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BOGEN. COMMUNICATIONS, ING PUBLIC ADDRESS AMPLITICNS DESCRIPTION “Te Bogen Models CTS-1035, CTS-1060, and CTS-1100 are public address amplifiers desiened for us in hich-cualty sound svstems. ‘They combine advanced solid-state design with versatile operating features and the fecbilty to meet a wide range of application re- quirements, avh CTS-Sertes ampurer maces uve input sas extner Ve w= impedance microphones, or a combination of microphone and auxiliary inputs, Switches are used to select MIC 4/AUX 1 and/or ‘MIC S/AUX 2 operation. Precedence circuityis provided for the ‘MIC/AUX channels. An internal jumper configuration activates 4 pphaatom power supply for condenser microphones. Automatic Level Control (ALC) circuitry compensates for diferent micro- ‘hone techniques and assures 2 uniform output level. A12/3-oatave equalizer permits boosting or attenuating any of 10 selected frequencies to eliminate feedback, improve intelliibiliy and increase usabie power. Each equalizer slide control has & ‘etented fat position, Microphone input is vie screwsterminal strips; standard Hi-Z Phono jacks forthe auxiliary inputs accept a tuner, tape/exsstte Playe,lne matehing transformer, 2 tone pera. An output terminal strip provides standard balanced or unbalanced speaker taps, as well as connections for 25V, 25VCT, and 70V. speaker lines. A TAPE OUT jack permits recording the output of {he amplifier independent ofthe maser volume or equalizer con- trols, A PWR AMP jack permits feeding the output of the CTS. amplifierto power amplifier. The use ofan accescoy transformer, Masel WMTIA, permite feeding a tlgnal from « 400/600 ohm {elephone line into the amplifier, or connects the output of the amplifier to a 500/600-ohm telephone line. Remote volume con- trol of the output is possible with the RVC-CTS accessory. ‘The amplifier operates from a 120-volt, 60Hz souree. The power ‘witch iluminates in the Yon" postion. A three-prong line cord automatically rounds the amplifier when connected to a properly grounded three-wice outlet. Chit transitnre are pentarcd by a ‘thermal breaker; circuitry is further protected by a resetable Ge cuit breaker, ‘The CTS ampiifiers mount easly in standard equipment racks, ‘sing an optional rack panel kit, Model RPK-S2 INSTALLATION UNPACKING ‘The amplifier was careful checked before leavin the factory. In- spect the shipping container and unit carefully for indications of oper handing Ifthe amplifiers damaged placean immediate Gin san tne kinbutor trom whom i'was purenasee i he ‘amplifier was shipped to you, place a claim with the carrer in ac- cordance with Federal ICC Regulations, CTS-1035, CTS-1060 AND CTS-1100 POWER AND GROUNDING ‘Tne amplifier is supplied with a line cord terminated in a three- ‘rong plug The line cord must be plugged into apronerty erounced ‘utlet providing nominal 120-vol, 6OF2 AC. Outlet adaptors may ‘be used provided that the grounding pigtall on the adaptor is properly anected to ground. INPUT CONNECTIONS CAUTION The following installation inseuctions ae for use by qual Bed service person wy. To uns let shoe, ot perform any functions requiring removal ofthe cover Of the amplifier unles you ae qualified to do so. LOW-IMPEDANCE BALANCED MICROPHONES ‘The amplifier is designed for direc connection of low-impedance balanced microphones to the srw terminal stripe on the seat ‘panel. The microphone lead should be a rwo-conductor shielded table. Connect the eable shield to the GND terminal, CONDENSER MICROPHONES ‘To supply power for condenser microphones, connect