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M1 Pre - Task “ Nature by Numbers “

 Fibonacci Numbers. You can generate a shape by just adding the fibonacci numbers and
forming a line in every point of it continuously .  It doesn't come to my mind that even the
living things have its own exact measurement The movie contains numbers, geometry
and nature.
 It is unclear to me the three things showed and how it formed . The spiral , sunflower and
dragon fly 
 I wanted to ask what do you call in math the process of this three . the spiral, sunflower
and dragon fly 
 I used to think that numbers are just numbers that are used in solving/calculating math
problems.  And i have come into a conclusion that everything around us even the nature
is Math.

-------------M1 Lesson 1 : Patterns and Numbers in Nature and the World------------

is about mathematics as a system of knowing or understanding our surroundings-
deals with nature of mathematics, appreciation of its practical, intellectual,
and aesthetic dimensions, and application of mathematical tools in daily life.


is not all about numbers, it is more about reasoning, making logical inferences
and generalization, and seeing relationships in both visible and invisible

It goes beyond arithmetic, it is a language by which the universe is elegantly

designed. Its value transcends the intellectual, practical, and even the
aesthetics standards.

--------Patterns and Numbers in Nature and the World-------

PATTERNS - are regular, repeated, or recurring forms or designs
-Patterns are the core topics in mathematics.
-Mathematics as the Science of Patterns.
Two types of Patterns:

Cone, Fish , etc

M1 Lesson 2 - Fibonacci Sequence

In 1202, Italian mathematician Leonardo Pisano (also known as Fibonacci,
meaning "son of Bonacci") pondered the question: Given optimal conditions,
how many pairs of rabbits can be produced from a single pair of rabbits in one

This thought experiment dictates that the female rabbits always give birth to

pairs, and each pair consists of one male and one female.
 The order goes as follows: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144 and on
to infinity.Each number is the sum of the previous two.
 This series of numbers is known as the Fibonacci numbers or
the Fibonacci sequence. The ratio between the numbers (1.618034) is
frequently called the golden ratio or golden number.

Fibonacci in Nature:

 Seed heads, pinecones, fruits and vegetables 

 Flowers and branches
 Honeybees
 The human body

 Patterns and Regularities

 If you also take a look closer at the patterns of our world, you will always
reveal the beautiful mathematics. It is 100% true because mathematics is
all in our hands.

 Our universe is filled with spiral designs. Spirals can be found in the shape
of DNA double helix, flowers, elephant tusks, sunflowers, hurricanes,
draining water, horns of animals, a nautilus shell, a snail shell, a pinecone,
a cabbage, a fingerprint, algeas, galaxies.

All these spirals in the nature tell us there are numbers all around us. Let’s
observe numbers of petals of some flowers.

When you count the number of petals of flowers  you will get the numbers
3, 5, 8,13, 21, 34, or 55. These numbers are not random numbers.

Top Ten Patterns found in Nature:

1. Patterns found in leaves
2. Spiral pattern
3. Pattern found in Zebra's strips
4. Pattern found in Honeycomb
5. Pattern found in molecules
6. Pattern found in Seashell cover
7. Pattern found in Embryonic brain
8. Pattern found on desert sand
9. Pattern found on Butterfly's wing
10. Pattern found in Spider's net

M1 Check- in Activity 2 Example of patterns found in nature

Snakes skin  - An example of a Tesselations pattern .When you look at it
closely it consist of  repeated shape like cubes/tiles. 
Kiwi - an example of symmetries .  Inside of it you will notice the different
shapes that are alike.
Crack - one example that nature cracks is after a natural disaster example is
a  strong earthquake, you'll notice the floor that have different linings /
different patterns due to strong magnitude that cracks the floor . 
M1 Check- in Activity 23
1. What is Mathematics for you?
2. Why are numbers important in our life?
3. Enumerate 5 situation where you have to use numbers.

1.  Mathematics for me is very important. One of the situation that i always
use mathematics is in our store. I have to give exact change or else we'll lose
money instead of profiting. 
2. Everything around us consist of numbers. For me one ne of the important
things in our life is Money if you don't have it you can't get some things that
you want. When we were on a hospital, numbers can measure our heart rate
or identify if we were dead or alive.  When doing the dishes, you don't want to
waste water because in can cause a lot in your monthly bills. 
  3.1 .When I am selling things in our store. I have to give them a change
based on the price of the item and the money that they have given
with/without calculator.
  3.2. When I  am buying something from a store and I  have to count my
money if I  have enough for it. 
3.3.  When I am going to school, I have to check the Time so I  will not be late
in class .
3.4.  When playing chess. 
3.5. When measuring things.

M1 Lesson 6 Examples of Math Applications

1. Making Routine Budgets

2. Construction Purpose
3. Exercising and Training
4. Interior Designing
5. Fashion Designing
6. Shopping at Grocery Stores and Supermarkets
7. Cooking and Baking
8. Sports
9. Management of Time
10. Driving
11. Automobiles Industry
12. Computer Applications
13. Planning a Trip
14. Hospitals
15. Video Games
16. Weather Forecasting
17. Base of Other Subjects
18. Music and Dance
19. Manufacturing Industry
20. Planning of Cities
21. Problem- Solving Skills
22. Marketing

Write an essay explaining how your perspective of what Mathematics is,

has remained the same, has been changed, or has been strengthened by
the different topics discussed in the module. Discuss in separate
paragraphs your perspective of Math before you read the module, your
perspective of Math after going through the module, and the reason
behind the non-change, the change, or the strengthening of your
perspective of what Math is. Limit your paragraphs to a maximum of 5
sentences each.

M2 Pre-Task Question and Answer True or False

The word "cat" begins with letter "k". = False
5+3 = 8 = True
5 - 3 = 2 is  sentence = True
 x = 1 is a sentence. = True
Pililla is part of Rizal province.  = Sentence = True
Centro Escolar University.  = Expression
x+y = Expression
There is a verb in a Mathematics language. = True
True and False = False . True
True or True = False . False

M2 Lesson 1: Characteristics of
Mathematics as a Language

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