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of Lactic Acid Bacteria

Novel Applications

Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria Novel Applications

Edited by Fernanda Mozzi, Raúl R. Raya and Graciela M. Vignolo
© 2010 Blackwell Publishing. ISBN: 978-0-813-81583-1
of Lactic Acid Bacteria
Novel Applications


Fernanda Mozzi
Centro de Referencia para Lactobacilos (CERELA)-CONICET
San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina

Raúl R. Raya
Centro de Referencia para Lactobacilos (CERELA)-CONICET
San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina

Graciela M. Vignolo
Centro de Referencia para Lactobacilos (CERELA)-CONICET
San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina

A John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Publication

Edition first published 2010
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Biotechnology of lactic acid bacteria : novel applications / [edited by]

Fernanda Mozzi, Raúl R. Raya, Graciela M. Vignolo.
p. ; cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-8138-1583-1 (hardback : alk. paper)
1. Lactic acid bacteria. 2. Microbial biotechnology. I. Mozzi, Fernanda. II. Raya, Raúl R.
III. Vignolo, Graciela M.
[DNLM: 1. Lactobacillus–genetics. 2. Lactobacillus–metabolism. 3. Biotechnology.
QW 142.5.A8 B616 2010]
TP248.27.M53B567 2010

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1 2010

Contributors, vii
Preface, xiii

1. Updates in the Metabolism of Lactic Acid Bacteria, 3

Baltasar Mayo, Tamara Aleksandrzak-Piekarczyk, María Fernández, Magdalena Kowalczyk,
Pablo Álvarez-Martín, and Jacek Bardowski
2. Genomics of Lactic Acid Bacteria: The Post-genomics Challenge—From Sequence to
Function, 35
M. Andrea Azcarate-Peril and Todd R. Klaenhammer
3. Proteomics: A Tool for Understanding Lactic Acid Bacteria Adaptation to Stressful
Environments, 57
Marie-Christine Champomier-Vergès, Monique Zagorec, and Silvina Fadda
4. Lactic Acid Bacteria: Comparative Genomic Analyses of Transport Systems, 73
Graciela Lorca, Lakshmi Reddy, Anphong Nguyen, Eric I. Sun, John Tseng, Ming-Ren Yen, and
Milton H. Saier, Jr.
5. Applications of Lactic Acid Bacteria-Produced Bacteriocins, 89
Barry Collins, Paul D. Cotter, Colin Hill, and R. Paul Ross
6. Bacteriophages of Lactic Acid Bacteria, 111
Ana Rodríguez González, Pilar García, and Raúl R. Raya
Color plate appears between pages 124 and 125
7. Lactic Acid Bacteria as Immunomodulators of the Gut-Associated Immune System, 125
Carolina Maldonado Galdeano, Alejandra de Moreno de LeBlanc, Cecilia Dogi, and
Gabriela Perdigón
8. Lactic Acid Bacteria in the Prevention of Urogenital and Respiratory Infections, 141
María E. Fátima Nader-Macías, Gladis Susana Alvarez, Clara Silva de Ruiz, Marcela Medina, and
María Silvina Juárez Tomás
9. Lactic Acid Bacteria as Live Vectors: Heterologous Protein Production and Delivery
Systems, 161
Anderson Miyoshi, Luis G. Bermúdez-Humarán, Marcela Santiago Pacheco de Azevedo,
Philippe Langella, and Vasco Azevedo
10. Advances and Trends in Starter Cultures for Dairy Fermentations, 177
Domenico Carminati, Giorgio Giraffa, Andrea Quiberoni, Ana Binetti, Viviana Suárez, and
Jorge Reinheimer
vi Contents

11. Low-Calorie Sugars Produced by Lactic Acid Bacteria, 193

Gino Vrancken, Tom Rimaux, Luc De Vuyst, and Fernanda Mozzi
12. B-Group Vitamins Production by Probiotic Lactic Acid Bacteria, 211
Jean Guy LeBlanc, María Pía Taranto, Verónica Molina, and Fernando Sesma
13. Bioactive Peptides Derived from Casein and Whey Proteins, 233
Elvira María Hebert, Lucila Saavedra, and Pasquale Ferranti
14. New Approaches for the Study of Lactic Acid Bacteria Biodiversity: A Focus on Meat
Ecosystems, 251
Graciela M. Vignolo, Cecilia Fontana, and Pier S. Cocconcelli
15. New Trends in Cereal-based Products Using Lactic Acid Bacteria, 273
Graciela Font de Valdez, Carla L. Gerez, María Inés Torino, and Graciela Rollán
16. An Overview of Lactic Acid Bacteria Applications for Healthful Soy Foods Development, 289
Graciela Savoy de Giori, Laura Aguirre, José Marazza, and Marisa S. Garro
17. The Functional Role of Lactic Acid Bacteria in Cocoa Bean Fermentation, 301
Luc De Vuyst, Timothy Lefeber, Zoe Papalexandratou, and Nicholas Camu
18. Microbial Interactions in Kefir: A Natural Probiotic Drink, 327
Graciela L. Garrote, Analía G. Abraham, and Graciela L. De Antoni
19. Safety of Lactic Acid Bacteria, 341
Charles M.A.P. Franz, Gyu-Sung Cho, Wilhelm H. Holzapfel, and Antonio Gálvez
20. Genetically Modified Lactic Acid Bacteria, 361
Pierre Renault

Index, 383

Editors Tamara Aleksandrzak-Piekarczyk. Institute of

Biochemistry and Biophysics, Polish Academy of
Fernanda Mozzi. Centro de Referencia para
Sciences, Pawinskiego 5a, 02-106 Warsaw, Poland.
Lactobacilos (CERELA)-CONICET. Chacabuco
145, T4000ILC San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina.
Gladis Susana Alvarez. Centro de Referencia
para Lactobacilos. (CERELA)-CONICET.
Raúl R. Raya. Centro de Referencia para
Chacabuco 145, T4000ILC San Miguel de Tucumán,
Lactobacilos (CERELA)-CONICET. Chacabuco
Argentina. Facultad de Bioquímica, Química y
145, T4000ILC San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina.
Farmacia. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán.
Ayacucho 491, T4000ILC San Miguel de Tucumán,
Graciela M. Vignolo. Centro de Referencia para
Lactobacilos (CERELA)-CONICET. Chacabuco
Pablo Álvarez-Martín. Departamento de
145, T4000ILC San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina.
Microbiología y Bioquímica, Instituto de Productos
Lácteos de Asturias (CSIC), Carretera de Infiesto
s/n, 33300-Villaviciosa, Asturias, Spain. pablo-
Analía G. Abraham. Centro de Investigación y M. Andrea Azcarate-Peril*. Department of
Desarrollo en Criotecnología de Alimentos Food, Bioprocessing, and Nutrition Sciences, and
(CIDCA)-CONICET. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Southeast Dairy Foods Research Center, North
(UNLP) 47 y 116, 1900 La Plata, Buenos Aires, Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina.
Argentina. Present address: Department of Cell and Molecular
Physiology, University of North Carolina at Chapel
Laura Aguirre. Centro de Referencia para Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
Lactobacilos (CERELA)-CONICET. Chacabuco Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7545. azcarate@med.unc.
145, T4000ILC San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina. edu
Cátedra de Bioquímica, Facultad de Medicina,
Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Tucumán, Vasco Azevedo*. Laboratório de Genética Celular
Argentina. e Molecular, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas,
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (ICB/UFMG),
Belo Horizonte-MG, Brasil.

viii Contributors

Jacek Bardowski. Institute of Biochemistry and Barry Collins. Department of Microbiology,

Biophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland. bac@
Pawinskiego 5a, 02-106 Warsaw, Poland. jacek@
Paul D. Cotter*. Moorepark Food Research
Luis G. Bermúdez-Humarán. Unité d’Écologie Centre; Alimentary Pharmabiotic Centre, Teagasc,
et Physiologie du Système Digestif (UEPSD), Moorepark, Fermoy, Cork, Ireland.
INRA Centre de Recherche de Jouy, Domaine de
Vilvert 78352, Jouy-en-Josas, cedex France. luis. Graciela L. De Antoni*. Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Criotecnología de Alimentos
(CIDCA)-CONICET. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas
Ana Binetti. Instituto de Lactología Industrial (UNLP) 47 y 116, 1900 La Plata, Buenos Aires,
(INLAIN), Universidad Nacional del Litoral- Argentina.
CONICET, 3000 Santa Fe, Argentina. anabinetti@ Alejandra de Moreno de LeBlanc. Centro
de Referencia para Lactobacilos (CERELA)-
Nicholas Camu. Research Group of Industrial CONICET. Chacabuco 145, T4000ILC San Miguel
Microbiology and Food Biotechnology (IMDO), de Tucumán, Argentina.
Department of Applied Biological Sciences and
Engineering, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, Luc De Vuyst*. Research Group of Industrial
B-1050 Brussels, Belgium. nicholas.camu@vub. Microbiology and Food Biotechnology (IMDO), Faculty of Sciences and Bio-Engineering Sciences,
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, B-1050
Domenico Carminati. Agricultura Research Brussels, Belgium.
Council. Research Centre for Forage and Dairy
Productions (CRA-FLC), Research Unit “Dairy Cecilia Dogi. Centro de Referencia para
Productions”, Via Lombardo 11, 26900 Lodi, Italy. Lactobacilos (CERELA)-CONICET. Chacabuco 145, T4000ILC San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina.
Marie-Christine Champomier-Vergès. INRA
Centre de Recherche de Jouy (UR309) Unité FLEC, Silvina Fadda*. Centro de Referencia para
Domaine de Vilvert 78350, Jouy-en-Josas, cedex Lactobacillos (CERELA)-CONICET. Chacabuco
France. marie-christine.champomier-verges@jouy. 145, T4000ILC San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina.

Gyu-Sung Cho. Max Rubner-Institute, Federal María Fernández. Departamento de Tecnología y

Research Institute for Nutrition and Food, Biotecnología, Instituto de Productos Lácteos de
Department of Safety and Quality of Fruits and Asturias (CSIC), Carretera de Infiesto s/n,
Vegetables, Haid-und-Neu-Strasse 9, 76131 33300-Villaviciosa, Asturias, Spain. mfernandez@
Karlsruhe, Germany.

Pier S. Cocconcelli. Istituto di Microbiologia, Pasquale Ferranti. Dipartimento di Scienza degli

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, via Emilia Alimenti, University of Naples Federico II, Parco
Parmense 84, 29100 Piacenza, Italy. pier. Gussone, Portici I- 80055, Italy.
Contributors ix

Graciela Font de Valdez*. Centro de Referencia Giorgio Giraffa. Agricultura Research Council.
para Lactobacilos (CERELA)-CONICET. Research Centre for Forage and Dairy Productions
Chacabuco 145, T4000ILC San Miguel de Tucumán, (CRA-FLC), Research Unit “Dairy Productions”,
Argentina. Cátedra de Microbiología Superior, Via Lombardo 11, 26900 Lodi, Italy. ggiraffa@
Facultad de Bioquímica, Química y Farmacia,
Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Ayacucho 491,
T4000ILC San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina. Elvira María Hebert*. Centro de Referencia para Lactobacilos (CERELA)-CONICET. Chacabuco
145, T4000ILC San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina.
Cecilia Fontana. Centro Ricerche Biotecnologiche,
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, via Milano 24,
26100 Cremona, Italy. Colin Hill*. Department of Microbiology,
University College Cork, Cork, Ireland. Alimentary
Charles M.A.P. Franz*. Max Rubner-Institute, Pharmabiotic Centre, University College Cork,
Federal Research Institute for Nutrition and Food, Ireland.
Department of Safety and Quality of Fruits and
Vegetables, Haid-und-Neu-Strasse 9, 76131 Wilhelm H. Holzapfel. Handong Global
Karlsruhe, Germany. University, School of Life and Food Sciences,
Pohang, Gyeongbuk, 791-708, Korea. wilhelm@
Antonio Gálvez. Departamento de Ciencias de la
Salud. Área de Microbiología. Facultad de Ciencias
Experimentales. Universidad de Jaén. 23071-Jaén, María Silvina Juárez Tomás. Centro de
Spain. Referencia para Lactobacilos. (CERELA)-
CONICET. Chacabuco 145. T4000ILC. San Miguel
Pilar García. Instituto de Productos Lácteos de de Tucumán, Argentina.
Asturias (CSIC), Carretera de Infiesto s/n,
33300-Villaviciosa, Asturias, Spain.pgarcia@ipla. Todd R. Klaenhammer. Department of Food, Bioprocessing, and Nutrition Sciences, and Southeast
Dairy Foods Research Center, North Carolina State
Marisa S. Garro. Centro de Referencia para University, Raleigh, North Carolina. trk@unity.
Lactobacilos (CERELA)-CONICET. T4000ILC
San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina. mgarro@ Magdalena Kowalczyk. Institute of Biochemistry
and Biophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences,
Graciela L. Garrote. Centro de Investigación y Pawinskiego 5a, 02-106 Warsaw, Poland. mk@ibb.
Desarrollo en Criotecnología de Alimentos
(CIDCA)-CONICET. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas
(UNLP) 47 y 116, 1900 La Plata, Buenos Aires, Philippe Langella. Unité d’Écologie et Physiologie
Argentina. du Système Digestif (UEPSD), INRA Centre de
Recherche de Jouy, Domaine de Vilvert 78352,
Carla L. Gerez. Centro de Referencia para Jouy-en-Josas, cedex France. philippe.langella@
Lactobacilos (CERELA)-CONICET. Chacabuco
145, T4000ILC San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina.
x Contributors

Jean Guy LeBlanc. Centro de Referencia para Anderson Miyoshi*. Laboratório de Genética
Lactobacilos (CERELA)-CONICET. Chacabuco Celular e Molecular, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas,
145, T4000ILC San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (ICB/ UFMG), Belo Horizonte-MG, Brasil. miyoshi@icb.
Timothy Lefeber. Research Group of Industrial
Microbiology and Food Biotechnology (IMDO), Verónica Molina. Centro de Referencia para
Department of Applied Biological Sciences and Lactobacilos (CERELA)-CONICET. Chacabuco
Engineering, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, 145, T4000ILC San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina.
B-1050 Brussels, Belgium. timothy.lefeber@vub.
Fernanda Mozzi*. Centro de Referencia para
Graciela Lorca. Department of Microbiology and Lactobacilos (CERELA)-CONICET. Chacabuco
Cell Science. University of Florida. Gainesville, 145, T4000ILC San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina.
FL32608, USA.

Carolina Maldonado Galdeano. Centro de María E. Fátima Nader-Macías*. Centro de

Referencia para Lactobacilos (CERELA)- Referencia para Lactobacilos (CERELA)-
CONICET. Chacabuco 145, T4000ILC San Miguel CONICET. Chacabuco 145. T4000ILC. San Miguel
de Tucumán, Argentina. Cátedra de Inmunología. de Tucumán, Argentina.
Instituto de Microbiología. Facultad de Bioquímica,
Química y Farmacia. Universidad Nacional de Anphong Nguyen. Division of Biological
Tucumán. Ayacucho 491, T4000ILC, San Miguel Sciences, University of California at San Diego, La
de Tucumán, Argentina. Jolla, CA92093, USA.

José Marazza. Centro de Referencia para Zoe Papalexandratou. Research Group of

Lactobacilos (CERELA)-CONICET. Chacabuco Industrial Microbiology and Food Biotechnology
145, T4000ILC San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina. (IMDO), Department of Applied Biological Sciences and Engineering, Vrije Universiteit Brussel,
Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium. zoe.
Baltasar Mayo*. Departamento de Microbiología
y Bioquímica, Instituto de Productos Lácteos de
Asturias (CSIC), Carretera de Infiesto s/n, Gabriela Perdigón*. Centro de Referencia para
33300-Villaviciosa, Asturias, Spain. baltasar. Lactobacilos (CERELA)-CONICET. Chacabuco 145, T4000ILC San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina.
Cátedra de Inmunología. Instituto de Microbiología.
Marcela Medina. Centro de Referencia para Facultad de Bioquímica, Química y Farmacia.
Lactobacilos (CERELA)-CONICET. Chacabuco Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Ayacucho 491,
145, T4000ILC San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina. T4000ILC San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina.
Facultad de Bioquímica, Química y Farmacia.
Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Ayacucho 491,
T4000ILC San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina.
Contributors xi

Andrea Quiberoni. Instituto de Lactología Lucila Saavedra. Centro de Referencia para

Industrial (INLAIN), Universidad Nacional del Lactobacilos (CERELA)-CONICET. Chacabuco
Litoral-CONICET, 3000 Santa Fe, Argentina. 145, T4000ILC San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina.

Raúl R. Raya. Centro de Referencia para Milton H. Saier, Jr.*. Division of Biological
Lactobacilos (CERELA)-CONICET. Chacabuco Sciences, University of California at San Diego, La
145, T4000ILC San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina. Jolla, CA92093, USA.
Marcela Santiago Pacheco de Azevedo.
Lakshmi Reddy. Division of Biological Sciences, Laboratório de Genética Celular e Molecular,
University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade
CA92093, USA. Federal de Minas Gerais (ICB/UFMG), Belo
Horizonte-MG, Brasil.
Jorge Reinheimer*. Instituto de Lactología br
Industrial (INLAIN), Universidad Nacional del
Litoral-CONICET, 3000 Santa Fe, Argentina. Graciela Savoy de Giori*. Centro de Referencia para Lactobacilos (CERELA)-CONICET.
Chacabuco 145, T4000ILC San Miguel de Tucumán,
Pierre Renault*. Génétique Microbienne, INRA Argentina. Cátedra de Microbiología Superior,
Centre de Recherche de Jouy, Domaine de Vilvert Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Ayacucho 491,
78352, Jouy-en-Josas, cedex France. pierre.renault@ T4000ILC San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina.

Tom Rimaux. Research Group of Industrial Fernando Sesma*. Centro de Referencia para
Microbiology and Food Biotechnology (IMDO), Lactobacilos (CERELA)-CONICET. Chacabuco
Faculty of Sciences and Bio-Engineering Sciences, 145, T4000ILC San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina.
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, B-1050
Brussels, Belgium.
Clara Silva de Ruiz. Facultad de Bioquímica,
Ana Rodríguez González*. Departamento de Química y Farmacia. Universidad Nacional de
Tecnología y Biotecnología de Productos lácteos. Tucumán. Ayacucho 491, T4000ILC San Miguel de
Instituto de Productos Lácteos de Asturias (CSIC), Tucumán, Argentina.
Carretera de Infiesto s/n, 33300-Villaviciosa,
Asturias, Spain. Viviana Suárez. Instituto de Lactología Industrial
(INLAIN), Universidad Nacional del Litoral-
Graciela Rollán. Centro de Referencia para CONICET, 3000 Santa Fe, Argentina. vivisuar@fiq.
Lactobacilos (CERELA)-CONICET. Chacabuco
145, T4000ILC San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina. Eric I. Sun. Division of Biological Sciences,
University of California at San Diego, La Jolla,
R. Paul Ross. Alimentary Pharmabiotic Centre, CA92093, USA.
University College Cork, Ireland. Dairy Products
Research Centre, Teagasc, Moorepark, Fermoy, Co.
Cork, Ireland.
xii Contributors

María Pía Taranto. Centro de Referencia para Gino Vrancken. Research Group of Industrial
Lactobacilos (CERELA)-CONICET. Chacabuco Microbiology and Food Biotechnology (IMDO),
145, T4000ILC San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina. Faculty of Sciences and Bio-Engineering Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, B-1050
Brussels, Belgium.
María Inés Torino. Centro de Referencia para
Lactobacilos (CERELA)-CONICET. Chacabuco Ming-Ren Yen. Division of Biological Sciences,
145, T4000ILC San Miguel de Tucumán, Tucumán, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla,
Argentina. CA92093, USA.

John Tseng. Division of Biological Sciences, Monique Zagorec. INRA (UR309) Unité FLEC,
University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, INRA Centre de Recherche de Jouy, Domaine de
CA92093, USA. Vilvert 78350, Jouy-en-Josas, cedex, France.
Graciela M. Vignolo*. Centro de Referencia para
Lactobacilos (CERELA)-CONICET. Chacabuco *Corresponding author
145, T4000ILC Tucumán, Argentina. vignolo@

Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are food-grade microor-

ganisms that play an essential role in the fermenta-
tion of animal and vegetable raw materials. Their
ability to ferment carbohydrates and to a lesser
extent to degrade the proteins and the fat present in
those subtrates leads to the synthesis of a broad
range of compounds, such as organic acids, pep-
tides, antimicrobial and aromatic compounds, and
exopolysaccharides. Vitamins, low-calorie sugars,
and bioactive peptides are also produced by LAB.
These metabolites may contribute to the organolep-
tic, technological, and nutritional characteristics of
fermented food products. Moreover, certain LAB
strains, the so-called probiotics, display beneficial
health properties and may be involved in the produc- Fernanda Mozzi, Graciela M. Vignolo, and Raúl R. Raya
tion of specific functional foods.
Ongoing research on LAB and their applications
is at a very exciting stage worldwide. This book We would like to express our sincere appreciation
encompasses a wide range of topics in the area of for the hard work of many well-known leading sci-
LAB, including basic isssues (metabolism, biodiver- entists who contributed to this book. We are also
sity, and transport systems), comprehensive infor- very grateful for the patience and support of our
mation on new advanced approaches (genomics and families, colleagues, students, and the Wiley-
proteomics), human-health LAB-related aspects, Blackwell editorial team throughout the writing and
and LAB safety, as well as traditional and novel editing processes. Special thanks go to our home
biotechnological applications. We feel this book institute CERELA for its strong and continuous
may serve as an essencial reference for established support, and to CONICET and FONCyT from
researchers and scientists, doctoral and postdoctoral Argentina for their financial contributions.
students, university professors and instructors, and
food technologists working on food microbiology,
physiology, and biotechnology of LAB.

of Lactic Acid Bacteria
Novel Applications

Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria Novel Applications

Edited by Fernanda Mozzi, Raúl R. Raya and Graciela M. Vignolo
© 2010 Blackwell Publishing. ISBN: 978-0-813-81583-1
Chapter 1

Updates in the Metabolism of Lactic Acid Bacteria

Baltasar Mayo, Tamara Aleksandrzak-Piekarczyk, María Fernández,

Magdalena Kowalczyk, Pablo Álvarez-Martín, and Jacek Bardowski

Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are fermentative bacte- 1.1. Introduction

ria naturally dwelling in or intentionally added to
nutrient-rich environments where carbohydrates Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) encompass a heteroge-
and proteins are usually abundant. The efficient use neous group of microorganisms having as a common
of nutrients and the concomitant production of metabolic property the production of lactic acid
lactic acid during growth endow LAB with remark- as the majority end-product from the fermentation
able selective advantages in the diverse ecological of carbohydrates (Carr et al. 2002). LAB are Gram
niches they inhabit. Besides lactic acid, LAB metab- (+), non-sporulating, catalase-negative, acid-
olism produces a variety of compounds, such as tolerant, facultative anaerobic organisms. Except
diacetyl, acetoin and 2-3-butanediol from the utili- for a few species, LAB members are nonpathogenic
zation of citrate, and a vast array of volatile com- organisms with a reputed Generally Recognized as
pounds and bioactive peptides from the catabolism Safe status. Typical LAB species belong to the
of amino acids. The enzymatic reactions of LAB genera Lactobacillus, Lactococcus, Streptococcus,
metabolism further modify the organoleptic, rheo- Pediococcus, Oenococcus, Enterococcus, and
logical, and nutritive properties of the raw materi- Leuconostoc. Under a biochemical perspective LAB
als, giving rise to final fermented products. Last include both homofermenters, producing mainly
decade witnessed an impressive amount of data on lactic acid, and heterofermenters, which, apart from
several aspects of LAB physiology and genetics. The lactic acid, yield a large variety of fermentation
latest knowledge was gathered through sequencing products such as acetic acid, ethanol, carbon dioxide,
and analysis of LAB genomes, and the subsequent and formic acid (Kleerebezem and Hugenholtz
use of post-genomic techniques, such as proteomics, 2003). LAB are found in a large variety of nutrient-
comparative genome hybridization, transcriptomics, rich environments, including milk and dairy prod-
and metabolomics. Manipulation of the metabolic ucts, vegetable and plants, cereals, and meat and
pathways of LAB to improve their efficiency in meat products. Many species are used for the manu-
various industrial applications (as starters, adjunct facture and preservation of fermented feed and
cultures, and probiotics) was undertaken soon after foods from raw agricultural materials in which they
the development of early engineering tools. The are either present as contaminants or deliberately
availability of complete genome sequences of differ- added as starters in order to control the fermenta-
ent LAB species and strains has expanded our tions. Enzymatic activities of LAB contribute to the
ability to further study LAB metabolism from a final organoleptic, rheological, and nutritional prop-
global perspective, strengthening a full exploitation erties of fermented products (Leroy and de Vuyst
of LAB’s metabolic potential. 2004). LAB species are also commonly found

Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria Novel Applications 3

Edited by Fernanda Mozzi, Raúl R. Raya and Graciela M. Vignolo
© 2010 Blackwell Publishing. ISBN: 978-0-813-81583-1
4 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

among the resident microbiota of the gastrointesti- 1.2. Sugar Metabolism

nal tract and genitourinary tract of humans and
animals (Eckburg et al. 2005; Marchesi and Sugars are primary carbon and energy sources
Shanahan 2007). In these environments LAB are for LAB grown on substrates used for fermented
considered essential components, playing a large food and feed production as well as in laboratory
variety of health-promoting functions, such as media. Many different transport systems involved
immunomodulation, intestinal integrity, and patho- in the uptake of carbohydrates, including
gen resistance (Vaughan et al. 2005). For such PhosphoTransferase Systems (PTS), ATP-binding
reasons strains of some species have traditionally cassette (ABC), and Glycoside-Pentoside-
been used as probiotics and added as functional Hexuronide transporters, exist in LAB (this book,
bacteria in various food commodities (Ljungh and Chapter 4). Polysaccharides before uptake have to
Wadström 2006). The commercial exploitation of be hydrolyzed; for example, starch is hydrolyzed
LAB as starter and probiotic cultures is economi- either by α-amylase into dextrins, which are subse-
cally very significant. Consequently, research on quently hydrolyzed by an extracellular activity to
their genetics, physiology, and applications has maltose (Calderon Santoyo et al. 2003), or by de-
bloomed in the last 25 years (Wood and Warner branching enzymes (Doman-Pytka et al. 2004).
2003; Gasson and de Vos 2004). Monosaccharides entering the cell or liberated in the
This chapter addresses recent data on LAB cytoplasm by hydrolysis of disaccharides enter gly-
metabolism related to their efficient utilization of colysis at the level of glucose-6P (G6P) or are pro-
niche- and product-related nutrients and the con- cessed by the Leloir pathway (Fig. 1.1D). In many
comitant generation of desirable compounds for strains of Streptococcus thermophilus only the
their industrial application. Modification of meta- glucose moiety of lactose is fermented, while the
bolic routes aimed to increase the efficacy of LAB galactose moiety is excreted into the medium as a
in traditional fermentations, and their contribution result of the weak transcription from gal promoters
to health and well-being will further be addressed. or mutations in the Leloir genes (Vaughan et al.
However, though important in dairy products, lipid 2001; de Vin et al. 2005; Fig. 1.1D). In Lactococcus
metabolism, which has been only marginally studied lactis lactose transported by the PTS system is
in LAB (Collins et al. 2003; Hickey et al. 2006), hydrolyzed and the galactose-6P moiety is trans-
will not be covered in this review. Additionally, the formed by the tagatose pathway, entering glycolysis
metabolism of nucleotides, obligatory metabolites at the level of triose phosphate. The initial metabo-
for RNA and DNA synthesis and energy donors lism of glucose, galactose, and lactose in L. lactis
in many cellular processes, will not be discussed has been described by Cocaign-Bousquet et al.
as well. In this last topic, readers are given an over- (2002) and Neves et al. (2005). Recently, it was
view of the excellent recent work by Kilstrup et al. postulated that in L. lactis IL1403 the metabolism
(2005). of β-glucosides (cellobiose) and β-galactosides

Figure 1.1. Pathways of glucose metabolism. A. Homofermentative pathway; B. Mixed-acid metabolism; C. Heterofermentative
pathway; D. Leloir pathway. Reactions are catalyzed by the following enzymes: 1, glucokinase (GLK); 2, glucose-phosphate
isomerase (GPI); 3, phosphofructokinase (PFK); 4, fructose-bisphosphate aldolase (FBPA); 5, triose-phosphate isomerase (TPI);
6, glyceraldehyde-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH); 7, phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK); 8, phosphoglycerate mutase (PMG);
9, enolase (ENO); 10, pyruvate kinase (PK); 11, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH); 12, pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH); 13, pyruvate
formate lyase (PFL); 14, acetaldehyde dehydrogenase (ACDH); 15, alcohol dehydrogenase (ADHE); 16, phosphotransacetylase
(PTA); 17, acetate kinase (ACK); 18, α-acetolactate synthase (ALS); 19, α-acetolactate decarboxylase (ALD); 20, 2,3-butanediol
dehydrogenase (BDH); 21, diacetyl reductase (DR); 22, glucose-6-P dehydrogenase (G6PDH); 23, 6-P-gluconate dehydrogenase
(6PGDH); 24, ribulose-5-P-3-epimerase (RPPE); 25, D-xylulose-5P phosphoketolase (XPK); 26, galactokinase (GK); 27, galactose-
1-P-uridylyltransferase (GPUDLT); 28, UDP-galactose-1-epimerase (UDPE); 29, phosphoglucomutase (PGM).
Glucose Glucose
A Glucose
-1 ATP -0.3 ATP
1 -1 ATP
PEP:PTS Permease
D Glucose NADPH

1 -1 ATP 6-P-gluconate
Glucose-6 23
Galactose Fructose-6-P Ribulose-5-P
- 1 ATP 26
29 3 -1 ATP 24
UDP-Glucose UDP-Galactose
Fructose-1,6-diP Xylulose--5-P
Galactose-1-P Glucose-1-P 4
27 25 25 Acetyl-P
5 Glyceraldehyde-3-P
Dihydroxyacetone-P Glyceraldehyde-3-P
NAD 16 17 + 1 ATP
G Acetyl-CoA
G 1,3-diP-Glycerate Acetate
B 7 + 1 ATP (×2) Y NADPH
Y 14
C 3-P-Glycerate + 2 ATP O
L 8 Acetaldehyde
Y 2-P-Glycerate S
I 9
S P-Enolpyruvate
CO2 10
NADH NAD + 1 ATP (×2) Lactate
2,3-Butanediol 20 Acetoin 19 α-Acetolactate 18 PYRUVATE 11 Lactate NADH
NAD 11
O2 Lactate
13 12 NAD
Acetyl -CoA
NAD 14 16

Acetaldehyde Acetyl -P
NA D 15 17 A TP

Ethanol Acetate
6 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

(lactose) are interconnected (Aleksandrzak- homolactic metabolism can be shifted to a mixed-

Piekarczyk et al. 2005; Kowalczyk et al. 2008) and, acid metabolism (Fig. 1.1B). This type of homofer-
interestingly, lactose-P is hydrolyzed by BglS, mentation is characterized by the production of
a P-β-glucosidase exhibiting P-β-galactosidase formate, acetate, ethanol, and/or CO2 in addition to
activity (Aleksandrzak-Piekarczyk et al. 2005). lactate. There are several possible pathways for
Phosphorylated trehalose in L. lactis is split by acetate production. Pyruvate can be metabolized
the inorganic phosphate-dependent trehalose-6P anaerobically into acetate by pyruvate formate lyase
phosphorylase (TrePP). TrePP catalyzes the conver- (PFL), phosphotransacetylase (PTA), and acetate
sion of trehalose-6P to β-glucose-1P (β-G1P) and kinase (ACK) or aerobically by the pyruvate dehy-
G6P (Andersson et al. 2001). β-G1P is then revers- drogenase complex, PTA, and ACK. In Lact. plan-
ibly converted into G6P by β-phosphoglucomutase tarum, the maximal acetate production is under
(β-PGM), which has been found to be essential in aerobic conditions with glucose limitation. In this
the catabolism of both trehalose and maltose pathway acetate originates from lactate through the
(Levander et al. 2001; Andersson and Rådström action of LDHs, pyruvate oxidase (POX), and ACK.
2002a). This enzyme together with Pi-dependent Recently, the role of NAD-dependent LDHs (LdhD
maltose phosphorylase is involved in the degrada- and LdhL), instead of the previously proposed
tion of maltose in L. lactis (Andersson and Rådström NAD-independent LDHs (LoxD and LoxL), was
2002b). Hydrolysis of melibiose and raffinose by confirmed during the stationary phase of aerobic
α-galactosidase leads to the production of α- growth in Lact. plantarum (Goffin et al. 2004). Two
galactose subunits, which are subsequently degraded genes coding for PoxB and PoxF out of four pox
by the enzymes of the tagatose-6P and Leloir path- genes in the genome are also involved in the conver-
ways. Characterization and transcriptional analysis sion of lactate to acetate in Lact. plantarum (Goffin
of the aga-galKT operon in Lactococcus raffinolac- et al. 2006). Enzyme kinetic data from literature
tis has been presented by Boucher et al. (2003). were used for construction of a detailed glycolytic
model of L. lactis during glucose run-out experi-
ments (Hoefnagel et al. 2002).
1.2.1. Homofermentation and
Mixed-Acid Fermentation
1.2.2. Control of the Glycolytic Flux
Homofermentative LAB (Lactococcus, Strep-
tococcus, Pediococcus, Enterococcus, and some Despite intensive research and a wealth of metabolic
species of Lactobacillus) ferment sugars by the information for L. lactis, the mechanisms control-
Embden-Meyerhoff-Parnas (EMP) pathway to ling glycolytic flux in this and other LAB species
pyruvate, which is converted into lactic acid by remain unclear. This topic has been extensively
lactate dehydrogenase (LDH; Fig. 1.1A). Two types discussed in excellent recent reviews (Cocaign-
of lactate isomers, L and D, can be produced by Bousquet et al. 2002; Neves et al. 2005; Kowalczyk
stereospecific NAD-dependent enzymes, L-LDH and Bardowski 2007).
and D-LDH. Both enzymes have been found to be Several enzymes have been found to participate
active in most lactobacilli, for example, in in the control of catabolic flux in L. lactis; however,
Lactobacillus plantarum (Ferain et al. 1996) and it should be stressed that their action can be strain-
Lactobacillus casei (Viana et al. 2005a), whereas and/or condition-dependent. During homolactic fer-
the single L-LDH in Lactobacillus sakei and L. mentation in L. lactis subsp. lactis NCDO 2118,
lactis is complemented by a racemase or the protein the control has been attributed to glyceraldehyde-
product of the cryptic ldhB gene, respectively phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), which is mod-
(Bongers et al. 2003; Gaspar et al. 2007). ulated by the NADH/NAD+ ratio (Even et al. 1999).
Under certain conditions (carbon limitation, According to other results the key glycolytic
carbon excess of slowly metabolized sugars) the enzymes phosphofructokinase (PFK), pyruvate
Updates in the Metabolism of Lactic Acid Bacteria 7

kinase (PK), and LDH or GAPDH exert, at normal strated that LDH may be co-regulated by at least two
activity levels, virtually no control on the glycolytic mechanisms (the FBP/inorganic phosphate [Pi] pool
flux in L. lactis (Andersen et al. 2001; Koebmann and the NADH/NAD+ ratio), and the manner of
et al. 2005). However, at reduced activities both PFK regulation is strain-dependent (van Niel et al. 2004).
and PK were found to exert a strong positive control Several studies suggest that in addition to an allo-
on glycolysis (Koebmann et al. 2005). Depending steric control, pyruvate metabolism may further be
on culture conditions (e.g., oxygen and/or glucose controlled at the transcription level of central cata-
concentration), the overall flux control seems to be bolic pathways (Melchiorsen et al. 2000; Even et al.
distributed over many glycolytic steps and may also 2001; Palmfeldt et al. 2004). Apart from the bio-
reside outside of the pathway (such as ATP- chemical shift, regulation by allosteric changes of
consuming reactions and sugar transport). enzymes, metabolite levels, transcript, and protein
Furthermore, the end-product demand might also be levels, pyruvate metabolism is influenced by envi-
essential in flux control (Koebmann et al. 2002a, ronmental factors such as oxygen, temperature, and
2002b; Papagianni et al. 2007). pH (for a review, Neves et al. 2005; Kowalczyk and
Bardowski 2007).
Shift to mixed-acid fermentation. Despite exten-
sive studies the exact mechanisms underlying shift
1.2.3. Heterofermentation
in the mode of fermentation remain elusive.
Originally, the regulation of the switch was mainly Heterofermentative LAB such as Leuconostoc,
attributed to the modulation of the intracellular Oenococcus, and certain Lactobacillus species
concentration of fructose-1,6-bisphosphate (FBP), ferment sugars generally by the phosphoketolase
which allosterically activates both LDH and PK, and pathway (PKP). Fermentation of pentoses (xylose,
of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (GAP) and dihy- ribose) leads to the formation of pyruvate and acetyl-
droxyacetone-phosphate (DHAP) inhibiting the -P and their subsequent conversion to lactate and
PFL. Inorganic phosphate has been shown to be a acetate, respectively. Hexoses (glucose, fructose,
severe inhibitor of LDH and PFL (for a review, mannose) in these bacteria can be converted to
Cocaign-Bousquet et al. 2002; Neves et al. 2005). lactate, CO2, and ethanol (Fig. 1.1C). CO2 is a
A metabolic model involving modulation of product of 6-P-gluconate degradation, which occurs
GAPDH and LDH activities via the NADH/NAD+ during conversion of hexoses to pentoses. The spe-
ratio (redox state) in L. lactis subsp. lactis NCDO cific enzyme of the heterofermentative pathway,
2118 has been postulated as a main factor regulating D-xylulose-5P phosphoketolase, catalyzes the con-
the shift in metabolism (Even et al. 1999). However, version of xylulose-5P to GAP and acetyl-P. The
in other strains such as L. lactis subsp. cremoris first metabolite, GAP, enters the EMP pathway
MG1363 and L. lactis subsp. lactis IL1403, this leading to the production of lactate, whereas the
hypothesis has not been confirmed. In these strains second metabolite, acetyl-P, is converted into
the glycolytic flux is not controlled by GAPDH ethanol. The low activity of the ethanol pathway in
(Even et al. 2001; Solem et al. 2003). Another study the reoxidation of the NAD(P)H due to a low acet-
revealed that PK exhibits strong positive control on aldehyde dehydrogenase activity limits heterofer-
formate and acetate production and thus plays a role mentative growth on glucose (Maicas et al. 2002).
in the metabolic shift from homolactic to mixed-acid Heterofermentative LAB bypass the limiting ethanol
fermentation (Koebmann et al. 2005). In L. lactis pathway by using alternative pathways for NAD(P)
subs. lactis IL1403 a high transcriptional level of the H reoxidation. Much higher growth rate on hexoses
genes coding for PFL and alcohol dehydrogenase is observed when O2, pyruvate, citrate, or fructose
(ADH) was noted, while the activity of the enzymes is used as external electron acceptors (Zaunmüller
was low, suggesting a post-transcriptional control et al. 2006; Arsköld et al. 2008). A part of the
(Even et al. 2001). Moreover, it has been demon- acetyl-P is then converted to acetate instead of
8 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

ethanol, making the PKP as efficient as the EMP Characteristics of CcpA-dependent regulation.
pathway. The subject of CcpA-dependent regulation has been
Recently, the simultaneous use of PKP and EMP extensively described and discussed by several
pathways was reported in Oenococcus oeni and authors (Titgemeyer and Hillen 2002; Deutscher
Lactobacillus reuteri ATCC 55730 (Richter et al. et al. 2006; Kowalczyk and Bardowski 2007). The
2003; Arsköld et al. 2008). The use of two different CcpA protein from L. lactis IL1403 was success-
glycolytic pathways has so far only been genetically fully crystallized showing a potential cavity for a
supported in homofermentative lactobacilli, includ- corepressor (Loll et al. 2007). The CcpA protein,
ing Lact. plantarum (Pieterse et al. 2005), and together with its corepressor Ser-P-HPr, binds to 14
Lactobacillus salivarius (Claesson et al. 2006). In nucleotide cis-acting DNA target sites, called catab-
both, EMP pathway and PKP, the growth phase- olite responsive elements (cre). Depending on the
dependent expression of glycolytic pathways was position of the cre sequence, CcpA can act as an
demonstrated. Higher expression levels of the cata- activator or a repressor promoting carbon catabolite
bolic enzymes, such as PK, phosphoglycerate kinase, activation (CCA) or repression (CCR), respectively.
and GAPDH, during initiation of growth and log Cre sites can either be located within the promoter,
phase were reported in L. lactis subsp. lactis (Larsen overlap the transcription start site, or lay between
et al. 2006). Similarly, proteins preferentially the transcription start site and the initiation codon or
expressed in the early-exponential phase in Lact. within the 5′ part of catabolite-regulated genes.
plantarum were also associated with EMP and PKP Binding of CcpA to cre sites overlapping the pro-
pathways (Koistinen et al. 2007). This fact could be moter region activates or represses the initiation of
expected due to the positive effect of these enzymes transcription, while binding to a cre situated down-
on sugar consumption and biomass increase. stream of the promoter leads to abortion of tran-
scription. Most transcription units subjected to CCA
contain cre sites in front of their promoter region.
1.2.4. Control of Sugar Metabolism in LAB
In the L. lactis IL1403 genome thousands of puta-
The pivotal role of the HPr protein. HPr is a part tive cre sequences have been detected (Andersson
of the phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP)-PTS system, and et al. 2005), although a majority may have no bio-
in low-GC Gram (+) bacteria seems to be involved logical significance because of its location. Gene
in different activities depending on its phosphoryla- expression analyses using DNA microarrays have
tion state. PEP-dependent phosphorylation of HPr shown that CcpA regulates an impressive number of
by Enzyme I yields His-P-HPr, which serves as a genes involved in carbohydrate transport and metab-
phosphoryl carrier within the PTS phosphorylation olism in L. lactis MG1363 (Zomer et al. 2007).
cascade during transport of carbohydrates. However, Several genes containing functional cre sites, which
His-P-HPr phosphorylates not only Enzyme II are subjected to regulation by the Ser-P-HPr/CcpA
(EIIAs) but also the key regulators of carbohydrate complex have been recently described in a number
metabolism. For example, it phoshporylates histidyl of LAB (Titgemeyer and Hillen 2002; Deutscher
residues in non-PTS proteins such as glycerol et al. 2006; Francke et al. 2008). In L. lactis strains,
kinase, antiterminators, transcriptional activators, CcpA has been shown to repress different β-
and non-PTS transporters. As a result of the metabo- glucosides, fructose, galactose, or lactose assimila-
lism of PTS substrates, the concerted action of FBP tion genes, but it activates the las operon (pfk, pyk,
and an ATP-dependent protein kinase/phosphory- and ldh genes; Aleksandrzak-Piekarczyk et al. 2005;
lase (HprK/P) generates Ser-P-HPr. This form of Barriere et al. 2005; Kowalczyk et al. 2008).
HPr plays a crucial role in an inducer-exclusion Interestingly, in L. lactis CcpA coordinates the met-
mechanism and, together with the catabolic control abolic switch from fermentative to aerobic growth,
protein A (CcpA), in carbon catabolite repression thus preventing oxidative damage (Gaudu et al.
(CCR; for a review see Deutscher et al. 2006). 2003). Non-PTS sugars can also trigger CcpA-
Updates in the Metabolism of Lactic Acid Bacteria 9

dependent carbon regulation, as is the case of lactose mechanism has been considered an alternative form
in Strep. thermophilus (van den Bogaard et al. of CCR mediated by HPr (Deutscher et al. 2006;
2000). In the genus Lactobacillus CcpA has been Kowalczyk and Bardowski 2007). Among LAB,
demonstrated to repress several sugar catabolic there are only two antiterminator proteins described
genes (Monedero et al. 1997; Chaillou et al. 2001; so far: BglR from L. lactis (Bardowski et al. 1994)
Muscariello et al. 2001; Marasco et al. 2002). and LacT from Lact. casei (Gosalbes et al. 1999),
Moreover, in Lact. casei and Lactobacillus pentosus both belonging to the BglG family. More recently,
CcpA has been shown to regulate glycolytic genes the identification of an operon controlled by a LevR-
(pfk and pyk) and the central metabolic PKP, respec- like regulator (strongly resembling the best studied
tively (Posthuma et al. 2002; Viana et al. 2005b). In PRD-containing transcription activator LevR of
some LAB ccpA is preceded by a cre, and its expres- Bacillus subtilis) has been reported in Lact. casei,
sion is subjected to autoregulation (Morel et al. which encodes proteins of a mannose PTS (Maze
2001; Zomer et al. 2007). et al. 2004).

Secondary regulators. In addition to global regu- Inducer exclusion/expulsion. These two protein-
lators such as CcpA, carbon catabolism might also mediated mechanisms of carbon regulation
be controlled by specific, local regulators belonging supplement the above-mentioned mechanisms
to different protein families such as LacI, LysR, of transcriptional control (Barriere et al. 2005;
AraC, GntR, DeoR, or BglG, which are widely Monedero et al. 2008). Based on in vivo analysis,
distributed among LAB. Regulators from these Ser-P-Hpr has been proposed to drive the exclusion
families have been proven to control genes for α- of the inducer in Lact. casei, L. lactis, and
galactosides, fructose, lactose, maltose, salicine, Lactobacillus brevis, but not the expulsion of the
sorbose, and xylose assimilation in lactococci inducer (Monedero et al. 2008).
(Boucher et al. 2003; Kowalczyk and Bardowski
2007), Strep. thermophilus (Vaughan et al. 2001),
1.2.5. Exopolysaccharides (EPS)
or lactobacilli (Yebra et al. 2000; Fortina et al.
2003). For L. lactis and Lact. plantarum it has been LAB are able to direct some part of the sugar pool
shown that genes encoding secondary regulators are toward biosynthesis of EPS. These long-chain sac-
located in direct proximity and in a divergent tran- charides can be loosely attached to the cell surface
scriptional direction to the sugar uptake operon. As forming some kind of capsules or are secreted to
is the case for ccpA, most secondary regulators seem the environment. EPS represent molecules with
to undergo autoregulation (Francke et al. 2008). different structures, sizes, and sugar composition
(reviewed by Laws et al. 2001; Broadbent et al.
Control by factors containing PTS-regulated 2003; Ruas-Madiedo et al. 2008). They are classi-
domains (PRD). These regulators can activate the fied into two groups: homopolysaccharides consist-
transcription of certain genes in the presence of the ing of one type of monosacharide (α-D-glucans,
inducer by dephosphorylation of a PRD (though β-D-glucans, fructans, and others represented by
their activity can also be modulated by His-P-HPr polygalactan) and heteropolysaccharides composed
phosphorylation of conserved histidine residues in a of different types of monosaccharides, mainly
second PRD) in such a way that in the presence of D-glucose, D-galactose, L-rhamnose, and their
rapidly metabolizable carbon sources, the regulators derivatives. In the last few years several works pre-
would be inactive (antitermination). The action of sented a diversity of biopolymers produced by
all known antiterminators depends on binding to a cereal-associated and intestinal LAB (Tieking et al.
ribonucleic antiterminator sequence, resulting in the 2003; van der Meulen et al. 2007), Strep. thermophi-
unwinding of a neighboring terminator structure in lus (Vaningelgem et al. 2004) or other LAB strains
their respective mRNA (Yang et al. 2002). This isolated from dairy products (Mozzi et al. 2006; van
10 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

der Meulen et al. 2007). During these studies the of both UDP-glucose and UDP-galactose; however,
production of glucan by L. lactis, an EPS-containing did not significantly affect EPS production. In L.
(N-acetyl) glucosamine by Strep. thermophilus lactis, EPS production is controlled by a phospho-
(Vaningelgem et al. 2004), a polygalactan synthe- regulatory system and EPS biosynthesis correlates
sized by two strains of Lactobacillus delbrueckii with an unphosphorylated protein (EpsB) (Nierop
subsp. bulgaricus (Mozzi et al. 2006), and a hetero- Groot and Kleerebezem 2007).
polysaccharide by Lactobacillus curvatus (van der
Meulen et al. 2007), has been reported for the first
1.2.6. The Post-genomic Era of Sugar
time. Pioneering research describing the detection
Metabolism and Regulation in LAB
of EPS-producing strains in the human intestinal
ecosystem showed that 17% of Lactobacillus and At the time of writing complete genome sequences
Bifidobacterium strains could be EPS producers have been presented for more than 20 fermentative
(Ruas-Madiedo et al. 2007). and commensal LAB species from the order of
Lactobacillales and more genome projects are
Biosynthesis of EPS. Homopolysaccharides are ongoing (Mayo et al. 2008). Most genes involved in
synthesized extracellulary by highly specific glyco- sugar metabolism and energy conversion are uni-
syltransferase enzymes, glucan or fructan sucrases formly represented among LAB species with com-
(van Hijum et al. 2006). This process requires pleted genome sequences (Makarova et al. 2006).
sucrose as a specific substrate and the energy that Moreover, it seems that genes encoding enzymes
comes from its hydrolysis. Recently, a negative involved in glycolysis, pyruvate metabolism, and/or
effect of glycosyltransferases on growth on sucrose regulators such as CcpA, HPr, HprK/P, and EI are
of some Lact. reuteri strains has been observed highly expressed in L. lactis and Lactobacillus aci-
(Schwab et al. 2007). EPS belonging to heteropoly- dophilus (Guillot et al. 2003; Karlin et al. 2004;
saccharides are synthesized from glucose, galactose, Barrangou et al. 2006).
or other monosaccharides by a combined action of Genome analyses have also shown that lactoba-
different types of glycosyltransferase enzymes. Four cilli, streptococci, and lactococci, probably due to
major consecutive steps of EPS biosynthesis in LAB the diversity of environments they inhabit, possess
involve sugar transport into the cytoplasm, synthesis wide saccharolytic abilities. The ability to ferment
of sugar-1P, polymerization of repeating unit pre- many different kinds of carbohydrates is a specific
cursors, and finally EPS export outside the cell characteristic of plant-associated strains (Nomura
(reviewed by Laws et al. 2001; Welman and Maddox et al. 2006). Analysis of the genome of different
2003). Lact. plantarum strains has revealed the existence
of many genes involved in sugar transport and
Regulation of EPS production. It is postulated metabolism located in the so-called “lifestyle adap-
that regulation of EPS production can be possible at tation island,” a 213 kb region of high plasticity
each of the different steps during biosynthesis. It has (Kleerebezem et al. 2003; Molenaar et al. 2005).
been observed that the overexpression of the fruc- Furthermore, unique genes and clusters for xylan,
tose biphosphate (fbp) gene led to an increase of the glucan, and fructan/mannan breakdown have been
EPS yield in L. lactis cells growing on fructose. The identified in the genome of nondairy L. lactis
role of enzymes, such as glucokinase, PFK, and subsp. lactis strains isolated from plant material
PGM controlling the carbon distribution between (Siezen et al. 2008). On the other hand, in milk-
catabolic (glycolysis) and anabolic reactions (EPS specialized bacteria, for example Strep. thermophi-
precursor biosynthesis) has recently been studied in lus, the capacity to degrade starch or glucans has
L. lactis (Boels et al. 2003). It has been shown that been shown to be severely reduced (Salzano et al.
overproduction of PGM resulted in increased levels 2007).
Updates in the Metabolism of Lactic Acid Bacteria 11

1.2.7. Practical Aspects of ture, and pH (Zisu and Shah 2003; Sánchez et al.
Sugar Catabolism 2006).
Finally, it is worth mentioning the protective role
The ability of LAB to ferment sugars has been of sugars in the preservation and storage of LAB
widely utilized in various food production pro- species. Sugars such as trehalose, sorbitol, mannitol,
cesses. Recently, great attention has been directed sucrose, lactose, and mannose increased the viabil-
to optimization of lactate production from natural ity of the cells during drying and freezing processes
substrates like starch or cellulose derived from (reviewed by Santivarangkna et al. 2008). In addi-
waste products (for a review see, John et al. 2007; tion, the mechanism involved in the protective effect
Reddy et al. 2008). Probiotic effects related to of glucose on Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG during
lactose catabolism have been the subject of several gastric transit has been shown to rely on an increased
studies. Of particular interest is the selection of activity of the F0F1-ATPase enabling proton exclu-
potential probiotic bacteria exhibiting high lactose sion (Corcoran et al. 2005).
hydrolysis (Drouault et al. 2002; Honda et al. 2007).
The elucidation of the metabolic adaptation of bac-
1.3. Proteolysis and Amino
teria to lactose in the digestive tract is also important
Acid Catabolism
(Roy et al. 2008). Some probiotic LAB can utilize
prebiotic compounds such as non-digestible fruc- It has been well established that LAB species are
tooligosaccharides (FOS) or inulin-type fructans, auxotrophs for a variable number of amino acids,
which stimulate the growth of beneficial commen- depending both on the species and on the strain.
sals in the gastrointestinal tract. Lactic acid has been Therefore, for proper growth on most systems LAB
shown to be the main metabolic end-product of depend on a fully active proteolytic system to meet
oligofructose-enriched inulin (OEI) fermentation by their amino acid requirements. The proteolytic com-
Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei 8700:2, ponents of dairy LAB are among the best character-
although significant amounts of acetic acid, formic ized to date, not only as a consequence of their
acid, and ethanol were also produced when long- impact on the physiology of LAB, but also because
chain inulin or OEI was used as the sole energy of their involvement in the development of texture
source (Makras et al. 2005). Lact. acidophilus 1195 and flavor in dairy products (for recent reviews see,
hydrolyzes FOS by a fructosidase, which renders Smit et al. 2005; Savijoki et al. 2006). The recent
fructose and sucrose; the latter sugar is subsequently analysis of LAB genomes has further contributed to
hydrolyzed into fructose and glucose-1P by a a complete characterization of the proteolytic
sucrose phosphorylase (Barrangou et al. 2003; Goh systems in the sequenced species (Mayo et al. 2008).
et al. 2006). In Lact. plantarum a sucrose PTS, a The genome of Lact. plantarum is the only LAB
β-fructofuranosidase, and a fructokinase were found which encodes enzymes for the biosynthesis of all
to be involved in the degradation of short-chain FOS amino acids, except for leucine, isoleucine, and
(Saulnier et al. 2007). As already mentioned, LAB valine (Kleerebezem et al. 2003). In contrast, Lact.
can direct part of the sugar pool toward biosynthesis acidophilus is likely to be auxotrophic for 14 amino
of EPS. These microbial polysaccharides have been acids (Altermann et al. 2005), and Lactobacillus
used in the food industry as emulsifiers, thickeners, johnsonii appears incapable of de novo synthesis
viscosifiers, and stabilizers. Important studies from of most, if not all, amino acids (Pridmore et al.
a practical point of view concern the kinetics of EPS 2004).
formation and factors affecting EPS production, The structural components of the proteolytic
such as nutrients (Velasco et al. 2006), type of systems can be divided into three groups on the
carbon and nitrogen sources (Korakli et al. 2003; basis of their function: (1) proteinases breaking
Sánchez et al. 2006; Velasco et al. 2006), tempera- proteins into peptides; (2) transport systems that
12 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

Cell membrane
PepF1 PepO2 NH2-Xn↓Xn-COOH

PepF2 Aminopeptidases
PepE2 PepO3 PepC NH2-X↓Xn-COOH
PrtP PepN
PepE PepF
PepG Di,tri-peptidases

Peptides OPP Peptides
PepS PepA PepQ PepR
PepL PepI PepX
Di,tri-peptides PepP
DtpT Aminopeptidases Proline-Specific
NH2-Glu/Asp↓Xn-COOH Aminopeptidases

Figure 1.2. Diagram of the proteolytic systems of lactic acid bacteria. Location and targets of the different components are
indicated. The pentagon at the bottom of the cell membrane marked as AAT refers to the different types (about 14) of amino
acid transporters. Action and specificity of peptidases over a schematic peptide is indicated by arrows.

translocate the breakdown products across the cyto- and Lact. paracasei, PrtH from Lactobacillus helve-
plasm membrane; and (3) peptidases that degrade ticus, PrtR from Lact. rhamnosus, PrtS from Strep.
peptides into free amino acids (Fig. 1.2). These thermophilus, and PrtB from Lact. delbrueckii
amino acids will be further degraded by strain- subsp. bulgaricus (Lact. bulgaricus). All enzymes
dependent metabolic pathways to generate the actual are synthesized as pre-pro-proteins, of approxi-
volatile compounds responsible for the aroma profile mately 2000 residues, consisting of several func-
of fermented products (Fig. 1.3). tional domains (Siezen 1999).
In general, LAB species possess only one CEP
each; however, the presence of two enzymes has
1.3.1. Proteinases
been described in some lactobacilli (Pederson et al.
A single cell wall-bound extracellular proteinase 1999). A membrane-bound lipoprotein, PrtM, has
(CEP) is generally considered to be responsible for been found to be essential for the autocatalytic acti-
the initial breakdown of caseins. Gene deletion vation of the proteinase in L. lactis and Lact. para-
studies have shown that LAB strains cannot grow in casei. Moreover, prtP and prtM genes are divergently
milk in absence of a functional CEP. This enzyme transcribed (Haandrikman et al. 1991). In contrast,
is a serine protease belonging to the subtilisin the maturation gene has not been identified in the
family. Five different types of this enzyme have CEP-flanking regions of Lact. helveticus, Lact. bul-
been characterized from LAB: PrtP from L. lactis garicus, and Strep. thermophilus (Fernández-Esplá
Thr Phe, Tyr, Trp, Leu, lle, Biogenic His
Met S-adenosylCystathionine
methionine Amines Decarboxylases
Val, Asp, Asn CO2 (Tyr, Phe) CO
Diacetyl Deamination α-keto-
Acetoin glutarate
Lyase Glutamate lyase
Pyruvate Decarboxylase
(Asp) CoA Uroconate
ation α-ketoacid
Benzaldehyde (Phe) Dehydrogenase Decarboxylase
Metylthyo-acetaldehyde (Met)
Hydroxy Acid CoA-ester
Acetaldehyde Methanethiol Aldehyde Phosphotransacylase
Acyl kinase
Dehydrogenase Oxidation

Ethanol DMDS Alcohol Carboxylic Acid

DMTS Acyltransferases/

Thyo esthers Cresol, skatol (Tyr, Trp)

Figure 1.3. Catabolic pathways of the principal amino acids involved in the production of aroma compounds. Continuous lines show enzymatic
reactions catalyzed by the enzymes indicated. Dotted and broken lines show spontaneous chemical reactions and poorly defined pathways, respec-
tively. The most important compounds formed are shown in bold.

14 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

et al. 2000; Germond et al. 2003). However, recent ers belonging to the ABC transporter superfamily,
microarray analysis has shown an increase expres- which transport di-, tripeptides, and oligopeptides
sion of a homologous of prtM in Lact. helveticus (Detmers et al. 1998). They have been identified in
CNRZ32 when growing in milk (Smeianov et al. different species of LAB, such as L. lactis, Lact.
2007), suggesting that at least in this organism a bulgaricus, Lact. helveticus, Lact. plantarum, Lact.
PrtM-like protein may play a role in CEP matura- sanfranciscensis, and Leuconostoc mesenteroides.
tion. Expression of prtP in L. lactis is repressed in Opp was characterized first and is composed of five
the presence of rich nitrogen sources such as casein proteins: an oligopeptide-binding protein (OppA),
hydrolysates, casamino acids, and specific dipep- two integral membrane proteins (OppB and OppC),
tides. The expression is under the control of the and two nucleotide-binding proteins (OppD and
general regulator CodY, which senses the internal OppF; Tynkkynen et al. 1993). Opt differs from Opp
branched-chain amino acid (BCAA) pool (Guédon by its genetic organization and peptide uptake speci-
et al. 2001). Regulation of the proteolytic system in ficity. The Opt system contains two different
lactobacilli is much less studied, and, as in L. lactis, peptide-binding proteins. Initially, the Opt system
rich nitrogen sources represses proteinase expres- was only related with the transport of di- and tri-
sion (Hebert et al. 2000; Pastar et al. 2003). Some hydrophobic peptides. However, analysis of Opp-
species of LAB do not exhibit CEP-like activity, deficient L. lactis strains revealed the implication of
such as Lact. plantarum (Kleerebezem et al. 2003) Opt in the transport of oligopeptides (Foucaud et al.
and other lactobacilli species from sourdough 1995). Differences in specificity between the Opp
(Vermeulen et al. 2005). This suggests that caseino- and Opt are likely to be responsible for the previ-
lytic proteinases may function as an adaptative ously observed variability in peptide uptake within
factor, which has been acquired by LAB of dairy different strains of Lactococcus (Charbonnel et al.
and intestinal origin. 2003). Specificity has been shown to be imposed by
Intracellular proteinases involved in regulatory the (oligo)peptide-binding proteins (Doeven et al.
networks and stress responses of LAB, required for 2005). A second set of Opp-transporter encoding
normal growth under different stress conditions, genes, named opp2, was found in L. lactis MG1363,
such as FtsH, HtrA, and Clp-proteases (Poquet et al. although this latter Opp system is either not
2000; Foucaud-Scheunemann and Poquet 2003; expressed or not functional (Doeven et al. 2005). All
Savijoki et al. 2003) might also play a role during these three systems (Opp, Opt, and DtpT) have been
maturation of fermented products. found to be functional in only a minority of L. lactis
strains (such as MG1363, SK11, and Wg2; Doeven
et al. 2005). The Opp from IL1403 and SKM6 lacks
the OppA component. Thus, most likely, uptake of
1.3.2. Peptide and Amino Acid
oligopeptides in these strains seems to be driven by
Uptake Systems
The second step in protein degradation includes the In Strep. thermophilus, the oligopeptide transport
transport of di-, tri-, and oligo-peptides into the cell system presents some differences from that of
by the action of different peptide uptake systems Lactococcus. It has been called Ami, since it shows
(Fig. 1.2). Three functional peptide transport systems the highest identity with the Ami system of
have been described in L. lactis: DtpT, Opp, and Opt Streptococcus pneumoniae (Garault et al. 2002).
(previously referred to as Dpp). DtpT is a proton However, the specificity of the Strep. thermophilus
motive force-dependent transporter whose specific- oligopeptide uptake is broader than those of strep-
ity is limited to di- and tripeptides (Kunji et al. tococci and similar to that specified by OppA from
1993). This peptide uptake system is also present in L. lactis (Garault et al. 2002). The Ami transporter
Lact. helveticus, Lactobacillus sanfranciscensis, is composed of three oligopeptide-binding proteins
and Strep. thermophilus. Opp and Opt are transport- (AmiA1, AmiA2, and AmiA3), two-membrane
Updates in the Metabolism of Lactic Acid Bacteria 15

proteins (AmiC, AmiD), and two ATPases, which been found, one, pepF1, is plasmid encoded, whereas
provide energy to the system (AmiE, AmiF). a second copy, pepF2 (80% identity), is located in
A variable number of genes encoding putative the chromosome. PepF has also been identified in
amino acid permeases and transporters of several other LAB genomes, such as Lact. helveticus, Lact.
classes have been identified in the genome of LAB brevis, Strep. thermophilus, O. oeni, Leuc. mesen-
species (Makarova et al. 2006). However, specificity teroides, Lactobacillus gasseri, and Lact. del-
of most transporters is not yet known. brueckii. Other endopeptidase genes have further
been identified in Lact. delbrueckii (PepG; van de
Guchte et al. 2006) and Lact. helveticus (PepE and
1.3.3. Peptidases
PepE2; Callanan et al. 2008).
Inside the cells, peptides are degraded by the con-
certed action of an array of peptidases with distinct Aminopeptidases. The aminopeptidases identi-
but overlapping specificities (Kunji et al. 1996a). fied in LAB can be divided into three groups:
Peptidases can be divided into two types: endopep- aminopeptidases with broad specificity, specific
tidases, which hydrolyze internal peptide bonds, and aminopeptidases for acidic or basic amino acids, and
exopeptidases, which remove amino acids from an those specific for hydrophobic or aromatic residues.
extreme of the peptide chain. In LAB a majority of Aminopeptidases with broad specificity, PepC and
the exopeptidases are aminopeptidases and their PepN, have been identified in Lactococcus,
specificity depends on the peptide length and the Lactobacillus, and Strep. thermophilus. PepC
nature of the N-terminal amino acid residue (Kunji belongs to the C1 family of cysteine peptidases and
et al. 1996b; Fig. 1.2). has a significant activity on basic, acidic, hydropho-
bic/uncharged, and aromatic residues. PepN pres-
Endopeptidases. PepO was the first endopepti- ents a higher activity on basic residues followed by
dase characterized from a LAB species. It is a hydrophobic/uncharged residues and, in general,
70-kDa monomeric metalloprotease capable of low or undetectable activity on Asp, Glu, and Gly
hydrolyzing peptides from 5 up to 35 residues, but (Savijoki et al. 2006). Aminopeptidases acting on
unable to hydrolyze intact caseins. The inspection acidic residues, PepA, also referred to as glutamyl
of sequenced genomes has shown that all LAB aminopeptidases, have been identified in L. lactis,
encode putative PepO homologs. L. lactis MG1363 Strep. thermophilus, and Lact. gasseri genomes.
encodes a second endopeptidase with properties This enzyme belongs to M42 family of metallopep-
similar to PepO, named PepO2. Additionally, the tidases. Since bitter peptides are mainly formed by
analysis of the Lact. helveticus CNRZ32 genome hydrophobic and aromatic residues, an aminopepti-
revealed a third PepO endopeptidease, PepO3, dase specific for aromatic amino acids could have
which is a functional paralog of PepO2, and both an important role in the development of flavor in
endopeptidases (PepO2 and PepO3) could play a dairy products. An enzyme with this activity, PepS,
key role in the Lact. helveticus CNRZ32 ability to has been identified in Pediococcus pentosaceus,
reduce bitterness in cheese (Savijoki et al. 2006). Strep. thermophilus, Leuc. mesenteroides, Lact.
Duplication of peptidases would enhance the ability casei, and Lact. sakei. PepL, an aminopeptidase that
of Lactobacillus species to exploit protein-rich envi- has only been identified in Lact. delbrueckii, dis-
ronments (Makarova et al. 2006). A second endo- plays high specificity for Leu and Ala residues
peptidase with a different specificity from that of (Savijoki et al. 2006).
PepO has been designated as PepF1. It is a 70-kDa
monomeric metallopeptidase, which hydrolyzes Dipeptidases. Several dipeptidases have been
peptides containing between 7 and 17 amino acids described in LAB with a broad specificity (PepD
with a rather broad specificity. In L. lactis subsp. and PepV) and with specificity to peptides contain-
cremoris NCDO763 two copies of this gene have ing proline (PepQ and PepR; see below). PepD has
16 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

only been characterized from Lact. helveticus. It has 1.3.4. Regulation of the Proteolytic System
an activity similar to that reported for PepV but it is
The proteolytic system of L. lactis has been shown
unable to hydrolyse Val-X and Ile-X dipeptides
to respond to changes in nitrogen availability. It is
(Savijoki et al. 2006). Analysis of available LAB
now clear that the transcriptional regulator CodY
genomes has lead to the identification of encoding
negatively regulates the expression of several com-
proteins similar to PepV and PepD dipeptidases in
ponents of the proteolytic system in this species by
other Lactobacillus species as well as in L. lactis
binding to their cognate promoter regions (den
and Strep. thermophilus.
Hengst et al. 2005). Repression is modulated by the
intracellular pool of BCAAs (Guédon et al. 2001).
Tripeptidases. These enzymes hydrolyze tripep-
However, not all proteolytic enzymes respond to
tides with a wide range of amino acid composition
this regulation. Expression of pepP has been dem-
although they do not hydrolyze tripeptides contain-
onstrated to respond to catabolite repression and is
ing Pro in the middle position. The tripeptidase
controlled by CcpA (Guédon et al. 2001).
PepT has been identified in L. lactis, Strep.
The regulatory mechanisms are much less studied
thermophilus, and Lact. helveticus. Other tripepti-
in Lactobacillus. Peptide concentration in the growth
dases have been purified from other LAB (Lact.
medium has been shown to control PrtH and PrtR
sakei, Lact. delbrueckii, Ped. pentosaceus) and, like
biosynthesis in Lact. helveticus and in Lact. rham-
PepT, they are all metallopeptidases having a high
nosus, respectively. A recent systematic study on
activity on tripeptides composed of hydrophobic/
Lact. acidophilus using expression profiling with
uncharged and aromatic residues.
whole genome microarrays has revealed that a two-
component regulatory system acts as a pleiotropic
Proline-specific peptidases. This group of pepti-
regulator in controlling the expression of at least 80
dases includes aminopeptidases and dipeptidases
genes, including major components of the proteo-
(PepQ, PepR, PepI, PepP, and PepX), which are
lytic system (Azcárate-Peril et al. 2005). To date,
specific for Pro residues. PepQ is a prolidase enzyme
only one regulatory protein directly controlling the
specific for X-Pro dipeptides although in some cases
expression of proteolytic genes has been identified
is able to hydrolyze other dipeptides. This enzyme
in Lactobacillus. In Lact. delbrueckii subsp. lactis
has been characterized from different Lactobacillus
and Lact. bulgaricus, PepR1, a CcpA-like regulator,
and Lactococcus species. PepR is a dipeptidase
has been demonstrated to bind to the promoter
identified only in some Lactobacillus species with
regions of pepQ and pepX, acting as a transcrip-
prolidase activity, specific for Pro-X dipeptides,
tional activator. In this case, expression of PepQ
which has a limited activity in larger peptides. PepI
depends on carbohydrate concentration and compo-
releases Pro from the N-terminus of tri-peptides,
sition rather than on peptide concentration; this con-
but not from tetra- and penta-peptides. PepP is an
trasts with the biosynthesis of other components of
aminopeptidase releasing the N-terminal amino acid
the proteolytic system in Lact. bulgaricus (Morel
from peptides with the X-Pro-Pro-(Y)n composition.
et al. 2001).
This enzyme has been characterized from L. lactis
and has high activity on peptides ranging from three
to nine residues, with the highest rate of hydrolysis
1.3.5. Physiological Role and Technological
on pentapeptides. PepX releases X-Pro dipeptides
Aspects of Proteolysis
from substrates containing three to seven amino acid
residues. This enzyme is widely distributed among Analyses conducted on mutant strains of L. lactis,
dairy LAB, and it surely is the most thoroughly Lact. helveticus, Lact. rhamnosus, and Strep. ther-
studied Pro-specific peptidase. Prolidase enzymes mophilus defective in components of the proteolytic
such as PepQ can subsequently hydrolyze the dipep- system have shown that PrtP and Opp are crucial for
tides released by PepX (Savijoki et al. 2006). growth in a medium with casein as the sole source
Updates in the Metabolism of Lactic Acid Bacteria 17

of amino acids (Christensen et al. 1999). Numerous only partially characterized in LAB. BCAAs (valine,
LAB strains with mutations in single peptidase isolecucine, and leucine), aromatic amino acids
genes have also been examined for their ability to (tyrosine, tryptophane, and phenylalanine), sulfur-
grow in milk; although minor changes in growth containing amino acids (methionine and cysteine),
were observed, it can be concluded that none of the and threonine are the main amino acid sources for
individual peptidases is essential for growth in milk flavor (sweaty, sour, and sweet aroma; Fig. 1.3).
because its activity is compensated by other pepti- Other amino acids can participate as well; for
dases (Kunji et al. 1996b). Proteolysis is considered instance, the catabolism of aspartic acid has been
one of the most important biochemical processes recently shown to be involved in production of both
involved in the ripening of many fermented dairy acetoin and diacetyl (Le Bars and Yvon 2008).
products. It releases amino acids from caseins,
which, in turn, are major precursors of specific BCAAs. BCAAs and sulfur-containing amino
flavor compounds: alcohols, aldehydes, acids, esters, acids can be degraded by two distinct pathways:
and sulfur compounds. As mentioned before, the transamination and degradation (Fig. 1.3).
peptidolytic activity (PepN, PepX, PepO2, and Transamination can be catalyzed by two amino-
PepO3) is also important in reducing the accumula- transferases, BcaT and AraT (Yvon and Rijnen
tion of hydrophobic peptides to reduce bitterness in 2001), which convert amino acids into their corre-
cheese (Sridhar et al. 2005). sponding α-ketoacid. BcaT orthologs are present in
Besides the importance of proteolytic enzymes in all lactococcal and streptococcal strains while they
the final organoleptical properties of fermented are absent in a number of lactobacilli. The gene
products, certain LAB strains are further known to encoding AraT has been experimentally character-
be able to liberate bioactive peptides encrypted in ized in L. lactis and putative araT genes have been
proteins, which are thought to have a role in promot- found in all LAB genomes except those of Lact.
ing health (Korhonen and Pihlanto-Leppälä 2002). sakei and Lact. brevis. The araT gene is monocis-
To date, strains of LAB endowed with such proper- tronically transcribed and it is under the control of
ties include strains such as Lact. helveticus CP790, CodY. The transaminase reaction is commonly
Lact. rhamnosus GG, Lact. bulgaricus SS1, and L. linked to the deamination of glutamate to α-
lactis subsp. cremoris FT4 (Gobetti et al. 2002; ketoglutarate, catalyzed by glutamate dehydroge-
Muguerza et al. 2006; see Chapter 13 for more nase (GDH). GDH activity varies widely among
details). Several reports have indicated that bioac- LAB, and most strains of L. lactis apparently lack
tive peptides may also be produced in vivo by intes- this activity (Lapujade et al. 1998) while it is present
tinal LAB after the intake of milk proteins (Meisel in the majority of Strep. thermophilus strains
2004). Production of such peptides at an industrial (Helinck et al. 2004). In lactobacilli, GDH activity
scale for use as dietary supplements is currently is also strain dependent (Kieronczyk et al. 2003).
receiving increased interest (Meisel 2004). Inspection of available LAB genomes has revealed
that GDH-encoding genes are present in some
strains (e.g., Lact. plantarum, Lact. sakei, Strep.
1.3.6. Amino Acid Catabolism and
thermophilus) but absent in others (e.g., L. lactis,
Flavor Formation
Lact. casei, Lact. delbrueckii).
The catabolism of amino acids has implications with The α-ketoacids can be further converted to alde-
regard to quality (formation of flavor) and safety hydes, carboxylic acids, and hydroxyacids in three
(synthesis of biogenic amines) of fermented foods. different routes: oxidative decarboxylation to car-
Amino acid catabolism is further believed to have boxylic acids, decarboxylation to aldehydes, and
an important role in LAB physiology for obtaining reduction to hydroxyacids (Fig. 1.3). α-Ketoacids
energy in nutrient-limited conditions, participating can be decarboxylated to aldehydes by α-ketoacid
in pH homeostasis. However, most pathways remain decarboxylases. In LAB this activity has been
18 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

reported in L. lactis var maltigenes, Lact. casei, and encoding gene has been cloned from Lact. casei.
Lact. delbrueckii subsp. lactis (Helinck et al. 2004) Although there is no literature evidence that hydroxy
and in some nondairy L. lactis strains (Smit et al. acids can directly lead to flavor formation, the fact
2004). Recently, this enzyme has been characterized that precursors of hydroxy acids and some flavor
from two different L. lactis strains and shown to compounds are shared imply that the activity of
require thiamine pyrophosphate as a cofactor. The HADH could have a negative effect on flavor forma-
encoding gene (kdcA, also called kivD) shows tion by shunting flavor precursors into off-flavors.
homology with indole pyruvate decarboxylases (de ADH and aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) cat-
la Plaza et al. 2004; Smit et al. 2005). Aldehydes alyze the conversion of aldehydes to alcohols and
produced in these reactions can then be reduced to carboxylic acids, respectively. Most LAB genomes
alcohols by alcohol dehydrogenases or oxidized to encode multiple ADH members, but only a single
carboxylic acids by aldehyde dehydrogenases (Yvon ADH/ALDH ortholog; these activities have never
and Rijnen 2001). been studied in LAB species.
Oxidative decarboxylation of BCAAs to carbox-
ylic acids is uncommon in LAB. This reaction leads Methionine, cysteine, and threonine. Sulfur
to the formation of carboxylic acids without transi- compounds produced from the catabolism of sulfur-
tory formation of aldehydes. In the first step, the containing amino acids are potent odorants in many
α-ketoacids are reductively decarboxylated to their fermented foods. For this reason Met and Cys catab-
corresponding acyl-CoA by α-keto acid dehydroge- olism has been deeply studied in the last years. The
nase (KaDH), an enzyme complex composed by metabolism of sulfur-containing amino acids is
four subunits. Acyl-CoA is further converted to the complex, considering the existence of multiple alter-
corresponding carboxylic acid by a phosphotransac- native pathways/enzymes and a species and strain
ylase and acyl kinase (ACK; Fig. 1.3). Orthologous distribution of these activities. Met can be metabo-
genes of components from the oxidative decar- lized by (1) conversion to cystathionine through
boxylation pathway (ptb-buk-bkdDABC) have only S-adenosyl methionine, thus linking Met and Cys
been found in the Lact. casei genome. Nevertheless, pools; (2) deamination to α-oxo-γ-methylthiobutyrate
homologs of the ptb gene, buk gene, and bkdDABC by an aminotransferase reaction; and (3) simultane-
genes were found encoded separately in different ous deamination and dethiomethylation to methane-
positions of the chromosome in various other LAB, thiol by Met lyases (Fig. 1.3). The conversion of
for instance in Strep. thermophilus. This finding Met into methanethiol via lyase can be catalyzed by
agrees well with the experiments of Helinck et al. three PLP-dependent enzymes: cystathionine β-
(2004), who showed these enzyme activities in lyase (CBL), cystathionine γ-lyase (CGL), and Met
Strep. thermophilus strains. Caution is required, γ-lyase (MGL). MGL is widely distributed among
however, since the best homologs of KaDH in many bacteria, but it has not been identified in LAB. CBL
LAB are annotated as either pyruvate or acetoin and CGL can use various sulfur-containing sub-
dehydrogenase complex, and it is not clear whether strates including Met to produce methanethiol via
these complexes have overlapping substrate speci- α- and γ-elimination. CBL- and CGL-encoding
ficity (Liu et al. 2008). genes have been identified in many LAB genomes,
Keto acids can also be reduced to hydroxy acids but these lyases possibly play a minor role in Met
by hydroxy acid dehydrogenase (HADH). Two degradation, at least in L. lactis (Fernández et al.
stereospecific enzymes, D-HADH and L-HADH, 2000). Met can also be degraded via transamination
are distinguished, which belong to the larger D-LDH (Fig. 1.3). The resulting product, 2-oxo-4-
and L-LDH protein families, respectively. L-HADH (methylthio) butyric acid (KMBA), can be subse-
from Weissella confusa (formerly Lactobacillus quently transformed into methanethiol by an
confusus) has been characterized, and a D-HADH unknown pathway (Yvon and Rijnen 2001). In lac-
Updates in the Metabolism of Lactic Acid Bacteria 19

tobacilli and Strep. thermophilus, transamination by 1.3.7. Biogenic Amines Pathways from
AraT and BcaT is the main pathway for Met degra- Amino Acids
dation (Amárita et al. 2001). The resulting KMBA
Catabolism of some amino acids can produce bio-
can be chemically converted to methylthioaldehyde,
genic amines (BAs), which can cause food poison-
methanethiol, and dimethyl sulfide. Methanethiol
ing. BAs are mainly formed by decarboxylation of
can be auto-oxidized to dimethyl sulfide and
the amino acids tyrosine, histidine, lysine, and orni-
dimethyl trisulfide (Fig. 1.3). However, KMBA can
thine (Fig. 1.3), from which tyramine, histamine,
also be degraded to methanethiol and 2-hydroxyl-4-
cadaverine, and putrescine, respectively, are pro-
methylthiobutyric acid by an enzymatic pathway in
duced. Tyrosine, histidine, and ornithine decarboxi-
some lactococcal strains. Decarboxylation of KMBA
lase activities have been reported in LAB species
to methional has been reported in one strain of L.
and strains of Lactobacillus, Enterococcus,
lactis although by unknown pathway (Amárita et al.
Oenococcus, Tetragenococcus, and Carnobacterium.
Genes encoding decarboxylase enzymes are found
Very few data are available on Cys catabolism in
in clusters, which include genes encoding amino
LAB. Amino acid utilization studies have shown
acid-BA antiporters, and in some cases (histamine
that most LAB can utilize Cys, although this ability
and tyramine) aminoacyl tRNA synthetases. The
is strain-dependent (Williams et al. 2001). In addi-
similar organization of different clusters, their dis-
tion, it has been reported that CGL can degrade
tribution, and their high similarity of sequence
Cys and cystine (the latter being the best substrate)
suggest a horizontal transference from a common
to ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, and pyruvate
source (review by Fernández and Zúñiga 2006).
(Bruinenberg et al. 1997). This activity, also referred
Lysine decarboxilase has never been identified in
to as Cys desulfhydrase, has been reported in
Streptococcus anginosus and other streptococci
Arg decarboxylase (ADC) converts Arg into
(Yoshida et al. 2003). Cys could also be utilized for
agmatine. This activity has been reported only in
Met biosynthesis via cystathionine, which might be
Lactobacillus hilgardii X1B (Arena and Manca de
subsequently degraded.
Nadra 2001). Furthermore, several LAB can use
Threonine can be degraded to acetaldehyde (Fig.
agmatine via the agmatine deiminase pathway to
1.3), a major flavor component of yoghurt. A Thr
produce putrescine. This pathway is constituted by
aldolase has been described as the key enzyme of
three enzymes: agmatine deiminase, putrescine
the Thr catabolic pathway in LAB (Christensen
carbamoyltransferase, and carbamate kinase. The
et al. 1999). This enzyme catalyzes the splitting of
agmatine deiminase pathway was first described in
Thr into acetaldehyde and glycine. The Thr aldolase
Enterococcus faecalis (Simon and Stalon 1982) and
activity can be attributed in bacteria to two different
genome analyses and recent results obtained by
enzymes: serine hydroxymethyltransferase (SHMT)
Lucas et al. (2007) revealed the presence of agma-
and to a low-specificity Thr aldolase (LTA). SHMT-
tine deiminase genes in different Lact. brevis, Lact.
encoding genes are present in all LAB genomes,
sakei, and Ped. pentosaceus strains.
while genes encoding LTA have yet to be identified.
Biochemical and genetic studies have shown that
Thr aldolase in LAB is possibly due solely to SHMT
1.3.8. Arginine Metabolism
enzyme (Chaves et al. 2002). Thr can also be deami-
nated to 2-oxobutanoate, the precursor compound Arginine pathways have been deeply studied in
for the biosynthesis of BCAAs. Deaminase-encoding LAB species, although it is not involved in either
genes have been found in L. lactis, streptococci, flavor or BA formation. The most common pathway
Lact. casei, Lact. sakei, Leuc. mesenteroides, and for the catabolism of arginine in LAB is via the
Ped. pentosaceus. arginine deiminase (ADI) pathway. The ADI
20 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

pathway comprises three reactions catalyzed by 1.4. Citrate Metabolism and Formation
ADI, ornithine carbamoyl-transferase and carba- of Aroma Compounds
mate kinase (Fernández and Zúñiga 2006).
Degradation of Arg through the ADI pathway results In addition to sugars, several LAB species have the
in production of ATP and ammonia. Therefore, the capability of metabolizing citrate, a process requir-
ADI pathway is thought to provide energy and pro- ing citrate transport, conversion of citrate into oxa-
tection against an acidic external pH. Nevertheless, loacetate, and then into pyruvate and CO2 (Fig. 1.4).
its relevance as an energy source or as a protective Citrate fermentation by LAB leads to the production
system against acidic environments varies among of 4-carbon compounds, such as diacetyl, acetoin
LAB. In general, arginine induces the expression and butanediol, which have aromatic properties and
of ADI enzymes and some carbohydrates repress impart the typical aroma to many dairy products.
their synthesis, being controlled by catabolite Strains of L. lactis subsp. lactis biovar. diacetylactis
repression. (L. diacetylactis) and species of Leuconostoc and




Lactate Acetaldehyde-Tppi



Acetoin Diacetyl

2, 3,-butanediol
Figure 1.4. Citrate metabolism in Lactococcus and Leuconostoc species. Key for the enzymes: CL, citrate lyase; OAD, oxalo-
acetate decarboxylase; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; PDC, pyruvate decarboxylase; ALS, α-acetolactate synthase; ADC, α-
acetolactate decarboxylase; DAR, diacetyl acetoin reductase; BDH, 2,3-butanediol dehydrogenase; Tppi, thiamine
Updates in the Metabolism of Lactic Acid Bacteria 21

Weissella are used by the fermentation industry as 1.4.2. Conversion of Citrate into Pyruvate
diacetyl producers. Other LAB species such as Lact.
Once inside, citrate is converted into acetate and
plantarum and O. oeni use the citrate present in raw
oxaloacetate in a reaction catalyzed by the citrate
materials to produce a secondary fermentation in
lyase (CL) enzyme. CL is an enzymatic complex,
wine, beer, and sausages, which confers off-flavors
which catalyzes the conversion of citrate in a multi-
to the fermented products. Thus, either beneficial or
reaction process. CL has also been purified from
detrimental, the use of citrate by LAB has a great
Leuc. mesenteroides 195 strain (Bekal et al. 1998),
industrial interest.
and the CL-coding genes have been cloned from this
strain (Bekal et al. 1998), from a plasmid belonging
to a Weissella paramesenteroides strain (Martín
1.4.1. Citrate Transport et al. 1999, 2000), and from the chromosome of
L. diacetylactis CRL264 (Martín et al. 2004).
Transport of citrate is performed by specific mem-
The second step of citrate metabolism, catalyzed
brane-associated permeases, and constitutes the
by oxaloacetate decarboxylase (OAD), is the decar-
limiting step for citrate utilization. Biochemical
boxylation of oxaloacetate, generating pyruvate and
characterization of the permeases has shown that
CO2. Analysis of the genomes of various LAB indi-
citrate can be incorporated by diverse mechanisms.
cate that a homolog of the Klebsiella pneumoniae
Most LAB species internalize citrate by a 2-hydroxy-
OAD, the best characterized bacterial enzyme of
carboxylate type of transporters, which transports
this type, is only present in Strep. mutans, Ent. fae-
dicarboxylic and tricarboxylic acids (Sobczak and
calis, Lact. sakei, and Lact. casei. In most citrate
Lolkema 2005). Among the citrate transporters of
fermenters, OAD seems to be a 40-kDa polypeptide
this family, the well-characterized CitS and the CitP
sharing high amino acid identity with proteins of the
from Lactococcus, Leuconostoc, and Weissella are
malic enzyme family. OAD is encoded by either
included. CitS is a symporter, which uses a Na2+-
citM in Weissella (Martín et al. 2000), or mae in all
gradient to transport citrate, whereas CitP is respon-
other LAB (Bekal et al. 1998; Bolotin et al. 2001).
sible for the antiport of H-citrate2− and lactate1−
In agreement, co-transcription of these genes with
generating a membrane potential. In LAB the genes
that encoding CL has been detected in Leuconostoc,
encoding CitP are identified in plasmids and show
Weissella, and L. diacetylactis (Bekal et al. 1998;
a 99% nucleotide sequence identity, suggesting
Martín et al. 2000, 2004).
recent acquisition by horizontal transfer (Drider
et al. 2004). Genes from different species are
located in unrelated plasmids and present a different
1.4.3. Conversion of Pyruvate into
genetic organization (Sesma et al. 1990; Martín
Aroma Compounds
et al. 2000). In contrast, in Ent. faecalis and
Streptococcus mutans citrate is transported by CitM Metabolism of pyruvate can yield in LAB different
and CitH transporters, respectively, belonging to the end-products such as lactate, formate, acetate,
recently described family of citrate-metal symport- ethanol, and the aroma compounds of four carbons
ers (CitMHS) (Korithoski et al. 2005; Blancato (C4 compounds) diacetyl, acetoin, and butanediol
et al. 2006). Uptake of citrate by these transporters (Neves et al. 2005; Fig. 1.4). The metabolic biosyn-
occurs in the form of complexes with cations (either thetic pathway from citrate to diacetyl was revealed
Ca2+, Mn2+, or Fe3+). Additionally, the genes encod- in L. diacetylactis by use of nuclear magnetic
ing CitM and CitH are located in the chromosome, resonance techniques. Ramos et al. (1994) demon-
associated to citrate fermentation clusters. Citrate strated that the main route of diacetyl synthesis is
transporters of other types may be found in Lact. via the intermediary α-acetolactate (Fig. 1.4). α-
plantarum (Kleerebezem et al. 2003) and O. oeni Acetolactate synthase (ALS) is the key enzyme in
(Augagneur et al. 2007). the synthesis of C4 compounds by catalyzing the
22 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

condensation of two pyruvate molecules to generate is the butB gene, whose product was annotated as
α-acetolactate. Once synthesized, α-acetolactate is BDH in the lactococcal genome sequence. BDH
unstable and is readily decarboxylated to acetoin by belongs to the Zn-containing alcohol dehydroge-
α-acetolactate decarboxylase (ALD), or by nonen- nases. The genes butB and butA are also linked to
zymatic decarboxylation (in the presence of oxygen) the L. lactis subsp. cremoris (MG1363 and SK11)
to diacetyl. Acetoin can also be synthesized from chromosome. However, in other LAB species, such
diacetyl by diacetyl reductase (DAR). This enzyme as Leuc. pseudomesenteroides, butA is carried on
also possesses acetoin reductase activity, yielding plasmids (Rattray et al. 2003), which may facilitate
2,3 butanediol from acetoin, while the reverse reac- its horizontal transfer. The two DARs purified from
tion is catalyzed by 2,3 butanediol dehydrogenase lactococci have less affinity for 2,3-butanediol than
(BDH). The balance between the end-products of for diacetyl and acetoin. They both have optimal
citrate fermentation will depend on the redox state alkaline and acidic pH, respectively, for its BDH
of the cells (Bassit et al. 1993). and DAR activities. Therefore, it is conceivable that
The genes encoding both ALS, als and ALD, at acidic pH an increase of 2,3-butanediol occurs; a
aldB have been cloned and characterized from L. fact that has experimentally been observed in L.
diacetylactis (Marugg et al. 1994; Goupil-Feuillerat diacetylactis (Ramos et al. 1994).
et al. 1997). AldB plays a dual role, catalyzing the
second step of the acetoin biosynthetic pathway, and
1.4.4. Regulation of Citrate Utilization
regulating the pool of α-acetolactate in the cell
during BCAA metabolism. Transcriptional analysis The biochemical machinery for sensing, transport,
of the aldB expression revealed that this gene forms and utilization of citrate is grouped into operons,
an operon with leu, ilv, and aldR genes. In fact, the showing highly conserved components in all LAB
aldB is located downstream of genes encoding species. A citMCDEFXG (cit) operon has been also
enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of BCAAs identified in the L. diacetylactis chromosome.
(leucine, valine, and isoleucine) and precedes the However, the citrate permease citP is not part of the
aldR gene, which encodes a putative regulator operon; instead, it is encoded on the citrate transport
whose function has not been completely elucidated operon, citQRP, located in the citrate plasmid
(Goupil-Feuillerat et al. 1997). This second role is (López de Felipe et al. 1995). Similarly, a cit operon
very important as BCAAs are essential for protein (citMCDEFGRP) encoding CitM, CL, and CitP is
synthesis and, consequently, the expression of this found in W. paramesenteroides. Upstream of this
enzyme is strictly regulated at both the transcrip- operon is the divergently transcribed citI gene
tional and post-transcriptional levels (Goupil- (Martín et al. 1999, 2000). Two unique and different
Feuillerat et al. 1997, 2000). models of regulation for citrate metabolism have
DAR catalyzes two stages of citrate metabolism: been described in LAB. In L. diacetylactis, specific
the conversion of diacetyl into acetoin and the transcriptional activation of the promoters control-
reduction of acetoin to 2, 3-butanediol. Conversion ling cit operons takes place at low pH; this activa-
of 2,3-butanediol into acetoin is catalyzed by BDH. tion is thought to provide an adaptative response to
In L. diacetylactis, two proteins seem to possess acidic stress. In W. paramesenteroides, the CitI tran-
DAR and BDH activities. The DAR enzyme of scriptional regulator functions as a citrate-activated
Leuconostoc pseudomesenteroides is encoded by switch allowing the cell to optimize generation of
the plasmidic butA gene (Rattray et al. 2000). metabolic energy.
Bioinformatic analysis of the butA gene from this
species allowed identifying the butA gene in the
1.4.5. Bioenergetics of Citrate Metabolism
L. diacetylactis IL1403 genome (García-Quintáns
et al. 2008). Both enzymes share 81% of amino acid During growth in milk, L. diacetylactis metabolizes
identity. Preceding the L. diacetylactis IL1403 butA lactose-producing lactic acid, which is exchanged
Updates in the Metabolism of Lactic Acid Bacteria 23

for citrate during excretion by the antiporter CitP. function in a global perspective. As microbial
As a homofermentative organism, L. diacetylactis genomes reflect the metabolism, physiology, bio-
converts glucose into lactate, producing 2 moles of synthetic capabilities, and adaptability of the organ-
ATP per mol of glucose metabolized. The NAD+ isms to varying conditions and environments, the
consumed in the first steps of the pathway is regen- availability of genome sequences has also expanded
erated during the transformation of pyruvate into our knowledge of LAB’s metabolic potential and
lactate, thus maintaining the redox potential. In the bioprocessing capabilities (Teusink and Smid 2006).
presence of glucose and citrate, each mol of citrate As an example in the following paragraph, the res-
produces one mol of pyruvate without generating piration capacity of L. lactis and its industrial-
NADH. This excess of pyruvate is diverted to the derived applications are briefly presented (Duwat
synthesis of α-acetolactate and, subsequently, to the et al. 2001; Gaudu et al. 2002).
production of aroma compounds. The utilization of Sugar fermentation was long considered to rep-
citrate results in a growth advantage for L. diacety- resent the sole means of energy metabolism avail-
lactis when the medium has a low pH (García- able in LAB, producing organic acids (mainly lactic
Quintáns et al. 1998; Magni et al. 1999; Martín acid) as a final product. Early evidence by Sijpesteijn
et al. 2004). Recent results have shown that contrary in 1970 for the respiratory capability of LAB was
to what has been argued, the beneficial effect of largely overlooked (as reported in Duwat et al.
citrate on growth under acid stress is not primarily 2001), and only after analysis of the complete
due to a concomitant alkalinization of the medium genome sequence of L. lactis IL1403 (Bolotin et al.
(detoxification effect), but seems to stem from less 2001) a respiratory capacity for this species in the
expenditure of the ATP obtained from glucose to presence of exogenous heme was first envisioned
achieve pH homeostasis (Sánchez et al. 2008). (Duwat et al. 2001). Subsequent research confirmed
Glucose metabolism in heterofermentative that L. lactis certainly has the ability to respire in
Leuconostoc, Oenococcus, and Lactobacillus the presence of oxygen (Duwat et al. 2001; Gaudu
species takes place through the pentose phosphate et al. 2002), provided the growth medium contains
pathway, a heterolactic fermentation characterized heme because this bacterium does not have a func-
by lactate, ethanol, and acetate as end-products tional biosynthetic pathway for this compound
(Zaunmüller et al. 2006). In this case the main part (Bolotin et al. 2001). Under respiratory conditions,
of the acetylphosphate formed during the glucose acetate, acetoin, and diacetyl are produced from
degradation is reduced to ethanol by the phospho- pyruvate at the expense of lactic acid (Duwat et al.
ketolase pathway, regenerating the NAD+ con- 2001). An important consequence of respiration is a
sumed. However, the presence of citrate together more efficient conversion of the carbon source into
with glucose provokes a shift to the heterofermenta- biomass, resulting in higher cell yields and increased
tive route. When citrate is present, the NAD+ is survival after growth. The initial results obtained
regenerated during the pyruvate reduction to lactate. with the well-characterized laboratory strain L.
The acetylphosphate is therefore converted to lactis IL1403 were optimized for different industrial
acetate by means of the acetate kinase, generating L. lactis strains and also for Leuconostoc species
an extra mol of ATP (Sobczak and Lolkema 2005; (Pedersen et al. 2005). These results are of industrial
Fig. 1.1C). significance and allowed the development of a pat-
ented process for the production of LAB starter cul-
tures (Duwat et al. 1998). L. lactis strains were also
1.5. Functional Genomics
assayed in aeration in the absence of added heme to
and Metabolism
distinguish simply aeration from true respiration
The recently completed genome sequence of LAB (Pedersen et al. 2005). Numerous genes were dif-
species (Mayo et al. 2008) creates an excellent ferentially expressed under these two conditions.
opportunity to examine how metabolic pathways Approximately half of these genes have unknown
24 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

function, indicating that more research is still needed species into a high diacetyl producer by combining
to fully understand the physiology of respiration in NADH-oxidase overproduction and α-ALD inacti-
this species. However, increased biomass after vation has also been achieved (Hugenholtz et al.
aerated incubation in the presence of heme was not 2000). The other important aroma compound in
obtained for Strep. thermophilus, Lact. bulgaricus, dairy products is acetaldehyde. It is produced by
and Lact. helveticus. Analysis of the complete both Lact. delbrueckii and Strep. thermophilus in
genome sequences of all these species (Bolotin yoghurt fermentation; however, it is hardly pro-
et al. 2004; van de Guchte et al. 2006; Callanan duced as a fermentation end-product in L. lactis. In
et al. 2008) does not reveal the presence of genes lactococcal cells, acetaldehyde can be converted
for cytochrome oxidase or for the biosynthesis of from acetyl coenzyme A by the action of aldehyde
quinones, features which are believed to be essential dehydrogenase (ADH; Fig. 1.1B). Recently, the effi-
for respiration (Gaudu et al. 2002). cient rerouting of pyruvate toward acetaldehyde in
Starter cultures obtained by the respiration tech- L. lactis has been achieved by functional expression
nology have been assayed in pilot scale tests for of a pyruvate decarboxylase gene from Zymomonas
Cheddar cheese production and compared with mobilis and the endogenous NOX gene (Bongers
starters produced under standard conditions et al. 2005).
(Pedersen et al. 2005). Manufacture parameters The controlled overexpression of key genes in
were all within the normal range. Indeed, sensory the folate biosynthesis cluster has been used to over-
differences were not perceived by trained panels produce this vitamin in L. lactis cells (Sybesma
after maturation. Industrial scale trials of Cheddar, et al. 2003). Cloning and expression of the whole
Feta, and Cottage cheese have already been done, folate operon in Lact. gasseri converted this folate-
and again no significant differences were seen in the consumer species into a folate producer (Wegkamp
manufacturing parameters, cheese microbiology, et al. 2004). Furthermore, L. lactis has also been
chemistry, texture, or flavor development (Pedersen used for the production of the nutraceutical com-
et al. 2005). pound mannitol (Wisselink et al. 2004). More
recently, by reverting the sorbitol catabolic pathway
in a Lact. plantarum, mutant deficient in both L- and
D-lactate dehydrogenase activities has been forced
1.6. Metabolic Engineering of
to become a high-level sorbitol producer from
LAB Metabolism
fructose-6-phosphate (Ladero et al. 2007).
Cryptic plasmids from many LAB species provided Overexpression of genes encoding components
the platform for the development of sophisticated of the proteolytic system has also been accom-
genetic tools (e.g., vectors for cloning [including plished in several LAB species under cheese condi-
food-grade vectors], expression, and integration; tions (Christensen et al. 1995; Tuler et al. 2002).
Mills et al. 2006). Of note is the nisin-controlled Cheeses produced with the recombinant over-
gene expression system, which has been in use for expressing-strains have frequently received higher
more than 10 years (Mierau and Kleerebezem 2005). scores than those made with the original strains.
These and other genetic tools allowed a first engi- However, it has been repeatedly reported that amino
neering and rerouting of LAB metabolism (de Vos acid degradation is the actual process controlling
and Hugenholtz 2004; Hugenholtz 2008). Among flavor formation in cheese from proteins (for recent
the many examples that can be mentioned with reviews see Smit et al. 2005; Fernández and Zúñiga
regard to illustrating the high potential of engineer- 2006). The availability of whole genomes of many
ing the metabolism of LAB species, the conversion LAB species would allow the building of complete
of L. lactis into a homoalanine producer as the only metabolic structural models. Data derived from
fermentation end-product was reported as early as genome sequence information could also be used as
in 1999 (Hols et al. 1999). The conversion of this tools to direct metabolic engineering strategies to
Updates in the Metabolism of Lactic Acid Bacteria 25

improve LAB as cell factories (Oliveira et al. 2005; Altermann, E., Russell, W.M., Azcárate-Peril, M.A., Barrangou,
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Duong, T., Callanan, M., Lick, S., Hamrick, A., Cano, R., and
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probiotic lactic acid bacterium Lactobacillus acidophilus
1.7. Conclusions NCFM. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 102, 3906–3912.
Knowledge of the metabolism of industrially impor- Amárita, F., Fernández-Esplá, D., Requena, T., and Peláez, C.
(2001) Conversion of methionine to methional by Lactococcus
tant LAB species has been gathered during the last lactis. FEMS Microbiol Lett 204, 189–195.
25 years. In particular, the metabolism of carbohy- Amárita, F., Martínez-Cuesta, C.M., Taborda, G., Soto-Yárritu,
drates, citrate, and amino acids, and the key compo- P.L., Requena, T., and Peláez, C. (2002) Formation of methi-
nents produced during their degradation are all onal by Lactococcus lactis IFPL730 under cheese model con-
known. Rudimentary genetic tools have already ditions. Eur Food Res Technol 214, 58–62.
Andersen, H.W., Pedersen, M.B., Hammer, K., and Jensen, P.R.
been used to engineer and reroute some metabolic (2001) Lactate dehydrogenase has no control on lactate pro-
pathways involved in the synthesis of the desirable duction but has a strong negative control on formate produc-
compounds that define and are sought for in differ- tion in Lactococcus lactis. Eur J Biochem 268, 6379–6389.
ent fermented products. At present the new tech- Andersson, U., Levander, F., and Rådström, P. (2001) Trehalose
niques and disciplines emerging in the post-genomic 6-phosphate phosphorylase is part of a novel metabolic
pathway for trehalose utilization in Lactococcus lactis. J Biol
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and system biology, open new avenues for interpre- Andersson, U., and Rådström, P. (2002a) Beta-glucose 1-phos-
tation of biological data, making possible the devel- phate-interconverting enzymes in maltose- and trehalose-
opment of new predictive models. In combination fermenting lactic acid bacteria. Environ Microbiol 4, 81–88.
with classical and molecular techniques, these new Andersson, U., and Rådström, P. (2002b) Physiological function
of the maltose operon regulator, MalR, in Lactococcus lactis.
methods will be invaluable in the rational optimiza- BMC Microbiol 2, 28–36.
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tasteful, aromatic, and safer traditional and new (2005) Unity in organisation and regulation of catabolic
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Arena, M.E., and Manca de Nadra, M.C. (2001) Biogenic amine
only in traditional fermentations but also in production by Lactobacillus. J Appl Microbiol 90, 158–162.
novel bioprocessing, probiotic, and biotechnologi- Arsköld, E., Lohmeier-Vogel, E., Cao, R., Roos, S., Rådström,
cal applications. P., and van Niel, E.W. (2008) Phosphoketolase pathway domi-
nates in Lactobacillus reuteri ATCC 55730 containing dual
pathways for glycolysis. J Bacteriol 190, 206–212.
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ences NN302 0154 33 and PBZ-MNiSW-04/I/2007). which belongs to the BglG family of transcriptional antitermi-
nators, is involved in β-glucoside utilization in Lactococcus
lactis. J Bacteriol 176, 5681–5685.
Barrangou, R., Altermann, E., Hutkins, R., Cano, R., and
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Chapter 2

Genomics of Lactic Acid Bacteria: The Post-genomics

Challenge—From Sequence to Function

M. Andrea Azcarate-Peril and Todd R. Klaenhammer

Following the publication of the complete genome TIGR4 [Tettelin et al. 2001], and S. pneumoniae R6
sequence of Lactococcus lactis strain IL1403, inten- [Hoskins et al. 2001]). The fourth one was a food-
sive efforts began to determine the entire genome grade organism, Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis
sequences of many members of the lactic acid bac- IL1403 (Bolotin et al. 2001).
teria (LAB). This functionally and phylogenetically By September 2008 there were 128 LAB genomes
related group of bacteria is widely used in a variety (complete and in progress) publicly available at the
of applications that include food fermentation, pro- National Center for Biotechnology Information
duction of industrial chemicals and metabolites, use (NCBI;; Table 2.1).
as probiotics, and recently as promising candidates This chapter will focus on the genomics of
for delivery of biotherapeutics and vaccines. This nonpathogenic LAB. Furthermore, the genus
chapter overviews the main aspects of the genomics Bifidobacterium, weakly phylogenetically related
revolution that took place during the past decade in and traditionally included in the LAB group
LAB. The impact of genome sequencing on the tax- (Felis and Dellaglio 2007), will not be included
onomy of this group will be briefly reviewed. in this analysis. The genera currently included in
Furthermore, important genomic features on gene the LAB group are Lactobacillus, Weissella,
acquisition, loss, and degradation will be discussed Carnobacterium, Streptococcus, Enterococcus,
in terms of the evolution and ecology of LAB. This Lactococcus, Vagococcus, Leuconostoc,
review will also provide an overview of recent func- Oenococcus, Pediococcus, and Tetragenococcus
tional genomics studies that have identified new (Holzapfel et al. 2001).
functions and linked the responsible genes and The availability of the genome sequences of mul-
operons to important phenotypic properties. tiple species, and even multiple strains within
species, has revealed new gene functions and appli-
cations of the LAB. Additionally, this new explo-
2.1. The Genomics Revolution
sion of information has brought into discussion the
Only 6 years had elapsed since the completion of the environments from which each bacterium evolved,
first bacterial sequenced genome, Haemophilus in order to explain newly characterized functional-
influenzae Rd (Fleischmann et al. 1995) to the public ities. A systems-biology approach (Fig. 2.1) with
release of the first lactic acid bacteria (LAB) genome data input from the most important aspects of
sequenced in 2001. In fact, by 2001 four genomes the system, which are the list of parts, the connec-
belonging to LAB were released, three of them tion between those parts, and the localization of the
pathogens (Streptoccocus pyogenes M1 GAS sum of the parts with its connections in space and
[Ferretti et al. 2001], Streptococcus pneumoniae time (Raes and Bork 2008), will pave the way to

Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria Novel Applications 35

Edited by Fernanda Mozzi, Raúl R. Raya and Graciela M. Vignolo
© 2010 Blackwell Publishing. ISBN: 978-0-813-81583-1
Table 2.1. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) genomes and genome projects. Modified from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.
gov/genomes/MICROBES/microbial_taxtree.html. Nonpathogenic LAB are in bold.

Organism * Size GC Habitat Pathogenic in Disease

Streptococcus gordonii str. Challis 2.2 40.5 Host-associated Human Caries and periodontal
substr. CH1 diseases
Streptococcus equi * 2.22 41 Host-associated Equine Strangles
Enterococcus faecalis V583 3.36 37.4 Multiple Human Bacteremia, endocarditis,
urinary tract infection
Enterococcus faecium DO * 2.85 37.9 Multiple Human Urinary tract infection,
bacteremia, endocarditis
Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis Il1403 2.4 35.3 Multiple No
Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM 2 34.7 Multiple No
Lactobacillus gasseri ATCC 33323 1.9 35.3 Host-associated No
Streptococcus mitis NCTC 12261 * 1.84 40 Host-associated Human Bacterial endocarditis
Streptococcus pyogenes M1 GAS 1.9 38.5 Host-associated Human Wide range of infections
Streptococcus pyogenes str. Manfredo 1.8 38.6 Host-associated Human Wide range of infections
Streptococcus pneumoniae TIGR4 2.2 39.7 Multiple Human Pneumonia, Meningitis,
Bacteremia, Sinusitis, Otitis
media, Conjunctivitis
Streptococcus pneumoniae R6 2.04 39.7 Multiple Human Pneumonia
Streptococcus pyogenes MGAS8232 1.9 38.5 Host-associated Human Wide range of infections
Streptococcus pneumoniae 670-6B * 2.16 40 Multiple Human Pneumonia
Streptococcus pyogenes SSI-1 1.9 38.6 Host-associated Human Wide range of infections
Streptococcus pyogenes MGAS315 1.9 38.6 Host-associated Human Wide range of infections
Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. 2.04 37.7 Multiple No
mesenteroides ATCC 8293
Oenococcus oeni PSU-1 1.8 37.9 Multiple No
Streptococcus agalactiae A909 2.13 35.6 Host-associated Human Septicemia, pneumonia, and
Streptococcus agalactiae 2603V/R 2.2 35.6 Host-associated Human Septicemia, pneumonia, and
Streptococcus mutans UA159 2.03 36.8 Host-associated Human Dental caries
Streptococcus agalactiae NEM316 2.2 35.6 Host-associated Human Neonatal GBS meningitis
Streptococcus pneumoniae 23F * 2.13 40 Multiple Human Pneumonia
Streptococcus suis P1/7 * 1.83 40 Multiple Human, Swine Meningitis, endocarditis,
septicemia, and arthritis
Streptococcus uberis 0140J * 1.82 40 Multiple Cattle Mastitis
Lactobacillus plantarum WCFS1 3.34 44.4 Host-associated No
Pediococcus pentosaceus ATCC 25745 1.8 37.4 Multiple No None
Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris 2.56 35.8 Multiple No
Lactobacillus casei ATCC 334 2.93 46.6 Multiple No
Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. 1.9 49.7 Multiple No
bulgaricus ATCC BAA-365
Lactobacillus brevis ATCC 367 2.35 46.1 Multiple No
Streptococcus sobrinus 6715 * 3.53 Host-associated Human Dental caries
Lactobacillus johnsonii NCC 533 2 34.6 Host-associated No
Streptococcus suis 89/1591 * 1.98 41 Multiple Human, Swine Meningitis, endocarditis,
septicemia, and arthritis
Streptococcus pyogenes MGAS10394 1.9 38.7 Host-associated Human Wide range of infections
Streptococcus thermophilus LMG 1.8 39.1 Multiple No
Streptococcus thermophilus 1.8 39.1 Multiple No
Lactobacillus salivarius UCC118 2.1 33 Host-associated

Table 2.1. Continued

Organism * Size GC Habitat Pathogenic in Disease

Streptococcus pyogenes M49 591 * 1.33 38.3 Host-associated Human Wide range of infections
Lactobacillus helveticus 37.1 Multiple No
Lactobacillus reuteri 100-23 38.7 Host-associated No
Lactobacillus sakei subsp. sakei 23K 1.9 41.3 Multiple
Streptococcus thermophilus LMD-9 1.91 39.1 Multiple No None
Streptococcus pyogenes MGAS6180 1.9 38.4 Host-associated Human Wide range of infections
Streptococcus pyogenes MGAS5005 1.84 38.5 Host-associated Human Wide range of infections
Streptococcus pneumoniae TIGR4 39.6 Multiple Human Pneumonia, Meningitis,
Bacteremia, Sinusitis, Otitis
media, Conjunctivitis
Streptococcus sanguinis SK36 2.4 43.4 Host-associated Human Endocarditis
Streptococcus agalactiae 18RS21 36.9 Host-associated Human Septicemia, pneumonia, and
Streptococcus agalactiae 515 35.3 Host-associated Human Septicemia, pneumonia, and
Streptococcus agalactiae CJB111 35.6 Host-associated Human Septicemia, pneumonia, and
Streptococcus agalactiae H36B 35.6 Host-associated Human Septicemia, pneumonia, and
Streptococcus agalactiae COH1 35.5 Host-associated Human Septicemia, pneumonia, and
Streptococcus salivarius JIM8777 37-40 Host-associated Human Opportunistic, blood infection
Streptococcus salivarius JIM8780 Host-associated Human Opportunistic infections
Leuconostoc gasicomitatum Specialized
Lactobacillus reuteri F275 2 38.9 No
Leuconostoc citreum KM20 1.9 38.9 No None
Streptococcus pyogenes MGAS9429 1.84 38.5 Host-associated Human Wide range of infections
Streptococcus pyogenes MGAS10270 1.9 38.4 Host-associated Human Wide range of infections
Streptococcus pyogenes MGAS2096 1.86 38.7 Host-associated Human Wide range of infections
Streptococcus pyogenes MGAS10750 1.94 38.3 Host-associated Human Wide range of infections
Streptococcus pneumoniae D39 2 39.7 Multiple Human Pneumonia
Streptococcus iniae 9117 * 1.8 Host-associated Fish, Human Meningitis, Cellulitis
Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. 1.86 49.7 Multiple No
bulgaricus ATCC 11842
Streptococcus suis 05ZYH33 2.1 41.1 Multiple Swine, Human Meningitis, endocarditis,
septicemia, and arthritis
Streptococcus suis 98HAH33 2.1 41.1 Specialized Swine, Human Meningitis, endocarditis,
septicemia, and arthritis
Streptococcus suis 05HAH33 Multiple Swine, Human Meningitis, endocarditis,
septicemia, and arthritis
Lactobacillus helveticus DPC 4571 2.1 37.1 Multiple No None
Streptococcus pneumoniae SP3-BS71 39.8 Multiple Human Pneumonia
Streptococcus pneumoniae SP6-BS73 39.6 Multiple Human Pneumonia
Streptococcus pneumoniae SP9-BS68 39.6 Multiple Human Pneumonia
Streptococcus pneumoniae SP11-BS70 39.7 Multiple Human Pneumonia
Streptococcus pneumoniae SP14-BS69 39.6 Multiple Human Pneumonia
Streptococcus pneumoniae SP18-BS74 39.7 Multiple Human Pneumonia
Streptococcus pneumoniae SP19-BS75 39.6 Multiple Human Pneumonia
Streptococcus pneumoniae SP23-BS72 39.7 Multiple Human Pneumonia
Lactococcus garvieae ATCC 49156 Host-associated Fish, Shellfish, Lactococcosis
Cattle, Human
Lactococcus garvieae Lg2 Host-associated Fish, Shellfish, Lactococcosis
Cattle, Human

Table 2.1. Continued

Organism * Size GC Habitat Pathogenic in Disease

Streptococcus suis GZ1 Host-associated Swine, Human Meningitis, arthritis,
Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris 2.5 35.7 Multiple No None
Lactobacillus fermentum IFO 3956 2.1 51.5 Multiple
Lactobacillus reuteri F275 2 38.9 Host-associated No None
Carnobacterium sp. AT7 35.3 Specialized
Streptococcus infantarius subsp. 37.6 Host-associated No
infantarius ATCC BAA-102
Streptococcus pneumoniae SP195 39.7 Multiple Human Pneumonia
Streptococcus pneumoniae 39.9 Multiple Human Pneumonia, Meningitis,
CDC3059-06 Bacteremia, Sinusitis, Otitis
media, Conjunctivitis
Streptococcus pneumoniae 39.9 Multiple Human Pneumonia, Meningitis,
CDC0288-04 Bacteremia, Sinusitis, Otitis
media, Conjunctivitis
Streptococcus pyogenes NZ131 38 Host-associated Human Wide range of infections
Streptococcus pneumoniae 39.6 Multiple Human Pneumonia, Meningitis,
CDC1873-00 Bacteremia, Sinusitis, Otitis
media, Conjunctivitis
Streptococcus pneumoniae 39.8 Multiple Human Pneumonia, Meningitis,
CDC1087-00 Bacteremia, Sinusitis, Otitis
media, Conjunctivitis
Enterococcus faecalis OG1RF 37.8 Multiple Human Urinary infection, Bacteremia,
Streptococcus pneumoniae MLV-016 39.9 Multiple Human Pneumonia
Streptococcus canis FSL Z3-227 Host-associated Animal, Human Mastitis, toxic shock, and
necrotizing faciitis
Streptococcus pneumoniae 2.2 39.6 Multiple Human Pneumonia
Streptococcus pneumoniae Multiple Human Pneumonia
Streptococcus pneumoniae JJA Multiple Human Pneumonia
Streptococcus pneumoniae 70585 Multiple Human Pneumonia
Streptococcus pneumoniae SP14-BS292 Multiple Human Pneumonia
Streptococcus pneumoniae SP9v-BS293 Multiple Human Pneumonia
Streptococcus pneumoniae 459-2 Multiple Human Pneumonia
Streptococcus pneumoniae 459-5 Multiple Human Pneumonia
Lactobacillus casei str. Zhang 46.6 Multiple No
Streptococcus mutans NN2025 Host-associated Human Dental caries, endocarditis
Lactobacillus buchneri NRRL Multiple No
Streptococcus pneumoniae G54 2.1 39.6 Host-associated Human Pneumonia
Streptococcus pneumoniae BS457 Multiple Human Pneumonia
Streptococcus pneumoniae BS458 Multiple Human Pneumonia
Streptococcus pneumoniae BS397 Multiple Human Pneumonia
Streptococcus pneumoniae CGSP14 2.2 39.5 Multiple Human Pneumonia
Lactobacillus rhamnosus HN001 0.04 46.7 Multiple No
Enterococcus faecium E980 37.9 Multiple Human Opportunistic infections
Enterococcus faecium E1071 37.9 Multiple Human Opportunistic infections
Enterococcus faecium E1162 37.9 Multiple Human Opportunistic infections
Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. 46.2 Multiple No
paracasei 8700:2

Genomics of Lactic Acid Bacteria: The Post-genomics Challenge—From Sequence to Function 39

Table 2.1. Continued

Organism * Size GC Habitat Pathogenic in Disease

Lactobacillus casei BL23 3.1 46.3 Specialized No
Enterococcus faecium E1636 37.9 Multiple Human Opportunistic infections
Enterococcus faecium E1679 37.9 Multiple Human Opportunistic infections
Enterococcus faecalis TX0104 Multiple Human Urinary infection, Bacteremia,
Enterococcus faecalis HH22 Multiple Human Urinary infection, Bacteremia,
Enterococcus faecium DO 37.9 Multiple Human Urinary tract infection,
bacteremia, endocarditis
Lactobacillus crispatus JV V101
Lactobacillus reuteri SD2112
Streptococcus bovis TX20005
Streptococcus iniae 9117
Enterococcus faecium U0317 Multiple Human Opportunistic infections
Streptococcus equi subsp. 2 41.8 Host-associated Animals, Human Opportunistic infections
zooepidemicus MGCS10565
Lactobacillus gasseri MV-22
Lactobacillus jensenii 1153

modeling complete microbial systems, including (Reuter 2001; Azcarate-Peril et al. 2008; Busconi
novel capabilities in context with their adaptation to et al. 2008; Laukova et al. 2008; Nazef et al. 2008;
natural environments. Within the LAB world, data Walter 2008).
availability for the first dimension of information
(the list of parts) is ample, including genome, path-
2.2.1. LAB Evolution in Dairy Environment
ways, and cell information as well as characteriza-
tion of the local environment. In fact, 1D information One of the most prominent examples of the adapta-
has had a big impact on LAB systems biology and tion of a microorganism is illustrated by the evolu-
will allow in the near future the ability to obtain tion of some LAB to the dairy environment. Genomic
additional 2D information to understand the rela- and metabolic simplification through gene loss or
tionships and connections between the parts. degradation is a recurring theme following the adap-
Functional genomics studies conducted over the tation to milk, a nutritious environment that pro-
last 10 years, as well as studies currently under way, vides lactose as the main carbohydrate source,
are key to developing a systems biology approach casein as the main source of proteins, and most
to map interactions within local ecosystems and vitamins and minerals. As an example, the most
between distinctly different environments. important characteristics of the genome sequence of
Lactobacillus helveticus DPC4571 (Callanan et al.
2008), a Swiss cheese isolate commonly used as
2.2. Genomic Records of LAB
starter and adjunct culture in cheese manufacture,
Adaptation to the Environment
are a predicted dependency on external supplies of
Traditionally, LAB have been associated with dairy amino acids and cofactors similar to that described
products (Cogan et al. 2007), plants (Di Cagno et al. for closely related gastrointestinal (GI) tract isolates,
2008), meats (Hugas et al. 2003; Rantsiou and Lactobacillus acidophilus (Altermann et al. 2005)
Cocolin 2006; Tanasupawat et al. 2008), alcoholic and Lactobacillus johnsonii (Pridmore et al. 2004),
beverages (Mills et al. 2005; Moreno-Arribas and a high peptidolytic activity, and the ability to lyse
Polo 2005), and living organisms, including humans rapidly in the cheese matrix, features that play a

System Biomolecule (protein, Pathway Cell or Earth
DNA, sugar, or lipid) or process microorganism

1D information
(parts list) +++ +++ +++ ++ x

2D information
(interactions) +++ +++ ++ + x

3D information
+++ ++ + + +
4D information
++ ++ ++ + +

Promising technologies that provide global, high-throughput readouts for Ecosystem

ecosystems biology network analysis

Level of Molecules Genes or Cells or Ecosystem

measurement proteins individuals

1D information Chemical Metagenomics Massive

(parts list) profiling and and single-cell parallel
meta- sequencing 165 tag
metabolomics sequencing

2D information

3D and 4D Chemical Meta-transcriptomics Phylochips

information profiling and and
(spatial and meta- meta-proteomics
temporal) metabolomics

Nature Reviews | Microbiology

Genomics of Lactic Acid Bacteria: The Post-genomics Challenge—From Sequence to Function 41

Figure 2.1. A. Different spatial scales at which systems biology can be performed. The columns show data availability for
each scale and the rows indicate the aspect of the system that is targeted by the data. (+++), ample data available and good
knowledge of the system aspect; (++), a number of high-throughput data sets available and fair knowledge of the system
aspect, but more data are still needed to build comprehensive models; (+), a few scattered non-high-throughput data sets
available and model building is restricted to case studies; (x), almost no data available; B. At the ecosystem scale, readouts
are available at different levels: molecules (ranging from trace elements to small signaling compounds to metabolism inter-
mediates), genes or proteins, and cells or individuals. Here, we show some of the more promising high-throughput approaches
to the generation of data that would facilitate ecosystems biology. No high-throughput tools are currently available that can
map interactions, and this information will need to be inferred from other data sources (Raes and Bork 2008). Reprinted with
permission of McMillan Publishers Ltd.