the jumper a indicated in Note 3 on the schemati diagram. Note ‘When phantom powers enabled, power i supplied to ail {fivemierophone inputs (doesnor affect AUX inputs) there {fore, use condenser microphones oaly when using phan. REMOTE CONTRO! PRECEDENCE Presedence ruts are svallable to mute MIC 4/AUX 1 ané/or MICS/AUX 2,4 castomersupplied SPST pitch with normaly pen conc seu for ths fncion ands connected othe seered REMOTE ConTROL TREC tents oncne eat pa REMOTE VOLUME CONTROL “The Bogen RVC-CTS acestory provides remte volume contol ofthe eral vay oe pier Conneaine mcesory othe REMOTE CONTROL PREC terminals lbeled MASTER. AUX 1 AND AUK2 Fiom panel swnicnes are provageato Select MIL: 4 or AUX 1 opera- tion and MIC 5 or AUX 2 operation. The AUX inputs use stan- ard Hi-Z phono jacks and accept input from a high-level source such a8 a tuner, cassette-tape plaver. WMT-IA telephone tine matching transformer, or tone generator, Use single-concuctor shielded cable terminated in an RCA phono plug for connecting sully equipment Piandin USA. a8 sestsace TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ‘CTS-1085 ~ 35W RMS 18-1050 ~ OW RMS CCTS-1100 — 100W RMS Distortion: Less an 1% at RRO, SOHz tu 1948 [Frequency Response: 20Hz to MKHlz, + 16B Sensitivity (or fll output: AUX — 015V MIC Lo-Z (balanced) ~ 035mV ‘Hur and Noise (20Hz to 20KH2): ‘AUX input — 7068 below rated output ‘UC inyae — GOED below rated output Inpats (impedance): §Lo-Z balanced MIC; 2 Hi-Z AUX jacks (owitetrseleced), $00/600-0hm line input with WMT-1A; Precedence control of MIC 4/AUX 1 and MIC $/AUX 2; MASTER remote volume coatroi warn KVC-CTS aocesony ‘Outputs (impedance): $00/600-ohm ine output (with accessory ‘ansformer WMT-1A) €TS-1035 — 8, 16-ohms, 2SVCT (4S-ohms), 25V, and 70.7V (140-ohums) balanced or unbalanced lines CTS-1060 ~ &, 16-ohms, SSVCT, 25V and 70.7V (82-ohms) blanced or unbalanced lines 78-1100 — 4, 6-0 36 ohms, 25VCT, 25V (625-ohme), and ‘707V (40-ohms) balanced or unbalanced ines Taput/Output Connectors: Screw terminal strips for MIC, speaker and precedence connections; Hi-Z sandard phono jacks for AUX inputs, TAPE OUT, PWR AMP; WMT-1A ‘output; provision for WMIT-LA input ‘Controlst MIC 1 through 5; evitch-relected MIC 4/AUX 1 and "MIC 5/AUX 2; MASTER volume; 10 Equalizer Fite Side Controls, POWER (lighted) Switch Equalizer Filters: 10 filters centered a preferred ISO eenter fre ‘quencies of 80, 125, 200,315,900, SOU, D0, AN, 3130, and '$000Hx; Boost/Cut +1248 Porer Consumption (120V, 6083): eres — 098, RW (CTS-1060 — 1.64, 1700 CTS-1100 — 258, 2500 Line Fusing (resettabe circuit breaker): e79-1005 — 4A, CTS-1060 — 16 CTS.1100 — 250 (Cabinet Dimensions: 3-1/4°H x 16-1/4°W x 10D (@5x413x254em) Shipping Weight (CTS-1035 — 16 ts. (73 kg) ET6. 1000 — Wine (RAD) (CTS.1100 ~ 20 tbs. (914g) OUTPUT CONNECTIONS SPEAKERS, Speaker aeteme are connected directly to the speater tpt ter ‘nals on the rear panelof the amplife.,Connec one speaker ead tothe COM terminal and the other tothe terminal corresponding, tothe impedance of the speaker system, as shown in Table 1 Cass Ping may Ue use. ‘TAPE OUTPUT ‘A tape recorder may be driven from the TAPE OUT jack on the lmpiiner. ints ave, he ouput Is 9s subjeat tw the MASTER volume or equalizer Fkersetings, and is controlled atthe tape r= ‘order. A petch cord terminated ina standard phono plug is con- nected between the TAPE OUT jack onthe amplifier and the input of the tape recorder. DRIVING A POWER AMPLIFIER ‘The amplifier may be used to drive a power amplifier. Connex: 2 patch cord with a standard phono plug from the FW AM