Gram-Negative Bacterial Membrane Vesicle Release in Response To The Host-Environment: Different Threats, Same Trick?

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Critical Reviews in Microbiology

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Gram-negative bacterial membrane vesicle release

in response to the host-environment: different
threats, same trick?

Charlotte Volgers, Paul H. M. Savelkoul & Frank R. M. Stassen

To cite this article: Charlotte Volgers, Paul H. M. Savelkoul & Frank R. M. Stassen (2018)
Gram-negative bacterial membrane vesicle release in response to the host-environment:
different threats, same trick?, Critical Reviews in Microbiology, 44:3, 258-273, DOI:

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VOL. 44, NO. 3, 258–273


Gram-negative bacterial membrane vesicle release in response to the

host-environment: different threats, same trick?
Charlotte Volgersa, Paul H. M. Savelkoula,b and Frank R. M. Stassena
Department of Medical Microbiology, School of Nutrition and Translational Research in Metabolism (NUTRIM), Maastricht University
Medical Centre, Maastricht, The Netherlands; bDepartment of Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, VU University Medical
Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands


Bacteria are confronted with a multitude of stressors when occupying niches within the host. Received 26 April 2017
These stressors originate from host defense mechanisms, other bacteria during niche competition Revised 23 June 2017
or result from physiological challenges such as nutrient limitation. To counteract these stressors, Accepted 6 July 2017
bacteria have developed a stress-induced network to mount the adaptations required for survival. Published online 24 July
These stress-induced adaptations include the release of membrane vesicles from the bacterial
envelope. Membrane vesicles can provide bacteria with a plethora of immediate and ultimate KEYWORDS
benefits for coping with environmental stressors. This review addresses how membrane vesicles Bacterial-host interactions;
aid Gram-negative bacteria to cope with host-associated stress factors, focusing on vesicle bio- bacterial-stress responses;
genesis and the physiological functions. As many of the pathways, that drive vesicle biogenesis, commensals; membrane
confer we propose that shedding of membrane vesicles by Gram-negative bacteria entails an vesicles; pathogens
integrated part of general stress responses.

‘If you had to define stress, it would not be far off if lipids and proteins and contain periplasmic and cyto-
you said it was the process of living. The process of plasmic components. Membrane vesicles are implicated
living is the process of having stress and reacting to it’.
in many physiological and pathological processes as
Stanley J. Sarnoff.
they can provide bacteria with means to acquire
nutrients, aid in niche competition with other bacteria,
1. Introduction provide protection against anti-bacterial components,
and act as carriers of virulence factors (Kuehn and Kesty
Being single cell organisms, bacteria are constantly 2005; MacDonald and Kuehn 2012; Schwechheimer and
exposed to a variety of stressors. During niche occupa- Kuehn 2015). Despite its high physiological relevance,
tion within the host, stress can be caused by defense only few studies have addressed the kinetics and
mechanisms (host-associated and/or bacterial) and by physiological activity of membrane vesicles directly in
passive stress caused by the host physiology, e.g. due the context of infection. Hence, it remains poorly under-
to a limited nutrient availability (Brogden 2005; Rohmer stood how bacteria utilize membrane vesicles to cope
et al. 2011; Freestone 2013; Cobey 2014; Ribet and with the host environment. In this review, we
Cossart 2015). To cope with these stressors, bacteria address the question how membrane vesicles aid Gram-
have developed an integrated network of stress- negative bacteria to endure host-associated stressors.
induced pathways to mount adaptations that aid sur- To get a better insight in this, the following three ques-
vival (Rowley et al. 2006). A frequently observed tions will be addressed: (1) what are the processes
response to various stressors is the release of bacterial involved in vesicle biogenesis, (2) how are these proc-
membrane vesicles from the cell envelope (Deatherage esses triggered by host-associated factors, and (3) how
et al. 2009; Kulp et al. 2012; Schwechheimer and Kuehn can membrane vesicles contribute to the mechanisms
2015). These nanosized (10–300 nm) membrane vesicles which are being used by bacteria to deal with host-
are released from the envelope, consist of envelope associated stressors.

CONTACT Frank R. M. Stassen Department of medical microbiology, P. Debyelaan 25, 6229 HZ Maastricht, The
ß 2017 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License (
nc-nd/4.0/), which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, and is not altered, transformed,
or built upon in any way.

Figure 1. Summary of the three major models for membrane vesicle formation by Gram-negative bacteria. Model A proposes
that the release of membrane vesicles occurs when mechanisms for maintenance of membrane asymmetry are compromised.
Model B entails mechanisms for vesicles biogenesis that are induced by accumulated misfolded or unfolded proteins. Model C is
based on the formation of membrane vesicles as the result of LPS modifications triggered by intrinsic or extrinsic factors. For
each of the models the most important factors shown to be involved in vesicle formation are indicated as well as how they are
involved in phospholipid (Model A) or misfolded protein (Model B) trafficking. The gray spheres represent the stress factors that
have been shown to trigger vesicle formation. This figure was created using Servier Medical Art.

2. Biogenesis of membrane vesicles by  Model C entails that membrane vesicles are formed
Gram-negative bacteria because of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) modifications
induced by intrinsic and extrinsic factors (Figure 1
Membrane vesicles are released from the bacterial
Model C).
envelope. Factors that compromise mechanisms for
The most important aspects of these models will be
envelope maintenance, e.g. by affecting protein or lipid
transport, are known to drive the formation of mem- covered in the following paragraphs, as a starting point
brane vesicles (as reviewed in Schwechheimer and to assess how vesicle biogenesis is affected by host-
Kuehn (2015)). As is shown in Figure 1, the Gram-nega- associated factors.
tive envelope is composed of an inner glycerophospho-
lipid bilayer, a peptidoglycan layer, and an outer 2.1. Model A: vesicle biogenesis induced by a
membrane composed of a glycerophospholipid and a compromised maintenance of envelope lipid
lipooligosaccharide layer. The space that separates the asymmetry
outer and inner membrane is termed the periplasmic
space (Silhavy et al. 2006; Henderson et al. 2016). The Envelope stability is established by carefully organized
mechanisms responsible for membrane vesicle biogen- lipid interactions and the maintenance of envelope lipid
esis can be categorized into three models. asymmetry (Silhavy et al. 2006; Henderson et al. 2016).
These interactions take place between lipids of the
 Model A proposes that vesicle formation is trig- outer membrane and the peptidoglycan layer, the pep-
gered when mechanisms for the maintenance of tidoglycan layer and the Tol-Pal complex, and the pep-
lipid asymmetry are compromised (Figure 1 tidoglycan layer and outer membrane proteins (Omps)
Model A). such as Omp A and Braun’s lipoprotein (lpp), as is
 Model B implies that membrane vesicle formation is shown in Figure 1. Modifications which affect lipid inter-
induced by the accumulation of misfolded or actions in the envelope will result in the release of
unfolded proteins in the outer membrane (Figure 1 membrane vesicles as has been demonstrated elegantly
Model B). by Deatherage et al. in Salmonella typhimurium

