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'i' ', 'rncooppnerronwltHffi


Tlte Ptaytofoxicity of Fungicidal Garlib

{A\l'twwt sntivunil Exfuact on
Hbanrs t* (Ly cof$ ersicow sp) Seedlings

.ifb$iraril Carlic extract has lrepn used as pesticide ancl furrgicide. It is effective against S clerotium rolfs[i,
whilh cau$?s sr:uthem root rot in nun,eroui plants. Hcrwevei stu,lies revealed thait iet,.on ;e"Ua"iJi'
llii.qc,{tfitct{t:rrldadvelsetyaffectfir g19wtr ofsonre planb.The objective of this stiay WalOfinOgut,. i, i ;'.
if i5;rrlic exinlct* would have the sar r effect on food crop specifically
..J| tonrato,
Lvrrsw. t. .. . .::..::
r! i:
F1u1salple.s wlth-thirf-r:rglicateseachoftonratoseedling;swere prepared.PreUuUnarl. rese',yer6
p*.r.{vrtnxi. aftel' le';tl,rg the sce<llings nraturc for.len dtrye, Four neadienb of the garllc:iir.nact l.lerej
rrur:ir'i u*ingtlrefulktrtinitgarlle extract to water ratlol Li5, 1:10 and 1:5, Purcwatei waa ueect'irs tt*::
i 'ii
crnlrcl, F':ch of the Seatmenb rras npplied to the comeopondlng gr_oup of onmplee,Irildai fudin {;
:i ;t
ulrotr'*d hat
ulrctr'*d ths_ p';arllc hnrt a oigrilicant
hatths qrowtliir irts tomato
oigriliclirt effect on the growtti toi*6r".dffi.:ritd;;
@Unga Higlrer, lf ' ii

(ortrr;:rt'$tlonr of the exhnct showxl agreater mcrtirlity rate"l]lre planto.

re dworf.ed.and
i l;
i1 .it
had short
foi'; tl,
Arr rrrua.lysiri of varlffict (AI{OVA) hst confimred that drete wae lnd€ed aslgntflcantdtff'erencel
i ir
i, i ti,
af the four tteatments. The group then concludeddrat garltc extri6 lsphyb1'xleto i'iir
tr:ntr!.clsceciiirtgs. I-'' .,..,-,, ',','.',::,!.:,.,, i.itr
1, i ili
'lI irl.! hr,

Iu""':rpr,"ci'taru ;: l
,.a ;

. .'r ;.;i3;1 few ye;,is lucl saerr the need for pesti-
ho x !iI
cidr.t:i,;,.n<1 irrri1gir1.iflr.15 tint are safe tn both hrrmans
::l'.i llle r:, rz irrlnmelit. ]"{enearchers fuunri tlris qr.ralil.y i
ilr 11;rriir:. .lixira{f frr:rn this tlerb was fourrd-trj he !
erlfrrcrf ir -r'r agilinst 5,.:l erol i tltn rafsii.'I'llis <116triri trn
{iiii:gt:i i:;,r ll-.,}t}} in nlerry it,
i:!antS. ..: I 1,.
:. l'J
{Tlrl* prdrlti ri'ao niitri*ht*,i
in partiel filtfi llnidnt of the raquim"
il*l:.'*ruli ll by r.rturlirnts of tlro philippinn $ciorrce
ti-lcnir, ln
i ii
t f ,
E iiri
I iil;l: :.:i'h..rr-'1,
" il
Ftt:iltr iliz.nificrrtion ol tlra prgco<hrrss ald rrrrurle .hould tla r: f
ll; l ir:r r,ft n ss{ ii;horq/ad,,isor.
Ci t +,; t s
'r r",

