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The given table shows the scores of representative students of three

sections in a Science exam.

A:     84     94     90     94                 
B:     74     94     84     84     97
C:     94     81     90           
H0 = ua = ub=uc                             
Ha: Not all population means are equal

Signifance Level: 0.05

Anova: Single Factor
         Count Sum Average Variance
A:         4 362 90.5 22.33
B:         5 433 86.6 83.8
C: 3 265 88.33 44.33

Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value Fcrit
Between Groups 33.8 2 16.9 0.31 0.74 4.26
Within Groups 490.87 9 54.54

Total : 524.67 11

Conclusion: The p value is greater than the Signifance level . the

null hypothesis is not rejected

Billy James Ramos


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