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Copyright © 1992, American Society for Microbiology

Detection of Pediococcus spp. in Brewing Yeast

by a Rapid Immunoassay
ImmunologylVirology Research Group, Department of Microbiology, College of Medicine,' and
Department of Applied Microbiology and Food Science, College of Agriculture,2
University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada 57N OWO
Received 30 September 1991/Accepted 29 November 1991

A membrane immunofluorescent-antibody test was developed to detect diacetyl-producing Pediococcus

contaminants in brewery pitching yeast (yeast [Saccharomyces cerevisiae] slurry collected for reinoculation).
Centrifugations at 11 and 5,100 x g separate yeast cells from bacteria and concentrate the bacteria,
respectively. Pelieted bacteria resuspended and trapped on a black membrane filter are reacted with
monoclonal antibodies specific for cell surface antigens and then with fluorescein-conjugated indicator
antibodies. Whether pitching yeast is contaminated with pediococci at 0.001% is determined in <4 h. The
sensitivity of the assay is 2 orders of magnitude below the Pediococcus detection limit of direct microscopy.

In brewing, microbial contaminants cause product spoil- contamination of pitching yeast to be detected within 4 h is
age through formation of metabolic end products which described below.
disturb the delicate balance between unused flavor-active Yeast. Commercial lager yeast slurries were obtained from
wort components and metabolic products produced by Sac- a local brewery and stored at 4°C. Viability was monitored
charomyces cerevisiae (8). Lactobacillus and Pediococcus by methylene blue dye exclusion (1). Bacterial contamina-
spp. are the most common spoilage bacteria found in wort, tion of the yeast was not detectable prior to addition of
beer, and pitching yeast (12). Pediococcus spp. are generally laboratory-cultured pediococci.
considered to be the most undesirable contaminant (12, 14), Bacteria. Pediococcus strain BSO 77, described by Dolezil
with Pediococcus damnosus being the species responsible and Kirsop (4), was obtained from the Brewing Research
for 90% of all Pediococcus-induced beer spoilage (11). P. Foundation (Nutfield, United Kingdom). Bacteria were
damnosus causes lager beer spoilage by producing diacetyl propagated in deMan-Rogosa-Sharpe medium. Cultures
at concentrations above the taste threshold of 0.12 mg/liter were grown at 27°C in a CO2 incubator following two cycles
(8). As few as 20,000 pediococci per ml in fermenting beer of evacuation to 100 kPa followed by refilling with CO2
can produce a diacetyl concentration of 0.36 mg/liter (10). (99.8% minimum purity). The turbidity of broth cultures was
Pediococci of brewing origin are insensitive to the bacte- measured with a Klett-Summerson colorimeter with a no. 66
riostatic effect of hop resins and tolerate the range of pH and red filter. Stationary-phase cells were used as the inoculum.
alcohol common in worts and beers (12). Pediococci are also Cell walls prepared from bacteria washed with phosphate-
difficult to eradicate from contaminated brewery equipment, buffered saline (PBS; pH 7.4) were used to immunize mice
since commonly used sanitizers are not totally effective (17). employed in production of hybridomas secreting bacterial
Hence, pediococci exist throughout fermentation and stor- surface-reactive monoclonal antibodies (MAbs). Cells were
age and they can be found in previously infected areas of the first sonicated with a 19-mm probe on a Braun-Sonic 1510
brewery, in beer, and in pitching yeast. sonicator at 20 kHz and approximately 375 W of peak power
Because yeast recycling is universally practiced in brew- (iced samples were given five 2-min ultrasonic bursts with
eries, pitching yeast can become a recurrent source of intervening 2-min cooling periods). This was followed by five
contamination. Detection of spoilage organisms in yeast cycles of pressure shearing in a French pressure cell oper-
prior to pitching is therefore required to ensure that only ated at 69,000 kPa. The press cylinder and piston were
yeast of high quality is used (7, 15). Traditional methods of precooled to 4°C, and the product was collected in a tube
microbial monitoring include plating on nutrient media, immersed in ice. The disrupted cells were centrifuged for 20
forcing tests, and direct microscopic examination. Plating min at 14,500 x g to collect the cell wall fraction. Protein
techniques and forcing tests require 5 to 14 days before concentration was determined by using the Bio-Rad protein
sufficient growth occurs (7, 15). Direct microscopic exami- microassay with bovine serum albumin as the standard.
nation methods are rapid and convenient but can detect only MAbs. BALB/c mice were immunized intraperitoneally
gross levels of contamination; i.e., approximately 4 x 105 with 50 ,ug of protein of BSO 77 cell wall antigen emulsified
bacteria per ml of a yeast slurry of approximately 4 x 108 in Freund's incomplete adjuvant. The emulsion was dis-
yeast cells per ml (3). This means that brewers have been persed with an equal volume of 2% (vol/vol) Tween 80 in
forced to consider a 0.1% pediococcal contamination level PBS just prior to injection (6). At 2 weeks later, the mice
acceptable in pitching yeast destined for reuse. These slow were boosted intravenously with 2 x 106 whole Pediococcus
or insensitive methods are unsuitable for process control. A strain BSO 77 cells in PBS. Mouse spleens were recovered
combination of simple methods allowing 0.001% pediococcal after 4 days, and MAb-producing hybridomas were estab-
lished as described by Qualtiere et al. (13), except that FO
myeloma cells, alpha calf serum (Hyclone Laboratories),
Corresponding author. and polyethylene glycol 1500 (Boehringer Mannheim) were