(Deatherage et al. 2009). Moreover, they demonstrated of membrane vesicles: (1) the sigma factor E (rE)
that modifications, which reduce the number of outer response, (2) the two-component regulator Cpx
membrane-peptidoglycan interactions during division, response, and (3) the phage shock response (McBroom
lead to an increased membrane vesicle formation and Kuehn 2007).
(Deatherage et al. 2009). Also, decreased interactions The rE and Cpx pathways, which are both activated
between membrane lipids and peptidoglycan-associ- by misfolded outer membrane proteins, generally con-
ated proteins in the envelope have been shown to tribute to bacterial pathogenesis and are required for
increase vesiculation. This is supported by several lines the generation of resistance to a wide variety of stres-
of evidence. First, the deletion of genes that encode sors (Rowley et al. 2006). Genes under the control of rE
either one of the peptidoglycan-associated proteins and Cpx partially overlap and encode proteins that are
Oprl (the homolog of lpp), OmpA, Pal or TolA in involved in the degradation and folding of envelope
Pseudomonas aeruginosa resulted an increased vesicle polypeptides (e.g. proteases and chaperones) and pro-
formation (Schooling and Beveridge 2006; Wessel et al. teins involved in the formation and modulation of LPS.
2013). Similarly, TolA, TolQ, and Tol/Pal deletion mutants For the rE pathway, impairments have been shown to
of Escherichia coli are characterized by an increased ves- result in the accumulation of misfolded outer mem-
icle formation (Bernadac et al. 1998; Balsalobre et al. brane proteins and an increased vesicle release. This
2006; Pietras and Jagusztyn-krynicka 2009). Moreover, was observed for E. coli and P. aeruginosa where muta-
OmpA deletion mutants of E. coli, Salmonella spp., Vibrio tions in RpoE (which encodes the rE) and AlgU (that
cholera, and Acinobacter baumanni also show an encodes the P. aeruginosa rE homolog, sigma factor H)
increased vesicle release (Sonntag et al. 1978; Song promoted vesicle release (McBroom and Kuehn 2007;
et al. 2008; Deatherage et al. 2009; Moon et al. 2012). MacDonald and Kuehn 2013). In E. coli, increased vesicu-
Other factors that have been shown to be involved lation was also observed upon deletion of the periplas-
in the maintenance of the envelope lipid asymmetry are mic sensor proteases RseA, DegS, and RseP which are
components of ABC-transporters such as the VacJ/YrbC- involved in the recognition of unfolded/misfolded or
transporter (Silhavy et al. 2006; Henderson et al. 2016). accumulated free outer membrane proteins (Alba et al.
Recently, it has been shown in a study by Roier et al. 2002; McBroom et al. 2006; Sohn et al. 2009; Kim 2015).
that deletion or downregulation of the VacJ/YrbC-ABC Other important components of the rE pathway are the
transporter results in the formation of membrane protease/chaperone proteins known as DegP (E. coli)
vesicles by Haemophilus influenzae and V. cholerae and MucD (P. aeruginosa). DegP and MucD mutants
(Roier et al. 2016). For E. coli, this VacJ/YrbC-transporter strains proved unable to control the amount of
homolog is known as the Mla (Maintance of outer mem- unfolded membrane proteins and exhibited an
brane lipid asymmetry) transporter (Malinverni and increased vesiculation (Mogensen and Otzen 2005;
Silhavy 2009). Studies on E. coli mutants with deletions McBroom and Kuehn 2007; Tashiro et al. 2009).
in genes that encode Mla pathway proteins confirm Vesicle formation is also affected by the Cpx stress
that this transporter is involved in the formation of response in a similar fashion as the rE response as dele-
membrane vesicles (Roier et al. 2016). Further evidence tion mutants of Cpx showed an increased vesicle forma-
that a compromised functionality of this transporter tion which implies this pathway inhibits processes that
enhances vesiculation is provided by Martorana et al. induce vesiculation (McBroom and Kuehn 2007).
who showed that deletion or repression of components The release of membrane vesicles can also be affected
of the Mla transporter results in outer membrane by other extra-cytoplasmic stress responses such as the
phospholipid accumulation (Martorana et al. 2014), phage shock response that confers protection against e.g.
which is a well-known inducer for vesicle formation hydrophobic organic solvents, ethanol, high temperature,
(Schwechheimer and Kuehn 2015; Roier et al. 2016). a high pH, and phage infection (Rowley et al. 2006). For
example, exposure of S. typhimurium to 10% ethanol or E.
coli to an increased temperatures or T4-bacteriophage
2.2. Model B: vesicle biogenesis induced by
infection have all been shown to lead to increased vesicle
accumulated envelope components and extra-
release (Loeb and Kilner 1978; McBroom and Kuehn 2007;
cytoplasmic stress responses
Manning and Kuehn 2011).
Extra-cytoplasmic stress responses collectively describe To conclude model B proposes a model for vesiculation
mechanisms which respond to stress in systems located in response to stressors that induce the accumulation of
in the cell envelope, but outside the cytoplasm (Rowley envelope components and/or as a consequence of inad-
et al. 2006; Ruiz et al. 2006). To date, three important equate coping with extra-cytoplasmic stress responses
stress responses have been shown to affect the release leading to accumulated envelope components.

