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K14 EDUC 202




1. How is the study of current trends in education important to you as a teacher?

Trends in education is necessary for me as a teacher to be updated, adapt, learn

and practice it in my teaching. For me one of the most important factor is that for me to
be not left behind. It means that I need to be qualified, I need to be updated, I need to
use new strategies because maybe if I will not consider the current trends in education I
might give the incorrect learning strategies according to the new generation learners
needs. As time goes by, economic growth changes, educational system adaptability to
new trends of teaching techniques changes, and a lot more aspects changes. If I will be
stagnant and fail to adapt in the new teaching strategies/ current trends in education I
might provide graduates who would suffer a mismatch between the degree that an
individual studies and the current job he/she is applying. It has been said by a great
philosopher that ‘’A thousand teacher, a thousand strategies’’ yes it is true, but for me
as a teacher I have to learn to learn and practice the current trends in education for me
to deliver quality teaching and be able to produce quality graduates.

2. Of the popular trends in education, what do you think is the trend that can be
applicable in your class and why?

Among the five trends in education, I think it would be quite challenging and
motivating for me to try to upgrade my teaching and gather more active participation
coming from the learners without sacrificing there level of willingness to learn. I am
teaching laboratory class in TLE, I can inculcate game activities through performance
tasks and even in their written works. Let say for instance, the students will identify the
tools used in food processing. For the students to identify and be familiar with the tools,
I can say that the game/ activity on ‘’ACT THE TOOLS’’ would be helpful. Students were
going to act the use of tools according to how they understand its functions and some of
the students will identify the tools by guessing its name based on the action that the
other student is presenting.

3. What do you think is the future of online learning, especially here in the
Philippines? Explain your answer.

I think the future online learning here in the Philippines would be more beneficial
to both teachers and learners. Technology would help teachers to improve their
teaching through the use of online sources and references. It would uplift the quality
learning instruction and delivery, the use of online videos as supplementary examples,
situational problem solving tasks and real life scenario in content delivery will help uplift
the quality of learning in the Philippines. Since that teaching and learning now a days is
no longer focused in the four corners of the classroom, online learning and its future in
the educational system of the Philippines will help the Department of Education bridge
the learning gap in the country.

4. Discuss the 5 technology trends in 2023.

Technology evolved through the years in many aspects of human development.

One of its aspects is in the field of education, there were 5 technological trends that has
been highly emphasizing in the delivery of teaching and learning. One of these was the
learning outside the classroom. This trend gives more flexibility on learning, time is
not anymore, a problem and location between the learning service provider and the
recipient is more concern. This trend summarizes learning as a whole learning package
because, the use of e books, textbooks, internet, technological device, the learner itself
and its availability are prioritized. The second one was the gamification, this trend
utilizes unique strategies for learning. It encourages learners active participation in
completing the required task, by involvement of games to completely motivate the
students to continue to participate and learn appropriately through giving the tasks as a
form of games or with the involvement of games. The third one was the collaborative
learning, it promotes team work among the students. It also bit the gap between the
teacher and students’ relationship in traditional way of teaching. Teachers in this trend,
serves as mentors and facilitators. The fourth one was the immersive learning with
augmented reality and virtual reality learning became much more immersive than
traditional. This trend is used to explain complex concept. And last one was the virtual
learning helps achieve more comprehensive learning because it is the combination of
online learning and in person learning.

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