TABLE 1. Recovery of pediococci and yeast cells in the supernatant after centrifugation at 11 x g for 10 min'
Sample Pediococcus strain BSO 77 CFU/mlb Yeast (CFU/ml)b Lossd
vol (ml) Start Finish Recovery' Start Finish (%)
5 2.69 x 103 1.95 x 103 73 4.26 x 107 9.03 x 103 99.98
2.5 3.60 x 103 2.67 x 103 74 4.90 x 107 1.23 x 104 99.97
1 4.01 x 103 3.05 x 103 76 NDe
5 2.13 x 104 1.41 x 104 66 3.79 x 107 4.80 x 103 99.99
2.5 2.23 x 104 1.78 x 104 80 4.61 x 107 1.67 x 104 99.96
1 3.22 x 104 2.91 x 104 90 5.29 x 107 1.47 x 104 99.97
1 3.29 x 104 2.31 x 104 70 ND
5 2.46 x 105 2.03 x 105 83 4.38 x 107 8.27 x 103 99.98
1 3.31 x 105 2.01 x 105 61 ND
1 1.52 x 106 1.04 x 106 68 3.21 x 107 1.19 X 104 99.96
1 3.00 x 106 2.01 x 106 67 4.47 x 107 8.23 x 103 99.98
1 3.72 x 106 2.92 x 106 78 5.94 x 107 2.46 x 104 99.96
1 2.68 x 107 2.08 x 107 78 7.84 x 107 3.98 x 104 99.95
a A 9-ml volume of experimentally contaminated pitching yeast was centrifuged, and the indicated sample was recovered from the top of the supernatant.
b Means of triplicate plates.
The overall average recovery of pediococci was 74.2%.
d The overall average loss of yeast cells was 99.97%.
e ND, not done.

