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B Review B Test B

1 Label the pictures of community places.
2 Complete the expressions for doing good.
1 raise ____________
2 ____________ exercise
3 take ____________ in a race
4 ____________ friends
5 __________ __________ my little brother
6 ____________ volunteer work
7 mentor ____________
8 ____________ a club
1 point for each correct answer. Total 8 points.

3 Unscramble the words in parentheses.

1 My dad __________________ (rnesos) very
2 I sometimes __________________ (ymdrdaea)
in class.
3 They usually __________________ (keaw pu)
at seven o’clock.
1 __________________________________ 4 I __________________ (wnya) when I’m tired.
2 __________________________________ 5 My grandpa __________________ (alfls
3 __________________________________ psleae) in front of the TV.
4 __________________________________ 6 I sometimes __________________ (mrade)
5 __________________________________ about my teeth falling out!
6 __________________________________
1 point for each correct answer. Total 6 points
1 point for each correct answer. Total 6 points

EDITABLE © Oxford University Press 2016

Review B Test B B

4 Complete the strong adjectives.

2 Use the correct form of the verbs in parentheses
1 ne_v_-w_ack_ng to complete the second conditional sentences.
2 d_s_ust_n_
1 If we _________________ (go) to Peru, we’d
3 _il__ious
visit Cusco.
4 f_u_tr_ti_g
2 If I had more money, I _________________
5 t_r_ll_n_
(buy) a new computer.
6 _isa_po__ti_g
3 If people _________________ (drink) less soda,
7 e__ar_as_i_g
they’d be healthier.
8 _er_i_y_n_
4 If I ___________________ (have) more time, I
1 point for each correct answer. Total 8 points wouldn’t waste it.
5 If I bought some new clothes, I
Grammar _________________ (not lend) them to my
1 Complete the sentences and questions with
6 If they _________________ (lose) the match,
would or wouldn’t and the words in parentheses.
they’d be very unhappy.
1 I’d like to go to Japan for a year.
1 point for each correct answer. Total 6 points.
I would learn (learn) Japanese.
2 _________________________________ (you /
mentor) someone in your community?
3 I _________________________________ (go)
on that new ride. It looks terrifying!
4 What _____________________________ (you
/ do) to improve your school?
5 She _______________________________
(help) clean the community center. She prefers
to stay at home and watch TV!
6 Where _____________________________
(you / go) on your ideal vacation?
1 point for each correct answer. Total 5 points.

EDITABLE © Oxford University Press 2016

Review B Test B B

3 Write second conditional sentences about the

pictures. 4 Fill in the blanks. Use everyone, everything,
everywhere, anyone, anything, or anywhere.
1 I’ve looked for my bag ___________________
but I can’t find it.
2 I didn’t meet ___________________ new at the
3 Hi! Is ___________________ OK? You look
4 I got into trouble but I didn’t do
___________________ wrong!
5 Baseball is played ___________________ in
1 If / I / go to China / I / use chopsticks the U.S.
__________________________________ 6 The house is empty. There isn’t
__________________________________ ___________________ at home.
2 If / I / visit India / I / ride an elephant 1 point for each correct answer. Total 6 points.
5 Complete the sentences with the correct question
3 If / they / play basketball / they / not be very tag.
1 He’s a doctor, __________________?
2 She isn’t going to Europe,
4 If / I / do extreme sports / I / not be scared
3 You don’t speak French,
4 Diego is studying math, __________________?
2 points for each correct answer. Total 8 points. 5 Martha likes fries, __________________?
6 It doesn’t snow here in winter,
7 I’m on the team, __________________?
8 They don’t need a vaccination,
1 point for each correct answer. Total 8 points.

EDITABLE © Oxford University Press 2016

Review B Test B B

6 Look at the picture. Write verbs and question

tags to ask Bill about his holiday.

1 You’re American, aren’t you?

2 You speak Spanish,
3 You like traveling,
4 There are mountains and lakes in the Maldives,
5 You want to go climbing,
6 You love swimming,
7 Your book is interesting,
1 point for each correct answer. Total 6 points.

EDITABLE © Oxford University Press 2016

Review B Test B B

1 Read the text again. Circle T (True) or F (False).
Julio If I won the lottery, I would give lots of Correct the false statements.
money to environmental projects. I would 1 Julio wouldn’t give money to environmental
set up recycling programs all over the city. projects. T / F
We need to recycle more paper, glass, and
plastic, and reduce the amount of garbage
we create. If we recycled more plastic, we __________________________________
wouldn’t have as much pollution in our 2 Julio would help people recycle more waste. T /
oceans and forests. F
Kenzo I agree. I’d work in the rainforests. We __________________________________
need to stop big businesses cutting down __________________________________
all the trees. If we had more 3 Julio thinks if everyone recycled more plastic,
environmental groups, we’d be able to
there would be more pollution. T / F
save the rainforests.
Carla If I had a lot of money, I’d set up a charity
for sick children. I’d help their parents and
their families. I’d build more hospitals and 4 Kenzo already works in the rainforests.
I’d make them free for everyone. T/F

5 Kenzo thinks we’d be able to save the

rainforests if we worked harder. T / F
6 If Carla had a lot of money, she’d set up a
charity for homeless children. T / F
7 Carla would like to build more hospitals.
8 Carla would make hospitals free for some
people. T / F
1 point for each correct answer. Total 8 points.

Total 75 points.

EDITABLE © Oxford University Press 2016

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