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cox DRY AND WET TECTS FOR THE DETECTION or { AciD es —_Ter diy teste OF ocd radical, te comple % taken % 0 idey tet ey tal tube and ‘Featod tak dil. HCl op di. 14%y om femcentrated Hs. The acid radcal con be dartifid fiom the ng gos. far unt este of ced radicals, appropmato reogonl de ecnsaere solstion oF -Hhe @Nocl + CO: aN | [eH afte CT om | 0 | [Fos | pee Te fimo vartor ‘Clear Ima watop “inns turbid cio iwitoyy toms duc 4b te eel oe P. furbid and het Cas, | ___ teneporeit: | GODg# a> BOLT Ha ‘_s Sa ir Tn procence of oxcoz (On. a BCs Fans aolvble CalHCC,), 7 | Jord ke soltin becomes — Aroneparentt i (CO, 40094 Fg CHICOS), ~~ aWot Test a a. pPreporctiat of He solictin Akt Og Nog®0; % dhealed i oa detiled wale ond he “lctig Ket ore porkarnal sith We coke. Exporimert | Observation. Explanation | Ata @mL [Ue precphi® |iaobbe precysioto % oF ater Tleolotion % taken jevarbolly “hurr |corEonale pela. NogtDs* + PGND, FyaCOab ———" TTNGNOs Dke precpttel a FgaCOs % Ag,6 14 2NoNO; ‘DRE precipfate) BY The Bie precpitic gies coliblo He heated wth |prcciptate |cflaio HNO, —|chesolver We FINO ‘ciler rttrete. Piy,5 ¥ OHNO OF NOS ago O>Fresty prepwel he auton —_| fecchum mopas-|tons wolet Hide eolstion 5 | ~jadded to Ont oF He ogeaus NHSOe ACT | | cote, Fay i. |) Maal Bee | ae bie | OFC Cocie prs) ties Bue | emus PopeP —_|tmies Popere fines popor ed. 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Nog CeO. idttatO NoOH coh | _ [Oracle NCO Bellew BYellouws nla cet PPECTpTEate.—|Noa(e0, *(CHECOD PE lust cist cect) a, ricid to which feed | a elie ete preperation of He citi Aimit Og NOCl ¥ defiled waster aid HO Eilon tele ae portormex ‘plion. ——— Fxporticent. | Obeomvotion obad Onl |Cwxy wit Te ed ml with “Hoe ned tite preciprtate 4 | aanple chitin, [precipitate 1 fof Raobeb AC idiste HNOS and |cbtated. NOCT®TBNO3 > AgClV-* NaNOo IyNOs axlotion aaa jaro added. — OF pet I | oPrcaptiato ORC weokeble mM HNs, ‘tho ppl. (does ral chazohe. | a (loko ta “Bie des | pirecpiate | WDuc tb te femoha of pant oF Re ppl. dzclies |EuBIE comple oF crgorto- | 7 fikocscrariest fonimomnat chloride. jhabe and: Faken [PgClax PWO;)n->PBC ln 4 ONANO, iwettk NAOH aah, | i: | | Onl coh. % | tune preciprinte| Unite precipitate 16 of PbCla. | idded 6 lead! (ONGCI+PBINOs)a>PECIad *INGNO5 || inttal© soliton La Se ~ taken ma test | | 1 | ibe. “recat ond ox cong, ics “cocked Peappoors OF —— ——~ireadlo shaped | | —__—_|ergetote Ee br etc sn frorido (GD) RK as COR THB || f Tal Ctl, [owe #Cla 7 OCT Bi [etc ard od — (hacen CHC ‘ye ___—— aS) wiles’ for watde(J) radical kun redide Crs taken oF cample eTeehimiany ce diy teste 7 ‘| xperment _ Ose VctOn | Explanation Th a dy teat |\eolet gas [Molet colar % due t Ip, | Faber0ag of tke jiapewr. rn [empe eater | (la OHO = | [erty ath ' G50, + STEAD) | eontertated FSG 5 | |Fitor paper axoked) [Te poper ‘turns Sort odeonbe Ty tommy 0 [ac etarck ecto | Blac. [doek Bue cape enpure. —} fre Had fe | | [eeag eae (ae BA mivtare oF [rangent enelng—|Ringant onaiing Valet vapane | | [eample ond MO. |viclot topours;uclick |or> of Tedme. 