used. Hybridomas secreting a MAb able to bind to the containing 1% bovine serum albumin and 10% calf serum.
pediococcal cell surface were selected by a bacterial surface The filters were then placed in Swinnex 13-mm-diameter
immunofluorescent-antibody test using a GIBCO BRL filter holders (Millipore), mounted via a needle and rubber
Screenfast apparatus (18). The surface of each well was stopper on a manifold, and washed under vacuum (up to 85
precoated with poly-L-lysine (molecular weight, 141,000; 3 kPa) with 5 ml of PBS. Control samples (bacteria diluted in
,ug/100 pul of PBS; Sigma Chemical Co.) to ensure strong supernatant from 1:10-diluted pitching yeast centrifuged at
adsorption of the pediococci. A mixture of 21 MAbs reacting 5,100 x g) and test samples were added to individual filters.
with the surface of Pediococcus strain BSO 77 was used After the sample fluid was drawn through, each filter was
(equal volumes of tissue culture fluid from all of the hybrid- washed under vacuum with 5 ml of PBS. The vacuum was
oma cell lines were pooled). The epitope specificities of released, and 200 ,ul of the bacterial surface-reactive MAb
these MAbs were not determined. pool was added to each filter. After 1 h, the filters were
Contamination. Concentrated yeast slurry containing ap- washed under vacuum with 5 ml of PBS containing 10% calf
proximately 5 x 108 yeast CFU/ml was experimentally serum. Fluorescein-conjugated Affinipure goat anti-mouse
contaminated with various numbers of Pediococcus strain immunoglobulin G+M (heavy and light chains) antibodies
BSO 77 suspended in sterile 0.1% Bacto Peptone (Difco (Jackson Immunoresearch Laboratories Inc.), diluted 1:100
Laboratories). The contaminated yeast samples were then in PBS containing 2% bovine serum albumin, were prefil-
diluted 1:10 with sterile 0.1% Bacto Peptone. tered through a 0.45-pum-pore-size membrane filter, and 200
Enumeration. Viable counts of yeast and bacteria were pul was added to each filter unit. After 1 h, vacuum was
determined by filtration through 0.45-p.m-pore-size, 47-mm- applied and the filters were washed with 5 ml of PBS
diameter GN-6 membrane filters (Gelman Sciences Inc.), containing 10% calf serum. The filters were dried under
and the filters were incubated on wort agar for enumeration vacuum, transferred to a glass slide, and overlaid with
of yeast cells or on deMan-Rogosa-Sharpe agar with 10 mg of glycerol-PBS (1:1). After a coverslip was placed over the
cycloheximide per ml added (9) for enumeration of pedio- filter, the presence of pediococci with surface-bound MAb
cocci. Counts were done in triplicate by using dilutions that was determined by fluorescence microscopy at x 1,000 mag-
gave 20 to 200 colonies per filter. Incubations of 2 to 2.5 days nification under oil using a Nikon Labophot Biological
for yeast and 5 days for the Pediococcus strain used gave Microscope.
colonies large enough to count. In preliminary experiments, 1:10-diluted contaminated
Separation of bacteria and yeast by centrifugation. A 9-ml pitching yeast was centrifuged at 3, 11, and 23 x g for 10 min
volume of 1:10-diluted experimentally contaminated pitching and the pediococci and yeast cells remaining in the top 1 ml
yeast was placed in a 12-ml conical glass centrifuge tube. of the sample were enumerated. Starting with approximately
After vortexing to ensure homogeneity, each sample was 106 pediococci per ml, bacterial recovery was about 60%
centrifuged in an IEC CL centrifuge (International Equip- after centrifugation at 23 x g but 10 to 20% higher following
ment Company) at 11 x g (850 rpm) for 10 min. The top 5-ml centrifugation at 3 or 11 x g. Yeast removal from samples
portions of the samples were pooled and centrifuged at 5,100 initially containing some 5 x 107 yeast cells per ml was
x g (5,000 rpm; IEC CS centrifuge) for 20 min to pellet the 99.80, 99.96, and 99.99% after centrifugation at 3, 11, and 23
bacteria. The supernatant was decanted, and the bacteria x g, respectively. On the basis of these findings, centrifu-
were suspended in 0.6 ml of sterile PBS. gation at 11 x g was selected for use in further experiments.
Membrane immunofluorescent-antibody test (MIFAT). The After centrifugation at 11 x g for 10 min, bacterial
MIFAT used was an adaptation of that described by Gares recovery and yeast removal in the top 1, 2.5, and 5 ml of
(5). All manipulations were done at room temperature. supernatant were determined for yeast samples contam-
Black, grid-equipped 13-mm-diameter, 0.45-p.m-pore-size inated with bacteria at levels ranging from approximately 103
Millipore cellulose acetate-nitrate filters were soaked in PBS to 107 CFU/ml (Table 1). Regardless of the supernatant
VOL. 58, 1992 NOTES 715

TABLE 2. MIFAT of pediococci in experimentally

contaminated pitching yeast

Starting Recovery Avg count/ Ratioc

CFU/filtera Reovr
(%) field (no.
Test 3.44 x 104 2.84 x 105 82.6 47.5 (30) 1.7
Controld 2.83 x 104 1.94 x 105 68.6 45.5 (30) 2.3
Test 3.94 x 103 3.09 x 104 78.4 8.0 (50) 2.6
Control 4.40 x 103 3.46 x 104 78.6 9.9 (50) 2.9
Test 5.40 x 102 4.16 x 103 77.0 0.% (50) 2.3
Control 4.16 x 102 2.87 x 103 68.9 1.12 (50) 3.9
A 10-ml volume was filtered.
b Field area = 0.015 mm2 at x 1,000 magnification.
c (Average count per field)/(CFU per filter) x 1O-4.
d MIFAT of pediococci in supernatant of 1:10-diluted pitching yeast clari-
fied at 5,100 x g.