J20< ‘onthe amplifier tothe input of the power amplifier. The output at this jack is controlled by the MASTER volume and equalizer fi \WMT-1A OUTPUT. Refer to Accessories Section. ACOUSTIC EQUALIZER ‘Tae Acoustic Equalizer permits you to “tune” the amplifier tothe oom in which the sound eytem is used, so thatthe amplifier ean ‘persis at a higher outpat hefore acoustic feedback occurs. Ten ‘ide controls boost or attenuate the output at preferred ISO cen- ter frequencies — 80,125,200 315, $00, 800, 1250, 2000, 3150, and SO00HZ — to compensate for varying room scoustcs. ‘Microphone placement may also cause feedback or howng at or sear some ofthese frequencies. If so, feedback canbe greatly at tenuated by setting the slide control for that particular frequency. ACOUSTIC EQUALIZER FILTER ADJUSTMENT MICROPHONE SOURCE: The following adjustments ofthe side filter conzols wil permit “ning” the system 50 thatthe output love is oubetantaly Righer before acoustic feedback ruts 1. Set the MIC controls ané MASTER control to zero. 2 Set all side controls to center (at) postion, with speakers con- sneced tothe ompiier and manrophone() in nore opesting Toeation(), 3. Tum the appropriate MIC volume control halfway up, leaving the other MIC volume controls a 20. 4, Advance the MASTER contra siowly until feedback (ringing or “squeal? is heard. 5. the feedback sound is highpitched, one of the five high-tre- Me rtm Seo SOG — wa emt fexive in its elimination. Likewise, a lowend tone wil be controlled by #lowfrequency fier Individually, move each ltr contol showy fom he centr pos tio to bottom and back to center while litering fra change in feedback. The contol which eliminates feedback with the lees movement should then be maved down only as fr as is ‘necessary ro euminare se esuback 7.Having eliminated the fet feedback coniton, slowly increase the MASTER contol until feedback is heard again, Repeat the rveedres of ope Sd 6 8.1 the potion ofthe microphone i changed, or if aditonal ‘nlcrophones ae used, some adjustment to these controls may be neceuary. 9. Output evel, reducedbecause of attenuating one frequency, may ‘be party esiored by boosting the adjacent frequency fier con- trol toward maxima, 11 feedback i¢ nota problem, the conrois snoula pe sea ro im- prove the voice quality and intelligilty ofthe paging system. Ia ‘st cases, the BOF: contol should be placed in minimum posi Lt : | || | | ae LoL te rt oP a Models CTS.1035, CTS-1060, and CTS.1100 tion while che 2000, 150 and SOOOH: controls should be moved oward maximum for improved response, Each stem, depending fon the speakers used and room acoustics, will require some ex- perimentation with the controls for optimira results. OPERATION POWER ‘The front panei POWER switch applies power tothe amplifier. An integral plot lamp illuminates to indicate that power ison Mic VOLUME “The five individual MIC volume controls are used to adjust the level of each microphone input. Turn the control clockwise to in- ‘create the volume and counterclockwise to reduce volume. ‘AUX VOLUME When the MIC 4/AUX 1 oF MIC S/AUX 2 switches ae placed in the ATIX peton. the ausliary inputs are selected and are con- trolled with the MIC volume controls. Turn the control clockwise to inerease volume and counterclockwise to reduce volume. MASTER ‘Thiscontolisused to regulate the overall volume ofthe amplifier, which may include the output of two or more input channels. To fet this control, rotate it to the center position, then set the in= ‘ividual MIG/AUX controle the higheetlnvel Keay to be used ‘Adjust the MASTER control to the desire listening