2.3. Model C: vesicle biogenesis induced by factors 2010). Moreover, it has been shown that the LPS pheno-
that interact with or induce LPS modifications type has a major impact on the formation of membrane
vesicles. For P. aeruginosa, it has been shown that there
The stability of the outer membrane is critically deter-
are two types of LPS expressed, namely a short form
mined by interactions between LPS molecules on the
(A-band LPS) and a longer form (B-band LPS) that has a
surface of the outer membrane. The number and
high negative charge. This length and charge are deter-
strength of these LPS-LPS interactions relies on the
mined by the O-antigen (Lam et al. 2011). Strikingly,
structure of LPS. Typically, LPS is composed of three
only the B-band LPS was found to be present in natur-
domains: (1) lipid A that is anchored in the outer mem-
ally formed membrane vesicles. Furthermore, P. aerugi-
brane, (2) the core domain that is linked to lipid A by
nosa strains that only expressed the A-band LPS
the 3-deoxy-D-manno-oct-2-ulosonic acid (Kdo), and
showed a diminished vesicle release (Haurat et al.
(3) the O-antigen (see Figure 1 Model C). The core
2015). For S. typhimurium and E. coli it has been shown
domain and O-antigen protrude into the extracellular
that LPS lipid A modifications are controlled by the
environment. two-component system PhoPQ (Guo et al. 1997;
LPS-LPS interactions are based on salt bridges Groisman 2001). This PhoPQ system is conserved in
formed by cations (e.g. Mg2þ and Ca2þ) between the many Gram-negative bacterial species and senses low
terminal phosphates located at the lipid A domain, and extracellular levels of Mg2þ and antimicrobial peptides
anionic sites on the core region of LPS (Alexander and such as polymyxin B (as reviewed by Groisman
Rietschel 2001). External factors that affect these salt (Groisman 2001)). Direct evidence for the involvement
bridges and the LPS phenotype or conformation have of PhoPQ in vesicle biogenesis was provided by studies
been shown to affect the vesicle production. It has that demonstrated an increased vesicle formation by
been posed that the mechanism by which this occurs S. typhimurium and E. coli strains which overexpress the
depends on an increased membrane bending as the PhoPQ-induced components PagL and PagC (enzymes
result of a) charge repulsion between two LPS moieties that de-acylate lipid A), respectively (Kitagawa et al.
(Mashburn-Warren and Whiteley 2006; Mashburn- 2010; Elhenawy et al. 2016). Importantly, this was shown
Warren et al. 2008; MacDonald and Kuehn 2013) and/or to occur independently of the re and Cpx stress
b) the incorporation of certain external factors into the responses (Elhenawy et al. 2016).
outer membrane (Mashburn-Warren et al. 2008; An extensive assessment of the outer membrane ves-
Schertzer and Whiteley 2012). icle release by E. coli identified many enzymes of the
Charge repulsion depends on the orientation and LPS biogenesis pathway to be involved in the formation
composition of LPS (e.g. lipid A phosphorylation status of membrane vesicles (Kulp et al. 2015). Several studies
and composition of the O-antigen) and can be neutral- show an increased vesiculation on PagL overexpression:
ized by the formation of salt bridges (Kadurugamuwa PagL is known to remove a secondary acyl group from
and Beveridge 1997; Mashburn-Warren et al. 2008). the 3th position (Brozek and Raetz 1990; Kawasaki et al.
Moreover, the acylation status can also affect the 2004; Trent 2004; Elhenawy et al. 2016). This is in line
release of membrane vesicles. Elhenawy et al. proposed with the proposed model that the de-acylation pattern
that this is mediated by the conformational change of of lipid A alters the orientation of lipid A, which results
LPS from cone-shaped towards a more cylindrical in an increased membrane curvature (Schromm et al.
shape. Consequently, the negative charged groups (e.g. 2000; Zimmerberg and Kozlov 2006; Elhenawy
the phosphate groups on lipid A) are then brought in a et al. 2016). However, as was suggested by Elhenawy
closer proximity, resulting in charge repulsion and et al. conditions that result in activation of PagL by
increased membrane bending (Elhenawy et al. 2016). PhoPQ perhaps also lead to the activation of other lipid
The factors that have been shown to induce the vesicu- A modifying enzymes. So, although de-acylation itself
lation as well as the consequences of the LPS/LOS com- can result in an increased membrane vesicle release, it
position will be discussed below in more detail. is possible that these effects are cancelled-out by other
External factors that act on LPS are cationic anti- lipid A modifications. Moreover, de-acylated lipid A
microbial peptides and cations such as Mg2þ. The cat- (LpxM deletion mutants) or monophosphorylated
ionic antimicrobial peptides will be addressed in the penta-acylated mutants (LpxM/LpxF double deletions
paragraph on antimicrobial peptide-induced vesicle mutants) did not show or only showed a slightly
release (vide infra). Cations like Mg2þ have been shown increased vesiculation as compared to wild-type bac-
to support the stability of outer membrane and add- teria ((Chen et al. 2016; Lee et al. 2016) and personal
ition of MgCl2 to E. coli cultures was found to repress communication with Dr. SH. Kim and Prof. M. DeLisa,
the production of membrane vesicles (Tashiro et al. respectively).