Table 2.2. Components of the Lactobacillus helveticus Transcriptome profiling tools have recently
CNRZ32 proteolytic enzyme system: A look before and begun to define the relationship between LAB and
after genome sequence determination (Cogan et al.
the milk environment. Microarray technology con-
2007). Reproduced with permission.
firmed the overexpression of several members of the
Genes identified and proteolytic system in cultures of L. helveticus
characterized before Genes identified upon completion CNRZ32 growing in milk versus a complex medium,
sequencing project of the draft genome sequence including previously characterized genes (pepE,
Proteinases pepN, pepR, pepO2, pepO, pepX) and genes identi-
prtH prtH2 plus 9 additional proteases
fied by comparative genomics (prtH2 and the opp
Endopeptidases operon (Smeianov et al. 2007). In L. acidophilus
pepE, pepO, pepO2 pepE2, pepF, pepO3, plus 2 NCFM, transcriptome analysis during growth in
endopeptidases glycoproteins
milk identified similar members of the proteolytic
Aminopeptidases system as well as a two-component regulatory
pepC, pepN, pepX pepC2 plus 7 additional
system involved in the regulation of oligopeptide
transport in this probiotic bacteria (Azcarate-Peril
Di-Tripeptidases et al. 2005, 2009).
pepD, pepI, pepQ, pepR pepD2, pepD3, pepD4, pepQ2,
pepT1, and pepT2
Other 2.2.2. LAB Evolution in Vegetable and
Oligo- and di-tripeptide transport Meat Environments
systems: oppA, oppA2,
oppB-D, oppF, and dtpA, The microbiota of fresh vegetables normally con-
dtpA2, and dtpT sists of Gram (–) aerobic bacteria, yeasts, and a
Multiple amino acid transporters lower number of LAB (Harris 1998). However,
varying conditions of anaerobiosis, moisture levels,
critical part in cheese ripening. Also an unusually concentration of salt, and temperature result in
high number of insertion sequence (IS) elements changes in the population balance and select for
suggests that horizontal gene transfer may have spontaneous fermentation by LAB. The same
played a very important role in the origin of LAB process occurs in meat products where LAB are
that are specialized for growth in milk (Bolotin intially present at low numbers (102–103 colony
et al. 2004; Makarova et al. 2006). The draft forming units, [cfu]/g), but they rapidly dominate
sequence of another strain of Lact. helveticus, the fermentation due to favorable conditions
CNRZ32, characterized more essential components (Rantsiou and Cocolin 2006). In addition to their
of the proteolytic enzyme system that confirmed and ability to produce lactic acid and to reduce pH,
expanded the knowledge of this system in this LAB are also competitive in vegetable and meat
bacterium (Table 2.2; Cogan et al. 2007). fermentations because of their ability to produce
42 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

bacteriocins. Bacteriocins are small peptides (30– ATCC8293 and Pediococcus pentosaceus
60 aa) with antimicrobial properties against bacteria ATCC25745. The main difference between the
usually of the same or closely related species strains of Oenococcus and the other strains was that
(narrow spectrum), and occasionally against a the latter contain mutS and mutL genes (Makarova
broader spectrum of species (Klaenhammer 1988; et al. 2006), which encode two key enzymes involved
Rantsiou et al. 2006; Galvez et al. 2008; Settanni in DNA mismatch repair. MutS binds to the DNA
and Corsetti 2008, see also Chapter 5). The approach mismatch; MutL joins the MutS–DNA complex and
taken traditionally to study bacteriocin production activates MutH, which is an endonuclease that cuts
has dramatically changed with the advent of genome the non-methylated strand within a hemimethylated
sequencing. One example is the comparative genom- GATC sequence (Stanislawska-Sachadyn and
ics approach used to identify bacteriocin-like genes Sachadyn 2005). The consequences of absense of
in the Lactobacillales (Makarova and Koonin 2007). mutS and mutL in O. oeni is of technological rele-
Since the gene sequences of the bacteriocin deter- vance since this is the most rapidly evolving species
minants are highly divergent, Makarova and Koonin of the LAB and the organoleptic properties of wine
(2007) identified genes that are commonly found that has undergone malolactic fermentation are
clustered and associated to bacteriocin-coding usually highly strain specific (de Las Rivas et al.
sequences. Using this approach they were able to 2004).
identify such clusters in seven Lactobacillus
genomes. The candidate bacteriocins were homo-
2.2.4. Genetic Make-Up of LAB in the
logs of pediocin (Fimland et al. 2005) and divercin
GI Tract
V41, a class IIa bacteriocin naturally produced by
Carnobacterium divergens V41 and similar to The presence of LAB in the GI tract of animals and
pediocins and enterocins (Rihakova et al. 2008). humans is widely recognized and has been reviewed,
both before (Salminen and Deighton 1992) and after
(Walter 2008) the explosion of genome sequencing
2.2.3. Fast-Evolving LAB
projects. In the GI tract system, determination of the
Wines that undergo good malolactic fermentation individual components is a complex effort as the GI
are often described as “fuller,” more complex, and tract provides an anaerobic environment rich in
less acidic, sometimes with “buttery” overtones. It enzymatic activities, bile, and extreme pH condi-
is well known that LAB are responsible for the tions (Sanderson 1999). As a consequence, the
reduction in the acidity of wine by the conversion human microbiome is composed of a vast number
of malic acid into lactic acid and CO2. The LAB of noncultivable bacterial species compared with
isolated from the wine environment (Pilone et al. only a fraction that can be cultured and manipulated
1966; du Plessis et al. 2004; Bae et al. 2006) mostly in a laboratory. The Human Microbiome Project
belong to the genera Pediococcus, Lactobacillus, (HMP; initiative
Leuconostoc, and Oenococcus. Availability of the has begun to elucidate the fascinating symbiotic
genome sequence of Oenococcus oeni PSU-1 was relationship between microbial commensal organ-
the starting point for genetic and metabolic studies isms and their human hosts. Our microbiota allow
as well as comparative genomics analyses (Mills et us to harvest otherwise inaccessible nutrients and is
al. 2005). Recently, Marcobal et al. (2008) analyzed an intrinsic part of our metabolism. Presently, there
the rate of spontaneous mutations for rifampin and are >600,000 bacterial ribosomal DNA sequences in
erithromycin resistance and demonstrated that O. GenBank; over 15,000 are annotated as derived
oeni PSU-1 and the other species in the genus from the human GI tract; and >6000 annotations
Oenococcus kitaharae NRIC0645 exhibit a higher represent uncultured bacteria from the phyla
spontaneous mutation rate compared with their Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes. With the character-
phylogenetic neighbors, Leuconostoc mesenteroides ization of the core human microbiome under way,
Genomics of Lactic Acid Bacteria: The Post-genomics Challenge—From Sequence to Function 43

identification of these important taxonomic groups genome sequence were performed (see Fig. 2.2 in
in existing human samples will be a key contribution the color plate section; Peterson et al. 2001). For
to the HMP. Furthermore, the identification of a this comparison Clostridium difficile QCD-32g58
potential relationship between genetics, lifestyle, (NAP1/027), isolated from human stools during a C.
and the human probiome, defined as commensal difficile outbreak in 2003 and 2004 in Québec,
intestinal bacteria considered to have a beneficial Canada was chosen (Loo et al. 2005). As expected,
influence on human health (Azcarate-Peril et al. the analysis identified another stool isolate,
2008), will begin to unravel the complex host– Enterococcus faecalis V583 as the organism
microbiome equilibrium. The ultimate objective of showing the highest number of protein matches
the HMP is to link members of the human microbi- (137) to the reference versus the probiotic Lact.
ome to states of health or disease, such as obesity- acidophilus NCFM showing the lowest number of
related diabetes. matches (50). Matches between Ent. faecalis and
The human body maintains a relationship that C. difficile included a protein annotated as a pili
varies from parasitic to beneficial with bacterial retraction protein PilT in the reference strain. PilT
numbers ranging from 101 to 103 cfu/ml in the is part of the type IV pili complex, a motor protein
stomach, 104 to 107 cfu/ml in the distal small intes- that catalyzes pilus retraction. Type IV pili are mul-
tine, and a maximum of 1011 to 1012 cfu/ml in the tifunctional complexes that can act as virulence
colon (O’Hara and Shanahan 2006). Human micro- factors (for motility); they are also used to build
bial communities are overwhelmingly dominated by multicellular structures like biofilms (Varga et al.
four phyla: Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, Actinobacteria, 2008). Other high-conserved matches include stress-
and Proteobacteria. The relative abundance of these related proteins (GroEL, oxidoreductases, Clp pro-
phyla tends to be consistent across individuals teins, ethanolamine utilization proteins), transporter
(Dethlefsen et al. 2007). In particular, representation proteins (amino acid and ATP-binding casette trans-
of Lactobacillus sequences in molecular–phyloge- porters), NTP hydrolases (TraG-like) involved in
netic analysis of the human gut microbiota varies DNA transfer in bacterial conjugation (Cabezon
from 0.03% to 9.9% depending on the type of meth- et al. 1997), and a number of unknown conserved
odology and analysis used, the number of sequences, proteins. Twenty-six reference proteins were present
and the sampling area (Walter 2008). The majority in all comparison molecules at a 60% identity
of Lactobacillus species found in the GI tract include cutoff, mostly ribosomal proteins (17), and also
Lactobacillus mali, Lactobacillus reuteri, metK, upp, and the alpha and beta subunits of
Lactobacillus delbrueckii, Lactobacillus rhamno- the ATP synthase complex. These analyses sug-
sus, and Lactobacillus animalis, according to (Table gested that despite sharing the same intestinal
2.3; Walter 2008) and Lactobacillus gasseri, Lact. environments, nonpathogenic LAB have a signifi-
reuteri, Lactobacillus salivarius, Lactobacillus cantly different genetic makeup. Genome homology
casei, Lactobacillus plantarum, and Lactobacillus analysis using Lact. acidophilus NCFM as the
buchneri, according to Reuter (2001). At present, a reference organism, versus all available genome
number of probiotic bacteria of human origin are sequences at TIGR (total protein hits, including
exploited commercially, including Lact. casei multiple hits per protein), exhibited highest homolo-
Shirota (Morishita et al. 1974), Lact. acidophilus gies between phylogenetic groups of lactobacilli
NCFM (Gilliland et al. 1975), Lact. rhamnosus GG (Lact. johnsonii and Lact. plantarum) and bacilli
(Silva et al. 1987), and Lact. acidophilus LA-1 (see Fig. 2.3 in the color plate section). Clostridium
(Bernet et al. 1994). beijerinckii NCIMB 8052 (GeneBank number
A multi-genome homology comparison between CP000721), a nonpathogenic butanol-producer
available LAB genomes at The Institute for Genomic organism, also showed high levels of homology,
Research (TIGR) database ( clustering with the bacilli group and not the rest of
scripts/CMR/CmrHomePage.cgi) and a reference clostridia strains.
44 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

Table 2.3. Representation of Lactobacillus sequences in molecular-phylogenetic analysis of human gastrointes-

tinal microbiota (Walter 2008). Reproduced with permission.

No. of % of
No. of Total no. of Lactobacillus Lactobacillus
Reported sample site(s) or material subjects sequences sequences sequences Reference
Stomach tissue 23 1833 4 0.22 Bik et al. (2006)
Small intestine tissue, non-IBD 20 1638 5 0.31 Frank et al. (2007)
Jejunum, ileum tissue 1 173 0 <0.6 Wang et al. (2005)
Jejunum and ileal lumen 3 545 87a 16 Hayashi et al. (2005)
Ileal and colon tissue 2 361 0 <0.3 Wang et al. (2003)
Colon and rectal tissue 1 174 0 <0.6 Wang et al. (2005)
Colon and rectal lumen 3 545 54b 9.9 Hayashi et al. (2005)
Cecal, colon, and rectal tissue and feces 3 11,831 0 <0.01 Eckburg et al. (2005)
Colon tissue, non-IBD 40 3214 157c 4.9 Frank et al. (2007)
Colon tissue 3 110 0 <1 Eckburg et al. (2005)
Feces 4 927 0 <0.11 Hayashi et al. (2002a, 2002b)
Feces 1 284 0 <0.4 Suau et al. (1999)
Feces 12 18,348 6d 0.03 Ley et al. (2006)
The species detected were Lactobacillus mali (85 sequences) and Lact. reuteri (2 sequences).
The species detected were Lactobacillus reuteri (27 sequences), Lact. mali (20 sequences), and Lactobacillus delbrueckii
(7 sequences).
The main species detected were Lact. delbrueckii (108 sequences), Lactococcus rhamnosus (38 sequences), Lact. reuteri, and
Lactobacillus animalis (each 5 sequences).
Sequence identification was performed using the Classifier tool of the Ribosomal Database Project II (108) with a confidence thres-
hold of 80%; the complete sequence data set was kindly provided by Ruth Ley (Washington University, St. Louis, MO).

2.3. The Impact of Genome Sequencing RNA hybridization, ribotyping, DGGE, RAPD-PCR,
on the Taxonomy of LAB multiple locus sequence typing) (Ludwig and
Schleifer 1994; Vandamme et al. 1996; Klein et al.
The explosion of available genomic information has 1998; Carr et al. 2002; Felis and Dellaglio 2007).
impacted our phylogenetic view of the traditional With the beginning of the genome sequencing
concept of “species.” The most accepted definition era, comparative genomics studies confirmed the
of species today is the phylo-phenetic concept: “a notion that bacterial species share a pool of common
species is considered a monophyletic and genomi- genes, the core genome or pangenome. The slow
cally coherent cluster of individual organisms that divergence from the core constitutes one of the main
show a high degree of overall similarity with respect sources of variability among genomes. Recently,
to many independent characteristics, and is diagnos- Makarova and Koonin (2007) defined the core
able by a discriminative phenotypic property” genome of 12 sequenced genomes of the group
(Rossello-Mora and Amann 2001; Felis and Lactobacillales, which share 567 Clusters of
Dellaglio 2007). Prior to the genome sequencing Ortholog Groups. The majority of genes included in
boom, the criteria used to define “species,” which is the core were involved in replication, transcription,
the essential entity of biological diversity, included and translation, but approximately 100 genes were
phenotypic (morphological and physiological char- poorly characterized. One interesting observation
acteristics, cell wall composition, protein finger- was the presence of two core genes with no detect-
printing, electrophoretic mobility of enzymes, fatty able orthologs outside Lactobacillales. One of these
acid methil ester analysis) as well as genotypic anal- unique genes encodes a protein containing a pepti-
ysis (GC content analysis, DNA-DNA and DNA- doglycan-binding LysM domain (LaCOG01826)
Genomics of Lactic Acid Bacteria: The Post-genomics Challenge—From Sequence to Function 45

and the second (LaCOG01237) contains no charac- genome distances. The “Average Nucleotide
terized domains but is located in a conserved Identity” (ANI) is “the average nucleotide identity
genomic region, which also includes two enzymes of the total genomic sequence shared between two
implicated in 4-thiouridine modification of tRNA strains” (Konstantinidis et al. 2006). This method
([5-methylaminomethyl-2-thiouridylate] methyl- defines the list of orthologs and derives the overall
transferase and a predicted sulfurase; LaCOG00578 divergence of the core genome by averaging the
and LaCOG01188), suggesting a related role. percentage of identity at the nucleotide level of all
Before whole genome sequences of multiple orthologs found. Other methods approximate dis-
strains from the same species were available, com- tances based on estimating the proportion of common
parative genome hybridization (CGH) was employed genes or DNA. The approach proposed by Deloger
to compare strains of L. lactis (Kok et al. 2005). et al. (2009) intends to capture both dimensions of
DNA microarray hybridizations of L. lactis IL1403 genome variability at the inter- and intraspecies
with a mixture of randomly Cy3- or Cy5-labeled levels based on the amount of Maximal Unique and
DNA fragments from the L. lactis IL1403 and Exact Matches (MUMs) of a given minimal length
L. lactis MG1363 showed a positive correlation shared by the compared genomes. A MUM index
between gene similarity and the obtained ratio for (MUMi) analysis of 67 genera for which at least two
genes with a similarity index of >75%. The study genomes are available indicated relative homogene-
also highlighted genes present in IL1403 but not in ity within species, and also showed a correlation
MG1363 (glpD, glpK, dexB, yabE, rmaF, lcnC, between MUMi, ANI, and the more classical
umuC, and pi251). More recently, analysis of the method, Multi Locus Sequence Typing analysis.
genome sequence of MG1363 (Wegmann et al. The MUMi for L. lactis subspecies lactis versus
2007) revealed approximately 85% DNA sequence L. lactis subspecies cremoris was 0.74 indicating
identity between coding sequences (CDS) present in high diversity (the MUMi varies between 0, for very
both L. lactis MG1363 and L. lactis IL1403 and similar, and 1, for very distant genomes) at the sub-
97.7% between those in the two subspecies cremoris especies level. This analysis correlates well with
strains, L. lactis MG1363 and L. lactis SK11 other observations of high intraspecies variability in
(Makarova et al. 2006). Additionally, a core genome LAB. For example, phenotypic analyis of nine
containing approximately 58% of coding sequences strains of Lact. gasseri of intestinal origin revealed
was also defined for Streptococcus thermophilus high intraspecies variability. This level of variability
(Rasmussen et al. 2008). The authors selected 2200 highlights the importance of strain sequencing and
relevant CDS from available Strep. thermophilus in-depth studies of strain-specific genetic systems
genomes (Bolotin et al. 2004; Makarova et al. 2006) (Azcarate-Peril et al. 2008). Another example was
as input to design 65- to 75-mer oligonucleotides for observed within C. divergens, a ubiquitous LAB
a microarray platform. CGH of 47 dairy Strep. ther- frequently isolated from meat, fish, shrimp, and
mophilus strains identified 1271 core genes and con- some dairy products at low temperatures (Leisner
firmed the absense of virulence genes. et al. 2007). A study by Laursen et al. (2005) used
Undoubtedly, the extensive characterization of numerical taxonomy based on classical biochemical
bacterial strains at genomic resolution reveals reactions, carbohydrate fermentation and inhibition
important genetic differences between strains and tests (temperature, salt, pH, chemical preservatives,
will contribute to a more stringent definition of antibiotics, bacteriocins), SDS-PAGE electrophore-
“species.” A recent study by Deloger et al. (2009) sis of whole cell proteins, plasmid profiling, inter-
points out that a second source of variability among genic spacer region (ISR) analysis, and examination
genomes, beyond the divergence of the core genome, of amplified-fragment length polymorphism to char-
is due to the rapid gain and loss of large DNA por- acterize over 100 Carnobacterium strains (50 from
tions, especially within species. From this concept, beef and pork products, and 52 from cod, halibut,
the authors identify different approaches to estimate salmon, shrimps, and roe products). Interestingly,
46 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

the approach taken by the investigators divided the mentum IFO 3956 (Morita et al. 2008). Comparative
carnobacteria strains into 24 groups that shared less genome analysis revealed that JCM 1112T has a
than 89% similarity. These groups were identified unique cluster of 58 genes for the biosynthesis of
mainly as C. divergens and Carnobacterium mal- reuterin and cobalamin (Taranto et al. 2003), which
taromaticum and both species exhibited high phe- has a lower GC content and is apparently inserted
notypic intraspecies variability although a reliable into a conserved region, resulting from a horizontal
identification was obtained by SDS-PAGE of whole gene transfer event (see Fig. 2.4 in the color plate
cell proteins and by ISR based on 16S-23S rDNA section). Production of 3-hydroxypropionaldehyde
intergenic spacer region polymorphism. Presently, from glycerol by Lact. reuteri was first reported by
no strains of C. divergens are being sequenced; Talarico and Dobrogosz (1989). The authors char-
however, the genome of Carnobacterium sp. AT7 acterized this substance, termed reuterin, and showed
(Accession number NZ_ABHH00000000), a piezo- the inhibited growth of Gram (+) and Gram (–)
philic strain isolated from the Aleutian trench at a bacteria as well as yeasts, fungi, and protozoa.
depth of 2500 m, is being determined. Synthesis of reuterin is mediated by glycerol dehy-
dratase (E.C. According to Morita et al.
(2008) the genome of JCM 1112T contains three
2.4. A “Probiotic Island”?
genes (LAR_1633-1635) with dehydratase subunit
Considerable discussion followed genomic studies motifs (Pfam PF02286-02288) in the propanediol
of organisms considered true autochthonous species utilizing operon (LAR_1616-1640). The genes have
of the human intestinal probiome (Azcarate-Peril been designated gupCDE (glycerol utilization gene
et al. 2008). According to Reuter (2001), Lact. candidates in the pdu operon) based on homology
gasseri and Lact. reuteri are the Lactobacillus with other bacterial strains. The encoded amino acid
species native to the human GI tract. True transient sequences exhibited the highest identity to their
lactobacilli include Lact. salivarius, Lact. planta- homologs from Lact. brevis ATCC 367 (Makarova
rum, Lact. casei, Lact. buchneri, Lactobacillus et al. 2006), showing 81%, 66%, and 57% identities,
brevis, and Lactobacillus fermentum. However, a respectively. Aditionally, a cluster responsible for
more recent review concludes that most Lactobacillus cobalamin biosynthesis (cbi, cob, and hem) has been
species found in the mammalian GI tract are not identified and located adjacent to the pdu operon.
true intestinal inhabitants but they originate from Notably, the organization of this genomic island
proximal or exogenous sources (Walter 2008). represents a close association of the pdu and cbi-cob
Interestingly, a number of factors allow probiotic operons reflecting the cobalamin requirement for
lactobacilli to persist in the gut, and some of those glycerol dehydratase activity. A comparison of pdu
factors are also considered contributors to bacterial and cbi-cob operons from Lact. reuteri with Lact.
“virulence” indicating, not surprisingly, that both fermentum IFO 3956 (Morita et al. 2008) and Lact.
probiotic and pathogenic bacteria can use similar plantarum WCFS1 (Kleerebezem et al. 2003)
strategies to survive in the GI tract. The concept of revealed not only that the pdu-cbi-cob-hem gene
a “probiotic island” as a genomic region encompass- cluster comprising 58 open reading fames (ORFs;
ing genes involved in probiotic functionalities arise LAR_1583-1640) was absent in these LAB but also
as a counterpart of the “pathogenicity island” that it was inserted in a locus that was common to
described in virulent species such as Ent. faecalis all three bacteria (Fig. 2.4). Interestingly, a compari-
(Coburn et al. 2007) and Salmonella enterica (Halici son with the draft genome sequence of Lact. reuteri
et al. 2008). One example of such probiotic islands 100-23, a rodent-specific strain, showed that the pdu-
originated from the analysis of the complete genome cbi-cob-hem gene cluster is absent. We can foresee
sequences of the reuterin-producing Lact. reuteri more examples of probiotic islands as strain sequenc-
JCM 1112T and its closely related species Lact. fer- ing becomes more widespread and affordable.
Genomics of Lactic Acid Bacteria: The Post-genomics Challenge—From Sequence to Function 47

2.5. Other Probiotic Features One important attribute of probiotic LAB is their
ability to resist and thrive in acidic environments
A number of probiotic features have been identified (Kullen and Klaenhammer 1999; Gueimonde and
in LAB, although most of them are not as manifestly Salminen 2006) like the stomach of mammals and
organized as the pdu-cbi-cob-hem island from Lact. fermented low-pH foods. Several mechanisms of
reuteri. The majority of the probiotic features are acid resistance have been described in LAB. The
related with the survival of the strain in the GI tract. most important and universally present in the group,
The intestinal environment results from three main the multisubunit F1F0 ATPase, which links the pro-
factors: dietary intake, bacterial ecology, and host duction of ATP molecules to the transmembrane
physiology, including factors such as peristalsis and proton motive force (PMF), can either generate ATP
glandular secretions. Several factors restrict bacte- at the expense of PMF or produce PMF-consuming
rial cell growth including gastric acidity, oxidative ATP. The PMF facilitates the extrusion of protons
stress, digestive enzymes, bile salts, peristalsis, from the cytoplasm. The F0 complex has proton
mucus, the resident commensal microflora, exfolia- translocating activity, while the peripherally bound
tion of enterocytes during epithelial renewal, F1 complex has ATPase activity (Nath 2002).
epithelial translocation of secretory IgA, CD8+ Another mechanism of acid resistance is the Arginine
intraepithelial T lymphocytes, and innate host Deiminase (ADI; E.C. pathway. Present
defense mechanisms mediated by gene-encoded only in a limited number of members of the LAB
antimicrobial peptides (Sanderson 1999; Ouellette group (Arena et al. 2002; Cotter and Hill 2003), this
2004). LAB are typically regarded as aerotolerant enzyme also exhibits anticarcinogenic activities. A
anaerobes (Axelsson 1998) that can grow in the recent study investigated the anti-inflammatory ac-
presence of oxygen and generate partially reduced tivities of the purified recombinant ADI from L.
reactive oxygen species (ROS) including the super- lactis subsp. lactis ATCC7962 (Kim et al. 2007b),
oxide radical (O2–), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and and showed that ADI strongly inhibits the genera-
the hydroxyl radical (HO). ROS are both cytotoxic tion of nitric oxide (NO) and PGE2 in LPS-treated
and mutagenic and, in the GI tract, ROS are central macrophages by inhibiting expression of the in-
players in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD; ducible NO synthase (iNOS) and cyclooxygenase
Sartor 2004). To atone for the harmful effects of (COX-2) proteins. The purified enzyme also inhib-
ROS, both bacterial and intestinal cells have evolved ited the production of IL-6 in LPS-treated RAW
protective mechanisms that utilize antioxidant 264.7 macrophages. The enzyme responsible for
enzymes such as superoxide dismutases (SODs) and the overproduction of NO, iNOS, is often observed
hydroperoxidases to prevent the formation of HO. during inflammation and tumor development.
Since the levels of SOD in IBD patients are fre- Other acid resistance mechanisms include urease,
quently depleted (Lih-Brody et al. 1996), there is a nickel containing oligomeric enzyme that catalyzes
potential for elevated levels of this enzyme to func- the hydrolysis of urea to two molecules of ammonia
tion therapeutically for IBD. LAB-encoding genes and one molecule of carbon dioxide (Mobley et al.
involved in both oxidative stress resistance and 1995). The enzyme has maximal activity at pH 7 but
regulatory mechanisms have been identified loses activity at more extreme acidic pHs, being
(Miyoshi et al. 2003; El-Sharoud 2005) and oxida- essentially inactive at pH 4.3. Ureases have been
tive resistance genes, such as SOD and catalase, mostly associated with pathogens with the most
have been expressed in probiotic strains such as studied system encoded by the highly urolytic bac-
Lact. gasseri (Bruno-Barcena et al. 2004; Carroll teria Helicobacter pylori (Bartnik 2008). However,
et al. 2007) and technologically relevant organisms urease homologs have been identified in Lact. fer-
like Lact. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus (Rochat mentum (Kakimoto et al. 1990), Lact. brevis ATCC
et al. 2006). 367 (LVIS_1854), and Leuconostoc mesenteroides
48 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

subsp. mesenteroides ATCC 8293 (LEUM_2023). Gram (+) and Gram (–) species (Vendeville et al.
Interestingly, Strep. thermophilus is the only member 2005; Lebeer et al. 2007; Buck et al. 2009). AI-2
of the food-grade LAB to encode a functional urease regulates the expression of various phenotypes
(Makarova et al. 2006). including virulence factors, DNA processing, cell
Amino acid decarboxylases are also involved in morphology, motility, biofilm formation, toxin pro-
acid resistance. These enzymes process the bond duction, light production, cell division, and adhesion
holding the carboxylic (-COOH) group to the rest of (Xavier and Bassler 2003; Lebeer et al. 2007; Sztajer
the amino acid. As a result, the end-product is et al. 2007; Buck et al. 2009).
a basic chemical that causes the pH to increase. Highly conserved homologs of luxS are present
The glutamate decarboxylase (Gad) system of acid in over 55 species of Gram (–) and Gram (+) bacte-
resistance has been extensively characterized in ria (Kaper and Sperandio 2005). Figure 2.5 (see in
Gram (–) and Gram (+) bacteria (Sanders et al. the color plate section) shows a comparison of the
1998; Waterman and Small 2003; Tramonti et al. region containing luxS in several LAB genomes that
2006). In L. lactis, expression of gadCB in the pres- exhibit over 70% similarity levels in this gene. As
ence of chloride increases in modified M17 medium, previously reported (Buck et al. 2009), it is notable
in which β-glycerophosphate was omitted to lower that despite the high degree of similarity of luxS,
the buffering capacity of the medium, when the different species show markedly different organiza-
culture pH decreases. Expression of gadCB is also tions in the surrounding genomic regions.
induced by glutamate (Sanders et al. 1998). Furthermore, L. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus
Glutamate decarboxylase homologs were identified ATCC BAA-365 (Makarova et al. 2006) encodes
in a limited number of LAB besides L. lactis, includ- two copies of luxS in distant loci (LBUL_0088 and
ing Lact. plantarum WCFS (lp_3420) and Lact. LBUL_1231) with no apparent gene synteny.
brevis ATCC 367 (LVIS_0079, LVIS_1847, and
LVIS_2213). However, the transport component of
2.6. Functional Genomics Studies to
the Gad system (GadC) appears to be widely distrib-
Unveil Novel LAB Utilities
uted in LAB. In Lact. acidophilus NCFM, GadC is
one of the mechanisms responsible for the intrinsic The presence of a large number of “ORFans,” which
acid resistance of the strain (Azcarate-Peril et al. are defined as annotated genes that are restricted to
2004). a particular genome and that possess no known
Another mechanism that has received attention homologs (Daubin and Ochman 2004), has been
recently involves the density-dependant recognition observed widely in a number of genome and com-
of an autoinducer molecule by bacterial cells with parative genome papers. A MUMmer plot of the
consequent changes in gene expression. Several chromosome Strep. thermophilus CNRZ1066 versus
studies have reviewed the role of this mechanism, the chromosome of Strep. thermophilus LMG
termed quorum sensing, in human health (Jayaraman 18311 (see Fig. 2.6 in the color plate section) shows
and Wood 2008; Sifri 2008; Willcox et al. 2008), very high similarity levels; however, several genes
food fermentation (Fleet 2003; Sieuwerts et al. can be identified as unique for each one of the ana-
2008), food spoilage (Ammor et al. 2008), and pro- lyzed strains (represented as red and green dots).
duction of antimicrobial molecules (van der Ploeg The uniqueness of ORFans within a genome has not
2005; Petersen et al. 2006; Straume et al. 2007; allowed the use of classic comparative approaches
Navarro et al. 2008). One important quorum sensing to determine their function and evolution. While
system used to communicate among and between other bioinformatic methods can provide a theoreti-
species is based on a furanosyl borate diester called cal guide for the functionality of ORFan genes,
autoinducer-2 (AI-2), produced in four enzymatic only functional genomics approaches can confirm
steps from methionine. The gene encoding the AI-2 that function to potentially uncover novel LAB
synthase, luxS, has been identified in many different features.
Genomics of Lactic Acid Bacteria: The Post-genomics Challenge—From Sequence to Function 49

Numerous studies have demonstrated the impor- with amino acid requirements. The genome sequence
tance of functional genomics in LAB research. In of Lact. plantarum revealed that only the pathways
2002, Jansen et al. (2002) identified a novel family for the biosynthesis of the branched-chain amino
of repetitive DNA sequences, present among both acids Ile, Leu, and Val were absent. However, three
domains of the prokaryotes (Archaea and Bacteria), other amino acids (arginine, glutamate, and trypto-
but absent from eukaryotes or viruses. The family, phan) could not be removed from the media indicat-
identified by in silico analysis, was characterized by ing an auxotrophy for these amino acids. In the case
direct repeats from 21 to 37 bp, interspaced by simi- of arginine, the authors propose cumulative muta-
larly sized non-repetitive sequences. This family tions in the genes involved in arginine biosynthesis
was termed Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short to be responsible for the auxotrophy. The other two
Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR; Jansen et al. 2002). amino acid auxotrophies revealed erroneous gene
As genome sequencing projects progressed CRISPRs annotations.
were identified in an increasing number of bacterial The development of molecular tools like vectors
genomes; however, their function in phage resis- and systems to insertionally inactivate, delete, or
tance was only elucidated in 2007 (Barrangou et al. overexpress specific loci in the genome has been
2007) by altering the CRISPR locus of a dairy strain invaluable in the definition of gene function and
of Strep. thermophilus DGCC7710. Through adding creation of recombinant LAB. Genetic manipula-
and deleting spacers, derived isogenic strains were tions systems were developed earlier for L. lactis;
shown to be sensitive or resistant to two virulent natural gene transfer systems (transduction, conju-
bacteriophages isolated from industrial yogurt gation, transposition) were routinely employed over
samples, phage 858 and phage 2972 (Levesque 20 years ago (Fitzgerald and Gasson 1988). Later, a
et al. 2005). gene replacement vector based on the Escherichia
Another example of in silico predictions of meta- coli vector pMTL23p with a Cmr gene from pC194
bolic functions that were confirmed by functional (Iordanescu and Surdeanu 1980) and a nisA gene
genomics analyses is provided by the pathway- from pFI172 (Dodd et al. 1990) inactivated by inser-
genome database of L. plantarum WCFS1, tion of an Emr gene from pE194 was constructed for
LacplantCyc (; Teusink insertional inactivation of the nisin production gene
et al. 2005). LacplantCyc was automatically recon- nisA (Dodd et al. 1992). Although some early
structed using the Pathologic tool of Pathway Tools attempts of genetic manipulation in lactobacilli were
( and manu- successful (O’Sullivan and Klaenhammer 1993;
ally curated. The vitamin and amino acid require- Bhowmik and Steele 1994; Skaugen and Nes 1994),
ments of Lact. plantarum were evaluated only a restricted number of strains were susceptible
experimentally in single-omission assays where to such manipulation and the developed tools
each of the vitamins and amino acids was separately achieved limited success. More recently, systems
left out of the medium. In the majority of cases (32 for insertional inactivation and heterologous expres-
of 37 cases), the experimental results agreed with sion of interesting genes were developed based on
the final reconstruction. In the case of the B vita- available genomic information to support functional
mins, folic acid (vitamin B11), thiamine (vitamin genomics studies (Russell and Klaenhammer 2001;
B1), and pyridoxine/pyridoxamine (vitamin B6), Bruno-Barcena et al. 2005; Klaenhammer et al.
growth experiments showed that addition to the 2005; Lambert et al. 2007). The available expression
medium was not required, indicating that the path- and secretion systems for heterologous protein
ways related to the biosynthesis of these compounds secretion in L. lactis, including promoters, signal
should be complete and active. However, the path- peptides, and mutant host strains, have been
ways seemed incomplete and the gaps had to be reviewed recently by Morello et al. (2008). Earlier,
filled by combining sequence and published infor- functional studies that allowed the identification
mation from other organisms. The opposite occurred of gene function based on genomic information in
50 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

lactobacilli was reviewed by Claesson et al. (2007) technologically relevant processes, in developing
and Klaenhammer et al. (2005). novel vaccines, and in improving diagnostics.
One of the most exciting promises of LAB is the Furthermore, we can envision that strain sequencing
prospect of using Generally Recognized as Safe will become routine with the development of next
members of this group as delivery vehicles for vac- generation, massively parallel ultra-high throughput
cines, antimicrobial compounds, and therapeutics. sequencing methods like Solexa (Illumina), SOLiD
An early study demonstrated that intragastric admin- (Applied Biosystems), 454 (Roche) Heliscope
istration of a recombinant L. lactis strain, secreting (Helicos BioSciences Corp.), and Polonator G.007
murine IL-10, prevented onset of colitis in IL-10 (Danaher Motion and George Church). These plat-
knockout mice, and caused a 50% reduction of the forms support a wide range of genetic analysis
inflammation in dextran sulfate sodium-induced applications from reference assembly of genomes,
chronic colitis (Steidler et al. 2000). In 2006, the resequencing, de novo assembly, SNP detection,
first pilot trial with a recombinant LAB in humans digital gene expression, metagenomics, genomics
was published (Braat et al. 2006). The authors and transcriptomics analysis (Shendure and Ji 2008),
replaced the thyA gene of L. lactis with a synthetic and downstream applications like polymerase
sequence encoding mature human IL-10, fused at its colony (polony) multiplex analysis of gene expres-
N-terminus to a lactococcal secretion signal. They sion (PMAGE; Kim et al. 2007a). PMAGE is an
chose this method because it provided an adequate adaptation of serial analysis of gene expression and
containment for the recombinant bacteria since the polony sequencing, where RNA is converted to
modified strain of L. lactis was unable to survive in cDNA, and specialized restriction endonucleases
the environment without thymidine or thymine. The are used to cleave a short sequence tag of about
results of this study were very promising as clinical 14 bp from each transcript. Individual transcript tags
benefit was observed in 8 of 10 patients. A recent are then clonally amplified on beads in millions of
article by Wells and Mercenier (2008) reviewed the parallel compartmentalized droplets in a water-in-
accumulated existing scientific data on the use of oil emulsion. The amplified beads are placed on a
LAB as mucosal delivery vehicles of vaccine anti- glass surface, and the identity of the tags is inferred
gens, microbicides, and therapeutics (for another by sequencing by ligation. DNA ligase labels each
revision see this book, Chapter 9). Current applica- bead with a fluorescent label corresponding to the
tions of LAB delivery include the production and identity of a base within the template and micro-
delivery of single-chain variable fragments, DNA, scopic approaches detect each fluorescence ligation
peptides, antigens, cytokines, enzymes, and aller- event. Parallel sequencing and enumeration of the
gens. The only study using a human model involved tags is finally used to calculate the abundances of
the delivery of cytokines to determine the effect on the corresponding transcripts. Given the vast
IBD and colitis. amounts of data generated by these methods, High
Performance Computing systems to analyze, visual-
ize, cluster, and store data have driven development
2.7. Conclusions
of increasing numbers of bioinformatic tools and
With 779 complete microbial genomes and 1310 databases (Altermann and Klaenhammer 2005;
microbial genomes in progress at NCBI, compara- Teusink et al. 2005; Kiefer et al. 2008; Pons et al.
tive genomics has revealed complex evolutionary 2008; Waagmeester et al. 2008). Bioinformatics
relationships within specific bacterial phylogenetic may remain the bottleneck in the elucidation of
groups and also has answered essential evolutionary important pathways in LAB. However, functional
questions. In particular, LAB genomics has contrib- genomics studies, in a high-throughput fashion, will
uted significantly to our understanding of the rela- be the pillar to unveil novel functionalities in these
tionships between genotype and phenotype, which microbes that are so beneficial in food preservation,
will have important ramifications in controlling bio- bioprocessing, and health.
Genomics of Lactic Acid Bacteria: The Post-genomics Challenge—From Sequence to Function 51

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Chapter 3

Proteomics: A Tool for Understanding Lactic Acid

Bacteria Adaptation to Stressful Environments

Marie-Christine Champomier-Vergès, Monique Zagorec, and Silvina Fadda

The rapid expansion of proteomics built upon the Moreover, LAB are also considered the most impor-
available bacterial genome sequences has provided tant microorganisms responsible for the health-
new approaches for bacterial functional genomics. promoting effects of fermented foods, specially in
In combination with transcriptional profiling expres- milk-derived products.
sion, proteomics provides access to interesting can-
didate genes and proteins that can be further
3.1.1. Effects of LAB on Sensory Properties
characterized by traditional, physiological and bio-
chemical, and genetic analyses. The action of mul- The final consistency of fermented products such as
tiple gene sets can now be revealed by the combined cheese or sausages is the result of their acidification
technologies of genomics, proteomics, and bioinfor- and dehydration. The fermentation of carbohydrates
matics, which constitute valuable tools to under- by LAB mainly leads to the formation of lactic acid,
stand these complex phenomena. Insights on particularly D-lactate, which reduces the pH to
different proteomic aspects from theoretical and about 5.0 and causes protein coagulation contribut-
technical topics up to applied microbial case studies ing to the firmness of the final product. Acidification
are described in this chapter. Recent developments also reduces the water retention capacity of the
related to bacterial adaptation to the environment mixture favoring the dehydration of the product and,
and the definitions of technological determinants at in some fermented foods such as cured meat prod-
the proteome level for economically important lactic ucts, indirectly contributes to color development.
acid bacteria, involved mainly in food fermentation, Flavor, which includes taste, aroma, and odor, is one
are discussed. of the most sought properties in foods and its per-
ception depends on the texture of the product. It is
the result of a careful balance between volatile and
3.1. Introduction
nonvolatile compounds; these coming from the
Fermentation and drying can be considered the catabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids
oldest ways of preserving raw materials by extend- from tissue and microbial enzyme activities and
ing the shelf life as well as enhancing the flavor and chemical reactions, lactate conferring the typically
nutritional qualities of the products. Lactic acid bac- acid taste of fermented foods. Heterofermentative
teria (LAB) are the main agents responsible for fer- LAB catabolize glucose and pentoses to lactic acid,
mentation. These bacteria reduce the ripening time, acetic acid, and ethanol. Ethanol does not contribute
minimize the manufacturing defects, improve the directly to flavor but it can be involved in secondary
sensory properties, and inhibit the development of reactions resulting in highly odoros ethyl esters con-
pathogenic and spoilage flora (Liepe 1983). ferring a fruity note on the product. The buttery or

Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria Novel Applications 57

Edited by Fernanda Mozzi, Raúl R. Raya and Graciela M. Vignolo
© 2010 Blackwell Publishing. ISBN: 978-0-813-81583-1
58 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

dairy aroma characteristic is related to diacetyl and microbial starters may diversify the market and lead
acetoin, which result from the metabolism of pyru- to the production of regional fermented products
vate (Molimard and Spinnler 1996; Talon et al. with specific properties. Indeed research of this
2002). Proteolysis is carried out by LAB and other technological potential has been of industrial out-
enzymes from the food matrix; the resulting free most interest (Aymerich et al. 2003). Traditionally,
peptides and amino acids improve flavor and the biochemical studies have focused on metabolic
nutritional value of the fermented foods (Smit et al. pathways or biosynthetic capacities of economically
2005). For specific flavor development, further con- important species. Thus, different approaches were
version of amino acids to various alcohols, alde- used to understand adaptation of bacteria to their
hydes, acids, esters, and sulfur compounds is environment and to characterize important techno-
required. LAB in general scarcely contribute to logical and safety properties of the products. The
lipolysis, but adjuvants cultures (e.g., molds or selection of the most efficient strains contributing to
Staphylococcus and Kocuria in the case of surface- a new fermented product with improved general
ripened cheeses or sausages, respectively) often standards has been the main objective.
display high activities in fat conversion (Molimard
and Spinnler 1996; Talon et al. 2002), the released
free fatty acids being precursors of flavor com-
3.1.3. Probiotic Features of LAB
pounds (methylketones, secondary alcohols, esters,
and lactones). Increasing scientific evidence indicates that inges-
tion of certain microbial cultures exerts health ben-
efits not only in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) but
3.1.2. Effects of LAB on
also in the respiratory and urogenital tracts (this
Hygienic Properties
book, Chapters 7 and 8). Conditions such as lactose
Certain LAB strains inhibit the pathogenic and intolerance, diarrhea, gastroenteritis, irritable bowel
spoilage flora present in food. The inhibiting proper- syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, depressed
ties of LAB are attributed mainly to the production immune function, cancer, and genitourinary tract
of organic acids, particularly lactic acid and acetic infections have all been reported to benefit from
acid, which are responsible for the decrease in pH probiotics (Stanton et al. 2005). The health benefits
to values of 5.0 or below at the end of the fermenta- of fermented functional foods are expressed either
tion process. LAB also exert a bioprotective or directly through the interaction of ingested live bac-
inhibitory effect against other microorganisms as a teria or yeast with the host (probiotic effect) or indi-
result of competition for nutrients, or by producing rectly as a result of ingestion of microbial metabolites
hydrogen peroxide and bacteriocins. Bacteriocins (bioactive peptides, vitamins, cofactors, etc.) pro-
generally inhibit species taxonomically closely duced during the fermentation process (biogenic
related to the producer strains and are differentiated effect). In general LAB and bifidobacteria are con-
in terms of their antimicrobial spectra, their mecha- sidered the main groups related to probiotic effects.
nisms of action, and their biochemical properties Specific properties considered as criteria for probi-
(Castellano et al. 2008). otic strain selection, such as bile tolerance, resis-
For the above specifications, LAB are the pre- tance to stomach acidity, and adhesion to the
ferred bacteria for starter culture formulation. intestinal epithelium, in addition to antimicrobial
Ideally, appropriate cultures have to be selected activity, will ensure strain survival in the human
from indigenous microorganisms, in order to be GIT. Even though LAB are considered Generally
more competitive, well-adapted to a particular Recognized as Safe organisms, specification of
product, and with high metabolic capacities to ben- origin, nonpathogenicity, and antibiotic resistance
eficially affect quality and safety of the product and of the strains should also be assessed (Stanton et al.
preserve their typicity (Leroy et al. 2006). Natural 2005).
Proteomics: A Tool for Understanding Lactic Acid Bacteria Adaptation to Stressful Environments 59

3.2. “Omics”: A New Biology Approach Metabolomics. It is related to the qualitative and
quantitative analysis of all metabolites produced by
Before the development of genomics, scientists
a cell, tissue, or organism under certain conditions.
focused their investigations on single or small
Thus, the metabolomic fingerprinting obtained
groups of genes or proteins. The genome-sequenc-
allows the sample classification by a rapid global
ing projects of the late 1990s yielded entire genome
analysis. The techniques used are multidisciplinary
sequences of many bacteria and yeasts, leading to a
and rely on chromatographic separations, often
huge amount of genetic data. The introduction of
coupled with well-developed calibrations for speci-
user-friendly, browser-based bioinformatic tools to
fic analytes; “hyphenated” techniques such as high-
extract information from these databases constitutes
performance liquid chromatography coupled to
a key development of the post-genomic era. It is
mass spectrometry (LC-MS) and high-performance
now possible to search entire genome sequences for
liquid chromatography coupled to nuclear magnetic
specific nucleic acid or protein sequences to have a
resonance (LC-NMR) are likely to have increased
global view of living organisms through in silico
impact. A more detailed description of each method
analyses (Lieber 2002). Additionally, new technolo-
is given in Metabolomics-nrp (2006).
gies that have arisen from genomic aim at under-
standing biological systems; functional genomics
Systems biology and integromics. The combined
enclosing transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolo-
information from genomics, proteomics, and metab-
mics, and integromics are the main new technolo-
olomics helps to obtain an integrated cell or organ-
gies developed so far. These new platforms of the
ism understanding. These new analytic platforms
so-called “-omic” technologies allow the analysis
are high-throughput technologies that substantially
and characterization of biological systems in
increase the dynamic range and number of metabo-
unknown details (thousands of genes and proteins
lites and genes that can be detected (Kell 2006). In
detected simultaneously). This represents a chal-
systems biology, especially metabolomic data are
lenge for scientific analysis and opens new perspec-
presently organized with the aim of creating com-
tives for bacterial starter research purposes. Briefly,
puter models simulating biological systems, allow-
the technical basis for these “-omic” technologies
ing, in the long term, to predict both genomic
are given in the succeeding discussion.
activations and metabolite flows in complex systems
(Kell and Mendes 2000; Bhattacharya et al. 2003).
Transcriptomics. Often included in the term
genomics, it depicts the expression level of genes.
The new tool, microarrays, involves a high number 3.3. Proteomics
of molecules (oligonucleotides) arranged on an
3.3.1. Theoretical Concepts
extremely small space, commonly a slide or a chip.
The interactions of RNA or DNA extracts with As described earlier, all completed genome sequenc-
these biochips are investigated and allow a simulta- ing projects have provided a huge amount of DNA
neous analysis of pleiotropic alterations at the information, although the biologic function of the
genome and transcriptome level. Based on the target proteins codified by the detected genes remained to
sequences on the slide, hundreds of genes can be be revealed. Indeed the next step in the post-genomic
targeted and significant changes of their mRNA can era had to focus on the study of the function of these
be estimated simultaneously. Identified functional genes. Proteomics is one of the fields that can
gene clusters with uniform change in expression help to establish the connection between genome
levels allow predictions of major changes in, for sequences and its biologic behavior.
example, metabolic pathways leading to the next Proteomics may be defined as the analysis of the
“-omic” technology: proteomics (Ulrich-Merzenich entire protein complement expressed in a cell or any
et al. 2007). biological sample at a given time under specific
60 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

conditions (Dierick et al. 2002). Since the genome Protein expression proteomic. It comprises the
of an organism is almost completely static, while the quantitative analysis of protein expression between
proteome is highly dynamic, the analogy of genome samples differing in one or more variables. This
and proteome is only superficial. The proteome strategy compares expression of proteome or sub-
varies as (1) not all proteins are expressed at the proteomes between different samples. The obtained
same time; (2) proteins are expressed in different data allow the identification of new proteins involved
amounts; (3) several forms of one protein occur due in different cell functions such as signal transduc-
to posttranslational modifications; and (4) different tion, specific disease makers, or proteins of interest
cell types in multicellular organisms express spe- for the metabolism of microorganisms.
cialized sets of proteins. The dynamics of protein
expression is again highly dependent on the cellular Structural proteomics. The study of subcelullar
state and the environment. Considering all the pos- proteins and protein–protein interactions by the
sibilities, it is likely that any given genome can purification of organelles or complexes, and the
potentially give rise to an infinite number of pro- identification of their components by mass spec-
teomes (Graves and Haystead 2002). trometry is involved.
Many different areas of study are now grouped
under proteomics; these include protein–protein Functional proteomics. It is a broad term for
interaction studies, post-translational protein modi- many specific proteomic approaches. Specific sub-
fications, protein function, and protein localization proteomes can be isolated by affinity chromatogra-
(Fig. 3.1). According to its main goal, proteomic can phy and then studied and characterized. This
be divided into three types. approach provides important information about

Signal transduction
Protein expression
profiling Microbial research
Disease markers

Organelle composition
proteomics Sub-proteome isolation
Protein complexes

Bacterial genomics
Proteomics Functional
proteomics Affinity purified
protein complexes

modifications Phosphorylation

Yeast two-hybrid
interactions Co-precipitation
Phage display

Figure 3.1. Disciplines grouped into proteomic field and its biological applications.
Proteomics: A Tool for Understanding Lactic Acid Bacteria Adaptation to Stressful Environments 61

protein signaling, disease mechanisms, or protein– case, sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel
drug interactions. electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) is used while in the
All these ambitious goals certainly require the latter, chromatography-based methods are applied
use of high-throughput multidimensional methods such as liquid chromatography, capillary electro-
in which a large number of different disciplines such phoresis, cation exchange chromatography, and
as molecular biology, biochemistry, and bioinfor- reverse-phase liquid chromatography. As an advan-
matics are involved. tage of these methods, a greater number of proteins
in the mixture can be evaluated, independently of
the gel preparation; conversely, this approach
3.3.2. A Technical View for the
requires a lot of time to decode the data obtained,
Large-Scale Analysis
including the analysis of uninteresting proteins also
Several techniques allow characterizing the pro- present in the peptide mixtures. One of the most
teome. A proteomics workflow analysis (Fig. 3.2) promising techniques emerging as an alternative to
consists of two main steps: (1) sample preparation protein electrophoresis is the isotope-coded affinity
and protein separation and (2) selected protein iden- tags (ICAT); this method allows the quantitative
tification. Protein separation methods include gel- protein profiling among different samples without
based and non-gel-based approaches. In the first the use of electrophoresis.

Sample preparation

Protein and Organelle

peptide Fractionation

Protein separation

1D PAGE 2D PAGE techniques

Protein characterization

Protein Protein Protein identification

visualization quantification (Maldi-ToF-MS; tandem

Protein functional
Protein microarrays Antibodies
Native Yeast
protein two hybrid

Figure 3.2. General workflow for proteomic studies.

62 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

In addition, gel-free separation techniques con- normal conditions and then the process of subjecting
stitute an interesting complement for two-dimen- the organism to a stress stimulus so that the differ-
sional (2D) PAGE to have access to more cellular ential expression of proteins can be visualized by
compartments, in particular to membrane proteins. either an increase or decrease in spot intensity or by
Various mass spectrometry techniques, coupled to the appearance/disappearance of spots on the gel.
the above-mentioned separation methods, allow the
identification of proteins (for detailed information 3.4. State of the Art of Proteomics
see Graves and Haystead 2002; Graham et al. 2007 in LAB
and references therein).
3.4.1. Genome Sequencing and
Data Mining
3.3.3. 2D PAGE
The metabolic potential of LAB can be hypothe-
Until recently, the study of global protein expression sized by means of genome sequence analysis and
was performed almost exclusively using 2D PAGE, bioinformatics as illustrated by Siezen et al. (2004).
a technique developed in the 1970s (O’Farrell 1975) As an example, the existence of formerly unknown
with significant advances in the last decades. The endopeptidases with potential to hydrolyze proline-
strength of 2D PAGE resides in the possibility of rich caseins and bitter peptides in Lactobacillus hel-
separating up to 10,000 proteins in one gel. Every veticus DPC4571, a starter-adjunct used for Swiss
component is fractionated by isoelectric focusing on cheese production, was discovered from its genome
the first dimension, and then further resolved accord- analysis (Callanan et al. 2008; Slattery et al. 2008).
ing to molecular weight in the second dimension. At Also, the amino acid auxotrophy of Lact. helveticus
this point, in the proteomic workflow a snapshot of predicted from the genome sequence (Callanan et al.
the organism/cell may be visualized (Fig. 3.3). 2008) correlated well with previous studies of amino
Proteins are excised from the gel, subjected to pro- acid requirements for this species (Hebert et al.
teolytic digestion, and identified or sequenced; these 2000; Christiansen et al. 2008). Lastly, the complete
last steps are usually carried out manually and are genome sequence of Lactobacillus sakei 23K, a psy-
time-consuming, although computerized gel visual- chrotrophic LAB strain naturally present in fresh
ization and robotic spot-excision equipment are now meat, determined the existence of a specialized gene
available to simplify these inconveniences (Görg catalog related to its ability to survive and compete
et al. 2004). However, it is well-established that 2D in meat environments (Chaillou et al. 2005). Many
PAGE methodology has several limitations such as genes seem to be responsible for overcoming the
(1) difficulty in detecting poorly expressed proteins harsh condition of meat processing, such as redox
(Regnier and Huang 1996; Link et al. 1999); (2) and oxygen level shifts. Also, genes related to
limitation in isoelectric focusing; gels can only biofilm formation that allow colonization of meat
focus proteins in the pI range of 3–10, so proteins surface were revealed. By using proteomics, some
with extreme pI will not be detected (Görg et al. of the above-mentioned functions have been experi-
2004); (3) limitation in protein size resolution since mentally proven to be very important for Lact. sakei
only 10–200 kDa proteins can be detected; and (4) to meat adaptation (Marceau et al. 2002, 2004)
restriction in the analysis of certain proteins due to thereby confirming the predicting value of genome
their low solubility using the standard extraction and data mining.
isoelectrofocalization protocols (e.g., membrane
proteins; Graham et al. 2007).
3.4.2. Studies of LAB Behavior in Food and
Despite these limitations, 2D PAGE is still used
GIT by Using Proteomics
as a standard tool in the analysis of microbial pro-
teomes. This methodology allows the identification The response of microorganisms to major environ-
of the protein complement of the microbe under mental changes is well documented. As other
Condition A Condition B
One dimension:
Isoelectric focusing

IEF strip
Bacterial culture under Protein
specific conditions extraction Low High
pH gradient

Second dimension:
Condition A Condition B SDS–PAGE

IEF strip High Mw

Slab gel
Mw separation

Low Mw

Mass determination: Maldi TOF–MS

Statistic analysis and spot cutting

Peptide mass spectrum

Determination of amino acid sequence


CGTACGAGCT Database searching

identification TCGATGCGCT

Figure 3.3. Schematic flow chart for bacterial proteome analysis by 2D PAGE.

64 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

bacteria, LAB are affected by harsh environmental required for such a full response. Interestingly, L.
conditions during passage of the GIT and food pro- lactis and Lact. paracasei transformants overex-
cessing. Also, the food industry is interested in using pressing GroESL developed tolerance to solvent,
stable starter cultures with good food processing notably to butanol. This cross-protection may be
adaptation capability. The knowledge of the mecha- linked to altered membrane fluidity and modified
nisms involved in such adaptations is thus essential protein embedment in membrane caused by both,
for selecting the most efficient strains for a particu- solvent and heat stresses (Desmond et al. 2004).
lar product. In the case of probiotic strains, these In other LAB species, a similar heat shock
stress conditions are particularly studied in order to response including HSP induction has been
get a better comprehension of specific protective reported (De Angelis et al. 2004; Savijoki et al.
systems. Variations in temperature, osmotic condi- 2005). Furthermore, different stresses may lead to
tions, and oxidative or acidic environments are situ- similar proteome modification, indicating that many
ations to which LAB are routinely subjected and proteins are involved in the response to different
where the proteomic approach can be an invaluable stresses (Lim et al. 2000).
tool. In the past, these proteomic approaches were In Lactobacillus delbruekii subsp. bulgaricus, a
rather descriptive, being focused on protein identi- complex adaptation mechanism to heat shock
fication. More complete studies combining pro- response has been described by combining a pro-
teomics, genomics, and metabolomics are bringing teomic approach and the study of thermoresistant
new clues for understanding LAB physiology under mutants (Gouesbet et al. 2002). During the first
these stressful environments. 10 min of heat shock at 65°C, HSP synthesis is
required to slow down cell death rate. In fact, if the
Heat shock response. High temperature (usually synthesis of these early HSP is blocked, mortality is
between 40 and 65°C) destabilizes non-covalent significantly increased. A second protective mecha-
interactions and leads to protein denaturation. Heat nism is induced after the first 10 min, when cells
shock response is characterized by the induction of synthesized proteins that neutralize the deleterious
a set of heat shock proteins (HSP), some of them effects of heat, and a recovery of viability is then
being lately considered rather as general stress observed.
response proteins. By a proteomic approach using
2D PAGE gels, heat shock treatment of Lactococcus Acid stress response. The main feature of LAB
lactis strongly induced DnaK, GroEL, and GroES is their ability to ferment sugars leading to lactic
as demonstrated by Whitake and Batt (1991) and acid production. Lactic acid has a key role during
Auffray et al. (1992). These proteins are well-known the processing of fermented products: it participates
chaperones, which hold up folding and maturation mainly as a biopreservative agent by inhibiting
of emerging or denatured proteins (Kaufman 1999). undesirable microorganisms and contributes to the
The expression kinetics of HSP varies during the development of the overall flavor and texture of
heat shock response. Proteins such as DnaK or fermented products. LAB have different adaptation
GroEL are induced immediately after heat shock, strategies to counteract lactic acid inhibition effects
while other HSP are induced thereafter (Kilstrup during food processing and to face the stressful con-
et al. 1997). ditions of low stomach pH during their passage
As observed for Lact. lactis, a proteomic approach through the GIT. A detailed description of the
showed that Lactobacillus paracasei NFBC 338 current status of bacterial mechanisms to fight
overexpresses GroEL after a heat shock. Cloning against acid stress has recently been reviewed
and overexpression of the Lact. paracasei GroESL (Corcoran et al. 2008).
encoding genes in both L. lactis and Lact. paracasei The existence of protective mechanisms allowing
was not enough to protect against heat or osmotic an adaptive response to low pH exposure has been
stresses, certainly because many other proteins were reported in several LAB. Some of them could also
Proteomics: A Tool for Understanding Lactic Acid Bacteria Adaptation to Stressful Environments 65

allow a cross-protection against other stress condi- induction of genes related to the biosynthesis of
tions. A proteomic approach in Lactobacillus reuteri fatty acids (fabH, accC, fabI), and repression of
showed that proteins important in low pH response genes involved in the mevalonate pathway of iso-
were also involved in bile salt protection (Wall et prenoid synthesis (mvaC, mvaS). Results obtained
al. 2007; Lee et al. 2008). Low pH and bile salt are from this study clearly indicated that during acid
two conditions encountered during transit through adaptation, Lact. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus
GIT, thus it is not surprising that microorganisms undergoes pyruvate rerouting to fatty acid biosyn-
develop coordinated response to these two stresses. thesis that may affect membrane integrity.
The mechanisms underlying response and adap- Amine accumulation into the cells has been
tation to low pH on Bifidobacterium longum was related to a defense mechanism to counteract acidic
also studied by proteomics (Sánchez et al. 2007a). environments (van de Guchte et al. 2002). Amines
The production of several enzymes involved in the are generated either as the result of endogenous
different steps of glycolysis was found to be modu- amino acid decarboxylase activity in raw food mate-
lated by acidic pH, in a low pH-resistant mutant and rials or by the growth of decarboxylase-positive
in its parent strain. Some enzymes such as α-1,4- microorganisms (Halász et al. 1994). Biogenic
glucosidase, phosphoglucomutase, and UDP- amines in foods are of concern in relation to both
glucose 4-epimerase were up regulated. These food spoilage and food safety, as they are potential
glycolytic enzymes are related to complex carbohy- precursors of carcinogenic nitrosamines especially
drate utilization and fuel the fructose 6-phosphate when nitrosable agents are present as nitrates in
pathway, the characteristic carbon catabolic pathway meat products (Scanlan 1983). Histamine and tyra-
of bifidobacteria, also so-called the bifid shunt mine are among the most toxic amines but putres-
(Caescu et al. 2004). Interestingly, transaldolase was cine and cadaverine also compromise the organoleptic
strongly underexpressed after growth at acidic pH properties of contaminated foods.
in the wild type whereas it was overexpressed in the Pessione et al. (2005) have undertaken the first
mutant. Theoretically, this should favor the faster proteomic analysis of amine-producing bacteria.
formation of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate from fruc- The influence of some environmental and nutritional
tose 6-phosphate in the mutant. Accordingly, a parameters on amine production and protein biosyn-
decrease of the glucose consumption was observed thesis was analyzed in two Lactobacillus sp. strains,
for the mutant when grown at pH 4.8, together with encoding histidine decarboxylase (HDC) and orni-
a moderate increase of the total carbon balance of thine decarboxylase (ODC). Proteomics showed
the bifid shunt. The intracellular pH was lowered in that HDC and ODC expression were dependent on
both strains, which correlated with the overproduc- the presence of high concentrations of free amino
tion of two intracellular subunits of the F1F0-ATPase. acids and on the growth phase. The stationary phase
A higher internal NH +4 concentration was also and high amounts of free amino acids also induced
observed that might compensate the lower internal the biosynthesis of an oligopeptide transport protein
pH. Thus, B. longum reacts to the acidic environ- (Opp ATP-binding cassette transporter). A lack of
ment by changing the glycolytic flux and regulating correlation between either decarboxylase biosynthe-
its internal pH. Interestingly, the bile salt hydrolase sis or amine accumulation and external pH was
was also shown to be downregulated under such observed. Indeed, amine accumulation is not induced
acidic conditions (Sánchez et al. 2007a). by low pH, and production of amines does not nec-
A recent study of acid adaptation on Lact. del- essarily correlate with a basic pH measured in the
brueckii subsp. bulgaricus conducted through a medium. These results do not support the hypothesis
combination of proteomics and transcriptomics that amine production is a metabolic response of
(Fernandez et al. 2008) revealed induction of many lactobacilli to medium acidification, the use of alka-
chaperones (GroES, GroEL, HrcA, GrpE, DnaK, linization tests to determine amine accumulation
DnaJ, ClpE, ClpP, and ClpL), repression of ClpC, being limited (Bover-Cid and Holzapfel 1999).
66 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

Cold shock. LAB are commonly exposed to low study of its bacterial proteome after acidification
temperatures during starter production and storage revealed changes in the synthesis of 21 proteins
or during various food processing steps. It is well mainly involved in energy metabolism, nucleotide
known that low temperatures are responsible for cell and protein synthesis, and stress response. However,
viability loss, membrane damage such as morpho- any of these proteins could be ascribed directly to
logical and fluidity changes, and effects on replica- the observed cryotolerance after acidification,
tion, transcription, and translation (Fonseca et al. although biochemical changes in the saturated and
2001; Ouvry et al. 2002; van de Gutche et al. 2002 cyclic fatty acid concentration as well as lowered
and references herein; Saarela et al. 2005). These membrane fluidity were observed (Streit et al. 2008).
changes are undesirable as they affect the techno-
logical properties of the bacteria, such as viability Oxidative stress response. LAB can also be sub-
or acidification and consequently, the final quality jected to oxidative stress during fermentation,
of the products. drying, storage, or through exposure to different
Many studies have been performed to understand oxygen gradients in the gut or in food matrices.
cryotolerance of LAB (Panoff et al. 1998). It was Reactive oxygen species (ROS) such as hydrogen
reported that many bacteria developed an increased peroxide (H2O2), superoxide anion ( O2− ), or peroxide
ability to survive freezing by previously applying a radical (O˙) can react with lipids, proteins, or DNA,
moderate, similar, or different stress (Palmfeldt and causing lethal damage effects (Miyoshi et al. 2003).
Hahn-Hägerdal 2000). Using a multidisciplinary In bacteria, oxidative stress is sensed by specific
approach including comparison between proteomes, transcriptional regulators able to activate defense
Wang et al. (2005) demonstrated that a moderate mechanisms when the ROS concentration exceeds a
cooling temperature (28°C) improved cellular cryo- critical level (Farr and Kogoma 1991). By means of
tolerance of Lactobacillus acidophilus. Some pro- a transcriptomic and proteomic approach, Mostertz
teins were differentially expressed when LAB were et al. (2004) analyzed the global gene expression of
subjected to different cooling conditions. The Bacillus subtilis in response to peroxide and super-
optimal cryotolerance was achieved after an inter- oxide stress stimuli. The proteome analysis showed
mediate cooling (8 h at 26°C). In this condition the enhanced synthesis of approximately 55 proteins
intensity of four protein spots was increased whereas after peroxide treatment and decreased synthesis for
the spot of one protein was reduced. One of the about 150 proteins. When paraquat was used as
overexpressed proteins corresponded to an ATP- superoxide stressing factor, more than 60 proteins
dependent Clp protease P, which is essential for were overexpressed and 200 were found at lower
survival under stressful conditions. This enzyme is rates. On the other hand, 20 proteins were expressed
involved in the proteolysis of misfolded and in higher concentrations and 140 proteins in lower
damaged proteins generated by a cold shock (Frees amounts after both stress challenges (hydrogen per-
and Ingmer 1999; Ingmer et al. 1999; Skinner and oxide and paraquat). Among the overexpressed
Trempy 2001). A higher intensity of two spots cor- proteins, the alkyl hydroperoxide reductase, a metal-
responding to a pyruvate kinase and a putative gly- loregulation DNA-binding stress protein, one Class
coprotein endopeptidase, respectively, was also III stress-response-related ATPase, one Class III
observed. The underregulated protein matched with heat-shock ATP-dependent protease, one superox-
a trigger factor for cell division may be related to a ide dismutase, one thioredoxin, and one thioredoxin
lower metabolic activity of the cells when they were reductase, were observed. In addition, a significant
maintained at 26°C during 8 h. number of proteins were not synthesized after expo-
On the other hand, improvement of cryotolerance sure to both stimuli.
(storage at −20°C) by previous acidic shock (pH An example of the study of oxidative shock by
5.25 for 30 min) was proven in Lact. delbrueckii proteomic strategy in LAB is the approach reported
subsp. bulgaricus (Streit et al. 2007). A further by Arena et al. (2006) in Streptococcus thermophi-
Proteomics: A Tool for Understanding Lactic Acid Bacteria Adaptation to Stressful Environments 67

lus. Combining 2D PAGE plus MALDITOF and acidophilus NCFM pointed out that the response of
1D PAGE plus liquid chromatography coupled to a cell division protein (CdpA) was related to the
electro spray ionization and mass spectrometry (spe- resistance to various environmental stresses, as
cifically μLC-ESI-IT-MS/MS), differential protein observed for those corresponding to S-layer and cell
expression under various challenges was analyzed. wall-associated proteins (Altermann et al. 2004).
This study demonstrates that H2O2 promotes induc- Furthermore, the growth of Lactobacillus casei
tion of general stress proteins as well as proteins ATCC 393 in 1 M NaCl revealed modifications in
specifically involved in reparation of deleterious saturated/unsaturated fatty acid ratio and cyclopro-
effects of oxidative stress such as NADH oxidase, pane fatty acids membrane concentrations as
Mn superoxide dismutase, Fe-S assembly proteins reported by Machado et al. (2004). These last exam-
SufB and SufC, glutathione reductase, Dpr peroxide ples show that combination of various methods are
resistance protein, while a downregulation of pro- necessary to assess the various actors of the stress
teins related to energy metabolism was observed. response, in order to overcome proteomic limita-
tions especially for membrane and cell wall com-
Osmotic stress response. The main agents partment exploration.
causing osmotic stress in lactobacilli are salts (NaCl
or KCl) often added in fermented or cured products. Bile salt response. Bile salt resistance is a crucial
As for other stress responses, it has been demon- feature for the survival of bacteria during GIT
strated that salt adaptation overlaps with heat stress transit. The main function of bile salts, secreted into
adaptation in L. lactis (Kilstrup et al. 1997). A tran- the intestine during food digestion, is the emulsifica-
scriptomic study revealed that among many genes tion and absorption of fats. Another important
regulated by salt stress in L. lactis, four (dnaK, feature of bile salts is their strong biocide action.
busAA, busAB, and thyA) genes were overexpressed Due to their detergent nature, bile salts induce lethal
by both heat and salt stress. In addition, gene expres- membrane damage, producing also DNA injury by
sion of proteolytic enzymes and the β-glucoside- oxidative shock. In various LAB and bifidobacteria,
specific PTS system were repressed during osmotic membrane proteins mediating bile efflux from cells
stress, as in other evaluated stress stimuli (heat and were the first proteins shown to be related to bile
acid) (Xie et al. 2004). resistance (Yokota et al. 2000; Elkins et al. 2001).
A proteomic study was conducted in Lact. sakei The action of bile salt hydrolases, enabling decon-
to identify proteins affected by addition of NaCl and jugation of bile salts has also been proposed as an
low temperature (Marceau et al. 2004). Mutants alternative mechanism of cell detoxification in bifi-
were then constructed in the genes encoding pro- dobacteria (Grill et al. 2000).
teins either over- or underexpressed. It was found A proteomic study of B. longum grown in the
that at least six proteins were involved in the adapta- presence of bile salts showed that the expression
tion of Lact. sakei to the environmental conditions of many enzymes involved in the bifid shunt
encountered during meat processing. A mutant was enhanced (Sánchez et al. 2005). A similar
affected in the glycolytic enzyme phosphofructoki- approach on Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis
nase showed reduced survival both at 4°C or in the and on a bile salt-resistant mutant showed that pro-
presence of 4% NaCl. Similarly, the peptide methio- teins responsible for the bile salt adaptation of this
nine sulfoxy reductase (MsrA), a universal stress strain are mainly involved in carbohydrate metabo-
protein (USP family protein) and one alkaline shock lism. Significant differences in the levels of metabo-
protein (ASP family protein) were clearly shown to lites of the bifid shunt were detected, supporting
be involved in the survival of Lact. sakei at low proteomic data. In these two Bifidobacterium
temperatures. species, bile challenge leads thus to a modification
On the other hand, a functional genomic approach of carbon metabolism although through different
derived from the draft genome sequence of Lact. targets suggesting a different effect of bile on sugar
68 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

metabolism. Indeed, formate/oxalate metabolism nated in L. monocytogenes. The last species showed
was affected only in B. animalis subsp. lactis. the highest susceptibility after the HHP treatment
Moreover, several proteins involved in the redox while Ent. faecium demonstrated to be the less sen-
status of the cells were also affected by bile salt, this sitive, overproducing mainly general metabolism
observation being correlated to intracellular pools of enzymes. Finally, Lact. sakei presented a moderate
NADH and FAD+ (Sánchez et al. 2007b). stress response. This reveals that, after 2 h of recov-
ery, the different species exhibited a different fitness
High-pressure stress response. Nowadays, high status (Jofré et al. 2007).
hydrostatic pressure (HHP) is increasingly used as
a novel food preservation method due to its nonther-
3.4.3. Study of Flavor Production by
mal nature, its effectiveness in inhibition of undesir-
Using Proteomics
able microorganisms together with low effect on
sensorial qualities of food products. Fruit juices, Sapid and odor molecules, originating from raw
oysters, and cooked meat products are the main materials and food ingredients, are also the result of
products subjected to this technology (Rastogi et al. the carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids catabolisms.
2007). HHP affects living cells causing lethal Flavor production is strain-dependent and therefore
morphological, biochemical and genetic changes the composition of a starter culture can greatly influ-
(Bartlett et al. 1995). The mechanisms by which ence flavor characteristics of the final product
HHP produces bacterial inactivation are well docu- (Kieronczyk et al. 2003). Food fermentations are
mented and its effectiveness depends not only on the typically carried out by mixed cultures consisting of
pressure levels and duration but on the temperature, multiple strains belonging to different species and
pH, osmolarity, and other factors prevailing during genera. Population dynamics thus plays a crucial
HHP stress. Some naturally piezotolerant microor- role in the performance of fermentations. In the past,
ganisms, in general inhabitants of deep-sea environ- studies on mixed-culture food fermentations have
ments, show growth up to 94 MPa (Abe and focused on population dynamics analysis, using
Horikoshi 2001). classical and molecular methods. The availability of
Wemekamp-Kamphuis et al. (2002) reported that genome sequences as well as the technological
pressurization of Listeria monocytogenes at 200 MPa advances in functional genomics constitutes a valu-
led to the induction of two cold shock proteins. In able approach for studying food microbial interac-
addition, the preadaptation of cells at 10°C produced tions and metabolic activities in mixed-cultures of
cross-protection, evidencing again the relation industrial interest. In this sense, the impact of tran-
between the physiological states with pressure resis- scriptomic and proteomic approaches on the eluci-
tance. The recovery status of four bacterial species dation of microbial interactions was reviewed
related to meat environment, Lact. sakei (two recently by Sieuwerts et al. (2008a, 2008b).
strains), Enterococcus faecium, Enterococcus fae- Metabolic studies can be supported by functional
calis, and L. monocytogenes, after a 400-MPa HHP genomics. The ability of certain LAB to form flavor
treatment was species-dependent; each species precursors from amino acids was revealed from in
induced a different set of proteins to overcome HHP silico analyses of whole genome sequences (Liu and
shock, reflecting differences on response capabili- Siezen 2006; Liu et al. 2008; Siezen and Bachmann
ties. Transcription factors, proteins related to protein 2008). Moreover, in situ proteomic studies have
synthesis or fate, and enzymes from energy metabo- been carried out on a matrix fermentation system
lism were also induced in the four species. However, such as milk or cheese. Yvon et al. (2008) investi-
several stress proteins were specifically induced in gated the activity of flavor-forming enzymes and the
the two Lact. sakei strains. Proteins from the general proteome and metabolome of L. lactis subsp. lactis
metabolism predominated in Ent. faecalis and Ent. cells extracted from a cheese model during ripening.
faecium, and stress proteins and proteases predomi- Proteome pattern was slightly affected, the most
Proteomics: A Tool for Understanding Lactic Acid Bacteria Adaptation to Stressful Environments 69

significant differences being found in bacterial metabolomic data, could be useful to enhance the
metabolites produced by acid stress and carbon star- knowledge of metabolic changes occurring in mixed
vation after 7 days. Another proteomic approach in cultures.
mixed cultures was applied to identify proteins In addition, the mechanisms involved in bacterial
involved in cheese ripening (Gagnaire et al. 2004). communication and interactions in food matrices
Proteins from Emmental model cheese were sepa- still require elucidation. Microorganisms produce
rated by 2D PAGE and further identified by signaling molecules for communication purposes,
MALDITOF or de novo sequencing. Among 150 secretion of proteins across biological membranes
spots, 21 originated from Strep. thermophilus, 17 being a crucial process by which bacteria can inter-
from Lact. helveticus, and 8 from Propionibacterium act together and monitor the local environment (van
freundenrichii. Some of these proteins were related Pijkeren et al. 2006). This cell–cell communication
to the organoleptic properties of cheese, that is, the phenomenon is generally recognized as “quorum
peptidases PepN, PepX, and PepS from Strep. sensing” (QS). Two recent reviews link QS to motil-
thermophilus and PepN, PepE, the endopeptidase ity, EPS production, biofilm, and toxin production,
PepO, and prolidase from Lact. helveticus. These which are all important features in food fermenta-
studies showed the usefulness of proteomic profiling tion (Gonzalez and Keshavan 2006; Dunn and Stabb
to identify proteins related to flavor production in 2007). However, the possibility of accessing cell
fermented foods. wall proteins and pheromone-like small peptides
through proteomics needs further improvement of
the analytical methods.
3.5. Concluding Remarks and
Future Directions
It is envisioned that the information gained by the
Abe, F., and Horikoshi, K. (2001) The biotechnological potential
combination of “omics” approaches leads to a of piezophiles. Trends Biotechnol 19, 102–108.
knowledge-based selection of LAB. This constitutes Altermann, E., Buck, L.B., Cano, R., and Klaenhammer, T.R.
a useful tool for the improvement of established (2004) Identification and phenotypic characterization of the
fermented foods or for the development of novel cell-division protein CdpA. Gene 342,189–197.
Arena, S., D’Ambrosio. C., Renzone, G., Rullo, R., Ledda, L.,
ones, based on the ability of selected starters to
Vitale, F., Maglione, G., Varcamon, M., Ferrara, L., and
compete and produce metabolites of technological Scaloni, A. (2006) A study of Streptococcus thermophilus
or health interest. In addition, the comprehension of proteome by integrated analytical procedures and differential
the in situ behavior of starter cultures by means of expression investigations. Proteomics 6, 181–192.
the post-genomic technologies will contribute to Auffray, Y., Gansel, X., Thammavongs, B., and Boutibonnes, P.
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improve fermentation processes as well as to a better
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understanding of microbial adaptation strategies Aymerich, T., Martin, B., Garriga, M., and Hugas, M. (2003)
for obtaining functional cultures with improved Microbial quality and direct PCR identification of lactic acid
capabilities. bacteria and non-pathogenic staphylococci from artisanal low-
Phelps et al. (2002) proposed the identification of acid sausages. Appl Environ Microbiol 69, 4583–4594.
Bartlett, D.H., Kato, C., and Horikoshi, K. (1995) High pressure
gene function and pathways by using bioinformatics
influences on gene and protein expression. Res Microbiol 146,
in which data derived from transcriptomic and 697–706.
metabolomic analyses are combined. Teusink and Bhattacharya, S., Chakrabarti, S., Nayak, A., and Bhattacharya,
Smid (2006) have also reviewed interesting model- S.K. (2003) Metabolic networks of microbial systems.
ing strategies for industrial exploitation of LAB. In Microbial Cell Factories 2, 3.
Bover-Cid, S., and Holzapfel, W.H. (1999) Improved screening
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a software package (SimphenyTM Genomatica Inc., ria. Int J Food Microbiol 53, 33–41.
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70 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

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Chapter 4

Lactic Acid Bacteria: Comparative Genomic Analyses of

Transport Systems

Graciela Lorca, Lakshmi Reddy, Anphong Nguyen, Eric I. Sun, John Tseng,
Ming-Ren Yen, and Milton H. Saier, Jr.

Comparative analyses of transport proteins con- phosphotransferase system are present in LAB, with
ducted essentially as described in an earlier study glucose-type systems predominating, even though
(Lorca et al. 2007) are presented here. Transporters fructose-type systems predominate in Gram (−) bac-
encoded within 73 fully sequenced genomes of five teria. Heavy metals are taken up primarily by
groups of prokaryotes ([1] lactic acid bacteria members of the NRAMP and VIT families, while
[LAB] [11 genomes], [2] non-LAB firmicutes [11 export of these metal ions is mediated primarily by
genomes], [3] actinobacteria [5 genomes], [4] CDF carriers. While no Ca2+:cation antiporters of
Gram [−] bacteria [33 genomes], and [5] archaea the nearly ubiquitous CaCA family were detected in
[13 genomes]) were examined. Analyses were con- LAB, these organisms possess twofold more Ca2+
ducted according to organism, organismal type, efflux ATPases than most other bacteria. Eukaryotic
protein family or superfamily, functionality, and P-type Na+, K+-exchange ATPases (family 1 in the
transporter energy coupling mechanism. The results Transporter Classification Database (www.tcdb.
revealed that in LAB, (1) 63% of all transporters of org), H+/Mn2+ efflux ATPases (family 3), and Na+ or
the Major Facilitator Superfamily are homolog of K+ export ATPases (family 9) were unexpectedly
multidrug resistance efflux pumps and may function present in LAB, but heavy metal and copper/silver
in this or a related capacity; (2) members of the ATPases were present in twofold lower amounts
Resistance/Nodulation/Division superfamily are than in most other types of bacteria. No prokaryotic
virtually absent; (3) the Drug/Metabolite Trans- Kdp-type K+ uptake ATPases were detected in the
porters and Multidrug/Oligosaccharide/Polysac- LAB analyzed. The results establish the existence of
charide superfamilies are underrepresented in LAB extensive horizontal transfer of transporter genes
relative to other groups of prokaryotes examined; among closely related bacterial species with fre-
and (4) more ATP-binding Cassette (ABC) export- quencies of transfer being inversely related to phy-
ers but fewer ABC uptake porters are present com- logenetic distance. They demonstrate the occurrence
pared with most other prokaryotic types, with of unusual phylogenetic traits that must reflect the
frequencies of the three evolutionarily distinct ABC environmental conditions under which this group of
families of exporters being ABC1:ABC2:ABC3 = organisms evolved.
1>>3>2 for LAB and other Gram (+) bacteria,
1>2>3 for Gram (−) bacteria, and 2>>3>1 for
4.1. Introduction
archaea. All four independently evolving sugar-
phosphorylating families of the phosphoenolpyru- Molecular phylogeny has revealed the existence
vate-dependent group translocators of the bacterial of three domains of life: bacteria, archaea, and

Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria Novel Applications 73

Edited by Fernanda Mozzi, Raúl R. Raya and Graciela M. Vignolo
© 2010 Blackwell Publishing. ISBN: 978-0-813-81583-1
74 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

eukaryotes (Olsen et al. 1994; Rossello-Mora 2005). brevis, and Pediococcus pentosaceus, as well as the
The former two domains include all prokaryotic life more distant Lactobacillus gasseri, and Lactobacillus
forms with small cells and a lack of eukaryotic delbrueckii, which are often found in plants and
organelles, but prokaryotic organisms display a their products as well as natural inhabitants of the
huge diversity of cellular activities including many human gut (Vaughan et al. 2002; Makarova et al.
metabolic capabilities that cannot be found in 2006; Lorca et al. 2007). Two other LAB, distantly
eukaryotes (Guerrero and Berlanga 2006). There are related to the others, Lactococcus lactis subspecies
far more bacterial kingdoms than archaeal or eukary- cremoris and Streptococcus thermophilus, are
otic kingdoms, probably reflecting their role as the closely related to each other; they are both found in
primordial, ancestral cell type that gave rise to the milk and are useful for dairy product fermentations.
other two. Finally, two additional LAB, closely related to each
One bacterial kingdom consists of the firmicutes other but more distantly related to the others, are
or low G+C Gram (+) bacteria. They include spore- Leuconostoc mesenteroides, useful for food fermen-
forming Bacillus and Clostridium species; disease- tation purposes, and Oenococcus oeni, important in
causing Staphylococcus, Listeria, and Streptococcus wine production (Hastings et al. 1994; Mills et al.
species; and a group of organisms collectively 2005).
known as the lactic acid bacteria (LAB). These last Certain other bacteria, including high G+C Gram
mentioned organisms are uniquely of industrial (+) actinobacteria, can provide similar useful func-
importance because of their roles in the fermentation tions. Bifidobacterium longum is found in the intes-
of fruits, vegetables, and meats as well as their use tinal tracts of animals including humans, and is an
in the dairy industry for cheese and yogurt produc- important probiotic organism that together with
tion (Hayes et al. 2007; Sanz et al. 2007; Reddy other bifidobacteria, dominates the intestinal tracts
et al. 2008). However, these bacteria also function of infants that are breast-fed but not of those that are
as producers (but also cause spoilage) of wines and fed with formula (cow’s milk). Bifidobacterial
beer (Coton et al. 1998; Lonvaud-Funel 1999; Rouse species are believed to be responsible in part for the
and van Sinderen 2008). Lactobacillus is one of the greater health of breast-fed children (Parracho et al.
main bacteria used as probiotics for humans and 2007). Brevibacterium linens is another actinobac-
animals because of its prophylactic or therapeutic terium, used for cheese ripening as well as for
properties (Hayes et al. 2007; Sanz et al. 2007). It vitamin and carotenoid production (Rattray and Fox
provides sources of biopolymers and other chemi- 1999).
cals (i.e., bioactive peptides, short chain acids, vita- Transmembrane transport is essential to virtually
mins) that have prebiotic activity by promoting the all of the useful functions provided by LAB, and the
growth of other beneficial commensal gut bacteria presence of these transporters must reflect the evo-
(i.e., Bifidobacterium; Hayes et al. 2007; de Vrese lutionary histories of the organisms in which they
and Schrezenmeir 2008). are found (Ren and Paulsen 2005). In earlier papers,
LAB all have remarkable genetically encoded some of the unusual complement of transporters
synthetic capabilities, including the production of encoded within LAB genomes and sequenced by
excreted bacteriocins together with immunity the LAB genome consortium were summarized
devises that render them insensitive to their own (Makarova et al. 2006; Lorca et al. 2007). In this
peptide toxins. The secretion of these antimicrobial paper, analyses of the distributions of the various
peptides is used by LAB for biological warfare and transporters found in 11 LAB, their associations
cell communication (Eijsink et al. 2002). with the different transporter families, and their
The LAB group is remarkably diverse in their functional significance are reported. It is shown that
habitats, which are well reflected by their metabolic LAB have the most unusual distributions of trans-
and transport capabilities. These organisms include porters compared with other bacterial types, includ-
the closely related Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus ing actinobacteria, Gram (−) bacteria, and archaea.
Lactic Acid Bacteria: Comparative Genomic Analyses of Transport Systems 75

Potential evolutionary explanations are also Other reported examples of facilitated diffusion
provided. include a fructose uniporter in the yeast,
Zygosaccharomyces (2.A.1.2.23), which is a
member of the DHA1 family of drug:H+ antiporters,
4.2. The Major Facilitator
and the putative bacterial bile acid uptake porter
Superfamily (MFS)
(2.A.1.3.13) in the DHA2 family of drug exporters.
The largest superfamily of secondary carriers present The SP and DHA1 families are among the largest
in nature is the MFS, having the transporter classi- families in the MFS. It seems that in the MFS and
fication (TC) number in the TC Database (TCDB; certain other families, the loss of cation symport
www/ of 2.A.1 (Pao et al. 1998; Saier et al. activity to generate substrate uniporters has occurred
1999). It currently consists of 67 families that can relatively frequently during evolution, that sym-
transport virtually any type of small substrate of porters and uniporters frequently can catalyze
biological importance. Members can be solute substrate:substrate exchange, but that interconver-
importers, catalyzing the active uptake of solutes sion of antiporters and symporters has been rela-
against concentration gradients using a proton tively rare during evolutionary history (see examples
symport mechanism with the proton motive force in TCDB).
(pmf) serving as the energy source, but they can In the Organophosphate:Phosphate Antiporter
also catalyze solute efflux against a concentration (OPA) family (2.A.1.4), most members preferen-
gradient using a proton antiport mechanism, thus tially catalyze substrate:substrate antiport, but they
extruding solutes out of the cell. Finally, a few can also catalyze substrate:H+ symport, and some
MFS carriers are solute equilibrators, catalyzing seem to preferentially use a symport rather than an
facilitated diffusion via a solute uniport mechanism, antiport mechanism. Also, in the Nitrate/Nitrite
and several, both symporters and uniporters, can Porter (NNP) family (2.A.1.8), members of similar
also catalyze solute:solute exchange; the type of sequence can catalyze either uptake, efflux, or
vectorial reaction catalyzed is determined by the NO3− :NO2− exchange. Finally, members of the
carrier. Organocation Transporter (OCT) family in animals
Each of the 61 families of the 67 currently rec- (2.A.1.19) appear to similarly be mechanistically
ognized MFS families appears to consist of members promiscuous, catalyzing substrate uptake, export,
that catalyze either uptake or efflux, but not both. exchange, and/or uniport. Sometimes the mecha-
However, there are six potential exceptions (SP, nism and substrate:H+ stoichiometry depends on the
DHA1, DHA2, OPA, NNP, and OCT), based on conditions and the specific substrate being trans-
reports from different laboratories (see TCDB). The ported. A few MFS carriers can use Na+ instead of
sugar porter (SP) family (TC# 2.A.1.1) includes H+ as the cotransported cation.
members that usually utilize sugar:H+ symport but MFS carriers are usually about 400 amino acid
can also use equilibrative sugar uniport. Uniporters residues (aas) long and have 12 transmembrane α-
of the SP family occur primarily in animals that helical spanners (TMSs) with two homologous
maintain constant high sugar levels in the extracel- repeat units, each of 6 TMSs. They are found ubiq-
lular plasma, due to strict homeostatic mechanisms. uitously in bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes. Over
However, they can also be found in yeasts, and 20,000 sequenced MFS members are available for
occasionally, in bacteria that grow in environments sequence analysis, and x-ray structures have been
containing high sugar concentrations. Some SP car- reported for three of them (Law et al. 2008). Some
riers have evolved receptor functions, thereby evidence suggests that the basic 6 TMS repeat unit
gaining regulatory sensor activities (Kruckeberg arose by duplication of a primordial 3 TMS encod-
et al. 1998). However, no member of this huge ing genetic element and that MFS carriers arose
family within the MFS has been shown to catalyze from simple 2 TMS ion channels (Hvorup and Saier
substrate:H+antiport. 2002).
76 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

Table 4.1. Functional types of MFS carriers and their relative occurrences in five different prokaryotic groups of

Group LAB Non-LAB firmicutes Actino-bacteria Gram (−) bacteria Archaea

Drugs 63% 62% 48% 41% 59%
Anions 11% 16% 36% 32% 19%
Sugars 8% 8% 8% 9% 10%
Amino acids 0% 0% 0% 2% 0%
Peptides 10% 8% 5% 11% 9%
Nucleosides 9% 7% 3% 5% 3%
# Systems 291 298 138 990 142
# Organisms 11 13 5 41 16
# Systems/organism 26 23 28 24 9

Table 4.2. Distribution of RND superfamily members in five groups of prokaryotes.

% Representation

Family group HME HAE1 SecDF HAE2 HAE3 # Systems/organism (ratio)

LAB 0 0 0 100 0 1/11 (0.1)
Non-LAB firmicutes 0 28 44 28 0 18/13 (1.4)
Actinobacteria 0 0 25 75 0 32/5 (6.4)
Gram (−) bacteria 12 58 21 0 8 264/41 (6.4)
Archaea 0 0 59 0 41 34/16 (2.1)

As presented in Table 4.1, LAB and non-LAB Metabolite Transporters (DMT; both uptake and
firmicutes have disproportionately high representa- efflux systems; Jack et al. 2001), the Resistance/
tion of MFS multidrug efflux pumps (62%–63%), Nodulation/Division (RND) exporters (exclusively
while the organic and inorganic anion uptake porters export carriers; Tseng et al. 1999), and the Multidrug/
occur in low number (11% for LAB and 16% for Oligosaccharide/Polysaccharide (MOP) porters
the other firmicutes) compared with other bacterial (exclusively efflux pumps; Hvorup et al. 2003a).
groups (actinobacteria and Gram [−] bacteria with These three superfamilies will be examined sequen-
36% and 32% representation, respectively). The tially in this section.
high percentages of drug exporters in LAB reflect The RND superfamily is essentially absent in the
the apparent obsession of these organisms with bio- LAB characterized in this study, with only one
logical warfare, while the low numbers of anion exception: a single lipid-exporting HAE2 family
uptake systems may reflect their fermentative member (Table 4.2; Lorca et al. 2007). The heavy
(sugar) modes of metabolism rather than respiratory metal exporters (HME) are found only in Gram (−)
(organic acid) modes of metabolism. LAB also have bacteria. HAE1 MDR pumps are present only in
two- to threefold more nucleoside/nucleobase trans- Gram (−) bacteria and non-LAB firmicutes with
porters than most other prokaryotes examined lower representation in the latter compared with the
(Table 4.1). former. HAE3 homologs are present only in archaea
and Gram (−) bacteria but not in the Gram (+) bac-
teria surveyed. Finally, the general protein secretory
4.3. Other Large Superfamilies of
(Sec) auxiliary proteins, SecDF, which together
Secondary Carriers
comprise the equivalent of a full-length RND pump
Excluding the MFS, the three largest superfamilies that is thought to facilitate integral cytoplasmic
of secondary transporters include the Drug/ membrane protein insertion (Xie et al. 2006), are
Lactic Acid Bacteria: Comparative Genomic Analyses of Transport Systems 77

Table 4.3. Distribution of DMT superfamily members in five groups of prokaryotes.

TC family #: 1 3 5 7 21 23 24
TC family name: SMR DME GRP RarD BAT2 Trp-E TPPT # Proteins/organism
LAB 13 33 29 4 10 4 8 52/11 (4.7)
Non-LAB firmicutes 21 33 13 5 7 6 15 85/11 (7.7)
Actinobacteria 17 50 0 25 8 0 0 12/5 (2.4)
Gram (−) bacteria 16 60 0 6 5 6 8 283/33 (8.6)
Archaea 9 64 0 0 0 7 20 44/14 (3.1)

Table 4.4. Distribution of MOP superfamily members in five groups of prokaryotes.

1 2 4 7 12
Family/group MATE PST MVF U-MOP1 U-MOP4 # Proteins/organism
LAB 34 47 2 15 0 47/11 (4.3)
Non-LAB firmicutes 53 33 4 8 1 76/11 (6.9)
Actinobacteria 50 8 42 0 0 12/5 (2.4)
Gram (−) bacteria 41 28 21 7 3 155/32 (4.8)
Archaea 43 41 1 15 0 87/14 (6.2)

present in all prokaryotic types examined except the In LAB, the MOP superfamily (Table 4.4; Hvorup
LAB. In Escherichia coli, loss of these proteins et al. 2003a) shows low percentages of multi anti-
decreases protein secretion efficiency and gives rise microbial extrusion (MATE) family multidrug resis-
to a temperature-sensitive growth phenotype (Xie tance (MDR) pumps and Mouse Virulence Factor
et al. 2006). It is surprising that SecDF homologs family porters (of unknown function) compared
are lacking in LAB that can grow at rapid rates. A with other bacteria examined. U-MOP4 family
compensatory mechanism must exist in LAB allow- members (of unknown function) are poorly repre-
ing the cells to grow rapidly in the absence of these sented in all groups of prokaryotes. However, LAB
proteins. exhibit increased proportions of polysaccharide
The DMT superfamily (Jack et al. 2001) shows exporters of the polysaccharide transport (PST)
decreased proportions of members of (1) the small family, and of U-MOP1 family members relative
cationic multidrug resistance (SMR) efflux pumps, to other types of bacteria (Table 4.4). It should be
and (2) the Drug/Metabolite Exporter (DME) family noted that in all of the superfamilies mentioned,
in LAB and other firmicutes relative to other bacte- several families of unknown specificity are present.
rial types. DME porters characterized so far are Some of these are represented in LAB while others
mostly metabolite exporters. Archaea show the are not. This fact may be understood when the func-
lowest percentages of SMR family members but the tions of these transporters are revealed. The under-
largest percentages of DME, Trp-E, and TPPT representation of both DMT and MOP superfamilies
family members of all prokaryotic groups examined relative to other firmicutes is also worthy of note.
(Table 4.3). The RarD and BAT2 families were not
4.4. ATP-Binding Cassette
found in archaea. Glucose/Ribose Porter family
(ABC) Transporters
members, which take up sugars, are present only in
firmicutes with LAB showing more than twice as Members of the ABC Superfamily (Davidson and
many family members as non-LAB firmicutes (see Maloney 2007) belong to 77 currently described
Table 4.3). families, including 27 families of uptake systems
78 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

and 50 families of exporters (see TCDB). Each to a set of independently evolving 6 TMS proteins
family is, in general, specific for a different type of showing no sequence similarity with ABC1 proteins
substrates, although exceptions to this generaliza- (Fig. 4.1B). A third family (ABC3) has members
tion are known. They can be specific for all kinds with 4, 8, or 10 TMSs per polypeptide chain (Fig.
of small molecules, and members of several families 4.1C). ABC3 proteins have a basic 4 TMS topology,
function in the export of macromolecules (proteins, but in the 8 and 10 TMS homologs, this unit has
lipids, and complex carbohydrates). They share the been duplicated, and in the 10 TMS proteins, dupli-
characteristic of being driven by ABC protein- cation resulted in the creation of two extra nonho-
dependent ATP hydrolysis (Davidson and Maloney mologous TMSs separating the two repeat units
2007). (Fig. 4.1C). These three types of systems are all
ABC primary active transporters form a unified present in the three domains of life, but in varying
group of proteins only in the sense that they use numbers, depending on the organismal type.
homologous energy-coupling ABC proteins. These Over 20,000 sequenced members of the ABC
are superimposed on the transmembrane porters that superfamily are collectively available for analysis.
derive from at least three distinct families of inde- They occur in relative numbers of 1>2>3 when all
pendently evolving transporters. One of these fami- living organisms are considered, but the distribu-
lies (ABC1) exhibits 6 TMSs per polypeptide chain, tions of these porter types are organismal-specific.
having arisen from a primordial 2 TMS hairpin Thus, LAB and actinobacteria display relative pro-
peptide as a result of two intragenic triplication portions of 1>>3>2, archaea have 2>>3 = 1, and
events (2 × 3 = 6; Fig. 4.1A). The second family Gram (−) bacteria and eukaryotes exhibit propor-
(ABC2) arose from a 3 TMS precursor by a single tions of 1>2>3 (Table 4.5). Surprisingly, the distri-
intragenic duplication event (3 × 2 = 6), giving rise butions of the three topological types occurring in

A ABC1: 6 TMSs

B ABC2: 6 TMSs

C ABC3: 8 TMSs

Figure 4.1. Schematic depiction of the structures of the three families of integral membrane ABC exporters that catalyze
substrate efflux using ATP hydrolysis for energy coupling. A. ABC1 proteins are 6 TMS permeases that arose by intragenic
triplication of a 2 TMS hairpin-encoding gene; B. ABC2 proteins are 6 TMS permeases that arose by intragenic duplication
of a gene encoding a 3 TMS primordial structure giving a 6 TMS protein with the two repeat units having opposite orienta-
tion in the membrane; C. ABC3 proteins are 4, 8, and 10 TMS permeases where duplication of the primordial 4 TMS element
gave rise to the 8 and 10 TMS proteins. In the 10 TMS proteins, the extra two TMSs separate the two 4 TMS repeat units.
Lactic Acid Bacteria: Comparative Genomic Analyses of Transport Systems 79

Table 4.5. Group distributions of ABC1, ABC2, and ABC3 types of ABC exporters.

Type/group ABC1 (%) ABC2 (%) ABC3 (%) Proportions # Proteins/organism

LAB 56 19 25 1>>3>2 305/11 (28)
Non-LAB firmicutes 43 29 28 1>2=3 335/11 (31)
Actinobacteria 55 17 28 1>>3>2 97/5 (19)
Gram (−) bacteria 37 34 29 1>2>3 641/33 (19)
Archaea 23 52 25 2>>3=1 200/14 (14)
Total 41 32 27 1>2>3 1578/73 (22)

Table 4.6. Functional types of ABC exporter expressed in percent, identified in different types of prokaryotes.

Substrate type/Organismal type Drugs CHOs Lipids Proteins Peptides AAs Unk Total #
LAB 64 4 1 10 12 3 6 305
1>>2>3 2>3 3 1=3 1 1 3>>2,1 1>>3>2
Non-LAB fermicutes 70 5 1 10 4 3 7 335
1>>2,3 2>>3 2 1=3>2 2>3>1 1 3>2>1 1>2=3
Actinobacteria 42 6 1 10 14 8 19 97
1>2>3 3>>2 1 3 1 1 3>1 1>>3>2
Gram (−) bacteria 39 10 10 16 7 4 14 641
2>1>3 2>>3>1 3>1>2 1=3 3>2>1 1 1=3>2 1>2>3
Archaea 51 8 3 8 9 5 17 200
3>2>1 2 1>2 3>2>>1 1>2 2>>1 3>2>>1 2>>3=1
Total 52 7 5 12 8 4 12 1578
1>2>3 2>>3>1 3>2>>1 3>1>>2 1>2>3 1>>2 3>2>1 1>2>3

the five organismal groups examined are distinctive, nally duplicated to give 10 TMSs. The probability
with only a few exceptions. Thus, Gram (−) bacteria that the basic 5 TMS unit also evolved by intragenic
and archaea have fewer ABC1 and more ABC2 duplication was recently suggested; the statistical
porters than the three types of Gram (+) bacteria. analyses reveal that TMSs 1–2 are homologous to
Archaea are most unusual as ABC2 porters pre- TMSs 4–5 (E.I. Sun, B. Wang, W.H. Zheng, D.C.
dominate over ABC1 porters. Yee, and M.H. Saier, unpublished results). Two pos-
With respect to the relative proportions of the sible routes can be considered. First, a 2 TMS
major functional types of ABC exporters, MDR hairpin polypeptide-chain might have duplicated so
pumps predominate in all groups of living organ- that a 5 TMS protein resulted in the N-terminal
isms (Table 4.6). In LAB and other firmicutes, hairpin facing inward and the C-terminal hairpin
64%–70% of all ABC exporters probably serve pro- facing outward. In this case, the central TMS
tective functions of drug/hydrophobic compound (TMS3) would have been generated de novo during
efflux. LAB have three times as many ABC-type the duplication event. Second, a 3 TMS precursor
peptide exporters as do other firmicutes. However, could have duplicated to give a 6 TMS protein, and
these organisms have fewer ABC amino acid, lipid, then the first TMS would have been lost as a result
and complex carbohydrate exporters than other pro- of a small N-terminal deletion mutation, early during
karyotic phyla (Table 4.6). This fact correlates with the evolution of these ABC porters. Due to these
the use of signaling peptides in Gram (+) bacteria to uptake porters showing significant sequence similar-
a much greater extent than in Gram (−) bacteria. ity with ABC2 exporters, the second interpretation
ABC uptake permeases often exhibit 5 TMSs per is favored (E.I. Sun, W.H. Zheng, and M.H. Saier,
polypeptide chain, although some have been inter- unpublished observations).
80 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

Some of these uptake porters are capable of func- VIT) are represented in much larger numbers (2–4
tioning either as low-affinity, low-efficiency, sec- greater representation) than the other two families
ondary carriers (when the ABC protein is absent) or (ZIP and NiCoT; Table 4.7). This situation is similar
as high-affinity, low-efficiency primary active trans- in non-LAB firmicutes except that, most surpris-
porters (when the ABC protein is superimposed on ingly, VIT family members are reduced by over
the transmembrane porter). This has been demon- tenfold. Actinobacteria and Gram (−) bacteria
strated for the E. coli biotin uptake system, BioY exhibit more equal numbers of the four family
(Hebbeln et al. 2007). However, genomic evidence members, but in archaea, the ZIP family is dominant
suggests that other homologous transport proteins over the Nramp and VIT families, which are in turn
(prokaryotic ThiW, TrpP, and phosphate:H+ or Na+ better represented than the NiCoT family (Table
symporters of the PNaS family; see TCDB) may 4.7).
also be capable of catalyzing primary active uptake Of the heavy metal efflux systems, the CDF
with appropriate ATP-hydrolyzing subunits (E.I. family predominates in all prokaryotic phyla exam-
Sun and M.H. Saier, unpublished observations). ined, but the CadD family is well represented in
Moreover, recently published data suggests that this Gram (+) bacteria (Table 4.7). CadD family members
family of porters is much larger than previously are not present in Gram (−) bacteria. On the other
thought and that many are specific for vitamins or hand, within the RND superfamily, HME family
vitamin precursors (Rodionov et al. 2009). These is well represented in Gram (−) but not in Gram (+)
suggestions need to be substantiated by wet lab bacteria. Neither family is represented in archaea.
experimentation. Thus, the CadD and HME families appear to
occur in restricted prokaryotic phyla. Only one, not
both, is present in any one type of organism (Table
4.5. Heavy Metal Transporters
Heavy metal ions are both essential for life and toxic The Ca2+:H+ or Na+ cation antiporters (CaCA
at high concentrations. Eight families of secondary family; Lytton 2007) are similarly represented in
active transporters are known to mediate divalent actinobacteria, Gram (−) bacteria, and archaea, but
cation uptake and efflux (Nramp, VIT, ZIP, and non-LAB firmicutes have substantially reduced
NiCoT for uptake; and CaCA, CDF, CadD, and numbers, and LAB lack these carriers altogether.
RND/HME for efflux). In LAB, two of the four These porters function primarily to exclude cyto-
families of heavy metal uptake systems (Nramp and plasmic Ca2+, but some of them can also export

Table 4.7. Secondary carriers specific for divalent cations. All values are expressed as the average number of the
transporters in each family divided by the number of genomes examined.

# Transporter 5/# organisms

Non-LAB Actino (−)
Organismal type/family LAB (firmicutes) bacteria bacteria Archaea
2+ 2+ 2− 2+ 2+ 2+ 2−
Nramp (Mn , Fe , Zn , Cu , Cd , Ni , Co uptake) 1.7 1.2 1 0.4 0.4
VIT (Fe2+, Mn2+ uptake) 1.3 0.1 0.5 0.2 0.4
ZIP (Zn2+, Fe2+, Co2+, Mn2+, Ni2+ uptake) 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.9
NiCoT (Ni2+, Co2+ uptake or efflux) 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.6 0.2
CaCA (Ca2+, Mn2+, Zn2+, Mg2+ efflux) 0 0.4 0.8 0.8 0.8
CDF (Co2+, Ni2+, Cd2+, Zn2+, Cu2+ efflux) 1.5 2 0.8 1.3 1.8
CadD (Cd2+ efflux) 0.4 0.2 0.4 0 0
RND/HME (Ni2+, Co2+, Zn2+, Ag+, Pb2+, Hg2+ efflux) 0 0 0 0.6 0
Lactic Acid Bacteria: Comparative Genomic Analyses of Transport Systems 81

other divalent ions. In the next section we shall see may reflect the close associations of various LAB
that the representation of P-type Ca2+-ATPases is with animals, plants, and fungi (Gobbetti et al. 1994;
inversely proportional to the numbers of CaCA Vaughan et al. 2002; Reddy et al. 2008) although
family members in the different bacterial types. the possibility of vertical descent should not be
Thus, it seems that Ca2+ export is essential, but that excluded. It is also worth noting that copper and
either CaCA family members or Ca2+-ATPases can heavy metal exporters are present in firmicutes
perform this function. Whether one or the other is (especially LAB) in lower proportions compared
used must depend on environmental or physiologi- with all other prokaryotic types examined (Table
cal conditions. For example, when the primary 4.7). Interestingly, three copper ATPase genes that
source of energy is ATP, resulting from fermenta- mediate copper homeostasis in Lactobacillus bul-
tive metabolism, ATP-dependent primary active garicus were induced upon acidification of the
transporters tend to predominate over pmf-driven culture medium (Penaud et al. 2006).
secondary carriers. However, when respiration pro- Our studies have identified P-type ATPases that
vides a pmf as the primary energy source, and ATP do not fall into one of the nine functionally charac-
is secondarily derived from the pmf via an F-type terized families of these enzyme/transporters.
ATPase, secondary carriers predominate (Paulsen Altogether, we have identified about two-dozen
et al. 1998, 2000). families, each represented only in eukaryotes or in
prokaryotes but not in both. Some of the largest of
these families, well represented in prokaryotes, are
4.6. P-type ATPases in Prokaryotes
presented in Table 4.8. Molecular genetic, biochem-
P-type ATPases control cation homeostasis in many ical, and physiological experimentation will be
organismal types (Fagan and Saier 1994; Palmgren required to determine the transport substrates of
and Axelsen 1998; De Hertogh et al. 2004; these enzymes.
Kühlbrandt 2004; Haupt et al. 2005). As noted
above, firmicutes, which have low numbers of
4.7. The Bacterial-Specific
CaCA family members, have two to three times as
Phosphotransferase System (PTS)
many Ca2+-ATPases as are found in actinobacteria
and Gram (−) bacteria (Table 4.7). By contrast, The PTS catalyzes group translocation, the coupling
archaea, which have a good representation of CaCA of sugar transport to sugar phosphorylation.
carriers, also have excellent representation of the Phosphoenolpyruvate is the initial phosphoryl
Ca2+-ATPases. donor. It phosphorylates Enzyme I, and then the
Of great interest is the fact that LAB encode phosphoryl group is sequentially passed to HPr,
P-type ATPases in their genomes that normally Enzyme IIA, Enzyme IIB, and finally to an incom-
occur in eukaryotes but not in most other bacteria. ing sugar in a reaction dependent on the transmem-
These include members of the families of Na+, K+- brane porter, Enzyme IIC. The cytoplasmic, general
exchange ATPases of animals (family 1 in TCDB), energy coupling proteins are Enzymes I and HPr,
H+/Mn2+-ATPases of plants and fungi (family 3), while the Enzyme II complexes consist of IIA, IIB,
and Na+ or K+ extruding ATPases of fungi and uni- and IIC subunits, sometimes fused to each other. In
cellular eukaryotes (family 9). Na+, K+-type ATPases the case of the mannose systems, there are also IID
are found in LAB and archaea; H+/Mn2+-ATPase are subunits.
present in LAB and, in lower numbers, in Gram (−) As discussed previously (Hvorup et al. 2003b;
bacteria and archaea; and Na+ or K+ exporters are Barabote and Saier 2005; Saier et al. 2005), there
present only in LAB (Table 4.7). The presence of exist four independently evolving families of PTS
eukaryotic K+-ATPase types correlates with the group translocators (Fig. 4.2). These permeases
absence of prokaryotic Kdp-type ATPases consist of IIA, IIB, IIC, and in the Man family, IID
(Bramkamp et al. 2007) in LAB. These observations protein domains. Family 1, the Glucose/Fructose/
82 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

Table 4.8. P-type ATPase superfamily representation (% of total systems for each organismal type).

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 23 25 32
H+, Cu+, Ag+
Na, K+ Ca2+ Mn2+ Mg2+ or Cu2+ HM K+ Na+; K+ # proteins/
Family/group (Out/In) (Out) (Out) (In) (Out/In) (Out) (In) (efflux) Unk Unk Unk organism
LAB 6 31 6 7 18 13 0 2 9 9 0 89/11 (8.1)
Non-LAB firmicutes 0 32 0 9 23 17 10 0 5 2 2 57/11 (5.2)
Actinobacteria 0 11 0 0 33 24 3 0 5 5 5 37/5 (7.4)
Gram (−) 0 11 2 9 32 15 12 0 0 2 2 121/33 (3.7)
Archaea 5 35 3 2 31 19 0 0 0 2 3 58/14 (4.1)
Average % 2 24 3 6 27 17 6 0.3 3 4 2 362/73 (5.0)


(Fru) Glucitol Mannose
(Gut) (Man)
L-Ascorbate Galactitol
4 + 4 TMS 6 TMS (Asc) (Gat)
Glucose Lactose
(Glc) (Lac)
DHA kinase
Superfamily Dihydroxyacetone 12 TMS
Figure 4.2. Four independently evolving families within the PTS functional superfamily. This schematic figure illustrates inde-
pendent evolutionary origins for the four currently recognized families. A. The Glc/Fru superfamily; B. the Man family; C. the
Asc/Gat superfamily; and D. the Dha family.

