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Melissa M.


English 102

Project 1 Research

The Use of Lyra for Starbucks Partners Who Attend ASU Online

Primary Research - Interview Plan:

1. Indicate who the stakeholders are who are affected by the local or professional problem
you are analyzing.

The information I hope to gain from this interview is to understand the feelings and

hurdles partners have surrounding being an ASU online student using Lyra. I want to

understand what potential roadblocks partners face when dealing with their mental well-

being. I also want to see why they decided to challenge themselves to take the leap of

faith into their mental well-being. This interview can show my audience an outlook to

similar situations that they may be facing and create a reflection as to why they might be

choosing to opt-out themselves. It relates to my secondary research by challenging the

resources at hand, it can help tie in how there is a stigma on mental health. I want this

interview to reach the audience and introduce them to Lyra by a partner who may have

also had their doubts about online therapy.

2. Indicate whether you will interview or survey stakeholders.

I want to choose a partner who has gone through this stigma of mental health and decided

when enough was enough. The person I want to choose to interview is Gabriella, she is

on her 2nd year of ASU online, and decided to use Lyra last year. She is a partner in my
store, and I saw the shift in perspective when it came to her anxiety and depression.

Before using Lyra, I remember seeing her break down in the backroom from being

overwhelmed, to her becoming an active member on our team and balancing her work,

school, and home life. She is the reason I went onto using Lyra as well. I believe she is

experienced as a student and as someone who fought to be where she is today. I think it

would inspire others to take that next step as well.

I want to do the interview in person, in our store’s office space. I work with her so it’s

easy to be in an environment where we are both comfortable and would less likely be

interrupted. I think this will also help me see her reactions to the questions and see if I

could elaborate further on any follow-up questions I might have. This is also a talk about

metal well-being and is a delicate subject to propose in a public setting.

3. Questions:

So why did you choose to go to ASU online?

What were your initial perception of Online school? Did it shift as you went on?

How was it balancing Work, School, and your personal life?

What led you to signing up to Lyra? Was it a hard decision to make?

How was your experience with Lyra?

Has your view of using Lyra changed from when you were initially introduced to the


How do you balance Work, School, and your personal life after using Lyra?

What advice would you tell potential Starbucks ASU online partners? Why?
I think I might need to find an article that is more recent on CBT, I think in doing so it will give

me an up to date look on how this therapy has been effective in the long run. But I do believe my

research will address the parts of my topic that I want to emphasize: The benefits of using Lyra

and the evidence of depression and anxiety effecting college students online. I want to provide

my audience with resources to start their journey into a balanced mind.

Secondary Research:
Scholarly Journal SARS-CoV-2 and learning: The impact of a global
pandemic on undergraduate learning experiences
Hicks, Lydia J; Caron, Emilie E; Smilek, Daniel.

Scholarly Journal Web-Based Depression Screening and Psychiatric

Consultation for College Students: A Feasibility and
Acceptability Study

Williams, Aya; LaRocca, Rachel; Chang,

Trina; Nhi-Ha Trinh; Fava, Maurizio; et al.

Journal Internet-based guided self-help for university

students with anxiety, depression and stress: A
randomized controlled clinical trial
Victor Day; Patrick J. McGrath; Magdalena

News Student created “You Are More” project promotes

mental health awareness

Taylor Gray

Official Document Faculty members' experiences and understanding of

online students with mental health issues
Meyer, Brent Andrew.Mercer University, ProQuest
Information & Learning

Secondary Research Annotations

Day, V., McGrath, P. J., & Wojtowicz, M. (2013). Internet-based guided self-help for university

students with anxiety, depression and stress: A randomized controlled clinical

trial. Behaviour Research & Therapy, 51(7), 344–351. https://doi-

This Journal goes into depths of how the use of the internet and seeking guided self-help

involving cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) are showing positive results from college students

who are already skilled in using the computer. It even goes into depths of how the student

participants learned of the program. Although this issue of the journal was in 2013, it does still

apply to the research I am doing, It is a Behavior Research and Therapy journal that is on-going.

