Concept Assignment #5

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Phys 206 (Waves and Modern Physics), Section: 01

Due Date: 18/02/2021; Week number: 5; submission 4/8

Name: Valerie Yazbeck; Student ID: 40170951, (Sections Covered: 39.5-39.9)
Mini Objectives:
• Explaining the Lorentz transformation equations
• Deducing the Lorentz velocity transformation equation
• Define Relativistic Linear Momentum
• Define Relativistic energy
• Understanding the general theory of relativity
• If two events that occur at the same time at two points P and Q are observed by two different people, we predict
that the distance between the two points P and Q are independent of the motions of the observers. Because this
contradicts the Galilean transformation, the right equations to use are the Lorentz transformation equations which
𝑣 1
are, “y’=y”, “z’=z”, “x’=y(x-vt)”, and “𝑡 ′ = 𝑦(𝑡 − 𝑐 2 𝑥)”, where y is “𝑦 = 2
”. These equations are a set of
equations that relate the space and the time coordinates of two systems, such as S and S’, that move at a constant
velocity relative to each other. These equations explain how length, time, and mass will depend on the motion of
the observer, however, the speed of light in vacuum will remain constant and independent to the motion. Also, if
we ever need to change the coordinates from the S’ frame to the S frame, all we must do is change the sign of v.
Hence, the equations will stay the same except the minus sign turns into a plus sign.
• Assuming that a particle moves at velocity u with respect to inertial frame S and S’ moves at velocity v with
respect to frame S, the velocity has to change in accordance to the Lorentz transformation equations. Hence, we
must find the expression for the velocity in the moving frame with respect to S, which is “𝑢′ = ”. After
𝑢𝑥 −𝑣
deriving and substituting, we deduce that the velocity transformation equation becomes “𝑢𝑥 = 𝑢 𝑣” and for the
1− 𝑥2
𝑢𝑦 𝑢𝑧
velocity components y and z we have “𝑢𝑦 = 𝑢 𝑣 ” and “𝑢𝑧 = 𝑢 𝑣 ”. The equations for components y
𝑦(1− 𝑥2 ) 𝑦(1− 𝑥2 )
𝑐 𝑐
and z do not contain the parameter v because their relative velocities are along the x-axis.
• To be able to define the motion of particles properly, we replaced the Galilean transformation equations with the
Lorentz transformation equations, but since the laws of physics cannot be changed, we must alter Newtons laws
and their definitions to fit the Lorentz equations. This is relativistic linear momentum. By combining the ideas of
Lorentz transformation equations and the classic definition of momentum, we understand the linear momentum is
not conserved by the observer in S’. However, the conservation of momentum will hold in all inertial frames.
Since these two contradict, we must modify the definition so the momentum is conserved for every observer,
which gives us the equation “𝑃⃗ = = 𝑦𝑚𝑢
⃗ ”, while the force acting on a particle with linear momentum 𝑃⃗ is,
“𝐹 = ”.
• We now know that Newtons laws must be modified to fit the relativistic equations. This means that we must do
the same for energy that we did for momentum. To derive the equation for the work-kinetic energy theorem, we
must imagine the particle moving along the x-axis with a force in the same direction causes a change to the
momentum, so we assume that the particle will move from rest to a certain final speed. To deduce the formula, we
must start with integrating the work done by the force F. Because the work done is equal to the change of kinetic
energy and we assume that the initial speed to be 0, the initial kinetic energy will also be 0, hence work will be
equal to the relativistic kinetic energy which is, “𝐾 = (𝑦 − 1)𝑚𝑐 2 ”. Additionally, we also have the rest energy
and the total energy. The rest energy is the world-renowned equation, “𝐸 = 𝑚𝑐 2 ” and the total energy being the
sum of the kinetic energy and the rest energy.
• Einstein’s theory of relativity is essentially the theory of gravity and how there are two aspects of space and time.
The theory contains two statements which are “All the laws of nature have the same form for observers in any
frame of reference, whether accelerated or not” and “In the vicinity of any point, a gravitational field is equivalent
to an accelerated frame of reference in gravity-free space (the principle of equivalence).” These postulates explain
how the laws of gravitation and how they relate to other forces of nature.

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