volume taken at a given infection level, there was little

difference in the number of bacteria recovered or the number FIG. 1. Pediococci in pitching yeast supernatant detected by a
of yeast cells removed per milliliter. Likewise, regardless of MIFAT. The sample contained approximately 5 x 107 yeast cells
the numbers of pediococci added, only small differences per ml and 5.40 x 10' pediococci per ml. The cells of the centrally
were seen in the percentages of bacteria recovered. Overall, located Pediococcus dyad each have a diameter of approximately
centrifugation at 11 x g gave a supernatant which retained 0.6 ,um.
approximately 75% of the input bacteria but only 0.03% of
the input yeast cells.
Filtration of supernatant from the centrifugation at 11 x g
through a 13-mm-diameter, 0.45-,um-pore-size filter was not An important aspect of the present protocol is the second
successful. The initial 1 ml filtered, but the flow rate then centrifugation at 5,100 x g to concentrate the pediococci in
decreased rapidly. As particulate matter smaller than bacte- the yeast-depleted supernatant. Incorporating this step al-
ria likely contributed to progressive blockage of the filter, we lowed more of the 11 x g supernatant to be handled per
tested whether pelleting the bacteria at 5,100 x g, with filter, effectively increasing the sensitivity of the MIFAT. It
resuspension in a small volume of PBS, would allow filtra- is likely that the second centrifugation left in the supernatant
tion of 10 ml of supernatant clarified at 11 x g. This approach some particulate material smaller than bacteria, which con-
was successful, meaning that a MIFAT could be immedi- tributed to filter blockage. In any event, the smaller fluid
ately run to detect the trapped bacteria. As shown in Table volume (i.e., 1 versus 10 ml) was rapidly filtered. That the
2, pediococci at low levels in pitching yeast and control washing steps effectively removed unbound MAbs and un-
samples were readily enumerated by fluorescence micros- bound fluoresceinated indicator antibody is shown by the
copy. Bacteria trapped on the filter occurred as singles, clean background in Fig. 1.
dyads, tetrads, and occasionally as multicellular clumps. Also seen in Fig. 1 are the unstained ghostlike shapes of
Each of these was counted as a single colony to correlate residual yeast cells and particulate matter. Given the com-
with enumeration data. The appearance of a dyad against a paratively smaller diameter of the pediococci, it might be
background of residual nonfluorescing yeast cells and me- suspected that some bacteria would be hidden from view.
dium debris is shown in Fig. 1. That this occurs to a limited extent is shown by the ratio
We have shown that pediococci and yeast cells can be analysis in Table 2. At each level of experimental contami-
effectively separated by 10 min of centrifugation at 11 x g nation shown, the ratio for the test sample containing yeast
(Table 1). To our knowledge, only one other investigator has cells and pediococci was less than the ratio for the control
used low-speed centrifugation to separate bacteria and yeast sample. However, comparison of ratios for the test and
cells in samples of contaminated pitching yeast. Shimwell control samples reveals that this effect does not result in a
(16) used this approach so that bacteria could be Gram major loss of MIFAT sensitivity. From Table 2 and other
stained. However, Shimwell did not detail the centrifugal data (not shown), it was found that between 60 and 80% of
force used nor the duration of centrifugation required to the pediococci trapped on the filters were visible.
achieve optimal separation of bacteria and yeast cells. At high contamination levels (>105 bacteria per ml),
Ideal differential centrifugation would remove all of the accurate enumeration of pediococci was not possible be-
yeast cells and leave all of the bacteria behind. Although the cause of decaying fluorescence, making it difficult to distin-
low-speed centrifugations tested should not pellet pedio- guish bacteria already counted. At lower contamination
cocci, we observed that recovery of bacteria from experi- levels (<104 bacteria per ml; Table 2), the number of bacteria
mentally contaminated pitching yeast samples was always present per field could be accurately determined before the
less than 100% (Table 1). This loss of bacteria is probably fluorescence faded. While we have shown (Table 2) that
due to simple entrapment of bacteria among the much larger, approximately 500 pediococci per ml in the original yeast
rapidly sedimenting yeast cells. Because of this, it is impor- sample resulted in one bacterium per field, it must be
tant to use a reasonable working dilution of the initial emphasized that each field at x 1,000 magnification repre-
concentrated pitching yeast slurry. As shown here, a 1:10 sents only approximately 0.02% of the total filter area
dilution giving approximately 4 x 107 yeast cells per ml involved in trapping bacteria. This means that by scanning
resulted in good recovery of bacteria following centrifuga- the filter, contamination levels of pediococci down to 10
tion at 11 x g. bacteria per ml can be readily detected.

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