Lactose (Glc/Fru/Lac) superfamily, consists of these porters comprise the most sequence divergent
transporters that fall into seven phylogenetic clus- group of proteins in this superfamily (Nguyen et al.
ters, each specific for a particular sugar or sugar type 2006).
as follows: (1) glucose, (2) glucosides, (3) fructose, The mannose (Man) family, family 2, is the only
(4) mannitol, (5) lactose, (6) diacetylchitobiose, family to have a IID constituent (Saier et al. 2005).
and (7) glucitol (Nguyen et al. 2006). All of these Only this family includes systems that each can
systems except the glucitol-type systems probably exhibit broad specificity for hexoses (glucose,
have 8 TMSs per polypeptide chain (Nguyen et al. mannose, fructose, glucosamine, N-acetyl glucos-
2006). In the glucitol systems, the 8 TMSs are split amine, etc.). These 6 TMS proteins evolved inde-
between two proteins, each with 4 TMSs. Glucitol pendently of the 8 TMS permeases of the Glc/Fru/
porters exhibit sufficient sequence similarity to Lac family (Fig. 4.2B). All constituents of the Man
establish that they are homologous to other members family permeases (IIA, IIB, IIC, and IID) are unique
of the Glc/Fru/Lac family (Fig. 4.2A), although to this family, although the IIA protein has been
Lactic Acid Bacteria: Comparative Genomic Analyses of Transport Systems 83

incorporated into the late-evolving Dha PTS (see and small genome organisms such as Mycoplasma
below). species usually have few PTS permeases. Firmicutes,
Two distantly related families, the ascorbate including LAB, have the most PTS permeases in
(Asc) group translocators and the galactitol (Gat)- spite of their reduced genome sizes. Yet not all LAB
specific systems (Fig. 4.2C), have 12 TMSs per and other firmicutes have large numbers of PTS
polypeptide chain and together comprise family 3 porters; these organisms differ in over a 20-fold
(Hvorup et al. 2003b). They are related by common range with respect to their PTS permease representa-
descent and have a basic 6 TMS repeat unit, dupli- tion. Those firmicutes with highest representation
cated to give the 12 TMS topology. They may have over 3% of their genomes encoding PTS pro-
have evolved from secondary carriers (Fig. 4.2C). teins, up to about two-dozen PTS porters (Barabote
Surprisingly, it appears that members of the galac- and Saier 2005).
titol family, but not of the ascorbate family, may still Strain differences within a single species show
be able to function as secondary carriers (Saier et al. surprising differences in PTS content. For example,
2005). various strains of Streptococcus pyogenes may have
Finally, the dihydroxyacetone (DHA) PTS or lack a DHA-PTS, while various strains of
systems (the DhA systems; Fig. 4.2D) are not trans- Streptococcus agalactiae differ with respect to the
porters at all. They phosphorylate DHA in the cyto- presence or absence of an extra lactose (Lac) per-
plasm using phosphoenolpyruvate as the phosphoryl mease. Finally, Streptococcus pneumoniae strains
donor (Garcia-Alles et al. 2004). However, unlike differ with respect to the presence of a fructose (Fru)
all PTS permeases, the protein complex exhibiting system and whether or not IIA Fru is fused to a
0 TMSs is a multisubunit cytoplasmic enzyme BglG-like transcriptional regulator (Barabote and
complex, and arose from soluble ATP-dependent Saier 2005).
DHA kinases. These unique kinases are found in Further studies revealed that over evolutionary
bacteria including some that also have the DHA- time, fusion and splicing of PTS proteins to give
PTS (Barabote and Saier 2005). proteins of varying sizes and domain compositions
Dha systems of the PTS have three protein con- have occurred frequently. Moreover, horizontal
stituents, DhaM (IIA), DhaL (IIB), and DhaK (IIC; transfer of PTS genes accounts for the varied PTS
Siebold et al. 2003). DhaL corresponds in sequence protein compositions of closely related organisms.
to the N-termini of DHA kinases while DhaK cor- It appears that transporter gene transfer between
responds to the C-termini of these kinases. DhaM bacteria has occurred with frequencies that are
contains a domain that is distantly related to IIA roughly inversely proportional to phylogenetic dis-
proteins of the mannose (Man) systems (family 2, tance, and horizontal transfer between bacterial
Fig. 4.2B) and can be fused to other PTS domains. phyla has been surprisingly rare. Moreover, transfer
Like the GAT systems, these systems are not full- between the three domains of life has almost never
fledged PTS systems because (1) DhaL contains occurred. For example, genes encoding PTS pro-
tightly bound ADP, which is phosphorylated rather teins could not be identified in the archaeal or
than a histidyl or cysteyl residue in the proteins, and eukaryotic domains (Barabote and Saier 2005) while
(2) DhaK binds DHA covalently via a histidyl genes encoding members of the Mitochondrial
residue to provide specificity (Siebold et al. 2003; Carrier family are not present in prokaryotes (unpub-
Garcia-Alles et al. 2004). Covalent bond formation lished observations). It is assumed that these two
between enzymes and the sugar substrate is not superfamilies of transporters evolved after the great
observed for any other PTS enzyme. division between bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes.
Numbers of PTS proteins encoded within the Finally, fusions of PTS domains to non-PTS
genome of an organism do not correlate with genome enzymes and transport systems suggest novel PTS
size (Barabote and Saier 2005). For example, both regulatory functions not yet recognized (Barabote
large genome organisms such as most actinobacteria and Saier 2005).
84 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

4.8. Multidrug Resistance Pumps (TC# 2.A.17; 16%) > OPT (TC# 2.A.67;
10%) > AbgT (2.A.68) > PAT of the MFS (TC#
The occurrence of MFS-type MDR efflux pumps
2.A.1.25) or of PUP (TC# 9.A.18) (nearly 0% rep-
in LAB is much higher than in most other bacteria
resentation). This same trend is valid for other
as noted in Section 4.2. For example, LAB have
bacterial types although the percentages of these
over 60% of their MFS carriers functioning as
secondary carriers, relative to ABC transporter, are
MDR/hydrophobic compound exporters compared
usually greater for LAB. However, Gram (−) bacte-
with 40%–50% for other bacteria (Table 4.1; Lorca
ria exhibit appreciable representation of PAT and
et al. 2007), thus showing an unexpected trend.
PUP family members that are largely absent from
Moreover, in most LAB, MFS porters predominate:
Gram (+) bacteria. Since ABC systems usually
MFS (55%) > ABC (32%) > MOP (7%) > RND
transport their substrates with higher affinities than
(4%) > DMT (2%). However, in S. thermophilus,
secondary active transporters, these observations
the order is MOP (47%) > ABC (37%) > MFS
may reflect peptide concentrations in the environ-
(16%) > RND or DMT, and in L. delbruekii and
ments where these organisms evolved.
L. gasseri, these ratios are ABC (51%) > MFS
(44%) > RND (<5%) > MOP or DMT (0%). It is
therefore clear that while LAB exhibit unusual 4.10. Conclusions and Perspectives
trends, relative to other bacteria, they sometimes
Transport proteins in LAB constitute 13%–19% of
exhibit considerable variation among themselves.
the total genome-encoded genes, in spite of the
fact that the average value for most organisms is
close to 10% (Lorca et al. 2007). About 5% of
4.9. Nutrient Transport in LAB
these transporters are low-specificity, bidirectional,
Three mechanisms account for sugar uptake in bac- channel proteins involved in adaptation to stress
teria. In LAB, PTS permeases (52%) predominate conditions. About 55% are for nutrient uptake
over secondary carriers (34%), which predominate while ∼40% are for efflux. Specificities for uptake
over primary active ABC transporters (15%). Gram systems are amino acids > sugars > cations =
(+) firmicute pathogens show similar proportions. anions > peptides. For exporters, the preferences are
However, in actinobacteria, the order is secondary drugs >> peptides > macromolecules.
carriers (50%) > ABC transporters (41%) > PTS Most LAB have more secondary carriers than
group translocators (8%), and in select Gram (−) ATP-dependent, primary active transporters.
pathogens, the order is ABC (70%) > PTS However, in some LAB (e.g., L. delbrueckii and
(22%) > secondary carriers (8%). These relative S. thermophilus), the situation is the reverse (Lorca
numbers may reflect the modes of energy generation et al. 2007). These observations must reflect the
in the various groups of organisms under study environmental niches and evolutionary histories that
(Paulsen et al. 1998, 2000; Lorca et al. 2007). It is these organisms have experienced. They probably
also interesting to note that in contrast to most other also reflect the environments these organisms prefer
groups of bacteria, LAB prefer mammal- or plant- to inhabit today.
derived glycosides and oligosaccharides to simple LAB have tremendous industrial importance for
sugars (Lorca et al. 2007). fermentation of food products, for production and
In virtually all groups of prokaryotes studied, spoilage of wine and beer, and for the purpose of
ABC uptake porters of the PepT family (TC# promoting mammalian health (see Introduction).
3.A.1.5) predominate (71%–86% for bacteria and Based on the studies presented and discussed in this
nearly 100% for archaea) relative to all other types chapter, it was found that these organisms share
of peptide uptake systems. Secondary active trans- some unusual but nearly universal characteristics.
port of peptides is relatively rare. In LAB, the order They all have mechanosensitive channels for
of secondary carrier family representation is POT osmotic adaptation, and they have disproportion-
Lactic Acid Bacteria: Comparative Genomic Analyses of Transport Systems 85

ately large numbers of protective drug efflux pumps. which are normally found only in eukaryotes?
They also have a preponderance of oligosaccharide Perhaps their complement of transporters reflects
and glycoside uptake porters relative to transporters their unusual lifestyles in association with plants
that take up free sugars. These organisms largely and animals. But why do they have distributions
lack electron carriers although a very limited of transporter types that differ so much from other
array of them has been discovered (Vido et al. microbes, and sometimes from each other? The
2004). obvious generalized answer has to be EVOLUTION,
Characteristically, LAB have substantial numbers but what specifically? There are probably multiple
of peptide uptake and efflux systems, used for nutri- answers: (1) their reduced genome sizes may have
tion, signaling, regulation, and biological warfare. allowed the retention of only the most important
All LAB secrete proteins via Sec/Oxa1 systems, but transporters for these organisms, coping in their
they lack the Sec auxiliary proteins, SecDF. Because individualistic niches; (2) their unique habitats
of their rapid growth rates, they may possess com- reflecting unusual types of nutrient availability
pensatory proteins that fulfill the same illusive certainly played a role; (3) their apparent obsession
function(s) of SecDF. Moreover, all LAB seem to with competition and protection, and their preoc-
have competence-related and septal DNA transloca- cupation with biological warfare against other
tion proteins although competencies for DNA uptake microbes rather than eukaryotes must have been
are not a demonstrated characteristic of these organ- important; and (4) possibly a “desire” or need
isms. Finally, all LAB examined have at least one for communal life, dependent on intra- and interspe-
(and sometimes more) peptidoglycan (murein) pre- cies communication also played a role. Their close
cursor exporters. mutually beneficial associations with eukaryotic
Other strikingly unusual characteristics of LAB animals and plants, for example, was probably
include (1) the virtual absence of RND-type important, particularly to facilitate horizontal gene
exporters; (2) the poor representation of DMT and transfer between the eukaryotic and bacterial
MOP-type carriers, especially for drugs and metabo- domains.
lites; (3) the preponderance of MFS-type drug
exporters (>60% of all MFS carriers); (4) the unusual
distribution of the three independently arising Note
ABC-types of integral membrane proteins,
This chapter in part reviews aspects of published
(ABC1:ABC2:ABC3 = 1>>3>2 for LAB as com-
work (Lorca et al. 2007); it also reports previously
pared with most other bacteria (1>2>3>) and archaea
unpublished work reported in a plenary talk pre-
(2>>1>3); (5) the preponderance of PTS group
sented at the 9th Symposium on Lactic Acid Bacteria
translocators over primary and secondary active
held on August 31–September 4, 2008 at Egmond
transporters for sugars, although all types are repre-
Aan Zee in the Netherlands.
sented; (6) the tremendous variability in PTS trans-
porter representation in the different LAB examined;
(7) the unusual representation of divalent cation car-
riers with the NRAMP and VIT families being used
for uptake and the CDF family largely responsible We thank the NIH (GM077402 and R03AI078001)
for export; and (8) the surprising representation of for financial support and Jeeni Criscenzo for assis-
eukaryotic-type Na+ and H+-ATPases (TC families tance in the preparation of this manuscript. We wish
3.A.3.1, 3, and 9) absent in most other bacteria to acknowledge the important contributions of
including other firmicutes. Cindy Yiu, Soma Patel, Dorjee G. Tamang, Bin
Why do LAB have proportions of transporters so wang, and Foon Hoe Wong. Their efforts were
different from those of other bacteria, and why do instrumental in the generation of data included in
they have a rich supply of transporters, some of this chapter.
86 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

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Chapter 5

Applications of Lactic Acid

Bacteria-Produced Bacteriocins

Barry Collins, Paul D. Cotter, Colin Hill, and R. Paul Ross

Bacteriocins are antimicrobial peptides produced sole product of fermentation. Other shared features
by a wide variety of bacteria, including the lactic of these Gram (+) microorganisms include a low GC
acid bacteria (LAB), which are active against other content as well as being relatively acid tolerant, non-
Gram (+) bacteria. The fact that LAB bacteriocins sporulating rods or cocci. Due to the production of
frequently exhibit activity against significant spoil- lactic acid, LAB have historically been associated
age and disease-causing bacteria means that there with the fermentation of food, and as a result
are also a broad number of ways in which they could many LAB (including Lactococcus, Oenococcus,
be applied, for example, shelf-life extension, bio- Lactobacillus, Leuconostoc, Pediococcus, and some
preservation, control of the fermentation flora, and Streptococcus sp.) have a Generally Recognized as
potentially as clinical antimicrobials. While there is Safe status, although others, including species of
obvious merit in identifying and investigating ver- Enterococcus and Streptococcus, are pathogenic in
satile broad-spectrum bacteriocins, there is also nature (Madigan et al. 2003). LAB grow anaerobi-
scope for the exploitation of those with a narrow cally, although in many cases they are not sensitive
spectrum for the targeting especially problematic to O2, and obtain energy exclusively from sugar
species. The ways in which LAB bacteriocins have metabolism, thereby restricting their presence to
been applied and an assessment of their potential environments in which appropriate sugars are abun-
future applications will be reviewed here. In addi- dant. Many LAB, particularly those isolated from a
tion, as commercial interest in bacteriocins grows, protein-rich environment such as milk, have a
it is becoming increasingly important to assess the limited biosynthetic ability and their complex nutri-
possibility of the development of resistance to spe- tional requirements include amino acids, vitamins,
cific bacteriocins among target species. Thus a purines, and pyrimidines.
literature review to assess the likelihood of such As is the case with many other bacteria, bacterio-
an occurrence is also included. cin production is common among the LAB (Fig.
5.1). Bacteriocins are ribosomally synthesized anti-
microbial peptides produced by bacteria that are
5.1. Introduction
active against other bacteria. It has been noted that
Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are a diverse and the activity of bacteriocins is frequently directed
immensely useful group of bacteria that, while not against bacteria that are related to the bacteriocin-
adhering to a strict taxonomical grouping, are asso- producing strain or against bacteria found in similar
ciated on the basis of shared properties (Pfeiler and environments. It has also been noted that some bac-
Klaenhammer 2007). The most significant common teriocins can also play a role in cell signaling.
trait is the production of lactic acid as a major or Microorganisms that produce bacteriocins also

Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria Novel Applications 89

Edited by Fernanda Mozzi, Raúl R. Raya and Graciela M. Vignolo
© 2010 Blackwell Publishing. ISBN: 978-0-813-81583-1
90 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

Figure 5.1. Different bacteriocin-producing strains of bacteria overlayed with a bacteriocin-sensitive species. Antagonism
between bacteriocin producers and the indicator is seen as zones of clearing where the sensitive species do not grow.
Bactericidal effect can be species-specific.

possess immunity mechanisms to confer self-protec- down by gut proteases, it does not cause harm to the
tion, that is, to protect bacteriocin producers from gut microflora. Nisin has commonly been used in
committing “suicide” (Cotter et al. 2005; Draper processed cheese, various pasteurized dairy prod-
et al. 2008). It has been estimated that between ucts, and canned vegetables; many additional food-
30% and 99% of all bacteria and Archaea produce related uses have also been proposed. There has also
bacteriocins; their production by LAB is very signi- been much interest in using nisin for the treatment
ficant from the point of view of their potential appli- or prevention of human diseases and in veterinary
cations in food systems and thus, unsurprisingly, products (Delves-Broughton et al. 1996). It is impor-
these have been most extensively investigated. tant to also note that, although as yet unexploited in
Of the LAB bacteriocins identified to date, nisin, the majority of cases, many other bacteriocins also
the original lantibiotic (or class I) bacteriocin, has offer potential benefits to producers and consumers
been the most extensively investigated and remains of food. These benefits primarily involve a reduced
the only bacteriocin to have been approved for use requirement for chemical or physical processes for
by the European Union and the Food and Drug the preservation of food. These goals can be facili-
administration (FDA; Guinane et al. 2005). Several tated through the use of bacteriocins as concentrated
variants of nisin, which is 34 amino acids long and preparations, as crude fermentates, or through the
has a broad-spectrum of activity against strains of incorporation of live bacteriocin-producing strain(s),
Gram (+) bacteria, are produced by Lactococcus either through direct addition to the food or in an
lactis or Streptococcus uberis (Mulders et al. 1991; immobilized form on packaging. Bacteriocins can,
Wirawan et al. 2006). Nisin has been used in a of course, also be used in conjunction with other
variety of applications because of its broad- factors such as high pressure or pulse electric fields,
spectrum of activity and, because it is easily broken to achieve more effective preservation of foods
Applications of Lactic Acid Bacteria-Produced Bacteriocins 91

(Galvez et al. 2007). In addition to roles in the food Table 5.1. Lantibiotics of lactic acid bacteria.
industry, the potential of a number of LAB bacte-
Lantibiotic Producing strain Reference
riocins other than nisin have also been investigated
Nisin A L. lactis Gross and Morell (1971)
with a view to potential clinical uses; for example,
Nisin Z L. lactis Mulders et al. (1991)
the lantibiotic lacticin 3147 has been shown to Nisin F L. lactis de Kwaadsteniet et al.
be effective at killing drug-resistant pathogens (2008)
such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Nisin U Strep. uberis Wirawan et al. (2006)
(MRSA), vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE), Nisin U2 Strep. uberis Wirawan et al. (2006)
Nisin Q L. lactis Zendo et al. (2003)
and Clostridium difficile (Galvin et al. 1999; Rea et
Mutacin Strep. mutans Mota-Meira et al. (1997)
al. 2007), while other studies have demonstrated the B-NY266
ability of other lantibiotics to control Streptococcus Mutacin 1140 Strep. mutans Hillman et al. (1998)
pneumoniae and MRSA infections in mice (Niu and Mutacin I Strep. mutans Tsang et al. (2005)
Neu 1991; Goldstein et al. 1998) or to prevent tooth Streptin Strep. pyogenes Wescombe and Tagg
decay and gingivitis (Howell et al. 1993; McConville
Macedocin Strep. Georgalaki et al. (2002)
1995). Bacteriocin-containing products have also macedonicus
been shown to be of benefit in treating bovine mas- Lacticin 481 L. lactis Piard et al. (1993)
titis (Ryan et al. 1999) and even in throat sprays for Mutacin K8 Strep. mutans Robson et al. (2007)
improving bad breath (Tagg 2004). Mutacin II Strep. mutans Chikindas et al. (1995)
Streptococcin Strep. pyogenes Tagg and Wannamaker
A-FF22 (1978)
5.2. Bacteriocins of LAB Salivaricin A Strep. salivarius Ross et al. (1993)
Salivaricin A1 Strep. pyogenes Wescombe et al. (2006)
Although a number of different classification Salivaricin A2 Strep. salivarius Wescombe et al. (2006)
systems have been proposed for LAB bacteriocins Salivaricin A3 Strep. salivarius Wescombe et al. (2006)
Salivaricin A4 Strep. salivarius Wescombe et al. (2006)
(Klaenhammer 1993; Nes et al. 1996), for the
Salivaricin A5 Strep. salivarius Wescombe et al. (2006)
purpose of this review we have adopted a relatively Salivaricin B Strep. salivarius Hyink et al. (2007)
recent approach that reflects the fact that most Plantaricin C Lact. plantarum Turner et al. (1999)
bacteriocins can be grouped into two classes with Lacticin 3147 L. lactis Ryan et al. (1996)
relative ease, that is, the lanthionine-containing bac- Lacticin J46 L. lactis Huot et al. (1996)
SmbB Strep. mutans Yonezawa and
teriocins or lantibiotics (class I) and the largely
Kuramitsu (2005)
unmodified linear peptide antimicrobials (class II; BhtA Strep. rattus Hyink et al. (2005)
Cotter et al. 2005). Lactosin S Lact. sake Mortvedt et al. (1991)
Plantaricin W Lact. plantarum Holo et al. (2001)
Bovicin HJ50 Strep. bovis Xiao et al. (2004)
5.2.1. Class I Bacteriocins Bovicin HC5 Strep. bovis Mantovani et al. (2002)
Cytolysin Ent. faecalis Gilmore et al. (1996)
The lanthionine-containing bacteriocins or lantibiot-
ics consist of small, heat stable peptides (19–39
amino acids in length) that contain unusual
residues, including lanthionines (Lan) and/or β- these Dha or Dhb residues, resulting in the forma-
methyllanthionines (meLan; Cotter et al. 2005; tion of Lan or meLan bridges, respectively (Willey
Table 5.1). These unusual residues are introduced as and van der Donk 2007). These intramolecular
a consequence of extensive posttranslational modi- bridges give lantibiotics their distinctive ring struc-
fications. These modifications result primarily from tures. Finally, the modified peptide is exported and
the dehydration of serine (Ser) and threonine (Thr) the 23–59 amino acid leader sequence is proteolyti-
residues to 2,3-dehydoalanine (Dha) and (Z)-2,3- cally removed (Xie and van der Donk 2004).
dehydrobutyrine (Dhb), respectively. Neighboring Additional, less typical, modified residues are occa-
cysteines (Cys) can become covalently linked to sionally observed in lantibiotics and in total at least
92 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

15 different posttranslational modifications have the producing microorganism. Very few of these
been identified. The extent to which such modifica- peptides have been described to date. The putative
tions occur varies with lactocin S (24% modified modification enzymes of these peptides bear homol-
residues) and microbisporicin (58% modified ogy to the C-terminal cyclization domain of LanM
residues) representing extreme examples (Gilmore enzymes but lack associated essential zinc ligands
et al. 1996; Castiglione et al. 2008). To add to this and thus may be modified in a unique way. To date,
complexity, a number of two peptide lantibiotics no species of LAB has been discovered that pro-
have been identified. These are lantibiotics that duces any of these compounds (Willey and van der
function maximally as a result of a synergistic Donk 2007). An alternative, not necessarily mutu-
interaction between two lantibiotic peptides. A ally exclusive, scheme for the subclassification of
number of these two-component systems (i.e., lacti- lantibiotics has been proposed whereby the peptides
cin 3147, staphylococcin C55, plantaricin W, Smb, have been divided on the basis of similarity between
BHT-A, and haloduracin) are very closely related the structural peptides, with each subclass named on
(Lawton et al. 2007); however, the enterococcal the basis of the name of the prototypical lantibiotic.
two-peptide lantibiotic cytolysin is quite different Of these, the nisin, epidermin, streptin, lacticin 481,
and in fact functions as a virulence factor in that mersacidin, and LtnA2 subclasses all contain lanti-
pathogen. biotics produced by members of the LAB (Twomey
Lantibiotics can be further subdivided into three et al. 2002; Field et al. 2007).
subclasses depending on whether they have antimi- Following complete modification lantibiotic pep-
crobial activity and the mechanisms by which the tides are exported from the cell by dedicated trans-
peptide gains maturity. This type of scheme includes porters. Subclass I peptides are expelled by an
most peptides and leaves scope for the inclusion of ATP-binding casette (ABC) transporter, LanT,
peptides that have yet to be discovered. The modi- while LanP, a subtilisin-like serine protease, cleaves
fication method is the key difference between sub- the accompanying leader peptide. The secretion and
class I, subclass II, and subclass III lantibiotics. processing of subclass II lantibiotics is performed
Analysis of the leader sequences of the different by a single multifunctional protein with a conserved
types of lantibiotics usually indicates the type of N-terminal cysteine protease domain, which is also
modification method that will be employed. When referred to as LanT despite differing from the sub-
the leader sequences are compared, two conserved class I transporters of the same name. Thus far, two
sequences have been identified. Lantibiotics with peptide lantibiotics have all been representatives of
the conserved FNLD sequence between position subclass II lantibiotics (Lawton et al. 2007).
−20 and −15 are posttranslationally modified by a One of the key characteristics of bacteriocin-
two-enzyme system involving LanB and LanC, producing bacteria is the production of proteins that
responsible for dehydration and cyclization, respec- protect producers against the action of their own
tively. A generic designation lan is used to describe bacteriocin. This phenomenon is known as bacterio-
the genes of the lantibiotic gene clusters with, for cin immunity. Lantibiotic-producing microorgan-
example, lanA being used to denote the gene encod- isms rely on a dedicated immunity protein LanI and/
ing the structural peptide. Subclass II peptides or an ABC transporter encoded by lanFE(G). The
containing a characteristic “GG” or “GA” cleavage mode of action of at least some LanI proteins is to
site have only one modification enzyme (generically bind at the membrane-cell interface, obscuring the
termed LanM), which performs both the dehydrat- target site and therefore protecting the cell from its
ing and cyclizing roles (Chatterjee et al. 2005). own lantibiotic (Hoffmann et al. 2004). Alternatively,
Subclass III lantibiotics are lanthionine-containing or in addition, the LanFE(G) ABC transporter expels
peptides that are structurally similar to conventional the antimicrobial peptide from the cell into the
lantibiotics but do not have significant antimicrobial extracellular environment (Stein et al. 2003; Draper
properties; they are employed in a different role by et al. 2008).
Applications of Lactic Acid Bacteria-Produced Bacteriocins 93

A Nisin
Class I bacteriocin

15 Ala Met
Dha S Gly C Gly S
Ile Leu 20 D His
B Abu Ala Ala
Ile Dhb Ala Ala Abu Ala Lys Asn Met Lys Abu Ala Ser Ile His Val Dha Lys
A Abu
Pro Gly S Ala E 30
25 S
S 10

B Pediocin

Class II bacteriocin

10 Lys
Ala Thr 35
Gly His
Met Gly
Cys Ser
S S Ala Gly
Thr Cys 30
Val Gly His
Lys Tyr Tyr Gly Asn Gly Ser 15
Asn Gln
5 Val
Asn Gly 40
Ile Asn
Gly 25 Ile
Lys Cys Lys

Thr Thr


Figure 5.2. Prototypical bacteriocins of the LAB. A. Nisin, the typical lantibiotic has the characteristic lantibiotic lanthionine
bridges, resulting in the formation of ring structures; B. Pediocin, the prototype class II bacteriocin, has an unmodified

As noted above, the prototypic lantibiotic nisin dependent, modification mechanism (Dufour et al.
is the prototype of the subclass I lantibiotics (Fig. 2007).
5.2). The genes responsible for nisin production, Though the lantibiotics are predominantly active
processing, immunity, and regulation are located on against Gram (+) bacteria, limited activity against
a large conjugative transposon and are organized in Gram (−) organisms has been noted which, in
four operons, that is, nisABTCIPRK, nisI, nisRK, general, requires prior disruption of the outer mem-
and nisFEG. The nisin equivalent of LanA (NisA) brane of the Gram (−) cell envelope by another
consists of a 57-residue pre-peptide that is ribo- agent (Hoffmann et al. 2002). Many lantibiotics,
somally synthesized before undergoing extensive including nisin, exhibit dual modes of action, both
posttranslational modification by the processing facilitated by the target lipid II. Lipid II is an essen-
machinery encoded by nisB and nisC (Rink et al. tial intermediate in cell wall synthesis, and the
2007). Lacticin 481 is a typical class II lantibiotic, nisin : lipid II complex both inhibits normal peptido-
the genetic determinants of which are encoded by glycan formation and also facilitates the assembly
a single six-gene operon, lctAMTFEG, located on of pores in the cell membrane resulting in the loss
a 70-kb plasmid. As lacticin 481 is a member of of membrane potential and the efflux of nutrients
subclass II, it utilizes the alternative, LanM- (Wiedemann et al. 2001; van Heusden et al. 2002;
94 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

Wiedemann et al. 2004). While binding to lipid II is served. The C-terminal domain has been used to
a key step in the activities of a number of lantibiotics further divide the class IIa bacteriocins into three
(Wiedemann et al. 2006a, 2006b), on some occa- further subgroups (Johnsen et al. 2005b). The pep-
sions the inhibition of peptidoglycan synthesis is the tides of subgroup 2 tend to be shorter than those
sole means via which the peptide functions (Dufour within subgroups 1 and 3 due to a reduced C-terminal
et al. 2007). section whereas peptides in subgroup 3 are distin-
guished by the absence of a cysteine and/or a tryp-
tophan that stabilizes the hairpin found at the
5.2.2. Class II Bacteriocins
C-terminal end of subgroup 1 and 2 peptides. It is
The class II bacteriocins are small, heat-stable, non- thought that the hinge region endows the peptide
lanthionine-containing peptides that are not subject with additional flexibility, allowing the C-terminal
to extensive posttranslational modification. Many domain to dip into the hydrophobic region of the
class II bacteriocins are active in the nanomolar membrane, resulting in the leakage of cell constitu-
range and pore formation is the most common mode ents (Uteng et al. 2003; Fimland et al. 2006). In
of action. The heterogeneous nature of these pep- studies where hybrid peptides were created by
tides makes classification difficult. Cotter et al. joining N- and C-terminal regions from different
(2005) proposed four subclasses consisting of the pediocin-like peptides, it was apparent that the
pediocin-like (subclass a bacteriocins; Fig. 5.2), C-terminal domain contributes greatly to determin-
two-peptide (subclass b bacteriocins), cyclic (sub- ing the specificity of pediocin-like bacteriocins
class c), and non-pediocin single peptide linear (Johnsen et al. 2005b). The mechanisms for target
bacteriocins (subclass d). cell recognition and producer cell immunity have
Class IIa bacteriocins, which have been identified been the subject of intense investigation (Dalet et al.
in a wide range of LAB, have a narrow spectrum of 2001; Gravesen et al. 2002b; Ramnath et al. 2004)
activity but are particularly potent against Listeria and it has been established that components of the
monocytogenes. They range in size from 27 to 48 mannose phosphotransferase system are used as a
amino acids and are distinguished by the presence target or receptor for lactococcin A and other class
of a YGNGVXCXXXXCXV motif toward the II bacteriocins (Diep et al. 2007).
N-terminal, which includes two cysteines that form While in the majority of cases the genes encoding
a disulphide bridge. Class IIa pre-peptides contain class IIa bacteriocins are located on plasmids, there
an N-terminal leader sequence that is required for are some exceptions, such as enterocin A and
interaction with a dedicated transporter and ensures sakacin P, where these genes are chromosomally
that the pre-peptide remains inactive until secretion located. The genes can be organized in a single or
from the cell. The leader generally consists of 15–30 multiple operons (Drider et al. 2006). The four
residues and is most frequently removed during genes associated with production of immunity to
export by cleavage at the C-terminal side of a dou- plantaricin 423, pediocin PA-1 and coagulin are
ble-glycine motif (Havarstein et al. 1995). A limited located in one operon whereas the genes involved
number of peptides have a Sec-type leader sequence in the production of sakacin P, divergicin V41, and
resulting in translocation via the general Sec pathway enterocin A are spread over several operons contain-
present in many bacteria (Cintas et al. 1997; ing the structural and immunity genes, secretion
Kalmokoff et al. 2001). The N-terminal domain of genes, and regulatory genes (Ennahar et al. 2000).
the active peptide adopts an S-shaped three-stranded The aforementioned “four-gene” class IIa bacterio-
anti-parallel β-sheet conformation that is stabilized cins consist of genes encoding the structural pre-
by a disulfide bridge and this region is responsible peptide, an immunity protein (often also a peptide)
for initiating binding to the target cell (Fimland required for self-protection, an ABC transporter that
et al. 2005). The C-terminal domains, which are transports the bacteriocin across the membrane and
located after a central “hinge” region, are less con- removes the associated leader sequence, and an
Applications of Lactic Acid Bacteria-Produced Bacteriocins 95

accessory protein that is thought to be linked to Reenen et al. 2006). The most common method of
secretion (Fimland et al. 2005). While the majority self-protection among producers of class IIa, class
of such peptides are exported through recognition of IIb, or class IId bacteriocins involves a single immu-
the specific leader region by a dedicated ABC trans- nity protein whereas class IIc bacteriocins rely on
porter (Havarstein et al. 1995), as noted above some an ABC transporter (Cotter et al. 2005). A compari-
bacteriocins contain leaders of the “Sec type,” which son of class IIa immunity proteins has shown that
are cleaved during bacteriocin secretion by the mul- they can vary dramatically, with anything from
tifunctional bacterial Sec pathway (Sanchez et al. 5%–85% similarity (Eijsink et al. 1998). Although
2008). Enterocin P, bacteriocin 31, and bacteriocin the protection provided by these peptides is in
T8 are all class IIa Sec-dependent bacteriocins (De general very specific, it is unsurprising, given the
Kwaadsteniet et al. 2006). occasional high levels of homology, that some class
The Class IIb bacteriocins are two-peptide bac- IIa immunity proteins have been shown to confer
teriocins that, like their lantibiotic counterparts, cross-resistance. These immunity proteins range in
exhibit synergistic (rather than additive) activity size from 81 to 115 amino acids and can be arranged
when the two complementary peptides are com- into three groups (group A–C) based on sequence
bined. These bacteriocins are also distinguished similarity. The structure of four class II immunity
from other bacteriocins that function synergistically proteins have been determined, group A (EntA-im
by the fact that the structural genes for both peptides and PedB), group B (PisI), and group C (ImB2;
are found within the same operon (Eijsink et al. Sprules et al. 2004; Johnsen et al. 2005a; Kim et al.
2002). It is common for one or both of the peptides 2007; Martin-Visscher et al. 2008). These proteins
to lack activity when assessed individually but to fold into a globular conformation in aqueous solu-
have potent activity when used in combination with tions and contain an antiparallel four-helix bundle,
its partner peptide. Genetically the two-component which is a defining characteristic of class IIa immu-
bacteriocins have at least five genes, in one or two nity proteins (Martin-Visscher et al. 2008). In
operons, which encode two structural peptides, an general, the immunity genes associated with these
immunity protein, an ABC transporter, and an bacteriocins reside on the same operon as the
accessory protein that is thought to be linked to structural genes with co-expression ensuring that
transport. All of the two component bacteriocins bacteriocin and immunity protein production is
characterized have a 15- to 30-residue N-terminal coordinated. It has also been observed that bacteria
leader sequence, of the double glycine type. This is can be more sensitive to other bacteriocins when
removed during export by the ABC transporter. they are not producing their own bacteriocin (Drider
Production of some members of the class IIb bacte- et al. 2006).
riocins is regulated by a regulatory mechanism con- With regard to mode of action, most class II
sisting of a three-component signal transduction bacteriocins are thought to form pores in the bacte-
system. These systems are comprised of a secreted rial membrane that result in leakage of key constitu-
peptide pheromone, a membrane-associated histi- ents from the cell, disruption of the proton motive
dine protein kinase sensor, and an intracellular force, and ATP depletion. As much as the formation
response regulator (Oppegard et al. 2007). The of pores is common among bacteriocins, the con-
remaining groups of class II bacteriocins are class ductivity, size, and stability of pores vary greatly
IIc that are cyclic peptides, that is, peptides in (Eijsink et al. 2002). As noted above, the mannose
which the N- and C-terminii are covalently linked phosphotransferase system (PTS) has been identi-
resulting in a cyclic structure, and the one peptide fied as the receptor for class IIa bacteriocins (Diep
non-pediocin linear peptides that comprise class IId. et al. 2007), while recently lactococcin 972 (class
As with the lantibiotics, producers of class IIa IId) has been shown to be the first example of a
bacteriocins must protect themselves via a dedicated non-lantibiotic bacteriocin that interacts with lipid
immunity mechanism (Johnsen et al. 2005b; Van II (Martinez et al. 2008a).
96 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

5.3. Applications have been utilized in combination with heat, modi-

fied atmosphere packaging, pulsed electric fields,
5.3.1. Applications of Class I Bacteriocins high hydrostatic pressure, and other antimicrobial
One of the most important roles of lantibiotics is the compounds in this way (Nilsson et al. 1997; Ueckert
inhibition of food-borne pathogenic bacteria such as et al. 1998; Pol and Smid 1999; Dutreux et al. 2000;
L. monocytogenes, S. aureus, Clostridium botuli- Morgan et al. 2000). The hurdle approach has also
num, Clostridium perfringens, Bacillus cereus, and provided a means via which previously insensitive
others (Brotz et al. 1995; Guerlava et al. 1998; Pol Gram (−) bacteria can be sensitized to nisin; it is
et al. 2000; Rodgers et al. 2003; Nguyen et al. 2008). possible to render E. coli nisin sensitive when used
Lantibiotics can also inhibit spoilage microorgan- in conjunction with high-pressure homogenization
isms that can be very costly to the food industry, for (Diels et al. 2005).
example, Clostridium tyrobutyricum and B. cereus An alternative means of utilizing lantibiotics in
(Rilla et al. 2003; de Carvalho et al. 2007). Nisin is food as preservatives has involved the use of lanti-
the main lantibiotic applied by industry to date. It biotic-producing starter cultures during food fer-
has been commercially available since 1953 and in mentations. Bacteriocins can also be incorporated
1969 gained approval from the joint Food and into fermented foods to control the growth of non-
Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization starter LAB (NSLAB) and to bring about the lysis
expert committee on additives. In 1983 it was added of starters, NSLAB, and adjunct strains during
to the European food additive list and in 1988 it was cheese making, thereby releasing enzymes into the
approved for use by the FDA in processed cheese cheese that result in the breakdown of low molecular
spreads (Cotter et al. 2005; Delves-Broughton weight peptides and free amino acids and contribut-
2005). Thus, nisin is the bacteriocin most frequently ing to quality, texture, and flavor (O’Sullivan et al.
utilized to control spoilage and pathogenic bacteria. 2002, 2003a). It should also be noted that in some
Six natural variants of nisin have been discovered instances it is sufficient to apply the lantibiotic-pro-
to date. The most common nisin variants are nisin ducing strain to the surface of a food, for example,
A and Z although other variants have been charac- a mold-ripened cheese, in order to provide protec-
terized, including nisin Q, U, U2, and the newest tion against pathogenic bacteria (O’Sullivan et al.
variant nisin F. Nisin A, nisin Z, nisin F, and nisin 2006).
Q are produced by L. lactis. Nisin U and nisin U2 As noted in the introduction, lantibiotics have
are produced by Strep. uberis (De Kwaadsteniet et also been shown to have applications in the field of
al. 2008; Lubelski et al. 2008). Of these only nisin human health. With respect to oral health, a
A is available commercially, albeit in various forms, Streptococcus salivarius producing the lantibiotic
for example, as Nisaplin®, a product containing salivaricin A has been shown to reduce the bacteria
2.5% nisin A (with the remainder of the powder implicated in halitosis (Burton et al. 2006), while
being milk solids derived from the fermentation of milk products supplemented with a salivaricin
a modified milk medium by a nisin-producing strain A-producing strain have been shown to help protect
of L. lactis). Even though nisin is the only lantibiotic against infection with Streptococcus pyogenes,
that is currently used in this manner (Delves- which is responsible for oral pharyngitis (Dierksen
Broughton 2005), other lantibiotics such as lacticin et al. 2007). Furthermore, strains of Streptococcus
3147 and variacin have displayed great potential mutans, which produce the lantibiotic mutacin 1140
when similarly prepared and used as a sole preserva- and which have been mutated to diminish their
tive (Morgan et al. 2001; O’Mahony et al. 2001) or acidogenic phenotype, have been successfully
as part of a hurdle approach in food processing. employed to competitively inhibit plaque-forming
Hurdle technology involves the use of multiple anti- S. mutans. The 1140-producing strain of bacteria has
microbial factors to greatly increase the efficacy of been modified to be easily eliminated from the
the elimination of microorganisms, and bacteriocins human host in case of adverse reactions (Hillman
Applications of Lactic Acid Bacteria-Produced Bacteriocins 97

et al. 2007). In addition to eliminating a wide range surface spraying of a cell suspension of a PA-
of pathogenic bacteria, it is worth noting that certain 1-producing Lactobacillus plantarum can protect
lantibiotics are capable of killing so-called “super cheese from L. monocytogenes contamination
bugs,” MRSA, VRE, and C. difficile (Galvin et al. (Ennahar et al. 1996).
1999; Kruszewska et al. 2004; Rea et al. 2007).
The area of sexual health and contraception
could also benefit from recent studies that show that
5.3.3. Lantibiotic Bioengineering
nisin and lacticin 3147 are capable of killing sperm
from various animal species (Reddy et al. 2004; Due to the gene-encoded nature of bacteriocins,
Silkin et al. 2008). When this is combined with their there are potentially significant benefits to employ-
existing antimicrobial properties, the potential of ing modern cutting-edge bioengineering to progress
these peptides as novel anti-sexually transmitted the field beyond the scope of traditional peptide
infection contraceptive additives is evident. The discovery, description, and production. One particu-
main application considered from the veterinary lar outlet for bioengineering in the lantibiotic field
standpoint is the utilization of bacteriocins to combat involves the creation of strains that produce ever
mastitis, the most costly disease to the dairy industry greater quantities of lantibiotic peptide. The intro-
worldwide. Lacticin 3147 has been investigated to duction of additional copies of genes encoding nisin
determine its efficacy against the main mastitis regulators had such an impact on nisin production
pathogens (Ryan et al. 1998; Ryan et al. 1999). It (Cheigh et al. 2005), and for lacticin 3147 overpro-
has also been used as an additive in bovine mastitis duction was achieved through the addition of extra
teat seals and has improved the antimicrobial capac- copies of the biosynthetic/production machinery
ity of this product (Twomey et al. 2000; Crispie and regulatory genes. Additional copies of the struc-
et al. 2005). tural genes were not essential for this approach to
be successful (Cotter et al. 2006b). Another strategy
to improve the efficacy of lantibiotic-producing
strains is to manipulate specific strains such that
5.3.2. Applications of Class II Bacteriocins
more than one antimicrobial is produced through
From a commercial perspective, the most important the conjugation of multiple large bacteriocin-encod-
class II bacteriocin is pediocin PA-1, which is ing plasmids into a single strain. Such strains have
present in the commercial product AltaTM 2341 been found to be more effective at eliminating prob-
(Quest International, Hoffman Estates, IL). This fer- lematic species than the parent strains (O’Sullivan
mentate is used as a shelf-life extender in a number et al. 2003b). It is also possible to achieve this
of foods and as a protectant against L. monocyto- goal through the amplification and cloning of
genes in ready-to-eat meat products (Rodriguez lantibiotic-encoding genes into shuttle vectors and
et al. 2002). The class IIa bacteriocins are ideally heterologous production in other strains. Such an
suited to the protection of fermented foodstuff from approach was used to facilitate the production of
L. monocytogenes in that they successfully antago- lacticin 3147 by an Enterococcus host (Ryan et al.
nize L. monocytogenes without affecting the lacto- 2001).
cocci involved in fermentative processes (Eijsink The bioengineering of existing and novel pep-
et al. 1998). Pediocin PA-1 has also been employed tides could also lead to the generation of lantibiotics
in food in other ways. When used in conjunction with improved potency and/or suitability for specific
with other antimicrobials it efficiently removes applications. Before employing mutagenesis to bio-
viable L. monocytogenes from the surface of beef engineer these peptides it is important to know
frankfurters as well as from freshly cut produce which amino acids are amenable, and which are
(Uhart et al. 2004; Bari et al. 2005). Producers of intolerant, to change. One approach that has been
PA-1 can also be employed directly; for example, taken to address this issue in lacticin 3147 relied on
98 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

alanine-scanning mutagenesis whereby all residues subtilin, Pep5, and mersacidin (Liu and Hansen
are converted in turn to an alanine (or a glycine 1992; Bierbaum et al. 1994; Szekat et al. 2003;
should an alanine be naturally present; Cotter et al. Heinzmann et al. 2006), it is apparent that we may
2006a). This study revealed the identity of essential be entering an exciting new era of lantibiotic
and nonessential residues and will be of great use bioengineering.
with respect to the further rational drug design of While the approaches described above rely on the
this lantibiotic. subtle alteration of natural lantibiotic producers, it
A number of other studies have provided insights is possible to more dramatically alter lantibiotic and
into the structure/function relationships of specific non-lantibiotic peptides by altering existing, or
lantibiotics and have, for example, been crucial in introducing new, posttranslational modifications
revealing the importance within the hinge region (a through the application of lantibiotic biosynthetic
three-amino acid stretch that links the N-terminal enzymes (and specific LanM and LanB/C proteins
lipid II-binding and C-terminal pore-forming in particular). The ability of such enzymes to bring
domains) of nisin and related peptides. The impor- about cyclization is significant as such structures
tance of this region was apparent when manipulation have been shown to protect peptides against pepti-
of the hinge region in mutacin II resulted in a dases and proteases, a property which is particularly
loss of activity (Chen et al. 1998) while discrete useful from a drug design standpoint (Li and Roller
alterations in the hinge region of nisin Z resulted 2002). Using such an approach the NisC enzyme has
in mutants that had improved stability at elevated been utilized to cyclize and, as a result stabilize,
temperatures and neutral or basic pH (Yuan et al. non-lantibiotic peptides (Rink et al. 2007). NisB has
2004). Recently, the most comprehensive manipula- also been used to introduce dehydro residues and
tion of the nisin hinge region to date has proved facilitate the formation of thioether bridges into
particularly revealing. This work was prompted various peptides (Kluskens et al. 2005). The LanM
by the discovery that the alteration leading to the proteins such as LctM (the lacticin 481 modification
creation of a nisin variant with enhanced activity protein) can be similarly exploited (Chatterjee et al.
against Streptococcus agalactiae could be traced 2006).
as a change within the hinge region (K22T). Of course bioengineering of bacteriocins is not
Subsequently a saturation mutagenesis approach limited to lantibiotics. Much work has been carried
was adopted to further analyze this region, and out with the class IIa bacteriocins to determine the
variants with enhanced activity against S. aureus structure-function relationships. However, though
and L. monocytogenes were discovered. This dis- the variants generated in these studies are useful
covery heralds an exciting era in lantibiotic engi- from an academic standpoint, none of them display
neering as it is now evident that it is possible to increased activity against pertinent microorganisms
generate nisin variants with increased activity (Fleury et al. 1996; Fimland et al. 2002, 2006;
against significant Gram (+) pathogens (Field et al. Kazazic et al. 2002). Similarly, stability has been
2008). In addition to improving activity or inhibi- investigated, and although it was established that it
tory spectrum, it has been shown that it is also pos- is possible to generate more stable variants of pedio-
sible to develop peptides that are enhanced with cin PA-1, yet again no increases in activity were
respect to other characteristics. This fact was perhaps apparent (Johnsen et al. 2000). Recently mutants of
best illustrated by nisin Z studies that showed that pediocin PA-1 have been generated using a tech-
solubility and stability can be significantly improved nique known as DNA shuffling. Some of these vari-
by peptide engineering without dramatically reduc- ants have shown increased activity against important
ing specific activity (Rollema et al. 1995). Given the food-spoilage organisms, possibly heralding a future
existence of similar systems to facilitate the bioen- application as food additives (Tominaga and
gineering of non-LAB lantibiotics, for example, Hatakeyama 2007; Fig. 5.3).
Applications of Lactic Acid Bacteria-Produced Bacteriocins 99


Food Veterinary
processing medicine
of the LAB

Rational drug Food

design ingredients

Figure 5.3. Applications of the bacteriocins of LAB. An example of the role bacteriocins can play in food processing is when
they are applied as bacteriocin washes for treating prewashed vegetables, where they are effective at reducing listerial load
(Allende et al. 2007). Bacteriocins are commonly used as food ingredients where they are added to foodstuff to protect
against spoilage and pathogenic organisms (Cleveland et al. 2001). In the field of human medicine, bacteriocins have been
shown to be useful against strains of the important human pathogens, for example, MRSA and VRE (Lawton et al. 2007).
Veterinary products containing bacteriocins are effective at inhibiting important bovine mastitis pathogens (Ryan et al. 1999).
An expanding area of interest is the utilization of bacteriocins in rational drug design; a vancomycin-nisin hybrid that has
activity against VRE has been developed (Arnusch et al. 2008).

5.4. Bacteriocin Resistance in nisin resistance, that is, preventing the bacteriocin
from reaching the cytoplasmic membrane, reducing
The problem of antibiotic resistance is a substantial the acidity of the extracellular medium thereby stim-
challenge facing the global community at large ulating binding of the bacteriocin to the cell wall,
today. It is estimated that approximately 70% of preventing the insertion of the bacteriocin into the
pathogenic bacteria are resistant to a least one form membrane, and transporting the peptide out of the
of antibiotic; some strains are even resistant to all membrane (Kramer et al. 2006). It should however
common antibiotics and require the use of new and also be noted that bacteria differ greatly in their
experimental compounds. As much as bacteriocins natural sensitivity to different bacteriocins as a con-
are being considered as alternatives to antibiotics in sequence of differences in cell envelope composi-
certain settings, it is important to determine whether tion. It has been demonstrated that in closely related
bacteria readily develop resistance to bacteriocins strains of L. lactis, the level of sensitivity to specific
and the means by which this could occur. It is bacteriocins such as nisin and pediocin PA-1 can
thought that there are at least four processes involved vary by 100- to 1000-fold (Bennik et al. 1997) and
100 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

thus it is possible for bacteria living in similar envi- sensitivity (Kramer et al. 2004). Another conse-
ronments to have dramatically different sensitivities quence of the development of nisin resistance is an
to the same bacteriocins. Whereas up to 8% of wild- alteration in cell-membrane hydrophobicity, which
type strains of L. monocytogenes appear to be natu- can be attributed to alterations in fatty acid composi-
rally resistant to pediocin-like bacteriocins and tion (Martinez and Rodriguez 2005). As noted pre-
natural variation in nisin sensitivity also exists, it viously there can be negative consequences
is also apparent that resistance can develop upon associated with the development of resistance; for
exposure to the bacteriocin. For example, spontane- example, nisin resistance in L. monocytogenes
ous resistance emerges among previously nisin- results in an acid-sensitive phenotype (van Schaik
sensitive L. monocytogenes isolates at a frequency et al. 1999; McEntire et al. 2004).
of between 10−7 and 10−2 upon exposure to nisin and Molecular analysis of the response of cells upon
at a frequency of 10−6 upon exposure to pediocin exposure to nisin has highlighted the complex nature
PA-1 (Gravesen et al. 2002a). This rate is quite high of the associated reaction. More specifically, Kramer
when one considers that, in general, upon exposure et al. (2006) undertook a study to investigate the
to conventional antibiotics, resistance develops at impact that exposure to nisin has on the transcrip-
a rate in the region of 10−7 to 10−9. It should be tome of L. lactis IL1403 and a nisin-resistant variant
noted however that resistance to nisin and pediocin thereof (75-fold higher nisin resistance). Alterations
PA-1 can also have an associated fitness cost in the expression of genes with roles in cell-wall
(Gravesen et al. 2002a). Furthermore, there are a biosynthesis, energy metabolism, phospholipids and
number of bacteriocins to which bacteria do not fatty acid metabolism, regulatory functions, and
readily develop resistance; for example, when L. metal and/or peptide transport and binding were
lactis IL1403 was challenged with lacticin 3147, apparent in the mutant. While a number of these
only a slight decrease in sensitivity was observed genes have previously been associated with the
and this only occurred at a low frequency of 10−8 to general stress response of the strain, the involve-
10−9 (Guinane et al. 2006). A phenomenon to note ment of several specific operons was thought to be
in bacteriocin resistance is the development of cross significant such as the dlt operon, involved in the
resistance and of particular interest is cross-resis- synthesis of D-alanyl residues for the decoration of
tance among the differing classes of bacteriocins LTA (lipoteichoic acid), the arc operon, encoding
(Naghmouchi et al. 2007). Bacteriocin resistance genes involved in the arginine deiminase pathway,
has also been associated with an increased bacterio- the gal operon, involved in galactose metabolism as
phage resistance (Maisnier-Patin and Richard 1996; well as putative arsenic resistance and bacitracin
Martinez et al. 2008b) but frequently also results in resistance operons (Kramer et al. 2006; Fig. 5.4).
the strain being more antibiotic-sensitive than its Involvement of the gal and dlt operons in the nisin
wild-type counterpart (Gravesen et al. 2001; resistance of S. bovis has previously been reported
Mantovani and Russell 2001; Cotter et al. 2002; (Mantovani and Russell 2001) the dlt operon also
Martinez and Rodriguez 2005; Guinane et al. 2006; contributes to the innate lantibiotic resistance of S.
Naghmouchi et al. 2007). aureus (Peschel et al. 1999) and L. monocytogenes
Alterations within the cell envelope are repeat- (Abachin et al. 2002). Other L. lactis genes that are
edly seen in bacteria with altered resistance to nisin. upregulated in the nisin-resistant mutant include
Cell-wall thickening at the septum appears benefi- those encoding penicillin-binding protein (pbp2A)
cial to nisin-resistant L. lactis. As lipid II gathers at and the yedEF genes. The involvement of a PBP is
the cell-division site, it is believed that this thicken- consistent with previous observations (Gravesen et
ing shields the membrane and lipid II, thereby pro- al. 2001; Kramer et al. 2006). In addition the altered
tecting the cell against nisin (Kramer et al. 2008). It expression of yedEF is noteworthy as these encode
should be noted, however, that despite acting as the a phosphotransferase and such systems have also
nisin receptor, lipid II levels do not dictate nisin been linked to class II bacteriocin resistance
Applications of Lactic Acid Bacteria-Produced Bacteriocins 101

1. Membrane 2. Cell wall

fluidity thickening/alterations
Cell membrane
Cell wall

OH– –

4. Membrane 3. Increase pH
transport at cell wall
Figure 5.4. Putative nisin resistance mechanisms in L. lactis. Four mechanisms for nisin resistance in L. lactis have been pro-
posed by Kramer et al. (2006) based on transcriptome analysis in L. lactis. Mechanism 1, increasing membrane fluidity may
prevent insertion of nisin into the membrane; mechanism 2, cell wall thickening could prevent nisin reaching lipid II in the
cytoplasmic membrane. Alterations in the cell wall charge or other factors could affect interactions with nisin; mechanism 3,
increasing the pH at the cell wall may result in the degradation of nisin or may force it to bind at the cell wall; mechanism
4, transporters might be utilized to transport nisin from the cell membrane, preventing it from reaching lipid II. Adapted from
Kramer et al. (2006).

(Gravesen et al. 2002b; Ramnath et al. 2004; Xue et ation of membrane phospholipids and the increased
al. 2005). An insertional mutagenesis approach has positive charge of the cell membrane resulting from
also been taken to generate lacticin 3147-resistant its enzymatic activity protects pathogens (L. mono-
mutants of L. lactis. The genes, which when inter- cytogenes and S. aureus) from cationic antimicro-
rupted resulted in enhanced lantibiotic resistance, bial peptides and lantibiotics (Peschel et al. 2001;
were mleS, involved in malolactate fermentation, Thedieck et al. 2006). The manipulation of gene
yjjC, encoding an ABC transporter, ymcF, encoding regulators can also impact on nisin sensitivity.
a peptidoglycan bound protein, pi321, encoding a Mutation of the gene encoding the general stress
phage protein, and tra9811, encoding a transposase response sigma factor σB in L. monocytogenes
(Guinane et al. 2007). Even though the emergence results in nisin sensitivity (Begley et al. 2006)
of lantibiotic resistance is in general a worrisome whereas deletion of the gene encoding LisK (the
prospect, in this instance the targeted creation of histidine kinase component of the two component
nisin-resistant lactococci could be beneficial, par- system, LisRK) results in enhanced resistance to
ticularly in the case of strains that serve as starters/ nisin (Cotter et al. 2002).
adjuncts in foods containing nisin. The mutation of Resistance to class II bacteriocins is a relatively
a number of additional genes in a variety of patho- frequent occurrence (Dykes and Hastings 1998;
genic species has also been shown to result in an Limonet et al. 2002) with cell-surface alterations
altered response to nisin. Like the dlt genes, mprF and alterations in fatty acid ratios that result in
impacts on the charge of the cell envelope and thus altered cell membranes again being a common
also contributes to innate bacteriocin resistance in a theme (Limonet et al. 2002; Sakayori et al.
number of strains. MprF is responsible for lysinyl- 2003). Resistance to class II bacteriocins has most
102 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

frequently been investigated with respect to factors ization of this potential a more likely prospect than
that impact on what is now known to be the class ever before. LAB bacteriocins are especially prom-
IIa receptor. One of the first genes linked to class ising because for many species and strains there is
IIa resistance was rpoN, in that mutagenesis of the a history of safe and effective use. In fact human-
σ54 subunit of RNA polymerase that it encodes kind has inadvertently benefited from the protective
resulted in a resistant phenotype (Robichon et al. impact of bacteriocin production by LAB in fer-
1997; Dalet et al. 2000). It was also established that mented foods for millennia. In the last century
a Listeria mutant that lacked a mannose-specific developments were made that made it possible to
PTS enzyme component was resistant to both leu- identify, purify, and structurally characterize bacte-
cocin A and pediocin PA-1 (Ramnath et al. 2000). riocins. These approaches have been further
A link between the two genes was made when it was improved upon in recent years, resulting in a variety
established that σ54 regulates expression of mannose of new developments that have greatly enhanced our
PTS permease genes (Dalet et al. 2001; Hechard et understanding of mode of action, structure, and pro-
al. 2001). A number of other researchers linked the duction of these compounds.
mannose PTS and the activity of class IIa bacterio- To date, only nisin and pediocin PA-1 have been
cins (Gravesen et al. 2002b; Xue et al. 2005) and it applied commercially in food applications where
was noted that it was possible to make a previously they are used to protect against spoilage and patho-
bacteriocin-resistant species sensitive to class IIa genic organisms. However, other bacteriocins could
bacteriocins by expressing the mptACD (mannose be at least as effective for food processors as it is
PTS) operon (Ramnath et al. 2004). As noted above, possible to apply them with hurdle approaches to
Diep et al. (2007) ultimately confirmed that the enhance food safety and quality, particularly in light
mannose PTS is used as a receptor for class IIa of consumer demands for minimally processed,
bacteriocins with the man-PTS components IIC and safe, preservative-free foods. The application of
IID being primarily involved in sensitivity. bacteriocins could also be further extended to the
Nisin has a 50-year track record of safe usage in area of uncooked ready-to-eat vegetables where a
food industry where resistance development has not bacteriocin wash could be an inexpensive solution.
been problematic. However, this does not guarantee As noted above, the potent activity of many bacte-
that resistance will not become an issue in the future, riocins against Gram (+) bacteria has led to their
especially if bacteriocins are applied in clinical set- investigation as antimicrobials for clinical applica-
tings. For this reason there has been an increased tion. Given that many of the most notorious drug-
focus on researching the basis for bacteriocin resis- resistant pathogens (including MRSA, VRE, and C.
tance in recent years; however, despite this there difficile) are Gram (+) the vast potential of bacterio-
remains much that has yet to be discovered. Further cins is clear. It is already apparent that lantibiotics
insights into resistance development can add to such as nisin and lacticin 3147 are capable of killing
our understanding of mode of action, can yield these notorious pathogens and it is thus evident that
useful markers to monitor potential resistance devel- these bacteriocins or derivatives therefore could be
opment and, most importantly, allow us to develop added to the arsenal of weapons currently used to
strategies to minimize the likelihood of such an fight infection. In particular, there is sufficient evi-
occurrence. dence available to suggest that bioengineering of
these peptides will yield even more useful com-
pounds with improved properties for applications in
5.5. Conclusions
health and industry. Therefore, it would seem that
While the great potential of bacteriocins and espe- the knowledge that has been accrued about these
cially bacteriocins of the LAB has been highlighted peptides in recent decades will finally be applied to
previously, recent developments have made the real- allow these peptides to reach their full potential.
Applications of Lactic Acid Bacteria-Produced Bacteriocins 103

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Chapter 6

Bacteriophages of Lactic Acid Bacteria

Ana Rodríguez González, Pilar García, and Raúl R. Raya

Due to their important economical impact on faulty from the dairy environment. These strategies have
food fermentation processes, many virulent and tem- been based on strain selection and rotation systems,
perate bacteriophages of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) phage-insensitive mutants, and antiphage resistance
have been thoroughly characterized. To date, 47 mechanisms. Nevertheless, phage remains the major
complete genome sequences are available in data- single cause of fermentation failure. Lactococcus
bases. Five natural phage resistance mechanisms in lactis and Streptococcus thermophilus strains suffer
many LAB strains have been described: adsorption the highest number of phage infections. Consequently,
inhibition, blocking of DNA penetration, restriction the present knowledge on phage biology mainly
modification systems, acquired phage resistance relies on phages infecting these species. Phages
mediated by clustered regularly interspaced short infecting lactobacilli species have been less studied
palindromic repeats systems, and abortive infection. because they hardly cause problems in dairy pro-
Molecular genetics has been applied in the analysis cesses. However, the increasing role of lactobacilli
of phage-host relationship and in strain improve- as probiotics has fuelled the research into their
ment programs. An overview of the biology, mor- phages. In fact, quite a number of dairy fermentation
phology, genomic organization, and molecular batches in which Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus
analysis of the temperate bacteriophage A2, one acidophilus, Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. Lactis,
of the best Lactobacillus characterized phage, is and Lactobacillus helveticus strains have suffered
presented. phage contamination have been reported.
The study of LAB phages has not only brought
information about the origin of lytic phages in the
6.1. Introduction
fermentation industry but, in particular, streptococ-
Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) have been used for cen- cal comparative phage genomic has also signifi-
turies in the preservation and production of fer- cantly contributed to the field of phage taxonomy
mented foods of plant and animal origins. One of and to the characterization of the clustered regularly
the most critical problems in these processes is the interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)
contamination of the starters by bacteriophages system, an antiphage mechanism acquired by bacte-
(phages) that cause bacterial lysis, and significant ria after phage infection. Some LAB phages have
economic losses. been used as transducing vehicles for genetic char-
The significance of phage infections in dairy fer- acterization as well as LAB strain manipulation.
mentations was first highlighted by Whitehead and Furthermore, phage genetic elements have been the
Cox (1935). Since then, the scientific community DNA source in developing antiphage systems (i.e.,
has focused its efforts in controlling phage contami- using phage promoter sequences or repressor func-
nation to develop strategies for their elimination tion) and integration vectors (i.e., using integrative

Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria Novel Applications 111

Edited by Fernanda Mozzi, Raúl R. Raya and Graciela M. Vignolo
© 2010 Blackwell Publishing. ISBN: 978-0-813-81583-1
112 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

functions) to deliver and stabilize genes in the LAB help protect their host from infection by other
genome. Excellent reviews on the field of LAB phages and can lead to significant changes in the
phages have been published recently (Josephsen and properties of their hosts, including lysogenic con-
Neve 2004; Brøndsted and Hammer 2006; Brüssow version, restriction systems, and resistance to anti-
2006; Brüssow and Desiere 2006; Brüssow and biotics and other environmental insults.
Suárez 2006; Emond and Moineau 2007). LAB phages have been isolated from diverse
natural sources (e.g., raw milk, yogurt, cheese, sau-
erkraut, pickles, cereals, wine, coffee, sewage,
6.2. Bacteriophages of LAB
saliva, human vagina) and upon induction of lyso-
Phages can be divided into two classes based on gens. Most of the isolated phages showed very
lifestyle: virulent or temperate. Virulent phages can restricted host ranges, limited to one or a few starter
only multiply by means of a lytic cycle; the phage strains of the same species; for most lysogens, suit-
replicates its genome and assembles hundreds of able indicator strains or conditions for lytic propaga-
new progeny, which is then released after cell lysis. tion are not easily defined and evidence of these
Temperate phages, in contrast, have a choice of phage-like particles is limited to their visualization
reproductive modes when they infect a new host under the transmission electron microscope. The
cell. Sometimes the infecting phage initiates a lytic narrow host range that most temperate phages
cycle, resulting in lysis of the cell and release of new exhibit suggests the presence of homoimmune or
phages, as previously shown. The infecting phage restriction modification systems. Plasmid DNA
may alternatively initiate a lysogenic cycle instead transduction has been used as an alternative to lytic
of replicating the phage genome assuming a quies- plaque assays to define the host range of a
cent state called prophage, often integrated into the Lactobacillus phage, phi-adh; high-frequency trans-
host genome but sometimes maintained as a plasmid. ducing particles of phi-adh transduced plasmid
Bacteria carrying a prophage are said to be lysoge- DNA to several Lactobacillus gasseri cells that,
nized or lysogenic (capable of producing lysis) otherwise, did not support lytic growth of this phage
since, under certain conditions, the prophage is (Raya et al. 1989). The presence of prophage
induced into the lytic cycle of phage replication. The sequences can also be pointed in the completed
transition from lysogeny to lytic development, genome sequence of LAB strains by using markers
called lysogenic or prophage induction, occurs in as phage integrase, portal protein, terminase, and
response to DNA damage (i.e., after treatment with tail tape measure protein (Canchaya et al. 2003).
mitomycin C). The lytic infection process is very Comparative analysis of complete bacterial genomes
much dependent on the host metabolic machinery, has shown that most LAB prophage genomes share
so in most cases it is highly affected by what the the same genetic organization, involving two clus-
host was experiencing shortly prior infection such ters of genes that control related functions, which
as the energetic state, nutrients, and environmental are transcribed divergently. One of these clusters
conditions present during the infection process itself comprises genes participating in integration and
(Guttman et al. 2005). The frequency of lysogeniza- lysogeny maintenance; the other includes genes
tion also depends on the growth conditions and on involved in lytic development (Canchaya et al.
the multiplicity of infection; starvation of cells prior 2003, 2004). Also, prophage sequences are located
to phage adsorption and high multiplicity of infec- at both sides of the terminus of the bacterial replica-
tion enhance lysogeny. On the contrary, when the tion, the lytic gene cluster being transcribed in the
cell energy level is high, phage favors its lytic same direction of the surrounding bacterial genes
cycle. As discussed by Levin and Lenski (1985), the (Canchaya et al. 2004).
lysogenic state is highly evolved, requiring coevolu- LAB phages are members of the Caudovirales
tion of phage and host that presumably reflects order that comprises over 95% of known phages
various advantages to both. Temperate phages can (Forde and Fitzgerald 1999). These phages possess
Bacteriophages of Lactic Acid Bacteria 113

double-stranded linear DNA and their G+C content belong to the Siphoviridae family (long, non-con-
is similar to that of their hosts, ranging from 33% in tractile tails) while a few belong to the Podoviridae
Lact. delbrueckii subsp. lactis phages to 48% in family (short tails). A recent classification of lacto-
Lact. casei phages. The genome size ranges from 14 coccal phages proposed eight groups instead of the
to 141 kb (Table 6.1). Most lactococcal phages former 12 groups (Deveau et al. 2006). Lysogeny is

Table 6.1. LAB phage genomes available in database.

Phage Genome Size (bp) GC (%) ORFs tRNA RefSeq Reference

A2(T) 43411 44.9 62 — NC_004112 Alvarez et al. 1998
LL-h (V) 34659 47.8 51 — NC_009554 Mikkonen et al. 1994
Lc-Un (V) 36466 44.3 51 — NC_007501 Tuohimaa et al. 2006
phiAT3 (T) 39166 44.6 55 — NC_005893 Lo et al. 2005
Lrm1 (T) 39989 45.5 54 — NC_011104 Durmaz et al. 2008
phi-g1e (T) 42259 43.1 62 12 NC_004305 Kodaira et al. 1997
Lj928 (T) 38384 34.7 50 1 NC_005354 Ventura et al. 2004
Lj965 (T) 40190 35.1 46 4 NC_005355 Ventura et al. 2004
phiadh(T) 43785 35.6 65 — NC_000896 Altermann et al. 1999
Lv-1 38934 37.0 47 — NC_011801 Unpublished
KC5a 38239 36.9 61 — NC_007924 Unpublished
L. lactis
1706 (V) 55597 33.7 76 — NC_010576 Garneau et al. 2008
4268 (V) 36596 35.4 49 — NC_004746 Trotter et al. 2006
Jj50 (V) 30510 33.9 55 — NC_008370 Mahony et al. 2006
712 (V) 28538 34.7 58 — NC_008363 Mahony et al. 2006
P008 (V) 27453 34.9 49 — NC_008371 Mahony et al. 2006
Q54 (V) 26537 37.1 47 — NC_008364 Fortier et al. 2006
IL170 (V) 31754 34.3 64 — NC_001909 Crutz-Le Coq et al. 2002
sk1 (V) 28451 34.5 56 — NC_001835 Chandry et al. 1997
BK5-T (T) 40003 35.0 63 — NC_002796 Desiere et al. 2001
P087 (V) 60074 34.4 88 5 NC_012663 Villion et al. 2009
TP901-1 (T) 37667 35.4 56 — NC_002747 Brøndsted et al. 2001
Tuc2009 (T) 38347 36.2 56 — NC_002703 Arendt et al. 1994
(V) 29305 34.7 54 — NC_011046 Szczepańska et al. 2007
bIL67 (V) 22195 36.0 37 — NC_001629 Schouler et al. 1994
c2 (V) 22172 36.3 39 2 NC_001706 Lubbers et al. 1995
LC3 (T) 32172 35.5 51 — NC_005822 Blatny et al. 2004
r1t (T) 33350 35.5 50 — NC_004302 van Sinderen et al. 1996
ul36 36798 35.8 61 — NC_004066 Labrie and Moineau 2002
bIL285 35538 35.2 62 — NC_002666 Chopin et al. 2001
bIL286 41834 35.3 61 — NC_002667 Chopin et al. 2001
bIL309 36949 35.7 56 — NC_002668 Chopin et al. 2001
bIL310 14957 35.9 29 — NC_002669 Chopin et al. 2001
bIL311 14510 34.2 22 — NC_002670 Chopin et al. 2001
bIL312 15179 33.0 27 — NC_002671 Chopin et al. 2001
Strep. thermophilus
Sfi11 (V) 39807 38.6 53 — NC_002214 Lucchini et al. 1999
Sfi19 (V) 37370 38.3 45 — NC_000871 Desiere et al. 1998
Sf21 (T) 40739 37.6 50 — NC_000872 Desiere et al. 1998
114 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

Table 6.1. Continued

Phage Genome Size (bp) GC (%) ORFs tRNA RefSeq Reference

O1205 (T) 43075 38.3 57 — NC_004303 Stanley et al. 1997
DT1 (V) 34815 39.1 45 — NC_002072 Tremblay and Moineau 1999
858 (V) 35543 39.8 46 — NC_010353 Deveau et al. 2008
7201 (V) 35466 38.7 46 — NC_002185 Le Marrec et al. 1997
2972 (V) 34704 40.2 44 — NC_007019 Lévesque et al. 2005

L. lactis
KSY1 (V) 79232 35.1 130 3 NC_009817 Chopin et al. 2007
C3 morphotype
asccphi28 18762 33.7 28 — NC_010363 Kotsonis et al. 2008
V, C2 morphotype

LP65 (T) 131522 37.3 165 14 NC_006565 Chibani-Chennoufi et al. 2004
Lb338-1 141111 — 199 — NC_012530 Unpublished

a common phenomenon in L. lactis strains (Brøndsted strain. DNA-DNA hybridization and heteroduplex
and Hammer 2006). analyses showed that DNA of FSW and its virulent
All Strep. thermophilus phages belong to the derivatives were identical, except that an extra
Siphoviridae family. Lysogeny in this species is 1.3 kb piece of DNA was present in the virulent
rare (less than 10%). Virulent and temperate strep- forms. Sequence analysis of this extra fragment
tococcal phages are genetically related and form two (1256 bp) showed characteristics of an insertion
distinct siphovirus groups according to the number sequence (IS) element named ISL1, the first element
of major structural proteins and the packaging described in Lactobacillus (Shimizu-Kadota et al.
mechanism of their double-stranded DNA: cos-like 1985). The demonstration that prophage FSW was
(group Sfi21) and pac-like (group Sfi11). Sfi11-like the source of virulent phages represented the first
phages differ from the Sfi-11 phages by having two formal evidence that temperate bacteriophages can
distinct major head proteins instead of only one, by be a source for the appearance of virulent variants
using a scaffold protein to aid assembly, and by not in dairy fermentations. The close relationship
processing their major head proteins (Proux et al. observed between temperate and virulent phages of
2002). Lact. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and Lact. helve-
Regarding lactobacilli phages, the knowledge is ticus suggested that temperate phages could also be
much limited and only a few have been deeply the source of phage outbreaks found in commercial
studied. These phages are mainly Siphovirus and a fermentations, although it has not yet been proven
few Myoviruses. Lysogeny is widespread through- unequivocally.
out the family Lactobacillaceae. For example, Lact. At present, genome sequences of 26 phages (24
casei S-1 strain (ATCC 27139) harbors the temper- Siphovirus and 2 Podovirus) infecting L. lactis
ate phage FSW, which was not inducible with mito- strains, 8 (Siphovirus) infecting Strep. thermophilus
mycin C or ultraviolet light, although spontaneous strains, and 13 (11 Siphovirus and 2 Myovirus)
induction was observed (Shimizu-Kadota et al. infecting lactobacilli strains are available in data-
1983). Virulent forms that originated from FSW bases (Table 6.1). Likewise, many prophage genome
were isolated from abnormal fermentations with S-1 sequences are also available in the sequenced
Bacteriophages of Lactic Acid Bacteria 115

Table 6.2. Strategies applied in phage control.

Survey the reservoir and distribution of phages in the dairy environment, milk, and starters.
Control phage proliferation: includes, among others, direct inoculation of milk with concentrated starter cultures; use of
antiphage starter medium; use of separate rooms for starter production and cheese manufacture; regular cleaning and
disinfections (chlorinate) of vats, equipment, rooms (laboratory and factory), clothes, and air (positive filtration); rotation of
starter strains.
Strain selection and starter rotation system: use of mixture of well-characterized strains; starter rotation system with
nonoverlapping phage-insensitive patterns.
Bacteriophage-insensitive bacterial mutants
Design of phage-resistant starter strains: conjugation of natural phage resistance systems (i.e., restriction/modification
Antiphage systems: use of genetic phage elements that interfere with the phage replication cycle, including phage repressor,
superinfection exclusion proteins; origin of replication; and anti-messenger of phage genes.

genomes for L. lactis and for several species of ate phage receptors in the host cell wall occurs
Lactobacillus (Shimizu-Kadota et al. 2000; García (Forde and Fitzgerald 1999). Likewise, phage DNA
et al. 2003; Lo et al. 2005). injection can be prevented by mutations of gene
encoding the phage infection protein (Pip) (Garbutt
et al. 1997) or by the presence in the bacterial
6.3. Bacteriophage Resistance Systems
genome of gene sie2009 involved in a superinfection-
Table 6.2 summarizes the phage control strategies exclusion mechanism (McGrath et al. 2002).
applied at the dairy industry. Selection of appropri- Sie-specifying genes are prophage-encoded but dis-
ate combinations of bacterial starters with different semination differences have been observed between
phage sensitivity and an efficient starter rotation L. lactis MG1363 and IL1403 prophage-encoded
system are the most used tools to cope with indus- Sie systems (Mahony et al. 2008).
trial phage problems. Abi systems allow phage adsorption and DNA
Molecular genetics has been applied for the anal- injection but phage development is further inter-
ysis of phage-host relationship and contributed to rupted. The death of infected cells occurs but no
the discovery of natural resistance mechanisms in viral progeny is released. Most Abi systems have
many LAB strains, which have been exploiting been found in L. lactis. Some of them (A, F, K, P,
in strain improvement programs (Sturino and T) interfere with DNA replication, or RNA tran-
Klaenhammer 2006). Natural phage resistance scription (B, G, U), or causes a limited major capsid
mechanisms have been mainly studied in lactococci, protein production (C) or a premature cell lysis (Z;
and more recently in Strep. thermophilus, and Chopin et al. 2007). Recently, a novel Abi system
categorized according to the step of action in the (V) has been identified preventing cleavage of the
lytic cycle (Josephsen and Neve 2004). Five mecha- replicated DNA (Haaber et al. 2008).
nisms were well described: adsorption inhibition, R/M systems reduce the efficiency of plaquing
blocking of DNA penetration, restriction modifica- (Moineau 1999). Three types of R/M systems have
tion systems, acquired phage resistance mediated by been identified in LAB, most of them belonging
CRISPR systems, and abortive infection. Genes to Type II (LlaDCHI, LlaAI, ScrFI, LlaBI). They
encoding 22 phage abortive infection systems (Abi), involve two distinct enzymatic activities; a host-
29 restriction modification (R/M) systems, 8 adsorp- encoded, site-specific restriction endonuclease
tion inhibition (Ads), and 2 injection blocking have digests the phage DNA while cell DNA is modified
been identified (Emond and Moineau 2007). by the action of a methylase to remain protected.
Prevention of adsorption is an effective means of Most of natural phage defense mechanisms
phage resistance. A masking or lack of the appropri- are plasmid-encoded. As these plasmids can be
116 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

conjugally transferred, food-grade transconjugant sequences, content, and organization (Barrangou

strains have been obtained that show a reliable et al. 2007). All these families were also identified
performance in industrial environment. Overall, a in similar loci of microbial species of two different
highly effective antiphage system should provide phyla: Firmicutes (Gram [+] low GC% bacteria)
very low efficiency of plating (in the range of 10−7 and Actinobacteria (Gram [+] high GC%
to 10−9; Coffey and Ross 2002). bacteria), which suggest that the diversity of CRISPR
Lact. casei temperate bacteriophage A2 has in LAB could reflect horizontal gene transfer.
also been used as a tool in the generation of Out of 102 LAB genomes analyzed (Horvath
bacteriophage resistance systems. A 258-bp region et al. 2009), CRISPR loci were found in 8 out
identified as putative replication origin of phage of 13 Lactobacillus, 10/13 Streptococcus, 5/7
A2 can direct a partial resistance against phage Enterococcus, 4/6 Bifidobacterium, 1/1 Atopobium,
infection (Moscoso and Suarez 2000). This cis- and 1/1 Symbiobacterium genomes. However,
acting genetic element was obtained by cloning CRISPR loci were absent in the genomes of
ori region in pG+host9 allowing the titration of Lactococcus, Leuconostoc, Oenococcus, Leuco-
phage-specific replication factors. However, a more nostoc, and Carnobacterium (Deveau et al. 2008).
efficient strategy was applied to give resistance Some LAB genomes contained more than one
against phage A2 attack through expression of the CRISPR locus (i.e., three distinct CRISPR loci were
phage A2 repressor (Alvarez et al. 1999). Stability found in Strep. thermophilus; Deveau et al. 2008).
of phenotype resistance during milk fermentation The total length of the CRISPR loci in LAB varied
was due to the integration of gene CI into the bac- between 628 and 3400 bp (Bolotin et al. 2005) with
teria genome. an average of 20 repeats (20–27 long) and spacers
(26–40 long).
CRISPRs are RNA elements that protect the cell
6.3.1. CRISPR System
against foreign genetic elements. Two of the CAS
Recently it was shown that bacteria acquire resis- gene products showed characteristic motifs for heli-
tance to phage attack by incorporation of short cases (superfamily 2) and for exonucleases (RecB
nucleotide (spacer) sequences into regions named family). Transcription of CRISPR regions and pro-
CRISPR. CRISPR loci contain stretches of short cessing of transcripts have been experimentally
(21–47 bp) direct palindromic repeats, separated by demonstrated in Escherichia coli (Brouns et al.
unrelated spacer sequences of similar size. The 2008). Although the mechanisms of CRISPR func-
number of direct repeats and spacers varies from 2 tion remain to be determined, it was found that these
to 200, and changes in response to phage infection noncoding elements are transcribed to RNA, which
by acquiring new spacer sequences from the infect- are then processed in each direct repeat by the asso-
ing phage; these changes have been correlated with ciated enzyme complex named CAS. This complex,
phage resistance. In addition, CRISPR loci usually assisted by the CAS helicase function, retains the
contain a 3′-adjacent non-repeat leader region and phage-derive spacer sequence that serves as small
several CRISPR-associated sequences (CAS) genes guide RNA to interfere with phage replication or
(Deveau et al. 2008; Fig. 6.1 (see in the color plate function. The CAS enzyme complex also incorpo-
section)). rates new fragment of phage sequences as new
CRISPR regions are found in about 40% of spacers; most (70%) of the spacer sequences were
known eubacterial genomes and most archaeal found to be unique, homologous predominantly with
genomes and show a high level of polymorphism in one of the phage strands. CRISPR spacer sequences
different strains. In LAB, eight families of CRISPR reflect previous mobile DNA infection elements.
loci have been identified based on Cas 1 gene (COG Thus, the CRISPR system exerts a high selective
1518; Makarova et al. 2002) and CRISPR repeat pressure on phage genomes.
Bacteriophages of Lactic Acid Bacteria 117

6.4. A Case Study: Bacteriophage A2 20. Orf23 and 24 encode CI and cro proteins, respec-
tively (García et al. 2003).
Phage A2 is a temperate bacteriophage that infects The packaging module consists of orf61, orf1,
strains of Lact. casei and Lactobacillus paracasei. and orf2 genes. Orf61 gene product is the small
It was isolated from the whey of Gamonedo cheese, subunit of the terminase enzyme (16.5 kDa) while
a long-ripening homemade blue cheese manufac- the product encoded by orf2 (64.2 kDa) showed
tured in Asturias, Northern Spain (Herrero et al. homology with the putative large terminase subunits
1994). A2 belongs to the family Siphoviridae being of other phages (García et al. 2003). Both genes are
composed by an isometric head (60 nm in diameter) separated by the cohesive ends (13 nt-long 3’-
and a non-contractile tail (280 × 12 nm) ended by a protruding single stranded ends of complementary
basal plate with a protruding spike (28 nm; Fig. 6.2). base sequence).
One-step growth kinetics of lytic development The morphogenesis module consisted of 12
revealed a latent period of 140 min and a burst size ORFs. The products of orf3 and orf4 are a portal
of about 200 PFU/infected cell (Herrero et al. 1994). protein (Gp3; 46.1 kDa) and a phage maturation pro-
Its genome consists of a double-stranded DNA mol- tease (Gp4; 23.6 kDa), respectively. The major head
ecule 43,411 kb long with 3’-protruding cohesive protein gene, orf5, encodes two polypeptides of dif-
ends. It encodes 61 open reading frames (ORFs) ferent sizes: Gp5A (35 kDa) resulting from canoni-
grouped in packaging, morphogenesis, host lysis, cal translation and further proteolytic processing,
integration, lysis-lysogeny switch, and DNA repli- and Gp5B (42 kDa; 85 amino acids) generated by a
cation modules (see Fig. 6.3 in the color plate 1 ribosomal frameshift at the penultimate codon of
section). Out of the 61 orf, 55 are transcribed in the orf5 mRNA. A CCCAAAA slippery region and a
same direction while orf20 to 23 are transcribed in stem-loop that begins 9 nt after the end of the slip-
the opposite direction. A putative transcriptional ter- pery sequence are the two cis-acting elements
minator and the phage attachment site (attP) were needed for the above frameshift. Both proteins share
identified at the intergenic region between orf19 and their amino termini and are the major components

Figure 6.2. Electron micrograph of negatively stained bacteriophage A2 that infects strains of Lact. casei and Lact.
118 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

of the virion head (ratio 4 : 1). They are essential for results in repression of transcription from PL and
the generation of viable phages since lysogens har- abolition of CI production, and consequently, phage
boring prophages that produce only one of these enters the lytic cycle (García el al. 1999; Ladero et
proteins did not show viable progeny after mitomy- al. 1999). It is worth noticing that Lact. casei deriva-
cin C induction (García et al. 2004). Orf6 encodes tives containing a chromosomal copy of CI are com-
a putative DNA packaging protein while orf7 to orf9 pletely resistant to phage infection (Alvarez et al.
encode head-tail joining proteins. The major tail 1999).
protein gene, orf10, uses a -1 translational frame- Downstream of the lysis/lysogeny module is
shift promoted by a similar slippery sequence and located an 8 kb DNA fragment involved in DNA
an RNA pseudoknot located at 3’of the gene to replication in which 15 ORFs were identified
generate two polypeptides (21.8 kDa and 29.6 kDa). (Moscoso and Suarez 2000). Notably, orf33 encodes
Orf11 has not a predicted function and orf12 codes a 50 kDa protein that shows similarity with DNA
for a predicted tape measure protein. At the end of helicases; orf24 encodes a single-stranded binding
the morphogenesis module, orf13 and 14 encode for protein (19.8 kDa) and orf35 shows similarity to
a hypothetical protein and a host interacting protein, phage DNA primases. The origin sequence is
respectively. located downstream of orf35. The region from orf40
The cell lysis module is composed of two genes, to orf49 seems to be dispensable as viable mutants
orf17 and orf18, that encode for holin (14.8 kDa) showing 1 to 3 kb deletions were obtained (García
and lysin (37.4 kDa), respectively, two proteins et al. 2003). A putative DNA methylase (orf47)
involved in bacterial cell degradation. On the other and an endonuclease (orf48) are contained within
hand, orf19 could be a gene related to lysogenic the dispensable region. Orf57 also encodes an
conversion, although this function has yet not been endonuclease.
The integration module includes orf20 encoding
6.4.1. Comparative Analysis
the site-specific integrase (43.8 kDa) that mediates
recombination between the phage- (attP) and bacte- As of February 2009, phage genomic studies have
rial- (attB) attachment sites and phage integration at provided the complete genomes of 526 phages
the end of a host tRNALeu gene. Orf21 could ( Out of
encode the phage excisionase. Both functions have these, 25 are lactococcal phages; 14 are lactobacilli
already been tested (Alvarez et al. 1998, 1999). phages; 8 are Strep. thermophilus phages; and 1 is
The genetic switch module directs phage devel- a Leuconostoc phage.
opment into the lytic or lysogenic cycle. It has a Genome similarity is shown by phages isolated
unique operator region (Op) with two divergently from closely related species such as L. gasseri
transcribed promoters (PL and PR). PL promotes tran- (Lga1) and Lactococcus johnsonii (Lj775). It is sug-
scription of orf23 that encodes the CI-like repressor gested that recombination events could favor
(25.2 kDa), and PR promotes transcription of orf24 exchange of individual genes, gene fragments, or
that encodes Cro repressor (9.1 kDa). These two even functional modules (Ventura et al. 2006).
genes are separated by a short intergenic region in A previous comparative genome analysis (Proux
which three 20-bp inverted repeat operator sequences et al. 2002) revealed that phage A2 shows an identi-
(O1, O2, O3) are identified. Different affinity of the cal organization of replication and lysogeny modules
two repressors for the different operators was to Strep. thermophilus phage Sfi21. The Sfi21-like
observed. CI binds preferentially to the O1 and O2 genus includes, besides phage A2, Strep. thermophi-
subsites, shutting off transcription from PR, while lus phage 7201 and different prophages harbored by
enhancing expression from PL so that lysogeny L. lactis strain IL1403. In addition, a similar genomic
becomes established (García et al. 1999). Conversely, organization of phage A2 is shown by Lact. casei
Cro binds preferentially to the O3 subsite. This temperate phages phi-AT3 and LcaI, Lactobacillus
Bacteriophages of Lactic Acid Bacteria 119

rhamnosus virulent phage Lc-Nu, and prophage (Moscoso and Suarez 2000). Bioinformatic analysis
Lmr1. Particularly, packaging and morphogenetic of phage A2 protein sequences showed that five
clusters and CI and Cro proteins show high similar- proteins shared higher conserved amino acids
ity with genomic phage sequences of Lmr1 (Durmaz sequence with several Gram (+) infecting bacterio-
et al. 2008). Similarity was also observed with strep- phages (Table 6.3). The terminase large subunit and
tococcal phages for the DNA replication genes tail tape measure protein included in the packaging/

Table 6.3. Highest score of bacteriophage A2 proteins in bacteriophage databases.

Identity (%)/
A2 protein Phage (score >200) similarity (%) E value Accession number
Terminase large subunit (gp2) Lactobacillus phage Lrm1 95/98 0 ref|YP_002117670.1
Streptococcus phage 9429.1 50/70 2e-160 ref|YP_596301.1|
prophage Lp3 Lactobacillus plantarum 36/60 2e-99 ref|NP_785918.1|
Staphylococcus phage PVL 34/56 3e-94 ref|NP_058441.1|
Staphylococcus phage tp310-1 34/56 1e-93 ref|YP_001429870.1|
Lactococcus phage bIL309 31/54 8e-74 ref|NP_076734.1|
Streptococcus phage Sfi21 30/53 2e-69 ref|NP_049967.1|
Portal protein (gp3) Lactobacillus phage Lrm1 92/96 0.0 ref|YP_002117672.1|
Protease (gp4) Lactobacillus phage Lrm1 90/95 3e-104 ref|YP_002117673.1|
Major head protein (gp5) Lactobacillus phage Lrm1 94/96 0.0 ref|YP_002117674.1|
Streptococcus phage 9429.1 44/65 2e-90 ref|YP_596306.1|
Lactobacillus phage phiAT3 42/57 5e-68 ref|YP_025031.1|
Lactobacillus phage Lc-Nu 40/58 1e-66 ref|YP_358764.1|
Lactococcus phage bIL285 33/50 9e-52 ref|NP_076616.1|
Head-tail joining protein (gp7) Lactobacillus phage Lrm1 95/96 2e-78 ref|YP_002117676.1|
Head-tail joining protein (gp8) Lactobacillus phage Lrm1 99/100 9e-70 ref|YP_002117677.1|
Head-tail joining protein (gp9) Lactobacillus phage Lrm1 96/97 2e-54 ref|YP_002117678.1|
Major tail protein (gp10) Lactobacillus phage Lrm1 94/96 2e-101 ref|YP_002117679.1|
Tape measure protein (gp12) Lactobacillus phage Lrm1 83/90 0.0 ref|YP_002117681.1|
Listeria phage A006 33/53 7e-129 ref|YP_001468855.1|
Streptococcus phage 700P1 49/70 1e-55 gb|ABB02692.1|
Staphylococcus phage 3A 30/47 5e-55 ref|YP_239947.1|
Tail protein (gp13) Lactobacillus phage Lrm1 58/72 0.0 ref|YP_002117682.1|
Lactobacillus phage Lc-Nu 35/50 5e-71 ref|YP_358772.1|
Host interaction protein (gp14) Lactobacillus phage Lrm1 77/86 0.0 ref|YP_002117683.1|
Lactobacillus phage phiAT3 48/61 0.0 ref|YP_025042.1|
Lactobacillus phage Lc-Nu 50/64 1e-138 ref|YP_358773.1|
Lactobacillus rhamnosus Lc-Nu-like 49/65 2e-136 gb|AAX07959.1|
Lysin (gp18) Lactobacillus bacteriophage PL-1 94/96 0.0 dbj|BAA96749.1|
Lactococcus phage KSY1 53/67 9e-95 ref|YP_001469072.1|
CI (gp23) Lactobacillus phage Lrm1 98/99 2e-115 ref|YP_002117694.1|
Lactobacillus phage Lc-Nu 85/88 2e-63 ref|YP_358780.1|
120 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

Table 6.3. Continued

Identity (%)/
A2 protein Phage (score >200) similarity (%) E value Accession number
NTP-binding protein (gp34) Lactobacillus phage Lc-Nu 92/96 2e-106 ref|YP_358787.1|
Lactobacillus phage phiAT3 90/94 9e-103 ref|YP_025055.1|
Lactobacillus phage Lrm1 89/94 3e-102 ref|YP_002117702.1|
Streptococcus phage Sfi19 59/73 2e-76 ref|NP_049951.1|
Streptococcus phage O1205 58/74 3e-76 ref|NP_695087.1|
Streptococcus phage Sfi11 58/73 1e-75, ref|NP_056708.1|
Helicasa (gp36) Lactobacillus phage phiJL-1 54/69 2e-110 ref|YP_223915.1|
prophage LambdaSa03 Streptococcus 47/67 1e-102 ref|YP_329249.1|
agalactiae A909
Lactobacillus phage phiadh 44/62 3e-102 ref|NP_050128.1|
Listeria phage 2389 46/64 6e-102 ref|NP_511031.1|
Streptococcus phage O1205 41/62 3e-96 ref|NP_695088.1|
Streptococcus phage 2972 40/62 6e-96 ref|YP_238518.1|
Streptococcus phage Sfi19 41/62 6e-96 ref|NP_049952.1|
Streptococcus phage Sfi21 41/62 6e-96 ref|NP_049999.1|
Lactococcus bacteriophage phi31 40/62 2e-95 emb|CAC04160.1|
Primase (gp38) Listeria phage 2389 49/65 0.0 ref|NP_511033.1|
Lactobacillus phage phiadh 49/67 0.0 ref|NP_050131.1|
Listeria phage B025 49/64 0.0 ref|YP_001468699.1
Bacillus phage phi105 36/56 4e-136 ref|NP_690795.1|
Endodeoxyribonuclease (gp51) Lactobacillus phage Lrm1 60/71 2e-53 ref|YP_002117719.1|
Lactobacillus phage phiAT3 61/71 3e-52 ref|YP_025078.1|
Terminase small subunit (gp64) Lactobacillus phage Lrm1 98/100 5e-127 ref|YP_002117722.1|

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Reference DNA molecule: Chromosome Clostridium difficile QCD-32g58
Number of protein matches to
Comparison DNA molecules (chromosome) reference DNA molecule
Enterococcus faecalis V583 137
Lactobacillus plantarum WCFS1 81
Lactobacillus sakei 23K 80
Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis IL1403 72

Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria Novel Applications

© 2010 Blackwell Publishing. ISBN: 978-0-813-81583-1

Lactobacillus salivarius subsp. salivarius UCC118 72
Lactobacillus brevis ATCC 367 61
Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus ATCC BAA-365 55

Edited by Fernanda Mozzi, Raúl R. Raya and Graciela M. Vignolo

Lactobacillus johnsonii NCC 533 52
Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus ATCC 11842 51
Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM 50
Total number of reference-comparison protein matches: 711

Figure 2.2. Multi-genome homology comparison showing protein-level matches between Clostridium difficile QCD-32g58 used as single
reference DNA molecule, and multiple LAB species. The cutoff selection for protein matches was 60% minimum percent similarity. The
table lists the genomes representing each single circle in outermost-innermost direction. The comparison was performed using the Multi-
Genome Homology Comparison tool in the Comprehensive Microbial Resource web site at JCVI (

2995 Cbe

2695 Bacillus

2396 Listeria
Protein hits to L.acidophilus NCFM


Other non
1797 pathogenic
Pathogenic Streptococcus,
Staphylococcus, and other
1498 Sthe Clostridium strains





62 982 1903 2824 3745 4666 5587 6508 7429 8350 9270
Total of genes in match organism
Figure 2.3. Genome homology diagram depicting the number of total protein similarities between Lactobacillus acidophilus
NCFM (reference DNA molecule, x-axis) and all bacterial genome sequences available in the Comprehensive Microbial Resource
web site at JCVI ( The parameters used for the analysis were minimum percent similarity 40%, minimum
percent identify 10%, and maximum P value 0.0001. Total protein hits (including multiple hits per protein) option was selected.
Genomes annotated in the figure are Ljo, Lactobacillus johnsonii NCC 533 (Pridmore et al. 2004); Lpl, Lactobacillus plantarum
WCFS1 (Kleerebezem et al. 2003); Cbe, Clostridium beijerinckii NCIMB 8052 (Genebank number CP000721); Efa, Enterococcus
faecalis V583 (Paulsen et al. 2003); Sthe, Streptococcus thermophilus LMG 18311 and CNRZ1066 (Bolotin et al. 2004).

Figure 2.4. A. A comparison of the genomic location that contains the pdu-cbi-cob-hem gene cluster of Lactobacillus reuteri JCM 1112T
(center) with the corresponding location of Lactobacillus fermentum IFO 3956 (upper) and Lactobacillus plantarum WCFS1 (lower). Genes
are depicted with arrows indicating the transcription direction with the following colors: yellow, pdu including gupCDE genes; pink, cbi
genes; orange, cob genes; blue, hem genes; red, pocR; green, eut; sky blue, transposase gene; and white, other genes. Genes conserved
between the three genomes are colored gray and light blue bars indicate orthologous regions. The GC content at the third codon posi-
tion of the ORFs in Lact. reuteri JCM 1112T is indicated under each ORF. Red lines represent the GC content at the third codon position
of the ORFs in the pdu-cbi-cob-hem cluster (LAR_1583-1640). The blue horizontal line indicates the average GC content (32%) at the
third codon position of the remaining ORFs in the Lact. reuteri JCM 1112T genome excluding the pdu-cbi-cob-hem gene cluster. B. The
pdu-cbi-cob gene cluster arrangement in Lact. reuteri JCM 1112T, Salmonella typhimurium LT2, Listeria monocytogenes EGD-e, Yersinia
enterocolitica subsp. enterocolitica 8081, and Streptococcus sanguinis SK36 are shown using the same color coding as described in A
(Morita et al. 2008). Reproduced with permission.

Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM_9

LBA1078 LBA1079 LBA1080 LBA1082 LBA1083 LBA1084 LBA1086

Lactobacillus johnsonii NCC 533_2

LJ_0633 LJ_0632 LJ_0629 LJ_0628 LJ_0627

Lactobacillus plantarum WCFS1_1

lp_0772 lp_0773 lp_0775 lp_0776

Enterococcus faecalis V583_1

EF_1185 EF_1184 EF_1183 EF_1181 EF_1179 EF_1176

Lactobacillus brevis ATCC 367_1

LVIS_0338 LVIS_0339 LVIS_0341 LVIS_0342 LVIS_0343

Streptococcus thermophilus CNRZ1066_1

str0397 str0396 str0393 str0392 str0391

Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus ATCC 11842_1

Ldb0108 Ldb0106 Ldb0104 Ldb0102

Streptococcus thermophilus LMG 18311_1

stu0397 stu0396 stu0393 stu0392 stu0391

Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus ATCC BAA–365_1

LBUL_0090 LBUL_0089 LBUL_0087 LBUL_0085

Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus ATCC BAA–365_1

LBUL_1235 LBUL_1232
Lactobacillus lactis subsp. lactis IL1403_1 Lbul
L67872 L67226 L66233 L63684 L62955 L61680
Lactobacillus salivarius subsp. salivarius UCC118_1

LSL_1175 LSL_1174 LSL_1171 LSL_1170 LSL_1169

Figure 2.5. Organization of the genome region of selected lactic acid bacteria containing the autoinducer-2 producer gene luxS. The comparison was perfomed using the
Multi- Genome Region Comparison tool in the Comprehensive Microbial Resource web site at JCVI ( The cutoff selection for protein matches was
40% minimum percent similarity. The two chromosomal regions of Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus ATCC BAA-365 containing luxS are indicated.
Chromosome Streptococcus thermophilus LMG 18311





11 359246 718491 1077736 1436981 1796226

Chromosome Streptococcus thermophilus CNRZ1066

Figure 2.6. Whole-genome alignment of Streptococcus thermophilus CNRZ1066 versus Strep. thermophilus LMG 18311
using Maximal Unique Match (MUMmer; Kurtz et al. 2004). Minimum Match Length was set at 150. Unique regions in each
chromosome are depicted as green and red dots.

Figure 6.1. Scheme of a CRISPR locus.

Lysis-lysogeny switch
Packaging Morphogenesis Lysis Integration Replication

portal prts mhp tail-tail mtp tmp hintp

Xis CI Cro Ant
Figure 6.3. A. Genome sequence of phage A2. Arrows represent putatively identified genes. Modules are marked with dif-
ferent colors; B. morphogenesis module indicating genes and the predicted proteins; C. proteins of the lysis-lysogenic switch
module: major head protein (mhp); major tail protein (mtp); protease (prts); tail measure protein (tmp); host-interaction protein
(hintp); antirrepressor (Ant).

Figure 12.4 The complete vitamin B12 biosynthesis gene cluster of Lactobacillus reuteri CRL1098.


Pyruvate Pyruvate

Acetolactate Diacetyl Acetolactate Diacetyl

ilv ilv
leu leu

Acetoin Leucine Valine Acetoine Leucine Valine

Figure 20.2. Effect of aldB mutation in L. lactis on acetolactate metabolism and diacetyl production. In the wild-type strain (A) aceto-
lactate is a precursor for acetoin and leucin and valine. The balance between the two routes is controlled by AldC, which is allosterically
triggered by leucine. In the aldB mutant strain, acetolactate accumulates in the medium and is available for its oxidative conversion into


Growth of phage-resistant strains

resulting from pip inactivation

Infection and death of wild-type strains

Figure 20.3. Phage resistance by a single mutation the in pip gene. Phages are not able to attack strains carrying a mutation
in the pip gene receptor.

Chapter 7

Lactic Acid Bacteria as Immunomodulators of

the Gut-Associated Immune System

Carolina Maldonado Galdeano, Alejandra de Moreno de LeBlanc, Cecilia Dogi,

and Gabriela Perdigón

The safety and beneficial effects on human health of 7.1. Introduction

selected lactic acid bacteria (LAB) used as probiot-
Both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells coexist in the
ics in many food products need to be assessed by
intestinal environment. Among the eukaryotic cells,
rigorous criteria. Several studies have shown that
besides the epithelial cells, the immune cells are
LAB stimulate the systemic and mucosal immune
organized forming the gut-associated lymphoid
systems. To establish the scientific basis for the use
tissue (GALT). The intestinal immune cells are in
of these microorganisms as immune adjuvants, the
contact with antigens from the external environ-
elucidation of the involved mechanisms is needed.
ment, the intestinal microbiota and the antigen’s diet
Animal model studies have demonstrated that
being the main antigen’s stimuli. The intestinal
mucosa immune activation by different LAB is medi-
microbiota plays an important role in the develop-
ated by the increase in the numbers of proinflamma-
ment of host’s innate and adaptive immune responses
tory and regulatory cytokine producing cells in the
and in oral tolerance mechanisms. Regulation of the
gut, thus maintaining the intestinal homeostasis.
composition of the gut microbiota, for example, by
LAB administration also showed a tendency to stim-
the use of prebiotics and probiotics, offers the pos-
ulate the Th2 response with production of systemic
sibility of influencing the development of mucosal
antibodies, bacterial viability being an important
and systemic immunity. The use of probiotics in the
condition. Probiotic LAB can interact with epithe-
prevention or treatment of intestinal infections and
lial cells as well as with the immune cells associated
the mechanisms by which these microorganisms
with the gut to induce immune activation; microbial
affect the immune system allow the determination
cells or their cellular fragments can also be inter-
of the specific pathologies in which probiotic bacte-
nalized by the epithelial cells. Secretory IgA, one of
ria could be useful to ameliorate diseases.
the principal defense antibodies at the intestinal
level, is increased with the administration of probi-
otic bacteria. The clonal expansion of T lymphocyte
7.2. Factors Involved in the
population in lamina propria of the small intestine
Development of Gut Microbiota
is, however, not induced by LAB. These bacteria
activate mainly the innate immune response (mac- The human intestinal microbiota includes a great
rophages and dendritic cells) through the increase number of bacteria composed by numerous genera,
in the expression of receptors involved in the antigen species, and strains. It plays an important role in
clearance and in the immune signaling as well as human health and promotes normal gastrointestinal
the reinforcement of the intestinal barrier, thus pro- (GI) functions (Pickard et al. 2004). The gut
tecting the host against intestinal pathologies. microbiota exerts a barrier effect preventing the

Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria Novel Applications 125

Edited by Fernanda Mozzi, Raúl R. Raya and Graciela M. Vignolo
© 2010 Blackwell Publishing. ISBN: 978-0-813-81583-1
126 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

colonization by pathogenic bacteria, and furthermore The GI tract of conventional adult mammals is
fulfills other important metabolic functions: fermen- constituted by a complex and dynamic community
tation of non-digestible fibers, source of energy of microorganisms. The large intestine is the most
as short-chain fatty acids, production of vitamin intensely colonized region, with 1010–1011 bacteria/g
K, and stimulation of the immune system develop- of intestinal content. The predominant species from
ment (Guarner and Malagelada 2003). The process the human colon belong to the genera Bacteroides,
of colonization of the GI tract begins after birth, Eubacterium, Bifidobacterium, Ruminococcus, and
where the establishment of the intestinal microbiota Clostridium. Subdominant species include entero-
is a complex process influenced by interactions bacteria, particularly Escherichia coli, and strepto-
between the host and the microorganisms, and by cocci (Moreau and Gaboriau-Routhiau 2000).
external and internal factors (Fanaro et al. 2003). Commensal microorganisms interact with the host
Digestive microbiota in newborns is developed without harmful effects. The intestinal immune
sequentially during early life and its composition system in healthy host allows the persistence of the
changes according to the maturation of intestinal normal microbiota and avoids immunological toler-
mucosa and dietary diversification. At birth the ance to them, maintaining the intestinal homeostasis.
intestine is sterile but within a few hours bacteria The presence of potentially pathogenic microorgan-
can be found in the faeces (Hudault 1996). The isms in the gut is not always associated with disease.
intestinal environment of neonates has a positive The harmful effects depend on the immune state of
oxidation/reduction potential, and the GI tract is the host and the virulence factors of the microorgan-
colonized first by facultative aerobes. Gradually, the isms (Casadevall and Pirofski 2000), revealing that
oxygen is consumed by these bacteria and the intes- a complex interaction exists between microbiota and
tine changes into a more reduced environment, per- the intestinal immune system. Although the pre-
mitting the subsequent growth of strict anaerobes dominant human intestinal microbiota is relatively
(Bezirtzoglou 1997). stable and unique for each individual, different envi-
Recent studies demonstrated that the most impor- ronmental factors can affect the microbial composi-
tant determinants of the gut microbial composition tion in a transitory or permanent way (e.g., stress,
in infants depend on the delivery mode, type of diet, antibiotics treatment).
infant feeding, gestational age, infant hospitaliza-
tion, and antibiotic use. In this period of life, bacte-
7.3. Influence of the Intestinal
ria colonizing the infant gut come mainly from the
Microbiota on the GALT
mother and the environment. Vaginally born infants
are colonized at first by the fecal and vaginal bacte- The intestinal immune system is the largest and
ria of the mother, whereas infants born through most complex part of the immune system. The main
cesarean section are exposed initially to bacteria protection against potential pathogens occurs via
originating from the hospital environment and mucosal immune system, involving mechanisms of
health-care workers (Bezirtzoglou 1997; Gronlund innate immunity, as well as GALT as a secondary
et al. 1999). Other factors that can influence the lymphoid organ.
composition of the intestinal microbiota in neonates GALT is poorly developed at birth; the Peyer ’s
are the environment during birth, prematurity, patches and the immune cells associated with the
hygienic cares, and type of infant feeding (breast lamina propria in the human small intestine are
or bottle feeding; Heavey and Rowland 1999). present, but the cellularity is reduced. The intestinal
Vaginally term-born and breast-fed infants exclu- colonization process by a complex and diverse
sively have a predominance of “beneficial” gut microbiota is the most important stimulus for GALT
microbiota (highest numbers of bifidobacteria development.
and lowest numbers of Clostridium difficile and The number of IgA-secreting cells in the small
Escherichia coli; Penders et al. 2006). intestine increases with time and with external
Lactic Acid Bacteria as Immunomodulators of the Gut-Associated Immune System 127

stimuli. Experimental model studies showed that the et al. 1999; Yasui et al. 1999; Gill et al. 2000;
number of the IgA plasma cells in villous are Isolauri et al. 2001; de Moreno de LeBlanc et al.
significantly smaller in germ-free mice than in 2005a; Di Giacinto et al. 2005), alleviation of intes-
conventional mice, suggesting the important role of tinal bowel disease symptoms (Schultz and Sartor
microbiota in the development of the intestinal 2000; Herias et al. 2005), and improvement of
immune system (Moreau et al. 1982). A similar lactose digestion (de Vrese et al. 2001; Kopp-
study using gnotobiotic mice colonized with single Hoolihan 2001).
Gram (+) or Gram (−) digestive bacteria demon- The immunological properties of probiotic bac-
strated that different bacterial strains could affect the teria have been extensively studied; certain LAB
number of IgA plasma cells in the intestinal villous such as Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus rhamno-
in different ways (Moreau et al. 1978). sus, and Lactobacillus plantarum enhance both
Beneficial effects derived from the association or systemic and mucosal immunity (Perdigon et al.
interaction between bacteria and the epithelial and 1999, 2001). Furthermore, Lactobacillus acidophi-
immune cells in the intestine have been demon- lus strain La1 (able to adhere to enterocytes) and
strated (Isolauri et al. 2001; Kelly et al. 2005). Bifidobacterium bifidum strain Bb12, which shows
Bifidobacteria and lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are high fecal colonization, stimulate the phagocytic
considered the most important health-beneficial bac- cells more efficiently than other bacteria (Schiffrin
teria for the human host (Naidu et al. 1999). These et al. 1997). Studies on the intestinal mucosal
microorganisms are commonly called “probiotics.” immune system showed that not all LAB could be
The concept of health-beneficial bacteria was intro- used as oral adjuvants and that their beneficial
duced by Eli Metchnikoff (1907) to explain the link effects could not be related to bacterial genera or
between the longevity and health of Bulgarian peas- species, because strain variations may occur (Vintiñi
ants and daily intake of fermented milk products et al. 2000).
containing non-putrefactive organisms. From these
observations, Metchnikoff theorized that mainte-
nance of a healthy gut microbiota, through daily
7.4. Probiotic Interaction with
ingestion of beneficial bacteria, was the key to a
Epithelial and Immune Cells
healthy long life. In fact, probiotics have been
in the Small Intestine
defined as “live microorganisms that when being
administered in appropriate dose, they confer a The correct use of probiotics requires understanding
benefit of health to the receiver” (FAO/WHO 2001). of the mechanism by which these microorganisms
The health benefits induced by probiotics are related interact with the intestinal immune cells. Criteria for
to the improvement of the normal microbiota probiotic selection include their resistance to the
(Rochet et al. 2008), prevention of infectious dis- enzymes in the oral cavity (amylases and lysozyme),
eases (Coconnier et al. 1993, 1998; Bernet-Camard to the low pH in the stomach, and to the concentra-
et al. 1997; Silva et al. 1999; Sheth and Garcia-Tsao tion of bile and pancreatic juices of the small intes-
2008) and food allergies (Majamaa and Isolauri tine. Studies conducted with viable and non-viable
1997; Pelto et al. 1998), reduction of serum choles- probiotic bacteria labeled with fluorescein isothio-
terol (Fukushima and Nakano 1996; de Roos and cyanate, administered to mice by intragastric intuba-
Katan 2000), promotion of anticarcinogenic activity tion, showed that bacterial viability is an important
(Hirayama and Rafter 1999; Reddy 1999; de Moreno condition for bacterial adhesion to intestinal cells,
de LeBlanc and Perdigon 2004; de Moreno de this first contact between probiotic bacteria and
LeBlanc et al. 2004; Ishikawa et al. 2005), stabiliza- epithelial cells being crucial in following events
tion of the gut mucosal barrier (Salminen et al. (Galdeano and Perdigon 2004). Viable bacteria were
1996), increase in immune adjuvant properties observed up to 72 h while dead bacteria were rapidly
(Schiffrin et al. 1995; Fukushima et al. 1998; Kato depurated by the immune cells.
128 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

As any other particulate antigen, probiotic micro- cytokines by the immune cells from both innate and
organisms must also be able to persist in the GI adaptive immune responses. The interaction of the
tract and to interact with the gut epithelial tissue. probiotic bacterium Lact. casei CRL431 with iso-
The probiotic bacterium Lact. casei CRL431, for lated intestinal epithelial cells was reported to be
example, adhered to the gut epithelial cells of mediated by Toll-like receptor-2 (TLR-2), produc-
BALB/c mice after oral administration (Galdeano ing an increase in IL-6 in the culture supernatant
and Perdigon 2004). Immunolabeling assays by (Vinderola et al. 2005).
electron microscopy using colloidal gold particles
showed that the interaction of this probiotic bacte-
7.5. Probiotics: Activation of the
rium with intestinal epithelial cells occurs after 5 min
Intestinal Immune System and the
of oral administration. The entire bacteria were
Innate Immune Response in the Gut
present in the lumen of the intestine or adhered to
the apical surface of the epithelial cells, while labeled In recent years the consumption of dietary supple-
cell wall antigen particles were only detected inside ments containing probiotic bacteria has increased
the intestine cells. The colloidal gold antigen parti- notably based on the idea that probiotics help to
cles were found both in the cytoplasm and in the maintain a beneficial balance of the intestinal micro-
intercellular spaces of the epithelial cells of the small biota. The main probiotic vehicles are fermented
intestine. The uptake of particulate antigens, macro- products, with bifidobacteria and lactobacilli being
molecules, and microorganisms can occur by active the principal species involved. Probiotics have
transepithelial vesicular transport, with the entero- been reported to stimulate both innate and adaptive
cytes being able to endocytose small amounts of immune response by increasing macrophages (MC)
intact proteins and peptides across the epithelium activation and antibody production (Sato et al. 1988;
(Neutra and Kraehenbuhl 1993). In accordance with Haller et al. 2000; Kato 2000). Children and elderly
this, the colloidal gold particles observed in the inter- populations have often been the subject of studies
cellular spaces may be internalized by this process. to determine the clinical effects of probiotics,
Other potential cells involved in the internaliza- because these groups are more susceptible to infec-
tion process are M and dendritic cells. M cells are tion compared with young adults. It was reported
distinctive epithelial cells found in the follicle- that children attending a day-care center who were
associated epithelium of the Peyer ’s patches that supplemented with Lact. rhamnosus GG showed a
play a key role because of their capacity to transport significantly reduced incidence of respiratory infec-
macromolecules, microorganisms, and inert parti- tions (Hatakka et al. 2001). Similar beneficial effects
cles from the lumen into the lymphoid tissue by in the control or prevention of diarrhea with other
adsorptive endocytosis. M cells are not the only type probiotic strains have been demonstrated (Szymanski
of cells capable of transporting antigens across the et al. 2006; Binns et al. 2007), which suggest that
epithelial barrier. Dendritic cells (DC) might extend the enteropathogenic infection in children may be
their dendritic-like projections through epithelial ameliorated by continuous supplementation of pro-
tight junctions and sample luminal antigens directly biotics to the diet.
from the small intestine as reported by Rescigno et On the other hand, Turchet et al. (2003) showed
al. (2001). During this process the integrity of the that the duration of winter infections in the elderly
epithelial barrier would be maintained due to tight population was shorter in subjects administered with
junctions constituted by proteins expressed on both fermented milk containing Lact. casei DN-114001
enterocytes and DC. than in controls without fermented milk supplemen-
The epithelial cells are in contact with the tation. Another study demonstrated that dietary
antigens present in the lumen and they respond to supplementation with Lactobacillus johnsonii
environmental signals by releasing chemokines and La1 reduced the duration of respiratory infection
Lactic Acid Bacteria as Immunomodulators of the Gut-Associated Immune System 129

(Fukushima et al. 2007). However, the mechanisms intestine in either CD4 or CD8 T cells. These results
of how supplementation with probiotics can reduce led to the inference that this LAB strain could be
the incidence of respiratory tract infection remain to used as an oral adjuvant mucosal surface; it is also
be clarified. It has been suggested that the increase useful against mammary gland and respiratory
in the number and functionality of natural killer pathologies (Fig. 7.2).
(NK) cells could explain those effects, probably by Ex vivo studies demonstrated that the main cells
increasing the antibody levels as was described after involved in cytokine production such as TNFα were
influenza vaccination (de Vrese et al. 2006; Olivares the phagocytic cells: MC and DC (Perdigon et al.
et al. 2007). When the adjuvant capacity of different 2002b). Proliferation of T cells after the probiotic
probiotics was studied in animal models, Lact. casei administration was not observed, suggesting that the
CRL431, in particular, was able to protect against main cells involved in the immune stimulation by
Salmonella enteritidis serovar Typhimurium and probiotic bacteria were those involved in the innate
Escherichia coli infections in mice, through an immune response. Phagocytic cells express pattern-
increase in the specific S-IgA into the intestinal recognition receptors such as TLRs, C-type lectin
lumen (Perdigon et al. 1991; Gobbato et al. 2008). receptors and Nod-like receptors that are specific for
Cytokine production is a consequence of the various microbial components. These patterns of
immune cells activation; the profile obtained allows recognition receptors expressed by MC and DC of
predicting the type of response (regulatory or inflam- the GALT can recognize the probiotic bacteria com-
matory). In fact, cytokines are considered biological ponents. One of the most intensively studied fami-
messengers that are able to balance the immune lies of pattern recognition receptors is the TLR
response. Oral administration of mice with different family. TLRs play a central role in alerting antigen-
LAB stimulated the number of cytokine-positive presenting cells to the presence of pathogenic bac-
cells in lamina propria and in Peyer ’s patches of the teria (Dunzendorfer et al. 2004). TLRs can activate
small intestine, the effect being dose-dependent the innate immune response, mainly inflammatory,
(Perdigon et al. 2002b). LAB were able to induce before the adaptive immune response (Ahmad-
the production of inflammatory cytokines such as Nejad et al. 2002; Heil et al. 2003; Matsumoto et al.
TNFα and IFNγ, as well as regulatory cytokines 2003). Among this family of TLRs, TLR-2 recog-
such as IL-4 and IL-10. The observed cytokine nizes a variety of microbial components such as
profile varied according to the LAB administrated lipoproteins/lipopeptides from various pathogens,
(Maassen et al. 2000; Perdigon et al. 2002b) and peptidoglycans, and lipoteichoic acid from Gram
was dependent on the viability of the LAB strains (+) bacteria. It has been reported that TLR-2 is also
used; viable cells elicited a better immune stimula- able to recognize lipopolysaccharide preparations
tion. The effect of bacterial viability was more from enterobacteria such as Leptospira interrogans,
remarkable with Lact. casei and Lact. acidophilus Porphyromonas gingivalis, and Helicobacter pylori
strains than with Lact. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus (Kalliomaki et al. 2001; Turchet et al. 2003).
and particularly for the cytokines IFNγ and IL-10 In vitro studies demonstrated that B. bifidum
(Fig. 7.1). W32 and Bifidobacterium infantis W52 stimulated
Oral administration of probiotics may also stimu- TLR-2 in ovary cells and activated the transcrip-
late mucosal sites distant to the intestine. Thus, the tional factor NF-kB (Niers et al. 2007). Another
oral administration of the probiotic strain Lact. casei study performed with lipoteichoic acid derived from
CRL431 to mice produced an important increase in Lact. casei Shirota showed the stimulation of MC
the number of IgA+ cells in bronchus and mammary to secrete TNFα via TLR-2 signaling (Matsuguchi
glands (de Moreno de LeBlanc et al. 2005a). Lact. et al. 2003). Orally ingested Lact. rhamnosus Lr23
casei CRL431 administration was not able to induce could promote the development of regulatory DCs
T cell proliferation in the lamina propria of the small in a TLR-2-dependent manner (Foligne et al. 2007).
Lact. casei CRL431 Lact. acidophilus CRL724 Lact. bulgaricus CRL423

160 160 300

140 * *
* 250 *
80 *
120 * *
* 200
80 * 150
* *
60 40 *
* 100 * *

N° cells/10 fields
N° cells/10 fields
N° cells/10 fields

20 * *
50 *

0 0 0
Control 2 days 5 days 7 days Control 2 days 5 days 7 days Control 2 days 5 days 7 days
Figure 7.1. Effect of viable and nonviable LAB on the number of IFNγ and IL-10 positive cells in lamina propria of the small intestine. Cytokine
positive cells were determined in mice receiving the viable (black and diagonal line bars for IFNγ and IL-10, respectively) and nonviable (white and
gray bars for IFNγ and IL-10, respectively) LAB (2 × 109 UFC ml−1) in the drinking water during 2, 5, or 7 days. Cells were analyzed by indirect
immunofluorescence on small intestine. Values are expressed as mean ± S.D. of number of positive cells (fluorescent cells) counted in 10 fields of
vision at 1000× magnification (cells/10 fields) using a fluorescence light microscope. *Significant differences between groups and control (P < 0.05).
Intestine Bronchus Mammary glands

300 35 40
* 30
150 20

N° cells/10 fields

N° cells/10 fields
N° cells/10 fields


0 0 0
Figure 7.2. Determination of the number of IgA+, CD4+ and CD8+ cells in the intestine, bronchus, and mammary glands after Lact. casei CRL431
administration. Cells were determined on histological sections of control group (black bars) and mice fed with Lact. casei CRL431 during 2 (white
bars), 5 (diagonal line bars), and 7 (gray bars) days by direct immunofluorescence assays. The values are expressed as mean ± S.D. of number of
positive cells (fluorescent cells) counted in 10 fields of vision at 1000× magnification (cells/10 fields) *Significant differences between groups and
control (P < 0.05).

132 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

Also, the number of TLR-2 as well as CD-206 posi- system through several routes. The adherence of
tive cells (see below), in both lamina propria and these microorganisms to the epithelial cells, through
Peyer ’s patches of mice, significantly increased after TLR-2 receptors, induces the release of IL-6 by
oral administration of Lact. casei CRL431 (Galdeano intestinal epithelial cells. Probiotics may also be
and Perdigon 2006). Moreover, in vitro assays internalized by the gut immune cells to trigger and
showed that Lact. casei CRL431 stimulates IL-6 modulate the immune function in the intestine as
release by intestinal epithelial cells through TLR-2 well as by DC and M cells. DC might directly
(Vinderola et al. 2005). These results indicate the sample and process probiotics in the gut lumen
central role of TLR-2 in the interaction between through interdigitant projections, while M cells
probiotics and immune cells. The fact that antigen located in the Peyer ’s patches or in the villous may
particles from probiotic bacteria can interact with take probiotics up directly by transcytosis (Neutra
the intestinal immune cells suggests that TLR-9 and Kraehenbuhl 1993).
could also be involved in the signal process to acti- MC and DC are the first immune cells that can
vate the immune cells of the gut (Dogi et al. 2009). interact with the probiotic or their cellular frag-
Another family of receptors involved in pattern ments. These cells can recognize the antigens
recognition is the mannose receptor family. The through the receptors TLR-2 and CD-206 with the
mannose receptor CD-206 binds carbohydrate consequent production of cytokines such as TNFα.
groups containing mannosyl/fucosyl residues and a This is the main cytokine participating in the cross
terminal lectin domain that binds sulfated carbohy- talk between the intestinal and immune cells. MC
drate groups and is able to recognize a number of and DC exposed to probiotics can secrete a variety
microbial proteoglycans. This receptor is involved of cytokines, such as IL-10 and IL-6, enhancing
in the clearance of self-antigens such as endogenous the network of cytokine signals. Other cytokines
proteins, including myeloperoxidase, lysosomal produced are IL-12 and IL-10, which control the
hydrolases, and some hormones that contain sul- balance of the immune response; IL-12 increases
fated carbohydrate groups (Lee et al. 2002). As cellular immunity whereas IL-10 induces down
stated above, the number of positive cells for this immune regulation responses. IL-6 together with
receptor in mice was significantly increased after IL-4 and Transforming Growth Factor-β (TGF-β)
Lact. casei CRL431 administration. The increase in may induce the T-independent switch from IgM to
CD-206 and TLR-2 could be due to upregulation of IgA on the surface of B lymphocytes, promoting an
these markers, in agreement with previous studies increase in the number of IgA+ B lymphocytes
(Galdeano and Perdigon 2004) where probiotic bac- in the lamina propria of the gut. It was reported that
teria or their antigenic particles internalized by DC the number of IgA+ cells in the lamina propria of
or MC induced the increase of these two receptors. the small intestine increased after administration of
different LAB, such as Lact. acidophilus, Lact. bul-
garicus, and Streptococcus thermophilus, probably
7.6. Mechanisms of Immunomodulation
by IL-6 and IL-5 produced by immune cells
by Probiotics in the Gut
(Galdeano and Perdigon 2006).
Based on the results mentioned above, a model for Probiotic stimulation can also induce the IgA
the interaction between the probiotic strain Lact. cycle by increasing the number of IgA+ cells in
casei CRL431 with the intestinal epithelial and mucosal sites distant of the intestine. The IgA+ cells
immune cells that have in consideration the effects migrate from Peyer ’s patches to the mesenteric lym-
of these interactions on the gut mucosal immune phoid node and then via the thoracic duct to the
system was proposed (Maldonado Galdeano et al. circulation, arriving to the bronchus and mammary
2007; Fig. 7.3). glands. The cytokines released by probiotic stimula-
It is proposed that probiotic bacteria in the gut tion in Peyer ’s patches are the biological messengers
lumen are recognized and processed by the immune of the complex network of signals to induce cell
Lactic Acid Bacteria as Immunomodulators of the Gut-Associated Immune System 133

IgA Lamina
TNFα patches
Antigen TL
TL particles MC TL

BL BL TL TL IFNγ Distant
IL6 IgM mucosal
IgA IL-10 IgA sites

CD206 MLN Thoraxic
cytokines duct
Figure 7.3. Lact. casei CRL431 and epithelial and immune cells interaction model in the small intestine. Three hypothetical
pathways by which probiotics interact with the immune cells and modulate immune function in the intestine are proposed.
(1) Probiotics contact directly with the intestinal epithelial cells (IEC), which secrete cytokines such as IL-6 and initiate the
dialog with adjacent immune cells; (2) specialized epithelial cells called M cells (MC) present in the Peyer’s patches or in the
villi. Macrophages (MQ) or dendritic cells (DC) are the first cells immediately below M cells taking contact with probiotic
bacterium or their antigen fragments and producing cytokines; and (3) DC in the intestinal lamina propria has been found
to extend their dendrites between IEC and might directly sample and process probiotics in the gut lumen.

migration and to activate the systemic immune 7.7. Consumption of Probiotic Bacteria
response (Lamm 1976). Specific IgA against the Suspensions or Fermented Milks:
probiotic bacteria epitopes and modifications in the Effects on the Intestinal
number of CD4+ or CD8+ populations were not Immune System
found when probiotic bacteria were administered by
7.7.1. Administration of Fermented Milks
oral route (Galdeano and Perdigon 2006). These
findings suggest that antigen presentation with pro- The intake of fermented products and their relation-
duction of specific antibodies anti-probiotic bacteria ship with host health was first reported a century
would not be induced. ago. Many researchers have studied the beneficial
In conclusion, the activation of the gut immune effects of yogurt and LAB commonly used in yogurt
system induced by the probiotic bacterium Lact. production against infections, GI disorders, and
casei CRL431 denotes that the main immune cells cancer (Adolfsson et al. 2004; Parvez et al. 2006).
implicated are those involved in the innate immune In addition to LAB, fermented milks possess other
response (MC and DC) while the T cell population non-bacterial components produced during the fer-
is less involved in the observed immune modulation mentation that can contribute to immunogenicity
(Galdeano and Perdigon 2006). and other nutritional properties. Peptides and free
134 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

fatty acids released during milk fermentation were but they did not show an increased activity. The
shown to increase the immune response (Meydani increase of IgA but not IgG could explain why
and Ha 2000). Fractions separated by dialysis from yogurt does not induce the undesirable inflamma-
yogurt showed tumor inhibition in in vivo murine tory response (Valdez et al. 1997).
assays (Ayebo et al. 1982). Certain soluble compo- It was also reported that cyclic yogurt feeding
nents produced by LAB during milk fermentation inhibited the development of an experimental colon
could be used to prevent some malignant pathology cancer induced by dimethylhydrazine in BALB/c
(Biffi et al. 1997). Also, it was reported that the mice. Before tumor development, the animals exhib-
filtrate of yogurt increased IFNγ production by NK ited a significant inflammatory response with mono-
cells (De Simone et al. 1986). nuclear cells infiltration in the large intestine. When
Anti-mutagenic and immunomodulator proper- these mice were cyclically fed with yogurt, both the
ties were described for a milk fermented with tumor growth and the inflammatory response were
Lactobacillus helveticus R389 (Matar et al. 1997, inhibited (de Moreno de LeBlanc and Perdigon
2001). Both beneficial effects were related to the 2004, 2005). These results were obtained in an
high proteinase and peptidase enzyme activities of experimental model where mice received yogurt
the wild-type strain R389, since they were not during a prolonged (6 months) period of time. This
detected in milk fermented with the proteolytic defi- long-term feeding of yogurt increased the number
cient mutant. The number of IgA+ cells was of IgA+ cells in the large intestine, values that were
increased both in the small intestine and in the bron- maintained in high number during yogurt adminis-
chus of mice fed with the milk fermented by strain tration. An increase in the CD4+ T lymphocyte
R389 (Matar et al. 1997, 2001). Peptidic fractions population was only observed in mice that received
liberated during milk fermentation with Lact. helve- yogurt in the presence of the carcinogen; in contrast,
ticus R389 stimulated the immune system and inhib- higher numbers of CD8+ and IgG+ were detected in
ited the growth of an immune-dependent fibrosarcoma the tumor control group (Perdigon et al. 2002a). The
in an experimental mice model (LeBlanc et al. analyses of different immune cell populations sug-
2002). The consumption of this fermented milk also gested the possible anti-inflammatory role of yogurt
decreased the growth of a breast tumor in a murine (also related to the anticarcinogenic effect of this
model (de Moreno de LeBlanc et al. 2005b, 2005c). product).
Cytokines are important biological messengers in
the stimulation, regulation, and modulation of the
7.7.2. Administration of
immune response. The long-term cyclic yogurt
Conventional Yogurt
feeding significantly increased, compared with the
Conventional yogurt is one of the most consumed non-treated group, the levels of cytokine TNFα an
fermented products in Western populations. The apoptosis mediator produced by monocyte-
immunomodulatory capacity of yogurt and other macrophages infiltrated in the tumor, and IFNγ a
fermented milks is one of the best documented cytokine produced by CD4+ cells (de Moreno de
effects attributed to these products. Administration LeBlanc and Perdigon 2005). However, since the
of commercial-type yogurt to BABL/c mice induced inducible oxide nitric synthase enzyme (iNOS) was
a marked immune cell infiltration with plasma cells not induced in the cells of the large intestine of yogurt-
and lymphocyte prevalence (Perdigon et al. 1994) fed mice and no inflammation was observed, the
when it was given during short periods of time. increase of these cytokines was not related to inflam-
Yogurt feeding for 7 days increased the number of mation (Table 7.1). As expected, the levels of iNOS,
IgA+ cells in the small and large intestine of mice an enzyme induced by microbial products and cyto-
but IgM+ and IgG+ cells were not increased kines during the immune response displaying an
(Perdigon et al. 1998). Macrophage numbers were important role in the antimicrobial mechanisms
also increased compared with the non-treated group, exerted by M cells (de Moreno de LeBlanc et al.
Lactic Acid Bacteria as Immunomodulators of the Gut-Associated Immune System 135

Table 7.1. Comparative study of the cytokine positive cells and iNOS enzyme in the intestine of mice fed with
fermented milks or probiotic bacterium.

Experimental group Intestine section Feeding period TNFα IFNγ iNOS IL-10 IL-4
Yogurt LI 10 days 29 ± 3 25 ± 3 8±2 23 ± 2 14 ± 2
3 months 50* ± 7 100* ± 10 19* ± 5 62* ± 9 26 ± 4
4 months 57* ± 8 112* ± 9 11* ± 2 57* ± 12 33 ± 7
5 months 81* ± 9 129* ± 14 14* ± 3 55* ± 6 17 ± 2
6 months 101* ± 14 86* ± 17 12* ± 2 62* ± 12 25 ± 3
CRL431 SI 2 days 50* ± 6 99* ± 11 ND 41* ± 2 90* ± 5
14 days 58* ± 15 90* ± 3 ND 79* ± 4 186* ± 9
28 days 75* ± 23 124* ± 13 ND 76* ± 4 222* ± 19
56 days 55* ± 18 116* ± 7 ND 33 ± 3 97* ± 7
84 days 44* ± 4 116* ± 18 ND 32 ± 3 132* ± 10
98 days 45* ± 2 96* ± 1 ND 32 ± 2 128* ± 4
Probiotic fermented milk SI 2 days 96* ± 13 47* ± 2 ND 98* ± 8 ND
14 days 75* ± 15 38* ± 4 ND 64* ± 17 ND
28 days 91* ± 8 51* ± 6 ND 68* ± 6 ND
56 days 73* ± 11 38* ± 3 ND 91* ± 7 ND
84 days 35 ± 4 42* ± 8 ND 62* ± 6 ND
98 days 42 ± 5 47* ± 8 ND 61* ± 5 ND
LI 2 days 35* ± 10 31* ± 8 ND 50* ± 7 ND
14 days 67* ± 8 28* ± 4 ND 48* ± 4 ND
28 days 70* ± 7 30* ± 4 ND 40* ± 10 ND
56 days 23 ± 3 28* ± 2 ND 52* ± 6 ND
84 days 22 ± 3 35* ± 12 ND 39* ± 5 ND
98 days 23 ± 2 22 ± 4 ND 25 ± 3 ND
Control SI 30 ± 7 25 ± 4 ND 31 ± 4 34 ± 2
LI 23 ± 3 21 ± 2 10 ± 2 22 ± 3 20 ± 3

Mice received yogurt or the fermented milk containing the probiotic Lact. casei DN 114001 (PFM) ad libitum during 6 months or
98 days, respectively. Lact. casei CRL431 was administered in the drinking water (doses, 2 × 109 UFC ml−1) during 98 days. Cells
were analyzed by indirect immunofluorescence on small intestine (SI) or large intestine (LI) tissues. Results are expressed as number
of positive cells for the corresponding cytokine or enzyme in 10 fields of vision as seen at 1000× magnification using a fluorescence
light microscope.
For the control of both parts of the intestine only one datum is expressed because no significant differences were observed for this
group of mice in the different time point assayed.
* Represent a significant difference (P < 0.05), compared with the respective control of SI or LI. ND = Not determined.

2004), were increased in mice bearing intestinal stimulated and increased the number of the immune
tumor. Moreover, long-term yogurt feeding increased cells associated with the intestine. No inflammatory
the number of positive cells for the regulatory cyto- response was observed in mice receiving yogurt
kines IL-10 and IL-4 (Table 7.1); these two cytokines showing a modulated response with increase in the
inhibited IFNγ production by activated T cells. Also, number of regulatory cytokines that could be related
IL-10-deficient mice showed high incidence of with the anti-inflammatory effects attributed to the
colorectal carcinomas as reported by Berg et al. (1996). yogurt consumption.
The increase of the cytokines IFNγ, TNFα, IL-10
and IL-4 and the lack of iNOS enzyme induction in
7.7.3. Administration of Lact. casei CRL431
mice fed with yogurt suggest that yogurt may regu-
late the immune system by modulating the inflam- The probiotic bacterium Lact. casei CRL431 is
matory response. Thus, long-term yogurt feeding being used in fermented products with proven health
136 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

benefit properties on the host. The immunomodula- DC (Rizza et al. 2002). The increase in IL-2-
tory capacity of this strain was previously described producing cells is correlated with the increased
in this chapter using a mouse model fed with Lact. number of T cells found in both intestines (de
casei CRL431 for short periods of time. The cyclical Moreno de LeBlanc et al. 2008) as well as with the
administration of this strain to mice during 98 days number of other cytokine positive cells (Table 7.1).
showed the stimulation of the mucosal immunity No inflammation was observed in mice given the
with homeostasis maintenance in the gut (Bibas fermented milk, suggesting that TNFα and IFNγ
Bonet et al. 2006); no side effects such as inflam- may produce other effects in the intestine (such as
matory immune response even under constant anti- apoptosis mediated by TNFα) or that the proinflam-
genic stimulation were observed. Only a slight matory effect of these cytokines could have been
increase in the cellularity in the villous and lamina modulated. This latter effect could be attributed
propria of the small intestine was detected. to the regulatory IL-10, which was significantly
Lact. casei CRL431 increased the number of increased with respect to the control values through-
IgA+ cells in the small intestine (Table 7.1). The out the experiment (de Moreno de LeBlanc et al.
administration of this probiotic bacterium also 2008).
increased the TNFα− and IFNγ producing cells up
to 28 days; a significant increase in the regulatory
7.8. Conclusions
cytokines such as IL-10 was also observed. After
this period, the number of positive cells for this The effects of probiotic LAB, delivered as suspen-
cytokine remained similar to those of the control. In sions or fermented milks, on the gut mucosal
contrast, a constant increase of IL-4 in the immune immune system have been described. Selected
cells of the small intestine was observed during the probiotic LAB strains stimulated the mucosal
complete experimental period. immunity, particularly at the intestinal level without
modification of the intestinal homeostasis. This
stimulation may be produced by the antigen stimuli
7.7.4. Administration of Fermented Milk
from the microorganisms and/or from other non-
Containing Lact. casei DN-114001
bacterial component present in the fermented prod-
The beneficial effects of the consumption of fer- ucts. Also, the stimulation of some beneficial
mented milk containing the probiotic strain Lact. intestinal microbiota could affect the immune cells
casei DN-114001 were reported (Turchet et al. associated with the intestine. It is well known
2003; Medici et al. 2005). The modulator effect of that the beneficial effects of probiotics are strain-
the long-term administration of this fermented milk dependent and not specific for any particular genera
on the intestinal immune system as well as the pro- or species, and that several beneficial effects are not
tection of the distant mucosal tissues such as bron- specific for a single bacterium. The probiotic bacte-
chus and mammary glands were ascribed to the ria and/or selected fermented products could be
increase in the IgA cycle (de Moreno de LeBlanc et useful as adjuvant of the mucosal immune system,
al. 2008). At the intestinal level, the continuous con- promoting an increase in the number of IgA+ cells.
sumption of a milk fermented by this probiotic strain These cells are the first line of defense against infec-
increased IL-2 positive cells as well as the number tions; the S-IgA antibodies are the major effector
of TNFα and IFNγ positive cells in the large and molecules in the mucosal system.
small intestine; however, a decrease in the number The long-term consumption of probiotic fer-
of TNFα positive cells was observed at the end of mented milks may contribute to the maintainance of
the experiment (de Moreno de LeBlanc et al. 2008). the surveillance mechanism against harmful stimuli
The IL-2 cytokine is involved in the progression of that enter the intestine without affecting the homeo-
T lymphocytes as a growth factor (Feghali and stasis of the gut ecosystem. The induction of regula-
Wright 1997) and is produced by T lymphocytes and tory cytokines such as IL-10 and IL-4 and the
Lactic Acid Bacteria as Immunomodulators of the Gut-Associated Immune System 137

absence of inflammatory reaction are also desirable. Coconnier, M.H., Lievin, V., Hemery, E., and Servin, A.L.
Human trials are necessary to validate the mucosal (1998) Antagonistic activity against Helicobacter infection in
vitro and in vivo by the human Lactobacillus acidophilus strain
adjuvant effect observed in animal experimental LB. Appl Environ Microbiol 64, 4573–4580.
models and to demonstrate the hypothesis that con- de Moreno de LeBlanc, A., and Perdigon, G. (2004) Yogurt
tinuous consumption of probiotic fermented milks feeding inhibits promotion and progression of experimental
can favor gut surveillance mechanisms against colorectal cancer. Med Sci Monit 10, BR96–104.
intestinal pathologies or infections. de Moreno de LeBlanc, A., and Perdigon, G. (2005) Antitumour
activity of yoghurt. In Progress in Colorectal Cancer Research,
ed. J.D. Martinez, 115–140. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science
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Chapter 8

Lactic Acid Bacteria in the Prevention of Urogenital and

Respiratory Infections

María E. Fátima Nader-Macías, Gladis Susana Alvarez, Clara Silva de Ruiz,

Marcela Medina, and María Silvina Juárez Tomás

During the last decades there has been an explosion tered in either foods or pharmaceuticals; however,
in the number of publications related to effects of new evidence of their application to different human
probiotic microorganisms in the gastrointestinal and animal mucosae has been reported.
tract, both of humans and animals. More recently, The definition of probiotics was almost exclu-
and stimulated by the need for new strategies to sively referred to or related to the GI tract, and
increase or maintain the “high quality of life” directed to the reestablishment of the GI microbiota.
parameters, the application of probiotics is spread- Probiotic was first defined by Lilley and Stillwell
ing to diverse areas such as the urogenital and respi- (1965), in opposition to antibiotics, as “substances
ratory tracts. The use of probiotics in these tracts is secreted by one microorganism to stimulate the
being studied to prevent infections and to improve growth of other microorganisms.” Then, Fuller
the health status of the host. Urogenital (some (1989) defined probiotic as “a live food supplement
sexually transmitted) and respiratory infections are that affects the host beneficially improving the intes-
included in the most frequent causes of morbidity at tinal microbial balance,” but some years later, he
different age populations, mainly in developing redefined probiotic as “simple or mixed microbial
countries. In this chapter, updates on the advances cultures that are administered to the host to exert a
in the applications of probiotics in both fields are beneficial effect on the indigenous microflora.” Due
reviewed, and their mechanisms of action are sug- to the existing discrepancies in the scientific world,
gested. The revision deals with in vitro and in vivo probiotics were later defined as “live microbes that
experimental models, including the small amount of when administered in adequate amounts confer a
clinical evidence of probiotic effects in humans. health benefit to the host” (FAO/WHO 2001). In
Some critical technological parameters in the design 2002, the International Scientific Association for
of foods or pharmaceutical products containing Probiotics and Prebiotics (ISAPP) was founded by
probiotic microorganisms are also discussed. researchers working in this area to discuss the prin-
ciples and rules of probiotic products. Thus, the
previous definition of probiotics was accepted and
8.1. Introduction
modified by ISAPP members as follows: “live
The historical application of probiotic micro- microorganisms which, when administered in ade-
organisms was related to the long and healthy life quate amounts, exert a beneficial physiological
of Bulgarian inhabitants (Metchnikoff 1908). The effect in the host health” (Reid et al. 2003a).
application of this type of product was widely Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and related micro-
studied at the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, adminis- organisms historically used in the elaboration of

Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria Novel Applications 141

Edited by Fernanda Mozzi, Raúl R. Raya and Graciela M. Vignolo
© 2010 Blackwell Publishing. ISBN: 978-0-813-81583-1
142 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

fermented foods are the prototype of probiotic vovaginal candidiasis (VVC), produced mainly
microorganisms. LAB are also very active members by Candida albicans; and aerobic vaginitis, with
of the indigenous microbiota of different mucosal associated vaginal microbiota constituted by aerobic
areas of both poikilothermic and homeothermic microorganisms, such as Group B Streptococcus,
animals, including humans. Nowadays, many probi- Escherichia coli, and Staphylococcus aureus
otic products are available, some containing LAB (Donders et al. 2002).
originally present in foods and others containing In women, GTI may cause gynecological com-
probiotic bacteria isolated from the same organism plications such as vaginal discharge, vaginosis,
tract to which they will be administered. Therefore, vaginitis, cervicitis, endometritis, genital ulcers, or
both types of microorganisms, allochtonous and pelvic inflammatory disease. Ongoing infection of
authochtonous, can exert a beneficial effect on the the upper genital tract leads to infertility and ectopic
host. The decision of using any of these two types pregnancies. On the other hand, infection during
of microorganisms will depend on their intrinsic pregnancy may result in premature rupture of mem-
colonization capability to maintain stable popula- branes and preterm delivery, and risk of neonatal
tions in the targeted area. infection and death.
On the other hand, UTI can mainly be caused by
E. coli, Staphylococcus saprophyticus, Enterococcus
8.2. Urogenital Tract (UGT) faecalis, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Proteus mira-
bilis. The origin of the uropathogens in uncompli-
8.2.1. UGT Infections (UGTI)
cated UTI can be the fecal microbiota. UTI account
UGTI constitute a public health problem affecting for 8 million patient visits annually worldwide with
1 billion people every year throughout the world a high rate of recurrences in adult women (Fihn
and causing high health-care cost (Reid and Bruce 2003). In adults, these diseases may cause painful,
2006). UGTI can be classified into genital tract frequent urination with a feeling of incomplete emp-
infections (GTI) and urinary tract infections (UTI). tying of the bladder, perineal pain, fever, chills, and
GTI are either sexually transmitted (STI) or non- back pain. Most UTI are asymptomatic in elderly
sexually transmitted (non-STI). Each year, there are patients while symptoms are nonspecific in small
340 million estimated new cases of curable STI as children constituting high risk of renal failure.
well as many millions of incurable viral STI, includ- Conventional UGTI (GTI and UTI) are treated
ing 5 million Human Immunodeficiency Virus mainly with antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic,
(HIV) infections ( or antiviral agents. However, frequent exposure to
health/stis/index.htm). The most common STI are these substances can provoke the imbalance of the
trichomoniasis caused by Trichomonas vaginalis; indigenous microbiota leading to the emergence of
chlamydiasis produced by Chlamydia trachomatis; drug-resistant strains and adverse effects, high
gonorrhoea caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae; syph- recurrence rates, and secondary infections. These
ilis produced by Treponema pallidum; chancroid therapies also represent high costs for the health-
caused by Haemophilus ducreyi; genital warts most care systems in all countries. Thus, alternative
frequently produced by types 6 and 11 Human therapeutic procedures such as the use of probiotic
Papilloma Virus (HPV); HIV caused by type 1 or 2 products offer alternative management regimens to
HIV; and genital herpes mainly caused by type 2 antimicrobial treatments and their prophylaxis (Reid
(HSV-2) herpes simplex virus. Among the non-STI and Bruce 2003).
the following syndromes are included: bacterial Currently, several probiotic products to restore
vaginosis (BV) of unknown etiology, but associated vaginal microbiota exist in the international market,
with the overgrowth of Gardnerella vaginalis, for example, vaginal tablets (Gynoflor®, Medinova,
Mycoplasma homimis, Peptostreptococcus sp., Zurich, Switzerland; Normogin, Laboratory
Bacteroides sp., and other anaerobic bacteria; vul- Baldacci, Pisa, Italy), vaginal capsules (Döderlein
Lactic Acid Bacteria in the Prevention of Urogenital and Respiratory Infections 143

Med, Novartis Consumer Health GmbH, Muenchen, and polysaccharides of the LAB surface may be
Germany; EcovagFlora™, Bifodan A/S, Hundested, involved in the adhesion to host cells (Schär-
Denmark; Fermalac® vaginal, Institut Rosell Inc., Zammaretti and Ubbink 2003). Once bacteria are
Montreal, Canada; and Lactonorm®, Geymonat, adhered to the host mucosa, they should form a
Anagni, Italy), vaginal suppositories (Lactinex®, protective biofilm in which bacterial behavior is
Omega Laboratory, Buenos Aires, Argentina; completely different from that of planktonic cells
Tropivag®, Finadiet, Buenos Aires, Argentina; and (Maldonado et al. 2007). The phenomena related to
Vagiflor®, Asche AG, Hamburg, Germany), and the surface characteristics of the bacterial cell, such
oral capsules (Fem-Dophilus®, Jarrow Formulas, as adhesion, biosurfactant production, and auto- and
Los Angeles, CA). However, only few of these pro- co-aggregation capabilities could be involved in
biotic products have been properly proven in clinical biofilm formation (Lepargneur and Rousseau 2002).
studies and published in scientific databases; many Adherence or/and biofilm formation can prevent the
of them being unreliable with regard to their content income of pathogenic microorganisms, acting either
(microorganisms used and number of viable cells; by a competitive exclusion mechanism where spe-
Hughes and Hillier 1990; Reid and Bruce 2006). cific interactions are involved or by steric hindrance,
where nonspecific bonds are settled between bacte-
ria and the host.
8.2.2. Selection of Probiotic
LAB strains showed the ability to inhibit the
Microorganisms: In Vitro Assays
attachment of S. aureus and Group B streptococci
The probiotic strains to be used in UGTI must to vaginal epithelial cells (VEC) but not the attach-
belong to Generally Regarded as Safe micro- ment of E. coli (Zárate and Nader-Macías 2006a).
organisms (e.g., Lactobacillus, Pediococcus, Spurbeck and Arvidson (2008) reported that vaginal
Bifidobacterium, and some Streptococcus strains). lactobacilli reduced the in vitro adherence and inva-
The correct taxonomic identification at the genus/ sion of N. gonorrhoeae to endometrial epithelial
species level by applying internationally accepted cells and displaced adherent gonococci by an
molecular tools is an outmost requirement for the unknown mechanism. Also, Lactobacillus crispatus
use of probiotic microorganisms (Reid et al. 2003b). CTV-05 was tightly adhered to VEC from women
Selection of potentially probiotic strains can be per- with or without recurrent UTI (Kwok et al. 2006).
formed with in vitro assays to evaluate functional In addition, in vitro adhesion to VEC by vaginal
and physiological characteristics thought to be lactobacilli was not affected by the pH value in the
beneficial for UGTI treatments. The proposed range of 4–7 (Ocaña and Nader-Macías 2001).
mechanism for probiotic LAB for UGT treatments Velraeds et al. (1998) reported that biosurfactants
is presented in Figure 8.1. produced by lactobacilli inhibited the initial adhe-
sion of some microorganisms responsible for UGTI
Biofilm formation: Adhesion, aggregation, and (Ent. faecalis, E. coli, and Staphylococcus epider-
production of biosurfactants. As a first step for midis) by steric exclusion. On the other hand,
the colonization of the host, probiotic bacteria as Lactobacillus johnsonii CRL1294 and Lactobacillus
well as indigenous microorganisms must be able to salivarius CRL1328 showed remarkable auto-
adhere to the epithelial cell surface, to the mucus aggregating patterns associated with a protein factor
covering the epithelial tissue, or to the connective of the bacterial cellular surface (Ocaña and Nader-
or basal membrane constituents (collagen, fibronec- Macías 2002). The auto-aggregation ability of Lact.
tin, laminin, and proteoglucans). Many nonspecific johnsonii CRL1294 increased mainly at low initial
interactions may occur between bacterial and host pH of the growth media, a remarkable characteristic
surfaces such as electrostatic or hydrophobic inter- for their survival in the acidic vaginal environment
actions or H-bonds. Later, some nonspecific or spe- (Juárez Tomás et al. 2005). Also, co-aggregation
cific adhesins, proteins, lipoteichoic acids, S-layers, of Lact. johnsonii CRL1294 and Lact. salivarius
144 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

Exogenous Potentially pathogenic endogenous Exogenous

uropathogens microorganisms uropathogens

Inhibition of growth or adherence Inhibition of adherence

Biosurfactants Lactic acid Adherence to Adherence to mucus, vaginal

Bacteriocins epithelial cells fluid or extracellular matrix

Aggregation molecules Lactic acid bacteria

Competition for nutrients

Formation of biofilm

Vaginal epithelium

Stimulation of immune cells Intraepithelial


T cells
B cells Macrophages Dendritic cells NK cells Fibroblasts

Cytokines Chemokines

Figure 8.1. Proposed mechanisms of probiotic LAB for UGT infections treatment. Once administered, LAB may form adherent
biofilm, produce antagonistic substances, compete for nutrients, and stimulate the mucosal or systemic immune system to
protect the host against pathogenic or potentially pathogenic microorganisms.

