Language Study

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Power Of Language Essay

Bianca Hernandez

Los Angeles Pacific University


Language study is an essential component of preparing students for 21st-century

citizenship. In today's globalized world, language proficiency is a critical skill for success in both

personal and professional endeavors. Knowing one or more languages other than English is a

valuable asset, with the world becoming increasingly interconnected. It enables individuals to

communicate effectively with people from diverse cultures, understand different perspectives,

and build meaningful relationships. In addition, language study promotes cognitive development,

enhances creativity, and increases opportunities for personal growth and self-discovery.

According to the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), teachers have a moral

imperative to develop literacy in their students. Literacy is about reading, writing, critical

thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills. The NCTE emphasizes that literacy is a

fundamental human right that empowers individuals to participate fully in society and exercise

their democratic rights. Teachers must provide students with opportunities to develop these skills

by integrating literacy instruction across all subjects and engaging them in meaningful learning


As a future classroom teacher, I will prioritize equipping students with language skills by

creating a language-rich environment that promotes communication and collaboration. I will

provide opportunities for students to engage in authentic and meaningful language use, such as

project-based learning, peer-to-peer interactions, and real-world scenarios. I will also use

technology and multimedia resources to support language learning and provide feedback and

assessment that focuses on language development. Furthermore, I will foster a love for language

learning and encourage students to explore their linguistic and cultural identities.

The ethical and spiritual implications of language study are profound. Language is a

means of communication and a source of cultural and spiritual identity. Language study

promotes empathy, understanding, and respect for diversity, which are essential values for a just

and equitable society. Furthermore, language study provides individuals with the opportunity to

connect with their heritage and preserve their cultural legacy. Promoting language study prepares

students for 21st-century citizenship and contributes to a more compassionate and enlightened


In addition to the benefits mentioned earlier, language study also has economic

implications. In today's globalized economy, businesses and organizations increasingly seek

proficient individuals in one or more languages.

Literacy is a fundamental human right that enables individuals to access information,

exercise their democratic rights, and participate fully in society. As such, teachers are morally

obligated to allow all students to develop their literacy skills, regardless of their background or

ability level. This means creating an inclusive, supportive, and culturally responsive learning


One way to promote literacy development is by integrating instruction across all subject

areas. By doing so, we can help students see the relevance and importance of literacy skills in

their daily lives. For example, in science class, students could read and analyze scientific articles,

write lab reports, and engage in scientific discourse. In social studies, students could read

primary source documents, write essays, and participate in debates.

Another way to promote literacy development is by using culturally responsive teaching

strategies. This involves recognizing and valuing our students' linguistic and cultural diversity

and incorporating their cultural backgrounds and experiences into the curriculum. For example,

teachers could use literature and other materials that reflect the cultural diversity of their

students, provide opportunities for students to share their own stories and experiences, and use

culturally relevant pedagogy that draws on students' prior knowledge and experiences.

Knowing a language other than English can give individuals a competitive edge in the job

market and open up international business, diplomacy, and translation career opportunities.

Moreover, language proficiency can lead to higher salaries and career advancement. Language

study also promotes cultural awareness and understanding. By learning another language,

individuals gain insight into the culture and traditions of those who speak it. This promotes

respect and empathy for cultural differences and helps break down cultural barriers.

Additionally, language study can help preserve endangered languages and promote language


As a classroom teacher, creating a safe and inclusive environment that values all

languages and cultures is essential. This can be done by incorporating multicultural literature,

celebrating cultural holidays and traditions, and inviting guest speakers from different linguistic

and cultural backgrounds. By doing so, we can promote cultural awareness and understanding,

foster an appreciation for diversity, and help students feel proud of their linguistic and cultural


In summary, language study is critical for preparing students for 21st-century citizenship.

As teachers, we must develop literacy in our students and equip them with the language skills

necessary for success in a globalized world. By creating a language-rich environment that


promotes empathy, understanding, and respect for diversity, we can prepare students to become

responsible and compassionate global citizens.



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Multilingual Matters.

National Education Association. (2014). Preparing 21st century citizens: The role of teachers

in UNESCO. (2019). Global education monitoring report: Migration, displacement and

education: Building bridges, not walls. UNESCO.

Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in society: The development of higher psychological

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Ladson-Billings, G. (2014). Culturally relevant pedagogy 2.0: a.k.a. the remix. Harvard

Educational Review, 84(1), 74-84.stering global competence.

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