level forthe ‘mixed output. acccssonics WMT-1A LINE-MATCHING TRANSFORMER “The Bogen WMT-LA line-matching transformer provides an im- pesiance match herween the amplifier anda O-level,$00/600-ohm Iine. This may be a telephone line connected to the switchboard for intemal paging or used with a wiced music stem. No solder- ing i required to connect the WMT-LA to the amplifier, ‘To connect the input from a balanced 500/600-ohm telephone line: Connect the input ine to the tee-screw terminal strip on the WMT-LA. Connect the phono plug on the WMT-1A cable to the AUX 1 ar AUX 2 jack on the rear of the amolifier. I these jacks are being used for other sound inputs, the WMIT-1A may be ‘connected to one ofthe MIC inputs (assuming phantom power is rot active), To do this, the WMTT-IA wiring must be modified as deeorived inthe ineeron sheee supped wich the WMT A ‘To.connect the amplifier output to 2 500/600-ohm telephone line: ‘Connect the 500/600-ohm line tothe three-srew terminal sip on the WMT-1A. Connect the phono plug on the WMT-1A cable to the WMT-LA (output) jack on the Feat of the CTS ampli. APK-52 RACK MOUNTING KIT ‘The RPK-S2 rack mounting brackets are designed for mounting ‘the amplifier ina standard 19° equipment rack. Remove the eight screws (four from each sid) securing the cover. Align three ofthe holes in each mounting bracket with the corresponding holes inthe smpliies sower Saree the hearate athe pone with Mh ic 3/%° ‘crews provided inthe kit. Bach bracket has two elongated holes ‘on 3" centers for fastening to the rack. MAINTENANCE Caution There are no usersericable pars within the amplifier Have all intemal servicine done by qualified service per. sonnel. CIRCUIT BREAKER If the cireuit breaker opens, the pilot lamp in the front panel OWEN switen wil go OUU and enere Wil Be no oURpuL Seca power switch to off and momentarily depress the red button onthe ‘Scout breaker to reset it. Return the power switch to on. Ifthe Srenkririp asin, ae the wou invesgmed by uae per THERMAL BREAKER the thermal breaker closes. there will be no audio output but the pilot lamp in the POWER switch will remain on. Wait ap- proximately two minutes for the breaker to reset. Ifthe breaker ‘esets and then closes again, investigate the cause ofthe tempers ture overload, This may be ue to improper connections atthe out- ‘put terminals or to excessive envizonmental heat with inadequate ‘entiation, The thermal breaker wil close when the temperature at the output transistor heat sink reaches 105°C (221°F) on all adele BOGEN SERVICE ‘We are interested in the maintenance of your Bogen equipment you eperence diy, do not estate to a our ads of assxcance, Information can be obtained by writing to: Service Department, Bogen Communications, In, 50 Spring Sree, P.O. ‘ow 575, Ramey. NYO7SA6, ‘TABLE 1 — OUTPUT CONNECTIONS Medste Spaber Li ‘Terminal Connsetine Other Cannections cTs.100 40 Unbalanced 4Q.and COM (Close lnk between COM ané GND 40. Balanced 40 and COM ‘Open link between COM and GND CREAMS & RO Tinhalonnad AN and COM ‘Close link between COM and GND cTs.1060 80 Balanced 80a COM ‘Open link between COM and GND cTs100 81. Unbalanced 25V ané COM (Close link between COM and GND AllModels 160) Unbalanced 1601 and COM (Close link berween COM and GND 169 Balanced 1601 and COM ‘Open link between COM and GND AllModels " 25V Unbalanced 25 and COM (Close link between COM and GND 25V Balanced 2SV and COM ‘Open ink Between COM and GND 25V Balanced, CT Gné. 2SVCT and COM CConneet jumper between 25VCT and GND ‘Open lik berween COM and GND AllModels 70V Unbalanced 70V and COM ‘Close