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Aiah Joyce F.

Homeroom Guidance
Module 2

Let's Try This

1. What is the most challenging situation for you in the pictures? For me, the most
challenging situation is the 3rd picture.
2. Among the challenges presented, where can you relate the most? Why? I can relate to
the 2nd picture because it seems like the girl can't recall of something and it happens to me
all the time.
3. How do you overcome and deal with it positively? I sometimes study with my friends
so they can assist me.

Let's Explore This

Challenges met in school Factors or reasons in What are the actions to do
experiencing challenges to still have a good study
Example: Not enough food My parents are jobless Look for opportunities to
for family everyday earn while considering my
safety, and allot time to
focus on my schoolwork.
1. Difficulty in Internet connectivity issues Watch tutorials about the
understanding a subject topic that i want to learn
2. Struggling to adjust in The students are not used to Try your best and keep
distance-learning it learning
3. Procrastination or lack of Fear of the outcome and Control your time and think
motivation to study low energy levels. of your future
1. What do you feel when you recall those challenges? I think of myself.
2. How different or similar are the study habits in various challenges? The some
challenges includes the whole family and others do not.
3. How do you look at these challenges in relation to your academic success? I
experienced some of the challenges above and I overcame those by thinking the positive

You Can Do It
Expectations before the start of School Year 2020-2021:
-things would be awesome
-i'll make a lot of friends
Things that happened during the first month of classes:
-things were good so far
-i have trouble making friends

What I Have Learned

1. Take a deep breath, relax and do not put extreme, unnecessary pressure on yourself
during your lessons.
2. One way of having good study habits is to avoid cramming. It is better to review your
notes ahead of time and study slowly but surely in a span of days than study everything in
one go.
3. Set specific goals that you can integrate in your routine. Consistency is one way of
having good study habits.
4. Having group study habits can be of immense help to students in acquiring knowledge
and skills.
5. Good study habits also boost self-esteem especially during exams and tests.
6. Some people learn better when they join a group study.
7. Each study session has its own activities. These may come in many forms such as
memorizing vocabulary, solving problems or reading a whole chapter.
8. When you are surrounded with distractions such as noise and social media, you tend to
lose focus which can interfere in your study time.

Share Your Thoughts and Feelings

Study Habit Pros Cons Insight
1. Time Allows you to Inefficient planning Schedule everything
management concentrate on the of activities
2. Note-taking Engages your mind Note taking is not Take down the
for everyone important words and
phrases only.
3. Managing Lowers our stress It would take a long Turn off the
distractions level time distractions
4. Doing advance It will help you Feel lack of Fast learner
readings answer the tasks continuity
5. Listening Promote open- Disruption To listen attentively
attentively mindedness requires my utmost
attention , and what
their body is
communicating .

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