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NAME: _____________________________________________________ SCORE: ___________

GRADE LEVEL AND SECTION: ___________________________________ DATE: ____________


SY 2022-2023

DIRECTIONS: Read the questions carefully. Choose the best answer from the given choices. Write the letter of
your corresponding answer to your answer sheet.

1. Which characteristic of magma mainly 8. Excessively explosive type of eruption of gas

determines its explosiveness? and pyroclastic, just like Mt. Pinatubo in
A. color C. amount Zambales.
B. temperature D. silica content 9. A periodic weak to violent eruption
characterized by fountain lava.
2. Which characteristic of a volcano depends on 10. How is energy from volcanoes tapped as a
its magma emission? source of electricity?
A. age B. size C. shape D. A. Heat causes the water to turn into
location steam
B. Steam causes the turbines to turn
3. Which factor is associated with huge volcanic C. Generator changes the mechanical
eruptions that may cause the decrease in the energy to electrical energy
Earth’s average temperature for a few years? D. All of the above
A. heat C. light
B. acid rain D. volcanic ash
11. By what process can a volcanic eruption
affect temperature around the world?
4. A thick layer of volcanic ash can be heavy
A. When a volcano ejects so much sulfur dioxide
enough to collapse the roofs of buildings
and ash
because ash ________.
B. They prevent the sunlight from reaching the
A. is solid.
Earth’s surface
B. cannot be blown by winds.
C. Decrease in temperature, not only in volcano
C. becomes heavier as it cools.
but also around the world
D. consists of tiny fragments of rocks that
D. All of the choices
becomes heavy as they pile up.
12. What causes a shield volcano to be shaped
5. A volcano that has erupted within the last
like a broad dome?
600 years and 10,000 years
A. It is formed from lava emission, its fluid
I. Active volcano III. Dormant
flows easily and travel far resulting in a wide
base with shallow slope
II. Inactive Volcano IV. Extinct Volcano
B. Repeated eruption of lava, materials
A. I only C. III only
pile up in alternate layer
B. I, II D. I , II, III, IV
C. From when materials erupts from the
central vents and pile up around it
6. Which characteristic of magma mainly affect
D. Both A and B
the explosiveness of volcanic eruption?
I. Color
13.How will you describe the slope of Pinatubo
II. Temperature
III. Water and silica content A. Stratovolcano C. Cone-shape
IV. Amount B. Dome D. Cinder
A. I , II, III, IV C. I , II
B. I , II , III D. II only 14. How does the eruption of a volcano lower
the atmospheric temperature?
For items 7-9. Identify the type of eruption A. Sulfur dioxide and ash are carried away by
describes by the following: wind during volcanic eruption.
A. Phreatic/hydrothermal B. As the wind circulates, it may block the
B. Vulcanian sunlight causing a decrease in the Earth’s
C. Plinian
C. Molten rocks, smoke, gases, and ashes are
D. Strombolian
7. Is a steam driven eruption as the hot rocks D. Both A and B
come in contact with water.
15. How do stars appear to move in the night
A. Stars seem to move from North to
B. Stars seem to move from West to East
C. Stars seem to move from East to West
D. All of these

16. The scientific study of volcanoes is called…

A. Vulcanian Eruptions
B. Geology
C. Volcanology
D. Volcanic Activity

17. What is the major difference between a

mountain and a volcano?
A. A mountain is higher than a volcano
_______22. The steam cools off in a cooling
B. Unlike mountains, volcanic areas cannot
tower and condenses back to water.
support plant and animals.
_______23. When the water reaches the
C. A volcano has a vent from which rocks
surface, the pressure is dropped, which causes
and molten materials are released
the water to turn into steam.
D. A volcano can be found on land and
_______24. Hot water is pumped from deep
under the sea while mountain is always on top.
underground through a well under high
pressure. _______25. The cooled water is
18. The type of volcano that is commonly found
pumped back into the Earth to begin the
in the Pacific Ring of Fire is:
process again.
A. cinder volcano C. shield
_______26. The steam spins a turbine, which is
connected to a generator that produces
B. scoria cone D.
Given below are the advantages and
19. The semi-molten rock underneath a volcano
disadvantages of using geothermal energy.
is called
Write [X] red if the statement describes about
A. geyser C. lava
the disadvantage of geothermal energy. and [√]
B. lahar D. magma
b if the statement describes one of the
advantages of geothermal energy.
20. When magma is thick with more dissolved
_______ 27. renewable source of energy
we can expect the volcanic eruptions to be
_______ 28. no fuel needed
_______ 29. environmental issues
A. Oozing ash and lava
_______ 30. stable and reliable
B. lava frothing over the crater
_______ 31. save energy
C. spewing water like a geyser
_______ 32. sustainability issue
D. violent ejection of ash and lava
_______ 33. it does not depend on a weather
21. Geothermal energy is a clean and renewable
_______ 34. available 365 days, less
source of energy that can be used by harnessing
interruption of
heated water from within the earth and
electricity supply
converting it to steam so that it can move
_______ 35. High or expensive investment
turbines and generate
_______ 36. Small land footprint
A. electricity C. potable
Complete the chart below to show how heat
B. ice D. rain
from the earth is tapped as a source of
electricity in a power plant.
For Nos. 22-26. Analyze the illustration of a
Geothermal Plant. Use letters A-E to arrange the
40. ____
statements below describing how the Steam
Heat Heat
Geothermal Power Plant works. from causes causes Changes
the the
inside the
the water _____
al energy
_____ to to
turn to spin
(37) into or turn

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