CRL1328 with vaginal Candida sp. was reported of H2O2-producing LAB was related to a healthy
(Ocaña and Nader-Macías 2002). vaginal tract (Cherpes et al. 2008).
Antagonistic substances produced by vaginal
Production of inhibitory substances and enzymes, microorganisms were observed to inhibit the in vitro
and nutrients availability. Production of organic growth of different vaginal pathogens (Klebanoff
acids (mainly lactic acid), hydrogen peroxide and Coombs 1991; Okkers et al. 1999; McLean and
(H2O2), and bacteriocins is deemed to be a funda- Rosenstein 2000; Aroutcheva et al. 2001; St. Amant
mental criterion for the selection of probiotic micro- et al. 2002; Atassi et al. 2006; Todorov et al. 2007).
organisms. Lactobacilli have been recognized as the In particular, strains of vaginal lactobacilli inhibit-
predominant microbiota of a healthy human vagina ing the growth of E. coli, S. aureus, Streptococcus
and are responsible for maintaining an acidic envi- agalactiae, Ent. faecalis, Klebsiella sp., N. gonor-
ronment (pH < 4.5). Moreover, the predominance rhoeae, and G. vaginalis by lactic acid production
Lactic Acid Bacteria in the Prevention of Urogenital and Respiratory Infections 145

were reported (Juárez Tomás et al. 2003a). In addi- ganisms in humans. However, because no animal
tion, the inhibition of S. aureus in mixed cultures model perfectly reflects human infection by patho-
was attributed to the production of H2O2 by vaginal gens or colonization by autochtonous strains,
lactobacilli (Ocaña et al. 1999a; Juárez Tomás et al. different models have been proposed. Dogs, mice,
2003b). monkeys, pigs, as well as rabbits and rats, have been
Besides the food applications of bacteriocins in used to study UGTI (Johnson and Russell 1996).
the last years, these substances were thought to be The urinary tract of mice and nonhuman primates
useful as preventive or therapeutic agents in the contain digalactoside receptors similar to those
UGT. The supernatant of the salivaricin-producing present in the human urinary tract (Hagberg et al.
Lact. salivarius CRL1328 inhibited the growth of 1983). When the preventive and therapeutic effects
N. gonorrhoeae, Enterococcus faecium, and Ent. of lactobacilli in the UGT were evaluated using a
faecalis (Ocaña et al. 1999b; Juárez Tomás et al. mice model (Nader de Macías et al. 1992; Silva de
2002a). The characteristics of this salivaricin (heat Ruiz et al. 1993; Nader de Macías et al. 1996), lac-
resistance and broad pH range of activity as well as tobacilli increased the effectiveness of antimicrobial
its production in simple and low-cost growth media) agents (e.g., norfloxacin) in the prevention and treat-
favor its inclusion as an additive in probiotic prod- ment of UTI caused by E. coli (Silva de Ruiz et al.
ucts. Dover et al. (2007) demonstrated the safety of 1996; Silva de Ruiz and Nader-Macías 2006).
lactocin 160, an antimicrobial peptide produced by Furthermore, the use of estrogens combined with
vaginal Lactobacillus rhamnosus 160, by employ- Lactobacillus fermentum CRL1058 decreased
ing a human tissue model of ectocervical cells. E. coli infection and increased Lact. fermentum
Vaginal microbiota could also be modulated by colonization. No histological modifications were
nutrient competition. Once in the biofilm, the nutri- observed in these probiotic treatments (Silva de
ents’ availability for embebbed microorganisms is Ruiz et al. 2001, 2003, 2004) and both viable and
limited as compared with that for planktonic cells, nonviable Lact. fermentum cells can be used effi-
thus providing a selective advantage (Freter and ciently as probiotics in E. coli infections (Silva de
Nader-Macías 1995). In particular, arginine has Ruiz and Nader-Macías 2007). Likewise, Asahara
been demonstrated to be a growth-stimulating amino et al. (2001) reported the antimicrobial activity of
acid for anaerobic vaginal pathogens associated the probiotic Lactobacillus casei Shirota against
with BV. Therefore, a probiotic strain with arginine E. coli in a murine UTI model, and Fraga et al.
deiminase activity would decrease the arginine level (2005) characterized an indigenous Lactobacillus
in the vaginal environment inhibiting the growth of murinus that showed preventive and therapeutic
those pathogenic microorganisms (Famularo et al. effects on Proteus mirabilis infection. Also, Winberg
2001; Rousseau et al. 2005). The properties of et al. (1993) reported that vaginal colonization in
beneficial microorganisms determined by applying monkeys disturbed by the use of amoxicillin could
in vitro assays must be verified through in vivo be restored by flushing the vaginal microbiota
studies in both animal and clinical trials to guarantee obtained from healthy monkeys (Herthelius et al.
the beneficial effects in the host. The suggested 1989; Herthelius-Elman et al. 1992). Also, Patton
mechanisms of action for probiotics are probably the et al. (2003) demonstrated that a single intravaginal
addition or synergy of different interactions between application of Lact. crispatus-containing capsules
probiotic microorganisms and the host cells. resulted in vaginal colonization. However, negative
results were obtained in estrogenized BALB/c
mice challenged with T. vaginalis and treated with
8.2.3. In Vivo Assays: Animal Models
Lact. acidophilus (McGrory and Garber 1992).
The purpose of using colonization or infection Vaginal colonization of BALB/c mice by intra-
animal models is to closely mimic the protective vaginal inoculation with human lactobacilli was
properties of the indigenous or probiotic microor- assayed. Most Lactobacillus strains were able to
146 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

stimulate the number of IgM-producing cells at dif- other hand, tampons loaded with a combination of
ferent levels; however, stimulation of IgA-producing Lact. fermentum, Lact. casei var. rhamnosus, and
cells was strain-dependent. None of six strains Lactobacillus gasseri did not improve the cure rate
assayed produced adverse effects (Vintiñi et al. compared with placebo tampons (Eriksson et al.
2004). In addition, Lact. paracasei CRL1289 dem- 2005).
onstrated a mice-protective effect against S. aureus Concerns about product stability and the limited
infections (Zárate et al. 2007). documentation of strain-specific effects of some
The described in vivo assays indicate that adhe- preparations used in UGTI control prevent recom-
sion, colonization, or immune system stimulation mendations for the use of Lactobacillus-containing
depend on specific characteristics of the bacterial probiotics in BV treatments. Several studies on
strain. Thus, results obtained with one strain or the use of lactobacilli as prophylaxis of UTI
experimental model cannot be extrapolated; remain inconclusive as a result of small sample
however, they may be used as indicators for basic sizes and use of invalidated dosing strategies
studies to further evaluate each particular situation. (Falagas et al. 2007; Barrons and Tassone 2008).
Although results on therapeutic effects of urogenital
probiotics are not definitive, selection of scientifi-
cally based strains could provide a reliable alterna-
8.2.4. Clinical Assays
tive and preventive treatment to antibiotics in the
Several clinical studies have reported the applica- future.
tion of probiotics in UGTI to artificially restore
unbalanced microbiota. Different trials showed that
the combination of Lact. rhamnosus GR-1 and Lact.
8.2.5. Technological Parameters for
fermentum RC-14 may reduce the risk of UTI and
Vaginal Probiotics
vaginal colonization of pathogenic microorganisms
and improve the maintenance of normal microbiota Determination of optimal conditions to obtain a high
(Reid and Burton 2002; Reid et al. 2003c). Oral amount of viable cells of probiotic strains as well as
administration of these strains showed intestine and the best storage conditions for the stability of
vagina colonization (Marelli et al. 2004), providing selected microorganisms is a fundamental aspect in
a major step in self-administration therapies. Strains the design of probiotic products. To date, few studies
RC-14 and GR-1 were able to colonize more effec- describing the production processes of probiotic
tively the vaginal tract than Lact. rhamnosus GG vaginal formulations have been published. The
(Gardiner et al. 2002) highlighting the importance effect of physicochemical factors (e.g., growth
of proper selection of strains for urogenital probiotic medium, initial pH, incubation temperature, and
applications. Moreover, the use of these lactobacilli oxygen tension) on the growth of probiotic vaginal
together with antibiotic demonstrated to be effective strains were reported by Juárez Tomás et al. (2002b,
in the eradication of BV in black African women 2004). The biomass of probiotic strains produced
(Anukam et al. 2006). under optimum growth conditions were stored as
Other bacterial strains were evaluated as poten- concentrated cultures and successfully incorporated
tial urogenital probiotics. The administration of into the final product. The presence of sucrose or
vaginal suppositories containing Lact. crispatus lactose and ascorbic acid used as lyoptrotectors and
GAI98332 seemed to be a safe and promising treat- pharmaceutical excipients, respectively, improved
ment for the prevention of recurrent UTI (Uehara et the recovery of viable cells and the expression of
al. 2006). Similarly, Czaja et al. (2007) found that beneficial properties of vaginal lactobacilli during
Lact. crispatus CTV-05 can be given as a vaginal freeze-drying and long-term storage (Zárate and
suppository to healthy women with a history of Nader-Macías 2006b; Juárez Tomás et al. 2009).
recurrent UTI, with minimal side effects. On the However, the microorganisms’ ability to adhere to
Lactic Acid Bacteria in the Prevention of Urogenital and Respiratory Infections 147

VEC or to produce lactic acid, H2O2, and bacterio- The immune system of adult women, which
cins was affected in different extents by the lyophi- includes a complex array of cells and molecules that
lization conditions (Zárate and Nader-Macías 2006b; interact to provide protection to the host, has been
Juárez Tomás et al. 2009). described in detail only in the last years (Wira et al.
2005a). The central lymphoid organs contribute to
the ontogenesis of the different immune cells while
8.2.6. Immune System at the UGT
the peripheral lymphoid organs, in which the
The immune system represents an important com- mucosal lymphoid tissue is included, contribute to
ponent of the reproductive tract (Wira et al. 2005a; the orchestration of the immune response. Most of
Witkin et al. 2007; Barrons and Tassone 2008; the antigens penetrate the body through the mucosa
Ochiel et al. 2008) influencing many of the biologi- so the mucosal immune system plays a key role in
cal functions of the host. The regulation of the the defense response to pathogens. The UGT
immune response of the UGT is very complex mucosal system of the urinary and reproductive
because this mucosal surface must deal with tracts is part of the common mucosal immune
members of the indigenous microbiota, many poten- system, developed and closely connected with the
tial pathogens, spermatozoa, and the fetus. Failure gastrointestinal, respiratory, and glandular systems.
of the immune system to either eliminate pathogens The existence of this common immune system
in the reproductive tract or resist the attack of allo- through all the mucosal tracts has modified the con-
geneic sperm and fetus significantly compromises ception of the way or route of administration of a
procreation as well as the mother ’s health while microbial supplement, to exert its in situ or at-
failures in the urinary tract immune system compro- very-distant-place effect. This subject is being
mise women’s well-being by recurrences and risks deeply studied in relationship to the “tolerance” phe-
of renal infections. nomenon and to broad areas of research at the GI
The concept that the fetus is sterile and comes in tract.
contact with the first microorganisms while passing The mucosal epithelium of the UGT provides the
through the vaginal canal at birth supports the first barrier of defense of specialized organs, and is
hypothesis that the acquired microbiota during and equipped to respond to pathogens while sustaining
immediately after birth is necessary for the matura- commensal microorganisms. This epithelium also
tion of the newborn systemic and mucosal immu- participates in the complicated set of networks and
nity, a concept that is being demonstrated nowadays interactions that are boosted once probiotic micro-
at the intestinal tract. Recent studies, however, have organisms or their antigens interact with it. These
shown that even though lactobacilli and bifidobac- UGT mucosal surfaces offer a wide area for the
teria cells were not detectable in placenta (vaginal interaction of antigens with the immune system and
or caesarean obtained) by cultivation, their DNA include places for antigenic exclusion, antigenic
was detected in most of them (Satokari et al. 2008). samples, and immune regulation (briefly shown in
These results suggested that horizontal gene transfer Fig. 8.1).
of bacterial DNA from mother to fetus may have The UGT mucosal immune system and the sys-
occurred via the placenta. It is well known that spe- temic immune system are similar in the protection
cific unmethylated CpG oligonucleotide motifs against potential pathogens, which is provided by
present in DNA are able to activate Toll-like recep- innate (first line of defense) and adaptive immunity
tor-9 (TLR-9) and trigger Th1 (helper T cells) type (Wira et al. 2005a, 2005b; Witkin et al. 2007; Barrons
immune response. Although the newborn infant is and Tassone 2008; Ochiel et al. 2008). An effective
considered immunologically immature, the expo- specific immune response against pathogens requires
sure to bacterial DNA may program the infant’s the antigen process by the Antigen-Presenting Cells,
immune development during fetal life earlier than and the protection is achieved through humoral
previously considered. immunity (specific antibodies produced by B cells)
148 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

or cell-mediated immunity (direct or indirect destruc- levels (mainly lactobacilli) and IL-1B, IL-6 and
tion of pathogens by T cells). IL-8, which are increased in several UGTI.
When studying the microbial composition of the Regarding the urinary tract, IL-6 levels were sig-
UGT and the susceptibility to UGTI, the genetic nificantly elevated in urine with E. coli higher than
polymorphism of each person, which varies among 105, concentration corresponding to a level of sig-
the different ethnic groups, should be considered. nificant bacteriuria and useful to detect the UTI
This individual genetic capacity is defined as small infections. Rodríguez et al. (2008) reported that a
changes in the DNA sequence of a gene occurring value >15 pg/ml of IL-6 is a strong indicator of acute
between individuals that influence the production of pyelonephritis in children. No studies have related
high or low levels of anti- or pro-microbial factors. the number of lactobacilli with the levels of these
Polymorphism in several genes (Interleukin-1B [IL- types of mediators in urine yet.
1B], Tumor Necrosis Factor-α [TNF-α], TLR-2, Most recent research in this area aims to study
TLR-4, etc.) may influence the predisposition to the relationship between the stability and suscepti-
BV, VVC, UTI, and risk for preterm deliveries in bility of the UGT and RT microbiota to infections
different ethnic groups (e.g., Caucasian, black, and with the genetic makeup of each person.
Brazilian women; Cauci et al. 2007; Genc et al.
2007; Giraldo et al. 2007; Karoly et al. 2007; Tabel
8.2.7. LAB as Vaccine Vectors for the UGT
et al. 2007). These examples indicate the complexity
of the microbial–host interactions, in which the rela- Vaccination is one of the most effective and nonex-
tionships established between the probiotic bacteria pensive ways of preventing or treating diseases.
and the host immune system are included. A few Some of the highest challenges in the area are that
references show the effects of LAB on the vaginal vaccines should be able to elicit a strong and durable
immune system (Table 8.1). These studies demon- immune response. The mucosal administration of
strated an inverse relationship between vaginal LAB vaccines may elicit a wide range of immune

Table 8.1. Effects of LAB on the vaginal immune system.

Type of study Status of patients included Results Reference

Epidemiological study Pregnant women Absence of lactobacilli associated with an Sakai et al. (2004)
increased cervical IL-8 and a higher risk
of preterm labor
Pregnant women with or Inverse relationship between the number Hedges et al. (2006)
without BV of LAB (lactobacilli and Weissella) and
IL-1B levels
Women with or without BV Inverse correlation between IL-6 and IL-8 Libby et al. (2008)
levels and Lact. crispatus, but direct
relation regarding Atopobium vaginae
and Gardnerella vaginalis
HIV infected women Inverse correlation between IL-8 and Spear et al. (2008)
lactobacilli; direct correlation between
IL-8 and Candida
Exogenous administration Women with or without BV Induction of synthesis of IL-8 mRNA and Valore et al. (2006)
of lactobacilli to women and VVC β-defensin 2mRNA in human vaginal
epithelia containing dendritic cells, after
treatment with Lact. jensenii
Lactic Acid Bacteria in the Prevention of Urogenital and Respiratory Infections 149

responses at different mucosal sites. Even though E7 antigen displayed on Lact. casei induces E7-
oral, intradermic, and subcutaneous vaccine admin- specific antitumor effects in C57/BL6 mice (Poo
istration have been highly efficient in eradicating et al. 2006).
dangerous infections in specific world regions or
countries, new strategies are now sought for vaccine
8.3. Respiratory Tract (RT)
delivery at various mucosal sites. The inoculation
and Probiotics
by the intranasal, intravaginal, or intracolonic
route proves to be an excellent way to protect The UGT and the respiratory system are part of the
against sexually and vertically transmitted diseases mucosal immune syndrome; however, the mecha-
(McConnell et al. 2008). nisms involved in the protection of infections at both
A new generation of vaccines is being developed levels are different and will be considered as sepa-
using specific LAB strains and some probiotic Gram rate items in the present review.
(+) lactobacilli. LAB as delivery vehicles have been
mainly focused on the construction of mucosal vac-
8.3.1. Incidence and Relevance of RT
cines, with efforts being devoted to the generation
Infections (RTI)
of genetic tools for antigen expression in different
bacterial locations. The use of bacteria as vehicles The RT is an important entry route of pathogenic
for vaccine delivery implies construction of recom- microorganisms, which begin their replication in
binant strains that contain the gene cassette encod- this area before spreading to the rest of the body.
ing the antigen of interest. For example, Grangette Acute lower RTI constitute a persistent and perva-
et al. (2004) showed a stronger specific response on sive public health problem. They cause a greater
vagina against a model of the C subunit of tetanus burden of disease worldwide than HIV infection,
toxin coupled to a cell wall mutant of Lactobacillus malaria, cancer, or heart attacks (Mizgerd 2008).
plantarum. For contraceptive purposes, Yao et al. The relative importance of the different causes of
(2006, 2007) have coupled the human chorionic mortality in children aged less than 5 years varies
gonadotrophin-β (hCG-β) gene into live lactoba- across world regions; pneumonia remains the major
cilli. Among the different inoculation routes assayed, disease everywhere (Rudan et al. 2008). The inci-
the vaginal mucosal appears to be a better immuni- dence of childhood pneumonia is estimated to be
zation pathway to induce higher anti-hCG-β anti- 0.29 episodes per child-year in developing countries
body levels in the reproductive tract. On the other and 0.05 episodes per child-year in developed coun-
hand, a strategy for preventing HIV was presented tries. This rate means about 156 million new epi-
by Chang et al. (2003) in engineering the commen- sodes each year worldwide, from which 130 million
sal bacterium Lact. casei to secrete two domains occur in the developing world (Rudan et al. 2008).
CD4 proteins that bind HIV type 1 gp 120 and The leading bacterial cause is Streptococcus pneu-
inhibit the entry of the virus into the host target cell. moniae, being identified in 30%–50% of pneumonia
Several authors have proposed that recombinant cases; the second most common organism isolated
LAB might exert a control of genital cancer pro- is Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib; 10%–30%
duced by HPV (Cortes-Perez et al. 2005, 2007; of cases), followed by S. aureus and K. pneumoniae
Poo et al. 2006). Cortes-Perez et al. (2005, 2007) (Rudan et al. 2008). In the United States, these bac-
have shown that the coadministration of recombi- teria cause more disease and death than any other
nant lactococci and Lact. plantarum displaying infection; little change in mortality due to RTI has
HPV antigens at their surface and secreting IL-12 occurred for 50 years. With the exception of oxygen
displayed therapeutic effect on HPV-16 induced therapy for severe pneumonia and zinc supplemen-
tumor in mice by induction of antitumor-specific tation to prevent disease, little clinical amelioration
systemic and mucosal responses. Similarly, HPV-16 of pneumonia has been achieved in the last 20 years
150 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

(Scott 2008). Researchers of the Board of Science RT (Hori et al. 2002). Thus, treated aged mice
and Technology for International Development showed improved protection against the viral
believed that knowledge on the modulating effects infection. In addition, the authors reported later that
of nutritional status and immune deficiency on the neonatal and infant mice treated orally with the
inflammatory response would offer practical oppor- same Lact. casei strain showed enhanced pulmonary
tunities to influence disease outcome. Thus, it is natural killer cell activity and IL-12 production that
necessary to have effective preventive methods to improved resistance against upper RT influenza
improve the defenses of the host against the chal- infection (Yasui et al. 2004).
lenge of pathogens, particularly relevant in immu- The potential preventive and therapeutic effects
nocompromised hosts. of probiotics in the immune response against
LAB have been used for the development of pro- respiratory pathogens were evaluated. Lact. casei
biotic foods with the ability to stimulate the immune CRL431, a well-documented probiotic strain
system, which would increase resistance to infec- (Perdigón et al. 2001; Gauffin Cano et al. 2002;
tions even in immunocompromised hosts (Cano and Villena et al. 2005; Agüero et al. 2006; Racedo
Perdigón 2003; Jain et al. 2008; Chen et al. 2009; et al. 2006), and a simulated commercial yogurt
Corr et al. 2009; Jandu et al. 2009). On the other showed enhanced protection against the aerosolized
hand, the advances in the molecular biology of LAB challenge with Pseudomonas aeruginosa using an
have enabled the development of recombinant experimental model with young mice (Alvarez et al.
strains expressing antigens from various pathogens 2001). The pathogen clearance rate from the lungs
that have been proven effective in inducing protec- was markedly increased in treated yogurt-fed mice;
tive immunity. Hence, probiotics represent an an upregulation of the phagocytic capacity of alveo-
important alternative to reinforce the host defenses lar macrophages as well as an increase in total serum
against respiratory infections. and bronchoalveolar fluid IgA and IgM levels was
observed. Also, the improvement in the immune
response of adult immunocompetent mice chal-
8.3.2. Experimental Model Studies
lenged with Strep. pneumoniae showed that the
Respiratory infections in immunocompetent immunostimulating properties of LAB were strain-
hosts. Although most research concerning probi- and dose-dependent (Alvarez et al. 2001; Cangemi
otic-mediated enhancement of the immune response de Gutierrez et al. 2001; Villena et al. 2005, 2006;
was focused on GI tract pathogens, few recent Racedo et al. 2006; Salva et al. 2008). Proper-
studies enphasize whether probiotics might suffi- dose oral administration of Lact. casei CRL431,
ciently stimulate the common mucosal immune Lactococcus lactis NZ9000, a strain used for the
system to provide protection to other mucosal sites expression of heterologous proteins (Le Loir et al.
as well (Cross 2002). In this sense, Yasui et al. 2005), as well as the probiotic strain Lact. casei
(1999) focused their investigations on the potential CRL1505 isolated from goat milk, improved Strep.
effect of LAB in the improvement of immunity pneumoniae clearance rates in the lungs and blood;
against influenza virus infection. The authors it also improved the survival of infected mice and
found that virus-vaccinated mice previously fed reduced lung injuries (Racedo et al. 2006; Salva
Bifidobacterium breve strain YIT4064 showed et al. 2008, personal communication; Villena et al.
markedly increased titers of serum anti-influenza 2008).
IgG antibodies and higher survival rate against
intranasal influenza challenge compared with Respiratory infections in immunocompromised
control-fed/virus-vaccinated mice. The same authors hosts. The effect of Lact. casei CRL431 or probi-
reported that oral administration of Lact. casei strain otic yogurt on the recovery of the innate and adap-
Shirota to aged mice activates the cellular immune tive immune responses against Strep. pneumoniae
system and reduces influenza virus titer in the upper RTI was determined in a protein-malnourished mice
Lactic Acid Bacteria in the Prevention of Urogenital and Respiratory Infections 151

model (Villena et al. 2005). Lact. casei or yogurt the high levels of leukocytes, lymphocytes, CD4+
administration during a repletion diet accelerated and CD8+ T –cells, and monocytes found in the
the normalization in the number and function of probiotic group. The duration of common cold epi-
phagocytes (Villena et al. 2005, 2006). In addition, sodes and fever was shorter in the probiotic-treated
an improvement of the antibody response to pneu- group using Lact. gasseri PA 16/8, Bifidobacterium
mococcal infection, probably mediated by different longum SP 07/3, and Bifidobacterium bifidum MF
cytokine profiles induced by Lact. casei, was 20/5 for 3 months than in the control group, which
detected (Agüero et al. 2006; Salva et al. 2008). An was also correlated with an enhanced cellular immu-
early normalization of the local and systemic nity (de Vrese et al. 2005). Moreover, Cobo Sanz et
humoral immune responses against pneumococci in al. (2006) found a statistically significant difference
malnourished mice repleted with balanced conven- in favor of Lact. casei DN-114 001 fermented milk
tional diet; supplemental probiotic yogurt was also with respect to the duration of low RTI, bronchitis,
observed (Villena et al. 2006). These results suggest and pneumonia. This study also reported a lower
that immunoenhancing probiotic LAB accelerate the incidence of low RTI in children after the continu-
recovery of the humoral immune response against ous consumption of Lact. casei DN-114 001 fer-
respiratory pathogens in malnourished hosts. mented milk as compared with those in the placebo
Recently, interesting studies were conducted on
8.3.3. Clinical Studies
the effect of probiotics in the susceptibility to respi-
Few studies using human models have been assessed ratory infections in athletes, bearing in mind that
to establish the potential effect of probiotics on the heavy exercise is associated with an increased risk
improvement of respiratory defences. Hatakka et al. of upper RTI. Marathon runners that received Lact.
(2001) conducted a randomized study in which rhamnosus GG or placebo for a 3-month training
children consumed milk supplemented with Lact. period did not show significant differences in the
rhamnosus GG or placebo unsupplemented milk incidence of respiratory infections between groups
over a period of 7 months. Children who consumed (Kekkonen et al. 2007). On the contrary, the admin-
Lact. rhamnosus GG reported a significantly lower istration of Lact. fermentum VRI-003, during a
incidence of RTI and a trend toward less frequent 4-month period of winter training, was associated
antibiotic treatments for respiratory complications with a substantial reduction in the number of days
compared with the control group. Another con- and severity of respiratory illness in a cohort of
trolled pilot study evaluated the effect of 3 weeks highly trained distance runners (Cox et al. 2008).
supplementation with milk fermented with yogurt Thus, most of the clinical studies reviewed support
cultures and Lact. casei DN-114 001 on the inci- the use of probiotic LAB for the prevention of respi-
dence and severity of gastrointestinal and respira- ratory infections.
tory winter infections in elderly people (Turchet et
al. 2003). Duration of pathologies was significantly
8.3.4. Respiratory Pathogens and LAB
reduced in the probiotic-treated group compared
as a Delivery System of Antigens
with the controls. Regular intake of probiotics may
in Live Vaccines
reduce potentially pathogenic bacteria in the upper
RT (Glück and Gebbers 2003) indicating a linkage Over the past decade, there has been increasing
of the lymphoid tissue between the gut and the upper interest in the use of LAB as mucosal vaccines.
RT. The incidence and the severity of symptoms in Promising advances have been made in the design
common cold infections were significantly dimin- of both more efficient mucosal adjuvants and vaccine
ished in the probiotic group using a randomized delivery systems using these microorganisms. With
double-blind placebo-controlled intervention study regard to protection against respiratory pathogens,
(Winkler et al. 2005). This effect was attributed to only recombinant LAB expressing antigens of
152 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

Strep. pneumoniae, Respiratory Syncytial Virus, on the surface of the bacteria. After a systemic
and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)- challenge with a virulent pneumococcal strain, an
Associated Coronavirus, have been reported increase in survival of immunized mice was
(Falcone et al. 2006; Lee et al. 2006). observed. This report represents an important con-
Strategies for the development of new vaccines tribution in the understanding of the mechanisms
against Strep. pneumoniae infections try to over- induced by recombinant strains.
come problems such as serotype coverage, effec- The intrinsic immunostimulating properties of
tiveness in risk groups, and high costs, which are nasal administration of L. lactis NZ9000 was evalu-
present in current available vaccines. Vaccines ated in a pneumococcal infection model. In appro-
based on protein candidates that can induce protec- priated dose, nasal administration increased the
tion in animal models are being evaluated. At clearance rate of Strep. pneumoniae from the lungs
present, recombinant strains expressing the pneu- and prevented the dissemination of pneumococci
mococcal surface protein A (PspA), the pneumococ- into the blood, an effect that correlates with upregu-
cal surface antigen A (PsaA), and the pneumoccocal lation of the innate and specific immune responses
protective protein A (PppA) were obtained. Oliveira in both local and systemic compartments (Medina
et al. (2006) expressed Strep. pneumoniae Psa A in et al. 2008a). To improve the protection of the host
different species of LAB such as L. lactis, Lact. against pneumococcal infection, the pneumococcal
casei, Lact. plantarum, and Lact. helveticus. protein PppA was expressed in the strain NZ9000,
Immunization with L. lactis induced very low levels and its efficacy to induce local and systemic immune
of IgA (in saliva, nasal, and bronchial washes) and responses in young and adult mice was assessed
IgG (serum), probably due to the low amount of (Medina et al. 2008b). The results indicated that
PsaA expressed in this strain. In contrast, Lact. plan- nasal vaccine with PppA expressed as a protein
tarum and Lact. helveticus induced the highest anti- anchored to the cell wall of L. lactis elicited cross-
body specific response (IgA and IgG). Moreover, protective immunity against different pneumococcal
only vaccination with recombinant lactobacilli but serotypes, afforded protection against both systemic
not lactococci led to a decrease in Strep. pneumoniae and respiratory challenges, and induced protective
recovery from nasal mucosa upon a colonization immunity in mice of different ages (Medina et al.
challenge. These results indicate that intrinsic 2008b).
properties of each strain should be considered in Lee et al. (2006) developed a novel surface
the selection of LAB to be used as vectors for antigen display system for LAB. The Spike (S)
vaccines. protein segments of SARS-associated coronavirus
PspA, another pneumococcal protein, plays an were expressed in the surface of Lact. casei. Oral
important role during systemic infection through the and nasal inoculations to mice with recombinant
inhibition of complement deposition on the pneu- Lact. casei induced high levels of serum IgG and
mococcal surface. Hanniffy et al. (2007) success- mucosal IgA against S peptides that neutralized the
fully evaluated L. lactis intracellularly producing SARS pseudoviruses; oral immunization showing
PspA as an intranasal mucosal vaccine against pneu- higher levels of neutralizing-antibody response than
mococcal disease in a mice model, the effect being nasal administration. On the basis of previous find-
associated with a shift toward a Th1-mediated ings, a potential mechanism to explain the influence
immune response. In a recent work (Campos et al. of LAB on the systemic and respiratory immune
2008) the N-terminal region of clade 1 PspA was response is shown in Figure 8.2.
constitutively expressed in Lact. casei. Nasal immu- Beyond the advances described in the develop-
nization with recombinant strain (Lact. casei-PspA ment of live LAB vaccines protecting against respi-
1) induced anti-PspA antibodies able to bind to ratory pathogens, gaps in the understanding of
pneumococcal strains carrying both clade 1 and the full potential of recombinant LAB remain
clade 2 PspAs and to induce complement deposition unanswered. Further studies are necessary for a
Lactic Acid Bacteria in the Prevention of Urogenital and Respiratory Infections 153

Protection of respiratory tissues


Probiotic or Probiotic or
recombinant recombinant
IgA plasma cell

GALT – lymphocyte APCs NALT
IgM IgA+ B
CD4+ T lymphocyte
lymphocyte CD4+ T
IgM+ IgA– B
+ lymphocyte
IgM IgA– B lymphocyte

– IgM IgA+ B
IgM IgA+ B lymphocyte

Mesenteric lymphoid Cervical

node lymphiod node
Figure 8.2. Systemic and respiratory immune response induced by LAB. Probiotic or recombinant LAB are internalized by M
cell in the gut (GALT) or nasal associated lymphoid tissues (NALT) after oral or nasal administration, respectively. The bacteria
or their fragments interact with antigen presenting cells (APCs) that are activated to produce cytokines. Immature APCs
migrate to the adjacent interfollicular T cell zone where they finish their maturation. These mature APCs process and present
antigens to T cells. Activated CD4+ T cells induce proliferation and switching of IgM+IgA- B-cells that result in the generation
of IgM-IgA+ B-cells. Then, the post-switch IgA-committed B-cells migrate to mucosal effectors sites where these antigen-
sensitized IgM-IgA+ B-cells undergo terminal differentiation to IgA-producing plasma cells. Oral administration of LAB can
induce mobilization of IgA-producing plasma cells to the respiratory tract and improve resistance against respiratory pathogens.
However, local stimulation of LAB is more effective in improving respiratory and systemic immunity against pathogens.

better insight of the mechanisms involved in the tions in these tracts could help to improve life
mucosal protection, emphasizing the difficult and quality of risk and infected populations. However,
challenging task of combining vaccine vectors and several potential research areas remain to be
adjuvants. addressed: (1) origin, doses, and period of treat-
ments of probiotic strains required for each particu-
lar infection and tract; (2) studies of the immune
8.4. Conclusions and Perspectives
response, identification of effector and regulatory
Infections of the UGT and RT are related to high molecules and immune cells involved; (3) nature of
rates of morbidity and mortality. Probiotic applica- probiotic interactions with epithelial and immune
154 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

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Chapter 9

Lactic Acid Bacteria as Live Vectors: Heterologous

Protein Production and Delivery Systems

Anderson Miyoshi, Luis G. Bermúdez-Humarán,

Marcela Santiago Pacheco de Azevedo, Philippe Langella, and Vasco Azevedo

Lactic acid bacteria (LAB), widely used in the food technological properties and to obtain better control
industry, are present in the intestine of most animals, of industrial processes involving LAB. This knowl-
including humans. The potential use of these bacte- edge has led scientists to investigate their potential
ria as live vehicles for the production and delivery use in new applications, such as the production of
of heterologous proteins of vaccinal, medical, or heterologous proteins in bioreactors, in fermented
technological interest has therefore been extensively food products, or directly in the digestive tract of
investigated. Lactococcus lactis, a LAB species, is a humans and other animals. Some LAB, used as pro-
potential candidate for the production of biologi- biotic strains, naturally exert a positive action in
cally useful proteins. Several delivery systems have lactose-intolerant consumers by providing lactase in
been developed to target heterologous proteins to a the gut (de Vrese et al. 2001). Besides such natural
specific cell location (i.e., cytoplasm, cell wall, or benefits, another innovative application of LAB is
extracellular medium). A promising application of the delivery of digestive enzymes to supplement
L. lactis is its use as an antigen delivery vehicle for pancreatic deficiency in humans. Some recombinant
the development of live mucosal vaccines. The strains producing lipase have already been used with
expression of heterologous proteins and antigens as success in animals (Drouault et al. 2000, 2002). A
well as the various delivery systems developed in L. new application for LAB, and probably the most
lactis and its use as an oral vaccine carrier are promising, is their use as live delivery vectors for
discussed. antigenic or therapeutic protein delivery to mucosal
surfaces. Such engineered LAB are able to elicit
both mucosal and systemic immune responses.
9.1. Introduction
Several research projects have examined
Lactic acid bacteria (LAB), ingested daily by Lactobacillus sp. and Lactococcus sp. as vectors.
humans, are widely used in the food industry for the Efficient expression systems have already been
production and the preservation of fermented prod- developed for controlled and targeted production of
ucts. LAB include a large number of Gram (+) cocci the desired antigen to be presented to the gastroin-
or bacilli belonging to a phylogenetically heteroge- testinal mucosal immune system (Wells et al. 1993b;
neous group. Their traditional use in the food indus- Norton et al. 1995; Le Loir et al. 2001; Seegers
try confirms their lack of pathogenicity; they are 2002).
Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) organisms. In this chapter, we describe advances concerning
Since the 1980s, many efforts have been made to the use of LAB as live delivery vectors, focusing
better understand the molecular basis of LAB’s on Lactococcus lactis, the LAB model. Various

Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria Novel Applications 161

Edited by Fernanda Mozzi, Raúl R. Raya and Graciela M. Vignolo
© 2010 Blackwell Publishing. ISBN: 978-0-813-81583-1
162 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

molecular tools have been developed to efficiently inhibit the growth of an undesirable microbiota and/
express antigens and therapeutic molecules at dif- or are responsible for the development of desirable
ferent cellular localizations. We report here on the organoleptic properties, such as texture, aroma, and
systems developed to use L. lactis as a live vaccine flavor of the final product.
and the effects of such an antigen presentation mode
on the mucosal immune system.
9.2.2. LAB in Health and Nutrition
Among the various properties attributed to LAB,
9.2. LAB: The Context Behind Their Use
perhaps the most ancient and controversial is their
as Live Vectors
capacity to promote beneficial effects, known as
LAB constitute a very heterogeneous group of “probiotic” properties, for human and animal health
microorganisms that occupy a wide range of eco- (Fuller and Gibson 1997). Various species of LAB
logical niches, from plant surfaces to animal guts. are claimed to act as probiotics, such as Lactobacillus
Although they are quite diverse, the members of this casei, Lactobacillus delbrueckii, Lactobacillus aci-
group have various characteristics in common as dophilus, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus
they are Gram (+), facultative anaerobes, non-spore fermentum, and Lactobacillus reuteri, and stand out
forming, nonmotile, and principally possessing for their therapeutic applications in the treatment
the capacity to convert sugars mainly into lactic and prevention of various disorders (Ouwehand
acid, which led to the name group “lactic acid bac- et al. 2002).
teria.” Currently, the LAB group includes species Historically, the first application involved the
of the genera Carnobacterium, Enterococcus, ability to digest lactose. This sugar, abundant in
Lactobacillus, Lactococcus, Leuconostoc, Oeno- milk products, is not tolerated by many people who
coccus, Pediococcus, Streptococcus, Tetrageno- have congenital lactase deficiency. Clinical mani-
coccus, Vagococcus, and Weissella, which have festations include diarrhea, abdominal colic, and
less than 50% G+C content in their DNA (Stiles and flatulence. Curiously, these symptoms appear with
Holzapfel 1997). milk ingestion, but are practically absent when
yogurt is ingested. There are three explanations for
this phenomenon: (1) live bacteria present in yogurt
9.2.1. Industrial Importance of LAB
(Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bul-
LAB, with few exceptions, obtain their energy from garicus) consume the lactose during yogurt produc-
the conversion of sugars, mainly glucose, into lactic tion; (2) live bacteria present in yogurt provide the
acid (homofermentative or homolactic routes) and/ deficient host with lactase supplement; and/or (3)
or lactic acid and other products (heterofermentative they stimulate the endogenous production of this
or mixed routes) (Carr et al. 2002). Consequently, enzyme by the intestinal mucosa of the host
LAB are, generally speaking, associated with the (Roberfroid 2000).
preparation of fermented foods, such as yogurt, A second application of LAB probiotics would
cheese, acid milk, bread, butter, wine, sausages, be protection against pathogenic microbes. In this
pickles, and silage. This process, known as “lactic case, LAB function as a barrier, impeding the colo-
fermentation of foods,” goes back to about 8000 nization of the gastrointestinal tract by pathogenic
B.C. and constitutes one of the most ancient forms bacteria. The most remarkable results have been
of food preservation used by humans (Tailliez obtained with some types of lactobacilli and bifido-
2001). Food preservation is not only a consequence bacteria, which have been found to be particularly
of acidifying the medium (pH 4.5–3.5), but is also effective in treating diarrhea in newborns (Ouwehand
due to the production of numerous antibacterial et al. 2002). Another well-established application is
agents, such as bacteriocins and organic compounds the stimulation of the immune system of the host.
(van de Guchte et al. 2001). These two factors Among lactobacilli, Lact. casei has been found to
Lactic Acid Bacteria as Live Vectors: Heterologous Protein Production and Delivery Systems 163

be capable of stimulating an immune response in ciencies, such as the lack of lipases. In this last case,
children who take an oral vaccine against rotavirus; supplementation with bacterial lipase could be a
this virus causes acute diarrhea in infants and young viable alternative. The efficacy of providing these
children in developing countries (Ouwehand et al. enzymes via bacteria has been demonstrated in dogs
2002). (Suzuki et al. 1997) and pigs (Drouault et al. 2002)
Although some of these therapeutic applications with experimentally induced steatorrhea. In this
have been questioned, growing concerns about latter case, a recombinant L. lactis strain expressing
health and well-being, along with an interest in the lip gene (lipase) of Staphylococcus hyicus
consuming natural foods, have drawn considerable (Drouault et al. 2000) was administered to pigs
attention to probiotics, especially in the dairy prod- with pancreatic insufficiency, resulting in a 15%
ucts industry. Currently, many milk products increase in the capacity to absorb lipids.
containing probiotics are available on the market,
fermented milk being the most common. There is
9.3.3. Construction of Live Vaccines
conclusive evidence that consuming live LAB
induces probiotic effects. However, more informa- The use of live microorganisms as cellular vehicles
tion about their modes and mechanisms of action are for the production and presentation of antigens has
needed before they can be considered for the pre- contributed significantly to the development of new
vention and treatment of diseases. vaccines. Currently, most of these vehicles are
derived from pathogenic microorganisms, such as
Salmonella typhimurium, Yersinia enterocolitica,
9.3. New and Future Uses of LAB
Vibrio cholerae, Mycobacterium bovis, Shigella
At least three types of “nonfood” use are envisaged sonnei, Listeria monocytogenes, and Bacillus
for LAB: (1) production in fermentors of economi- anthracis; attenuated strains of these species have
cally important proteins, (2) production of foods been constructed or isolated (Medina and Guzmán
containing biotechnological proteins, and (3) con- 2001). However, there is some risk of reversion to
struction of live vaccines. a pathogenic status. This risk could be avoided by
using nonpathogenic bacteria, such as LAB. Besides
their Generally Recognized as Safe category, some
9.3.1. Production of Proteins in Fermentors
LAB have the capacity to colonize the gastrointes-
A classic application consists of the use of LAB tinal tract or the genital mucosa of animals and
to produce economically important molecules in humans, making them excellent candidates for oral
fermentors. For this purpose, the secretion of vaccines. Oral immunization has, among other
molecules would be advantageous compared with advantages, the capacity to induce immunity through
intracellular production to achieve an easy purifica- mucosal surfaces. These surfaces constitute one of
tion of the final product from a continuous cell the principal entrance points and the first line of
culture, avoiding the formation of intracellular defense of hosts against attack by pathogenic organ-
protein aggregates (Langella and Le Loir 1999). isms (Mercenier 1999).
Some tests of live vaccines have been conducted
with L. lactis, Streptococcus gordonii, and
9.3.2. Production of Proteins within Foods
Lactobacillus sp. (Medaglini et al. 1997; Chatel et
Another application of LAB would be the production al. 2001; Reveneau et al. 2002). In these trials, LAB
of enzymes within foods in order to (1) modify the functioned as vectors for the production and presen-
organoleptic properties of the products, (2) prevent tation of model antigens on mucosal surfaces. These
the growth of undesirable microbiota, (3) accelerate LAB were able to stimulate a specific immune
cheese maturation, (4) optimize silage production, response in mice exposed via the intranasal and oral
and (5) overcome individual digestive enzyme defi- routes.
164 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

Other experiments were designed to use LAB, Recently sequenced (Bolotin et al. 2001), the
not only as antigen presenters, but also as mucosal genome of L. lactis IL1403 has 2.36 mega bases and
adjuvants. In these cases, recombinant strains of 35.4% G+C content. A total of 2310 genes was
L. lactis produced both the model antigens and identified, of which 86% code for proteins; 1.4%
interleukins 2 and 6 (IL2 and IL6); mucosal admin- code for RNA; and 12.6% are noncoding sequences.
istration with these recombinant lactococci was Two hundred and ninety-three genes from six pro-
shown to increase 10–15 times the antigen-specific phages and 43 insertion sequences were also identi-
immune response (Steidler et al. 1998). Various fied. The genome of L. lactis also has four operons
studies are under way, using L. lactis as a model containing competence genes, which means that this
microorganism, so that these “new potential uses” bacterium, like Bacillus subtilis and Streptococcus
of LAB can become a reality. More details concern- pyogenes, would be able to go through natural DNA
ing the use of LAB as live vaccines are presented in transformation. New information generated from
this chapter. sequencing the genome of L. lactis is already aiding
in the development of new strains of bacteria in the
construction of expression systems for the produc-
9.4. Lactococcus lactis: The Model LAB
tion of biotechnologically useful heterologous pro-
L. lactis is a facultative and mesophilic heterofer- teins and could, in the near future, improve
mentative bacterium (ideal growth temperature commercial processes that involve bacteria, such as
around 30°C) that is widely used in the dairy indus- cheese aging.
try. Currently, L. lactis is the best characterized
member of the LAB group and is considered the The plasmids. As for other members of the LAB
model organism of this group, not only because of group, L. lactis can occupy a wide range of niches.
its economic importance, but also because of the The capacity to grow in environments such as milk
following features: (1) it has a completely sequenced is mainly due to genes found in plasmids that code
genome (Bolotin et al. 1999); (2) it is genetically for various proteins, including enzymes, which are
easy to manipulate; and (3) many genetic tools have essential for the metabolism of sugars and proteins,
already been developed for this species (de Vos as well as bacteriocins and DNA-repair proteins
1999). (Duwat et al. 2000). The finding of these genes in
extra-chromosomal DNA suggests that these abili-
ties arose through horizontal transfer from phyloge-
9.4.1. The Genetic Organization of L. lactis
netically related species, such as S. thermophilus
Genetic studies on L. lactis have been mainly con- (Guedon et al. 1995). This hypothesis is partly con-
ducted on two strains: L. lactis MG1363 (formerly firmed by the finding of the cluA gene in L. lactis
L. lactis subsp. cremoris) and L. lactis IL1403 (for- MG1363. The protein coded by this gene possesses
merly L. lactis subsp. lactis). 1243 amino acids and has homology with aggrega-
tion proteins previously described in other Gram (+)
The genome. Analysis of the organization and bacteria such as Enterococcus sp. and Streptococcus
comparison of the genome sequences of these two sp. (Godon et al. 1994). The aggregation proteins
subspecies of L. lactis demonstrated that they have are responsible for the initiation of bacterial conju-
approximately 80% identity and that their genomes gation, during which there is contact between the
have large inversions (Le Bourgeois et al. 1995). donor and receptor cells.
These studies also showed that the genome of L.
lactis MG1363 has mobilization genes different Control of gene expression. Gene transcription
from L. lactis IL1403, which corroborates findings begins when the sigma (σ) subunit of RNA poly-
that the former species contains plasmids that permit merase recognizes a specific region of the DNA.
growth in a wide range of environments. This region, called the “promoter,” is located
Lactic Acid Bacteria as Live Vectors: Heterologous Protein Production and Delivery Systems 165

upstream of a coding sequence or operon and is Studies based on the identification and isolation
characterized by two sequences of hexanucleotides of wild-type plasmids from L. lactis and other LAB
located around positions −35 (TTGACA) and −10 have made it possible to develop various cloning
(TATAAT) relative to the site of the initiation of vectors. Using molecular biology techniques, these
transcription. After the hexanucleotides are recog- plasmids have been manipulated so that they have
nized, transcription begins. become important tools for cloning and studying
Various promoters have been described for L. genes of interest, both those of prokaryotes and
lactis, by systematic research (Kuipers et al. 1997) eukaryotes. They basically consist of (1) origin of
and by analyzing already identified genes. They replication (ori), (2) selection marker (gene) for
have similar −35 (TTGACA) and −10 (TATAAT) antibiotic resistance, and (3) multiple-cloning site.
sequences to those found in Escherichia coli and B. Among the vectors that are available, two have
subtilis and a TG (thymine-guanine) motive is been intensively utilized: pAMβ1 and pWV01
located one base pair before the sequence −10. The (Jannière et al. 1993). Vector pAMβ1 is a plasmid
principal σ factor of L. lactis, σ39, is coded by the derived from Enterococcus faecalis, with a “theta”
rpoD gene (Araya-Kojima et al. 1995; Bolotin et al. (θ) form of replication. Currently, low- and high-
2001) and has homology with factors σ70 and σA copy number versions are available, such as the
from E. coli and B. subtilis, respectively. When the vectors pIL252 and pIL253, respectively (Simon
genome of L. lactis IL1403 was sequenced, a second and Chopin 1988). On the other hand, the plasmid
sigma factor was identified (Bolotin et al. 2001). pWV01, from L. lactis subsp. cremoris, undergoes
Transcription terminates at the 3′ end of the genes rolling-circle type replication. Different from
and operons, where a palindromic sequence of pAMβ1, pWV01 shows a wide spectrum of hosts
nucleotides rich in guanine and cytosine and thymine that range from LAB to Gram (–) microorganisms,
(T), called “transcriptional terminators,” signals the such as E. coli. They also have low- and high-copy
end of the process. Most of the genes and operons number versions, such as the vectors pGK1 and
of L. lactis have such sequences. pGK12, respectively (Kok et al. 1984).
In L. lactis the signals for the initiation of transla-
tion are similar to those already described for E. coli
9.6. Expression and Targeting Systems
and B. subtilis. The ribosome-binding site is com-
of Heterologous Proteins
plementary to the 3′ sequence of rRNA 16S (3′
CUUUCCUCC 5′) of L. lactis (Chiaruttini and The expression of heterologous proteins in L. lactis
Millet 1993). Although most of the initiation codons has been favored both by advances in genetic knowl-
are AUG, there are other codons, such as GUG (van edge and by new developments in molecular biology
de Guchte et al. 1992). techniques. Using this duet of tools to obtain
increased levels of these proteins and control their
production, various vectors containing constitutive
9.5. Genetic Tools for the Production
or inductive promoters were developed and cur-
of Heterologous Proteins in
rently constitute the basis of all expression systems
L. lactis
in L. lactis and other LAB.
The utilization of L. lactis as a “bioreactor” for the
production of biotechnologically relevant proteins is
9.6.1. Expression Systems Based on
a result of an accumulation, over the last 20 years,
the Lac Operon
of knowledge concerning microbiology, biochemis-
try, immunology, and mainly, genetics. Numerous One of the first expression systems for use in L.
genetic tools have been developed and some are lactis was based on the promoter (Plac) and the regu-
currently being used in L. lactis and in other species lator gene (lacR) of the lac operon. This operon
of LAB. causes the promoter Plac to be induced (5–10 times)
166 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

in the presence of lactose; transcription of the regu- protein, Rro, is proteolytically cleaved, with conse-
lating gene (lacR) is repressed at the same rate (van quent release of the promoter Porf5. Free from repres-
Rooijen et al. 1992). However, a higher level of sion, the promoter induces the expression of the
induction was needed for this system to be useful ORF that it controls. This system was tested using
for protein production. Consequently, a new system, the reporter gene lacZ of E. coli and subsequently
composed of three vectors, which combined the ele- using the acmA gene (autolysin) of L. lactis MG1363.
ments of the lac operon with elements of bacterio- However, the use of mitomycin C as an inducer
phage T7 (phage T7) of E. coli, was developed impedes the use of this system for the production of
(Wells et al. 1993b). In this new system, the open proteins in fermentors or in food products.
reading frame (ORF) that codes for RNA poly- In another system, the genetic elements of phage
merase of phage T7 (T7 RNA pol) was placed under φ31 were used to develop an expression system that
the control of the Plac promoter on the vector pILPol combines the P15A10 promoter and the origin of rep-
and the ORF of interest was placed in a second lication (ori31) (O’Sullivan et al. 1996). Here, as in
vector under the control of the T7 promoter. This the other systems, the ORF to be activated is cloned
way, when lactose is added to the culture medium, under the control of P15A10, with the ori31 on the
Plac induces the expression of the T7 RNA pol that same vector. After initiation of infection by the φ31,
activates the expression of the ORF of interest con- ori31 is the target of the phage replication machin-
trolled by the T7 promoter. However, in order for ery and the number of copies of the vector in the
the cell to be able to metabolize lactose in the cell is increased. Due to this increase, with the help
medium, a third vector containing the lac operon is of the P15A10 promoter, the level of expression is also
necessary. This system was first tested with frag- increased. After cell lysis, caused by phage replica-
ment C of tetanus toxin (TTFC), a highly immuno- tion, the protein of interest is released into the
genic model antigen, and was found to be capable medium. The greatest disadvantage of this system is
of producing 22% of TTFC total cellular proteins. the need for cell infection to obtain induction; this
Mice immunized with L. lactis strains producing leads to the destruction of the cell culture, making
TTFC with this system were protected against lethal the system unviable for industrial use.
doses of tetanus toxin. Although it permitted control
of gene expression and high levels of production,
9.6.3. The Nisin-Controlled
this expression system proved unviable because it
Expression System
consisted of three different vectors and three markers
for resistance to antibiotics; the use of antibiotic One of the most promising and powerful expression
markers also made it unviable for application in the systems that have been developed for use in LAB is
food and pharmaceutical industries. based on genes involved in the biosynthesis and
regulation of the antimicrobial peptide, nisin. Nisin
is a small peptide produced and secreted by various
9.6.2. Expression Systems Based on
strains of L. lactis, which is widely used as a natural
Phage Promoters
preservative, due to its antimicrobial properties.
Studies on the regulation of gene expression of Eleven genes (nisABTCIPRKFEG) are responsible
phages infecting L. lactis MG1363 were the basis for the production, modification, and secretion of
for the development of simpler expression systems, this peptide. The nisA gene encodes the 57-amino
such as the “repressor-operator system” of the r1t acid peptide precursor, nisin A; nisBC genes are
phage of L. lactis (Nauta et al. 1996). In this system, involved with posttranslational modifications; nisT
and in the same vector, an ORF is placed under the is needed for transport via the cytoplasmic mem-
control of the phage promoter Porf5 that is repressed brane, while nisP is involved in the breakdown of
by the phage protein Rro. When the mutagenic agent the nisin precursor. The nisI gene, together with the
mitomycin C is added to the medium, the repressor nisFEG genes, codes for a lipoprotein that confers
Lactic Acid Bacteria as Live Vectors: Heterologous Protein Production and Delivery Systems 167

to the bacteria immunity against the nisin that it growth phase of glucose-grown cultures (Madsen
produces. Finally, nisR and nisK code for a two- et al. 1999; Bredmose et al. 2001). P170 induction
component system (NisRK) that controls the expres- depends on RcfB, a positive regulator of the CRP-
sion of the 11 genes via signal transduction. NisK FNR family of transcription regulators that binds to
functions as a membrane sensor that detects the ACiD-boxes (Körner et al. 2003; Madsen et al.
presence of extracellular nisin. The signal is subse- 2005). For protein production, P170 offers the major
quently transferred to NisR through a phosphoryla- advantage (compared with the NICE system) of self-
tion process that activates it. NisR is then able to inducibility via lactic acid accumulation during
activate gene transcription controlled by the promot- growth. Using P170, the Staphylococcal nuclease
ers PnisA and PnisF (Kuipers et al. 1993). (Nuc; Shortle 1983) yield of 300 mg/l has been
Based on this information, expression systems achieved (Israelsen et al. 1995; Madsen et al. 1999).
induced by nisin have been developed. Various
expression vectors containing the PnisA promoter,
9.7. Cellular Targeting Systems of
followed by multiple-cloning sites for the insertion
Heterologous Proteins
of ORFs to be expressed, are now available. These
systems can be used in bacterial strains containing A series of studies to develop new strains and effi-
only the nisR and nisK genes in the chromosome, cient expression systems has been conducted to use
and the nisin concentration necessary for the induc- LAB as “cell factories” for the production of pro-
tion of expression is minimal (0.01–10 ng/ml). teins (Djordjevic and Klaenhammer 1998). However,
Alternatively, L. lactis NZ9700 can be used as a in order for some of these proteins (enzymes and
nisin producer to express constitutively a specific antigens) produced by bacteria to attain the desired
protein (de Ruyter et al. 1996; Kuipers et al. 1998). biological activity levels, it is necessary that they
The nisin-controlled expression (NICE) system correctly target specific cellular locations: (1)
has been tested in other LAB, such as Leuconostoc cytoplasm, (2) membrane, or (3) extracellular
lactis and Lactobacillus helveticus, demonstrating environment.
its versatility. As these bacteria do not have nisRK In bacteria, protein targeting is accomplished via
genes in their genomes, a two-vector system was protein sequences or motifs. Among these, the
developed (Kleerebezem et al. 1997) in which the signal peptide (SP) is a hydrophobic, poorly con-
PnisA promoter is fused to the specific ORF in one served, negatively charged motif, located at the
vector, and the nisRK genes are in a second vector. amino-terminal (N-terminal) end of proteins natu-
Later, this system was also used in other bacteria, rally secreted by the cell. It is recognized and
such as Streptococcus sp., Bacillus sp., Enterococcus cleaved by the secretion machinery, which allows
sp. (Eichenbaum et al. 1998), and Lact. plantarum the protein to be transferred through the membrane
(Pavan et al. 2000). Various heterologous proteins and released into the extracellular medium. Another
have already been expressed using this system; key sequence is cell wall anchoring signal, which is
among all the systems that have been developed, composed of 30 amino acids and is located at the
this is the easiest to use and the one that gives the carboxy-terminal (C-terminal) end of the protein.
best yields. The cell wall anchor (CWA) includes a conserved
motif (LPXTG), which is recognized by the anchor-
ing machinery. The protein, translocated to outside
9.6.4. The P170 Expression System
the cell, is covalently bound by the LPXTG motif
Several lactococcal promoters regulated by environ- to a glycan peptide. Although these motifs, along
mental conditions have also been isolated. Among with secretion and anchoring mechanisms, were first
them, P170 is a natural and strong promoter of an characterized in B. subtilis (Simonen and Palva
uncharacterized gene termed orfX, only active at 1993) and Staphylococcus aureus (Ton-That et al.
low pH (pH < 6) and when cells enter the stationary 1999), homologous systems are present in other
168 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

Gram (+) bacteria, such as LAB (Fischetti et al. lular compartments and was used successfully in
1990). L. lactis subsp. cremoris and Lact. plantarum,
Consequently, studies have been conducted to the protein production levels were low (2.5–3 mg/l),
better understand and characterize the factors that probably due to the low copies of the vector and
participate in and influence the secretion of homolo- to the extracellular protease, HtrA (Poquet et al.
gous and heterologous proteins in LAB. It is now 2000).
known that few proteins are secreted in L. lactis; Therefore, a third system was constructed whose
among these, Usp45 was found. This protein, whose objective was not only to target heterologous pro-
function is unknown, is the only one secreted in teins to outside the cell, but also to control and
quantities large enough to be detected in Coomassie increase gene expression (Le Loir et al. 2001). In a
stained protein gels (van Asseldonk et al. 1990). It previous study (Le Loir et al. 1998), it was found
is also known that L. lactis is able to recognize that the efficiency of Nuc protein secretion was low
secretion (SP) and anchoring (CWA) motifs of bac- (3 mg/l), probably due to the positive charges (+3)
teria such as S. aureus and S. pyogenes (Le Loir et of its own signal peptide. A synthetic propeptide,
al. 1994; Piard et al. 1997). Based on this knowledge LEISSTCDA, which has a negative charge (−2),
and on previously developed expression systems, was developed. When fused to the coding sequence
some expression and targeting systems of heterolo- of the N-terminal end of Nuc, this propeptide was
gous proteins have been constructed. able to increase the efficiency of secretion of Nuc
One of the first expression and targeting systems five times (15 mg/l). In a second stage, in order
of heterologous proteins constructed to be used in to increase the levels of expression, the coding
L. lactis was based on the T7 RNA pol system. In sequence of the signal peptide of Usp45 (spUsp45) was
this system, the T7 promoter is fused to the DNA cloned together with the nuc ORF in a high-copy
fragment that codes for the signal peptide of the number vector, under the control of the PnisA pro-
Usp45 protein (SPUsp45), followed by the TTFC moter. Next, in order for Nuc to be efficiently rec-
ORF. After induction of the system, the transcrip- ognized by the cell secretion machinery, the coding
tional fusion (spUsp45::TTFC) was efficiently trans- sequence of the synthetic propeptide LEISSTCDA
lated and the TTFC was secreted to the extracellular was cloned between spUsp45 and the 5′ end of nuc
environment in significant quantities (2.9 mg/l; ORF (PnisA::spUsp45::LEISSTCDA::nuc); this resulted
Wells et al. 1993a). in high levels of Nuc in the extracellular medium
A second, simpler and more efficient expression (25 mg/l). Currently, this system has been used suc-
and targeting system was developed (Dieye et al. cessfully to express and target various biotechno-
2001) using elements such as the constitutive pro- logically important heterologous proteins and it is
moter P59 (Streptococcus cremoris; van der Vossen among the best genetic tools available (Nouaille et
et al. 1987), SPUsp45, and the anchoring motif CWA al. 2003; Le Loir et al. 2005).
of S. pyogenes M6 protein. This system made it Another expression and targeting system that
possible for the model protein Nuc (S. aureus nucle- figures among the ones previously mentioned is the
ase; Shortle 1983) to be directed to the cytoplasm, xylose-inducible expression system, which is based
membrane, and extracellular medium. For cytoplas- on the use of a xylose-inducible lactococcal pro-
mic production, the 5′ end of the nuc ORF was moter, PxylT (Jamet 2001). The capacity of this
simply fused to the P59 promoter. In order to anchor system to cytoplasmic and secreted proteins was
Nuc to the membrane, the 5′ and 3′ ends of nuc were initially tested using the coding sequence of the
respectively fused to spUsp45 and cwaM6. Finally, in Staphylococcal nuclease (nuc) fused or not to the
order for Nuc to be exported to the extracellular lactococcal Usp45 signal peptide coding sequence.
medium, only a transcriptional fusion between Xylose-inducible nuc expression was found to be
spUsp45 and nuc was necessary. Although this system tightly controlled and resulted in high-level, long-
made it possible to target Nuc to three different cel- term protein production and targeting either to cyto-
Lactic Acid Bacteria as Live Vectors: Heterologous Protein Production and Delivery Systems 169

plasm or the extracellular medium. Furthermore, to proteases was observed. We conclude that this L.
this expression system is versatile and can be easily lactis strain constitutes an important tool for the
switched on or off by adding either xylose or production of biotechnologically useful proteins.
glucose, respectively (Miyoshi et al. 2004). Another important element in the production of
Recently, a new expression system called PZn zitR heterologous proteins is the selection markers (genes
has been developed in L. lactis. With excess zinc in for resistance to antibiotics). Present in cloning
the medium, ZitR binds to PZn and represses expres- and expression vectors, these types of markers are
sion by competing with RNA polymerase binding. widely used in laboratories to select and maintain
Alternatively, under extreme zinc starvation, ZitR cells that carry recombinant plasmids. However,
becomes inactive and allows RNA polymerase their use in the food and pharmaceutical industries
binding to initiate PZn transcription. This lactococcal is not considered acceptable due to the presence
expression/secretion system uses a consensus signal of antibiotics in the final product and because of
peptide, SPExp4 that allowed efficient production of contamination of the environment. Currently, this
Nuc and β-galactosidase. This production process is problem is being overcome by constructing auxotro-
of particular interest because it is inexpensive and phic bacterial strains, the deficiencies of which are
compatible with large-scale production (Llull and corrected by including the wild-type gene in a
Poquet 2004; Morello et al. 2008). cloning or expression vector (Henriksen et al. 1999).
The first selection system that did not include anti-
biotics was based on complementation of a chromo-
9.8. Genetically Modified Strains
somal gene lacF of the lac operon. Expression of
One of the biggest problems found in the production the lacF gene in a cloning vector resulted in comple-
of specific proteins in wild-type strains is low yield, mentation of the lac- phenotype, allowing selection
due to intrinsic cellular factors, such as (1) instabil- of clones carrying this vector in culture medium
ity of the messenger RNA, (2) toxicity of the recom- supplemented with lactose (Dickely et al. 1995).
binant protein, and mainly (3) protein instability. Since then, other auxotrophic strains of L. lactis
Protein instability is frequently attributed to intra- have been developed, leading to the establishment
and extracellular proteolytic systems, found both in of “food-grade” systems that could be used to
Gram (–) and Gram (+) bacteria. A variety of these produce proteins directly in food or in large-scale
systems have already been described in E. coli and fermentations, without selection markers.
B. subtilis; they involve diverse physiological func- Two systems based on threonine- and pyrimi-
tions, such as protein degradation, assimilation of dine-auxotroph derivative L. lactis strains allow the
nutrients such as peptides and amino acids, and cloning and efficient expression of heterologous and
degradation of proteins that are malformed and/or homologous proteins in various industrial strains
foreign to the cell (heterologous; Gottesman 1996). (Sorensen et al. 2000; Glenting et al. 2002). These
Unlike these bacteria, L. lactis has only one extra- two systems are stable, and do not impair growth
cellular protease, HtrA (Poquet et al. 2000), which and important properties, such as milk acidification.
is responsible not only for the propeptide processing Because of the absence of selection markers and
and maturation of wild-type proteins, but also for foreign DNA, strains using these systems maintain
allowing cells to grow at high temperatures, such as their food-grade status.
37°C. Inactivation of the htrA gene in L. lactis strain A large number of expression vectors are now
IL1403 demonstrated that this membrane protease available in L. lactis with different strengths and
is also the main enzyme responsible for degrading regulation systems, some of them exerting strong
heterologous proteins. The results obtained with the activity and tight regulation. They constitute
production of specific proteins in this strain demon- powerful tools to control heterologous protein
strate that this mutant is capable of completely sta- production in terms of quantities, timed expression,
bilizing these proteins, that is, no degradation due and conditions.
170 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

9.9. LAB as Live Vaccines mucosal immunity (Robinson et al. 1997; Chang
et al. 2003).
Mucosal epithelia constitute barriers between the In particular, among the LAB, L. lactis is consid-
internal and the external environment and conse- ered a potential candidate for the development of
quently are the first line of defense of animals new safe mucosal vaccines because many genetic
against most of the pathogens that use this way of tools have been developed for it and because its
entry (Salminen et al. 1998). Therefore, strategies complete genome is sequenced. However, the major
designed to fight against pathogens at mucosal sur- advantage of the use of L. lactis as live vector for
faces are not only desirable but, in some instances, mucosal delivery of therapeutic proteins resides in
can be the only way to prevent infection. Recent its extraordinary safety profile since this bacterium
advances in biotechnology and in the understanding is cataloged as a noninvasive and nonpathogenic
of the immune system have now made it possible to organism (Salminen et al. 1998).
develop new mucosal vaccines based on live bacte- The first attempt to study the potential of L. lactis
rial vectors able to stimulate mucosal immunity. as a mucosal vaccine was performed with killed
Among the live bacterial vectors, two main types recombinant lactococci producing a cell wall-
can be distinguished: those based on attenuated attached form of a protective antigen (PAc) from
pathogens and those based on nonpathogenic bacte- Streptococcus mutans. Mice immunized orally with
ria (Brahmbhatt et al. 1992; Stevenson and Roberts this recombinant strain developed a PAc-specific
2003). Attenuated pathogenic bacteria are particu- serum IgG and mucosal IgA antibodies (Iwaki et al.
larly well adapted to interact with mucosal surfaces 1990). These results showed, for the first time, that
as most of them use this portal to initiate infection. L. lactis could be used as a delivery vector to present
Unfortunately, these organisms could recover their an antigen to the immune system.
pathogenic potential and are not totally safe for use The majority of studies using L. lactis as a live
in humans, especially in children and immunosup- vector uses TTFC. Norton et al. (1995) observed a
pressed patients. significant increase in the level of IgA after oral
Therefore, LAB would be an attractive alterna- immunization in mice with recombinant strains pro-
tive to attenuated pathogenic bacteria (Stahl et al. ducing TTFC. Other studies showed that mice
1997; Lee 2003). In addition to their GRAS status, immunized with recombinant strains of L. lactis pro-
some LAB are able to stimulate the immune system ducing intracellular TTFC develop significantly
of the host as adjuvants due to their probiotic higher levels of IgG and TTFC-specific fecal IgA.
proprieties and their immunomodulation capacity These mice become more resistant to a lethal chal-
(Seegers 2002). Furthermore, LAB are poorly lenge with the tetanus toxin than do nonimmunized
immunogenic, in contrast to pathogenic microor- mice (Wells et al. 1993b; Robinson et al. 1997;
ganisms that are themselves highly immunogenic, a Grangette et al. 2001).
feature that enables the repetitive use of the carrier Nevertheless, the most promising results were
in multi-schedule immunizations with the same or observed in L. lactis expressing cell wall-anchored
other antigens (Robinson et al. 1997; Chang et al. E7, a major candidate antigen for vaccines against
2003). HPV-related cervical cancer, and a secreted form of
The combination of these properties makes LAB interleukin-12 (IL-12). Therapeutic immunization
very advantageous live vaccines, and various molec- with these L. lactis strains, after TC-1 injection,
ular tools have been developed to efficiently express induced regression of palpable tumors in treated
antigens and therapeutic molecules at different mice (Bermúdez-Humarán et al. 2005). These pre-
cellular localizations in LAB (Wells et al. 1993b; clinical results suggest the feasibility of mucosal
Norton et al. 1995; Le Loir et al. 2001). Strikingly, vaccination and/or immunotherapy against HPV-
mucosal administration with genetically engineered related cervical cancer using genetically engineered
LAB has been shown to elicit both systemic and lactococci.
Lactic Acid Bacteria as Live Vectors: Heterologous Protein Production and Delivery Systems 171

Table 9.1. Protection studies with L. lactis based vaccines (Wells and Mercenier 2008; modified).

Vaccine target Antigen (model) Model (route) Immunea responses Protection model (outcome)
Streptococcus PspA Mouse; intranasal Serum antibody and Infectious lethal challenge
pneumoniae BALF antibody intraperitoneally (increased
Streptococcus C- repeat region of M Mouse; intranasal and Salivary IgA and Pharyngeal infection
pyogenes protein serotype 6 subcutaneous serum antibody (intranasal route;
(cell wall associated) protective)
HIV-1 V2-V4 loop of gp 120 Mouse; intragastric Serum antibody, fecal Intraperitoneal challenge with
(cell wall associated) with cholera toxin antibody, ICCS, HIV-1 Env-expressing
adjuvant tetramer assay, and vaccinia virus (viral load
ELISPOT reduced)
Erysipelothrix SpaA (cell wall Mouse; intranasal Serum antibody and Challenge with E.
rhusiopathiae associated) fecal IgA rhusiopathiae (protection
from death)
Rotavirus VP7 (cytoplasmic, cell Mouse; intragastric Serum antibody Virus neutralization assay
wall associated and (neutralizing antibody
secreted) demonstrated for VP7;
cellwall-associated vaccine)
Group B Pilus (island 1) Mouse; subcutaneous, Serum antibody and Survival of offspring from
Streptococcus (cell-wall intraperitoneal and antibodies in nasal vaccinated mothers after
associated) intranasal and vaginal washes infectious challenge
Brucella abortus L7 or L12 Mouse; intragastric Fecal IgA Partial protection against
(cytoplasmic) intraperitoneal inoculation
of virulent B. abortus
Responses detected using any of the indicated vaccination routes.
BALF = bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, CTL = cytotoxic T lymphocyte, ELISPOT = enzyme-linked immunospot, ICCS = intracellular
cytokine staining.

Although the studies of LAB as delivery vehicles (Table 9.1) and in some cases, mucosal administra-
have focused mainly on the development of mucosal tion with these recombinant lactococci was shown
vaccines, these microorganisms have also been used to induce a successful mucosal and systemic immune
as a delivery system for a range of molecules includ- response (Xin et al. 2003; Robinson et al. 2004).
ing allergens, enzymes, and cytokines (Wells and The capacity of the genus Lactobacillus to
Mercenier 2008). Clinical trials have revealed that produce antigens has also been demonstrated (Table
interleukin-10 (IL-10) can reduce diarrheic disor- 9.2). The first studies proposing the use of geneti-
ders associated with inflammatory bowel disease. In cally modified lactobacilli to produce heterologous
mice, gastric administration of L. lactis secreting proteins with the aim of developing a new genera-
IL-10 reduced diarrheic symptoms by about one- tion of mucosal vaccines were carried out by
half and also prevented their development (Steidler Pouwels et al. (1996) and Rush et al. (1994). By the
et al. 2000). This genetically engineered strain has end of the 1990s and early 2000s, several laborato-
been approved by Dutch authorities to be used as an ries demonstrated interest in the use of recombinant
experimental therapy for humans (Steidler et al. lactobacilli (particularly Lact. casei and Lact. plan-
2003). This unique trial opens the possibility of the tarum) as vehicles to deliver clinically relevant pro-
use and acceptance in humans of recombinant lac- teins at mucosal surfaces and stimulate both strong
tococci for vaccination and/or therapy. and local immune responses (Kruisselbrink et al.
In the last 10 years, the capacity of L. lactis to 2001; Chancey et al. 2006; Poo et al. 2006; Wu and
produce antigens has been clearly demonstrated Chung 2007; Campos et al. 2008; Yigang and Yijing
172 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

Table 9.2. Protection studies with lactobacilli based vaccines (Wells and Mercenier 2008; modified).

Immunea Protection model

Vaccine target Vehicle Antigen (model) Model (route) Responses (outcome)
Helicobacter Lact. plantarum Urease B Mouse; intragastric Serum antibody Colonization level
pylori and Lact. (cytoplasmic) (partial protection)
plantarum alr
Tetanus Lact. plantarum TTFC Mouse; intragastric, Serum antibody, Survival after tetanus
and Lact. (cytoplasmic) intranasal and BALF, T cells toxin challenge
plantarum alr intravaginal and neutralizing (protection)
Strep. pneumoniae Lact. plantarum PsaA Mouse; intranasal Antibody in serum, Nasal colonization
and Lact. BALF and nasal (reduction in
helveticus wash pneumococcal load)
Enterotoxigenic E. Lact. K99 fimbriae Pig; intestinal brush Not applicable Inhibition of K99 E. coli
coli acidophilus border ex vivo adhesion in porcine
intestinal brush border
SARS—associated Lact. casei Spike antigen Mouse; intragastric Serum antibody Viral neutralizing
coronavirus segments and intranasal and mucosal IgA antibody elicited
HPV16—induced Lact. casei E7 Mouse; intragastric Serum antibody, Protection demonstrated
tumors mucosal IgA and against injection of
ELISPOT E7—expressing tumor
cell line
Responses detected using any of the indicated vaccination routes.
alr = alanine racemase mutant, BALF = bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, ELISPOT = enzyme-linked immunospot, HPV = human papil-
lomavirus, SARS = severe acute respiratory syndrome, TTFC = tetanus toxin fragment C.

2008). Then, several peer-reviewed publications tasks with this type of vaccination are to produce
have been published, confirming the advantages of each antigen or cytokine in the precise cell location
the genus Lactobacillus for live mucosal vaccines (cytoplasmic, anchored, or secreted) and to regulate
(Hanniffy et al. 2004; Mohamadzadeh et al. 2008; expression levels to induce the highest efficiency in
Wells and Mercenier 2008). immune response. For the moment, L. lactis is still
the model LAB, and it is the easiest LAB to manipu-
late. Lactobacilli are being studied more and more
9.10. Conclusions
because of their adjuvant properties, but in spite of
The utilization of LAB for the production of bio- these efforts, they are still more difficult to handle
technologically important heterologous proteins, as than lactococci. Two strategies should be followed
well as for oral vaccines, is a visionary view that in the future: (1) laboratory production systems
each day becomes a reality. As more information based on antibiotic resistance genes will be replaced
concerning this bacterial group is generated, new by food-grade systems much better accepted by
possibilities for their use are being contemplated. potential consumers, and (2) cocktails will be used
We consider that a complete toolbox is now avail- of recombinant lactococci producing antigens and
able for heterologous protein production and target- cytokines, and lactobacilli as probiotic adjuvants.
ing in L. lactis, and will be extended to other LAB.
These tools could lead to the construction of new
food-grade live vaccines based on LAB. Such uses References
for vaccination purposes are promising for future Araya-Kojima, T., Ishibashi, N., Shimamura, S., Tanaka, K., and
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sortase, the transpeptidase that cleaves surface proteins of secreted porcine parvovirus VP2 protein and comparison of the
Staphylococcus aureus at the LPXTG motif. Proc Natl Acad immune responses induced by oral immunization. Immunology
Sci USA 96, 12424–12429. 124, 68–75.
Chapter 10

Advances and Trends in Starter Cultures for

Dairy Fermentations

Domenico Carminati, Giorgio Giraffa, Andrea Quiberoni, Ana Binetti,

Viviana Suárez, and Jorge Reinheimer

Dairy starter cultures are actively growing cultures titative data that may yield precious information
of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) to drive the fermenta- about the relationship between the cheese environ-
tion process. At first, only artisanal starters were ment and bacterial functionality, thus contributing
used. Though they are still used in certain cases, to optimal strain selection. The recent development
their microbiological instability promoted an evolu- of microarray technology and comparative genom-
tion to more defined mixtures of LAB in order to ics will allow a more complete genome analysis for
obtain a more stable acidifying activity and quality a better selection of strains for specific uses.
of the products. However, artisanal starters are
valuable sources of new strains for commercial
10.1. Introduction
uses. Today, defined multi- or mono-strain cultures
are extensively used around the world to produce The basic role of dairy starter cultures composed of
cheeses, fermented milks, and cream butter. They lactic acid bacteria (LAB) is to drive the fermenta-
are commercialized as frozen and freeze-dried cell tion process. Concomitantly, they contribute to the
concentrates, and Direct Vat Inoculation starters, to sensorial characteristics of the products and to their
be used directly in the vats. Since phage sensitivity safety. Since the starter industry relies on the use of
of lactic cultures constitutes a critical item when the selected strains of given species with known meta-
starters are selected for industrial use, many strate- bolic properties, the introduction of starter cultures
gies have been developed, among which the obten- has undoubtedly improved the commercial and
tion of phage-insensitive mutants or the conjugal hygienic quality of the products and the overall
transfer of resistance plasmids has been applied. process of standardization. On the other hand, the
Starter adjuncts, used for purposes other than acid limited number of available strains with high tech-
formation, are receiving attention as ripening or nological performance and the constant risk of bac-
protective cultures to improve the organoleptic teriophage attacks justify the continuous need to
characteristics of cheeses or perform a specific anti- search for new strains for product diversification.
microbial activity, respectively. Some probiotic
LAB, such as Lactobacillus casei/paracasei and
10.2. General Aspects
Lactobacillus plantarum, have demonstrated starter
activity, so they can be recognized as “probiotic Dairy starter cultures are actively growing cultures
starters.” Fundamental and applied research is still of LAB that are added to milk to target the fermenta-
needed to better improve starter cultures in the tion process. They are used in the production of
existing production technology and to obtain quan- a variety of dairy products including cheese,

Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria Novel Applications 177

Edited by Fernanda Mozzi, Raúl R. Raya and Graciela M. Vignolo
© 2010 Blackwell Publishing. ISBN: 978-0-813-81583-1
178 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

fermented milks, and cream butter. Since the origi- type and composition, and storage or ripening
nal lactic acid microflora of the milk is either conditions).
inefficient, uncontrollable, and unpredictable, or is The acidic condition and the reduced pH of the
destroyed altogether by the heat treatments to which fermented dairy products, as well as the antimicro-
milk is subjected, a starter culture can provide a bial activity of undissociated lactic acid molecules,
more controlled and predictable fermentation. The prevent the growth or survival of many spoilage and
LAB starters are primarily used because of their pathogenic bacteria. The capability of a few strains
capability to produce lactic acid from lactose. to produce secondary metabolites having an inhibi-
Moreover, other important functions like inhibition tory activity (i.e., bacteriocins such as nisin and
of undesirable organisms, improvement of sensorial other inhibitory peptides, hydrogen peroxide, diace-
and textural properties, as well as contribution to tyl) can enhance the preservative effects. In addition
health benefits are recognized. In yogurt and fer- to the influence of pH decrease, which enhances the
mented milks production, the high heat treatment of whey expulsion from the coagulated curd and indi-
the milk strongly reduces the indigenous milk rectly affects the cheese texture, some strains of
microflora; the starter strains becoming predominant LAB are able to produce exopolysaccharides that
and responsible for the fermentation process. In can improve texture characteristics to certain cul-
cheese making, although the starter maintains the tured dairy products. Exhaustive reference on
role of addressing the fermentation process, residual general and specific aspects of starter cultures can
strains from milk and the environment grow together be found in Broome et al. (2003), Powell et al.
with the starter strains. (2003), Parente and Cogan (2004), and Vedamuthu
The pH decrease during the fermentation of dairy (2006).
products affects a number of aspects of the manu-
facturing process, including the quality, texture, and
10.3. Types of Starter Cultures
composition of the products. Lactic acid imparts a
distinctive and fresh acidic flavor of fermented Starter cultures may be classified on the basis of
milks. The fermentation process has to be controlled their function, their temperature of growth, or their
(e.g., by proper cooling) to avoid excessive acid composition. Starter cultures may be practically cat-
concentration that can mask more delicate flavor egorized as mesophilic or thermophilic according to
like diacetyl. The lactic acid in cheese making is the incubation and manufacture temperatures under
responsible for the milk coagulation and the textur- which they are used. Mesophilic cultures grow and
izing. The pH decrease indirectly affects flavor by produce lactic acid at an optimum growth tempera-
controlling the proteolytic activity of both coagulant ture of about 30°C and can reach a maximum
and natural milk proteinases, and by influencing the fermentation temperature of 38–40°C. The most
biochemical reactions involved in the formation of used mesophilic LAB species are Lactococcus
other flavor compounds. lactis subsp. lactis, L. lactis subsp. lactis biovar
The lactic starter bacteria are involved in the diacetylactis, Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris,
production of aroma compounds, which enhance the Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. cremoris, and
organoleptic properties and determine the specific Leuconostoc lactis. Mesophilic cultures can be
identity of the cultured dairy products. The develop- further classified on the basis of citrate fermentation
ment of flavor compounds can derive from fermen- and composition, as citrate-negative starters (which
tation of lactose and citrate, from degradation of contain acid producing L. lactis subsp. lactis and
milk proteins and fat, and from amino acids and free cremoris) or citrate-positive (Cit+) starters (contain-
fatty acids metabolism. The contribution of flavor to ing Leuc. mesenteroides subsp. cremoris, L. lactis
the final products depends on a large number of subsp. lactis biovar diacetylactis, or both, in addi-
factors (e.g., specific metabolic characteristics of tion to acid-producing strains). Thermophilic cul-
starter strains, milk fermentation conditions, product tures have an optimum growth temperature of about
Advances and Trends in Starter Cultures for Dairy Fermentations 179

42°C. The most used thermophilic LAB species ing on the substrate and the technique used for their
are Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus del- reproduction.
brueckii, and Lactobacillus helveticus. Mixtures of
mesophilic and thermophilic microorganisms can Natural whey cultures (NWC). NWC are pre-
also be used as in the production of some cheeses. pared by incubating some of the whey drained from
Probably, the most common classification of the cheese vat overnight under more or less selective
starter cultures is based on the complexity of the conditions. In the manufacture of Parmigiano
culture and the way it is reproduced (Powell et al. Reggiano and Grana Padano cheeses, whey is
2003, Parente and Cogan 2004). removed from the cheese vat at the end of cheese
making at 50–54°C and it is incubated overnight at
a controlled temperature (45°C), or in large contain-
10.3.1. Undefined Strain Cultures:
ers in which the temperature decreases to 37–40°C,
Artisanal Starters
to a final pH as of low as 3.3. The resulting whey
All LAB starter cultures available today are derived culture is dominated by aciduric and/or thermophilic
from artisanal starters of undefined composition LAB species belonging to Lact. helveticus, Lact.
(i.e., containing an undefined mixture of different delbrueckii, and Strep. thermophilus. Similar whey
strains and/or species). The production of such cul- cultures are used in the production of stretched
tures, also defined as “natural starters,” is derived (“pasta-filata”) cheese varieties in Italy, hard cheese
from the ancient back-slopping practice (the use of varieties in Argentina, and Comte cheese in France.
an old batch of a fermented product to inoculate a Other types of NWC include deproteinized whey
new one) and/or by application of selective pres- starters used for the manufacture of Pecorino cheese,
sures (heat treatment, incubation temperature, low and deproteinized whey starters with rennet that are
pH). No special precautions are used to prevent used for the manufacture of Swiss-type cheeses
contamination from raw milk or from the cheese- (Emmental, Sbrinz, Gruyere) in small cheese facto-
making environment, and control of media and ries in the Alps. Invariably, thermophilic lactobacilli
culture conditions during starter reproduction is (Lact. helveticus, Lact. delbrueckii subsp. lactis)
very limited. As a result, even in any given cheese dominate cultures produced under selective condi-
plant, natural starters are continuously evolving as tions (high temperature) while streptococci (Strep.
undefined mixtures composed of several strains and/ thermophilus, but also lactococci and enterococci)
or species of LAB. often dominate cultures incubated at a relatively low
The production of many traditional cheeses in temperature (35–40°C), which usually show higher
Europe still relies on the use of natural mixed strain microbial diversity (Reinheimer et. al. 1995; Parente
starters, which are an extremely valuable source and Cogan 2004; Mucchetti and Neviani 2006).
of strains with desirable technological properties
(phage resistance, antimicrobials, and aroma pro- Natural milk cultures (NMC). NMC are still used
duction), although many strains show limited acid in small cheese-making plants in both Southern and
production ability when cultivated as pure cultures Northern Italy for the production of traditional
(Parente and Cogan 2004). Fluctuations in composi- cheeses, and less used in Argentina. The selective
tion result in variable performance and this may not pressure used for the development of the desired
be acceptable in modern cheese-making practice. microflora includes thermization/pasteurization of
Natural starters are considered to be highly tolerant raw milk (62–65°C for 10–15 min) followed by
to phage infection because they are reproduced in incubation at 37–45°C until the desired acidity is
the presence of phages, which leads to the domi- reached. The methodology used to prepare them and
nance of resistant or tolerant strains. the microbiological composition of the raw milk
Two subtypes of artisanal (natural) starters are used determine their microflora. This is usually
recognized, whey starters and milk starters, depend- dominated by Strep. thermophilus but other LAB
180 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

such as enterococci (Enterococcus faecium and 10.3.3. Defined (Multi)strain Cultures (DCS)
Enterococcus faecalis, mainly), lactobacilli (Lact.
helveticus, Lact. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus/ DSC allow greater control over the composition and
lactis, and Lactobacillus casei subsp. paracasei), properties of the culture. Examination of key prop-
and Streptococcus macedonicus, may be present erties of each strain (e.g., genetic or biochemical
(Reinheimer et al. 1997; Marino et al. 2003; Parente features, growth, and acid production characteris-
and Cogan 2004, Mucchetti and Neviani 2006, tics) can lead to rational mixing of strains to formu-
De Angelis et al. 2008). Concerning the non- late a culture with a desirable set of properties.
lactic acid microflora of natural milk cultures, this DSC are composed of one or more strains selected,
is commonly integrated by yeasts (Debaryomyces, maintained, produced, and distributed by special-
Saccharomyces, Trichosporon, Candida, and ized companies. Because of their optimized, highly
Rhodotorula; Lodi 1980; Carrasco et al. 2006), reproducible performance and high phage resis-
Micrococcus, and coliform bacteria (Reinheimer tance, DSC have replaced traditional starters in the
et al. 1997). production of many cheese varieties, including some
Natural milk cultures are valuable sources of Protected Designation of Origin European varieties.
wild Strep. thermophilus strains. There is a perma- Since the strain and/or species ratio in DSC is
nent interest for obtaining new Strep. thermophilus defined, their technological performance is extremely
isolates to be included in defined commercial start- reproducible. This is a desirable property in modern
ers as this species is used the most for cheese and cheese plants with large throughputs of milk and
fermented milks production. tight production schedules. However, as a conse-
quence of the limited number of strains used, a
phage infection may cause the disruption of lactic
10.3.2. Undefined Strain Cultures:
acid fermentations. On the other hand, with the sub-
Mixed-Strain Starters
sequent loss of natural microbial diversity, the main-
For many cheeses, artisanal starters have been tenance of the typical features is difficult. Strains
replaced by commercial mixed-strain starters (MSS), diversity in cheeses has decreased with this method
derived from the “best” natural starters and repro- (Marino et al. 2003). These commercial starters are
duced under controlled conditions by specialized normally integrated by strains that were not isolated
companies and distributed to cheese plants, which from the geographical area where cheeses are pro-
use them to build up bulk starter or for direct vat duced. However, there are many studies aimed at
inoculation (see below). While the composition of replacing natural starters by a defined (multi)strain
MSS is undefined, their reproduction under more culture that includes selected strains isolated from
controlled conditions reduces the intrinsic variabil- those specific geographical areas. These studies
ity associated with the use of artisanal starters were performed for Italian (Carminati et al. 1985;
(Limsowtin et al. 1996). The traditional method for Bossi et al. 1986; Gatti et al. 1993; Randazzo et al.
the reproduction of MSS, which requires several 2006, 2007; de Candia et al. 2007; Pisano et al.
transfers in the cheese-making plant to build up the 2007; De Angelis et al. 2008), Spanish (Menéndez
bulk starter by using small amounts of stock cul- et al. 2000), Portuguese (Macedo et al. 2004), and
tures, has been replaced by the use of concentrated Argentinian (Candioti et al. 2002) cheeses.
cultures for the inoculation of the bulk starter tank Also for Kefir (acid-alcoholic fermented milk)
or for direct inoculation of the cheese milk, thus the use of a commercial starter culture was assayed
minimizing the need for transfers within the factory (García Fontán et al. 2006). Some parameters (e.g.,
and the risk of fluctuations in starter composition microbial counts, residual lactose and ethanol
and activity. Either mesophilic or thermophilic MSS content, and final pH) were similar to those obtained
can be used in cheese making (Parente and Cogan when a natural starter was used. However, other
2004). parameters, such as the yeast count after 48 h of
Advances and Trends in Starter Cultures for Dairy Fermentations 181

fermentation and titratable acidity, were slightly 10.4. New Sources of Primary Starters
higher than those found in autochthonous products.
These aforementioned studies show that replace- The use of industrial starters has reduced the diver-
ment of natural cultures is not always an adequate sity of fermented dairy products. This phenomenon
alternative for obtaining a final product with similar can be explained by the fact that the commercial
sensorial characteristics to traditional fermented availability of new interesting starter cultures is
foods. However, the use of multi-strain defined cul- limited. Nowadays, there is an effort in searching
tures is encouraged to reach a uniform, high-quality for potential starter organisms from the pool of wild
final fermented product. strains recoverable from raw milk, undefined cul-
tures, or traditional cheeses. NWC for hard cheeses
Direct vat inoculation (DVI) cultures. DVI cul- could represent a source of interesting isolates since
tures are DSC grown in large volumes by the culture they often contain (1) LAB strains with dairy-grade
supplier, concentrated (typically by centrifugation) (e.g., antibiotic susceptibility) or pro-technological
and then frozen or freeze-dried for storage and trans- (e.g., broad phage resistance) traits (Rossetti et al.
portation to the cheese factory. The concentrated 2009) and (2) lactobacilli, in particular Lact. helve-
culture is added directly to the vat, without need ticus, which have strong proteinase and peptidase
for on-site starter propagation. DVI starters have activities that influence cheese quality and are
become more accessible in recent times as the tech- involved in the production of bioactive peptides
nology for concentration and preservation has been from casein (Korhonen and Pihlanto 2006; Broadbent
improved. et al. 2008).
DVI can provide advantages, especially for fac- Many starter bacteria used in defined cultures are
tories that lack the specialized facilities and trained phage-related, implying that the number of different
personnel necessary for reliable bulk starter prepara- strains is generally limited. Efforts have been made
tion. Under ideal conditions of hygiene and milk to isolate “new” strains from raw milk, plants, and
composition stability, consistent cheese manufac- other natural sources (Wouters et al. 2002; Parente
ture can be achieved because the starter inoculum and Cogan 2004). Any potential new starter strain
can be pretested and standardized. Starter propaga- must produce acid rapidly, lack off-flavor develop-
tion and concentration by an external supplier ment in milk, and be phage-resistant. L. lactis subsp.
reduces the probability of contamination of the lactis strains but not L. lactis subsp. cremoris strains
starter by phages from the cheese factory environ- have been isolated from various vegetables, and
ment. All types of cheese and fermented milk drinks many of them were good acid producers, coagulat-
can be made using DVI primary cultures. The extent ing milk in 18 h at 21°C. In contrast, very few strains
of usage is limited by the operation scale and types of L. lactis isolated from artisanal dairy products
of cheese made. In general, cheeses that require were good acid producers (Parente and Cogan
rapid production of lactic acid during the first 2–3 h 2004). Some of them produce unusual flavors in
(e.g., Cheddar) require a high inoculum level. In milk. For example, the combination of a “wild”
these cases, the use of DVI is very expensive. strain, which had low proteolytic activity and high
Typically, any plant producing more than 10,000 tons amino acid decarboxylase activity, with a commer-
of cheese per year would find the use of DVI a major cial strain, which had high proteolytic activity and
cost item. On the other hand, smaller plants would low decarboxylase activity, resulted in the produc-
find DVI more convenient and more economical tion of chocolate flavor in milk, due to the presence
than bulk starter. of several branched chain aldehydes and acids
Secondary “adjunct” cultures, which are used to (Wouters et al. 2002). This latter example underlines
control or enhance the secondary fermentations in the difficulty in designing appropriate starter formu-
cheese, are ideally suited to be supplied in DVI lations, which is an important task for the starter
form. These cultures will be discussed later. industry.
182 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

10.5. Specialized Cultures of LAB Since L. lactis and Strep. thermophilus constitute
the key of most industrial dairy fermentations, mul-
Searching for strains with interesting properties
tiple phages infecting these two LAB have been
to be used as new, specialized starter cultures may
isolated and meticulously characterized (Brüssow
lead to an improved fermentation process and an
2001; Suárez et al. 2002; Sturino and Klaenhammer
enhanced quality of the end-product. In this regard,
2004). The extended co-survival of LAB and phages
the use of specialized LAB cultures with expanded
within the same environment has prompted the
characteristics is promising in dairy technology.
strains to the acquisition of a variety of native bac-
According to the specific function to be accom-
teriophage defense systems. These mechanisms
plished, specialized LAB cultures can belong to
include inhibition of phage adsorption, blocking of
either the primary starter (e.g., the phage-resistant
DNA injection, restriction/modification systems,
starters) or a secondary culture (the latter being also
and abortive infection (Moineau and Lévesque
defined as “starter adjuncts”).
2005). In lactococci, these mechanisms may be
encoded by chromosomal or plasmid genes.
Interestingly, the natural gene transfer by conjuga-
10.5.1. Phage-Resistant Starters
tion of plasmid DNA is a very spread feature in
Bacteriophage infections represent a serious problem lactococci. So, the conjugation of native phage-
in dairy fermentative processes, and their inhibitory resistant plasmids has been a strategy of great profit
effect against lactic acid starters has been recog- to genetically improve dairy LAB for over 20 years,
nized for more than 70 years (Moineau and Lévesque yielding multiple dairy starter cultures that are in
2005), since Whitehead and Cox (1935) identified commercial use since many years ago, many of
the first phage specific for a lactic acid bacterium. them being under patent worldwide (Klaenhammer
Mutation and recombination with other lytic phages and Fitzgerald 1994; Moineau and Lévesque 2005).
(Brüssow and Hendrix 2002) or with the bacterial However, although the conjugal transfer of phage
host chromosome (Moineau et al. 1994) are nowa- resistance plasmids represents nowadays one of the
days accepted as the cause of the continuous most convenient, simple, and “natural” strategy to
emergence of new phages in dairy environments. improve starter strains, it can be severely limited
Additionally, lysogenic starter cultures (Moineau due to the lack of suitable selectable markers on the
et al. 1996; Bruttin et al. 1997; Sturino and plasmids. In this respect, Mills et al. (2002) have
Klaenhammer 2004; Suárez et al. 2008) and raw exploited lacticin 481 as a selectable marker for the
milk as a supply of phages capable to survive heat transfer of a phage resistance plasmid into a cheese
treatments (Quiberoni et al. 1998, 2003; Binetti and starter L. lactis strain. This approach has a double
Reinheimer 2000; Capra et al. 2004) are the major advantage as the new developed transconjugants
sources of a permanent and renovate phage popula- were phage-resistant and bacteriocin producers,
tion. Thus, considering that the presence of phages this last aspect being beneficial also for industrial
is unavoidable in the dairy plant environments, fermentations.
several strategies were designed to control rather The isolation of bacteriophage-insensitive
than eliminate them (Moineau and Lévesque 2005). mutants (BIMs) represents an alternative for bacte-
Culture rotation programs, direct vat-inoculation of ria without conjugative plasmids. These variants are
starters, careful handling and disposal of whey spontaneous and natural derivatives that survive to
(Coffey and Ross 2002), use of phage-inhibitory an exposure to virulent phages (Moineau and
media, optimized sanitation, and use of starter cul- Lévesque 2005). In this sense, several researches
tures improved in their phage resistance (Moineau have described the isolation of spontaneous phage-
et al. 2002; Sturino and Klaenhammer 2004) could resistant variants from sensitive strains of lactococci
be enumerated among the approaches applied to (Limsowtin and Terzaghi 1976; Weimer et al. 1993),
minimize phage spreading in dairy plants. Strep. thermophilus (Viscardi et al. 2003; Binetti
Advances and Trends in Starter Cultures for Dairy Fermentations 183

et al. 2007), Lact. helveticus (Neviani et al. 1992; as well as some phage genetic elements (Moineau
Carminati et al. 1993; Reinheimer et al. 1993; 1999; Sturino and Klaenhammer 2004). These type
Quiberoni et al. 1999), and Lact. delbrueckii of antiphage approaches include origin-derived
(Guglielmotti et al. 2006) strains. This methodology phage-encoded resistance (O’Sullivan et al. 1993),
has been revalued recently because it is simple and antisense RNA technology (interfering with phage
“natural” and involves no genetic manipulation, thus development by inhibiting the translation of phage-
there are no regulatory restrictions to use the encoded genes necessary for normal development;
improved strains in industrial environments (Sing Walker and Klaenhammer 2000), and phage-
and Klaenhammer 1993; Weimer et al. 1993; triggered suicide systems (involving the expression
Moineau and Lévesque 2005). Even if some disad- of a toxic gene product under the control of a
vantages (e.g., a high frequency of phenotype rever- phage-inducible promoter; Djordjevic et al. 1997).
sion and physiological bacterial modifications) Nevertheless, despite the intensive research and eco-
could be encountered when applying this methodol- nomic efforts, dairy and starter culture industries
ogy, many phage-resistant variants with high tech- have not benefited as expected (Sturino and
nological performance have been isolated and are Klaenhammer 2004). This is mainly due to the lack
being used successfully in industrial fermentations of progress in the development of legislation regard-
(Quiberoni et al. 1999). ing Genetically Modified Organisms (see Chapter
The mechanism involved in BIMs generation 20). Moreover, much of the research has been done
was often attributed to mutations in the phage recep- using a small subset of lactococcal strains and not
tors (Viscardi et al. 2003), although recent studies the wide range of industrial LAB strains (Coffey and
(Barrangou et al. 2007; Deveau et al. 2008) have Ross 2002).
demonstrated that clustered regularly interspaced The scenery of phage infections is even worse
short palindromic repeats (CRISPRs) play a role in when probiotic bacteria are the target. The manufac-
the development of BIMs. By using Strep. ther- ture of certain types of probiotic products involves
mophilus strains, the authors proved that CRISPRs a propagation of the strains as a starter (Watanabe
and the associated genes constitute the latest defense et al. 1970; Forsman et al. 1993; Saarela et al. 2000;
mechanism unveiled in prokaryotes. Specifically, Capra et al. 2006). These strains usually grow
Deveau et al. (2008) found that in response to chal- slowly (Saarela et al. 2000), thus becoming particu-
lenges with virulent phages, a Strep. thermophilus larly vulnerable to phages (Capra et al. 2006). Also,
strain was able to integrate new spacers derived Lactobacillus strains have long been known to
from the phage genomes, generating a phage- harbor prophages, yielding to the possibility of
resistant phenotype; meanwhile a small population spontaneous prophage induction during use, or of
of phages was also able to infect the BIMs, suggest- prophage DNA involvement in the generation
ing that both CRISPR locus and phage genomics of new virulent phages (Durmaz et al. 2008). The
regions may rapidly evolve. As stated by Deveau et dairy industry must deal with a new complex and
al. (2008), these facts clearly represent a novel and singular trouble. For probiotic phages, control
interesting approach for the development of phage- strategies are restricted because these phages are
resistant bacterial strains for fermentation and bio- resistant to thermal and biocide treatments (Capra
technological processes. et al. 2004); strain rotation is inappropriate; and,
If the development or use of transconjugants or also, many phages originated from lysogenic pro-
phage-resistant mutants is not feasible in any cases, biotic strains (Ventura et al. 2006; Durmaz et al.
the construction of genetically engineered strains is 2008). Furthermore, the development of phage-
nowadays possible, since it has been intensively resistant probiotic starters is very limited, as the
studied for the last 25 years. The designed genetic preservation of probiotic features is still a non-
tools are based on the characterization and exploita- explored but crucial issue to be considered in
tion of the LAB native phage defense mechanisms, practice.
184 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

10.5.2. Starter Adjuncts their selection as adjuncts. These properties,

however, are strongly strain-dependant and they
Starter adjuncts are selected cultures added for pur-
make it difficult to select the right strain combina-
poses other than acid formation, which is exclu-
tion that links the required properties to the con-
sively devoted to the primary LAB starter. Starter
comitant lack of imperfections.
adjuncts can be used as ripening cultures, for
The peptidase activities, at least in certain Lact.
example, as cultures added to accelerate ripening or
casei strains, contribute to the hydrolysis of bitter
produce desirable flavor, or they can also contribute
peptides to non-bitter peptides with the release of
to the microbial safety or offer health benefits.
free amino acids (Chamba and Irlinger 2004).
Several pools of nonstarter microorganisms are now
Amino acid catabolism and the production of aroma
available for the cheese maker to choose from for
compounds by FHL, especially by their glutamate
the cheese innovation. Among them, nonstarter
dehydrogenase (GDH) activity, appear to be deter-
LAB (NSLAB) form a significant portion of the
minant properties for use of these lactobacilli as
nonstarter microflora of most cheese varieties during
cheese ripening adjuncts. Tanous et al. (2002)
ripening and have also been suggested as microbial
showed that about half of the Lact. plantarum and
fingerprint for traditional cheeses. NSLAB are
Lact. paracasei strains isolated from cheese have
adventitious microorganisms that develop in nearly
GDH activity. Unfortunately, comparative studies
all cheese varieties and consist mostly of facultative
on the behavior of a given strain in different cheese
heterofermentative (mesophilic) lactobacilli (FHL);
models are lacking; these studies can, however,
Lact. casei, Lact. paracasei, Lact. plantarum,
provide interesting information, as cheese-making
Lactobacillus rhamnosus, and Lactobacillus curva-
conditions (i.e., cheese technology, cooling rate, rip-
tus are found most frequently in cheese (Chamba
ening temperature, etc.) and primary starter may
and Irlinger 2004).
favor or impair the growth of the adjunct culture and
strongly influence on its enzymatic activities. The
Ripening cultures. The significance of FHL to finding of versatile cultures, with desirable techno-
cheese quality is controversial: while some authors logical properties robust enough to be expressed in
have postulated that they are responsible for most different food environments and in the presence of
quality defects in cheese (Herreros et al. 2007; different starter cultures, may be useful for the
Rynne et al. 2007), other researchers reported that cheese industry and its suppliers.
FHL do not alter flavor development (Lloyd et al.
1980), or even that they can positively influence Protective cultures. Protective cultures are starter
secondary proteolysis and flavor (Hynes et al. 2003; adjuncts showing specific antimicrobial activity
Di Cagno et al. 2006; Irigoyen et al. 2007). In addi- against pathogenic or spoilage bacteria. LAB
tion, adjunct of FHL may suppress the growth of produce several natural antimicrobials, including
undesirable adventitious microbiota and thereby organic acids, carbon dioxide, hydrogen peroxide,
prevent the occurrence of defects (Banks and diacetyl, ethanol, and antimicrobial proteins (or bac-
Williams 2004). Adjunct cultures of cheese-isolated teriocins) and, for this reason, they may help to
FHL have therefore been proposed as ripening combat microbial contamination. Both starter LAB
cultures, based on their contribution to secondary and NSLAB can be used as protective cultures.
proteolysis and flavor formation in Cheddar Their application in cheese will depend on the target
(McSweeney et al. 1994), Danbo (Antonsson et al. microorganism(s), the product type, and the spec-
2003), Manchego (Poveda et al. 2003), and Armada trum of activity of the antimicrobial produced.
cheeses (Herreros et al. 2007) among others, but the Within the wide range of antimicrobials pro-
indications appear rather controversial. The main duced by LAB, bacteriocins are the most widely
reason for this statement is that FHL exhibit a large studied and considered for an application in cheese.
diversity of properties, which offer several ways for Bacteriocins from LAB are low-molecular mass
Advances and Trends in Starter Cultures for Dairy Fermentations 185

peptides or proteins with an antibacterial mode of 10.5.3. Probiotic/Health-Promoting

action restricted to related Gram (+) bacteria. Cultures
Although nisin produced by L. lactis is the most
widely studied and applied bacteriocin, several other The “probiotic” concept has evolved from the begin-
LAB bacteriocins (especially those produced by ning to an actual, simple, and straightforward notion:
Strep. thermophilus, Strep. macedonicus, and live microorganisms that when administered in ade-
enterococci) with potential use in cheese have been quate amounts confer a health benefit on the host
reported (Grattepanche et al. 2008). Several studies (FAO/WHO 2002). Consequently, a wide variety of
have demonstrated the potential of bacteriocins to genera and species could be considered potential
control growth of pathogenic or spoilage bacteria in probiotics even when, commercially, the most
cheese. Most research of LAB bacteriocins in cheese important strains are lactobacilli and bifidobacteria
have targeted the control of Listeria monocytogenes (Vasiljevic and Shah 2008). A number of health
and the prevention of late blowing of cheese due to benefits have been attributed to products containing
contamination by clostridia (Leroy and De Vuyst probiotic organisms, including alleviation of lactose
2004; Grattepanche et al. 2008). Another example intolerance, prevention and reduction of symptoms
is the suppression of flavor-disturbing L. lactis of rotavirus and antibiotic-associated diarrhea,
strains that produce off-flavors in dairy products treatment and prevention of allergy, reduction of
(Stanley 1998). Strains of Lact. curvatus, Lact. risk associated with mutagenicity and carcino-
plantarum, and Lact. rhamnosus produce bacterio- genicity, hypocholesterolemic effect, inhibition of
cins active against clostridia, Staphylococcus aureus, Helicobacter pylori and intestinal pathogens, pre-
and Listeria spp. (Chamba and Irlinger 2004). vention of inflammatory bowel diseases, and stimu-
The production of inhibitory compounds and lation of immune system (Vasiljevic and Shah
bacteriocins can also be problematic in cheese. For 2008).
example, bacteriocin-producing strains included In selecting starter microorganisms, reliable acid-
within the primary starter may inhibit the other forming ability is one of the most relevant charac-
starter components, leading to strain imbalance of teristics to be taken in consideration. However, for
the culture. Lact. casei and Lact. rhamnosus produc- a careful screening of probiotics, this criterion
ing acetate, formate, and small amounts of diacetyl should be connected to the impact on human health
from citrate interfere negatively with the growth of and well-being. Probiotics are often inappropriate as
Propionibacterium freudenreichii in Swiss cheese starter organisms since the gastrointestinal tract
(Chamba and Irlinger 2004). Additionally, the use environment (the usual ambient of probiotics) is
of bacteriocin-producing strains may raise safety quite different from that of a food matrix. In order
issues, such as in the case of enterococci. Moreover, to improve the suitability of the food as a substrate
bacteriocin production and efficiency can greatly for probiotics, energy sources (e.g., glucose), growth
vary within cheese. Bacteriocin-producing strains factors (e.g., yeast extract and protein hydrolysates),
used as starter adjuncts must also show good growth or suitable antioxidants, minerals, or vitamins can
in milk and cheese. Therefore, the interest of bacte- be added. Moreover, several technological aspects,
riocinogenic strains as protective cultures is very including good sensory properties, phage resistance,
variable and depending on several technological and viability during processing, and stability both in the
ecological factors, which may partly explain why product and during storage, must to be considered
few applications have reached the market. Selection when using probiotic strains (Mattila-Sandholm
and isolation of competitive bacteriocinogenic et al. 2002).
strains from cheese environments and design of In general, fermentation technologies can signifi-
proper starters with low sensitivity to the bacteriocin cantly affect the functionality of probiotics (Mattila-
will be basic prerequisites for their successful large- Sandholm et al. 2002). To avoid the stressful
scale application as protective cultures. conditions involved in industrial processes,
186 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

probiotics are used, in most of cases, as adjunct Other microorganisms with demonstrated probi-
starters at the critical concentration to guarantee otic properties and ability to grow on dairy sub-
their functionality (at least, 107 cfu/g or ml, accord- strates are species belonging to the Lact. casei
ing to international consensus). However, some Group (Lact. casei, Lact. paracasei and Lact. rham-
strains (specially belonging to the Lact. casei Group nosus). The probiotic strains Lact. casei Shirota
and Lact. plantarum) are able to grow on lactic- and (LcS) and Lact. casei DN-114 001 are involved in
other substrates, and exert the role of probiotic start- the elaboration of Yakult and Actimel, respectively,
ers. In these cases, besides its functional benefit, a the fermented milks of highest remarkable commer-
technological function would be developed by pro- cial relevance in the world. In both cases, the indus-
biotics, representing a valid strategy to overcome trial processes include several days of strictly
the barriers imposed by the drastic change of envi- controlled fermentation. Numerous health proper-
ronmental conditions. In addition to modifications ties have been well documented for these fermented
introduced in the food matrix, a considerable reduc- products (de Moreno et al. 2008; Giralt et al. 2008;
tion in production costs would be achieved, since Miyazaki and Matsuzaki 2008).
lower initial concentrations of probiotic strains are Bertazzoni Minelli et al. (2004) evaluated the
required. technological performance of Lact. casei strains by
Lact. plantarum is a versatile lactic acid bacte- determining their suitability as probiotic agents in
rium that can be found in a wide range of environ- functional fermented milks when growing in fiber-
mental niches. In consequence, it can be used as rich milk (milk supplemented with milk proteins,
starter in dairy, meat and a large variety of vegetable sucrose and inulin). Several strains, potentially pro-
fermentations. It is commonly found in the human biotics, showed adequate technological and organo-
gastrointestinal-tract and, therefore, has a demon- leptic characteristics for production of fermented
strated safety for human consumption and a proven milks, since an acceptable acidification capacity (pH
ability to exert a probiotic effect on the consumer reduction to 4.3 in 9 h at 37°C) was verified.
(de Vries et al. 2006). Although most applications Moreover, a final product with good texture and
of Lact. plantarum involve the fermentation of without off-flavors was obtained, indicating the
vegetal substrates (brined olives, sauerkraut, salted potential use of these probiotic Lact. casei strains as
gherkins, sourdough, Nigerian ogi, Ethiopian kocho, starter.
Gari, the functional beverage commercially named Another type of fermented milk involving probi-
ProViva, etc.) (de Vries et al. 2006; Molin 2008), otic species is the acidophilus milk, the so-called
this species appears as starter component (combined “yogurt mild,” which became a success in Germany
with other microorganisms) in a high number of and some other Western European countries in the
traditional dairy products as cheeses and fermented early 1980s. This product is fermented by a termo-
milks (Ercolini et al. 2003; Patrignani et al. 2006; philic culture of Strep. thermophilus combined with
De Angelis et al. 2008; Duan et al. 2008; Mangia et Lact. acidophilus, requiring prolonged periods of
al. 2008; Mathara et al. 2008; Rantsiou et al. 2008). fermentation (>6 h) at 38–45°C to guarantee the
It is important to highlight that several Lact. plan- formation of a stable gel from coagulated milk
tarum strains have been tested for functional effects (pH < 4.8) (Heller 2001). Recently, Amiri et al.
on healthy and unwell subjects (de Vries et al. 2006; (2008) studied a symbiotic acidophilus milk with
Klarin et al. 2008; Szyma ski et al. 2008; Troost satisfactory functional food properties. In this case,
et al. 2008). For these reasons, Lact. plantarum three different probiotic cultures were employed in
emerges as a species of great interest for the devel- combination (Lact. acidophilus, Lact. casei, and
opment of new functional foods, based on its probi- Bifidobacterium bifidum) and the incorporation of
otic potential as well as on their adaptability and inulin, oat fiber, and honey, singly or combined
versatility in different substrates that allow it to resulted in an acceptable probiotic acidophilus milk.
assume the starter role. In any case, as well as in all fermentation processes
Advances and Trends in Starter Cultures for Dairy Fermentations 187

involving probiotic strains, a compromise between dolytic activity. As a consequence, cheeses contain-
full expression of the potential health properties of ing adjunct probiotic lactobacilli show improved
the probiotic strain and its technological suitability flavor intensity, acceptability and high levels of free
must be reached. The probiotic strain must satisfy amino acids (Bude Ugarte et al. 2006; Briggiler
not only the criteria for good survival but also the Marcó et al. 2007; Milesi et al. 2008; Kocaoglu-
criteria for fermentation and harmonious interaction Vurma et al. 2008) in addition to the resulting heath
with the other bacterial species involved. In conse- benefits.
quence, the Lact. acidophilus strain with the In most of mentioned examples, probiotic strains
optimum combination of functional and technologi- are combined with yogurt starter cultures for allow-
cal properties would represent the best candidate to ing the production of fermented products with supe-
include in the elaboration of a probiotic acidophilus rior sensorial and nutritional properties. The basic
milk. components of traditional yogurt, Strep. thermophi-
More recently, Almeida et al. (2008) investigated lus and Lact. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus are not
the acidification rates of different probiotic strains usually part of the indigenous microbiota of mammal
(Lact. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus, Lact. acidophi- intestine and show, in general, limited survival after
lus, Lact. rhamnosus, and B. animalis subsp. lactis) oral ingestion (Bertazzoni Minelli et al. 2004).
in co-culture with Strep. thermophilus for the pro- However, lactic acid starter species (Strep. ther-
duction of a probiotic beverage from a Brazilian mophilus, Lact. delbrueckii or Lact. helveticus) are
cheese whey. In general, the fermentation times now also regarded as microorganisms with probiotic
were very variable (from 3 to 12 h) depending on potential. Recent studies have shown that these
the co-culture. The longest fermentation time was organisms can release enzymes such as β-
observed for Lact. rhamnosus–Strep. thermophilus galactosidase that improve the digestion of nutrients
mixture, whereas the faster acidification was in the intestine and contribute to the normal devel-
achieved by B. animalis subsp. lactis–Strep. ther- opment of the gut mucosa immune system (de
mophilus. Although more studies are required on Moreno and Perdigón 2005; Guarner et al. 2005).
wider mix of co-cultures, the innovation of this The potential probiotic role of Lact. delbrueckii has
work lies on the study of technological performances not yet been extensively exploited and further
of probiotics, addressed to satisfy the increasing studies are needed to identify the beneficial effects
request of the market. on host health of individual strains. Nevertheless,
Cheese represents a very attractive food matrix recently, the ability to activate the gut mucosal
for the incorporation of probiotic bacteria, usually immune response (specifically on IgA-producing
as adjuncts. Particularly, in the Argentinian probi- cells) was reported for different Lact. delbrueckii
otic Fresco cheese, the Lact. casei strain used as strains and their phage-resistant spontaneous
adjunct starter was able to grow(from 1 to 1.5 log) mutants (Guglielmotti et al. 2007a; Vinderola et al.
through the ripening period and the refrigerated 2007). Acquisition of oxgall-tolerance and adequate
storage (Vinderola et al. 2000). In this context, this technological properties were also reported by these
probiotic strain could act as a secondary starter to strains (Guglielmotti et al. 2006, 2007b). All these
control NSLAB adventitious flora besides as being features, added to their improved phage resistance,
a functional culture. Similarly, other lactobacilli highlight the potential of these strains as probiotic
(mainly Lact. plantarum, Lactobacillus fermentum starters for industrial use in functional food.
and Lact. rhamnosus) may be used in cheeses pro- In conclusion, even though the most important
cesses for this double purpose: secondary- and pro- characteristic of probiotic bacteria is their contribu-
biotic starter. In general, these species acidify slowly tion to host health, the evaluation of their techno-
in milk and show weak to moderate proteolytic logical behavior should be a key parameter for
activity, but they may be able to attempt high counts the rational selection of adequate strains for food
in cheese during ripening as a result of their pepti- applications. For a starter LAB, determination of
188 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

its technological performance should precede inves- However, fundamental and applied research is
tigation of its probiotic potential. However, if the still needed to better improve starter cultures in the
organism exhibits desirable properties of both existing production technology and to obtain quan-
types, it would be attractive for use in dairy titative data which may yield precious information
products as probiotic starter. In particular, the inno- about the relationship between the cheese environ-
vations requiring novel types of starter cultures ment and bacterial functionality, thus contributing
are dependent on the delicate balance among to optimal strain selection. Quality, safety, and
factors such as science and technology, safety and acceptability of both traditional and industrial fer-
legislation, market needs, consumer attitudes, and mented dairy products may be significantly improved
economics. through the use of starter cultures implemented on
a multifunctional basis (e.g., efficient acid and
aroma production, overproduction of bacteriocins,
10.6. Future Trends and
effective proteolytic systems) taking also into
Final Considerations
consideration the probiotic aspects and health-
Since raw milk and natural cultures contain LAB promoting properties.
strains which are essential for producing the desired
characteristics of cheeses, the study of their micro- References
biota remains a major subject to gain insight on the
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Chapter 11

Low-Calorie Sugars Produced by Lactic Acid Bacteria

Gino Vrancken, Tom Rimaux, Luc De Vuyst, and Fernanda Mozzi

Mannitol, sorbitol, and erythritol are naturally nase-deficient mutants has been reported, in
occurring sugar alcohols. Mannitol is produced by particular for sorbitol production by LAB. This
bacteria, yeasts, fungi, algae, and several plants. chapter deals with the state of the art of sugar
This polyol might help these organisms to cope with alcohol (mannitol, sorbitol, and erythritol) produc-
different environmental stresses such as osmotic tion by LAB as interesting low-calorie food ingredi-
and oxidative stress. Sorbitol is produced by a ents. In addition, the strategies employed to increase
variety of both plants and microorganisms. Erythritol the production and application of sugar alcohols in
production is usually associated with yeasts but has food and pharmaceutical products, or to design new
also been reported for some lactic acid bacteria functional foods naturally enriched in mannitol will
(LAB). All these polyols—mannitol, sorbitol, and be discussed.
erythritol—display properties that are beneficial to
human health as they are non-metabolizable, insu-
11.1. Classification and
lin-independent sweeteners, or low-calorie sugars,
Natural Occurrence
which make them applicable in dietetic and diabetic
food products. In addition, mannitol is used in the Sugar alcohols are noncyclic, polyhydric alcohols
pharmaceutical industry as a powerful osmotic (polyols), in which the carbonyl group (aldehyde or
diuretic agent and as an osmotic agent for decreas- ketone) of the precursor sugar is reduced to the cor-
ing brain and cellular edema. Mannitol biosynthesis responding primary or secondary alcohol (Schiweck
through bacterial fermentation has become an inter- et al. 1994; Cummings and Stephen 2007). Due to
esting alternative to existing chemical production. different structures and stereochemistries of the pre-
Chemical synthesis using nickel catalyst-assisted cursor sugars, several distinct polyols exist, such as
hydrogenation shows several economic disadvan- mannitol (derived from fructose), sorbitol (from
tages, such as high production costs and low product glucose), galactitol (from galactose), xylitol (from
recovery. Furthermore, the capability of certain xylose), ribitol (from ribose), lactitol (from lactose),
LAB, belonging to both homofermentative and maltitol (from maltose), and erythritol (from ery-
heterofermentative species, to synthesize mannitol throse) (Fig. 11.1).
offers the possibility of in situ production in foods. Polyols occur naturally in fruits and vegetables
For this reason, different fermentation technology- and are synthesized by certain bacteria, yeasts, fila-
based strategies for improving mannitol production mentous fungi, and algae (Mäkinen and Soderlinge
by LAB have been reported. To date, 93–97 mol% 1980; Hendriksen et al. 1988; Stoop et al., 1996;
mannitol yields are reached using a bioprocess with von Weymarn et al. 2002a; Wisselink et al. 2002;
a heterofermentative LAB strain. Moreover, meta- Iwamoto and Shiraiwa 2005; Solomon et al. 2007).
bolic engineering of food-grade lactate dehydroge- Their physiological role remains a subject of debate,

Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria Novel Applications 193

Edited by Fernanda Mozzi, Raúl R. Raya and Graciela M. Vignolo
© 2010 Blackwell Publishing. ISBN: 978-0-813-81583-1
194 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications




D-mannitol D-sorbitol D-erythritol




D-galactitol D-xylitol D-ribitol

D-lactitol D-maltitol
Figure 11.1 Chemical structures of D-mannitol, D-sorbitol, D-erythritol, D-galactitol, D-xylitol, D-ribitol, D-lactitol, and

but they have been proposed as reservoirs of carbon Iwamoto and Shiraiwa 2005; Akinterinwa et al.
and reducing power. A role has also been suggested 2008; Hounsome et al. 2008).
in surviving adverse environmental conditions such D-mannitol, also called mannite or manna sugar,
as osmotic and oxidative stress, as compatible solute the acyclic hexitol derived from D-fructose, is the
(turgor maintenance, and membrane lipid and most abundant naturally occurring polyol, even
protein stabilization at low water activity), and in more extensively than its C2-epimer sorbitol.
preventing oxidative damage by scavenging of free Mannitol is found in manna, the dried exudates of
reactive oxygen radicals (Smirnoff and Cumbes the manna ash tree, Fraxinus ornus, from which its
1989; Chaturvedi et al. 1997; Shen et al. 1997; name derives (Schwarz 1994). In general, mannitol
Efiuvwevwere et al. 1999; Wisselink et al. 2002; occurs in small quantities in most fruits and vegeta-
Low-Calorie Sugars Produced by Lactic Acid Bacteria 195

bles, such as pumpkins, celery, onions, olives, and 53%–70% (Schiweck et al. 1994; Embuscado and
beets. Mistletoe and lichen mycobionts and some Patil 2001; Salminen and Hallikainen 2002).
marine algae, such as brown seaweeds, are also rich Mannitol forms white crystals with a melting tem-
in mannitol (Brimacombe and Webber 1972; Ikawa perature of 165–168°C, and its solubility in water
et al. 1972; Fahselt 1994; Schwarz 1994; Stoop et (18% [m/v] at 25°C) is significantly lower (fourfold)
al. 1996). Mannitol is commonly found in the myce- than that of sorbitol and most of the other sugar
lium of various fungi and is an important carbohy- alcohols (Schwarz 1994). The high positive enthalpy
drate in the commonly consumed fruiting bodies of of solution in water gives mannitol a sweet cool
the fungi Agaricus bisporus and Lentinula edodes taste (Schiweck et al. 1994; Lawson 1997). Erythritol
(Tan and Moore 1994). The optical isomer has the highest enthalpy of solution (191.3 J/kg) of
L-mannitol does not occur in nature. This chapter the three sugar alcohols described here, thus provid-
will specifically deal with the D-form of mannitol, ing a substantially higher cooling effect (Embuscado
which will be further referred to here as mannitol. and Patil 2001). Crystalline mannitol and erythritol
D-sorbitol, also called D-glucitol, the noncyclic exhibit a very low hygroscopicity and are chemi-
hexitol derived from D-glucose, occurs naturally in cally inert (Schwarz 1994).
many fruits, such as berries, cherries, grapes, plums, Because of its physicochemical characteristics,
pears, and apples, as well as in certain vegetables mannitol has multiple applications in the food, phar-
(Budavari et al. 1996; Gutierrez and Gaudillere maceutical, medical, and chemical industries.
1996). In addition, various yeasts and bacteria are Mannitol’s primary application is as a food additive,
able to synthesize sorbitol (Silveira and Jonas 2002; referred to as E421 in the European Union (Le and
Jonas and Silveira 2004). Mulderrig 2001). It is used in dietary food products
D-erythritol, the four-carbon sugar alcohol such as sugar-free (non-cariogenic) chewing gum,
derived from the sugar erythrose, is naturally present sweets, and ice cream (Le and Mulderrig 2001). In
in fruits such as grapes, pears, and melons, but also addition, it can be used as a texturizing agent,
occurs in mushrooms and some fermented food anti-caking agent, or humectant (Salminen and
products, such as soy sauce, sake, and wine Hallikainen 2002). Mannitol is used to reduce the
(Embuscado and Patil 2001). crystallization tendency of sugars, thereby increas-
Mannitol, sorbitol, and erythritol have all received ing the physicochemical shelf life of food products.
Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) status by the As crystalline, mannitol displays very low hygro-
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (Salminen and scopicity and chemical reactivity as well as excel-
Hallikainen 2002). The international world market lent thermal and mechanical properties. It is used for
for polyols is primarily for sorbitol. Mannitol and preparing pharmaceutical products, such as chew-
erythritol, introduced in the market in the 1990s, able tablets and granulated powders, at high humidi-
represent a lower production volume than sorbitol ties (Gombas et al. 2003; Sugimoto et al. 2006).
(von Weymarn et al. 2002a). Moreover, its sweet cool taste masks the unpleasant
taste of certain drugs (Debord et al. 1987).
Sorbitol’s major application is as a food additive
11.2. Physicochemical Properties and
(E420), especially in confectionery products
Applications of Mannitol, Sorbitol,
(chewing gums, candies, desserts, and ice creams),
and Erythritol
diabetic foods, and a wide range of other food prod-
Polyols are known mainly for their low-calorie ucts, not only as a sweetener but also as a humectant,
sweetening power (Salminen and Hallikainen 2002). texturizer, and softener. Due to its water stabiliza-
This sweetening power varies among the different tion and softening properties, sorbitol is used in the
sugar alcohols: The relative sweetness of mannitol cosmetic industry in creams, emulsions, and lotions
to sucrose is 50%–52%, that of sorbitol to sucrose (Le and Mulderrig 2001; Silveira and Jonas 2002).
is 60%–70%, and that of erythritol to sucrose is Both sorbitol and mannitol have a stabilizing effect
196 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

on food by partially mimicking fat (Debord et al. elaboration of light or reduced-calorie food prod-
1987). Another interesting property of sorbitol is ucts, overconsumption can lead to gastrointestinal
that although it is hygroscopic, it tends to adsorb or discomfort due to gas production, and diarrhea
release water very slowly; hence, it can be used (Schiweck et al. 1994; Le and Mulderrig 2001;
in foods to maintain the initial physicochemical Livesey 2003). Mannitol has the lowest laxative
characteristics of the fresh food product (Le and threshold observed for sugar alcohols; therefore, it
Mulderrig 2001). Finally, sorbitol is the starting is recommended that daily intake should not exceed
material or building block for the synthesis of ascor- 20 g (von Weymarn et al. 2002a).
bic acid (vitamin C through the Reichstein process), Sorbitol intake has been shown to significantly
sorbose, and alkyd resins, among others (Reuter increase colonic and cecal butyrate levels in rats,
et al. 1983; Silveira and Jonas 2002; Adachi et al. showing the capacity of this polyol to modify the
2003). activity of the gut microbiota, thus possibly contrib-
In medicine, mannitol has found application as a uting to healthy colonic mucosa (Sarmiento-Rubiano
powerful osmotic diuretic for intoxication therapy. et al. 2007). In addition, it has been reported that
It reduces cerebral edema during brain surgery, and sorbitol can be consumed as an energy source by
it is also used in intraocular pressure reduction. In some species of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium
addition, it is employed in parenteral solutions (Rhodes and Kator 1999; Yebra and Pérez-Martínez
during surgery to prevent kidney failure (Nissenson 2002). For this reason, Farnworth (2001) suggested
et al. 1979; Warren and Blantz 1981; Rabinstein that sorbitol should be considered a prebiotic.
2006). Mannitol hexanitrate can be used as vasodila- Erythritol has a similar spectrum of applications
tor in hypertension treatments (Carere-Comes et al. to that of the other sugar alcohols. An important
1952). In the chemical industry, mannitol is used in advantage of erythritol over the other sugar alcohols
the production of dry electrolytic capacitors as a is that it has the lowest caloric value (0.2 kcal/g).
complex with boric acid, and in the production of Furthermore, because of its low molecular mass, it
resins and surfactants (Dapo and Stevens 1999; has the unique property of being rapidly absorbed
Kitamoto et al. 2002). in the small intestine, after which it is excreted
Polyols are absorbed more slowly from the gas- through the kidneys, making it unavailable for
trointestinal tract than common sugars and have no colonic fermentation. Therefore, its caloric value is
effect on the blood insulin level. This fact, combined further reduced, and its glycemic response is zero.
with the sweetening power of these compounds, It is suitable for diabetic and tooth-friendly food
makes polyols interesting as sweeteners for the food applications. Like xylitol, erythritol can significantly
of people with diabetes. Moreover, polyols have a reduce the caries bacteria Streptococcus mutans
lower caloric value than most of the common sugars (Mäkinen et al. 2005). Excessive administration of
(e.g., mannitol has 60% less calories than sucrose). erythritol poses no threat for the development of
The reduced caloric value of sugar alcohols is a intestinal discomfort (Roper and Goossens 1993).
result of the fact that sugar alcohols are only par-
tially absorbed in the small intestine. Thus, a sub-
11.3. Production of Mannitol, Sorbitol,
stantial portion of the ingested sugar alcohols
and Erythritol: Chemical, Enzymatic,
reaches the colon, where certain bacteria are able to
and Microbial Processes
degrade it (Schiweck et al. 1994). This degradation
can lead to the production of several short-chain Mannitol production occurs mainly through chemi-
fatty acids in the colon, such as butyrate, which has cal, enzymatic, or biotechnological processes, as the
been claimed to confer protection against colon extraction from plant raw materials is no longer
cancer (van Munster and Nagengast 1993; Morishita economical (Schwarz 1994). Today, industrial pro-
1994; Liong and Shah 2005). Although these prop- duction of mannitol occurs through catalytic hydro-
erties make mannitol an interesting candidate for the genation of fructose, sucrose, or glucose/fructose
Low-Calorie Sugars Produced by Lactic Acid Bacteria 197

syrups (Schwarz 1994; Ojamo et al. 2000). genase from a recombinant Ps. fluorescens. This
Worldwide, large-scale production of mannitol is process is advantageous for several reasons:
mostly performed in batch instead of continuous Mannitol is the only end-product formed; formate is
processes. The hydrogenation of glucose/fructose an inexpensive reagent; and the carbon dioxide
mixtures in aqueous solution is catalyzed by a Raney released during the cofactor regeneration reaction
nickel at high temperatures (120–150°C) and high poses no additional difficulties for downstream pro-
pressures (70–140 atm; Wisniak and Simon 1979; cessing. The cofactor may also be regenerated in a
Makkee et al. 1985). The selectivity of the nickel system where a glucose/fructose mixture is con-
catalyst is such that about half of the fructose (β- verted into gluconate and mannitol, using glucose
fructose) is converted to mannitol and the other half dehydrogenase and MDH (Howaldt et al. 1988). In
(α-fructose) to sorbitol, while glucose is exclusively addition, mannose can be enzymatically reduced to
reduced to sorbitol. Thus, the commercial chemical mannitol. However, the reversible reaction, manni-
production of mannitol out of fructose is always tol oxidation, is favored over mannose reduction
accompanied by sorbitol production as a side (Stoop et al. 1998). Slatner et al. (1998) described
product. In this way, the hydrogenation of a 50/50 the enzymatic production of pure mannitol from
fructose/glucose solution leads to a 30/70 mannitol/ fructose using MDH from Ps. fluorescens.
sorbitol mixture. As the solubility of mannitol is Nevertheless, the enzymatic hydrogenation for man-
much lower than that of sorbitol, a fractional crystal- nitol production is adversely affected by other
lization process of this mannitol/sorbitol mixture factors, such as the retention of cofactors in the
eventually produces pure mannitol (Soetaert et al. reactor with special membranes, the strong product
1999). inhibition of MDH, and the high Km value of MDH
Mannitol production can be performed enzymati- for fructose (Soetaert et al. 1999). Finally, combina-
cally or biotechnologically through microbial fer- tions of enzymatic and chemical processes for man-
mentation. In the former case, the reduction of nitol production have been performed in which
D-fructose to D-mannitol requires an NAD(P) mannitol yield is increased as compared with the
H-dependent mannitol dehydrogenase enzyme sorbitol yield (Moreland et al. 1984; Devos 1993).
(MDH; EC This enzyme has been purified Sorbitol production is traditionally carried out
from several microorganisms, such as Lactobacillus through catalytic hydrogenation of D-glucose syrup
brevis (Martínez et al. 1963), Leuconostoc mesen- at a concentration of approximately 50% (m/v). An
teroides (Sakai and Yamanaka 1968), Lactobacillus enzymatic process for the production of sorbitol has
sanfranciscensis (Korakli and Vogel 2003), also been proposed, based on the glucose-fructose
Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Quain and Boulton oxidoreductase enzyme of Zymomonas mobilis,
1987), Rhodobacter sphaeroides (Schneider et al. which allows the simultaneous production of glu-
1993; Schneider and Giffhorn 1994), Torulaspora conic acid and sorbitol from sucrose (Zachariou and
delbrueckii (Nidetzky et al. 1996), Pseudomonas Scopes 1986; Nidetzky et al. 1997; Silva-Martinez
fluorescens (Brünker et al. 1997), and the mangrove et al. 1998). Furthermore, an enzymatic system with
red algi Caloglossa leprieurii (Karsten et al. 1997). cofactor recycling has been proposed based on the
The cofactor dependency of MDH is the major enzymes aldose reductase (from Candida tropicalis)
limitation of this enzymatic process as NADH and and glucose dehydrogenase in a charged membrane
especially NADPH are very expensive, making bioreactor (Ikemi et al. 1990a, 1990b).
this enzymatic process economically unfeasible. To Erythritol is mainly produced biotechnologically
counteract this problem, other strategies, such as through a fermentation process with osmophilic
cofactor regeneration by simultaneous reactions, yeasts (Embuscado and Patil 2001). Alternatively,
have been applied. Wichmann et al. (1981) have erythritol can be chemically produced by reduction
suggested the simultaneous conversion of fructose of meso-tartaric acid or oxidation of 4,6-O-ethylidene-
and formate, applying MDH and formate dehydro- D-glucose (Embuscado and Patil 2001). Furthermore,
198 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

erythritol can be produced by a chemical process try, either spontaneously or as starter cultures added
where dialdehyde starch is converted into erythritol to the raw materials, due to their acidifying capacity
by a high-temperature chemical reaction in the pres- and contribution to the organoleptic properties of the
ence of a nickel catalyst (Pfeifer et al. 1960). final food products (Wood 1997). Moreover, several
As an interesting alternative to the chemical and LAB strains displaying health-promoting properties
enzymatic production, mannitol, sorbitol, and have been used for many years as probiotics in foods
erythritol may be synthesized biotechnologically by and for the production of other functional fermented
microbial fermentation. Biosynthetic routes offer the foods (Stanton et al. 2005). Both classical and func-
potential for a safer and environmentally friendly tional starter cultures of LAB strains are in use.
synthesis with enhanced product specificity Classical bulk starter cultures contribute mainly to
(Akinterinwa et al. 2008). Certain yeasts fast acidification of the raw materials. Functional
(Saccharomyces cerevisiae), filamentous fungi (such starter cultures are starters that possess at least one
as Alternaria alternata and Aspergillus nidulans), inherent functional property, beyond the production
and bacteria (Escherichia coli, Bacillus megaterium, of lactic acid, that can contribute to food safety and/
Corynebacterium glutamicum, and especially LAB) or one or more organoleptic, technological, nutri-
have been shown to effectively produce mannitol tional, or health advantages (Leroy and De Vuyst
without the coformation of sorbitol (Itoh et al. 1992; 2004). LAB have been shown to be ideal cell facto-
Solomon et al. 2007). Furthermore, these microor- ries for the production of several important nutra-
ganisms have the advantage of regenerating the ceuticals through fermentation (Hugenholtz and
cofactors needed through sugar catabolism. Based Smid 2002; Hugenholtz 2008). These compounds
on studies described in the literature, LAB seem to include components that have been proven to exert
be the most potent mannitol producers (von Weymarn beneficial effects on human health, such as vitamins
et al. 2002a). Several microorganisms have been of the B group and low-calorie sugar alcohols. The
suggested as potential sorbitol producers for indus- biosynthesis of the latter compounds by LAB makes
trial processes, which include several yeast strains this feature a unique combination of the GRAS char-
and the ethanol-producing bacterium Z. mobilis acteristic of the polyols and the food-grade status of
(Silveira et al. 1999; Silveira and Jonas 2002; Jonas the producing microorganisms.
and Silveira 2004). Biotechnological production of Two biosynthetic pathways for mannitol have
erythritol is performed through a yeast fermentation been described in LAB, depending on the carbohy-
process using osmophilic yeasts belonging to the drate catabolic pathway used: The homolactic and
species Moniliella, Trigonopsis, Torulopsis, and the heterolactic fermentation (Axelsson 2004). In
Candida magnolia grown on enzymatically hydro- homofermentative LAB, the carbon flow from car-
lyzed wheat and corn starches (Koh et al. 2003; Park bohydrates is directed mainly to lactic acid produc-
et al. 2005). Although no naturally sorbitol-produc- tion using the glycolytic (Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas)
ing LAB strains are known so far, metabolic engi- pathway (Fig. 11.2); the formation of other fermen-
neering of some LAB has been described as an tation products is only possible when lactic acid
interesting alternative (Ladero et al. 2007). production is somehow restricted, thereby creating
a necessity for alternative NADH-regenerating path-
ways. Most homofermentative LAB do not normally
11.4. Food-grade Microorganisms in produce mannitol, and formation of this sugar
the Production of Mannitol, Sorbitol, alcohol is limited to those strains whose ability to
and Erythritol regenerate NAD+ through lactic acid production is
severely hampered. Under such conditions, glycoly-
11.4.1. Metabolic Pathways in LAB
sis may also lead to a mixed-acid fermentation
LAB are food-grade (GRAS) microorganisms that (Garrigues et al. 1997, 2001; Axelsson 2004), which
are extensively used in the fermented-foods indus- gives rise to end-products such as acetate, ethanol,
Low-Calorie Sugars Produced by Lactic Acid Bacteria 199

diacetyl, acetoin, 2,3-butanediol, and, in some cases, sequence of the homofermentative strain Lactococcus
mannitol (see below). This shift to mixed-acid fer- lactis IL-1403 (Bolotin et al. 2001), mannitol pro-
mentation is controlled by the glycolytic flux through duction by L. lactis and other homofermentative
the level of the enzyme pyruvate–formate lyase LAB is not very common. Nevertheless, mannitol
(Melchiorsen et al. 2002; Kowalczyk and Bardowski production by L. lactis has been observed by Neves
2007). In these strains, mannitol 1-phosphate dehy- et al. (2000, 2002). In high-density resting-cell sus-
drogenase (M1PDH, EC, which catalyzes pensions of a lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)-deficient 1
the reversible reduction reaction of fructose 6- L. lactis strain, high levels of mannitol are tran-
phosphate to mannitol 1-phosphate, and mannitol siently produced and metabolized once glucose has
1-phosphatase (M1Pase, EC, and dephos- been depleted. The formation of intracellular man-
phorylation of mannitol 1-phosphate to mannitol, nitol is a consequence of the impairment in NADH
are the enzymes involved in the mannitol biosyn- oxidation caused by the highly reduced LDH activ-
thetic route (Fig. 11.2) (Wisselink et al. 2004). ity of the strain; the transient production of mannitol
Although the sequence of the gene encoding M1PDH 1-phosphate serves as a pathway for NAD+ regen-
(mtlD) has been reported from the complete genome eration. In addition, an LDH-negative mutant of


1 Dihydroxyacetone-P
Glucose-6-P 5
Fructose-1,6-diP Glyceraldehyde-3-P Formate
Fructose-6-P ATP Pyruvate
6 8
Mannitol 21
NAD+ 7 Acetyl-CoA
Pi 24
Mannitol-1-P 12
Lactate 11 ATP
Sorbitol-6-P 13 10
23 20 Acetate
18 CO2
Sorbitol Fumarate
Diacetyl O2
19 15 16 α-Acetolactate
Malate Acetoin 17
H2 O
Oxaloacetate 2,3-butanediol

Figure 11.2 Pathways of hexose metabolism in homofermentative lactic acid bacteria: (1) phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent
sugar phosphotransferase system; (2) phosphoglucose isomerase; (3) 6-phosphofructokinase; (4) fructose 1,6-diphophate
aldolase; (5) triose-phosphate isomerase; (6) glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase, phosphoglycerate kinase, phospho-
glyceromutase, enolase, and pyruvate kinase; (7) pyruvate dehydrogenase; (8) pyruvate-formate lyase; (9) pyruvate carboxylase;
(10) α-acetolactate synthase; (11) acetate kinase; (12) lactate dehydrogenase; (13) acetaldehyde dehydrogenase and alcohol
dehydrogenase; (14) acetoin dehydrogenase; (15) 2,3-butanediol dehydrogenase; (16) chemical oxidation; (17) α-acetolactate
decarboxylase; (18) malate dehydrogenase; (19) fumarase; (20) succinate dehydrogenase; (21) mannitol 1-phosphate dehy-
drogenase; (22) sorbitol 6-phosphate dehydrogenase; (23) sorbitol 6-phosphatase; and (24) mannitol 1-phosphatase. Arrows
22 and 23 indicate genetically engineered steps.
200 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

Lactobacillus plantarum produces small amounts of phosphate (or Warburg–Dickens) pathway. Thus,
mannitol, as reported by Ferain et al. (1996). In the microorganism maintains the redox balance by
these cases, mannitol production is believed to be converting acetyl-phosphate into ethanol. If an alter-
an alternative pathway to NAD+ regeneration instead native electron acceptor, such as fructose, is present
of the usual pathway through lactate formation in the growth medium, the microorganism is capable
(Wisselink et al. 2002). Other authors (Chalfan of using it as such. In the case of fructose, NAD(P)+
et al. 1975; Loesche and Kornman 1976) have can be regenerated by a fructose-to-mannitol reduc-
reported mannitol production by strains of tion, resulting in acetyl phosphate conversion into
Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus leichmanii, acetate instead of ethanol formation, with concomi-
albeit at low levels. tant ATP production. This supplementary ATP pro-
By far, the best mannitol-producing LAB strains duction is the main driving force behind the use of
are those that display heterofermentative metabo- electron acceptors other than acetyl-phosphate
lism (Fig. 11.3). Heterofermentative LAB use a (Wisselink et al. 2002; Zaunmüller et al. 2006).
combination of pathways for carbohydrate catabo- Heterofermentative LAB produce mannitol from
lism. When the microorganism grows anaerobically fructose in a single enzymatic conversion by MDH
on glucose, lactic acid and normally ethanol are (Wisselink et al. 2002) without concomitant sorbitol
produced in equimolar amounts, using the pentose production (Fig. 11.3). Peterson and Fred (1920)


Xylulose-5-P 3
2 Gly-3-P
8 Fructose-6-P 2 ATP
NAD+ 4

Erythrose-4-P NADH+H+ Pyruvate

Pi 9

11 6
Mannitol ADP

Figure 11.3 Pathways of hexose metabolism in heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria: (1) phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent
sugar phosphotransferase system; (2) glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, and epim-
erase; (3) phosphoketolase; (4) glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase, phosphoglycerate kinase, phosphoglyceromutase,
enolase, and pyruvate kinase; (5) lactate dehydrogenase; (6) phosphate acetyltransferase, acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, and
alcohol dehydrogenase; (7) acetate kinase; (8) phosphoketolase; (9) erythritol dehydrogenase; (10) fructose permease; (11)
mannitol dehydrogenase; and (12) glucose-phosphate isomerase.
Low-Calorie Sugars Produced by Lactic Acid Bacteria 201

reported on mannitol production from fructose by a single enzyme glucose-fructose oxidoreductase (EC
Lactobacillus strain. Now, it is well known that; Silva-Martinez et al. 1998).
species belonging to the genera Leuconostoc, As is the case for the reduction of external fruc-
Lactobacillus, Streptococcus, and Oenococcus are tose to mannitol by MDH in heterofermentative
able to synthesize mannitol (Maicas et al. 2002; von LAB, similar reactions can take place in homofer-
Weymarn 2002a; Korakli and Vogel 2003). In addi- mentative LAB; for instance, fructose 6-phosphate
tion, Leuc. mesenteroides and Leuconostoc pseudo- can be reduced to mannitol 1-phosphate and sorbitol
mesenteroides produce high levels of mannitol in 6-phosphate, which are catalyzed by M1PDH, and
the presence of fructose or sucrose (Vandamme sorbitol 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (S6PDH),
et al. 1987; Grobben et al. 2001). Mannitol has been respectively (Nissen et al. 2005). The genes encod-
found in concentrations of up to 150 g/l, which is ing these enzymes are clustered together with the
close to its solubility limit (180 g/l at 25°C), indicat- phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent phosphotransfer-
ing that it has no toxic effects on the organism ase system of the corresponding hexitol transporter,
(Soetaert et al. 1995). Also, Helanto et al. (2005) indicating that their regular physiological role is
reported mutants from Leuc. pseudomesenteroides probably hexitol assimilation instead of hexitol bio-
obtained by mutagenesis that show high mannitol synthesis (Bolotin et al. 2001; Yebra and Pérez-
yields. Two other heterofermentative LAB species, Martínez 2002). In Lactobacillus casei, a facultative
namely Lactobacillus brevis and Lactobacillus heterofermentative LAB species, two S6PDH-
buchneri, are able to produce mannitol from fruc- encoding genes (gutF and sorF), have been found
tose during silage fermentation (Nishino et al. 2003). that could make sorbitol production possible.
Saha and Nakamura (2003) found several mannitol- However, sorbitol production by Lact. casei does
producing LAB strains belonging to different not occur when the species is grown on glucose or
Lactobacillus species (Lact. brevis, Lact. buchneri, lactose since both S6PDH genes are subject to
Lactobacillus cellobiosus, Lactobacillus fermentum, carbon catabolite repression and substrate induction
Lactobacillus intermedius, Leuconostoc amelibio- (Yebra et al. 2000; Yebra and Pérez-Martínez 2002).
sum, Leuconostoc citrovorum, Leuc. mesenteroides Alternatively, a few Lactobacillus strains have been
subsp. dextranicum, and Leuc. paramesenteroides). used for producing sorbitol through different meta-
Finally, Lact. fermentum has often been found to bolic engineering approaches (see below; Nissen
produce mannitol during food fermentation pro- et al. 2005; Ladero et al. 2007).
cesses, such as in cocoa and sourdough fermenta-
tions (Camu et al. 2007; Van der Meulen et al. 2007;
11.4.2. Fermentation Processes to Improve
Vrancken et al. 2008).
Mannitol Yields
In some cases, heterofermentative LAB might
also result in the production of erythritol, starting Although several species of LAB have been found
from the intracellular glycolytic intermediate fruc- to produce mannitol, only for a few strains signifi-
tose 6-phosphate, which is split by a phosphoketo- cant yield improvements have been reported.
lase enzyme into acetyl phosphate, and erythrose Efficient mannitol production by heterofermentative
4-phosphate, which is subsequently reduced to LAB is often achieved when NADH is supplied by
erythritol (Fig. 11.3). Erythritol production has been co-utilization of glucose (von Weymarn et al.
observed for Oenococcus oeni, Leuc. mesenteroi- 2002a). Diverse fermentation conditions have been
des, and Lact. sanfranciscensis (Veiga-da-Cunha investigated to increase mannitol production by
et al. 1992, 1993; Stolz et al. 1995; Richter et al. LAB. Saha and Nakamura (2003) evaluated the
2001). LAB do not produce sorbitol naturally. Only effect of different carbon sources and concentrations
a few microorganisms have been suggested as sor- during controlled-pH and fed-batch fermentations to
bitol producers, such as yeasts and the bacterium improve mannitol biosynthesis by the strain Lact.
Z. mobilis; the latter produces sorbitol using the intermedius NRRL B-3693. This strain produced
202 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

large amounts of mannitol at high fructose concen- a stable high-level mannitol production for 14 suc-
trations (300 g/l) as the sole carbon source, reaching cessive bioconversion batches. Increasing the initial
values of approximately 200 g/l, which exceeds the fructose concentration from 100 to 120 g/l and
mannitol solubility limit of 180 g/l at 25°C. One- further to 140 g/l resulted in decreased productivities
third of the fructose concentration may be replaced due to both substrate and end-product inhibition of
by other sugars. Korakli et al. (2000) reported that the key enzyme MDH.
certain LAB can convert fructose almost quantita- Several MDH enzymes have been purified and
tively to mannitol when glucose is used as co-sub- characterized from different LAB species, such as
strate. The use of a fed-batch fermentation process Lact. brevis (Martínez et al. 1963), Lact. interme-
allowed a considerable decrease in fermentation dius (Saha 2004), Leuc. mesenteroides (Sakai and
time (e.g., from 136 to 92 h) for mannitol production Yamanaka 1968), and Lact. sanfranciscensis
by the strain Lact. intermedius NRRL B-3693, (Korakli and Vogel 2003). Lact. sanfranciscensis
although no yield improvements were achieved LTH2590, a strain belonging to the microbiota of
(Saha and Nakamura 2003). Later, Saha (2006) traditionally prepared wheat and rye sourdoughs,
reported that, by adding manganese sulfate or mag- displayed mannitol biosynthesis (up to 60 g/l) from
nesium sulfate to the growth medium, mannitol pro- fructose, using a fed-batch process in a simple bran
duction and yield by the same strain are increased. extract medium, supplemented with a commercial
However, mannitol yield increases less with magne- fructose/glucose mixture (Korakli et al. 2000). The
sium sulfate than with manganese sulfate. Soetaert production of mannitol by an enzyme purified from
et al. (1999) developed and optimized a mannitol Lact. sanfranciscensis could be a significant
fermentation process with a strain of Leuc. mesen- improvement over the chemical production method.
teroides at constant pH 5.0, 20°C, and slow agitation The MDH isolated from Lact. sanfransciscensis
conditions. The conversion efficiency of fructose TMW1.392 (isogenic to the LTH2590 strain) has
into mannitol is over 90% using a mixture of glucose been purified and characterized (Korakli and Vogel
and fructose at a ratio of 1 : 2; the fermentation is 2003). In addition, Saha (2004) isolated and purified
completed after 65 h. Mannitol recovery was carried the MDH from Lact. intermedius NRRL B-3693;
out from a cell-free fermentation medium by con- this enzyme showed a high affinity for NADPH
centration and crystallization at 0–5°C, and a man- for reduction of fructose, displayed a very specific
nitol purity of over 99% was achieved. In addition, substrate specificity, and was able to convert fruc-
Soetaert et al. (1999) reported experiments with tose to mannitol with a 100% yield. These results
continuous mannitol production in a plug-flow suggest that the isolated enzyme shows potential for
reactor with Leuc. mesenteroides immobilized on use in the cell-free biosynthesis of mannitol from
polyurethane foam, leading to a fivefold increase in fructose.
volumetric productivity, 8 g/l.h, compared with
batch fermentations, but the conversion efficiency
11.4.3. Scaling Up for Mannitol Production
(60%, as opposed to 76% in batch fermentation) is
by LAB
Resting cells of several heterofermentative LAB Good mannitol yields from sugar-rich raw materials
strains have been evaluated for their ability to have been obtained with yeasts and fungi (Hendriksen
produce mannitol from fructose (von Weymarn et al. 1988; Looten et al. 1992). However, the volu-
et al. 2002b). Leuc. mesenteroides ATCC 9135 metric productivities are low (2 g/l.h). Another dis-
produced high amounts of mannitol, using high- advantage of these microorganisms is the prolonged
cell-density membrane cell-recycle cultures. High cultivation times needed, which can increase the risk
volumetric mannitol productivity, 26.2 g/l.h, and of contamination and the production costs. In con-
yield (97 mol%) were achieved. Using the same trast, LAB can efficiently produce mannitol from
initial biomass, von Weymarn et al. (2002b) achieved fructose at volumetric mannitol productivities close
Low-Calorie Sugars Produced by Lactic Acid Bacteria 203

to 10 g/l.h, which can be achieved both in batch and 11.4.4. Metabolic Engineering for
in fed-batch cultures (von Weymarn et al. 2003; Mannitol, Sorbitol, and
Racine and Saha 2007). Moreover, Ojamo et al. Erythritol Production
(2000) achieved volumetric mannitol productivities
over 20 g/l.h with LAB by increasing the biomass Biotechnological approaches to increasing sugar
concentration. However, when mannitol is produced alcohol production are summarized in Table 11.1.
by LAB, about 0.5 mol of additional fructose (or As described above, mannitol biosynthesis is not a
glucose) per mol of fructose consumed for mannitol common feature among homofermentative LAB
production is required for NAD(P)+ regeneration. strains. However, Ferain et al. (1996) found that an
Thus, the maximum theoretical yield of mannitol LDH-negative mutant of Lact. plantarum, a LAB
from total sugar is 66.7% (von Weymarn et al. species often found in several fermented foods and
2003). Therefore, von Weymarn et al. (2003) have in the gastrointestinal tract of mammals, produced
evaluated the scalability of a new bioprocess for small amounts of mannitol from glucose unlike its
mannitol production by a Leuc. mesenteroides strain wild-type strain, which was not able to produce
tested at pilot scale (100 l). The production levels mannitol from the same carbohydrate. In addition,
achieved were similar to those obtained in prelimi- high intracellular mannitol production was observed
nary laboratory assays. High-purity mannitol crys- in an LDH-deficient mutant of L. lactis (Neves et al.
tals were obtained at similar yield values. The new 2000). This strain showed transient accumulation of
bioprocess consisting of semi-continuous biocon- high amounts of intracellular mannitol (up to 90 mM)
version enabled efficient high-yield mannitol pro- and mannitol 1-phosphate (up to 80 mM) in succes-
duction from fructose, obtaining good crystallization sion, mannitol being metabolized after glucose
yields using simple downstream processing. The depletion. The demonstrated ability of producing
production levels achieved in this study were com- mannitol by LDH-deficient strains has been used as
parable to those of the catalytic hydrogenation pro- a tool for increasing mannitol production by meta-
cesses. The advantages of this bioprocess include bolically engineered homofermentative LAB strains.
low raw material costs, improved mannitol yield To obtain an effective mannitol-producing strain,
from fructose and other sugars, the fact that addition the mannitol transport system of an LDH-deficient
of gases to the reactor is not necessary (hydrogen strain was disrupted. This engineering strategy leads
gas has to be added in the catalytic process), simpli- to the construction of L. lactis strains that are able
fied purification protocols, and formation of less to produce mannitol in high yields (33%) from
by-products per unit of crystalline mannitol pro- glucose (Gaspar et al. 2004). Also, Viana et al.
duced. Moreover, Leuc. mesenteroides is a LAB (2005) found that inactivation of the ldhL gene in a
species commonly used and accepted in the food Lact. casei strain produces a misbalance in NADH
industry. levels, leading to the activation of other catabolic

Table 11.1 Overview of biotechnological efforts toward increasing sugar alcohol production.

Sugar alcohol Species Type of modification Reference

Mannitol Lact. fermentum Lactate dehydrogenase-deficient mutant Aarnikunnas et al. (2003)
Mannitol Lact. plantarum Lactate dehydrogenase-deficient mutant Ferain et al. (1996)
Mannitol L. lactis Lactate dehydrogenase-deficient mutant and mannitol transport Gaspar et al. (2004)
Sorbitol Lact. plantarum Lactate dehydrogenase-deficient mutant Ladero et al. (2007)
Mannitol L. lactis Lactate dehydrogenase-deficient mutant Neves et al. (2000)
Sorbitol Lact. casei D-sorbitol-6-phosphate dehydrogenase recombinant Nissen et al. (2005)
Xylitol L. lactis Xylose reductase and xylose transporter recombinant Nyyssölä et al. (2005)
Mannitol Lact. casei Lactate dehydrogenase-deficient mutant Viana et al. (2005)
Mannitol L. lactis Overexpression of mannitol-1-phosphate dehydrogenase Wisselink et al. (2005)
204 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

pathways capable of regenerating NAD+ without strain deficient for both L- and D-LDH activities,
drastically decreasing lactate production. In addition was studied by Ladero et al. (2007). Resting cells
to lactate, the ldhL mutant produces pyruvate, under pH control with glucose as substrate showed
acetate, acetoin, ethanol, mannitol, and diacetyl. a rerouting of the flux from fructose 6-phosphate
Thus, in the absence of ldh, pyruvate can be chan- toward sorbitol production, which leads to 65%
neled mainly through the α-acetolactate synthase, efficiency of sugar rerouting toward sorbitol biosyn-
pyruvate-formate lyase, and pyruvate oxidase path- thesis; also, mannitol production occurred, although
ways. Therefore, pyruvate metabolism has been at lower levels (9%–13% glucose conversion), as
rerouted, essentially as in other LAB impaired in compared with the control strain. These findings
ldh, as described above (Hugenholtz et al. 2002). indicate competition for fructose 6-phosphate
Wisselink et al. (2004) have designed a different rerouting by natively expressed M1PDH. Lower
metabolic engineering approach by overexpressing levels (25%) of sugar rerouting toward sorbitol were
a mannitol 1-phosphate dehydrogenase gene (mtlD) obtained using actively growing cells instead of
from a Lact. plantarum strain into a dairy strain of resting cells. The results of Ladero et al. (2007)
L. lactis. Resting cells of the LDH-deficient trans- indicate that recombinant Lact. plantarum strains
formant were able to convert 25% of glucose into are promising candidate microorganisms for sorbitol
mannitol, which was no longer used after glucose production.
depletion. To date, the only evidence of xylitol production
Aarnikunnas et al. (2003) constructed different by LAB has been achieved by Nyyssölä et al. (2005)
mutant strains (by deleting the D-and L-LDH genes, by expressing the D-xylose reductase from the yeast
ldhD or ldhD-ldhL, respectively) of a strain of Lact. Pichia stipitis CBS 5773, and the xylose transporter
fermentum to produce either mannitol and pure L- from Lact. brevis ATCC 8287, in the strain L. lactis
lactic acid, or pyruvate in a single process. Thus, NZ9800. Xylitol production, which is of great inter-
besides producing mannitol, L-lactate, or pyruvate, est in the polyols market, was carried out using
valuable substrates for preparing synthetic biopoly- high-cell-density cultivation of non-growing recom-
mers and pharmaceuticals were synthesized. The binant cells under microaerophilic conditions in the
single mutant produced mannitol and L-lactic acid, presence of xylose and glucose. The xylitol yield
showing similar yields and productivities as those from xylose was 1.0 mol/mol, and the ratio of xylitol
of the parent strain. The double mutant strain pro- produced per glucose consumed was 2.5 mol/mol.
duced mannitol and pyruvate, but mannitol produc- The volumetric productivity is 2.72 g/l.h after 20 h.
tivity was lower, although a high mannitol yield was Around 34% of the xylose initially present was con-
maintained. sumed. A shift from homolactic to mixed-acid fer-
Metabolic engineering toward sorbitol produc- mentation at an early stage of the experiment was
tion led Nissen et al. (2005) to integrate the D- observed for the recombinant strain. This new
sorbitol 6-phosphate dehydrogenase-encoding gene approach shows that LAB could also be promising
(gutF) in the lactose operon of a Lact. casei strain, candidates for efficient xylitol production.
following the same regulation of the lac genes; So far, no attempts have been made to increase
resting cells of this recombinant strain are able to erythritol production by LAB through metabolic
synthesize sorbitol from glucose, if they are pre- engineering. However, when considering the food-
grown on lactose. The inactivation of the ldhL gene grade nature of these microorganisms, the useful-
increased sorbitol production, suggesting that the ness of such an approach is evident.
engineered route provided an alternative pathway
for NAD+ regeneration.
11.5. Conclusions
The capacity of a Lact. plantarum strain to
produce sorbitol from fructose 6-phosphate, by Consumers increasingly demand food products that
reversing the sorbitol catabolic pathway in a mutant are not only safe and of high quality but also benefi-
Low-Calorie Sugars Produced by Lactic Acid Bacteria 205

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Chapter 12

B-Group Vitamins Production by Probiotic Lactic

Acid Bacteria

Jean Guy LeBlanc, María Pía Taranto, Verónica Molina, and Fernando Sesma

Lactic acid bacteria (LAB), widely used as starter probiotic microorganism. These microorganisms
cultures for the fermentation of a large variety of use cobalamin to catabolize glycerol and to produce
foods, can improve the safety, shelf life, nutritional reuterin, a well-known antimicrobial compound.
value, flavor, and overall quality of the fermented Since many LAB are recognized as probiotics, their
products. In this regard, the selection of strains capacity to produce B-group vitamins could be
delivering health-promoting compounds (nutraceu- useful for the design of novel functional foods that
ticals) is now the main goal of several studies. are able to prevent vitamin deficiencies by enhanc-
Among these studies, vitamin production by LAB ing the nutritional value of food products.
has recently gained attention of the scientific com-
munity. Although most LAB are auxotrophic for
12.1. Introduction
several vitamins, it is now known that certain strains
have the capability to synthesize B-group vitamins. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are a group of microor-
Humans cannot synthesize most vitamins, and these ganisms that are broadly used as starter cultures for
compounds have to be provided exogenously. the elaboration of fermented foods. Besides their
Although most essential vitamins are present in a industrially important fermentative capacities, LAB
variety of foods, vitamin deficiencies still exist in can also improve the safety, shelf life, nutritional
many countries. Thus, LAB are the ideal candidates value, flavor, and overall quality of fermented prod-
for delivering vitamins, among other specific com- ucts. In addition, LAB have been shown to exert a
pounds, into foods. Certain fermented milks have large range of beneficial properties, the reason for
shown high levels of B-group vitamins due to LAB which they are frequently used as probiotic micro-
biosynthesis. Folate biosynthesis by yogurt starter organisms in a variety of novel products. In 2002,
cultures can increase the “natural” folate levels in the Food Agriculture Organization (FAO) defined
this product. These folates do not cause dangerous probiotics as “live microorganisms which, when
side effects, such as masking of B12 deficiencies, as administered in adequate amounts, confer a benefi-
does folic acid, the chemical form of folates com- cial health effect on the host.” The probiotic and
monly used in food fortification. Although little is beneficial aspects of LAB have been intensely
currently known about riboflavin (vitamin B2) pro- reviewed elsewhere and will not be the subject of
duction by LAB, the genes involved in their biosyn- this chapter.
thesis have been identified in several species. In addition to their intrinsic beneficial properties,
Cobalamin (vitamin B12), a complex corrin com- certain strains of LAB have the capability of produc-
pound, was found to be produced by certain strains ing, releasing, and/or increasing specific beneficial
of Lactobacillus reuteri, particularly CRL1098, a compounds in foods. These functional ingredients

Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria Novel Applications 211

Edited by Fernanda Mozzi, Raúl R. Raya and Graciela M. Vignolo
© 2010 Blackwell Publishing. ISBN: 978-0-813-81583-1
212 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

are sometimes referred to as nutraceuticals, a term niacin, pyridoxin, pantothenic acid, biotin, folate,
that was first coined by Stephen DeFelice in 1989 and cobalamin. Each B-group vitamin is chemically
to describe “a food (or part of a food) that provides different and acts in synergy to maintain the body’s
medical or health benefits, including the prevention homeostasis by playing major roles in metabolic
and/or treatment of a disease” (Brower 1998). These processes such as energy production and red blood
ingredients can be macronutrients (such as unsatu- cell synthesis. B-group vitamins, normally present
rated fatty acids present in some oils), micronutri- in many foods, can easily be removed or destroyed
ents (such as vitamins), or nonnutritive compounds during cooking and food processing, so their defi-
(such as hydrolytic enzymes and flavonoids) and can ciencies are omnipresent in many societies. For this
be naturally present in foods (such as omega-3 fatty reason, many countries have adopted laws requiring
acids in fish or vitamin C in citrus fruits) or added the fortification of certain foods with specific vita-
(such as milks fortified with calcium and vitamin D, mins and minerals. For example, in Argentina, the
and cereals fortified with folic acid; Hugenholtz and food industry is obligated to fortify all wheat flour
Smid 2002). for human consumption with iron, folic acid,
Since LAB are involved in the preparation of a thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin for the prevention of
wide range of fermented foods and because of their anemia and neural tube deformation. However,
Generally Recognized as Safe status, the selection recent reports have shown lack of official controls
of strains delivering health-promoting compounds and that the level of fortification is not always met;
(nutraceuticals) is now the main objective of several as a consequence, serum vitamin levels in the
research groups. Among these studies, vitamin pro- general population have only slightly improved and
duction by LAB has recently gained attention of the subclinical deficiencies still persist (ENNyS 2007).
scientific community. It has been shown that certain In the following pages, a detailed description of
foods fermented with LAB contain elevated levels microbial synthesis of three B-group vitamins (ribo-
of B-group vitamins as a result of microbial biosyn- flavin, folate, and cobalamin) by LAB will be dis-
thesis. For this reason, LAB (normally considered cussed as well their application in food products.
food-grade microorganisms) are the ideal candidates Increasing the concentration of vitamins through
for delivering specific compounds such as vitamins microbial biosynthesis could be an economically
into foods. attractive alternative to mandatory fortification of
12.2. Vitamins
12.2.1. Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
Vitamins are micronutrients that are essential for the
metabolism of all living organisms. They are found Chemical structure and requirements. In 1879,
as precursors of intracellular coenzymes that are the English chemist Alexander Wynter Blyth pub-
necessary in the regulation of vital biochemical lished a report on the chemical composition of cow
reactions in the cell. Humans cannot synthesize milk, describing for the first time a yellowish
most vitamins, which therefore have to be provided pigment that he denominated “lactochrome.” Shortly
exogenously. Although most vitamins are present in afterward, similar fluorescent pigments were iso-
a variety of foods, vitamin deficiencies still exist in lated from a variety of sources (i.e., yeast extracts
many countries including industrialized nations. and eggs), and once their chemical composition was
Thirteen vitamins are currently recognized as determined, all were found to be derivatives of ribo-
being essential to human health and are classified flavin. The name riboflavin derives from the pres-
according to their solubility as either being fat-sol- ence of a ribose-like (ribitol) side chain and the
uble (vitamins A, D, E, and K) or water-soluble word “flavus,” which is Latin for yellow.
(vitamin C and B-group vitamins). The B-group (or Riboflavin (vitamin B2) was first identified as
B-complex) vitamins include thiamin, riboflavin, being a rat growth-promoting factor. It plays an
B-Group Vitamins Production by Probiotic Lactic Acid Bacteria 213

essential role in cellular metabolism, being the The recommended riboflavin requirements for
precursor of the coenzymes flavin mononucleotide humans vary depending on sex, age, and physiologi-
(FMN) and flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD), cal state (pregnancy, lactation). Normal adults need
which both act as hydrogen carriers in biological to consume between 0.9 and 1.6 mg of riboflavin on
redox reactions involving enzymes such as NADH a daily basis since the human body cannot ade-
dehydrogenase. The term “riboflavin” will be quately store riboflavin (Institute of Medicine 1998).
used to describe all the biologically active forms Although riboflavin is present in a wide variety of
of vitamin B2 flavins, including riboflavin, foods, such as dairy products, meats, eggs, and some
riboflavin-5′-phosphate (FMN), and riboflavin-5′- green vegetables, riboflavin deficiency (aribofla-
adenosyldiphosphate (FAD). The riboflavin vinosis) still occurs in both developing and industri-
molecule is formed by an isoalloxazine moiety with alized countries (O’Brien et al. 2001; Blanck et al.
a ribitol side chain and is chemically defined as 2002). Symptoms of ariboflavinosis in humans
7,8-dimethyl-10-(1′-d-ribityl) isoalloxazine (Fig. include sore throat, hyperemia, edema of oral, and
12.1). This molecule is the basis for all riboflavin mucous membranes, cheilosis, and glossitis (Wilson
derivatives. 1983). Severe cases of ariboflavinosis are not
The synthesis of the flavin coenzymes from ribo- common in most societies; however, subclinical
flavin is controlled by thyroid hormones that regu- manifestations are frequent among all subpopulation
late the activities of the flavin biosynthetic enzymes groups. Subclinical riboflavin deficiencies are only
(Rucker et al. 2001). A flavokinase catalyzes the detectable by measuring the vitamin concentration
initial phosphorylation from ATP of riboflavin to in body fluids such as blood plasma and serum.
FMN. FMN can then combine with a second mol- Vitamin B2 status in humans has usually been
ecule of ATP to form FAD, the predominant tissue assessed by measuring the erythrocyte glutathione
flavin, in a reaction catalyzed by FAD synthetase reductase activation coefficient (EGRAC), which is
(FAD pyrophosphorylase). the ratio between glutathione reductase activity

Figure 12.1 Chemical structures of riboflavin, FMN, and FAD.

214 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

Table 12.1. Vitamin concentrations in dairy products. cific water-soluble vitamins. It has been shown that
certain yogurt starter cultures decreased riboflavin
Riboflavin Folate Vitamin B12
Product (mg/l) (μg/l) (μg/l)
concentrations whereas others could increase the
levels of this vitamin to up to 60% of the initial
Milk 1.2 ± 0.1 40 ± 10 3.1 ± 0.3
Buttermilk 1.7 ± 0.1 90 ± 20 2.0 ± 0.3 concentration present in unfermented milk (Kneifel
Yogurt 2.0 ± 0.5 80 ± 20 2.0 ± 1.0 et al. 1992). The use of probiotic riboflavin-produc-
Kefir 1.3 ± 0.2 50 ± 10 1.0 ± 0.2 ing strains would be an interesting alternative for
Ropy-milk 110 ± 20 obtaining products enriched with this vitamin in
Sour buttermilk 75 ± 15
addition to conferring beneficial effects to the host.
Acidophilus milk 50 ± 10
Bifidus milk 75 ± 15
Microbial biosynthesis of riboflavin. Riboflavin
biosynthesis has been described both in Gram (+)
and Gram (−) bacteria, with more detail in Bacillus
determined with and without the addition of the subtilis (Perkins and Pero 2002) and Escherichia
cofactor, FAD (Glatzle et al. 1970). Glutathione coli (Bacher et al. 1996). The production of ribofla-
reductase loses FAD at an early stage in vitamin B2 vin by some LAB genera, such as Streptococcus and
deficiency, making EGRAC a useful method for the Enterococcus, isolated from tempeh, has also been
diagnosis of vitamin B2 deficiency (Bates 1993). described (Keuth and Bisping 1993). Microbial bio-
synthesis of riboflavin from the precursors guano-
Riboflavin concentration in fermented foods. sine triphosphate (GTP) and D-ribulose 5-phosphate
Although dairy products contain riboflavin, they are occurs through seven enzymatic steps (reviewed
not considered a good source of this essential elsewhere; Bacher et al. 2000). The imidazole ring
vitamin. Considering that milk contains approxi- of GTP is hydrolytically opened, yielding a
mately 1.2 mg of riboflavin per liter (Table 12.1), an 4,5-diaminopyrimidine, which is converted to
average adult person and a pregnant woman would 5-amino-6-ribitylamino-2,4(1H,3H)-pyrimidinedi-
need to consume, respectively, 1 and 1.6 liters of one by a sequence of deamination, side chain reduc-
milk per day to meet their daily requirement. This tion, and dephosphorylation. Condensation of
level of milk consumption is not normal among resi- 5-amino-6-ribitylamino-2,4(1H,3H)-pyrimidinedi-
dents of industrialized countries such as the United one with 3,4-dihydroxy-2-butanone 4-phosphate
States, where the daily per capita consumption of obtained from ribulose 5-phosphate affords
fresh milk is approximately 200 ml (Putman and 6,7-dimethyl-8-ribityllumazine. Dismutation of the
Allshouse 2003). In general, increasing the levels of lumazine derivative yields riboflavin and 5-amino-
riboflavin in milk would thus be very important to 6-ribitylamino-2,4(1H,3H)-pyrimidinedione, which
prevent ariboflavinosis in populations where milk is recycled in the biosynthetic pathway.
consumption is low. Two strategies have been applied to overexpress
Furthermore, riboflavin concentrations can some- riboflavin by microorganisms: construction of
times vary in certain dairy products due to process- recombinant strains and use of riboflavin-resistant
ing technologies and the action of microorganisms strains. Perkins et al. (1999) have constructed a
utilized during food processing (Table 12.1). This is series of recombinant B. subtilis strains for overpro-
the case for buttermilk and yogurt where riboflavin ducing riboflavin. A Corynebacterium ammonia-
levels increased significantly (1.7 and 2.0 mg/l) genes strain harboring a plasmid containing all of its
compared with unfermented milk (1.2 mg/l). This riboflavin biosynthetic genes accumulating 17-fold
increase in vitamin B2 would be due to the action of as much riboflavin as the host strain has also been
riboflavin-producing starter cultures during the fer- constructed (Koizumi et al. 2000). Finally, a B2-
mentation process. The proper selection of starter consuming strain of Lactococcus lactis subsp.
cultures can lead to increased concentration of spe- cremoris was converted to a riboflavin “factory” by
B-Group Vitamins Production by Probiotic Lactic Acid Bacteria 215

Table 12.2. Riboflavin produced by microorganisms grown in a chemically defined medium.

Microbial species Strain Typea (ug/l) Reference
Lactococcus lactis subspecies
L. lactis subsp. cremoris NZ9000 Native 0 Burgess et al. (2004)
CB010 Mutant 700 Burgess et al. (2004)
pNZGBAH GM 24000 Burgess et al. (2004)
Lactobacillus species
Lact. plantarum NCDO1752 Native 0 Burgess et al. (2006)
CB300 Mutant 600 Burgess et al. (2006)
Propionibacterium species
P. freudenreichii B374 Native 200 Burgess et al. (2006)
P. freudenreichii B2336 Mutant 3000 Burgess et al. (2006)
Other species
Leuc. mesenteroides NCDO2028 Native 0 Burgess et al. (2006)
Leuc. mesenteroides CB207 Mutant 500 Burgess et al. (2006)
GM = genetically modified; Mutant = roseoflavin-resistant mutant.

overexpressing four of its biosynthesis genes vitamins, and some amino acids. Folates possess
(Burgess et al. 2004; Table 12.2). antioxidant properties that protect the genome by
On the other hand, it has been shown that mutants inhibiting free radical attack of DNA, in addition to
isolated on the basis of their resistance to the toxic their role in DNA repair and replication mechanisms
riboflavin analog, roseoflavin, also exhibit a ribofla- (Duthie et al. 2002). Folate deficiency has been
vin-overproduction phenotype (Kukanova et al. implicated in a wide variety of disorders such as
1982). Moreover, roseoflavin has been used to Alzheimer ’s (Luchsinger et al. 2007) and coronary
obtain constitutive riboflavin overproducing strains heart diseases (Danesh and Lewington 1998); osteo-
of B. subtilis (Perkins and Pero 2002), L. lactis porosis (Baines et al. 2007), increased risk of breast
(Burgess et al. 2004), Lactobacillus plantarum, (Tjonneland et al. 2006) and colorectal cancers
Leuconosctoc mesenteroides, and Propionibacterium (Duthie et al. 2002), poor cognitive performance
freudenreichii (Burgess et al. 2006; Table 12.2). (Durga et al. 2007a), hearing loss (Durga et al.
Besides introducing a productive strain, the 2007b), and neural tube defects (MRC Vitamin
design of an appropriate fermentation medium is of Study Research Group 1991; Czeizel and Dudas
crucial importance to improving the efficiency and 1992).
productivity of the riboflavin fermentation process Due to the occurrence of problems associated
because medium composition can significantly with current folic acid fortification programs,
affect product concentration, yield, volumetric pro- researchers have been seeking novel methods of
duction, and the ease and cost of downstream increasing concentrations of naturally occurring
product separation (Kennedy and Krouse 1999). folates in foods. In this chapter, the generic term
folate will include the complete group of all folic
acid derivatives, such as the folylglutamates natu-
12.2.2. Folates
rally present in foods, and folic acid, which is a
Chemical structure and requirements. Human synthetic folate form commonly used for food for-
life cannot exist without folate since this B-group tification and nutritional supplements. Folic acid or
vitamin is involved in essential functions of cell pteroyl glutamic acid is composed of p-aminoben-
metabolism such as DNA replication; repair and zoic acid linked at one end to a pteridine ring and at
methylation; and synthesis of nucleotides, other the other end to L-glutamic acid (Fig. 12.2). The
216 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

Figure 12.2 Chemical structures of (A) folic acid (pteroyl-L-glutamic acid) and (B) native-food folates, for example, reduced,
one-carbon-substituted forms of polyglutamates.

naturally occurring forms of folate differ in the monoglutamates. Pteroylpolyglutamates with up to

extent of the reduction state of the pteroyl group, the 11 glutamic acid residues exist naturally.
nature of the substituents on the pteridine ring, Bioavailability is defined as the proportion of a
and the number of glutamyl residues attached to nutrient ingested that becomes available to the body
the pteroyl group. The naturally occurring folates for metabolic processes or storage. The dietary
include 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (5-MTHF), folate bioavailability may be hampered by the poly-
5-formyltetrahydrofolate (5-formyl-THF), 10- glutamate chain to which most of the natural folate
formyltetrahydrofolate (10-formyl-THF), 5,10- is attached (McNulty and Pentieva 2004). This poly-
methylenetetrahydrofolate (5,10-methylene-THF), glutamate chain must be removed (except for the
5,10-methylentetrahydrofolate (5,10-methenyl- proximal glutamate moiety) by the enzyme γ-
THF), 5-formiminotetrahydrofolate (5-formimino- glutamyl hydrolase or human conjugase that is
THF), 5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate (THF), and present in the brush border of the small intestine.
dihydrofolate (DHF). Most naturally occurring This enzyme is present in sufficient quantity and is
folates are pteroylpolyglutamates, which contain not a limiting factor in folate absorption (Reisenauer
two to seven glutamates joined in amide (peptide) and Halsted 1987). Folate can then be absorbed and
linkages to the γ-carboxyl of glutamate. The princi- transported into the portal vein. The existing data
pal intracellular folates are pteroylpentaglutamates, suggest that the polyglutamate form is 60%–80%
while the principal extracellular folates are pteroyl- bioavailable compared with the monoglutamate
B-Group Vitamins Production by Probiotic Lactic Acid Bacteria 217

form (Gregory 1995); it was confirmed in a human of folate in an adult is 200–400 μg (Institute of
trial comparing chemically synthesized heptagluta- Medicine 1998; FAO/WHO 2002). For pregnant
myl folate with regular (monoglutamyl) folate women, 400–600 μg is recommended. Although
(Melse-Boonstra et al. 2004). However, in a rat folate is omnipresent in a normal human diet, folate
feeding trial, longer polyglutamyl chain folates deficiencies still occur frequently, even in well-
(containing an average of eight glutamyl residues) developed countries (Konings et al. 2001; O’Brien
did not show lower, but apparently higher bioavail- et al. 2001). Recent reports have indicated that folate
ability, compared with shorter folylpolyglutamates intake levels are inadequate among various popula-
(Sybesma et al. 2003d). This is clearly different tion groups including women of childbearing age
from what has been reported for humans (Gregory (Morris and Tangney 2007). Studies such as these
1995; McNulty and Pentieva 2004; Melse-Boonstra have obligated the governing bodies of many coun-
et al. 2004). One possible explanation is that the rat tries to advocate mandatory supplementation with
carboxypeptidase II enzyme that is required for folic acid. In Canada and the United States, for
transforming polyglutamyl folates into (monogluta- example, fortification of flours has been mandatory
myl) folates, which can subsequently be absorbed since 1998 in order to reduce the incidences of
by the blood, does not limit absorption of folates neural tube malformations in newborns. Many other
with longer glutamyl tail lengths. Alternatively, the countries have afterward developed similar pro-
affinity of this enzyme for long polyglutamyl folates grams. Argentina, for example, has been fortifying
might even be higher than for short polyglutamyl its commercial flours with some vitamins, including
folates. Bioavailability can also be affected by folic acid since 2002. Even with mandatory folic
folate-binding proteins from milk, which may acid fortification, recent reports have shown that
increase the efficiency of folate absorption by pro- one-third of pregnant and lactating women may not
tecting dietary folates from uptake by bacteria in the be meeting their folate requirements from diet alone
gut, thus increasing absorption in the small intestine (Sherwood et al. 2006). On the other hand, many
(Eitenmiller and Landen 1999). Other dietary inter- countries have not adopted a national folic acid for-
actions that may affect folate bioavailavility include tification program because of the potential adverse
effects of foods on intestinal pH with potential mod- effects of folic acid, particularly that high intakes
ification of conjugase activity, presence of folate can delay the diagnosis of vitamin B12 deficiency
antagonists, intestinal changes influenced by dietary (Bailey et al. 2003). The concern is that folic acid
factors, chelation, and factors that influence the rate is added at levels where individuals with low folate
of gastric emptying. In spite of the large amount of intakes can meet folate RDI in order to prevent
information available on folate bioavailability, neural tube defects and/or lower plasma homocys-
knowledge of this important part of folate nutrition teine; however, others with normal or higher folate
has been recently described as fragmentary (Selhub intakes could inadvertently become exposed to
and Rosenberg 1996; Gregory 1997; McNulty and excessive folic acid intake, which has the potential
Pentieva 2004). to mask the early hematological manifestations of
Humans cannot synthesize folates; in conse- vitamin B12 deficiency such as pernicious anemia
quence, it is necessary to assimilate this vitamin (Sweeney et al. 2007). Other safety considerations
from exogenous sources. Folates are present in most of excess folic acid consumption highlighted by the
foods such as legumes (beans, nuts, peas, etc.), leafy Food and Drug Administration (1996) include
greens (spinach), citrus, some fruits, vegetables potential risks for pregnant women, and persons on
(broccoli, cauliflower), liver, and (fermented) dairy anti-epileptic and anti-folate medication. The FDA
products (Eitenmiller and Landen 1999). Although also noted the uncertainties regarding the effects of
beans and green vegetables like spinach are good chronic elevated exposure in children, whose
sources of folates, relatively few people eat enough requirements for folate are lower than those of
of these foods. The recommended daily intake (RDI) adults. Further concerns include the potential to
218 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

promote cancer (Charles et al. 2004; Kim 2004) and et al. 2006). In these studies, the increase in folate
the recent hypothesis that exposure of the fetus to content during fermentation was mainly due to
excess folic acid may favor the selection of the folate synthesis by yeasts; LAB did not produce
methylentetrahydrofolate polymorphism, which is folates but rather consumed them. Variations in
associated with a range of debilitating illnesses starter cultures led to great differences in folate
(Lucock and Yates 2005). Natural folates (such as content of sourdoughs, but their effects have been
tetrahydrofolates produced by microorganims) do scantly investigated. Proper strain selection, that is,
not cause “masking” of pernicious anemia that exchanging folate-consuming LAB with folate-
occurs at high concentrations of folic acid and producing ones could significantly increase folate
should thus be considered a viable alternative to content in these breads.
folic acid fortification programs (Scott 1999). It has also been reported that it is possible to
select lactic acid-producing starter cultures that
Folate concentration in fermented foods. Milk produce significant amounts of 5-MTHF (almost
is not a rich source of dietary folate compared with doubling its concentration) during fermentation of
other foods (Table 12.1). However, folate concen- vegetables (Jagerstada et al. 2004). To optimize the
trations can be significantly increased in many dairy whole process, it is important to carefully check the
products processed by microbial fermentations folate concentration in the raw vegetables (starting
(Table 12.1). In Western countries, consumers are material). In addition, the loss of folate during
becoming aware that their typical Western diet falls processing must be limited as much as possible, and
short of the recommended daily allowance of some the conditions favoring microbiological biosynthe-
nutrients. In some population groups, there is a veri- sis of folates needs to be better understood and
table risk of vitamin deficiency, especially among controlled.
the elderly, since their food intake is lower, and in
young children, who consume a restricted variety of Folate-producing microorganisms. Numerous
foods (Papastoyiannidis et al. 2006). Additionally, studies have shown that industrial starter bacteria
increased dietary intakes of folates are suggested, (i.e., L. lactis and Streptococcus thermophilus) have
especially for women of childbearing age (Food and the ability to synthesize folate. They explain why
Drug Administration 1996). For these reasons, it has some fermented dairy products, including yogurt,
been suggested that the fortification of fermented contain higher amounts of folate than nonfermented
milks with B-complex vitamins seems to be a good milk (Table 12.3). However, the ability of commer-
option for preventing vitamin deficiencies cial yogurt starter cultures to produce or utilize
(Papastoyiannidis et al. 2006). Among dairy prod- folate has been shown to vary considerably.
ucts, fermented milks are considered a potential Although most lactobacilli are unable to synthesize
matrix for folate fortification because folate-binding this essential vitamin (Hugenholtz and Kleerebezem
proteins of milk improve folate stability and the 1999; Crittenden et al. 2003), it was demonstrated
bioavailability of both 5-MTHF and folic acid may that Lact. plantarum is able to produce folates,
be enhanced (Jones and Nixon 2002; Aryana 2003; although at low levels, when grown in chemically
Verwei et al. 2003). However, due to the potential defined folate-free medium (Sybesma et al. 2003c).
risks of fortification with folic acid, the elaboration The amount of folic acid found in cow milk
of fermented milks containing elevated levels of ranges from 20 to 60 μg/l, whereas its concentration
natural folates would be a better suited alternative. in yogurts may be increased, depending on the
Besides fermented dairy products, microorgan- starter cultures used and on the storage conditions,
isms are capable of increasing folate content in a to values above 200 μg/l (Wouters et al. 2002). This
wide variety of other foods. For example, fermenta- level depends on the strain of Strep. thermophilus
tion of rye dough to produce bread is often accom- and Lact. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus used,
panied with an increase in folate content (Kariluoto because the latter organism has been shown to
B-Group Vitamins Production by Probiotic Lactic Acid Bacteria 219

Table 12.3. Folate produced by microorganisms grown in chemically defined folate-free medium.

Extracellular Intracellular Total

Microbial species (μg/l) (μg/l) (μg/l) Reference
Lactococcus lactis subspecies
L. lactis subsp. cremoris 8–46 59–99 92–116 Sybesma et al. (2003c)
L. lactis subsp. lactis 5–26 47–269 57–291 Sybesma et al. (2003c)
L. lactis subsp. lactis biovar diacetylactis 14–21 65–84 79–100 Sybesma et al. (2003c)
Lactobacillus species
Lact. plantarum 27 18 45 Sybesma et al. (2003c)
Lact. helveticus −1 to 3 −1 to 90 2–89 Sybesma et al. (2003c)
Lact. acidophilus 0 1 1 Sybesma et al. (2003c)
Lact. casei −45 32 −13 Sybesma et al. (2003c)
Lact. casei subsp. rhamnosus −98 34 −63 Sybesma et al. (2003c)
Lact. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus 12 41 54 Sybesma et al. (2003c)
Propionibacterium species
P. thoenii 28 8 36 Hugenholtz et al. (2002)
P. acidipropionici 58 −22 36 Hugenholtz et al. (2002)
P. jensenii 51 −11 40 Hugenholtz et al. (2002)
P. freudenreichii ssp. shermanii 0–93 −20 to 41 17–78 Hugenholtz et al. (2002)
P. sp. 13–31 −22 to 16 9–29 Hugenholtz et al. (2002)
Bifidobacterium species
B. adolescents 1–65 10 to 40 70–110 Pompei et al. (2007a)
B. animalis 26 — — Pompei et al. (2007a)
B. bifidum 1 — — Pompei et al. (2007a)
B. breve 1–3 — — Pompei et al. (2007a)
B. catenulatum 3 — — Pompei et al. (2007a)
B. dentium 29 — — Pompei et al. (2007a)
B. infantis 27 — — Pompei et al. (2007a)
B. longum 2 — — Pompei et al. (2007a)
B. pseudocatenulatum 12–82 5–35 75–90 Pompei et al. (2007a)
Other species
Streptococcus species
Strep. thermophilus 23–40 4–179 29–202 Sybesma et al. (2003c)
Leuconostoc lactis 37 7 45 Sybesma et al. (2003c)
Leuc. paramesenteroides 33 10 44 Sybesma et al. (2003c)

degrade folates during its growth. It is therefore of increase folate levels in milk. Additionally, recent
utmost importance to select the optimal combination reports have shown that some probiotic microorgan-
of these strains leading to an organoleptically isms, such as bifidobacteria, have the ability to syn-
acceptable yogurt with a concomitantly increased thesize folates (Lin and Young 2000; Crittenden et
folic acid concentration. It is now known that not al. 2003; Holasova et al. 2004; Pompei et al. 2007a)
only yogurt starter cultures and L. lactis have the and propionibacteria (Hugenholtz et al. 2002;
ability to produce folates, but only this important Holasova et al. 2004; Table 12.3). The oral admin-
property exists in other LAB. Lact. acidophilus is istration of folate-producing probiotic strains may
reported as being able to increase folates in fer- confer a more efficient protection against inflamma-
mented milks (Lin and Young 2000). As mentioned tion and cancer, both by exerting the beneficial
before, Lact. plantarum is capable of producing effects of folate and by delivering it to colonic-rectal
folates in chemically defined medium (Table 12.3), cells (Pompei et al. 2007a). In humans, folate pro-
and thus it should be evaluated if this LAB can duced by the microbiota in the small intestine is
220 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

assimilated by the host (Camilo et al. 1996). (Wegkamp et al. 2004), and Lact. reuteri (H. Santos
Although folate is believed to supply only a minor et al., pers. comm.).
source of total absorbed folate in humans (Bates
1993), the contribution of the microbiota to the
12.2.3. Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)
folate requirements of the high cell turnover intesti-
nal epithelium is unknown. A mechanism for The term vitamin B12 (B12) is generally used to
luminal folate absorption by cells in the human describe a type of cobalt corrinoid, particularly of
colon has been reported (Dudeja et al. 1997), which the cobalamin group. In strict terms, vitamin B12 is
suggests that folate produced in situ by the colonic the form of the vitamin that is obtained during
microbiota may be utilized by cells in the colonic industrial production and that does not exist natu-
epithelium. Asrar and O’Connor (2005) showed that rally (Rucker et al. 2001). Cyanide stabilizes the
bacterially synthesized folate are absorbed across molecule during the extraction procedure from
the large intestine and incorporated into the liver and microbial cultures, forming cyanocobalamin. In its
kidneys of piglets. These authors predicted that natural form, the vitamin is present principally as
approximately 18% of the dietary folate requirement desoxyadenosilcobalamin (coenzyme B12), methyl-
for the piglet could be met by folate absorption cobalamin, and pseudocobalamin, among other
across the large intestine. Also, increased intestinal forms. Structurally, the cobalamin molecule can be
Bifidobacterium populations, induced by consump- divided in three parts (Fig. 12.3): the central corrinic
tion of human breast milk, have been correlated with ring with the four ligands of a cobalt ion; a superior
an enhanced folate status in rats (Krause et al. 1996). (or beta) ligand that is attached to the adenosyl o
It is therefore possible that probiotic bacteria active methyl group, and the lower ligand (or alpha), nor-
in the intestinal tract may be able to contribute to mally dimethylbenzimidale (DMB); however, in
the folate requirement of colonic epithelial cells. several anaerobic bacteria, adenine and other ligands
However, further research is required to determine can also be present, forming pseudocobalamin (or
if these bacteria produce folate in the intestinal envi- pseudo-B12) and other active cofactors (Martens
ronment; the form in which this folate occurs; the et al. 2002).
availability of this folate for transport and utilization Although vitamin B12 was described for the first
by colonocytes from the lumen; and the contribution time by Minot and Murphy (2001) and isolated by
of the intestinal microbiota to the total folate require- Rickes et al. (1948), it was Hodgkin et al. (1956)
ment of colonic epithelial cells. who revealed the magnificent structure of the most
The genes for folate biosynthesis have been iden- complex of the vitamins.
tified in L. lactis (Sybesma et al. 2003b), Lact. Animals, plants, and fungi are incapable of pro-
plantarum (Kleerebezem et al. 2003), and Lact. del- ducing cobalamin; it is the only vitamin that is
brueckii susbp. bulgaricus (van de Guchte et al. exclusively produced by microorganisms, particu-
2006). The biosynthetic pathway in LAB includes larly by anaerobes (Roth et al. 1996; Martens et al.
seven consecutive steps, to convert the precursor 2002; Smith et al. 2007). Furthermore, biochemical
GTP into tetrahydrofolate (Suzuki and Brown 1974). and genomic data indicate that only a few bacteria
However, in some LAB that cannot synthesize and archaea possess the ability to produce this
folate, some of the genes involved in folate biosyn- vitamin (Roth et al. 1996; Rodionov et al. 2003).
thesis are lacking in the genome; this is the case for Adult ruminant animals and strict vegetarians can
Lact. gasseri (Wegkamp et al. 2004), Lact. sali- obtain the vitamin from specialized bacteria present
varius (Claesson et al. 2006), Lact. acidophilus, and in the rumen. Humans, however, do not have such
Lact. johnsonii (van de Guchte et al. 2006). microflora in their small intestine and must absorb
It has been shown that metabolic engineering can the coenzyme from natural sources such as animal
be used to increase folate levels in L. lactis (Sybesma meats (especially liver and kidney), fish, eggs, and
et al. 2003b; Wegkamp et al. 2007), Lact. gasseri pharmaceutical products (Herbert 1996).
B-Group Vitamins Production by Probiotic Lactic Acid Bacteria 221

Figure 12.3 Chemical structure of vitamin B12.

Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause different patho- General characteristics of vitamin B12. Vitamin
logical manifestations that affect the hematopoietic, B12, in all of its different forms, such as adenosyl-
neurological, and cardiovascular systems, among cobalamin (AdoCbl) or methylcobalamin, is used
others. One of the most extreme forms of B12 defi- as a cofactor in three principal types of catalytic
ciency is known as pernicious anemia, which is not reactions (Kräutler 2005): (1) intramolecular rear-
normally associated to diet but rather to problems in rangements (mutations), for example, glutamate
the gastric system caused by a lack of production of mutase, methylmalonil CoA mutase, ornitin mutase,
a gastric glycoprotein called intrinsic factor, which L-lisine mutase, and methylenglutarate mutase; (2)
facilitates the absorption of the vitamin in the small reduction of ribonucleotides to desoxyribonucleo-
intestine (Beck 2001). tides, for example, ribonucleotide reductase; and (3)
222 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

methylations, for example, methionine synthetase into the corrinoid ring in an early step that generated
that catalyzes the synthesis of methionine. unstable intermediates that were difficult to isolate.
In humans and other superior animals, B12 acts as On the other hand, in the oxygen-dependent route,
a cofactor in only two reactions: methionine syn- cobalt is inserted in a later stage, creating more
thase and methylmalonyl CoA mutase. According to stable intermediates.
their vitamin B12 requirements, bacteria have been The biosynthesis of cobalamin can be divided
separated in three distinct groups (Roth et al. 1996): into three steps. The first involves the synthesis of
(1) those that require cobalamin to grow and that uroporphyrinogen III, which is a common interme-
can synthesize it de novo (Pseudomonas denitrifi- diate in the synthesis of various tetrapirrolic cofac-
cans); (2) those that require cobalamin to grow but tors such as heme, chlorophyll F, and siroheme. The
are unable to synthesize it (Lact. delbrueckii subsp. second consists of the synthesis of the corrinic ring.
lactis); and (3) those that cannot synthesize vitamin Two variations exist in this step according to its
B12 nor need it (L. lactis). aerobic or anaerobic synthesis. As mentioned above,
With the constant apparition of new microbial in this step the cobalt is quelated. The third step is
genomic sequences being published, it can be common for both the anaerobic and aerobic routes,
inferred that several microorganisms do not produce where the corrinic ring is adenosylated, an amino-
B12 but possess (using in silico evaluations) the propanol group is attached, and the nucleotidic loop
ability to transport and utilize B12 (Rodionov et al. is assembled that links on the bottom of the corrinic
2003), although it is not always clear in which reac- ring. The lower ligant is generally DMB in humans,
tion this vitamin is involved. in animals, and in bacteria such as Ps. denitrificans,
whereas pseudo-B12 and other cofactors can be
Biosynthesis of cobalamin. As indicated above, found as a cofactor in microorganisms that use the
only bacteria and archaea are able to synthesize B12, oxygen-independent route of synthesis.
although relatively few can synthesize it de novo. Due to the complexity of B12 biosynthesis and to
One of the first model organisms used for the study the limitations of the scope of this chapter, inter-
of B12 biosynthesis was P. freudenreichii, which is ested readers are invited to read excellent reviews
used in the industrial production of the vitamin. that have been published on this subject (Raux et al.
However, the first experiments with this bacterium 2000; Scott 2003; Roessner and Scott 2006;
were not fruitful due to the instability of the biosyn- Escalante-Semerena 2007).
thesis intermediates (Battersby 1994). In order to
circumvent this problem, an important step was the Cobalamin biosynthesis by Lactobacillus reuteri.
use of the aerobic B12-producing bacteria Ps. denit- It is well known that certain strains of Lact. reuteri
rificans, which allowed the isolation of numerous are capable of metabolizing glycerol in co-fermen-
intermediates and the characterization of the major- tation with glucose. The first enzyme in this meta-
ity of the genes involved in the biosynthesis of this bolic route is glycerol dehydratase, which requires
vitamin (Battersby 1994; Thibaut et al. 1998).These AdoCbl as a cofactor (Daniel et al. 1998). In this
studies concluded that the biosynthesis of cobalamin reaction, glycerol is converted to 3-hidroxipropion-
could be performed in either (a) aerobic or oxygen- aldehide (3-HPA), which is subsequently reduced
dependent or (b) anaerobic or oxygen-independent by NADH to 1,3-propanediol (1,3-PDL) mediated
conditions. by the 1,3-PDL:NAD oxidoreductase. It was shown
The anaerobic route, observed in strains of P. that Lact. reuteri CRL1098 was able to metabolize
freudenreicchii, Salmonella enterica, and Bacillus glycerol in a B12-free medium, this being the first
megaterium, was recently described (Warren et al. indirect evidence of the presence of intracellular
2002; Warren 2006; Escalante-Semerena 2007). cobalamin in Lact. reuteri (Taranto et al. 2003). The
The initial characterization problems were due prin- chromatographic analysis of the intracellular bacte-
cipally to the fact that the central Co ion was inserted rial extract of Lact. reuteri CRL1098 confirmed that
B-Group Vitamins Production by Probiotic Lactic Acid Bacteria 223

this strain was able to produce a compound with an producing some corrinoids such as L. reuteri DCM
absorption spectrum closely identical to standard 20016 (Santos et al. 2008), JCM1112 (Morita et al.
cobalamin but with a different elution time. The 2008), and CRL1324 and CRL1327 strains isolated
presence of cobalamin or of one of its intermediates from vagina (Vannini et al. 2008).
in the intracellular extract of Lact. reuteri CRL1098
was also confirmed using different bioassays Types and amount of B12 produced by Lact.
(Taranto et al. 2003). reuteri CRL1098. Bioassays have been used to
Genetic evidence of cobalamin biosynthesis by confirm that Lact. reuteri produces cobalamin in the
Lact. reuteri CRL1098 was then obtained through order of 50 μg/l, which is a modest amount com-
the use of different molecular biology techniques. pared with the values obtained by the strains used
The genetic organization (cob and cbi genes) are in industrial production that surpass 200 mg/l
very similar to those of S. enterica and Listeria (Martens et al. 2002). However, these values could
innocua (Santos et al. 2007). It is important to note be considered adequate when the daily requirement
that the denomination of the genes for the biosyn- of vitamin B12 is taken into account (2–3 μg for an
thesis of cobalamin has been confused since some adult) because they could be sufficient for the devel-
researchers have used different prefixes, cbi and opment of foods bio-enriched with B12. A possible
cob, to describe the genes in Ps. denitrificans and S. drawback in the technological development is that
enterica, respectively. Since some of the genes are the major form of the corrinoid produced in anaero-
present in both biosynthetic routes, these can have biosis by Lact. reuteri is pseudocobalamin (Santos
different denominations depending on which route et al. 2007) which, although present as a coenzyme
is being described. in many anaerobic and facultative anaerobic bacte-
The genetic representation of the biosynthesis ria, is not active in animals and humans (Brandt et
cluster of Lact. reuteri CRL1098 is shown in Figure al. 1979; Rucker et al. 2001). Recent data indicate
12.4 (see in the color plate section), where at least that in microaerophilic conditions Lact. reuteri
30 genes are involved in the de novo synthesis of CRL1098 not only produces pseudo-B12, but also
the vitamin. A distinctive characteristic of the cob produces a small amount of other corrinoids includ-
cluster of Lact. reuteri is the presence of hem genes ing coenzyme B12 (Vera 2007).
in the middle of the cluster. In the respiratory organ-
isms Listeria and Salmonella with similar cob clus- Glycerol and 1,2 propanediol fermentation: evi-
ters, the hem genes are described on other regions dence of a cob-pdu genomic island. As described
of their genome. The presence of the hem genes in above, Lact. reuteri is able to co-metabolize glyc-
the cob cluster is a characteristic that was observed erol and glucose anaerobically to produce 1,3-
only in certain genomes of Clostridium (Rodionov propanediol (Talarico et al. 1990). One intermediate
et al. 2003). product of the first reaction in the metabolic route
Additionally, transcriptional analysis performed mediated by the B12-dependent glycerol dehydratase
in Lact. reuteri CRL1098 showed that the highest is an antimicrobial compound denominated reuterin,
levels of expression of the cob cluster was observed which is an equilibrium mixture of different mono-
in the late exponential growth phase in the absence meric and dimeric forms of 3-HPA (Talarico et al.
of cobalamin, although the existence of exogenous 1988; Talarico and Dobrogosz 1989). The use of
cobalamin only partially repressed the expression of glycerol does not represent an energy gain for the
the operon. Recently, the transcription of a vast set cell. At least in Lact. reuteri CRL1098 the biomass
of genes involved in cobalamin synthesis in sour- of the culture grown in glycerol-glucose is lower
dough prepared with strain Lact. reuteri ATCC than when grown in glucose alone. Therefore, it is
55730 was described (Hufner et al. 2008). possible that the metabolism of this polyol and the
In addition to the strain CRL1098, other Lact. production of reuterin are associated with an eco-
reuteri strains were also shown to be capable of logical advantage for the bacterium that would allow
224 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

it to compete in complex ecosystems such as the gut. isolated from mouse intestines. Curiously, compara-
This is supported by another study (Morita et al. tive genomic data revealed that the strain isolated
2008), who demonstrated that Lact. reuteri JCM from human intestines (DSM 20016) presented the
1112 (DSM20016) is able to produce reuterin in cobalamin biosynthesis cluster that was also associ-
vivo in the gut of gnotobiotic mice under physiologi- ated with the anaerobic catabolism of glycerol (or
cal conditions. 1,2-propanediol), whereas the mouse strain (100-23)
In addition to glycerol, Lact. reuteri can also use did not contain the cob nor the glycerol metabolism
1,2-propanediol in the presence of other fermentable genes.
sugars, giving rise to final products such as propanol Based on the horizontal transfer hypothesis of the
and propionate (Sriramulu et al. 2008). In that work cob-pdu cluster, it would be expected that other
it was confirmed that glycerol (or diol) dehydratase strains of LAB would have also received this
was associated with mini-compartments called genomic island by one of the many mechanisms of
metabolosomes, whose structural proteins are also genetic transfer. Again, from the current sequenced
encoded by genes found inside the pdu operon (pro- genomes of LAB, only Lact. reuteri contain the
panediol utilization). As for glycerol, 1,2-propane- pdu-cob genes (DSM20016/JCM1112 and the
diol can be found as a substrate in human and animal Biogaia strain Lact. reuteri ATCC55730). Recently,
intestines and principally come from the metabolism Martin et al. (2005) showed that a reuterin-produc-
of sugars derived from plants and mammalian gly- ing strain of Lactococcus coryniformis isolated from
coconjugates, such as rhamnose and fucose (Bobik goat milk was able to produce a cobalamin-type
et al. 1999; Bobik 2006). Also, it was shown that compound. Preliminary genetic and biochemical
1,2 propanediol was able to partially support the data from our laboratory (Vannini et al. 2008) indi-
growth of Lact. reuteri DSM20016 in de Man, cate that the cob-pdu cluster would be spread in
Rogosa and Sharpe basal medium without glucose other lactobacilli (Lact. coryniformis, Lactococcus
(Sriramulu et al. 2008). murinus, and Lactococcus curvatus). The possibility
This information indicates that both substrates, of holding various vitamin B12-producing strains
present in the intestines, could be important for Lact. and species of LAB would be important, not only
reuteri, to release an antimicrobial substance and as for future basic studies on cobalamin production,
an alternative substrate that can partially be catabo- but also evolutionary studies related with the acqui-
lized for bacterial growth. Furthermore, the cob-pdu sition of the cob-pdu genomic island, and its poten-
cluster would be part of a genomic island that was tial application in the development of products that
acquired by horizontal transfer in some strains of contain B12.
Lact. reuteri (Morita et al. 2008; Santos et al. 2008). According to the Integrated Microbial Genomes
This acquisition would confer a competitive advan- System, more than 250 microbial genomes (includ-
tage compared with microorganisms that do not ing more than 20 LAB genomes) have been
possess this cluster. The horizontal transfer hypoth- sequenced to date, with several other projects
esis of the cob-pdu cluster was previously suggested ongoing and more in the process of being launched
for some strains of enterobacteria (Roth et al. 1996). (Markowitz et al. 2006). With information from
these sequencing projects, such as those published
B12 production by other LAB. After the detection by the Joint Genome Institute Microbial Sequencing
of the production of B12 by Lact. reuteri CRL1098 program (
and the study of its cobalamin biosynthesis cluster, html), it is now possible to analyze specific bacterial
the genomic sequence of two strains of Lact. reuteri, genomes in silico in order to determine if they
with different characteristics, were released by the contain the complete metabolic pathways necessary
Joint Genome Institute: Lact. reuteri F275 (type for de novo vitamin biosynthesis. A number of
stain DSM20016) isolated from human feces that is useful tools can be found on the Internet that are
unable to colonize mouse, and Lact. reuteri 100-23 of great help in analyzing microbial genomes. One
B-Group Vitamins Production by Probiotic Lactic Acid Bacteria 225

of the more useful sites is that of the Genome cal manifestations of ariboflavinosis such as stunted
Analysis and System Modeling Group of the Life growth, elevated EGRAC values, and hepatomega-
Sciences Division of Oak Ridge National Laboratory lia, which were observed using a riboflavin
( This site con- depletion–repletion model (LeBlanc et al. 2005a).
tains tools that allow organization of genes in func- Similarly, riboflavin status and growth rates were
tion of metabolic pathways, functional categories, greatly improved when the depleted rats were fed
taxonomic distribution, and so on. In the metabo- cultures of L. lactis that overproduced this vitamin,
lism of cofactors and vitamins subcategory, it is whereas the control strain did not show the same
possible to see which enzymes are present in the effect (LeBlanc et al. 2005b).
genome compared with the reference metabolic Other studies have been performed to evaluate
pathways, thus permitting the user to determine if a the physiological response of feeding with fer-
specific microorganism has the ability to biosynthe- mented milks elaborated with riboflavin-producing
size riboflavins, folates, and vitamin B12, without strains. The administration of a fermented milk that
performing laboratory assays. Similar tools are was produced with a spontaneous riboflavin over-
available at the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and producing strain of P. freudenreichii (strain B2336)
Genomes databases ( was able to improve animal growth compared with
conventional yogurt and with the same product fer-
12.3. Vitamin Bioavailability Studies: mented with the parental wild-type strain, which
Animal Models produces low levels of this essential vitamin
(LeBlanc et al. 2006). The fermented product con-
12.3.1. Riboflavin
taining P. freudenreichii B2336, with increased
Riboflavin-deficient rat models have been exten- levels of riboflavin, eliminated most physiologic
sively used to study the biological effects of ribofla- manifestations of ariboflavinosis observed when
vin. Using these models, it has been shown that using a riboflavin depletion-repletion model (i.e.,
riboflavin (1) is important in the early postnatal stunted growth, high EGRAC values, and hepato-
development of the brain (Ogunleye and Odutuga megalia). The product fermented with the non-
1989) and gastrointestinal tract (Williams et al. riboflavin-producing strain did not show the
1996; Yates et al. 2003); (2) is able to modulate beneficial effect (LeBlanc et al. 2006).
carcinogen-induced DNA damage (Pangrekar et al. Also, the administration of milk fermented by L.
1993; Webster et al. 1996); (3) plays a role in iron lactis pNZGBAH, a genetically engineered strain
absorption and use (Butler and Topham 1993; that overproduces riboflavin, showed the same
Powers et al. 1993); and (4) can modulate inflam- reversion against ariboflavinosis (LeBlanc et al.
matory responses (Lakshmi et al. 1991). These 2005b).
models also allow the extrapolation of data to human
clinical data (Greene et al. 1990). Because riboflavin
12.3.2. Folate
is essential in various biochemical reactions that are
related to obtaining metabolic energy from carbohy- Different experimental animal models have been
drates and fatty acids, the deficiency of this vitamin used to evaluate the biological effects of folate-
can cause severe symptoms in animals such as producing microorganisms. In one study, folate-
stunted growth (Glatzle et al. 1970). overproducing bifidobacteria (Bifidobacterium
By using similar animal models, it has been dem- adolescentis MB 227, B. adolescentis MB 239, and
onstrated that riboflavin produced by LAB can B. pseudocatenulatum MB 116), administered to
effectively revert the biological effects of an induced Wistar rats with induced folate deficiency, exerted
deficiency of this vitamin. In one study, riboflavin- both the beneficial effects of probiotics and in vivo
producing strains (native and genetically modified) folate production, positively affecting the folate
of L. lactis were able to eliminate most physiologi- status of rats (Pompei et al. 2007b).
226 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

In other studies, the bioavailability of different and release folates in the gastrointestinal tract, a
folates produced by engineered L. lactis strains was result also obtained previously with riboflavin using
evaluated using a rodent depletion-repletion bioas- L. lactis (LeBlanc et al. 2005a) and P. freudenreichii
say. Rats were fed a folate-deficient diet and differ- (LeBlanc et al. 2006).
ent L. lactis cultures were added as a source of folate
(Sybesma et al. 2003a). The folate produced by the
engineered L. lactis was able to compensate for the
12.3.3. Vitamin B12
folate depletion in the diet and showed similar bio-
availability as externally added (chemical) folic Recently, a vitamin B12-deficient murine experimen-
acid. Folate levels in some organs and blood (liver, tal model was developed to evaluate maternal B12
kidneys, and serum) increased significantly in deficiency from the end of the gestation period to
animals that received the folate-producing strains weaning (Molina et al. 2008). In this experimental
compared with those that did not receive bacterial animal model, vitamin B12 deficiency caused a sig-
supplementation. In this rat bioassay, biological nificant reduction in the hematological parameters
folates present in the food bacterium L. lactis (hemoglobin, hematocrit, and reticulocytes values)
showed similar or even better bioavailability than and anthropometric alterations in pregnant females
the chemically synthesized folic acid normally used compared with the control animals, which were fed
for food fortification. This demonstrates that fer- a B12-sufficient diet. Moreover, the deficient females
mented dairy products would represent an excellent gave birth to smaller numbers of offspring, which
source of folates in the diet. also showed growth retardation (smaller size) and a
L. lactis strains have also been modified to decrease in hematological values. The vitamin B12
produce intracellularly folates with a short glutamyl deficiency caused histological alterations in the
tail length (average polyglutamyl tail length of 3) or small intestine and a decrease in the number of IgA-
with a long polyglutamyl tail length (average poly- producing cells of the females and in their offspring.
glutamyl tail length of 8), which generates an This experimental murine model constituted by
increased retention of folate in the cells (Sybesma females and their offspring allowed the assessment
et al. 2003d). These strains were evaluated in animal of the incidence of maternal cobalamin deficiency
models in order to determine if the folate glutamyl in offspring and would be a useful tool for evaluat-
tail length affects bioavailability. As stated before, ing the efficiency of functional foods containing B12-
in contrast to (monoglutamyl) folate, polyglutamyl producing microorganisms to prevent the nutritional
folates cannot be transported across the cell mem- deficit of cobalamin.
brane. Hence, the release of intracellular polygluta- As indicated above, Lact. reuteri CRL1098 pro-
myl folate depends on the disruption of the cells duces a compound with B12 activity (Taranto et al.
during passage through the gastrointestinal tract. 2003). High performance liquid chromatography
The clear responses to lactococcal cells added to a coupled with a diode array detector, mass spectrom-
folate-free diet of deficient rodents on the folate etry and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
levels in organs and blood indicate that these cells allowed the identification of the main component as
lyse after consumption and that the bacterial folate Coα-[α-(7-adenyl)]-Coβ-cyanocobamide or pseu-
becomes available for absorption in the gastrointes- dovitamin B12 (Santos et al. 2007). Although pseudo-
tinal tract of the rat (Sybesma et al. 2003a). This B12 is the corrinoid produced in anaerobic condition,
study provided the first animal trial with food-con- a small amount of B12 was observed in microaero-
taining living bacteria that were engineered in order filic conditions (Vera 2007). This effect was also
to increase the intracellular accumulation of folate observed in S. enterica and other microorganisms.
or to change the average polyglutamyl tail length This is due to the oxygen-dependent synthesis of 5,6
compared to a wild-type lactococcal strain. This dimethylbenzimidazole, the lower ligand moiety of
study revealed that L. lactis could be used to deliver cobalamin (Renz 1999).
B-Group Vitamins Production by Probiotic Lactic Acid Bacteria 227

In order to determine if the vitamin produced by 12.4. Conclusions

strain CRL1098 is bioavailable, an animal model
This chapter describes that increased levels of
was implemented to evaluate the efficiency of the
B-group vitamins in yogurts and fermented milks
compound(s) produced by this strain to prevent the
are possible through judicious selection of the
symptoms caused by a nutritional cobalamin defi-
microbial species and cultivation conditions. It is
cient diet in pregnant female mice and their weaned
expected that the food industry will take the next
offspring (Molina et al. 2009). The females that
step to use this information for selecting vitamin-
received the deficient diet plus LAB improved their
producing strains as part of their starter cultures to
general condition with weight gains and hemato-
produce fermented products with elevated levels of
logical values similar to those of the normal group
these essential compounds. Such products would
females (control). The prevention of the B12 defi-
provide economic benefits to food manufacturers
ciency in the pregnant females fed the probiotic
since increased “natural” vitamin concentrations
strain together with the deficient diet was evidenced
would be an important value-added effect without
particularly in the offspring. These weaned young
increasing production costs. Consumers would
showed normal hematological values and anthropo-
obviously benefit from such products since they
metric parameters (weight and size) similar to the
could increase their vitamin intake while consuming
young from normal females. The serum vitamin B12
them as part of their normal lifestyle. The proper
level was similar to the values found in the normal
selection of probiotic vitamin-producing strains pro-
young. It is important to emphasize that the number
vides a strategy for the development of novel func-
of offspring was the same as in the case of the
tional foods with increased nutritional value.
normal females. Moreover, the intestinal damage
and the minor number of IgA+ cells produced by
the vitamin deficiency were prevented both in the Acknowledgments
pregnant females and in their respective offspring
by the consumption of the producer strain together The authors would like to thank the Consejo
with the B12-deficient diet. These results constituted Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas,
strong evidence of the way in which the nutritional the Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y
status of the mother affects the normal development Tecnológica, and Secretaría de Ciencia y Técnica de
of her offspring, and demonstrated clearly that the la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán for their finan-
vitamin produced by Lact. reuteri CRL1098 is bio- cial support.
logically active (Molina et al. 2009). In addition, a
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Chapter 13

Bioactive Peptides Derived from Casein and

Whey Proteins

Elvira María Hebert, Lucila Saavedra, and Pasquale Ferranti

Recently, milk proteins have attracted more atten- definition of the structure-activity relationship in
tion in the biological and medical research com- these complex peptide systems.
munity not only because of their nutrient value but
also as substances that constantly supply the organ-
13.1. Introduction
ism with bioactive compounds. Bioactive peptides
are hidden in a latent state within the primary Recently, extensive scientific evidence (Hayes et al.
sequences of casein and whey proteins, requiring 2007a) has been provided for the existence of bio-
enzymatic proteolysis for their release. Bioactive logical active peptides and proteins derived from
peptides can be produced during in vivo gastroin- foods that might have beneficial effects on human
testinal digestion or food processing. Therefore, health. In this sense, food proteins have attracted
peptides with physiological effects are largely found more attention in the biological and medical research
in fermented milks and cheeses. The proteolytic community not only because of their nutrient value
system of lactic acid bacteria used as starter cul- but also as substances that constantly supply the
tures in the manufacture of yogurt, fermented milks, organism with bioactive compounds (Kitts and
and cheeses contributes to the release of bioactive Weiler 2003).
peptides or their precursors. Antimicrobial, immu- Casein is the main protein component of milk,
nomodulatory, antithrombotic, opioid, and antioxi- constituting about 80% (2.7 g/100 g milk) of the
dant activities; enhancement of mineral absorption total bovine milk protein fraction. Although neither
and/or bioavailability; and blood pressure-lowering casein nor individual casein fractions have any
effect are some of the biological activities attributed established physiological role, peptides derived
to milk-derived peptides. Certain milk-derived pep- from casein have been shown to possess different
tides are commercially produced and used as dietary biological activities. Antimicrobial, immunomodu-
supplements in functional foods, personal care latory, antihypertensive, opioid, and mineral-bind-
products, or drugs. The great complexity and the ing are some of the biological activities ascertained
wide range of peptide abundance in these products for milk derived-peptides (Meisel 2004).
severely challenge the capabilities of existing ana-
lytical methodologies. A major step forward in this
13.2. Generation of Bioactive Peptides
field has been achieved by combining the biochemi-
cal and biological approach with the tools of pro- Biologically active or functional peptides are food-
teomics technology. In this review, the most recent derived peptides that exert, beyond their nutritional
achievements will be presented, leading to a deeper value, a physiological, hormone-like effect in the

Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria Novel Applications 233

Edited by Fernanda Mozzi, Raúl R. Raya and Graciela M. Vignolo
© 2010 Blackwell Publishing. ISBN: 978-0-813-81583-1
234 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

body. Milk protein-derived bioactive peptides are peptidases, which degrade peptides to amino acids
inactive within the sequence of the primary protein (Kunji et al. 1998; Savijoki et al. 2006). In milk
and can be released and activated by enzymatic pro- fermentation processes, the CEP is the key enzyme
teolysis in vivo or in vitro. There are several ways of this system as it is involved in the first step of
that encrypted peptides can be released from milk casein degradation and enables LAB to grow in
proteins: (1) in vivo by enzymatic hydrolysis with milk, thereby ensuring successful fermentation. In
digestive enzymes such as trypsin and chymotryp- addition to its vital role for bacterial growth in milk,
sin; (2) in vivo during digestion by microbial certain CEPs can release bioactive health-beneficial
enzymes; (3) in vitro by endogenous enzymes peptides during milk fermentation (Hata et al. 1996;
present in milk; (4) in vitro by proteolysis with Hayes et al. 2007a; Hebert et al. 2008).
enzymes derived from microorganisms or plants;
and (5) in vitro during food processing or ripening
13.2.2. Fate of Bioactive Peptides
by proteolytic starter cultures or enzymes isolated
from proteolytic microorganisms (e.g., Lactobacillus Ingested proteins are first hydrolyzed in the acid
helveticus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. environment of the stomach, where low pH initiates
lactis) (Yamamoto et al. 1999; Hebert et al. 2008). protein hydrolysis and gastric pepsin cleaves pro-
A combination of enzymatic hydrolysis by gastro- teins into large peptides (Fig. 13.1). The next stage
intestinal digestion and fermentation of milk with of luminal protein digestion comprises the small
proteolytic starter cultures or proteolysis using intestinal digestion by the major enzymatic secre-
enzymes derived from microorganisms or plants has tions from the pancreas trypsin, chymotrypsin, elas-
been demonstrated to be effective in producing short tase, and carboxi-peptidases. The luminal digestion
functional peptides (Korhonen and Pihlanto 2007). of proteins results in free amino acids and 3 to 6
amino acid peptides, which could have biological
activity. Subsequent brush-border peptidases at the
13.2.1. Production of Bioactive Peptides
surface of the epithelial cells digest peptides into
during Milk Fermentation
dipeptides and tripeptides and free amino acids.
The most important application of lactic acid bacte- Brush-border peptidases include enterokinase, ami-
ria (LAB) is their use as starter cultures in the manu- nopeptidases, and dipeptidases. However, certain
facturing processes of various fermented dairy peptides are resistant to the action of proteolytic
products. In addition, certain LAB, mainly the enzymes and remain intact in the intestinal tract,
strains belonging to the genera Lactobacillus, are producing local effects (Shimizu 2004). Therefore,
increasingly marketed as health-promoting, that is, following digestion, bioactive peptides can either
probiotic bacteria (Saxelin et al. 2005), while certain produce local effects in the gastrointestinal tract or
Lactobacillus strains can release bioactive health- be absorbed through the intestine to enter intact into
beneficial peptides from milk proteins (Meisel 2004; the blood circulation and exert systemic effects.
Hayes et al. 2007a). LAB have a limited capacity to Different transport systems for the absorption of
synthesize amino acids and are therefore dependent peptides have been described. Oligopeptides seem to
on the use of exogenous nitrogen sources for optimal be transported by endocytosis, although it has been
growth (Hebert et al. 2000, 2004). As milk contains reported that more than 90% of the transported
only small amounts of amino acids and short pep- peptides are hydrolyzed in the absorptive cells
tides, LAB depend on a complex proteolytic system (Heyman and Desjeux 1992). In addition, oligopep-
to obtain essential amino acids from caseins during tides could be passively transported via paracellular
growth in milk. This specialized proteolytic system pathways, which is known to be the main mechanism
consists of a cell envelope-associated proteinase for transport of intact peptides (Pappenheimer et al.
(CEP), specialized transport systems to allow uptake 1994). Dipeptides and tri-peptides are actively trans-
of the resulting peptides, and several intracellular ported via a specific transport system that exists

Gastrointestinal tract

Luminal brush-border

Epithelial cells


Nervous system
Target organ Immune system

Circulatory system Endocrine system

Immunomodulatory effect
Opioid effect Antimicrobial effect
Cytomodulatory effect
Antihypertensive effect
Figure 13.1 Fate of peptides released from precursor proteins by fermentation and/or gastrointestinal digestion.

236 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

in the brush-border membrane, PepT1, (Leibach and as myocardial infarction, stroke, and heart failure
Ganapathy 1996). Whichever the mechanism used, a (Erdmann et al. 2008). In recent studies, blood pres-
variety of peptides would reach the portal circulation, sure variability has been shown to be a more impor-
exerting diverse physiological functions (Fig. 13.1). tant determinant of target organ damage than high
blood pressure itself (Tatasciore et al. 2007). Clinical
13.3. Biological Activities of trials have shown that in hypertensive subjects, low-
Milk-derived Peptides ering the blood pressure reduces the risk of cardio-
vascular diseases (Collins et al. 1990; FitzGerald
Depending on the sequence of amino acids, the bio-
et al. 2004).
active peptides can exhibit diverse activities, which
Angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE) plays a
have been described in vitro and in vivo. Moreover,
crucial role in the regulation of blood pressure and
several ingredients and dairy functional foods with
acts mainly via the renin–angiotensin system, with
function claims based on bioactive peptides are
angiotensin I and bradykinin as the natural sub-
commercialized (Table 13.1).
strates (Fig. 13.2). ACE (peptidyldipeptide hydro-
lase, EC, an exopeptidase that cleaves
13.3.1. Antihypertensive Peptides
dipeptides from the C-terminal side of various
Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is one of the oligopeptides, increases blood pressure by convert-
major risk factors for cardiovascular disease, such ing the decapeptide angiotensin I into the potent

Table 13.1. Examples of commercially available dairy functional foods with function claims based on bioactive

Claimed bioactive
Brand name Manufacturer Type of product peptides Observed bioactivity
Calpis Calpis Co., Tokyo, Sour milk IPP, VPP ACE inhibitory activity,
Japan antihypertensive
Evolus Valio, Helsinki, Calcium-enriched IPP, VPP ACE inhibitory activity,
Finland fermented milk antihypertensive
Casein DP Kanebo Ltd., Casein hydrolysate FFVAPFPEVFGK Antihypertensive properties
Tokyo, Japan
C12 peptide DMV, Veghel, the Casein hydrolysate/ FFVAPFPEVFGK Antihypertensive properties
Netherlands ingredient
BioZate Davisco, Eden Whey protein hydrolysate Whey-derived Antihypertensive properties
Prairie, MN peptides
BioPURE-GMP Davisco Whey protein isolate Glycomacropeptide Anticariogenic, antimicrobial,
(κ-casein f106-109) antithrombotic
Lactium/ Ingredia, Arras, Capsule, tablets, powders, YLGYLEQLLRa Anti-anxiety, anti-stress
PRODIET F200 France chewing-gums, drinks properties
CE90 GMM DMV Ingredient CPP (19%) Helps mineral absorption
Capolac Arla Foods Ingredient CPP Helps mineral absorption
Ingredients, Viby,
Recaldent Cadbury, England Ingredient/gums CPP Anticariogenic, helps
(CPP-ACP) remineralize the enamel
Vivinal Alpha Friesland Foods Ingredient Whey-derived Aids relaxation and sleep
Domo, Zwolle, peptides
the Netherlands
Information gathered from Hartmann and Meisel (2007).
IPP, Ile–Pro–Pro; VPP, Val–Pro–Pro.
Bioactive Peptides Derived from Casein and Whey Proteins 237

Angiotensinogen Kininogen

Renin Kalikrein

Angiotensin I Bradykinin Vasodilatation

ACE inhibitory ACE

Angiotensin II Inactive peptides


Figure 13.2. The renin–angiotensin system.

vasoconstricting octapeptide angiotensin II, which addition, the positive charge from Arg and/or Lys
induces release of aldosterone and therefore residues may increase the inhibitory activity (Pripp
increases sodium concentration and furthers the et al. 2004). In general, ACE inhibitory peptides are
blood pressure. In addition, ACE degrades bradyki- short peptides with only two to nine amino acids and
nin, which has vasodilatatory properties. By inhibit- most are dipeptides or tripeptides, which are resis-
ing these processes, synthetic ACE inhibitors have tant to the action of digestive-tract endopeptidases
long been used as antihypertensive agents. Since (Kitts and Weiler 2003). In milk proteins in particu-
many drugs have side effects, research has been lar, low-molecular-weight peptides containing Pro
devoted toward producing foods with ACE inhibi- residues exhibit very strong ACE inhibitory activity
tory peptides, which are beneficial for individuals (Saito 2008). The sequence Tyr–Pro is frequently
who have high blood pressure (FitzGerald et al. present at the C-terminal region of bovine caseins
2004). In recent years, some food proteins have been (αs1-casein f146-147 and f159-160; β-casein f114-
identified as sources of ACE inhibitory peptides, 115; and κ-casein f58-59). ACE inhibitory peptides
milk products being the main source of these bioac- from caseins and whey proteins are termed casoki-
tive peptides (FitzGerald et al. 2004). These are nins and lactokinins, respectively.
currently the best known class of bioactive peptides Numerous studies in spontaneously hypertensive
and have received considerable attention for their rats (SHR) as well as in hypertensive human volun-
effectiveness in both the prevention and the treat- teers have been performed to demonstrate the anti-
ment of hypertension (Hong et al. 2008). hypertensive effect of milk-derived ACE inhibitors.
ACE inhibitors are thought to be competitive The casokinin tripeptides Ile–Pro–Pro and Val–Pro–
substrates for ACE. Although there is no apparent Pro, produced during milk fermentation by Lact.
consensus on the peptide sequence for the expres- helveticus CP790 or LBK, reduced blood pressure
sion of ACE inhibitory activity, some common in SHR after a single (Nakamura et al. 1995) or
structural properties of ACE-inhibitory peptides are long-term oral administration (Sipola et al. 2002),
worth noting (Cheung et al. 1980). The ACE binding while milk fermented with Lact. helveticus CP791,
is strongly influenced by the C-terminal tripeptide a variant defective for proteinase activity, did not
sequence of the substrate, and it seems that ACE affect the systolic blood pressure of SHR. Fermented
prefers substrates or competitive inhibitors contain- milk produced by Lact. helveticus CHCC637 and
ing hydrophobic amino acids including aromatic Lact. helveticus CHCC641 reduced mean arterial
amino acids such as Trp, Tyr, and Phe, or the amino pressure by about 12 mmHg more than the control
acid Pro located at the three C-terminal positions. In product in SHR (Fuglsang et al. 2002). Tyr-Pro
238 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

dipeptide, purified from a Lact. helveticus CPN4 peptides (Ong and Shah 2008). Recently, Butikofer
fermented yogurt-like product, also produced acute et al. (2008) have determined the contents of the
antihypertensive effects in SHR after a single oral antihypertensive peptides Val-Pro-Pro and Ile-Pro-
dose when systolic blood pressure was measured Pro in 101 samples from 10 different Swiss cheese
by the tail-cuff method (Yamamoto et al. 1999). varieties using high-performance liquid chromatog-
Interestingly, this fermented product contains raphy (HPLC) with subsequent triple quadruple
neither Ile-Pro-Pro nor Val-Pro-Pro, which are mass spectrometry (MS) analysis. These traditional
found in sour milk fermented over a longer period. cheese varieties of Swiss origin such as Gruyère,
Five peptides that were isolated from a proteinase Sbrinz, Emmental, Appenzeller, and Vacherin fri-
K digestion of whey protein exhibited antihyperten- bourgeois contain, on average, similar concentra-
sive effects in SHR after gastric intubation (Abubakar tions of the two antihypertensive peptides to the
et al. 1998). Their amino acid sequences and sources recently developed fermented milk products with
are the following: Val-Tyr-Pro-Phe-Pro-Gly (β- blood pressure-lowering property (Butikofer et al.
casein; f59-64), Gly-Lys-Pro (β2-microglobulin; 2008). In addition, the tripeptide Ile–Pro–Pro has
f18-20), Ile-Pro-Ala (β-lactoglobulin [BLG]; f78- been identified in the β-casein hydrolysate gener-
80), Phe-Pro (serum albumin; f221-222; β-casein, ated by the CEP of Lact. delbrueckii subsp. lactis
f62-63, f157-158, and f205-206), and Val-Tyr-Pro CRL 581 (Hebert et al. 2008). On the other hand,
(β-casein; f59-61). Chemical synthesis of these pep- the casein hydrolysate containing both antihyperten-
tides confirmed their antihypertensive activity in sive peptides, Val-Pro-Pro and Ile-Pro-Pro, improved
SHR. The synthetic tripeptide Ile-Pro-Ala, originat- the vascular endothelial dysfunction, independent of
ing from β-lactoglobulin (f78-80), showed the blood pressure, in subjects with mild hypertension
strongest antihypertensive activity. In addition, (Hirota et al. 2007).
the tetrapeptide Ala-Leu-Pro-Met (β-lactosin B), The potency of an ACE inhibitor is usually
derived from the BLG f142-145, showed an antihy- expressed as an IC50 value, which is the inhibitor
pertensive activity in SHR after oral administration concentration leading to 50% inhibition of ACE
(Murakami et al. 2004). activity. The majority of milk protein-derived ACE
In clinical trials, it was shown that Lact. helveti- inhibitors have moderate inhibitory potencies,
cus-fermented milks containing Ile-Pro-Pro and usually within an IC50 range of 100–500 μmol/l
Val-Pro-Pro tripeptides have reduced systolic and (Hong et al. 2008). To exert an antihypertensive
diastolic blood pressure in hypertensive subjects effect, the bioavailability of ACE inhibitors is of
(Hata et al. 1996; Seppo et al. 2003; Mizushima vital importance. Most of the peptides in the enzy-
et al. 2004; Jauhiainen et al. 2007). Similarly, tablets matic hydrolysate of food proteins are degraded by
containing Ile-Pro-Pro and Val-Pro-Pro tripeptides host peptidases during digestion and absorption; as
have also been shown to have a tendency to lower a consequence, some peptides could lose their bio-
blood pressure (Aihara et al. 2005; Mizuno et al. logical activity by the action of gastrointestinal,
2005). brush-border, serum, and blood proteinases and pep-
The presence of ACE inhibitors peptides has tidases before reaching the blood in an active form.
also been reported in several cheeses including Contrariwise, some peptides, which are not active
Parmigiano-Reggiano (Addeo et al. 1994), Gouda before ingestion, can be converted to their active
(Saito et al. 2000), Manchego (Gomez-Ruiz et al. form by limited proteolysis. Hence, peptide activi-
2004), Qula, a traditional Tibetan acid curd cheese ties, which are detected using in vitro assays, cannot
(Jiang et al. 2007), and the low-fat cheese “Festivo” directly express a variety of beneficial activities
(Ryhänen et al. 2001). Although some studies observed with in vivo trials. Another important
showed the production of ACE inhibitory peptides observation from the in vivo trials is that the con-
during cheese ripening, extended ripening periods sumption of specific hydrolysates or fermented
could result in the degradation of ACE inhibitory dairy product peptides has little or no effect on
Bioactive Peptides Derived from Casein and Whey Proteins 239

blood pressure of normotensive subjects, suggesting that of the structurally related C-terminal dodeca-
that the ACE inhibitory milk-derived peptides exert peptide of human fibrinogen γ-chain (Jolles et al.
no acute hypotensive effect (FitzGerald et al. 2004). 1986). Three amino acid residues (Ile108, Lys112, and
Consequently, ACE inhibitory peptides could be Asp115) of the casoplatelin seem to be important for
applied as initial treatment in mildly hypertensive the antithrombotic effect because they are homolo-
individuals or as supplemental treatment. In addi- gous in positions to the γ-chain sequence of human
tion, these antihypertensive peptides have lower fibrinogen (Fiat and Jolles 1989). The two smaller
ACE inhibitory activity in vitro than the ACE inhib- tryptic peptides (κ-casein f106–112 and f113–116)
itory drugs, and do not have the harmful side effects exerted a minimal effect on platelet aggregation and
reported for synthetic ACE inhibitors, such as dry did not inhibit fibrinogen binding. Several κ-casein-
cough, skin rashes, and angioedema (Hong et al. derived glycopeptides from different origins, includ-
2008). ACE inhibitory peptides represent a low-cost ing human and sheep, have also been shown to
alternative treatment for hypertension and, conse- inhibit platelet aggregation (Qian et al. 1995a,
quently, lower health-care costs. 1995b). The C-terminal part (residues 106-171) of
sheep κ-casein inhibits thrombin- and collagen-
induced platelet aggregation in a dose-dependent
13.3.2. Antithrombotic Peptides
manner. Three peptides, Lys-Asp-Gln-Asp-Lys
Another complication related to cardiovascular dis- (residues 112-116), Thr–Ala–Gln-Val-Thr–Ser–
eases is the tendency to develop thrombosis due to Thr–Glu–Val (residues 163–171), and Gln–Val–
abnormalities in coagulation. Thrombosis can mani- Thr–Ser–Thr–Glu–Val (residues 165-171), obtained
fest as sudden death, acute coronary syndromes, from an enzymatic hydrolysate of GMP, completely
secondary effects to coronary atherosclerosis, post- inhibited thrombin-induced platelet aggregation
operative deep vein thrombosis, and activated (Qian et al. 1995b). Moreover, a peptide derived
protein C deficiency, among other disorders (Gurm from a pepsin digest of sheep and human lactoferrin
and Bhatt 2005). Antithrombotic drugs are com- was shown to inhibit thrombin-induced platelet
monly used to reduce platelet aggregation and to aggregation (Qian et al. 1995a). A tetrapeptide,
enhance fibrinolysis. Lys–Arg–Asp–Ser, from human lactotransferrin,
Amino acid sequence similarities exist between which has structural similarities to fibrinogen α-
the fibrinogen λ-chain and κ-casein, and there are chain, has been shown to inhibit in vitro platelet
also functional similarities between milk and blood aggregation but to a lesser extent than the fibrinogen
coagulation (Jolles 1975; Jolles et al. 1986). Blood analogue, Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser (Mazoyer et al. 1990).
and milk clotting processes are similar, both involv- Lys–Arg–Asp–Ser is an inhibitor of serotonin
ing limited proteolysis; in blood, thrombin cleaves release by a mechanism independent of protein
fibrinogen to produce fibrin and fibrinopeptides, phosphorylation and an inhibitor of fibrinogen
whereas in milk, chymosin cleaves κ-casein to form binding (Mazoyer et al. 1990). Therefore, Lys–Arg–
para-κ-casein and glycomacropeptide (GMP). To Asp–Ser and Arg–Gly–Asp–Ser have different
date, food-derived peptides with antithrombotic mechanisms of action, and/or their binding sites are
properties are mainly the result of enzymatic hydro- different and sequence-specific. In in vivo studies,
lysis of bovine κ-casein (Jolles et al. 1986). Lys-Arg-Asp-Ser was an inhibitor of arterial throm-
The main antithrombotic peptide Met–Ala–Ile– bus formation in dogs (Wu et al. 1992). In rats,
Pro–Pro–Lys–Lys–Asn–Gln–Asp–Lys, isolated Lys-Arg-Asp-Ser was more effective than Arg-Gly-
from the bovine κ-casein, corresponds to the resi- Asp-Ser in inhibiting thrombus formation at low
dues 106 to 116 and is termed casoplatelin (Jolles concentrations, whereas in guinea pigs the reverse
et al. 1986). Casoplatelin inhibits both aggregation was the case (Drouet et al. 1990).
of ADP-treated platelets and binding of fibrinogen Milk protein-derived antithrombotic peptides
to ADP-treated platelets; its behavior is similar to would be absorbed intact into the bloodstream.
240 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

Bovine and human κ-caseinoglycomacropeptides these outcomes, Sandré et al. suggested that the
have been identified in physiologically active con- peptide β-casein (193–209) might exert an anti-
centrations in the plasma of newborn infants after infectious immunostimulating activity without
ingestion of cow-milk-based formula or human proinflammatory effects through a modulation of
milk, respectively (Chabance et al. 1995). In adult macrophage properties. This peptide has been iden-
humans, the GMP was also detected in plasma tified in the β-casein hydrolysate generated by the
after milk or yogurt ingestion (Chabance et al. CEP of Lactococcus lactis (Juillard et al. 1995).
1998). The in vitro stimulation of macrophages required
relatively high doses of peptide, but due to the high
quantity of casein in cow milk, such levels could be
13.3.3. Immunomodulatory Peptides
obtained during milk fermentation. In addition, the
There has been increased interest in the study of the immunomodulatory peptides, β-casein f193-209
relationship between nutrition and immunity due to and f192-209, were isolated from yogurt, fermented
the hypothesis that consumption of specific foods milks, and different types of cheeses such as Feta
may reduce susceptibility to the establishment and/ and Camembert (Dionysius et al. 2000).
or progression of immunological diseases. Many Casein, hydrolysated by Lactobacillus GG and
immunomodulatory peptides are derived from the digestive enzymes (pepsin and trypsin), has been
main milk proteins, the caseins. In an early study, it reported to yield compounds possessing both stimu-
was shown that a hexapeptide obtained from human lating and suppressing effects on lymphocyte
casein by trypsin–digestion, with the structure Val– proliferation (Sutas et al. 1996). Whereas αs1- and
Glu–Pro–Ile–Pro–Tyr, stimulated in vitro the phago- β-caseins suppressed the proliferation of lympho-
cytosis of opsonized sheep red blood cells by murine cytes, κ-casein stimulated its proliferation. On the
peritoneal macrophages (Parker et al. 1984). other hand, a milk permeate medium containing β-
Furthermore, this hexapeptide, when administered casein as the only source of protein and fermented
intravenously, enhanced the resistance of mice to by a highly proteolytic strain of Lact. helveticus was
Klebsiella pneumoniae infection (Parker et al. able to modulate the in vitro proliferation of lym-
1984). phocytes by acting on the production of cytokines
Bovine milk is known to contain a number of (Laffineur et al. 1996). LeBlanc et al. (2002) dem-
immunoregulatory peptides that have been charac- onstrated the immuno-enhancing and antitumor
terized, and they correspond mainly to the residues properties of peptides released during fermentation
106–109 of κ-casein (caseinomacropeptides); resi- of milk with the proteolytic strain Lact. helveticus
dues 194–199 of αs1-casein; and residues 63–68, R389. The humoral immune response in mice was
191–193, and 193–202 of β-casein. Both suppres- assessed by measuring the number of IgA-secreting
sive and enhancing effects on immune variables cells, whereas the antitumor response was monitored
have been found (Parker et al. 1984; Migliore- by studying the regression of subcutaneously
Samour and Jolles 1988). In an earlier study, it was implanted fibrosarcomas. The administration of
shown that the mitogenic activity of a polypeptidic three peptide fractions, isolated from the Lact. hel-
fraction obtained by pepsin-chymosin treatment of veticus R389 fermented milk, increased significantly
bovine caseins, on primed lymph node cells and the IgA-producing cell count and inhibited the
unprimed spleen cells of rats, was located in resi- growth of fibrosarcoma, as was shown by a decrease
dues 193–209 of β-casein (Coste et al. 1992). Sandré in tumor volume compared with normally fed mice
et al. (2001) demonstrated that this peptide upregu- (LeBlanc et al. 2002). Additionally, the protective
lated a major histocompatibility complex class II humoral immune response after an Escherichia coli
antigen expression on bone marrow-derived macro- O157:H7 infection in mice was also demonstrated
phages, increases their phagocytic activity, and for these peptidic fractions. Lactobacillus paracasei
induced only a small release of cytokines. From NCC2461 was found to induce oral tolerance to BLG
Bioactive Peptides Derived from Casein and Whey Proteins 241

in vivo by degrading acidic peptides and releasing enzymes, they can exert direct effects on specific
immunomodulatory peptides (less than 100 kDa), gastrointestinal target receptors. Alternatively, they
stimulating regulatory T cells, which function as can be absorbed intact into the blood circulation and
major immunosuppressive agents by secreting IL- can produce an effect after reaching endogenous
10. Lact. paracasei peptidases have been shown to opioid receptors. The major opioid peptides are
hydrolyze tryptic–chymotryptic peptides from BLG, fragments of β-casein, called β-casomorphins,
releasing numerous small peptides with immuno- derived from fragments of the β-casein sequence
modulating properties (Prioult et al. 2004). 60–70, which corresponds to the amino acid
sequence Tyr–Pro–Phe–Pro–Gly–Pro–Ile–Pro–Asn–
Ser–Leu. β-casomorphins have been characterized
mainly as μ-type ligands (Teschemacher 2003) and
13.3.4. Opioid Peptides
have been shown to cause analgesia, apnea, and
Food peptides with opioid activity have been clas- changes in the sleeping patterns of neonatal rats
sified as exorphins due to their exogenous origin and (Meisel and FitzGerald 2000). β-Casomorphins
morphine-like activity. The opioid peptides have were found in analogous positions in sheep, water
been divided in two groups: “typical” and “atypical” buffalo, and human β-casein (Meisel and FitzGerald
opioid peptides. Typical endogenous opioid pep- 2000). An analogue isolated from a commercial
tides or endorphins are originated from proopi- hydrolysate of bovine casein, β-casomorphin-4-
omelancortin, proenkephalin (yielding enkephalin), amide, designated as morphiceptin, has been shown
and prodynorphin (yielding endorphin and dynor- to provide spinal analgesia and a decrease in arterial
phin). Structurally, typical opioid peptides have the blood pressure and heart rate, in addition to depress-
same N-terminal amino acid sequence, Tyr-Gly- ing motor behavior (Paroli 1988). Three α-casein-
Gly-Phe, which is the fragment that is able to inter- derived exorphins corresponding to bovine
act with opioid receptors. Atypical opioid peptides αS1-casein peptide fragments 90–96 (Arg–Tyr–Leu–
have an N-terminal Tyr residue, but the rest of the Gly–Tyr–Leu–Glu), 90–95, and 91–96 are δ-
N-terminal amino acid sequence is not identical to selective receptor ligands. Chiba et al. (1989)
that of the typical opioid peptides (Teschemacher identified a bioactive peptide, called casoxin C, with
2003). Opioid peptides have affinities to bind to opioid antagonist activity from κ-casein (residues
opiate receptors. At least three types of these recep- 35-41). Opioid peptides have also been obtained
tors have been described: μ- (morphine), δ- (enkeph- from bovine whey proteins (Chiba and Yoshikawa
alin), and κ- (dynorphin) receptors. Opioid receptors 1986), and they behave as μ-opioid receptor agonist
have been found in the central and in the peripheral with low potency. These peptides are α-lactorphin
nervous systems, in the immune system, and in the (Tyr–Gly–Leu–Phe) and β-lactorphin (Tyr–Leu–
endocrine system of mammals (Teschemacher Leu–Phe) corresponding to residues 50-53 in both
2003). The μ-type receptor is responsible for emo- bovine and human α-lactalbumin, and 102–105 in
tional behavior and peristalsis affecting intestinal bovine BLG, respectively (Chiba and Yoshikawa
transport of electrolytes; the κ-receptor is also 1986; Antila et al. 1991).
thought to be responsible for emotional behavior, Several studies have shown that certain LAB are
while the δ-receptor is thought to be responsible for capable of releasing opioid peptides during milk
sedation, analgesia, and food intake (Hayes et al. fermentation. The extracellular PI-type proteinase of
2007b). Lact. lactis hydrolyzed β-casein into more than 100
The caseins and whey proteins are potential different oligopeptides generating the β-casein
sources of opioid peptides. Milk-derived peptides, oligopeptide f60-68, which forms part of β-
generated by hydrolysis of various precursor pro- casomorphin-11 (Juillard et al. 1995). An opioid
teins, are atypical opioid peptides. If these peptides peptide, β-casomorphin 1–4 (f60–63), was detected
resist the hydrolysis by intestinal brush-border in a peptide extract derived from milk fermented
242 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

with an X-prolyl-dipeptidyl aminopeptidase (PepX)- as a supplement in bread, flour, cakes, beverages,

deficient mutant of Lact. helveticus (Matar and and chewing gum.
Goulet 1996). However, the formation of casomor- Numerous phosphorylated peptides were identi-
phins in fermented milk products due to LAB pro- fied in various cheese aqueous extracts or cheese
teolytic activity seems unlikely due to the presence juices at the end of the ripening (Grana, Emmentaler,
of PepX, which liberates X-Pro dipeptides from the Cheddar, etc.; Deutsch et al. 2000). Several CPP,
N-terminus of peptides in several LAB strains consisting of a mixture of components derived from
(Christensen et al. 1999). three parent peptides, β-casein f7–284P, αs1-casein
f61–794P, and αs2-casein f7–214P, have been iden-
tified in a water-soluble fraction of Grana Padano
13.3.5. Bioactive Peptides Affecting
cheese (Ferranti et al. 1997). Furthermore, some
Mineral Absorption
phosphopeptides were identified in the diafiltration
Milk is a rich dietary source of calcium, and its retentate of a water-soluble fraction of Cheddar
absorption may be enhanced when present in asso- cheese (Singh et al. 1997), while nine phosphopep-
ciation with caseinophosphopeptides (CPP). CPP tides formed by the hydrolysis of β-casein were
are a large group of peptides that have a phosphos- characterized in a soluble fraction of a Parmigiano-
eryl residue in common. Phosphopeptides are Reggiano cheese (Addeo et al. 1994). Phosphorylated
released from αs1-, α s2-, β-, and κ-caseins by enzy- peptides were more resistant than other peptides to
matic hydrolysis either during fermentation or in the hydrolysis by peptidases from thermophilic LAB, in
gastrointestinal tract. As a consequence of the high particular to the aminopeptidases (Deutsch et al.
number of negative charges, these peptides effi- 2000). Recently, mass-spectrometric screening of
ciently bind divalent cations such as Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, the main peptides generated by the action of the
Cu, Mn, Ni, Co, Se, and Cr and, therefore, may act Lact. delbrueckii subsp. lactis CRL 581, a thermo-
as biocarriers for these elements (Kitts and Weiler philic lactic acid bacterium used for the manufacture
2003). Calcium is a mineral of special concern of Argentinian homemade hard cheese, on α- and
because it has many important functions in the β-caseins allowed the identification of several CPP
human body, including bone development and recal- in these hydrolysates (Hebert et al. 2008).
cification and the prevention of hypertension and
colon cancer (FitzGerald 1998). While some contro-
13.3.6. Antimicrobial Peptides
versy exists regarding CPP’s ability to enhance in
vivo Ca absorption, a number of reports involving Antimicrobial peptides derived from food proteins
animal studies have shown a positive effect of CPP constitute a new field in the use of antimicrobial
on Ca absorption. The addition of CPP to Ca- agents in food (Clare et al. 2003; Hayes et al. 2007b).
fortified milks increased Ca absorption in growing The biodefensive properties of milk have been rec-
rats (Tsuchita et al. 2001; Mora-Gutierrez et al. ognized for many years. The antimicrobial activity
2007). of milk is attributed mainly to immunoglobulins,
The use of CPP for the prevention of dental caries and to non-immune proteins, such as lactoferrin,
has also been proposed because CPP are able to lactoperoxidase, and lysozyme. These defense pro-
inhibit caries lesions through recalcification of teins can exert antimicrobial activities comparable
the dental enamel (Oshiro et al. 2007). Recently, to antibiotics, with potential application as natural
a CPP-stabilized amorphous calcium phosphate, alternatives (Hayes et al. 2007a).
Recaldent™ (Cadbury, UK), has become commer- We will now briefly summarize the main anti-
cially available (Reynolds 1987, 2008). In addition, microbial peptides derived from milk proteins.
a protective effect of yogurt extract on dental Lactoferricin (Lfcin) is perhaps the most well-
enamel demineralization was demonstrated in vitro known multifunctional peptide derived from lacto-
(Ferrazzano et al. 2008). Furthermore, CPP are used ferrin. This peptide is generated by pepsin digestion
Bioactive Peptides Derived from Casein and Whey Proteins 243

of lactoferrin. Lfcin elicits a more potent bacteri- phosphorylated bovine caseinomacropeptide f106–
cidal effect than the parent molecule that may be due 169.
in part to its smaller size, which facilitates access to Antimicrobial peptides derived from milk have
the target site on the microbial surface. Both bovine also been reported following dairy fermentations.
and human Lfcin display antimicrobial activity Lact. acidophilus DPC6026 was able to generate
against a broad spectrum of microorganisms, includ- two peptide fragments from bovine casein that
ing Listeria monocytogenes (Bellamy et al. 1992; exhibited antimicrobial activity similar to that of the
Lopez-Exposito et al. 2008b). The antimicrobial characterized antimicrobial peptide isracidin against
activity of Lfcin against spoilage yeast or the pathogenic strains (Hayes et al. 2006). In addition,
pathogenic Candida has also been demonstrated the partially purified proteinase from Lact. helveti-
(Wakabayashi et al. 2003; Enrique et al. 2008). cus PR4 released the fragment 184–210 from β-
Although α-lactalbumin and BLG have also been casein that exhibited a broad spectrum of inhibition
considered as potential precursors of bactericidal (Minervini et al. 2003). Finally, Rizzello et al.
fragments, they present a narrowed spectrum of (2005) demonstrated antibacterial activity in two
action, being active only against Gram (+) bacteria. water-soluble extracts of nine Italian cheese
Several antimicrobial peptides encoded in the varieties.
primary structure of caseins have been described.
Chymosin or milk-heating treatment of casein
13.4. Analytical Strategies for the
releases a group of basic, glycosylated polypeptides
Characterization of Milk-derived
named casecidins (Lopez-Exposito et al. 2008a).
Bioactive Peptides
They have been shown to display bactericidal prop-
erties against several pathogenic bacteria and lacto- In recent years, analytical research on milk bioactive
bacilli. Isracidin, obtained from αs1-casein treated peptides has followed three main directions aimed
with chymosin at pH 6.4, corresponds to the at developing and validating sensitive and specific
N-terminal fragment of this protein (f1–23), show methods for (1) tracing the formation pathway of
in vivo protection against lethal infections of bioactive peptides from the parent proteins; (2) iden-
Staphylococcus aureus in mice, and prevent mastitic tifying the bioactive peptides in milk and in derived
infections in sheep and cow (Lahov and Regelson foods; and (3) improving the “positive” properties
1996). Casocidin-I (f150–188) is another prominent discovered in natural peptides by designing of syn-
defense peptide that originates from αs2-casein. The thetic structural analogues or peptide mimetics.
fragments 164–179 and 183–207 from αs2-casein These studies aimed to clarify the structure-activity
also show antimicrobial properties (Recio and of peptides, which provides essential information
Visser 1999; Lopez-Exposito et al. 2008a). for the design of novel therapeutics or functional
It has also been proposed that part of the antibac- food ingredients.
terial activity of human milk resides in glycosylated Until a few years ago, investigation has been
κ-casein. This type of antibacterial activity is limited to peptides obtained from in vitro digestion
related to the inhibition of the adhesion of the micro- of proteins or on synthetic peptides. In vivo studies
organism to the target tissue. For example, purified have been infrequently performed because of the
human κ-casein, in contrast to κ-casein purified enormous complexity of samples, which are, in most
from bovine milk, effectively inhibited the cell cases, composed of hundreds of structurally related
lineage-specific adhesion of fluoroisothiocyanate- peptides, especially in fermented dairy foods.
labeled Helicobacter pylori to human gastric surface However, most limitations have been overcome
mucous cells (Stromqvist et al. 1995). Malkoski by the recent developments of mass spectrometry
et al. (2001) also reported a direct bacterial growth- in the proteomic and peptidomic field. Today, the
inhibition effect of κ-casein-derived peptide called molecular weight of peptides and proteins may be
kappacin, which corresponded to non-glycosylated, accurately determined by electrospray MS (ESI-MS)
244 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

or matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization MS respect, the use of combinatorial chemistry to

analysis. Furthermore, the mass spectrometer can be produce arrays of structurally related compounds for
used to generate de novo amino acid sequence infor- high-throughput screening is increasing the speed of
mation, including post-translational modifications, discovery of drugs or functional ingredients (Koehn
from tandem mass spectra obtained either by post- 2008).
source decay or by collision induced dissociation. An illustrative example of the potential of these
Sample preparation is relatively simple, and MS combined approaches is given by the characteriza-
analysis can be performed directly on the peptide tion of peptides naturally released in whey during
extract. The peptides naturally present in human the production of Buffalo Mozzarella cheese (De
milk have been recently characterized (Picariello Simone et al. 2009). MS structural identification of
et al. 2008) using MS, which allowed the detection peptides, combined with the study of their antioxi-
of possible bioactive sequences. The most powerful dant properties and immunomodulatory effects on
approach is obtained when the capability of MS in intestinal cancer cells, suggested two candidate pep-
identifying protein structure is coupled to a high- tides for bioactivity, both derived from β-casein
resolution chromatographic or electrophoretic tech- fragments, and their mechanism of action. In this
nique. More recently, ESI-MS, in combination with respect, it seems reasonable to predict that the
HPLC, has been used in an application to rationalize integration of the new and complementary analyti-
the pathway of casein breakdown by action of cal approaches illustrated above will provide a sig-
selected LAB strains, which increased enormously nificant contribution to determining the structural
the amount of information on the production of pos- features responsible for bioactivity, and the
sible bioactive sequences (Hebert et al. 2008). structure-function relationship of milk bioactive
The newest analytical approaches combine MS peptides.
with cell biology, immunology, biochemistry, syn-
thetic chemistry, and use of combinatorial library to
13.5. Conclusions
identify the patterns of peptide formation and the
bioactivity of the peptides present in the sample The importance attributed to dairy proteins and bio-
(Marasco et al. 2008). In milk-derived protein/pep- active peptides in nutrition and health is undeniable.
tides, identification of bioactive components can be Scientific evidence demonstrated that milk not only
accomplished as illustrated in Figure 13.3, follow- confers physiological benefits (essential vitamins,
ing the general scheme: (1) purification of peptides minerals, and macronutrients) but contributes with
present in a food sample (milk, yogurt, cheese) a variety of bioactive compounds with positive
using high-resolution separation techniques or impact in human health.
selective methods for enrichment of certain compo- In this chapter we described the main biological
nents (e.g., phosphopeptides); (2) peptide structural activities ascertained for milk-derived peptides such
characterization by MS analysis of intact or enzy- as antihypertensive, antithrombotic, immunomodu-
matically digested peptides; as a general feature, this latory, opioid, antimicrobial, and mineral-binding
peptidomic approach combines a high-resolution properties. Although these peptides are inactive as
separation technique (two-dimensional gel electro- part of the primary protein, they can be released and
phoresis, nano-HPLC) with MS or other microana- activated in vivo or in vitro by enzymatic proteoly-
lytical techniques for single protein identification, sis. For this reason, microbial fermentation espe-
characterization of post-translational modifications, cially by LAB, acquires a major role, since the
and database cataloguing; (3) in silico analysis for production of key bioactive peptides can be trig-
prediction of possible bioactive sequences; (4) syn- gered as foods are being produced. In this sense, the
thesis of pure peptides, peptide analogues, or mimet- identification of new LAB strains capable of releas-
ics; and (5) confirmation of bioactivity through ing milk-derived bioactive peptides and the under-
appropriate biological or cellular assays. In this standing of the metabolic role of these compounds
In silico In vitro or In vivo
Milk or dairy product
Milk protein sequences

Protein/peptide separation (Diafiltration, separation by size exclusion

1 chromatography, 2-D electrophoresis, HPLC, capillary electrophoresis)

Protein Peptide
fraction fraction

Mass spectrometry
2 analysis of
separated proteins

In silico Proteolytic
protein digestion digestion in 5
Peptidome Bioactivity assays

Peptide separation

b Peak

Evaluation of bioactivity
antimicrobial, etc.)