The reason why this journal pops out for me, is that it explained what Cognitive-Behavioral

Therapy (CBT) is, a form of therapy that Lyra offers for its participants. The reason this form of

therapy is so important is because Starbucks only offers 20 sessions per year, for people who are

learning about therapy, this form is suitable for shorter or limited sessions. It helps the

participants create a plan of action of how to react to stressors. This information will be valuable

to explain to my audience of why CBT in Lyra can help students familiarize and resolve their

“problems” in life.

Gray, T. (2020, July 9). Student created “You Are More” project promotes mental health

awareness. Technique, The: Georgia Tech (Atlanta, GA). Available from

NewsBank:Access World News: https://infoweb- view?


This news story is about a Starbucks partner and her journey with mental health through college.

She explains that the resources Starbucks provided helped her avoid medical costs of seeking

professional help through her insurance. This gives a alternate reason for taking advantage of the

program that Starbucks provides. This is a story from 2020 and it provides resources to the

organization that was created by this partner called: You Are More. This is something I believe

can help partners who feel are alone in their journey battling mental illness. When I was

searching for articles, I wanted something that hit home to the audience I was proposing this to. I

think this will allow my interview with my partners to be a productive one, seeking answers as to

why they choose to opt out of a free program. She also provides resources that I can also put into

my Digital website.

Hicks, L. J., Caron, E. E., & Smilek, D. (2021). SARS-CoV-2 and learning: The impact of a

global pandemic on undergraduate learning experiences. Scholarship of Teaching and

Learning in Psychology,
This journal is from the American Psychological Association from 2021 and is a study through

surveys of how students transitioned during Covid-19 from In-Person school to Online. This

study shows that the transition to becoming online students created more stress, self-control, and

attention failures. It is useful to my research to as why online students should be offered

programs like Lyra. It helps students recognize that they are not alone, and that studying online

sometimes is harder to do. But recognizing that it is normal to struggle with attention, and time-

management is fixable with the correct resources. This also creates a real-world view of how

every online student must go through an adaptable phase into college. Online creates a stressor of

having discipline and motivation to continue onto graduation.

Meyer, B. A. (2017). Faculty members' experiences and understanding of online students with

mental health issues (Order No. AAI10302014). Available from APA PsycInfo®.

(1929451338; 2017-10861-033).


This Official Document is from 2017 and from Mercer University, it is an experiment they did

with faculty members with their experience viewing mental Health in online students. It focuses

on seeing, feeling, acting, and reflecting on these views. This research leads to my emphasis of

having Starbucks managers have proper training to address their partners mental illness. When

one is aware of how their partners are changing through interactions and actions, they can

prevent the larger snowball effects of mental illness. Like previous research indicates, depression

and anxiety are preventable. This study is a way as to how the managers can observe and take

action when they view someone acting in a stressed approach.

Williams, A., LaRocca, R., Chang, T., Nhi-Ha Trinh, Fava, M., Kvedar, J., & Yeung, A. (2014).

Web-Based Depression Screening and Psychiatric Consultation for College Students: A

Feasibility and Acceptability Study. International Journal of Telemedicine and

Applications, 2014
This scholarly journal is from Massachusetts General Hospital Depression Clinical and Research

program from 2014 but is still applicable to my study. It is before Lyra, where skype is used as

the online platform for seeking psychiatric help. It explains the impact of depression amongst

college students and how screening online through questionaries, allowed a way as to who gets

online psychiatric help. The reason this is important to my research is because it is a way to

make it a requirement to those who need the help of Lyra. As of now Starbucks has this as a tool

that the partner can choose, or not choose to use. But I want to stress that this needs to change. A

lot of partners who need the help sometimes don’t recognize that they do. If Starbucks can

incorporate Lyra into ASU Online for partners and create a requirement to prepare them for how

to react to stress, it will allow partners to follow through with their mental journey if they need


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