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Characteristics of Mathematics as a Language

1.It is precise.

2.It is concise.

3.It is powerful.

4.It is non-temporal.

5.It has vocabulary and parts of speech.


1. Number Symbols (Things Noun)
2. Relkation Symbols (Relations < > = ) =, ≤, ≥, ~
3. Operation Symbols(Action Verbs) +,÷, ^ and v
4. Grouping Symbols (Associations) ( { } ( ) [] brackets)
In a sentence when you used a comma you can change the meaning of the sentence.
just like in math if you moved the brackets/operations.
5. Placeholders Symbol (Pronouns like he, she , )

22/7 = 3.1428571...
355/113 = 3.1415929...
π = 3.14159265...

To know the Pie you can use the above.

Mathematical Expressions

Name given to an object of interest: NOUN (person, place, thing)

Refers to objects of interesting acting as the subject in the ordinary language.
It is a finite group of algebraic terms and mathematical symbols combined with no
equal or in equality sign.
Mathematical Sentence

A sentence with complete thought, which can be regarded as true or false

Upper Case Vs. Lower Case

lowercase for variables (like x or y) or counting values (like m or n)

UPPERCASE for sets (like X or Y) and special constants

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