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• A good script will make your calls go a lot smoother

• When cold calling, the goal is to answer who you are and exactly why you’re
calling before the owner gets suspicious or gets their guard up

• Different scripts for different scenarios

• Our scripts were developed over years and thousands of phone calls

• Sound as friendly and personable as possible – not like a business – SMILE!

• Don’t sound like you’re reading a script – don’t have to be polished

Talking To Owner of Vacant Property
Hi can I speak to “owner first name” please?

Hi “owner first name”, this is probably kind of out of the blue for you, but my name
is ”first last name” and not too long ago I drove by a house it appears you own off
of “street name” and I could very well be mistaken, but I thought it might be vacant
so I just wanted to see if you had any interest in selling the house.

• You know owner’s full name, but just use first name initially
• You know full property address, but just reference street name
Talking To Property Owner - Unsure if Vacant
Hi can I speak to “owner first name” please?

Hi “owner first name”, this is probably kind of out of the blue for you, but my name
is ”first last name” and the reason I’m calling is I’m looking for properties to buy
over in the area where your house off “street name” is located and I just wanted to
reach out to you to see if you had any interest in selling that house.

• You know owner’s full name, but just use first name initially
• You know full property address, but just reference street name
Talking to Relative/Associate of Owner
Hi can I speak to “first name” please?

Hi “first name”, this is probably kind of out of the blue for you, but my name is ”first
last name” and I don’t know if you can help or not, but I’m trying to reach ”owner
first last name” to see if he/she has any interest in selling a house I think he/she
owns over off of “street name” and I just haven’t had any luck getting in contact
with him/her. Would you happen to be familiar with “owner name” or the house
off of “street name”?
Talking to Relative/Associate of Deceased
Hi can I speak to “first name” please?

Hi “first name”, this is probably kind of out of the blue for you, but my name is ”first
last name” and I don’t know if you can help or not, but I’m trying to reach someone
related to “owner first last name”. The reason I’m calling is I saw he/she owned a
house over off “street name” and I just wanted to see if whoever owns or controls
the property now has any interest in selling it.
• Use applicable script
• At end of message add:

• If you could call or text me back at “your phone number” I would really
appreciate it. Again my name is “first last name” and you can call or text me
anytime at “your phone number”
What If You Can’t Contact
• This happens for various reasons
• No good phone number
• Not sure if there is a good phone number
• Good number and just won’t respond

Talking to Owners
Frequently Asked Questions:

• How did you get my number?

• Oh I use sites like spokeo and intellius that provide contact info for people
• Why do you think I want to sell?
• Oh I had no idea if you were interested or not, I just wanted to reach out and see if you were
• How did you know I was related?
• Oh I wasn’t sure if you were or not, you just showed up as a possible relative
• I actually found the obituary where you were listed as son/daughter/wife/etc…..
Talking To Owners

• Listen for indications there may be other opportunities:

• Which one are you calling about?
• We sold that one.

• Example: Yellowstone, Richmond

Talking To Owners
I don’t own that house anymore:

• The bank owns it now

• The county owns it now


• Ex: Nightbird
Talking To Owners
Handling ”No”

• Some variation of no thanks, not now, or I’m not interested

• I understand completely, but are you sure you wouldn’t like to at least get an
offer? It would only take a few minutes and if you ever decide to sell you’ll
know exactly what I’d be willing to pay.

• Is it okay if I follow up with you in “X” months to see if anything has changed?
Talking To Owners
• You’ve done a lot of calls and someone calls you back and you have
no idea what property they are associated with

• I’m sorry I was calling on several properties, can you tell me the address of
the property I called about?
• I was trying to get in touch with relatives of a couple of property owners, can
you tell me what name or address I mentioned in my message?
• Remember you called them, they didn’t call you
• Take your time…....DO NOT RUSH THEM
• Build rapport

• Example: Bethel
Talking with Owners
• Error on the side of caution with elderly owners

• Example: Aves

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