Bacteria can modulate their LPS in response to their uptake, and stress (van de Waterbeemd et al. 2013).
environment, which include changes in temperature, Based on this, the authors proposed that cysteine
pH, MgCl2, NaCl, phosphate, sucrose concentrations, depletion impairs the sulfur supply required to produce
oxygen stress, and exposure to antimicrobial peptides iron-sulfur complexes and that this results in oxidative
(Kropinski et al. 1987; McGroarty and Rivera 1990; stress and the formation of membrane vesicles.
Makin and Beveridge 1996; Sabra et al. 2003; Nutrient depletion in general causes oxidative stress
Henderson et al. 2016). Moreover, LPS modifications can which results in the induction of extra-cytoplasmic
also result from the activation of other pathways that stress responses (Model B) (Rowley et al. 2006). It is pos-
affect vesiculation, such as a compromised functioning sible that oxidative stress affects membrane vesicle for-
of the Tol-Pal system or ABC transporters as these mation by modulation of the LPS biosynthesis (Model
mechanisms are involved in the biogenesis and/or C) as the oxidative stress induced genes OxyR and
transport of lipopolysaccharide components (Gaspar SoxRS (Cabiscol et al. 2000) were found to induce the
et al. 2000; Vines et al. 2005; Pietras and Jagusztyn-kry- expression of genes involved in lipid A and peptidogly-
nicka 2009). Therefore, it will be highly relevant to can biosynthesis, metal ion transport, and amino-acid
determine how the bacterial 'vesiculation' phenotype is biosynthesis (Seo et al. 2015). Moreover, it was found
shaped by the environment, not only with a focus on that iron-limiting conditions induce an increased vesicle
the LPS phenotype but also on outer membrane charac- biogenesis by downregulating the VacJ/Yrb compo-
teristics that comprise the accumulation of misfolded nents of the VacJ/Yrb ABC transporter (Roier et al.
proteins and the maintenance of the lipid asymmetry. 2016). Thus, nutrient deprivation can also affect proc-
esses involved in the maintenance of the lipid asym-
metry (Model A). Oxidative stress is also induced by
3. Bacterial vesicle release in response to
other physiological conditions than nutrient depriv-
host-associated environmental factors
ation, therefore vesiculation induced by oxidative stress
The previous paragraphs summarized various studies in will be discussed in more detail in the section on
which deletion mutants were used to provide insights physiological stressors. Whether environmental stressors
in processes at the bacterial envelope that drive the for- trigger one common mechanism for membrane vesicle
mation of membrane vesicles. The next step will be to formation or whether there are different processes on
determine how this can be integrated into physiological the membrane that account for vesicle formation is still
conditions. Essential progress is made by studies that largely unknown.
performed transcriptome analysis of bacteria upon
exposure to environmental stressors that are known to
3.2. Antimicrobial peptides and antibiotics
induce the release of membrane vesicles. When gene
expression profiles of Neisseria meningitidis in response Increased membrane vesicle formation in response to
to several stressors were assessed, high resemblance antimicrobial peptides and antibiotics is a well-
was observed between the gene expression profiles of described phenomenon. The antimicrobial peptides
cysteine-deprived bacteria, bacteria exposed to oxida- are classified and addressed here as bacteria-derived
tive stress, heat shock or iron depletion, and bacteria (i.e. quinolines, quinolones, and polymyxins: cationic
during interaction with host-cells (van de Waterbeemd antibiotics produced by Paenibacillus polymyxa), host-
et al. 2013). This indicates that pathways induced by associated (i.e. lysozyme), or cationic antibiotics (i.e.
these stressors congregate and that the formation of aminoglycosides). Generally, the peptides and the anti-
outer membrane vesicles can form an integrated part of biotics that trigger the formation of membrane vesicles
general stress responses. In the following paragraphs, have been shown to be cell envelope-directed, to
we will address how host-related factors such as nutri- induce the SOS response (oxidative stress), to alter the
ent availability and antibacterial components affect the LPS structure, or a combination of the above (Kohanski
membrane vesicle release (summarized in Table 1). et al. 2010). Therefore, they can trigger the vesicle for-
mation by one of the three models described above (A:
lipid asymmetry maintenance, B: extra-cytoplasmic
3.1. Nutrient deprivation
stress responses or C: LPS modification).
A study by van de Waterbeemd et al. demonstrated Bacteria-derived antimicrobial peptides, that have
that cysteine depletion induces growth phase transition been shown to induce the release of membrane
from the logarithmic into the stationary phase and that vesicles, are quinolones, quinolines, and polymyxins.
this results in an upregulation of genes related to oxida- Quinolones and quinolines are part of the quorum sens-
tive stress including the iron-sulfur cluster, metal ion ing system which allows bacteria to communicate and
Table 1. Host-cell associated stress factors that have been shown to induce membrane vesicle release.
Category Effector Through Induces Stress response Species References
Nutrient deprivation and growth phase
Cysteine depletion Growth phase transition Oxidative stress Putatively via through N.meningitis (Roier et al. 2016)
extracytoplasmic stress
responses and lipid
asymmetry (VacJ/Yrb
ABC transporter)
Iron limitation Iron uptake Lipid asymmetry (VacJ/Yrb Vibrio cholerae and H. (Roier et al. 2016)
ABC transporter) influenzae
Low cation levels destabilization of cation- LPS modification E. coli (Tashiro et al. 2009)

Antimicrobial peptides and antibiotics

Bacteria derived Quinoline PQS Destabilization of cation- LPS modification P. aeruginosa (Mashburn-Warren
bridges et al. 2008;
MacDonald 2013)
Host associated Lysozyme Muramidase activity Acts on peptidoglycan Unknown P. aeruginosa and (McCaig et al. 2013;
Cationic antimicrobial peptide Putatively induces Putatively LPS modification Francisella novicida Metruccio et al.
PhoPQ (Macfarlene 2016)
et al. 2000; Bader
et al. 2005; Kwon and
Lu 2006; Gellatly
et al. 2012)
Antibiotics Polymyxin B and Destabilization of cation- LPS modification P. aeruginosa and E. (Fernandez et al.
colistin bridges coli 2010; Kitagawa
et al. 2010)
Gentamicin Destabilization of cation- LPS modification P. aeruginosa (Martin and
bridges Beveridge 1986)
Amikacin Destabilization of LPS-LPS LPS modification P. aeruginosa (Walker and
bonds Beveridge 1988)
Ciprofloxacin DNA damage and SOS stress Oxidative stress Putatively by inducing the P. aeruginosa (Maredia et al. 2012)
response and LPS modification
Mitomycin C DNA damage and SOS stress Oxidative stress Putatively through extracy- Shigella dysenteriae (Kogoma et al. 1979;
response toplasmic stress Dutta et al. 2004;
responses and LPS Gray et al. 2014)
D-cycloserin AlgU activation Extracytoplasmic stress P. aeruginosa (MacDonald and
responses Kuehn 2013)

