setting

The emergence of themes set in school is popular among other cyber literature short

stories because it brings us the readers back to their youths. Mostly, themes that are set in school

focus the struggles of students in love, romance, sex, education, family problems, bullying, and

other social issues that may relate to teenage life. Simple and typical as they may be, but the

school setting gives more details and complications to the short story when set in the academic

arena, thus, more excitement and interest.

Teenage Fiction

The emergence of teen fiction allows the birth of cyber literature short stories and novels.

Teenagers, being the target readers represent a peculiar crowd. These teenagers are in the middle

of being young and adulthood yet essentially every grown-up bunch with any expectation or

vision representing things to come needs them in their pocket. As an outcome, a constant fight is

being battled about their heads concerning what kind of values they ought to be taught with, and

obviously, what kind of fictions they ought to hear, see and read.
Series (sequel)

The emergence of writing in series in cyber literature happens because more than

possibly simpler to develop that of the archive, however it eliminates one more boundary to

making that read-through occur. The reader doesn't have to face a challenge on a new story when

they definitely realize they'll appreciate more in the series they're as of now.

Moreover, it is easier for the contemporary authors to be known with their specialty in

writing. When one book hit, then it is already a jackpot. One can simply continue the story and

earn. Also, when a writer begins composing various books in his/her specialty, writing series sets

up a good foundation. Thus, at this point not these writers may not be viewed as a novice

however as somebody who is proficient.

This will lead to the next emerging literary feature in cyber literature.

Climax as Rising Action of the Sequel

It is evident in the stories that were analyzed that both His Blonde Little Secret and

Montello High: School of Gangster had cliffhanger ending; it is a plot device wherein a part of a

story closes unsettled, typically in an emotional or stunning way, to constrain crowds to turn the

page or return to the story in the following portion. The emergence of climax as the rising action

of the following sequel was well utilized and noticeable for both short stories that were analyzed.

The Conceptual Model of the Study

In Figure 2, the first universe shows the dominant literary features of short stories under

classic literature. These dominant literary features of classic literature are the following: Plot-
driven, the climax happened normally in the centre, uses third person omniscient as point of

view, aggressive tone, uses flashbacks, situational irony and commonly dialogues are used for

logical and contention purposes only.

The second universe presents the emerging literary features of cyber literature. These emerging

literary features of cyber literature are the following: Character-driven, assertive tone, the climax

happens near the falling action, uses verbal irony, the mood focuses on characterization, dialogue

is used to show characterization and struggles, uses limited first-person point of view and the

plot is usually ends as a cliff hanger.

These two universes have interlapping characteristics; both classic literature and cyber

literature have unified in terms of the use of theme, symbolisms, conflicts, foreshadowing,

imagery, metaphor, paradox, and understatement. As observed, the aforementioned literary

features set no significant difference between the two universes. On the other hand, the use of

hyperbole, parody and satire is not common with both classic and cyber literature based on the

study conducted.


Based on the findings, the following conclusions were drawn:

1. The Central Focus of the Literary Features of Cyber Literature is

Characterization. Observations have shown that the use of characterization involved

bit by bit of writing to feature and make sense of the details of the characters in a

story. The literary features found in the cyber literature short stories always lead to

the concept of character development. Cyber literature writers present the characters

with visible emergence. Subsequent to presenting the character, the author frequently

discusses his behavior; then, at that point, as the story advances, then the story is


2. The Emergence of the Literary Features in Cyber Literature Increases the

Interest of the Readers. Making associations is what great readers do. The

connection of the theme, mood, characterizations, the setting and other underlying

literary features present in the cyber literature texts to the readers increases the

interest of the readers to pursue or start reading. When a reader feels the atmosphere

of being connected to the stories through these texts, surely, the engagement to

reading rises up. This is what the cyber literature writers intend to do, making reading

simple and appealing to the readers. Thus, readers’ patronage to their works is already

an assurance especially if the author wishes to have the stories in series. Commonly,

these cyber literature texts reach millions and millions of reads and views online

because people are interested to read these kinds of appealing stories. The emergence

of the literary features in cyber literature increases the interest of the readers through

the connections they build towards the readers.

3. Cyber Literature Short Stories Reveal Teenage Problems. Authors of today’s

generation have inclined that the most unique one can get from reading is that
sensation of acknowledgment. Many teenagers feel uncertain, curious, excited but

mostly unacknowledged about the things and from the people that surround them. As

observed, cyber literature addresses the social issues faced by the teenagers like

cyberbullying, bullying, failed relationships, broken-family issues, drug addiction,

teenage pregnancies, premarital sex, gender issues and a lot more. One good thing

about this is that authors showcases how the characters solve their conflicts, thus, it

can be relatable to the teens who are experiencing the same dilemma.

4. Cyber Literature as a Literary Genre. Cyber literature can now be classified as a

particular type of literature for it embodies special characteristics. As seen in the

study, A cyber literature is character-driven, assertive in tone, for plot, the climax

happens near the falling action and commonly ends in a cliff hanger manner of

resolution, usually uses verbal irony, the mood focuses on characterization, dialogue

is used to show characterization and struggles, uses limited first-person point of view.

Having this distinct characteristics, cyber literature can now be distinguished as an

arising literary genre. These distinct characteristics, though, may vary in terms of

author’s style of writing but will always be present in this kind of literary writing.


The researcher recommends the following:

1. Cyber Literature writers may focus on enhancing their craft by purposely and actively

using the literary features common in cyber literature short stories as well as those in
the classic ones. The use of character development is encouraged as the main literary

feature to be used.

2. The use of cyber literature short stories may be used as materials in literature classes

to improve students’ reading comprehension and enhance their chances of success in

gaining proficiency in reading. Also, it can be utilized in literature classes to bring out

social issues among teenagers that may help them solve personal problems related to

the cyber literatures.

3. English Language Educators should encourage students to engage in reading-to-learn

to be prepared to write well. In turn, students who are engaged in writing-to-learn will

become more effective readers. Through both approaches, students will gain a better

understanding of material and a greater ability to demonstrate that understanding.

4. Appropriate trainings and workshops concerning the writing of cyber literature novels

and short stories must be institutionalized to all aspiring writers in order to enhance

their writing this new form of literature.

5. Further analysis and investigation on the literary features must be conducted by future

researchers with more short stories to be analyzed, and other literary genre to be

scrutinized to determine more emerging literary features.

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