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What is purposive
of communication that is aimed at
achieving a specific goal or purpose. It
involves a sender, receiver, and message
in order to convey information from one
party to another. It enables us to share
our knowledge and experiences with
others on a global scale.
Processes, Principles
and Ethics
The Nature of
Communication is derived from the
Latin word “common” which means,
“belonging to many” and “communico”
means to confer with others. It is the
mutual exchange of information, ideas,
and understanding by any effective means.
In other words, communication is a
process by which people send messages
or exchange ideas or thoughts with one
another in a verbal or non-verbal manner.
Communication is the interaction of
words from a society and thus gives
pleasure and an increased
understanding of life.
The communication process is
dynamic, continuous, irreversible, and
contextual. It is not possible to participate
in any element of the process without
acknowledging the existence and
functioning of the other elements.
Elements of
1. SENDER (encoder)
●The sender also known as the
encoder decides on the message to be
sent and the best/most effective way
that it can be sent.
●It is the sender’s job to
CONCEPTUALIZE (form a concept of
●A message is the information that
is being sent by the sender and
received by the receiver during the
communication process.
●The channel is responsible for the
delivery of the chosen message form. It is
the medium where the message takes.
For example: post office, internet,
television and radio
4. RECEIVER (decoder/listener)
●The receiver or the decoder is
responsible for extracting/decoding
meaning from the message.
●The receiver is also responsible for
providing feedback to the sender
●It is his/her job to INTERPRET.
5. FEEDBACK (response)
●This is important as it determines
whether or not the decoder grasped
the intended meaning and whether
the communication was successful.
●The context of any communication
act is the environment surrounding it.
●It is also known as the setting of the
7. NOISE (also called interference)
●This is the factor that inhibits the
conveyance of a message.
●Noise is anything that interferes with
Do you have any
Ethical communication is a type of communication that is
predicated upon certain business values, such as being truthful,
concise, and responsible with one’s words and the resulting
actions. As a set of principles, ethical communication
understands that one’s thoughts must be conveyed and
expressed effectively and concisely, and that the resulting
actions or consequences will [potentially] be based solely on
how the message was communicated. Thus, ethical
communication defines a framework or set of acceptable
communication principles that align with an enterprise’s
overarching code of conduct or code of ethics.
Principles of Ethical
1. Be truthful and honest.
Being honest means communicating what
is known to be true (only 100 percent the
facts) to a listener, with no intent to deceive
or present only parts of the truth. Do not lie.
2. Active Listening
Hearing someone and listening to them are two
different things. In order for ethical communication
to be effective, it is necessary for the recipient to
pro-actively listen to the speaker, and to not just
hear what they want to hear, or to hear only parts of
the conversation. This also means asking
questions when any point is not completely
understood, for the sake of clarification.
3. Speak non-judgmentally.
Ethically and concisely communicating
means speaking in a non-judgmental
manner with every recipient, negating
unnecessary conflict, which typically
creates a breakdown in communication
and causes misunderstandings.
4. Speak from your own experience.
Bringing your personal experience into a
dialogue with business listeners is important,
providing backup for your arguments with
something more tangible.
5. Consider the receiver’s preferred
communication channel.
You risk losing an audience if you use a
communication channel that is not preferred by
your intended receiver. To effectively
communicate with your listeners, use the most
preferred communication channel, whether that be
face-to-face, email, conference call, phone call,
messenger app, etc.
6. Strive to understand.
While it is important to be proactive in listening, it
is important for listeners to also strive to fully
understand what is being said before responding.
Reading “in between the lines” is also an important
skill that allows for understanding what isn’t said, but
was implicitly said or implied.
7. Avoid a negative tone.
Ethically communicating assumes the speaker will
avoid rudeness, be polite and professional, and have
tact. The ethical communicator knows that it’s not only
important what you say, but how you say it. Tone is one
of the most critical facets of communication. A listener
may miss the meaning altogether if the tone is wrong,
which can lead to unnecessary confrontations.
8. Do not interrupt others.
Allowing others to speak is important for the
creation of a civil, effective working environment.
Interrupting others results in misunderstandings and
unnecessary conflicts and a breakdown in workplace
communications, which only hinders corporate
progress and creates problems. Interrupting others not
only shows a lack of respect, but does not allow the
listener to fully grasp what is being said, which often
results in incorrect assumptions being made.
9. Respect Privacy and Confidentiality
Most businesses should include a clause in their
code of ethics defining what is appropriate when it
comes to honoring client and employee
confidentiality and privacy. This can have a wide
range of implications, including minimizing workplace
gossip, and mitigating toxic conversations about the
private lives of clients and/or personnel.
10. Accept Responsibility
A core tenant within any ethical communication
framework is taking responsibility for the actions
that result from one’s words, whether it be good or
bad. This includes both short term and long term
consequences of one’s communications. Owning
one’s words reinforces the importance of being
conscientious about ethical communication.
Communication and globalization are
integral parts of purposive communication as it
allows people from different places to come
together and exchange ideas and messages.
This helps to bridge cultural gaps and promote
understanding between different groups of people.
Ultimately, purposive communication enables us
to share our knowledge and experiences with
others on a global scale.
Globalization is the process of connecting
people across the globe through communication
technologies, such as the internet, which makes it
easier for people to share ideas and collaborate on
projects. The effects of globalization on purposive
communication can be seen in the increased use
of international communication networks, and the
development of global communities. This
increased connection has allowed for the rapid
spread of ideas and information, resulting in more
efficient collaboration and productivity.
It is clear that communication and
globalization are two key aspects of modern
life, and they both have implications for how we
interact with each other. Purposive
communication is a way of using these forces to
bring people together from around the world. In
the future, this type of communication will
become even more important as we continue to
strive for a better global society.
In conclusion, globalization in purposive
communication is a way of connecting people
from all over the world with a purposeful,
meaningful message. Through technology, we
have the ability to communicate across cultures,
languages, and countries, allowing us to better
understand one another. Globalization helps to
bridge the gap between different cultures and
promote understanding and acceptance, allowing us
to share our own stories and experiences with
others. By utilizing purposive communication, we
can foster better relationships and more peaceful
solutions to conflicts.
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