Physiological stressors
Oxidative stress Putatively through extracy- P. aeruginosa and N. (Vines et al. 2005;
toplasmic stress meningitis Mashburn-Warren
responses and LPS et al. 2008)
Temperature Putatively through accumu- P. aeruginosa and E. (McBroom et al. 2006;
lated misfolded proteins, coli Mashburn-Warren
lipid asymmetry, or et al. 2008)
altered LPS composition
Increased oxygen Oxidative stress Putatively through extracy- P. aeruginosa (Sabra et al. 2002,
availability toplasmic stress 2003)

responses and LPS

Other host-associated environmental factors

Norepinephrine Unknown Unknown Salmonella enterica (Karavolos et al.

serovar Typhi 2011)

coordinate group actions. The antimicrobial quinoline is PhoPQ (Poole 2012). As mentioned earlier binding of
PQS is the most important quorum sensing signal of antimicrobial peptides by S. typhimurium and E. coli can
P. aeruginosa and a potent inducer of membrane vesicle be sensed by the PhoPQ and PhoPQ deletion mutants
formation (Mashburn-Warren et al. 2008; Tashiro et al. show an increased sensitivity to antimicrobial peptides
2010; MacDonald and Kuehn 2013). Interestingly, it has (Guo et al. 1997; Trent et al. 2001; Dalebroux et al. 2014).
been demonstrated that PQS can induce its own release Moreover, it was shown for S. typhimurium that low
and the release of other quinolines and quinolones in a Mg2þ levels activate PhoPQ which was consequently
membrane vesicle-mediated way (Mashburn and found to promote resistance to these peptides (Guo
Whiteley 2005). It seems likely that these signaling mol- et al. 1997; Groisman 2001; Shi et al. 2004). Although, as
ecules can subsequently also trigger the release of add- the body’s divalent cation levels are as high as 1–2 mM,
itional/other membrane vesicles as several quinolones it was thought that this system was not induced in the
are structurally similar to PQS (Lecomte et al. 1994; host (Fernandez et al. 2010). A study based on S. typhi-
Marshall and Piddock 1994; Mashburn-Warren et al. murium showed that high cation levels repress the
2008). Despite this high similarity, at present only PQS is PhoPQ system and that antimicrobial peptides, even in
known to trigger the release of membrane vesicles and the presence of these cations, induce an activation
PQS was required and sufficient for membrane vesicle (Bader et al. 2005). Moreover, for P. aeruginosa it has
formation (Mashburn and Whiteley 2005). The mechan- been shown that this PhoPQ system is upregulated on
ism behind this PQS-induced formation of membrane contact with epithelial cells (within the presence of cati-
vesicles depends on the interaction of PQS with the ons) and that this resulted in PhoPQ dependent modifi-
lipid A region of LPS. The current hypothesis is that it cations of lipid A (Gellatly et al. 2012). To conclude, the
increases the formation of membrane vesicles by dis- host environment can result in the upregulation of
rupting the Mg2þ and Ca2þ salt bridges between the PhoPQ and PagL dependent lipid A modifications lead-
LPS molecules and by insertion into the outer mem- ing to a decreased susceptibility to antimicrobial pepti-
brane (Schertzer and Whiteley 2012; MacDonald and des. Although no direct link between vesiculation and
Kuehn 2013). Although PQS is only produced by P. aeru- host environment upregulation of PhoPQ has been
ginosa were it forms an intrinsic factor that stimulates made, it is tempting to speculate that the host environ-
the formation of membrane vesicles (Mashburn and ment can hereby affect the sensitivity to vesiculation.
Whiteley 2005; Mashburn-Warren et al. 2008), it has At present the best studied host-associated anti-
been demonstrated that exogenously added PQS can microbial peptide involved in membrane vesicles
also serve as an extrinsic factor for the formation of release is lysozyme. Lysozyme is released among others
membrane vesicles by other Gram-negative bacteria by epithelial cells and is found within the phagosome
(Mashburn and Whiteley 2005; Mashburn-Warren et al. of phagocytes where it aids in bacterial degradation.
2008; Tashiro et al. 2010). Moreover, it also has to be Several studies have shown that exposure of P. aerugi-
noted that PQS can induce the formation of membrane nosa and Francisella novicida to lysozyme not only
vesicles by Gram-positive bacteria and even red blood results in cell lysis but also in the release of outer mem-
cells, suggesting that PQS can also induce the release of brane vesicles. It acts as an antimicrobial substance by
membrane vesicles by alternative mechanisms mimicking cationic antimicrobial peptides by its enzym-
(Schertzer and Whiteley 2012; Tashiro et al. 2010). atic muramidase activity (McCaig et al. 2013; Metruccio
Polymyxin B and colistin are bacterial antimicrobial et al. 2016). As a muramidase, it interacts with the pep-
peptides that target the outer membrane by replacing tidoglycan structure and hydrolyzes the glycosidic bond
Mg2þ and Ca2þ cations thereby destabilizing LPS-LPS between the N-acetylmuramic acid and N-acetylglucos-
bonds (Moore and Hancock 1986). As indicated earlier, amine residues of the peptidoglycan backbone.
such destabilization is a well-known stimulus for vesicle Additionally, lysozymes’ cationic peptide can also dis-
release. In line with this, MacDonald et al. reported that rupt the outer membrane (Marshall and Piddock 1994;
treatment of P. aeruginosa with polymyxin B resulted in Davis and Weiser 2011). And although there is currently
an increased vesicle release (MacDonald and Kuehn no consensus on the mechanism by which this occurs,
2013). Also, the exposure of E. coli to polymyxin B and it has been suggested that lysozyme induces the release
colistin enhanced the membrane vesicle release of membrane vesicles in a similar fashion as gentamicin
(Manning and Kuehn 2011). Importantly, host-associated by the disruption of LPS-LPS bonds, as will be described
environmental factors may also determine the sensitivity below (Metruccio et al. 2016).
to vesiculation for example by the activation of two- Several antibiotics, like gentamicin, amikacin, cipro-
component regulators. The most prominent two-com- floxacin, mitomycin C and D-cycloserin have also been
ponent regulator by which this has been shown to occur shown to induce vesicle formation. Gentamicin is

