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AP12 – EV04



FILE 2104696

Bogotá D.C. 2021








FILE 2104696

Bogotá D.C. 2021


Description of the evidence:

Presentation in the format of your preference on policies to improve the work
environment of a company, written in English.
The work environment is an aspect of the utmost importance for a company, since
its quality depends on achieving the best results and creating commitment in the
work teams. This section will discuss human resource management topics,
described in English, along with the relevant vocabulary to be used in this regard.
To continue the above, you must perform the following activities:
1. Organize a document in the format of your preference where you will carry
out the activities in this section.
2. Enter the learning object The Market Thing: “KNOWING MY TEAM”, located
in the Activity of Project 12 Supervising the work team ”. Watch the video
tutorial contained in the “Let's listen” section, and write a paragraph of at
least 10 lines, expressing the main ideas contained in it.

● In the future everybody will have the ability to be online anytime anywhere
all communication will be based on real-time presence and status will
become important indicators email will not be really used anymore fast data
connections will also become a property on the mobile devices this will
make in direct face-to-face communication through video chat possible
anytime anywhere besides employees that are measured on output it will
also be better to check the presence of other employees on it is there will be
systems that can check presents engagement and the ethical aspects of
working experts with specific knowledge can be used easier and faster to do
specific tasks wherever on earth.
With the new way of working almost all resources will be mobilized due to
many improvements in mobile hardware and mobile services it has become
cheaper and much easier to contact colleagues and customers from a
distance not working on one location also gets employees closer to their

3. Download and read the texts contained in the "Let's read" section. Do the
reading comprehension activity for the section and take screenshots of each
question, including the final result. Add the captures in the document.
4. Based on human resource management, write a presentation outlining the
policies for your own project, with the aim of promoting a suitable work
environment in your company.

Accord with the work to be developed in accordance with the material provided by
SENA, and references of bibliographic content regarding the approach to the
corresponding subject around the importance of the Human Talent Management
area to improve and enhance an assertive process of selection of the ideal profile
of workers and the training of the commercial personnel of the COMPLEMENT
SAS project company. An analysis of the environment around the development of
this evidence is sought, identifying its characteristics, its significance and its
importance within the development of this evidence. In order to create a clearer
recognition and an assertive understanding in favor of the theme to be developed.
Proofing in a timely manner its purpose in line with the development and synthesis
of acquired learning.

Recognize the Management of the Human Talent area within the company
COMPLEMENT S.A.S. In order to generate continuous improvement around the
different areas of the company and enhance them with their respective
coordination through the management exercised
● Carry out identification and recognition according to the importance of the
Human Talent Management area, within companies.
● Be clear about the individual objectives and expectations of the company in
projection to a traceability of time in the short, medium and long term; for the
assertive fulfillment of goals.
● Evaluate and promote the productivity of each area, process and person in
● Identify the necessary labor competencies required individually, to align
them to the position and enhance the performance of the workers of the
● Have a work plan in which instruments, strategies and protocols are
identified in favor of continuous improvement by the workers and the
company in the team.


In the first instance, it seems crucial to define what the Human Talent Management
Area is and its importance for companies, human talent according to what the
SENA training material explains, represents the set of collaborators who develop
productive activities or of support in an organization through the use of its
capacities and use of the tools for its execution, in order to achieve the
organizational objectives set.
Therefore, Human Talent Management is itself, the set of policies and practices
necessary to direct the aspects concerning the people or collaborators of the
organization such as: recruitment, selection, training, reward and performance
evaluation and evaluation.
Human Talent Management focuses on three fundamental aspects such as:
Attract, Retain and Develop the most suitable personnel for the company.
Now responding to the definition of the objectives of the training report; The
Training report of the COMPLEMENT S.A.S company is based mainly on
identifying an assertive accompaniment to its personnel in order for the
performance to be assertive and effective.


