Chopped - Drawing 2 Challenge

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Workbook 2: Day 1

What choices do
artists make?
What if we take away one of
those choices?
Does that allow for more or less creativity?
Take 6 small pieces of
paper write:
- 3 objects, people, places (well
known) - school appropriate
- 3 adjectives (describing words)
Hint: This is a
preview of your
next project
Chopped - Deep Fried Deliciousness
Drawing addition
Next Monday you will be making a piece of art with
select art materials you NEED to include!
● What you choose to do with these materials is up
to you!
● There may be some SURPRISES during this
● You will have the entire week to make this project
Workbook 2: Day 2
What subject matters
are you interested in?
Consider what unique life
experiences, interests, and
viewpoints you have!
Chefs… I mean artists
This is what you will be working with on your projects
What do you do with this?
1. Incorporate this in a noticeable way
2. Use the material for a unique or interesting
application technique
3. Use material to fill the page
Grading (40 points)
● Creativity - Use or original ideas (10 pts)
● Craft - Is the piece well cared for (10 pts)
● Students were able to incorporate the mystery
materials and respond to “surprises” (10 pts)
● Students were able to engage in discussions
about their art with their peers (10 pts)
Workbook 2: Day 3
At this point, what
is your plan for this
Workbook 2: Day 5
What elements and
principles of art do you
see in your piece?
Where could you add
Workbook 2: Day 7
Take a moment to look at
your art:
- How do you feel about it?
- What is your favorite part?
- What would you do differently if
you were to do this again?
Critique Day!
Get to a good stopping point by 11:45!
How did you use the required elements/how do you plan
to use them?
How did you feel about the unexpectedness of this
What do you think is working well in this project so far?

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