known to inhibit the bacterial protein synthesis and the mentioned above in the paragraph on nutrient depriv-
consensus is that it gains access to the cell via holes in ation, the exact mechanism behind this is still unclear.
the outer membrane that are created by membrane Yet it is known that oxidative stress, caused e.g. by the
destabilization. This membrane destabilization occurs release of reactive oxygen species by host immune cells
when gentamicin binds sites on LPS that are normally (Nathan and Cunningham-Bussel 2013), can trigger the
occupied by the Mg2þ and Ca2þ cations. This subse- extra-cytoplasmic stress response and may affect the
quently destabilizes the salt bridges between the LPS biogenesis of LPS (Rowley et al. 2006). Also, it is well-
molecules resulting in disruptions of the outer mem- known that changes in temperature can alter the lipid
brane and results in an increased vesicle formation composition and thereby affect the release of mem-
(Martin and Beveridge 1986). Moreover, treatment with brane vesicles (Sabra et al. 2002). This has been shown
another aminoglycoside amikacin has also been shown to occur in a species-dependent manner. For example,
to induce vesiculation as it triggers the formation of in E. coli exposure to increasing temperatures increased
blebs on the outer membrane by destabilization of LPS- vesiculation (McBroom and Kuehn 2007), while in P. aer-
LPS bonds (Walker and Beveridge 1988). Treatment of P. uginosa the release of membrane vesicles was not
aeruginosa with ciprofloxacin, an antibiotic that leads to affected by changes in temperature, although the com-
DNA damage and the activation of the SOS stress position of the vesicles changed under these conditions
response, also enhanced the release of membrane (Makin and Beveridge 1996; MacDonald and Kuehn
vesicles (Maredia et al. 2012). This SOS stress response 2013).
was required for the vesicle release as a mutant strain Another important factor that can affect the release
deficient in a protein critical for the induction of this of outer membrane vesicles is oxygen stress. Sabra et al.
stress response, showed a compromised vesicle release. show that oxygen limitation markedly reduced the
A similar phenomenon is observed for several other release of extracellular proteins by P. aeruginosa (Sabra
antibiotics including mitomycin C and D-cycloserin. et al. 2002). In contrast, increased oxygen tension
Mitomycin C is also thought to activate the SOS stress enhanced the vesicle release and the vesicle B-band
response in Shigella dysenteriae and has been shown to LPS content of the vesicles (Sabra et al. 2003).
induce vesiculation (Kogoma et al. 1979; Dutta et al.
2004; Gray et al. 2014).
3.4. Other host-associated factors
Bacterial modification of the outer membrane in
response to environmental factors such as antimicrobial Finally, it has been reported that neuropeptides can also
peptides is an important strategy for survival. For trigger the release of bacterial membrane vesicles which
example, a lipid A de-acylation is known to lead to a has been demonstrated for Salmonella enterica serovar
decreased susceptibility to cationic antimicrobial pepti- Typhi upon exposure to norepinephrine (Karavolos et al.
des. Also, some commensal bacteria that express the 2011). As norepinephrine is already known to increase
lipid A phosphatase LpxF displayed an enhanced resist- bacterial pathogenicity including by the enhancement
ance to antimicrobial peptides (Cullen et al. 2015). of bacterial adhesion, motility and toxin release (Lyte
Therefore, to fully understand how environmental fac- et al. 1996; Lyte et al. 1997; Vlisidou et al. 2004; Nakano
tors affect the release of membrane vesicles, it will be et al. 2007; Bearson and Bearson 2008), it is possible that
of the essence to link how bacterial modification of the the release of membrane vesicles in response to nor-
outer membrane associates with the release of mem- epinephrine contributes to this pathogenicity. Bacteria
brane vesicles. mostly come in contact with epinephrine and norepin-
ephrine in the bloodstream and in the gut respectively
(Hughes and Sperandio 2008; Boyanova et al. 2017), but
3.3. Physiological stressors
it also has been shown that macrophages produce these
Besides the stressors mentioned above, it has been peptides (Flierl et al. 2009).
reported that physiological barriers such as oxidative
stress, temperature, and oxygen tension can trigger
4. Physiological roles of bacterial membrane
stress responses and the release of bacterial membrane
Oxidative stress has been shown to be a potent During exposure to acute or chronic environmental
inducer of membrane vesicle release as hydrogen perox- stressors, early sensing of and adaptation to these stres-
ide triggered the membrane vesicle release from sors are key for bacterial survival. The release of mem-
N. meningitis (van de Waterbeemd et al. 2013) and brane vesicles has been shown to be sensitive to
P. aeruginosa (MacDonald and Kuehn 2013). As was various stressors that can be encountered during