Structural characterization by mass spectrometry

Protein database screening Bioactive
for possible bioactive sequences peptide Synthesis of peptide, peptide analogs
sequence or mimetics, combinatorial chemistry

Assessment of structure–bioactivity relationship

Design of novel therapeutic drugs and functional foods

Figure 13.3. Workflow analysis illustrating purification integrated strategies for the structural and functional characterization
of milk bioactive peptides.

246 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

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Chapter 14

New Approaches for the Study of Lactic Acid Bacteria

Biodiversity: A Focus on Meat Ecosystems

Graciela M. Vignolo, Cecilia Fontana, and Pier S. Cocconcelli

New molecular and genomic approaches are ses revealed a vastly different view of microbial
revealing a more dynamic and diverse view of the community ecology than was provided by tradi-
microbial world than originally anticipated. tional methods. The widespread use of molecular
Culture-independent molecular methods are provid- methods led to an increased ability to elucidate
ing a better knowledge of the microbial biodiversity complex community relationships without the biases
in a wide range of environments as well as estab- inherent to traditional culturing. In addition, a recent
lishing a link between function and complex rela- conceptual framework for using systematic, eco-
tionships among the members of natural microbial logical, and evolutionary dynamics to identify the
consortiums. Microbial populations that develop in DNA sequence clusters corresponding most likely
meat and meat products are the result of the prevail- to the fundamental units of microbial diversity has
ing environmental conditions on the growth of been developed (Cohan and Perry 2007). By com-
microorganisms initially present in raw materials or bining a population-based analysis of microbial
introduced by cross-contamination or processing. diversity with the understanding of functional gene
Intrinsic meat chemical factors, processing, and and protein expression, the implementation of
storage conditions determine the type and number “omics” technologies within integrated programs of
of bacteria present in meat and meat products. The environmental microbiology becomes crucial
dynamics of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and the com- (Mullen et al. 2006; Nelson et al. 2007).
position of microbial communities resulting from Food ecosystems constitute a large source of
the environmental determinants existing in raw microbial diversity in which a number of bacterial
chilled vacuum-packaged meat, fermented, and communities coexist. Among these food ecosys-
cooked meat ecosystems are discussed here. The tems, meat ecosystems support the growth of highly
understanding of how intermediary communities specific microbial associations, the presence of
and individual LAB strains contribute to the bacte- which depend on factors that persist during process-
riological status of meat ecosystems is required for ing, transportation, and storage; that is, many studies
industrially useful innovations. in meat microbiology have established that spoilage
is caused by a dominating fraction of the initial
microbial association in which high species diver-
14.1. Introduction
sity from a few bacterial genera was reported
In the last decades, microbial ecology has under- (Nychas et al. 2007). Consumers’ trust in meat as
gone profound changes as a result of the huge impact safe and wholesome is crucial. The major challenges
of emerging technologies applied to the analysis of for the meat industry in the 21st century are the
natural communities. Molecular and genomic analy- control of traditional and emerging pathogens, food

Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria Novel Applications 251

Edited by Fernanda Mozzi, Raúl R. Raya and Graciela M. Vignolo
© 2010 Blackwell Publishing. ISBN: 978-0-813-81583-1
252 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

additives, traceability, and the integrated manage- the contribution of meat indigenous enzymes to its
ment of meat safety risks applied from the producer spoilage is negligible compared with the action of
to the consumer (Sofos 2008). meat-associated bacteria (Nychas et al. 2008). The
proteolytic activity of spoilage groups may gain an
ecological advantage through meat penetration by
14.2. Biodiversity Establishment in
having access to a new niche with newly available
Meat Ecosystems
resources to be exploited, which would not be acces-
The ecological strategies adopted by microorgan- sible to non- or less proteolytic bacteria (Gill and
isms to grow in meat ecosystems are the conse- Penney 1977; Gupta and Nagamohini 1992). Meat
quence of the prevailing environmental conditions, spoilage can be considered an ecological phenom-
in which the intrinsic and extrinsic factors governing enon that encompasses the changes of the available
microbial growth will determine the type and substrates during the prevalence of a particular
number of bacteria present in meat, these factors microbial association, or the so-called specific spoil-
being, respectively, predominantly chemical (con- age organisms. In fact, meat spoilage depends on an
centration and availability of nutrients, pH, redox even smaller microbial fraction called “ephemeral
potential, buffering capacity, aw, meat structure) and spoilage organisms,” which is the consequence of
related to storage and processing conditions. The factors that dynamically persist or are imposed
extrinsic factors (temperature and oxygen availabil- during processing, transportation, and storage
ity) are often manipulated to extend the shelf life (Nychas et al. 2008).
of meat products. These physicochemical factors Biodiversity is a measure of important ecological
applied during meat storage are useful for explain- processes such as resource partitioning, competi-
ing the selective action of the different factors out- tion, succession, and community productivity, as
lined earlier on a complex microbiota, but they well as an indicator of community stability. Genetic
cannot explain why meat and meat products specifi- variation among individuals within a population has
cally select microorganisms that are not isolated long been recognized as the starting block for adap-
from other food products. tation and evolution among microorganisms and
The availability of nutrients in meat as a solid other organisms. In general, the conditions under
substrate and particularly the diffusion rate of fer- which bacteria must grow in meat as a substrate
mentable compounds from the inner part of muscle determine the different meat ecosystems. The
to the surface limit bacterial growth to those espe- microbial biodiversity of these ecosystems has
cially featured organisms that are adapted to grow received particular attention in areas where indus-
on this substrate (Gill and Penney 1977). A number trial applications are evident, such as in food
of studies on meat microbiology showed that biotechnology, and where microbial activity has
although the same bacterial genera have been important implications.
reported among the dominating spoilage fraction,
the findings at the species level were diverse (Nychas
14.2.1. Chilled and Packaged Raw
et al. 2007). The dominance of various species
Meat Ecosystems
within a genus determines the range of microbial
taxa found in meat under different processing and Skeletal muscles in all their forms constitute com-
storage conditions. In the different meat ecosystems, mercial commodities of strategic importance. Meat
the derived substances from the glycolytic pathway, retailers, by breaking meat carcasses into retail cuts,
oxidative products, and nitrogen energy sources give rise to the first meat ecosystem in the meat
such as glucose, lactate, pyruvate, and certain amino processing chain. Systems for retail meat distribu-
acids are catabolized by almost all meat-associated tion and commercialization are principally based on
bacteria. As far as the role of proteolysis during vacuum-packaging (VP) or modified atmosphere
meat aging is concerned, it was clearly shown that packaging (MAP) of meat cuts using low gas perme-
New Approaches for the Study of Lactic Acid Bacteria Biodiversity 253

ability films and refrigeration. These methods, based with meat packed under VP and MAP conditions,
on the use of gas mixtures containing variable O2 result from the competition between facultative
and CO2 concentrations, have proved very effective anaerobic Gram (+) biota. However, some special
in extending the shelf life of perishable foods, such features of ephemeral spoilers may be correlated
as muscle foods, and preventing the growth of food- with their rapid growth on meat as a substrate.
borne pathogens (Belcher 2006; McMillin 2008). Pseudomonas fragi, the fastest aerobically growing
Moreover, considering that most of the meat con- species in meat at low temperatures, does not syn-
sumed in developed countries is produced in devel- thesize the siderophore pyoverdin necessary for
oping countries, centralized packaging systems for its aerobic metabolism, a property that probably
the distribution of retail-ready meat were shown to saves energy for the bacterial cell; because this bac-
maximize storage life during meat transport to terium is able to utilize siderophores of different
distant markets (Jeyamkondan et al. 2000; Belcher origins, its iron requirement is fulfilled from the
2006). Substantial fractions of CO2 are used to different sources available in the meat, including
retard the growth of aerobic spoilers, and a certain hemoglobin (Champomier-Vergés et al. 1996). In
concentration of O2 is employed for red meat color addition, proteases from Ps. fragi are secreted inside
preservation. Depending on the gas permeability of bleb-off structures, which allow penetration into the
the packaging material, O2 supply will be restricted, meat, facilitating its invasion and protein degrada-
and thus a selective effect on the microbial popula- tion (Thompson et al. 1985). These adaptation mech-
tion is produced (Labadie 1999). anisms of Ps. fragi may explain the predominance
After slaughter, microbial contamination of car- of this bacterium during chill aerobic meat storage.
casses is the consequence of the conditions of animal On the other hand, the psychrotrophic B. thermo-
rearing and feeding, transport logistics, lairage, and sphacta frequently represents a significant portion
slaughter as well as the methods applied to meat of the spoilage microbiota of aerobic, VP, and MAP
conditioning, these procedures influencing not only meats firstly influenced by low temperatures and the
the quantity of bacteria but also the type of micro- proportion of B. thermosphacta in the initial biota.
organisms present (Fegan et al. 2004; Arthur et al. However, these factors do not explain why B. ther-
2007). Although some differences exist between mosphacta can be isolated only from slaughter-
animal species in the type of microorganisms iso- houses, chilling facilities, meat, and meat products.
lated from the carcass, generally the same bacterial The interaction of B. thermosphacta with other meat
species can be isolated from beef, pork, sheep, and spoilage microbial groups showed a decrease in the
even chicken carcasses (Labadie 1999). The micro- growth of this bacterium at 5°C in the presence
organisms present in meat originate in the animal of LAB, while it was the dominant organism
intestinal tract as well as in the environment with in the presence of Pseudomonas, LAB, and
which the animal had contact before or during Enterobacteriaceae (Russo et al. 2006). Recently,
slaughter (Koutsoumanis and Sofos 2004). Meat is analysis of the 1.8 Mb genome sequence of
a selective agent for aerobic microbiota, and a Lactobacillus sakei, a meat-borne lactic acid bacte-
consortium of bacteria commonly dominated by rium, suggested the evolution of this organism to
Pseudomonas spp. is responsible for the spoilage adapt itself to grow and survive on meat and meat
of meat stored aerobically at temperatures between products (Chaillou et al. 2005). The adaptation to
−1 and 25°C. Cold-tolerant Enterobacteriaceae, meat, an environment rich in amino acids as a result
Brochothrix thermosphacta, and lactic acid bacteria of endogenous proteases activity, leads to a lack of
(LAB) also occur in chilled meat stored aerobically, biosynthetic pathways for amino acid syntheses,
but in terms of numbers they do not contribute to Lact. sakei being auxotrophic for all amino acids but
dominating microbial associations (Nychas et al. not for aspartic and glutamic acids (Champomier-
2008). Both LAB and B. thermosphacta, the most Vergés et al. 2002). After glucose depletion in meat,
important causes of spoilage commonly associated the specialized metabolic repertoire of this organism
254 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

includes purine nucleoside scavenging as well as recognized as a European heritage (Demeyer 2004;
arginine degrading ability, which provides an alter- Fadda and Vignolo 2007).
native energy source, facilitating Lact. sakei growth Fermented sausages can be defined as meat prod-
in meat. Despite a predilection for anaerobiosis, a ucts consisting of a mixture of mainly meat, fat, salt,
versatile redox metabolism allows Lact. sakei to curing agents, and spices stuffed into casings, fer-
deal surprisingly well with oxidative stresses, iron mented (ripened), and dried. They are prepared from
and heme acquisition being somehow correlated a wide range of meat species and different produc-
with such resistance. Biofilm formation and cellular tion technologies, which account for the existence
aggregation also appear to be mechanisms for Lact. of a large variety of fermented sausages. Meat from
sakei to compete during meat surface colonization, adult animals is preferred because of its higher myo-
overcoming nutrients fluctuations (Chaillou et al. globin content, which favors stable color formation.
2005). Moreover, this species has psychrotrophic The functional characteristics of meat, such as com-
and osmotolerant properties, and is able to grow at position, pH, and binding properties, are major cri-
low temperatures and in the presence of up to 10% teria when selecting meat, while fat (10%−40%)
of NaCl, these features being associated with the should be firm, white, and fresh with a high melting
presence in the Lact. sakei genome of a number of point and a low polyunsaturated fatty acid content
genes coding for stress response proteins (Marceau (Demeyer 2004; Lebert et al. 2007). Among addi-
et al. 2004). As for Lact. sakei, a combination of tives, NaCl is normally added at levels ranging from
factors is likely to play a role in the strong growth 2% to 4%, depending on technology and market
of Leuconostoc spp. and Carnobacterium spp. in demands, while nitrite and/or nitrate are used at a
meat. In particular, Carnobacterium is tolerant to level of 150–250 ppm, also depending on the meat
freezing/thawing and can grow anaerobically with product and on country regulations (Honikel 2008).
increased CO2 concentrations and at temperatures as Sugars are commonly added, dextrose, glucose,
low as 2 to −1.5°C (Leisner et al. 2007). Nevertheless, sucrose, and lactose being the most often used as
chill temperatures and oxygen concentration are the well as corn syrup and different starches, whose
most selective parameters that determine the spe- main role is to act as substrates for LAB to produce
cific microbiota that is able to grow in this ecologi- lactic acid and decreased pH. Spices are the main
cal niche. factor that differentiates fermented sausages, pepper,
paprika, and/or garlic from others that are currently
used. The manufacture of dry fermented sausages is
14.2.2. Fermented Meat Ecosystem
considered to occur in three phases: mixing meat
Fermentation and drying can be considered as the with pork fat, salt, sugars, nitrate/nitrite, and spices;
oldest ways of preserving raw materials. Although fermentation; and ripening/drying, which do not
the historical origin of fermented meat products always constitute two separate steps (Lebert et al.
remains unknown, fragmentary bibliographical 2007). During fermentation, two microbial reactions
research has traced it back more than 2500 years occur simultaneously and interdependently: the
in China (Zhou and Zhao 2007). Many fermented decrease in the pH through glycolysis by LAB
meat products have been known in Europe since the and the production of nitric oxide by nitrate- and
13th–14th centuries after being introduced by Marco nitrite-reducing bacteria such as coagulase-negative
Polo. Proof of sausage production was first docu- cocci (CNC) involving Staphylococcus and/or
mented in ancient Greece, where it may have been Micrococcus.
propitiated by the existing climate conditions (Liepe Microorganisms that are present in fermented
1983). This tradition was inherited by the Romans, and cured meat ecosystems have their origin in the
and from then on fermented sausages spread to raw materials used in their production as well as in
Central, Eastern, and Northern European countries the fermentation and drying conditions. The
as well as to America and Australia, where it is presence of ecological determinants influences the
New Approaches for the Study of Lactic Acid Bacteria Biodiversity 255

establishment of a specific microbial association cessed (cured or not) products that have been sub-
that will determine the rate of colonization. Sodium jected to a thermal process and are frequently
chloride, nitrate/nitrite, sugars, and the presence of commercialized refrigerated and under VP or MAP
aw (0.85–0.92), temperature (24–30°C to 12–18°C), conditions constitute this ecosystem. Cooked, cured
and oxygen gradients during ripening will highly or not, meat products are economically important
select the microbiota that is able to develop in this ready-to-eat commodities, including cooked ham,
ecological niche. In traditional fermented sausages, emulsion-style sausages, smoked pork loin, bacon,
Lact. sakei, Lactobacillus curvatus, Lactobacillus pâté, and cooked turkey/poultry. As these meat
plantarum, and Pediococcus spp. are by far the most products are heated to a temperature of 65–75°C,
often isolated species among LAB, which must most vegetative cells are killed, and post-heat treat-
have adapted to the existing stringent conditions. ment recontamination determines their shelf life
Although Lact. plantarum is a versatile bacterium (Vermeiren et al. 2005). The microbial ecosystem
with a genome size of 3.3 Mb (Kleerebezem et al. of cooked meat products is determined by product
2003), and it has been identified as part of the fer- composition and handling after cooking, fluctua-
mented sausages microbiota, this species lacks the tions within the cold chain, hygienic conditions
meat specialization found in Lact. sakei. Less infor- throughout the processing line, and storage as well
mation is available on the physiology and genetics as mishandling domestic practices (Samelis et al.
of Lact. curvatus other than the production of anti- 1998, 2000; Marklinder et al. 2004). Anaerobic bac-
bacterial substances, which is an effective and wide- terial spoilage is linked to the production of acids,
spread bacterial tool for microbial competition off-flavors, and color-deteriorating compounds,
among LAB. often leading to product rejection. Under these con-
On the other hand, CNC in fermented sausages ditions, a selection is produced for a spoilage micro-
and dry-cured hams originate from meat, human biota of LAB and B. thermosphacta (Cayré et al.
contact, and salt (Cordero and Zumalacárregui 2005), which are initially present in low numbers
2000), and their growth is promoted by their ability as ephemeral spoilage organisms (Nychas and
to survive environmental stresses such as high salt Skandamis 2005). Lactobacillus, Carnobacterium,
content and low temperatures in meat fermentation. Leuconostoc, and Weissella frequently become the
Many CNC from the genus Staphylococcus were dominant LAB in cooked meat ecosystems (Samelis
isolated from these ecosystems; Staphylococcus et al. 2000; Santos et al. 2005; Vermeiren et al.
xylosus, whose genome sequencing is ongoing 2005; Vasilopoulos et al. 2008). In addition to
(Dordet-Frisoni et al. 2007), has been shown to be the presence of LAB, the spoilage organism
very competitive during the fermentation of dry and B. thermosphacta is found, in particular if oxygen
semidry sausages. Apart from LAB, CNC, mold, is present in the package (Cayré et al. 2005), while
and yeasts, which are involved in meat fermentation, the psychrotrophic pathogen Listeria monocyto-
pathogenic bacteria, introduced by meat and casings, genes may also be present, mainly as a result of
may also grow. The existence of a series of hurdles post-contamination.
either specifically included (NaCl, NO2/NO3, ascor-
bate) or indirectly created in the stuffed mix (low 14.3. Experimental Approaches to
reduction potential, pH, and aw, LAB bacteriocins) the Study of Microbial Ecology in
will regulate bacterial growth in this ecosystem. Meat Ecosystems
14.3.1. The Polyphasic Approach in
14.2.3. Cooked Meat Ecosystem LAB Taxonomy
Inactivation of bacterial growth by high tempera- The importance of ecological concepts in under-
tures has been used as an effective food preservation standing the presence and growth of microorgan-
tool since Pasteur in the 19th century. Meat pro- isms in foods is now being recognized. The
256 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

production of fermented foods under controlled con- molecular culture-independent enumeration method,
ditions, and their safety ensurance depend on the was shown to be particularly valuable to enumerat-
knowledge and control of their microbiota. ing LAB in complex microbial communities. This
Traditional fermented meat products are obtained by method allows an accurate and unambiguous iden-
spontaneous fermentations (in which no inocula are tification and quantification of nucleic acid sequences
added) and contain complex microbiota, which are (Klein 2002), and, compared with conventional
difficult to describe through traditional microbio- PCR, cross-contamination is reduced while high
logical methods. The microbial structure of these throughput, wider dynamic range, and automation
foods can be studied using different approaches. can be achieved.
The typification of “isolated microorganisms” with
methods based on a combination of phenotypic
14.3.2. Culture-dependent Methods
(physiological and biochemical) characteristics
known as “traditional” methods and genotypic iden- Culture-dependent techniques involve the tradi-
tification techniques constitute the so-called culture- tional cultivation methods on synthetic media
dependent methodology. Many genotypic methods resembling the conditions of the ecosystem from
are based on the principle of the polymerase chain which the microorganisms are isolated, in combina-
reaction (PCR) and exhibit various levels of dis- tion with phenotypic and genotypic identification
criminatory power, from species level to individual techniques. These studies, based on culturing tech-
strains. Some of the most often used DNA-based niques, are laborious and time-consuming, in many
methods in LAB taxonomy are species-specific PCR instances requiring 8–10 days to be completed.
(s-s PCR), Restriction fragment length polymor- Moreover, such studies have focused commonly on
phism (RFLP) or ribotyping, amplified fragment the analysis of end-products. A first problem in the
length polymorphism (AFLP), amplified ribosomal characterization of the microbiota of meat products
DNA restriction analysis, pulsed-field gel electro- by bacteriological culturing is the selection of colo-
phoresis (PFGE), and random amplified polymor- nies in the plates. Generally, colonies are randomly
phic DNA (RAPD). On the other hand, to eliminate selected, but they may not represent the real micro-
problems related to traditional isolation and to detect biota composition. In this sense, a large number of
microorganisms that are not culturable or not yet colonies must be selected, purified, and identified to
cultured, nucleic acids are directly extracted from the species level by phenotypic or genotypic identi-
the food matrix and the microbial diversity is deter- fication methods. Although physiological, nutri-
mined without the need for prior cultivation. tional, and biochemical tests such as the API®
Culture-independent genomic or “metagenomic” system (BioMérieux, La Balme les Grottes, France),
surveys of microbial communities in their natural MicroLog® (Biolog Inc., Hayward, CA), and
environments are carried out using techniques such Diatabs™ (Rosco, Taastrup, Denmark) are time-
as PCR denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis consuming and somewhat difficult to standardize,
(PCR-DGGE), PCR temperature gradient gel elec- these traditional tests still have great importance in
trophoresis (PCR-TGGE), and fluorescence in situ taxonomy. Identification keys for most of these tests
hybridization (FISH). are not accurate with LAB species, but the assays
During the last decade, the genome of the most themselves are valuable as a convenient way to
important LAB has been sequenced (Klaenhammer carry out large-scale phenotypical studies. Based on
et al. 2002; Kleerebezem et al. 2003; Chaillou et al. this, a polyphasic or combined approach using geno-
2005), which can help in the design of appropriate typic characterization techniques is preferred. The
primers and probes for the molecular identification, application of tools based on molecular methods to
control, and monitor of LAB species in meat eco- study changes in the microbiota composition of the
systems. On the other hand, the development of a different meat ecosystems allowed the fast and
real-time PCR or quantitative PCR (Q-PCR), a unequivocal identification of the isolated strains.
New Approaches for the Study of Lactic Acid Bacteria Biodiversity 257

The major categories of bacterial typing techniques be distinguished (Gürtler and Stanisich 1996). The
as well as their general concept and applications to s-s PCR assay using oligonucleotides designed on
study bacteria from meat ecosystems at different the basis of 16S rRNA genes may be a useful
taxonomic levels will be roughly described. approach; however, it is not suitable for some
species because of the high identity value of their
Typing of isolated microorganisms. Genotypic 16S ribosomal DNA sequences (Collins et al. 1991).
techniques exhibit various levels of discriminatory In this case, the recA gene may be used as a phylo-
power, from the species level to the differentiation genetic marker (Eisen 1995; Lloyd and Sharp 1993).
of individual strains (typing). The genotypic methods In addition, to rapidly detect multiple bacteria in
based on the PCR principle enables the selective a single reaction, multiplex PCR has been developed
amplification of specifically targeted DNA frag- (Chamberlain et al. 1988). Simultaneous amplifica-
ments by using oligonucleotide primers under con- tion of more than one locus is required to allow the
trolled reaction conditions. PCR primers can be rapid identification of several isolates. It also con-
designed for amplification at any taxonomic level. stitutes a fast culture-independent approach for
The PCR-based detection of LAB and other bacteria species-specific detection in complex matrices,
mostly requires a difficult design strategy and thor- being useful in defining the structure of certain
ough validation before a valuable set of primers is microbial consortiums, and in evaluating commu-
obtained. The increasing availability of the sequences nity dynamics during fermentation or as response to
of the 16S rRNA gene (Collins et al. 1991) and the environmental variations. The application of this
intergenic region between 16S rRNA and 23S rRNA technique in the identification of microorganisms
genes (Nour 1998) allowed the development of dif- transported through foods and beverages was
ferent methods for identifying microbial species of recently reviewed by Settanni and Corsetti (2007).
interest in the field of meat and meat products.
Among these methods, ribosomal RNA probes DNA profiling methods. Total DNA or ampli-
(Hertel et al. 1991; Nissen and Dainty 1995) and s-s cons resulting from a selective PCR reaction may be
PCR primers (Berthier and Ehrlich 1998; Yost and digested by restriction enzymes, resulting in a
Nattress 2000; Rossi et al. 2001; Blaiotta et al. 2003) mixture of fragments of different sizes. This tech-
have been applied. nique is commonly referred to as RFLP and is the
As a relatively small molecule, the 16S rRNA prototype of a DNA fingerprinting method mostly
encoding gene can be sequenced directly, without used in identifying isolates at the intraspecific level.
laborious cloning, from PCR amplicons created with In 1986, Grimont and Grimont reported the 16S and
universal 16S primers. The 16S/23S rRNA inter- 23S rRNA RFLP method or ribotyping that com-
genic spacer region has been employed as a DNA- bines an enzymatic restriction digest with the detec-
specific probe for the identification of LAB tion of the resulting fragments by means of rDNA
(Hensieck et al. 1992; Hertel et al. 1993; Ehrmann probes. To a large extent, the discriminatory power
et al. 1994; Frahm et al. 1998; Guarnieri et al. 2001). of this technique depends on the number and
The same target sequences have been used as type of restriction enzymes and probes used. In the
primers for the detection of CNC by s-s PCR past few years, ribotyping has been used in taxo-
(Forsman et al. 1997; Gory et al. 1999). The varia- nomic studies for Lactobacillus, Streptococcus,
tions in length and sequence of the 16S-23S rRNA Leuconostoc, and Weissella species or subspecies
intergenic spacer regions have proved useful for the (Schlegel et al. 2000; Björkroth et al. 2000, 2002;
identification of strains and species (Barry et al. Fernández et al. 2004; Suzuki et al. 2004; Kostinek
1991; Jensen et al. 1993; Gürtler and Stanisich et al. 2005).
1996; Berthier and Ehrlich 1999); the evolutionary Another combination of the PCR and restriction
rate of the region is 10 times greater than that of 16S enzyme methodologies yielded the AFLP technique
rRNA, allowing closely related bacterial species to (Janssen et al. 1996), whose basic principle is RFLP
258 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

analysis but with a PCR-mediated amplification to ration of the large DNA fragments obtained from
select particular DNA fragments from the pool of restriction digests with rare-cutting enzymes, in
restriction fragments. Restriction is performed by which the extraction of intact chromosomal DNA is
using two restriction enzymes that yield DNA frag- crucial. Although PFGE is highly reliable and has a
ments with two different randomly combined types superior discriminatory power with excellent sub-
of sticky ends to which short oligonucleotides species differentiation for a large number of micro-
(adapters) are ligated to form templates for the PCR. organisms (McCartney 2002), it is time-consuming
The selective amplification reaction is performed by (4–5 days) and is not suited for routine assays.
using two different primers containing the same In addition, numerical analysis of protein pat-
sequence as the adapters but extended to include one terns created by highly standardized SDS-PAGE
or more selective bases next to the restriction site of also revealed a valuable method for the investigation
the primer. Only fragments that completely match of bacterial (including LAB) relationships at the
the primer sequence are amplified. An array of about genus or species level (Schleifer and Stackebrandt
30 to 40 DNA fragments are amplified, some of 1983; Pot et al. 1994; Dicks 1995; Vandamme et al.
them being group-specific and others being strain- 1996). Even when this method is not based on PCR
specific (Janssen et al. 1996). Within LAB, species- reaction, SDS-PAGE whole-cell protein profiling
level discrimination has been documented for the (WCPP) was used to identify certain LAB species
phylogenetically closely related species Lactobacillus and subspecies (Björkroth and Holzapfel 2003;
pentosus, Lactobacillus pseudoplantarum, and Lact. Hammes and Hertel 2003).
plantarum (Giraffa and Neviani 2000).
DNA fingerprinting techniques that rely solely on
14.3.3. Culture-independent Methods
PCR include RAPD (Dellaglio et al. 2005; Valcheva
et al. 2005) and repetitive genomic element (rep)- The identification methods described in the previous
PCR (Gevers et al. 2001; Kostinek et al. 2005; Švec section rely on the ability to isolate and cultivate
et al. 2005a, 2005b). RAPD analysis utilizes short LAB from different food or environmental samples.
arbitrary primers and low-stringency conditions to Because these culture-dependent approaches have
randomly amplify DNA fragments, which are sepa- shown limitations in terms of recovery rate, the set
rated electrophoretically to produce a fingerprint. of obtained isolates may not always truly reflect the
This method offers great flexibility in primer choice; microbial composition of the sample (Ampe et al.
thus, it can be used to differentiate LAB at different 1999; Ercolini et al. 2001). As a result, culture-
taxonomic levels, ranging from genus to intraspe- independent methods have been developed to cir-
cific level. In contrast, (rep)-PCR-specific primers cumvent the limitations of conventional cultivation
amplify repetitive bacterial DNA elements such as for analysis of microbial communities (Vaughan et
ERIC, BOX, or (GTG)5 (Versalovic et al. 1991). In al. 2002). This approach eliminates problems related
recent studies, (GTG)5-PCR proved useful for the to selective cultivation and isolation of bacteria from
differentiation of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria at natural samples. The main reason for the use of
species, subspecies, and potentially strain levels culture-independent techniques is the lack of knowl-
(Hyytiä-Trees et al. 1999; Gevers et al. 2001; Masco edge of the real conditions under which most bacte-
et al. 2003; Cocolin et al. 2004a). PFGE of restric- ria grow in their natural habitat and the difficulties
tion endonuclease-digested genomic DNA is a in developing cultivation media that accurately
powerful genotyping method for bacterial strain resemble these conditions.
characterization due to its high resolution and excel- Genetic fingerprinting techniques are able to
lent reproducibility (Tenover et al. 1995; Björkroth provide a profile representing the genetic diversity
et al. 1996; Ventura and Zink 2002). PFGE employs of a microbial community from a specific environ-
an alternating field of electrophoresis to allow sepa- ment. PCR-DGGE and PCR-TGGE are routinely
New Approaches for the Study of Lactic Acid Bacteria Biodiversity 259

used worldwide to study microbial communities and probe is largely dependent on the target sequence,
population dynamics in microbial ecology. These although the stringency of the hybridization and
two techniques essentially consist of the amplifica- washing conditions are also critical (O’Sullivan
tion of the genes encoding the 16S rRNA from the 1999). Labeled oligonucleotide probes are employed
matrix containing different bacterial populations, in a number of assays, including colony, dotblot,
followed by the separation of the DNA fragments. and in situ hybridizations (Giraffa and Neviani
Separation is based on the decreased electrophoretic 2000). The most frequently applied method using
mobility of PCR-amplified, partially melted, dou- probes is FISH, which uses fluorescence microscopy
ble-stranded DNA molecules in polyacrylamide gels for the counting of fluorescently labeled bacteria.
containing a linear gradient of DNA denaturants Despite considerable background knowledge of
(DGGE), or a linear temperature gradient (TGGE). FISH, application of this method to the study of
Molecules with different sequences may have dif- microbial population distribution in food has
ferent melting behaviors and will stop migrating at been limited (Ercolini et al. 2003; Cocolin et al.
different positions along the gel. DGGE is perhaps 2007).
the most applied culture-independent fingerprinting Reliable and fast identification methods are of
technique, and, by adjusting the primers used for great importance to control and monitor either
amplification, both major and minor constituents endogenous or inoculated starter cultures. The
of microbial communities can be characterized. development of a molecular culture-independent
Different authors (Muyzer and Smalla 1998; Muyzer enumeration method appears to be particularly valu-
1999; Ercolini 2004) have reviewed the application able in the case of LAB since other methods are not
of DGGE in the field of microbial ecology. At efficient to enumerate this bacterial group in complex
present, DGGE has been widely applied in various microbial communities. The enumeration of LAB
research areas, including the detection of LAB in species is important to the study of their role and
food samples and other environments. Additionally, dynamics in various niches. Quantitative PCR
DGGE supports the species identification of com- allowed the specific counting of bacterial cells in a
munity members because after separation of the LAB species or group of LAB species present in
amplification products by DGGE they can be recov- fermented products: Lactobacillus species in dental
ered from the gels and sequenced. The combination caries (Byun et al. 2004), Lactobacillus thermotol-
of DGGE analysis with reverse transcriptase (RT)- erans in chicken feces (Selim et al. 2005),
PCR has been described to study both the microbial Enterococcus in environmental samples (He and
composition and the metabolic activity during Jiang 2005), Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris in
food manufacturing (Coccolin et al. 2001, 2004a; fermented milk (Grattepanche et al. 2005), and LAB
Randazzo et al. 2002). species in milk products (Furet et al. 2004). The
The fastest culture-independent approach for precision of molecular quantification by Q-PCR
genus-, species-, or strain-specific detection of LAB depends on the effectiveness of bacterial lysis and
in a food matrix is the use of specific primers for the of DNA extraction, and on the presence of PCR
PCR-based detection of the target organisms in the inhibitors in the DNA solutions (Ludwig and
bacterial DNA pool extracted from the sample. Schleifer 2000; Hein et al. 2001). Martin et al.
Probing techniques are based on the hybridization (2006) reported a rapid and sensitive Q-PCR assay
of synthetically designed oligonucleotides to spe- for reliable quantitative identification and monitor-
cific target sequences in bacterial DNA. Unlike con- ing of Lact. sakei during sausage fermentation,
ventional PCR primers, these probes are linked to a both from endogenous microflora or inoculated
radioactive or fluorescent label, which enables the starter cultures, and for distribution and abundance
visual detection of the target after hybridization studies of this bacterium in complex microbial
under controlled conditions. The specificity of the communities.
260 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

14.4. Meat Ecosystems Microbial lactobacilli biodiversity was greater at 4.4 and
Diversity: A Focus on LAB 10°C, Lact. sakei, Lactobacillus alimentarius, and
Lactobacillus farciminis were present at all three
14.4.1. Raw Meat Stored under VP and assayed temperatures. In addition, species of LAB
MAP Conditions was shown to depend on the growth medium; the
Due to the economic importance of meat, the micro- majority of isolates from plate count agar were car-
bial ecology of VP and MAP raw meat has been nobacteria, whereas those from MRS agar were
extensively studied. Table 14.1 shows the major homofermentative LAB, and Leuconostoc gelidum
LAB species isolated from VP beef from different was isolated from both culture media. When DNA-
geographic regions in which a dominance of based methods were used to characterize the micro-
Lactobacillus, Leuconostoc, and Carnobacterium biota composition of chilled VP beef, a lactobacilli
has been observed. Using traditional methods, population in which Lact. sakei and Lact. curvatus
Schillinger and Lücke (1986) found only psychro- prevailed was found in most of the studies using
trophic LAB in VP beef stored at 2°C, among which either culture-dependent (Yost and Nattress 2002)
Lact. sakei, Lact. curvatus, Lactobacillus carnis, or culture-independent methods (Fontana et al.
and Lactobacillus divergens (further classified as 2006; Ercolini et al. 2006). Moreover, Leuconostoc
Carnobacterium divergens) were identified as the species were also identified using RAPD-PCR tech-
predominant microbiota. Later, McMullen and niques; Leuc. gelidum and Leuconostoc carnosum
Stiles (1993) reported the influence of storage tem- were identified by multiplex PCR as were other rel-
perature (−1, 4.4 and 10°C) on the type of bacteria evant populations in Argentinean beef stored both
dominating the microbial population of fresh pork at 2 and 8°C under VP conditions (Fontana et al.
stored under MAP. Even when homofermentative 2006). When different environmental conditions

Table 14.1. Major LAB species isolated from VP and MAP meat.

Identification method Source References

Lact. sakei/curvatus/divergens/ Traditional VP beef; 2°C/32 days Schillinger and Lücke (1986)
carnis; C. piscicola; L. (Germany)
raffinolactis; Leuconostoc sp.
Lact. sakei/curvatus/alimentarius/ Traditional VP pork; −1.4 and 4.4°C/10 McMullen and Stiles (1993)
casei/farciminis/coryneformis; weeks; 10°C/4 weeks
Leuc. gelidum/mesenteroides (Canada)
Pediococcus sp.; C. divergens SDS-PAGE; WCPP VP beef; 2°C/6 weeks (Japan) Sakala et al. (2002)
Lact. algidus; L. piscium; Leuc.
gelidum; C. piscicola/divergens
Lact. sakei/curvatus; Leuconostoc RAPD-PRC; 16S VP beef; 2°C/6 weeks (Canada) Yost and Nattress (2002)
sp. DNA seq
Lact. delbruekii; C. divergens; PFGE VP beef; −1.5°C/16 weeks Jones (2004)
Leuc. mesenteroides (New Zealand)
Lact. sakei/curvatus; Leuc. PCR-DGGE; S-s VP beef; 2°C/ 9 weeks; 8°C/14 Fontana et al. (2006)
carnosum/gelidum PCR; M-PCR days (Argentina)
Lact. sakei/graminis; Leuc. PCR-DGGE MAP (20/60% O2; 40% CO2) Ercolini et al. (2006)
kimchii/carnosum; C. divergens; beef; 5°C/2 weeks (Italy)
W. hellenica
Lact. algidus/sakei; Leuc. RFLP MAP (70% O2; 30% CO2) beef; Vihavainen and Björkroth
gasicomitatum/gelidum; 0–2°C/4 weeks (Finland) (2007)
C. divergens

Lact = Lactobacillus; L = Lactococcus; C = Carnobacterium; Leuc = Leuconostoc; W = Weissella.

New Approaches for the Study of Lactic Acid Bacteria Biodiversity 261

were assayed (Ercolini et al. 2006), spoilage was other species grow to constitute a minor part of the
shown to occur between 7 and 14 days of storage at microbiota. The benefit of LAB during the storage
5°C, with LAB species found in beef varying of raw meat is quite controversial. Although LAB
according to packaging conditions. C. divergens, are recognized as causative agents of meat spoilage
Weissella hellenica, and Lactobacillus graminis (Jones 2004; Koutsoumanis et al. 2006; Vihavainen
were identified as acting during storage in air, while and Björkroth 2007), the selective growth promo-
Lact. sakei was reported to be always present in beef tion of these bacteria by capitalizing on their ability
stored under both MAP conditions containing 60% to control meat-borne pathogens and contaminants,
or 20% oxygen at any sampling time. However, at resulting in a preferential growth of benign strains,
certain sampling times Leuconostoc kimchii and should minimize their spoilage effects.
Leuc. carnosum were also found under MAP condi-
tions. When SDS-PAGE WCPP in combination
14.4.2. Microbial Diversity of
with biochemical and physiological characteristics
Fermented Sausages
was used to follow the changes in the microbiota of
VP beef stored at 2°C, Lactobacillus algidus, The microbiota that participates in the fermentation
Lactococcus piscium, Leuc. gelidum, and C. diver- and ripening of sausages originates in the environ-
gens were identified as the dominant LAB (Sakala ment, the equipment, and the raw material used in
et al. 2002). On the other hand, PFGE and biochemi- the manufacture of the products, and is highly
cal analysis enabled the determination of a pattern dependent on the technology used. To our knowl-
of LAB succession during VP beef storage at −1.5°C edge, the first studies on the ecology of fermented
in which the transition of C. divergens to Leuconostoc sausages date back to the 1960s (Lerche and Reuter
mesenteroides dominance was determined in asso- 1960). Since then, LAB, mainly Lactobacillus and
ciation with pH dropping to below 5.4; this decrease CNC, represented by Micrococcaceae, have been
was observed to be a driver of succession in these recognized as the two main groups of microorgan-
populations (Jones 2004). Although Lact. sakei was isms that are considered technologically important
described as the dominant Lactobacillus species in the fermentation and ripening of sausages. The
present in VP or MAP beef stored at low tempera- information existing on the ecology of fermented
tures, it was not established when SDS-PAGE sausages was obtained by using a combination of
WCPP and PFGE techniques were applied. Instead, traditional and molecular culture-dependent and
L. piscium and Lactobacillus delbruekii were culture-independent methods, and, with a few
reported to be present using these methods, respec- exceptions, contributions to the ecological studies of
tively; lactococci were rarely isolated from VP or fermented sausages by molecular methods have
MAP beef, except in the studies of Schillinger and been available since 2000 (Table 14.2). The picture
Lücke (1986) and Sakala et al. (2002). Recently, the of fermented sausage microbiota observed after the
predominant LAB in spoiled value-added, high- application of molecular culture-dependent and cul-
oxygen MAP beef steak products were identified by ture-independent methods correlates with that
Vihavainen and Björkroth (2007) using RFLP. obtained using biochemical identification; the pre-
Leuconostoc gasicomitatum, Leuc. gelidum, Lact. dominance of Lact. sakei, Lact. curvatus, and S.
algidus, Lact. sakei, and C. divergens were found to xylosus emerges. The isolation frequency of Lact.
be the dominant species, with the Leuconosctoc plantarum was not as high as that of the other two
species responsible for green discoloration and lactobacilli, although it has also been identified as
buttery off-odors. another important species involved in sausage
The dominance of LAB in VP meat occurs within fermentation. Although their numbers were sig-
a relatively broad set of conditions, which coincide nificantly lower, other Lactobacillus species were
with those used in commercial storage. Among also identified by traditional methods, such as
LAB, Lact. sakei and Leuc. gelidum dominate, while Lactobacillus bavaricus (Hugas et al. 1993; Coppola
Table 14.2. LAB and CNC species isolated from traditional fermented sausages.

Identification method Source References

Lact. sakei/curvatus/plantarum/bavaricus Traditional Ferm sausages (Spain) Hugas et al. (1993)
Lact. sakei/curvatus/plantarum; Carnobacterium Traditional Salami (Greece) Samelis et al. (1998)
sp.; Enterococcus sp.; S. saprohyticus/
Lact sakei/curvatus; Pediococcus sp. Traditional Chorizo (Spain) Santos et al. (1998)
Lact. sakei/curvatus/bavaricus; S. xylosus/ Traditional Naples-type salami Coppola et al. (2000)
saprophyticus (Italy)
Lact. sakei/curvatus/plantarum/casei/alimentarius/ PCR-TGGE Ferm sausages (Italy) Cocolin et al. (2000)
Lact sakei/plantarum/curvatus; Leuc. carnosum/ Traditional Salsiccia and Parente et al. (2001)
gelidum/pseudomesenteroides; Ped. pentosaceus Soppressata (Italy)
Lact sakei/curvatus/plantarum/paracasei RAPD-PCR Soppressata (Italy) Andriguetto et al. (2001)
Lact. sakei/curvatus/plantarum; S. xylosus PCR-DGGE Salami Friulano (Italy) Cocolin et al. (2001)
Lact. sakei/curvatus/plantarum/buchneri/ Traditional Ferm sausages Papamanoli et al. (2003)
paracasei; E. faecium; Pediococcus sp.; (Greece)
Leuconostoc sp.
Lact. sakei/curvatus/plantarum; E. faecium; S-s PCR Fuet and Chorizo Aymerich et al. (2003)
S. xylosus/carnosus/epidermidis (Spain)
Lact. sakei/curvatus/casei; Leuc. mesenteroides; PCR-DGGE Fresh sausages (Italy) Cocolin et al. (2004b)
E. casseliflavus; L. lactis; S. xylosus
Lact. sakei/curvatus/plantarum/brevis/ PCR-DGGE; Salami Friulano (Italy) Comi et al. (2005)
paraplantarum; L. lactis; E. pseudoavium; RAPD-PCR
Leuc. citreum/mesenteroides; W. hellenica
Lact. sakei/curvatus/plantarum/casei/ PCR-DGGE; Ferm sausages Rantsiou et al. (2005a)
paraplantarum; L. lactis; Leuc. citreum/ RAPD-PCR; 16S (Greece, Hungary,
mesenteroides; E. faecium/pseudoavium; rDNA seq Italy)
Weissella sp.
Lact. sakei/curvatus/paracasei; L. garviae; PCR-DGGE; 16S Salami Fruilano (Italy) Rantsiou et al. (2005b)
S. ylosus/sciuri/equorum/pulvereri rDNA seq
Lact. sakei/curvatus/plantarum; S. saprophyticus/ PCR-DGGE; 16S Ferm sausages Fontana et al. (2005)
equorum; Enterococcus rDNA seq (Argentina)
Lact. sakei/plantarum/paracasei/pentosus/brevis/ Traditional Ferm sausages Drosinos et al. (2005,
rhamnosus; L. lactis; E. faecium; Leuconostoc (Greece) 2007)
sp.; S. xylosus/saprophyticus/simulans/
Lact. sakei/curvatus; Leuc. mesenteroides S-s PCR; RAPD-PCR; Chorizo, fuet, and Aymerich et al. (2006)
plasmid profile Salchichón (Spain)
Lact. curvatus/plantarum/brevis; Ped. RAPD-PCR Salchichón and Benito et al. (2007)
pentosaceus/acidilactici; Leuc. mesenteroides Chorizo (Spain)
Lact. sakei/curvatus; S. xylosus/succinus/equorum PCR-DGGE; 16S Soppressata (Italy) Villani et al. (2007)
rDNA seq
Lact. sakei/curvatus/plantarum; L. lactis; ARDRA-PCR; Ciauscolo salami Aquilanti et al. (2007)
S. xylosus/equorum/saprophyticus PCR-DGGE (Italy)
Lact. sakei/plantarum/brevis; Leuc. carnosum/ ARDRA-PCR; Ferm sausages (Italy) Bonomo et al. (2008)
mesenteroides; Ped. pentosaceus RAPD-PCR
Lact. sakei/curvatus/plantarum/pentosus/ API system; APILAB Ferm sausages Kozačinski et al. (2008)
rhamnosus/brevis/paracasei/alimentarius/ Plus (Sout-east Europe)
fermentum/bavaricus; L. lactis; E. faecium;
Ped. pentosaceus/acidilactici; Leuc.
mesenteroides; S. xylosus/simulans/carnosus/

Lact = Lactocacillus; L = Lactococcus; C = Carnobacterium; Leuc = Leuconostoc; W = Weissella; Ped = Pediococcus;

E = Enterococcus; S = Staphylococcus.

New Approaches for the Study of Lactic Acid Bacteria Biodiversity 263

et al. 2000; Kozačinski et al. 2008); Lactobacillus Kozačinski et al. 2008). With respect to the CNC
casei and Lactobacillus paracasei (Cocolin et al. microbiota, the species most commonly isolated
2000, 2004b; Andrighetto et al. 2001; Papamanoli independent of the country and the technology used
et al. 2003; Drosinos et al. 2005; Rantsiou et al. is S. xylosus (Table 14.2). Other Staphylococcus
2005a, 2005b; Kozačinski et al. 2008); Lactobacillus species frequently isolated from meat fermentation
brevis (Cocolin et al. 2000; Drosinos et al. 2005; include Staphylococcus saprophyticus and
Comi et al. 2005; Benito et al. 2007; Bonomo et al. Staphylococcus equorum, which are isolated from
2008; Kozačinski et al. 2008); Lactobacillus para- different geographical regions (Argentina, Italy,
plantarum (Comi et al. 2005; Rantsiou et al. 2005a); Spain, and Southeast Europe) using both culture-
Lact. alimentarius (Cocolin et al. 2000; Kozačinski dependent and -independent methods.
et al. 2008); Lactobacillus rhamnosus (Drosinos The PCR-DGGE technique has been shown to be
et al. 2007; Kozačinski et al. 2008); Lactobacillus the most suitable method for microbiota profiling in
buchneri (Papamanoli et al. 2003); Lact. pentosus fermented sausages. When this method was applied
and Lactobacillus fermentum (Drosinos et al. 2005; to the study of bacterial dynamics in traditional
Kozačinski et al. 2008). In the presented studies Friulano salami, Lact. sakei, Lact. curvatus, and
(Table 14.2), Leuc. mesenteroides was the species Lact. plantarum were shown to be the main species
most frequently isolated, in the genus Leuconostoc, strongly present after analyzing both DNA and RNA
from different fermented sausages, while represen- samples, while S. xylosus was found representing
tatives of the genus Carnobacterium and Weissella CNC (Cocolin et al. 2001; Comi et al. 2005; Rantsiou
were sporadically isolated, which underlines possi- et al. 2005a, 2005b). When DGGE analysis was
ble pitfalls in their identification or simply their low applied to Argentinean fermented sausages, Lact.
incidence in this ecological niche. Moreover, these sakei and Lact. plantarum were found to be mainly
LAB genera are considered undesirable contami- responsible for the strong LAB activity during
nants due to their heterofermentative metabolism. 14 days of fermentation, while S. equorum and S.
Significant differences in the presence and persis- saprophyticus dominated among CNC population
tence of enterococci were reported from fermented (Fontana et al. 2005). Recently, Villani et al. (2007),
sausages (Samelis et al. 1998; Papamanoli et al. applying both culture-dependent and culture-inde-
2003; Aymerich et al. 2003; Cocolin et al. 2004b; pendent approaches to the study of Soppressata of
Comi et al. 2005; Fontana et al. 2005; Rantsiou Vallo di Diano, identified Lact. sakei, Lact. curva-
et al. 2005a; Kozačinski et al. 2008). In spite of the tus, S. xylosus, S. equorum, and Staphylococcus suc-
controversial presence of Enterococcus in foods, cinus as the dominant species occurring during
meat enterococci, especially Enterococcus faecium, fermentation. Considering the abundant data avail-
have a much lower pathogenicity potential than able on fermented sausages microbiota, it can be
clinical strains (see Chapter 19), and indeed some concluded that a strong correlation exists between
of them are used as starter cultures due to their culture-dependent and culture-independent methods
competitiveness in the meat environment and their of identification, highlighting the fact that Lact.
contribution to final flavor and safety (Franz et al. sakei, Lact. curvatus, and S. xylosus are the species
2003; Hugas et al. 2003). As regard as pediococci, best adapted to fermented sausage ecosystems,
even when these LAB are among the most common thereby dominating the present microbiota. However,
starter culture used in meat fermentation in the the differences in organoleptic profiles and sensory
United States, in Europe they are not frequently characteristics observed in traditional products
isolated. However, Pediococcus pentosaceus and coming from different countries and produced using
Pediococcus acidilactici were often isolated during different technologies and raw materials can be
dry-sausages fermentation with either classical or mainly ascribed to the microbiota involved. Since
molecular methods (Santos et al. 1998; Parente the main species found in the sausages studied so
et al. 2001; Benito et al. 2007; Bonomo et al. 2008; far were the same among the different products, it
264 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

can be suggested that plant-specific biotypes develop philic, and resistant to nitrite and salt. Other bacterial
within the species (Rantsiou et al. 2005a). This groups such as Enterobacteriaceae, yeasts and
microbiota, usually referred to as “house flora” and pathogens (S. aureus and L. monocytogenes) are
resulting from the selective action of production unable to prevail in this meat ecological niche, their
conditions, will predominate during fermentation growth being generally controlled by factors such as
and characterize the final product of the specific nitrite, low storage, temperatures, and competitive
plant. These well-adapted biotypes are promising LAB populations (Franz and von Holy 1996). As in
strains for the development of autochthonous starter raw meat ecosystems, LAB are present in ready-to-
cultures that will allow sausages to be produced with eat meat and poultry products as a consequence of
both high sanitary and sensory quality (Casaburi mishandling and incorrect storage conditions after
et al. 2007; Talon et al. 2008). processing. Studies on the diversity of LAB involved
in the spoilage of VP and MAP processed meats
have shown that Leuconostoc as well as Weissella
14.4.3. Cooked Ready-to-Eat
and Carnobacterium dominates the spoilage bacte-
Meat Products
rial associations (Table 14.3). In an early study,
Spoilage of thermally processed VP and MAP meats Franz and von Holy (1996) showed that LAB iso-
usually results from the rapid increase in the number lated from VP Vienna sausages ranged from 53% to
of LAB which are able to proliferate during refriger- 75% of the total isolated strains depending on pas-
ated storage and are psychrotrophic, microaero- teurization conditions; this population accounted

Table 14.3. Major LAB species isolated from cooked ready-to-eat meat and poultry products.

Identification method Source References

Homo and heterofermentative Traditional Pasteurized VP Vienna Franz and von Holy
lactobacilli; Leuconostoc; sausages; 8°C (South (1996)
Pediococcus; Bacillus Africa)
Lact. sakei/curvatus; Leuc. Traditional Cooked whole-meat products, Samelis et al. (2000)
mesenteroides/carnosum; emulsion-type sausages;
L. citreum; W. viridescens 4°C (Greece)
L. raffinolactis/garviae/lactis; Ss-PCR Cooked MAP poultry meat; Barakat et al. (2000)
C. divergens/piscicola; 3.5°C (Canada)
E. faecalis
Leuc. gasicomitatum RFLP; WCPP; 16S rDNA seq; Marinated MAP broiler meat Björkroth et al. (2000)
DNA–DNA hybridization strips; 6°C (Finland)
Leuc. carnosum; W. hellenica PCR-DGGE Cooked ham, Vienna sausage, Takahashi et al. (2004)
roasted pork (Japan)
Lact. oligofermentans RFLP; 16S rDNA seq; Marinated MAP broiler meat; Koort et al. (2005)
DNA–DNA hybridization 6°C (Finland)
Leuc. carnosum/mesenteroides; RFLP Morcilla de Burgos; 4°C Santos et al. (2005)
W. viridescens/confuse; (Spain)
Lact. fructosus
Leuc. carnosum CFA–Gas chromat; RFLP Cooked ham; 4°C (Greece) Samelis et al. (2006)
Lact. plantarum/sakei/curvatus; S-s PCR; ARDRA Cooked ham, chopped turkey, Chenoll et al. (2007)
Leuc. mesenteroides; C. mobile/ morcilla, fiambre de magro
divergens/maltaromaticum adobado; 4°C (Spain)
Leuc. carnosum; C. divergens; Rep-PCR; PCR-DGGE MAP artisan-type cooked Vasilopoulos et al.
E. faecalis ham; 4 to 26°C (Belgium) (2008)

Lact = Lactobacillus; L = Lactococcus; C = Carnobacterium; Leuc = Leuconostoc; W = Weissella; CFA-gas chromat = cellular fatty
acids-gas chromatography.
New Approaches for the Study of Lactic Acid Bacteria Biodiversity 265

mainly for leuconostoc and homofermentative lac- and L. lactis were present at the very early stages of
tobacilli. When the selective effect of the product spoilage, outcompeted by other members of meat-
type and the packaging conditions on LAB diversity borne microbiota. Similarly, PCR-DGGE applied on
was evaluated, cured whole-meat products (ham, spoiled meat products (Vienna sausages, roast pork,
pork loin, bacon, and turkey breast fillets) showed and cooked ham) and processing facilities allowed
Leuc. mesenteroides, Leuc. carnosum, and Lact. Leuc. carnosum and W. hellenica to be quickly iden-
sakei as dominant LAB (Samelis et al. 2000). tified as the LAB responsible for product contamina-
Microbial associations of emulsion-type sausages tion (Takahashi et al. 2004). In addition, novel
(pariza, mortadella, and frankfurters) were more species such as Leuconostoc gasicomitatum,
diverse, also involving Lact. curvatus, Leuc. citreum, Lactobacillus oligofermentans, and Enterococcus
Leuc. gelidum, and Weissella viridescens. When hermanniensis have been associated with the spoil-
phenotypic and PCR-based combined methods were age of MAP marinated broiler meat strips and
used to characterize the dominant microbiota of poultry products (Björkroth et al. 2000; Koort et al.
MAP cooked poultry meat injected with commercial 2004, 2005). Under MAP conditions, B. thermos-
brine, strains of Lactococcus raffinolactis, followed phacta was also found, and even when its presence
by C. divergens and Carnobacterium piscicola, appeared to be stimulated by increased O2 concen-
were predominately identified, probably as post- trations (Samelis et al. 2000; Cayré et al. 2005;
cooking contamination (Barakat et al. 2000). On the Vasilopoulos et al. 2008), it became outcompeted by
other hand, when LAB population was investigated LAB, mainly through bacteriocin production
in “morcilla de Burgos,” a typical Spanish blood (Castellano and Vignolo 2006). In ready-to-eat meat
cooked sausage, by means of phenotypic character- and poultry ecosystems, LAB presence is linked to
istics and ribotyping, W. viridescens was the main the production of acids, off-flavors, and color-
species detected, followed by Leuc. mesenteroides, deteriorating compounds, often leading to product
Leuc. carnosum, and Weissella confusa (Santos rejection. However, the selection of competitive
et al. 2005). By a polyphasic taxonomic approach, naturally growing bacteriocinogenic LAB strains
Samelis et al. (2006) verified that the major group could be an effective way of controlling these LAB
of atypical Leuconostoc-like bacteria that dominated spoilers that cause undesirable organoleptic changes
the spoilage microbiota of refrigerated whole cooked in VP and MAP meat.
hams produced in Greece was Leuc. carnosum,
whose presence is associated with raw pork chilled
14.5. Conclusions
meat used for making hams. The use of rDNA-based
molecular techniques provided a reliable description The biodiversity that exists in traditional fermented
of LAB composition in different VP cooked meat foods is a significant source of biotechnological
products, pointing to Leuc. mesenteroides as the products and processes innovation. Knowledge of
main species present and the one responsible for LAB diversity present in meat ecosystems as well
bloating spoilage in these products, and Lact. sakei, as the structure and function of microbial consor-
Lact. plantarum, and Lact. curvatus being found in tiums in which they are involved allow their use for
decreasing order of abundance (Chenoll et al. 2007). the design of autochthonous functional cultures. The
Recently, the combination of culture-dependent and microbial diversity described for the different meat
culture-independent approaches applied to Belgian ecosystems reveals a high intraspecies polymor-
MAP artisan-type cooked ham stored at different phism since a consistent dominance of LAB species
temperatures (4–26°C) revealed that bacterial popu- was reported. The speciation diversity arising from
lation was dominated by Leuc. carnosum and C. the selective environmental pressures (NaCl, nitrites,
divergens at all storage conditions (Vasilopoulos et high or low temperatures, oxygen concentration)
al. 2008). Enterococci, mainly Ent. faecalis, became that are prevalent in each meat ecosystem may be
detectable at higher temperatures, while Lact. sakei ascribed to different functionalities of LAB strains.
266 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

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Chapter 15

New Trends in Cereal-based Products Using Lactic

Acid Bacteria

Graciela Font de Valdez, Carla L. Gerez, María Inés Torino, and Graciela Rollán

The global importance of cereals to human diet and, the most important food crop. Their cultivation
moreover, to the history of civilization, in particular dates back to 7000 B.C. for wheat and barley,
agriculture, cannot be overstated. Nutritionally, 4500 B.C. for rice and maize, 4000 B.C. for millet
cereals are an important source of dietary proteins, and sorghum, 400 B.C. for rye, and 100 B.C.
carbohydrates, vitamins E and B-complex, iron, for oats. In developed countries, up to 70% of the
trace minerals, and fiber. Major cereal crops pro- cereal harvest is used as animal feed, while in devel-
duced worldwide include wheat, rice, maize, rye, oping countries cereal is mainly used for human
and barley, their main application being in bread nutrition (Hammes et al. 2005). Cereal grains
manufacture (20–106 kg per capita annually). Only contain macronutrients (proteins, fats, and carbohy-
wheat and rye are suitable for the elaboration of drates) required by humans for growth and mainte-
leavened bread because of the presence of sufficient nance. They also provide important minerals,
amounts (8%–14%) of the complex protein gluten. vitamins, and other micronutrients essential for
Other common uses of cereals are in the prepara- optimal health.
tion of fermented traditional products, such as Ogi Food fermentation is one of the oldest processing
(maize, millet, or sorghum), Kenkey (maize), and technologies known to humans with the primary
Gari (cassava root), as well as drinks. In these fer- purpose of achieving a preservation effect. Since the
mented cereal-based products, different species of early civilization, methods for the fermentation of
lactic acid bacteria (LAB) belonging to the genus milks, meats, and vegetables have been described,
Lactobacillus, Leuconostoc, Weissella, Pediococcus, with records dating back to 6000 B.C., and the civi-
Lactococcus, Enterococcus, and Streptococcus are lizations of the Fertile Crescent in the Middle East
involved. Lactic fermentation improves food quality (Fox 1993). Fermented foods prepared from most
not only by enhancing flavor development and common types of cereals (such as rice, wheat, corn,
increasing the nutritional value of food but also by or sorghum) are well known in many parts of the
extending their shelf life and by removing toxic and world. A range of indigenous cereal-based fer-
anti-nutritional factors. Cereals have become suit- mented foods is presented in Table 15.1. These
able substrates for innovation in the market for foods are produced using various manufacturing
functional foods containing prebiotics and/or probi- techniques, raw materials, and microorganisms,
otic LAB strains. although only four main fermentation processes
exist: alcoholic, lactic, acetic, and alkali. Most of the
foods listed in Table 15.1 are produced in Africa and
15.1. Introduction
Asia, and a number of them use cereals in combina-
In almost every country and region, cereals provide tion with legumes, thus improving the overall
the staple food. Cereals have been, and still are, protein quality of the fermented product. Cereals are

Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria Novel Applications 273

Edited by Fernanda Mozzi, Raúl R. Raya and Graciela M. Vignolo
© 2010 Blackwell Publishing. ISBN: 978-0-813-81583-1
274 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

Table 15.1. Examples of cereal-based fermented foods.

Product Country Microorganisms Substrate

Boza Turkey, Albania, Bulgaria Lactobacillus, S. cerevisiae, Leuconostoc Wheat, millet, maize,
and other cereals
Bread International S. cerevisiae, other yeasts, lactic acid bacteria Wheat, rye, other grains
Idli Southern India Lactic acid bacteria (Leuc. mesenteroides, Rice and black gram
Enterococcus faecalis) Torulopsis, Candida dhal
Kenkey Ghana Lact. fermentum/reuteri, yeast, molds Maize
Mahewu South Africa Lactic acid bacteria Maize
Nan India Lactic acid bacteria, S. cerevisiae White wheat flour
Ogi Nigeria, West Africa Lactic acid bacteria, Cephalosporium, Maize
Fusarium, Aspergillus, Penicillium spp.,
S. cerevisiae, Candida mycoderma
Pozol South-eastern Mexico L. lactis, Lact. casei/plantarum/alimentarium Maize
Uji Kenya, Uganda Lact. plantarum, Leuc. mesenteroides Maize, sorghum, millet

deficient in lysine but are rich in cysteine and methi- dough and bread preparation that contains metaboli-
onine. Legumes, on the other hand, are rich in lysine cally active microorganisms. Interest in using sour-
but deficient in sulfur-containing amino acids. dough for bread production has increased greatly
Fermented cereal-based food products produced during the last few years due to new trends in foods
in African countries can be classified either on the with “history” (Hansen and Schieberle 2005). Thus,
basis of the raw cereal ingredients used in their the constant demand for natural foods in European
preparation or on the basis of texture. The first clas- countries has increased the demand for sourdough
sification includes: (1) wheat-based foods (e.g., breads. Production of traditional rye breads in
bouza, kishk); (2) rice-based foods (e.g., busa); (3) Nordic, Central, and Eastern European countries
maize-based foods (e.g., ogi, bread, kenkey); includes addition of sourdough to the bread dough
(4) millet-based foods (e.g., kunuzaki); and (5) and therefore to wheat bread production in the
sorghum-based foods (e.g., pito, ogi, bogobe, kisra, Mediterranean area (Italy, Spain, Morocco, and
burukutu, kisra, injera). Regarding texture, the clas- Egypt). In the United States, the tradition of sour-
sifications are: (1) liquid (gruel) (e.g., ogi, mahewu, dough fermentation is known from the San Francisco
burukutu, pito, uji); (2) solid (dough) and dumplings Bay Area (Spicher and Stephan 1999; Hansen and
(e.g., kenkey, agidi); and (3) dry (bread) (e.g., kisra, Schieberle 2005).
injera) (Blandino et al. 2003). German sourdoughs are usually rye-based mainly
This chapter provides an overview of the role and due to the difficulties of growing wheat under
functionality of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) in cereal- the German harsh climate conditions, especially in
based products and sourdough fermentation. the northern and eastern regions of the country.
Furthermore, dough acidification is required for
rye baking to inhibit flour α-amilase to prevent
15.2. Sourdough Bread
excessive starch degradation during baking and to
For several thousand years, bread has been one of obtain an acceptable bread volume (Brandt 2007).
the major constituents of the human diet. Sourdough In addition, acidification (biological or chemical)
is a mixture of flour (e.g., wheat flour) and water leads to a substantial degradation of glutelins prob-
spontaneously fermented by LAB and yeasts related ably by the activation of endogenous proteolytic
to traditional and original foods (Hammes et al. enzymes in rye flour (Thiele et al. 2004). Due to the
2005). Sourdough is an intermediate product for artisan and region-dependent handling of sour-
New Trends in Cereal-based Products Using Lactic Acid Bacteria 275

doughs, they are a huge source of LAB and yeast associated with Lactobacillus fermentum in Russian
species diversity. sourdoughs (Kazanskaya et al. 1983), while Lact.
fermentum dominates Swedish sourdoughs (Spicher
and Lönner 1985) and German type II sourdoughs
15.2.1. Biodiversity
(Meroth et al. 2004). Furthermore, Gobbetti et al.
The type of bacterial flora developed in each fer- (1994b) reported that Lact. acidophilus is common
mented food depends on water activity, pH, salt in Umbrian (Italian region) sourdoughs, although it
concentration, incubation temperature, and compo- has been rarely isolated from other sourdoughs
sition of the food matrix. The concerted hydrolytic (Salovaara and Katunpää 1984; Spicher 1984;
activities of the grain and microorganisms (LAB and Infantes and Tourneur 1991).
yeasts) are the origin of all cereal fermentations and In the last years, several new lactobacilli species
are best represented by the traditional sourdough have been discovered in traditional sourdoughs by
fermentation. On the basis of the technology used in using polyphasic approaches (Table 15.2). Four
sourdough production, three types of sourdoughs of the novel taxa, Lactobacillus acidifarinae,
have been identified (Böcker et al. 1995). Type I Lactobacillus hammesii, Lactobacillus spicheri,
sourdoughs are produced with traditional techniques and Lactobacillus zymae, are members of the
and characterized by continuous refreshments to Lactobacillus buchneri species group; Lactobacillus
keep the microorganisms in an active state. Type II mindensis and Lactobacillus nantensis enrich the
sourdoughs, often used as dough-souring supple- species diversity of the Lact. alimentarius species
ments during bread preparation, are characterized group; and Lactobacillus rossiae belongs to the
by long fermentation periods (from 2 to 5 days) Lact. reuteri species group (De Vuyst and
and fermentation temperature sometimes higher Vancanneyt 2007). In addition, a ubiquitous micro-
than 30°C to speed up the process (Böcker et al. biota involving pediocococci and heterofermenta-
1995; Hammes and Gänzle 1998). Type III sour- tive lactobacilli were found in homemade sourdoughs
doughs are dried preparations containing LAB that from the mountain area of north-west Argentina
are resistant to the drying process (Hammes and (Gerez et al. 2006). From this geographical region,
Gänzle 1998). polyphasic analysis applied to fermented wheat
Sourdough LAB generally belong to the genus flour allowed the identification of a novel species
Lactobacillus, Leuconostoc, Pediococcus, or within the genus Pediococcus; Pediococcus argen-
Weissella, the first one exhibiting the greatest diver- tinicus sp. nov. (De Bruyne et al. 2008).
sity. More than half of the species (approximately
100) of the Lactobacillus genus occur in sourdoughs
15.3. Functionality of LAB in
or related cereal fermentations (Hammes and Hertel
Sourdough Fermentations
2003; De Vuyst and Neysens 2005; Ehrmann and
Vogel 2005). Table 15.2 shows LAB diversity iso- Following the identification and classification of
lated from sourdoughs from different regions and LAB from cereal fermentations, basic and applied
the phenotypic and/or molecular methods applied in sciences now face the challenge of identifying func-
their identification. Interestingly, 15 lactobacilli tional characters of these bacteria to completely
species known to occur in sourdough are also known exploit their microbial metabolic potential for the
to live in human and animal intestines, for example, production of baked goods (Vogel et al. 2002). The
Lactobacillus reuteri and Lactobacillus acidophilus deliberate exploitation of desired metabolic activi-
(Hammes and Gänzle 1998). Lactobacillus alimen- ties would be possible if the contribution of indi-
tarius strains, which probably belong to Lactobacillus vidual metabolic behavior to bread quality is well
paralimentarius, were first isolated from Japanese defined (Ehrmann and Vogel 2005).
sourdough (Cai et al. 1999). Lactobacillus brevis The metabolic activities of LAB during sour-
and Lactobacillus plantarum have been generally dough fermentation improve dough properties,
276 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

Table 15.2. Lactic acid bacteria from sourdoughs of different origin.

LAB Product (identification method) Country Reference

Ped. argentinicus Wheat sourdoughs (polyphasic) Argentina De Bruyne et al. (2008)
Lact. zymae/pontis/Acidifarinae/plantarum Wheat sourdoughs (polyphasic) Belgium Vancanneyt et al. (2005)
sanfranciscensis/paralimentarius/spicheri Scheirlinck et al. (2007, 2009)
Lact. reuteri/panis/amylovorus Rye sourdough (phenotypical) Denmark Rosenquist and Hansen
Lact. plantarum/casei/delbrueckii subsp. Wheat bread (phenotypical) France Infantes and Tourneur (1991)
Ped. pentosaceus
Lact. hammesii Wheat sourdoughs (polyphasic) Valcheva et al. (2005)
Lact. nantensis Wheat sourdoughs (polyphasic) Valcheva et al. (2006)
Lact. amylovorus/pontis/frumenti/reuteri Rye sourdough (RAPD-PCR) Germany Müller et al. (2000, 2001)
Lact. panis Rye sourdough (polyphasic) Wiese et al. (1996)
Lact. spicheri Rice sourdogh (polyphasic) Meroth et al. (2004)
Lact. pontis/Lact. sanfranciscensis/ Rye bran (PCR-DGGE) Vögel et al. (1994)
mindensis/crispatus/pontis/fermentum/ Meroth et al. (2003);
reuterifrumenti/johnsonii/panis Ehrmann et al. (2003)
Lact. paralimentarius/anfranciscensis/ Wheat sourdoughs (polyphasic) Greece De Vuyst et al. (2002)
brevis/Lactobacillus sp.; W. cibaria
Lact. sanfranciscensis/fermentum/ Panettone, Brioche Italy Galli et al. (1988)
plantarum; Leuc. mesenteroides; (phenotypical)
Pediococcus spp.
Lact. alimentarius/ brevis/plantarum/ Apulian wheat sourdoughs Corsetti et al. (2001, 2005)
sanfranciscensis/lactis subsp. lactis/ (polyphasic)
acidophilus/fermentum/delbrueckii subsp.
bulgaricus; W. confuse/rosii
Lact. sanfranciscensis/acidophilus/ Umbrian wheat sourdoughs Gobbetti et al. (1994b)
plantarum/farciminis (phenotypical)
Lact. brevis/plantarum Wheat sourdough (phenotypical) Spain Barber et al. (1983)
Lact. siliginis Wheat sourdough (polyphasic) South Korea Aslam et al. (2006)
Lact. sanfranciscensis S. Francisco sourdough, French United States Kline and Sugihara (1971)
bread (phenotypical)

bread texture. and flavor; retard the staling process 15.3.1. Carbohydrate Metabolism during
of bread; and prevent bread from mold and bacterial Sourdough Fermentation
spoilage (Hansen and Schieberle 2005; Arendt et al.
2007; Gerez et al. 2009). Also, LAB may contribute In dough fermentation, carbohydrate metabolism
to the healthiness of cereals in different ways, such varies, depending on the LAB species and strains
as improving the texture and palatability of whole- involved, type of sugars, presence of yeasts, and
grain, fiber-rich, or gluten-free products; hydrolyz- processing conditions (Hammes and Gänzle 1998;
ing allergenic compounds (Rollán et al. 2005; Martínez-Anaya 2003). The soluble carbohydrate
Gobbetti et al. 2007, Gerez et al. 2008b); stabilizing concentration of wheat flour is less than 1% and
or increasing levels of bioactive compounds; and varies with the type of flour and with the action of
improving mineral bioavailability (De Angelis et al. α- and β-amylases on the damaged starch granules
2003; Katina et al. 2005; Arendt et al. 2007). (Gobbetti et al. 1994a).
New Trends in Cereal-based Products Using Lactic Acid Bacteria 277

Carbohydrate metabolism and physiological of glucose from sugar hydrolysis may have favor-
aspects of Lactobacillus sanfranciscensis and other able impact on maltose-negative yeasts for growing
sourdough lactobacilli in sourdough were reviewed in sourdoughs (Sugihara et al. 1970; Gobbetti et al.
by Hammes et al. (1996), Gobbetti et al. (2005), and 1994a), especially during wheat sourdough fermen-
Gänzle et al. (2007). Lact. sanfranciscensis strains tation where the concentration of soluble carbohy-
isolated from Italian traditional sourdoughs only use drates is less than 1% (Gines et al. 1997). In general,
glucose and maltose (Corsetti et al. 2001); however, sourdough LAB are unable to ferment sucrose, a
a broad range of sugars such as sucrose, raffinose, disaccharide whose metabolism by heterofermenta-
galactose, melibiose, ribose, and fructose are fer- tive lactobacilli in sourdough appears to be attribut-
mented by Lact. sanfranciscensis strains isolated able to glycosyl-transferases rather than to invertase
from other sourdoughs (Hammes and Gänzle 1998; activities (Tieking et al. 2003; Gänzle et al. 2007).
Tieking et al. 2003). However, Cuezzo de Ginés et al. (2000) purified and
Lact. reuteri CRL1100, a strain isolated from characterized an invertase (β-fructofuranosidase)
homemade fermented dough, showed a variable enzyme from Lact. reuteri CRL1100. During wheat
profile of carbohydrate fermentation (Ginés et al. dough fermentation, this strain metabolizes sucrose
1997). This microorganism metabolizes glucose and with a concomitant release of fructose, which is
galactose but not fructose and cellobiose. Among used mainly as an electron acceptor for producing
disaccharides, sucrose and maltose are the best sub- mannitol (Gerez et al. 2008a), changing the metabo-
strates. The consumption of maltose and the release lism from the ethanol to the acetate route (Fig. 15.1)



Glucose Fructose
ATP 2 NADH dehydrogenase


Glyceraldehyde-3-P Acetyl-P Ethanol


Lactic acid Acetic acid

Figure 15.1. Fermentation of sucrose by Lact. reuteri CRL1100, a lactic acid bacterium isolated from homemade
278 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

(Stolz et al. 1995; Erten 1998; Korakli and Vogel 15.4. Cereal Protein Modification
2003). The reduction of fructose to mannitol allows during Sourdough Fermentation
the regeneration of NAD+ and the gain of ATP by
the cells through the acetate kinase reaction convert- Gluten proteins (gliadins and glutenins) are respon-
ing acetyl phosphate into acetate instead of ethanol. sible for the unique ability of wheat to be trans-
The use of fructose as an electron acceptor was also formed into bread; they are responsible for the
reported for strains of Leuconostoc mesenteroides rheological properties of dough and the texture of
(Erten 1998), Lact. sanfranciscensis (Korakli and breads, contributing to gas retention during dough
Vogel 2003), and Lact. fermentum (Vrancken et al. fermentation (Wieser 2007). The main proteolytic
2008). The invertase activity of Lact. reuteri activity of this process was attributed to endogenous
CRL1100 increases soluble sugars (Gines et al. flour enzymes, such as aminopeptidases, carboxy-
1997, Cuezzo de Ginés et al. 2000) and regenerates peptidases, and endopeptidases (Spicher and Nierle
NAD+ (Gerez et al. 2008a) in the sourdough ecosys- 1988). The degree of protein degradation in wheat
tem, which has positive impact on this ecological sourdough is usually similar to that observed in
system. chemically acidified doughs (Loponen et al. 2004;
Thiele et al. 2004), although lower peptide and
amino acid levels were found in chemically acidified
doughs (Di Cagno et al. 2004). During dough
15.3.2. Exopolysaccharide Production by
fermentation, the proteolysis carried out by LAB
Sourdough LAB
releases small peptides and free amino acids, which
Sourdough LAB have been shown to produce exo- are important for rapid microbial growth and acidi-
polysaccharides (EPS): glucans (reuteran, dextran, fication and as precursors for flavor development of
or mutans) as well as fructans (levan or inulin). The the leavened baked products (Rollán and Font de
molecular and applied aspects of EPS formation by Valdez 2001; Thiele et al. 2002). Gerez et al. (2006)
sourdough LAB were recently reviewed by Tieking reported that 13 (nine lactobacilli and four pedio-
and Gänzle (2005) and Gänzle et al. (2007). EPS cocci) out of 42 LAB strains were able to use gluten
are natural biopolymers, which play an important as a nitrogen source. Pediococci displayed similar
role in the rheology, texture, and mouthfeel of fer- proteolytic activity to lactobacilli, providing the first
mented milks, nonfat cheeses, and more recently, evidence of gluten proteolysis by sourdough pedio-
sourdough or bakery products (Decock and Capelle cocci strains. The amino acid levels in wheat doughs
2005). In situ EPS formation by lactobacilli during depend on dough pH, fermentation time, and amino
sourdough fermentation may replace hydrocolloids acid consumption by the fermentative microflora
currently used as texturizing, anti-staling, or prebi- (Thiele et al. 2002). An increase (80% and 150%)
otic additives in bread production (Tieking et al. in basic amino acids (mainly ornithine) and lysine
2003). The in situ production of these compounds is in 6 h-old Pediococcus pentosaceus cultures grown
preferred to the use of additives in the elaboration in gluten-based medium was observed. Ornithine is
of “100% natural” fermented foods. The potential considered one of the key flavor precursors in wheat
probiotic effects of EPS and their technological bread (Gassenmeier and Schieberle 1995). Gerez et
properties, in addition to the Generally Recognized al. (2006) observed an increase in essential amino
as Safe character of LAB, make these EPS-producing acids (treonine, valine, lysine, and phenylalanine) in
microorganisms ideal to be included in new a gluten-based medium fermented by LAB strains.
functional starter cultures or functional foods. As cereal flours used for human or animal foods are
The great biodiversity of these biopolymers in deficient in essential amino acids (Kamel and
terms of yield, monomeric composition, molecular Stauffer 1993), the inclusion of lysine-releasing
mass, and spatial structure confers them diverse pediococci in starter cultures for wheat dough would
functionalities. be relevant from a nutritional standpoint. In addi-
New Trends in Cereal-based Products Using Lactic Acid Bacteria 279

tion, the qualitative and quantitative composition of et al. 2002; Di Cagno et al. 2004; Stepniak et al.
amino acids in fermented doughs is of interest since 2006). However, any alternative treatment should
they positively affect bread flavor mainly through have a safety profile competitive with gluten-free
the Maillard reaction (Collar et al. 1991). diet (Wieser and Koehler 2008). On the other hand,
Studies on the proteolytic system of sourdough gluten-free breads tend to have a flat aroma and stale
LAB contribute to the selection of starter cultures fast. It has been reported that for wheat bread both
that have the ability to eliminate or metabolize toxic of these disadvantages can be overcome by using
peptides involved in celiac disease (CD) (Di Cagno sourdough (Clarke et al. 2002). Different publica-
et al. 2002; Rollán et al. 2005; Zotta et al. 2006; tions demonstrated that LAB possess great potential
Gerez et al. 2008b). CD is an inflammatory disorder in diminishing the CD-inducing effects of gluten. It
of the upper small intestine triggered by the inges- was shown that selected lactobacilli have the ability
tion of wheat, rye, barley, and possibly oat products. to in vitro hydrolyze Pro-rich peptides, including the
The clinical feature of CD is characterized by a flat 31–43 α-gliadin and the 57–89 α-gliadin (33-mer
intestinal mucosa with absence of normal villi, peptide) fragments, the latter being the most potent
which results in a generalized malabsorption of inducer of gut-derived human T cell lines in CD
nutrients. During the last decade, intensive bio- patients (Di Cagno et al. 2002; Rollán et al. 2005).
chemical studies have contributed to substantial On the other hand, Shan et al. (2005) reported
progress in understanding the general principles that the use of a prolyl-endopeptidase produced by
determine the pathogenesis of CD. Flavobacterium meningosepticum active on the 33-
The structural features unique to all CD toxic mer peptide, for an oral peptidase supplement
proteins are sequence domains rich in glutamine therapy for CD patients. Nonetheless, Matysiak-
(Gln) and proline (Pro) (Sollid 2002). The high Pro Budnik et al. (2004) reported that the hydrolysis of
content renders these proteins resistant to complete the 33-mer by prolyl-endopeptidase of F. meningo-
proteolytic digestion by gastrointestinal enzymes septicum in CD patients was not complete and led
(Cunningham and O`Connor 1997; Hausch et al. to the release of potentially immunogenic peptides,
2003). Consequently, large Pro- and Gln-rich pep- which contacted the immune system after crossing
tides are accumulated in the small intestine and the intestinal mucosa. Other prolyl-endopeptidase
reach the sub-epithelial lymphatic tissue. Depending from Aspergillus niger efficiently degraded T cell
on the amino acid sequences, these peptides can stimulatory peptides as well as peptic/tryptic digest
induce two different immune responses that result of gluten and intact gluten, and this enzyme was
in mucosal destruction and epithelial apoptosis. The proposed as an oral supplement to reduce gluten
current essential therapy of CD is a strict lifelong intake in CD patients (Stepniak et al. 2006).
adherence to gluten-free diet. Dietetic gluten-free Moreover, the combination of LAB strains and
foods produced for CD patients underlie the regula- fungal proteases decreased the level of residual
tions of the Codex Alimentarius Standard for gluten under 20 mg/kg in dough, considered an effi-
Gluten-Free Foods. The “Draft Revised Codex cient approach for reducing gluten in baked goods
Standard,” edited in March 2006, proposes a (Gobbetti et al. 2007; Rizzello et al. 2007).
maximum level of 20 mg of gluten/kg for naturally Recently, Gerez et al. (2008b) reported no cor-
gluten-free foods (e.g., based on rice or corn flour) relation between the individual peptidase activities
and 200 mg/kg for foods rendered gluten-free (e.g., of LAB strains and their capacity to degrade α-
wheat starch). There is still disagreement about the gliadin-derived fragments. However, some strains
toxicity of oat avenins. During the last decade, strat- were able to hydrolyze (more than 70%) the 31–43
egies for prevention and treatment of CD have been and 62–75 α-gliadin-fragments after 2 h, while the
proposed. They are based on the removal of toxic degradation of the 33-mer peptide was only obtained
epitopes by enzymatic degradation, gene engineer- by using mixed cultures with different peptidase
ing, and blocking parts of the immune system (Shan profiles after 8 h (pers. comm.). This fact would be
280 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

due to the synergic or complementary effect among acids treonine, valine, lysine, and phenylalanine
the enzyme activities. The degradation rate of the (Rollán et al. 2005; Gerez et al. 2006; Vermeulen
33-mer peptide, the most resistant peptide to LAB et al. 2007). Phenylalanine is of special interest
hydrolysis, was higher than the value reported by a since its metabolism leads to the production of
pool of four LAB strains isolated from sourdough phenyllactic acid (PLA) and its 4-hydroxy deriva-
(Di Cagno et al. 2004). tive (OH-PLA), both of which have been described
as antifungal compounds (Lavermicocca et al. 2000;
Valerio et al. 2004).
15.4.1. Role of Amino Acids during
Sourdough Fermentation
15.5. Bread Bioconservation by LAB
Certain amino acids released by proteolysis during
sourdough fermentation have been shown to play Bread is one of the most important staple foods in
different roles. One important metabolic activity of the Western world and is generally viewed as a
sourdough lactobacilli is the arginine (Arg) catabo- perishable commodity. Mold growth is the most
lism through the Arg deiminase (ADI) pathway. common microbial spoilage in bakery products,
Degradation of this amino acid has significance for raising serious economic concerns as due to produc-
bread quality and helps to protect the microorganism tion losses of between 1% and 5% depending on
in acidic environments (Thiele et al. 2002; Rollán season, type of products (bread or sweet baked
et al. 2003). The ADI pathway comprises three reac- goods), ingredients (flour), leavening source (chem-
tions catalyzed by ADI (EC, ornithine ical, baker ’s yeasts, or sourdough), and processing
carbamoyl-transferase (EC, and carbamate methods. The characteristics, architecture, and
kinase (EC This pathway leads to the con- cleaning of bakery and packaging products are also
version of Arg into ornithine, ammonia, and CO2, determinant factors since spores of airborne molds
with the concomitant production of 1 mol of ATP contaminate baked goods during cooling, slicing,
per mol of Arg consumed; this system is the main wrapping, and storage (Legan 1993). Spoilage of
Arg catabolic pathway in many LAB strains. The wheat bread is mainly linked to the presence of
arginine metabolism by Lact. sanfranciscensis (De Penicillium sp., which causes around 90% of bread
Angelis et al. 2002) and Lactobacillus pontis (Thiele spoilage, but Fusarium, Clodosporium, Rhizopus,
et al. 2002) has been demonstrated to have impact and Aspergillus species also occur (Legan and
on bread flavor. Lact. pontis is capable of metaboliz- Voysey 1991). On rye bread, Penicillium roqueforti
ing Arg forming the aroma precursor ornithine, is the major contaminant (Lund et al. 1996).
which is converted into 2-acetyl-1-pyrolline, giving In addition to its economic impact, the presence
the bread crust its aroma (Schieberle 1990, 1996; of mold in bakery goods may be associated with the
Ehrmann and Vogel 2005). Furthermore, the metab- production of mycotoxins, posing public health risks
olism of Arg into ornithine via the ADI pathway (Legan 1993). At present, several methodologies are
contributes to pH-homeostasis and the acid toler- applied to prevent or minimize fungal spoilage of
ance of lactobacilli because two protons are con- bread and to ensure shelf life and safety of bakery
sumed in the pathway increasing both the intracellular products, for example, modified atmosphere pack-
and extracellular pH (Konings 2002). In Lact. aging; cold storage; irradiation; pasteurization of
reuteri, the triggering factor for the ADI pathway packaged bread; and/or addition of preservatives
would be the depletion in energy source rather than such as propionic, sorbic, and benzoic acids and
the pH attained by cultures at the stationary phase their salts (Farkas 2001; Guynot et al. 2005), with
(Rollán et al. 2003). propionic and sorbic acids used mainly as food pre-
Other amino acids derived from the gluten break- servatives. According to the European Parliament
down during LAB fermentation are glutamate (due and Council Directive No. 95/2/EC, propionic and
to glutamine deamidation) and the essential amino sorbic acids may be added to bakery wares in con-
New Trends in Cereal-based Products Using Lactic Acid Bacteria 281

centrations of up to 0.3% and 0.2%, respectively tures or their filtrates are more effective as antifun-
(European Community 1995). gal agents.
Consumer demands for natural food products The officially authorized maximal concentration
have led the bakery industry to lower the quantities for calcium propionate (CP), which is 0.3%, is not
of chemical additives used (Membre et al. 2001). effective in preventing several spoilage fungi
However, the reduction of preservatives to sub- (Lavermicocca et al. 2000). Thus, new preservation
inhibitory levels has been shown to stimulate growth systems including antifungal LAB strains, in com-
of spoilage fungi in some cases (Marin et al. 1999), bination with stabilizer agents, may be a promising
and/or mycotoxin production (Bullerman 1985; bio-strategy for controlling mold growth (Ryan
Legan 1993). Demands in the bakery industry for et al. 2008). A proper combination of several anti-
high-quality and minimally processed foods with fungal LAB strains reduced by 50% the concentra-
low concentrations of chemical preservatives tion of CP in wheat dough that is necessary to attain
renewed the interest toward natural preservation a bread shelf life similar to bread elaborated with
systems. In this regard, considerable resources have 0.4% CP (Gerez et al. 2009).
been devoted to the biotechnology of LAB as bio- Reduction of bread spoilage represents a chal-
preserver organisms since they have been used for lenging issue for the bakery industry; economic
centuries in the food industry and are able to produce losses from bread due to fungal spoilage, and con-
different kinds of antimicrobial compounds (Diep sumer demand for free-additive foods increase the
and Nes 2002; Cotter et al. 2005; Drider et al. 2006). need to seek for natural alternative preservation
Some LAB have proven to affect spoilage and systems. The addition of antifungal lactic starter will
mycotoxigenic fungi because of their acidification allow reducing the amount of chemicals needed to
activity and the antifungal substances they produce. assure the safety and quality of bread.
Several LAB antimicrobial low-molecular-weight
compounds including organic acids (Cabo et al.
15.6. Phytase Activity
2002; Lind et al. 2007; Gerez et al. 2009), reuterin
(Talarico et al. 1988), fatty acids (Sjögren et al. Wholemeal bread is a staple food in many countries
2003), proteinaceous compounds (Magnusson and because whole cereal flours provide fiber, complex
Schnürer 2001), and cyclic dipeptides (Ström et al. carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, and minerals.
2002) were shown to control mold growth either on However, the presence of significant amounts of
their own or synergistically. Most antifungal metab- phytate in flours and wholemeal breads interferes
olites produced by LAB were described for strains with mineral absorption. Phytic acid (myo-inositol
isolated from cereals and sourdough (Corsetti et al. hexaphosphate) is considered an anti-nutrient that
1998; Lavermicocca et al. 2000; Rouse et al. 2008; forms precipitate complexes with essential dietary
Gerez et al. 2009). Various LAB strains selected by minerals (calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc),
their in vitro antifungal properties were used as strongly decreasing their bioavailability (Maga
starter cultures in dough fermentations. Lact. plan- 1982; Torre et al. 1991). These complexes may also
tarum 21B produces two antifungal compounds, interfere with enzymatic degradation of proteins
phenyllactic and 4-hydroxy-phenyllactic acids, (Greiner and Konietzny 2006). Phytic acid is
which retained their fungicidal activities after baking dephosphorylated by phosphatase enzymes or phy-
and prolonged the shelf life of bread (Lavermicocca tases (EC, myo-inositol hexakisphosphate
et al. 2003). Dal Bello et al. (2007) reported that the phosphohydrolase), which hydrolyze phytic acid
outgrowth inhibition of Fusarium sp. in wheat bread into inositol and inorganic phosphate and are widely
by Lact. plantarum FST 1.7 was due to lactic acid, distributed in plants, animal tissues, and microor-
phenyllactic acid, and two cyclic dipeptides (cyclo ganisms. Many LAB strains have shown phospha-
L-Leu–L-Pro, and cyclo L-Phe–trans-4-OH-L-Pro). tase activity, and the microbial source of phytase is
It remains to be determined whether sourdough cul- the most promising source for cereal-based foods
282 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

(De Angelis et al. 2003). The role of LAB in the cooked in water and fermented with LAB and bifi-
degradation of phytate during lactic acid fermenta- dobacteria. After fermentation, the matter is then
tion in general, and during sourdough fermentation flavored with sucrose or fructose and fruit jam. It is
in particular, was reported by Reale et al. (2007). mainly consumed in Finland and other Scandinavian
The authors pointed out that LAB provide favorable countries (Wood 1997; Salminen et al. 1998).
conditions for the endogenous cereal phytase activ-
ity by lowering the pH value. The observed reduc-
tion in phytate content during lactic acid fermentation 15.8. Conclusions
might therefore be due to an activation of endoge- The multiple beneficial effects of cereals together
nous plant phytases or coprecipitation of phytate with LAB can be exploited in different ways, leading
and proteins as a consequence of pH fall during to the design of novel cereal-based foods or cereal
fermentation. ingredients that can target specific populations.
However, the development of new processing
15.7. New Perspectives technologies to enhance the health potential and
acceptability of cereal-based products is of major
Different projects are ongoing to evaluate the pos- importance constituting a trend that is very likely to
sible role of cereals as substrates for the develop- continue.
ment of novel functional foods due to the
non-digestible components of the cereal matrix and
by adding selected LAB strains (Charalampopoulos References
et al. 2002, 2003). In this new trend, the composition Arendt, E.K., Ryan, L.A.M., and Dal Bello, F. (2007) Impact of
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Chapter 16

An Overview of Lactic Acid Bacteria Applications for

Healthful Soy Foods Development

Graciela Savoy de Giori, Laura Aguirre, José Marazza, and Marisa S. Garro

The food industry is in continuous transition and is consequence, the so-called functional foods market
nowadays adopting an innovative and market-ori- has gained great importance. At present, the use of
ented position. This transformation is accompanied functional starter cultures in the functional food fer-
by an increasing demand for high–value-added mentation industry is being explored. Lactic acid
products that meet consumers’ demand for superior bacteria (LAB) are able to produce antimicrobial
taste and convenience, health, and safety. The substances, useful enzymes, or nutraceuticals,
increased interest in adopting healthy eating habits among other metabolites. LAB displaying health-
to prevent certain diseases has led to the study and promoting properties provide novel and attractive
development of new functional foods. Food-grade food products to the consumers. These types of
fermentation can provide ingredients with new func- foods are produced from a variety of food substrates
tionalities, thus constituting a cost-effective manu- worldwide. The implementation of carefully selected
facturing process that uses microbial bioconversions starter cultures in fermentation processes can help
to produce functional metabolites. Soy-derived to achieve the in situ expression of the desired prop-
foods, a versatile and a rich source of essential erty, maintaining a perfectly natural and healthy
nutrients, have recently received much attention for product.
their preventive effects on certain chronic diseases. Soybean, one of the most important grains of the
Lactic acid fermentation, one of the most practical legume family and a major protein source for live-
methods of food preservation, is able to enhance the stock, is relevant from both economical and
nutritional and sensorial characteristics of fer- nutritional standpoints. This review describes the
mented soy products. In recent years, selected lactic challenges associated with the scientific develop-
acid bacteria strains have been thoroughly investi- ment of fermented functional soy foods, emphasiz-
gated for specific health effects. In this chapter, ing the beneficial effects of LAB.
health-promoting properties of fermented soy food
obtained either directly by live LAB or indirectly as
16.2. Soybean Nutritional Components
result of biogenic microbial metabolites derived
from fermentation processes will be discussed with Although the nutrient content of soybeans differs
special emphasis on new starter cultures with novel widely due to variety diversity and growth condi-
properties to help the production of tastier, safer, tions, soybeans typically contain 35%–45% protein,
and healthier soy products. 20%–30% lipids, 26%–30% carbohydrates, 10%–
13% moisture, and around 5% minerals and ash.
Because soy protein contains most of the essential
16.1. Introduction
amino acids for human nutrition, it is an important
Recently, there has been an increased interest in substitute for animal protein and constitutes a
adopting healthy diets to prevent diseases, and, as a good alternative for lactose-intolerant or cow milk

Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria Novel Applications 289

Edited by Fernanda Mozzi, Raúl R. Raya and Graciela M. Vignolo
© 2010 Blackwell Publishing. ISBN: 978-0-813-81583-1
290 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

allergic people. These reasons have significantly denal and small intestinal mucosa. Thus, intact
increased the use of soy in human nutrition. sugars pass directly to the lower intestine, where
Numerous products that are currently available they are degraded by microorganisms such as
in the market are based on soy or contain soy ingre- Clostridium and Bacteroides, resulting in the pro-
dients. Soy foods, also known as oriental soy duction of gases such as hydrogen, methane, carbon
products, are typically divided into two classes: non- dioxide, and nitrogen. Consequently, the host expe-
fermented and fermented products. Among non- riences flatulence and undesirable side effects
fermented soy foods, tofu is the most popular, (Rackis 1981; Liener 1994). Therefore, removal of
followed by soymilk and soy sprouts, whereas soy α-GOS from soy foods has been a major objective
sauce, miso, tempeh, and natto are the most typical to improve their nutritive value. Many attempts have
among fermented soy products. Fermented soy been made to eliminate α-GOS from soybeans.
foods vary greatly in preparation methods, microor- α-GOS are heat stable, so several alternative
ganisms involved and utilization, all of them being approaches to heat treatments have been sought.
mainly fermented by fungi except for natto, which Although physical methods such as bean soaking,
results from bacterial fermentation. However, LAB bean germination, water extraction, and ultrafiltra-
also play an important role in the late fermentation tion are successful, they are tedious (Ibrahim et al.
stages of these products. LAB are also used in the 2002). Alternatively, the use of the enzyme α-Gal
production of fermented dairy analogs, that is, aci- to remove α-GOS from leguminous seeds has been
dophilus soymilk, cultured butter soymilk, and soy proposed as a biotechnological approach (Ganiats
cheese, using soybean as a substrate. Their micro- et al. 1994; Slominski 1994).
bial action contributes beneficially to both process- The enzyme α-Gal (α-D-galactoside-
ing technology and quality of the end-product in galactohydrolase, EC catalyzes the hydro-
terms of flavor, shelf life, and nutritional value. lysis of α-1–6-galactoside links that are present in
α-GOS such as raffinose. Fermentation with fungi,
yeasts, and bacteria displaying α-Gal activity to
16.3. Soy Carbohydrates Metabolism
reduce α-GOS levels in soybeans has been attempted
by LAB
over the years (Cruz et al. 1981; Rehms and Barz
Mature soybeans possess single sugars (monosac- 1995; Gote et al. 2004). α-Gal has been isolated
charides and disaccharides), polysaccharides, and from plant and microbial sources with markedly dif-
oligosaccharides. Among these, the main sugars are ferent properties according to the origin (Kotwal
raffinose and stachyose, which contain one sucrose et al. 1998; Gote et al. 2004). This enzyme is gener-
moiety linked by α-1,6 bonds to one (raffinose)or ally produced in culture conditions supplemented
two (stachyose) units of galactose. These soluble with one or more α-D-galactopyranosyl groups as
carbohydrates have received more attention because carbon source (Gote et al. 2004). Several yeast
their presence has been linked to flatulence and strains are known to produce high levels of extracel-
abdominal discomfort associated with soybeans and lular α-Gal activity, suggesting its potential indus-
soy products. In fact, flatulence is one of the major trial application for the improvement of the
factors limiting the use of soybean as food (Steggerda nutritional value of soybean by reducing the α-GOS
et al. 1996). This problem has been noted most fre- content (Viana et al. 2006). However, no reliable,
quently with soy products from which carbohydrates inexpensive, and efficient enzymatic process with
have not been removed or degraded. native or recombinant yeast enzymes is available so
Humans are not endowed with the α-galactosidase far. The potential enzymes suggested for this purpose
(α-Gal) enzyme in the gut that is necessary for are generally of microbial origin and do not have the
hydrolyzing the α-galactosidic linkage present in Generally Recognized as Safe status.
these oligosaccharides (α-GOS). When consumed Indeed, the use of LAB with α-Gal activity for
by humans, α-GOS cannot be digested in the duo- fermented soy products is promissory and attractive.
An Overview of Lactic Acid Bacteria Applications for Healthful Soy Foods Development 291

Several LAB are known to produce α-Gal (Garro operon that contains the three genes aga, galK, and
et al. 1996; Gopal et al. 2001; Silvestroni et al. galT. The aga gene encodes α-Gal, while galK and
2002). This enzyme is inducible by α-GOS and is galT most likely encode two enzymes of the Leloir
mostly localized in the cytoplasm in most microor- pathway (the enzymes galactokinase and galactose
ganisms (Garro et al. 1996; Gote et al. 2004). 1-phosphate-uridylyltransferase, respectively).
Recently, Yoon and Hwang (2008), while studying Carrera-Silva et al. (2006) reported the genetic
α-Gal distribution in Lactobacillus curvatus and organization of the melA locus in Lact. fermentum
Leuconostoc mesenteroides strains found α-Gal CRL722, which resembles the one previously
activity in both intracellular and extracellular frac- studied in Lact. plantarum (Silvestroni et al. 2002),
tions, with the former showing higher α-Gal activ- except for LacI, which is replaced by β-Gal-encoding
ity. Lactobacillus species are also able to use α-GOS genes in Lact. plantarum.
as an energy source to grow in soymilk. Lactoba- The phylogenetic tree obtained from the amino
cillus helveticus (Angeles and Marth 1971; Murti acid sequences of α-Gal from different species
et al. 1993), Lactobacillus fermentum (Garro et al. (NCBI, BLASTp databases) showed that α-Gal
2004), Lactobacillus reuteri (Tzortzis et al. 2004), from Lact. fermentum CRL722 does not seem to be
Lactobacillus acidophilus (Shelef et al. 1998; Wang related to those from other bacteria. The relationship
et al. 2002, 2003), and Lact. curvatus (Yoon and of this enzyme with those present in other lactoba-
Hwang 2008) are the main lactobacilli that use cilli seem to be similar to those of the genera
α-GOS and grow well in soy beverages. Geobacillus, Thermoanaerobacter, and Clostridium.
Several studies have focused on the molecular The genus Bifidobacterium shows the same level of
characteristics of the α-Gal genes expressed by kinship as some fungi of the genus Aspergillus, but
microorganisms, along with the kinetic properties of both seem to be far relatives of Lact. fermentum
the gene products (Schuler et al. 1985; Sripuan et al. CRL722.
2003; Kim et al. 2005). The first characterization of Engineered LAB have been constructed to
the α-Gal gene melA from lactobacilli, specifically degrade α-GOS. For this purpose, the α-Gal struc-
from Lactobacillus plantarum ATCC 8014, was tural gene from Lact. plantarum ATCC 8014 was
reported by Silvestroni et al. (2002). The melA gene cloned and expressed cytoplasmically in Lactococcus
is surrounded by genes involved in α- and β- lactis cells used as bacterial vehicle. The recombi-
galactoside utilization and is transcribed from its nant strains were tested in vivo using an animal
own promoter. Transcription of melA is independent model to reduce α-GOS levels. The cytoplasmic
of surrounding genes and is induced by melibiose form proved to be very promising because α-Gal-
and partially repressed by glucose. A putative galac- overproducing L. lactis was lysed in the duodenum
toside transporter termed RafP with high homology and released large quantities of this enzyme in the
to LacS, the only transporter for both α- and β- upper intestinal tract with the concomitant reduction
galactosides in Streptococcus thermophilus, was of α-GOS content (Connes et al. 2004; LeBlanc
found upstream of me1A. The lacL and lacM genes et al. 2004). However, the use of such bacteria may
that encode a heterodimeric β-Gal were identified depend on still controversial decisions about the
downstream of melA. A putative galM gene was acceptability of genetically modified organisms in
identified in the same cluster, suggesting the pres- nutrition (see Chapter 20).
ence of a galactose operon. These results indicate A specific strain is considered efficient in the
that the genes involved in galactoside catabolism prevention of digestive disorders associated with
are clustered in Lact. plantarum ATCC 8014. α-GOS consumption if it is able to degrade these
Subsequently, the characterization of genes involved undesirable sugars in the upper digestive tract (duo-
in α-GOS hydrolysis by Lactococcus raffinolactis denum, jejunum, or ileum) and to prevent their
was described by Boucher et al. (2003). In this arrival at the large intestine where they are fer-
species, the α-Gal metabolism was driven by an mented by endogenous microbiota. LeBlanc et al.
292 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

(2005) found evidence of short-lived α-Gal activity consequence of the partial degradation of complex
in the stomach and in the small intestinal chyme stored proteins into more simple and soluble prod-
when conventional rats were given live or cell-free ucts (Frias et al. 2008).
extracts of Lact. fermentum CRL722, suggesting Despite the mentioned advantages of soy prod-
that this activity could significantly reduce the phys- ucts, they can cause allergies in certain people.
iological effects associated with α-GOS consump- Soybean allergy is considered one of the most
tion. These observations were confirmed by the common allergies among children. Intolerance to
same authors (LeBlanc et al. 2008), who described soy protein may cause different clinical syndromes
an animal model that enables the elucidation of both such as rhinitis, urticaria, asthma, atopic dermatitis,
the mechanism and parameters (i.e., influence of the anaphylatic shock, or even death (Table 16.1).
LAB vehicle and administration mode) that influ- Allergy to soy resides in its protein fractions, 7S
ence the in vivo expression of LAB enzymatic activ- and 11S globulins being the most important. At
ities. Non-recombinant Lact. fermentum CRL722 least 21 immunoglobulin E (IgE)-binding soy pro-
co-administered with unfermented soymilk pro- teins, with molecular masses ranging from 7.5 to
duced significant reduction (50%) in H2 emission, 97 kDa, may be involved in clinical allergy (Wilson
showing that α-Gal from Lact. fermentum CRL722 et al. 2005; Ogawa 2006).
remained active in situ in the gastrointestinal tract Food processing including both thermal and
of rats monoassociated with Clostridium butyricum. enzymatic treatment may decrease the allergenicity
In human microbiota-associated rats, Lact. fermen- of proteins because alteration of protein conforma-
tum CRL722 also induced a significant reduction in tion by heating has been associated with loss of
H2 emission (70%). This was the first study to dem- conformational epitopes and consequent reduction
onstrate the efficiency of α-Gal-producing lactoba- or abolition of allergenic potential of proteins
cilli in improving the digestibility of α-GOS by (Thomas et al. 2007). In fact, the degradation of
reducing gas production in situ. soybean allergens during fermentation by microbial
proteolytic enzymes in soy sauce, miso, soybean
ingredients, and feed-grade soybean meals has been
demonstrated (Kobayashi 2005; Frias et al. 2008).
16.4. Soy Protein Metabolism by LAB
The immunoreactivity of soy products is affected by
Soybean proteins generally constitute about 35% the type of microorganism used during the fermenta-
to 45% of total seed on a dry basis. Globulins rep- tion process. Specifically, mold proteolysis in
resent around 90% of total soybean, among them natural fermented cracked seeds and flour products
glycinin and β-conglycinin are two major storage was less efficient than bacterial proteolysis in elimi-
globulins. Glycinin, also called soy 11S protein, nating immunoreactive proteins, probably due to the
consists of acidic and basic polypeptides linked by slower growth rate of viable mold during the fer-
a disulfide bridge. β-Conglycinin, a 7S protein, is a mentation process (Frias et al. 2008). When the
trimeric glycoprotein consisting of three types of same fermentation conditions were applied to solid
subunits: α′, α, and β (Hou and Chang 2004a, fermented products, faster microbial growth rate and
2005b). better efficacy in the breakdown and transformation
Soybeans provide high-quality proteins, which of high-molecular-weight proteins and peptides
are also a potential source of bioactive peptides. were found. Thus, Lact. plantarum exhibited a
Enzymatic hydrolysis is a commonly used method better potential for developing reduced immunore-
for releasing bioactive peptides from their protein active products as compared with mold strains.
precursors and for producing food-grade protein Recently, Aguirre et al. (2008) reported that fermen-
hydrolysates. Evidence has shown that fermentation tation processes using LAB are able to decrease or
processes affect the nutritional quality of legumes eliminate antigenic soybean proteins and, at the
by improving protein content and digestibility as a same time, improve the nutritional value of the final
An Overview of Lactic Acid Bacteria Applications for Healthful Soy Foods Development 293

Table 16.1. Soybean proteins allergen and their clinical relevance.

Protein fraction MW (kD) Clinical effect References

Tripsin inhibitor (Kunitz) 20 Asthma Ogawa et al. (1991)
Ber e 1; Albumine-2S (transgenic) 17 Anaphylaxis Ogawa et al. (1991)
Cotyledonous tissue Gly m4 — Cross-reactions Mittag et al. (2004)
(SAM22-H4 gene family) with birch
Soy whey fraction 18–21, 29–31 — Ogawa et al. (1991)
Storage protein
Vacuoles P39-1 polypeptide 39 Skin allergy Xiang et al. (2008)
Glycinin G1 (Acidic subunit 11S) 35–40 Children’s allergy Beardslee et al. (2000); Xiang et al. (2002)
Glycinin G2 (Basic subunit 11S) 22 Allergy Helm et al. (2000a,b); Xiang et al. (2002)
β-conglycinin (7S-Globulin) 33–55a Atopic dermatitis Ogawa et al. (1991)
Gly m Bd 28K 28 Atopic dermatitis Tsuji et al. (1997, 2001); Xiang et al.
(2004); Hiemori et al. (2000, 2004)
Gly m Bd 30K (P34 Thiol-protease) 34 Atopic dermatitis Ogawa et al. (1991)
Subunit β 42 Allergy Ogawa et al. (1991)
Gly m Bd 60K (Subunit α) 63–67 Allergy Rihs et al. (1999); Ogawa et al. (1991)
Gly m Bd 60K (Subunit α′) 71 Allergy Rihs et al. (1999); Ogawa et al. (1991)
Hull protein (Gly m 1.0102) 7.0 Asthma Rodrigo et al. (1990); González et al. (1992)
Hull protein (Gly m 1.0101) 7.5 Asthma Rodrigo et al. (1990); González et al. (1992)
Hull protein (Gly m 2) 8.0 Asthma González et al. (1992)
Gly m 3 (Profilin) 14 Allergy Rihs et al. (1999)
Gly m Bd 50K 50 Asthma, rhinitis Codina et al. (2002)
Fractions: 33–35/35–38/40–41/47–50/52–55.

fermented soybean food. This approach may be a may occur. Enzymatic hydrolysis is easy to control
valuable tool for developing hypoallergenic soy and uses milder conditions. Thus, fermentation is an
food products. efficient way to produce bioactive peptides, which
Peptides with biological activities released from can be released by microbial activity during food
soy protein breakdown have attracted the attention fermentation or through enzymes derived from
of the research community in recent years (Gibbs microorganisms (Korhonen and Pihlanto 2003).
et al. 2004; Wang and Gonzalez de Mejia 2005). It Interestingly, depending on the initial protein source
is well known that during gastrointestinal digestion and the enzymes used, peptides released may display
or food processing, these peptides are released from different biological activities, that is, antioxidant,
the parent protein acting as regulatory compounds antimutagenic, antihypertensive, hypocholesterol-
with hormone-like activities. Thus, soy protein con- emic, immunomodulatory, and so on (Table 16.2).
sumption reduces clinical and biochemical abnor- Several angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE)
malities in diseases mediated by lipid disorders inhibitory peptides have been found in enzyme
(Torres et al. 2006). Studies on cell cultures demon- hydrolysates of soy proteins. Chen et al. (2003,
strated that soybean 7S globulin and peptides 2004) identified ACE inhibitory peptides in the
derived from this protein are able to upregulate low- peptic digest of soybean protein. Although soy
density lipoprotein (LDL)-receptor activity (Lovati protein breakdown by “commercial enzymes” or
et al. 2000; Manzoni et al. 2003). enzymes from microorganisms such as Mucor sp.,
Acidic and enzymatic hydrolyses are two impor- Aspergillus oryzae, Rhizopus sp., Bacillus natto, or
tant methods for generating soybean peptides. Acid Bacillus subtilis is well documented (Gibbs et al.
hydrolysis is relatively simple and less expensive, 2004; Wang and Gonzalez de Mejia 2005), the
but it is difficult to control and amino acid damage action of proteolytic enzymes from LAB on soy
294 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

Table 16.2. Bioactive peptides derived from soy hydrolysate and soy-fermented products.