The personnel improvement plans of the company Proyecto COMPLEMENT
S.A.S, must be based on the following aspects:
● Emphasis on ethics and values by all members of the company.
● Policies, manuals, and compliance protocols that are necessary standards
for an assertive operation and growth of the company.
● Teamwork, since all the areas of the company make up a single unit and
each one contributes an indispensable part for the growth of the company
and its workers.
● Assertive self-management.
● Recognition of shared and other negotiated goals.
● Development policies that promote the growth of the company.
● Personnel selection policies, in order to choose suitable personnel to form
part of the company.
● Decision-making policies to jointly choose the best options for the company.


Human Talent Management Policies; they are an administrative orientation for the
members of said organization. In this case, for the company COMPLEMENT
S.A.S, that is, they are regulations that will be normatively implemented as the
central basis of the company with a purpose of continuous improvement.
And it is based on the ethics, projection, needs and goals that the company has to
fulfill its growth around an integral excellence.
Continuing the theme, the Human Talent Management area within the company is
in charge of the processes of recruitment, development, motivation and retention of
its employees, that is, they are in charge of the policies of the integrated human
resources process.
Among the policies of the human resources (HR) process, the following stand out:

1. Decision-making policy:

Decision making is one of the most important parts of company. Therefore,

everything must be previously defined. You have to be aware of and master all the
factors that can determine your decisions. For example, the choice of the place
where a meeting is going to take place, all of this is part of the phases of the talent
management process.

2. Staff selection policies:

Personnel selection is one of the most important functions of human resources and
talent management. And for that reason, you need the best possible guidelines to
ensure good staff management. In talent management processes, recruitment is
one of the most important parts. But choosing the most suitable candidate who
meets all the requirements is difficult.

Given this situation, it is convenient to establish the personnel selection criteria

previously. Criteria such as quality standards, physical and intellectual aptitudes,
previous experiences and capacity for development and adaptation.

3. Development policies:

The day to day in a company or organization also requires guidelines to ensure the
best possible operation. Therefore, we need to define the criteria for planning,
distribution and internal transfer of personnel, to define the personal plan of each of
them. It must be clear that there are differences between talent management and
human resources.

Each new individual opens up the possibilities for a redefinition of the plan and
relocation of personnel already on the payroll. This allows growth within the
company, which is an incentive for employees.

4. Analysis policies:

Both in talent management policies and in any human resources policy, a review
and analysis strategy is necessary. If the information that is extracted is not
analyzed, it loses its value. Therefore, analyzing the quality of the personnel is a
basic element.

This can be measured based on productivity or many other indicators. It is

important to define which one will serve as a comparative element. This has to
reflect how the work is being done, the efficiency.
5. Internal Politics:

The internal policies of the company also have a place in those of talent
management. The reason is that all the improvements that occur in the
organization are reflected in the working environment of the company. And
improving this work environment is also one of the most important points in human
resource management.

A clear example of this relationship is the hygiene and safety policies in the
company. These are of utmost importance since the company must ensure that the
physical and environmental conditions necessary for the performance of any
function within the company exist, regardless of ranks or hierarchies. all this
contributes to how to manage human talent in organizations.

These are the main policies that can be applied in the management of human
talent. Companies and organizations that intend to do a good job in this area must
commit to creating policies that improve the conditions of all employees.


Commercial indicators or KPIs could be defined as metrics or measurement tools
that allow us to check in the most objective way possible if we are selling our
products or services well or badly. Synthesizing a lot, we could say that
commercial indicators serve to verify that our sales strategies are working as we
had planned, if we are reaching the commercial objectives that we have set for
ourselves in the short, medium and long term.