infection as part of the host response or during niche and maintenance of immune homeostasis (Alexander
occupation. In the next section, we will discuss several and Rietschel 2001; Netea et al. 2002; Montminy et al.
ways how bacterial membrane vesicles can provide bac- 2006; Munford and Varley 2006). Important herein are
teria with a competitive advantage when exposed to the number of acyl chains and the phosphate groups
acute and chronic host-associated stressors. on the lipid-A region of LPS. Hexa-acylated lipid A is
known to exert the strongest agonistic activity and
penta- or tetra-acylated in general have a lower agonis-
4.1. Protection against innate and adaptive
tic activity but may even have an antagonistic activity
(Steimle et al. 2016).
Bacterial invasion of the host initiates an immune It has been shown that both the background as well
response that generally involves the innate immune as the environment are determinants for the structure
and complement system and may engage the adaptive of the LPS (Guo et al. 1998; Alexander and Rietschel
immune system (Manning and Kuehn 2011). The 2001; Beutler and Rietschel 2003; Park et al. 2009;
physiological activity of membrane vesicles in this Maeshima and Fernandez 2013). S. typhimurium
respect either consists of providing direct protection or mutants that over-express PagL exhibit a phenotype
by suppression of the immune response. An example of that is characterized by an increased production of
bacterial membrane vesicle-mediated protection vesicles which are highly enriched in de-acylated lipid A
against host factors is the protection of Porphyromonas (Elhenawy et al. 2016). Although it was not tested in
gingivalis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae from human serum this study, it is highly likely that the acylation pheno-
which was established by absorption of bactericidal fac- type has consequences for the immunogenicity of these
tors (Grenier and B elanger 1991; Pettit and Judd 1992; vesicles, as de-acylated lipid A has strongly reduced
Grenier et al. 1995). Moreover, it has been demon- immunostimulatory properties (Kawasaki et al. 2004;
strated for a variety of bacteria that their membrane Kawano et al. 2010). Besides the acylation pattern, the
vesicles can also protect against complement (Tan et al. phosphate groups on lipid A also determine the
2007). For example, protection against complement fac- immunogenicity of LPS (Steimle et al. 2016). Most lipid
tor C3 can be mediated by the outer membrane protein A structures contain two phosphate groups, which
P5, which can be found in membrane vesicles from H. facilitate cation bridges and determine the stability of
influenzae (Sharpe et al. 2011; Rosadini et al. 2014). the outer membrane by facilitating these LPS-LPS
Protection against complement factor C3 has also been bonds (Marshall and Piddock, 1994; Mashburn-Warren
demonstrated for lipooligosaccharide and ubiquitous and Whiteley 2006; Mashburn-Warren et al. 2008). But
surface protein Usp A1/A2 on M. catarrhalis vesicles as these groups also render bacteria susceptible to cat-
(Nordstro €m et al. 2005; Tan et al. 2007), and IgG binding ionic antimicrobial peptides, a deletion or loss can
protein SbI on vesicles from S. aureus (Burman et al. therefore protect bacteria from these peptides. A dele-
2008). Moreover, Vidakovics et al. demonstrated that M. tion or loss of phosphate groups has also been shown
catarrhalis also utilizes membrane vesicles to escape to weaken the agonistic properties of LPS (Guo et al.
from adaptive immunity. This study shows that mem- 1998; Matsuura 2013; Needham and Trent 2013;
brane vesicles can directly prevent the uptake and Cullen et al. 2015). At present it is known that
destruction of M. catarrhalis by tonsillar B cells and that 4’dephosphorylated-penta-acylated lipid A under
this occurs in a superantigen MID dependent fashion natural conditions only leads to a slightly increased ves-
(Perez Vidakovics et al. 2010). iculation (as was described above in ‘Model C’) ((Chen
It is well-known that bacteria suppress the immune et al. 2016; Lee et al. 2016), and personal communica-
response by modifying the LPS lipid A composition tion Dr. SH.Kim and Prof. M. DeLisa, respectively).
towards a less immunogenic/immunosilent form to pro- This is also reflected by the LPS phenotype of com-
mote bacterial survival during host niche occupation or mensals. To achieve intestinal immune homeostasis a
invasion (Raetz et al. 2007; Needham et al. 2013). microbiota composition that is characterized by a low
Interestingly, there seems to be a link between the LPS LPS endotoxicity is required (Lebeer et al. 2010; Cullen
alterations that lead to this reduced immunogenicity et al. 2015; Steimle et al. 2016; Vatanen et al. 2016). A
and the release of membrane vesicles. The consequen- highly relevant study in this context is a study by Cullen
ces for the physiological activity will be discussed below. et al. that shows that intestinal commensal bacteria
LPS is a major constituent of the bacterial envelope accomplish this by LpxF mediated lipid A dephosphory-
and of membrane vesicles. The structure of LPS critically lation (Cullen et al. 2015). Mass-spectrometric analysis
determines whether it can be considered a virulence established that the lipid A of human gut bacteria typic-
factor/toxin or whether is involved in the establishment ally is 4’dephosphorylated-penta-acylated (Cullen et al.