Substrate Enzymatic source Activity References

Soybean B. subtilis protease Antihypertensive Kitts and Weiler (2003)
Pepsin ACE inhibitory Chen et al. (2003, 2004)
Thermolysin Hypocholesterolemic Yoshikawa et al. (2000)
Fungi fermentation Antimutagenic Hung et al. (2007)
Soy protein Commercial enzymesa Antihypertensive, Antioxidative Korhonen and Philanto (2003)
Alcalase Hypocholesterolemic Zhong et al. (2007)
Soybean protease Antihypertensive Kodera and Nio (2006)
Glycinin soybean Protease ACE inhibitory Gouda et al. (2006)
β-conglycinin Thermolysin Immunomodulatory Yoshikawa et al. (2000)
Soy protein (native or heated) Commercial enzymesb Antioxidative Peña-Ramos and Xiong (2002)
Commercial soy paste Fermentation Antihypertensive Shin et al. (2001)
Soymilk LABc and Aspergillus ACE inhibitory Tsai et al. (2006)
LABd Antioxidant Wang et al. (2006)
Soy yogurt LABe ACE inhibitory Donkor et al. (2005)
Tofuyo Fermentation ACE inhibitory Kuba et al. (2003)
Defatted soy meal Alcalase Antihypertensive Wu and Ding (2001)
Thermolase Anticancer Kim et al. (2000)
Digested natto/digested tempeh Commercial protease Antioxidant, Antithrombotic, ACE Gibbs et al. (2004)
inhibitory, Surface tension
Alcalase® (Novo Nordisk Biochem Inc., China), Proteinase S (Amano Seiyaku Co., Nagoya, Japan), and Trypsin (Amano Seiyaku
Co., Nagoya, Japan).
Papain, pepsin, and chymotrypsin and Alcalase® (endoproteinase from Bacillus licheniformis), Protamex™ (Bacillus protease complex),
and Flavourzyme™ (endoprotease and exopeptidase from Aspergillus oryzae) (all from Novo Nordisk, Inc., Bagsvard, Denmark).
Lact. acidophilus, Lact. casei, S. thermophilus, and Lact. bulgaricus.
Lact. acidophilus, Bifidobacterium ssp., and S. thermophilus.
Lact. acidophilus, Bifidobacterium lactis, Lact. paracasei, S. thermophilus, and Lact. Bulgaricus.

protein extract (SPE) has not been thoroughly tions. Different profiles of hydrophilic and hydro-
studied and knowledge is still limited. phobic peptides from soy protein fractions were
The action of whole LAB cells on SPE as an generated by the studied LAB strains. These strains
attempt to gain better knowledge of their hydrolytic also increased the level of total free amino acids in
ability and the nature of the generated products was the SPE and hydrolyzed principally essential and
evaluated (Aguirre et al. 2008). The proteolytic flavor precursor amino acids.
activity of different LAB species (Lactobacillus The role of free radicals and active oxygen
paracasei subsp. paracasei, Lact. fermentum, species in various diseases including aging, cancer,
Lactobacillus delbruecki subsp. lactis, Lact. planta- inflammation, and the toxicity of numerous com-
rum, Lact. helveticus, Lact. reuteri, and Pediococcus pounds is well documented (Middleton et al. 2000;
pentosaceus), assayed on SPE at 37°C for 6 h, was Cadenas and Parker 2001). To replenish the aging-
evaluated by SDS-PAGE, reverse-phase high- induced loss of defense systems against oxidative
performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), and stress, the human body must be provided with a
free amino acid analyses. Results showed that α- α′ constant supply of antioxidants through a proper
subunits of β-conglycinin were the preferred sub- diet. Several food proteins possess antioxidant prop-
strates for most LAB. Only a few strains exerted erties, and hydrolysis of these proteins may release
action against the basic polypeptides of glycinin, peptides and amino acids with proven antioxidant
which is the least degraded of all soy protein frac- activity. Amino acids such as Tyr, Met, His, Lys,
An Overview of Lactic Acid Bacteria Applications for Healthful Soy Foods Development 295

and Trp have been shown to display antioxidant of their potential protective or preventive activity
capacity (Chen et al. 1998; Saito et al. 2003; against a number of diseases such as cardiovascular
González de Mejía and de Lumen 2006). This activ- diseases, cancer, and osteoporosis (Tsangalis et al.
ity is measured indirectly by the effects of antioxi- 2005).
dants in controlling the extent of oxidation. Some Worldwide, soybeans are the almost exclusive
methods show the advantage of determining the dietary source of isoflavones, which are also present
antioxidant capacity as a global characteristic of the in unfermented soy foods, occuring in glucose-
product that can be used to characterize the raw conjugated (genistein, daidzein, glycitin) (Coward
material and its evolution during processes (Wang et al. 1993; Wang and Murphy 1994) or acetyl- and
and Gonzalez de Mejia 2005). During hydrolysis, malonyl-β-glucoside forms, which are polar and
the soy protein structure is altered, and more active water-soluble compounds (Coward et al. 1998; Song
amino acid R groups are exposed, suggesting that et al. 1998). Once ingested, isoflavone glucosides
soybean peptides can have higher antioxidant activ- are hydrolyzed to aglycones, which are absorbed
ity than intact protein. Thus, it was shown that more quickly than their respective glucosides.
enzyme digestion of β-conglycinin and glycinin The concentration and composition of soy isofla-
possessed increased (3–5-fold) radical scavenging vones in soy foods and soy-containing foods vary
activities (Chen et al. 1998). markedly. Isoflavone content of some representative
The antioxidant capacity of peptides released soy foods is shown as follows: soybean (0.60–
from soy proteins by the LAB proteolytic system 2.39 mg/g), soy flour (0.60–2.35 mg/g), soy protein
has also been reported. Wang et al. (2006) showed (0.45–2.00 mg/g), soymilk (0.01–0.31 mg/g), tempeh
that the antioxidant activity of soymilk fermented (0.43–0.63 mg/g), tofu (0.10–0.50 mg/g), and miso
with mixed LAB cultures plus bifidobacteria for 24 h (0.20–1.00 mg/g) (U.S. Department of Agriculture
was higher than that fermented with bacterial culture 2002). These differences may result from formula-
individually. Moreover, antioxidant activity tion variability, changes in raw materials used and
increased when the fermentation period is prolonged processing methods and techniques, as well as post-
(Aguirre et al. 2008). Soy protein hydrolysates processing changes during distribution and storage.
obtained from Lact. paracasei subsp. paracasei Wang and Murphy (1994) and Song et al. (1998)
CRL207 on SPE incubated for 6 h and then fraction- reported that total isoflavone concentration of non-
ated by HPLC showed 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydra- processed soybeans was in the range of 1.2–4.2 mg/g.
zyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity in fractions Certain processing techniques such as hydrolysis,
with retention time (RT) of 19.8, 25.89, and fermentation, and foam removal can influence the
46.30 min (Aguirre et al. 2008). The DPPH radical isoflavone content and isomer composition of soy
is a stable free radical compound with strong absor- products. Thus, soy flour and texturized soybean
bance at 517 nm. The peptide fraction with an RT of proteins contain between 1.1 and 1.4 mg/g, whereas
46.30 min was more effective in suppressing oxida- both, soy concentrates, produced by alcohol washing
tion in food and biological systems only when oxida- and second generation soy foods, such as tofu, soy-
tion was induced by DPPH radical-like substances. yogurt, and tempeh burger, have lower isoflavone
concentrations (Wang and Murphy 1994).
Kao et al. (2004) reported high aglycone concen-
16.5. Isoflavones Transformation
trations in soymilk or tofu while a reversed trend
by LAB
was found for the glucoside isoflavones when the
Soy isoflavones belong to a subclass of flavonoids soaking temperature of the process was increased.
often called phytoestrogens because of their ability However, Shimoni (2004) stated that isoflavones are
to interact with estrogen receptors in cells. Their generally stable through heating, although they may
basic structural unit comprises two benzene rings intraconvert between different forms. Thus, baking
linked via a heterocyclic pyrone ring. These phy- soy-enriched bread at 165°C for 50 min resulted in
toestrogenic isoflavones are of great interest because stability of the total isoflavone content (Coward
296 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

et al. 1998), while daidzein and genistein conjugates In this sense, LAB could increase aglycone con-
released free isoflavones after heating under acid centration in soy food manufacture because certain
conditions (Wang et al. 1990). Other studies have strains possess β-glu activity. De Boever et al.
shown that the overall content of isoflavones in soy (2001) reported that semi-skimmed milk with soy
protein isolates and corn mixtures decreased at high germ powder fermented by Lact. reuteri generated
temperatures (from 110 to 150°C; Mahungu et al. isoflavone aglycones through hydrolysis of the β-
1999). Most of the studies just mentioned were glycosidic bonds. Wei et al. (2007) also showed that
limited to total isoflavone losses during processing one strain of Lact. paracasei, two strains of Lact.
at high temperatures. Ungar et al. (2003) character- acidophilus, and one strain of Bifidobacterium
ized the kinetics of daidzein and genistein degrada- longum, used singly or in mixed cultures, were able
tion in model solutions (pH 7 and 9), confirming that to increase the isoflavone aglycone contents in fer-
they were first-order reactions. Genistein degrada- mented soymilk; addition of sugar to the substrate
tion was accelerated in an alkaline environment, did not enhance isoflavone aglycone concentrations.
while a higher stability at pH 7 was also detected in Otieno et al. (2006) found that the hydrolytic poten-
daidzein solutions. Overall, degradation rates of tial of β-glu activity of Bifidobacterium, Lact. aci-
daidzein were higher than that of genistein, demon- dophilus, and Lact. casei strains for biotransformation
strating again that daidzein is certainly more labile of isoflavone glucosides in soymilk was strain-
to degradation than genistein at high temperatures. dependent. Recently, Marazza et al. (2009) reported
In soybean and non-fermented soy foods (e.g., that Lact. rhamnosus and Lact. paracasei subsp.
tofu), isoflavones are found as glucoside conjugates paracasei, among seven species of lactobacilli ana-
(genistin, daidzin, glycitin), which comprise 80% to lyzed, were able to express β-glu activity upon its
95% of the isoflavone concentration (Coward et al. specific substrate (pNPGlu), Lact. rhmanosus strains
1993; Wang and Murphy 1994; Lori et al. 1998; showing higher specific β-glu activity than Lact.
Song et al. 1998), while fermented products (e.g., paracasei subsp. paracasei. The isoflavone bio-
tempeh) are rich in aglycones (Wang and Murphy transformation by β-glu activity showed a correla-
1994; Coward et al. 1998). It has been shown that tion between their specificity and the temperature
the glucoside isoflavones are very poorly absorbed and incubation time. In addition, Chun et al. (2008)
in the small intestine compared with their aglycones also showed that Weissella strains with β-glu activ-
because the former have greater molecular weight ity isolated from human feces could effectively
and higher hydrophilicity (Chang and Nair 1995). convert isoflavone glucosides to aglycones in
Since the structure itself is a limiting factor for soymilk.
absorption in the gastrointestinal tract (Hendrich et The biological activity of soy products may be
al. 1999), chemical forms of isoflavones and their improved through fermentation processes and the
metabolites influence the extent of absorption; agly- stability of bioactive components could be main-
cones are more readily absorbed and more bioavail- tained during the storage period to confer health
able than highly polar conjugated species (Setchell benefits to the consumer. Isoflavone degradation in
2000). Therefore, the glucoside forms must be first soymilk depends on the storage time and tempera-
hydrolyzed by intestinal β-glucosidases (β-glu), ture, β-glu enzyme stability at storage temperature
which deconjugates the pran ring of isoflavone and being strain-dependent. Marazza et al. (2009) has
the sugar moieties to yield aglycone forms that can shown that β-glu activity of different LAB exhibited
be absorbed in vivo. This fact (and some in vivo better stability at low temperatures (4°C and −80°C).
results showing superior estrogenic effects of genis- Thus, the selection of LAB microorganisms as
tein over its glucosides) has led to the development starter cultures for soy-based functional foods will
of aglycon-enriched products either by β-glu treat- depend on the β-glu activity and its stability at the
ments (Park et al. 2002; Otieno and Shah 2007) or selected storage temperature. Therefore, studies to
by fermentation (Otieno and Shah 2007). properly define storage conditions of the product to
An Overview of Lactic Acid Bacteria Applications for Healthful Soy Foods Development 297

guarantee minimal losses of the bioactive compo- Chang, Y.C., and Nair, M.G. (1995) Metabolism of daidzein and
nents should be considered. genistein by intestinal bacteria. J Nat Prod 58, 1892–1896.
Chen, H.M., Muramoto, K., Yamauchi, F., Fujimoto, K., and
Nokihara, K. (1998) Antioxidative properties of histidine-
16.6. Conclusions and Future Directions containing peptides designed from peptide fragments found in
the digests of a soybean protein. J Agric Food Chem 46,
This chapter reviews the versatility of LAB for 49–53.
healthful soy foods production. LAB, used as starter Chen, J., Okada, T., Muramoto, K., Suetsuna, K., and Yang, S.
cultures or as probiotics, or their biogenic com- (2003) Identification of angiotensin I-converting enzyme
inhibitory peptides derived from the peptic digest of soybean
pounds, are responsible for the positive impact of protein. J Food Biochem 26, 543–554.
fermented foods on consumers’ health. However, Chen, J.R., Yang, S.C., Suetsuna, K., and Chao, J.C.J. (2004)
further research needs to focus on the isolation of Soybean protein-derived hydrolysate affects blood pressure in
new strains with improved health-promoting proper- spontaneously hypertensive rats. J Food Biochem 28, 61–73.
ties or strains with new health-related activities to Chun, J., Kim, J.S., and Kim, J.H. (2008) Enrichment of isofla-
vone aglycones in soymilk by fermentation with single and
facilitate their exploitation for the design of novel mixed cultures of Streptococcus infantarius 12 and Weissella
functional food products to meet consumers’ needs sp. 4. Food Chem 109, 278–284.
and requirements. Codina, R., Ardusso, L., Lockey, R.F., Crisci, C.D., Jaen, C., and
Bertoya, N.H. (2002) Identification of the soybean hull aller-
gens involved in sensitization to soybean dust in a rural popu-
Acknowledgements lation from Argentina and N-terminal sequence of a major
50 kD allergen. Clin Exp Allergy 32, 1059–1063.
Financial support from the Consejo Nacional de Connes, C., Silvestroni, A., LeBlanc, J.G., Juillard, V., Savoy de
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Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica, lactic acid bacteria strains to remove raffinose-type sugars
and the Consejo de Investigaciones de la Universidad present in soy derived products. Lait 84, 207–214.
Nacional de Tucumán (CIUNT) (Argentina) is Coward, L., Barnes, N.C., Setchell, K.D.R., and Barnes, S.
(1993) Genistein, daidzein and their β-glycoside conjugates:
gratefully acknowledged. The authors appreciate Antitumor isoflavones in soybean foods from American and
helpful discussion with Jean Guy LeBlanc. Asian diets. J Agric Food Chem 41, 1961–1967.
Coward, L., Smith, M., Kirk, M., and Barnes, S. (1998) Chemical
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Chapter 17

The Functional Role of Lactic Acid Bacteria in Cocoa

Bean Fermentation

Luc De Vuyst, Timothy Lefeber, Zoe Papalexandratou, and Nicholas Camu

This review covers the state of the art of the cocoa story of how chocolate grew from a local and ritual
bean fermentation process, in particular how fer- Mesoamerican beverage gift of the gods for the
mentation is determined by the basic raw material, local people to a nutritious and medicinal product for
the cocoa pulp-bean mass, and by environmental wealthy Europeans during the initial cocoa trade to a
and processing conditions, and how fermentation in delicious sweet enjoyed around the world encom-
turn influences flavor and health-promoting con- passes many different cultures and continents, with
stituents of the manufactured end-products, cocoa Latin America, Asia, Africa (cocoa plantations), and
powder, and chocolate. Several reviews and books Europe (cocoa trade and chocolate production)
have been published on this topic during the last 50 playing a major role (Coe and Coe 2007). Today,
years, in particular, but not exhaustive, Roelofsen; approximately two-thirds of the world’s cocoa,
Carr; Lehrian and Patterson; Jones and Jones; which is estimated at over 3.5 million tons, is pro-
Wood and Las; Lopez and Dimick; Schwan et al.; duced in West Africa (70%), followed by Latin
Gotsch; Fowler et al; Pontillon; Knight; Schwan America (16%), and Southeast Asia (14%) (http://
and Wheals; Bartley; Thompson et al.; Afoakwa At present, the
et al.; and Beckett. To avoid overloading of the text eight largest cocoa-producing countries (in order of
with references, only in particular cases will be annual production size) are Ivory Coast (40%),
referred to these reviews and books and to refer- Ghana (20%), Indonesia, Nigeria, Cameroon, Brazil,
ences already included in these works, with the Ecuador, and Malaysia, which represent 90% of the
exception of the parts on microbiology. cocoa world production (
Virtually all major cocoa production over the past
five decades has involved bulk (basic or ordinary)
17.1. Introduction cocoa. There are, however, many other smaller pro-
ducers, particularly of fine (flavor) cocoas, which
17.1.1. History
constitute about 5% of the cocoa world trade. The
The secrets of the cocoa tree, Theobroma cacao L. best known producer is Nacional (Ecuador), which is
(literally “food of the gods”), were first exploited the source of the fine-flavor cocoa called Arriba. Less
around 4000 years ago in the tropical rainforest of known is Java Fine or Edel cocoa, a light-breaking
Latin America. The fruits (cocoa pods) of this tree cocoa from Java (Indonesia), which is mainly used
contain seeds (cocoa beans) that can be processed for its color. About 90% of the world’s cocoa is
into cocoa powder, cocoa mass, and cocoa butter. grown by smallholders, often in less well-developed
Cocoa (beans) is responsible for the unique flavor tropical regions of the world. Chocolate production
and melt-in-the-mouth properties of chocolate. The is mainly concentrated in Europe and the United

Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria Novel Applications 301

Edited by Fernanda Mozzi, Raúl R. Raya and Graciela M. Vignolo
© 2010 Blackwell Publishing. ISBN: 978-0-813-81583-1
302 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

States. Leading European producers are Germany, array of genotypes, interbreeding, etc.) and human
the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Belgium, the intervention (agricultural practices, re-crossing,
Netherlands, and Switzerland. Whereas Belgium is etc.). In principle, all cocoa varieties originate from
world famous for its extremely fine, excellent tasting the Criollo and Forastero varieties, which are con-
and high-quality chocolate, French dark chocolate sidered indigenous to the Upper Amazon basin
became renowned in the French gastronomy, and (Amazonian region, Venezuela). Of the Forastero
Swiss milk chocolate is appreciated worldwide for its varieties, the melon-shaped Amelonado (Lower
seductive silky smoothness and purity. Amazon) is the most widely grown (Brazil and West
Africa). Trinitario, a third cocoa group often referred
to in the literature, originates from Trinidad and has
17.1.2. Chocolate and Human Health been so named to distinguish it from the native cocoa
of Venezuela. It is actually a hybrid between Criollo
The growing interest in the relationship between
and Forastero (most often Lower Amazon) varieties,
foods and human health has given a new impetus to
which is particularly suitable for cultivation. Today,
chocolate production since the 1990s. As consumers
Criollo, Forastero, and Trinitario varieties represent
actively search worldwide for food that is not only
approximately 1%, 94%, and 5% of the world pro-
nutritious and delicious but also carries some func-
duction of cocoa. Criollo and Trinitario are consid-
tional benefits for their health, superior chocolates
ered fine cocoas that are often sold at higher prices
have been developed with health-promoting proper-
than Forastero, and used for premium plain dark
ties. Indeed, scientific studies on cocoa and choco-
chocolates and couvertures. However, Forastero is
late have revealed antioxidative, anti-atherogenic,
much less prone to various diseases and overcomes
anticarcinogenic, psychoactive, and mood-elevating
several other weaknesses (yield, bearing, etc.),
effects of chocolate components resulting from their
giving a more stable crop from year to year, and it
moderate consumption (Knight 1999; Wollgast and
is thus preferred by farmers throughout the world,
Anklam 2000a; Smit and Blackburn 2005; Ding
yielding bulk cocoa (for milk and dark chocolates
et al. 2006). With a view to improving the nutri-
and other confectionary products). The exact origin
tional profile of chocolate, which is a high-calorie
of the Nacional type of cocoa is not known, but it is
food, a range of new products has been introduced
generally considered native to Ecuador. Molecular
into the market, such as organic chocolates, choco-
studies indicate that Nacional cocoa genotypes, first
lates without added sugar, lactose-free chocolates,
considered a Forastero variety, are genetically dif-
polyphenol-enriched chocolates, fiber-enriched and
ferent from the other cocoa groups (Crouzillat et al.
prebiotics-containing chocolates, and probiotic
1996). In general, many cocoa farmers grow several
chocolates (Knight 1999; Nebesny et al. 2007;
varieties of cocoa and, due to cross-pollination and
Beckett 2009).
re-crossing, single trees with all the characteristics
of a specific cocoa type are rare. Moreover, despite
its long history of cultivation and selection, current
17.2. Cocoa Crop Cultivation
cocoa cultivars are quite similar to the originally
and Harvest
cultivated cocoa germplasm. A vast body of work
The cocoa tree is a small tree, cultivated worldwide has been carried out to improve the cocoa crop,
as a shade crop in the rainforest in a 20° belt north including germplasm collection, plant breeding,
and south of the equator (Wood and Lass 1985; crop yield, rapid propagation, disease resistance,
Fowler et al. 1998; Bartley 2005). A large number full-sun cultivation, pollination through insects,
of cocoa tree varieties exist, which are grouped development of improved cocoa seeds, pods with
according to morphological (fruits and seeds) and more and bigger cocoa beans, beans with elevated
geographical (genetic origin) characteristics. This fat levels, and so on. Unfortunately, probably not the
large cocoa variety is due to genetic factors (a vast best varieties of T. cacao have been planted world-
The Functional Role of Lactic Acid Bacteria in Cocoa Bean Fermentation 303

wide, as quality may have taken second place to 17.3. The Cocoa Pulp or
quantity in the choice of tree. Each year, more than Fermentation Substrate
20% of the cocoa production is lost to plant diseases
Ripe cocoa pods measure 10–35 cm long and weigh
caused by devastating fungal pathogens, viruses, and
(wet) from 20 g to more than 1 kg. They contain a
insects, and even greater losses will occur in the near
considerable amount of sweet, white, mucilaginous
future, due to further spread of important diseases
pulp surrounding the cocoa beans (Fig. 17.1). This
among the monocultures, if the necessary precau-
cocoa pulp is a rich medium for microbial growth
tions such as good agricultural practice and replant-
and hence forms the raw material for the actual
ing are not carried out in time (http://www.
cocoa fermentation. Sufficient pulp (mature pods);
guarantees a correct fermentation process. The deg-
Cocoa trees carry buds, flowers, and fruits at the
radation of the mucilage during fermentation liber-
same time. In general, thousands of flowers adorn
ates pulp juices, referred to as “sweatings,” which
the trunk and major branches of the cocoa tree. Only
drain away. Therefore, a correct harvest time of
a few flowers will be fertilized through difficult
mature cocoa pods is of utmost importance. In over-
cross-pollination, and no more than 1%–10% will
ripe pods, the amount of pulp is too small and the
develop into cocoa pods. The overall development
pulp appears to be dry; underripe pods possess a
of the pods takes 5–6 months from pollination to full
dense pulp.
ripeness. The oval, leathery cocoa fruits vary among
Cocoa pulp is composed of 82%–87% water,
varieties in size, shape, surface texture, and external
10%–15% sugars, 1%–5% pectin, 1%–3% citric
color. They contain a pulpy endocarp (the cocoa
acid, 0.1%–0.4% other non-volatile acids (e.g.,
pulp) in which the seeds (the cocoa beans) are
malic acid), 0.5%–0.7% proteins, and 8%–10%
embedded (Fig. 17.1). One flower yields about
minerals and oligoelements (Lehrian and Patterson
20–40 seeds, depending on the cocoa variety, which
1983; Schwan et al. 1995; Barel 1998). Of the sugars
are attached to a central core or placenta. Cocoa
present, about 60% is sucrose and 39% is a mixture
pods are indehiscent and do not abscise; hence, the
of glucose and fructose. The concentration of
fruits have to be cut down at harvest. At harvest
sucrose, glucose, and fructose is a function of culti-
time, cocoa pods change color from green or dark
var and fruit age; unripe pods contain a higher pro-
red-purple to yellow, orange, or red, depending on
portion of sucrose, and ripe pods contain mainly
the cocoa variety. As the mucilage contains a ger-
fructose and glucose (Lehrian and Patterson 1983;
mination inhibitor, germination of the seeds inside
Thompson et al. 2007). The amino acids glutamic
the pod is delayed; however, once the pod is opened,
acid and aspartic acid have been reported to be
the mucilage decomposes rapidly and germination
present at high levels in the cocoa pulp compared
of the seeds begins under appropriate humidity and
with other amino acids. Vitamin C is the most
temperature conditions. Cocoa trees produce a few
important vitamin in the cocoa pulp. Potassium and
hundred to more than 3000 kg of dry beans per
sulfate comprise the major cation and anion, respec-
hectare, depending on cocoa variety and agronomic
tively. The pH of the pulp is relatively low (pH
and farming practices. Healthy, ripe pods are har-
3.0–4.0), mainly due to its citric acid content. The
vested twice a year, representing a main-crop and
high content of pectin and other polysaccharides
mid-crop, with intervals of approximately 3 weeks
(cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin) makes the pulp
within the peak seasons. It is common practice in
viscous, sticky, and cohesive.
many cocoa-producing regions to harvest the pods
over 3–4 days, according to the cocoa yield and size
of the farm, before the collected pods are trans-
17.4. Fresh, Unfermented Cocoa Beans
ported to a place suitable for subsequent handling,
either at the farm or at the edge of the plantation or Fresh, unfermented cocoa beans are oval (2–3 cm
at a processing plant. long, 1.0–1.7 cm wide, 0.7–1.2 cm thick) and weigh
304 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

Figure 17.1. Opened cocoa pod with beans embedded in a mucilaginous pulp.

on average 2.5 g. The moisture content of the fresh phenols, alkaloids), whereas small volatile mole-
beans is approximately 65%. The seeds basically cules, such as ethanol and acetic acid, can easily
consist of two parts: an outer part comprising the penetrate it. Hence, this biological barrier controls
skin or testa (seed coat or shell), surrounding the the kinetics of fermentation and concomitant diffu-
bean, and an inner part comprising the embryo sion processes (see below).
(germ) and two cotyledons contained within the The cotyledons are basically made up of different
testa and uniformed at a small embryonic axis (Fig. types of storage cells, namely white lipid/protein/
17.2A). The cotyledons are referred to as the nibs in starch-containing cells and purple polyphenol-
the cured beans. The testa of the cocoa seed is containing cells, with parenchyma plasma forming
impermeable to large molecules (citric acid, poly- a grid between the two types of cells (Fig. 17.2B).
The Functional Role of Lactic Acid Bacteria in Cocoa Bean Fermentation 305

Lipid/protein/starch Polyphenol
Cotyledons storage cells storage cells
Fat vacuoles

Starch grains

Testa Polyphenols
Protein granules
Figure 17.2. A. Cocoa bean. B. Cocoa bean storage cells.

Whereas the storage cells of starch granules, aleu- of caffeine. Depending on the amount of anthocya-
rone grains, and fat droplets constitute the reserve nins, the polyphenol-storage or pigment cells, which
material for the embryo and lipids further form a constitute 10%–20% (dry mass) of the cotyledons
natural barrier around the water-soluble compounds of cocoa beans, are white to deep purple. Three
(enzymes, substrates, and inhibitors), the larger, groups of cocoa bean polyphenols (14%–20% in
vacuolated, polyphenol-storage cells contain unique total) can be distinguished (Wollgast and Anklam
cocoa bean components, including alkaloids (theo- 2000b; Ortega et al. 2008): monomeric catechins
bromine and caffeine) and polyphenols, both of or flavan 3-ols (ca. 37%, m/m), procyanidins or
which are possibly involved in stress resistance (epi)catechin oligomers with a degree of polymer-
(light) responses of the plant. ization higher than decamers (ca. 58%, m/m),
The fat (cocoa butter) of the cocoa bean is impor- and anthocyanins or glycosylated derivatives of
tant for chocolate production, as it will give choco- anthocyanidins (ca. 4%, m/m). The main catechin is
late its characteristic texture (Asep et al. 2008; (−)-epicatechin with up to 35% of the polyphenol
Beckett 2009). Fat makes up slightly more than 50% content. In smaller amounts, (+)-catechin, as well as
of the mass of dry unfermented cocoa bean cotyle- traces of (+)-gallocatechin and (−)-epigallocatechin,
dons; Forastero beans possess a higher fat content is found. Beans of the Forastero variety owe their
than Criollo beans. The cocoa butter present in characteristic violet color to the anthocyanin content.
the beans is a relatively simple fat, primarily com- White beans of the Criollo type contain approxi-
posed of palmitic acid (C16 : 0, saturated, 25%), mately two-thirds of the amount of polyphenols
stearic acid (C18 : 0, saturated, 35%), and oleic found in Forastero beans and do not possess antho-
acid (cis-C18 : 1, monounsaturated, 35%), with cyanins. Both alkaloids and polyphenols are linked
small amounts of myristic, linoleic, linolic, and ara- to cocoa bitterness. Besides alkaloids and polyphe-
chidic acids (5%). Stearic acid, the main fatty acid nols, unfermented cocoa beans mainly contain
in cocoa butter, has been suggested to be a non- alcohols, aldehydes, organic acids, and esters. It
atherogenic type of dietary saturated fat (non-cho- is important to note that plant genetics (cultivar)
lesterolemic) because of its lower absorption (Ding and environmental conditions of crop cultivation
et al. 2006). (climate, soil quality and richness, water manage-
Cocoa bean quantities of alkaloids vary consider- ment, shade canopy management, pollination, etc.)
ably in ripe seeds of different genetic origins, namely are the first determinants of the final cocoa flavor
about 0.7%–3.0% of theobromine and 0.1%–0.7% (Sukha et al. 2008).
306 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

17.5. Cocoa Bean Fermentation beans, which are provided during fermentation. This
is necessary for inhibiting seed germination by
17.5.1. Rationale killing the embryo (on the second day of fermenta-
Raw cocoa beans have an astringent, unpleasant, tion) and activating hydrolytic enzymes inside the
and bitter flavor and must be processed after harvest beans for flavor and color development. Also, curing
before they can be converted into good-tasting and keeps the fat content of the cotyledons at high levels
flavorsome chocolate. Postharvest processing of and avoids infection of the beans by leaving the testa
cocoa beans encompasses curing, grading, and closed. Accumulating acetic acid and ethanol in the
storage, which determine the quality of the final beans break down the biological barriers (mem-
cocoa beans (Lehrian and Patterson 1983; Wood and branes) between the storage and pigment cells
Lass 1985; Fowler et al. 1998). Curing involves within the bean cotyledons, so that various enzymes
fermentation of the cocoa beans, followed by drying and substrates are free to mix (Biehl et al. 1982a,
and roasting. Fermentation facilitates removal of the 1982b). Ethanol, acids, and water diffusing into the
mucilaginous pulp surrounding the beans, as the cotyledons act as solvents to transport components
pulp will otherwise inhibit drying of the beans to a to sites of enzyme activity and vice versa, and to
microbiologically stable moisture content, which is enable the subsequent biochemical reactions to
necessary for storage and shipping of the beans prior produce the flavor and color precursors. The pene-
to chocolate manufacture. Also, fermentation lies at trating acetic acid causes the bean pH to drop from
the basis of cocoa flavor development. However, it an initial value of pH 6.3–6.8 to pH 4.0–4.8, deter-
is the cocoa pulp surrounding the beans, and not the mining the degree of enzymatic activities (see
cocoa beans themselves, that undergoes microbial below). Also, the enzyme reaction rates are favored
fermentation. During this fermentation process, by the increasing temperatures due to microbial
exchange of compounds takes place between the activity during fermentation. When oxygen begins
cocoa bean cotyledons and the environment. to enter the bean, at about 96 h into fermentation, a
Actually, cocoa pulp fermentation enables the series of enzymatic, oxidative reactions, which
expression of the flavor potential of the cocoa beans results in a browning of the cotyledon, is initiated.
and is hence the second determinant of the final After fermentation, flavor and color are further
cocoa flavor. Indeed, cocoa pulp fermentation developed during the drying, roasting, and final pro-
(outside the beans) and endogenous enzymatic con- cessing steps of well-fermented cocoa beans (the
versions (in the beans) play a crucial role in the third determinant); thus, there is no cocoa and choc-
production of flavor precursors and the degradation olate flavor without fermentation (Rohan 1964;
of pigments. In principle, the initiation of cocoa Ziegleder and Biehl 1988). Yet the inherited char-
bean fermentation corresponds to an incipient ger- acteristics of the bean set a limit to what can be
mination phase, which is necessary for the hydration achieved by fermentation and other processes. In
of bean components through water uptake by the other words, it is impossible to improve genetically
protein vacuoles within the storage cells and mobi- inferior material by superior processing technolo-
lization of the enzymes to prepare the growth of the gies. Alternatively, it is quite easy to ruin good-
seedling. Although the further germination phase is quality cocoa by inadequate curing.
undesirable in cocoa beans destined for chocolate
production, endogenous enzyme activity is neces-
17.5.2. Farming Practices
sary for cocoa flavor development. As there is no
evidence to suggest that enzymes from the microor- Various cocoa bean fermentation systems have been
ganisms involved in the pulp fermentation process developed worldwide. The actual methods of fer-
penetrate the beans and create flavor compounds, mentation vary in different cocoa-producing coun-
proper curing of the beans mainly depends on heat tries and regions, and even from one cocoa grower
and ethanol and acetic acid penetration into the to another within a region or country. The different
The Functional Role of Lactic Acid Bacteria in Cocoa Bean Fermentation 307

fermentation methods are heap (e.g., Ghana and and placenta of the pods are discarded; and the wet
Ivory Coast; Fig. 17.3), box (e.g., Brazil and beans are scooped out manually. Usually, infected
Malaysia), basket (e.g., Nigeria and Ghana), tray and black beans are removed and bean agglomerates
(e.g., Ghana), sack (e.g., Ecuador), and platform are separated. Also, mechanical pod breaking and
fermentation (e.g., Ecuador). Approximately one- bean extraction occur. When healthy, undamaged
half of the cocoa is fermented in some type of box, pods are opened, the pulp is sterile, although the
for many years and worldwide, and the remaining interior of ripe pods may contain a few hundred
half is fermented by using heaps or other traditional microorganisms (yeasts) per gram (Maravalhas
methods that are slowly disappearing. For a detailed 1966; Jespersen et al. 2005). When pulp and beans
description of these methods, see Lehrian and are removed from the opened pods, the pulp is
Patterson (1983), Wood and Lass (1985), and immediately contaminated with a variety of micro-
Thompson et al. (2007). organisms from the environment. Environmental
Before the start of the fermentation process, the inoculation includes contamination from cocoa pod
cocoa pods are broken open with machetes; the husk surfaces (probably the main source); unwashed

Figure 17.3. The heap fermentation is the simplest and most commonly used method of fermentation on small farms. It
requires the simplest equipment at practically no cost, so that it can be run by a family. In a heap fermentation the wet beans
are piled on banana or plantain leaves, which are spread out in a circle on the ground, sometimes raised above soil level to
allow easy pulp drainage. When the heap is complete it is covered with more leaves, and these are often held in place by
small logs. The cover protects the fermenting mass against surface mold growth and keeps the heat inside. In general, sweat-
ings are allowed to flow away and penetrate into the ground. The size of the heaps varies widely; heaps from about 25 to
2000 kg are common. This method is used throughout West Africa and almost exclusively in Ghana, where farmers are fer-
menting their beans in heaps of 200 to 500 kg for 6 days with care. The heap fermentation method has been used to produce
some of the world’s finest standard cocoa available, especially in Ghana.
308 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

baskets used for transient seed transport (also an superior to postharvest storage regarding fermented
important source); banana and plantain leaves used cocoa bean quality (Camu et al. 2008a, 2008b).
to construct and cover the heaps; boxes and baskets Also, fresh beans can vary considerably in the ratio
to retain the heat (to compensate for temperature of pulp to beans and in the amount of sugars per
variations during day and night); and to prevent the bean, depending on cocoa cultivar, growing condi-
surface beans from drying; machetes used for tions, and postharvest storage of pods. For instance,
opening of the pods; workers’ hands; dried mucilage pulp and beans can contain more water during the
left on the walls of receptacles from previous fer- wet season, which influences fermentation by affect-
mentations; soil; and insects (Ostovar and Keeney ing aeration of the fermenting mass and thus bean
1973; Jespersen et al. 2005; Camu et al. 2007, acidity. In such circumstances, up to 20% of pulp of
2008a). Hence, cocoa fermentation is a spontaneous the total fresh pulp-bean mass can be removed,
fermentation process, to which many, but not all, of either through a natural “sweatings” drain, with
the microorganisms contaminating the pulp-bean mechanical depulpers, or through addition of pecti-
mass contribute (Schwan and Wheals 2004). Cocoa nolytic enzymes, which enables reduction of the
fermentation takes place batchwise during 2–8 days, fermentation time from 7 to 4 days, hence lowering
depending on the cocoa variety and local practices the acidity and enhancing the flavor of the final
(fermentation method, methods of drainage and cocoa (Schwan et al. 1995; Schwan and Wheals
aeration, etc.), with 5–6 days being the most usual. 2004). For instance, in Malaysia, harvested cocoa
Criollo beans ferment quickly (2–3 days) and pods are stored up to 15 days before breaking and
have been reported in the past to have a highly removal of the beans, or the beans are pressed or
regarded (caramel, nut, or honey), slightly bitter, but pre-dried to reduce the pulp volume before fermen-
usually weak, cocoa flavor. Forastero beans ferment tation (Lehrian and Patterson 1983). Unfortunately,
slowly (5–7 days), and their flavor produced on Malaysian cocoa produced on a large scale is of
proper processing is stronger (bitter and cocoa poor quality because either the beans are not inten-
flavor). Trinitario beans provide a less intense but tionally fermented at all or the fermentation and
sufficient fine taste, which is intermediary between drying process are not carefully carried out.
Criollo and Forastero beans. The Arriba-type beans Typically, beans produced in Brazil and Malaysia
(Nacional) produce cocoa that has a fine flavor, is present incomplete box fermentation with a low pH
very aromatic, and has slightly bitter taste. (below the recommended value of pH 5.0–5.5),
Besides the type of cocoa beans, critical process mainly due to low-care practices concerning pod
parameters for successful fermentation are the choice and bean pre-processing. To ensure a uniform
healthy status of the cocoa pods; ripeness of the fermentation, to enhance growth of beneficial micro-
pods; postharvest pod storage; quantity of beans and organisms, and to discourage surface mold growth,
pulp; bean packing or spreading; fermentation fermentations need to be carried out with healthy
method; batch size; duration of fermentation; mixing beans from ripe pods, and heaps and boxes need to
and turning of the fermenting mass; seasonal varia- be turned every 2 days, which is done practically by
tions and weather conditions; and so on. For instance, forming another heap or by moving the beans from
storing the harvested cocoa pods for a few days one box or box compartment to another, respec-
before opening has been considered beneficial for tively (Baker et al. 1994). This turning aerates the
fermentation because the pulp sucrose is already bean mass and causes the temperature to drop imme-
converted into glucose and fructose by cotyledon diately after mixing; the temperature rises again
invertase activity, thus resulting in a faster fermenta- later as more fermentation proceeds. However,
tion (Tomlins et al. 1993; Schwan 1998; Schwan turning of small heaps may favor growth of acetic
and Wheals 2004). However, the pod ripeness at acid bacteria (AAB) that could produce beans with
harvest time remains a crucial factor and appears a very high acidity (Camu et al. 2008a). Tray-
The Functional Role of Lactic Acid Bacteria in Cocoa Bean Fermentation 309

fermented cocoa beans do not require turning, as air 17.6. Succession of Microorganisms
is allowed to circulate between the trays and sweat- during Cocoa Bean Fermentation
ings drain away through the bottom of all trays.
Trays form a promising alternative to heaps and
17.6.1. The Spontaneous Three-Phase
boxes in cocoa bean fermentation at farm scale. As
Cocoa Bean Fermentation Process
turning of the fermenting cocoa bean mass seems to Successful cocoa bean fermentation requires a suc-
be a determining factor for good fermentation prac- cession of microorganisms, or better of microbial
tice, fermentation in appropriate bioreactors has activities, reflecting the environmental factors (tem-
been proposed (Schwan and Wheals 2004). Although perature, pH, and oxygen tension) and the metabo-
mechanical turning is not a realistic alternative and lism of substrates available in the cocoa pulp
forced aeration requires careful control, drum fer- (Ardhana and Fleet 2003; Schwan and Wheals 2004;
mentors and stainless steel vessels have been con- Camu et al. 2007). Indeed, microbial metabolism is
structed. However, as fermentation of solid material held responsible for the acidity and high tempera-
is difficult to control, in particular with respect to tures that develop in the fermenting mass; the diffu-
homogeneity (gradient formation) and physical sion of important components in and out of the
(e.g., temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen) and chem- beans during fermentation; and the enzymatic con-
ical factors (e.g., nutrient availability), new designs version of constituents in the beans during fermenta-
of fermentors are needed to have some of these tion and drying (see above). Although overlap often
process parameters under control, at least between occurs, three main fermentation phases can be con-
certain limits (for instance, through turning and sidered consecutively (Fig. 17.4): phase 1 or the
cooling), and to speed up and control the pulp-bean anaerobic growth of yeasts; phase 2 or the growth
mass fermentation process accurately. of lactic acid bacteria (LAB); and phase 3 or the

1 2 3 4

Cell density (log CFU/g pulp-bean mass)


0 24 48 72 96 120 144
Time (h)
Figure 17.4. Population dynamics and succession of microbial activities during cocoa bean-pulp mass fermentation. LAB
( ); AAB ( ); yeast ( ); spore-forming bacteria ( ); and filamentous fungi ( ). The numbers indicate
maximal concentrations of ethanol (1), lactic acid (2), and acetic acid (3), and the maximum temperature (4).
310 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

growth of AAB (Schwan et al. 1995; Barel 1998; pulp). They grow from an initial 2–7 to a maximum
Ardhana and Fleet 2003; Schwan and Wheals 2004; 7–9 log cfu/g of cocoa pulp. The remaining sucrose
Camu et al. 2007; Thompson et al. 2007). In general, is converted by yeast invertase into glucose and
during fermentation the total count of microorgan- fructose, releasing 18.8 kJ of heat per mole of
isms present in the pulp increases during the first sucrose that is hydrolyzed. However, as mentioned
24–36 h and then stabilizes or gradually drops. The above, sucrose concentrations depend on pod ripe-
initial microbial population is variable in numbers, ness and hence bean invertase activity. Furthermore,
type, and distribution, depending on cocoa cultivar, glucose is preferentially converted into ethanol by
pod quality (pod healthiness, ripeness, and storage), anaerobic yeast fermentation, leaving fructose
and bean pre-processing, and hence the microbial largely unfermented. Pulp ethanol concentrations of
population dynamics vary between fermentation approximately 2.5% as a result of yeast fermentation
practices, regions, and countries (Camu et al. 2007; have been reported in the literature. The production
Nielsen et al. 2007a). of ethanol is accompanied by a moderate tempera-
The microbiology of cocoa bean fermentations ture increase, as the conversion of sugars into
carried out in Africa (Ghana, Ivory Coast, Nigeria), ethanol (and carbon dioxide) is an exothermic
Latin America (Belize, Brazil, Dominican Republic, process, producing 93.3 kJ per mole of glucose or
Mexico, Trinidad), and Southeast Asia (Malaysia, fructose, elevating the temperature of the fermenting
Indonesia) has been studied in detail (Ostovar and mass from an ambient temperature of 25–30°C to
Keeney 1973; Carr et al. 1979; Passos et al. 1984a, 35–40°C within 48 h. Ethanol disappears upon fer-
1984b; Ravelomanana et al. 1985, 1986; Schwan mentation due to the oxidation to acetic acid by
et al. 1995; Ardhana and Fleet 2003; Lagunes- AAB (see below), oxidative consumption by aerobi-
Gálvez et al. 2007; Nielsen et al. 2007a; Thompson cally growing yeasts upon fermentation, diffusion
et al. 2007; Kostinek et al. 2008). Recent polyphasic into the bean cotyledons, sweating, and evaporation.
studies have dealt with both culture-dependent Also, yeasts produce organic acids (e.g., acetic acid,
(encompassing classical microbiological and mole- malic acid, and succinic acid), which may have a
cular identification techniques) and culture-indepen- buffering effect on the cocoa pulp, as well as fusel
dent methods (in particular denaturant gradient alcohols, fatty acids, and fatty acid esters, which
gel electrophoresis of PCR-derived 16S rRNA may contribute to cocoa flavor or, more likely, to
[bacteria]/26S rRNA [yeast] gene amplicons). precursors of cocoa flavor (Schwan and Wheals
DNA-based molecular methods have revealed that 2004). In addition, yeast activity causes reduction of
not only a number of different species of yeasts, viscosity and drainage of the cocoa pulp due to
LAB, and AAB are important for cocoa bean fer- secretion of pectinolytic enzymes that break down
mentation, but that different strains within the dif- the cell walls in the pulp (Gauthier et al. 1977;
ferent species may be involved as well, both often Sanchez et al. 1984, 1985; Schwan et al. 1995, 1997;
in a certain succession (Jespersen et al. 2005; Camu Ardhana and Fleet 2003; Jespersen et al. 2005). The
et al. 2007; Nielsen et al. 2007a). spaces formed between the beans, due to collapse of
the parenchyma cells in the pulp, allow air to enter,
promoting the growth of LAB and AAB (see below).
17.6.2. Yeast Fermentation
To speed up the fermentation process and enhance
During the first 24–48 h of fermentation (phase 1), the quality of the final product, pectinases may be
yeasts convert sugars (sucrose, glucose, and/or fruc- added to the pulp, or strains overproducing pectino-
tose) into alcohol (ethanol) under conditions of lytic enzymes may be used to enhance sweating
high carbohydrate concentrations (characteristic for production (Schwan and Wheals 2004).
fresh cocoa pulp), limited oxygen availability Several studies have revealed the involvement
(due to tight packing of the beans), and a pH below of an abundant yeast diversity, encompassing
4.0 (due to the high citric acid content in cocoa species of Candida (including former Torulopsis),
The Functional Role of Lactic Acid Bacteria in Cocoa Bean Fermentation 311

Cryptococcus, Hanseniaspora (and their anamorphs P. kluyveri var. kluyveri are represented by multiple
Kloeckera), Kluyveromyces (including Lachancea ones, as minor sequence variation in rRNA gene
thermotolerans, formerly Debaromyces thermotol- cluster sequences and the actin (ACT1) gene among
erans), Meyerozyma (former Pichia), Millerozyma different isolates was observed. In contrast, in the
(former Pichia), Pichia (including former case of the dominant yeast species P. kudriavzevii,
Issatchenkia and Hansenula), Rhodotorula, S. cerevisiae, P. membranifaciens, P. kluyveri, and
Saccharomyces (including Kazachstania exigua), H. guilliermondii, in the study of Jespersen et al.
Saccharomycopsis, Schizosaccharomyces, Torula- (2005), strain variation was examined by chromo-
spora, and Wickerhamomyces (including former some length polymorphism, indicating the presence
Pichia) (Schwan et al. 1995; Fowler et al. 1998; of a considerable diversity of individual strains in
Ardhana and Fleet 2003; Schwan and Wheals 2004; fermentations, on the pod surfaces, and at different
Jespersen et al. 2005; Lagunes-Gálvez et al. 2007; production sites. Species solely isolated during
Nielsen et al. 2007a; Thompson et al. 2007; Daniel single fermentations, at the start of the fermenta-
et al. 2009). The most frequently mentioned yeast tions, and from the associated materials might be
species are Saccharomyces cerevisiae (synonym considered members of the surrounding ecosystems
Saccharomyces chevalieri), Hanseniaspora guil- that occasionally become established during fer-
liermondii (anamorph Kloeckera apis), Pichia mentation, if their physiological properties favor
kudriavzevii (formerly Issatchenkia orientalis, ana- growth under the fermentation conditions in place.
morph Candida krusei), Pichia membranifaciens, This holds true for bacteria as well (see below).
Pichia kluyveri, Pichia fermentans, and Pichia In general, S. cerevisiae, potentially due to its
anomala (Schwan et al. 1995; Ardhana and Fleet rapid growth, pectinolytic activity, and ethanol tol-
2003; Schwan and Wheals 2004; Jespersen et al. erance, is the most often detected species and also
2005; Nielsen et al. 2005, 2007a; Lagunes-Gálvez the most abundant during cocoa bean fermentation,
et al. 2007; Daniel et al. 2009). Thanks to an accu- usually after an initial fermentation phase domi-
rate identification, based on a combination of mole- nated frequently by H. guilliermondii/opuntiae
cular analyses and morphological and physiological (Schwan et al. 1995; Ardhana and Fleet 2003;
observations, Daniel et al. (2009) have identified Jespersen et al. 2005; Daniel et al. 2009). For
P. kudriavzevii, S. cerevisiae, and Hanseniaspora instance, Ardhana and Fleet (2003) have shown that
opuntiae as the main yeast species involved in H. guilliermondii grows rapidly at low pH during
Ghanaian cocoa bean heap fermentations, confirm- the first 24–36 h of fermentation, followed by more
ing earlier studies (Jespersen et al. 2005; Nielsen ethanol- and heat-tolerant S. cerevisiae and C. tropi-
et al. 2005, 2007a), and further reported on several calis at 48–120 h during wooden-box fermentation
species that have not been found previously in cocoa of cocoa beans in East Java. Also, during the initial
bean fermentation. Culture-independent investiga- phase of cocoa bean heap fermentations in Ghana,
tions have shown the dominant role of H. guil- it has been shown that H. guilliermondii/opuntiae
liermondii/opuntiae, P. kudriavzevii, and P. plays an important role (Jespersen et al. 2005;
membranifaciens in Ghanaian heap fermentations, Nielsen et al. 2005, 2007a; Daniel et al. 2009), as is
whereas S. cerevisiae has been found almost exclu- the case for box fermentations in the Dominican
sively in tray fermentations (Nielsen et al. 2005, Republic (Lagunes-Gálvez et al. 2007). Upon pro-
2007a). Based on denaturing gradient gel electro- longed fermentation, the more ethanol-tolerant yeast
phoresis (DGGE) profiles, Leal et al. (2008) have species, namely S. cerevisiae (tray), P. kudriavzevii
detected Candida tropicalis, Candida pseudotropi- (heap), and P. membranifaciens (tray and heap),
calis, Kluyveromyces marxianus, and S. cerevisiae become predominant in Ghanaian fermentations.
in plastic basket fermentations carried out in Brazil This yeast distribution is reflected in the citrate
during the first 48 h. In the study of Daniel et al. fermentation capacity of yeasts and LAB and
(2009), strains of the three main species and their coexistence in the beginning of the cocoa bean
312 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

fermentation process (Daniel et al. 2009). Whereas the main fermentation end-product and, depending
LAB are responsible for a fast citrate consumption on the type of LAB strain, acetic acid, ethanol, and
at the start of the fermentation (see below), H. opun- carbon dioxide. However, most LAB species prefer
tiae is not able to assimilate citrate and grows, glucose as energy source, while some LAB species
together with the other yeasts, on sucrose as an use fructose as an alternative external electron
energy source. The tolerance of low pH values by acceptor and convert it into mannitol (Camu et al.
H. opuntiae is in accordance with environmental 2007, 2008a). The relative proportion of all these
conditions prevailing during initial cocoa bean fer- fermentation end-products will change the composi-
mentation (low pH at the start of the fermentation tion of the pulp and consequently may influence
due to a high citrate concentration), S. cerevisiae microbial succession. The lactic acid concentration
being the most sensitive yeast species toward the peaks at around 0.5%.
lowest pH values and hence proliferating after H. Earlier and classical microbiological studies
opuntiae (Daniel et al. 2009). Higher temperatures have revealed a dominance of various species of
and ethanol concentrations toward the end of a Lactobacillus compared with species of Leuconostoc,
cocoa bean fermentation process, due to increased Pediococcus, and/or Lactococcus (Ostovar and
microbial activity, influence survival of various Keeney 1973; Carr et al. 1979; Passos et al. 1984a,
cocoa-specific yeast species, as their tolerance 1984b; Thompson et al. 1997, 2007; Nielsen et al.
toward these external factors are variable (Ardhana 2007a; Table 17.1). In general, it appeared that het-
and Fleet 2003; Jespersen et al. 2005; Nielsen et al. erofermentative LAB occur in higher numbers than
2005, 2007a; Daniel et al. 2009). The limited number homofermentative LAB, and Lactobacillus spp. are
of yeasts capable of growing at 45°C and higher present in the early stages of fermentation, whereas
explains the disappearance of the yeast population Lactococcus spp. occur during the final stages
once ethanol oxidation by AAB, which causes a (Schwan et al. 1995; Lagunez-Gálvez et al. 2007;
substantial temperature increase during cocoa bean Nielsen et al. 2007a). West African cocoa bean heap
fermentation, has started and the appropriate energy fermentations have been studied most extensively,
resources have been exhausted, resulting in a higher encompassing both culture-dependent and culture-
pH and greater aeration (Schwan and Wheals 2004; independent methodologies. In general, through
Camu et al. 2007; Daniel et al. 2009). classical microbiological analysis, the main LAB
species described are Lactobacillus brevis,
Lactobacillus fermentum, and Lactobacillus planta-
rum (Carr et al. 1979; Nielsen et al. 2007a; Kostinek
17.6.3. LAB Fermentation
et al. 2008). Recently, it has been shown by both
Continuing yeast activity causes further ethanol pro- culture-dependent and culture-independent methods
duction and more pulp draining away, allowing that Lactobacillus plantarum and Leucococcus.
more air ingress, while both temperature and pH of pseudomesenteroides dominate at the onset
the fermenting mass increase up to 40°C and pH 4.0, of Ghanaian cocoa bean heap fermentation
respectively. These conditions are favorable for the and Lactobaccilus fermentum toward the end,
growth of bacteria. During phase 2, around 24–72 h while Fructobacillus pseudoficulneus (formerly
into fermentation, the microaerophilic and aciduric Leucococcus pseudoficulneum; this species was not
LAB present from the start of the fermentation grow found through DGGE monitoring) and Weissella
rapidly, from an initial 3–5 to a maximum 7–9 log ghanensis (only in one heap fermentation out of
cfu/g of cocoa pulp. This coincides with a rapid seven heaps studied) constitute a small part of the
decline in the dominance of the yeast population. LAB community, whether or not as opportunistic
LAB ferment a wide range of sugars (mainly glucose species (Camu et al. 2007; Nielsen et al. 2007a).
and fructose) and convert some organic acids (for These investigations indicate a rather restricted
instance, citric acid and malic acid) into lactic acid, LAB diversity. Other LAB species have been found,
The Functional Role of Lactic Acid Bacteria in Cocoa Bean Fermentation 313

Table 17.1. Diversity of lactic acid bacteria associated with cocoa bean fermentations in different countries
(original species names are used).

Country Fermentation method Microorganisms found Reference

Trinidad Box L. lactis; Lact. fermentum/plantarum; Leuc. mesenteroides Ostovar and Keeney (1973)
Ghana Box Lact. collinoides/fermentum/mali/plantarum Carr et al. (1979)
Ghana Heap and tray L. lactis (heap only); Lact. brevis/fermentum/ghanensis Nielsen et al. (2007a)
(heap only)/hilgardii (heap only)/plantarum/rossii (heap
only); Leuc. pseudoficulneum/pseudomesenteroides;
Ped. acidilactici (culture-dependent analysis)
Lact. fermentum/plantarum; Ped. acidilactici;
Leuc. pseudoficulneum/pseudomesenteroides (culture-
independent analysis)
Ghana Heap Ent. casseliflavus; Enterococcus spp.; L. lactis subsp. Camu et al. (2007, 2008a)
Lactis; Lact. brevis/cacaonumb/fabifermentansb/
W. fabariac/ghanensisd/paramesenteroides, Weissella spp.
(culture-dependent analysis)
Malaysia Box Lact. collinoides/plantarum Carr et al. (1979)
Brazil Box L. lactis; Lact. acidophilus/brevis/casei/delbrueckii/lactis/ Passos et al. (1984b)
plantarum; Leuc. mesenteroides; Ped. acidilactici/
Belize Box Lact. brevis/buchneri/casei/casei subsp. pseudoplantarum/ Thompson et al. (1997)
Leuc. mesenteroides/oenos/paramesenteroides
Indonesia Box Lact. cellobiosus/hilgardii/plantarum Ardhana and Fleet (2003)
Dominican Box Lact. brevis/pentosus/paracasei subsp. paracasei/(para) Lagunes-Gálvez et al. (2007)
Republic plantarum
Nigeria Heap and tray Enterococcus spp. (tray only); Lact. brevis/fermentum/ Kostinek et al. (2008)
plantarum; Ped. acidilactici
Nielsen et al. (2007b).
De Bruyne et al. (2009a).
De Bruyne et al. (2009b).
De Bruyne et al. (2008).

but they have often been isolated as single strains or of fermentation, Lact. cellobiosus dominated 36–
identified as rare bands in DGGE profiles, which 48 h, and Lact. hilgardii died off by 48 h, into fer-
rather reflects opportunistic contamination from the mentation. Heap and tray fermentations carried out
environment (Camu et al. 2007; Nielsen et al. in Nigeria are characterized by an increasing Lact.
2007a). Using classical microbiological analysis, plantarum population in the first half of fermenta-
Ardhana and Fleet (2003) showed that Lactobacillus tion, and an increasing Lact. fermentum/Lact. brevis
cellobiosus (later synonym of Lact. fermentum) and population (tray) and decreasing Ped. acidilactici
Lact. plantarum are the dominant LAB involved in (heap and tray) and Lact. fermentum/Lact. brevis
Indonesian box fermentations. Whereas Lact. plan- population (heap) in the second half of the fermenta-
tarum was especially significant during the first 24 h tion (Kostinek et al. 2008). Taken together, these
314 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

data indicate that Lact. plantarum and Lact. fermen- yeasts, LAB numbers decline during later stages of
tum seem to be indigenous to the fermentation of fermentation, mainly due to exhaustion of energy
cocoa beans worldwide. Moreover, Lact. fermentum sources, very high ethanol concentrations, and very
seems to play a significant role (see below). high temperatures. To conclude, LAB do play an
Although a few yeasts assimilate citric acid important role, although thought differently in the
(Jespersen et al. 2005; Daniel et al. 2009), LAB past, during the cocoa bean fermentation process
species are responsible for the breakdown of citric (Table 17.2).
acid during cocoa bean fermentation. Citric acid is
converted via oxaloacetate into acetate and pyruvic
17.6.4. AAB Fermentation
acid, the latter, in turn, being converted into end-
products of pyruvate metabolism (lactic acid, acetic During phase 3, from 24 to 112 h into fermentation,
acid, acetaldehyde, ethanol, diacetyl, etc.; Camu aerobic AAB, which occur from the very early
et al. 2007, 2008a). Consumption of citrate by Leuc. stages of fermentation and hence survive the initial
pseudomesenteroides (heterofermentative), Lact. steps of this process, persist until the end when the
plantarum (homofermentative), and Lact. fermen- conditions for AAB growth are optimal. When more
tum (heterofermentative) at the early stages of of the pulp is metabolized and drained away, aera-
Ghanaian cocoa bean heap fermentation, under low tion increases, and when the temperature rises above
pH conditions, explains the importance of these bac- 37°C, thermotolerant AAB grow from an initial
teria during this stage of the fermentation process, 3–5 to a maximum 5–8 log cfu/g of cocoa pulp.
thereby avoiding competition with the depectinizing Furthermore, turning of large heaps and moving of
(citrate-negative) yeasts, which meanwhile degrade the beans during box fermentation favor AAB
sugars to ethanol anaerobically. Dominance of spe- growth (cell counts, acetic acid concentration) and
cific strains of Lact. fermentum throughout cocoa increase the maximum fermentation temperature
bean fermentation, usually in succession of Lact. (Carr et al. 1979; Nielsen et al. 2007a; Camu et al.
plantarum that dominates at the beginning of the 2008a). Concomitantly, turning of a small heap
fermentation, can be ascribed to their competitive results in the production of too much acetic acid,
metabolism (efficient use of glucose and fructose as resulting in fermented dry cocoa beans with an ele-
energy source and external electron acceptor, vated level of acetic acid, which in turn results in a
respectively), their acid and ethanol tolerance (lower sour-tasting chocolate (Camu et al. 2008a, 2008b).
than for Lact. plantarum), and their higher oxygen The main activity of AAB is the oxidation of
tolerance than Lact. plantarum (Camu et al. 2007, ethanol, initially formed by the yeasts, into acetic
2008a). Assimilation of citric acid causes the pH of acid, an enzymatic reaction that provides AAB with
the cocoa pulp to increase from pH 3.5 to 4.2–5.0, the necessary energy. This exothermic reaction,
allowing the growth of other bacteria (Camu et al. which produces 496 kJ per mole of ethanol that is
2007, 2008a). Another important feature of Lact. oxidized, is mainly responsible for the rise in tem-
fermentum growth is the production of mannitol out perature of the fermenting mass, which can reach
of fructose, allowing more acetic acid to be pro- 45–50°C or higher. The decline in the ethanol con-
duced, which takes place simultaneously with the centration coincides with a decline in the lactic acid
conversion of citric acid via pyruvate into acetic concentration, indicating simultaneous oxidation by
acid, from a physiological point of view to regener- AAB of ethanol to acetic acid and of lactic acid to
ate the NAD+ cofactor and produce extra ATP, carbon dioxide and water. The acetic acid concen-
explaining good growth of Lact. fermentum strains tration peaks at around 2% and then declines prob-
at low pH (Camu et al. 2007, 2008a). Moreover, ably due to evaporation at the high temperature of
metabolic connections exist between citrate fermen- the fermenting mass and further metabolism (Camu
tation and processes such as amino acid interconver- et al. 2007, 2008a, 2008b; Nielsen et al. 2007a).
sion and mannitol production. As is the case for the Indeed, some AAB are responsible for the overoxi-
The Functional Role of Lactic Acid Bacteria in Cocoa Bean Fermentation 315

Table 17.2. Functional role of lactic acid bacteria associated with cocoa bean fermentation.

Functional property Effect on cocoa bean fermentation

Consumption of citric acid Causes a rapid start up of the fermentation under low pH conditions, avoiding competition
with sucrose- (glucose-)consuming, citrate-negative, depectinizing yeasts
Causes a pH increase (replacement of citric acid by lactic acid and acetic acid), in turn
controlling bacterial growth
Stimulates amino acid conversions
Production of lactic acid Plays a pH regulatory role
Controls microbial contamination from the environment
Beneficial for the growth of AAB (and yeasts)
Production of mannitol Favors production of acetic acid (volatile) instead of lactic acid (nonvolatile) out of fructose
Beneficial for the growth of AAB
Production of flavor precursors Provides the necessary precursors for further flavor and color development during secondary
(acetate, pyruvate catabolites, processing
and amino acid conversion
Create appropriate conditions for Controls flavor (precursor) and color development in the beans
proteolysis, flavor precursor
formation, and color
development within the beans

dation of acetic acid into carbon dioxide and water, genus Acetobacter are found more frequently than
in turn liberating 1754 kJ per mole of acetic acid that those of Gluconobacter. Molecular analysis reveals
is overoxidized. Also, oxidation of lactic acid and that A. pasteurianus (first half of the fermentations),
acetic acid results in a further pH increase. Acetobacter syzygii (first half), Acetobacter tropica-
As for the LAB species, AAB diversity associated lis (later stages of fermentation), and occasionally
with cocoa bean fermentation is restricted. Based on Acetobacter malorum and G. oxydans, are the domi-
classical microbiological analysis, the AAB species nating AAB during Ghanaian cocoa bean heap and
involved are Acetobacter aceti, “Acetobacter tray fermentations (Nielsen et al. 2007a). Acetobacter
roseum,” and “Acetobacter suboxydans” in lovaniensis is the only species identified out of five
Trinidadian box fermentations (Ostovar and Keeney isolates during a box fermentation carried out in the
1973); “Acetobacter ascendens,” Acetobacter Dominican Republic (Lagunes-Gálvez et al. 2007).
rancens (later synonym of Acetobacter pasteuria- Camu et al. (2007, 2008a) have found Acetobacter
nus), Acetobacter xylinum (now Gluconacetobacter fabarum (Cleenwerck et al. 2008), Acetobacter gha-
xylinus subsp. xylinus), and Gluconobacter oxydans nensis (Cleenwerck et al. 2007), A. pasteurianus,
in Ghanaian heap fermentations (Carr et al. 1979); and Acetobacter senegalensis during Ghanaian
Acetobacter lovaniensis, A. rancens, A. xylinum, and cocoa bean heap fermentations, among which A.
G. oxydans in Malaysian box fermentations (Carr pasteurianus dominates. The predominance of spe-
et al. 1979); A. aceti subsp. liquefaciens (now cific strains of Acetobacter (pasteurianus) over
Gluconacetobacter liquefaciens), A. pasteurianus, Gluconobacter can be ascribed to its preference for
Acetobacter peroxydans, “G. oxydans subsp. sub- oxidation of ethanol, which is readily available in the
oxydans” (now G. oxydans) in Brazilian box fermen- pulp-bean mass, instead of glucose fermentation; its
tations (Passos and Passos 1985); and Acetobacter growth on mannitol and lactate; and its tolerance
spp. and G. oxydans in Belizean box fermentations to heat and ethanol (Ardhana and Fleet 2003; Camu
(Thompson et al. 1997). In general, members of the et al. 2007; Nielsen et al. 2007a). Isolation of
316 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

Gluconobacter may indicate poor fermentation of bean fermenting mass and during the drying process
the pulp-bean mass, as glucose fermentation will (Maravalhas 1966; Lehrian and Patterson 1983).
dominate ethanol oxidation, resulting in the produc- During fermentation, steps are taken to suppress the
tion of organic acids other than acetic acid or other growth of these fungi, because their metabolic end-
fermentation end-products by other bacteria. Finally, products may lead to a bad cocoa flavor (Ribeiro
exhaustion of ethanol and an increase in the tempera- et al. 1986). Internal molding of the beans, a moldy
ture of the fermenting pulp-bean mass cause the odor of the beans, and increased free fatty acid
death of the AAB, halting the whole fermentation levels are serious commercial defects. Factors
process. affecting bean integrity (unhealthy or damaged
cocoa pods, poor handling, and deferred processing)
may increase fungal contamination (Mounjouenpou
17.6.5. Bacillus Growth
et al. 2008). Moldy cocoa beans may contain
In the later stages of the cocoa bean fermentation species of Absidia, Aspergillus, Fusarium, Mucor,
process, as sugar levels further decrease and pH, Penicillium, Rhizopus, and Trichoderma (Maravalhas
temperature and aeration increase, aerobic spore- 1966; Niles 1981; Guehi et al. 2007a, 2007b;
forming bacteria of the genus Bacillus (B. cereus, B. Mounjouenpou et al. 2008). Furthermore, it is likely
licheniformis, B. megaterium, B. pumilus, B. sphaeri- that excessive mold growth during the later stages
cus, B. subtilis) may dominate. This population of fermentation will enhance further mold growth
varies from 4 log cfu/g of pulp during the first 3 days and potential mycotoxin production during the sub-
of fermentation to 7–9 log cfu/g of pulp at the end sequent drying phase (Mounjouenpou et al. 2008).
of fermentation (Ostovar and Keeney 1973; Carr et Alternatively, Ardhana and Fleet (2003) have sug-
al. 1979; Lehrian and Patterson 1983; Schwan et al. gested that pectinolytic filamentous fungi may play
1986, 1995; Ardhana and Fleet 2003; Nielsen et al. a role in the degradation of cocoa pulp pectin, as
2007a). The exact role of Bacillus spp. during cocoa they display strong pectinolytic activity. In addition,
bean fermentation has not been fully elucidated. the effect of filamentous fungi on bean composition
These bacteria are able to produce a variety of meta- with respect to starch, proteins, and lipids, which
bolic end-products, relative to fermentation condi- could contribute significantly to the final quality of
tions, that contribute to acidity (lactic acid, acetic cocoa beans, has been speculated on.
acid), desirable flavors (acetoin, 2,3-butanediol, tet-
ramethylpyrazine), and typical hammy off-flavors
17.7. Biochemical Changes in the Cocoa
(C3 to C5 free fatty acids) of cured cocoa beans
Beans during Fermentation and Drying
(Schwan et al. 1986; Schwan and Wheals 2004).
Alternatively, Bacillus spp. may contribute to pecti- Physicochemical processes within the beans encom-
nolysis, as a high proportion of pectinolytic strains pass diffusion, internal damage (due to acetic acid
among cocoa isolates have been found, in particular penetration), and enzymatic processes (Fig. 17.5),
after yeast decline upon fermentation (Ouattara which are influenced by several environmental
et al. 2008). In this context, it can be mentioned that factors, such as pH (determined by the duration and
species of Aeromonas, Erwinia, and Pantoea, which intensity of acidification), temperature (determined
have been shown by several investigators to occur by the speed of fermentation), and moisture (deter-
during cocoa bean fermentation, may contribute to mined by the speed of fermentation and drying)
pectinolysis too (Camu et al. 2008a). (Schwan et al. 1995; Thompson et al. 2007).
Biochemical and physical changes within the bean
cotyledons can be divided into two broad phases.
17.6.6. Mold Growth
The first phase is the anaerobic hydrolytic phase,
Filamentous fungi are normally found at the surface which occurs during the first 3–4 days of fermenta-
and in the cooler and more aerated parts of the pulp- tion. It involves absorption of water and diffusion
The Functional Role of Lactic Acid Bacteria in Cocoa Bean Fermentation 317

Organic acids
Fermentable sugars
Microbial activity
Theobromine, Caffeine Heat
Epicatechin, Catechin Acetic
Procyanidins acid
Complex tannins
Sugars Death of embryo
liberates enzymes Heat
Anthocyanins, Cyanidins and substrates
Proteins, Peptides, Amino acids CO2 + H2O

Figure 17.5. Biochemical changes and diffusion processes in pulp and beans during cocoa bean fermentation (after Lopez

of substrates in the bean tissue during fermentation moisture (increasing during fermentation and
after seed death occurred. This allows hydrolysis of decreasing during drying) is necessary to allow
bean cotyledon proteins (by proteases), sucrose (by enzymes and their substrates to react to form the
invertases), and anthocyanins (by glycosidases) desirable products. Further, moisture contributes to
(Voigt et al. 1994a, 1994b; Voigt and Biehl 1995; the diffusion of ethanol, acetic acid, and, to a lesser
Amin et al. 1998; Hansen et al. 1998; Puziah et al. extent, lactic acid within the beans, and polyphenols
1998a, 1998b; Lercetau et al. 1999; Laloi et al. and alkaloids outward the beans. Browning reac-
2002; Schwan and Wheals 2004; Afoakwa et al. tions (enzymatic and nonenzymatic) at the surface
2008; Jinap et al. 2008). The second phase is the of the cotyledons, which are manifested toward the
aerobic oxidative phase, during which penetration end of the fermentation (aerobic phase) and are, to
of oxygen through the testa causes oxidative changes some extent, responsible for inhibiting enzyme
and complexation of polyphenols and protein mate- activities, cause tanning of proteins and removal of
rial at the surface of the cotyledon from the fourth astringency and bitterness. Also, the ability of tannin
day onwards. The enzymatic reactions are of short formation results in the reduction of off-flavors
duration, as optimal conditions of pH (decreasing associated with the roasting of peptide and protein
in the beans) and temperature (increasing in the material. Finally, the oxidative phase contributes to
beans) are transient during fermentation. Some the formation of ancillary (e.g., fruity) flavors.
enzymes are strongly inactivated (aminopeptidase, Consequently, there is a need for a balance between
invertase, and polyphenol oxidase) or partly inacti- the length of fermentation, environmental factors,
vated (carboxypeptidase) during fermentation, and microbial activities that influence enzymatic
except for aspartic endoprotease and glycosidases, activities within the bean cotyledons. Moreover, the
which remain active during the whole fermentation heterogeneity of (large) heaps and slight, local
process. For instance, if the bean cotyledon pH differences in microbial numbers and sugars avail-
becomes too acid too soon (pH < 4.5), there will be able for fermentation may determine flavor precur-
both a final reduction in flavor precursors and an sor formation within the beans. This may result in
overacid final product. Also, a certain amount of slight flavor differences characterizing the resulting
318 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

chocolate products (Camu et al. 2008a, 2008b). however, mainly ascribed to the action of AAB.
Controlled fermentation and addition of exogenous Therefore, according to Barel (1998), LAB are less
enzymes may contribute to steered flavor precursor desirable or not wanted at all during cocoa bean
formation (Yusep et al. 2002; Camu et al. 2008b). fermentation. If LAB constitute a high percentage
Apparently, there is no change in starch and fat of the total microbial population during cocoa bean
content during fermentation and drying (Lehrian fermentation, high concentrations of lactic acid will
and Patterson 1983). However, as the nonfat portion be produced, as the breakdown of carbohydrates
of the cocoa beans is the source of polyphenols, the then contributes mainly to total acidity (more lactic
polyphenol content and antioxidant properties of acid formation by LAB and less ethanol production
chocolate products is determined by polyphenol by yeasts) of the cocoa beans. Since lactic acid is
levels in the cocoa solids of these products. not volatile, it will remain in the chocolate after
Therefore, the flavor-enhancing properties of cocoa manufacturing, producing excessive sourness that
bean fermentation must be balanced against the masks the chocolate flavor (Holm et al. 1993; Jinap
polyphenol health effects, when polyphenol- 1994; Jinap and Zeslinda 1995). However, as
enriched chocolate products are to be produced. The described above, the functional role of LAB in
potential availability of cocoa beans with various developing well-fermented cocoa beans has been
degrees of fermentation provides the chocolate man- underestimated, and a noncompetitive cooperation
ufacturer with the opportunity to produce chocolate between yeasts and LAB exists in the fermenting
products that may meet the diverse needs of the mass (Camu et al. 2007).
modern consumer (Thompson et al. 2007). As cocoa beans vary in their degree of fermenta-
tion, because of the unpredictable fermentation step
due to its spontaneous nature, a fermentation index
17.8. Optimal Fermentation Course and
has been introduced as a quantitative measure for
End of Fermentation
the degree of cocoa bean fermentation (Shamsuddin
The cocoa bean fermentation process lies at the and Dimick 1986). Cocoa beans can be underfer-
basis of the entire chocolate-making process. An mented (too short fermentation), overfermented (too
optimal fermentation course requires appropriate long fermentation), or optimally fermented (exact
microbial population dynamics, that is, a correct fermentation time), with the concomitant sensory
succession of microorganisms and concomitant attributes of cocoa beans and chocolate made from
activities, which are at the basis for development of these cocoa beans. Traditionally, the cut test is per-
flavor precursors within the beans and characteristic formed additionally (del Boca 1962). It indicates the
coloration of the beans. Therefore, an optimal inter- quality of the fermented beans, mainly based on the
nal pH of the beans and a normal temperature intensity of color (gray, purple, or brown) and for-
increase during fermentation have to be established. mation of a cracked interior.
The minimum pH that gives acceptable cocoa mass A key decision to obtain high-quality fermented
is 5.2; however, the actual pH may be slightly lower, cocoa beans is to remove the beans from their fer-
which is related with acidity development during mentation environment to start the drying process.
fermentation. The temperature increase reflects the As mentioned above, when all of the ethanol is
actual functioning of the microorganisms. The rate oxidized into acetic acid and then further overoxi-
of temperature increase is a quantitative measure for dized into carbon dioxide and water, the fermenta-
the type of fermentation (alcoholic, lactic, and/or tion stops, as energy sources for microbial growth
acetic) as it is correlated with the energy released are no longer available and temperature increases
and hence may be correlated with the eventual cocoa too high to allow survival of the desirable microor-
quality. Barel (1998) considers a rise in temperature ganisms. Extending the fermentation can result in
to around 45°C during the first 48 h of fermentation the production of off-flavors and putrefaction by
as satisfactory. This temperature increase is, undesirable microbes. The following factors may
The Functional Role of Lactic Acid Bacteria in Cocoa Bean Fermentation 319

collectively indicate when fermentation is optimal: acid is partly transported by the water from the
(1) decrease in the temperature of the fermenting bean to the shell (Wood and Lass 1985; Nganhou
mass; (2) smell of the fermenting mass (distinct et al. 2003; Thompson et al. 2007). Finally, rising
smell of alcohol and acetic acid during the early and temperatures and insufficient moisture become
late stages of cocoa bean fermentation, respec- inhibiting factors of enzymatic activity. Also, the
tively); (3) visual appearance of molds at the surface efficiency of the drying process will determine the
of the fermenting mass; (4) plumping or swelling of shelf life of the cured product. Dry beans weigh on
the beans (the water content of fermenting beans average 1 g.
increases from approximately 35% at harvest time
to approximately 40% after bean death); (5) external
17.9.2. Roasting of Dried Fermented
color of the beans; (6) internal color of the beans as
Cocoa Beans
observed in the bean cut test; and (7) internal pH of
the beans. However, other factors may influence this Roasting (at 100–150°C for 45–70 min) is the most
decision, in particular when certain components of important technological operation in the processing
the cocoa beans have to be valorized in functional of dried fermented cocoa beans, as it produces the
food products (see below). characteristic “cocoa flavor” out of flavor precur-
sors, that is, free amino acids, peptides, and reducing
sugars formed during fermentation and drying
17.9. Further Processing of Fermented through non-enzymatic browning reactions and
Cocoa Beans Strecker degradation and/or thermal degradation
(Ziegleder and Biehl 1988; de Brito et al. 2000;
17.9.1. Drying of Fermented Cocoa Beans
Granvogl et al. 2006; Beckett 2009). It brings about
After 6 days of fermentation, the drying process of the formation of the characteristic brown color, mild
the fermented cocoa beans can start. At this stage, aroma, and texture of roasted beans. Concomitantly,
the fermentation must be stopped completely; the moisture content of the beans decreases to
the moisture content of the beans must be reduced 2% and acetic acid is further liberated. Roasting
from an initial 40%–60% to 6%–8% to avoid growth conditions, mainly temperature and time, affect the
of molds within the beans during storage; and the properties of roasted beans, such as concentration of
major part of acetic acid formed during fermentation volatile flavor compounds, total acidity, polyphe-
must be eliminated (Thompson et al. 2007). The nols, and fat content. Pyrazines may be produced
drying process relies on air movement to remove during fermentation, due to growth of bacilli (see
water. Both sun drying (5–10 days) and mechanical above), but they are mainly formed during roasting;
drying (maximum 60°C for at least 48 h) are applied. tetramethylpyrazines (milk coffee, mocha, roasted,
Uniform drying is ensured by mixing the beans green), together with 2,5-dimethylpyrazines (green,
regularly. Water removal results in a pronounced ether, rum), have been suggested as indicators of the
reduction in the number of viable microorganisms roasting of cocoa beans (Chaveron et al. 1989; Jinap
(Schwan and Wheals 2004). Furthermore, biochem- et al. 1998, 2008; Yusep et al. 2002). Other typical
ical processes that are important for the flavor cocoa flavor compounds include aldehydes, pyroles,
and color development of cocoa beans, initiated furans, alcohols, ketones, organic acids, and esters
during fermentation, continue during drying. A (Ziegleder and Biehl 1988; Ziegleder 1991; Jinap
slow migration of moisture throughout the bean et al. 1995; Puziah et al. 1998a, 1998b; Frauendorfer
will transport flavor precursors that were formed and Schieberle 2006, 2008; Beckett 2009). Whereas
during fermentation. Hence, some oxidation will the odor-active volatiles, acetic acid (sour, vinegar-
occur and some excess acids, in particular acetic like note), 2-phenylethanol (flowery), 2- and 3-
acid, may volatilize through the shell, phenomena methylbutanoic acid (buttery, rancid, sweaty),
that are both beneficial. Also, nonvolatile lactic 3-methylbutanal (malty, chocolate), and ethyl
320 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

2-methylbutanoate (fruity), are already formed of the cocoa and chocolate made from cocoa beans.
during fermentation, others such as 3-methylbu- A possible impact may be expected not only on the
tanal, phenylacetaldehyde (sweet, honey-like), and color and flavor development of the beans during
4-hydroxy-2,5-dimethyl-3(2H)-furanone (caramel- fermentation, but also on sugar and fat contents, on
like, sweet) as the most important ones are intensi- polyphenol and alkaloid contents, on health-promot-
fied or formed during roasting and probably further ing constituents, and so on. As cocoa bean fermenta-
steps in cocoa processing, depending on the choco- tions are carried out in the field, in an artisan way
late recipe (Frauendorfer and Schieberle 2006, on a small scale, or often under nonoptimal condi-
2008; Afoakwa et al. 2008; Beckett 2009). Direct tions on a large scale, the results are variable in
relationships are found between the initial composi- terms of quality. In addition, there might be prob-
tion of cocoa beans (depending on genotype and lems of acidity or lack of cocoa flavor (due to poor
growth conditions of the crop), postharvest process- or incomplete fermentation) and presence of off-
ing (pod storage, pulp preparation, fermentation, flavors (due to overfermented beans and spoilage or
and drying), and subsequent processing (roasting, poor mechanical drying), all of which lead to low
alkalization, and conching) and their effects on crop value for the farmer. Therefore, it would be
flavor formation and final flavor character in choco- desirable to change the fermentation from a whole
late (Afoakwa et al. 2008). natural and unpredictable process to a controlled
process, initiated with an appropriate starter culture,
in which fermentation occurs more quickly and
17.9.3. Impact of Cocoa Processing on the
steered. However, one of the reasons that chocolate
Nutritional, Organoleptic, and Health Status
quality has not been a priority for farmers is that
of Chocolate
there is no financial incentive to produce high-
Processing (conditions) affect the composition and quality fermented cocoa beans. In the last decades,
properties of the final chocolate, not only with multinational companies have put most effort into
respect to, for instance texture, color, and mouthfeel, two areas, namely encouraging farmers to maximize
but also concerning flavor intensity, nutritional com- production and to improve processing of the fer-
position, and content of health-promoting com- mented cocoa beans. The fermentation process itself
pounds. An example is the desirable balance between has been largely neglected.
a bitter taste and a healthy proportion of anti-oxida- The dairy, meat, and alcoholic beverage indus-
tive polyphenols. Indeed, starting from the unfer- tries have largely replaced traditional natural fer-
mented beans, there is a polyphenol loss of about mentations with defined inocula of high-quality raw
85% following processing (Wollgast and Anklam materials, strict control of the fermentation pro-
2000b; Misnawi et al. 2004). Similarly, losses of cesses, better treatment of the final products, and
other desirable health-promoting constituents may diversification of the market (Wood 1998; Leroy
occur. Therefore, precautions have to be taken to and De Vuyst 2004). Cocoa bean fermentations
guarantee a certain level of such compounds in the have a long way to go before they reach that stage
final product. of development, but preliminary experiments using
defined starter cultures in such a complex fermenta-
tion process are promising (see below).
17.10. Use of Starter Cultures for
Fermentation of Cocoa
17.10.2. Experimental Use of Cocoa Bean
17.10.1. Rationale Starter Cultures
Technological challenges at the level of natural Schwan (1998) used a defined microbial cocktail
cocoa bean fermentation may have an impact on the inoculum, consisting of one yeast species, S. cheva-
quality of the cocoa beans and hence on the quality lieri; two LAB species, Lactobacillus delbrueckii
The Functional Role of Lactic Acid Bacteria in Cocoa Bean Fermentation 321

subsp. lactis (formerly Lactobacillus lactis) and et al. 1992; Buamah et al. 1997; Dzogbefia et al.
Lact. plantarum; and two AAB species, A. aceti and 1999). However, with respect to these earlier cocoa
G. oxydans, to perform fermentations in 200-kg bean fermentation studies on starter cultures, no
wooden boxes with aseptically prepared cocoa attempt was made to exclude the influence of the
beans with different inoculation times. The fermen- natural microbiota. Moreover, pectinolytic (S. che-
tation process mimicked exactly the conditions in valieri) and non-fermentative (Candida zeylanoi-
800-kg boxes on Brazilian farms. With the zero- des) natural yeast isolates or yeasts from culture
time inoculum, the fermentation was almost identi- collections (Kluyveromyces fragilis) were tried and
cal to the natural one. The fermentation with a no bacteria were added or studied. Furthermore,
phased-addition inoculum was similar, but slower there was no evidence that the fermentation could
and less pronounced, which led to a slightly poorer be accelerated or improved with these approaches
end-product. Although preliminary, these data show for chocolate production. In the study of Samah
that the many common species of microorganisms et al. (1993), it was shown that the AAB species
found in natural cocoa bean fermentations can be Gluconacetobacter xylinus subsp. xylinus (formerly
replaced by a judicious selection and concentration Acetobacter xylinum), used as the sole inoculum,
of members of each physiological group that is produces cocoa beans with higher pH and higher
important for the process. There is, of course, need levels of acetic acid; however; a lower chocolate
for improvement in the choice of species and the flavor is obtained, as compared with the control
method of inoculation and fermentation when this beans. Consequently, by setting the initial condi-
technology is to be used commercially. For instance, tions, defined inocula can now be considered one of
independent studies on the pectinolytic enzyme, the ways that should lead to chocolate of more reli-
endopolygalacturonase, which is produced by K. able and better quality.
marxianus, a yeast species isolated from spontane- One of the ultimate purposes of controlled cocoa
ous cocoa bean fermentations in Bahia, suggest that bean fermentations will be not only to speed up the
this yeast species would be a better source of fermentation process but also to influence flavor
pectinase (Schwan et al. 1995, 1997). Therefore, and health properties of chocolate products through
Schwan (1998) proposed that a combination of K. fermentation. Faster fermentations will be necessary
marxianus, as pectinase producer, and the naturally to allow controlled, large-scale fermentation to
vigorous yeast S. cerevisiae as ethanol producer, increase the production capacity to respond to the
might be a better yeast choice for future defined growing demand for cocoa, although the cocoa crop
inocula. Recently, inoculation of pulp-bean mass is in danger worldwide. “Flavor”-controlled fermen-
with a K. marxianus hybrid yeast strain with tations will be necessary to produce marketable,
increased pectinolytic activity has shown that it tailor-made cocoa. “Steered” fermentations to maxi-
affects the microbial population structure during fer- mize the (indigenous) level of health-promoting
mentation; increases by one-third the volume of constituents will allow development of functional
sweating, hence naturally increasing aeration; stim- chocolate products. In this context, Camu (2007) has
ulates faster and improved seed protein degradation; shown that the choice of the starter culture does
and results in reduced acidity, hence positively influence the flavor of chocolate made from the con-
influencing the fermented cocoa bean quality as well comitant fermented beans, as the fermentation
as the sensory quality of the chocolate produced course (speed and population dynamics) and metab-
from cocoa beans (Leal et al. 2008). olites produced are influenced. This author success-
There have been previous attempts to use yeast fully used starter culture mixes composed of a strain
and bacterial starter cultures for cocoa bean fermen- of Lact. plantarum (homolactic, citrate-fermenting,
tation, in particular yeasts for an enhanced produc- mannitol-producing, acid-tolerant), Lact. fermentum
tion of cocoa pulp juice, thereby not affecting the (heterolactic, citrate-fermenting, mannitol-produc-
cocoa bean quality (Sanchez et al. 1985; Samah ing, acid-tolerant), and/or A. pasteurianus (lactate-
322 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

and ethanol-oxidizing, acetate-overoxidizing, acid- germination and fermentation. J Sci Food Agric 33,
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17.11. Conclusions lite target analyses of Ghanaian cocoa bean heap fermentation
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practices, either to speed up and better control the Takrama, J.S., Vancanneyt, M., and De Vuyst, L. (2007)
fermentation process or to target the fermentation Dynamics and biodiversity of lactic acid bacteria and acetic
process toward predefined end-products. However, acid bacteria populations involved in spontaneous heap fer-
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73, 1809–1824.
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be an even greater challenge, especially as it relates Influence of turning and environmental contamination on the
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Chapter 18

Microbial Interactions in Kefir: A Natural Probiotic Drink

Graciela L. Garrote, Analía G. Abraham, and Graciela L. De Antoni

Kefir is a fermented milk originated in the Caucasian many European countries. Kefir is a sour fermented
mountains obtained by incubation of milk with kefir milk, sometimes carbonated, with a low alcohol
grains. These grains contain a relatively stable and content. It differs from other milk products because
specific microbiota immobilized in a matrix of poly- it is not the result of the metabolic activity of a
saccharides and proteins. Numerous species of single species but of mixed microbiota confined to
lactic acid bacteria (LAB), acetic acid bacteria, and a matrix of discrete “kefir grains.” They are white,
yeasts, held together into the matrix, exist in a sym- irregular, gelatinous, cauliflower-like structures of
biotic relationship. Microbial interactions in kefir variable size ranging from 0.3 to 3.5 cm in diameter.
are very complex due to the composition of kefir They are composed of proteins and polysaccharides
grains. In this microbial ecosystem, a delicately bal- in which the complex microbiota is enclosed. During
anced population of microorganisms occurs, each fermentation, grains increase in size and number,
interacting with and influencing the other members and this is how new biomass is obtained; grains are
of the population. In kefir grains, the balanced pop- generally recovered from the fermented milk to be
ulation of microorganisms determines the synthesis reused.
of biologically active metabolites that are essential Despite the wide consumption of kefir, this bio-
for the grain growth and the inhibition of external logical system has not been fully studied, probably
microorganisms like pathogens and food contami- due to its complexity. Yeasts, acetic acid bacteria,
nants. Although microbial interactions in kefir and lactic acid bacteria (LAB) coexist in a symbiotic
grains have not yet been very well characterized, it association and are responsible for acid–alcoholic
has been established that these interactions are fermentation. The activity of the grain depends on
species- and strain-specific. S-layer proteins of the viability of the microbiota. Generally, about
Lactobacillus kefir play an important role in co- 108 cfu/g of LAB, 106–107 cfu/g of yeasts, and
aggregation between this LAB and Saccharomyces 105 cfu/g of acetic acid bacteria are present in the
lipolytica as well as in the inhibition of Salmonella kefir grain (Garrote et al. 2001; Witthuhn et al.
adhesion and invasion to Caco-2/TC7 cells. A better 2005b). Among LAB, homofermentative and
knowledge of microbial interaction will be the basis heterofermentative Lactobacillus, Lactococcus, and
for understanding the kefir grain ecosystem and its Leuconostoc are the genera most frequently found.
probiotic properties. Lactococci, lactobacilli, and yeasts could be mutu-
ally stimulated to produce the components of the
grain matrix. The distribution of microorganisms
18.1. General Description of Kefir
within the kefir grain was studied by Bottazzi and
Kefir is a fermented beverage originated in the Bianchi (1980) using scanning electron microscopy.
Caucasian mountains, which has become popular in These authors suggested that the population of

Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria Novel Applications 327

Edited by Fernanda Mozzi, Raúl R. Raya and Graciela M. Vignolo
© 2010 Blackwell Publishing. ISBN: 978-0-813-81583-1
328 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

yeasts and lactobacilli were not randomly distrib- 18.2. Kefir Grain Preservation
uted in the grain. Lactobacilli were located at the
periphery of the grain while yeasts were located For propagation of the kefir starter culture, a desir-
inside. able and adequate proportion of the microorganisms
The microbiological composition of kefir grains composing the kefir grain is required. A decrease in
is still controversial. The most common microorgan- the yeast content of kefir grains alters the rate of
isms isolated from kefir grains are detailed in Table biomass production (Garrote et al. 1997). Kefir
18.1. Different reports indicate that kefir grain grains may be preserved lyophilized, dried, or wet.
microbiota strongly depends on the grain origin Some authors recommend storage of wet kefir grains
(Ottogalli et al. 1973; Kuo and Lin 1999), on the at 4°C or drying at room temperature for 36–48 h.
culture conditions (Molska et al. 1983), and on the Dried kefir grains retain activity for 12–18 months,
storage and elaboration processes (Zourari and whereas wet grains retain activity for only 8–10
Anifantakis 1988; Garrote et al. 1998). days (Kosikowski 1982; Marth and Yousef 1991).

Table 18.1. Microorganisms found in kefir and kefir grains.

Species Reference
Lactobacillus kefir Kandler and Kunath (1983); Marshall et al. (1984); Angulo et al. (1993);
Pintado et al. (1996); Takizawa et al. (1998); Garrote et al. (2001)
Lactobacillus kefiranofaciens Fujisawa et al. (1988); Toba et al. (1991); Mukai et al. (1992); Takizawa et al.
Lactobacillus kefirgranum Takizawa et al. (1994, 1998)
Lactobacillus parakefir Takizawa et al. (1994); Garrote et al. (2001)
Lactobacillus plantarum Serot et al. (1990); Garrote et al. (2001); Hertzler and Clancy (2003)
Lactobacillus brevis Ottogalli et al. (1973); Rosi and Rossi (1978); Marshall et al. (1984); Angulo
et al. (1993)
Lactobacillus acidophilus Ottogalli et al. (1973); Angulo et al. (1993); Marshall (1993)
Lactobacillus viridescens Molska et al. (1983); Angulo et al. (1993)
Lactobacillus gasseri
Lactobacillus fermentum
Lactobacillus casei
Lactobacillus helveticus Kuo and Lin (1999)
Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis Ottogalli et al. (1973); Angulo et al. (1993); Marshall (1993); Pintado et al.
(1996); Garrote et al. (2001)
Leuconostoc mesenteroides Rosi and Rossi (1978); Angulo et al. (1993); Marshall (1993); Kuo and Lin
(1999); Garrote et al. (2001)
Acetobacter aceti Rosi and Rossi (1978); Angulo et al. (1993)
Candida kefir Zourari and Anifantakis (1988); Engel et al. (1986); Angulo et al. (1993);
Marshall (1993); Wyder (2001)
Kluyveromyces lactis Engel et al. (1986); Angulo et al. (1993); Wyder (2001)
Kluyveromyces marxianus Rohm et al. (1992); Kuo and Lin (1999); Wyder (2001); Garrote et al. (2001)
Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rosi (1978); Rohm et al. (1992); Angulo et al. (1993); Marshall (1993);
Wyder (2001); Garrote et al. (2001)
Saccharomyces delbrueckii Rosi (1978); Engel et al. (1986); Pintado et al. (1996)
Saccharomyces unisporus Engel et al. (1986); Angulo et al. (1993); Wyder (2001)
Torulaspora delbrueckii Angulo et al. (1993); Wyder (2001)
Candida friedricchii
Pichia fermentum Rohm et al. (1992); Angulo et al. (1993); Kuo and Lin (1999); Wyder (2001)
Torulopsis holmii Wyder (2001)
Zygosaccharomyces florentinus
Issatchenkia occidentalis
Yarrownia lipolytica
Microbial Interactions in Kefir: A Natural Probiotic Drink 329

Difficulties have been found in maintaining sat- kefir grains. Results of amplified ribosomal DNA
isfactory quality in grains to produce a beverage restriction analysis from the closely related refer-
with the appropriate and acceptable viscosity. ence strains studied established the value of
Garrote et al. (1997), comparing two methods for this technique for species differentiation of the
preservation of kefir grains to be employed as starter, Lactobacillus genus. The data obtained from the
evaluated kefir grain metabolic activity when grown analysis of spacer region confirmed that sequencing
in milk after storage and concluded that freezing of this genome region constitutes a reliable tool
was the better method for kefir grain preservation. for the identification of Lact. kefir members. In
This storage condition maintains the grain activity addition, random amplified polymorphic DNA
required for milk fermentation. Since grains stored polymerase chain reaction (PCR) patterns allowed
at −20 or −80°C showed a greater increase in grain the differentiation of isolates (Delfederico et al.
weight after successive sub-culturing, a storage tem- 2005).
perature of −20°C was suggested for household kefir However, as traditional and molecular method-
production (Garrote et al. 1997; Witthuhn et al. ologies are tedious, expensive, and time-consuming,
2005a). the application of other techniques has been consid-
ered in the last years. Fourier transformed infrared
(FT-IR) spectra of intact bacteria are highly specific
patterns that may be unique for individual strains.
18.3. Methods to Study Kefir
FT-IR spectroscopy is easy to implement, allows
Grain Microflora
analysis of small quantities of biomass, and requires
Conventional methods usually employed in micro- no specific consumables or reagents (Helm et al.
biology for identifying and classifying bacteria are 1991; Naumann 2000; Maquelin et al. 2002). Bosch
mainly based on the analysis of morphological and et al. (2006) developed an approach based on FT-IR
biochemical properties and are sometimes insuffi- spectroscopy in combination with multivariate
cient for some bacterial groups. Garrote et al. (2001) statistical analysis for rapid differentiation of
evaluated the microbiological and chemical compo- lactobacilli isolated from kefir grains.
sition of four Argentinean kefir grains. The grains Immunological methods have been used exten-
microbiota comprised lactobacilli, lactococci, acetic sively to identify bacteria from a variety of ecosys-
acid bacteria, and yeasts; however, significant tems. The differential enumeration of Lact. kefir or
differences regarding species were observed. Lact. parakefir in kefir in viable counts remains very
Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis, Lactobacillus difficult since the colony morphology of these
kefir, Lactococcus plantarum, Acetobacter, and species is similar to other heterofermentative
Saccharomyces were present in all types of kefir lactobacilli commonly present in kefir. Serological
grains, while Leuconostoc mesenteroides, L. lactis techniques combined with enzyme-linked immuno-
subsp. lactis biovar diacetylactis, Lactococcus para- sorbent assays (ELISA) have been used to quantify
kefir, and Kluyveromyces marxianus were grain- and distinguish physiologically closely related
specific. These isolates were characterized by strains in mixed cultures (Ricke and Schaefer 1990;
traditional microbiological methods including Durant et al.1997; Abraham et al. 2005). Garrote et
cellular morphology, gas production, and sugar al. (2005) developed an immunochemical assay
fermentation patterns and growth at different tem- employing a specific antiserum against Lact. kefir
peratures. Also, the analysis of whole cell protein S-layer protein to detect and quantify this microor-
by SDS-PAGE allowed heterofermentative lactoba- ganism in kefir.
cilli isolated from kefir grains to accurately Kefir microorganisms that have been isolated
identified. using selective growth media and were biochemi-
Delfederico et al. (2005) confirmed by molecu- cally and morphologically characterized cannot
lar methods the identity of 17 heterofermentative produce de novo kefir grains, indicating that other
lactobacilli isolates obtained from Argentinean bacteria are present in this complex microbial
330 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

consortia. Molecular techniques offer new opportu- (Sieuwerts et al. 2008). The effects of such interac-
nities for determining and analyzing the structure tions may either be positive, neutral, or negative and
and species composition of microbiological com- can be divided into five main classes: amensalism,
munities. Garbers et al. (2004) showed that competition, commensalism, parasitism, and mutu-
denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) fin- alism. Amensalism is an interspecies interaction
gerprinting can be successfully used to typify the in which one organism adversely affects another
microbial consortium present in kefir grains, as well organism without being affected itself. It frequently
as to distinguish kefir grains cultured using different occurs in food fermentations since the major end-
methods, or kefir grains that have different origins. products of primary metabolism such as carboxylic
The grains can be compared with respect to both acids and alcohols are effective growth inhibitors of
eubacterial and yeast species present. Wang et al. indigenous microbiota and spoilage organisms. In
(2006) demonstrated that PCR-based DGGE and the second class of interactions, competition, micro-
sequence analysis of 16S rDNA proved to be a valu- organisms compete for energy sources and nutrients
able culture-independent approach for the rapid and during fermentation. In commensalism, one organ-
specific identification of the microbial species ism benefits from the interaction while the other
present in micro-ecosystems and probiotic products. strain is not affected. Parasitism occurs when one
The analysis of the obtained bands allowed species benefits at the expense of another. Finally,
finding of sequences similar to Sphingobacterium during mutualism or symbiosis, both participating
sp., Lactobacillus sp., Enterobacter sp., and microorganisms benefit from the interaction. Many
Acinetobacter sp. food fermentations rely on bacterial interactions;
Chen et al. (2008) showed that bacteria that were probably the best example of symbiosis is the yogurt
not isolated by culture-dependent methods were consortium, where Streptococcus thermophilus and
revealed by DGGE. On the contrary, several LAB Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus stimu-
strains that were previously identified by culture- late in growth and acid production in mixed cultures
dependent methods were not detected by PCR- with respect to single-strain cultures (Sieuwerts
DGGE. The diversity of LAB strains identified by et al. 2008).
PCR-DGGE was lower than observed by using Which is the real interaction of microorganisms
initial enrichment stage on nutritive media as the in kefir grains and what is the interaction of kefir
cell counts of certain LAB species were lower microorganisms with exogenous bacteria? The
than the detection limit of PCR-DGGE. Low sensi- interrelationships of bacteria and yeasts inside kefir
tivities for the detection of the V2–V3 region in a grains may have a significant influence on the activi-
complex environment (107–108 cfu/g) by DGGE ties of each strain. The stimulation of growth and
were reported (Fasoli et al. 2003). This detection lactic acid production by bacteria was observed in
limitation is a consequence of high quantities of the mixed culture; LAB growth was stimulated by
competitor templates of bacteria present in high growth factors such as vitamins and amino acids
concentrations. Moreover, various cell proteins and produced by yeasts (Simova et al. 2006). Also, bac-
aged culture may interact with the genomic DNA, terial end-products such as lactic acid can be used
thereby affecting primer annealing to the template by yeasts as an energy source. This interaction can
or the activity of the DNA polymerase (de Barros be considered symbiotic.
Lopes et al. 1996; Beh et al. 2006). Pure cultures of kefir bacteria and yeasts either
do not grow in milk or have a low biochemical activ-
ity. Yeasts in kefir provide an environment for the
18.4. Microbial Interactions
growth of kefir bacteria, producing metabolites that
Microbial interactions in mixed cultures occur via contribute to the flavor and mouthfeel of kefir
multiple mechanisms; they may be direct through (Clementi et al. 1989; Simova et al. 2002; Farnworth
physical contact or via signaling molecules 2005; Lopitz-Otsoa et al. 2006). Considering the
Microbial Interactions in Kefir: A Natural Probiotic Drink 331

complexity of the kefir microbiota, all the interac- Abraham and De Antoni (1999) demonstrated that
tions previously described may coexist to maintain protein is produced by the kefir microbiota by bac-
an adequate balance among microorganisms into the teria and yeasts associated to the grains. Whole
grains. protein profile of kefir grain grown in milk and in
soy milk during a long period presented the same
pattern in SDS-PAGE, indicating that grain protein
18.4.1. Microbial Interactions and the
does not depend on the growth media (Abraham and
Biosynthesis of Grain Components
De Antoni 1999). Among grain proteins, two kinds
Kefir grains are clusters of microorganisms held of components were distinguished: those easily
together by a matrix of protein and polysaccharides extractable by dissolving the grain in water and
(Bottazzi et al. 1994; Abraham and De Antoni those soluble only after urea/mercaptoethanol treat-
1999). Kefir grain matrix is synthesized by the ment. The tightly associated protein may be the one
complex microbial population included in kefir necessary for grain formation. Grain biomass pro-
grains, which is considered an example of a symbi- duction depends on the time of fermentation (Rimada
otic community (Witthuhn et al. 2005b). The main and Abraham 2001). During whey fermentation,
marker for evaluating the symbiotic relationship is kefir grain biomass increases up to 96 h, indicating
the increase in biomass during fermentation. Kefir that after a certain time of incubation or under
grains may grow in milk (Garrote et al. 1998, 2001), certain environmental conditions, grains dissolve
deproteinized whey (Rimada and Abraham 2001), partially, releasing their components to the media.
or soy milk (Abraham and De Antoni 1999; Liu and Several authors reported that LAB release cytoplas-
Lin 2000). To increase the biomass of kefir grains, mic hydrolases after certain incubation periods,
the synthesis of proteins and polysaccharides is nec- which could degrade polysaccharides (Gancel and
essary. In this aspect, kefir grain can be compared Novel 1994; Pham et al. 2000). Exopolysaccharides
to a complex biofilm where bacteria and yeasts com- are synthesized by kefir microorganisms and are
munication occur through several steps. First, the released into the media, reaching values of 218 and
bacterium approaches to a surface so closely that 247 mg/l of kefiran in milk and whey, respectively,
motility is slowed down. Then, the bacterium may as reported by Rimada and Abraham (2001, 2003).
form a transient association with the surface and/or It was observed that kefir grains produced similar
other microbes previously attached to it. Once this amounts of polysaccharides in deproteinized whey
association has become stable, the microcolonies or in milk (Rimada and Abraham 2003), similar to
formed by bacteria are involved in a three-dimen- those obtained with other LAB grown in synthetic
sional biofilm development. Occasionally, the bio- media (Cerning 1995; Mozzi et al. 2006).
film-associated bacteria detach from the biofilm
matrix (Watnik and Kolter 2000). During milk or
18.4.2. Microbial Interactions and
whey fermentation with kefir grains, different events
Production of Biological Active Metabolites
may be observed. Grains increase their weight as a
in Kefir
consequence of the growth of microorganisms and
the biosynthesis of grain components, and each type Kefir has a long tradition of offering health benefits,
of microorganism grows freely in the growth media. especially in Eastern Europe (Zourari and Anifantakis
Thus, kefir microbiota associated to grain could be 1988). Several compounds in kefir may have bioac-
considered a biofilm. tive properties: microorganisms themselves (dead
The knowledge about grain proteins, as well as or alive), metabolites produced by microorganisms
the role of the microorganisms present in grains on during fermentation (polysaccharides, bacterio-
the synthesis of the matrix components, is limited. cines), or breakdown-products from the food matrix
Bassette and Acosta (1988) reported that proteins (peptides); all these compounds may be responsible
come from the growth medium (milk). In contrast, for the beneficial effects (Farnworth 2005).
332 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

Polysaccharides. Kefiran, the polysaccharide S. cerevisiae prevented the accumulation of this

present in kefir grains, is a water-soluble branched compound and therefore the inhibition of Lact. kefi-
glucogalactan, containing equal amounts of ranofaciens by this acid (Tada et al. 2007). This fact
D-glucose and D-galactose, produced by kefir grains directly enhances cell growth and kefiran production
or microorganisms isolated from them (Kooiman rates. This co-culture approach has also been
1968; Mukai et al. 1988; Micheli et al. 1999). described for improving nisin production by a L.
Kefiran has interesting technological applications lactis strain (Shimizu et al. 1999). In addition,
such as improvement of viscosity and viscoelastic kefiran production in a mixed culture under aerobic
properties of acid milk gels (Rimada and Abraham conditions was higher than that under anaerobic
2006) as well as formation of films and gels at low atmosphere (Cheirsilp et al. 2003b). This may be
temperatures with interesting viscoelastic properties ascribed to the fact that yeasts can grow and produce
(Mukai et al. 1991; Piermaria et al. 2008). Kefiran more growth factors necessary for LAB under
films plasticized with glycerol have good mechani- aerobic conditions (Lopitz-Otsoa et al. 2006). In
cal and water vapor properties (Piermaria et al. addition, the physical contact with S. cerevisiae
2009). Also, several health-promoting properties of enhanced capsular kefiran production.
kefiran such as immunomodulation (Vinderola et al. In general, optimization of the culture conditions
2006), epithelium protection against toxigenic to stimulate production of useful substances by
factors from Bacillus cereus (Medrano et al. 2008), cooperative actions between two microorganisms
or antitumoral activity (Murofushi et al. 1983) have becomes difficult. Some culture parameters to be
been reported for this exopolysaccharide. considered are pH, temperature, composition of the
The production of kefiran was ascribed to several aeration gas, starter concentration, incubation time,
lactobacillus species that were isolated from kefir medium nutrient composition, and inoculum per-
grains such as Lactobacillus sp. KPB-167B, centage of each microorganism (Taniguchi et al.
Lactobacillus kefirgranum, Lact. parakefir, Lact. 2001). The development of a mathematical model
kefir, or Lactobacillus kefiranofaciens (Toba et al. for kefiran production in a mixed culture constitutes
1987; Fujisawa et al. 1988; Mukai et al. 1988; Yokoi an important tool for defining culture conditions.
et al. 1990; Micheli et al. 1999; Taniguchi and The model developed by Cheirsilp et al. (2007) con-
Tanaka 2004). Recently, a new strain of Lact. kefi- siders the impact of S. cerevisiae on cell growth,
ranofaciens producing up to 1 g/l of kefiran was kefiran formation, and substrate assimilation by
isolated from Tibet kefir grains (Wang et al. 2008). Lact. kefiranofaciens. The construction of mixed
Kefiran production by individual strains in differ- culture models for kefiran fermentation allows pre-
ent growth media containing wine, alcohol, or whey dicting of the effects of S. cerevisiae and environ-
(Yokoi et al. 1990), or sago starch (Yeesang et al. mental factors on growth and kefiran production in
2008) was studied to improve kefiran production. A a mixed culture.
mathematical model was proposed to determine The production of useful compounds using a
optimal pH profile for the maximum kefiran produc- single microorganism under culture conditions
tion in batch cultures, and it was found that the established by mimicking the actions of yeast cells
maximum production was obtained at pH 5.0 during on Lact. kefiranofaciens in kefir grain is an alterna-
the exponential growth phase (Cheirsilp et al. 2001). tive method for optimizing metabolite production.
Kefiran production by a mixed culture of Lact. kefi- Addition of yeast extract and ethanol, aeration of
ranofaciens and yeasts was studied on a lactose- gas containing CO2, and their combinations pro-
containing medium. During co-culture of this LAB motes kefiran production by Lact. kefiranofaciens in
strain and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, it was shown a single culture (Taniguchi et al. 2001).
that lactose was converted into kefiran, lactic acid,
and galactose by Lact. kefiranofaciens (Cheirsilp Bacteriocins. During homemade manufacture,
et al. 2003a). The consumption of lactic acid by kefir grains are not treated aseptically; in spite of
Microbial Interactions in Kefir: A Natural Probiotic Drink 333

this, no contamination with undesirable microorgan- Diverse classes of surface constituents have been
isms has been reported. The high organic acid con- implicated in bacterial interactions, such as surface
centration and the presence of other antimicrobial exopolysaccharides, surface proteins, lipopolysac-
substances could explain the absence of pathogens charides, lipoteichoic acids, lectins, S-layers, and
in kefir grains manipulated in regular kitchens for fimbriae. The presence of these surface constituents
thousands of years. Among the antimicrobial sub- depend on the bacterial genus and strain and the
stances involved, bacteriocins may be present. growth and environmental conditions (Navarre and
Bacteriocins are ribosomally synthesized antimicro- Schneewind 1999).
bial peptides or proteins (Jack et al. 1995; Ross et In bacterial association, ionic or Coulombic
al. 2002; for an extensive revision on bacteriocins, interactions, hydrogen bonding, hydrophobic
see Chapter 5). effects, or microbial surface macromolecules such
A number of lactococci exhibiting antimicrobial as (glyco) proteins and polysaccharides could be
activities were isolated from kefir grains in Ireland. involved. The heterofermentative lactobacilli Lact.
The inhibitory substance produced by one of these kefir and Lact. parakefir possess S-layer proteins, a
strains exhibited a broad spectrum of inhibition, macromolecular paracrystalline array of proteins
similar to that of nisin (Morgan et al. 2000). Also, that completely covers bacterial cell surface (Garrote
Lactobacillus plantarum ST8KF isolated from kefir et al. 2004). Yeast surfaces have three major cell
produces a 3.5-kDa bacteriocin (bacST8KF) that is wall components, namely glucans, mannans, and
active against Lactobacillus casei, Lact. salivarius, chitin (Chaffin et al. 1998; Millsap et al. 1998).
Lact. curvatus, and Listeria innocua (Powell et al. Co-aggregation is a process by which genetically
2007). distinct microorganisms become attached one to
A Lactococcus strain isolated from kefir grains another via specific molecules. Cumulative evi-
produces a bacteriocin, designated lacticin 3147, dence suggests that such adhesion influences the
which displays the advantage of acidifying milk at development of complex multispecies biofilms
sufficient rates to allow commercial manufacture of (Nikolaev and Plakunov 2007). A strong surface
Cheddar cheese. Lacticin is an effective inhibitor of interaction between Lact. kefir and Saccharomyces
many Gram (+) food pathogens and spoilage micro- lipolytica isolated from kefir grains was described.
organisms; thus, starters made with lacticin-produc- Inhibition of co-aggregation after heating of bacteria
ing strains may provide a useful means of controlling and the decrease in the presence of different sugars
the proliferation of undesirable microorganisms indicate that the surface molecules involved are
during cheese making (Ryan et al. 1996). thermolabile, suggesting that proteins act as media-
tors in the aggregation process mediated by a lectin-
like activity (Golowczyc et al. 2009).
18.4.3. Microbial Interactions and
Surface Properties
18.4.4. Microbial Interactions and Probiotic
Adhesion of microorganisms to the matrix and co-
Properties of Kefir
aggregation between them could have an important
role in the maintenance of the number and species Several health-promoting properties are associated
balance in kefir grains over time. The microorgan- with kefir consumption; in this regard, kefir can be
isms attached into the grain probably have advan- considered a probiotic product. It has been used
tages over free-living microorganisms with respect empirically for the treatment of gastrointestinal and
to survival in stress conditions such as low pH, low metabolic disorders, atherosclerosis, allergy, and
nutrient concentration, and suboptimal temperatures tuberculosis (Saloff-Coste 1996; Lopitz-Otsoa et al.
(Garrote et al. 1998; Witthuhn et al. 2005b). Bacterial 2006). Several studies demonstrated antitumor
interactions are mediated by polymeric substances activity of kefir (Hosono et al. 1990), stimulation of
that are present on the outside of the cell wall. the immune system (Saloff-Coste 1996; Farnworth
334 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

2005), and both antibacterial (Zacconi et al. 1995; Supernatants of kefir abolished E. coli growth in
Ryan et al. 1996; Garrote et al. 2000) and antifungal broth. However, yogurt supernatants produced an
activity (Saloff-Coste 1996). extension of its lag period. Mixtures of lactic and
The beneficial action of kefir can be partially acetic acids at the concentrations present in kefir
attributed to the inhibition of pathogenic microor- also increased the lag time. This study suggests that
ganisms by metabolic products such as organic acids the inhibitory power of kefir can be attributed to the
produced by the kefir microbiota (Garrote et al. non-dissociated lactic and acetic acids and other
2000). Recent studies demonstrated stimulation of compounds not yet identified (Garrote et al. 2000).
the immune system by kefir (Thoreux and Schmucker On the other hand, Gulmez and Guven (2003) com-
2001; Vinderola et al. 2005) and the role of surface pared the microbiological safety of yogurt and kefir
molecules in the protection against enteropathogens in different combinations by using three food-borne
(Golowczyc et al. 2008). pathogenic strains, E. coli O157:H7, Listeria mono-
The term competitive exclusion was used for the cytogenes, and Yersinia enterocolitica, as indica-
first time by Greenberg (1969) to describe the exclu- tors. They concluded that a combination of yogurt
sion of Salmonella Typhimurium by normal gut and kefir starter may improve the microbiological
microbiota. Colonization resistance is an analogous safety of the end-product.
term that was introduced by van der Waaij et al. The antimicrobial activity of sugar broth fer-
(1971) in studies of the intestinal populations in mented with kefir grains against Candida albicans,
mice. Microbial interactions and the mechanisms by E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella typhi,
which indigenous intestinal microorganisms inhibit and Shigella sonnei was described by Silva et al.
colonization by invading pathogens are not fully (2009). Ulusoy et al. (2007) qualitatively studied the
understood. However, in vitro and in vivo studies in vitro antimicrobial activity of kefir against Staph.
suggest that one or more bacterial species may aureus, B. cereus, Salmonella enteritidis, L. mono-
inhibit proliferation or reduce the number of other cytogenes, and E. coli, this activity being stable
bacterial types by the following mechanisms (Rolfe during storage. The effects of kefir were tested
1991): (1) creation of a restrictive physiological against a toxigenic strain of B. cereus. The incuba-
environment, (2) production of antibiotic-like sub- tion of milk artificially contaminated with B. cereus
stances, (3) competition for bacterial receptor sites, spores plus 5% kefir grains prevented spore germi-
and (4) depletion of or competition for essential nation and growth of vegetative forms. In addition,
substrates. In the development of restrictive envi- the presence of metabolically active kefir grains
ronments, the production of organic acids by probi- diminished titers of nonhemolytic enterotoxin A, as
otic microorganisms plays a central role. It is known assessed by ELISA (Kakisu et al. 2007).
that lactic acid and volatile short-chain-fatty acids, Kourkoutas et al. (2006) evaluated a freeze-dried
including acetic, propionic, and butyric acids, inhibit kefir co-culture as starter for Feta-type cheese pro-
enteropathogens in their non-dissociated state duction, and they could not detect Staphylococcus
(Helander et al. 1997; Presser et al. 1997). in the cheese. Staphylococcus count was signifi-
Most of the studies about the antimicrobial activ- cantly lower in unsalted kefir cheese, not only com-
ity of kefir were conducted in in vitro experiments. pared with rennet cheese but more important
Garrote et al. (2001) demonstrated that kefir obtained compared with similar cheeses that had been
with different grains reached a pH of between 3.5 salt-treated. The supernatants of 11 isolates of
and 4.0 and inhibited the growth of Escherichia coli. Lact. plantarum from kefir grains produced strong
Thus, milk fermented with grain CIDCA AGK2 growth inhibition of Salmonella enterica serovar
was able to halt bacterial growth for at least 25 h. Thipymurium and E. coli. However, Salmonella
The acid concentration varied between 1.30 and gallinarum, Salmonella enterica and Sh. sonnei
−2.30 g/100 ml in the case of lactic acid, and between were inhibited by some of the strains tested
0.13 and 0.29 g/100 ml in the case of acetic acid. (Golowczyc et al. 2007). Although some strains of
Microbial Interactions in Kefir: A Natural Probiotic Drink 335

lactococci isolated from kefir produce bacteriocins Campylobacter jejuni is recognized as the prin-
as mentioned in this chapter, more research is cipal cause of human acute bacterial gastroenteritis.
needed to understand the high inhibitory power of This bacterium occurs at high percentage in poultry,
kefir supernatants. which is the primary source of infection (Harris
Among the criteria suggested for selection of et al. 1986). Competitive exclusion of this bacterium
probiotics, the ability to adhere to the gastrointesti- by kefir was studied in chicks. Zacconi et al. (2003)
nal mucosa and colonization has been proposed performed in vivo studies to verify the competitive
(Ouwehand et al. 1999). This property is strain- exclusion activity of kefir in chicks by assessing the
specific and is related to the structure and molecular reduction of Camp. jejuni colonization of caecum.
composition of the probiotic cell wall. These char- They found that fresh and frozen kefir could have
acteristics also determine the ability to interact interesting applications on the control of the
with intestinal mucus, other microorganisms of the diffusion of pathogenic microorganisms in poultry
enteric microbiota, pathogens orally ingested, and bleedings.
their toxins. Adhesion to mucosal surfaces by The ability of bacteria to adhere to mucosal sur-
probiotics probably protect against pathogens faces is important in establishing or maintaining
through competition for binding sites and nutrients colonization. The bacterial glycocalyx is thought to
(Ouwehand et al. 2002; Collado et al. 2005) mediate bacterial adherence to each other and to the
or immune modulation (Salminen et al. 1998). intestinal epithelium. Thus, a layer of protective
In spite of the lack of definitive proofs, some bacteria could block the receptor sites for pathogen
studies have indicated a relationship between attachment. The ability to adhere to epithelial cells
in vitro adhesion and in vivo colonization (Collado in vitro is a common property of some lactobacilli
et al. 2007). strains, this property being strain-specific. Lact.
Enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) is a food- plantarum and Lact. kefir isolated from kefir grains
borne pathogen that causes hemorrhagic colitis and are able to adhere to Caco-2 cells with different
the hemolytic uremic syndrome. Colonization of percentage of association (0.97%–10% of adhe-
the human intestinal mucosa that leads to attach- sion). The ability to associate to Caco-2 cells was
ment-effacement lesions and Shiga toxin produc- not related to hydrophobicity since some highly
tion are critical virulence traits of EHEC. It seems hydrophobic Lact. kefir strains(Golowczyc et al.
that adhesive type IV pili (EHP) are adherence 2007) and some highly hydrophilic strains of Lact.
factors (Rendón et al. 2007) that participate in plantarum (Golowczyc et al. 2008) were adherent
intestinal colonization (Xicohtencati-Cortes et al. to Caco-2 (0.97%–5.30% of adhesion) in concor-
2007). The effect of probiotics against adhesion of dance with previous reports (Reid et al. 1994). In
EHEC to intestinal epithelial monolayer was contrast, these two properties, adhesion and hydro-
studied in vitro with some lactobacilli strains iso- fobicity, correlate in the genus Bifidobacterium
lated from kefir. Hugo et al. (2008) studied the (Perez et al. 1998).
effect of kefir lactobacilli on the biological activity In all isolated strains of Lact. kefir, the presence
of EHEC and found that strain Lact. plantarum of S-layer was demonstrated. S-layer was consti-
CIDCA 83114, viable or dead, prevented detach- tuted by a single polypeptide with an apparent
ment of Hep-2 cells. However, other lactobacilli molecular mass of 66–71 kDa. This S-layer con-
failed to protect eukaryotic cells. Then, the protec- ferred to the lactobacilli a high hydrophobicity
tive effect was not ascribed to pathogen exclusion but the presence of S-layer could not be associated
and lactobacilli could antagonize virulence mecha- with the adhesion to Caco-2 cells. In some strains,
nisms of EHEC either by modification of the micro- the presence of S-layer proteins is associated with
environment or by interfering with the signaling the ability to autoaggregate and hemagglutinate.
cascades triggered by the pathogen (Hugo et al. However, in other strains with the same surface
2008). structure, S-layer proteins of the same molecular
336 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

mass and reactivity against monoclonal antibodies, individual predominating microorganisms to estab-
autoaggregation and hemagglutination were not lish their requirements with respect to environmen-
observed, indicating that other surface molecules tal factors such as nutrients, temperature, pH,
could be necessary for the expression of these oxidation-reduction potential, which may be
properties (Garrote et al. 2004; Mobili et al. involved in grain growth, and to determine how
2009). these factors affect their preservation and probiotic
To study the protective action of Lact. kefir properties. This information altogether will indicate
against adhesion and invasion of Caco-2/TC7, the possible interactions among microorganisms and
several strains isolated from kefir grains and Salm. will be the basis for understanding kefir grain eco-
enteritidis were tested (Golowczyc et al. 2007). In system. Extensive research remains to be done on
contrast to other reports (Lee et al. 2003), no protec- microbial interactions in kefir grains to obtain the
tion against Salmonella was observed with lactoba- desired, precise control of these ecological fermen-
cilli adhered to the cells. However, a significant tative processes.
protection was achieved when lactobacilli and
Salmonella were previously co-incubated. In this
case, Lact. kefir CIDCA 8321 co-aggregated with
Salmonella and had the ability to antagonize the Abraham, A.G., and De Antoni, G. (1999) Characterization of
kefir grains grown in cow’s milk and in soya milk. J Dairy Res
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not produce any protection. These results suggest and De Antoni, G.L. (2005) Immunochemical methods for
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Angulo, L., Lopez, E., and Lema, C. (1993) Microflora present
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surface of Salmonella, preventing the invasion of J Dairy Res 60, 263–267.
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18.5. Conclusions lactobacilli isolated from kefir grains by FT-IR spectroscopy.
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Chapter 19

Safety of Lactic Acid Bacteria

Charles M.A.P. Franz, Gyu-Sung Cho, Wilhelm H. Holzapfel, and Antonio Gálvez

Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) have a long history of investigation of starter and probiotic cultures in the
safe use and association with human food produc- EU. Research so far has shown that antibiotic resis-
tion and health. However, in recent years, certain tances in non-enterococcal LAB, which are poten-
enterococcal strains (mainly of the species tially transferable, occur relatively seldom and that
Enterococcus faecium and Enterococcus faecalis) some natural (intrinsic) resistances toward antibiot-
have become recognized as important nosocomial ics occur. Furthermore, problems with antibiotic
pathogens causing 5%–15% of bacteraemia, endo- resistance determinations and evaluations of trans-
carditics, and other infections. In contrast, other fer of resistance determinants clearly require urgent
non-enterococcal LAB (with the exception of the attention, and a great need exists for standardizing
pathogenic streptococci) seldom cause human media and testing protocols.
disease: cases of infection due to lactobacilli and
bifidobacteria are estimated to represent about
19.1. Introduction
0.05% to 0.4% of cases of infective endocarditis or
bacteremia, while the leuconostocs have been The basis for modern food biotechnology was laid
reported to cause even less, that is, <0.01% of bac- during the second half of the 19th century with the
teraemia cases. Risk factors for enterococcal infec- first well-founded scientific developments in micro-
tion were often noted to occur in patients with biology. These included, among others, the first
underlying heart disease, genitourinary instrumen- description of the lactic acid fermentation by Louis
tation, urinary tract infection, abortion, or urinary Pasteur in 1857, and the development of the first
tract presence of urethral or intravascular cathe- bacterial pure culture (“Bacterium lactis,” Syn.:
ters, surgery, major burns, multiple trauma, or prior Lactococcus lactis) by Lister in 1873. The early
antibiotic therapy. This problem is furthermore con- “starter” cultures for fermentations were based on
founded by the fact that particular strains exhibit “backslopping” procedures; that is, mixed culture
intrinsic or extrinsic antibiotic resistances and that isolates were obtained from earlier successful fer-
some strains show multiple antibiotic resistance. mentations. Such former spontaneous fermentations
Some well-known virulence factors and suspected were associated with the (desired) development of
(potential virulence factors) present in enterococci the autochthonous microbial population typical of
have been located on pathogenic islands. Against the raw material. These were propagated and handled
the background of the food safety discussion in the at the site of production (Mogensen et al. 2002).
European Union (EU), the European Food Safety Such spontaneous fermentations were gradually
Authority has launched a “qualified presumption of optimized by different backslopping procedures,
safety” (QPS) concept, which stipulates that antibi- which comprise the inoculation of the raw material
otic safety testing is a requirement for the safety with a small quantity of the previous successful

Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria Novel Applications 341

Edited by Fernanda Mozzi, Raúl R. Raya and Graciela M. Vignolo
© 2010 Blackwell Publishing. ISBN: 978-0-813-81583-1
342 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

fermentation. Backslopping ensures that the domi- (Havenaar et al. 1992), while in relation to food,
nant strains present in the successful fermentation probiotics are considered “viable preparations in
are used to inoculate fresh raw material and again foods or dietary supplements to improve the health
take over a new fermentation. Backslopping is still of humans and animals” (Salminen et al. 1998). The
used in the production of numerous fermented foods suggested health-improving properties are still not
such as sauerkraut, cucumbers, and sourdough well understood but are commonly suggested to
(Stiles and Holzapfel 1997; Leroy and De Vuyst relate to pathogen interference, exclusion, or antag-
2004), or for products for which the microbial onism; immunostimulation and immunomodulation;
ecology and the role of succession in the microbial anticarcinogenic and antimutagenic activities; alle-
population are not well known (Mogensen et al. viation of symptoms of lactose intolerance; reduc-
2002; Leroy and De Vuyst 2004). Today, in Western tion in serum cholesterol; reduction in blood
countries, however, many fermentations are carried pressure; decreased incidence and duration of diar-
out on an industrial scale (Leroy and De Vuyst rhea; prevention of vaginitis; and maintenance of
2004), and starter culture production has been indus- mucosal integrity (Erbringer et al. 1995; Salminen
trialized, so that a constant source of pure bacteria et al. 1996; Klaenhammer and Kullen 1999; Burns
is available for reliable fermentations. and Rowland 2000; Holzapfel and Schillinger 2002;
The important role of LAB in fermentation is Ouwehand et al. 2002; Isolauri 2004).
illustrated by their contribution to rapid acidification LAB are the major representatives of probiotics
of the raw material by production mainly of lactic both on the food and the pharmaceutical markets.
acid. In addition, some strains produce acetic acid, As some strains are associated with the human body
ethanol, aroma compounds, bacteriocins, exopoly- and occur in the oral cavity, gastrointestinal tract
saccharides, and important enzymes (e.g., prote- and vagina, this makes these bacteria ideal candi-
ases), thereby enhancing the shelf life and microbial dates for application as probiotics. Today, viable
safety of the fermented product, in addition to probiotic strains supplied in the market mostly
improving the product texture and sensory charac- contain LAB species in high numbers, either as
teristics (Leroy and De Vuyst 2004). fermented food commodities or in lyophilized form
However, LAB are not only important in food as supplements or pharmaceutical preparations
fermentations, but also as probiotics. A beneficial (Holzapfel and Schillinger 2002). Other microbial
association of LAB with the human host was sug- species that find application in probiotic products
gested by Metchnikoff already in 1908). He consid- belong to the genus Bifidobacterium (Bifidobacter-
ered the longevity of Caucasian persons to be related ium adolescentis, Bifidobacterium animalis,
to their high intake of fermented milk products. In Bifidobacterium bifidum, Bifidobacterium infantis,
contrast to modern perception, Metchnikoff sug- Bifidobacterium breve, Bifidobacterium longum),
gested that gut microbes were detrimental rather and in addition, strains of Bacillus cereus (toyoi),
than beneficial to human health. In addition, he sug- Escherichia coli (Nissle), and Saccharomyces cere-
gested that the substitution of gut microbes with visiae (boulardii) have also found application
yoghurt bacteria may be beneficial. In this context, (Holzapfel and Schillinger 2002).
LAB and their major metabolite of sugar fermenta-
tion, that is, lactic acid, were suggested as health-
19.2. Impact of LAB on the
promoting. Originally defined as microorganisms
Food Industry
promoting the growth of other microorganisms
(Lilly and Stillwell 1965), probiotics have been LAB are consumed in enormous quantities, primar-
defined in recent years as “mono- or mixed cultures ily through consumption of fermented foods.
of live micro-organisms which, when applied to According to statistics published in bulletin No. 355
animal or man, beneficially affect the host by of the International Dairy Federation, the average
improving the property of the indigenous flora” annual consumption of fermented milk products is
Safety of Lactic Acid Bacteria 343

22 kg per capita in Europe. In total, this amounts to tion relevant to its safe use, and (2) consensus
about 8.5 billion kg fermented milk per year. With among qualified experts on the established safety of
an average microbial content in these fermented the GRAS substance for its intended use. The FDA
products of 108 bacteria per gram (or milliliter), this thus also lists familiar microorganisms that are con-
amounts to a total of 8.5 × 1020 LAB. Assuming one sidered safe for particular applications. However, it
bacterial cell weighs 4 × 10–12 g, this means that is not the microorganisms that are considered GRAS
3400 tonnes of pure LAB cells are consumed every but rather their traditional use in the food industry.
year in Europe. This figure does not take into account With two exceptions (Denmark and France), the
the LAB used in other food fermentations such as use of LAB in foods is not regulated by any single
vegetable and meat fermentations, or especially the harmonized legislation in the European Union (EU),
probiotic bacteria consumed as supplements or as with regard both to their use as starter cultures, as
pharmaceutical preparations. It can thus be expected probiotic cultures, or as protective culture and/or
to be far greater. Today, probiotic foods comprise food supplements. On the other hand, probiotic cul-
between 60% and 70% of the total functional food tures for animal feed have been regulated by detailed
market. Continued increase is observed among the and fully harmonized EU legislation since 1994.
dairy-type probiotic foods, but probiotics are found According to Wessels et al. (2004), seven EU laws
even in nondairy food products such as fermented may determine the use of new LAB strains in foods,
meats, and vegetable and fruit juices. Taking into comprising Regulation 258/97/EC on novel foods
account the wide range of potential (fermentable) and novel food ingredients, Directive 90/219/EEC
substrates, and the different conditions under which on the contained use of genetically modified
LAB strains may be challenged for “functional per- microorganisms(see Chapter 20); Directive 89/107/
formance,” it can be expected that developments EEC on food additives; Directive 88/388/EEC on
toward new food-based probiotics will even proceed flavorings for use in foods; Directive 2002/46/EC on
further in the future (Holzapfel 2005). food supplements; Directive 95/2/EC on food addi-
tives other than colors and sweeteners and Directive
94/40/EC on microorganisms as additives in animal
feeding stuffs.
19.3. Safety and Regulatory Aspects
Strangely, there was no recognized means in
Internationally, the application of LAB in foods is Europe for microorganisms to be formally consid-
regulated in different ways and under various cate- ered safe when used for food preparation in the past.
gories. These may vary from country to country, and In contrast, microorganisms used as feed additives
may not necessarily be related to the function of a or plant protection products are comprehensively
strain. Under the Food Drug and Cosmetic Act (FD regulated. To explore the possibility of a safety
& C Act) of 1958, microbial cultures used in the evaluation system similar to the GRAS system, the
United States have been defined as “food additives,” DG SANCO (EU’s Directorate General for Health
following pre-market approval of new uses on the and Consumer Affairs) Scientific Committees on
basis of an established standard of safety. However, Food, Animal Nutrition and Plants prepared a
according to the FD & C Act Section 210 (s), certain working paper for public consultation on a proposed
classes of substances were explicitly excluded from safety approach called “Qualified Presumption of
requirement for Food and Drug Administration Safety” (QPS), which was open for comment during
(FDA) pre-market approval under Section 409. 2003. This QPS approach represents a possible route
Among these, substances Generally Recognized as to harmonization of approaches for the safety assess-
Safe (GRAS) have particularly been mentioned with ment of microorganisms used in food and feed
reference to “their safety under the conditions of its production, without introducing specific measures
intended use.” A GRAS substance was distinguished in areas where there has been no great concern
from a food additive by (1) widely known informa- about safety, while allowing more important safety
344 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

concerns to be addressed (EFSA 2005a). On the Agency 2007). The Scientific Committee reviewed
expiry of the mandate of the Scientific Commission the range and numbers of microorganisms likely to
for Animal Nutrition (SCAN) early in 2003 and the be the subject of an EFSA opinion, and found
establishment of the European Food Safety Authority approximately 100 species of microorganisms that
(EFSA) by regulation 178/2002, EFSA took over either are or will be referred to EFSA for a safety
the task of handling developments of the QPS assessment. A large majority of these species fall
concept within an EU regulatory framework. The into four broad groupings: (1) Gram (+), non-
SCAN position paper “Safety Assessment and sporulating bacteria (which include the LAB), (2)
Regulatory Aspects of Microorganisms in Feed and Bacillus spp., (3) yeasts, and (4) filamentous fungi.
Food Applications,” which was open for public Accordingly, bacteria, yeasts, and fungi falling
comment, suggested that a list of specific microor- within these four groups were selected for an initial
ganisms’ history of safe use could be compiled to assessment of their suitability for QPS status and the
improve and clarify the present approval of food Scientific Committee concluded that the weight of
and feed products produced by such microorgan- evidence for many species falling in the first three
isms. The list would thus be based on a “qualified groups was sufficient to ensure QPS status. The
presumption of safety” (presumption being defined LAB belonging to group (1) organisms (Gram (+),
as a belief or assumption based on reasonable non-sporulating organisms), which the Scientific
evidence and qualified to allow certain restrictions Committee considered suitable for QPS status
to apply). (European Food Safety Agency 2007), are shown in
Then QPS approach represented as a decision Table 19.1. Where QPS status was proposed, the
tree where the assessment of microorganisms used Scientific Committee was satisfied that the body of
as starter cultures mainly requires the following knowledge available was sufficient to provide ade-
determinations: taxonomy, familiarity, end use, quate assurance that any potential to produce adverse
presence of acquired resistance factors, pathogenic effects in humans, livestock, or the wider environ-
potential, and production of undesirable metabo- ment is understood and capable of exclusion
lites. Because of the possibility of misunderstand- (European Food Safety Agency 2007). Absence of
ings. The term “familiarity” should be understood acquired antibiotic resistance should, however, be
as the “body of knowledge” that includes knowledge demonstrated.
on history of use, ecology, industrial applications,
and scientific literature. Moreover, the safety assess-
19.4. LAB Associated with Human
ment could be done for a taxonomic group (i.e.,
Infections and Safety Considerations
genus or group of related species), and if the taxo-
nomic group did not raise safety concerns thereafter, In view of the large amounts of LAB biomass con-
any strain of microorganism for which the identity sumed every year, consideration of the safety of
could be unambiguously established and assigned to LAB is of great importance. The safety of the micro-
the same QPS group would be freed from the need organisms that have been used traditionally in
of further safety assessment other than satisfying probiotics has also been confirmed for many
any qualifications specified (European Food Safety strains through a long history of experience. Lacto-
Agency 2007). bacillus spp., Lactococcus spp., Leuconostoc spp.,
In 2007, EFSA asked its Scientific Committee to Streptococcus thermophilus and Pediococcus spp.
consider whether this QPS system could be used to have been used extensively in food processing
harmonize approaches to the safety assessment of throughout human history, and consumption of
microorganisms across the various EFSA scientific foods containing bacteria and their metabolites has
panels and if so, the Committee was to develop a taken place for a long time (Ishibashi and Yamazaki
strategy for the introduction of an assessment system 2001). Until recently, the safety of these microor-
based on the QPS concept (European Food Safety ganisms has not been questioned and reports of
Safety of Lactic Acid Bacteria 345

Table 19.1. List of lactic acid bacteria proposed for QPS status by the EFSA scientific committee.

