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A theme throughout my Teacher Work Sample (TWS), I would like to emphasize, is

meeting the diverse needs of all of my students. Due to the skill levels of my students, I had a

variety of academic levels. Some students were at a beginning to end fourth grade level to

beginning sixth grade level standards. I created a variety of lessons to meet the diverse academic

needs of all students. In each of my lessons, I also created various assignments to accommodate

the needs of certain students. Due to being a special education teacher, all of my students have

universal accommodations, however, I created additional accommodations to ensure their


Some of the themes I would like to emphasize in my portfolio are the variety of artifacts

used to meet the needs of all of my students. I create a multitude of curriculums to meet their

needs. Each of my students have various needs and I put forth a great deal of effort to meet their


For example, one of my artifacts is file reviews on all of the students on my mentor’s

caseload. By completing this file review, I saw the progression of my students throughout their

IEPs, from the time they were referred to their most recent IEP. I was able to learn about their

accommodations, modifications, and any additional services that they receive.

Another example of meeting my students' needs I would like to emphasize is my

collaboration with other professionals. I collaborated with numerous colleagues in my

community to meet the needs of our students. For example, I collaborated with the English

Language Arts student teacher and head teacher, along with the mathematics teacher, to discuss

the curriculum of students. I would meet with my colleagues to plan the curriculum, along with

discussing accommodations which could be made to the content.

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