2015). That this is reflected in lipid A composition of competition. The release of bacterial antimicrobial
membrane vesicles from commensals is supported by a peptides (bacteriocins) (Hibbing et al. 2010), includ-
study by Elhenawy et al. which demonstrates that mem- ing quinolones and quinolines is one of them. As
brane vesicles from the common human gut com- was mentioned above, the quinoline PQS is a potent
mensal Bacteroides thetaoitaomicron were characterized inducer for the formation of membrane vesicles. As
by a 4’dephosphorylated penta-acylated lipid A moiety PQS is known for its bacteriolytic properties, it has
(Elhenawy et al. 2014). This implies a similar LPS pheno- been suggested that PQS binding triggers the forma-
type for the outer membrane and outer membrane tion of membrane vesicles to ‘shake off’ PQS and
vesicles. Finally, it is key to mention that this lipid A other bacteriocins to prevent further damage.
phenotype also renders a phenotype that is highly Although little is known on how membrane vesicle
resistant to cationic microbial peptides, suggesting that directly protect bacteria from the harmful effects of
this phenotype may also affect the susceptibility to anti- antimicrobial peptides, this theory is supported by
microbial peptide induced vesiculation. data presented by Marsland and colleagues (2014)
As membrane vesicles which contain a less immuno- who showed that upon the addition of the PQS,
genic LPS may have therapeutic vaccine potential, the 60–80% of this peptide was immediately removed by
immune responses to these ‘detoxified’ membrane membrane vesicle formation (Mashburn and Whiteley
vesicles have been studied extensively (Baker et al. 2005).
2014; Henderson et al. 2016). Studies have shown that Direct membrane vesicle-mediated protection
membrane vesicles with penta-/tetra-acylated and/or against antimicrobial peptides and antibiotics has been
mono-/dephosphorylated LPS are characterized by a demonstrated for polymyxin B and colistin (Manning
reduced toxicity (as compared to hexa-acylated and Kuehn 2011; MacDonald and Kuehn 2013).
bisphosphorylated LPS) (van de Waterbeemd et al. Manning et al. demonstrated that treatment of E. coli
2010; Ho et al. 2011; Baker et al. 2014; Moreno and with polymyxin B and colistin induced the release of
Rumbo 2014; Lee et al. 2016). An elegant study by Kang membrane vesicles which subsequently protected bac-
et al. demonstrated that this may also have implication teria by adsorption of the peptides (Manning and
for regulation of immunity by commensals. This study, Kuehn 2011). As it has been reported that antimicrobial
that characterized both the gut microbiome and the peptides can bind the lipid A region of LPS it is highly
vesicle composition, showed that not all commensals likely that this adsorption occurs by the binding to
release membrane vesicles and that the release of these membrane vesicle-associated LPS (Brogden 2005;
vesicles predominantly occurs by bacteria that fall Steimle et al. 2016). This is supported by the finding
under the genera Bacteroidetes, Akkermansia, and that vesicles from the E. coli ETEC strain, which contains
Bifidobacteria. But more importantly they also show an altered LPS structure rendering it resistance to poly-
that membrane vesicles from the commensal myxin B, were unable to provide polymyxin B-sensitive
Akkermansia muciniphila can provide protection against strains with membrane vesicle-dependent protection
inflammation induced by E. coli-derived membrane (Manning and Kuehn 2011). Bacterial vesicles can also
vesicles and against DSS-induced colitis (Kang et al. transfer enzymes which protect against antibiotics as
2013). has been shown in a study by Schaar et al. (2011). They
To conclude, structural alterations such as a showed that exposure of M. catarrhalis to amoxicillin
decreased lipid A acylation or the loss of phosphate induces the release of b-lactamase-containing mem-
groups may render a phenotype that releases vesicles brane vesicles that yielded protection against amoxicil-
with weaker agonistic or even antagonistic properties lin. The packing of b-lactamase into membrane vesicles
that may serve to protect from immune recognition. was also observed for P. aeruginosa and Streptococcus
Future research will be required (1) to assess the vesicle aureus (Ciofu et al. 2000; Lee et al. 2009; Schaar et al.
release by commensals and pathogens and (2) to deter- 2011).
mine whether vesicles from commensals are more To conclude, at present it is recognized that mem-
immunoquiescent in character. brane vesicles can provide protection against several
antimicrobial peptides and antibiotics.
4.2. Protection from antimicrobial peptides and
antibiotics 4.3. Nutrient acquisition
Within the host niche there may be a high level of Besides active defense strategies there are also other
competition amongst bacteria, and bacteria have properties of membrane vesicles that contribute to bac-
adopted various strategies which aid in this terial survival and overcome host defense strategies to

prevent bacterial niche occupation. A potent host strat- Protection from antimicrobial peptides is provided in
egy herein is the creation of an environment devoid of two ways. Directly, when these peptides bind the
crucial nutrients such as iron. In response, bacteria have bacterial outer membrane, the formation of mem-
developed several ways to obtain iron from their envir- brane vesicles enables bacteria to ‘shake off’ threat-
onment (as reviewed by Schaible et al. (Schaible and ening antimicrobial peptides to prevent further
Kaufmann 2004)). However, as discussed before, iron and damage. Released membrane vesicles can act as
cysteine starvation are two well-known factors that trigger decoys and provide further protection against these
bacterial membrane vesicle release. Interestingly, there is peptides. Finally, the structure of LPS is not static,
compelling evidence demonstrating that membrane but subject to constant remodeling and bacteria can
vesicles can contain factors (e.g. siderophores) that can modulate their LPS in response to environmental
bind iron and aid in the acquisition of iron. Membrane changes. Bacteria that modulate their LPS towards a
vesicles of N. meningitis have been shown to carry pro- less pro-inflammatory form also have been shown to
teins for iron binding and uptake (Lappann et al. 2013). release membrane vesicles with diminished pro-
The presence of several proteins involved in the acquisi- inflammatory characteristics. Moreover, it has been
tion of iron has also been demonstrated for Moraxella shown that membrane vesicles can provide as
membrane vesicles and these vesicles have been found to decoys to escape innate and adaptive immune
carry i.e. transferrin-binding protein B and CopB (Aebi responses. Hereby membrane vesicles may also help
et al. 1996; Schaar et al. 2011). Moreover, P. gingivalis- bacteria to shape their environment.
derived membrane vesicles have been shown to contain There is substantial evidence that indicates there is a
the heme binding protein FetB and several gingipains high similarity between the different stress response
which are also involved in iron acquisition (Veith et al. pathways that are induced by environmental stressors
2014). The release of siderophore-containing membrane like nutrient stress, oxidative stress, and interaction with
vesicles has been demonstrated for Klebsiella pneumoniae, the host (van de Waterbeemd et al. 2013; Kulp et al.
P. aeruginosa and Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Prados- 2015). An improved insight on how these stress
Rosales et al. 2011; Lee et al. 2012; Maredia et al. 2012). responses affect the bacterial vesiculation phenotype as
well as how they affect the composition and immuno-
genicity of the vesicles will be key in understanding
5. Conclusion: different threats, same trick
how commensals and pathogens can conquer host
Bacteria are constantly exposed to a variety of stressors defense mechanism during infection/colonization. This
and many of them are now known to trigger the release is particularly important as the release of membrane
of membrane vesicles from the outer membrane. vesicles is also associated with virulence, tolerance, the
Although mechanisms behind the membrane vesicle acquisition of nutrients, and antibiotic resistance. This
biogenesis are more and more understood, a general knowledge is of paramount therapeutic value, not only
notion on the position of membrane vesicles in stress can it benefit the development of detoxified membrane
responses still needs to be unraveled. Yet, it is becom- vesicles for vaccination purposes, it may also help to
ing clear that there are several aspects in the mecha- prevent phenotypic alterations that result in increased
nisms for biogenesis which are common. An elegant (membrane-vesicle mediated) bacterial resilience to
example hereof that was addressed in this review, is a treatment regimens.
recent study by Roier et al. that reveals a mechanism for
the membrane vesicle biogenesis that is highly con-
served among Gram-negative bacteria. This mechanism Disclosure statement
depends on the VacJ/YrbC ABC transporter and was No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
found to be sensitive to iron depletion (Roier et al.
2016). Another prominent example of a highly-con-
served mechanism for the release of membrane vesicles ORCID
is the modification of LPS and the release of membrane
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