t'i it ,:.
:'i l

[3f1.'t{J UAl-/qPl| $A)HQttet E i/LL. l,f Ne. s t [[

rf iir
.; ft- I
l.: i

ttybar, ho*"uer,'studies clone at the heallhiest 120 wr:re r hr-rsar iuu"i h..i,iisfiri ;,:*:1, lo ii;l;r.,
i-isity df the fhilippines, foo Barlgs (UPLI}) re' "t
$trip, four-squarc" plol..'i}i rty s,, *,. {iii 6s u,,. r,3
H that garlic eitract is toxic to acacid seedlings, contained irr eaclt,otrip of l*rrc!, llaci-l r,:sl"i irr!; r"r'r;!
concentration of the extract were found to a f fect planted apprcxirr:r;itel; $ ctn a:i'lay lt.,i,r dr:i,-r*i;j..-
lanb':mqrtalily and glowth.;,44d now conrers horing sefdlirrf;s. f-i;rrf ic g11g1ii.g[ ur.i;r:.i r.i;ii,;"..rcJ Ii],
,not fre ,exlract is
questi-o1i1 of ,, whetheq,,rof osterizing 100 g of g;eel;d g*rlic in jt)3 rtrJ , *i rrrr,i ir'i,
b,other food crops euch as the tomato 'Ihe mixture 'passetl'tJu;ir1;h
vtaii lilerr a ch,;..j!*-
cloth. 1he tirree concentrafions urel:e iirErl rlri;t{r, . ill^
Tl',e follnwinggarlic extrnct t$ ?.rfiter.riil.ior rru;r,l:
1:5,1:lQand 1:15. Ptue e/at'et' rva$ uur-li,,,: thscrir'"ir,;I.
,,' E-ach trcatment r,..;tsrlrttlr:lchrcec! {t'r ft$ r:{u,'ri;l,
ponding sample re;i!icate eve;y rvdi,l,: f$r I!: rotl
weeks,.'f t re plo I lvas maiir{ained ilur, uill io r,:.1 ii"li: 1:,r -
fiOd, ' ,: ,,,' I ,r' ':,' ,. r:
, After the last n eek, ttre ;';ianb v,rEr r; t,i )f i (r;f ,*d lrl ri{
gtouped ltccording to treatmenl. 'fhe fotior;.,ii16 r,i.r.-
iablcs were rnsnstlred ancl tecorr.i':d: ,'
. 1. heiglrtof plant , ,' ' ,', , '
?, root lengiir .

3. percenterfmorhlily. r .'

The resulr obrairrecl rvcie snbjicil.l i:o rht- a; r; iy-

sis of variant:a (ANOVA) tcst. :

narurr"be, ourscr.rss;Ns . 'j'1'

i, ,'
.. After gr iminating tht see.ds far ? ',,r'r:-q.lka, t!-ie &f:
,gloup applictt lhc solutkrns flrlce evcl'y i;il1,:.i foi, i'",,'*

lhrce weeks. T'he group obse.q;*cd Irt: efir:ct.;

' {.ri ..,",(li
application. 'Ihe number ilf t*matc ${:ctlliirir.t; iiri.r ?;,:
r dierl were recorded.'Ihe t.ible bei+w sloqy:j ,rh* re.
'-f.fflt., : , .],, , ' ,, ,,,. | ' ,

COt{TRoL 7.4 | 1.{1.{i?

A 1.rl.s i 25.{}3
B '14"?.() '{J"1..'ti4
c ?'t\.92 4?-."t:)

gatlin clLtrr:c.:t lo vr*tBi rsaticr

A: 'l:5
blcnder Is uCed to prepqre the gatllc exftnrt

BAT0 BALAHI.SOpUoUoRE VaL.t4 s .a t

NO. _{- /
,-j;:'r,i'.,'. 1','.:Jl.iil,. !,
,'l. ,'..'..' '','
,r',,' 1";;L',,
, . frr<,nr ritrii r; ine iaoutts strr,# u-tatas *rs.6nc[s1;'-,]

,tri,iion of ttr:-gaii;c extr&i inrreases, tlie ntiintieri6f,.,,'

dcaths 'lire tutal nrrmber of replicates ap;
plierl w;tll treabneril C was ahnostrlepleted. Also, if ,
yle ic,ol. ai t;it,le 2. ive can see tlrat tire exhnct wag
deirinrent:'l ro the $rowfh of the seedlings, Aside
{r'crn .; faw thatvi erc able to grow fully, thc majority
af:tl'.e populatio.r was dqqrfed conrpared tro seed-
1i15";ivilt prrta u'atcr.r 'r,'
' , ,: . ,, l

-.;,.,;. ... ,,',, ,.t .'t ' '.it'.

Frorbfc. 2.,$,, :'ituat'f''nf plettl herlliht grd fti,Ot .

l , , i : ,,'.,,r
1a.:,:gtt\Cv!^":{rgGE. .l

;;-;-:,:'',-';'J;;.* .',;,,;;,;r;*
C nnrur L; PrRcF,r.rt h{oRrnrn:r

Ahmer Ables
Virgilio Femro
/' Archimedes Guena
.r Jonalhan Lopez

Miss JuaniCa Cruz
**--.L*..* _- Philippine Scienca l{igh School
Znd Srrj
l{ -r
Quezon City

_iu-.r-l BAT# BIdL,\III SOPI]OMOREVAL.I4 ruo.5

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