Gram-positive, non-sporulating bacteriaa Qualifications

Lactobacillus spp. None
Lact. acidophilus, Lact. amylolyticus, Lact. amylovorus, Lact. alimentarius, Lact. aviaries, Lact. brevis, Lact.
buchneri, Lact. casei, Lact. crispatus, Lact. curvatus, Lact. delbrueckii, Lact. farciminis, Lact. fermentum,
Lact. gallinarum, Lact. gasseri, Lact. helveticus, Lact. hilgardii, Lact. johnsonii, Lact. kefiranofaciens, Lact.
kefiri, Lact. mucosae, Lact. panis, Lact. paracasei, Lact. paraplantarum, Lact. pentosus, Lact. plantarum,
Lact. pontis, Lact. reuteri, Lact. rhamnosus, Lact. sakei, Lact. salivarius, Lact. sanfranciscensis, Lact. zeae
Lactococcus spp. None
L. lactis
Leuconostoc spp. None
Leuc. citreum, L. lactis, Leuc. mesenteroides
Pediococcus spp. None
P. acidilactici
P. dextrinicus
P. pentosaceus
Streptococcus spp. None
Strep. thermophilus
Absence of acquired antibiotic resistance should be systematically demonstrated unless cells are not present in the final product.

harmful effects of these bacteria have been very species such as Lactobacillus rhamnosus,
rare, with the exception of enterococci and patho- Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus jensenii,
genic streptococci. Cases of infection due to lacto- Lactobacillus paracasei, Lactobacillus casei,
bacilli and bifidobacteria are rare and estimated to Lactobacillus curvatus, Lactobacillus sakei,
represent about 0.05% to 0.4% of cases of infective Lactobacillus salivarius, Weissella confusa,
endocarditis or bacteremia (Gasser 1994; Saxelin Leuconostoc mesenteroides, Leuconostoc lactis,
et al. 1996a; Salminen et al. 1998; Borriello et al. Leuconostoc citreum, Leuconostoc pseudomesen-
2003). Although such cases therefore are quite rare, teroides, Pediococcus Acidilactici, and Pediococcus
they have a high overall mortality rate of approxi- pentosaceus have also been noted to be associated
mately 25%, stressing the need for early diagnosis with human infections (Table 19.2). As reviewed by
and appropriate treatment (Cannon et al. 2005). Cannon et al. (2005), 241 cases of lactobacillemia
Leuconostocs have been reported to cause <0.01% were identified between 1950 and July 2003, with
of bacteremia cases, but these LAB have also been lactobacilli primarily involved in endocarditis and
associated with specific nosocomial outbreaks in bacteraemia. Lact. casei (35.7%) and Lact. rhamno-
Spain (Bou et al. 2008) or India (Taneja et al. 2005). sus (22.9%) were the species most frequently associ-
The enterococci are the major exception among the ated with lactobacillemia and infective endocarditis.
LAB (excluding the pathogenic streptococci), in that Generally, most patients from which LAB were iso-
these are well known to be important agents of noso- lated had serious underlying disease, which predis-
comial disease causing 5%–15% of bacteremia posed them to infection. The isolation of LAB
cases (Aguirre and Collins 1993; Gasser 1994; from infections is most likely the result of opportu-
Saxelin et al. 1996a, 1996b; Salminen et al. 1998; nistic infections (Ishibashi and Yamazaki 2001).
Holzapfel 2005). Risk factors appear to include abnormal heart valves
Most LAB that have caused infections in humans in the case of endocarditis and the presence of a
belong to the species Enterococcus faecalis and catheter in cases of septicemia (Horwitch et al.
Enterococcus faecium (Murray 1990; Jett et al. 1994; 1995; Salminen et al. 1998). Extremes of age
Johnson 1994; Franz et al. 2003), but other LAB and pregnancy appear not to be risk factors for
Table 19.2. Overview of reports of disease where lactic acid bacteria were isolated.

Disease Causative agent Source of isolation Reference

Bacteremia Lact. rhamnosus, Lact. sakei, Blood Sharpe et al. (1973); Mastro et al.
Lact. curvatus, Lact. salivarius, (1990); Saxelin et al. (1996a);
Lact. fermentum, Lact. Antony et al. (1996); Chazan
paracasei, Lact. plantarum, et al. (2008); Svec et al. (2007)
Leuc. mesenteroides, Leuc.
pseudomesenteroides, Leuc.
citreum, L. lactis, W. confusa,
Lact. jensenii, P. acidilactici
Brain abscess Leuc. mesenteroides Abscess Albanese et al. (2006)
Caries Lact. paracasei; Lact. rhamnosus Sputum Botha et al. (1998)
Chest infection Lact. rhamnosus Sputum Rahman (1982)
Endocarditis Lact. rhamnosus; Lact. curvatus; Blood Fritsche et al. (1973); Sharpe et al.
Lact. acidophilus, different (1973); Tenebaum and Warner
species of Lactobacillus; Lact. (1974); Bayer et al. (1978);
paracasei, P. acidilactici, Lact. Davies et al. (1986); Naude
casei, W. confusa et al. (1988); Griffiths et al.
(1992); Harty et al. (1993,
1994); Monterisis et al. (1996);
Penot et al. (1998); Vogt and
Hoffman (1998); Mackay et al.
(1999); Mitchell and Hayek
(1999); Barros et al. (2001);
Wallet et al. (2002); Flaherty
et al. (2003); Ze-Ze et al. (2004)
Endocarditis Lact. fermentum Mitral valve/ Gallemore et al. (1995)
Lact. acidophilus prosthetic valve Makaryus et al. (2005)
Leuc. mesenteroides Vazquez et al. (1998)
Endocarditis Lact. rhamnosus Aortic valve Golledge (1988)
Empyema of the gallbladder Lact. rhamnosus Pus Allison and Galloway (1988)
Erysipeloid Lact. rhamnosus Lymphatic system Sharpe et al. (1973)
Liver abscess Lact. acidophilus; Lact. Blood and Liver Klein et al. (1991); Larvol et al.
rhamnosus (1996); Rautio et al. (1999)
Pancreatitis Lact. rhamnosus Intra-abdominal/blood Brahimi et al. (2008)
Peritonitis Lact. rhamnosus, Lact. paracasei Peritoneum Klein et al. (1998); Neef et al.
Pneumonia/lung abscess Lact. rhamnosus Sputum Namnyak et al. (1992)
Pyelonephritis Lact. jensenii Urine Chazan et al. (2008)
Septicemia P. acidilactici Blood Dickgiesser et al. (1984); Sire et al.
P. pentosaceus (1992); von Witzingerode et al.
Lact. jensenii (2000); Moudden et al. (2007)
Surgical site abscess Lact. fermentum Esophagus Woo et al. (2007)
Urinary tract infection P. acidilactici Urine Dickgiesser et al. (1984); Barros
Lact. gasseri et al. (2001); Taneja et al. (2005)
Leuc. mesenteroides
Various diseases Various Lactobacillus species Various Sims (1964); Aguirre and Collins
(mainly); Leuc. mesenteroides (1993); Husni et al. (1997); Bou
et al. (2008)

Safety of Lactic Acid Bacteria 347

LAB-associated infection (Adams and Marteau at the molecular level (O’Brien et al. 1999). In
1995). For enterococci, endocarditis was often noted another case of Lactobacillus fermentum-related
to occur in patients with underlying heart disease. endocarditis, the fact of a large daily consumption
Risk factors for endocarditis furthermore appear to of milk and dairy products was suggested to play a
include preceding genitourinary instrumentation, role, even though no connection with the illness
abortion, and urinary tract infection and instrumenta- could be proven and no proof of its use in dairy
tion (Lewis and Zervos 1990; Murray 1990). Risk products in general has been shown (Gallemore
factors associated with enterococcal bacteremia et al. 1995; Salminen et al. 1998). In a further case,
include underlying disease, presence of urethral or a 54-year-old diabetic woman was reported to
intravascular catheters, surgery, major burns, multi- develop a Lact. rhamnosus septicemia, which was
ple trauma, or prior antibiotic therapy (Lewis and attributed to probiotic use (Zein et al. 2008).
Zervos 1990; Franz and Holzapfel 2004). For Salminen et al. (2002) studied the incidence of
Pediococcus infections, risk factors appear to include Lactobacillus bacteremia against the background of
underlying conditions or underlying malignancy such a rapid increase in probiotic use in Finland, and could
as diabetes, pulmonary or vascular disease, hyper- show that this increased probiotic use did not result
parathyroidism, burns or trauma, previous antibiotic in a concurrent increase in Lactobacillus bacteremia
treatment, abdominal surgery, tube feeding, or, in the cases. Similarly, Sullivan and Nord (2006) deter-
last case, also pregnancy (Holzapfel et al. 2006). mined the incidence of lactobacilli-induced bactere-
Immunocompromised individuals are generally mia in Stockholm, Sweden, and tried to identify the
assumed to be more at risk of infection with patho- presence of possible probiotic strains. They found
gens and are known to be afflicted with a high inci- that over a 6-year period the incidence of bacteremia
dence of opportunistic infections. However, at least cases remained at the same level, and they could not
regarding the consumption of probiotic lactobacilli identify any of the three probiotic strains Lact. para-
or bifidobacteria, there is no evidence that consump- casei F19, Lact. rhamnosus GG, or Lact. acidophilus
tion of probiotic preparations containing these bac- NCFB 1748 in any of the clinical samples.
teria leads to an increased risk of opportunistic A different situation exists in the case where
infection among immunocompromised individuals probiotic bacteria were used in high numbers in a
(Borriello et al. 2003). Various clinical studies have clinical setting in an attempt to cure disease. Thus,
been conducted to assess the safety of probiotics in Lactobacillus sepsis was reported to result from pro-
small groups of specific immunocompromised biotic therapy attempts in children who had severe
patients (i.e., with HIV infection), and the findings underlying disease and who developed hospital-
of these studies support the safety of probiotics associated diarrhea (Land et al. 2005). Thus, attempts
consumed by such groups (Wolf et al. 1998; to cure the diarrhea led to the invasive disease with
Cunningham-Rundles et al. 2000; Borriello et al. the probiotic strains Lact. rhamnosus GG (Land et al.
2003; Wessels et al. 2004). 2005). Besselink et al. (2008) attempted to amelio-
There have been some concerns about the safety rate the course of predicted severe acute pancreatitis
of using high numbers of LAB as probiotics in using probiotic therapy. They used a probiotic prepa-
foods. A few rare cases of infection have been asso- ration (Ecologic® 641, Winclove, Bio Industries
ciated with LAB used in foods; however, in most Amsterdam, The Netherlands) that contained four
cases, a firm connection was not established (Adams LAB strains (Lact. acidophilus, Lact. casei, Lact.
1991). In one case of a liver abscess, the isolate was salivarius, and L. lactis) and two Bifidobacterium
indeed closely related to a probiotic (Rautio et al. strains (B. bifidum and B. lactis). Unfortunately, the
1999). In another case involving bacteremia, a con- results clearly showed that this probiotic prophylaxis
nection with a combination of chewing a probiotic did not reduce the risk of infectious complications
capsule and dental infection was suggested (Mackay and was even associated with an increased risk of
et al. 1999), even though the isolate was not typed mortality (Besselink et al. 2008).
348 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

19.5. Antibiotic Resistance of LAB 10% MRS medium with or without supplementation
with l-cysteine for LAB susceptibility determina-
19.5.1. Choice of Media and tions. This medium was tested and found to provide
Determination of Breakpoints the optimum medium in terms of growth support
Antimicrobial resistance testing of LAB is a difficult of non-enterococcal LAB and correct indication
undertaking as testing methods have not been, in of MICs of a wide variety of LAB. Overall, the
the past, standardized to the same extent as, for minimum inhibitory concentration values deter-
example, for pathogenic bacteria, because of their mined in the study of Klare et al. (2005) were in good
relative unimportance as causative agents of human agreement to those determined with cation adjusted
disease. Many LAB require special growth require- Mueller-Hinton supplemented with lysed horse
ments as a result of their adaptation to nutritionally blood, a medium suggested by the Clinical and
rich environments. Thus, conventional media used Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) (formerly the
for antimicrobial resistance testing such as Mueller– NCCLS) in 2007 for antimicrobial resistance testing
Hinton or Iso-Sensitest media are often not suitable of infrequently isolated or fastidious bacteria
for susceptibility testing of lactobacilli, leuco- (Jorgensen and Hindler 2007). Tosi et al. (2007) for-
nostocs, or pediococci (Klare et al. 2007). Herra mulated a Streptococcus thermophilus susceptibility
et al. (1995) showed that Wilkens–Chalgren Agar, test medium (SSM) specifically for testing antimi-
a medium recommended by the National Committee crobial resistance of Strep. thermophilus strains, and
for Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS) for this medium allowed a better identification of strains
use when determining antibiotic resistances of with atypical tetracycline resistances. The SSM
anaerobic bacteria, did not support the growth of medium is a mixed formulation of Iso-Sensitest
lactobacilli. However, if Wilkens–Chalgren was medium (90%) and M17 medium (10%) supple-
supplemented with 5% horse blood, good growth of mented with lactose (0.5% w/v) (Tosi et al. 2007).
lactobacilli resulted (Herra et al. 1995). Thus, the Because LAB are such a diverse group of LAB
choice of media can greatly influence the minimum with many genera, each containing many species, it
inhibitory concentration (MIC) values obtained in is difficult to specify breakpoints for MIC values
resistance testing. First, media used for testing anti- that separate the resistant from the susceptible
biotic resistances are chosen to provide an optimal strains. Clearly, some of such breakpoints may be
nutritional environment to support the growth of the defined at the genus level, when most of the species
test microorganism. Second, the medium should are known to be resistant or sensitive toward an
provide a suitable gel matrix to allow reproducible antibiotic. However, for many LAB genera, this
and uniform diffusion of the test antibiotic. Third, view was found to be too simplistic, as the different
possible interactions between (un)defined medium species may vary considerably in their susceptibili-
components and the antibiotic gradient should be at ties toward various antibiotics. The European
minimum (Huys et al. 2002). It is well known, for Commission’s Scientific Committee on Animal
example, that variations in the cation content and the Nutrition (SCAN 2002) previously supplied a list of
concentrations of critical nutrients such as thymine breakpoint values for LAB other than enterococci,
and folic acid can modify results. Apart from the which was quite preliminary because the breakpoint
medium composition, the inoculum size, the incuba- values given related to the genera Pediococcus and
tion temperature, and gaseous atmosphere, as well Lactobacillus, and do not take into account interspe-
as the incubation period, may influence antimicro- cies deviations (Table 19.3). Danielsen and Wind
bial resistance testing (Ammor et al. 2007). (2003) recognized the shortcoming of this approach
In attempts to solve the problem of medium stan- when investigating the antibiotic resistances of LAB
dardization, Klare et al. (2005, 2007) developed a starter cultures because for some species a natural
medium called LAB susceptibility test medium, resistance would require the delineation of a higher
which consists of a mixture of 90% Iso-Sensitest and breakpoint value when compared to more suscepti-
Safety of Lactic Acid Bacteria 349

Table 19.3. MIC breakpoint values (μg/ml) for different antibiotics according to SCAN (2002), FEEDAP (EFSA
2005b), and Danielsen and Wind (2003).

Antibiotic SCAN FEEDAP Danielsen and Wind

Ampicillin 2 4 4 —
Penicillin G — — 4 —
Erythromycin 4 4 L. aci, L. sak, L.curv 1
— — — L. parac, L. rham 2
— — — L. plant, L. pent 4
Chloramphenicol 16 Lactobacillus hom. 4 16
— — Lactobacillus het. 4 — —
— — Leuconostocs, pediococci 4 — —
— — L. lactis, Strep. thermophilus 8 — —
— — L. plantarum 8 — —
Tetracycline 16 Leuconostocs, pediococci, L. lactis 4 L. para, L. aci, L. rham 4
— — Lactobacillus hom. 8 L. sak, L. curv 8
— — Lactobacillus het. 8 L. plant, L. pent 64
— — L. plantarum 32 — —
Ciprofloxacin Lactobacillus 4 — — 32
— Pediococcus 16 — — —
Gentamicin Lactobacillus 1 Lactobacillus hom. 8 — >128
— Pediococcus 4 Lactobacillus het. 8 — —
— — L. plantarum 64 — —
— — Leuconostocs, pediococci 4 — —
— — L. lactis, Strep. thermophilus 8 — —

L. aci = Lact. acidophilus, L. sak = Lact. sakei, L. curv = Lact. curvatus, L. parac = Lact. paracasei, L. rham = Lact. rhamnosus,
L. plant = Lact. plantarum, L. pent = Lact. pentosus, Lactobacillus hom. = homofermentative lactobacilli, Lactobacillus het. =
heterofermentative lactobacilli, L. para = Lact. Paraplantarum.

ble strains. Thus, while SCAN, for example, gives Lact. rhamnosus; and 4 μg/ml for Lact. plantarum
an MIC breakpoint value of 1 μg/ml for gentamicin, and Lact. pentosus. In 2005, the FEEDAP panel
Danielsen and Wind (2003) recognized that this was (Panel on Additives and Products or Substances
too low and suggested a breakpoint value of 128 μg/ used in Animal Feed) of EFSA suggested new
ml for Lact. paracasei, Lact. plantarum, Lact. pen- breakpoint values for 13 different antibiotics and
tosus, Lact. rhamnosus, Lact. sakei, and Lact. cur- distinguished between breakpoints for obligately
vatus, and an even higher breakpoint value of homofermentative lactobacilli, heterofermentative
256 μg/ml for Lact. acidophilus for this antibiotic lactobacilli, Lact. plantarum, Enterococcus spp.,
(Table 19.3). Similarly, the MIC breakpoint value Pediococcus spp., Leuconostoc spp., Lactococcus
for streptomycin suggested by SCAN at 16 μg/ml lactis, and Streptococcus thermophilus (EFSA
was considered too low by Danielsen and Wind 2005b) (Table 19.3). In a recent investigation of the
(2003), who suggested a value of >256 μg/ml for all resistance of a large number of LAB strains (n = 473)
LAB. On the other hand, while SCAN recommended belonging to the genera Lactobacillus, Pediococcus,
a MIC breakpoint value of 4 μg/ml for erythromy- and Lactococcus to 16 antibiotics, Klare et al. (2007)
cin, Danielsen and Wind (2003) found this too high proposed tentative epidemiological cutoff (ECOFF)
to account for observed natural resistances of some values for recognizing intrinsic and acquired antimi-
Lactobacillus spp., and suggested breakpoint values crobial resistances. Thus, a representative number
of 1 μg/ml for Lact. acidophilus, Lact. sakei, and of strains of at least 12 LAB species were investi-
Lact. curvatus; 2 μg/ml for Lact. paracasei and gated using the microbroth dilution method and
350 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

the LSM screening medium. Based on these data, ted to the hospital environment via contaminated
Klare et al. (2007) defined individual ECOFF meat (Swenson et al. 1990; Klare et al. 1995a;
values for the different antibiotics for each of the McDonald et al. 1997). These findings strongly sug-
12 species investigated, that is, Pediococcus acidi- gested that food transmission occurred, and as a
lactici, P. pentosaceus, Lact. rhamnosus, Lact. result the use of avoparcin in animal husbandry was
paracasei, Lact. plantarum, Lact. fermentum, banned in the EU in 1997 (McDonald et al. 1997). In
Lact. gasseri, Lact. acidophilus, Lactobacillus cris- 1999, the streptogramin B/A combination quinupris-
patus, Lactobacillus johnsonii, Lact. delbrueckii, tin–dalfopristin (Synercid®, King Pharmaceuticals,
and Lact. reuteri. Thus, today we have a clearer Bristol, TN) was approved in the United States for
picture about MIC breakpoint values, which aid in treatment of VRE. The incidence of streptogramin
determining whether a strain can be regarded as resistance among Ent. faecium isolates from human
resistant or susceptible, and will point out highly sources in Europe and in the United States was very
resistant strains that should be investigated for anti- low, but streptogramin resistance has been shown to
microbial resistance genes and their transferability, occur frequently in Ent. faecium strains of animal
as envisaged by the EFSA QPS safety assessment (especially poultry) origin (Gallemore et al. 1995).
system. Jensen et al. (2000) and Werner et al. (2002) reported
that streptogramin A resistance transferred from
farm animals to farmers, suggesting that the fre-
19.5.2. Antibiotic Resistance of LAB
quency of Synercid-resistant Enterococcus isolates
Among the LAB strains that were isolated from from humans will rise. Recently, new antibiotics,
human infections, strains of the genus Enterococcus such as Linezolid, an oxazolidinone, and daptomy-
are particularly known to contain multiple antibiotic cin, a novel cyclic lipopeptide antibiotic, have been
resistances (Klare et al. 1995b). Enterococci are developed and successfully used for the treatment of
either intrinsically resistant, and resistance genes are VRE. However, the development of resistance con-
located on the chromosome, or they possess acquired tinues, and it seems to be merely a matter of time
resistance determinants that are located on plasmids until multiple-resistant Enterococcus strains become
and transposons (Clewell 1990; Murray 1990; Klare resistant to these new antibiotics as well.
et al. 1995b). Intrinsic antibiotic resistances include In our studies on Enterococcus isolates from
resistance to cephalosporins, low levels of β-lactams, foods (Franz et al. 2001), we showed that resistance
sulphonamides, and low levels of clindamycin and toward one or more antibiotics was a common phe-
aminoglycosides, while examples of acquired resis- nomenon among Ent. faecium and Ent. faecalis
tances include resistance to chloramphenicol, strains. Ent. faecium strains were mostly (56.3% of
erythromycin, high levels of clindamycin and ami- strains) resistant to ciprofloxacin, followed by peni-
noglycosides, tetracycline, high levels of β-lactams, cillin (45.8%), erythromycin (27.1%), chloram-
fluoroquinolones, and glycopeptides such as vanco- phenicol (10.4%), and tetracycline, streptomycin,
mycin (Murray 1990; Klare et al. 1995b; Leclercq gentamicin, and vancomycin at an incidence of
1997). Vancomycin resistance is of special concern <10%. In contrast, Ent. faecalis strains were mostly
because this antibiotic was considered a last resort resistant to chloramphenicol (63.8%), followed by
for treatment of multiple-resistant enterococci infec- streptomycin (46.8%), tetracycline (44.7%), eryth-
tions. In the mid-1990s, the source of vancomycin- romycin (31.9%), ciprofloxacin (27.7%), gentami-
resistant enterococci (VRE) in Europe was shown to cin (25.5%), penicillin (12.8%), and ampicillin
be most likely the farm animals as a result of ergo- (2.1%). Teuber et al. (1999) also reported a high
tropic use of avoparcin, a glycopeptide antibiotic incidence of gentamicin-, tetracycline-, chloram-
(Klare et al. 1995a). VRE have indeed been isolated phenicol-, and erythromycin-resistant enterococci
from a wide variety of farm animals, which are from foods such as cheeses or fermented meats.
important reservoirs of VRE that could be transmit- Huys et al. (2004) showed that 24% of enterococci
Safety of Lactic Acid Bacteria 351

from cheeses were resistant to tetracycline. Giraffa also some reports of resistance of pediococci toward
(2002) also reported that enterococci, mainly β-lactams (Ammor et al. 2007).
belonging to the species Ent. faecalis and Ent. Lactobacilli, leuconostocs, and lactococci are
faecium, which were isolated from European cheeses generally susceptible to antibiotics that inhibit
and meat products, showed resistances in different protein synthesis such as chloramphenicol, erythro-
proportions to antibiotics such as penicillin, tetracy- mycin, clindamycin, and tetracycline, but more
cline, bacitracin, chloramphenicol, erythromycin, resistant toward the aminoglycosides such as neo-
gentamicin, streptomycin, lincomycin, rifampicin, mycin, kanamycin, streptomycin, and gentamicin
fusidic, acid and vancomycin. (Katla et al. 2001; Danielsen and Wind 2003; Gevers
For non-enterococcal LAB, the general picture et al. 2003a, 2003b; Temmerman et al. 2003;
that is emerging is that antibiotic-resistant LAB can Delgado et al. 2005; Hummel et al. 2007; Ammor
be obtained from both medical and food sources and et al. 2007). Specific strains of Lactobacillus, L.
that some resistances appear to be intrinsic, whereas lactis, and Pediococcus have been shown to be
others appear to be transferable. For vancomycin, highly resistant toward chloramphenicol, clindamy-
the leuconostocs, pediococci, and several cin, streptomycin, erythromycin, and tetracycline
Lactobacillus spp., especially Lact. rhamnosus, (Temmerman et al. 2003; Ammor et al. 2007; Klare
Lact. paracasei, Lact. plantarum, and Lact. reuteri, et al. 2007; Florez et al. 2008). This resistance has
seem to be intrinsically resistant, whereas most been, in many cases, attributed to the presence of
Lactococcus and lactobacilli belonging to the Lact. resistance genes such as the chloramphenicol acet-
acidophilus group appear to be sensitive (Danielsen yltransferase (cat) gene in Lact. plantarum (Ahn
and Wind 2003; Delgado et al. 2005; Ammor et al. et al. 1992) or in Lact. reuteri (Lin et al. 1996).
2007; Klare et al. 2007). The sensitivity of Strep. Furthermore, erm(B) or erm(T) genes encoding
thermophilus strains toward vancomycin is variable resistance toward erythromycin have been charac-
(Ammor et al. 2007). The resistance of Lactobacillus, terized in lactobacilli, lactococci, and pediococci
Pediococcus, and Leuconostoc spp. to vancomycin (Stroman et al. 2003; Florez et al. 2006; Ammor
is due to the presence of d-ala-d-lactate in their et al. 2007, 2008). In addition, resistance to macro-
peptidoglycan rather than the d-ala-d-ala dipeptide lides may also be associated with a transition (A to
(Klein et al. 2000). G) mutation in 23S RNA genes (Florez et al. 2007).
Most species of Lactobacillus, Lactococcus, Tetracycline resistance among LAB is associated
Streptococcus, and Pediococcus furthermore are with a number of tetracycline resistance genes such
resistant to metronidazole as they do not possess as tet(K, M, O, Q, S, W) (Gevers et al. 2003b; Huys
hydrogenase activity, which metronidazole targets et al. 2004; Ammor et al. 2007, 2008; Florez et al.
(Ammor et al. 2007). Furthermore, most 2008). Recently, Rojo-Bezares et al. (2006) also
Lactobacillus, Pediococcus, and Leuconostoc spp. identified tet(L) genes in a Pediococcus parvulus
are resistant to high levels of the cephalosporin strain from wine origin. The aminoglycoside
cefoxitin. On the other hand, lactobacilli and lacto- resistance genes aac(6′)Ie-aph(2″)Ia, aaa(6′)Ie-
cocci are generally sensitive to the inhibitors of cell aph(2″)Ia, aaa(6′)-aph(2″), aac(6′)-aph(2″), ant(6),
wall synthesis such as penicillins (piperacillin and and aph(3′)-IIIa have been reported to occur in some
ampicillin) and β-lactam antibiotics, but more resis- Lactobacillus or Pediococcus species (Tenorio et al.
tant to oxacillin and cephalosporins (cefoxitin and 2001; Rojo-Bezares et al. 2006; also see Ammor
ceftriaxone, see above). Strep. thermophilus strains et al. 2007 for a more complete listing of resistance
are highly variable in their susceptibility toward genes found in LAB). The multiple drug transport-
penicillin G and ampicillin (Katla et al. 2001; ers Mdt and LmrP were implicated in the resistance
Temmerman et al. 2003; Ammor et al. 2007). of L. lactis to a broad range of antibiotics including
Penicillin G and the β-lactam antibiotic imipenem lincosamine, streptogramin, tetracycline, and mac-
are usually active against pediococci, while there are rolides (Perreten et al. 2001; Putman et al. 2001).
352 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

Lactobacilli are usually resistant to most nucleic studied and identified. These virulence factors are
acid synthesis inhibitors such as enoxacin, perfloxa- summarized in Table 19.4, and their (possible) roles
cin, norfloxacin, nalidixic acid, sulphamethoxazole, in the infection causing process are reviewed in
trimethoprim, and metrodinazole (Charteris et al. Franz et al. (2003) and Franz and Holzapfel (2004).
1998; Ammor et al. 2007), and such resistances Interestingly, enterococci isolated from foods were
appear to be intrinsic rather than acquired. shown to harbor either single or multiple virulence
Based on these resistance data, it is generally factors (Eaton and Gasson 2001; Franz et al. 2001).
recommended that Lactobacillus infections are Eaton and Gasson (2001), however, did show that
treated with a β-lactam (penicillin or ampicillin) and the incidences of virulence factors among probiotic
an aminoglycoside (typically gentamicin) for enterococci strains were noticeably lower than food
synergy, and with erythromycin and/or clindamycin strains. The fact that enterococci, which can occur
as therapeutic alternatives (Cannon et al. 2005; from foods, often carry virulence determinants may
Danielsen et al. 2007). imply that the association of these bacteria with
foods constitutes a safety risk, especially for persons
with underlying disease (Eaton and Gasson 2001;
Franz and Holzapfel 2004). As mentioned above, it
19.6. LAB “Virulence”
has been noted that VRE transmission in Europe
Given the long, that is, thousands of years, safe from the community to the hospitals probably
association of LAB with foods and the very low occurred via the food chain, thus emphasizing the
incidences of association with human disease importance of the food route for transmission of
(excluding Enterococcus and Streptococcus strains, enterococci risk strains that may carry antibiotic
see above), one really hesitates when using the resistance or virulence determinants (Franz and
terms “virulence” or “virulence factors” or “patho- Holzapfel 2004).
genic” in association with LAB. In the absence of Because non-enterococcal LAB have a long
better coined terms that may imply factors that can history of safety with healthy humans and clearly
explain why some LAB can cause disease and allow possess an extremely low virulence potential, one is
these bacteria to become associated with an infec- hard stressed to find “virulence factors” among these
tion, the terms “virulence” and “virulence factors” bacteria. Although it is known that some W. confusa
will be used in the following discussion. Even for strains possess an α-hemolytic phenotype (Olano et
the enterococci, virulence factors were long thought al. 2001), and a dairy strain of L. lactis of which the
to be much more subtle than those of well- chromosome was sequenced was shown to harbor a
recognized Gram (+) pathogens such as the food- gene for a hemolysin III (Bolotin et al. 1999), the
associated Clostridium botulinum, Staphylococcus impact of these can be described as negligible
aureus, Listeria monocytogenes, and Bacillus because such hemolytic characteristics have never
cereus. However, considerable progress has been been reported to play a major role in the develop-
made in the last few years and factors associated ment of an infection. Recently, a number of further
with specific stages of enterococcal infection have LAB genomes were sequenced (Bolotin et al. 1999;
been well described (Franz and Holzapfel 2004). Kleerebezem et al. 2003; Pridmore et al. 2004), and
Johnson (1994) described specific stages for a information regarding the potential virulence of
pathogenic bacterium to cause an infection, that is, these bacteria can be searched for within their
the strain should be able to colonize host tissue, genomes. The genome of the intestinal probiotic
resist host-specific and unspecific defense mecha- bacterium Lact. johnsonii NCC 533 was shown to
nisms, and produce pathological changes either contain a protein with 50% amino acid sequence
directly, by producing toxin, or indirectly by causing similarity to an IgA protease of pathogenic strepto-
inflammation. Virulence factors of enterococci that cocci, which may play a role in hydrolysis of extra-
are associated with all these four stages have been cellular proteins or in adhesion to the mucosal
Safety of Lactic Acid Bacteria 353

Table 19.4. Enterococcal virulence factors and their association with stage of virulence or suggested role in

Virulence determinant (Suggested) association with stage of virulence

Aggregation substance (AS) Adhesion to eukaryotic cells (adhesin)/promotes colonization
Invasion of eukaryotic cells (invasin)
Adhesion to extracellular matrix proteins (may promote translocation)
Increases survival in immune cells (evasion of host immune response)
Cytolysin (Cyl) Eukaryotic cell toxin
Lyses immune cells (evasion of host immune response)
Gelatinase (Gel) Can hydrolyze various biological peptides, that is, collagens and fibrin (role in
Can hydrolyze antibacterial peptides (evasion of host innate immune response)
Enterococcal surface protein Adhesin, promotes colonization
(Espfs and Espfm) Exhibits characteristics of MSCRAMM’sa—role in evasion of immune response?
Adhesin to collagen of Ent. faecalis Adhesion to extracellular matrix proteins (may promote translocation)
(Ace) or Ent. faecium (Acm) Exhibits MSCRAMM characteristics: role in evasion of immune response?
Endocarditis antigen from Ent. Adhesin: role in endocarditis
faecalis or Ent. faecium (EfaAfs)
Hyaluronidase Degrades hyaluronic acid, a major extracellular matrix constituent: role in translocation?
Capsule Evasion of host immune response
MSCRAMM = microbial surface component recognizing adhesive matrix molecules.

surface (Pridmore et al. 2004). IgA proteases prevent unequivocal virulence factor for lactobacilli;
bacteria to be trapped in the mucus layer and are however, the clinical blood isolates showed higher
thought to be associated with evasion of host adhesion to mucus than probiotic strains, although
immune defense (Pridmore et al. 2004). However, the difference was not statistically significant.
this IgA protease, within the context of this probi- Furthermore, the authors concluded that further
otic strain, can also be viewed as a “probiotic prop- studies should be done on respiratory burst and
erty,” especially since other obvious virulence serum resistance as probiotic strains induced the
factors are missing. Thus, instead of being associ- lowest respiratory burst activity in polymorphonu-
ated with virulence, IgA proteases may play an clear leucocytes and showed the highest resistance
important role in the probiotic bacterium colonizing against serum (Vesterlund et al. 2007). Also recently,
the gastrointestinal tract. a rat model of infective endocarditis was developed
Vesterlund et al. (2007) studied the presence of by Vankerckhoven et al. (2007) and the pathogenic
putative risk factors in faecal, blood, and probiotic potential of clinical isolates of Lactobacillus was
isolates of Lactobacillus strains. Thus, the adhesion compared with that of probiotic isolates. In general,
to extracellular proteins and mucus, hemolysis, their results indicated that probiotic isolates dis-
ability to avoid the induction of respiratory burst in played a lower infectivity in experimental endocar-
peripheral blood mononucleocytes, and resistance to ditis compared with true endocarditis pathogens.
human serum were investigated. Among the tested However, the difference in infectivity between Lact.
strains, the adhesion to collagen, fibrinogen, and rhamnosus endocarditis and probiotic isolates
mucus was strain-specific and no significant differ- could not be explained by differences in adherence
ences were observed between blood, fecal, and pro- or platelet microbicidal protein susceptibility.
biotic isolates. The study did not find any clear and Thus, Vankerckhoven et al. (2007) postulated that
354 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

other disease-promoting factors may exist in these cause of brain abscess in an immunocompromised patient. J
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19.7. Conclusions Ammor, M.S., Florez, A.B., and Mayo, B. (2007) Antibiotic
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infection. Furthermore, the epidemiological and Hoek, A.H.A.M., de los Reyes-Gavilan, C.G., Mayo, B., and
virulence data suggest that the risk of LAB in fer- Margolles, A. (2008). Two different tetracycline resistance
mechanisms, plasmid-carried tet(L) and chromosomally
mented foods for causing human infections is neg-
located transposon-associated tet(M), coexist in Lactobacillus
ligible, and thus the hazard is very minor for healthy sakei Rits 9. Appl Environ Microbiol 74, 1394–1401.
human beings. There are justified concerns about the Antony, S.J., Stratton, C.W., and Dummer, J.S. (1996)
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Barros, R.R., Carvalho, M.D.G.S., Peralta, J.M., Facklam, R.,
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ment scheme quite rightly demands the investiga- terization of Pediococcus strains isolated from human clinical
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Nevertheless, such investigations are still hampered
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media for resistance determinations, and experimen- Bollen, T.L., van Ramshort, B., Witteman, B.J.M., Rosman,
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C.H., Wahab, P.J., van Laarhoven, C.J.H.M., van der Harst,
Furthermore, recent studies have given reason to
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discuss whether indeed it makes sense to use probi- Gooszen, H.G. (2008). Probiotic prophylaxis in predicted
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Chapter 20

Genetically Modified Lactic Acid Bacteria

Pierre Renault

Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are widely used as grouped. The main genera used in the fermented
starter cultures for food production and preserva- food industry are Lactococcus, Lactobacillus,
tion; their particular fermentative properties Streptococcus, Pediococcus, and Oenococcus.
improve the safety, flavor, and nutritional quality of These genera may be quite distant in terms of
the fermented product. In this chapter, diverse strat- phylogeny inside the Firmicutes group. Moreover,
egies (spontaneous mutations, random mutagenesis, within each of these genera, often there are species
or directed modification of the DNA) that are that may be human commensals, pathogens, and
applied to construct genetically modified organisms environmental bacteria. The genus Streptococcus is
(GMO) from LAB, as well as their potential use as a good example of this diversity as it includes
transforming agents in traditional food processes Streptococcus thermophilus, one of the most fre-
and in novel applications in the medical or chemical quently used starters in dairy technology (yogurt
fields, are discussed. Current regulations (in par- and cheeses); Streptococcus salivarius, the most
ticular U.S. and European legislation) that restrict abundant human oral commensal bacteria; and
the use of GMO starter strains with improved traits Streptococcus pneumonia, a major human pathogen.
or with proven health claims, as well as dictate risk Thus, LAB should not be considered a taxonomic
assessment procedures and systematic labeling of designation but as a label of how a group of diverse
GMO-containing food products, are compared. bacteria is used by humans. Actually, several authors
Today, new genomic-based technologies allow more refer to LAB commensal bacteria, such as bifidobac-
accurate prediction and verification of the potential teria, that are Actinomycetales (high GC% Gram [+]
risks associated with genetically modified LAB. The bacteria). The production of lactic acid from sugars
potential benefits that GMO from LAB may offer to present in raw materials, and their long history of
the consumers require an update of current legisla- safe use are among the main properties of LAB
tion, in particular, on the safety assessment proce- (Wood 1997; Chamba and Jamet 2008).
dures for products containing genetically modified In the last decades, the use of LAB has been
LAB. rationalized based on the advances in microbiology
science. From purely empirical practices (natural
contamination and/or backslopping inoculation), the
20.1. Introduction
fermented-food industry has developed rigorous
Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) have been used by man processes using well-defined strains selected for
since humans domesticated animals and started to particular technological properties. Nowadays, this
preserve foods. Under the label “lactic acid bacte- industry uses selected starter cultures produced
ria,” a quite diverse type of bacteria belonging to the and commercialized by international companies.
Firmicutes group (low GC% Gram [+] bacteria) is The selection of new starters includes classical

Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria Novel Applications 361

Edited by Fernanda Mozzi, Raúl R. Raya and Graciela M. Vignolo
© 2010 Blackwell Publishing. ISBN: 978-0-813-81583-1
362 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

microbiological procedures such as strain purifica- impressive, from aurochs to different cattle varieties
tion, species characterization, and technological with improved meat or milk production, and from
assays (acidification rates, stress resistance, aroma triticale to wheat, for example. Very likely, all
production, and texturizing properties, etc.). domesticated races or varieties are the result of pro-
The industrial importance of LAB has boosted found changes caused by human selection. Thus, the
the scientific advance in research areas such as idea of modifying species has been a common
microbiology, physiology, genetics, and more practice in farming societies.
recently, genomics and new high-throughput tech-
nologies applications. This knowledge allowed the
20.2.1. Spontaneous Modification and
development of new strategies for improving bacte-
Natural Variability
ria use and selection, and in particular, for targeting
gene modifications by molecular techniques. Knowledge and the “scientific basis” of genetic
Bacteria constructed by using these new techniques modification of species and races carried out by
are called engineered microorganisms (EM) in humans are recent. Mendel’s work on peas may be
the United States and genetically modified organ- the first milestone in this long quest. Other remark-
isms (GMO) in Europe. EM in the United States able milestones are the discovery of DNA; evidence
include all types of modifications, such as variants that chromosomes support genetic information
obtained by traditional mutagenesis and laboratory (Morgan, Nobel prize in 1933); deciphering DNA
selection. structure (Watson and Crick, Nobel prizes in 1962);
In this chapter, the diverse strategies to construct and decoding genetic information (Nirenberg,
GMO and their corresponding denominations are Khorana, and Holley, Nobel prizes in 1968). Among
described. The potential use of these organisms, significant findings in the microbiology field, the
from transformation agents in food processes com- discovery of the “transforming principle” from dead
parable to traditional uses, to completely new appli- virulent Streptococcus pneumoniae strains to living
cation in the medical field or in fine chemistry, is non-virulent strains was reported by Griffith in
discussed. GMO are subject to different restrictive 1928. Oswald Avery showed in 1944 that DNA was
regulations depending on the country. In particular, responsible for the transformation event (Avery
European countries apply extensive risk assessment et al. 1979) allowing Strep. pneumoniae to integrate
procedures and systematic labeling of GMO- in its chromosome exogenous genetic information.
containing food products. Such regulations are a Nowadays, knowledge and know-how have pro-
response to the increasing consumers’ concern over gressed considerably, and scientists are able to intro-
these new technologies, whose real usefulness and duce new genetic information in most living
potential risks are differently perceived. Suspicion organisms, including plants, animals, and microor-
about the safety of GMO, as well as political and ganisms. The organisms produced by these new
ethical considerations, restricts the application of techniques are commonly called GMO, in contrast
such organisms as starter strains constructed by new to traditional crops and animals, which are consid-
genetic technologies. ered natural and unmodified. Although the concept
of GMO suggests that the ability to modify organ-
isms is new, it should not be ignored that genetic
20.2. Gene Modification Technologies
selection in agriculture is millenary. The genome of
Genetic identity, as a factor impacting on the phe- all living organisms is subject to continuous modi-
notype of all living organisms, is a principle that has fications throughout generations, leading to the
been perceived in human society for a long time. diversification, evolution, and adaptation of the
This perception may have led humans to select very organisms to their environment.
early the best seeds or animals for improvement of The most extensive genetic studies on LAB have
crops and livestock. The results of this selection are been carried out on Lactococcus lactis, and, in a
Genetically Modified Lactic Acid Bacteria 363

lesser extent, on Strep. thermophilus (Davidson 1999; Moran and Plague 2004). Thus, Strep. ther-
et al. 1996; Campo et al. 2002). Recently, the deter- mophilus may have drifted from buccal commensal
mination of the genome sequence of several strains bacteria and Lact. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus from
of the same species of LAB such as L. lactis, Strep. bacteria living on vegetal materials. In contrast, colo-
thermophilus, Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bul- nization of a new medium may lead to new con-
garicus, Lactobacillus casei, and Oenococcus oeni straints generally linked to changes in gene expression
allowed a direct and global comparison of natural levels. For example, spontaneous insertion sequences
intraspecies genetic variability. For example, the (IS) have been found in strains of L. lactis grown in
two genomes corresponding to the most studied L. different conditions (de Visser et al. 2004).
lactis strains, IL1403 and MG11363, differ signifi- Modifications due to IS insertions have also been
cantly (Kok et al. 2005). Only 1775 out of 2300– described in Lact. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus as
2500 genes, respectively, are common to the two playing a major role in the adaptation of this bacte-
strains. Thus, over 20%–25% of their genes encode rium to growth in milk (Lapierre et al. 2002).
products that likely exhibit different functions. Recently, a rapidly evolving and original mecha-
Moreover, shared genes display only 85% average nism of bacterial resistance to bacteriophages was
identity, a shift that may lead to significant differ- described. In this event, different enzymes that
ences in their functions. Lastly, a comparative sample small phage fragments and insert them in a
genome hybridization study with 47 strains of Strep. dedicated locus called CRISPR, as well as those that
thermophilus allowed identification of 1271 common use this information to protect the cell against attack
genes, showing that the remaining 600–800 genes of phages displaying identical sequences, are
encoded different functions (Rasmussen et al. 2008). involved. This mechanism generates diversity in a
Bacterial genomes have dynamic structures, specific locus (Horvath et al. 2008).
shaped by different factors and constraints. They Genetic drifts and gene losses cannot really
may be extensively rearranged by deletions, duplica- account for the versatility of bacterial adaptation to
tions, or DNA acquisition by lateral transfer. The new niches. Gene acquisition may be among the
main mechanisms leading to these modifications are most important factors that ensure the development
common to most organisms. Many events appear to of new functions. The concept that such acquisition
be unintended as a result of mutations and rearrange- occurs randomly until the right genes are captured
ments following errors during DNA replication. In is probably a restrictive view of the reality. Indeed,
contrast, gene-encoded mechanisms, whose func- bacteria have developed strategies to acquire new
tions appear mostly to generate variability, are also genes. The recent genomic studies show that gene
present. All types of modifications are then fixed or transfer plays a central role in chromosome shaping.
lost in the population, depending on the phenotype As mentioned before, genome comparison of
change that they confer. Genomes therefore tend to bacteria belonging to the same species showed that
lose functions on which no selective pressure is the genetic content of the different isolates could
exerted. Modification, including loss of functions, differ over 25%. New genes may be carried out by
played an essential role in the evolution of many mobile genetic elements, such as plasmids, transpo-
LAB. For example, Strep. thermophilus and Lact. sons, or bacteriophages. For example, in L. lactis,
delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus were subjected to many adaptative functions to milk environment are
massive losses of genes (Bolotin et al. 2004; van de carried out by plasmids (Siezen et al. 2005; Mills et
Guchte et al. 2006). These losses have been estimated al. 2006; van Hylckama Vlieg et al. 2006). The
to represent over 10% of their initial genome size. A chromosome is also a target for the insertion of
comparable regressive evolution has been observed new genes. The genome of Strep. thermophilus
for microorganisms that colonized new environ- displays several regions that appear to be preferen-
ments, which may be richer in nutrients than their tial insertion docking sites for new genes (Bolotin
original environments (Andersson and Andersson et al. 2004). For example, this bacterium acquired
364 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

methionin and cysteine biosynthetic genes from elements. The use of plasmids and other mobile ele-
Lact. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus, which is fre- ments is among the easiest ways to introduce new
quently grown in co-culture with, and phage resis- genes. However, these elements might be unstable
tance mechanisms from L. lactis. Bioinformatic and further spread out in nature. Moreover, their
studies suggested that many gene transfers in several introduction and maintenance in the cell require
regions of the LAB chromosomes are acquired by “selective markers” that are supplementary genes to
lateral transfer, and these observations are further those required for the development of the new tar-
confirmed by the discovery of almost identical genes geted functions. Markers used for this purpose could
in genomes of different species. be “food-grade,” meaning they encode genes with
functions that are known not to interfere with human
health. Antibiotic markers, commonly used in labo-
20.2.2. Targeted Modifications
ratory works, are not considered as food grade
In the last 50 years, two breakthroughs have revo- (Teuber et al. 1999). Plasmid backbones and markers
lutionized the biology field. In the 1960s, the devel- should come from bacteria of the same species.
opment of molecular techniques to precisely target Different systems have been developed in this way
changes in genomes by genetic engineering was (Henriksen et al. 1999; Renault 1996, 2002). Due to
achieved and, at the beginning of this millennium, the ingestion of large amounts of bacteria in fer-
genomics allowed a global study of living organ- mented foods, it is usually preferred to introduce in
isms by integrating their function, diversity, and the modified strains only the necessary genetic
evolution. information to avoid further lateral transfers.
Modification genetic systems may be divided Consequently, genes introduced in modified LAB
into two processes: (1) transformation, which allows for food application (in contrast to those developed
the entry of the new genetic material into the cell, for research purposes) are usually inserted in the
and (2) methods used to select the right events after chromosome of their host. One strategy to achieve
cell transformation involving the use of selective this task is the use of vectors carrying a conditional
markers. The first LAB transformations were carried replication protein (Biswas et al. 1993). The work-
out after protoplastization of L. lactis cells to render flow for this process is illustrated in Figure 20.1.
naked cells, which, when mixed with DNA and a This technique, which allows the introduction of
chemical triggering membrane fusion, allowed “only-required” genetic information in a precise
DNA entry into the cells (Kondo and McKay 1982). locus, is indeed an allele replacement. It uses the
Later, electroporation, which uses high electrical natural recombination RecA-dependent mechanism,
fields to modify membrane permeability, was devel- allowing the cell to repair damaged DNA by gene
oped and is now widely used for the transformation exchange. The modified allele of the docking site
of many microorganisms (Luchansky et al. 1988). may carry a deletion, a punctual mutation, or an
More recently, the discovery of natural competence insertion of new genes. The engineered modification
genes in LAB (Helmark et al. 2004) similar to those is usually “structurally” stable and is the exact copy
of Strep. pneumoniae suggests the possibility of of the modification produced in an easily workable
developing more efficient transformation systems host.
(Bolotin et al. 2001; Claverys and Martin 2003;
Hols et al. 2005). A natural genetic competence
20.3. LAB GMO
system has been manipulated by modifying the
expression of a regulator in Strep. thermophilus to Two main applications of GMO can be distin-
allow natural competence development in this bac- guished: food technology, such as quality improve-
terium (Blomqvist et al. 2006). ment or technological process reliability, and
The newly acquired genetic information can be therapeutic applications, and to a certain extent,
fixed in the genome with the help of different genetic probiotics. Although many examples are provided
Genetically Modified Lactic Acid Bacteria 365

replication vector



Docking site or
targeted region

Directed insertion by
homologous recombination Excision by recombination
between A and docking site between repeated fragments A


Excision by homologous recombination

between repeated fragments B


Figure 20.1. Scheme for the construction of targeted mutations in LAB by using thermo-sensitive replication vectors.

(Table 20.1), only a limited number of LAB GMO historical and economical reasons, most research
have been applied beyond laboratory research. has been carried out on dairy LAB, and in particular
in L. lactis, which became the paradigm for LAB.
The knowledge gained on L. lactis greatly facilitated
20.3.1. Food Applications of LAB GMO
the development of LAB application based on GMO
Food fermentation is the traditional application field technology.
for LAB. The use of genetic technologies may be
foreseen for strain improvement in milk, vegetable, LAB GMO-based on gene inactivation. Gene
and meat fermentation; however, most examples are inactivation might be considered as among the sim-
provided in the field of dairy technology. Indeed, for plest cases of genetic engineering leading to the loss
Table 20.1. Construction methods of LABGMO and their application fields.

Source of foreign Modification
Host Modified genes DNA technique Phenotype Application field Reference
Food bacteria
Lact. lacZ — Spontaneous Limitation of lactose Less acidic yogurt Mollet and Delley (1990)
bulgaricus mutation by IS fermentation
L. lactis Pip — Spontaneous Inactivation of a Bacteriophage Geller et al. (1993)
mutation membrane protein protection
L. lactis aldB — Spontaneous Diacetyl production Aroma production Goupil et al. (1996)
L. lactis ldh and others — Chemical Diacetyl production Aroma production Boumerdassi et al.
mutagenesis (1997)
L. lactis aldB — Chemical Diacetyl production Aroma production Monnet et al. (1999)
L. lactis ldh and unknown — Chemical Production of CO2 Cheese texture El Attar et al. (2000)
Lact. Beta-galactosidase — Chemical Lactose utilization Probiotics, lactose Ibrahim and O’Sullivan
delbrueckii gene mutagenesis intolerance (2000)
L. lactis Unknown — Spontaneous Tolerance to acid stress Robust starters Rochat et al. (2005a,b)
Lact. lactis Unknown — UV mutagenesis Increased lactic acid Faster acidification Bai et al. (2004)
Lact. EPS genes — Chemical Increased EPS production Texture of fermented Welman et al. (2003)
delbrueckii mutagenesis products
Various LAB ribC — Chemical Production of riboflavin Nutrition Burgess et al. (2004,
mutagenesis 2006)
Strep. deoB, gst, rggC, and — IS-induced Tolerance to oxidative Robust starters Fernandez et al. (2004)
thermophilus unknown mutation stress
L. lactis aldB — Spontaneous Diacetyl production Aroma production Curic et al. (1999)
L. lactis aldB — Inactivation by Diacetyl production Aroma production Swindell et al. (1996)
L. lactis pip — Inactivation by Inactivation of a Protection against Pedersen et al. (2005)
bioengineering membrane protein bacteriophages
Lact. helveticus ldhD — Inactivation by Production of highly pure Chemical product Kyla-Nikkila et al.
bioengineering L-(+) lactic acid (2000)
Lact. ldhD, ldhL — Inactivation by Production of mannitol Additive production Aarnikunnas et al. (2003)
fermentum bioengineering
L. lactis gdh L. lactis Conjugation Increased alpha- Aroma production Tanous et al. (2005,
ketoglutarate production 2006)
L. lactis strains llaI, abiA, abiZ, lac L. lactis strains Conjugation Expression of phage Protection against Sanders et al. (1986)
operon resistance mechanisms bacteriophages
Source of foreign Modification
Host Modified genes DNA technique Phenotype Application field Reference
L. lactis strains Lacticin genes L. lactis strains Conjugation Production of lacticin Growth decrease of O’Sullivan et al. (2003)
Lact. casei Dhic Lact. casei LC202 Overexpression Increased alpha- Aroma production Broadbent et al. (2004)
ATCC 334 ketoglutarate
dehydrogenase activity
Strep. glyA Strep. Overexpression Production of Aroma production Chaves et al. (2002)
thermophilus thermophilus acetaldehyde
L. lactis glk, pfnABCD, pfcBA, L. lactis Inactivation and Modification of metabolic Aroma production Pool et al. (2006)
genes lactose-PTS overexpression pathway
and tagatose-6P
Strep. pgmA, gal U Strep. Inactivation and Modification of metabolic Texture of fermented Levander et al. (2002)
thermophilus thermophilus overexpression pathway products
L. lactis Antisense phage Lytic phage Overexpression Interference with phage Protection against Kim et al. (1992)
RNA gene expression bacteriophages
L. lactis Folate gene cluster L. lactis Overexpression Overexpression of folate Nutrition Sybesma et al. (2003)
L. lactis pepN, pepX, pepC, Lact. helveticus Overexpression Modification of Cheese ripening Joutsjoki et al. (2002)
pepI proteolytic system
L. lactis pepI, pepL, pepW, Lact. delbrueckii Overexpression Modification of Cheese ripening Wegmann et al. (1999)
pepG proteolytic system
L. lactis eps gene cluster Strep. Overexpression Production of EPS Texture of fermented Germond et al. (2001)
thermophilus products
L. lactis eps gene cluster Strep. Overexpression Production of EPS Texture of fermented Stingele et al. (1999)
thermophilus products
L. lactis Phage inducible phi31 lytic phage Overexpression Expression of a letal gene Protection against Djordjevic et al. (1997)
promoter/LlaI bacteriophages
Strep. Antisense phage Strep. Overexpression Interference with phage Protection against Sturino and
thermophilus RNA, helicase thermophilus gene expression bacteriophages Klaenhammer (2002,
gene bacteriophage 2004)
L. lactis Antisense phage Lytic phage phi31 Overexpression Interference with phage Protection against Walker and
RNA gene expression bacteriophages Klaenhammer (2000)
L. lactis abiA Strep. Overexpression Expression of phage Protection against Tangney and Fitzgerald
thermophilus resistance gene bacteriophages (2002)
L. lactis and lcnC, lcnD Ped. acidilactici Overexpression Production of lantibiotic Growth decrease of Horn et al. (1999)
others and others contaminant
Lact. amyA Lact. amylovorus Overexpression Production of Quality of vegetal Fitzsimons et al. (1994)
plantarum alpha-amylase fermented products

Table 20.1. Continued

Source of foreign Modification

Host Modified genes DNA technique Phenotype Application field Reference
Lact. gasseri folate gene cluster L. lactis Overexpression Increased epression of Nutrition Wegkamp et al. (2004)
folate pathways
L. lactis XYL1 P. stipitis Overexpression Production of xylitol Sugar taste Nyyssölä et al. (2005)
L. lactis gdh Peptostreptococcus Overexpression Increased production of Roma production Rijnen et al. (2000)
asaccharolyticus alpha-ketoglutarate
Lact. phyC B. subtilis Overexpression Expression of phytase Quality of vegetal Kerovuo and Tynkkynen
plantarum fermented products (2000)
L. lactis lss S. simulans Overexpression Production of lysostaphin Growth decrease of Mierau et al. (2005)
L. lactis katE B. subtilis Overexpression Tolerance to acid stress Robust starters Rochat et al. (2005b)
L. lactis ldh, alaD, alr B. sphaericus Inactivation and Modification of Alanine production Hols et al. (1999)
overexpression metabolism pathways
L. lactis M1Pase gene, MtlD, Eimeria tenella, Inactivation and Modification of Mannitol production Wisselink et al. (2005)
ldh Lact. plantarum overexpression metabolism pathways

Health application
Strep. mutans ldh, adh Zymomonas Inactivation and Modification of Prevention of tooth Hillman (2002)
mobilis expression metabolism pathways decay
Strep. godonii, Protein E7 gene Human Overexpression Antigen production Vaccine against Di Fabio et al. (1998);
Lact. Casei papillomavirus papillovirus Medaglini et al. (1998)
of type 16 (HPV
L. lactis Csp S. pneumoniae Overexpression Production of capsular Vaccine against Gilbert et al. (2000)
polysaccharide Streptococcus
Source of foreign Modification
Host Modified genes DNA technique Phenotype Application field Reference
L. lactis L7/L12 protein gene Brucella abortus Overexpression Antigen production Vaccine against Ribeiro et al. (2002)
L. lactis Rotavirus gene Rotavirus bovin Overexpression Antigene production Vaccin against rotavirus Enouf et al. (2001)
Lact. DNA encoding Virus HIV Overexpression Antigene production Vaginal immunization Hols et al. (1997)
Plantarum gp41E for HIV
Strep. godonii, DNA encoding gpl20 Virus HIV Overexpression Antigene production Vaginal immunization Di Fabio et al. (1998);
Lact. Casei V3 domain for HIV Medaglini et al.
(1998); Oggioni et al.
L. lactis, Lact. DNA encoding Clostridium tetani Overexpression Production of tetanic toxin Protection against Wells et al. (1993);
Plantarum tetanic toxin fragment C tetanic toxin Norton et al. (1997);
fragment C Robinson et al. (1997);
Grangette et al. (2001)
Lact. Gene fragment of Vibrio cholerae Overexpression Antigene production Protection against Slos et al. (1998)
Plantarum choleric toxin B choleric toxin
L. lactis IL-10 Mice Overexpression Production of cellular Bowel disease treatment Steidler et al. (2000);
mediator Steidler (2001); Braat
et al. (2006)
L. lactis beta-lactoglobulin Cow Overexpression Antigene production Tolerance to food a Chatel et al. (2001)
gene allergy
L. lactis lipA Staphylococcus Overexpression Production of a lipolytic Steatorrhea treatment Drouault et al. (2000,
hyicus enzyme 2002)
Strep. godonii Gene encoding — Overexpression Production of an antibody Treatment of vaginal Beninati et al. (2000);
antibody chain chain infection Oggioni et al. (2001)
L. lactis TFF Mice Overexpression Production of cellular Treatment of acute Vandenbroucke et al.
mediator bowel disease (2004)

370 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

of functions. This type of modification may lead to In terms of reliability, the different procedures
applications when functions interfere with interest- are not similar. The classical mutagenesis proce-
ing pathways, or directly perform unwanted pro- dure, which uses chemical or physical mutagenic
cesses. Examples on aldB, pip, and undesirable agents, is known to produce additional random
genes in starter strains are given below. mutations in the genome. To select a clone, different
The aldB gene encodes acetolactate decarboxyl- screenings are thus necessary to obtain bacteria
ase (ALDC), which transforms acetolactate into having the proper phenotype. In general, the first
acetoin (see Fig. 20.2 in the color plate section). screening is directed on the new trait to be isolated,
Acetolactate, produced from two pyruvate mole- and then other screenings are carried out to check
cules, is involved in two different metabolic path- that the mutant still possesses relevant parental
ways: first is in the synthesis of valine and leucine, properties (e.g., growth acidification). However, it
and the second is in the catabolism of pyruvate into is still possible that the mutant carries supplemen-
acetoin and butanediol. Lastly, acetolactate is a pre- tary mutations that were not apparent in further
cursor for diacetyl formation, an aroma compound screenings. Concerning the valine-dependent selec-
that gives a buttery and creamy flavor to fresh dairy tion, cells are transformed by a plasmid which is
products such as butter, cream, and buttermilk. removed after the mutant selection procedure. The
Since this metabolite is produced in small amounts selection itself is based on growth ability on a chem-
and is further degraded into acetoin, food products ically defined medium, a procedure that is not sup-
rapidly lose this pleasant aroma. The weak produc- posed to produce side mutagenesis. Practically, it is
tion of diacetyl is mainly attributed to ALDC activ- not possible to “certify” that no additional mutations
ity. Indeed, in the presence of ALDC, acetolactate arise. Spontaneous mutations occur at a lower rate
is rapidly converted into acetoin, which is then con- (one to 10 errors in every 108 nucleotides replicated)
verted into butanediol, both of which are not aro- than chemically induced mutations, although it is
matic and do not contribute to improvement of not possible to rule out that spontaneous mutagen-
product quality. Acetolactate is therefore not avail- esis may increase as some SOS systems may be
able is sufficient amount to allow significant produc- triggered under trophic limitations (Delmas and
tion of diacetyl. Examination of this metabolic Matic 2005). An increase in the mutagenesis rate
pathway suggests that inactivation of ALDC would has been described as “adaptative mutagenesis” and
allow acetolactate to accumulate and therefore be may be induced by nutritional stress (Bjedov et al.
converted into diacetyl. This hypothesis was tested 2003; Tenaillon et al. 2004). However, the adapta-
by introducing mutations in L. lactis subsp. diacety- tive mutation rate remains much lower than those
lactis aldB gene. Different methods were used for induced by chemical mutagenesis.
this purpose: (1) chemically induced mutants Inactivation of pip gene provides a second
by using N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine example of gene inactivation (see Fig. 20.3 in the
(Monnet et al. 1997; Aymes et al. 1999); (2) spon- color plate section). This membrane protein is
taneous mutants (Goupil et al. 1996; Curic et al. required for L. lactis infection by bacteriophages
1999), and (3) genetically engineered mutants (Geller et al. 1993). This protein might be involved
(Swindell et al. 1996). Regardless of the applied in phage adsorption to cell before DNA injection.
techniques, aldB gene mutants displayed a similar Deletion mutant for Pip is thus phage resistant, a
improved diacetyl production. However, the differ- feature that is particularly important for industrial
ent mutants were not equivalent with regard to food use of starter cultures. Indeed, most bacteria used
regulation. For example, spontaneous mutants for fermentation may be infected by phages that kill
obtained by using a valine-synthesis rescue plasmid them, leading to fermentation arrest and loss of
(which is cured after mutant selection) are consid- product quality. Different strategies may be used to
ered GMO in the EU but substantially equivalent to minimize the impact of a phage attack, although
the natural variant in United States. none provides long-term reliable protection. Indeed,
Genetically Modified Lactic Acid Bacteria 371

no strains have been found to be resistant to all repeated insertion sequences or in plasmids can be
bacteriophages. However, each bacteriophage has a removed by heat treatment (Stroman et al. 2003;
particular host range at strain level; thus, by combin- Chin et al. 2005; Huys et al. 2006). As has been
ing strains displaying complementary resistance described for antibiotic resistance genes, it may be
properties, the risk of infection is minimized. In this possible to isolate cured variants of genes involved
respect, generating strains having a new type of in the synthesis of biogenic amines (Lucas et al.
phage resistance may be considered part of a more 2005). This strategy may be limited by the fact that
global strategy to limit phage impact. Isolation of the undesirable genes may be inserted in the chro-
spontaneous or mutagenesis-induced phage-resis- mosome as shown in Enterococcus (Connil et al.
tant mutants affected in the pip gene demands spe- 2002). Otherwise, bioengineering would allow
cific testing to discard mutants affected in other removal of these genes for most interesting techno-
relevant genes. On the contrary, targeted mutagen- logical strains.
esis allows the construction of a well-defined pip
mutant (Pedersen et al. 2005).
In addition, gene inactivation can also be used to LAB GMO-based on expression of new genes. In
remove undesirable properties, such as antibiotic the preceding section, we showed the interest of
resistance and biosynthesis of biogenic amines, genetic engineering approaches to remove genes car-
from starter cultures. The presence of antibiotic rying undesirable functions. Likewise, these tech-
resistance genes is not desirable in starter strains, niques could be used to introduce new functions,
even when these genes are found naturally. Their which may be initially encoded by genes coming
impact on health is not direct since their presence from closely related bacteria, or by phylogenetically
does not lead to harmful products. However, it is more distantly related organisms. This distinction
now generally accepted that their dissemination to has no real importance in terms of engineering, but
other bacteria, and incidentally to pathogens, may have an important impact in terms of use and
decreases the efficacy of antibiotic treatments. commercialization of the new organisms.
Therefore, undesirable genes should be absent from Introduction of genes from donors of the same
genetically modified strains and moreover from species is the most frequently described technique
starters used in food processes. In this sense, elimi- for strain construction. There might be different
nation of undesirable genes is required when using reasons to introduce one or more genes isolated
new interesting technological strains isolated from from closely related microorganisms in a given
foods (Teuber et al. 1999). A second example is the strain. First, genes carrying out functions of interest
inactivation of genes involved in the biosynthesis of may be present at low frequency in a population.
biogenic amines. Accumulation of biogenic amines Engineering would allow enlarging the number of
in food may be a result of microbial metabolism by strains displaying a particular phenotype in the same
decarboxylases acting on amino acids such as histi- species. Second, genes encoding for a given func-
dine and tyrosine. These decarboxylases are present tion might be present, but their expression could not
in bacteria from the genera Lactobacillus, Enter- be optimal in food processes. When genes of interest
ococcus, Carnobacterium, Pediococcus, Lactoco- are carried out by mobile elements, traditional
ccus, and Leuconostoc (Stratton et al. 1991; methods, such as plasmid conjugation, may be used
Lonvaud-Funel 2001; Suzzi and Gardini 2003). to transfer functions (Sanders et al. 1986). However,
Different techniques are available to detect bacteria this possibility is relatively restricted compared with
having these undesirable genes (Coton and Coton examples of bioengineering using food grade
2005; Marcobal et al. 2005; Costantini et al. 2006). vectors, or after gene insertions in the chromosome
Several undesirable genes are carried by mobile ele- as shown Table 20.1.
ments, which can be eliminated by simple treatment. Genes of particular interest to be introduced in
For example, resistance cassette embedded between new strains include phage resistance mechanisms,
372 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

metabolic functions (lactose and citrate assimila- obtained, for example, in the vaccination field
tion, exopolysaccharide synthesis, etc.), bacteriocin (Chapter 9 of this book) or in the supply of enzymes
production, and so on. Interestingly, these functions in human diseases (Drouault et al. 2002).
are also often carried by mobile elements or have
been acquired naturally by horizontal transfer. For
20.3.3. Other Applications
example, several restriction/modification mecha-
nism genes (phage resistance) are identical in L. LAB may also produce metabolic compounds that
lactis and Strep. thermophilus. Moreover, several have application as food additives or chemicals. For
Strep. thermophilus eps operons contain genes example, a strain of L. lactis has been designed to
found on L. lactis plasmids (F. Rallu et al., pers. produce L-alanine instead of L-lactate (Hols et al.
14 comm.). Modified genes are often placed on plasmid 1999). The design of this bacterium allowed the
vectors and controlled by specific promoters. rerouting of pyruvate catabolism, usually yielding
Nevertheless, they can also be introduced in the lactate, toward alanine production. It was con-
chromosome. In several cases, punctual mutations, structed by expressing alanine dehydrogenase, an
equivalent to spontaneous mutations, may be intro- enzyme absent in L. lactis, with the gene from
duced to modify the level of expression of natural Bacillus sphaericus. This bacterium produces both
promoters. alanine and lactate from pyruvate. To optimize
Moreover, many heterologous genes have been alanine production, the ldh gene, encoding the
expressed in LAB (Table 20.1). In most cases, these enzyme allowing the formation of lactate from pyru-
genes come from phylogenetically closely related vate, was inactivated to exclusively produce alanine
species. However, distantly related bacteria (often from pyruvate. Finally, since only the L-alanine
from other low GC% Gram [+] bacteria) as well as form is desired, the gene encoding the racemization
yeasts and other eukaryotes (Pichia stipitis, Eimeria between the two isomer forms was also inactivated.
tenella, etc.) have been used as genes sources. The The resulting bacterium transformed 99% pyruvate
introduction of totally new functions might be based into L-alanine. The purified L-alanine can be
on the expression of a unique enzyme allowing used as a food additive or in pharmaceutical
the utilization of new substrates or the expression of preparations.
a complete set of genes to constitute a complete In a completely different area, a kit for the detec-
biosynthetic (e.g., vitamins, exopolysaccharides) tion of antibiotics in milk is based on the use of a
pathway. Strep. thermophilus strain expressing the luciferase
gene (Jacobs et al. 1995); the marketing of this strain
is allowed by EC directive 90/220/EEC. In this
20.3.2. Health Applications of LAB GMO
application, Strep. thermophilus is used as a sensor
Certain LAB GMO have been designed for health since its growth is strongly affected by the presence
applications (Table 20.1). For example, phase I of antibiotics in the medium. In antibiotic free
clinical trials were performed with a L. lactis strain media, the metabolism of the modified strain is
producing interleukine 10 for chronic intestinal active and allows the expression of the luciferase
disease treatment (Braat et al. 2006). In the field of gene, and emission of light. On the contrary, in
dental care, trials have also been performed to eval- media such as milk contaminated with antibiotics,
uate strategies against the development of caryo- growth cell is inhibited or retarded and no light is
genic strains of Streptococcus mutans by competition emitted. This test allows the early detection of anti-
with harmless derivatives unable to produce lactic biotics and other inhibiting substances in milk that
acid, the acidifying compound that leads to tooth are forbidden or can interfere with milk processing.
decay (Hillman 2002). Also, several animal trials Noteworthy, in this application, no GMO is released
have been carried out with other types of LAB in nature since the test can be carried out in the
GMO, and some encouraging results have been laboratory with few milliliters of milk.
Genetically Modified Lactic Acid Bacteria 373

20.4. Regulation, Risk Assessment, and In the United States, genetic modification is an
Acceptability of LAB GMO expression used in a larger context and includes
every organism displaying any genotypical change.
Design of LAB GMO allows the improvement of
Therefore, any nucleotide change resulting from the
processes or the development of new products.
use of traditional or molecular techniques yields a
However, like for any technological innovation, risk
GMO. This expression is therefore not used to dis-
assessment procedures are required prior to large-
criminate microorganisms produced by new tech-
scale use of the modified strains, their dissemination
nologies from the traditional ones. Organisms
in the environment, and ingestion by consumers.
having new properties and produced by molecular
The general outline of risk assessment takes into
techniques are called “bioengineered.” Regulation
account the type of modifications carried by the
focuses therefore on the properties yielded by the
GMO, their consequences on the physiology of the
modification rather than on the way the organisms
bacteria, and, finally, on the use the new microor-
were designed. Therefore, there is a consensus to
ganisms. Most countries have established specific
submit microorganisms containing DNA originating
regulations for risk assessment and use of GMO.
from organisms belonging to different species to a
Types of modifications; risk assessment tests; and
specific regulation involving a risk assessment pro-
types of information on the labels of commercial-
cedure before any marketing. This procedure aims
ized GMO-containing products may significantly
to certify that the expression of the new genes does
differ depending on the country.
not yield, for example, new chemical, toxicological,
and microbial risk. Moreover, natural bacteria and
their variants obtained by classical methods are not
20.4.1. What Is a GMO: The
submitted to specific risk assessment, provided there
Regulatory Views
is evidence that the strains belong to species that
Table 20.2 summarizes the different types of modi- have a long history of safe use. Strains belonging to
fications introduced in food microorganisms used in new species or strains whose applications signifi-
the dairy industry. As stated above, the definition of cantly differ from traditional use are evaluated by
GMO may significantly differ among countries. In the procedure defined in “novel food” regulation.
the EU, GMO means an organism “in which the This approach allows, to a certain extent, the appli-
genetic material has been altered in a way that cation of the principle of “substantial equivalence,”
does not occur naturally by mating and/or natural which consists of, in the frame of well-defined
recombination” (Directive 2001/18/EC). Therefore, knowledge, strains of these species that behave
bacteria modified by mutagenesis, conjugation, similarly to the relative species already approved as
transduction, or even natural transformation are not safe. Finally, there are divergences on the assess-
GMO as long as modifications have not been con- ment of microorganisms built using molecular tech-
structed by molecular techniques. Techniques for niques without containing foreign DNA. Striking
“genetic engineering” are defined as involving case studies are the pip and aldB L. lactis mutants
methods for the direct introduction of heritable previously described (Fig. 20.4). In the U.S. regula-
genetic material prepared outside of the organism. tion, these mutants are considered substantially
GMO are thus organisms containing modifications, equivalent to natural strains, whatever the technique
which at least in one step, were performed in vitro. used to produced them (in this case, the strains do
This definition is relatively close to that given in not contain any foreign DNA). Therefore, they can
New Zealand, where GMO are defined as organisms be industrially used without the need of a specific
that were designed with molecular techniques, assessment procedure. In the European regulation,
regardless of the type of modification conducted mutants produced by bioengineering are regarded as
(introduction of new genes or modification of GMO and will be evaluated by a broad risk assess-
already existing genes). ment procedure similar to those expressing new
374 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

Table 20.2. Sources and main properties of food microorganisms used in the dairy industry.

Source Genetic features Acceptability in food Labeling

Natural strain Isolated from food Defined at the species level. Accepted without No requirement for
products or from the The species are usually further safety specific labeling,
environment. Their known to have a long evaluation once the except eventually the
origin before history of safe use for strains belong to name of the species
screening is traditional applications. The recognized food used in the process
generally unknown intraspecies genetic content species used in
may vary between 1% and similar products
Variants Selected in R&D from Genetic content modified by Accepted without new No requirement for
obtained by already used strains nondirected techniques assessment since specific labeling
classical (chemical mutagenesis, UV) they are considered
techniques Generally, the mutations are substantially
punctual, although larger equivalent to already
rearrangements could also used strains
occur. It also includes
plasmid and mobile
elements transferred by
conjugation or transduction
Variants Designed in R&D Targeted genetic Different status in the Different status in the
constructed in laboratories from modifications. Absence of world: world:
laboratories already used strains heterologous DNA – US: “substantially – US: no specific
with molecular equivalent” to labeling
methods (nonfood natural strains – EU: labeled GMO
strains may be used
– EU: case by case
for construction and
safety evaluation,
the presence of
like GMO
recombinant DNA in
the resulting strain)
Transgenic Constructed by Targeted genetic Case by case safety Different status in the
strains molecular modifications. Presence of evaluation in the world:
techniques; heterologous DNA frame of GMO – US: bioengineered
containing foreign legislation in the EU strain with specific
and recombinant or bioengineered characteristic
DNA strains in the United compared to
States reference strains
– EU: labeled GMO

genes and functions originated from different country has a regulatory frame that may differ sig-
species. nificantly. For example, starter strains may be con-
sidered as food ingredients, and therefore indicated
on labels as such, or as processing aids, which do
20.4.2. Risk Assessment Procedures
not require any labeling on the final product. Many
“Natural” or nongenetically modified bacteria. In countries have defined lists of safe microorganisms
Europe, there is no regulation yet concerning the use for species that are commonly found in foods
of new indigenous strains of microorganisms (Giraffa 2002) but may also be isolated from clinical
belonging to species already used in food. Each cases, such as Enterococcus species (Franz et al.
Genetically Modified Lactic Acid Bacteria 375




Plasmid curing

Mutagenesis (UV, Chemicals…) Targeted selection Allele exchange

EU and U.S.: substantial equivalence GMO in EU

to natural strains Substantial equivalence to natural strains in U.S.

Figure 20.4. Example for the difference of GMO regulation in the EU and United States. The same type of mutation in the
aldB gene can be obtained by different techniques. Resulting strains are considered substantially equivalent in the US regula-
tion and are therefore not submitted to any particular assessment. On the contrary, in Europe, strains where DNA was
introduced by a transformation step are systematically considered GMO and submitted to GMO specific regulations. Only the
strains obtained by classical mutagenesis are considered substantially equivalent to natural strains.

2001; Wisplinghoff et al. 2004). Among the most Genetically modified bacteria. The regulations for
well-known Generally Recognized as Safe microor- bacteria defined as GMO differ between countries
ganisms lists, the U.S. list proposes an inventory of since the definition of GMO differs as well. Food
microorganisms that can be added in food. Europe bacteria constructed by “classical genetic methods”
is now working on an approach, called Qualified (e.g., chemical mutagenegis) are not submitted to
Presumption of Safety, which will propose a list any assessment in both Europe and the United States
of microorganisms acceptable in food use. On the (Fig. 20.4).
other hand, microorganisms belonging to new GMO risk assessment for food is defined in the
species are subject to “novel food” regulations, 20015185EC and the 9756185EC recommendations
which are based on case by case studies found on in Europe. In addition to specific points on GMO,
current scientific knowledge. It is also possible to this risk assessment shares many aspects with the
propose the acceptance of new microorganisms evaluation of new food processes by novel food.
based on the “substantial equivalence” principle. In Risk assessment specific for LAB GMO designed
case of insufficient data, a risk assessment procedure for therapeutic purposes are not dealt with in this
is required that possibly includes toxicity tests or chapter.
other assessments.
376 Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: Novel Applications

For food GMO, as for new processes in novel diacetyl-overproducing mutant, isolated by using
food regulation, the following information is plasmid transformation and curing experiments, is
required: (1) a detailed description of the new commercialized in the United States but not in
process and its specificities; (2) the origin of the Europe (Pedersen et al. 2005). Conversely, mutants
microorganisms used; (3) the effect of the genetic in the same gene but isolated by using chemical
modification, in particular those leading to pheno- mutagenesis can be commercialized without any
typical changes; (4) measurements of expression of assessment and specific labeling in both, the United
the new or modified genes; (5) a description of States and EU.
genetic stability of the GMO, in particular if the
modification may trigger genomic rearrangements
20.5. Conclusions
that could modify the properties of the microorgan-
ism; (6) the transfer risk of the modified genes; (7) Knowledge of the genetics of LAB allows the design
the survival and colonization capacity of the GMO of modified strains with improved properties com-
compared with that of the wild type; and (8) the pared with wild-type strains. However, their use
market for the GMO-containing product and worldwide might be restricted due to the different
expected extent of consumption. All information countries’ regulatory issues. One question is whether
dealing with any effect of the product on humans or not it is justified to “label” as GMO strains that
and/or the environment has to be provided, in par- have been constructed with DNA of the same
ticular, the nutritional value and eventual microbio- species. The basis of this discussion relies on the
logical and toxicological risks. The potential toxicity way “a GMO” is defined, as the result of new tech-
and allergenicity resulting from the expression of niques (European view) or if only the final result is
the new genes should also be clearly mentioned. to be considered (U.S. view). Organisms isolated in
Toxicity might be due, for example, to the produc- nature or modified in laboratories are not systemati-
tion of new metabolites or their derivatives. The cally considered substantially different that they
allergenicity might be the result of the production of require specific regulations. Regulatory issues are
a new protein. Tests to assess these issues can be then focused on the assessment of introduced phe-
relatively simple, but may include, when necessary, notypes due to the modification, independently of
animal trials. the technique employed.
Regulation divergences may have important
commercial consequences, but they may also impact
20.4.3. Labeling and Consumer Attitude
on GMO research, especially in Europe. At the level
Labeling of GMO-containing products differs in of trading, the United States estimated that regula-
each country. In United States, products containing tion on GMO had to be associated with scientific
GMO are not considered significantly different from facts and that, on the contrary, it could be considered
other new products. In particular, if the GMO- non-trade barriers (Kinderlerer 2003). European
containing product is “substantially equivalent” to regulation probably considers the action of anti-
any marketed product, it can be commercialized GMO movements and the fact that European opinion
without any specific indication. If relevant differ- is mostly not favorable to GMO being introduced in
ences exist, manufacturers are required to indicate food, may be due in part to mistrust toward the com-
the product’s nutritional value, potential toxicity, or munication of several GMO-producing companies
allergenicity. In countries like New Zealand and (Barnes 2003; Borch et al. 2003).
Australia, the presence of GMO in a product should Several scientific issues raised during GMO
be included in the list of ingredients. debates have been studied in-depth. For example,
In Europe, the regulation is much stricter as any post-genomic methods allowed global measurement
product containing GMO or its derivative requires a of the effect of modifications on the metabolisms
specific labeling. For example, a spontaneous and gene expression in microorganisms (Renault
Genetically Modified Lactic Acid Bacteria 377

2002; Pedersen et al. 2005) and vegetals (Cellini et Bolotin, A., Quinquis, B., Renault, P., Sorokin, A., Ehrlich, S.D.,
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G.D., Fonstein, M., Overbeek, R., Kyprides, N., Purnelle, B.,
2005). In particular, it has been shown that molecu- Prozzi, D., Ngui, K., Masuy, D., Hancy, F., Burteau, S.,
lar techniques are not less reliable than traditional Boutry, M., Delcour, J., Goffeau, A., and Hols, P. (2004)
modification techniques. Their use does not lead to Complete sequence and comparative genome analysis of the
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2005; Pedersen et al. 2005). Regulation will prob- 22, 1554–1558.
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ably evolve to take into account new scientific data, Weissenbach, J., Ehrlich, S.D., and Sorokin, A. (2001) The
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Page numbers in italics refer to Figures; those in bold to Tables.

A2 phage case study, 117, 117–120, angiotensin I-converting enzyme class I, 91, 91–94, 93
119–120 (ACE) inhibitors, 236–239, 237 class II, 93, 94–96
ACE inhibitors. See angiotensin animal models dairy starter cultures, 184–185
I-converting enzyme (ACE) respiratory infection, 150–151 defined, 42, 89
inhibitors urogenitary infection, 145–146 description of, 89–91, 90
acetic acid bacteria (AAB), 308, anthocyanins, 305 kefir, 332–333
309, 327, 329 antibiotic detection, in milk, 372 overview of, 89, 102
cocoa bean fermentation, 309, antibiotic resistance, lactic acid resistance, 99–102
314–316, 315 bacteria, 99–102, 101, urogenital infection prevention,
Acetobacter aceti, 328, 329 348–352, 349 144, 145
acid stress response, 47–48, 64–67 antihypertensive peptides, 236–239, bacteriophage-insensitive mutants
adaptation, environmental. See 237 (BIMs), 182–183
proteomics antimicrobial peptides, 242–243 bacteriophages, 111–120,
adenosylcobalamin (AdoCbl), 222 antiporters. See transport systems, 182–183
adhesion. See also gut-associated genomic analysis of control strategies and resistance,
immunomodulators antithrombotic peptides, 239–240 115, 115–116
kefir and, 333, 335 arginine deiminase (ADI) pathway, genome, 112–115, 113–114,
urogenital infection prevention, 280 118–120
143–145, 144 arginine metabolism, 19–20 genomics, 49
adjuncts, starter, 184–185 ariboflavinosis, 213 history and significance of,
AFLP. See amplified fragment artisanal starter cultures, 179–180 111–112
length polymorphism (AFLP) ascorbate (Asc) family, 83 host range of, 112
alcohols, 42 ATP-binding casette (ABC) overview of, 111, 120
allergy, soy products and, 292, 293 transporters, 4, 77–80, 78, 79, phage A2 case study, 117,
alpha-amylase, 276 92, 95 117–120, 119–120
alpha-galactosidase, 290–292 average nucleotide identity, 45 resistance, 101
amensalism, kefir and, 330 types of, 112
amino acids catabolism and Bacillus megaterium, 222 BCAAs, 17
proteolysis, 11–20, 12, 13 Bacillus sp., cocoa bean beta-casein, 241
amino acid uptake, 14–15 fermentation, 316 beta-conglycinin, 292, 294
aminopeptidases, 15 Bacillus subtilis, 66, 214 beta- glucosidases, 296
ampicillin, 349, 350, 351 backslopping, 341–342 B-group vitamin production,
amplified fragment length bacteremia, 346, 347 211–227
polymorphism (AFLP), 256, bacteriocins, 89–102 concentrations in dairy products,
257 applications, 96–98, 99 214

Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria Novel Applications 383

Edited by Fernanda Mozzi, Raúl R. Raya and Graciela M. Vignolo
© 2010 Blackwell Publishing. ISBN: 978-0-813-81583-1
384 Index

B-group vitamin production Carnobacterium sp., 36–39, 42, cobalamin (vitamin B12), 214, 217,
(continued) 45–46 220–225, 221, 226–227
folate, 215–220, 216, 219, casein, 233, 241, 243 cocoa bean fermentation, 301–322
225–226 caseinophosphopeptides (CPP), 242 biochemical changes during
overview of, 211–212, 227 catabolism, amino acid, 12, 13, process, 316–318, 317
riboflavin (B2), 212–215, 213, 17–19 crop cultivation and harvest,
215, 225 cations, divalent, 80 302–303
vitamin B12 (cobalamin), 214, celiac disease (CD), 279–280 drying process, 319
217, 220–225, 221, 226–227 cell envelope-associated proteinase farming practices for, 306–309,
Bifidobacterium sp., 65, 67, 129, (CEP), 234 307, 309
219 cell lysis module, phage A2, 118 fresh beans (anatomy of),
“bifid shunt,” 65 cell wall anchoring (CWA), 303–305, 304, 305
bile salt response, 67–68 167–169, 170 health and, 320, 342
BIMs. See bacteriophage-insensitive cephalosporins, 350, 351 history, 301–302
mutants (BIMs) cereal-based products, 273–282 microorganisms involved in, 309,
bioavailability, 216–217, 225–227 bioconservation, 280–281 309–316, 313, 315
biodiversity, microbial history, 273–274, 274 overview of, 301, 322
establishment of, 252–255 lactic acid bacteria fermentation, pulp, 303
meat products, 251–255 275–278, 276 quality during process, 318–319
biofilm formation, 143 modification during sourdough rationale for, 306
biogenic amines, 19 fermentation, 278–280 roasting process, 319–320
Blyth, Alexander Wynter, 212 overview of, 273, 282 starter cultures for, 320–322
box fermentation, cocoa beans, 313 phytase activity, 281–282 Codex Alimentarius Standard for
breads, 273–282 sourdough types, 274–275 Gluten-Free Foods, 279
bioconservation, 280–281 trends in, 282 cold shock, 66
cereal protein modification, cheeses, 238, 242, 243. See also commensalism, kefir and, 330
278–280 dairy starter cultures commercial mixed-strain starters
history, 273–274, 274 dairy starter cultures, 179–181, (MSS), 180
lactic acid bacteria fermentation, 184 comparative genomics, 41, 44–46,
275–278, 276 gene overexpression, 24 73–74, 188. See also genomics;
overview of, 273, 282 genomics, 39–41 transport systems, genomic
phytase activity, 281–282 probiotics, 187 analysis of
sourdough types, 274–275 chloramphenicol, 349 competition, kefir and, 330
trends in, 282 chocolate. See cocoa bean competition exclusion, 334
Brochothrix thermosphacta, 253, fermentation cooked meat ecosystem, 255,
255 ciprofloxacin, 349, 350 264–265
bronchus, probiotics and, 131 citrate metabolism, 20, 20–23 Corynebacterium ammoniagenes,
Brucella abortus, 171 citric acid, 314, 315 214
class I bacteriocins, 91–94, 93, Criollo variety, 302, 305, 308
calcium absorption, 242 96–97 cultivation methods, meat and meat
calcium propionate (CP), 281 class II bacteriocins, 93, 94–96, 97, products, 256–258
Campylobacter jejuni, 335 101–102 cysteine catabolism, 18–19
Candida friedricchii, 328 Clostridium beijerinckii, 43 cytokine production, 129, 134–135,
Candida kefir, 328 Clostridium difficile, 43, 91, 96 135, 144
carbohydrate metabolism clustered regularly interspaced short
bile salt response, 67 palindromic repeats daidzein, 295–296
sourdough fermentation, 276–278 (CRISPRs), 49, 111, 116, 183, dairy starter cultures, 177–188. See
soy and, 290-292 363 also cheeses; kefir
sugars, 8–9 coagulase-negative cocci (CNC), functional aspects of, 177–178
caries, 346 254, 255, 257, 262 genetically modified strains, 374
Index 385

genomics and, 39–41 enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC), folate concentration, 218

overview of, 177, 188 335 meat, 254–255
phage control strategies, 115 environmental stress, 62–68. See microbial interactions in, 330
phage-resistant starters, 182–183 also proteomics milk, 133–134, 135, 234, 235
probiotics, 185–188 acid stress response, 47–48, safety. See safety
role of, 177 64–67 sausages, 261–264, 262
starter adjuncts, 184–185 adaptation to dairy environment, soy products. See soy food
trends in, 188 39–41 development
types of, 178–181 bile salt response, 67–68 sugar alcohol production and,
DeFelice, Stephen, 212 cold shock, 66 198–202, 199, 200
defined multi-strain cultures (DCS), heat shock, 64 fermented milk. See kefir; safety
180–181 high-pressure stress response, 68 fibrinogen, 239–240
denaturing gradient gel osmotic stress response, 67 flatulence, 290
electrophoresis (DGGE), 330 oxidative stress response, 66–67 flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD),
dendritic cells (DC), 128, 132, 133, enzyme-linked immunosorbent 213, 213
144 assays (ELISA), kefir grains flavin mononucleotide (FMN), 213,
digestive microbiota. See gut- and, 329 213
associated immunomodulators epithelial cells. See gut-associated flavor production, 17–19, 68–69
dihydroxyacetone (DHA) PTS immunomodulators fluorescence in situ hybridization
systems, 82, 83 EPS. See exopolysaccharides (EPS) (FISH), 256, 259
dipeptidases, 15–16 Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae, 171 folate, 214, 215–220, 216, 219,
2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl erythritol, 193, 194, 195, 196 225–226
(DPPH), 295 biosynthetic pathways, 200, 201 folic acid, 215–216, 216
direct vat inoculation (DVI) production, 197–198 Food Agriculture Organization
cultures, 181 erythromycin, 349 (FAO), 211
disease. See also illness and safety Escherichia coli, 129, 214, 334, 335 Food and Drug Administration. See
cocoa production, 303 genomics, 49 U.S. Food and Drug
lactic acid bacteria, 346, 353. See urogenital infection prevention, Administration
also health; prevention 143, 145–146 Food Drug and Cosmetic Act
drug/metabolite exporter (DME) European Commissions Scientific (FD&C Act), 343
family, 77, 77 Commission for Animal food industry
drying, cocoa bean processing, Nutrition (SCAN). See cereal-based products. See
319 Scientific Commission for cereal-based products
Animal Nutrition (SCAN) chocolate. See cocoa bean
E420. See sorbitol European Food Safety Authority fermentation
E421. See mannitol (EFSA), 344, 345, 349 genetically modified strains,
EFSA. See European Food Safety exopolysaccharides (EPS), 9–10, 365–372, 366–369, 375, 376
Authority (EFSA) 278 illness and safety, 344–347, 345,
electrophoresis. See polymerase 346
chain reaction (PCR); facultative heterofermentative kefir. See kefir
SDS-PAGE lactobacilli (FHL), 184 lactic acid bacteria, impact on,
electrospray mass spectrometry (ESI FAD. See flavin adenine 342–343
MS), 243–244 dinucleotide (FAD) soy food development. See soy
ELISA, kefir grains and, 329 FAO. See Food Agriculture food development
endocarditis, 346, 353 Organization (FAO) sugar alcohols. See sugar alcohols
endopeptidases, 15 FDA. See U.S. Sood and Drug Forastero variety, 302, 305, 308
enterocin A, 94 Administration Fourier transformed infrared
Enterococcus faecium, 263 fermentation. See also kefir (FT-IR) spectroscopy, 329
environmental stress, 68 cocoa bean, 306–309, 307, 309, fructose, 200
genomics, 36–39 313, 315, 316–318, 317 mannitol production, 196–197
386 Index

functional food market, 289 novel applications, 48–50 gut-associated lymphoid tissue
functional proteomics, 60–61 overview of, 35, 50 (GALT), 125, 126–127, 129,
fungi. see mold growth; specific probiotic features, 47–48 153
names of fungi probiotic islands, 46
sugar metabolism, 10 HDC. See histidine decarboxylase
galactitol, 194 systems biology, 40–41 (HDC)
galactose metabolism, 4–5 taxonomy, 44–46 health. See also prevention; vitamins
GALT. see gut-associated lymphoid vegetable and meat environments, bacteriocins, 184–185, 332–333
tissue (GALT) 41–42 bacteriophages, 182–183
gastrointestinal tract, colonization gentamicin, 349, 350, 351 cereal-based products, 273, 276
of. See gut-associated globulins, 292 chocolate and, 320, 342
immunomodulators glucitol porters, 82 genetically modified strains,
GDH. See glutamate dehydrogenase glucose, sorbitol production, 197 366–369, 372
(GDH) activity glucose/fructose/lactose (Glc/Fru/ gut-associated
genetically modified strains, 169, Lac) superfamily, 81–82 immunomodulators. See
361–377 glucose metabolism, 4–5, 23 gut-associated
antibiotic detection, in milk, 372 glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) immunomodulators
food applications, 365, 365–372, activity, 17, 184 kefir and, 331–336
366–369, 374 gluten proteins, 278–280 low-calorie sugars, 193
health applications, 366–369, 372 glycinin, 292 milk, 235
labeling and consumer attitudes, glycolysis, 4–5. See also metabolism nutraceuticals, 212
376 glycolytic flux, control of, 6–7 peptides, bioactive, 233
overview of, 361–362, 376–377 GMO. See genetically modified probiotics. See probiotics
regulation of, 373–374, 374 strains soy foods and, 289–290, 295–297
risk assessment procedures, grains, kefir heap fermentation, cocoa beans,
374–376, 375 biological active metabolites, 307, 313
technology for, 362–364, 365 331–333 heavy metal exporters (HME),
U.S. vs European regulation, 375 biosynthesis of, 331 76–77
genetic switch module, phage A2, description of, 327–328 heavy metal transporters, 80–81
118 microbial interactions, 330–336 Helicobacter pylori, 172, 185, 243
genistein, 295–296 microorganisms, 328 heterofermentative pathway, 4–5,
genome. See also proteomics; overview of, 327, 336 7–8
transport systems, genomic preservation of, 328–329 heterolactic fermentation, 200,
analysis of study methods, 329–330 200–201
bacteriophages, 112–115, surface properties, 333 high-performance liquid
113–114 gut-associated immunomodulators, chromatography (HPLC), 238
L. lactis, 164 125–136 high-pressure stress response, 68
Genome Analysis and System development of, 125–126 histidine decarboxylase (HDC), 65
Modeling Group of the Life genomics and, 42–43, 44 history. See also genomics
Sciences Division of Oak intestinal immune system cocoa bean fermentation, 301–302
Ridge National Laboratory, 225 activation, 128–132, 130, food industry safety, 341–342
genomics, 35–50 131 lactic acid fermentation, 162
dairy environment evolution, mechanisms of, 132–133, 133 of probiotics, 141–142
39–41 microbiota influence on GALT, HME. See heavy metal exporters
fast-evolving, 42 126–127 homofermentative pathway, 4–5, 6
gastrointestinal tract, 42–43, 44 overview of, 125, 136–137 homolactic fermentation, 198–200,
history and revolution in, 35, probiotic consumption, 199
36–39, 39 133–136 HPLC. See high-performance liquid
Lact. helveticus components, 41 small intestine interactions, chromatography (HPLC)
metabolism and, 23–24 127–128 HPr protein, 8–9
Index 387

human infection. See infection, isoflavone transformation, 295–297 genera in, 35, 361
safety and Issatchenkia occidentalis, 328 genetically modified strains. See
Human Microbiome Project, 42 genetically modified strains
hygienic properties, lactic acid Joint Genome Institute Microbial gut-associated
bacteria, 58 Sequencing, 224 immunomodulators. See
illness and safety. See infection and kefir, 327–336. See also dairy starter immunomodulators
illness; safety cultures industrial importance of, 162
immunomodulators, gut-associated biological active metabolites, isoflavone transformation,
immune system, 125–136 331–333 295–297
development of, 125–126 description of, 327–328 kefir and, 327–328, 328. See also
intestinal immune system grain biosynthesis, 331 kefir
activation, 128–132, 130, 131 microbial interactions, 330–336 meat and meat product
mechanisms of, 132–133, 133 microorganisms, 328 biodiversity, 260, 260–265,
microbiota influence on GALT, overview of, 327, 336 262, 264
126–127 preservation of, 328–329 metabolism of. See metabolism
overview of, 125, 136–137 starter cultures, 180–181 milk fermentation, 234, 235
probiotic consumption, 133–136 study methods, 329–330 nutrients, 84
small intestine interactions, surface properties, 333 preservation and, 281
127–128 vitamin concentration in, 214 protein metabolism, soy and,
immunomodulatory peptides, 240–241 kefiran, 332 292–295, 293
inducer exclusion, 9 Kluyveromyces lactis, 328 protein production, heterologous.
inducer expulsion, 9 Kluyveromyces marxianus, 328, See live vectors
infection and illness 329 regulation of, 343–344
ariboflavinosis, 213 Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and respiratory system. See respiratory
celiac disease, 279–280 Genomes database, 225 infection prevention
folate deficiencies, 217 safety of. See safety
lactase deficiency, 162–163 LAB. See lactic acid bacteria (LAB) sourdough fermentation, 275–278,
mycotoxins, 280–281 labeling, GMO foods, 376 276
pernicious anemia, 217–218 lac operon, 165–166 sugar alcohol production and,
protein metabolism of soy, 293 LacplantCyc, 49 198–201, 199, 200
respiratory. See respiratory lactase deficiency, 162–163 taxonomy, genome sequencing
infection prevention lactic acid, cocoa bean fermentation, and, 44–46
safety and, 344–347, 345, 346, 315 transport systems. See transport
352–354, 353 lactic acid bacteria (LAB), 12. systems, genomic analysis of
urogenital. See urogenital See also specific names of trends in, 163–164
infection prevention bacteria urogenital system. See urogenital
innate immune response, gut, adaptation, environmental. See infection prevention
129–132, 130, 131 proteomics virulence of, 352–354, 353
Integrated Microbial Genomes antibiotic resistance, 349 lactitol, 194
System, 224 antibiotic resistance of, 348–352 Lactobacillus acidifarinae, 275, 276
integration module, phage A2, 118 carbohydrate metabolism, soy Lactobacillus acidophilus, 162, 328
International Scientific Association and, 290–292 animal model assays, 145–146
for Probiotics and Prebiotics characteristics of, 3–4, 162 bacteriophages, 111
(ISAPP), 141 cocoa bean fermentation, 309, cereal-based products, 275, 276
intestinal immune system activation, 312–314, 313 dairy starter cultures, 186
128–132, 130, 131. See also as delivery system. See live environmental stress, 66, 67
genomics, gastrointestinal tract; vectors genomics, 36–39, 39–41, 43
gut-associated food industry, impact on, intestinal immune system
immunomodulators 342–343 activation, 129, 130
388 Index

Lactobacillus acidophilus (continued) respiratory infection, 151 genomics, 36–39, 49

soy and, 291, 296 soy and, 291, 292 meat and meat product
vaccines, 172 Lactobacillus gasseri, 36–39, 46, biodiversity, 255, 265
Lactobacillus alimentarius, 275, 328, 366–369 metabolism, 8, 10, 11
276 Lactobacillus hammesii, 275, 276 probiotics, 162
Lactobacillus brevis, 328 Lactobacillus helveticus, 328 riboflavin (B2), 215
cereal-based products, 275, 276 bacteriophages, 111, 114 soy and, 291, 292
genomics, 36–39, 46 environmental stress, 69 sugar alcohols, 200, 204
Lactobacillus bulgaricus, 162 genetic modifications, 366–369 urogenital infection prevention,
intestinal immune system genomics, 39–41, 41 149
activation, 130 milk, 179, 181 vaccines, 172
P-type ATPases, 81 milk and, 134, 237–238, 242 Lactobacillus pontis, 280
Lactobacillus casei, 204, 328 peptides, bioactive, 240–241 Lactobacillus reuteri, 291, 296
bacteriophages, 111, 116, 117, proteomics, 62 B12 deficiency, animal models,
117–119 soy and, 291 226–227
dairy starter cultures, 186, 187 vaccines, 172 cereal-based products, 275, 276,
environmental stress, 67 Lactobacillus intermedius, 201–202 277, 277–278
genetic modifications, 366–369 Lactobacillus johnsonii, 118 environmental stress, 65
intestinal immune system genomics, 36–39, 39–41 genomics, 44, 46
activation, 130, 131, 132, 133 as immunomodulators, 128–129 metabolism, 8
respiratory infection, 150–151 infection prevention, 143–144 probiotics, 162
small intestine interactions, Lactobacillus kefir, 328, 329, vitamin B12 (cobalamin), 222–224
128–129, 135, 135–136 335–336 Lactobacillus rhamnosus, 44,
urogenital infection prevention, Lactobacillus kefiranofaciens, 328, 128–129, 145, 146, 151, 353
149 332 Lactobacillus sakei, 67, 68,
vaccines, 172 Lactobacillus kefirgranum, 328 253–254, 259, 260, 261
Lactobacillus crispatus, 36–39, 146 Lactobacillus lactis subsp. lactis, Lactobacillus salvarius, 36–39,
Lactobacillus curvatus, 255, 261, 100 143–145
265 environmental stress, 64 Lactobacillus sanfranciscensis, 202,
Lactobacillus delbrueckii, 218–219, genetic modifications, 364, 277–278, 280
242, 320–321 366–369 Lactobacillus spicheri, 275, 276
bacteriophages, 111, 114 genomics, 36–39, 45, 49–50 Lactobacillus viridescens, 328
dairy starter cultures, 179, 183, genomics and, 35 Lactobacillus zymae, 275, 276
187 metabolism, 4, 7 Lactococcus coryniformis, 224
environmental stress, 64, 65, 66 phage genome, 113–114 Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris,
folate, 219 Lactobacillus leichmanii, 200 214, 215
genetic modifications, 363, Lactobacillus mali, 44 Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis,
366–369 Lactobacillus paracasei, 64, 117, 161–162, 226, 328, 329
genomics, 36–39, 44 240–241, 295, 296 antibiotic resistance, 351–352
intestinal immune system Lactobacillus parakefir, 328, 329 citrate metabolism, 20, 20–23
activation, 129 Lactobacillus paralimentarius, 275, dairy starter cultures, 178–181
probiotics, 162–163 276 gene expression, 164–165
Lactobacillus fermentum, 204, 328 Lactobacillus plantarum, 328, 329 genetically modified strains, 169
animal model assays, 145–146 cereal-based products, 275, 276, genetic tools for, 165
cereal-based products, 275, 276, 281 genome, 164
278 cocoa bean fermentation, plasmids, 164
cocoa bean fermentation, 313–314 313–314, 321 soy and, 291
genetic modifications, 366–369 dairy starter cultures, 186 sugar alcohols, 199
genomics, 46 folate concentration, 218 vaccines, 171, 172
probiotics, 162 genetic modifications, 366–369 lactoferricin (Lfcin), 242–243
Index 389

lactorphin, 241 major facilitator superfamily (MFS), proteolysis and amino acid
lantibiotics, 91, 91–94, 96–97 75–76, 76 catabolism, 11–20, 12
Leloir pathway, 4–5 maltitol, 194 of sugars, 4–5, 4–11
Leuconostoc carnosum, 260, 265 mammary glands, probiotics and, metabolites, in kefir, 331–333
Leuconostoc gelidum, 260, 260 131 metabolomics, 59
Leuconostoc mesenteroides, 202, mannitol, 193, 202 Metchnikoff, Eli, 127
203, 265, 328, 329 biosynthetic pathways, 198–201, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus
citrate metabolism, 20, 20–23 199, 200 aureus (MRSA), 91, 99
dairy starter cultures, 178–181 cereal-based products, 277 methionine catabolism, 18
genomics, 36–39, 42 classification, 194–195 MFS. See major facilitator
meat and meat product cocoa bean fermentation, 315 superfamily (MFS)
biodiversity, 263 metabolic engineering, 203 microbial biodiversity. See
riboflavin (B2), 215 production, 196–197 biodiversity, microbial
Listeria monocytogenes, 68, 97, properties and application, milk. See also dairy starter cultures;
99–100, 185, 243 195–196 kefir; peptides, bioactive; soy
live vectors, lactic acid bacteria as, structure, 194 food development
161–172 yield, 201–203 antibiotic detection, 372
heterologous protein cellular mannose (Man) family, 82–83 lactase deficiency, 162
targeting system, 167–169 mass spectrometry (MS), 243–244, probiotics, 133–134, 135, 163
heterologous protein production, 245 vitamin concentration in, 214
165 maximal unique and exact matches mineral absorption, bioactive
history and industrial importance (MUMs), 45 peptides and, 242
of, 162 MC. See macrophages (MC) minimum inhibitory concentrations
lac operon, 165–166 meat and meat product biodiversity, (MIC), 348, 349
L. lactis and, 164–165 251–266 mitomycin C, 166
nisin-controlled expression culture independent identification, mixed-acid metabolism, 4–5, 6, 7
system, 166–167 258–259 mixed-strain starters (MSS), 180
overview of, 161–162, 172 establishment of biodiversity, modified atmosphere packaged
P170 expression system, 167 252–255 (MAP) meat, 252–254, 260,
phage promoters, 166 experimental approaches to, 260–261, 264
trends in, 163–164 255–258 mold growth
vaccines, 163–164, 170–172, 171, genomics, 41–42 cereal-based products, 280–281
172 history and background, cocoa bean fermentation, 316
low-calorie sugars, 193–205 251–252 MOP superfamilies, 77, 77
applications, 195–196 lactic acid bacteria, 260, 260–265, morphogenesis module, phage A2,
description of, 193–195 262, 264 117–118
fermentation and yield, 201–203 overview of, 251, 265–266 MRSA. See methicillin-resistant
metabolic engineering, 203, metabolic engineering Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
203–204 lactic acid bacteria metabolism, MS. See mass spectrometry (MS)
metabolic pathways, 24–25 multidrug resistance pumps (MDR),
microorganisms in, 198–201, low-calorie sugars, 203, 84
199, 200 203–204 mutualism, kefir and, 330
overview of, 193, 204–205 metabolism, 3–25 mycotoxins, 280–281
physicochemical properties, catabolic pathways, 13
195–196 citrate metabolism, 20, 20–23 Nacional variety, cocoa, 302, 308
production, 196–198 genomics and, 10, 23–24 National Center for Biotechnology
structure of, 194 lactic acid bacteria characteristics, Information (NCBI), 35, 50
3–4 National Committee for Clinical
macrophages (MC), 128, 132, 133, metabolic engineering of, 24–25 Laboratory Standards
134, 144 overview of, 3, 25 (NCCLS), 348
390 Index

natural killer (NK) cells, 129, 144 pediocin, 93, 94, 97 preservation, 162. See also
natural milk cultures (NMC), penicillin G, 349, 350, 351 fermentation
179–180 peptidases, 15–16 cereal-based products, 273,
natural starters, 179–180 peptides, bioactive, 233–246 280–281
natural variability, 362–364 antihypertensive, 236–239, 237 dairy products, 178
natural whey starters (NWC), 179 antimicrobial, 242–243 high hydrostatic pressure, 68
NCBI. See National Center for antithrombotic, 239–240 meat spoilage, 252, 253, 260,
Biotechnology Information foods containing, 236 260–265, 264
(NCBI) generation of, 233–236, 235 modified atmosphere packaged
NCCLS. See National Committee immunomodulatory, 240–241 meat, 252–254, 260, 260–261,
for Clinical Laboratory mineral absorption, 242 264
Standards (NCCLS) opioid, 241–242 mold growth, 280–281, 316
nisin, 49, 90–91, 91, 93, 96, 98, overview of, 233, 244–246 vacuum-packaged meat, 252–254,
101, 102 research strategies, 243–244, 245 260, 260–261, 264
nisin-controlled expression system, peptide uptake systems, 14–15 pressure stress response, 68
166–167 perishable foods. See preservation prevention, urogenital and
nitrate/nitrite porter (NNP) family, pernicious anemia, 217–218 respiratory infection, 141–154.
75 Peyer’s patches, 128, 129, 132 See also health; probiotics
NK cells. See natural killer (NK) phage promoters, 166 overview of, 141, 153–154
cells phage-resistant starters, dairy probiotics, history of use,
NMC. See natural milk cultures products, 182–183 141–142
(NMC) phages. See bacteriophages respiratory animal model assays,
NNP. See nitrate/nitrite porter phosphotransferase system (PTS), 150–151
(NNP) family 81–83, 82 respiratory clinical studies, 151
nutraceuticals, 212 phytase activity, 281–282 respiratory infection, 149–150
nutrients, transport of, 84 Pichia fermentum, 328 respiratory pathogens and
nutrition. See health; probiotics pip gene and mutant, 370–371 vaccines, 151–153, 153
NWC. See natural whey starters plasmids, L. lactis, 164 urogenital, animal model assays,
(NWC) pneumococcal surface protein A 145–146
(PspA), 152 urogenital, clinical assays, 146
Oenococcus oeni, 42 Polo, Marco, 254 urogenital immune system,
opioid peptides, 241–242 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) 147–148
ORFans, 48–49 denaturing gradient gel urogenital infection, 142–143
organocation transporter (OCT), 75 electrophoresis, 256, 258, 259, urogenital probiotic strains,
organophosphate phosphate 263 143–145, 144
antiporter (OPA) family, 75 kefir grains and, 329 vaccine vectors, 148–149
Oriental soy products. See soy food meat and meat product vaginal probiotics, 146–147,
development biodiversity, 256 148
ornithine, 278 quantitative, 256, 259 probiotic islands, 46
ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), 65 reverse transcriptase, 259 probiotics, 162–163, 342, 343. See
osmotic stress response, 67 species-specific, 256, 257 also kefir
oxidative stress response, 66–67 temperature gradient gel cereal-based products, 278, 282
electrophoresis, 256, 258, 259 consumption of, 133–136, 135
P170 expression system, 167 polyols, 193–194. See also low- dairy starter cultures, 185–188
packaging module, phage A2, 117 calorie sugars defined, 211
pAMβ1 plasmid, 165 polyphenols, 305, 305, 320 discovery of, 127
parasitism, kefir and, 330 polysaccharides, kefir, 332 features of, 47–48, 58
Pathway Tools, 49 posttranslational modifications, 60 history, 141–142
PCR. See polymerase chain reaction poultry. See meat and meat product immunomodulation mechanisms,
(PCR) biodiversity 132–133
Index 391

intestinal immune system quality, kefir grains and, 329 food industry and, 342–343
activation, 128–132, 130, 131 quantitative PCR (Q-PCR), 256, 259 history and background, 341–342
kefir and, 333–336 quorum sensing (QS), 48, 69 human infection, 344–347, 345,
respiratory response, 153 346
safety of, 347 random amplified polymorphic mycotoxins, 280–281
small intestine interactions, DNA (RAPD), 256, 258 overview of, 341, 354
127–128 raw meat ecosystem, 252–254 regulation of, 343–344
for urogenital infection, 142–145, reactive oxygen species (ROS), 47, virulence, 352–354, 353
144 66–67, 194 sakacin P, 94
vaginal, 146–147, 148 regulation Salmonella sp., 129, 222, 336
proline-specific peptidases, 16 genetically modified strains, SARS-associated coronavirus, 152
prophages. See bacteriophages 373–374, 375 sausages, fermented, 261–264, 262
Propionibacterium freudenreichii, lactic acid bacteria, 343–344 SCAN. See Scientific Commission
69, 215, 219, 222 renin-angiotensin system, 237 for Animal Nutrition (SCAN)
protective antigen (PAc), 170 resistance/nodulation/division Scientific Commission for Animal
proteinases, 12, 12–14 (RND) exporters, 76, 76–77 Nutrition (SCAN), 344, 348,
protein expression profiling, 60 respiratory infection prevention, 349
protein metabolism, soy, 292–295, 149–153 SDS-PAGE, 261
293, 294 animal model assays, 150–151 kefir grains and, 329, 331
protein production, heterologous, clinical assays, 151 meat and meat product
95, 115, 165–169, 172 infections, 149–150 biodiversity, 258
protein-protein interactions, 60 overview of, 141, 153–154 method of, 61–62
proteolysis, 11–20, 12 pathogens and vaccines, 151–153, sensory properties, lactic acid
proteomics, 57–69 153 bacteria, 57–58
approach to, 59 probiotics, history of use, 141–142 sexually-transmitted infections, 142
defined, 59 restriction length fragment shelf life. See preservation
flavor production, 68–69 polymorphism (RFLP), 256, signal peptide (SP), 167, 168–169
hygienic properties, 58 257 16S rRNA gene sequences, 257
overview of, 57, 69 reverse transcriptase PCR (RT S-layer, 335–336
probiotic features, 58 PCR), 259 small intestine, probiotics and,
response to environmental ribitol, 194 127–128
change, 62–68 riboflavin (B2), 212–215, 213, 214, sorbitol, 193, 194, 195
sample prep and identification, 215, 225 metabolic engineering, 203, 204
61, 61–62, 63 RND. See resistance/nodulation/ metabolic pathways, 199
sensory properties, 57–58 division (RND) exporters production, 197
theoretical concepts in, 59–61, 60 roasting, cocoa bean fermentation, properties and application,
workflow analysis of, 61, 61–62, 319–320 195–196
63 ROS. See reactive oxygen species sourdough bread
Pseudomonas sp., 253 (ROS) amino acids role in, 280
pteroyl glutamic acid, 215–216, 216 rotavirus, oral vaccine against, 163, biodiversity, 275
PTS-regulated domains (PRD), 9 171 cereal protein modification,
P-type ATPases, 81, 82 278–280
pulsed-field gel electrophoresis Saccharomyces cerevisiae, 310–312, defined, 274
(PFGE), 256, 258 328, 332 lactic acid bacteria fermentation,
pWV01 plasmid, 165 Saccharomyces delbrueckii, 328 275–278, 276
pyruvate conversion, 21–22 Saccharomyces unisporus, 328 overview of, 274–275
PZn zitR expression system, 169 safety, 341–354. See also health soy food development, 289–297
antibiotic resistance, 348–352, allergens, 292, 293
Qualified Presumption of Safety 349 carbohydrate metabolism,
(QPS) approach, 343–344, 345 celiac disease, 279 290–292
392 Index

soy food development (continued) bioactive peptide characterization, gene modification, 362–364, 365,
isoflavone transformation, 243–244, 245 366–369
295–297 bioavailability, in animals, genomics, 40–41. See also
nutritional components, 289–290 225–227 genomics
overview of, 289, 297 Fourier transformed infrared high-performance liquid
protein metabolism, 292–295, (FT-IR) spectroscopy, 329 chromatography, 238
293, 294 high-performance liquid temperate phages, 112, 116. See
soy protein extract (SPE), 293–294 chromatography, 238 also bacteriophages
SP. See signal peptide (SP) kefir, 329–330 tetracycline, 349, 350, 351
SPE. See soy protein extract (SPE) meat and meat product The Institute for Genomic Research
species-specific polymerase chain biodiversity, 255–258 (TIGR; now JCVI), 43
reaction (s-s PCR), 256, 257 polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Theobroma cacao, 301
Spike (S) protein, 152 See polymerase chain reaction threonine catabolism, 19
spoilage, meat, 252, 253, 260, (PCR) toll-like receptors (TLRs), 129,
260–265, 264 SDS-PAGE. See SDS-PAGE 132
spontaneous modification, 362–364 vitamin B12 (cobalamin), 223 Torulaspora delbrueckii, 328
Staphylococcus aureus, 185, 243 sugar alcohols, 193–205 Torulopsis holmii, 328
Staphylococcus sp., 255 applications, 195–196 transamination, 17
Staphylococcus xylosus, 261, 262, description of, 193–195 transcriptomics, 59
263 fermentation and yield, 201–203 transmembrane alpha-helical
starter adjuncts, 184–185 metabolic engineering, 203, spanners (TMSs), 75
starter cultures 203–204 transmembrane transport, 74–75
cocoa bean fermentation, 320–322 metabolic pathways, transporter classification (TC)
dairy, 177–188 microorganisms in, 198–201, database, 75
kefir, 328 199, 200 transport systems, genomic analysis
Streptococcus agalactiae, 36–39 overview of, 193, 204–205 of, 73–85
Streptococcus mutans, 96–97, physicochemical properties, ATP-binding casette (ABC)
366–369 195–196 transporters, 77–80, 78, 79
Streptococcus pneumoniae, 83, production, 196–198 citrate, 21
149–150, 152, 171, 172 structure of, 194 drug/metabolite exporter (DME)
bacteriocins, 91 sugar metabolism, 4–5, 4–11, 23 family, 77, 77
genomics, 36–39 sugar porter (SP) family, 75 heavy metal exporters, 76–77
Streptococcus pyogenes, 36–39, 83, sweeteners. See low-calorie sugars heavy metal transporters,
96–97, 171 systems biology, 35, 40–41, 59 80–81
Streptococcus salivarius, 96 major facilitator superfamily,
Streptococcus thermophilus, 162, targeted modification, 362–364, 365, 75–76, 76
182, 183, 185, 186, 218, 219 375 molecular phylogeny of,
bacteriophages, 118 taxonomy, genome sequencing and, 73–74
environmental stress, 66–67, 69 44–46 MOP superfamily, 77, 77
genetic modifications, 363, 364, TC. See transporter classification multidrug resistance pumps
366–369 (TC) database (MDR), 84
genomics, 36–39, 45, 48–49 technology. See also genetically of nutrients, 84
immunomodulation, 132 modified strains; genomics; overview of, 73, 84–85
metabolism, 4, 10 polymerase chain reaction peptide uptake systems, 14–15
phage genome, 113–114, 114 (PCR); SDS-PAGE; study phosphotransferase system,
streptogramin, 350 methods 81–83, 82
stress. See environmental stress animal model assays, 145–146, P-type ATPases, 81, 82
structural proteomics, 60 225–227 resistance/nodulation/division
study methods. See also genomics bioactive peptide characterization, (RND) exporters, 76, 76–77
animal model assays, 145–146 243–244, 245 secondary carriers, 80
Index 393

treatment. See health; illness and vaccine vectors, 148–149 concentrations in dairy products,
safety; prevention, urogenital vaginal probiotics, 146–147, 214
and respiratory infection; 148 defined, 212
probiotics UTI. See urogenital infection folate, 215–220, 216, 219,
trends prevention 225–226
dairy starter cultures, 177–178, riboflavin (B2), 212–215, 213,
188 vaccines 215, 225
protein production, heterologous, respiratory infection, 151–153, vitamin B12 (cobalamin), 217,
163 153 220–225, 221, 226–227
PZn zitR expression system, 169 rotavirus, 163, 171 VP. See vacuum-packaged (VP)
sourdough bread, 274 urogenital infection, 148–149 meat
vaccines, 163–164 vectors and, 163–164, 170–172, VRE. See vancomycin-resistant
Trinitario variety, 302, 308 171, 172 enterococci (VRE)
tripeptidases, 16 vaccine vectors, urogenital tract,
2D PAGE, 62, 63 148–149 whey protein, 179, 238, 241
vacuum-packaged (VP) meat, wines, 42
U.S. Food and Drug Administration 252–254, 260, 260–261, 264 workflow analysis, proteomics, 61,
bacteriocins, 90 vaginal probiotics, 146–147, 148. 61–62, 63
folic acid, 217–218 See also urogenital infection
safety and regulation, 343 prevention xylitol, 194, 196, 203, 204
sugar alcohols, 195 vancomycin-resistant enterococci xylose-inducible expression system,
urogenital infection prevention, (VRE), 91, 99, 350, 352 168–169
142–149 vectors. See vaccines
animal models, 145–146 virulence, lactic acid bacteria, Yarrownia lipolytica, 328
clinical assays, 146 352–354, 353 yeast fermentation, cocoa beans,
immune system, 147–148 virulent phages, 112. See also 310–312
infections, 142–143 bacteriophages yeasts, 330–331
overview of, 141, 153–154 vitamin B12 (cobalamin), 214, 217, yogurt, 134–135, 135, 162, 187, 214
probiotic microorganism 220–225, 221, 226–227
selection, 143–145, 144 vitamins Zygosaccharomyces florentinus, 75,
probiotics, history of use, 141–142 bioavailability studies, 225–227 328

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