6 tober m0 diy condensed oF Blt | Glgy Foye Hq, Hest tbe. To We foystole whe | My sO TO GOAGN Hate x regia econ poet Be} | [nou of ——— Hest tite =a Concatbated Ha Ti [eet ad | el | [wormed __— hyirocarbo Woe teat Diopeation Oe acon #Pbait 09 calauon tekde Cola) dele) w Onl deta! iaior atd ke llowng teks are pertarnod with he routing olin 7 Explonaihat (Galas preciptlate, [Yolins precyticic ¥5 oF Pals | faker mo test rcoluble m chlso lshich vs mecluble wm. tot | Haka and” acidified |HNO; and NOH (dite HNO3 ond NH,OH seat FINOJeoluton. ea Ho lek FNS] (aor ai al eS Abt Gnl oF [To CHC layer [The fboroted In dizohed lechiton % ken ferns viokt: ——|CHCIs Iqyor ond -uraed violet latest tao ond | Cd Hg 04> (050, YAH [HIYCla > GHCl so 2023/1/5 16 wp oe foe yitvito (NO) odicol? Colum rte [oWCae] Bk ce compe ~aFeclany o° dy Bet | ee) Geen Expbratin abina diy teat [Red [Receick brown gos ¥ OF Ng Hkescocenrctod | t HaGO, © odeed® | T Fe OND, Coan) — || csomad. A toch= | Jaa 3 a0 AROFTENOFT _ fete per 5 — Taio Bie adearption | | held a a. | com plex ang | i rn [I a awa ett SHiepeotn Ge Dita Real Ug CWRa & deed | wi Awl date wolor ond he Foloctg Tek. ore pemtermedl otk We lion _ r. BEBE) gat 12 BKOUH oped Est “the jaiproks itn | le © Feu cy) aca peared | aay od Get) fai -Fe iro) % Ora (Eeneaece oF awed leclatfon 16 taken % |eclowhes ond be ost be aid odevrlece gaz ~Yocercd we dito Hei Ty F wen) iter, oe # “Fo solution tuens ond cdeurlos Na ord Cg | je ae [COW LENO, | 50) agg aq Hla0 | Fie sckeotnis Hue deo + | land octdified et lato Poy, AD auton owe ~ Freshly propored argh ccleton or added STE [dcop De. [The ZS GING, a - 'GHINs >I GO# ANG <0 A = 4 ‘Groen £ HNO; produced Bj HO Vibe Og oF — \jenalings ream gps |reccln of wivate cit wk | [ample en Cr |proucig Bue cone GO, ves tg |tentige © weoprtad) colovred EBT EO ao tctth al oF fra dg tot Pe ilphaP — or oon | [Revered “late Was [AHP Fe \eeaked 7 a0 ie aC aietion © eee Ki GGT Pa | Tie fiter poper |The Her Peper due fe — oie RSE 7 5 —SPeporction Ie solritnsAbot Og Whee %s deohed te Wal Eile) vot oid Te llamy Rte am prioncl wh to aio a a —[ Fapermat Observation Biporakr SC (fmt Gol ahite [Uke pecpfatc —_ [herlsblo white pectin’ & oF | | He ket a tat fbachos Te AhtO HCL |BoD;. | ~Plabe to whack Bota | (QHa),ED3# Pals 7 ASO, SANT) || Icolition ¥ oct. Bas! OCIS ERG aH | [Bike aaktion oF Ho [KMD Alert 02g of (WU),Ry is sched ® 30) al detted eater oc Raker and the Fellowsng” teste are pet tes cohtiot SE fe bhen fa test |prociptate. is of MylNihpFO. bos Ocidified wth IF), Pa # MOY MaIMinF, -¢OUNHANDS Settle) karlato acebe acid ond lehokon wilh 25m [om gr acetate (CHy(00) rodteal Clete oceiato [CHSCCO gC token os ample | a €atig: Heo com Boal & te ah. %|Rinpk clown oF loctdified with chute Hay cad Cone wath oil. KHAO, cain DKOR 4H 0 test tube, Ka xO ¢ © dechargal |e weet of bias [Ponple leur deapraor die ON

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