Effectiveness: This indicator measures the performance of sales and the

trends of the results obtained with the activity carried out. This KPI takes
into account the income obtained from the sales made thanks to the
implementation of marketing actions both online and offline, verifying that
the benefits obtained are greater than the expenditure made on these
actions. Likewise, the effectiveness indicator also evaluates customer
satisfaction with the purchase made, how often they make new purchases
or rehire the service, as well as with respect to image and brand loyalty.
✔ Efficiency: The efficiency KPI evaluates the costs related to getting
potential customers, as well as the costs in human resources,
intermediaries, for marketing actions, etc.
✔ Effectiveness-Efficiency: Measures results against costs.
✔ Financial performance: Return on investment: The most widely used
probability ratio is considered. It is defined as a parameter that evaluates the
performance of a company by dividing the net profit by the net worth.
✔ Debt-equity ratio: Also known as the risk ratio, it measures the ratio of
shareholders' capital to the debt used to finance the company's assets.
✔ Operating margin: A measure of a company's pricing strategy and its
operating efficiency. It is calculated as the ratio of operating income to net
✔ Return on Assets / Return on Equity - ROE: This is a measure of money
raised from shareholders. ROE comparisons must be made within the same
industry. While ROA is an indicator, it is a measure of the company's
profitability for its assets.
✔ Performance in Human Resources: Income per employee: An indicator of
the productivity of the company's workforce. It measures the amount of
sales per employee and also measures the efficiency of the use of human
✔ Employee satisfaction index: Helps to understand how satisfied the
employees of a company / department are.
✔ Salary Competitiveness Index: This helps collect data on your
competitor's salary or the industry average salary and allows you to
compare this to your company's salary levels.
✔ Human Capital ROI: Measure of return on invested capital as pay and

Through the Sales Indicator, which is vital, the sales projection will be
obtained according to what is required. In addition to the fact that the main
objective of the company and the commercial and business world itself is to
achieve an optimal constant level of sales that generates profits, is profitable and
has a return on investment.
⮚ Make a company's products and services known to customers.
⮚ Make the company and its quality and service policies known to customers.
⮚ Help clients evaluate a negotiation proposal and costs.
⮚ Facilitate the purchase of company products to customers.
⮚ Make a value proposition known to customers.
⮚ Offer an optimal quality service.
Definition of management indicators (product, price, distribution and
According to the material provided by SENA, and other bibliographic sources
consulted, for the evaluation of the marketing plan I consider that the most
important indicators are the following:
Customer → value → price → cost → product.

● Offer, Quality, Price, Variety, Product development options to clients,

technical support, compliance, packaging.
⮚ Analyze the current situation of the company. (SWOT).
⮚ Determine what the goal of this is.
⮚ Define the target audience or target niche.
⮚ Establish a viable budget.
⮚ Choose and define the message that the company seeks to convey.
⮚ Choose which communication channels are best suited to the
⮚ Define execution times.
⮚ Measure and evaluate the results of the company's strategies.

Compared to other companies, it offers a considerable variety to its clients seeking

to please them in their needs and desires, it also gives the option of product
development to clients, being so if a client wants to create a fragrance new or a
new flavor has all the possibility and the guarantee of doing it with COMPLEMENT
SAS, in addition, technical support is provided to customers so that they have a
guarantee of support against the services offered, there is a fulfillment with the
orders both for time as well as for quality, and in addition a safe and warm
packaging is guaranteed compared to the Fragrances and Flavors industrial sector.
In addition to keeping in mind that there is a product that is vital in the industry and
its consumption is necessary and guaranteed by the entire industry to develop the
flavors in the food line and the fragrances in the home care and care line. clothing.

Performance indicators in consumer information and marketing:

1. Market growth rate: Analyze the change in the size of a given group of
consumers in a particular market, over a period of time.

2. Customer Satisfaction Index or NPS: Defined as a measure of how

products and services meet or exceed customer expectations.

3. Social media footprint: Identifies the degree to which a company is

present on social media.

4. Brand equity: The premium value that a brand provides to the product;
measuring loyalty, awareness, retention, etc.

5. Customer lifetime value: The revenue expected to be generated from a

customer throughout their entire relationship with the company. It is
calculated with the revenue per customer, minus the gross margin of
revenue, divided by the probability of cancellation of the customer.

6. Customer acquisition cost: It is the relationship between the sum of

marketing and sales spending, with the number of new customers in a
particular period.
5. In the “Vocabulary” section, drag each word with the corresponding concept.
Take screenshots in each group of words and add them to the document.

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