link berween COM and GND OV Balanced 70V and COM (Open link between COM and GND ¥ ‘When communicating with give the model and series signa Sehem. Re. tion of the unit. Deere the dificulty and incude detas on the Q3,4.7 clecrcl eonaeton to assocated equipment, We wil send te. Os. ‘erinfornatonifthe difiely appears simple Utheunit requires Os'y Serving we wl send the name andadéres ofthe near Bogen O89 Athonsedsewse ane owhicryoncansendhesnitforrepei, CIOL Wen sipping the angie, pach wel using We oigaal ship> RATT I9 ping caton of sniar conser and filer material to prevers RS Gamage ran Sendthe uni fulyisuredandprepsigna UPS SS, or othe sesponsible carrier. Theunt willbe prompt repaired and ‘etme to you cole (right prepaid wile n waranty) Rass REPLACEMENT PARTS 22301302 Most components used in the amplifier are availabe thou Rpuublopensecslos Topatstedicremaybeouainedton Ret Bogen distributor, service agencies or dicey from the factor. Ry 10210310 ‘When ordering 2 par, spel the part number, the mode! ofthe "ina ani andthe series deviation which sa lenerfolloved by sum- yy ‘er, printed on the cassis For parson the crit board, also are the component board assembly number, which bepis with SU2 es = ‘en repigeng ransiors use tose mage bythe speciiea mani- teat, Traitors tom other suppers maynerbe aston, Seem. Ref, PartNo. Deseription aa repunrt a 7 457919-01 Man PC Board Assy. cassga3, 3139’ Tomeass Cap, Reet 2248 25V ee C1041 BM Cap Bee, 4EF IV passed Cas Poo Cap, Elect, 10,F, 25 cae CAPS — 79426058 Cap Ble, 104F, SOV pes Os 78406053 Cap, lec 10 uF, 35 ae 29,30,105, a ee een ee Ret C3 AIBA Cap Ble, 33004, V swon 03104203, Looe 204303304, aad ‘40408, 01 so 7926055 Cap, Bles.,47uF, SOV Too DI-A67I2 96533301 Diode, pry, 1A TH2 DEEL 08 sLOL —_Dindn 00pm 2A re Dio1-i04201- - 204301304, - orang 01. so 36534416 Diode, Zener, S6V 112 ——96SSTSOL_ICNESSI2A Tse0s 11096568701 IC FISOL - 1a soso, C813 - 1s seSeSo ICTS - 1058964880 IC LMBABN - 1 sesupo1 ILRaSeN . 1e101201,303, - 41501 96575101 ICSSManIS - a2 965213-01 Transistor 2NSO69 BOGEN. PartNo. Description 565080-01 Transistor, MPSASS 965900.01Trancitoe. MPSANS 96535601 ‘Transistor, 2SBSOTE (TIP32A) 96-S46601 Transior, N6254V (RCA) 36-S46601 Transistor, N62S4V (CTS-1100) 77-00-810 Control, 100 klohms (AUD) 77-907-063—Trimpos, 50 klohins 75172820 Resistor, 82 ohms, 1/4W 75472100 Resistor, 10 ohms, 1/4W T1901-812 Contr. 200 kitohs (LIN) 77-09-00 Trimpot, 10kilohms 15:172-680 Resistor, 68 ohms, 1/4 2os1/2- —Kesstor, VON, 1/4 81-003.077 Switch, Alco MHS222-RA 16930801 Mica Insulation w/comp. 45-7380-01 Camp, Ba, Ass. (Side Cont) 79.005-039 Cap, Elect, 1000p, 16¥ 77-001859 Slide Cont, 50 kilohms 90021601 Relay, 12V, SPST,NO. Chassis Electrical Components sewvisueInermal sreaker, 10 94.0023-08 Circuit Breaker, 25A (CTS-1100) 94.002305 Circuit Breaker, L6A (CTS-1060) iret Breaker, 108 (CTS-I035) 7$212393 Resistor, 39 lohms, 1/2W 75212403 Resistor, 10 kilohms, 1/20 7S-A13150 Resistor, 15 ohms, 20 81-008.85 Led. Rocker Switch 104, SPST §8-849.000 Transformer, Power (CTS-1100) $8.846-000 Transformer, Power (CTS-1060) s3-947-00 —_Transtormer, rower (C13-1039) $3430-000 Transformer, Output (CTS-100) £3423-000 Transformer, Output (CTS-1060) $3.409.020 Tranaformen, Ouips (CTE 3036) 1690051 Strain Reliet 82222201 Line Cord Mechanizal Components 85009407 BPL Term Stipw/Link 73.6995-03 Front Panel (CTS-1100) zsovss02 Front Fane: (CTS-1090) 23-6995-01 Front Panel (CTS-1035) 03.068601 Knob P.O Cover, Top 16933501 Plastic PC Standoff, 1/2" 14.9088-01 Potyetiyiene Foot

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