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 Quote: Pick a significant quote out of the reading, class lecture, or other class

material to analyze.
 Question: Ask an open-ended question about the quote/reading. Think about
how the reading relates to class discussions, other readings, or other relevant
 Comment: Comment on the reading/class concept. This comment could be an
answer to the question you asked, or it could be more general analysis.

“Some topics are so current that there is little to no research available.” This quote stood out to
me because I have dealt with this issue before when writing research papers. In this case I
wonder what solution the reading suggests in order to still obtain sufficient research on the
topic. Is there a foolproof way to research newer and less reported topics? After continuing to
read the only solution that the reading offers is to redirect your research topic to a similar
category that is perhaps more established. I would also point out however, that one could turn
to generalizing their topic more or broadening the search to a less specific topic. Even though
this reading insists you get as specific as possible, sometimes there is such a thing as too narrow
a topic, making research nearly impossible.

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