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Specific objective;
Cognitive; infer the sounds could be reflected in a form of echo.

Affective; follow instruction while preforming activity.

Psychomotor; identify the important use of echo.

II. Topic; investigating the characteristic of sounds.

Reference; Science Teacher guide page; 2070-272.
Instructional material; picture, chat with concept
Subject integration; honesty

III. Procedure
A. Introduction
1. Review / drills; what do we call the sound that are reflected back?
What Couse echo?
How do bat use echo

2. Motivation Technique; have the pupils read the following words.

. Sea animal’s .high- pitched

. Whales . Navigation

. Murky . Radar

B. Interaction Presentation/Development of the lesson.

Show a picture of a whale. Tell the class that this is a whale and it is the animal of the
sea (have read the chart)

c. Integration

How whales do uses the echo?

1. Generalization
Are echoes important in navigation? Why?
IV. Evaluation;

Direction; Draw a happy face if the statements is correct and draw a sad face if its not a

1. All sea animals are use echo to find the r food.

2. Echo is useful to whales.
3. Whales can determine how far away the object though an echo.
4. Echo are important in navigation.
5. Radar is an echolocation use to locate object.

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