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Macbeth question

A. Why is Macbeth is first introduced to us through the witches? What effect does .1
?this choice have on the audience’s perception of Macbeth

To create a supernatural and a creepy sense and to grab the audience’s attention.
Also, the author introduced Macbeth first because the witches predicted what will
happen to Macbeth and a way to confront him. Macbeth’s personality changes
throughout the scene and this shows us how the witches plan will affect Macbeth

B. Explain what you think is meant by the paradoxical statement ‘’ fair is foul, foul is

The statement means that what you see good can be bad, and what you see bad can
be good. Fair represents fortune and foul represents fate

A. What impression do you gain of Macbeth from this description? What specific .2
?qualities of Macbeth particularly impress the captain and Duncan

Macbeth is brave, strong, and ambitious. The Captain and Duncan both view
Macbeth as a brave person when it comes to fighting a battle, he is kind, and
.deserves to take a title

B. To what extent are you prepared to accept at face value the assessment of
?Macbeth as brave and noble

Macbeth is seen as brave, but not noble. Because Macbeth is strong in the battle,
and this can be seen in the battle of the two armies. He is evil and manipulative
.because he thinks of himself but not others

A. what might this statement mean in a literal scene? What effect does this .3
?statement have on our initial response to Macbeth

The scene means Macbeth will see something good and bad in a day that he has
never seen before. Macbeth is not ready to believe the good and bad things that
.might happen

A. Analyze Banquo’s reaction to the witches prophecy regarding Macbeth? What .4

?does Banquo suggest about Macbeth’s reaction

Banquo’s reaction is suspicious of the witches' doubts about the prophecy. Macbeth
is surprised about the witches’ title and starts to question them about the meaning
of the new title, but they vanish. However, when it comes to the prophecy about his
sons being kings, Banquo is also amazed by the Witches, indicating that he is
.sensitive. Banquo tries to warn Macbeth that this could be a trap

?B. What does Banquo’s challenge to the witches suggest about his character
He thinks that the witches are predicting it and thinks that the prophecies are not

?A. How does Banquo react to the news of Macbeth’s new title .5

Banquo is concerned because he does not fully trust the witches and their

?A. Explain this metaphor .6

Macbeth is concern about why the witches is asking him and how would he
.accept the prophecy

B. Why does Banquo warn Macbeth about his reaction to the prophecies? What
does this warning suggest about Banquo’s understanding of Macbeth’s character
?and ambition

Because he thinks it’s a trick and trap from the witches and that the prophecies
.could not be true. He cares about him and wants him to become a king

A. Paraphrase this soliloquy .7

Macbeth's reaction takes the form of a soliloquy, a speech that represents the
thoughts of a character but is not seen by the other characters in the play. From the
.beginning of Macbeth's soliloquy to the finish of the drama
?B. What does the soliloquy suggest about Macbeth's state of mind
He has a loud voice; it discusses the good chance that Macbeth would go on a
.terrible path since he cannot forget the Witches' warnings
C. What decision does Macbeth resolve to take? What reasons does Macbeth give
?for his decision
Macbeth recognizes that the main reason he is killing Duncan is for his own ambition
and desire to become a king. Macbeth resolves not to murder Duncan, but then his
wife enters the room. Macbeth takes a discussion and tells his wife that he will not
.kill Duncan
?D. Explain Banquo’s use of a clothing metaphor
.It's impossible to tell what someone is thinking, and what's good might be harmful
?A. How does Macbeth react to the naming of Malcolm as heir to the throne .8
.Macbeth is happy and excited about the naming of Malcolm
?B. What does Macbeth mean when he says the following statement
Macbeth wants to hide his dark ambitions and doesn’t want them to be revealed by
the stars, so that no one notice his mistakes. He also doesn’t want these desires to
.destroy him in a harmful way
A. What does the tone of Macbeth’s letter suggest about his relationship with .9
She is evil and doesn’t care about Macbeth. She cares about herself and forces
.Macbeth to be evil
?B. Explain her assessment of Macbeth and his ambition. How does she see her role
She plans to take Macbeth’s strength and ambition; she persuades him to follow her
ambition and to do what it takes to kill Duncan. Even if is hard, he has to do it based
.on her desire
?A. What is she attempting to do .10
She will leave the feminine things and she will focus on the bloody and dangerous
.stuff. She will kill Duncan
?B. What do the lines that follow suggest about Lady Macbeth’s psychological state
Lady Macbeth's life is filled with sorrow and extreme sadness, which causes her to
.have trouble sleeping and eventually leads to her suicide
Carefully read Macbeth’s soliloquy in scene 7. What does he mean by the .11
?following statement
The soliloquy means that if he would kill Duncan, it has to be done as fast as
possible, might get revealed. He sees that killing Duncan would result in trouble,
.because the assassination might fail and not succeed
?A. What arguments does Macbeth provide against the assassination
.His ambition and desire couldn’t let him kill Duncan
?B. What motive does he provide for the murder
.He has to kill Duncan in order for Malcolm to become the king after Duncan’s death
C. Analyze Lady Macbeth’s response to his decoration that he will proceed no further
?in the business
Lady Macbeth blames Macbeth for broking his word, which she compares his to a
.drunken person
?What tactics does she use to persuade him

She tells him that if he did kill Duncan, he will not be the king and wouldn’t to
.able to take the throne

What does the tone of her attack upon him suggest about her psychological
Since Lady Macbeth wants to be a queen, she is not pleased that Macbeth is
.having second thoughts about the assassination

?What is it finally persuades him

By using Macbeth's sense of bravery and integrity, Lady Macbeth convinces

.him to murder King Duncan

?How is clothing imagery used in this scene

It is used by showing how hard it is for Macbeth to take a discussion in killing

.Duncan and that he doesn’t want his clothes to get bloody

?How is the ‘’ fair is foul’’ theme further developed

It is developed by showing how lady Macbeth is evil and manipulative and

wants to cause something bad. On the other hand, Macbeth starts to believe
.the witches prophecy, which was a good thing

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