Sample Paper AI IX 20220913131212529

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Multiple Choice Question

1. Which of the following helps you to have a good control on your strength and weakness?
i. Motivation
ii. Self-management
iii. Self-control
iv. Management (1)

Answer: (ii)

2. Which of the following is not a self-management skill?

i. Polishing your skills
ii. Learning new skills
iii. Managing your desk work
iv. Assembling a lego kit (1)

Answer: (iv)

3. Which among the following is the state of being committed to yourself and being loyal to your actions?
i. Self-Awareness
ii. Self-Motivation
iii. Self-Commitment
iv. Self-Control (1)

Answer: (iii)

4. What are the main elements of entrepreneurship?

i. Innovation
ii. Organisation
iii. Risk Bearing
iv. All of the above (1)

Answer: (iii)

5. From which word the environment word is derived?

i. French word “Environia”
ii. Latin word “Environ”
iii. Arabic word “Envior”
iv. Sanskrit word “Envior” (1)
Answer: (i)

6. Which of the following is Abiotic?

i. Living components of the ecosystem
ii. Non-living components of the ecosystem
iii. Living and Non-living both
iv. Only animals of the ecosystem (1)

Answer: (ii)

Fill in the blanks.

7. ……….……….………. is the force that drives you to do the things. (1)

Answer: Self-motivation

8. A self-confident person always tries to ……….……….………. on his strong points. (1)

Answer: sharpen

9. Entrepreneurship should have a strong ………………………. of running a business in an innovative

manner. (1)

Answer: perception

10. .………………………. used in agriculture causes soil erosion. (1)

Answer: Fertiliser

11. Planting new trees to create new forest is called …………………… . (1)

Answer: afforestation

12. Remainder operator and floor division are ………………………. operators. (1)

Answer: arithmetic

Very Short answer type questions. (1 MARKS EACH)

1. Mention any two self-confidence building tips. (1)

Answer: Get rid of negative thoughts, Think positively.

2. Name any two ways that can be used to improve relationships. (1)

Answer: Give positive comments, Plan picnics together.

3. What do you mean by Renewable Energy? Give Examples. (1)
Answer: Energy produced by renewable sources like wind, sun, water, etc. is called renewable energy.

4. Give one important characteristic of Green Economy. (1)

Answer: One characteristic of Green economy is that it focuses on Well-being and prosperity for all people by
providing good education, decent livelihoods and jobs

5. What is Natural Language Processing? (1)

Answer: It the ability of machines to read, understand and analyse meaning from human language.

6. Give a few examples of Smart home assistants. (1)

Answer: Amazon Alexa, Amazon Echo, Apple’s Siri, Microsoft Cortana.

7. Name any three important areas where AI has made a remarkable impact. (1)

Answer: a) Areas where AI has made a remarkable impact are:

b) Security surveillance
c) Education
d) Space exploration

8. What is an ability? (1)

Answer: Ability refers to someone’s ‘Knowledge’, ‘skills’ or ‘talents’ to achieve a result. It is the power to do
things naturally with less effort. Not every ability is supported by an interest. If ability matches well with the
areas of interests, then, it becomes the strength of a person. Eg: An ability of a person to bake a cake like a

Short answer type questions. (2 MARKS EACH)

1. Why is entrepreneurship important? (2)

Answer: Entrepreneurship creates a platform for better, more efficient ideas to be translated into reality.
• Entrepreneurship creates ample job opportunities for the people of the country. Small-scale enterprises are
pivotal in training locals with new skills to acquire entry-level jobs and gaining experience to become skilled
• Entrepreneurship promotes the importance of research and development in testing the longevity of an idea
and its subsequent commercial success.

2. How can AI lead to unemployment? (2)

Answer: With rapid development of AI, the fear of unemployment is constant. Jobs in manufacturing,
agriculture, food service, retail, transportation and logistics, and hospitality are some of the industries likely to
be affected. The majority of the repetitive tasks would be taken over by AI.
3. What is Computer Vision? (2)

Answer: Computer Vision (CV) is the domain of Artificial Intelligence that is used to train computers to read,
process and analyse visual data in the same way as humans do. The type of data in CV is images and videos.

4. Why are flowcharts more preferred than algorithms? (2)

Answer: Flowcharts are easier to understand than algorithms as they are represented in pictorial forms. One
can easily write the code by looking at the flowchart.

5. What is a use of print( ) function? Give a few examples to support your answer. (2)

Answer: The print() function prints the specified message to the screen, or other standard output device.

6. What are relational operators? (2)

Answer: Relational operators or comparison operators compare the values given on both the side of the
operators and returns the boolean value either True or False. Examples of relational operators are: equal to
(==) and not equal to (!=).

7. Write a short note on algorithm. (2)

Answer: An algorithm is a step-by-step approach to identify and solve a problem in a finite time. It is used in a
problem-solving phase of any programming task and helps in defining the clear instructions in sequence. An
algorithm uses simple English like statements to represent the steps of a program.

8. Write a short note on logical operators. (2)

Answer: Logical operators are used to combine one or more conditional statements and returns either True or
False based on the evaluation of the conditions. Examples of logical operators are AND, OR, NOT.

9. What are tokens in Python? Name a few of them. (2)

Answer: Tokens are the smallest meaningful unit of a program. Tokens supported by Python are Keywords,
Identifiers, Literals, Operators and Punctuators.

Long answer type questions.

1. A smart school is a technology-based teaching-learning environment for both teachers and students.
Justify. (4)

Answer: A smart school is a technology-based teaching-learning environment for both teachers and students.
ICT is used to achieve smart schools' educational objectives, prepare child friendly curriculum, assessment and
teaching-learning mechanism. Children are prepared to be part of the Information Age.

2. Write a program to calculate the perimeter and area of the shape as per the user’s choice: (1x4)
a) 1. Square
2. Rectangle
3. Circle

Answer: [c = int(input("Enter your choice: "))

if c==1:
a = float(input("Enter the side of the square: "))
print("The perimeter of the square is: ", a*4)
print("The area of the square is: ", a*a)
elif c==2:
l = float(input("Enter the length of the rectangle: "))
b = float(input("Enter the breadth of the rectangle: "))
print("The perimeter of the rectangle is: ", 2*(l+b))
print("The area of the rectangle is: ", l*b)
elif c==3:
r = float("Enter the radius of the circle: ")
print("The circumfrence of the circle is: ", 2*3.14*r)
print("The area of the circle is: ", 3.14*r*r)
print("Invalid choice")]

3. Name the steps involved in Computer Problem solving. (4 )

Answer: 1. Understanding the problem.

2. Analysing the problem.

3. Developing the solution.

4. Coding and implementation

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